HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2019-R0083 - PO With Bee Equipment - 03_12_2019Resolution No. 2019-R0083 Item No. 7.6 March 12, 2019 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Purchase Order No. 31043813 for the purchase of Superior Broom as per ITB 19-14505-RR, by and between the City of Lubbock and Bee Equipment Sales LTD of Lubbock, Texas, and related documents. Said Purchase Order is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council on March 12, 2019 LIJINr---- DANIEL M. POPE, MAYOR ATTEST: o Re cca Garza, City Secr tary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Mark earw od, Assistant City Manager - APPROVED AS TO FORM: I I &-rhvu�j - K lli Leisure, Assistant City Attorney ccdocs/RES. PurchaseOrd 31043813 — Superior broom February 22, 2019 City Of Lubbock TEXAS PURCHASE ORDER TO BEE EQUIPMENT SALES LTD 2506 SLATON HWY LUBBOCK TX 79404 SHIP TO: Page - Date - Order Number 1 3/5/2019 31043813 000 OP 526 CITY OF LUBBOCK FLEET SERVICES 206 MUNICIPAL DRIVE LUBBOCK TX 79404 INVOICETO: CITYOFLUBBOCK ACCOUNTSPAYABLE P.O. BOX 2000 LUBBOCK, TX 79457 BY: Maria AI ez, Dircclor of Purchasing � Contact t`4anagcmcnl Ordered 2/18/2019 Freight Requested 5/3/2019 Taken By R ROCHA Delivery J LOERWALD REQ 53289 1TB 19-14505-RR Description/Supplier Item Ordered Unit Cost UM Extension Request Date Superior Broom 1.000 56,500.0000 EA 56,500.00 5/3/2019 CC 4613 "Total Order Terms NET DUE ON RECEIPT 56,500.00 This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of $56,500.00 awarded to Bee Equipment Sales LTD of Lubbock, TX, on March 12, 2019 . The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by reference: ITB 19-14505-RR, dated February 11, 2019, fi-om Bee Equipment Sales LTD of Lubbock, TX. Resolution # 2O19-120093 CITY OF LUBBOCIC Daniel M. Pope, Mayor ATTEST: P 'P�w / -'e '0' K — Rebec a Garza, City Secretary Seller and Buyer agree as follows: PURCHASE ORDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS IMPORTANT: READ CAREFULLY STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS CITY OF LUBBOCK, TX I, SELLER TO PACKAGE GOODS. Seller will package goods in accordamc w ith good commercial practice. Each shipping container shall be clear(} and permanently marked as Collo'.ts (a) Seller's name and address. (b) Cons-icnce's name, address and purchase order or purchse release number and the suppl% agreement number if applicable, (c)Containcr nuinberond total number of containers. c g box 1 of a boxes. and (d) the nuenker of the container bearing the packing slip Seller shall bear cost orp ackaging unless othcr.vie provided Goods shall be suitably packed to secure lowest transportation costs and to conforn with requirements of common carriers and an} applicable specifications Buycr's count or weight shall be final and concluskaon shipments not accompanied by packing lists. 2 SHIPMENT UNDER RESERVATION PROHIBITED Seller is trot 4tuhoruCJ to ship thecoodsucder rescn at ion and no tender ofa bill Of lodrtrg it ill oper.!t c as a leader of goods 3. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS The title and risk of loss of the goodb shall not pus to Rv%vr until Bu%ee actually retch es and takes possession of tic goods at the point or points of debt cry 4 NO REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE TENDER F,o'y tender of delncr. of good., Enlist full+ comply with all provisions or this contract as to lime of deli%n}. qualm% aml the like Ifa tender is made which does not fulh conform, this shall constitute a breach and Seller Shull not have the right to suL•stitute a confonnine tcrder. provided. "'here the tine far perfomtance hoc no %cl ccpired. cite Seller ma% reasonably notify Bti%cr of Ili., intention to cure and nun' then makers eonf,nnine tender"ithm the contract timme hill not mum ard. 5. INVIAVES & PAYMENI"S a S c I I c r shall submit separate imoee,, in duphcatc. Line each Purchase order or purchase release alter each deli, cn Invoices shall itidicalC the purchase under or purchase release number and the supp[% agreenent number i( applicable. Invoices shall be itemized and trarsponation charnel. if am. shall be listed separate]:. A copy of the loll of i;ming, and the ficight la%bill when applicable. should be attached to the intoice. \Lail In. Accounts P.nable. Cin of LubbLlck. 1' 0. Bo% 2ilno, Lubbock. Te%.i% 79+57 Pa%nicm shall not be disc until ale tilim o insminnents nre submi ivd afici deh, ui % G GRATUITIES The Buyer ream, b_t "linen notice w the Seller. caned this contract "ithoun liability to Seller if ii is determined h, Bu,er that gratuities, in ate form of atcrtainn,Cn;. gills or ethenvisc. wrrc oCfa'C%I or gi%en b% the Seller or am agent or represcntnli,e of the Seller• to art% office, or enlplo%CC or Itic Cit% of Luhbo cl, with a ,iew to scoring a contract or see itrine rt%urablc treat uicnt w it It rv%pca to the au ardioe or aniending, or the mating of any determinations" ith Iespect to the perfunnhng Of such a contract In Ihc event this contract is canceled b:. Buyer pursuant to this pro.ision. Bu%cr shall 1•c entitled. in addition to any other rights and reniedies, In rcaweror withheld the amount 0f111C cnsl Itic irood b% Sells inpro, idingsite hgratuiIivs �. SPFCIA1. POOLS & 11:S1 r::QUIP.<IENT If ire ptICC AMCd on the face h,Ice f iLie lwdes the cost of any special tooling or ,luwial lest cquipmerrl fabricated or required 11% Seller for the pmpuse of filling this ordeu. such special tooling aluipment au:d ,ur. process sheets related Ihcrcto sllall beco tile Ihc property of [Ire Buy or and to the um femible shall Lbe ideruifcd h% the Scllcr as Strh WARRANTY -PRICE it list rricc to be paid b% the Bo%cr simll I•e Lh.%t contained in Sellcr's bid which Seller warrants to he ro lughcl Ilr.m SeIIC'I'S Cement process or, nnlec. Io. otters for p,r"duas of Chu kind and specification eo%vr d b_. this agrcermilt f,tr similat quanlaic•S under sinlil.Lr or bkc conditions and nreduads of rurehme Ira;be event Seller Preaches this w:unarm, to priers ofthe items shall br ruduced to the Seller's ct.rreat price, on order's b% o[hrts, Or in the a!ternatite Ba%ur ma% cancel this contract without habilin to Seller far breach or Scllcr', actaal c%pco„c• b 'file Scllcr uarranli that no ponn or selling mmit% his been cmplo,ed of retained I,+ -hot or secure this eons: a upon in aurceuicnt or undei,tamdnme far conuntssion. percenta,e, Nolaage, of comingom fee c,ccptinc bona fide eutplo%ees of ben.i rJe escrblished commercial or SLUM'-' a'.1-11; m oin(aired by the Scllcr for like purpose of .secor,nc business For breach of ,icimion of this wanatq the Rm.cr shall li."e the tiJ:i in addition to in, oilier right of r,hks h, caned this contract ukhorn habilii% and to deduct F-in the contract pro, ur Othm%se rec•,wer unhomt liability and to deduct franc the contract price. or othen%ise reawu tale full amount of such commission. percentage, brokcr.:gc or contingent fee 9 V.ARRANTY-11RODL'C1 Seller shall not hew of c%dudc an% Implied ,ananbcs and an% ancn:p; to do so shall render this contract void.,hlc at the option of the Buyer Scllcr waiamS tut the goods furnished a ill conla%rm to the specification. drawings, and deaeeipuors lsicd in the bid imm•nion. u^d it, thesampl ii) Fnnislied by the Seller. if air. In arc event of a amflm or bc•tw ccn tie sperific•auois. drat itn s. and descriptions. the specifications sllall uo%cm NotwthShWdiog an% provisions Cmuair,cd it% Ihc contracutal aerecment. the Seller represent, and "arrants faull-free rerfonnance and Faith -lice result in the proces,ing date and date rehired data (inchudine. but not hooted Ia caleulatlre. eentpsrir._ and scquencine) ofall b-ardwarc. soft-are,md firmware products duli%cuel and serticcs limided under this Conu,aeL indit idnoll% or Ili couabuixin i. as the case inn'• be from the erfccti,e date of thin Contract The oblr_etions comainel herein appl% to Products and sin ice, pro,ided b% the Seller, its sub- Seller or an, third Pont, imohed in the creation or dg%clopment of the products and services to be delivered to the ('it% of Lubbock under tits Contract. Failure to cornply w ith an.. or the obligations contained herein. may result in the Cin or Lubbock a, ailing itself of in•. of its rights tinder tile• la%v and under this C'onuao including. but not limited it,. its right penair.ine In MIllimnion or default The v%anantes coni,rined herein are sep•umv and discrete finny nn% other wmianuei spmcircd in this Contract. and are not subject to any disclaimer of a arranm implied or c%pressed, of luaila[ion of the Seller's liability "high ma% be specified in this Contract. it, arpeadiccs. its schedule,- its annexes or inn docunant incorporated in this Contrast b, rvfurcnce 10. SAFFTY P'ARRANI Y. Seller warrants Chat file pieduet sold to the Bu%eI ,hall conform to the stand.:rds promulgated b% the U S. Department of Labor under the Occupational Safct% and HC.Lith Act of 1970- In the event the product does not conronn it, OSIIA standards. Bu%cr mix. return die product For correction or replacement at [tic Sullul's expense In the cyan Seller fails to maku the apprnrriatc cLacciion %%ithin a reasonable time. correction made by Buyer ttill be at the Shco's e,pense 11. NO WARRANI if Bl' BUYER AGAINST INFRINGENIENI S An pan of this centraet for sale Salto' agrees to ascertain whether goods Manufactured in accordance whit ;he specifications atached to this aerccmem %,ill give rise to the rightful cl.tin, of an% third person b% %%a•, of irft'ingenhoni or the like. Bu%or nukes no arrant) that the production of goods according to the irccircation will not gee rue Its such a eklim, and in no even( shall Buyer be liable to Seller for indenulifiCation in the cleat Chat Seller is sued on Ihc• grounds of infrin• cnlcnl of the like. If Scllcr is of the opinion that an infrin•,cn,ent Or Cho like will result. he will notif, the Su•. erto this effect in aTiung %%i[flin two %, eels Ether the signing of This aerecment I! IIuyer does no recci,c motto and is subscquenth held liable for the infi int., or the IikC. Seller will save Buyer barn,( ys. If Seller in good faith ascertains the production of the goats in aaotd:mce with the spCCifc:ulnns will result in infi ingentem or the like. the contact shall be null arid void 12. NON APPROPRIATION All funds for pa%ntcn[ by the City under this contract are subject to the a'.aitabilit% of an annual appropriation for this purpose by the Cn%. In Ili;: event of nonappropriation of funds by the Coy Council of the CIE, of Lubbock For the goOdsor sct%iccs provided under the comma. the C'iq "ill terminate the contract. without termination charge or other liabilit%, on the hsI da% of Ihc then -current fiscal year or when the appropriation made for the lhen•cune n %cm fnrihe goods or so%ices cooed b% this contract is spent. "itichoter event occurs rust If at an% time fund, arc not appropriated For the continuance of this contract, cancellation shall bc• accepted by the Seller on thirty 130) da%s prior %%Tinen notice but failure to glee such notice shall be of no effect and the Co shall not be obbcated under this contract b-ond the date of termination. - _ - 13. RIGHT OF INSPECTION. Buyer shall ha%a the rieht to in,pect the goods at deli%vi% before accepting them 14. CANCELLATION. Buyer shall have the right to caned for default all or any pan of the undelivered portion of this order if Seller brcachcs any of the tens hereof Including wanantics of Seller or if the Scllcr hernme; inu,krni or rnnrmir; acre of hanknmiry Snrh rhoht or ranvollarino is in nddiritin to and not io licit of any other rerncdivs which Buyer ma} ha-,c in law or cquit%. I5. TERMINATION. I he perfonnunceof work under the oidur may be tennimed in w hale. or in pan by it,, Bu,cr in accordance with this provision Tenttinxtior, Of work hevwnder shall be cffee;cd b% the dclwcrx OF the Seller of a "Notice of Termination" specifying the extent to which performance of wo:k under the order is terrrainaird and liC lane urnn which such tcnninatiat boron:rs aCfeaite Such right or temtination is tit addition to and nor in lieu of the rights o! 6u%er set forth in Cla:ac la. herein. 16 FORCE MAJECRE Neither pang shall be held responsible for losses- resulting ifthe fulfillment of any teens of pimisions of this contract is dela%ed of pre%emed b% any cause not within the control of the pang whose perfomtanac• is interfered with, and which by the exercise of ra_conablcddigcmce saiJ par,%is unable m prc,ew 17 ASSIGNMENT-DL•LEGATION No right or inter st in [his contract shall be assigzed or dcicgation of an, obligation made b% Seller without the written permission of the Buyer Any attempted assignment 01 dclegat tan b% Seller shall 1•C %%holly void and totally ineRun k v For all purpose unless made in confomhit% w iih this paragrtplt. IS IWAIVER No claim or right arcing not ofa breach orihi; contract can be discharged in whole or in pan by a wai%cr or renunciation of the claim or right unless the uaket oe renunciation is supported 1:, considn',mion and is in writin; signed b% the ag rig+cd party 19. INI'FRPRErAl ION -!PROLE I.VIDENC•L' This writing_ plus tin% spot&cations for bids and rerf,rmance provided b% Beyer in its ad%enisonuent for bids. and an% other documents prom ided b% Scllet as; part Or his bi& is intended by the parties as a final e%prvssion of their ;LgreenlCdl and intended also as a compluic and oclusi,c statement of the Ienns of their acrcemen[ Mlu•ne,cr . tern defined by hhe Vilift In Com:ncrcial Code is used in this acrecittant. the definition contained in the Code is to control 20- APPLICABLE LAW. This agreenten[ shall be gavcme;l be die L'nil:urn Commemi,d Code Wherce—ir the tent'Tnif+rrr. Commercial Code' is used, it shall be eo]stmed as meanie, the Uniform Commercial Code as neloplcd its tile• State or \'Drag its effective and act force oil [[to date of this agicenrc•tm 1_1 RIGlfl '1'0 ASSURAN('E 111unc%er one pang to this contract in good faith has reason to question the other pan%'s intent to purism he ntay demand th,t[ the other Party git e"rinen assurance of his intent to p rtonn. In the c,cm than a demand is tirade and no assu,ancc is ei,en within• inc (?1 days. the demanding pan% eta% neat this filLIN;Li an anticipator) n'pudi,uian of thu contract 22 INDEMNIFICA \'ION Seller shall indemnify, keep anJ says baronies; the B—cr, its aLcm,. officials, and empba es. against all injuries. deaths. loss. damages. claims, patent claims. suits. liabilities. judentaus, casts •End cxpenses, which Ella% in an.- iscaccrue against the Bmer in comoijuvncc of the granting of this Contract oI which may ar.%, is, resull Ihei ehom. whether mnot it shall be alleged or deicimiinod that the an u:ct caused through nag(igvive or nnui.+stun (,C the Sellui or is cniplo%ccs. tit of t!le subSeller or ;usignee or its crnplo,crs, if am. and the Seller shell. a; hit, own vvpcnsc. appear, defend and pay all charges of a:ome%s and A costs and other e\pen;cs arising d:crcfioni of incurred in connection thine%, ith. arid. if a:w judgntcnt shall be rendered neninst the Buys in an% such aclinn, the Seller sh.rhl, at its own etpenscs. sxn.sfy add disrhxrvC the s,tm Seller c,pn,sl•. umdeisimid, and agrees that an;, bond icyuiied b, this onlmrt. or oth—ea, pro,ided It, Sells. ;11,01 in It,- mud} truth the tesponmbdiv. to indemnih. keep anal sa%c hatnticcs and defend the BLE) CI as herein plot uW "f 1M E It is hereby cy!u:s.sli coned anal wulCI to%+d 111.11 acme 1> of the eeienee f+r the Pei AIrmann• of Ihu cnntrch. and f,ilure b•. co,m.et In meet the true srCcifeation, of this acte,ment ill cause,Selle, I,, be in default of this aerecment 2 1 MBI: 1 he City of Lu],N-ck hcrcb:, notifies all Itiddeis that in regard to an, cortraa entaeJ t nio pom, mi to Ilu> rc Its m, minorin and women Ltusines, enterprises %till Ix ,Lfklf&d etlual opton act: it iCs to submit bids uh response Io this urination and „ill not be discriminx,d against on the grounds of race. color. scy or natural origin in considctaimn for at; au ar.1 _: NUN-ARBITRA I ION 'Ihc ('it% reser•.c, lac right to c,crc,se :nr. r,yhl or rented% to it b% las. conlraa. equity. tit uthen,ise. including witftout Ionitul ton. the tight to seek an., and all f nits of relief it! a court of comir ,m jurisdiction Finiber. the (lp shall not Ie sub1acl to an,. arbnra[i:m process prior I,, e\ercisin_ itsunrestrieted tight to seek judicial rented% Thercmediesset loth herein are curoulmiveard rant exclusive and nu% bu c.crciscd concunenil, To de CCenI of an;. a,nftia I:cn%ec•n this piny isinn;mJ another provision in, or i latcd to. tlui, doCunt rill. this pto+Isinn shall conrol 20 RIGHT TO AUDI I. At an% tine dunnc Ili;: min. of the cornact, or thereafter. the Cin. or a dul, mtthorivc•J audit rcpr esottativc o(lhe Cn% or the State of Texas. a: its e%pcnsc and of rca,onahlc lungs. resrnes the right to audit C'ontrae;or's rcco:Js and books relemani to Al scnices pro%idcd to the Cit% under this Co ntmcl In lac Ciotti ,rdu an audit by the City n',CaL: nth.. errors or oerpaynkvnts b'. the City, C'untractoi shall rorund the Cm the Iidl aim,unt OFS-11 mvrpa%nums within thirty (10) d.,ys of such audit findings. or the City. at is option. rescoes the right w ded1lCL Surll airmmtsow in_ the City from an% payn,cuts due Contractor 27, HOPS L' BILL'(?15. 1Ix,,e Bill 29)1 J. signed b% the Go%ennrr on June la, 2013 mid cllcci i,C on Januap I. 201 1. aulhorizis a pcnalL'% to be imposed on a pct.sun %rho contracts for certain sun ices w ill, a en, emmental entire and who (arils to properly classiry their t oikcrs '1 his applies to suhcomic ors as well Contractors and subcontractors alto fail In proper!% classif indl iduals poComing work under a go% crtuTICInal contract will be penalized $200 For cacli indn ideal that has hccrt n,iscla.:cified (Tcx as Go%ernmrnt Code SCoion 2131•01)1) 25 ASSIGNING ORS!:BLI:IIINGTIIFCON 'rRACr.'1 lie Connaaorshall not ossiunorsube;the comr,Lct. or all,. portion of the ont:acl. without uriten consent how [he Director of Purchasing and Contract Management. Should consent be eken. the Contractor shall insure ilLc Subcoletractoror shall preside proof or, insurance Cram the Subcontractor than complies %%iih all contract Insurance requirements 29, HOUSE: BILL 1295 DISCLOSURE OF INTERES I ED I'Alt rums 1111usC Bill 129>, adopted b% the Slth Legislature, created %s"i_ 90S. roves Gmerunent Code. Section'__'i2905 requires a business cn[m entering into ccnain contracts with a e%nernmernal entity or stale acetic, to file with the governmental entity or state agvnq a citselosure of inter sled parties at [hC time tit, business cnuq submits the signed contma to the go%enimemal cnlil% or slate agency Ir.ffimcliams for completing Farm t295 arc available it E%np ,%u•a .Ci b:hack t, u. dep.utufetna!-v%et•.ilc� drpar;men;s-p•nrha.int tc_i :'..:-iaf+nr :: •,r, 30 CONTRACTOR AChN'Olt'LEDGES, b% supphbeg any Goods or Services that the Contractor has reed. fully understands. and will be in full compltanoo with all terms and conditions and the deseripti,c maicrial contained herein and any addninnal associated documents and Amendments The City disclaims any warts and conditions pro ided b% the Contractor unless agreed upon in "riling b, the panics In Cite went ofconflict between these tams and conditions and a n% feints and conditions pro%itied b% the Contractor. the terms and conditions provided herein shall pre•%ail The Icrim and conditions pro\ ided herein arc the final tens agreed upon b% the parties. and ally prior conllicturg terms shall be of no rurcC or effect. 31. P, accepting the purchase Order. [lie Vendor %•critics that it does not Bo%mat Israel, and agrees that during the Conn of this Agreement (Contract as applicable) will not Bacon I,racl as that Cann is defined in Texas Goer unit Cody Section SOS 001. is amended City of Lubbock, TX Superior Broom rM 19-14505-RR In complianoe with the Invitadoa to Hid 19.14505-RR, the undersigned Bidder having examined the Invitation to Bid and Specifications, and being familiar with the conditions to be rnet, hereby submits the following Bid for furnishing the material, equipment, labor and everything necessary for providing the items listed below and agrees to deliver said items at the locations and for the prices act forth on this form A bid will be subject to being considered irregular and may be rejected if it shows omissions, alterations of form, conditional alternate bids, additions or alternates in lieu of the items specified, ifthe unit prises are obviously unbalanced (either in excess of or below.reasonably expected values), or irregularities of any kind. The Invitation to Bid 19-14509-RR is by reference incorporated in this contract. The Bid Form must be completed in blue or black ink or by typewriter. Item Qty. Unit of Description **Delivery (+/-) Measure *Unit Price Extend (Days) ARO Price I 1 Each Superior Broom DT801 or Equivalent Per Spec - 4" 13 SG/ S^OD •• �G, ran, °' Y S 'S Model Year, Brand Name and Model Number; r, r ; ` OPTIONAL Unit Price Extended Price iEu'wc�'i.•�`/8xi'Fiamfy i � ".ter' ;'t-, *PRICE: F.O.B. Deoduadon, Freight Prue -Paid and Allowed •*ARO — After Recelpt of Order City of Lubbock reserves the right to reject any or all bids, reject any particular item on a quote, and to waive immaterial formalities. Unless otherwise spedfled herein, the City may award the bid either Item-by4fem or on an all -or -none basis for any item or group of items shown on the bid. PAYMENT TERMS AND DISCOUNTS -Bidder offers a prompt payment discount of ALA net 0 calendar days. Unless otherwise indicated on the Bid Form, payment terms will be NET THIRTY DAYS. The City will pay the successful bidder within thirty days after the receipt of a correct invaioe or after the date of acceptance, whichever event occurs later. Discounts for prompt payment requiring payment by the City within a stipulated number of days will be interpreted as applying within the stipulated number of cakadar days after the date of receipt by the City of correct invoice or after the date of acceptance that meets contract requirements, whichever event occurs later. Discounts for payment in less than ten days will not be considered. MOST FAVORED PRICING: The Bidder ceaiifies that the price quoted is riot in excess of the lowest price charged anyone else, including its most favored customer, for lWe quality and quantity of the products/aervices; does not include an element of profit on the sale in excess of that nonnally obtained by the Bidder on the sale of products/services of like quality and quantity and does not include any provision for discounts to selling agents. If at any time during the contract period, the supplier sbould sell or offer for sale to any other customer, an equal or leas quantity of similar contract products of like or better quality, at a lower not price(s) than provided beftK supplier agrees to notify the City and sell same product(s) at the lower price(s) on all deliveries made during the period in which such lower price(&) is effective. INCERLOCAL PURCHASING (opllonal): The City desires to make available to other local governmental entities of the State of Texas, by mutual agreement with the successful bidder, and properly authorized interlocal purchasing agreements as provided for by the interlocal Cooperation Act (Chapter 791, Government Code), the right to purchase the same services, at the prices quoted, for the period of this contract. Each bidder shall indicate on the Bid Form in the space provided below if he/she will honor Political Subdivision orders in addition to orders f tm the City of Lubbock Should these other governmental entities decide to participate in this contract, would you (the bidder) agree that all tens&, conditions, specifications, and pricing would apply? Other governmental entities that might have interests in " contract are Frenship Independent School District, Lubbock Housing Authority, Lubbock County, Lubbock County Hospital District, Lubbock Independent School District, South Plains A&soeiation of Governments, City of Texarkana, Terns Tech University, West Texas Municipal Power Ageney, Lynn County, and City of W rth. YENO • If you (the bidder) checked YES, the following will apply: • Governmental entities utilizing Ioterlocal Agreements for Cooperative Purchasing with the City of Lubbock will be eligible, but not obligated. to purobase materials/services under the contract(s) awarded as a result of this solicitation. All purchases by govermental entities other than the City of Lubbock will be billed directly to that governmental entity and paid by that governmental entity. City of Lubbock will not be responsible for another governmental entity's debts. Each governmental entity will order their own materials/service as needed. THIS BID IS SUBMITTED BYA-- [��. a,�r, rS/��J�ba corporation organized under the laws of the State of or a partnership consisting of or individual trading as Firm: J r a C G Address: City: A eA - Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: Addenda No. Date Addenda No. Date Addenda No. Date Addenda No. Date MNVBE Firm: of the City of State: Zip 77W y Woman Black American Native American Hispanic American Asian Pacific American Other (Specify) Any entity or person that manufactures, distributes, converts new motor vehicles (or represents an entity that manufactures, distributes, or converts new motor vehicles) or is in the business of buying, exchanging, or selling new motor vehicles is required under the Tex. Om. Code. Chapter 2301 to be licensed by Motor Vehicle Division of the Texas Department of Transportation. In order for a bid to be in compliance with the Motor Vehicle Commission Code, the bidder must hold and provide all applicable current valid licenses issued by the State of Texas: 1. Name and Manufacture's License No. 2. Name and Converter's License No. 3. Name and Representative's License No. 4. Name and Franchise Dealer's License No. General Distinguishing No. I yy�'9 I (Franchised TX dealer) gy nArP //r Am Representative - must sign by hand //7 Officer Name and Title: 14, ke Please Print /� Business Telephone Number ��ro G -Tyr fir FAX: iS o E-mail Address: FOR CITY USE ONLY Bid Form Item Number(s) Awarded to Above Named Finn/Individual: Date of Award by City Council (for bids over $50,000): Date P.OJContract Issued: RETURN COMPLETED & SIGNED BID FORM ALONG WITH CITY OF LUBBOCK SPECIFICATIONS. LABEL THE OUTSIDE OF YOUR SEALED BID WITH THE ITB NUMBER, THE CLOSING DATE AND TIME, AND YOUR COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS. REVISED CITY OF LUBBOCK MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS SUPERIOR BROOM DT80J OR EQUIVALENT SPEC-4613 SUPERIOR BROOM IT IS THE INTENT OF THIS SPECIFICATION, REFERENCED DOCUMENTS, REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS SECTIONS TO DESCRIBE MINIMUM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. THE VEHICLE OR PRODUCT MUST MEET OR EXCEED THE PERFORMANCE OR CONSTRUCTION DESCRIBED HEREIN. THE VENDOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO MARK COMPLIANCE OR NON-COMPLIANCE TO EACH ITEM DESCRIPTION IN THE SPACE PROVIDED. ALL EQUIPMENT FURNISHED AS STANDARD TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC ON THE PRODUCT BY THE MANUFACTURER SHALL BE INCLUDED, ENEN WHEN NOT SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED IN THIS SPECIFICATION. ANY DEVIATIONS FROM THE WRITTEN SPECIFICATION WITH DATE AS SHOWN IN THE INVITATION TO BID (ITB) SHALL BE NOTED ON THE ATTACHED EXCEPTIONS TO THE SPECIFICATION. IN ORDER TO RECEIVE FULL CONSIDERATION, ITB RESPONSE QUOTATION MUSTFOLLOW THIS SPECIFICATION AND THE INVITATION TO BID'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS. VENDOR NAME: e e G U ^ / of �t3'l�S G fD PHONE: �04/v % 9, NO. ITEM y� MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SELLER COMPLIANCE YES NO I . GENERAL Unless otherwise specified, all units shall be furnished complete with standard equipment and factory- installed accessories as listed by the manufacturer's printed literature 2. SWEEPING PATH 96" 3. WHEELS 15" X 6", 6 BOLT STEEL 4. TIRES 235/75R 15, RADIAL, LOAD RANGE C 5, POWER STEERING ORBITAL HYDRAULIC ti 6. SUSPENSION FIXED 7. ENGINE DIESEL POWERED 8. HORSEPOWER 74 HP @ 2,500 RPM 9. FUEL TANK CAPACITY 30 GALLONS 10, TR5ANSMISSION INFINITY VARIABLE HYDOSTATIC PUMP AND MOTOR DRIVING A DIFFERENTIAL REAR AXEL WITH 2 SPEED GEARBOX 11. TRAVEL SPEED LOW RANGE: 0-12 MPH, HIGH RANGE: 0-34 MPH 12. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM HYDRAULIC PUMP WITH 28 GPM AND 3,000 PSI OPERATING PRESSURE (% 13. FILTER 10 MICRON HIGH PRESSURE SUCTION FILTER 14, WATER SYSTEM 150 GALLONS 15, CAB A. 2 DOORS B. AIR CONDITIONING V, C. BLOCK HEATER v� NO. ITEM MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SELLER COMPLIANCE YES NO D. EMERGNECY BRAKE SAFETY SYSTEM o E. ENCLOSED CAB F. HEAT AND DEFROSTER 1% G. LIGHT GROUP V' H. SAFETY ENGINE SHUT DOWN ✓ I. SPARE TIRE 1/' y� J. STROBE LIGHT ✓ l K, SUSPENSION SEAT t L � L. TILT AND TELESCOPING STEERING ✓' M. TOW BAR ✓ N. WEST COAST MIRRORS ✓ OPTIONS: lb EXTENDED WARRANTY EXTENDED WARRANTY s`/ SOOD BUILD DATES BUILD DATE: f«c,P GENERAL REQUIREMENT AND INFORMATION BIDDER SHALL SUBMIT WITH EACH BID, CURRENT PRINTED LITERATURE AND SPECIFICATION SHEETS ON THE UNIT OFFERED IN THE RESPONSE TO SOLICITATION. EXCEPTIONS TO THE SPECIFICATIONS OF ANY ITEMS STATED HEREIN SHALL BE FULLY DESCRIBED IN WRITING BY THE BIDDING VENDOR IN THE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW, LIST ITEMS BY ITEM NUMBERS. CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 3.295 loll Complete Nos. I - 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING Certificate Number: 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. 2019-456104 BEE EQUIPMENT SALES, LTD LUBBOCK, TX United States Date Filed: 02122/2019 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is being filed. CITY OF LUBBOCK Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. 31043813 CONTRACT NUMBER OR PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER TO BE AWARDED TITLE OF SOLICITATION OR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. X 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is F...-V� �tL,n ( and my date of birth is _ =�_,- st address is a6O 1ftiL n H L. l� J (street) (city) (stale) (zlp code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. n L Executed in Lu 10 k) (1 � County, State of ( ley. —on the nday of 1'e.1J. .20 (month) (year) e,� VICKEY FORD ' �� Notary Public, State of Texas I 'a'• a" Comm. Expires 04-21-2022 {• ''nr°;` Notary ID 11294299 Sig(it ture of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.28ab6150