HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2019-R0208 - Market Lubbock Expenditure - Cotton Court Hotel (Permittable) - 06_11_2019Resolution No. 2019-RO208 Item No. 6.11 June 11, 2019 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 5 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Market Lubbock Economic Development Corporation (the "Corporation"), the City Council of the City of Lubbock (the "City Council"), as the Corporation's authorizing unit, has the authority to approve all programs and expenditures of the Corporation; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the public to approve the program or expenditure, as proposed to the City Council by the Corporation, as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Downtown Permittable Grant program or expenditure of the Corporation, in the amount set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, to be provided to the Cotton Court Hotel, is hereby approved pursuant to Section 5 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Corporation. Passed by the City Council on June 11, 2019 DANIEL M. POPE, MAYOR ATTEST: Re b ea Garza, City Sec�tar APPROVED AS TO CONTE �4is, � Scott Snider, Business Development Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: K li Leisure, Assistant City Attorney ccdoes/RES. Market Lubbock UT Expenditure — Cotton Court Hotel — Downtown Petmittable Grant Program 05.24.19 M A R K E T LWjj(*CK.. Downtown Grant Program June 11, 2019 Total Capital - $17,077,386 Total Grants - $127,831 • Chappell, Lanehart & Stangl Law —1217 Ave K o Grant Type — Farade (50% up to $25,000) o Expense Total = $5,661 o Grant Total = $2,831 o Board Approval — May 22, 2019 • Cotton Court— 1610 Broadway o Grant Type — Farade (50% up to $25,000) o Expense Total = $389,268 o Grant Total = $25,000 o Board Approval — May 22, 2019 • Cotton Court— 1610 Broadway o Grant Type — Permittable (10% up to $100,000) o Expense Total = $16,682,457 o Grant Total = $100,000 o Board Approval — May 22, 2019 1500 Broadway, 6'h Floor, Lubbock, Texas 79401 Phone (806) 749-4500 MARKET LUBBOCK, INC. - DOWNTOWN GRANT PROGRAM . WOW. i �r 7a 1610 Broadway (Cotton Court Hotel) TOTAL SCOPE OF WORK = $16,682.457 PERMITTABLE GRANT = $100,000 M A R K E T LUBB*CA.. Downtown Grant Program Presented to MLI Board May 22, 2019 Project 1610 Broadway (Permittable) Valencia Hotel Group (Southern Star Lubbock, LP), dba Cotton Court Hotel, is a privately held corporation focusing on the acquisition, development and management of hotel properties in premium markets in gateway cities with high barriers to entry, is building a full service, upscale hotel at 1610 Broadway and located within the Downtown TIF. The scope of work will include the construction of a 169-room property built to look like a 100-year old cotton exchange building, complete with a tin roof and dance hall built around a courtyard totaling $16,682,4S7 in expenses. The MLI Board is being asked to consider a Downtown Permittable Grant for Southern Star Lubbock, LP, dba Cotton Court Hotel, totaling $100,000 at 1610 Broadway. M A R K E T LUBBOCK. Project Profile - Downtown The information requested on this form will be used by Market Lubbock, Inc. for analysis of your project. MLI CONTACT INFORMATION Jorge Quirino - Special Projects Phone: 806.723.8241 Market Lubbock, Inc. 1500 Broadway, Sixth Floor, Lubbock, TX 79401 Email: jorge.quirino@lubbockeda.org "Applications must be received by MLI prior to pulling a City permit or starting construction 'Scope of work must be approved by the City of Lubbock (more detail on page 3) Project Property Address NW corner of Broadway and Avenue O intersection GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY Company Name Street Address City, State, Zip Company Website GENERAL INFORMATI Name Title Phone Number Email Southern Star Lubbock, LP 4400 Post Oak Parkway, Suite 2800 Houston, Texas 77027 www.valenciagroup.com ON ABOUT THE COMPANY CONTACT Jennifer Shults Vice President- Corporate Finance 713.871.0221 ishults(a-�valenciagroup.com Date 01/26/18 COMPANY BACKGROUND List any person or entity that has at least 5% ownership in the Applicant Company: Name Percent Name Percent Buc-ee's, Ltd. 25.00% Betz Cotton Boll Court, Ltd. 18.80% Is the firm registered with the Secretary of State's Office to do business in Texas? Yes 6� Are you in good standing with the State of Texas? Yes f you answered "No" to either of the above two questions, please explain Is the firm and/or principals delinquent on any federal, state or local tax obligations? No 6• Has the company or principals of the company had prior bankruptcies or lawsuits? No f you answered "Yes" to either of the above two questions, please explain 1 MLI 12/5117 INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROJECT Project Name (MLI Use) Cotton Boll Court LCAD R#'s (MLI Use) Grant Type (Check One): Permittable 0 Fagade❑ ueiauea rroject z5ummary ana uescrnpuon oT vvorK: Ground -up construction of brand new hotel Projects NAICS Code (North American Industry Classification System) NAICS Description City Permit Total Amount (if applicable) Summary of Itemized Expenses: Projected MLI Approved Reimbursement MLI USE See attached schedule of values $16,682,457 $17,071.725 - $389,268 (Landscaping & Irrigation) TOTALS $16,682,457 $100,000 Final bids will be used to calculate the project cost and grant amount. 2 MLI 12/5/17 Scope of work must be approved by the City of Lubbock The link be!ov: includes the City documents used to determine compliance: https://www.ci.lubbock.tx.us/departmental-websites/departments/planning/area-redevelopment ■ 1999 Design Standards for Central Business District ■ Central Business District — CB-2 ■ Central Business District — CB-3 ■ Central Business District — CB-4 ■ Central Business District — CB-5 ■ Central Business District—CB-6 ■ Downtown Public Improvements Design Standards The property owner or leasee is responsible for communicating directly with the City of Lubbock to determine if any aspects of the scope of work require permits as well as determining if public improvements will be required. DOCUMENTS FROM THE APPLICANT Requred at the time of application: ❑ Project Profile ❑ Detailed & Itemized Construction Bids and/or ❑ Schedule of Values w/Architectural Plans ❑ Before Picture (prior to construction beginning) ❑ Architectural Renderings (if applicable) Required after completion of construction: ❑ Certificate of Occupancy or Similar City Document (Permit) ❑ City Written Verification of Guideline Compliance (Non -Permit) Proof of Payment: ❑ Paid Invoices ❑ Canceled Checks, Bank or Credit Card Statement (Please mark out identifying account numbers) M L I 12/5/17 CONTINUATION SHEET Ara DOCUMENTG703 AIA Doewum G702. APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT. contuning APPLICATION NO. 9 Conaxio(s signed cm(icattao is attached. APPLICATION DATE: 3f2512019 In Iabulaliotu below, anwunis are stand to dic acam( dollar. Use Column 1 on Contracts whcrc vanable rciaituge fa line itcmc may a)gily PERIOD 70. 31.1112011) ARCHUECi'S PROJECT NO: N/A A Li C D E F 0 H I VALUE WUAK LWAYU.1ti PRFSENTLY STORED INDTIN DOR E) u.. COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE (1)+E+F1 I10•C1 TO) FINISH IC.G) MMMIT- 1001Y.; ti APPLICATION ID+EI ) MUNICH 1. LITILITIPS PACKAGE General Conditions 9.339 n0 9339.00 0.00 00) 9.1XIMI I W.00% O.OD 933.90 Insuruncc 1.457.00 I.4S7.W 0.00 041) 1.07110 I(MI.IIM 0.00 145.70 Fee 6.798.00 6,7980) 0.00 0.00 6.798.00 IOO W% (I' M) 679,30 Testing LabuatuyAllowance 2.500.00 9011.00 0.W 0.00 9DOM 36.00% 1,6011.01} 90.(MI Pntfetririn41Sunevin .%Lf" el. 3.50n00 3.37LW n,M 0110 3371,00 96,31% 129'W 337.10 TrafricCanlrnl 1,500.00 L.M.64 000 0.00 1,332,64 88.8411, 167.00 13316 Conlilienc Hnlance (Sec lot. ul(ItchtNi) 10,951 W 0.0U 0,00 001 010 0.00% 10,952.00 0.00 Site Plan Itcvicw & Impcelium Fees IPCO a21 1,799 ()L 1,799.0) 11,00 won 1,199.03 100 00'1 0.00 179.90 JobsticSigns IPC0441 1,499.00 1;199.0U U,U(I 0.1AI 1.499.01) IOO.(X)'.i 0.00 149.90 Mumici al UUli its (Guardian) 149,74500 148,74.5.M 0.00 0.00 148.745,00 WHO% 0.00 14,874.50 11 CK-VI' PAC A ' U W U,(XI 0,00 0.W 0.00 O,W b 0.00 0.00 King Al Mtick-up 77,5450) 77„S4.S,111 0.00 I000 77.545.00 1000)7 0,00 7.754.50 Warehouse Rcntal & Utilities Allowance 27,8000) 12.118.13 1,712.04 0.011 1.1.0.%0-17 (.154%. X,770.W 1,401.112 BUILDING PACKAGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (),IN) (I101) General Cant umm 619,564 O0 X5,274.00 42.617.00 O DO 127,911.0D M00% 511.653.04) 12,791.10 Insurance 107,571.IIu 14.146.00 7.171.00 ON) 21,519.(X) x0m. 86,058.00 2.151.90 CumtrucounMuna"sFcc 614.51S.00 1:i,200.00 18,ROD.00 OIN) 52.0w-LID R.46% 562,515OD 5,200.00 Tc&ttng andLabarato Services 40,DD000 1,247.OD 6.406.25 0'W 71653.25 19,131,L 12,347.00 765.11 Permit 79.765,011 29,265.00 0W 000 29,265.0D IM00% 000 2,916S0 HnrslitiR & Maltnatt Trarispori X1,4WIN) 0 (A) 0OU a(X) 000 U, O% $3.400.00 000 SWPPP 21,750 U 1,950.0) 270IN) (I'm 2,220110 10121% t9,53000 222,00 Finish I'rmecl(nn 40.5%1x) 0.00 0,N) U.(X) 0.00 0.00;1' 40,5600) 00) Coun and De-walchnc 1 OXXV.D0 0.00 0.00 O.CO 0.00 0.D0% 10,U 0,W) U.W Traffic Caniml k Su(xi Cleaning IX.IXX).0O 4,59X.14 1,4(17 32 000 6,1N15.66 33.36% 11,994 W wn.S7 contingency 150.W0.00 U.INI 0.(X) 0.(X) 90) 0D01, ,15010110.(Xi 0.00 Eanhwork & Site ULmulitruo [West Industries) 184,821.W 170.795.110 0.(10 0.10 170,795.U0 92.41% 1.1,06AXI 17,079.50 Fanhwork Hold Funds I80W 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.110 ODD% 18,000.00 0.00 SUI I TrI'l1111e4l 6.3-1500 0.00 0.W 0.00 0.00 0.00% 6.845.00 D.W Lindtngting& In tryauom M9,268.4HI 0.(Nl 0.(X) IMM 0,00 00)'b 3891768.00 00) Crsi•i:rl'WcCCwiuttciSCAS) 6i).452,4N) 79,111.57 115,913,81 0-W 215.247.39 32.74% 442,21.(Xt 21,524.74 Concrete Layout 3.9180) 3.918.00 O,W Y 0.00 3,918.00 100MM 0.00 39I.81.1 ra,ftn;Slmics I,A4S 13 0.00 I.R45,13 1)no 11845.11 100.00% 0,00 194.51 Cast•m•PlaceCon4rcic Hold Funds ,59,203,87 IOU U.W 00) O.UD O.UUti 59.2U'),00 0,90 PnlishcdCutacretc 5MI16.0 0.00 0fifil O.UO 0OD 0.00!r 5.1+16.06 O31n Cenxntaus Underla •mcnl 1 14,SIN).W 0,00 OA(1 0 W 0.0002 114.8000) (),IX) UnitKistinry(Soultitech). W.N1010 0100 i),fNl 000 0.001 0,(XI!i 1 6030M)On 01)0 CONTINUATION SHEET AIA DOCUMENT G70.3 ArA DoeunwrA G7D2. APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYM comwoes sitaw caRirecation, is auachal, la tabulations below, 312101nt1} arc stared 10 the Iltarcsl 1lnllar. Use Column t on Conttaets where variable =42inaSe for live items may apply. . cot cabdag PERIOD TO: 31.1112019 ARCI Ir1-uC1'S PROJECI' NO: NIA A 11 C n I c• F G it I NO t VALUE .+ PRESENTLY MINED (NOT IN 1) ON Et TUTAI. C WPLCTFd) AND SI'OKED TO DATE (O1P.F) (G+CI -ls...r- TO I.INISII Ic • 0) --ITPM,7RXZM 1000% v PI A'LWAMN IU+ E) THIS I'LRIUD Unit Masonry Hold Funds 5,970AKI 0.110 0.00 0.00 0.(N) 11.001.1. SAM D0 0 of) _ Structural & h isc_ Slccl rabricalion (M&htl 7.12.7-17.00 O.W 0.00 0.00 UAW U.U0% 7a2.7,17.00 0.00 Structuml Steel Fah Hold Funds 19,715,00 0.00 01710 000 CUM D.()nSF .19.715.00 0.0D Structuml Steel lirccrron (Miller) 2Ui,7 MUN) O.Dn 0.00 onoonol 110) 11101% 236.700.00 O.OD Mtsc. Mcials Installation ('remcrt) 157.250.011 0.00 001 0.00 0IX) 001% 157.250 W Ow Framing Materials Packarc(ldnPac) 743,10517 0.00 23.001.75 0IN) 23,OR1.15 a.l(I'i, 722,024.IN) 2,3U8. 18 Framing Materials Hold Funds 114027.43 MIN) IUMI IS tK) MIN) O.t)n% 116,527.00 00) Shuts Fabricated Wotd Ttusacs 292.806110 (► I11) (I tM) 0 (Y.) 0.00 001% 292,906,00 11 M Framin'(Itsiallatlun(Pandl m) 5•I0.925.00 O,UU O.W 0.00 OW 0100:6 540.925.00 U.c* Framioll Imlallation Hold Funds 244,075.(Kl ('M O (K) 0 W 00) (,00E 244.075,00 0.00 Fmmhlp Supervimin 20.7(K).1N) 01N) 01k) n,(K) 000 0.00% 20.700.CO O.CO IatcrturFmf.4hla MuryAllrswuaee 25,INk),IIU 000 0.19) ll.(KI MINI OJ)IIR, 25,000.00 0•G'O Interior Architecstaal Woodwork (3rt1 Dav) 351.60LDO (1-00 0.00 001 0.00 0.001:., 35I.w1.(X) 0.00 Interior Archilcccuml Woodwcirk Hold Funds 41 :6O.W 0.00 O.W 0100 0.00 OAO'Xo 41,26U.00 OAK) Thcrmnl lnsulotion 217,587 00 000 000 0.0 0.00 0 DDR• 217,5R7.(Kl 0.(10 Walt an\A ru06"It& Stalu(utltteyl 150.Ith)00 0.00 00) 0.00 0.00 0AX)% ISO,I W.(NI U,O(1 Roofing & hietal Siding (JrcrgI, 852.07-1.00 _ 0.00 0.00 D.00 0.00 O.rq)% 1152,074.00 0,1111 Kmeiration Firest ina 70,2.t4,W 0.00 O.IX/ 0.00 (I.INI O.IK)'X� 70.244.00 0,00 Doors, Fmmes & Hard -me (hall •real SKD,U« (Y,) 11,(KI U110 DAM IL011 11.00:. SKO,U22.00 0.00 Door& Ilarwan la.udialsoo (Tctncrt) 132,K(K1M 1 00I 0,(KI 0.110 0.00 0.007 132,HIX).00 o.00 Barn Bunts Allowarscc tl.(KI U.00 0.00 0.011 0.00 0.(108 0.110 OAD Access Dtwisand Punols Tonert) 11,509.W 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.DD 0.00% 11.509.00 0.00 Vinyl Windows 332,021A(1 0.00 0.00 0.00 U.OU o.W% 332.021.00 OW Steel Windows Allowance 70,00(I(KI l),OO 0.011 0.1.1U U (N) O,W`?. 700K),DO OIK) Hiccu0uie Luck System 40,502,00 0.00 01"1 0.00 (i.IN1 Simi% 40.502.011 000 Incxior Glaziam Al(uwuncc 20,0QUAILI 0.Ou O.W 0.01.0 ISM) U.00% 20.000.00 0.00 Shnwcr Moors 5,05.1 (KI 0.00 0.00 ()on 0.04) RO M _ 5.05.1 M) 0.00 Lous;rs arid Vents Allowance 7.50000 4) 00 O (111 0 On n,(MI RIM 7 4(N1,M1 0.00 TmnKlmunt Irani Sk •li !hl S slam, 21.7511.06 0XK1 0.00 O.DO 0,W R011% 21.710 00 0 M Ci • sum (maid systems 650xWA0 0.00 0.00 0.40 0,00 0.0019, 650.000 00 U D'J Tiling &Fluorin (Yaks) 858.514D0 0.00 coo 090 0.00 DOOR. 858it..00 ODU Cemnic Tllin • & Flooring I lold Funds 4,14N1.00 O.O(l O OD RM O,UO 019IR, 4.1130Z 1 0 DO Acoustical Cdli.,•s (Saalhscch) •14304.00 O.UU U.OU U.00 0.00 0.W 44,S00dy.) O.W MCcrxtuc Wood Fltwrin' Allowarscc 75,OW.00 O.DU O.W 0.00 0.00 U.W:ro 75,(N7(1.(KI O.t10 Wall Crt%vrinF, Allowance MCA) OD (100 0.) 0.00 0.110 R.ODR, __ 2,50f1.(KI 0,0(1 1'41111inK SJY,675.D0 0.40 1 0.00 1 0.00 4).00 1 O.IN)'k 519,675,IX1 0,(I(I T,,ii.1 Ca norm 91, I LS620U 0.00 O.DU 0.00 0,00 O IY)% i.567.(Kl 0.00 CONTINUATION SHEET AIADOMMEM'G703 AIA DDcvmeat M02. APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT. cnrrainin; APPLICATION V0: 9 Contrwlnr's signed eertilkation is anacheil APPLICATION DATE: 3125/2019 In tabulations below, nmounts arc stated to the nearest dollar. PERIOD TO: 317112019 Use Column I on Contracts wh= ruriuhle rl10inw8c rot lire dents my apply. ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: N/A A U C 1) 1 F 1- C H I NO. VALUE 1 PRFSUMN ;TORliD INOT IN 1)OR 1:1 COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE( (91EW) to a CJ A- TO FINL511 (C C. r. . 1(}.011?r it : APpl.l('ATIAN, (D I• F) ) O LtablePanitiuns(A+Opening. s) 37.640.00 0.D0 0.00 O.W 0.00 0.001. 37,6410) O.MI Opcirablc Panitions Hold Funds 263.00 0.00 0 OD 0 W 0.110 ODOR. 2631W U'(KI Todel . Italh. alul Laund • Access. 11111 29,062.93 IS, 00 14.311.42 0.0(1 I4.1M A2 "UM111r, 14,.5310) 11.453.14 'rmlel , 114111. and Lnumlr Access. Iluld Funds I S.12.11 0.00 O.OU OAKI D,OU 0.00% 1,53200 UAW Wall and Dons Pmicclinn Allowance I'M0.00 0.00 0.00 ..M� 0&1 _ 1).00 _ 0.06S6 _ _ I,500.W MOO S�now Allowance 5.1M.M) ON) 0M IlAO 0,00 0AM4 5,(100.00 RMl HicH.stiopukhas 5.75IOD t100 000 0,00 000 0.01M. 5,751,00 0.00 (diittUaneuus S roiallics (Knox Uoxcs) E M.W 0.OJ (10) 11.00 it,(Ml 0,111M. (21111,M) II, On Nitic-Spuciallici Install(Trmcn) 511,14w 00 (1(K) 11,(K) 0.00 000 0.0051• .50.1,12.00 0.00 Linen Chute Allowance (5 (MYOD 0.00 UAK) 0.00 0.00 0.00 , 15.000.00 0.00 Cumracicsnl 1.4midry FtIvilpiwal10W11 22.0110' ) U,0O UAK) MOO 0.00 Qmh- 22.090.00 0.00 Stunt Cuuntcn6 s Mawfial (Hk In)sYiors) 65,543.2.5 0.00 37,563.48 D.DD 37 %3.4R 57.31'S, 27,980.00 1.756.35 S(uncCuunten0 Inimll(HR1lnslallalionl 29.05I.W 0,(NI 01(K) 0.00 0.00 0AW11. 29,051,110 0.00 Stonr•.C.iwntert0 ,Mild Funds in,1. .75 0.110 0.06 0.00 0.00 O.00rk 10,153.00 0.00 Swimming Kmis & Kinds (Cwtum Irswls) 119,250.(%) U.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00% 119.250.00 0.00 swinunifis NMils Hold Fuiuk 5.00000 n.(1() 0.00 o.00 0 OU 0.W9: 5,1NN),00 0.00 Elevawrs (Th •ssen • ) 285A(KiAO 1 00I 1.12,50DAU 0.00 142,.50(LfN) 50,00+, 14151N1.00 14.250.00 Elcsatw Mild Funds 58.000 (KI MINI 001 O.IKI O.IN) 0.00% 58,0D0.00 0.00 Firc Suppm.svort Sy -,lens IAHC01 256.3tN/IX1 0.00 0.00 00) 0.00 0,00% 256.3own 1 0.00 lMunlhin • (fit. kaela) 1.265;19U.40 133.000.00 39.000.00 0.00 1720)(100 13.59% I SM13A90,W 17.200.00 Plumbing told Funds 14 509,60 0.00 0.00 00) (1.(M) 11,11(V 14 110.18) 000 HVACAllowance 1.118),0011,00 1),(10 0.00 otto UIN) OAtMT I'll)WHOIN) 0.00 Elcclrical & Fun Alann Wmduclion) 1.11)1,319.00 100,000.00 50,f".00 U W I itwou.(H) 13.b2': 951..119.00 15,0(10.00 1.: 0.00 0.0ol coo (100 n.M : 000 0.00 1-1(171,725.00 922.010.71 522.1141.29 1 000 IA-1071.91 A41(i': P.S.6391.9511K) 1,14.4$7.19 Aerial View Interior Corridor Guestroon► Entry Interior Corridor Guestro0ln Reception Area View 1 Reception Area View 2 � _ `�•� -� 1 —�� "•:;,�`'�`� ��` ` '_rt. ♦.+- .� tin Pool Cabanas Trellis Boardroom Aerial view - from Mayse & Associates OWNER ISSUE FOR CONSTRUCTION COTTON COURT LUBBOCK DESIGN ARCHITECT ARCHITECT SOUTHERN STAR LUBBOCK L P ROTT±T STUDIO MAYSE S ASSOCGTES CONTACT �VIS-1DMH Alk PIE 400 POSST OAKPPARKWAY, SUITE 260 asTT 8100, 104CONTACT- DRAM W hOUSTON. TX M27 HW1STOM 77032 DAL AS. TX 752SA PHONE: 731871.0221 PHONE: 713-423.43115 PHONE- 97238 ow EMAIL: SWILLIAMSOVALENCIAGROUP CON EMAILCHRISTOPW-REVANSOROM-TSTU010.COM EMAIL RSMITFOMAYSEASSOCLATES CON CMLENGINEER LIGHTING CONSULTANT GENERA_' CONTRACTOR h•UGOREED&ASSOCIATES STKOESIGNSLLC CONTACT TERRY HOLEMAN CONTACT STEWANIE KING 1601 AVE NORTH. 6902HELSEM WAY LUBBOCK TX 79AO1 DALLAS. TX 75230 PHONE: 5% 7635612 PHONE. 214.6323277 EMAIL TPOLEMAN94'IOGOREEO CON EMAIL- STEPHAWfaSTURNERK iRG CON LANDSCAPEAF"fTECT SIRUCTURALENGR40 WORD•CARRDESWNGROUP DO ENGINEERS CONTACT. SARAN CARR KRLSTOPhER SWANSON 2201 N LAMAR BLVD 106 EAST 6TH ST SUITE 200 AUSTIN TX7870S AUSTIN TEXAS 74701 PHONE 51LOOA013 PHONE.$1247ZI797 SARAI+.DWORDANDCARR CON EMAIL' KSWANSONOXI-ENGINEERS CON METAL PANEL - CLAYt-- PARAPET CAP * zi _ n'S rc- Tr .tea � �4f MJ1TI-UTU WINDOWS METAL CANOPY IRC I. WOOD ROOT CrtCR SRPCK P'AV 45 META_ROOF VGNAGE F FTIEVING IN BRICK DES ON TPRZRT CONTACT- CHAD HEIITHORN 4009 CLOVIS ROAD LUBBOCK TX 79415 PP.ONE-8067842"I EMAL C14AD4aTEMEAT CON MEP ENGINEER Tu 1• ta YIN COTPCTT..EWAALITTEERMRN 1801GATEWAYBLVD SWE203 y Si•_::.na a' RICHARDSON.TX75068 P"w-- 499.619 LIM EMAIL WALTER HORNOWHORNENGWEERING CON 'OTTON COURT LUBBOCK 12 07,2016 AO.O rArAL ROOF CANOPY CLERSTORY - - MULn LaET11h .IN% WINDOWS WESTERN RED CEDAR SECTION WESIERN RED CEDAR SINR W/ META_ TREADS CORRVOATED METAL ROO. WESTERN RED CEDAR --- PRESSURE TRFATEO �:. T��7•_ \� WOOD DECO A`ID �..�,.� SiRVCT137E BRICK FASCIA ON RAISCD ` PLATFORM GONCREIEPU1FORlA POOL yr- CORRJGATED ME -AI WESTERN R=D CEDAR OPERABLE SF OTTERS A- ' OPEWNG COKRVGAIt-7META1 WESTE" RED CED.;R PERAB E WOOD oGRG•l ROUGH hFwN ShLT-FRS OVFR XCK WISES ANICkE '"NDOW S FRAMc 4:! V, 27 I lorro COURT LU08OCK A1.0 A, gill d ­_ 1111�s'11.11­ O COTTONCOURT I LU99OCK O F"�,, LL_O Im !IMO WEE o LiL W1111,1111 FIt i Hll 1111111i. IN *Lub itybock TEXAS CITY OF LUBBOCK PERMIT RECEIPT APN: T 1 29000000 t 00000000 PARCEL OWNER: DATE ISSUED: 13-Nov-2018 ADDRESS: PERMIT: COMM-063368-2018 CITYrSTATE?ZIP: SCOPE: Commercial Building New SITE ADDRESS: 1610 Broadway SUBDIVISION: VDC HOTEL CITY: Lubbock Contact Company Role CHAD HENTHORN TEINERT COMMERCIAL Contractor Date Fee Name Fee Notes Paid To Date 10-Oct-2018 Comm - Nc%v Construction - All 0.20 per sq. 11 of gross Moor under $23,451.80 Buildings roof 10-Oct-2018 Advanced Building Permit Plan Review Fee (50.00) $50.00 Page IofI Billing Contact Yes Balance Due $0.00 S0.00 13-Nov-2018 Building Permit Plan Review Fee 250,o of Permit Fees S5,812.95 S0.00 Total $0.00 Pavment Number Payment Date Payment Tvne Payment Note Transaction Tyne Billing Contact Payment Amount TRC-077570-10-10-2018 ' 10/10/2018 Visa (Wells PLAN REVIEW Fee Payment CHAD HENTHO $50.00 Fargo) DEPOSIT COTTON COURT HOTEL Fee Name CREDIT DEIIIT AMOUNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT PAID Advanced Building Permit Plan 1006222 1001548 $50.00 Review Fee (50 00) Payment Number Payment Date Pavment Tyne Payment Note Transaction Type Billing; Contact Payment Amount TRC-079939-13-11-2018 11/13/2018 Visa (Wells Fee Payment CHAD HENTHO $29,264.75 Fargo) Fee Name CREDIT DEBIT At10UNT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT RAID Building Permit Plan Review Fee 100.6222 100.1548 $5.812.95 Comm - New Construction - All 100.6222 100,1648 $23.451.80 Buildings CITY OF LUBBOCK City of :}- Lubbock NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING TEXAS Tuesday, November 13, 2018 4:28PM Page 1 of 3 Date Entered Date Expires 13-Nov-2018 13-May-2019 Parcel PIN: 100558 Address: 1610 BROADWAY Zip: Units: Subdivision: VDC HOTEL Legal Detail: VDC HOTELTR A 1 Permit Type/Number Project Number COMM-063368-2018 Zone Type of Construction Occupancy V-B R-1 Proposed Development 105 - FIVE OR MORE FAMILY BUILDINGS MIN. FINISHED FLOOR ELEV. Not Determined PER TABLE 403.1.7.3, 2009 IRC AMENDMENT'S. FLOOD PLAIN? VDC HOTEL TR A 1 117,259.00 SQ.FT. UR Building Inspection (Commercial) APPROVAL: 11 /09/2018 COMMENTS: First review done on 10/26/2018. Revisions are needed to solve code issues found upon reviewing. 10/26/2018 TH Talked with Shahnaz today and revisions are on the way. If everything has been corrected project will be Approved upon receival of plans, 11 /2/2018 Received Revisions everything is now code compliant. APPROVED 11 /9/2018 Drainage Review APPROVAL: 11 /05/2018 COMMENTS: Released - RDT Environmental Health APPROVAL: 11/12/2018 COMMENTS: Floodplain Building Inspection Plan Review APPROVAL: 11/05/2018 COMMENTS: Not in the Special Flood Hazard Area. -SKN (Zone X/305E) IWMP APPROVAL : 10/10/2018 COMMENTS: Plats APPROVAL: 10/ 1 I /2018 COMMENTS: property is platted. Street Engineering Review APPROVAL: 10/2612018 COMMENTS: SWP3 APPROVAL. 11/13/2018 COMMENTS: 11/13/18 SWP3 approved - MA 10/11 /18 SWP3 needed, contacted Chad at Teinert - MA Traffic Engineering APPROVAL: 10/26/2018 COMMENTS: CITY OF LUBBOCK City of ::.; ..��: Lubbock NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING TEXAS Tuesday, November 13, 2018 4:28PM Page 2 of 3 Date Entered Date Expires Pcrmit_Type/Number Project Number 13-Nov-2018 13-May-2019 COMM-063368-2018 Water Engineering APPROVAL: 10/ 18/2018 COMMENTS: Water Utilities Pro Rata (Commercial) APPROVAL: 10/15/2018 COMMENTS: Zoning APPROVAL: 10/16/2018 COMMENTS: TO REQUEST INSPECTIONS GALL (806)775-3159 OR (806)775-3174 FOR BUILDING INSPECTION AND (806)775-2589 FOR WATER LMLITIES. COTTON COURT' HOTEL BREAKDOWN BUILDING A: 4 FLOORS OCCUPANCY: B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VA SPRK. WITH NFPA-13 FLOOR I AND 2: 2685 SF FLOOR 3: 1511 SF FLOOR 4: 743 SF BUILDING B: 1 FLOOR OCCUPANCY: A-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB SPRK. WITH I FLOOR 1: 5264 SF BUILDING C: l FLOOR OCCUPANCY: A-2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V13 SPRK. WITH I FLOOR l: 6018 SF BUILDINGDI: 2 FLOORS OCCUPANCY: R-i TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB SPRK. WITH NPFA-13 FLOOR 1 AND 2: 6018 SF EACH BUILDING D2: 2 FLOORS OCCUPANCY: R-I TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB SPRK. WITH NPFA-13 FLOOR 1 AND 2: 4477 SF EACH BUILDING D3: 2 FLOORS OCCUPANCY: R-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB SPRK. WITH NPFA-13 FLOOR 1 AND 2: 4400 SF EACH BUILDING D4: 2 FLOORS OCCUPANCY: R-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB SPRK. WITH NPFA-13 FLOOR I AND 2: 3820 SF EACH BUILDING D5: 3 FLOORS OCCUPANCY: R-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB SPRK. WITH NPFA-l3 FLOOR 12 AND 3: 3927 SF EACH BUILDING E: 4 FLOORS OCCUPANCY: R-I FLOOR 12 3 AND 4: 12014 SF EACH Valuation ;12,000,000.00 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VA SPRK. WITH N Square Footage 117,259.00 C of O Required YES CITY OF LUBBOCK City of Iubbo& NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING TEXAS Tuesday, November 13, 2018 4:18PM Page 3 of 3 Date Entered 13-Nov-2018 Professional TEINERT COMMERCIAL HENTHORN, CHAD P O BOX 5327 LUBBOCK, TX 79408 State License: ACTIVE Professional License: Date Expires 13-May-2019 Required Inspections Zoning Final Building Final Fire Final Slab Building Framing Brick Tie Footing Misc, Structural Notice/Signature Permit Type/Number COMM-063368-2018 Project Number 806-548-0153 1 hereby certify that the above statements are true facts concerning the construction of the building or other work for which this application is made. I also understand that the issuance of this permit does not relieve the permit holder from the responsibility of complying with all applicable City of Lubbock regulations, codes and ordinances and that failure to comply may subject the permit holder to criminal and/or civil liability. Issuance of this city permit does not insure compliance with state or federal regulations, rules or laws. I understand that it is the responsibility of the permit holder or his agents to meet applicable state and federal requirements. These requirements may include, but are not limited to, those imposed by the Americans with Disabilities Act, the U . S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Texas Architectural Barriers Act, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. the Texas Department of Health and the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality. This list is not all-inclusive and othe federal or state requirements may be applicable. Customer Signature: o+ Permit Issued By: 19979 RE 19.30 RESOLUTION APPROVING VALENCIA HOTEL GROUP (SOUTHERN STAR LUBBOCK, LP) DBA COTTON COURT HOTEL DOWNTOWN FAI�ADE & PERMITTABLE GRANT, AT 1610 BROADWAY THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of MARKET LUBBOCK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC., a Texas nonprofit corporation (MLI), on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, held in conformity with the bylaws, after due notice as therein provided, a quorum being present and acting, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, MLI presented to members of the Board the proposal of possible Economic Development Grants and Contracts to Valencia Group Hotel (Southern Star Lubbock, LP) dba Cotton Court, a privately held corporation focusing on the acquisition, development and management of hotel properties in premium markets in gateway cities with high barriers to entry, for their full service, upscale hotel at 1610 Broadway, and located in the Downtown TIF. The terms and conditions of such Economic Development Grant and Contract, other than the normal terms and conditions applicable to all such Economic Development Grants and Contracts by the Corporation, are described generally as follows, to wit: Grant for the Southern Star Lubbock, LP dba Cotton Court Hotel, at 1610 Broadway, and located within the Downtown T1F, a Fagade Grant in the amount of$25,000 for the irrigation and landscaping of a new 169- room property totaling $389,268 in expenses, and a Permittable Grant in the amount of $100,000, for the construction of the 169-room property built to look like a 100-year old cotton exchange building, complete with a tin roof and dance hall built around a court yard totaling $16,682,457 in expenses, once proof of payment has been submitted. WHEREAS, The Board of Directors of MLI finds that the Economic Development Grants and Contracts offering the incentive for providing assistance to renovate their facility, meet and comply with the qualifications and purposes of the Corporation for the granting of such Economic Development Grants and Contracts. Upon Motion by Director, Mr. Calvin Davis, and Seconded by Director, Ms. SuzAnn Kirby, IT WAS RESOLVED that MLI offer and, if accepted by Recipient, enter into an Economic Grant and Contract with Southern Star Lubbock, LP dba Cotton Court Hotel, located at 1610 Broadway, Lubbock, Texas. This Economic Development Grant and Contract will be on the normal terms and conditions of such Downtown Grant Program and Contract offered by MLI to existing businesses and business prospects and authorize the CEO to enter into and execute all documents related to the Economic Grant and Contract. Iwa Jo Osborne, President & CEO rZ Linda Davis, Secretary