HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2017-R0288 - Change Order With Utility Contractors Of America - 08_24_2017Resolution No. 2017-RO288 Item No. 6.12 August 24, 2017 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Change Order No. 1 to that certain Contract No. 12670 by and between the City of Lubbock and Utility Contractors of America, Inc. for the pump station 16 and ground storage tank, and related documents. Said Change Order No. 1 is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council on ATTEST: Reb ta Garza, City Secreta AS TO CONTENT: August 24, 2017 DANIEL M. POPE, MAYOR Wq'od Fran)flin, P.E., Director of Public Works APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ke li Leisure, Assistant City Attorney RES.ChgOrd# 1.Contract 12670-UtilityContractorsofAmerica 07.25.17 City of Lubbock Purchasing and Contract Management Change Order Contract No: 12670 Contractor: Utility Contractors of America Change Order No. t Contract Title: Pump Station 16 and ground Storage Tank BID/RFP No.16-1267a-TF Project Number: 92255 1. "Change Order" means a written order to a Contractor executed by the Owner in accordance with the contract authorizing an addition to, deletion from, or adjustment or revision of the requirements of the contract documents, or an adjustment to the compensation payable to Contractor, or to the time for performance of the contract and completion of the Project, or a combination thereof, which does not alter the nature of the thing to be constructed and is an integral part of the project objective. Adjustments to "Estimated Quantities" to a line item in a Unit Price contract do not require a Change Order. All work that alters the nature of the thine to be constructed or that is not an integral part of the project objective must be let out for public bid. Description of change (alteration, deviation, addition, or deletion) caused by conditions encountered during construction not covered by the specifications and drawings of the project (attach additional pages ifnecessary): Delete the 42-inch valve near pump station 7. Delete the HVAC safety switch. Revise sizing of electrical transformers. Delete one electric manhole. Modify the piping in flow control valve vault in 29th Drive to remove the PVC pipe and replace with steel pipe. Modify the 24-inch piping at the tie-in at pump station 7. Replace the existing 30-inch valve in slide road with a new 30-inch butterfly valve and perform the associated street repairs. Modifications to building exterior coating system by deleting the form liner, colored concrete and sand blasting and replacing with textured colored coating. Add 60 days to the contract for additional work described above. 2. Where the Change Order is negotiated, the Change Order must be fully documented and itemized as to costs, including material quantities, material costs, taxes, insurance, employee benefits, other related costs, profit and overhead. Where certain unit prices are contained in the initial contract, no deviations are allowed in computing negotiated change order costs. ITEMIZED COSTS MUST BE FULLY DOCUMENTED AND ATTACHED TO THIS FORM. ITEM DESCRIPTION A. ORIGINAL CONTRACT VALUE: B. AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: Council approval required if over $25, 000 COST CENTER: 6211 ACCOUNT: 92255.9241.30000 C. PERCENT OF CONTRACT VALUE THIS CHANGE ORDER (B/A): D. AMOUNT OF PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: E. TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (B+D): F. PERCENT OF CONTRACT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (E/A): 25Y. increase or decrease AMOUNT $ 17,075,000.00 $ 114,011.30 0.65 $ 0.00 $ 114,011.39 0.65 G. NEW CONTRACT AMOUNT (A+E): $17,789,011.39 3. It is mutually agreed that the above dollar amount and the time extension, as applicable, as set forth in this Change Order constitutes full compensation to the Contractor for all costs, expenses and damages to the Contractor, whether direct, consequential or otherwise, in anyway incident to, or arising out of or resulting directly or indirectly; from the work performed or modified by the Contractor under this Change Order. This Change Order is not valid without the followine signatures (please sign in order and return 3 oripinais with Contract Cover Sheet to L'urchasing and C Wract Management Department): (1)�RACTOR Date (2) PROJECT ARCHITECT/ENGINEER Date Approved as to ontent: �l OWNE R ESENTATIVE Date n�g�c I tl (5) CAPI AL PROJECTS MANAGER Date (6) PU CONTRACT MANAGER Date --17 1 0 2011 Change Orders over $25,000 require a Contract Cover Sheet and the follow g signes: CITY F LUBBO K ATI' S 1 8/24/2017 A>e8/24/2017 (7) MAYOR Date (8) CITY ECRETARY Date Council Date: August 24, 2017 Agenda Item 11: v� ! Resolution ft PLJR-45 (Rev 12/2012) City of Lubbock Purchasing and Contract Management Change Order PUR-45 (Rev 12/2012) FREESE ENOWNICHOLS CHANGE ORDER (4.43) JJECT: Pump Station 16 and Ground Storage Tank ✓NER: City of Lubbock OWNER PROJ # 92255 NTRACTOR: Utility Contractors of America CONTRACTOR # GINEER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. ENG. PROD. # LUB16233 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 CHANGE ORDER DATE: 7/20/2017 Make following additions/deletions or modifications to work described in the Contract Documents: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description of Change PCM 001- 42-inch valve removal and electrical modifications PCM 002 - Flow Vault Modifications PCM 003 -Tie-in Piping modifications PCM 004 - Hydrostop, 30-inch valve replacement, and associated asphalt pavement repairs PCM 005 - Modifications to building exterior coatings Cost -$66,620.50 $8,598.09 $19,807.80 $166,900.00 -$14,674.00 TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: $114,011.39 The compensation agreed to upon in this change order is full, complete and final payment for all costs the Contractor may incur as a result of or related to this change whether said costs are known, unknown, foreseen or unforeseen at this time, including without limitation, any cost far delay, extended overhead, ripple or Impact cost, or any other affect on changed or unchanged work as a result of this Change Order. Contract Cost and/or Time Impacts: Original Contract Amount $17,675,000.00 Previously Approved Change Order Amount $0.00 Adjusted Contract Amount $17,675,000.00 Proposed Change Order Amount (this change order) $114,011.39 Revised Contract Amount $17,789,011.39 Previous substantial Completion Contract Time 460 Previous Final Completion Contract Time 510 Previous Substantial Completion Date 2-Aug-17 Previous Final Completion Date 21-Sep-17 Net Change in Contract Time 60 Revised Contract Time 570 Revised Substantial Completion Date 1-Oct-17 Revised Final Completion Date 20-Nov-17 Recommended by: FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC. By �L)!; Add jh tA- , 7/20/2017 lQic o as Lester Date roved by: UCA By �-Z �zt ae roved by: City of Lubbock By Date rM Freese and Nichols SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL (4. Pump Station #16 & Storage Tank PROJECT: Contract 12670/RFP 1 6-12670-TF PROJECT NUMBER: OWNER: City of Lubbock 92255 CONTRACTOR: Utility Contractors of America, Inc. (UCA) ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: Freese & Nichols, Inc. REFERENCE DATA: Contractor's Submittal No. 090.3 Specification Section: Various Plan Sheet No.: C-18, C-49, E-4, E-6, E-8, E-19, and E-19 Description: PCM 01-removal of proposed 42" YP6-BFV1 CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: / hereby certify that this submittal has been reviewed by the Contractor and is in strict conformance with the Contract Documents as modified by Addenda, Change Orders and Field Orders. CERTIFIED BY: Jonathan Ziegner, P.E. DATE: 11/09/2016 TYPE # DESCRIPTION #SENT #RET'D STATUS CMR Contractor's Modification Request ❑ Approved ❑ Approved As Noted ❑ Not Approved ❑ Revise & Resubmit ❑ Filed As Received ❑ Final Distribution ❑ Change Order Issued ❑ Field Order Issued ❑ Recommended For Approval ❑ Returned W/O Review ❑ Add'I Information Required ❑ Cancelled See Review Comments ❑ Pending Change Order CTR Certified Test Report EIR Equipment Installation Report O&M Operation & Maintenance Manual NBC Notification By Contractor PCM Proposed Contract Modification 1 1 PR Payment Request PP Project Photographs RD Record Data RFI Request For Information SAM Sample SCH Schedule Of Progress SD Shop Drawing FOR ARCHITECT / ENGINEER'S USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED BY DATE RETURNED BY COMMENTS: DISTRIBUTION REVIEW NO. SENT TO. NO. SENT TO. DEPT. BY DATE SENT DATE RET=D P:\Job 16-990 - Pump Station 16 & Storage Tank\Submittals\SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL.doc PCM 001 - Removal of 4T' YP6-BVF7 Labor I Be" Rat d IT W. Coat I Qugale CorTimat a I �oYttanr I OwrTenalXaun I COSTEO I EQUIPMENT COST Total $ (6,262.00) MATERIALS VENDOR DlueAption QUANTITY UnN UnXCost 1.otl NOTES Reynolds DBdunt HVAC Safety Switch 2 LUMP SUM -1,494.00 -2,988.00 R Ift Change EqulpmeM to 50katc 1 LUMP SUM -25.011.00 -25.011.00 Reywids Adder to upatra to TSKVA banefermel 1 LUMP SUM 663.00 663.00 Adder ReynoMs Adder to upsim MCB to 225 amp 1 LUMP SUM 50.00 50.00 Adder aught Canuate Electrical Manhole 2 LUMP SUM -5690 -11380 crate C.—te Bloddng 1 LUMP SUM -75 -75 Total -38,741.00 VENDOR Deaerlptlon QUANTITY UNIT COST Total NOTES Ferguson 42 FLG SFV WGeer 82' Nut 1 S (8,TT5.00) S (8,T75.00) Ferguson 42 STL FRE O O-L Coupling 1 S (2,000.00) $ (2,000.00) Ferguson 42CS SO PLT FLG 2 $ (1,05000) $ (2,100.00) Ferguson Wax Tape 7 S (8500) S (85,00) Ferguson VaWe Box 1 S (149.50) $ (149.50) Ferguson BoB Set 3 S (800.00) S (2,400.00) SUMMARY Summary Total$ NOTES This Pnpowd PCM will not haw any coosbuci-lens rotated chmges Dead Cost of Adder S 713.00 Dkect Cost of Labor S (6,282 00) Dwcl Cost of Equipment S (6,801 00) Dkec1 Cost of Material (UCA) E (15,509.50) DiRcl Cost of Sub—fta-, S (38.74700) Total Time and Matd la Cost S (6020.50) 4055 International Plaza, Suite 200 • Fort Worth, Texas 76109 • 817-735-7300 • fax 817-735-7491 PROJECT: Pump Station 16 and Storage Tank PROJECT NO.: LUB1623 OWNER: City of Lubbock CONTRACTOR: Utility Contractors of America, Inc. ENGINEER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. DESCRIPTION: Flow Control Vault Modifications PCM NO.: 002 NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: The Owner proposes to make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment "A". We request that you take the following action within 10 calendar days: rl Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. rl Submit a Price/Credit Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment and all other costs related to this change. Impacts on Contract Time shall be shown in a revised schedule, included with the submitted proposal. rl Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the unit price bid. rl Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Authorization to proceed with changes must be approved by the Owner through Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. BY:NCL CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSE: We respond to your request as follows: DATE:1 rl We propose that this is a no cost or time change. Issue Field Order. rl We submit the attached Price/Credit Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and revised schedule for performing the described change. rl We are proceeding with the change at the unit price bid. rl We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. BY: DATE: ACTION TAKEN: 171 Proposed Contract Modification rejected. See comments. rl Field Order will be issued. rl Change Order will be issued. BY: DATE: ATTACHMENT A The Owner proposes to make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the Contract Documents. Authorization to proceed with these changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents, prior to commencing the work involved. Submit a price to replace the existing 2" piping in the flow vault feeding the flow control valves. 1. Replace the existing 2-inch schedule 80 PVC pipe with 2-inch threaded, coated steel pipe. 2. Install one 2-inch RPZ valve and two 2-inch check valves. 3. Install a new 110-volt sump pump (Minimum 100gpm) with float to be connected to the outlet adjacent to sump hole. 4. Install a new 2-inch Schedule 80 PVC sump discharge pipe across 29' drive ending it on the Pump Station 16 site adjacent to the existing SCADA installation. 5. Install Three 6-inch SDR 35 PVC pipes from the existing SCADA site to the flow vaults. One to each vault (Flow Meter Vault and Flow Control Vault) to be utilized as a return air tube and One interconnecting the 2 vaults to be utilized as a vent, install a wind turbine on each pipe above the ground on the SCADA site. NOTE - The road repair associated with this is in the existing contract for Pumps Station 16. NCL DATE: 12 9 16 2" By-pass in existing vault Total Lobar I Be. Rate ITTotal ,Cats) Total ONE„fin• I RT:. I Total Owr TinislHoun I IXCOSTED I EQUIPMENT COST Hours Total f 3,870.00 MATERUU.S VENDOR Dacripgon QUANTITY Unit Unit Coal Total NOTES O'lool Backlbw Weir gap and 2' presaue pipe (Steel) 1 LUMP SUM 2.029.30 2.029.30 01o01 Becklrow w/air gap and 2'pm-p,po(PVC) .... Allamala 011001 Sump prmp and discharge piping 1 LUMP SUM 1.020.86 1,020.86 O'10o1 Vent Pipe and cap 1 LUMP SUM 566.44 556.44 W"c ToW 3,606.60 Pipe Total ........ Pipe VENDOR Description QUANTITY UNIT COST Total NOTES Total S SUMMARY Summary Total. NOTES Tlas is based on 30 hours lotaf time Dimct Cat of Latlor f 3,870.00 Direct Coelaf Matenel(UCA) f 3,606.60 Tat.ITirno and Materiels Cal f 7,478.60 Toblr1115% f 5,598.09 Sales Quote ERSKINE & AVE. Q (806) 762-1822 FAX (806) 762-1452 (800) 333-1197 Bill To: Jonathan Utility Contractors of America, Inc 5805 CR 7700 Lubbock Texas 79424 Date Quantity M Customer Number PLASTIC PIPE, INC. 210030 Distributors of Quality Products Sales Quote No. P.O. Box 1917 161701 Lubbock, TX 79408 Ship To: backflow and sump pump salesperson Order Date 5 11 /29/2016 U/M Description / Stock Number 1.00 I EA 1.00 I EA 60.00 FT 7.00 EA 2.00 EA 1.00 EA 3.00 EA 10.00 FT 2.00 EA 1.00 EA 1.00 EA 10.00 20.00 4.00 40.00 1.00 3.00 EA FT EA FT EA EA Purchase Order No. Special Instructions Code Unit Price Amount backflow with air gap and 2" pressure piping and drain pipe SKU[55-860-2"] 2" LF-RPZ Backflow FEBCO 0011 $775.00 $775.00 Air gap 0001 $45.00 $45.00 SKU[40-2" BLACK 80] 2" Black SMLS Sch.80 Pipe 0011 $7.64 $458.40 21' SKU[68-B808-020] 2" 90* Elbow Threaded 3M FS 0011 $26.05 $182.35 SKU[68-B839-247] 2" x 1/2" Red. Bushing FS 3M 0011 $11.07 $22.14 SKU[68-B805-020] 2" Tee Threaded 3M CS Blk 0011 $45.22 $45.22 SKU[68-B898-020] 2" Union Threaded Blk F/S 0011 $47.40 $142.20 SKU[40-1/2" BLACK 80] 1/2 Black SMLS Sch.80 0011 $1.22 $12.20 SKU[68-B898-005] 1/2" Union Threaded Blk F/S 0011 $11.55 $23.10 SKU[31-897-020] 2" Union Slip Sch.80 0011 $23.76 $23.76 SKU[31-836-020] 2" Male Adapter Sch.80 0011 $12.27 $12.27 SKU[94-703-020] 2" Strut Clamp 0011 $4.77 $47.70 SKU[94-703-158] 1-5/8" Strut 0011 $6.60 $132.00 SKU [94-703-005] 1/2" Strut Clamp 0011 $2.37 $9.48 SKU[40-2" SCH.80] 2" Sch.80 PVC P.E. (20') 0011 $1.82 $72.80 SKU[31-836-020] 2" Male Adapter Sch.80 0011 $12.27 $12.27 SKU[31-806-020] 2" 90* Slip Elbow Sch.80 0011 $4.47 $13.41 sump pump and discharge piping 1.00 EA FL51A-3 115v pump 1.00 EA SKU[31-836-015] 1-1/2" Male Adapter Sch.80 80.00 FT SKU[40-1 1/2" SCH.80] 1-1/2" Sch.80 PVC P.E. (20') 42.00 FT SKU[40-4" SDR-35] 4" SDR-35 Gasketed Pipe �' vent pipe and cap $2,029.30 0001 $875.00 $875.00 0011 $8.52 $8.52 0011 $1.26 $100.80 0011 $0.87 $36.54 $1,020.86 Sales Quote ERSKINE & AVE. Q (806) 762-1822 FAX (806) 762-1452 (800) 333-1197 Bill To: Jonathan Utility Contractors of America, Inc 5805 CR 7700 Lubbock Texas 79424 dttco Customer Number PLASTIC PIPE, INC. 210030 Distributors of Quality Products Sales Quote No. P.O. Box 1917 161701 Lubbock, TX 79408 Ship To: backflow and sump pump Date Salesperson Order Date Purchase Order No. Special Instructions 5 1 11 /29/2016 Quantity U/M Description / Stock Number Code Unit Price Amount 60.00 FT SKU[40-4" SCH.80] 4" Sch.80 PVC P.E. (20') 0011 $5.16 $309.60 3.00 EA SKU[31-806-040] 4" 90* Slip Elbow Sch.80 0011 $17.88 $53.64 1.00 EA SKU[61-71 1 -QUART] 711 Quart Gray Cement 0011 $36.10 $36.10 1.00 EA SKU[61-P-70-QUART] P-70 Clear Quart Primer 0011 $32.10 $32.10 1.00 EA 4" vent cap 0001 $125.00 $125.00 $556.44 alternate pvc pipe with backflow 1.00 EA SKU[55-860-2"] 2" LF-RPZ Backflow FEBCO 0011 $775.00 $775.00 1.00 EA Air gap 0001 $45.00 $45.00 100.00 FT SKU[40-2" SCH.80] 2" Sch.80 PVC P.E. (20') 0011 $3.75 $375.00 7.00 EA SKU[31-808-020] 2" 90* TxT Elbow Sch.80 0011 $7.44 $52.08 2.00 EA SKU[31-839-247] 2" x 1/2" TxT RB Sch.80 0011 $7.71 $15.42 1.00 EA SKU[31-805-020] 2" Threaded Tee Sch.80 0011 $13.86 $13.86 3.00 EA SKU[31-898-020] 2" Threaded Union Sch.80 0011 $42.15 $126.45 10.00 FT SKU[40-1/2" SCH.80] 1/2" Sch.80 PVC P.E. (20') 0011 $0.52 $5.20 2.00 EA SKU[31-898-005] 1/2" Threaded Union Sch.80 0011 $6.00 $12.00 1.00 EA SKU[31-897-020] 2" Union Slip Sch.80 0011 $23.76 $23.76 3.00 EA SKU[33-887-240] 2" x 24" PVC Sch80 Nipples 0011 $19.80 $59.40 2.00 EA SKU[33-887-180] 2" x 18" PVC Sch80 Nipples 0011 $17.70 $35.40 3.00 EA SKU[33-887-120] 2" x 12" PVC Sch80 Nipples 0011 $5.97 $17.91 2.00 EA SKU[31-836-020] 2" Male Adapter Sch.80 0011 $12.27 $24.54 3.00 EA SKU[31-806-020] 2" 90* Slip Elbow Sch.80 0011 $4.47 $13.41 10.00 EA SKU[94-703-020] 2" Strut Clamp 0011 $4.77 $47.70 20.00 FT SKU[94-703-158] 1-5/8" Strut 0011 $6.60 $132.00 4.00 EA SKU [94-703-005] 1/2" Strut Clamp 0011 $2.37 $9.48 I $1,783.61 All pipe sales are final. Al accounts due and payable al Order subject to approval of our our office in Lubbock, Luhhoc County, Texas. Loss or damage in transit at purchasers risk home office. Shlpments subl'ecl to delays, due to strikes, accidents, transportation companies Sales Quote Subtotal $5,390.21 and other conditions beyond our control. Prices subject to change without notice. Al warranties expressed or implied are subject to manufacturers polices and credits. OTool Plastic Pipe Inc. [OTooq is a pipe, valve and fitting distributor. We buy from manufacturers to supply products to our customers. O'Tool does not manufacture or engmeer anyy products and does not advise our customers of any product's capacity 8.2CJQ% TeX or uses. Al warranty comes from the manufacturers. OTool does not warrant its products or accept legal responsibility for the use or misusea o, any product It sell a. Freight Charges Payment/Terms: THANK YOU 2% 10 Net 10 Due by 12/12/2016 Sales Quote Total $5,390.21 w. r NEW. 112 hp 314 hp Submersible Effluent Pumps 314"Solids Handling 1-112" or 2" Discharge 0eatures: • Semi -open impellers permit passage i of solids without clogging • Heavy cast iron construction • Stainless steel fasteners • 416 stainless steel rotor shaft • Permanently lubricated upper and lower ball bearings • Oil -filled hermetically sealed motors with thermal overload protection _ • Unitized carbon and ceramic shaft seal ear�Ula�ranty' • Dual -sized discharge flange: 1-1/2: or 2" • Quick -disconnect power cord in 10' standard length (25' and 35' optional lengths available on some models) � 14 UUM I t UU "em 4055 International Plaza, Suite 200 • Fort Worth, Texas 76109 • 817-735-7300 • fax 817-735-7491 PROJECT: Pump Station 16 and Storage Tank PROJECT NO.: LUB1623 OWNER: City of Lubbock CONTRACTOR: Utility Contractors of America, Inc. ENGINEER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. DESCRIPTION: Valve Installation PCM NO.: 003 NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: The Owner proposes to make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment "A". We request that you take the following action within 10 calendar days: Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. rl Submit a Price/Credit Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment and all other costs related to this change. Impacts on Contract Time shall be shown in a revised schedule, included with the submitted proposal. rl Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the unit price bid. rl Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Authorization to proceed with changes must be approved by the Owner through Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. BY: N CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSE: We respond to your request as follows: DATE: rl We propose that this is a no cost or time change. Issue Field Order. rl We submit the attached Price/Credit Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and revised schedule for performing the described change, rl We are proceeding with the change at the unit price bid. rl We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. BY: ACTION TAKEN: rl Proposed Contract Modification rejected. See comments. rl Field Order will be issued. rl Change Order will be issued. BY: DA DATE: ATTACHMENT A The Owner proposes to make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the Contract Documents. Authorization to proceed with these changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents, prior to commencing the work involved. Perform the following modifications: 1. Remove the existing 20" gate valve and replace with a 24" Butterfly Valve with flanged adapter spool pieces at PS 16 — YP7 Station 0+00. 2. Plug line at 18" outlet station 0+00, plug 24" line just east of 18" outlet feeding the Grace Clinic Line. Drawing attached. Nick Lester DATE: 06/0712017 No Text PCM 003 - 24" BFV and Spool Pieces for New Tle-in at Pump Station 7, Plugging and Demo of existing water line at Pump Station 7 labor I Base te ITYn�Co<tal 01C • I To nr I01er TenalHoun I IXCOST I EQUIPMENT COST Tole) $ 5,451.00 MATERIALS VENDOR OueApUon QUANTITY Unit Unit Cost Total NOTES Gravel Gravel for d.mo of Ewing vault 10 Cubic Yards Cubic Yard $21.00 $210.00 Total S210.00 VENDOR Description QUANTITY 'UNIT COST Total NOTES Tate - SUMMITRY Srmmary Totals NOTES This Pmposed PCM win have an additional Umof 49 days added This PCM is fm the mef associated wifh pluggingodemo of oosting wafe/fines, velvet, and naue. associated with PS 7 No costa have been added fornew 24'RFV,Spoof Precea, and labor for the fle4n at PS Direct Cost of Labor S 8,481.80 Dirac Coat of Equipment S 11,116.00 Direct Cost of Material (UCA) $ 210.00 Total Ten. and Material. Coat S 19.007.1110 4055 International Plaza, Suite 200 • Fort Worth, Texas 76109 • 817-735-7300 • fax 817-735-7491 PROJECT: Pump Station 16 and Storage Tank PROJECT NO.: LUB16233 OWNER: City of Lubbock CONTRACTOR: Utility Contractors of America, Inc. ENGINEER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. DESCRIPTION: Valve Replacement PCM NO.: 004 NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: The Owner proposes to make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment "A". We request that you take the following action within 10 calendar days: r"I Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. rl Submit a Price/Credit Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment and all other costs related to this change. Impacts on Contract Time shall be shown in a revised schedule, included with the submitted proposal. rl Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the unit price bid. rl Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Authorization to proceed with changes must be approved by the Owner through Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. BY: NICK LESTER DATE: 05/31/2017 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSE: We respond to your request as follows: r"I We propose that this is a no cost or time change. Issue Field Order. rl We submit the attached Price/Credit Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and revised schedule for performing the described change. rl We are proceeding with the change at the unit price bid. r"I We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. BY: ACTION TAKEN: r"I Proposed Contract Modification rejected. See comments. r"I Field Order will be issued. r"I Change Order will be issued. BY: DATE: DATI', 4055 International Plaza, Suite 200 • Fort Worth, Texas 76109 • 817-735-7300 • fax 817-735-7491 PROJECT: Pump Station 16 and Storage Tank PROJECT NO.: LUB16233 OWNER: City of Lubbock CONTRACTOR: Utility Contractors of America, Inc. ENGINEER: Freese and Nichols, Inc. DESCRIPTION: Valve Replacement PCM NO.: 005 NOTIFICATION TO CONTRACTOR: The Owner proposes to make the additions, modifications or deletions to the Work described in the Contract Documents as shown in Attachment "A". We request that you take the following action within 10 calendar days: rl Notify us that you concur that this change does not require a change in Contract time or amount. A Field Order will be issued. rl Submit a Price/Credit Proposal with detailed cost breakdown of labor, materials, equipment and all other costs related to this change. Impacts on Contract Time shall be shown in a revised schedule, included with the submitted proposal. rl Proceed with the change. Payment will be made at the unit price bid. rl Proceed with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. Authorization to proceed with changes must be approved by the Owner through Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents. BY: NICK LESTER DATE: 05131/2017 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSE: We respond to your request as follows: rl We propose that this is a no cost or time change. Issue Field Order. rl We submit the attached Price/Credit Proposal with detailed cost breakdown and revised schedule for performing the described change. rl We are proceeding with the change at the unit price bid. rl We are proceeding with the change under the time and materials provisions of the Contract. BY: DATE: ACTION TAKEN: rl Proposed Contract Modification rejected. See comments. rl Field Order will be issued. rl Change Order will be issued. BY: DATE: ATTACHMENT A The Owner proposes to make the following additions, modifications or deletions to the work described in the Contract Documents. Authorization to proceed with these changes must be approved by Field Order or Change Order in accordance with the Contract Documents, prior to commencing the work involved. Submit a price/credit as follows. 1. Delete the form liner. 2. Delete the colored concrete. 3. Delete the sand blasting. 4. Install textured coating as chosen from the mock up panel. BY: Nick Lester DATE:05/31/2017 rM Freese and Nichols SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL (4 Pump Station #16 & Storagge Tank PROJECT: Contract 12670/RFP16-12670-TF PROJECT NUMBER: OWNER: City of Lubbock 92255 CONTRACTOR: Utility Contractors of America, Inc. (UCA) ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: Freese & Nichols, Inc. REFERENCE DATA: Contractor's Submittal No. 0134 Specification Section: Various Plan Sheet No.:_ Description: Textured Painted Tilt Walls CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this submittal has been reviewed by the Contractor and is in strict conformance with the Contract Documents as modified by Addenda, Change Orders and Field Orders. CERTIFIED BY: Jonathan Ziegner, P.E. DATE: 06/23/2017 TYPE # DESCRIPTION #SENT #RET'D STATUS CMR Contractor's Modification Request ❑ Approved ❑ Approved As Noted ❑ Not Approved ❑ Revise & Resubmit ❑ Filed As Received ❑ Final Distribution ❑ Change Order Issued ❑ Field Order Issued ❑ Recommended For Approval ❑ Returned W/O Review ❑ Add'I Information Required ❑ Cancelled F1 See Review Comments ❑ Pending Change Order CTR Certified Test Report EIR Equipment Installation Report O&M Operation & Maintenance Manual NBC Notification By Contractor PCM Proposed Contract Modification 1 1 PR Payment Request PP Project Photographs RD Record Data RFI Request For Information SAM Sample SCH Schedule Of Progress SD Shop Drawing FOR ARCHITECT / ENGINEER'S USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED BY DATE RETURNED BY COMMENTS: DISTRIBUTION REVIEW NO. SENT TO. NO. SENT TO. DEPT, BY DATE SENT DATE RET=D P:\Job 16-990 - Pump Station 16 & Storage Tank\Submittals\SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL.doc PCM 005 - Tilt Wall Textured Painting Total Labof I E.-Rat. ITI qut r I Cmr Th a I RN �nulsr I O.af Tim•INeun I �COS7E0 I EQUIPMENT COST Total S MATERIALS D.serlptlon QUANTITY Unit Unit Coat Total NOTES VENDOR Total 0.00 SUB Dasertptlon QUANTITY UNrICOST Total NOTES .inert Calorad Canaete 32D $ 50.00 $ (16,000.DD) ainert Sandbiasbing Panels 3600 $ 1.38 $ (5,004.00) einert Fonn Lfrr 7250 $ 3.00 $ (21.75000) einert ..tore C..WV 10600 $ 2.60 $ 28,080.00 Total 04,674,00) SUMMARY Summ.ry T.W. NOTES That Pmpcsed PC6M r iS not have any conshudiontime relate. changes Direct Cost of Adder Direct Coal of Labor S Dmct Cost of Equipment S - D'uect Cost of Material (UCA) Direct Coat of Subcontractor $ (14,674.00) Total Ti.. ..,I M.ted 1. Cost $ (14,674.00) CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos. 1- 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING Certificate Number: 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. 2017-248278 Utility Contractors of America, Inc. Lubbock, TX United States Date Filed: 08/10/2017 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is being filed. City of Lubbock Date Acknowledged: 08/14/2017 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. the contract, and provide a 12670 Pump Station 16 - Change Order 1 4 Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) Nature of interest (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary Ziegner, Jonathan Lubbock, TX United States X Lane, Ty Lubbock, TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the above disclosure is true and correct. Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP / SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me, by the said this the day of 20 , to certify which, witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.883 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 lotl Complete Nos. 1- 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING Certificate Number: 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. 2017-248278 Utility Contractors of America, Inc. Lubbock, TX United States Date Filed: 08/1012017 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is being filed. City of Lubbock Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. 12670 Pump Station 16 - Change Order 1 Nature of interest 4 Name of Interested Parry City, State, Country (place of business) (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary Ziegner, Jonathan Lubbock, TX United States X Lane, Ty Lubbock, TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear, or affjrr�u der penalty of perjury, that the above disclosure is true and correct. °•�Y.U,,, TAMMYVANBUREN Notary Public, State of Texas % J ID# 12506869.2 hA Myy Commission Expires i 1 September 27, 2020 '5(iJgnat&e of authorized agen f contracting business entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP I SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and su . ore -me— Ty Lane this the 1 nth day of August 20 17 to cc wh h, witness my hand and seal of office. _ Tamm VanBuren Signature of o administering o Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.883