HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2019-R0084 - PO With Amarillo Trailer Sales And Rentals - 03_12_2019Resolution No. 2019-R0084 Item No. 7.7 March 12, 2019 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock; Purchase Order No. 31043781 for the purchase of Belly Dump Trailer as per ITB 19-14469-RR, by and between the City of Lubbock and Amarillo Trailer Sales and Rentals, Inc., DBA Area Trailer Sales and Rentals of Lubbock, Texas, and related documents. Said Purchase Order is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council on March 12, 2019 DANII , M. POPE, MAYOR ATTEST: CPO Reb ca Garza, City Secre ary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Mark 'KearwooYi, Assistant City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: I<e li Leisure, Assistant City Attorney ccdocs/RES. Purchase0rd 31043781 - Belly Dump Trailer February 22, 2019 City of Lubbock TEXAS TO: PURCHASE ORDER AREA TRAILER SALES AND RENTA ATTN TIM COMPTON 3217 E SLATON HWY LUBBOCK TX 79404 SHIP TO: Page - 1 Date - 2/22/2019 Order Number 31043781 000 OP CITY OF LUBBOCK FLEET SERVICES 206 MUNICIPAL DRIVE LUBBOCK TX 79404 INVOICE TO: CITY OF LUBBOCK ACCOUNTSPAYABLE P.O. BOX 2000 LUBBOCK, TX 79457 BY: Al Marta A me-r., 7irector of Purchasing & Contract Management Ordered 2/18/2019 Freight Requested 4/26/2019 Taken By R ROCHA Delivery J LOERWALD REQ 53206 ITB 19-14469-RR Description/Supplier Item Belly Dump Trailer CC 6411 Roll Tarp System CC 6411 Tenns NET 30 Ordered Unit Cost UM 3.000 32,500.0000 EA 3.000 2,000.0000 EA Extension Request Date 97,500.00 4/26/2019 Total Order 6,000.00 4/26/2019 103,500.00 This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of $103,500.00 awarded to Amarillo Trailer Sales and Rentals, Inc. DBA Area Trailer Sales and Rentals of Lubbock, TX, on 12 . The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by reference: ITB 19-14469-RR, ate A 21 9019, from Amarillo Trailer Sales and Rentals, Inc. DBA Area Trailer Sales and Rentals of Lubbock, TX. Resolution # —2O1-T-R-o094 CITY F LUBB Daniel M. Pope, Mayor ATTEST: Reb ca Garza, City Secretary 26 Seller and Buyer agree as follows: PURCHASE ORDER TERI*'IS AND CO`DITiONS INIPORTANT: READ CAREFULLY STANDARD TERMS AND CO`DITiONS CITY OF LUBBOCK, T\ I. SELLER TO PACKAGE GOODS Seller will packagc goods in accord; nceu411 good commercial practice. Each shipping container shall be elearh and pennaner l% narked as follows (a) Seller's name and address. (b) Consicncc's name, address and purelta_se order or purchase release numb rand the suPpl) agreement number if applicable, (c1 Container nunnL•rrand l+ml number oFctnnaine,s. e g L•ax I of 4 Lti+us, and (d) !hc mtmber of the container bearing the packing slip. Seller shall bear cost orpackagine unless otherwisc presided. Goods shall be suitabl% packed to secure fewest iransnon,nion costs and to conform with requirements of common carriers and any applicable specifications Bu%cr's count or weight shall be final and cottclusi%c on shipments not accompanied by packing lists 2 SHIPMENT UNDER RESERVATION PROHIBITED Seller is not authorized to ship the _goods under rescn"auon and no tendcrora bill OFlading will operalcas a tendcrorgoods i. 11-ILE AND RISK OF LOSS The title and risk of loss of the goods shall not pass to Bu%r until Bu%et actual]% recciscs and takes possession of the good6 at ds point or poims oldeliven 4. NO REPLACEMENT OF DEFEC"rl1'Ei TE\DER F: cr% tender of del, vrt of goods inust fill]% cnnhph with all provisiorsof this contract as to iinic• of deli%cr%. quahl% and Lite like If a tender is madc• which does not full% conform. this shall constitute a breach and Seller shall not hate the riglit to substitute a confining render. procidcd. %%-here the little for perfoimance Its not gut ctpired. the Sellcr ma% reasorab¢ rat+tif% I3tncr of his intention to cure and may then makc a eonforinaing tender within the conti act time• but rot after,, ard. 5. IN\-OICES S PAYMENTS a Seller shell submit sepal ate• intaices. in duplicate, one each purchase order or purchase release after each dcli,en. In,'oices shall iiidic,me the purch,hsc order or ptuch,sc reease number and the suppl% agreement nurnL•or it applcable ]ncoices s11.11i be itemized and uartspon,r,ion charges. if ant. shall be fisted sepa rate)% A copy of the bill of lading. and the ficight way iRl when applicable. should be attached to the intoirc• \fail To. account, Pa%able. Cut of Lrdtltck. P. 0. Bo, 2000. Lubbock. Te,,s 794i7. PilITUM shall ram Lc due wail thin ol•a%e inm ruin cn is are submitt cJ aft cr dell, gn 6. GRATUITIES. The Bii\er may. b, written notice to the Seller. caned this coniraer without liability to Seller if it is deteunincd b, Buser that gratuities. its the Firm of enicnaili jilts or othcn%ise. were offered or giten by the Seller, of any agent or represeniamte of des Seller, to any ollicer or crnplo%ec of the Cin of l.ublwek milli a lieu to se•Cnring a C0ulrJa Or securing faW10111c nevuncnt w itln respect to the awarding or amending. or the making of an} deenninalions w sift respect to the peionnir,g of such a caruracr in the cr cot this contract is canceled b% Bu%er pursuant to this rrw ision. Buser shall be entitled. in addition to an% otl r rights and remedies. io rccoseror %,iOnhnld the arnount of the cost incnrru! b;. Seller in providing suchgr,uuilics %. SPECIAL TOOLS & 7"EST EQC'll'\IENT If late price slated on the .race licteor includes Lite Cost Of 311% Special tooling or cep,cciat rest equipment ftbricatcd or regnin•d b% Sellet for like purpose of filling this order. such spacial tooling equipment ard any process slicers related thereto shall beeonic• the pt'opem orthe Bayer and to the cmcni feasible shall be identified bt the Seller as site)] S 1CARRANNCY-PRICT: a 'lite grace to Fe paid b% the Buser shall le tines contained uk Scllcr's bid which Seller warrants to her ran h,gher show Shcch's current process on order.i l,•. others t--fir prodaas o(Ihe kind and specificatior, co\ercd b_- this acreenicm for similar quantities under Similar of like conditions and medtods of pure -uric In the caein Seller 171C.16cs this warrams_ the pricey nfrhe item; shall be reduc,d it the Seller's euncru prices on orders b% ollicr. 01 in thcahematitc. BLI%cr mot% cancel this contract %%ithOul liabilm% h, Seller I'm N-0, of Sella'. actual cxpelse b like S111er wan; rats the no person or sdl:ng (wens% has been emplw.ed fir retained to solicit or secure this contract upon an agrccmtcnr of underst, ding fn commission. r-ocrnagv. brokerage, o, conlin,,ru fee e,ccpting bona fide cmflo%ccs Of bums fide established commercial or selling u,e icica maim,tined b; the Seiler for the par F,+sc OF se:u:ing b-iness r-or ho eh of xiciatiorl of this +%arrant the Ru%er shall ha+c the right in addinnn to am. ocher tight of rights is cancel this contract without liabdu% anal to deduct front the eonlrct lidec•• er mhentue ieco%cr uilhout I:abilmy a •:d in deduct from the coneact print or oiherw isc rcco•,er the full amoum of Such C: trams„iota pereein.age, broker,h_ e or cn niwn out f'ce 9 \I :ARRAN 1 Y-PRODUC I Seller .half net limn o, e,eladc am, i mplmd %t arrantres and an, attempt to do so shall render this contract ,uid.thlc al the opotuw of the li•a,a Scllcr %•Main.., than the goods turn is feed t ill conforni to the spocciliunio❑. draw ines. and dcscriptions listed in the hid in, to the s vuplelsl funishcd ha the Scllcr. if are. In slit c%enI of a arnilra or I•gtu ern the spccifical sans. dra•a ings. am[ Jaseripti,�ns. the specification; shall go%era Nontiihstanding gray grog isians contained m the eentrmuual agneomnt. the Salkr represent; and wart.tntd Ludt•Crce pe,f+nn;ma• and futh-tide result in the pm:cssing date and done rhoed da:a lineluding. bug not limited to CACULulP,g. Cnapal'ing and sequencing) Of .,)I hardware. so It, arc and fitswaarc products deli, eyed and s er, ices pro, ideS under this Conan. in,li%iduAh or in eonnhinat ion. as the case ma'. be from the Cffccti%c• d.nc of this COeurao 'The obligations umlaineJ Imrein appl, to pwducts and scn ices pro, idcd bt the Seller• its sub. Se•I!ci or any third pang in•. ol%cd in Lite creation or de%dopmcm Of tlm pmduas atW scn"ices to Le delivered to the Cn% of Lubbock unJr this Contra:t Failure to oniplt w ith ally of the oblieitions contained herein• ma% result in the Cit% of Lubbock aaailinc +welt of ant of its rights under th,• Ln% and under this Contieel including. No not limited le. it, right penai O:ng w temination or default File wirnantics contained herein ace 'separate and discrete tom an% othe,tananties specified in this Uorarect. acid are not subject to on, drsclaimr of %vacant%, implied or etpresscd. or limtation of the Seller's liabilit% which ma% be specified in this Contract, its eppcmhees- it., sehedlde;. its .comet ,s or air-, dncurnent incorp,+i ated its this Contract b, rcfercncc 10. SAFETY WARRANTY. Seller warrants that the product sold to the fluter shall conform to the standards pronruLated by the U. S. Dcpanment of Labo, under the OCcup:miunal Sa Fee. and Match Act of 1970 In the c%'cnt the product does not conform to OSIIA slandardi. Bu%ci rna%' returii ihv product for correction or replacement a: the Seller's a%pensc In ill, c•,uit Seller fails io makc the appropriate correction within a reasonablc time. correction madc by Burr will be at the Seller's e,pcnse I I. NO WARRANTY HY BUYER AGAINS1" INFRINGEMENT S. As par Of this contract for sale Seller agrccs to ascenain whcihr roods manufactured in accord.meew ith Lite specifications attached to this agreement will gi-.e rise to the rightful claim or any third person b:. was, of infringement of the like. Buser makes no warram% that the production orgoods according to Iltc specitie•niora w ill not gi%e rise to such a claim. and in no Cccnl shall Bu%r be liable to Seller for indemnification in the cart that Seller is sued on the grounds of infringement of the like. [(Seller is orthe opinion that an infringement or this like will result. he will notif. the BugertothiseffeciinwTitingwithintwowcCksahrthesi,nineo(thisagreement If Bu%r does not recei,'e notiec and is subacqucnih held liable for the infnr,germent or ttio like. Scllcr a ill sa•W Ru%cr harmless. If Seller in good (gush ascenains the producuon of the goods in accordance with Om specifications will result in infrinecment or the like, the contract shall be null and laid 12. NON APPROPRIATION All funds for pa%ntmnt b% the Cry under this contract are subject to the w;aRabiht% Oran annual appropriation for this purpose b% the Cin In the event of nonappwopriatiur, of funds b) the Ca) COUOC1l ofthe• Cit% of Lubbock for ale goods or senices pri%idcd Onderthe contract. the City %%"ill tcmninaie the contract. %sithout t(rnination charue or other Iiabilri%. on the last Ja% of ere then•cunvtt fiscal year Or when the appropriation made for the then -current %car for the goods or sen ices cv%ered b% this contract is spent. whichc%er event occurs first. If at any title funds are not appropriatcil for the continuance of this contract. cancellation shall be accepted b% the Selleron thirty 130) da%s prior written notice. but failure io gist such notice shall be of no e•ff•ci and the Cn% shall not he obligated under this eonuaa be,ond the date of termination. 13. RIGHT OF INSPECTION, Bu}cr slull hate the right to ittspcn the goods at dcli%cry before accepting them. 14. CANCELLATION. Bu%cr shall hine the right to cancel for defcith all or air- pan of ibc undelivered portion of this order if Seller breaches ant Of the reruns her •of including %%anamies orseller or if the Seller hee.rini- ina)Ivenr r+r commit; ears of hankmmce Gar: h rnrfn of'rarwi- a6ori i; in addition no and not irk lieu of an• other iernrdics a hidh Bu%cr ma% hate in law or equity. li. TER\SINATION. Tim prafannanec of w ork under this orderma% be teraninaied in whole, or in par. b, the Iiu%dr in accordance with this pro, isiott Termination of stork hcrcunder shall be effected b% the deliver% of the Seller of a "Notice of Tenninaiion' specifiing the extent to which performance of work tinder the order is terminated and the date uron which such temrination becomes effcoive Such right orteraninacion is in addition to and not in lieu of the rights of Bu%cr set forth in Clause 14. herein 16. FORCE MAJEL'RF Neither pain shill be held responsible for losses. resulting if the f lfitlment of = tome of pros isions of this contract is delayed or presented by am cause not within the control of the pang whose perf.rnsance is interfered with. and which lo, the—ercise of reasonable diligeuCe said pan}' is unable to pre, cot 17 ASSIGNMENT -DELEGATION No rielu or in:rest in Oils contract shall be rssiencd or delegation of ens obligation made b% Sellei without the written per minion of the Bu;.cr An% attempted assignmem or delegation b% Seller shall be %%holl, ,oid and lolally inefFecli%e for ail pa,rposc unless made in confLifli% with this pdragraph 13 WAIVER Net claim or right arsing out of a breach ofthis contract can be discharged in whole or in part b% a waiscr or renunciation of the clam, or right unless the waiaer of trmmciatic;l is supporci by consideration and is in writing signed b% the aggric%cd pan% 19 INTFRPRETMION-PAROLE EVIDENCE This writing. plus an% specifications for bids and peif+nraann• pro%ided b% Bu,er in its a.herti;en;e•nt for lids, and an% other documents prosidgdby Seller its pan of his hid. is intended b% the panics,+_c a final expression of their a_•r •enient and intended also :s a COOlpletc anti cxchtsi%e statement of the terms of their aereentent When,,, a tern defined b, the Unifornn CL ncrcial ('ode is used in this agrcerinmt.the definition contained in the Code is to control 20. APPLICABLE LAW. This agwentent shall be go,crned Lt the Uniform Commercial Cod_ Alter r,cr the Lean'Unirorm Commercial Code' is used. it shall be Cwnatruted as nncantirng the Uniform m ComrCial Code as adopted in like State of 1"a., ❑s vFteni%c and in force on thed.ncofthis agreenhe•nt '_ 1 RIG)il '10 ASSURANC•I:. \%lienc%er one gam to this contract in good faith has reason to question the other pany's intent to perform he in:q dcrnand that the other party gi%c written assurance of his intent to pe,lionn In the e,ent that n den.ntd is made 111,1 no assurance isgi%cu w ithin fine I>1 da%s. the demanding pan% 111.1) lrc.0 this failure as att antic ip,uon repudiation of the contract _r_ INDEMNIFICATION Seller shall indenuf%• keep and sane harmless the Ru%er. Its al officials acid cnhplo%ucs. against all injuries. deaths. Incas. damages. claim.., patent clairras, snits. liabilities. judgments, costs and c\penscs. which m:q in ark, , ise agree against the Buser in con.equeccc of the granting Willis Contract or „Mich nia% anywise result therefrom. „hethe, o, not it shall be alleecd er dctcrmincd that the act was caused through ncglicenee or o:ni,sion of the Seller or its empf,%ecs. or of ti:c subSollo or assignee or its emp!o%ccs. if an%. and ilhe Scllcr sh.Al, al h1e nuts c,pen;c, appear. JcFnd arJ pat} all charges of anomats and ali costs ard tuber expenses arieing therelioni of incurred in connenion therew hie. and. ifant judgment shall be rendered against the Th-cr in air, such actian. Lite Seller shall. at its own e,pcnses. saiisf% ant[ discharge the same Seller c\prcssl% under;t.mds and agrccs that an% bond required b!. this contract. or othentisc pi --dad it, Seller. shall in no tut., ]unit the tc•.q :•rsikn L't% to indeninif%. keep and sa,ch.uuless and deferid the Bu%r as herein pro, iced _3. TiME. It I., hvicb•. e,pressl, agreed and undeshood that three is of hire ewrnce for the performance• of this comr: a. and failure I,•• contract to meet the tittle specification.; of this agrcernent will cruse Seilzr In be in dcfnih Of 11115,Creenlent 24 1,1111: the Cr, of I ubb-1, hcieb% roulies all bidders that in rc,•,td io an, commct encrci into pursuant to du, ra•IlkME. minority and wurien business enwrf'rues will be afforded equal oppmtnaities le, stuhmit bids in response to this ioa ii.uion and w ill nm be dis:rincinatcd against on the grounds of race. color. scx o, natur-A origin in considciatiun for an d,,aid _j WN-.\Rlil I RA I ION 'I he C'n; rescr. CS the right it% cxercind aura right or remedy to it b., Ltw. contract. cyuic%. or onccim isc. including a il!I:ant limitation, the right to seek any acid all fonts of relief in a coup of con:pclent jurisdiction Further. tits ('ty shall not t•v subject to any irbnratinn preces; priorto c\CrMin, i:d unwstric(ed riuhl lO sackjud:cidl reined} flue rancdies setfoitla lie,cin arecumul.mr,cand not ewlu.akc• and ma% be exercised corseuncml, 'Io the extent of an. conflict Islwcgn this pi.,a mion and another' pro,ision I,,. or related Io. this document. this prow isuon shall control ]u RIGI IT TO :%UDFf. At an, time (luring the tern, of tare contract, err th"n Ror, the City, or a del} authorized audit represent.uive of tire Cin or the State of Texas. x it c•%pensc and at re•,tsonahlc times. reserre; the right in audit COSIMMor's rccoads and Looks iel—int to all sera ices pro%idcd in the Cn% under this Contract In the cent such an auda by the fit% rcccah an, Grt11i or otcrpa%mcntS b% Lite C'it%. Contractor shall refund the Cit% the full amount oFsuCh o,epa%ntcntS uithi:l thin% (30) d.h.s of such audit fludincs. or lire Ca%. at it Option.. resen es the right to deduct such amount owing ehc Cin from an% Payments due Contractor. 27. 1If)(•SE BI1.1. _'Ell j Ilousc Bill 201 j. sou ncol b: the Qw cruor on Jure 14. 2013 and effect it all January 1. 2011. authorizes a penalq it, he imposed on a per son who corauacts for certain sera ices with a go%enurental emit% and w ho fails to properly classiA their workers This apphcs to subcontractors as well Contractors and suho)miractors %%hit fail to propel% elassif% ii,11%iduals prrorming work urdr a votcnmmntal contract will be 1xiialized $200 for each In& idual that hs been misda_siMed ('Texas Go, eminent Code Section 2145 0011 2i ASSIGNING OR SUBLE 11 ING TIIF CONTRACT fire Contractor shall not assign Or sublet itty contract. or arc% portion Of the contract. yttl7a111 uhiucn consent bom the Director of Purchasing and Contract Managrnem Should consent be Lion. the Contractor shall insure the Sulcentractor or shall pra%ide proof on insurance from the Sutcontraetel that complies with all con rao Insurance requircmenis 29. HOUSE BILL. 129; DISCLOSURE 017 INTEiRESI ED PARIIL'S Ilousc Br1I 1'95, mlopied b% the `satin I cgislatttme. Crcaleti §2_';2 905. Texas' Goycmntem C'Odc Sectior, 22d2 9GJ requires a business sail) cmering into certsin contracts with a goternmcnial e[Ltit% or slate agent to file with the Lot ert rnertal mist% or state agency a disclosure of imlerccled parties at Ili,: time the business critic, submits the siuncd contract to the go%crnmcnt al entil% or state agenc% Instructions for completing Fomi 1295 are a%ai:ahle at ]in[, %its•.,.ri.IOloh: rk It u.Jel,:rrntenlal•,:e�.]Lc�:C,^:rtwcal. porch t.rng tgn,!,:r-ir: f,,n: :7 i.:a 30 CONTRACTOR ACKNOWLEDGES. b) supph Ng any Goods or Senices that the Contractor has read. fall% undersiands, and will be ir, full cOmph-ce xis all terms and conditions and the descriptive material contained herein and ant additional associated documents and Amendmens The Cit% disclaims aw. icons and conditions pm%idcd b% the Contractor unless agreed upon in writing b% the parties In the cent of conflict between these touts out conditions and an, teens and conditions procidcd h% the Contractor. thu terms and condtions protided herein shill pre,nil The terms anal conditions provided herein are the final terms agreed upon b% the panics. and an% prior conflicting terms shall be Ofno force or effect .31 B% accepting this purch.ue• order. the Vendor \critics that it does not fiotcou Israel, and agrccs that during the icon ol-ihis Agreement (Contract as applteablO will not Boycott Israel as that term is dclned in Texas Government Code Senior S03 001. air amended REVISED City of Lubbock, TX Belly Dump Trailers ITB 19-14469-RR Bid Form In compliance with the Invitation to Bid 19-14469-RA, the undersigned Bidder having examined the Invitation to Bid and Specifications, and being familiar with the conditions to be met, hereby submits the following Bid for Nmishing the material, equipment, labor and everything necessary for providing the items listed below and agrees to deliver said items at the locations and for the prices set forth on this form. A bid will be, subject to being considered irregular and may be rejected if it shows omissions, alterations of form, conditional alternate bids, additions or alternates in lieu of the items specified, if the unit prices are obviously unbalanced (either in excess of or below reasonably expected values), or irregularities of any kind. The Invitation to Bid 19-14469-RR is by reference incorporated in this contract. The Bid Form trust be completed in blue or black ink or by typewriter. Item Qty. Unit of Description "Delivery (+/-) Measure *Unit Price Extended Price (Days) ARO Belly Dump Trailer Spec. #6411-Belly 1 Model Year, Brand Name and Model Number. Belly Dump Trailer Spec, T58 - Belly 2 3 Each Dump Troller ( 30 cubic yard capacity �".00 071500,0() t �5 ' Model Year, Brand Name and Model Number. OPTIONAL: Unit Price Extended Price Asper SPEC #6411 Belly Dump Trailer (24 cubic yard ; two years. The warranty shall cover all components of the trailer, except tires brakes and other wear items As capacity) : Roll Tarp System VW., As per SPEC #6411 Belly Dump Trailer (24 cubic yard —0 — to prevent material retention and aid in payload release *PRICE: F.O.B. Destination, Freight Pre -Paid and Allowed **ARO — After Receipt of Order City of Lubbock reserves the right to reject any or all bids, reject any particular item on a quote, and to waive immaterial formalities. Unless otherwise specified herds, the City may award the bid either item-by—#tem or on an all -or -none basis for any item or group of items shown on the bid. PAYMENT TERMS AND DISCOUNTS - Bidder offers a prompt payment discount of _26, net calendar days. Unless otherwise indicated on the Bid Form, payment terms will be NET IHMTY DAYS. The City will pay the successful bidder within thirty days after the receipt of a correct invoice or after the date of acceptance, whichever event occurs later, Discounts for prompt payment requiring payment by the City within a stipulated number of days will be intetpreted as applying within the stipulated number of calendar days after the date of receipt by the City of a correct invoice or after the date of acceptance that meets contract requirements, whichever event occurs later. Discounts for payment in less than ten days will not be considered. MOST FAVORED PRICING: The Bidder certifies that the price quoted is not in excess of the lowest price charged anyone else, including its most favored customer, for like quality and quantity of the products/services; does not include an element of profit on the sale in excess of that normally obtained by the Bidder on the sale of products/scrvices of like quality and quantity; and does not include any provision for discounts to selling agents. If at any time during the contract period, the supplier should sell or offer for sale to any other customer, an equal or less quantity of similar contract products of like or better quality, at a lower net price(s) than provided herein, supplier agrees to notify the City and sell same product(s) at the lower price(s) on all deliveries made during the period in which such lower price(s) is effective. INTERLOCAL PURCHASING (optional): The City desires to make available to other local governmental entities of the State of Texas, by mutual agreement with the successful bidder, and properly authorized interiocal purchasing agreements as provided for by the Interlocal Cooperation Act (Chapter 791, Govemment Code), the right to purchase the same services, at the prices quoted, for the period of this contract. Each bidder shall indicate on the Bid Form in the space provided below if he/she will honor Political Subdivision orders in addition to orders from the City of Lubbock. Should these other governmental entities decide to participate in this contract, would you (the bidder) agree that all terms, conditions, specifications, and pricing would apply? Other governmental entities that might have interests in this contract are Frensbip Independent School District, Lubbock Housing Authority, Lubbock County, Lubbock County Hospital District, Lubbock Independent School District, South Plains Association of Governments, City of Texarkana, Texas Tech University, West Texas Municipal Power Agency, Lynn County, and City of WolffortL YENO • If you (the bidder) checked YES, the following will apply: • Govemmental entities utilizing Interlocai Apeements for Cooperative Purchasing with the City of Lubbock will be eligible, but not obligated, to purchase materials/services under the contract(s) awarded as a result of this solicitation, All purchases by governmental entities other than the City of Lubbock will be billed directly to that governmental entity and paid by that governmental entity. CIty of Lubbock will not be responsible for another governmental entity's debts. Each governmental entity will order their own materials/service as needed. AHAP,v-to TRAmm 5&t _` (LEi?i7tus INo- C)FA THIS BID IS SUBMITTED BY RBt dT>`A�c.�2 Srt�S s fErrA�Sa corporation organized under the laws of the State of TJrXAS , or a partnership consisting of or individual trading as of the City of Firm: Address: w Y City: Lug from State: Tr-M!5 Zip Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: Addenda No. i Date 1 16aai q Addenda No. Date Addenda No. Date Addenda No. Date M/VVBE Fi Woman I I Black American I I Native American Hispanic American I I Asian Pacific Amen Other (Specifv) Any entity or person that manufactures, distributes, converts new motor vehicles (or represents an entity that manufactures, distributes, or converts new motor vehicles) or is in the business of buying, exchanging, or selling new motor vehicles is required under the Tex. Oec. Code. Chapter 2301 to be licensed by Motor Vehicle Division of the Texas Department of Transportation. In order for a bid to be in compliance with the Motor Vehicle Commission Code, the bidder roust hold and provide all applicable current valid licenses issued by the State of Texas: 1. Name and Manufacture's License No. 2. Name and Converter's License No. 3. Name and Representative's License No. 4. Name and Franchise Dealer's License No. General Distinguishing No. P i o (o 2 5 4 X (Franchised TX dealer) By Date: 011 of 2 % 2-0 l Autho);6ed Representative -must signTy hand Officer Name and Title: KM5iA 'FJ,0 w EQS ROW CE Please Print Business Telephone Number. g_.. 0(/ 145 M 5 5-3 FAX:_ 806 /7¢5 -- 5"51$ E-mail Address;_ f_ Com p±oA @ a.ftnc tfati fe�-5c lescLvA fen+aiS , aom FOR CITY USE ONLY Bid Form Item Number(s) Awarded to Above Named Firrn/lndividual: Date of Award by City Council (for bids over $50, 000): Date P.OJContract Issued: RETURN COMPLETED & SIGNED BID FORM ALONG WITH CITY OF LUBBOCK SPECIFICATIONS. LABEL THE OUTSIDE OF YOUR SEALED BID WITH THE ITB NUMBER, THE CLOSING DATE AND TIME, AND YOUR COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS. CITY OF LUBBOCK MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS BELLY DUMP TRAILER SPEC T58 MAKE "C5f' MODEL C3 QT— 40 'PX 60P5Teu(_rT(a,0 TWAae IT IS THE INTENT OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR EQUIPMENT GENERAL NFORMATION, REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS SECTION TO DESCRIBE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS, THE VEHICLE SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE CONSTRUCTION AND PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIBED IN THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS. THE SELLER SHALL BE REQUIRED TO MARK COMPLIANCE TO THE SECTION OF THE SPECIFICATIONS IN THE SPACE PROVIDED. ALL EQUIPMENT FURNISHED, AS STANDARD BY THE MANUFACTURER SHALL BE INCLUDED, IF NOT STATED IN THE WRITTEN SPECII.7CATIONS. ANY DEVIATIONS FROM THE WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS SHOWN N THE INVITATION TO BID SHALL BE NOTED ON THE ATTACHED EXCEPTIONS TO THE SPECIFICATIONS, IN ORDER TO RECEIVE FULL CONSIDERATION, QUOTATION MUST FOLLOW THESE SPECMCATIONS AND THE INVITATION TO DID'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS. VENDORNAME; _ ,/ ►l�1{ 1.0 tf-AiE C-V �j4t-v5_? gfn,T S 1i4 DBR PRONE; LELA NO. ITEM MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SELLER COMPLIANCE YES O Sena -trailer with bottom dumping capabilities, to include GENERAL the requirements as describes herein. CARRYING 30 Cubic yards, No Modified sides 30 Cubic yards, No modified 1 CAPACITY sides, heaped capacity, with a weight of 50,0001bs, at 60 mph on / V payment and hard packet dirt surfaces Width not to exceed 102" 2 DEMENSIONS Length not to exceed 40' , V Height not to exceed 11' 6" 3 AXLE RATING Tandem axles not less than 25,000 pounds each OEM Standard, with nonunal 50 inch axle centers, 4 SUSPENSION providing not Iess than 5000 pounds carrying capacity, and equipped with axle guards (window deflectors.) Air operated 'S' cam design with automatic slack adjusters, 5 BRAKES rated for not less the GVWR of the trailer. Brakes shall conform to the federal DOT requirement at the time of delivery. OEM high tensile steel body construction, with air 6 BODY controlled single hopper, bottom -gate. Dump features shall be from the from CONSTRUCTION electrically controlled cab, and manually the side of the trailer. Must be capable of holding saturated solids @ an average of 19%, Standard 2.875 inch king pin, in conformance with SAE 7 KINGPIN J700 standards, and located eighteen (18') to twenty (20') inches set back from front end of trailer. 8 TIRES 11:00 X 22.5, 16 Ply, Tubeless 22.5 Radial Highway Tread, 10 hole disk type wheels NO. ITEM MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SELLER COMPLIANCE YES NO OEM standard two speed crank down type with triangle side braces and sand shoes. 9 LANDING GEAR Note: Trailer Landing Gear must be designed to support maximum loaded weight, of the trailer. 10 MUD FLAPS OEM current standards meeting the state of TEXAS DPS, DOT, and federal requirements. t 1 LIGHTS OEM current standards meeting the state of TEXAS DPS, DOT, federal and requirements. 12 PAINT OEM standard red color 14 WARRANTY Two-year minimum against defects in material & workmanship, including parts & labor r/ - OPTIONS: EXTENDED Manufacturer or Dealer Extended S yr. warranty covering all components. $ -c}- G±cuU-0'-ai 16 INTERIOR COATING Interior spray on coating that bonds to the metal to prevent material retention and aid in payload release 17 TARP SYSTEM Roll Tarp System IDE BUILD DATES IN SPACE BELOW BUILD DATE: l 11-aoil _ GENERALREQUIREMENT AND INFORMATION BIDDER SHALL SUBMIT WITH EACH BID, CURRENT PRINTED LITERATURE AND SPECIFICATION SHEETS ON THE UNIT OFFERED IN THE RESPONSE TO SOLICITATION, EXCEPTIONSIQ THE Sf -F&IFICATIONS OF ANY ITEMS STATED HEREIN SHALL BE FULLY DESCRIBED IN WRITING BY THE BIDDING VENDOR IN THE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW, LIST ITEMS BY ITEM NUMBERS. i K 1 ��,5 Ccc. 0, L PAC�TY t Lo 3a tu. 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