HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2010-R0365 - Unit Price Contract For Water_Sanitary Improvements - Deerwood Constructiona - 08_12_2010Resolution No. 2010—RO365 August 12, 2010 Item No. 5.22 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Unit Price Contract No. 9591 for municipal water and sanitary improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter, per ITB 10- 097-FO, by and between the City of Lubbock and Deerwood Construction, Inc., and related documents. Said Contract is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council on August 12, 2010 TOM MARTIN, MAYOR ATTEST: Rebec a Garza, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: A 4 J //'I Marsha Reed, P.E., Chief Operations Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: Chad Weaver, Assistant City Attorney vw:ccdocs;`RES.Contract-Deerwood Construction, Inc. July 29, 2010 n,. zOIo-i0365 BOND CHECK BEST RATING LICENSED IN TEXAS DATE BY: CONTRACT AWARD DATE CITY OF LUBBOCK SPECIFICATIONS FOR Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter ITB 10-097-FO CONTRACT 9591 PROJECT NUMBER: 92223 & 92224 Plans & Specifications may be obtained from THE REPRODUCTION COMPANY www.thereproductioncompany.com of lubbock' CONTRACT PREPARED BY: PURCHASING AND CONTRACT MANAGEMENT OFFICE ITB # 10-097-FO, Addendum 81 City of Lubbock PURCHASING & CONTRACT MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT ROOM 204, MUNICIPAL BUILDING 1625 13T11 STREET LUBBOCK, TEXAS 7§401 PH: (806) 775-2167 FAX: (806) 775-2164 http://purchasing.ci.lubbock.tx.us DATE ISSUED: CLOSE DATE: ADDENDUM #1 ITB #10-097-FO Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter June 3, 2010 June 15, 2010 @ 2:00 P.M. The following items take precedence over specifications for the above named Invitation to Bid. Where any item called for in the ITB documents is supplemented here, the original requirements, not affected by this addendum, shall remain in effect. Bidders attention is invite to review the following: 1. Plans for Municipal Water Distribution Plan (Sheet W-1) have been updated. • Strike the first sentence under the General Notes on Sheet W-1 of the Plans: "All wet -ties to existing water lines will be performed by the City of Lubbock. Contractor is responsible for coordinating work with the City of Lubbock" • Replace with the following sentence: "All wet -ties to existing water lines shall be performed by the contractor under director supervision of City of Lubbock Inspection Staff. Contractor shall notify the City of Lubbock Water Engineering Department prior to performing any wet -tie for inspection of work performed." 2. Bidders must submit the "REVISED" BID SUBMITTAL FORM. 3. General Instructions to Bidders, Section 32.1 have been revised. 32 BID AWARD 32.1 The City of Lubbock reserves the right to reject any or all bids, reject any particular item on a bid, and to waive immaterial formalities and to accept the offer most advantageous to the City of Lubbock in its sole discretion. Unless otherwise specified herein, the City shall award the bid based on the total bid for Bid Items W 1 through W 12 and S1 through S 12 plus the sum of any Alternate Bids or Options the City may select. All requests for additional information or clarification must be submitted in writing and directed to: Felix Orta, Senior Buyer, City of Lubbock, P.O. Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79457 Questions may be faxed to (806) 775-2164 or Email to fort a(cimylubbock.us 10-097-FOAddend i .doc ITB # 10-097-FO, Addendum #2 City of Lubbock PURCHASING & CONTRACT MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT ROOM 204, MUNICIPAL BUILDING 1625 13T" STREET LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79401 PH: (806) 775-2167 FAX: (806) 775-2164 http://purchasing.ci.lubbock.tx.us DATE ISSUED: CLOSE DATE: ADDENDUM #2 ITB #10-097-FO Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter June 4, 2010 June 15, 2010 @ 2:00 P.M. The following items take precedence over specifications for the above named Invitation to Bid. Where any item called for in the ITB documents is supplemented here, the original requirements, not affected by this addendum, shall remain in effect.. Bidders attention is invite to review the following: l . Bidders must submit the "REVISED" BID SUBMITTAL FORM. 2. General Instructions to Bidders, Section 32.1 have been revised. 32 BID AWARD 32.1 The City of Lubbock reserves the right to reject any or all bids, reject any particular item on a bid, and to waive immaterial formalities and to accept the offer most advantageous to the City of Lubbock in its sole discretion. Unless otherwise specified herein, the City shall award the bid based on the total bid for Bid Items W 1 through W 12 and S 1 through S 14 plus the sum of any Alternate Bids or Options the City may select. All requests for additional information or clarification must be submitted in writing and directed to: Felix Orta, Senior Buyer, City of Lubbock, P.O. Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79457 Questions may be faxed to (806) 775-2164 or Email to forta( mylubbock.us THANK YOU, �eBix dzta Felix Orta Senior Buyer City of Lubbock It is the intent and purpose of the City of Lubbock that this request permits competitive proposals. It shall be the bidder's responsibility to advise the City of Lubbock Purchasing Manager if any language, requirements, etc., or any combinations thereof, inadvertently restricts or limits the requirements stated in this ITB to a single source. Such notification must be submitted in writing and must be received by the Purchasing Manager no later than five (5) business days prior to the bid close date. A review of such notifications will be made. 10-097-FOAddend2.doc ITB #10-097-FO, Addendum #3 City of Lubbock PURCHASING & CONTRACT MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT ROOM 204, MUNICIPAL BUILDING 1625 13TH STREET LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79401 PH: (806) 775-2167 FAX: (806) 775-2164 http://purchasing.ci.lubbock.tx.us DATE ISSUED: CLOSE DATE: ADDENDUM #3 ITB #10-097-FO Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter June 11, 2010 June 15, 2010 @ 2:00 P.M. The following items take precedence over specifications for the above named Invitation to Bid. Where any item called for in the ITB documents is supplemented here, the original requirements, not affected by this addendum, shall remain in effect. Bidders attention is invite to review the following: Q: Would you consider extending the 90 calendar days of completion? A: The completion for the project will remain as specified 90 days for completion from Notice to Proceed. All requests for additional information or clarification must be submitted in writing and directed to: Felix Orta, Senior Buyer, City of Lubbock, P.O. Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79457 Questions may be faxed to (806) 775-2164 or Email to fortgO-mylubbock.us THANK YOU, ;7e&x OoW4 Felix Orta Senior Buyer City of Lubbock It is the intent and purpose of the City of Lubbock that this request permits competitive proposals. It shall be the bidder's responsibility to advise the City of Lubbock Purchasing Manager if any language, requirements, etc., or any combinations thereof, inadvertently restricts or limits the requirements stated in this ITB to a single source. Such notification must be submitted in writing and must be received by the Purchasing Manager no later than five (5) business days prior to the bid close date. A review of such notifications will be made. 10-097-FOAddendldoc BOND CHECK BEST RATING LICENSED IN TEXAS DATE BY: CONTRACT AWARD DATE CITY OF LUBBOCK SPECIFICATIONS FOR Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter ITB 10-097-FO CONTRACT 9591 PROJECT NUMBER: 92223 & 92224 Plans & Specifications may be obtained from THE REPRODUCTION COMPANY www.thereproductioncompany.com ly of lub ock t CONTRACT PREPARED BY: PURCHASING AND CONTRACT MANAGEMENT OFFICE 0 Contractor Checklist Before submitting your bid, please ensure you have completed and included the following documents in the order they are listed. The contractor is only to submit (I) one original copy of every item listed. wl_� Carefully read and understand the plans and specifications and properly complete the BID SUBMITTAL FORM. Bid submittal form MUST be completed in blue or black ink or by typewriter. Signatures must be original, in blue or black ink, and by hand. The bidder binds himself on acceptance of his bid to execute a contract and any required bonds, according to the accompanying forms, for performing and completing the --said work within the time stated and for the prices stated below. In case of a discrepancy between the Unit Price and the Extended Total for a Bid item, the Unit Price will be taken."Include corporate seal and Secretary's signature. Identify addenda received (if any). Include firm's FEDERAL TAX ID number or Owner's SOCIAL SECURITY number. 2. ✓ Include BID BOND or CASHIER'S OR CERTIFIED CHECK as your bid surety. Failure to provide a bid surety WILL result in automatic rejection of your bid. 3. Complete and sign the CITY OF LUBBOCK INSURANCE REQUIREMENT AFFIDAVIT. This must include the signature of the agent or broker. Contractor's signature must be original. 4. Clearly mark the bid number, title, due date and time and your company name and address on the outside of the envelope or container. 5. Ensure your bid is RECEIVED by the City of Lubbock Purchasing and Contract Management Office prior to the deadline. Late bids will not be accepted. 6. ✓ Complete and sign the CITY OF LUBBOCK INSURANCE REQUIREMENT AFFIDAVIT. This must include the signature of the agent or broker. Contractor's signature must be original. 7. ✓ Complete and sign the SAFETY RECORD QUESTIONNAIRE. All "YES" responses must be explained in detail and submitted with Bid. 8. Complete and sign the SUSPENSION AND DEBARMENT CERTIFICATION. Include firm's FEDERAL TAX ID number or Owner's SOCIAL SECURITY number. 9. Complete and submit the LIST OF SUB -CONTRACTORS. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED WITHIN SEVEN BUSINESS DAYS AFTER CLOSING: 10. Complete and submit the FINAL LIST OF SUB -CONTRACTORS. FAILURE TO PROVIDE ANY OF THE ABOVE MAY RESULT IN YOUR BID BEING DEEMED NON -RESPONSIVE AND, THEREFORE, NOT FURTHER EVALUATED. PLEASE INCLUDE THIS COMPLETED PAGE AS THE FIRST PAGE OF YOUR BID SUBMITTAL. o�eawoo ��- (Type or Print Company Name) 2 INDEX 1. NOTICE TO BIDDERS 2. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 3. BID SUBMITTAL— (must be submitted by published due date & time) 3-1. UNIT PRICE BID SUBMITTAL FORM 3-2. CITY OF LUBBOCK INSURANCE REQUIREMENT AFFIDAVIT 3-3. SAFETY RECORD QUESTIONNAIRE 3-4. SUSPENSION AND DEBARMENT CERTIFICATION 4. LIST OF SUB -CONTRACTORS 5. PAYMENT BOND 6. PERFORMANCE BOND 7. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE 8. CONTRACT 9. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT 10. DAVIS BACON WAGE DETERMINATIONS 11. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (IF APPLICABLE) 12. SPECIFICATIONS c NOTICE TO BIDDERS ITB 10-097-FO Sealed bids addressed to Marta Alvarez, Purchasing Manager, City of Lubbock, Texas, will be received in the office of the Purchasing and Contract Management Office, City Hall, 1625 13th Street, Room 204, Lubbock, Texas, 79401,- until -2:00 P.M. on June 15 2010 or as changed by the issuance of formal addenda to all planholders, to furnish all labor and materials and perform all work for the construction of the following described project: Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter After the expiration of the time and date above first written, said sealed bids will be opened in the City Hall, Council Chambers and publicly read aloud. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to ensure that his bid is actually in the office of the Purchasing and Contract Management Office for the City of Lubbock, before the expiration of the date above first written. Bids are due at 2:00-P.M. on June 15, 2010 and the City of Lubbock City Council will consider the bids on July 8, 2010 at the City Hall, 1625 13th Street, Lubbock, Texas, or as soon thereafter as may be reasonably convenient, subject to the right to reject any or all bids and waive any formalities. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a performance bond in accordance with Chapter 2253, Government Code, in the amount of 100% of the total contract price in the event that said contract price exceeds $100,000 and the successful bidder will be required to furnish a payment bond in accordance with Chapter 2253, Government Code, in the amount of 100% of the total contract price in the event that said contract price exceeds $50,000. Said statutory bonds should be issued by a company carrying a current Best Rating of "A" or better. THE BONDS MUST IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND MUST BE DATED THE SAME DATE THAT THE CONTRACT WAS AWARDED. Bidders are required, whether or not a payment or performance bond is required, to submit a cashier's or certified check issued by a bank satisfactory to the City of Lubbock, or a bid bond from a reliable surety company, payable without recourse to the order of the City of Lubbock in an amount not less than 5% of the total amount of the bid submitted as a guarantee that bidder will enter into a contract and execute all necessary bonds (if required) within ten (10) business days after notice of award of the contract to him. FAILURE OF THE BIDDER TO INCLUDE BID SECURITY WITH THE BID SUBMITTAL SHALL CONSTITUTE A NONRESPONSIVE BID AND RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID SUBMITTAL. It shall be each bidder's sole responsibility to inspect the site of the work and to inform himself regarding all local conditions under which the work is to be done. It shall be understood and agreed that all such factors have been thoroughly investigated and considered in the preparation of the bid submitted. There ' will be a non -mandatory pre -bid conference on June 8, 2010 at 10:00 A.M. in the City Hall, Council Chambers, 1625-13`h Street, Lubbock, Texas. Bidders may view the plans and specifications without charge at The Reproduction Company, 2102 ,. Avenue Q. Lubbock, Texas 79405 or at www.thereproductioncompanom. ONE SET OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE OBTAINED, AT THE CITY'S EXPENSE, FROM THE REPRODUCTION COMPANY WITH A $100 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT, Phone: (806) 763-7770. Deposit Checks shall be made PAYABLE TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, and will be refunded if documents are returned in good condition within Sixty (60) days after the opening of bids. Additional sets of plans and specifications may be obtained at the bidder's expense. Attention of each bidder is particularly called to the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages included in the contract documents on file in the office of the- Purchasing -and -Contract-Managem-ent Office of the City of Lubbock, which document is specifically referred to in this Notice to Bidders. Each bidder's attention is further directed to Texas Government Code, Chapter 2258, Prevailing Wage Rates, and the requirements contained therein concerning the above wage scale and payment by the contractor of the prevailing rates of wages as heretofore established by owner in said wage scale. The City of Lubbock hereby notifies bidders that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority and women business enterprises shall be afforded equal opportunities to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, disability, or national origin in consideration for an award. The City of Lubbock does not discriminate against persons with disabilities. City of Lubbock pre -bid meetings and bid openings are available to all persons regardless of disability. If you require special assistance, please contact the Purchasing and Contract Management Office at (806) 775-2572 or write to Post Office Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79457 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. CITY OF LUBBOCK Alaarta ACvarez PURCHASING AND CONTRACT MANAGEMENT OFFICE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1 BID DELIVERY, TIME-& DATE 1-.1 The City of -Lubbock is seeking written and sealed competitive bids to furnish Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter per the attached specifications and contract documents. Sealed bids will be received no later than 2:00 P.M. on June 15, 2010 at the office listed below. Any bid received after the date and hour specified will be rejected and returned unopened to the bidder. Each bid and -supporting documentation-must-be--in-a -sealed envelope or container plainly labeled in the lower left-hand corner: "ITB 10-097-FO, Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter " and the bid opening date and time. Bidders must also include their company name and address on the outside of the envelope or container. Bids must be addressed to: Marta Alvarez, Purchasing Manager City of Lubbock 1625 lath Street, Room 204 Lubbock, Texas 79401 1.2 Bidders are responsible for making certain bids are delivered to the Purchasing and Contract Management Office. Mailing of a bid does not ensure -that the bid will be delivered on time or delivered at all. If bidder does not hand deliver bid, we suggest that he/she use some sort of delivery service that provides a receipt. 1.3 Bids will be accepted in person, by United States Mail, by United Parcel Service, or by private_ courier service. No bids will be accepted by oral communication, telephone, electronic mail, telegraphic transmission, or telefacsimile transmission. THE CITY WILL NOT ACCEPT FAX BIDS. 1.4 The City of Lubbock reserves the right to postpone the date and time for opening bids through an addendum. 2 PRE -BID MEETING 2.1 For the purpose of familiarizing bidders with the requirements, answering questions, and issuing addenda as needed for the clarification of the Invitation to Bid (ITB) documents, a non -mandatory pre -bid meeting will be held at June 8, 2010 at 10:00 A.M. in the City Hall. Council Chambers. 1625-13th Street, Lubbock, Texas. All persons attending the meeting will be asked to identify themselves and the prospective bidder they represent. 2.2 It is the bidder's responsibility to attend the pre -bid meeting though the meeting is not mandatory. The City will not be responsible for providing information discussed at the pre -bid meeting to bidders who do not attend the pre -bid meeting. ADDENDA & MODIFICATIONS 3.1 Any changes, additions, or clarifications to the ITB are made by ADDENDA information available over the Internet at www.bidsync.com. We strongly suggest that you -check -for any addenda a- minimum -of forty-eight hours in advance of the response deadline. BUSINESSES WITHOUT INTERNET ACCESS may use computers available at most public libraries. 3.2 Any bidder in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the specifications or other documents may request an interpretation thereof from the Purchasing and Contract Management Office. At the request of the bidder, or in the event the Purchasing and Contract Management Office deems the interpretation to be substantive, the interpretation will be made by written addendum issued by the Purchasing and Contract Management Office. Such addenda issued by the Purchasing and Contract Management Office will be available over the Internet at www.bidsviic.com and will become part of the bid package having the same binding effect as provisions of the original ITB. NO VERBAL EXPLANATIONS OR INTERPRETATIONS WILL BE BINDING. In order to have a request for interpretation considered, the request must be submitted in writing and must be received by the City of Lubbock Purchasing and Contract Management Office no later than five (5) calendar days before the bid closing date. 3.3 All addenda, amendments, and interpretations of this solicitation shall be in writing. The City of Lubbock shall not be legally bound by any amendment or interpretation that is not in writing. Only information i_.; at supplied by the City of Lubbock Purchasing and Contract Management Office in writing or in this ITB should be used in preparing bid responses. All contacts that a bidder may have had before or after receipt of this ITB-with any individuals, employees, or representatives of the City and any information that may have been read in any news media or seen or heard in any communication facility... regarding this bid should be disregarded in preparing responses. 3.4 The City does not assume responsibility for the receipt of any addendum sent to bidders. 4 EXAMINATION OF DOCUMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Each bidder shall carefully examine all ITB documents and thoroughly familiarize itself with all requirements before submitting a bid to ensure that their bid meets the intent of these specifications. 4.2 Before submitting a bid, each bidder shall be responsible for making all investigations and examinations that are necessary to ascertain conditions and requirements affecting the requirements of this Invitation to Bid. Failure to make such investigations and examinations shall not relieve the bidder from obligation to comply, in every detail, with all provisions and requirements of the Invitation to Bid. 4.3 Notices of any discrepancies or omissions in these plans, specifications, or contract documents, shall be given to the Purchasing and Contract Management Office and a clarification obtained before the bids are received, and if no such notice is received by the Purchasing and Contract Management Office prior to the opening of bids, then it shall be deemed that the bidder fully understands the work to be included and has provided sufficient sums in its bid to complete the work in accordance with these plans and specifications. If bidder does not notify Purchasing and Contract Management Office before bidding of any discrepancies or omissions, then it shall be deemed for all purposes that the plans and specifications are sufficient and adequate for completion of the project. It is further agreed that any request for clarification must be submitted no later than five (5) calendar days prior to the bid closing date. BID PREPARATION COSTS 5.1 Issuance of this ITB does not commit the City of Lubbock, in any way, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a bid. 5.2 The issuance of this ITB does not obligate the City of Lubbock to enter into contract for any services or equipment. 5.3 All costs related to the preparation and submission of a bid shall be paid by the bidder. 6 TRADE SECRETS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND THE TEXAS PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT 6.1 If you consider any portion of your bid to be privileged or confidential by statute or judicial decision, including trade secrets and commercial or financial information, clearly identify those portions. 6.2 The City of Lubbock will honor your notations of trade secrets and confidential information and decline to release such information initially, but please note that the final determination of whether a particular portion of your bid is in fact a trade secret or commercial or financial information that may be withheld from public inspection will be made by the Texas Attorney General or a court of competent jurisdiction. In the event a public information request is received for a portion of your bid that you have marked as being confidential information, you will be notified of such request and you will be required to justify your legal position in writing to the Texas Attorney General pursuant to Section 552.305 of the Government Code. In the event that it is determined by opinion or order of the Texas Attorney General or a court of competent jurisdiction that such information is in fact not privileged and confidential under Section 552.110 of the Government Code and Section 252.049 of the Local Government Code, then such information will be made available to the requester. 6.3 Marking your entire bid CONFIDENTIAL/PROPRIETARY is not in conformance with the Texas Open Records Act. LICENSES PERMITS TAXES The price or prices for the work shall include full compensation for all taxes, permits, etc. that the bidder is or may be required to pay. 8 UTILIZATION OF LOCAL BUSINESS RESOURCES Prospective bidders are strongly encouraged to explore and implement methods for the utilization of local resources, and to outline in their bid submittal how they would utilize local resources. ' 9 CONFLICT OF INTEREST 9.1 The bidder shall not offer or accept gifts or anything of value nor enter into any business arrangement with any employee, official or agent of the City of Lubbock. 9:2 By signing and executing this bid, the bidder certifies and represents to the City the bidder has not offered, conferred or agreed to confer any pecuniary benefit or other thing of value for the receipt of special treatment, advantage, information, recipient's decision, opinion, recommendation, vote or any other exercise of discretion concerning this bid. 10 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 10.1 All work covered by the contract shall be done in accordance with contract documents described in the General Conditions. ry. 10.2 All bidders shall be thoroughly familiar with all of the requirements set forth on the contract documents for the construction of this project and shall be responsible for the satisfactory completion of all work contemplated by said contract documents. I 1 PLANS FOR USE BY BIDDERS It is the intent of the City of Lubbock that all parties with an interest in submitting a bid on the project covered by the contract documents be given a reasonable opportunity to examine the documents and prepare a bid without charge or forfeiture of deposit. The contract documents may be examined without charge as noted in the Notice to Bidders. 12 BIDDER INQUIRIES AND CLARIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS 12.1 It is the intent and purpose of the City of Lubbock that this request permit competitive bids. It shall be the bidder's responsibility to advise the Purchasine and Contract Management Office if anv lan2ua2e. requirements, etc., or any combinations thereof, inadvertently restricts or limits the requirements stated in this ITB to a single source. Such notification must be submitted in writing and must be received by the City of Lubbock Purchasing and Contract Management Office no later than five (5) calendar days before the bid closing date. A review of such notifications will be made. 12.2 NO BIDDER SHALL REQUEST ANY INFORMATION VERBALLY. ALL REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR CLARIFICATION CONCERNING THIS INVITATION TO BID (ITB) MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING NO LATER THAN FIVE (5) CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR TO THE BID CLOSING DATE AND ADDRESSED TO: Felix Orta, Senior Buyer City of Lubbock Purchasing and Contract Management 1625 I P Street, Room 204 Lubbock, Texas 79401 Fax: 806-775-2164 Email: forta@mylubbock.us Bidsync: www.bidsvnc.com 13 14 15 16 17 TIME AND ORDER FOR COMPLETION 13.1 The construction covered by the contract documents shall be substantially completed within 90 (NINETY) CALENDER DAYS from the date specified in the Notice to Proceed issued by the City of Lubbock to the successful bidder. 13.2 The Contractor will be permitted to prosecute the work in the order of his own choosing, provided, however, the City reserves the right to require the Contractor to submit a progress schedule of the work contemplated by the contract documents. In the event the City requires a progress schedule to be submitted, and it is determined by the City that the progress of the work is not in accordance with the progress schedule so submitted, the City may direct the Contractor to take such action as the City deems necessary to ensure completion of the project within the time specified. PAYMENT All payments due to Contractor shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions of the contract documents. AFFIDAVITS OF BILLS PAID The City of Lubbock reserves the right, prior to final execute an affidavit that all bills for labor, material improvements contemplated by the contract document pending, of which the Contractor has been notified. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP s s acceptance of this project to require the Contractor to and incidentals incurred in the construction of the have been paid in full and that there are no claims The intent of these contract documents is that only materials and workmanship of the best quality and grade will be furnished. The fact that the specifications may fail to be sufficiently complete in some detail will not relieve the Contractor of full responsibility for providing materials of high quality and for protecting them adequately until incorporated into the project. The presence or absence of a representative of the City on the site will not relieve the Contractor of full responsibility of complying with this provision. The specifications for materials and methods set forth in the contract documents provide minimum standards of quality, which the Owner believes necessary to procure a satisfactory project. GUARANTEES 17.1 All equipment and materials incorporated in the project and all construction shall be guaranteed against defective materials and workmanship. Prior to final acceptance, the Contractor shall furnish to the Owner, a written general guarantee which shall provide that the Contractor shall remedy any defects in the work, and pay for any and all damages of any nature whatsoever resulting in such defects, when such defects appear within ONE year from date of final acceptance of the work as a result of defective materials or workmanship, at no cost to the Owner (City of Lubbock). 17.2 Notwithstanding any provisions contained in the contractual agreement, the Contractor represents and warrants fault -free performance and fault -free result in the processing date and date -related data (including, but not limited to calculating, comparing and sequencing) of all hardware, software and firmware products delivered and services provided under this Contract, individually or in combination, as the case may be from the effective date of this Contract. Also, the Contractor warrants calculations will be recognized and accommodated and will not, in any way, result in hardware, software or firmware failure. The City of Lubbock, at its sole option, may require the Contractor, at any time, to demonstrate the procedures it intends to follow in order to comply with all the obligations contained herein. 17.3 The obligations contained herein apply to products and services provided by the Contractor, its sub- contractor or any third party involved in the creation or development of the products and services to be delivered to the City of Lubbock under this Contract. Failure to comply with any of the obligations contained herein, may result in the City of Lubbock availing itself of any of its rights under the law and under this Contract including, but not limited to, its right pertaining to termination or default. 17.4 The warranties contained herein are separate and discrete from any other warranties specified in this Contract, and are not subject to any disclaimer of warranty, implied or expressed, or limitation to the Contractor's liability which may be specified in this Contract, its appendices, its schedules, its annexes or any document incorporated in this Contract by reference. 18 PLANS FOR THE CONTRACTOR The contractor will, upon written request, be furnished up to ten_ sets of plans and specifications and related contract documents for use during construction. Plans and specifications for use during construction will only be furnished directly to the Contractor. The Contractor shall then distribute copies of plans and specifications to suppliers, subcontractors or others, as required for proper prosecution of the work contemplated by the Contractor. 19 PROTECTION OF THE WORK The Contractor shall be responsible for the care, preservation, conservation, and protection of all materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, apparatus, accessories, facilities, and all means of construction, and any and all parts of the work whether the Contractor has been paid, partially paid, or not paid for such work, until the date the City issues its certificate of completion to Contractor. The City reserves the right, after the bids have been opened and before the contract has been awarded, to require of a bidder the following information: (a) The experience record of the bidder showing completed jobs of a similar nature to the one covered by the intended contract and all work in progress with bond amounts and percentage completed. (b) A sworn statement of the current financial condition of the bidder. (c) Equipment schedule. 20 TEXAS STATE SALES TAX 20.1 This contract is issued by an organization which qualifies for exemption provisions pursuant to provisions of Article 20.04 of the Texas Limited Sales, Excise and Use Tax Act. 20.2 The Contractor must obtain a limited sales, excise and use tax permit which shall enable him to buy the materials to be incorporated into the work without paying the tax at the time of purchase. 21 PROTECTION OF SUBSURFACE LINES AND STRUCTURES It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to prosecute the work contemplated by the contract documents in such a way as to exercise due care to locate and prevent damage to all underground pipelines, utility lines, conduits or other underground structures which might or could be damaged by Contractor during the construction of the project contemplated by these contract documents. The City of Lubbock agrees that it will furnish Contractor the location of all such underground lines and utilities of which it has knowledge. However, such fact shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities aforementioned. All such underground lines or structures cut or damaged by Contractor during the prosecution of the work contemplated by this contract shall be repaired immediately by Contractor to the satisfaction of the City of Lubbock, Texas, at Contractor's expense. 22 BARRICADES AND SAFETY MEASURES The contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish and erect such barricades, fences, lights and danger signals, and t shall take such other precautionary measures for the protection of persons, property and the work as may be necessary. The Contractor will be held responsible for all damage to the work due to failure of barricades, signs, and lights to protect it, and when damage is incurred, the damaged portion shall be immediately removed and replaced by Contractor at his own cost and expense. The Contractor's responsibility for maintenance of barricades, signs, and lights shall not cease until the date of issuance to Contractor of City's certificate of acceptance of the project. 23 EXPLOSIVES 23.1 The use of explosives will not be permitted unless written permission to do so is obtained by the Contractor from the City. In all cases where written permission is obtained for the use of explosives, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all damage, which may occur as a direct or indirect result of the blasting. In addition, in all cases where explosives are authorized to be used, the Contractor shall use utmost care so as not to endanger life or property and the Contractor shall further use only such methods as are currently utilized by persons, firms, or corporations engaged in similar type of construction activity. ]0 a 23.2 Explosive materials shall not be stored or kept at the construction site by the Contractor. 23.3 In all cases where explosives are to be used during the construction of the project contemplated by this contract, it shall be the duty of the Contractor to notify each utility company having structures (above or below the ground) inproximityto the site of the work of Contractor's intention to use explosives, and such notice shall be given sufficiently in advance to enable the companies to take such steps as they may deem necessary to protect their property from injury. Such notice, however, shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for any damage resulting from his blasting operations. 24 CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE The successful bidder shall be required to have a responsible local representative available at all times while the work is in progress under this contract. The successful bidder shall be required to furnish the name, address and telephone number where such local representative may be reached during the time that the work contemplated by this contract is in progress. 25 INSURANCE 25.1 The Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until he has obtained all insurance as required in the General Conditions of the contract documents, from an underwriter authorized to do business in the State of Texas and satisfactory to the City. Proof of coverage shall be furnished to the City and written notice of cancellation or any material change will be provided ten (10) days in advance of cancellation or change. All policies shall contain an agreement on the part of the insurer waiving the right to subrogation. The Contractor shall procure and carry at his sole cost and expense through the life of this contract, insurance protection as hereinafter specified. Coverage in excess of that specified herein also shall be acceptable. Such insurance shall be carried with an insurance company authorized to transact business in the State of Texas and shall cover all operations in connection with this contract, whether performed by the Contractor or a subcontractor, or separate policies shall be provided covering the operation of each subcontractor. A certificate of insurance specifying each and all coverages shall be submitted before contract execution. 25.2 PROOF OF COVERAGE SHALL BE FURNISHED TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK IN THE FORM OF A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE CERTIFICATES FURNISHED SHALL NAME THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AND THE ENGINEER AS A PRIMARY ADDITIONAL INSURED AND PROVIDE A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AS REQUIRED BELOW, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY A STATEMENT FROM THE CONTRACTOR TO THE EFFECT THAT NO WORK ON THIS PARTICULAR PROJECT SHALL BE SUBCONTRACTED. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE TO THE OWNER ALL PROOF OF COVERAGE INSURANCE DOCUMENTS INCLUDING WORKERS COMPENSATION COVERAGE FOR EACH SUBCONTRACTOR THE ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT SHALL INCLUDE PRODUCTS AND COMPLETE OPERATIONS. 26 LABOR AND WORKING HOURS 26.1 Attention of each bidder is particularly called to the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages included in these contract documents. The wage rate that must be paid on this project shall not be less than specified in the schedule of general prevailing rates of per diem wages as above mentioned. The bidders' attention is further directed to the requirements of Texas Government Code, Chapter 2258, Prevailing Wage Rates providing for the payment of the wage schedules above mentioned and the bidder's obligations thereunder. The inclusion of the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the contract documents does not release the Contractor from compliance with any wage law that may be applicable. Construction work under the contract requiring an inspector shall not be performed on weekends or holidays unless the following conditions exist: IF _ I--- 26.1.1 The project being constructed is essential to the City of Lubbock's ability to provide the necessary service to its citizens. t! 26.1.2 Delays in construction are due to factors outside the control of the Contractor. The Contractor is approaching the penalty provisions of the contract and Contractor can show he has made a diligent effort to complete the contract within the allotted time. 26.2 Before construction work requiring an inspector is to be performed on Sunday or holidays, the Contractor must notify the Owner's Representative not less than three full working days prior to the weekend or holiday he desires to do work and obtain written permission from the Owner's Representative to do such work. The final decision on whether to allow construction work requiring an inspector on Sunday or holidays will be made by the Owner's Representative. 26.3 In any event, if a condition should occur or arise at the site of this project or from the work being done under this contract which is hazardous or dangerous to property or life, the Contractor shall immediately commence work, regardless of the day of the week or the time of day, to correct or alleviate such condition so that it is no longer dangerous to property or life. 27 PAYMENT OF EMPLOYEES AND FILING OF PAYROLLS The contractor and each of his subcontractors shall pay each of his employees engaged in work on the project under this contract in full (less mandatory legal deductions) in cash, or by check readily cashable without discount, not less often than once each week. The Contractor and each of his subcontractors shall keep a record showing the name and occupation of each worker employed by the Contractor or subcontractor in the construction of the public work and the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. This record shall be open at all reasonable hours to inspection by the officers and agents of the City. The Contractor must classify employees according to one of the classifications set forth in the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages, which schedule is included in the contract documents. The Contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to the City of Lubbock on whose behalf this contract is made, sixty dollars for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day, or portion thereof, such laborer, workman or mechanic is paid less than the wages assigned to his particular classification as set forth in the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages included in these contract documents 28 PROVISIONS CONCERNING ESCALATION CLAUSES Bids submitted containing any conditions which provide for changes in the stated bid price due to increases or decreases in the cost of materials, labor or other items required for the project will be rejected and returned to the bidder without being considered. 29 PREPARATION FOR BID 29.1 The bidder shall submit his bid on forms furnished by the City, and all blank spaces in the form shall be correctly filled in, stating the price in numerals for which he intends to do the work contemplated or furnish the materials required. Such prices shall be written in ink, distinctly and legibly, or typewritten. In case of discrepancy between the unit price and the extended total for a bid item, the unit price will be taken. A bid that has been opened may not be changed for the purpose of correcting an error in the bid price. 29.2 If the bid is submitted by an individual, his name must be signed by him or his duly authorized agent. If a bid is submitted by a firm, association, or partnership, the name and address of each member must be given and the bid signed by a member of the firm, association or partnership, or person duly authorized. If the bid is submitted by a company or corporation, the company or corporate name and business address must be given, and the bid signed by an official or duly authorized agent. Powers of attorney authorizing agents or others to sign bids must be properly certified and must be in writing and submitted with the bid. The bid shall be executed in ink. 29.3 Each bid shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed as specified in the Notice to Bidders, and endorsed on the outside of the envelope in the following manner: € __ 12 31 29.3.1 Bidder's name 29.3.2 Bid for 10-09740,-Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter 29.4 Bidsubmittalsmay be withdrawn and resubmitted at any time before the time set for opening of the bids, but no bid may be withdrawn or altered thereafter. 29.5 Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 252.043(g), a competitive sealed bid that has been opened -may not -be -changed for the purpose of correcting an error in the bid price. THEREFORE, ANY CORRECTIONS TO THE BID PRICE MUST BE MADE ON THE BID SUBMITTAL FORM PRIOR TO BID OPENING. ' BOUND COPY OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS V Bidder _understands and agrees that the contract to be executed by bidder shall be bound and will include the following: (a) Notice to Bidders. (b) General Instructions to Bidders. (c) Bidder's Submittal. (d) Statutory Bonds (if required). (e) Contract Agreement. (f) General Conditions. (g) Special Conditions (if any). (h) Specifications. (i) Insurance Certificates for Contractor and all Sub -Contractors. 0) All other documents made available to bidder for his inspection in accordance with the Notice to Bidders. If Plans and Specifications are too bulky or cumbersome to be physically bound, they are to be considered incorporated by reference into the aforementioned contract documents. (QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS The bidder may be required before the award of any contract to show to the complete satisfaction of the City of Lubbock that it has the necessary facilities, ability, and financial resources to provide the service specified therein in a satisfactory manner. The bidder may also be required to give a past history and references in order to satisfy the City of Lubbock about the bidder's qualifications. The City of Lubbock may make reasonable investigations deemed necessary and proper to determine the ability of the bidder to perform the work, and the bidder shall furnish to the City of Lubbock allinformationfor this purpose that may be requested. The bidder's bid may be deemed not to meet specifications or the bid may be rejected if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, the bidder fails to satisfy the City of Lubbock that the bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work described therein. Evaluation of the bidder's qualifications shall include: (a) The ability, capacity, skill, and financial resources to perform the work or provide the service required. (b) The ability of the bidder to perform the work or provide the service promptly or within the time specified, without delay or interference. (c) The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience, and efficiency of the bidder. (d) The quality of performance of previous contracts or services. (e) The safety record of the Contractor and proposed Sub -Contractors Before contract award, the recommended contractor for this project may be required to show that he has experience with similar projects that require the Contractor to plan his work efforts and equipment needs with City of Lubbock specifications in mind. Demonstration of experience shall include a complete list of ALL similar municipal and similar non -municipal current and completed projects for the past three (3) years for review. This list shall include the names of supervisors and type of equipment used to perform work on these projects. In z addition, the Contractor may be required to provide the name(s) of supervisor(s) that will be used to perform work on this project in compliance with City of Lubbock specifications herein. G� 13 j� �_j 32 BID AWARD 32.1 The City of Lubbock reserves the right to reject any orallbids, reject any particular item on a bid, andto waive immaterial formalities and to accept the offer most advantageous to the City of Lubbock in its sole discretion. Unless otherwise specified herein, the City shall award the bid based on the total bid for Bid Items W 1 through W 10 and S 1 through S 12 plus the sum of any Alternate Bids or Options the City may select. 32.2 All bids are evaluated for compliance with specifications before the bid price is considered. Response to specifications is primary in determining the best low bid. Failure to comply with the specifications may result in disqualification of the bid. 32.3 In case -of tie bids, preference will be given to local bidders. Consistent and continued tie bidding may be cause for rejection of bids by the City of Lubbock and/or investigation by the Attorney General to determine possible Anti -Trust violations. 32.4 Before the City may award a bid to a nonresident bidder, the nonresident bidder's bid must be lower than lowest bid submitted by a responsible Texas bidder by the same margin or amount that a Texas bidder would be required to underbid the nonresident bidder in the nonresident bidders' home state. 32.5 Any contract made, or purchase -order issued, as a result of this Invitation to Bid, shall be entered into the State of Texas and under the laws of the State of Texas. In connection with the performance of work, the Bidder agrees to comply with the Fair Labor Standard Act, Equal Opportunity Employment Act, and all other applicable Federal, State, and Local laws, regulations, and executive orders to the extent that the same may be applicable. 32.6 NO INDIVIDUAL OF ANY USING DEPARTMENT HAS THE AUTHORITY TO LEGALLY AND/OR FINANCIALLY COMMIT THE CITY TO ANY CONTRACT, AGREEMENT OR PURCHASE ORDER FOR GOODS OR SERVICES, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY SANCTIONED BY THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS INVITATION TO BID. 33 ANTI -LOBBYING PROVISION 33.1 DURING THE PERIOD BETWEEN BID SUBMISSION DATE AND THE CONTRACT AWARD, BIDDERS, INCLUDING THEIR AGENTS AND REPRESENTATIVES, SHALL NOT DISCUSS OR PROMOTE THEIR BID WITH ANY MEMBER OF THE LUBBOCK CITY COUNCIL OR CITY STAFF EXCEPT UPON THE REQUEST OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK PURCHASING DEPARTMENT IN THE COURSE OF CITY -SPONSORED INQUIRIES, BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, OR PRESENTATIONS. 33.2 This provision is not meant to preclude bidders from discussing other matters with City Council members or City staff. The policy is intended to create a level playing field for all potential bidders, assure that contract decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the ITB process. Its purpose is to stimulate competition, prevent favoritism and secure the best work and materials at the lowest practicable price, for the best interests and benefit of the taxpayers and property owners. Violation of this provision may result in rejection of the bidder's proposal. 34 PREVAILING WAGE RATES 34.1 Bidders are required to comply with Texas Government Code, Chapter 2258, Prevailing Wage Rates, with respect to the payment of prevailing wage rates for the construction of a public work, including a building, highway, road, excavation, and repair work or other project development or improvement, paid for in whole or in part from public funds, without regard to whether the work is done under public supervision or direction. A worker is employed on a public work if the 14 worker is employed by the contractor or any subcontractor in the execution of the contract for the project 34.2 A worker employed on-a_public work by or on behalf of the City of Lubbock shall be paid not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for the work of a similar character in the locality in which the work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for legal holiday and overtime work. l 34.3 The State of Texas has adopted the Federal Davis -Bacon wage rates for use in Texas pursuant to r and in accordance with the Texas Government Code, Section 2258.022. Bidders may access the U. S. Department of Labor web site at the following web address to obtain the rates to be used in Lubbock County: http//www.gpo.gov/davisbacon/alistates.ii tm I 34.4 It shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder to obtain the proper wage rates from the web site for the type of work defined in the bid specifications. 34.5 A contractor or subcontractor who violates Texas Government Code Section 2258.023 shall pay to the City of Lubbock $60 for each worker employed for each calendar day or part of the day that the worker is paid less than the wage rates stipulated in the contract. 15 I BID SUBMITTAL FORM ITB #10-097-FO, Addendum,, REVISED -BID SUBMITTAL FORM / UNIT PRICE BID CONTRACT aD ( DATE: 1(� PROJECT NUMBER: ITB 10-097-FO Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter Bid of (hereinafter called Bidder) To the Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Lubbock, Texas (hereinafter called Owner) Ladies and Gentlemen: The Bidder, in compliance with your Invitation to Bid for the construction of Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter, having carefully examined the plans, specifications, instructions to bidders, notice to bidders and all other related contract documents and the site of the intended work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the construction of the intended project including the availability of materials and labor, hereby intends to furnish all labor, materials, and supplies; and to construct the project in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract documents, within the time set forth therein and at the price stated below. The bidder binds himself on acceptance of his bid to execute a contract and any required bonds, according to the accompanying forms, for performing and completing the said work' within the time stated and for the prices stated below. The bidder binds himself on acceptance of his bid to execute a contract and any required bonds, according to the accompanying forms, for performing and completing the said work within the time stated and for the prices stated below. ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY U/M UNIT EXTENDED (More COST COST or Less WATER DISTRIBUTION (ITEMS WI-W12) W L 6" C-900 PVC Class 150 water pipe, including 100 LF $ all necessary accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per linear foot. W2. 8" C-900 PVC Class 150 water pipe, including 1,371 LF all necessary accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per linear foot. W3. Approved 6" gate valve and valve box, including 2 EA $oZUi $ , l�U, all necessary accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per each. $ �� W4. Approved 8" gate valve and valve box, including 4 EA �/� all necessary accessories, furnished and installed, ku `7 complete and in place, per each. 10-097-FOAddend2.doc ITB #I0-097-FO, Addendum #2 W5. Approved 16" x 8" tapping sleeve, 8" tapping 1 EA $ 3� 7 valve and valve box, including all necessary accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per each. W6. Approved 36" x 8" tapping sleeve, 8" tapping 1 EA $ `(5��06 �P $ G' J valve and valve box, including all necessary accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per each. W7. Approved valve box for tapping valve, including 2 EA $ $Q $ all necessary accessories, furnished and installed, 106 i complete and in place, per each. W 8. Approved standard fire hydrant for 6" main connection, including all necessary accessories,�Q' 2 EA $ O� $ furnished and installed, complete and in place, per each. W9. Approved cast or ductile iron water line fittings, 580 LB $ 3 3 $ r/ 7 ' including all necessary accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per pound. W 10. Approved corporation stop and copper tubing for 2 EA $ $ water line testing and tapping, including all necessary accessories, excavation, and backfilling, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per each. W 11. Wet tie 8" Class 150 C-905 with tapping valve to 1 EA $ lr d d cd $ O v �i existing 16" C-150 (Sta. 0+00 Line W-1), furnished and installed, complete and in place. W 12. Wet tie 8" Class 150 C-905 PVC with tapping 1 EA $ a 6 $ l e d . valve to existing 36" C-150 (Sta. 7+10.7 Line W- , 2) furnished and installed, complete and in place. SANITARY SEWER (ITEMS S1-S14) S 1. 6" approved sewer pipe, 0'-4' cut depths, including 425 LF $ 16 gravel embedment, all necessary accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per linear foot. S2. 6" approved sewer pipe, 4'-6' cut depths, including gravel embedment, all necessary 575 LF $ $ accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per linear foot. S3. 6" approved sewer pipe, 6'-8' cut depths, including embedment, all necessary 475 LF $ $ / gravel accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per linear foot. S4. 6" approved sewer pipe, 8'-10' cut depths, 582 LF $ C7l) � 6 $ 02 15, % including gravel embedment, all necessary ' accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per linear foot. 10-097-FOAddend2.doc ITB 910-097-FO, Addendum #2- ,, a S5. 6" approved sewer pipe, 10'-12' cut depths, 460 LF $ $ including gravel embedment, all necessary ;` , J �, accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per linear foot. S6. 6" approved sewer pipe, 12'-14' cut depths, including gravel embedment, all necessary 372 LF $ $ hh r accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per linear foot. ST 10" approved sewer pipe, 6'-8' cut depths, including gravel embedment all necessary 489 LF $ 2j $ SL l6 accessories, furnished and installed, complete and (accessories, in place, per linear foot. S8. Tie to existing wet well, including all necessary 1 EA $ $ accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per each. S9. 6" sanitary sewer plug, including all necessary 1 EA $ ll ' accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per each. S 10. Trench protection as per OSHA requirements for trenches 5'-10' deep, including all necessary 1,794 LF $ / p Q ` $ n /L ! g 7 r/ j • accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per linear foot. SI1. Trench protection as per OSHA requirements for 832 LF $ < U trenches over 10 deep, including all necessary accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per linear foot. S 12. Lift station, valve vault, control panels and radio 1 EA $ $ including all necessary accessories, furnished and installed, complete and in place, per each. S13. 60" I.D. Manhole 0-4' dept, including all necessary accessories furnished installed 2 EA $� and U ;� I Completed and in place, per each. S14. Extra vertical feet for 60" I.D. manhole, 13 EVF $ / $ ¢ including all necessary accessories, furnished And installed, complete and in place, per extra vertical foot. SUBTOTAL BASE BID, WATER DISTRIBUTION (ITEMS WI-W12) $ SUBTOTAL BASE BID, SANITARY SEWER (ITEMS S1-S14) $ n a� �� 02� TOTAL BID ITEMS (WI-W12) + (S1-S14) $�� n q6 '_; f ) L & -3 10-097-FOAddend2.doc a"et;� -a Bidder hereby agrees to commence the work on the above project on a date to be specified in a written "Notice to Proceed" of the Owner and to substantially complete the project within 90 (NINETY) CALEN.DER_DAYS thereafter_ as ' stipulated in the specifications and other contract documents. Bidder hereby further agrees to pay to Owner as liquidated damages the sum of $2,000 (TWO THOUSAND) for each calendar day in excess of the time set forth herein above for completion of this project, all as more fully set forth in the general conditions of the contract documents. Liquidated damages is the reasonable amount of anticipated or actual damages for each day the completion of work is delayed, generally not enforceable under Texas common law if damages are intended to serve as a penalty or are far in excess of the amount of damages that may reasonably forecast. The basis for liquidated damages of $2,000 per calendar day is project will cause delay to the construction of facilities. Contractors are required under Texas Local Government Code § 252.044 to provide in the full amount of the contract price payment bonds for public works contracts more than $50,000 and performance bonds for public works contracts more than $100,000, and the City withholds 5% of each progress payment as security for completion of the project. Bidder understands and agrees that this bid submittal shall be completed and submitted in accordance with instruction number 28 of the General Instructions to Bidders. Bidder understands and agrees that this bid submittal shall be completed and submitted in accordance with instruction number 28 of the General Instructions to Bidders. Bidder understands that the Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any formality in the bidding. The Bidder agrees that this bid shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of THIRTY (30) calendar days after the scheduled closing time for receiving bids. The undersigned Bidder hereby declares that he has visited the site of the work and has carefully examined the plans, specifications and contract documents pertaining to the work covered by this bid, and he further agrees to commence work on or before the date specified in the written notice to proceed, and to substantially complete the work on which he has bid; as provided in the contract documents. Bidders are required, whether or not a payment or performance bond is required, to submit a cashier's check or certified check issued by a bank satisfactory to the City of Lubbock, or a bid bond from a reliable surety company, payable without recourse to the order of the City of Lubbock in an amount not less than five percent (5°/a) of the total amount of the bid submitted as a guarantee that bidder will enter into a contract, obtain all required insurance policies, and execute all necessary bonds (if required) within ten (10) business days after notice of award of the contract to him Bidder's Initials Enclosed with this bid is a Cashier's Check or CeIT4 Check for 41 /� Dollars ($ ) or a Bid Bond in the sum of d Dollars ($ , which it is agreed shall be collected and retained by the Owner as liquidated damages in the event the bid is accepted by the Owner and the undersigned fails to execute the necessary contract documents, insurance certificates, and the required bond (if any) with the Owner within ten (10) business days after the date of receipt of written notification of acceptance of said bid; otherwise, said check or bond shall be returned to the undersigned upon demand. Bidder understands and agrees that the contract to be executed by Bidder shall be bound and include all contract documents made available to him for his inspection in accordance with the Notice to Bidders. Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 252.043(a), a competitive sealed bid that has been opened may not be changed for the purpose of correcting an error in the bid price. THEREFORE, ANY CORRECTIONS TO THE BID PRICE MUST BE MADE ON THE BID SUBMITTAL FORM PRIOR TO BID OPENING. (Sea] if Bidder is a Corporation) A TEST: P42ftPA4pi- bretary Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: Addenda No. Date 613110 Addenda No. �✓ ' Date ClYho Addenda No. Date Addenda No. Date Date: 6-i - X0/ D lA'uthpn Sign pore l � fler6c/I ^ (Printed or Typed Name) (� pee_Pwod ePAd?LrucAl"0111 Corrrpry &,X �5 ()0 9 �,Z- G 1(f- lresz 6. City, Couny���, ) d� State Telephone: ii _ -7q l —1 7 d Fax: — FEDERAL oT2A�� oar R oAL SECURITY No. EMAIL: M/WBE Firm: Woman Black American Native American Hispanic American I I Asian Pacific American Other (Specify) 1-5-013 I OOND/� uItl(ll BID BOND Know all men by these presents: That Deerwood Construction, Inc. (hereinafter called the Principal) as Principal, and the MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (Mutual) a corporation of the State of Iowa, with its Home Office in the City of Des Moines, Iowa, (hereinafter called Surety), as Surety, are held and firmly bound to City of Lubbock, Texas '..., (5 %)------------------------- (hereinafter called the Obligee) in the full and just sum of ($'--'""'-""--'"'"'"" ) Five Percent of Greatest Amount Bid------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dollars - good and lawful money of the United States of America, to the payments of which sum of money well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, their and each of their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this I5th day of June 2010 THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal for ITB 10-097-FD Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter according to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal therefor, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award, and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof with the MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (Mutual) and Surety, or with other Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure to do so, pay to the Obligee the damages which the Obligee may suffer by reason of such failure, not exceeding the penalty of this bond, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety have caused these presents to be duly signed and sealed. n r- Attest: Deerwood Construction, Inc. Principal thBy MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (Mutual) By In -Fact MERCHA[�TTS� NATIONS -- BONDING COMPANY BONDING COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY Bond No. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, and that NATIONS BONDING COMPANY is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Texas (herein collectively called the "Companies"), and that the Companies do hereby make, constitute and appoint Angela S. Goff, Harold Binggeli, Mike Henthorn, Ron Stroman, Cara D. Hancock, Jennifer Winters, D. N. Broyles and/or Carroll Mayfield of Lubbock and State of Texas their true and lawful Attomey-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in their name, place and stead, to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver In their behalf as surety any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written obligations in the nature thereof, subject to the limitation that any such instrument shall not exceed the amount of: THREE MILLION ($3,000,000.00) Dollars and to bind the Companies thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bond or undertaking was signed by the duly authorized officers of the Companies, and all the acts of said Attomey-in-Fact, pursuant to the authority herein given, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power-of-Attomey is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following bylaws adopted by the Board of Directors of Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual) on November 16, 2002 and adopted by the Board of Directors of Nations Bonding Company on April 19, 2003. "The Chairman of the Board or President or any Vice President or Secretary shall have power and authority to appoint Attorneys -in -Fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of Indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof. The signature of any authorized officer and the Seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or Certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or other suretyship obligations of the Company, and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually fixed." In Witness Whereof, the Companies have caused this instrument to be signed and sealed this 6th day of May , 2010. .Pp9 : co Z: _ -o- q0:� : :3• =.0*-• 2003 .aa. •..fib. STATE OF IOWA •" COUNTY OF POLK ss. MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) NATIONS BONDING COMPANY By 7--Z� President On this 6th day of May , 2010, before me appeared Larry Taylor, to me personally known, who being by me duly swom did say that he is President of MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) and NATIONS BONDING COMPANY; and that the seals affixed to the foregoing instrument are the corporate seals of the Companies; and that the said Instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of the Companies by authority of their respective Boards of Directors. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal at the City of Des Moines, Iowa, the day and year first above written. CINDY SMYTH �. M Commission Number 173504 STATE OF IOWA Commission Expires March 16, Notary Public, Polk County, Iowa COUNTY OF POLK ss. I, William Warner, Jr., Secretary of MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) and NATIONS BONDING COMPANY, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the POWER -OF -ATTORNEY executed by said Companies, which is still in full force and effect and has not been amended or revoked. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Companies on this 15th day of June 1 2010 • p1D//y•- •� ci �.• _ , Z: r -o- o Q. :�i• 2003 a NBC 0103 (1/09) Secretary f J CITY OF LUBBOCK INSURANCE REQUIREMENT AFFIDAVIT To Be Completed by Bidder and Agent Must be submitted with Bid I, the undersigned Bidder, certify that the insurance requirements contained in this bid document have been reviewed by me with the below identified Insurance Agent/Broker. if l am awarded this contract by the City of Lubbock, I will be able to, within ten (10) business days after being notified of such award by the City of Lubbock, furnish a valid insurance certificate to the City meeting all of the requirements defined in this bid. f .L1 tractor (Original Signature) CONTRACTOR'S FIRM NAME: CONTRACTOR'S FIRM ADDRESS (Print or Type) I n . 1917 F f tp r4/111 t-ontractor trrmt) e,� /? !S i p 1/ �- fi,� /1, 112ell. U 66X 306)q Name of Agent/Broker: , E1-)440A0 - )&ATvn/ f-5-1ePHF-A1J0N .7'iV5. 46 Val - -I /) . Agent / Broker (Signature) Address of A gent/Broker: Q U X L13 Q _ City/State/Zip: j/�-�^� /� D / X C//Sli Agent/Broker Telephone Number: Date: b D NOTE TO CONTRACTOR If the time requirement specified above is not met, the City has the right to reject this bid and award the contract to another contractor. If you have any questions concerning these requirements, please contact the Purchasing and Contract Management Office for the City of Lubbock at (806) 775-3150. BID 10-097-FO Municipal Water and Sanitary Sever Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter A SAFETY RECORD QUESTIONNAIRE The City of Lubbock City Council desires to avail itself of the benefits of Section 252.0435 of the Local Government Code, and consider the safety records of potential contractors prior to awarding bids on City contracts. Pursuant to Section 252.0435 of the Local Government Code, City of Lubbock has adopted the following written definition and criteria for accurately determining the safety record of a bidder prior to awarding bids on City contracts. The definition and criteria for determining the safety record of a bidder for this consideration shall be: The City of Lubbock shall consider the safety record of the bidders in determining the responsibility thereof. The City may consider any incidents involving worker safety or safety of the citizens of the City of Lubbock, be it related or caused by environmental, mechanical, operational, supervision or any other cause or factor. Specifically, the City may consider, among other things: Complaints to, or final orders entered by, the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC), against the bidder for violations of OSHA regulations within the past three (3) years. b. Citations (as defined below) from an Environmental Protection Agency (as defined below) for violations within the past five (5) years. Environmental Protection Agencies include, but are not necessarily limited to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) (predecessor to the TCEQ), the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), the Structural Pest Control Board (SPCB), agencies of local governments responsible for enforcing environmental protection or worker safety related laws or regulations, and similar regulatory agencies of other states of the United States. Citations include notices of violation, notices of enforcement, suspension/revocations of state or federal licenses or registrations, fines assessed, pending criminal complaints, indictments, or convictions, administrative orders, draft orders, final orders, and judicial final judgments. C. Convictions of a criminal offense within the past ten (10) years, which resulted from bodily harm or death. Any other safety related matter deemed by the City Council to be material in determining the responsibility of the bidder and his or her ability to perform the services or goods required by the bid documents in a safe environment, both for the workers and other employees of bidder and the citizens of the City of Lubbock. In order to obtain proper information from bidders so that City of Lubbock may consider the safety records of potential contractors prior to awarding bids on City contracts, City of Lubbock requires that bidders answer the following three (3) questions and submit them with their bids: QUESTION ONE Has the bidder, or the fine, corporation, partnership, or institution represented by the bidder, or anyone acting for such firm, corporation, partnership or institution, received citations for violations of OSHA within the past three (3) years? YES NO V If the bidder has indicated YES for question number one above, the bidder must provide to City of Lubbock, with its bid submission, the following information with respect to each such citation: Date of offense. location of establishment inspected, category of offense, final disposition of offense, if any. and penalty assessed. Bidder's Initials QUESTION TWO Has the bidder, or the firm, corporation, partnership, or institution represented by the bidder, or anyone acting for firm, corporation, partnership or institution, received citations for violations of environmental protection lav - regulations, of any kind or type, within the past five years? Citations include notice of violation, notice of enforces suspension/revocations of state or federal licenses, or registrations, fines assessed, pending criminal comps indictments, or convictions, administrative orders, draft orders, final orders, and -judicial final judgments. YES NO V" If the bidder has indicated YES for question number two above, the bidder must provide to City of Lubbock, with its submission, the following information with respect to each such conviction: Date of offense or occurrence, location where offense occurred, type of offense, final disposition of offense, if any, penalty assessed. QUESTION THREE Has the bidder, or the firm, corporation, partnership, or institution represented by bidder, or anyone acting for such f corporation, partnership, or institution, ever been convicted, within the past ten (10) years, of a criminal offense wl resulted from serious bodily injury or death? YES NO If the bidder has indicated YES for question number three above, the bidder must provide to City of Lubbock, with its submission, the following information with respect to each such conviction: Date of offense, location where offense occurred, type of offense, final disposition of offense, in any, and assessed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK I certify that 1 have made no willful misrepresentations in this Questionnaire nor have I withheld information in statements and answers to questions. 1 am aware that the information given by me in this questionnaire shall investigated, with my full permission, and that any misrepresentations or omissions may cause my bid to be rejected. gnature 0"" Title 0 SUSPENSION AND DEBARMENT CERTIFICATION Federal Law (A-102 Common Rule and OMB Circular A-110) prohibits non -Federal entities from contracting with or �r making sub -awards under covered transactions to parties that are suspended or debarred or whose principals are suspended or debarred. Covered transactions include procurement contracts for goods or services equal to or in excess of $50,000 and all non -procurement transactions (e.g., sub -awards to sub -recipients). Contractors receiving individual awards of $50,000 or more and all sub -recipients must certify that their organization and its principals are not suspended or debarred by a Federal agency. Before an award of $50,000 or more can be made to your firm, you must certify that your organization and its principals are not suspended or debarred by a Federal agency. 1, the undersigned agent for the firm named below, certify that neither this firm nor its principals are suspended or debarred by a Federal agency. COMPANY NAME: FEDERAL TAX ID or SOC o. l '5- ;Z?a,6 -77J Signature of Company Official: 7VJ VLICILkl yu4l'-f"� Printed name of company official signing above: cJ Ci Pdo �-tgr5e4 Date Signed: /✓ a 3 LIST OF SUB -CONTRACTORS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. BID # 1TB 10-097-FO Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter LIST OF SUB -CONTRACTORS [Ito I IN / � i State Zip Code Tele . . G%i r ..,f f 9 V Minority Owned Yes No ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED ALONG WITH YOUR PROPOSAL IF NO SUB —CONTRACTORS WILL BE USED PLEASE INDICATE SO 2 BID # 1T8 W097-FO-Munielpal.-Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter Oil FINAL LIST OF SUB CONTRACTORS Minority Owned Company Na ne Ocation Services Provided Yes No -3 2 In LIM 3. 4, Ll D 6. 9. 10, 11. 12. 13. 16. C Address Q UA S kale Telephone Fax: ri 0 13 C2 0 13 'D 0 0 01 THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND RFTURNFD ALONG WITH YOUR PROPOSAL IF NO SUB —CONTRACTORS WILL BE USED PLEASE INDICATE SO 3 ---- ------- PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. TX 710 606 STATUTORY PERFORMANCE BOND PURSUANT TO SECTION 225-3:021(a) OF THE -TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE (CONTRACTS MORE THAN $100,000) Deerwood Construction, Inc. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that (hereinafter called the Principal(s), as Principal(s), and Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual) (hereinafter called the Surety(s), as Surety(s), are held and firmly bound unto the City of Lubbock (hereinafter called the Obligee), in the amount of s o huRdrgr Ninet vhgeg0t� 882an6ollars ($293,790.20) lawful money of the United States for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the Obligee, dated the 12tlday of August ,2010,to Bid 10-097—F0, Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer rovements for Lubbock Animal Shelter and said principal under the law is required before commencing the work provided for in said contract to execute a bond in the amount of said contract which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein. NOW; THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION 1S SUCH, that if the said Principal shall faithfully perform the work in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract documents, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Section 2253.021(a) of the Texas Government Code, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said article to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal (s) and Surety (s) have signed and sealed this instrument this20th day of August , 2010. Merchan Bondin Compa (Mutual) SureWe) * By Cara D. Hancock, Attorney —In —Fact i] Deerwood Construction, Inc. (Company Name) By: V ! �f (Printed Name 4c"t, t /U ignature) e (Title) The undersigned surety company represents that it is duly qualified to do business in Texas, and hereby designates DN Broyles an agent resident in Lubbock County to whom any requisite notices may be delivered and on whom service of process may be had in matters arising out of such suretyship. Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual) Surety *By: (Title) Cara D. Hancock, Attorney —In —Fact Approved as to Form City of By: City Attorney * Note: If signed by an Office of the Surety Company, there must be on file a certified extract from the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. if signed by an Attorney in Fact, we must have copy of power of attorney for our files. MERCHANTS NATIONS - BONDING COMPANY BONDING COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY Bond No. TX 710 606 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, and that NATIONS BONDING COMPANY is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Texas (herein collectively called the "Companies"), and that the Companies do hereby make, constitute and appoint Angela S. Goff, Harold Binggeli, Mike Henthorn, Ron Stroman, Cara D. Hancock, Jennifer Winters, D. N. Broyles and/or Carroll Mayfield of Lubbock and State of Texas their true and lawful Attomey-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in their name, place and stead, to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver in their behalf as surety any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written obligations in the nature thereof, subject to the limitation that any such instrument shall not exceed the amount of: THREE MILLION ($3,000,000.00) Dollars and to bind the Companies thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bond or undertaking was signed by the duly authorized officers of the Companies, and all the acts of said Attomey-in-Fact, pursuant to the authority herein given, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power-of-Attomey is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following bylaws adopted by the Board of Directors of Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual) on November 16, 2002 and adopted by the Board of Directors of Nations Bonding Company on April 19, 2003. 'The Chairman of the Board or President or any Vice President or Secretary shall have power and authority to appoint Attomeys-in-Fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof. The signature of any authorized officer and the Seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or Certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or other suretyship obligations of the Company, and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually fixed." In Witness Whereof, the Companies have caused this instrument to be signed and sealed this 6th day of May , 2010. ••••D I•• .•o N . • O'pAPOq n : co rl 9lA := rn:0. : Z: 0- Cp: 2003 aa: N�j•• STATE OF IOWA COUNTY OF POLK ss. •;oG Cps• •00?� P 0 • • •'O9 • R • G 9qJ� :yc . • a' 1933 c' •••6Jiiv.. . • `;�d•. MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) NATIONS BONDING COMPANY By President On this 6th day of May 2010, before me appeared Larry Taylor, to me personally known, who being by me duly swom did say that he is President of MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) and NATIONS BONDING COMPANY; and that the seals affixed to the foregoing instrument are the corporate seals of the Companies; and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of the Companies by authority of their respective Boards of Directors. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal at the City of Des Moines, Iowa, the day and year first above written. yy CINDY SMYTH �. Commission Number 173504 My Commission Expires STATE OF IOWA March 16, 2012 Notary Public, Polk County, Iowa COUNTY OF POLK ss. I, William Warner, Jr., Secretary of MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) and NATIONS BONDING COMPANY, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the POWER -OF -ATTORNEY executed by said Companies, which is still in full force and effect and has not been amended or revoked. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Companies on this 20th day of August , 2010. 0•'APOq'• Z:— -o- 0:0. 2003 ' a ., /V •a .• • O�NG • Coy•. :►`—:_ -o- 1933 .d Secretary I NBC 0103 (1/09) lJ PAYMENT BOND STATUTORY PAYMENT BOND PURSUANT TO SECTION 2253.021(a) OF-THE—TEXA&G-O-VERNME AID': CODE (CONTRA.CTS=MORE THAN $50,000) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Deerwood Construction, Ir(hereinafter called the Principal(s), as Principal(s), and Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual) (hereinafter called the Surety(s), as SureY�Q, Rare kldend.firmly and unto the City of Lubbock (hereinafter called the Obligee), in the amount ofsevenuhundred1ninYyetyR&160, 1$=Ha Dollars ($293,790.20) lawful money of the United States for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the Obligee, dated the 12thday of August 12010,to Bid 10-097—F0, Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter and said Principal under the law is required before commencing the work provided for in said contract to execute a bond in the amount of said contract which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall pay all claimants supplying labor and material to him or a subcontractor in the prosecution of the work provided for in said contract, then, this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Section 2253.021(a) of the Texas Government Code, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said Article to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal (s) and Surety (s) have signed and sealed this instrument this 20th day of August 2010. Merchants Bondin Com an Mutual) Surety *By: (Title) Cara D. Hancock, Attorney —In —Fact Deerwood Construction, Inc. (Company Name) By (Printed Nam (Signature) (Title) f_ The undersigned surety company represents thatt_is_duly_nt�alifiedto dohusiness-n Texas, and hereby designates DN Broyles an agent resident in Lubbock -County to whom -any requisite notices may be delivered and on whom service of process may_ be had in matters arising out of such suretyship. Approved as to form: City 4eck By: City Attorney Merchants Bon g Com QINL al) Surety *By. �t 1, itle) Cara D. Hancock, Attorney — In —Fact * Note: If signed by an Office of the Surety Company there must be on file a certified extract from -the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If signed by an Attorney in Fact, we must have copy of power of attorney for our files. MERCHANI�S7k NATIONS BONDING COMPANY BONDING COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY Bond No. TX710606 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, and that NATIONS BONDING COMPANY is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Texas (herein collectively called the "Companies"), and that the Companies do hereby make, constitute and appoint Angela S. Goff, Harold Binggeli, Mike Henthorn, Ron Stroman, Cara D. Hancock, Jennifer Winters, D. N. Broyles and/or Carroll Mayfield of Lubbock and State of Texas their true and lawful Attomey-in-Fact, with full power -- and authority hereby conferred in their name, place and stead, to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver in their behalf as surety any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written obligations in the nature thereof, subject to the limitation that any such instrument shall not exceed the amount of: THREE MILLION ($3,000,000.00) Dollars and to bind the Companies thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bond or undertaking was signed by the duly authorized officers of the Companies, and all the acts of said Attomey-in-Fact, pursuant to the authority herein given, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power -of -Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following bylaws adopted by the Board of Directors of Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual) on November 16, 2002 and adopted by the Board of Directors of Nations Bonding Company on April 19, 2003. "The Chairman of the Board or President or any Vice President or Secretary shall have power and authority to appoint Attomeys-in-Fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof. The signature of any authorized officer and the Seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or Certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or other suretyship obligations of the Company, and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually fixed." In Witness Whereof, the Companies have caused this instrument to be signed and sealed this 6th day of May , 2010. o14 DiNc.. POq V� 4 •�'•: Z:— -°- M: :�'• 2003 � a• STATE OF IOWA "•'� COUNTY OF POLK ss. MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) NATIONS BONDING COMPANY By /-f-Z7 7,zz� President On this 6th day of May , 2010 , before me appeared Larry Taylor, to me personally known, who being by me duly swom did say that he is President of MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) and NATIONS BONDING COMPANY; and that the seals affixed to the foregoing instrument are the corporate seals of the Companies; and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of the Companies by authority of their respective Boards of Directors. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal at the City of Des Moines, Iowa, the day and year first above written. CINDY SMYTH �.�17 Commission Number 173504 My Commission Expires STATE OF IOWA March 16, 2012 Notary Public, Polk County, Iowa COUNTY OF POLK ss. I, William Warner, Jr., Secretary of MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) and NATIONS BONDING COMPANY, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the POWER -OF -ATTORNEY executed by said Companies, which is still in full force and effect and has not been amended or revoked. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Companies on this 20th day of August , 2010 .PfiCO 9•� •� 9 Z:— -°- o' •.� 2003 a� ••may. •a . .• • O\NG • CAM•'• 0o?�RP0,9 : y 1933 c; Secretary NBC 0103 (1/09) MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY IMPORTANT NOTICE To obtain information or make a complaint: You may contact your insurance agent at the telephone number provided by your insurance agent. You may call Merchants Bonding Company's toll -free telephone number for information or to make a complaint at: 1-800-678-8171 You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance to obtain information on companies, coverages, rights or complaints at: 1-800-252-3439 You may write the Texas Department of Insurance at P. O. Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 Fax: (512) 475-1771 Web: http://www.tdi.state.tx.us E-mail: ConsumerProtection@tdi.state.tx.us PREMIUM AND CLAIM DISPUTES: Should you have a dispute concerning your premium or about a claim you should contact the agent first. If the dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Texas Department of Insurance. ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR POLICY: This notice is for information only and does not become a part or condition of the attached document. SUP 0032 TX (1/09) r. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE PRODUCER (806) 356-6000 FAX: (806) 356-0615 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTERTHE Edmond, Deaton 6 Stephens ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES _ NOT AMEN[ 5625 Fulton Street ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POUC Amarillo TX 79109 INSURED Deerwood Construction Inc. P O Box 3009 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAUL 39357 INSURER A Travelers Insurance Co . INSURER B: Texas Mutual Insurance Lubbock TX 79452 ( INSURERe OVERAGES n wInTW(T�iSTi1>\NED THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD I►VU(.), K %A-,*C t REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED Ste" F THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS I I LTR NSRDTYPE OF INSURANCE I POLICY NUMBER DATE fMMD 10fYY) (POLICY EXARAXPIRATION LIMIT DATE MMIDDfY GENERAL LIABILITY X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY A CLAIMS MADE a OCCUR C05018N983 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X ANY AUTO A ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY I ANY AUTO EXCESSIUMBRELLA LIABILITY X + OCCUR E CLAIMS MADE BA5016NO50 A I I I DEDUCTIBLE I CUP5463B428 5/9/2010 5/9/2011 aEE GATE Sz COMBINED SINGLE L1MtT (Ea accident) 5/9/2010 5/9/2011 BODILY INJURY (Per person) BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY 4AMAGE (Per accident) AUTOONLY , EA ACCIPe" EA A 15 OTHER THAN AUTO CNLY: EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE 5/9/2010 5/9/2011 B WORKERS COMPENSATION AND F2'�� EMPLOYERS' LIABILITYANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTIVECGt OFFICERIMEMBEREXCLUDED? TSF0001102658 12/31/2009 12/31/201-0 EIf yes, describe under cncC _ OTHER A Leased/Rented 6605383BB58 05/09/2010 05/09/2011 $2®o ,000 a DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSJLOCATiONSNEHICLES!EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENTISPECIAL PROVISIONS Project: Animal Shelter Water & Sewer. City of Lubbock; Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Srzc; listed as primary additional insured+s where required by written contract. Waiver o£ Liability, Auto Liability and Work Comp in favor of City of Lubbock; Parkhill, Smitrt Coc'� r Engineering where required by written contract. City of Lubbock P O BOX 2000 Lubbock, TX 79457 CANCELLAT(®N SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ussul Ec_- 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO T"F—= CER-r1F=1C FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NCB CDBLIG INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPt?E:SE T4-T"A.TNES- AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE t .� Marilyn Phillips/SK ACORD 25 (2001108) INS025(oloe).osa No Text ACORDTM CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 87A E oio� PRODUCER (806) 356-600.0 FAX: (806) 356-0615 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Edmond, Deaton 6 Stephens P ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 5625 Fulton Street ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Amarillo TX 79109 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED INSURER A Travelers Insurance Co. 39357 INSURERB:Texas Mutual Insurance Deerwood Construction Inc. INSURERC: P 0 BOX 3009 INSURER D: I- Lubbock TX 79452 G 1OVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. GREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY AID CLAMS. INSRD ADD'L OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICTYPE DATEYMMIDDTI� POLICY EXPIRATION DATE M LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 PROutISES EaEoccccurrrence $ 50,000 rA X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMSMADE XX OCCUR C0501SH983 5/9/2010 5/9/.2011 MEDEXP (Any oneperson) S �excluded PERSONAL & ADV INJURY u 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE S 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-- COMP/OP AGG S 2,000,000 POLICY X- JPERT LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) $ 1,000,000 X BODILY INJURY (Perpe—) S A ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED. AUTOS BAS016NO50 5/9/2010 5/9/2011 BODILY INJURY (Per accident) 5 HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) S GARAGELIABILITY AUTO ONLY -EA ACCIDENT S OTHER THAN EA ACC $ ANY AUTO $ g AUTO ONLY: AGG EXCESSIUMBRELLA LIABILITY X OCCUR n CLAIMS MADE EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 AGGREGATE S 2,000,000 S A DEDUCTIBLE CUP5463s428 5/9/2010 5/9/2011 S RETENTION $ B WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNER/EXECUTIVE X WC.STATU- OTH- TORY LIMITS ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT _ $ 1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEq S 1, 000,000 OFFICERIMEMBEREXCLUDED? If yes, describe under SPECIAL PROVISIONS below TSF0001102658 12/31/2009 12/31/2010 E.L. DISEASE- POLICY LIMIT S 1,000,000 OTHER A Leased/Rented 6605383BB58 05/09/2010 05/09/2011 $200,000 -limit $2,500 deductible DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSfVEHICLES!EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENTISPECIAL PROVISIONS Project: Animal Shelter Water & Sewer. City of Lubbock; Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc; and Hamilton Engineering are listed as primary additional insured's where required by written contract. Waiver of Subrogation applies to General Liability, Auto Liability and Work Comp in favor of City of Lubbock; Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc; and Hamilton Engineering where required by written contract. City of Lubbock P 0 BOX 2000 Lubbock, TX 79457 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER. ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. ILC V KCYKGJGIV I H I IV C 1 yn Phillips/SK AL;VKU 13 (6UU1lU0) v At;UKL) k;UK UKAIIVIV IV00 INS026 (010e).08a Pagel of 2 No Text CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE TO: CITY OF LUBBOCK DATE: P.O. BOX 2000, Room 204 LUBBOCK, TX 79457 TYPE OF PROJECT: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT (Name and Address of Insured) is, at the date of this certificate, insured by this Company with respect to the business operations hereinafter described, for the typed of insurance and in accordance with the provisions of the standard policies used by this company, the further hereinafter described. Exceptions to standard policy noted hereon. TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE LIMITS DATE DATE GENERAL LIABILITY Commercial General Liability General Aggregate $ Claims Made Products-Comp/Op AGG $ Occurrence Personal & Adv. Injury $ OwneCs & Contractors Protective Each Occurrence $ Fire Damage (Any one Fire) $ Med Exp (Any one Person) $ AUTOMOTIVE LIABILITY Any Auto Combined Single Limit $ All Owned Autos Bodily Injury (Per Person) $ Scheduled Autos Bodily Injury (Per Accident) $ Hired Autos Property Damage $ Non -Owned Autos GARAGE LIABILITY Any Auto Auto Only - Each Accident $ Other than Auto Only: Each Accident $ Aggregate $ BUILDER'S RISK 100% of the Total Contract Price $ INSTALLATION FLOATER $ EXCESS LIABILITY Umbrella Form Each Occurrence $ Aggregate $ Other Than Umbrella Form $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY The Proprietor/ Included Statutory Limits Panners/Executive = Excluded Each Accident $ Offices are: Disease Policy Limit $ Disease -Each Employee $ OTHER The above policies either in the body thereof or by appropriate endorsement provide that they may not be changed or canceled by the insurer in less than the legal time required after the insured has received written notice of such change or cancellation, or in case there is no legal requirement, in less than five days in advance of cancellation. FIVE COPIES OF THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (Name of Insurer) MUST BE SENT TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK :13 t--- Title: The Insurance Certificates Furnished shall name the City of Lubbock as a Primary Additional Insured on General Liability and provide a Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the City of Lubbock. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S. THE ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT SHALL INCLUDE PRODUCTS AND COMPLETE OPERATIONS. .e 0 8 v CONTRACTOR CHECKLIST A CONTRACTOR SHALL: (1) provide coverage for its employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filling of any coverage agreements; 4L(2) provide a certificate of coverage showing workers' compensation coverage to the governmental entity prior to beginning work on the project; 9�- (3) provide the governmental entity, prior to the end of the -coverage period, -a-new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; 70-1 (4) obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide to the governmental entity: (A) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (B) no later than seven days after receipt by the contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends 2 during the duration of the project; V(5) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; (6) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; (7) post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by the Act or other commission rules. This notice must be printed in at least 19-point normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population. The text for the notices shall be the following text provided by the commission on the sample notice, without any additional words or changes: PROOF OF COVERAGE SHALL BE FURNISHED TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK IN THE FORM OF A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE CERTIFICATES FURNISHED SHALL NAME THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AS A PRIMARY ADDITIONAL INSURED AND PROVIDE A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY A STATEMENT FROM THE CONTRACTOR TO THE EFFECT THAT NO WORK ON THIS PARTICULAR PROJECT SHALL BE SUBCONTRACTED. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE TO THE OWNER ALL PROOF OF COVERAGE INSURANCE DOCUMENTS INCLUDING WORKERS COMPENSATION COVERAGE FOR EACH SUBCONTRACTOR. REQUIRED WORKERS' COMPENSA-T-ION COVERAGE "The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must (see reverse) be covered by workers' compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling, or delivering equipment and materials, or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project, regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an employee." "Call the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission at 512-305-7238 to receive information on the legal requirement for coverage, to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage." and (8) contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: (A) provide coverage based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (B) provide a certificate of coverage to the contractor prior to that person beginning work on the project; (C) include in all contracts to provide services on the project the language in subsection (e) (3) of this rule; (D) provide the contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (E) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the contractor: (i) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and (ii) prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (F) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; (G) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within (ten) 10 days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (H) contractually require each other person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs (A) - (H), with the certificate of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. CONTRACT CONTRACT #9591 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 12"' day of August, 2010, by and between the City of Lubbock, County of Lubbock, State of Texas, acting by and through the Mayor, City of Lubbock, thereunto authorized to do so, hereinafter referred to as OWNER, and Deerwood Construction Inc. of the City of Lubbock, and the State of Texas hereinafter termed CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER and under the conditions expressed in the bond bearing even date herewith (if any) the CONTRACTOR hereby agrees with OWNER to commence and complete the construction of certain improvements described as follows: BID 10-097-FO, Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements for Lubbock Animal Shelter and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the contract documents and at his (or their) own proper cost and expense to furnish all materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction in accordance with the contract documents as defined in the General Conditions of Agreement. Deerwood Construction Inc.'s bid dated June 15,, 2010 is incorporated into and made a part of this agreement. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work within ten days after the date written notice to do so shall have been given to him and to substantially complete same within the time specified in the contract documents. The OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR in current funds for the performance of the contract in accordance with the bid submitted therefore, subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the contract documents and to make payment on account thereof as provided therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to these presents have executed this agreement in Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas in the year and day first above written. CONTRACTOR: f 1 t '.� ME: COMPLETE ADDRESS: ..W 1 Company W Address City, State, Zip ATTEST: 9 Co rate Secretary CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS (OWNER): By: _/ � MAYOR ATTEST: APP City Attorney No Text GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT 1. OWNER Whenever the word Owner, or First Party, are used in this contract, it shall- be- as referring to the City of Lubbock, Texas. CONTRACTOR Whenever the word Contractor, or Second Party, is used, it shall be understood to mean the person, persons, co- partnership or corporation, to wit who has agreed to perform the work embraced in this contract, or their legal representative. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE Whenever the word Owner's Representative or representative is used in this contract, it shall be understood as referring to, City of Lubbock, or its representative Wood Franklin, Chief Engineer, so designated who shall inspect constructions; or to such -other representatives, supervisors, architects, engineers, or inspectors as may be authorized by said Owner to act in any particular under this agreement. Engineers, supervisors or inspectors shall act for the Owner under the direction of Owner's Representative, but shall not directly supervise the Contractor or persons acting on behalf of the Contractor. 4. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The contract's documents shall consist of the Notice to Bidders, General Instructions to Bidders, Bid, Signed Agreement, Statutory Bonds (if required), General Conditions of the Agreement, Special Conditions of the Agreement (if any), Specifications, Plans, Insurance Certificates, and all other documents made available to Bidder for inspection in accordance with the Notice to Bidders. The above described materials are sometimes referred to herein as the "contract" or "contract documents". INTERPRETATION OF PHRASES Whenever the words "Directed," "Permitted," "Designated," "Required," "Considered Necessary," "Prescribed," or words of like import are used, it shall be understood that the direction, requirement, permission, order, designation or prescription of the Owner's Representative is intended; and similarly, the words "Approved," "Acceptable," "Satisfactory," or words of like import shall mean approved by or acceptable or satisfactory to the Owner's Representative. 6. SUBCONTRACTOR The term Subcontractor, as employed herein, includes only those having a direct contract with the Contractor for performance of work on the project contemplated by these contract documents. Owner shall have no responsibility to any Subcontractor employed by Contractor for performance of work on the project contemplated by these contract documents, but said Subcontractors shall look exclusively to Contractor for any payments due Subcontractor. The City reserves the right to approve or disapprove the selection of any subcontractor(s). WRITTEN NOTICE Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an Office of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent certified mail to the last business address known to the party who gives the notice. 8. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES Unless otherwise stipulated, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance, and all water, light, power, fuel, transportation and all other facilities necessary for the execution and completion of the work covered by the contract documents. Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new and both workmanship and materials shall be of a good quality. The Contractor shall, if required, furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials. Materials or work described in words which so applied have well known, technical or trade meaning shall be held to refer such recognized standards. All work shall be done and all materials furnished in strict conformity with the contract documents. 9. SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETED The term "Substantially Completed" is meant that the structure or project contemplated by the contract documents has been made suitable for use or occupancy or the facility is in a condition to serve its intended purpose, but still may require minor miscellaneous work and adjustment. 10. LAYOUT Except as specifically provided herein, the Contractor shall be responsible for laying out all work and shall accomplish this work in a manner acceptable to the Owner's Representative. The Owner's Representative shall check the Contractor's layout of all major structures and any other layout work done by the Contractor at Contractor's request, but this check does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of correctly locating all work in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. 11. KEEPING OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ACCESSIBLE The Contractor shall be furnished copies of all Plans and Specifications without expense to Contractor and Contractor shall keep one copy of same consistently accessible on the job site. 12. RIGHT OF ENTRY The Owner's Representative may make periodic visits to the site to observe the progress or quality of the executed work and to determine, in general, if the work is proceeding in accordance with the contract documents. Owner's Representative shall not be required to make exhaustive or continuous onsite inspections to check the quality or quantity of the work, nor shall Owner's Representative be responsible for the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or the safety precautions incident thereto. Notwithstanding the Owner's Representative's rights of entry hereunder, the Owner's Representative shall not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 13. LINES AND GRADES All lines and grades shall be furnished whenever Owner's Representative deems said lines and grades are necessary for the commencement of the work contemplated by these contract documents or the completion of the work contemplated by these contract documents. Whenever necessary, Contractor shall suspend its work in order to permit Owner's Representative to comply with this requirement, but such suspension shall be as brief as practical and Contractor shall be allowed no extra compensation therefore. The Contractor shall give the Owner's Representative ample notice of the time and place where lines and grades are needed. All stakes, marks, etc., shall be carefully preserved by the Contractor, and in case of careless destruction or removal by Contractor, its Subcontractors, or its employees, such stakes, marks, etc., shall be replaced by the Owner's Representative at Contractor's expense. 14. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE'S AUTHORITY AND DUTY Unless otherwise specified, it is mutually agreed between the parties to this Agreement that the Owner's Representative has the authority to review all work included herein. The Owner's Representative has the authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessary to ensure the proper execution of the contract. The Owner's Representative shall, in all cases, determine the amounts and quantities of the several kinds of work which are to be paid for under the contract documents, and shall determine all questions in relation to said work and the construction thereof, and shall, in all cases, decide every question which may arise relative to the execution of this contract on the part of said Contractor. The decision of the Owner's Representative shall be conclusive in the absence of written objection to same delivered to Owner's Representative within fifteen (15) calendar days of any decision or direction by Owner's Representative. In_the _absence of timely written objection by Contractor, as provided herein, any and all objection or objections shall be deemed waived. 15. SUPERINTENDENCE AND INSPECTION It is agreed by the Contractor that the Owner's Representative shall be and is hereby authorized to appoint from time to time such subordinate engineers, supervisors, or inspectors as the said Owner's Representative may deem proper to inspect the materials furnished and the work done under this Agreement, and to see that said material is furnished and said work is done in accordance with the specifications therefore. The Contractor shall furnish all reasonable aid and assistance required -by the subordinate engineers, supervisors or inspectors for the proper inspection and examination of the work. The Contractor shall regard and obey the directions and instructions of any subordinate engineers, supervisors or inspectors so appointed, when such directions and instructions are consistent with the obligations of this Agreement and accompanying plans and specifications provided, however, should the Contractor object to any orders by any subordinate engineer, supervisor or inspector, the Contractor may within fifteen (15) calendar days make written appeal to the Owner's Representative for its decision. In the absence of timely written objection by Contractor, as provided herein, any and all objection or objections shall be deemed waived. 16. CONTRACTOR'S DUTY AND SUPERINTENDENCE The Contractor shall give personal attention to the faithful prosecution and completion of this contract and shall keep on the work, during its progress, a competent superintendent and any necessary assistants, all satisfactory to Owner's Representative. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in its absence and all directions given to superintendent shall be binding as if given to the Contractor. It is expressly agreed that adequate supervision by competent and reasonable representatives of the Contractor is essential to the proper performance of the work and lack of such supervision shall be grounds for suspending operations of the Contractor. The work, from its commencement to completion, shall be under the exclusive charge and control of the Contractor and all risk in connection therewith shall be borne by the Contractor. The Owner or Owner's Representatives shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of the Contractor, or any subcontractors, or any of Contractor's agents or employees, or any other persons performing any of the work. 17. CONTRACTOR'S UNDERSTANDING It is understood and agreed that the Contractor has, by careful examination, satisfied itself as to the nature and location of the work, the confirmation of the ground, the character, quality and quantity of materials to be encountered, the character of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the prosecution of the work, and the general and local conditions, and all other matters which in any way affect the work under the contract documents. No oral agreement or conversation with any Office, agent, or employee of the Owner, or Owner's Representative either before or after the execution of this contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained. Subject to the rights of Owner as set forth in Paragraph 23 hereof, all modifications and/or amendments to the contract documents, shall be in writing, and executed by Owner's Representative and Contractor. $_ S Unless otherwise specified herein, all loss, expense or damage to Contractor arising out of the nature of the work to be done, or from the action of the elements, _or__from-any unforeseen circumstance and the prosecution of the work, shall be sustained and borne by the Contractor at its own cost and expense. 18. CHARACTER OF WORKERS The Contractor agrees to employ only orderly and competent workers, skillful in the performance in the type of work required under this contract, to do the work; and agrees that whenever the Owner's Representative shall inform Contractor in writing that any man or men on the work, are, in Owner's Representative's sole opinion, incompetent, unfaithful, disorderly, or otherwise unacceptable to Owner or Owner's Representative, such man or men shall be discharged from the work and shall not again be employed on the work without the Owner's Representative's written consent. 19. CONSTRUCTION PLANT The Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, equipment, machinery and materials necessary in the prosecution and completion of this contract where it is not otherwise specifically provided that Owner shall furnish same, and it is also understood that Owner shall not be held responsible for the care, preservation, conservation, or protection of any materials, tools, equipment or machinery or any part of the work until it is finally completed and accepted. The building of structures for the housing of men or equipment are permitted only at such places as the Owner's Representative shall consent or direct, and the sanitary conditions of the grounds in or about such structure shall at all times be maintained in a manner satisfactory to the Owner's Representative. 20. SANITATION Necessary sanitary conveniences for the use of laborers on the work site, properly secluded from public observation, shall be constructed and maintained by the Contractor in such manner and at such points as shall be approved by the Owner's Representative and their use shall be strictly enforced. 21. OBSERVATION AND TESTING The Owner or Owner's Representative shall have the right at all times to observe and test the work. Contractor shall make necessary arrangements and provide proper facilities and access for such observation and testing at any location wherever such work is in preparation or progress. Contractor shall ascertain the scope of any observation that may be contemplated by Owner or Owner's Representative and shall give ample notice as to the time each part of the work shall be ready for such observation. Owner or Owner's Representative may reject any such work found to be defective or not in accordance with the contract documents, regardless of the stage of its completion or the time or place of discovery of such errors and regardless of whether Owner's Representative has previously accepted the work through oversight or otherwise. If any such work should be covered without approval or consent of the Owner, it must, if requested by Owner or Owner's Representative, be uncovered for examination at Contractor's expense. In the event that any part of the work is being fabricated or manufactured at a location where it is not convenient for Owner or Owner's Representative to make observations of such work or require testing of said work, then in such event Owner or Owner's Representative may require Contractor to furnish Owner or Owner's Representative certificates of inspection, testing or approval made by persons competent to perform such tasks at the location where that part of the work is being manufactured or fabricated. All such tests shall be in accordance with the methods prescribed by the American Society for Testing and Materials or such other applicable organization as may be required by law or the contract documents. If any such work which is required to be inspected, tested, or approved is covered up without written approval or consent of the Owner or Owner's Representative, it must, if requested by the Owner or Owner's Representative, be uncovered for observation and testing at the Contractor's expense. The cost of all such inspections, tests and approvals shall be borne by the Contractor unless otherwise provided herein. Any work which fails to meet the requirements of any such tests, inspections or approvals, and any work which meets the requirements of any such tests or approvals but does not meet the requirements of the contract documents shall be considered defective, and shall be corrected at the Contractor's expense. Neither observations by the Owner or Owner's_ Representative, nor inspections, tests, or approvals made by Owner, Owner's Representative, or other persons authorized under the contract documents to make such inspections, tests, or approvals shall relieve the Contractor from its obligation to perform the work in accordance with the requirements of the contract documents. 22. DEFECTS AND THEIR REMEDIES It is expressly agreed that if the work or any part thereof, or any material brought on the site of the work for use in the work or selected for the same, shall be deemed by the Owner or Owner's Representative as unsuitable or not in conformity with plans, specifications and/or contract documents, the Contractor shall, after receipt of written notice thereof from the Owner's Representative, forthwith remove such material and rebuild or otherwise remedy such work so that it shall be in full accordance with the contract documents. It is further agreed that any remedial action contemplated as hereinabove set forth shall beat Contractor's expense. 23. CHANGES AND ALTERATIONS The Contractor further agrees that the Owner may make such changes and alterations as the Owner may see fit, in the line, grade, form dimensions, plans or materials for the work herein contemplated, or any part thereof, either before or after the beginning of the construction, without affecting the validity of this contract and the accompanying bond. If such changes or alterations diminish the quantity of the work to be done, they shall not constitute the basis for a claim for damages, or anticipated profits on the work that may be dispensed with. If they increase the amount of work, and the increased work can fairly be classified under the specifications, such increase shall be paid according to the quantity actually done and at the unit price established for such work under this contract; otherwise such additional work shall be paid for as provided under Extra Work. In case the Owner shall make such changes or alterations as shall make useless any work already done or material already furnished or used in said work, then the Owner shall recompense the Contractor for any material or labor so used, and for actual expenses incurred in preparation for the work as originally planned. 24. EXTRA WORK The term "extra work as used in this contract shall be understood to mean and include all work that may be required by the Owner or Owner's Representative to be done by the Contractor to accomplish any change, alteration or addition to the work as shown on the plans and specifications or contract documents and not covered by Contractor's bid, except as provided under Changes and Alterations herein. It is agreed that the Contractor shall perform all extra work under the direction of the Owner's Representative when presented with a written work order signed by the Owner's Representative; subject, however, to the right of the Contractor to require written confirmation of such extra work order by the Owner. It is also agreed that the compensation to be paid to the Contractor for performing said extra work shall be determined by the following methods: Method (A) - By agreed unit prices; or Method (B) - By agreed lump sum; or Method (C) - If neither Method (A) or Method (B) be agreed upon before the extra work is commenced, then the Contractor shall be paid the lesser of the following: (1) actual field cost of the extra work, plus fifteen (15%) percent; or (2) the amount that would have been charged by a reasonable and prudent Contractor as a reasonable and necessary cost for performance of the extra work. e- In the event said extra work be performed and paid for under Method (C)(1), then the provisions of this paragraph_. shall apply and the "actual field cost" is hereby defined to include the cost of all workmen, such_ as -foremen, timekeepers, mechanics and laborers, materials, supplies, teams, trucks, rentals on machinery and equipment, for the time actually employed or used on such extra work, plus actual transportation charges necessarily incurred, together with all expenses incurred directly on account of such extra work, including Social Security, Old Age Benefits, Maintenance Bonds, Public Liability and Property Damage and Workers' Compensationandall other insurances as may be required by law or ordinances or directed by the Owner or Owner's Representative, or by them agreed to. Owner's Representative may direct the form in which accounts of the actual field cost shall be kept and records of these accounts shall be made available to the Owner's Representative. The Owner's Representative may also specify in writing, before the work commences, the method of doing the work and the type and kind of machinery and equipment to be used; otherwise, these matters shall be determined by the Contractor. Unless otherwise agreed upon, the prices for the use of machinery and equipment shall be determined by using 100%, unless otherwise specified, of the latest_ Schedule of Equipment and Ownership Expenses adopted by the Associated General Contractors of America. Where practical, the terms and prices for the use of machinery and equipment shall be incorporated in the written extra work order. The fifteen percent (15%) of the actual field cost to be paid to Contractor shall cover and compensate Contractor for its profit, overhead, general -{ superintendence and field office expense, and all other elements of cost and expense not embraced within the actual field cost as herein defined, save that where the Contractor's Camp or Field Office must be maintained primarily on account of such Extra Work, then the cost to maintain and operate the same shall be included in the "actual field cost." No claim for extra work of any kind shall be allowed unless ordered in writing by Owner's Representative. In case any orders or instructions appear to the Contractor to involve extra work for which Contractor should receive compensation or an adjustment in the construction time, Contractor shall prior to commencement of such extra work, make written request to the Owner's Representative for a written order authorizing such extra work. Should a difference of opinion arise as to what does or does not constitute extra work or as to the payment therefore, and the Owner's Representative insists upon its performance, the Contractor shall proceed with the work after making written request for written order and shall keep adequate and accurate account of the actual field cost thereof, as provided under Method (C) (1). If Contractor does not notify Owner's Representative before the commencement of any extra work, any claim for payment due to alleged extra work shall be deemed waived. 25. DISCREPANCIES AND OMISSIONS It is further agreed that it is the intent of the contract documents that all work described in the bid, the specifications, plans and other contract documents, is to be done for the prices quoted by the Contractor and that such price shall include all appurtenances necessary to complete the work in accordance with the intent of these contract documents as interpreted by Owner's Representative. Notices of any discrepancies or omissions in these plans, specifications, or contract documents, shall be given to the Owners' Representative and a clarification obtained before the bids are received, and if no such notice is received by the Owner's Representative prior to the opening of bids, then it shall be deemed that the Contractor fully understands the work to be included and has provided sufficient sums in its bid to complete the work in accordance with these plans and specifications. If Contractor does not notify Owner's Representative before bidding of any discrepancies or omissions, then it shall be deemed for all purposes that the plans and specifications are sufficient and adequate for completion of the project. It is further agreed that any request for clarification must be submitted no later than five (5) calendar days prior to the opening of bids. 26. RIGHT OF OWNER TO MODIFY METHODS AND EQUIPMENT If at any time the methods or equipment used by the Contractor are found to be inadequate to secure the quality of work with the rate of progress required under this contract, the Owner or Owner's Representative may order the Contractor in writing to increase their safety or improve their character and efficiency and the Contractor shall comply with such order. If, at any time, the working force of the Contractor is inadequate for securing the progress herein specified, the Contractor shall, if so ordered in writing, increase its force or equipment, or both, to such an extent as to give reasonable assurance of compliance with the schedule of progress. 27. PROTECTION AGAINST ACCIDENT TO EMPLOYEESANDTHE PUBLIC AND GENERAL INDEMNITY The Contractor shall take out and procure a policy or policies of Workers' Compensation Insurance with an insurance company licensed to transact business in the State of Texas, which policy shall comply with the Workers' Compensation laws of the State of Texas. The Contractor shall at all times exercise reasonable precaution for the safety of employees and others on or near the work and shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and municipal laws and building and construction codes. All machinery and equipment and other physical hazards shall be guarded in accordance with the "Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction" of Associated General Contractors of America, except where incompatible with federal, state or municipal laws or regulations. The Contractor, its sureties and insurance carriers shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and all of its Offices, agents and employees against any all losses, costs, damages, expenses, liabilities, claims and/or- causes of action, whether known or unknown, fixed, actual, accrued or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees and expenses, in connection with, incident to, related to, or arising out of the Contractor's or any subcontractor's, agent's or employee's, in any manner whatsoever, omission, execution and/or supervision of this contract, and the project which is the subject matter of this contract. The safety precautions taken shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor, in its sole discretion as an Independent Contractor; inclusion of this paragraph in the Agreement, as well as any notice which may be given by the Owners or the Owner's Representative concerning omissions under this paragraph as the work progresses, are intended as reminders to the Contractor of its duty and shall not be construed as any assumption of duty to supervise safety precautions by either the Contractor or any of its subcontractors. 28. CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE The Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until he has obtained all insurance as required in the General Conditions of the contract documents, from an underwriter authorized to do business in the State of Texas and satisfactory to the City. Proof of coverage shall be furnished to the City and written notice of cancellation or any material change shall be provided ten (10) calendar days in advance of cancellation or change. All policies of insurance, required herein, including policies of insurance required to be provided by Contractor and its subcontractors, shall contain a waiver of any and all of the insurer's or payor's, in the event of self- insurance, rights to subrogation that any such insurer or payor, in the event of self-insurance, may acquire by virtue of payment of any loss under such insurance or self-insurance. All certificates of insurance submitted to the City in conformity with the provisions hereof shall establish such waiver. The Contractor shall procure and carry at its sole cost and expense through the life of this contract, insurance protection as hereinafter specified. Coverage in excess of that specified herein also shall be acceptable. Such insurance shall be carried with an insurance company authorized to transact business in the State of Texas and shall cover all operations in connection with this contract, whether performed by the Contractor or a subcontractor, or separate policies shall be provided covering the operation of each subcontractor. A certificate of insurance specifying each and all coverages shall be submitted prior to contract execution. PROOF OF COVERAGE SHALL BE FURNISHED TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK IN THE FORM OF A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ALONG WITH A COPY OF THE ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT. THE INSURANCE CERTIFICATES FURNISHED SHALL NAME THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AS A PRIMARY ADDITIONAL INSURED TO INCLUDE PRODUCT-COMP/OP AND PROVIDE A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AS REQUIRED BELOW, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY A STATEMENT FROM THE CONTRACTOR TO THE EFFECT THAT NO WORK ON THIS PARTICULAR PROJECT SHALL BE SUBCONTRACTED. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE TO THE OWNER ALL PROOF OF COVERAGE INSURANCE DOCUMENTS INCLUDING WORKERS COMPENSATION COVERAGE FOR EACH SUBCONTRACTOR. THE ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSE\TENT SHALL INCLUDE PRODUCTS ADD COINIPLETE OPERATIONS. A. Commercial General Liability Insurance (Primary Additional Insured and Waiver of Subrogation required) The contractor shall have Comprehensive General Liability Insurance with limits of $1,000,00OCombined Single Limit intheaggregate and per occurrence to include: Products & Completed Operations AGG Contractual Liability I Personal & Adv. Injury 111 WITH HEAVY EQUIPMENT & XCU (Explosion, Collapse, Underground) ENDORSEMENT 1 B. Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability Insurance. For bodily injuries, including accidental death and or property damage, - NOT REQUIRED. C. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance (Waiver of Subrogation Required) The Contractor shall have Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance with limits of not less than; Bodily Injury/Property Damage, $500,000 Combined Single Limit, to include all owned and non -owned cars including: Employers Non -ownership Liability Hired and Non -owned Vehicles. D. Builder's Risk Insurance/Installation Floater Insurance - NOT REQUIRED. E. Umbrella Liability Insurance - NOT REQUIRED. F. Worker's Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance (Waiver of Subrogation required) Worker's Compensation Insurance covering all employees whether employed by the Contractor or any Subcontractor on the job with Employers Liability of at least $500,000 Definitions: Certificate of coverage ("certificate") - A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self -insure issued by the commission, or a coverage agreement (TWCC-81, TWCC- 82, TWCC-83, or TWCC-84), showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project. Duration of the project - includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the Contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. Persons providing services on the project ("subcontractor" in Section 406.096, Texas Labor Code) - includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the Contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the Contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, without limitation, independent contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner - operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other service related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. The Contractor shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements 4. 7 of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.01 ](44) for all employees of the contractor providing services on-the_project,-for_-the duration .of -the project. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. If the coverage period shown on the Contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the projects the Contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended. The Contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on the project, and provide to the governmental entity: (a) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity shall have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (b) no later than seven days after receipt by the Contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. The Contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. The Contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the Contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. 8. The Contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. 9. The Contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on the project, to: (a) provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (b) provide to the Contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (c) provide the Contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (d) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the Contractor: (1) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and (2) a new certificate of coverage showing extensionofcoverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period_shown_on_the current certificate--of' coveragecoverage ends during the duration of the project; (e) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; (f) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (g) contractually require each person with whom it contracts to perform as required by paragraphs (a) - (g), with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. 10. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the Contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the Contractor who shall provide services on the project shall be covered by worker's compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that -the -coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self -insured, with the commission's Division of Self -Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the Contractor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties, or other civil actions. IL The Contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the Contractor which entitles the governmental entity to declare the contract void if the Contractor does not remedy the breach within ten days after receipt of notice of breach from the governmental entity. G. Proof of Coverage Before work on this contract is commenced, each Contractor and subcontractor shall submit to the Owner for approval five Certificates of Insurance covering each insurance policy carried and offered as evidence of compliance with the above insurance requirements, signed by an authorized representative of the insurance company setting forth: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) The name and address of the insured. The location of the operations to which the insurance applies. The name of the policy and type or types of insurance in force thereunder on the date borne by such certificate. The expiration date of the policy and the limit or limits of liability thereunder on the date borne by such certificate. A provision that the policy may be canceled only by mailing written notice to the named insured at the address shown in the bid specifications. A provision that written notice shall be given to the City ten days prior to any change in or cancellation of the policies shown on the certificate. The certificate or certificates shall be on the form (or identical copies thereof) contained in the job specifications. No substitute of nor amendment thereto will be acceptable. If policy limits are paid, new policy must be secured for new coverage to complete project. A Contractor shall: 10 (a) provide coverage for its employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project based on proper reporting of classification codes and pay-rollamounts:.and_.filling of any coverage agreements; (b) provide a certificate of coverage showing workers' compensation coverage to the governmental entity prior to beginning work on the project; (c) provide the governmental entity, prior to the end of the coverage periods a -new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the Contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (d) obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide to the governmental entity: (i) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (i i) no later than seven days after receipt by the Contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the —project; (e) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; (f) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the Contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; (g) post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Act or other commission rules. This notice must be printed with a title in at least 30 point bold type and text in at least 19 point normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population. The text for the notices shall be the following text provided by the commission on the sample notice, without any additional words or changes: REQUIRED WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE "The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by workers' compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project, regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an employee. " "Call the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission at 800-372-7713 or 512-804- 4000 (www.tdi.state.tx.us) to receive information of the legal requirements for coverage, to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage;" and (h) contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: (i) provide coverage based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; t (ii) provide a certificate of coverage to the Contractor prior to that person beginning work on the project; 11 (iii) include in all contracts to provide services on the project the following language: "By signing this contract or providing or causing to be -t provided a- certificate of coverage, the person signing this contract is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the person signing this contract who will provide services on the project will be covered by workers' compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that t- the coverage will be based on proper reprinting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self -insured, with the commission's Division of Self -Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the Contractor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties, or other civil actions."; (iv) provide the Contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; _a (v) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the Contractor: (1) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and (2) prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (vi) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; (vii) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (viii) contractually require each other person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs (i)-(viii), with the certificate of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. 29. DISABLED EMPLOYEES Contractors having more than fifteen (15) employees agree to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and agree not to discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability because of the disability of such i individual in regard to job application procedures, the hiring, advancement, or discharge of employees, employee compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. 30. PROTECTION AGAINST CLAIMS OF SUBCONTRACTORS LABORERS MATERIALMEN AND FURNISHERS OF MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Without limiting, in any way, manner or form, the indemnity provided by Contractor in paragraph 27 hereof, the # Contractor agrees that it will indemnify and save the Owner and all of its Offices, agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, expenses and causes of action arising out of, in any way, manner or form, the demands of subcontractors, laborers, workmen, mechanics, material men and furnishers of machinery and parts thereof, equipment, power tools, and supplies, incurred in the performance of this contract 12 (_ and the project which is the subject matter of this contract. When Owner so desires, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence- that all obligations of the nature hereinabove designated- have been paid, discharged or waived. 31. PROTECTION AGAINST ROYALTIES OR PATENT INVENTION The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees, and shall provide for the use of any design, device, material or process covered by letters patent or copyright by suitable legal agreement with the Patentee or owner thereof. Without limiting, in any way, manner or form, the indemnity provided by Contractor in paragraph 27 hereof, the Contractor shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent or copyrights and shall indemnify and save the Owner, and all of its Offices, agents and employees harmless from any loss -on account thereof, except that Owner shall defend all such suits and claims and shall be responsible for all _ such loss when a particular design, device, material or process or the product of a particular manufacturer or manufacturers is specified or required in these contract documents by Owner; provided, however, if choice of alternate design, device, material or process is allowed to the Contractor, then Contractor shall indemnify and save Owner, and all of its Offices, agents and employees harmless from any loss on account thereof. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, if the material or process specified or required by Owner and/or this contract is an infringement, the Contractor shall be responsible for such loss unless it gives written notice of such infringement to the Owner's Representative prior to bidding. 32. LAWS AND ORDINANCES The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations, which in any manner affect the contract or the work, and without limiting, in any way, manner or form, the indemnity provided by Contractor in paragraph 27 hereof, Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner, and all of its Offices, agents, and employees against any claims arising from the violation of any such laws, ordinances, and regulations, whether by the Contractor, its employees, or subcontractors. If the Contractor observes that the plans and specifications are at variance therewith, he shall notify the Owner's Representative in writing prior to bidding and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in the contract for changes in the work. In the absence of timely written notification to Owner's Representative of such variance or variances within said time, any objection and/or assertion that the plans and specifications are at variance with any federal, state or local laws, ordinances or regulations shall be deemed waived. If the Contractor, its employees or subcontractors perform any work contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and without such notice to the Owner's Representative, Contractor shall bear all costs arising therefrom. The Owner is a municipal corporation of theStateof Texas and the law from which it derives its powers, insofar as the same regulates the objects for which, or the manner in which, or the conditions under which the Owner may enter into contracts, shall be controlling, and shall be considered as part of this contract to the same effect as though embodied herein. 33. SUBCONTRACTING The Contractor agrees that it will retain personal control and will give its personal attention to the fulfillment of this contract. The Contractor further agrees that subletting of any portion or feature of the work, or materials required in the performance of this contract, shall not relieve the Contractor from its full obligations to the Owner, as provided by the contract documents. 34. TIME FOR SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES It is hereby understood and mutually agreed by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that the date of beginning and time for completion as specified in the contract documents, of work to be done hereunder are essential conditions of this contract; and it is further mutually understood and agreed that the work embraced in this contract shall be commenced as provided in the contract documents. 13 �1 If the Contractor should neglect, fail, or refuse to substantially complete the work within the time herein specified, ' then the Contractor does hereby agree as --part of the -consideration -for -the awarding of --this contract, the Owner may withhold permanently from Contractor's total compensation, the sum of $2,000 (TWO THOUSAND) PER DAY, not as a penalty, but as liquidated_ damages for the breach of the contract as herein set forth for each and every working day that the Contractor shall be in default after the time stipulated for substantially completing the work. It is expressly understood and agreed, by and between Contractor and the Owner, that the time for the substantial completion of the work described herein is reasonable time for the completion of the same, taking into consideration the average climatic range and conditions and usual industrial conditions prevailing in this locality. The amount is fixed and agreed upon by and between the Contractor and the Owner because the actual damages the Owner would sustain in such event would be difficult and/or impossible to estimate, however, the amount agreed upon herein is a reasonable forecast of the amount necessary to render just compensation to Owner, and is expressly agreed to be not disproportionate to actual damages as measured at time of breach. IT IS FURTHER AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD BETWEEN THE CONTRACTOR AND OWNER THAT TIME 1S OF THE ESSENCE OF THIS CONTRACT. 35. TIME AND ORDER OF COMPLETION It is the meaning and intent of this contract, unless otherwise herein specifically provided, that the Contractor shall be allowed to prosecute its work at such time and sessions, in such order of precedence, and in such manner as shall be most conductive to economy of construction; provided, however, that the order and time of prosecution shall be such that the work shall be substantially completed as a whole and in part, in accordance with this contract, the plans and specifications, and within the time of completion designated in the bid; provided, also, that when the Owner is having other work done, either by contract or by its own force, the Owner's Representative may direct the time and manner of constructing work done under this contract so that conflicts will be avoided and the construction of the various works being done for the Owner shall be harmonized. The Contractor shall submit, at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Owner's Representative, schedules which shall show the order in which the Contractor intends to carry on the work, with dates at which the Contractor will start the several parts of the work and estimated dates of completion of the several parts. 36. TIME OF PERFORMANCE The Contractor agrees that it has submitted its bid in full recognition of the time required for the completion of this project, taking into consideration the average climatic range and industrial conditions prevailing in this locality, and has considered the liquidated damage provisions of paragraph 34 hereinabove set forth and expressly agrees that it shall not be entitled to, nor will it request, an extension of time on this contract, except when its work has been delayed by an act or neglect of the Owner, Owner's Representative, employees of the Owner or other contractors employed by the Owner, or by changes ordered in the work, or by strike, walkouts, acts of God or the public enemy, fire or flood. Any request for extension shall be in writing with the written request for same setting forth all justifications, in detail, for the request, and submitted to Owner's Representative within twenty (20) calendar days of the occurrence of the event causing said delay. A failure by Owner's Representative to affirmatively grant the extension no later than twenty (20) calendar days of written submission by Contractor shall be deemed a denial, and final. Further, in the absence of timely written notification of such delay and request for extension, as provided herein, any request for extension by Contractor shall be deemed waived. 37. HINDRANCE AND DELAYS In executing the contract, the Contractor agrees that in undertaking to complete the work within the time herein fixed, Contractor has taken into consideration and made allowances for all hindrances and delays incident to such work, whether growing out of delays due to unusual and unanticipated circumstances, difficulties or delays in ' securing material or workmen, or any other cause or occurrence. No charge shall be made by the Contractor for hindrance or delays from any cause during the progress of any part of the work embraced in this contract except 14 ' where the work is stopped by order of the Owner or Owner's Representative for the Owner's convenience, in which event, such expense as in the sole judgmentof -the -Owners-Representative thatLis caused -by such stoppage shall be paid by Owner to Contractor. 38. QUANTITIES AND MEASUREMENTS No extra or customary measurements of any kind will be allowed, but the actual measured or computed length, area, solid contents, number and weight only shall be considered, unless otherwise specifically provided. In the event this contract is let on a unit price basis, then Owner and Contractor agree that this contract, including the specifications, plans and other contract documents are intended to show clearly all work to be done and material to be furnished hereunder. Where the estimated quantities are shown, and only when same are expressly stated to be estimates, for the various classes of work to be done and material to be furnished under this contract, they are approximate and are to be used only as a basis for estimating the probable cost of the work and for comparing their bids offered for the work. In the event the amount of work to be done and materials to be furnished are expressly stated to be estimated, and only when same are expressly stated to be estimated, it is understood and agreed that the actual amount of work to be done and the materials to be furnished under this contract may differ somewhat from these estimates, and that where the basis for payment under this contract is the unit price method, payment shall be for the actual amount of work done and materials furnished on the project. 39. PROTECTION OF ADJOINING PROPERTY The Contractor shall take proper means to protect the adjacent or adjoining property or properties in any way encountered, which may be injured or seriously affected by any process of construction to be undertaken under this agreement, from any damage or injury by reason of said process of construction; and Contractor shall be liable for any and all claims for such damage on account of his failure to fully protect all adjacent property. Without limiting, in any way, manner and form, the indemnity provided by Contractor in paragraph 27 hereof, the Contractor agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless the Owner, and any of its Offices, agents and employees, against any and all claims or damages due to any injury to any adjacent or adjoining property, related to, arising from or growing out of the performance of this contract. 40. PRICE FOR WORK In consideration of the furnishing of all necessary labor, equipment and material and the completion of all work by the Contractor, and on the delivery of all materials embraced in this contract in full conformity with the specifications and stipulations herein contained, the Owner agrees to pay the Contractor the price set forth in the bid proposal attached hereto, which has been made a part of this contract, and the Contractor hereby agrees to receive such price in full for furnishing all materials and all labor required for the aforesaid work, also, for all expenses incurred by Contractor and for well and truly performing the same and the whole thereof in the manner and according to this agreement, the attached specifications, plans, contract documents and requirements of Owner's Representative. 41. PAYMENTS No payments made or certificates given shall be considered as conclusive evidence of the performance of the contract, either wholly or in part, nor shall any certificate or payment be considered as acceptance of defective work. Contractor shall at any time requested during the progress of the work furnish the Owner or Owner's Representative with a verifying certificate showing the Contractor's total outstanding indebtedness in connection with the work. Before final payment is made, Contractor shall satisfy Owner, by affidavit or otherwise, that there are no outstanding liens against Owner's premises by reason of any work under the contract. Acceptance by Contractor of final payment of the contract price shall constitute a waiver of all claims against Owner, Owner's agents and employees, which have not theretofore been timely filed as provided in this contract. 15 42. PARTIAL PAYMENTS (-1, On or before the tenth day of each month, the Contractor shall submit to Owner's Representative an application for partial payment or, if the Contractor does not submit such application, the Owner's Representative shall determine the amount to be partially paid. Owner's Representative shall review said application for partial f payment if submitted, and the progress of the work made by the Contractor and if found to be in order, shall prepare a certificate for partial payment showing as completely as practical the total value of the work done by the Contractor up to and including the last day of the preceding month. The determination of the partial payment by the Owner's Representative shall be in accordance with Paragraph 14 hereof. i The Owner shall then pay the Contractor on or before the fifteenth day of the current month the total amount of the Owner's Representative's Certificate of Partial Payment, less 5% of the amount thereof, which 5% shall be retained until final payment, and further, less all previous payments and all further sums that may be retained by Owner under the terms of the contract documents. Any partial payment made hereunder shall not constitute a waiver by the Owner of any and all other rights to enforce the express terms of the contract documents, and all remedies provided therein, as to any and all work performed, to be performed and/or materials delivered hereunder, including, but limited to, work to which said partial payment is attributable. 43. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Contractor shall give Owner's Representative written notice of substantial completion. Within thirty-one (31) working days after the Contractor has given the Owner's Representative written notice that the work has been substantially completed, the Owner's Representative and/or the Owner shall inspect the work and within said time, if the work be found to be substantially completed in accordance with the contract documents, the Owner's Representative shall issue to the Owner and Contractor a certificate of substantial completion. Notwithstanding the issuance of a certificate of substantial completion, Contractor shall proceed with diligence to finally complete the work within the time provided in this contract. 44. FINAL COMPLETION AND PAYMENT The Contractor shall give written notice to Owner's Representative of final completion. Upon written notice of final completion, the Owner's Representative shall proceed to make final measurement to determine whether final completion has occurred. If the Owner's Representative determines final completion has occurred, Owner's Representative shall so certify to the Owner. Upon certification by Owner's Representative of final completion, Owner shall pay to the Contractor on or before the 31st working day after the date of certification of final completion, the balance due Contractor under the terms of this agreement. Neither the certification of final completion nor the final payment, nor any provisions in the contract documents shall relieve the Contractor of the obligation for fulfillment of any warranty which may be required in the contract documents and/or any warranty or warranties implied by law or otherwise. 45. CORRECTION OF WORK Contractor shall promptly remove from Owner's premises all materials condemned by the Owner's Representative on account of failure to conform to the contract documents, whether actually incorporated in the work or not, and Contractor shall at its own expense promptly replace such condemned materials with other materials conforming to the requirements of the contract documents. Contractor shall also bear the expense of restoring all work of other contractors damaged by any such removal or replacement. If Contractor does not remove and replace any such condemned work within a reasonable time after a written notice by the Owner or the Owner's Representative, Owner may remove and replace it at Contractor's expense. Neither the final payment, nor certification of final completion or substantial completion, nor any provision in the ` contract documents shall relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship, and Contractor shall remedy any defects due thereto and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom, which 16 shall appear within a period of one (1) year from the date of certification of final completion by Owner's Representative. 46. PAYMENT WITHHELD The Owner or Owner's Representative may, on account of subsequently discovered evidence, withhold or nullify the whole or part of any certification to such extent as may be necessary to protect itself from loss on account of: (a) Defective work not remedied and/or work not performed. (b) Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating possible filing of claims. (c) Damage to another contractor. When the above grounds are removed, or the Contractor provides a surety bond satisfactory to the Owner. in the amount withheld, payment shall be made for amounts withheld because of them. 47. CLAIM OR DISPUTE It is further agreed by both parties hereto that all questions of dispute or adjustment presented by the Contractor shall be in writing and filed with the Owner's Representative within fifteen (15) calendar days after the Owner's Representative has given any direction, order or instruction to which the Contractor desires to take exception. Timely written notice of dispute as provided in this contract of any decision by Owner's Representative or Owner shall be a condition precedent to the bringing and/or assertion of any action or claim by Contractor of any right under this Contract. If the matters set forth in the notice of dispute are not granted or otherwise responded to by Owner's Representative within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of notice of dispute by Owner's Representative, said objections shall be deemed denied. Any decision by the Owner's Representative, or deemed denial by the Owner's Representative, shall be final and conclusive in the absence of fraud. It is further agreed that the acceptance by the Contractor of the final payment shall be a bar to any and all claims of the Contractor, and constitute a waiver of the right to assert any claim against Owner, Owner's agents and employees and Owner's Representative, by Contractor. 48. NON-COMPLIANCE AND/OR ABANDONMENT BY CONTRACTOR In case the Contractor should (1) abandon and fail or refuse to resume work within fifteen (15) calendar days after written notification from the Owner or the Owner's Representative, or (2) if the Contractor fails to comply with the written orders of the Owner's Representative, when such orders are consistent with this contract, then the Surety on the bond shall be notified in writing and directed to complete the work and a copy of said notice shall be delivered to the Contractor. In the event a bond is not required by law, or otherwise obtained by the Contractor, no further notice of such non-compliance to Contractor shall be required. After receiving said notice of abandonment or non-compliance , the Contractor shall not remove from the work any machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies then on the job, but the same, together with any materials and equipment under the contract for work, may be held for use on the work by the Owner or the Surety of the Contractor, or another contractor, in completion of the work; and the Contractor shall not receive any rental or credit therefore (except when used in connection with Extra Work, where credit shall be allowed as provided for under paragraph 24 of this contract); it being understood that the use of such equipment and materials will ultimately reduce the cost to complete the work and be reflected in the final settlement. In the event the Contractor, or Surety, whichever is applicable, should fail to commence compliance with the notice hereinbefore provided within ten (10) calendar days after service of such notice, and/or shall fail to proceed with diligence to complete the project as contemplated and in compliance with all terms and provisions of the contract documents, then the Owner may exercise any and all remedies available to it pursuant to law, contract, equity or otherwise, including, but not limited to, providing for completion of the work in either of the following elective manners: 17 (a) The Owner may employ such force of men and use of machinery, equipment, tools, materials and supplies _as -said Owner -may -deem -necessary --to complete the work and charge the expense of such labor, machinery, equipment, tools, materials and supplies to said Contractor, and the expense so charged shall be -deducted and paid by the Owner out of such moneys as may be due, or that may thereafter at any time - become due to the Contractor under and by virtue of this Agreement. In case such expense is less than the sum which would have been payable under this contract, if the same had been completed by the Contractor, then said Contractor shall receive the difference. In case such expense is greater than the sum which would have been payable under this contract, if the same had been completed by said Contractor, then the Contractor and/or its Surety shall pay the amount of such excess to the Owner; or (b) The Owner, under sealed bids, after notice published as required by law, at least twice in a newspaper having a general circulation in the County of location of the work, may let the contract for the completion ll of the work under substantially the same terms and conditions which are provided in this contract. In case of any increase in cost to the Owner under the new contract as compared to what would have been the cost under this contract, such increase shall be charged to the Contractor and the Surety shall be and remain bound therefore. Should the cost to complete any such new contract prove to be less than that which would have been the cost to complete the work under this contract, the Contractor or his Surety shall be credited therewith. In the event the Owner's Representative elects to complete the work, as described above, when the work shall have been finally completed, the Contractor and his Surety shall be so notified and certification of completion as a provided in paragraph 44 hereinabove set forth, shall be issued. A complete itemized statement of the contract accounts, certified to by Owner's Representative as being correct shall then be prepared and delivered to Contractor and his Surety, if applicable, whereon the Contractor or his Surety, or the Owner as the case may be, shall pay the balance due as reflected by said statement within 30 days after the date of certification of completion. In the event the statement of accounts shows that the cost to complete the work is less than that which would have been the cost to the Owner had the work been completed by the Contractor under the terms of this contract, or when the Contractor and/or his Surety, if applicable, shall pay the balance shown to be due by them to the Owner, then all machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies left on the site of the work shall be turned over to the Contractor and/or his Surety, if applicable. Should the cost to complete the work exceed the contract price, and the Contractor and/or his Surety, if applicable, fail to pay the amount due the Owner within the time designated hereinabove, and there remains any machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies on the site of the work, notice thereof, together with an itemized list of such equipment and materials shall be mailed to the Contractor and his Surety, if applicable, at the respective addresses designated in this contract; provided, however, that actual written notice given in any manner will satisfy this condition. After mailing, or other giving of such notice, such property shall be held at the risk of the Contractor and his Surety, if applicable, subject only to the duty of the Owner to exercise ordinary care to protect such property. After fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of said notice the Owner may sell such machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies and apply the net sum derived from such sale to the credit of the Contractor and his Surety, if applicable. Such sale may be made at either public or private sale, with or without notice, as the Owner may elect. The Owner shall release any machinery, equipment, tools, materials, or supplies that remain on the jobsite and belong to persons other than the Contractor or his Surety, if applicable, to their proper owners. The remedies provided to Owner by law, equity, contract, or otherwise, shall be cumulative, to the extent permitted by law. It is expressly agreed and understood that the exercise by Owner of the remedies provided in this paragraph shall not constitute an election of remedies on the part of Owner, and Owner. irrespective of its exercise of remedies hereunder, shall be entitled to exercise concurrently or otherwise, any and all other remedies available to it, by law, equity, contract or otherwise, including but not limited to, liquidated damages, as provided in paragraph 34, hereinabove set forth. 18 49. LIMITATION ON CONTRACTOR'S REMEDY The remedies of Contractor hereunder shall be limited to, and Owner shall be liable only for, work actually _. performed by Contractor and/or its _subcontractors as set forth in the contract documents, and Owner shall not be liable for any consequential, punitive or indirect loss or damage that Contractor may suffer in connection with the project which is the subject matter of this contract. 50. BONDS The Contractor is required to furnish a performance bond in accordance with Chapter 2253, Government Code, in the amount of 100% of the total contract price in the event that said contract price exceeds $100,000 and the Contractor is required to furnish a payment bond in accordance with Chapter 2253, Government Code, in the amount of 100% of the total contract price in the event that said contract price exceeds $50,000. All bonds shall be submitted on forms supplied by the Owner, and executed by an approved Surety Company authorized to do business in the State of Texas. It is further agreed that this contract shall not be in effect until such bonds are so furnished. 51. SPECIAL CONDITIONS In the event specialconditionsare contained herein as part of the contract documents and said special conditions conflict with any of the general conditions contained in this contract, then in such event the special conditions shall control. 52. LOSS OR EXPENSE DUE TO UNUSUAL OR UNANTICIPATED CIRCUMSTANCES Unless otherwise specified herein, all loss, expense or damage to the Contractor arising out of the nature of the work to be done, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen circumstance or from unusual obstructions or difficulties, naturally occurring, man made or otherwise, which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, shall be sustained and borne by the Contractor at his own cost and expense. 53. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Contractor is, and shall remain, an independent contractor with full, complete and exclusive power and authority to direct, supervise, and control its own employees and to determine the method of the performance of the work covered hereby. The fact that the Owner or Owner's Representative shall have the right to observe Contractor's work during Contractor's performance and to carry out the other prerogatives which are expressly reserved to and vested in the Owner or Owner's Representative hereunder, is not intended to and shall not at any time change or effect the status of the Contractor as an independent contractor with respect to either the Owner or Owner's Representative or to the Contractor's own employees or to any other person, firm, or corporation. 54. CLEANING UP The Contractor shall at all times keep the premises free from accumulation of debris caused by the work, and at the completion of the work Contractor shall remove all such debris and also its tools, scaffolding, and surplus materials and shall leave the work room clean or its equivalent. The work shall be left in good order and condition. In case of dispute Owner may remove the debris and charge the cost to the Contractor. 55. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND ASBESTOS Hazardous Substances (herein so called), as defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (42 U.S.C.S. §9601(14)) and the regulations promulgated thereunder, as same may be amended from time to time, hydrocarbons or other petroleum products or byproducts and/or asbestos, in any form, shall not (i) be utilized, in any way, manner or form, in the construction of, or incorporation into, the Project; or (ii) be brought upon, placed, or located, by any party, on the Project site, or any other property of the City, without the written consent of the Owner's Representative. If Contractor believes that the utilization of a 19 Hazardous Substance, hydrocarbons or other petroleum products or byproducts and/or asbestosis necessary in the construction of the Project, or that it is necessary to place and/or otherwise locate upon the site.. of the -Project -or j other property of the City, a Hazardous Substance, hydrocarbons or other petroleum products or byproducts and/or asbestos, Contractor shall notify the Owner's Representative, and request _consent therefrom, at least twenty (20) days prior to such action. Owner's Representative may grant or deny the request of Contractor and provide whatever requirements such consent, if granted, is conditioned upon, in its sole and absolute discretion. If the request ofContractoris not granted, or otherwise not responded to, by Owner's Representative withinfive(5) days of the receipt of said request, said request shall be deemed to be denied. In the event Owner's Representative shallconsentto the request of Contractor, Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all personnel involved in the Project are (i) trained for the level of expertise required for proper performance of the actions contemplated by this Contract and, in particular, in all aspects of handling, storage, disposal and exposure of Hazardous Substances, hydrocarbons or other petroleum products or byproducts and/or asbestos; and (ii) are provided and utilize all protective equipment, including without limitation, personal protective gear, necessary to provide protection from exposure to Hazardous Substances, hydrocarbons or other petroleum products or byproducts and/or asbestos. 56. NONAPPROPRIATION All funds for payment by the City under this contract are subject to the availability of an annual appropriation for this purpose by the City. In the event of non -appropriation of funds by the City Council of the City of Lubbock for the goods or services provided under the contract, the City will terminate the contract, without termination charge or other liability, on the last day of the then -current fiscal year or when the appropriation made for the then -current year for the goods or services covered by this contract is spent, whichever event occurs first. If at any time funds are not appropriated for the continuance of this contract, cancellation shall be accepted by the Seller on thirty (30) days prior written notice, but failure to give such notice shall be of no effect and the City shall not be obligated under this contract beyond the date of termination. 57. THE CITY RIGHT TO AUDIT At any time during the term of this Contract and for a period of four (4) years thereafter the City or a duly authorized audit representative of the City, or the State of Texas, at its expense and at reasonable times, reserves the right to audit Contractor's records and books relevant to all services provided under this Contract. In the event such an audit by the City reveals any errors/overpayments by the City, Contractor shall refund the City the full amount of such overpayments within thirty (30) days of such audit findings, or the City, at its option, reserves the right to deduct such amounts owing the City from any payments due Contractor. 20 DAVIS BACON WAGE DETERMINATIONS 6'' EXHIBIT A GENERAL DECISION: TX20100296 03/12/2010 TX296 Date: March 12, 2010 General Decision Number: TX20100296 03/12/2010 Superseded General Decision Number: TX20080296 State: Texas Construcxi_o.n Type.: Building County: Lubbock County in Texas. i BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS (does not include single family homes or apartments up to and including 4 stories). Modification Number Publication Date 0 03/12/2010 BOIL0531-001 07/01/2008 Rates Fringes Boilermaker 26.02 13.66 ....................$ ---------------------------------------------------------------- BRTX0005-009 06/01/2009 Rates Fringes Bricklayer .....................$ 24.16 8.31 -` ---------------------------------------------------------------- CARP0665-002 05/01/2009 Rates Fringes Carpenter ......................$ ---------------------------------------------------------------- 20.28 5.31 ENGI0178-004 06/01/2009 Rates Fringes OPERATOR: Forklift ..............$ 22.70 9.35 --------- ------------------------- ------ IRON0263-017 06/01/2008 ------------------------ Rates Fringes Ironworker, reinforcing ........ $ 20.90 4.60 _ -------------------------------------------------- PAIN0053-003 09/O1/2008 Rates Fringes -= Painter - Brush, Roller & Spray ............................$ ---------------------------------------------------------------- 15.81 4.56 * PLUM0629-019 06/01/2009 Rates Fringes PLUMBER/PIPEFITTER...............$ 20.25 6.25 ---------------------------------------------------------------- SHEE0099-007 06/16/2009 Rates Fringes SHEETMETAL WORKER (HVAC Duct and System Installation Only) .... $ 20.25 8.61 ---------------------------------------------------------------- SUTX2009-168 06/03/2009 Rates Fringes CEMENT MASON/CONCRETE FINISHER ... $ 18.58 0.00 ELECTRICIAN ......................$ 18.09 2.36 IRONWORKER, STRUCTURAL ........... $ 10.38 0.00 ) LABORER: Common or General ...... $ 8.86 0.00 LABORER: Mason Tender - Brick ... $ 11.00 0.00 OPERATOR: Backhoe/Excavator..... $ 13.81 0.00 OPERATOR: Blade/Grader $ 12.97 0.00 .......... OPERATOR: Front End Loader ...... $ 12.23 0.00 ROOFER ...........................$ 12.06 0.00 TILE SETTER ......................$ 8.50 0.00 TRUCK DRIVER .....................$ ---------------------------------------------------------------- 10.15 0.00 WELDERS - Receive rate prescribed for craft performing operation to which welding is incidental. ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Unlisted classifications needed for work not included within the scope of the classifications listed may be added after award only as provided in the labor standards contract clauses (29 CFR 5.5(a)(1)(ii)). In the listing above, the "SU" designation means that rates listed under the identifier do not reflect collectively bargained wage and fringe benefit rates. Other designations indicate unions whose rates have been determined to be prevailing. WAGE DETERMINATION APPEALS PROCESS 1.) Has there been an initial decision in the matter? This can be: * an existing published wage determination * a survey underlying a wage determination * a Wage and Hour Division letter setting forth a position on a wage determination matter * a conformance (additional classification and rate) ruling On survey related matters, initial contact, including requests for summaries of surveys, should be with the Wage and Hour Regional Office for the area in which the survey was conducted because those Regional Offices have responsibility for the Davis -Bacon survey program. If the response from this initial contact is not satisfactory, then the process described in 2.) and 3.) should be followed. With regard to any other matter not yet ripe for the formal process described here, initial contact should be with the Branch of Construction Wage Determinations. Write to: Branch of Construction Wage Determinations Wage and Hour Division U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 2.) If the answer to the question in 1.) is yes, then an interested party (those affected by the action) can request review and reconsideration from the Wage and Hour Administrator (See 29 CFR Part 1.8 and 29 CFR Part 7). Write to: Wage and Hour Administrator U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 The request should be accompanied by a full statement of the interested party's position and by any information (wage payment data, project description, area practice material, etc.) that the requestor considers relevant to the issue. 3.) If the decision of the Administrator is not favorable, an interested party may appeal directly to the Administrative Review Board (formerly the Wage Appeals Board). Write to: Administrative Review Board U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 4.) All decisions by the Administrative Review Board are final. END OF GENERAL DECISION EXHIBIT B Prevailing Wage Rates Overtime Rate The rate for overtime (in excess of forty hours per week) shall be as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act. EXHIBIT C Prevailing Wage Rates Legal Holiday Rate The rate for legal holidays shall be as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act. SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1. CITY OF LUBBOCK STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR MUNICIPAL WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTIONSUBMITTALS...........................................................................................................................1-0 SECTION 2. FORCE MAIN PIPING, PUMPS, VALVES AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS..................................2-1 SECTION3. CONTROL PANEL......................................................................................... ...............3-1 SECTION 600 STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION I CITY OFLL'BBOCK,TEXAS WATER UTILITIES DEPARTMENT SECTION 600 STANDARD SPECIFXCATIONS_FOR CONSTRUCTION INDEX Paraeraph Title 600 Standard_ Specifications for Water Main Construction 602 Standard Specifications for Sanitary Sewer Main Construction CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS WATER UTILITIES DEPARTMENT SECTION 600 STAt�TDARD SPECIFICATIONS TOR WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION INDEX Paragraph Title Page 600-1.0 General................................................................. 600-1 600-1.1 Approved Plans....................................................600-1 600-1.2 Notice to Proceed.................................................600-1 600-1.3 Inspection............................................................. 600-1 600-1.4 Warranty and Acceptance .................................... 600-1 600-1.5 Specifications....................................................... 600-1 600-2.0 Materials.............................................................. 600-2 600-2.1 Ductile Iron Pipe .................. ................................ 600-2 600-7.2 PVC Pipe ..................................... 600-2.3 Concrete Cylinder Pipe ........................................ 600-2 600-2A Cast Iron Fittings ................................................ 600-3 600-2.5 Fabricated Cast Iron Tapping Sleeves for Use on 4" through 12......................... 600-3 600-2.6 Fabricated Steel Tapping Sleeves for Use on 14" tlu-ough 20" Pipe..........................600-3-4 600-2.7 Gate Valves (Double Disc) .................................. 600-4 600.2.8 Gate Valves (Resilient Seat) ................................ 6004 600-2.9 Butterfly Valves (14" and Larger) ....................... 600-4 600-2.10 Pressure Regulating Valves ................................. 600-5 600-2.11 2-Inch Combination Air and Vacuum Relief Valves........................................................600-6 600-2.12 Swing Check Valves 4-Inch through 20-Inch Nominal Diameter .................................. 600-7 600-2.13 Fire Hydrants....................................................... 600-8 600-2.14 Valve Boxes, Frame and Cover ........................... 600-8 600-2.15 Blow-Offs:...........................................................600-8 600-7.16 Ercasement........... ............................................... 600-8 600-2.17 Gravel for Embedment.........................................600-8 600-2.18 Concrete...............................................................600-9 600-2:19 Concrete Forms ............................... ..................... 600-9 600-2.20 Reinforcing Steel ................................................. 600-10 600-3.0 Details of Construction........................................600-10 600-3.1 Surface Preparation ................... 600-3.2 Barricades and Safety Measures..........................600-11 600-3.3 Protection of Existing Underground Utilities.................... ............................................. 600-11 600-3.4 Excavation and Trenching...................................600-11-12 600-3.5 Pipe Installation ................................................... 600-12-15 600-3.6 Backfili ling.......................................................... 600-15-16 600-3.7 Setting Valves, Valves Boxes and Fittings................................................................. 600-16 600-3.8 Underground and Overhead Utilities and Structure . .......... ............................................ 600-16 600-3.9 Removing Pavement ............................................ 600-] 7 600-3.10 Concrete Cradling and Blocking ..................... ..... 600-17 600-3.11 Anchorage of Bends and Plugs, Etc .....................600-17-18 600-3.12 Hydrostatic Tests ................................................. 600-18-19 600-3.13 Sterilization of Pipe Lines ................................... 600-19 600-3.14 Clean -Up .............................. ................................ 600-19 600-3.15 Concrete Base for Paving Repair .........................600-19 Construction Details Pipe Encasement ................ 600-20 Air and Vacuum Relief Valves & Box ................ 600-21 Valve Box (Butterfly)..........................................600-22 Valve Box (Gate) ................................................ 600-23 Thrust Blocking ................................................... 600-24 Pipe Embedment for Water Lines 16" andLarger............................................................600-25 Trench Shoring -Minimum Requirements ........... .600-26-28 Alley Wafer and Sewer Stub -Outs .......................600-29 CITY OF LUBBOCK,-TEXAS \WATER UTILITIES DEPARTMENT SECTION 600 STANDARD SPECTICATIONS FOR WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION 000-1.0 General: All water main construction within the City of Lubbock water system or for future corurections to the City of Lubbock water system shall be accomplished in accordance with the -requirements of these specifications. 600-1 1 Approved Plans: Water main construction shall be done in accordance with engineered construction plans for the work, prepared under the direction of a Professional Engineer and approved by the City of Lubbock Water Utilities Department. plans shall conforni with the City of Lubbock's Minimum Design Standards for Water Mains and shall show all information called for on the "City of Lubbock Check List for Water Main Construction Plans." 600-7.2 i\'otice to Proceed: The contractor is issued a Notice to Proceed following i approval of Council and execution of Contract Documents. The Water Utilities Deparlrnent shall be notified 48 hours before the planned construction is to commence and also before starting up when construction is interrupted for any reason. 600-1.3 Inspection: All work sliall be inspected by a representative of the Water Utilities Department who sliall have the authority to halt construction when, in his opinion, construction is being perforn3ed contrary to these specifications or other approved plans. Whenever any portion of these specifications is violated, the Director of Water Utilities, by written notice, may order that portion of construction which is in violation of these specifications or other approved plans, specifications and material to cease until such violation is corrected. A copy of the order shalt be filed with the ' Contractor's license application for future review. If deficiencies are not corrected, performance shall be required of the Contractor's Surety. 600-1.4 Warranty and Acceptance: At the completion of all or designated portions of work under construction, an inspection shall be made to determine compliance with these specifications or approved plans, specifications and materials. Upon such determination, a certificate of compliance shall be issued. The letter of acceptance shall constitute the initiation of the warrantee period. The Contractor shall wanant the accepted work to be free of defects in workmanship or material defects for a period of one year. The determination of the necessity during the warranty period for the Contractor to repair or replace the work in whole or in part shall rest entirely with the Director of Water Utilities. 600-I.5 Specifications: All standard specifications, i.e., ASA, AWWA, etc., made a. portion of these specifications by reference shall be the latest edition and revision thereof. r 600-1 t i_, 600-2.0 Materials: All pipe for water main construction shall be ductile iron, C-900 PVC, or concrete cylinder pipe. The following are approved materials for water main construction. 600-2.1 Ductile Iron Pine Ductile iron pipe to be furnished shall conform to the following standard specifications or latest revision: ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50-81 ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4-80 ANSI/AWWA C1511A21.51-81 All ductile iron pipe shall be cement lined in accordance with AWWA C104-80 (ANSI A21.4) specifications. The external surface shall be coated with an asphalt base paint. All joints for ductile iron pipe shall be of the rubber gasket bell and spigot type, except where connecting flanged fittings, and shall otherwise conform to the base specifications to which the pipe is manufactured. The joint shall be the latest approved type of rubber gasket joint for ductile iron pipe. All joints of ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be sealed with a continuous ring rubber gasket meeting standards specified by AWWA C 111-72 (ANSI A2I.11) or its latest revision. 600-2.2 PVC Pine Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with AWWA C-900 specification and shall be pressure class 150 PSI. Pipe shall be furnished with bell and spigot joint with rubber gasket joint conforming to the above specification. Spigot ends shall be beveled and reference marked to facilitate joining and insure proper seating depth. 600-2.3 Concrete Cylinder Pipe Prestressed Concrete Embedded Cylinder Pipe (PCECP) shall be manufactured in accordance with the latest revision of AWWA C-301. Pretensioned Concrete Cylinder Pipe (PCCP) shall be manufactured in accordance with the latest revision of AWWA C303-78. Concrete Cylinder Pipe shall withstand a minimum pressure of 150 p.s.i. longitudinally and helically. The joints of the pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe and fittings shall be sealed with a continuous ring rubber gasket meeting standards specified in AWWA C303-78. A portland cement mortar shall be used to fill the annular space both inside and outside of joints in the pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe. Portland cement used in the mortar shall conform to "Standard Specifications and Tests for Portland Cement," A.S.T.M. serial designations Cl 50 and C77. Sand for the mortar shall conform to A.S.T.M. designation C33-52T for fine aggregate. The exterior joints on pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe shall be poured with a heavy duty diaper. The width of the diaper shall be nine (9) inches. The band shall be provided with 3/8 inch x 0.20 steel straps on each side. 600-2 600-2.4 Cast Tron FlttinZs Fittings shall be mechanical joint or rubber gasket AWWA Class D bell with transitionr� gasket for the type pipe used, Flanged fittings, where required, shall be 125 and American Standard. All fittings shall be lined with cementX mid coat with an asphaltic Fittings shall conform to AW�3uA C't(�a,. WA C104, AWWA C1 Ifl �aA��WA Cl 11 latest revision. .—, 5! 600-2 5 1+abrit a#ed Cast lrott Tapping Sleeves tJse on through 2" Pine M1! General: The manufacturer of the tapping sleeves shall be experienced in their design and construction and shall have given successful service for a period of at least five (5) years. Service: The tapping sleeves will be installed on the following types of pipe (1) Cast Iron (2) Ductile Iron (3) Asbestos Cement (4) C-900 PVC. The operating pressure for all four types of water pipe is 150 psi. Material: The tapping sleeves shall be cast iron, mechanical joint and conform to the latest revision of A.S.T.M. Standard Designations. The tapping working pressure of 200 psi. sleeve shall withstand a ., Gaskets: The gaskets shall be duck tipped and shall be totally resistant to cold flow and creep. 600-2 6 Fabricated Steel Tapping Sleeves for use on 14" throueh 20" Pipe General: The manufacturer of the tapping sleeves shall be experienced in their design and construction, shall be regularly engaged in their manufacture, and shall have produced tapping sleeves of the sizes specified herein which have given successful service for a period of at least five (5) years. Materials used in the manufacture of these tapping sleeves and the accessories shall be new and shall conform to the latest applicable standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials. Service: The tapping sleeves will be installed on the following types of pipe ---(I) Cast Iron (2) Ductile Iron (3) Asbestos Cement pipe (4) C-900-PVC pipe. The operating pressure for all three types of water pipe is 150 psi. Material: All steel plate used in fabrication of [be tapping sleeves shall conform to A.S.T.M. Standard Designation A-36 or A-285, Grade C. Flanges: Flanges shall be fabricated from steel plate, and all dimensions shall conform to AWWA Standard C-207, "Steel Pipe Flanges," Class D. Flanges shall be machined to a flat face with finish of 250 micro -inches or machined to a flat surface with a serrated finished in accordance with AWWA Standard C-207, "Steel Pipe Flanges." In addition, the machined face shall also be recessed for tapping valves in accordance with the M.S. Standard SP-60. Gaskets: Gaskets shall be compounded from new materials, and the shape of cross- section of gasket shall provide adequate seal for the design pressure. Gaskets shall be shop glued to the groove provided in the body section. 600-3 Fasteners: Bolts and hex nuts shall be stainless steel, Usalloy, Dresserloy, Corten or an approved equal for corrosion control. Testine onilet: A 3/4" NPT-bywelded coupling shall be attached to the outlet nozzle of each tapping sleeve assembly complete with a 314" square head pipe plug. painting: All surfaces of the saddle shall be clean, dry, and free from grease and dirt before painting. All surfaces of tapping sleeve except face of flange, bolts and nuts, shall be given a shop coat of a two-part thermosetting epoxy. Face of flanges shall be shop coated with a rust preventive compound, such as Dearborn Chemical "No-Ox-ld," Houghton "Rust -Veto 344," or Rust-Oleum "R-9". -Bolts and nuts shall be shipped bare, no paint, or protective coating. Certification: The manufacturer shall furnish a sworn statement that the inspection and all of the specified tests have been made and the results thereof comply with the requirements of the applicable standard(s) herein specified. A copy of the Certification shall be sent to the Engineer, City of Lubbock Water Utilities Department. 600-2 7 Gate Valves (Double Disci Gate values 12" and smaller steal] be double disc, parallel seat, iron body, bronze mounted throughout. In line valves, 12" and smaller, shall be flanged or mechanical joint as shown on plans. All side outlets on lines 12" and larger shall be flanged. Valves connected to flange outlets shall be flanged on both ends or combination flange and mechanical joint. The valves shall have non -rising stems, shall open by turning to the left (counter -clockwise), and shall be furnished with a 2" operating nut. Valves shall comply ,,yitli the latest revision of AWWA C-500 standards. Valves shall be Mueller, M & H, Darling, or Clow. All parts for valves furnished must be standard and completely interchangeable with valves of the same brand. The successful bidder may be required to furnish the owner with a letter stating what type of valve he proposes to use and a letter from the manufacturer stating the parts are standard and interchangeable as herein specified. 600-2.8 Gate'ralves (Resilient Seat) - Gate valves 12" and smaller shall be cast or ductile iron with resilient seats. In line valves, 12" and smaller, shall be flanged or mechanical joint as shown on the plans. All side outlets on lines I2" and larger shall be flanged. Valves connected to flange outlets shall be flanged on both ends or combination flange and mechanical joint. The valves shall have non -rising stems, shall open by turning to the left (counter -clockwise), and shall be furnished with a 2"_ operating nut. Valves shall comply with the latest revision of AWWA C-509 standards. Valves shall be Mueller, M & H, marling, Clow, or Tyler. All parts for valves furnished must be standard and completely interchangeable with valves of the same brands_ The successful bidder may be required to furnish the owner with a letter stating what type of valve he proposes to use and a letter from the manufacturer stating the parts are standard and interchangeable as herein specified. 600-2.9 Butterfly Valves 04" and Lamer) Butterfly valves shall conform to AWWA Specifications C504-74 for Class 150-B. Valve bodies shall be cast iron and may be either short body or long body lengths. The butterfly valves are for vault installation and shall be equipped with a hand wheel, a 2- 600-4 i i_ inch, operating nut, a locking device, and a position indicator. The valves shall be designed for positive stop in the closed position. The valves shall be manually operated with enclosed worm gear or traveling nut operation and shall be designed to operate at maximum torque with a maximunvpull of 80 pounds. The valve shall open by turning to the left (counter -clockwise). The design water -pressure differential shall be 150 psi upstream and 0 psi downstream. Valves installed in vaults shall be painted with heavy-duty machinery paint with color and type to be approved by Engineer. 600-2 10 Pressure Reeulating Valves Service: The function of this valve is to reduce an existing high pressure to a preadjusted lower downstream pressure for varying rates of flow without causing shock or water hammer on the system. Valve Description: The pressure reducing valve shall be hydraulically operated with a free floating guided piston having -a-seat diameter equal to the size of the valve. The valve shall be fully bronze -mounted and all packing shall have either leather or rubber seals to provide tight closure and prevent metal to metal friction. An indicator rod shall be furnished as an integral part of the.valve to show the position of the piston within the valve body. The valve shall be designed to provide as access opening in the valve body for removing the piston and other internal parts without removing the main valve body from the line. Material: Cast iron for valve body, flanges and covers shall conform to A.S.T.M. Standard Designation A-126, Class B. Bronze casting or parts for internal trim shall conform to A.S.T.M. Standard Designation B-62. Valve Ends: All valves shall be furnished with flanged ends sized and drilled in accordance with A.N.S.I.B 16. 1, Class 125, Specifications. Flanges shall be machined to a flat face with a finish of 250 micro -inches or machined td a flat surface with a serrated finish in accordance with AWWA Standard C-207. Pilot Valve: The pilot valve for controlling operation of the main valve shall be a single seated, diaphragm operated and spring loaded type. The pilot valve shall be attached to the main valve with piping and isolation valves so arranged for easy access in making adjustments and also for its removal from the main valve while the main valve is under pressure. r Needle Va] —. The needle valve shall be all bronze and included with the main valve to control the speed of piston travel. Operating Pressure: The maximum operating pressure shall be 150 psi gauge. Testing: The body of the pressure reducing valve shall be given a hydrostatic test of 50% more than the operating pressure specified herein. A second test of check seating of the cylinder shall be made at the operating pressure. Painting: All surfaces of the valve shall be clean, dry, and free from grease and dirt before painting. All cast iron surfaces, except the machined face of the flange, shall be evenly coated with a suitable primer to inhibit rust, or a black asphalt varnish in accordance with Federal Specification TT-V-51e. The face of flanges shall be shop 600-5 coated with a rust preventive compound, such as Dearborn Chemical "No-Ox-Id," Houghton "Rust -Veto 344," or Rust-Oleum "R-9." Certification: The manufacturer shall furnish a sworn statement that the inspection and all of the specified tests have been made, and the results thereof comply with the requirements of the applicable standard(s) herein specified. A copy of the Certification should be sent to the Engineer, City of Lubbock Water Utilities Department. 600-2.11 2-inch Combination Air and Vacuum Release Valves General: All combination air and vacuum release valves shall be shop assembled and shipped as a complete unit ready for field installation. The large orifice of combination air valve shall allow air to escape during pipeline filling and enter during drainage of the pipeline. It shall close water tight when liquid enters the valve. The small orifice shall release small pockets of air afler the pipeline is filled and under pressure. Valve Body and Cover: The combination air valve shall be the single body type. The valve body and cover shall be designed to operate under a maximum working pressure of 1 SO psi. Material shall be one of the following: 1. Cast Iron - A.S.T.M. A48-Class 35 2. Cast Steel - A.S.T.M. A27 GR U60-30 3. Ductile Iron - A.S.T.M. A536 GR 65-45-12 Bosses for tapping pipe threads shall be cast integrally with each valve body and cover. Internal Parts: Float shall be stainless steel. Lever frame shall be Delrin or approved equal. All other internal parts shall be fabricated from bronze. Valve Seat: Valve seat shall be fabricated from oil resistant synthetic rubber equal to Buna-N or Nitrile. I Size of Orifices: The diameter of the large orifice of the combination air valve shall be I two (2) inches and the small orifice diameter shall be three thirty-seconds (3/32) inch. Inlet: Inlet shall be two (2) inches in diameter with tapered iron pipe thread conforming to AW WA C-800. 1 Guard Valve and Connecting Pipe: Guard valve to be used with air valve shall be bronze ball valve with female iron pipe thread ends, Ford B-I 1-777, Mueller 1115204 or equal, approved by the Engineer. Connections between the air valve and the guard valve shall be made using brass nipples with tapered iron pipe threads conforming to AWWA Standard C-800. I Operating Pressure: The maximum operating pressure shall be I50 psi. P gp Testing: Each shop assembled valve shall be given a hydrostatic test of two (2) times the t rated operating pressure and during the test, air shall be injected into the body chamber of the valve to check its ability to release entrained air to the atmosphere under operating pressure. Painting: All surfaces of the valve shall be clean, dry and free from grease before I painting. All exterior and interior surfaces, except the stainless steel trim and the seating 600-6 surface of the flange face shall be evenly coated with a suitable primer, or a black asphalt varnish in accordance with Federal Specification TT-V51 C or Military Specification C- 450-C, Type 11. tCertification: The manufacturer shall furnish a sworn statement that the inspection and all of the specified tests have been made and the results thereof comply with the requirements of the applicable standard(s) herein specified. A copy of the certification shall be sent to the Engineer, City of Lubbock Water Utilities Department. lj go-2 12 Swims Check Valves 4-Inch through 20-Inch Nominal Diameter General: Swing check valves -shall be manufactured in accordance with AWWA Standard C-508, "Swing -Check Valves for Ordinary Waterworks Service", with the following additional requirements or exceptions. Valve Description: All valves shall.be iron body, fully bronze -mounted, metal to metal i_ seating, and the disc shall be swing type. Installation: Valves in vaults shall be installed in a horizontal position with exterior ]ever and adjustable spring, or exterior lever and adjustable weight operation. . Valves which are buried shall be installed in a horizontal position and shall be gravity operated with no external levers or heights. Service: All valves shall be suitable for frequent operation as well as service involving long periods of inactivity. The operating pressure for all sizes shall be 150 psi gauge. Bolting, Material: Bolts and hex nuts used for attaching top cap to the body shall be the manufacturer's standard, either fabricated from a low -alloy steel for corrosion resistance or electroplated with zinc or cadmium. The hot -dip process in accordance with ASTM Standard Designation A-135 is not acceptable for the threaded portions of the bolts and nuts. Gasket Material: Flat gasket, either ring type or full faced type, required at the body and cap connection, shall be fabricated from compressed asbestos sheet with a rubber compound binder. Use of a homogeneous rubber or vegetable fiber sheets is not acceptable. [ End Connection: All check valves shall be furnished with flanged ends. The size and drilling shall be in accordance with A.N.S.L-1316.1 Class 125 Specifications; flanges shall be machined to a flat face with a finish of 250 micro -inches or machined to a flat surface with a serrated-frnish_ in accordance with AWWA Standard C-207. Testin : Each valve after shop assembly shall be given the operation and hydrostatic tests in accordance with the referenced Specification. Painting: All surfaces of the valve shall be clean, dry and free from grease before painting. All ferrous surfaces, exterior and interior, except the seating surfaces of flange faces, shall be evenly coated with a suitable primer to inhibit rust or black asphalt varnish in accordance with Federal Specification TT-V-Sle. Flange faces shall be shop coated with a rust preventive compound, such as Dearborn Chemical "No-Ox-Id", Houghton "Rust -Veto 344", or Rust Oleum "R-9". 600-7 Certification: The manufacturer shall furnish a sworn statement that the inspection and all of the specified tests have been made and the results thereof comply with the requirements of the applicable standard(s) herein specified. A copy of the Certification shall be sent to the Engineer, City of Lubbock Water Utilities Department. 600-2.13 Fire Hydrants Fire hydrants shall be standard AWWA C-502 hydrants, iron body, bronze mounted throughout including drain.seat ring, and shall be designed for a working pressure of 150 pounds per square inch. The fire hydrants shall be the traffic model type and shall have a 5-1/4" valve opening, two-2-1/2 inch hose noxzles_and.one 4-inch steamer nozzle, with 4 threads per inch and a crest to crest dimension of 4.995 inches. The hydrants shall be for 6-inch mains and shall have a M.J. Connection, and shall be for 4-1/2 foot bury unless otherwise shown on plans. The hydrants shall be Clow Medallion, American Darling model B-84-B, Dresser style 129-09 or Mueller Centurion. Operating nuts shall be 1-112 inch pentagons measured to a point. The hydrants shall be painted orange. 600-2.14 Valve Boxes. Frame and Cover All valve boxes for butterfly valves and gate valves larger than 12" shall be poured concrete or precast construction. The valve boxes shall be constructed with the dimensions as called for on the plans. The valve box cover opening shall be centered over operating nut. Manhole frames and covers shall be of good quality gray iron casting of a pattern similar to that shown on the plans and with a clear opening of not less than 22 inches. The frame and cover shall be designed with a full bearing rings so as to provide a continuous seat between frame and cover. The cover shall be furnished with lifting ring cast into the cover in such manner as to prevent leaking through. The cover shall be marked "City of Lubbock Water", and shall be type No. 40-5 as manufactured by Western Iron Works or approved equal_ Valve boxes for 12-inch or smaller valve shall be cast iron. The boxes shall be designed to fit over a section of 6" clay tile pipe which will be used as an extension from the top of the valve. The box shall have a heavy cast iron cover marked "Water". The box shall have a flange type base approximately 4" larger in diameter than the outside diameter of the barrel of the box. The cover shall be type No. 70 as manufactured by Western Iron Works or approved equal. 600-2.15 131myoffs: Temporary or permanent blowoffs may be fabricated from two inch pipe with a two inch gate valve on the connecting pipe and with four feet, six inches of cover. Valve to be iron bodied bronze mounted with two inch square operating nut complete with valve box. 600-2.16 Encasement Encasement pipe shall be corrugated steel or smooth steel pipe. Smooth steel pipe shall have a minimum wall thickness of 114". Corrugated pipe shall comply with AASHO specifications. 600-2.17 Gravel for Embedment Gravel for embedment shall consist of processed natural gravel. The particles shall have irregular surfaces. The material shall be graded within the following limits. 600-8 1 Maximum Retained Percent No. 4 Sieve 5-15 No. 10 Sieve 50-90 No. 40 Sieve 90-100 The material shall be sufficiently free from clay, dust, blow sand, caliche or slag so as to prevent shrinkage after jetting and drying. 600-2.1 t3 Concrete Concrete to be used in the valve chambers, concrete cradling, concrete blocking for fittings, etc., shall be made with pordand cement which conforms to "Standard Specifications and Test for Portland Cement", A.S.T.M. Serial Designation C150-41 and C77-40. Concrete aggregates shall consist of natural washed and screened sand, and washed and screened gravel or clean crushed stone conforming to "Standard Specifications for Concrete Aggregate", A.S-T.M. Serial Designation C-33-63. The aggregates shall be well graded from coarse to fine and shall be free from injurious amounts of clay, soft or flaky materials, loam or organic impurities. All aggregates shall be approved by the Engineer before use. Water used in mining concrete shall be clear, clean, free from oil, acid or organic matter and free from injurious amounts of alkali, salts or other chemicals. The concrete mix shall be based on the water -cement ratio, and shall be as follows for the different classes of concrete. All concrete (Class A) for manholes, valve chamber and other reinforced concrete structures shall contain not more than 7.0 gallons of water per sack of cement. All concrete (Class B) for pipe cradling, blocking or fittings, and other non -reinforced concrete shall contain not more than 9 gallons of water per sack of cement. Surface moisture or moisture carried by the aggregates shall be included as part of the mixing water. Class A concrete shall have a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3000 psi and Class B shall have 2500 psi compressive strength at 28 days. The proportioning of the constituents of the concrete shall be such as to produce a dense, and workable mixture, and the designed mix shall be approved by the Engineer before any concrete is placed. 600-2.19 Forms The forms sliall be of wood or metal and shall be of sufficient strength to support the concrete .without bulging between supports and sufficiently water tight to hold the concrete mortar. The forms shall be so constructed that the finished concrete shall be of the form and dimensions shown on the plans. The walls for all reinforced concrete work shall be formed inside and outside. All form work for exposed surfaces shall be of such material and so constructed as to produce a wall with a smooth, even surface when the concrete is poured. All forms shall be oiled before use. No forms shall be removed without permission of the Engineer. However; in general, wall forms may be removed alter the concrete has been in place for 24 hours and on roof slabs after the concrete has been in place for 10 days. Immediately upon removal of the forms any honey -combed sections shall be repaired as directed by the Engineer. 600-9 600-2.20 Reinforcing Steel Reinforcing steel used in concrete shall be deformed bars conforming to "Specifications for Billet -Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement", A.S.T.h4. A-15 grade 40 or grade 50. 600-3.0 Details of Construction These general and detailed specifications govern the excavation, trenching, backfilling, handling and installation of various kinds of pipe, construction of manholes, installing fittings, valves, air valves and other work required for the_construction of the water distribution mains and accessories all as shown on the plans and as called for herein. The Contractor shall furnish all material, equipment, labor and superintendence necessary to complete the construction of all the work as shown on the plans and as called for in these specifications. 600-3.1 Surface Preparation One or more acceptable types of pipe may be used. As such, the Contractor shall have the option of installing any of the acceptable types, provided only one type is used throughout any single size designation or run of pipe. 3.1.1 WITHIN EASEMENTS, CULTIVATED OR AGRICULTURAL AREAS All vegetation, such as brush, sod, heavy growth or grass or weeds, decayed vegetable matter, rubbish and other unsuitable material within the area of excavation and trench side storage shall be stripped and disposed of. Topsoil shall be removed from the area to be excavated and stockpiled, or, the Contractor may elect to import topsoil to replace that lost during excavation. Topsoil shall be removed to a depth of 8 inches or the full depth of the topsoil, whichever is less. 3.1.2 WITHIN UNPAVED ROADWAY AREA The Contractor shall strip that cover material from graveled roadways or other developed, but unpaved traffic surfaces to the full depth of the existing surfacing. The surfacing shall be stockpiled to the extent that it is acceptable for restoration purposes. 3.1.3 WITHIN PAVED AREA The removal of pavement, sidewalks, driveways or curb and gutter shall be performed in a neat and workmanlike manner. The width of the cut shall exceed the width of the trench at the subgrade by at least 12 inches on each side of the trench. Concrete pavement, sidewalks, driveways or curb and gutter shall be cut with a power saw to a depth of 2 inches prior to breaking. The concrete shall be cut vertically in straight lines and avoiding acute angles. Any overbreak, separation or other damage to the existing bitumen or concrete outside the designated cut Iines shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. 600-10 Excavated paving materials shall be removed from the jobsite and shall not be used as fill or backfill. Crossings under sidewalks, curbs'and gutters or other utility lines may be made by tunneling only if approved by the City Inspector. 600-3.2 �sures The Contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish and erect such barricades, fences, lights, and danger signals, and shall take such other precautionary measures for the protection of persons, property and the -works as may be necessary. Allsafety measures shall meet the requirements of The Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, The Contractor will be held responsible for all damage tothework due to failure of barricades, signs, and lights to protect it, and when damage is incurred, the damaged portion shall be immediately removed and replaced by Contractor at his own cost and expense. The Contractors responsibility for maintenance_ of barricades, signs, and lights shall not cease until the days of issuance to Contractor of City's certificate of acceptance of the project. Rules and regulations of local, state and Federal authorities regarding safety provisions shall be observed. OSHA's regulations for excavations, trenching, and shoring shall be included in the Special Specifications. 600--3.3 Protection of Existin2Underground Utilities: The Contractor shalt proceed with caution in the excavation and preparation of the trench so that the exact location of underground structures, both known and unknown, may be determined. If required, the Contractor shall excavate and locate existing underground utilities ahead of trench excavation in order that necessity for grade changes may be ascertained in advance. The Contractor shall be held responsible for the repair of such structures when broken or otherwise damaged because of carelessness on his part. Hand excavation shall be used where necessary. The Contractor shall notify local utilities whenever working near gas mains or services or near electrical or telephone cables or �vhen the presence of these utilities is suspected in the area of constnlction. 600-3.4 '*Excavation and Trenchin In order to obtain a true, even grade, the trench shall be fine -graded. The material for fine grading shall be free of rocks, roots, grass or any other debris. The depth of the fine grading material shall not exceed three (3) inches. Where the trench is excavated in excess of three (3) inches below grade, the material shall be compacted to 95% Proctor Density or shall be replaced with bedding material. if the material being excavated is rock or other unyielding material, it shall be removed to a depth of three (3) inches below grade and replaced with bedding material to grade. The grade shall be such that the pipe will rest firmly on the bedding material throughout the entire length of the pipe cylinder. The minimum width of the trench shall be the outside diameter of the pipe plus twelve (12) inches and the maximum width shall be the outside diameter of the pipe plus eighteen (l 8) inches. The trench shall be cut so that the maximum horizontal offset of the trench walls from the bottom to the top of the trench (undercutting) shall be six (6) inches. 600-I 1 Bell holes of ample dimensions shall be dug at each joint to permit the proper jointing of the pipe and to permit the bottom of the pipe to rest firmly on the bottom of the trench throughout the entire length of the pipe cylinder. Trench digging machinery may be used to make the trench excavation except in places where its operation would cause damage to trees, buildings, telegraph lines or other existing structures either above or below ground, in such instances hand methods shall be employed to excavate the trench at no additional cost to the owner. Where necessary to prevent caving, the trench shall be adequately braced and shored. The unit price bid per linear foot of pipe shall include the cost of furnishing, installing, and removing the bracing and shoring. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for protecting paved streets and drives from being damaged by the trenching and baekfilling equipment. All excavated material shall be placed in a manner that will not endanger the work or damage existing structures. There will be no classification of the excavated materials and the teml excavation shall include all materials encountered in excavating the trench. 600-3.5 Pipe_ Installation General: All pipe and accessories shall be handled, laid, jointed, tested for defects and leakage and chlorinated in the manner herein specified. Tnsnection: The pipe, fittings, valves, and accessories shall be inspected upon delivery and during the progress of the work and any material found to be defective will be rejected by the engineer and the contractor shall remove and replace such defective material. Responsibility for Materials: The Contractor shall be responsible for all material furnished by him and he shall replace at his own expense all such material that is found to be defective in manufacture or has become damaged in handling after delivery. Handling Pipe and Accessories: All pipe, fittings, valves, and other accessories shall, unless otherwise directed, be unloaded at the point of delivery, hauled to and distributed at the site of the work by the Contractor. In loading and unloading they shall be lifted by hoists or slid or rolled on skidways in such a manner as to avoid shock or damage to the materials. Under no circumstances shall they be dropped. Pipe handled on skids shall not be skidded or rolled against pipe already on the ground. In distributing the material at the site of the work, each piece shall be unloaded opposite or near the place where it is to be laid in the trench. Coated and wrapped pipe shall be handled in such manner that a minimum amount of damage to the coating will result. Damaged coating shall be repaired in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. Pipe shall be placed on the site of the work parallel with the trench alignment and pipe ,with bell ends shall be placed with the bell ends facing in the direction to which the work will proceed. The pipe, fittings, and accessories shall be placed along the site in such a manner as to be kept as free as possible from dirt, sand, mud, and other foreign matter. 600-12 Pipe Laying: Alignment and Grade: All pipe shall be laid to the alignment as established on the ground by the Engineer. Where grade is being maintained, as shown on the plans, the use of batter board or laser beam will be required to 6ne grade the trench. Whenever it is necessary to deflect pipe from a straight line either in a vertical or horizontal plane to avoid obstructions, to plumb valves or where vertical or horizontal curves are shown or permitted, the degree of deflection recommended by the manufacturer ofthe-particularkind of pipe being laid and the _degree_of deflection shall be approved by the Engineer. Field cuts on concrete pipe shall be made at all points where, in the opinion of the Engineer, it is necessary to preserve alignment or proper stationing for field connections. Proper care shall be taken to preserve the interior and exterior linings. After the spiral winding has been exposed, the winding shall be tack welded before being cut. In cutting the spiral winding sufficient length shall be allowed to permit a later winding of at least one-half turn on the bell or spigot ring. Where steel cylinder pipe is cut, the work shall be done in such a way as to allow a snug fit with the bell or spigot ring. A continuous weld shall be run on both the inside and the outside of the ring. The free end of the spiral shall then be wrapped around the ring and its end shall be welded to the ring by running a weld along each side of the rod for a distance of at least six inches. The entire cutting operation shall be done under (lie direction of a representative of the pipe manufacturer - Whenever the deflection in a joint exceeds the maximum deflection recommended by the manufacturer, the Engineer may require that the joint be welded. Joints on pipe installed in encasement pipe shall be flack welded or completely welded. Manner of I-landling Pipe and Accessories into Trench: After the trench grade has been completed, all bell holes dug and the grade inspected, the pipes and accessories may be placed in the trench. All pipe, fittings, and valves shall be carefully lowered into the trench piece by piece by means of derricks, ropes, or other suitable tools or equipment, in such a manner as to prevent damage to the material in any way. Under no circumstance shall pipe or accessories be dropped or dumped into the trench. Cleaning and Inspection: Before lowering into the trench, the pipe shall be again inspected for defects and cast iron pipe while suspended shall be lightly hammered to detect cracks. Any defective, damaged, or unsound pipe or other incidental materials shall be rejected. All foreign matter or dirt shall be removed from the inside of the pipe, bells, spigots, or arts of the pipe used in forming the joint before the pipe is lowered into the trench; and it shall be kept clean by approved means during and after laying. The open end of the t.. pipe in the trench shall be plugged when pipe is not being laid. Laying and Jointing Concrete Pressure Pipe: Just before making the joint, the gasket and the inside surface of the bell shall be lubricated with film of soft vegetable soap compound (flax soap) to facilitate telescoping the joint. The rubber gasket shall be stretched uniformly as it is placed in the spigot groove to insure a uniform volume of rubber around the circumference of the groove. Metal spacers of proper thickness shall be held on the inside shoulder of the bell to provide the proper space between abutting ends of 27 inch and larger pipe. The joint 600-13 shall be telescoped by pulling directly along the center line of the pipe so that The spigot enters squarely into the bell. After the spigot has been telescoped into the bell, the bell end of the pipe being laid shalt be moved in accordance with the plans to secure proper grade and alignment. _After the joint is in place, a thin metal feeler gauge shall be.used to check the position of the rubber gasket around the circumference of the joint. After the spigot has been telescoped into the bell, the joint checked and found satisfactory, a burlap wrapper shall be placed around the pipe covering the joint. The burlap -type wrapper shall be hemmed at each edge to allow threading with a steel strap to securely fasten the wrapper around the pipe by means of a stretcher and sealer. The length shall be that required to encircle the pipe, leaving enough space between the ends at the top to allow the cement mortar to be poured. The entire joint shall be poured with cement mortar and rodded or agitated to eliminate voids and settlement. Any joint showing shrinkage or excessive cracking shall be cleaned and remade. In hot weather, additional measure may be required to obtain the best quality of joint, such as additional %vet burlap, curing membrane, or immediate careful and well -controlled backfilling of the joint with damp earth. Where size permits, the inside joint recess shall be filled from the inside with mortar and finished off smooth with the inside of the pipe by hand troweling after the pipe has been backtilled. The inside joint recess on pipe smaller in diameter shall be filled by buttering the bell end with mortar immediately prior to placing the pipe together. After the joint is engaged, the interior of the smaller diameter pipe shall be swabbed to smooth and clean the joints. At times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of pipe shall be closed by approved means, and no trench water shall be permitted to*enter the pipe. Laying <and -Jointing Ductile Iron Pine: The gasket seat in the socket, the rubber gasket and the plain end of the pipe to be laid should be wiped clean. After placing a length of pipe in the trench, the plain end of the pipe should be then aligned and started into the socket so that it is in contact with the gasket. Sufficient force then must be exerted on the entering pipe so that the plain end is moved past the gasket and makes contact with the base of the socket. The joint may be deflected but never to exceed manufacturer's recommendations. Unless otherwise directed, pipe shall be laid with bells facing in the direction of laying; and for lines on appreciable slopes, bells shall, at the discretion of the Engineer, face up grade. Cutting of pipe for inserting valves, fittings or closure pieces shall be done in a neat workmanlike manner without damage to the pipe or the cement lining. The jointing shall be completed for all pipe laid each day, in order not to leave open joints in the trench over night. At the times when pipe laying is not is progress, the open ends of pipe shall be closed by approved means, and no trench.water shall be permitted to enter the pipe. No pipe shall be laid in water, or when the trench conditions or weather is unsuitable for such work, except by permission of the Engineer. Laving and Jointing PVC Pjpe: The trench bottom should be constructed to provide firm, stable, and uniform support for the full length of the pipe. Bell holes should be provided at each joint to permit proper joint assembly and pipe support. Any part of the trench 600-14 bottom excavated below grade should be backfilled to grade and should be compacted as required to provide firm pipe support. When an unstable condition is encountered which will provide inadequate pipe support, additional trench depth should be excavated to a depth not less than three inches-(TI-below--the.-pipe subgrade over the entire width of the trench and shall be replaced with granular material conforming to specifications for gravel for pipe embedment as stated herein. Such material shall be thoroughly compacted over the entire trench width to the grade established for the bottom of the pipe. Ledge rock, boulders, and large stones should be removed to provide four (4) inches of pipe cushion. Lay_in�and 3ointinQ Asbestos -Cement Pipe _. The pipe shall be lowered in the trench with the couplings and rings on the pipe and shall be placed with care on the previously prepared trench bottom. The couplings shall be assembled as recommended by the manufacturer's recommendations. Joints made between asbestos -cement pipe and cast iron pipe or fittings shall be made by entering the special machine3'3" pipe or machine adapter into standard cast iron bell. The joint shall then be finished in accordance with specifications herein for cast iron pipe fittings. When it is necessary to cut pipe, it shall be done with a cutting device approved by the Engineer, in such a manner as to make a clean even cut. No cutting with axe or chisel will be permitted. Proper implements, tools, and equipment should be used for placement of the pipe in the trench to prevent damage. Under no circumstances should the pipe or accessories be dropped into the trench. All foreign matter or dirt should be removed from the pipe interior. Pipe joints should be assembled with care to the depth recommended by the manufacturer. 600-3,6 Backfiliin All trenches and bell holes for all types of pipe, valves, and fittings regardless of the location shall be backfilled with selected backfill material free from rocks, boulders, or - other unsuitable material. The backfill material shall be thoroughly compacted with mechanical or hand tamps to midpoint of the pipe. In existing paved streets the backfill above the midpoint of the pipe shall be compacted with mechanical or hand tamps to 7-112 inches below existing paving. In areas where paved streets are not existing the backfill to a point twelve (12) inches above the pipe shall be placed by hand and shall be carefully selected material free of rocks, boulders, clods, organic material, or other debris and Iightly compacted prior to placing remaining backfill. The balance of the backfill may be placed in the ditch by hand or by mechanical equipment. No backfill material shall be dropped directly on exposed pipe. The backfill shall be consolidated by forcing water into the backfill at two (2) feet above the level of compacted material until the water level rises to within eighteen (18) inches of the natural ground surface. Care shall be taken not to flood the ditch or saturate the pipe embedment. The water shall be forced into the backfill at location not more than ten ) feet apart. i Maintenance of Backfilled Trench; After the trench has been backfilled in the above method, the right-of-way shall be cleared of all rocks larger than one and one-half (1-1/?_) 600-15 inches in diameter and leveled so that the surface will have the same slope and appearance as it possessed before the Contractor began work. All surplus material shall be )oaded and wasted at the Contractor's expense, at a location approved by the Engineer. The above shall include all excavated materials and all rocks or hard lumps which still remain after blading the area back to the original ground grade. Furrows which tend to gather after blading shall be removed, together with excavated material which has drifted or otherwise covered private property. As the construction work progresses, the contractor will be required to keep the jetting of the backfrll and clean up just as close behind the pipe laying andbaekfilling as possible. Following the completion of the backfilling the Contractor shall maintain the street and trench surfaces, in a satisfactory manner until final completion and acceptance of the work. The maintenance to include blading from time to time as necessary, filling depressions caused by settlement, sprinkling to settle dust, brooming or flushing at the request of the Engineer and otherworkrequired to keep the streets and roads in satisfactory condition for traffic. The Contractor shall maintain and be responsible for all paving cuts until such time as City Forces shall repair cuts with asphalt. 600-3.7 Seitine V-hves. Vahye Boxes and Fittinps Valves and fittings shall be set at the locations shown on the plans or at locations as established by the Engineer, and shall be joined to the pipe in the manner heretofore specified for pipe installation. The valves and fittings shall be adequately blocked for thrust with concrete. Valves shall be set vertically and in concrete valve boxes. 600-3.8 Underground_and Overbead Utilities and Structure The approximate location of all known water mains, gas mains, storm sewers, and sanitary sewers are shown on the plans. However, the consumer service lines from these utilities are not known. The Contractor will be required to locate all utility lines, including customer service lines, far enough in advance of the trenching to make proper provisions for protecting the lines and to allow for any deviations that may be required from the established lines and grades. The Contractor will not be allowed to disrupt the service on any utility lines except customer service lines, which may be taken out of service for short period of time provided the Contractor obtains permission from the Engineer and from the owner of the premises being served by the utility. The Contractor shall immediately notify the proper utility company of any damage to utility lines in order that service may be established with the least possible delay. Any damage to existing lines and the repair of customer lines which are authorized to be cut shall be at his own expense, and as directed by an official representative of the utility company involved. All utility lines shall be properly supported to prevent settlement or damage to the line both during and after construction. The cost of supporting utility lines shall.be included in the unit price bid per foot of pipe. 600-16 Any permanent relocation of existing utility lines shall be done by the proper utility company without expense to the Contractor. Where pipes, conduits, or concrete curbs or gutters are encountered, the cost of tunnelling shall be included as a part of the cost of the pipe line. 600-3 9 Removing Favement General: Wherever it is necessary to make cuts in existing pavements, sidewalks, driveways, or curbs and gutters, the cuts shall be made in such a manner as to cause the least possible damage to adjoining surfaces. Removal of Asphalt Paving: In removing asphalt pavement, the asphalt surface shall be cut along each side of the trench ahead of the trenching machine and the surfacing and base removed with the trenching machine as the trench is excavated. The width of surface removed by the Contractor is not to exceed the outside diameter of the pipe plus thirty-six (36") inches. Any areas removed or damaged in excess of the above widths will be charged against the Contractor's estimate at the estimated cost per square foot as determined by paving engineer for payment to the City for replacing the excessive width No separate_ payment will be made for cutting and removing asphalt paving and caliche base, (lie cost of this work shall be included as a part of the cost of the pipe line complete in place. Removal of Concrete Paving: Removal of any sidewalks, concrete pavement, concrete base, concrete curbs and gutters (where allowed) shall be made by cutting the concrete to a straight line on each side of the trench and removing the concrete ahead of the trenching. Normally, tunnelling will be required under curb and gutters. The width of surface removed by the Contractor of concrete paving is not to exceed the outside diameter of the pipe plus thirty-six (36") inches. Any areas removed or damaged in excess of the above widths will be charged against the Contractor's estimate at the estimated cost per square foot as payment to the City for replacing the excessive width. Care shall be taken to preserve any reinforcement encountdred as well as possible. Cutting of steel reinforcement will be allowed only at the approximate center of the pavement cut. Payment for removal of concrete paving shall be included in the unit price bid per foot of pipe installed. 600-3.10 Concrete Cradling and Blockine Where concrete cradling is used, the concrete shall conform to the concrete specifications. Before placing the concrete, a]I loose earth shall be removed from the trench. The concrete shall be placed in the trench by the use of chutes extending to within three (3) feet of the bottom of the trench and shall be deposited uniformly on each side of the pipe in such a manner as not to disturb the grade and alignment of the pipe. The concrete shall be of such consistency that is will flow without separation of the aggregates. At locations shown on the plans or as directed by the engineer, the contractor will be required to cradle the pipe or block the fittings. " 600-3.11 Anchorage of Bends and Plus. Etc. Concrete shall be used for blocking the pipe, plugs, and fittings and shall conform to the concrete specifications. 600-17 "The blocking shall be placed, as directed by the engineer, between solid ground and the fitting to be anchored: the area of bearing on pipe and on the ground in each instance shall be ]hat required by the engineer. The blocking shall be so placed that the pipe and fitting joints -will be assessable for repair. The soil bearing value for thrust backing shall be recommended by the pipe manufacturer, and in the absence of such recommendation, the allowable bearing value shall not exceed 30001bs. per square foot. 600-3.12 Hydrostatic Tests Pressure During, Test: After the pipe has been laid, the line shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test -and leakage test. Tire -line shall be tested_atS_0_p.s.i. pressure. Duration of Pressure Test: The duration of each pressure test shall be as directed by the engineer but shall not exceed for (4) hours. Proce ure: Each valved section of pipe shall be slowly filled with water at the specified I est pressure measured at the point of lowest elevation. Pressure shall be applied and maintained by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a satisfactory manner. The pump, pipe connection, and all necessary apparatus except meters shall be furnished by the contractor, and the contractor shall famish all necessary labor for connecting the pump, meter, and gages. The water for filling and making tests on these mains may be obtained at a location designated by the engineer. No charge will be made for water used for this purpose. As the line is being filled and before applying the test pressure, 0 air shall be expelled from the pipe. To accomplish this, taps shall be made, if necessary, at points of highest elevation. After the test, the taps shall be tightly plugged. During the time the test pressure is on the pipe, the line shall be carefully checked at regular intervals for breaks or leaks. Any joints showing appreciable Ieaks shall be repaired and any cracked or defective pipes or fittings shall be removed and replaced with sound material in the manner provided and the test shall be repeated until satisfactory results are obtained. Leakage Test: After all defects have been satisfactorily repaired and all visible leaks stopped, a leakage test shall be made on each valved section of the lines to determine the quantity of water lost by leakage. The contractor shall furnish all labor, material, and equipment (except meters) required for making the test. The leakage shall be determined by measuring the quantity of water supplied to each valved section of the lines, during the test period, when the various sections of the lines are under pressure. No pipe installation will be accepted until or unless the leakage as determined by above test is less than the amount set forth below. The allowable leakage (gallons per hour) shall not be greater than determined by the following formula: I. = ND4P 7400 I. = Gallons Per Hour D = Nominal Pipe Diameter (in.) N = Number of Joints P = Test Pressure (PSI) 600-18 If individual sections show leakage greater than the lit -nits specified above, tine contractor shall at his own expense locate and repair the defective joints until the leakage is within the specified allowance. 600-3 13 Sterilization of Pipe Lines The contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment and material necessary for the chlorination of the new pipe lines which shall be sterilized before being placed in service. The lines shall be sterilized by the application oflhe chlorinating agent. The chlorinating agent may be a liquid chlorine, liquid chlorine gas -water mixture, or a calcium hypochlorite solution, which shall be -fed into -the -lines through a suitable solution -feed device, or other methods approved by the engineer. The chlorinating agent shall be applied at..or near the point from which the line is being filled, and through a corporation stop or other approved connection inserted in the horizontal axis of the newly laid pipe. The water being used to fill the line shall be cAntrolled to flow into the section to be sterilized very slowly, and the rate of application of the chlorinating agent shall be in such proportion of water entering the pipe that the chlorine dose applied to the water entering the line shall be at-least-50 parts per million. The treated water shall be retained in the pipe lines for a period of not less than twenty-four (24) hours. Samples shall be taken from the line and will be tested for bacteriologic growth by the Texas Department of Health Laboratory. Samples will be taken twice in a forty-eight (49) hour period not less than twenty-four (24) hours apart. The sampling riser shall be located at a location farthest from the point of chlorination. The riser shall be above ground and equipped with a faucet for control of flow during sampling. _ . 600-3.14 Clean-up Alter the construction is completed and before final acceptance by the City, the contractor shall remove all rubbish, excess materials from the excavation and other debris from the site of the work and all trench surfaces shall be bladed as heretofore specified. The cost of cleanup shall be included in the bid price per foot of pipe installed. 600-3.1S Paving Repair The contractor shall contact the Street Department at (806) 767-2606 and notify them of proposed street/alley cuts. Paving repair shall comply with the latest revision of the "Pavement Cut Repair Specifications" of the Street Department. A copy of these specifications can be obtained at the Street Department located at 600 Municipal Drive. 600-19;; PIPE ENCASEMENT corrugated steel in ete grout t block , — chonnets as needed groutBore wall Concrete .►$al��►,Ialalali��:1�$a''�:t$w�wlal''1s! galvanizedcorrugated AIR and VACUUM RELIEF VALVES i 275 lb. frame and cover pipe and screen l.ip 3 -O" above1 natural ground Natural ground Manhole centered over Mange or pavement » Nalurol/ ..—•_-12"min. cover 446 bars fi O,C. ground ea. way slob w/ � � o � Imo• °'• !r t X . y• varies Steps 12„ O.C. . ° Comb. air' rcbose and air Intel • ° x *k5 verl. inner face O.C. 2" !longed k 5 horlx. outer I'm ° ate valve B O.C. ;2 blind flange,,,,° I z qh ndwhee T ° Flange as spec. MAIN . A e • tr ;` ° -•e • I" crushed rock -e...,ti .•. . 2 sand cushion .� � (o �• 4•-0 min. c O.D. Pipe • 24 min. 6'-0" min. length 9., 94 9„ g„ C) m A A v. CID 0 8" MIN�j x 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT -COUPLING ADAPTER ip vx M o ;---BUTTERFLY VALVE M M2 M 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT fill,=: ]IH =---I 11fMil M IM111 E =IIII I VARIES M m m m r z "\) 0­4 i ul T r, on < in -n rn z :0 --�9> m m m m< > Z zo z m 0 C 0 0 r- < M M x 600=13 r •t J T BEND W1.7rd 1 BLIND TEE TEE VA LV E Vt-1-SET 9 •�+ fir: WYI~ - CLASS"B„ CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING � , VERTICAL BEND \� ,- ,A PIPE EMBEDMENT FOR WATER LINES -16" AND LARGER O.D. - 18" MAX. O. D. + 12 "MIN. �q I A13LE P—Z—TRENCH S1tOrvNG—iv immuM REOUMEMENTS Siza and spacing of memboro Vpllghts Stringers Gloss bteeOS 1, Width of trench Maximum spacing Ocolh of Kind or condition of earth Uencn MmtmUm 6laximum ktinirrium Maximum Up to ] ] to 6 too! 6 to 0 toot 9 10 12 12 to SS Vorticst NorltonlQ dimension spacing d�manston Spacing to loot tool Feet Inches Feet Inchon Feet lnchos Inehos Inetios Inches Inches Foot Fact Sto 10 Hard, compact,.««.,.,_...«._�,., 3X4 or 2X6 6 ..«._,..._ ....................,,......... 2X6 4X4 4X6 6X6 axe 4 6 Likely to or 2X6 3 4X6 4 2x8 4X4 4XO '6X6 OX8 4 6 Close SOtt, sandy, or fitted..,...,...«»,«,. 3x4 or 2X6 sheeting 4X6 4 4X4 4X6 6X6I 6X8 OX8 4 6 Close Hydrostatic pressure— 3X4 or 2X6 shccling 6x8 1 a 4X4 4X6 6x6 OX6 8X8 4 6 1010 SS Hard.«.,»»«.,�..«..�,.««...,.«...,. 3X4 or 2X6 4 4x6 4 4x4 4X6 6x6 axe axe 4 a Likely to crack « «« r r. 3 x 4 or 2X6 2 4X6 4 4x� 4X6 ex6 6X8 axe ... a ._._.,».� Close SotL sandy, or Gllcd.«:..«_,.. ]x4 or 2X6 shecling 4x3 4 4X0 8x6 exit axe ex10 4 6 Close xydreslakluffssuro,.._«,«......... 3X6 shccling 8X10 4 4X6 6X6 6X6 OX8 8X10 4 6 Close t3lo2o AralnOsorcondlions..,,_ «.«« WOx6 shculing 4xt2 4 4Xf2 6X8 axe oxio fox To + d Close Ovet20 All klndsof-ond;lIons.....»....,._,. 3X6 sheeting 6X8 4 4X12 axa 6X10 10X.10 10X12 4 O 'Trenen lacks may be used in liou of, or in eomb,*nalien with, crOS9 braces, 61,01mg is not reptntod in solid rock, hard shale, or hard slag, Where dcSilaUO. SM41 shoot Ong and busing of equal strunglh may be subsGlulcd lot wood. 62 TRENCH JACKS IN TRUE HORIZONTAL POSITION AND SPACED VERTICALLY Uprights AVOID DANGEROUS OVERHANGS! ALL MATERIALS USED FOR SHORING SHALL BE IN GOOD CONDITION,FREE OF DEFECTS AND OF AT LEAST MINIMUM SIZE SHOWN IN ACCOMPANING CHART. SHORING SHALL CLOSELY FOLLOW THE EXCAVATION. G00-27 clezts Stringers i ONE EXAMPLE OF SEVERAL TYPES OF SHEETING Sheet Pilings Uprights� Braces l Snail Trenching machine TRENCH SHIELD 600-28 -Tamper ,Z,/ /,- /// �SOGNATED LO�CATIO�VS � �� iESN1l ALLEYS �. SEW'E LL1ieQCK TEXAS GAS MAIN i E W R KAM !s';s'1 1 1 1 TY►C LOT _ i t No Text SECTION 602 STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR SANIATARY SEWER MAIN CONSTRUCTION CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS WATER UTILITIES DEPARTMENT SECTION 602 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSFOR SANITARY SEWER MAIN CONSTRUCTION INDEX Paragraph Title Page 602-1.0 General............................................................. .... 602-1 602-1.01 Approved Plans....................................................602-1 602-1.02 Inspection............................................................602-1 602-1.03 Guarantee and Acceptance...................................602-1 602-1.04 Specifications.......................................................602-1 602-2.0 Materials...............................................................602-2 602-2.01 Vitrified Clay Pipe and Fittings...........................602-2 602-2.02 Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (Gravity Flow) ............. 602-2 602-2.03 Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (Force Main).................602-2 602-2.04 Polyvinyl Chloride Spiral Wound ........................602-2 602-2.05 Polyethylene.........................................................602-3 602-2.06 Ductile Iron Pipe .................................................. 602-3 602-2.07 Precast Reiforced Concrete Manholes ........ ......... 602-3-4 602-2.05 Manholes Frames and Covers..............................602-4 602-2.09 Concrete and Motar..............................................602-4 602-2.10 Reinforcing Steel ................................................. 602-4 602-2.11 Forms ............................................ .......... —.......... 602-4-5 ,. 602-2.12 Curing Compound ........................................... .602-5 602-2.13 Embedment.......................................................... 602-5 .. 602-3.0 Gravity Flow Sanitary Sewer Pipe Installation........................................................... 602-5-6 602-3,01 Surface Preparation..............................................602-6-7 602-3.02 Barricades and SafetyMeasures .......................... 602-7 602-3.03 Protection of Existing Underground Utilities................................................................ 602-7 602-3.04 Trench Excavation ................. 602-3.05 Dewatering...........................................................602-9 602-3,06 Laying, Aligning and Joining Pipe ......................602-10-I1 602-3.07 Backfilling Around Pipe......................................602-11 602-3.08 Surface Restoration..............................................602-11 602-3-09 Clean Up ............................................ .................. 602-11 602-3.10 Manhole Construction..........................................602-12-14 1 602-3.11 Connection to City Sewerage System..................602-14 602-3,12 Tees for Service Connection ........... ..................... 602-14 602-3.13 Inspection, Testing, Approval and Acceptance of Gravity Flow Sanitary Sewers.........................602-14-18 - 602-3.14 Inspection, Testing, Approval and Acceptance of Manholes ................................. ......................... 602-18-19 602-3.15 Restoration and Clean Up .................................... 602-19-20 } 602-3.16 Construction Details Standard Mahole.................................................. 602-9-1 DropManhole ...................................................... 602-22 Drop Tie To Existing Manhole ......................... ...602-23 Inside Drop Manhole ......................................... 602-24 Outside Drop Manhole.........................................602-25 Teesand Wyes..................................................... 602-26 , Junction or Bend In Manhole ............... ............602-27 Special Bedding for VCT Pipe...... ...................... 602-28 Special Bedding for PVC Pipe ............................ 602-29 Trench Shoring -Minimum Requirements ............ 602-30-32 Industrial Waste Monitoring Manhole.................602-33 CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS WATER UTILITIES DEPARTMENT SECTION 602 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR SANITARY SEWER MAIN CONSTRUCTION 602-1.0 General: All sanitary sewer main construction within the City of Lubbock sanitary sewerage system or for future connections to the City of Lubbock sanitary sewerage system shall be accomplished in accordance with the requirements of these specifications. 602-1.1 Approved. Plans: Sanitary sewer main construction shall be done in accordance with engineered construction plans for the work, prepared under the direction of a Professional Engineer and approved by the City of Lubbock Water Utilities Department prior to construction. Plans shall conform with the City of Lubbock's Minimum Design Standards for Sanitary Sewer and shall show all information called for on the "City of Lubbock Check List for Sanitary Sewer Main Construction Plans." 602-1.2 Inspection: All work shall be inspected by a representative of the Water Utilities Department, hereinafter called "City Inspector," who shall have the authority to halt construction when, in his opinion, construction is being performed contrary to these specifications or other approved plans, specifications and materials. Whenever any portion of these specifications is violated, the Director of Water Utilities, by written notice, may order that portion of construction which is in violation of these specifications or other approved plans, specifications and material to cease until such violation is corrected. 602-1.3 Guarantees and Acceptance: A1I equipment and materials incorporated in the project and all construction shall be guaranteed against defective materials and workmanship. Prior to final acceptance, the Contractor shall furnish to the Owner, a written general guarantee which shall provide that the Contractor shall remedy any defects in the work, and pay for any and all damages of any nature whatsoever resulting in such defects, when such defects appear within one year from date of final acceptance of the j work as a result of defective materials or workmanship, at no cost to the Owner (City of Lubbock). The determination of the necessity during the warranty period for the Contractor to repair or replace the work in whole or in part shall rest with the Director of Water Utilities. 602-1.4 Specifications: All standard specifications and quality standards; i.e., ASA, ( AWWA., ASTM, etc., which are made a portion of these specifications by reference shall t _ be the latest edition and revision thereof. 602-2.0 Materials: Materials approved for sewer line construction are as described in the following paragraphs. . 602-1 602-2.1 _Vitrified Clav_I'ine and Fittings Vitrified clay sewer pipe and fittings shall conform to the requirements of the latest revision of A.S.T.M. Specifications C-700 for Clay Sewer Pipe. The Diameters of every acceptable hub or socket shall be ample to permit the insertions of the spigot to the full depth of the socket and to provide an annular space around the entire circumference of sufficient size to permit the proper jointing of the pipe. Any projection on the end of a spigot or on the shoulder of a socket may be removed by chipping; if this can be done without injury to the pipe. Pipes intended to be straight shall have a maximum deviation 1/8 inch per foot of length as measured from a chord across the concave side. Acceptable pipe shall be laid with the curvature in a horizontal plane. All clay pipe shall be tested and inspected in accordance with A.S.T.M. specifications at the factory and shall be inspected by the Engineer prior to installation. The Engineer shall inspect the pipe for roundness, cracks, broken sockets, broken blisters, glaze faults and dimension variations and shall reject all pipe that does not conform to the A.S.T.M. Specifications. 602_-2.2 Polvvinv_l Chloride Pipe (Gravity Flow PVC pipe shall conform to the requirements of the latest revisions of A.S.T.M F-679 and D-3034 for SDR 35 sewer pipe. The pipe shall be jointed with an integral bell, bell and spigot type rubber gasketed joint. Each integral bell joint shall consist of a formed bell complete with a single rubber gasket. Gaskets shall conform to ASTM F477. The length of joints shall be 20 feet I one inch. PVC pipe shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturces recommendations and shall not exceed five percent (5%) deflection. PVC pipe exceeding 5% deflection shall be replaced by the contractor at his expense. The minimum pipe stiffness factor shall be 46 p.s.i. 602-2.3 Polvvinvl Chloride Pine (Force Alain) PVC (Pressure Rated Pipe) shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D2241 for SDR 26, 1PS, 160 p.s.i. pipe. The pipe shall be joined with an integral bell, bell and spigot type rubber gasketed joint. Each integral bell joint shall consist of a formed belt complete with a single rubber gasket. Gaskets shall conform to ASTM F477. The length of joints shall be 20 feet +- one inch. 602-2.4 Pohvdnvl Chloride Pipe Spiral Wound PVC (spiral wound) pipe and fittings shall conform to the requirements of the latest revision of A.S.T.M. F 794 for large diameter ribbed gravity sewer pipe. PVC Spiral Wound Pipe shall be installed in accordance with the manufacture's recommendations and shall not exceed five percent (5%) deflection. PVC Spiral Mound Pipe exceeding 5% deflection shall be replaced by the Contractor at his expense. The minimum pipe stiffness factor shall be 46 p.s.i. 602-2 002-2.5 Po vethvlene Pipe The pipe shall be made of high density, high molecular weight polyethylene pipe material meeting the requirements of ASTM F 894 - latest revision. Rubber gaskets shall comply in all respects with the physical requirements specified in the non -pressure requirements of ASTM Specifications C-443. Polyethylene pipe shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations -and shall not exceed five percent (5°/0) deflection. Polyethylene pipe exceeding 5% deflection shall be replaced by the contractor at his expense. 602-2.6 Ductite Iron Pipe The pipe shall conform to ANSI/ASTM specifications A746-77 or latest revision for Ductile Iron Sewer Pipe and shall have a 30 mil thickness epoxy lining on the interior and exterior coating of coal tar pitch confonning to requirements of Federal Specifications W W-P-421. All joints for Ductile Iron shall be of the rubber gasket bell and spigot, except when otherwise shown on the plans and where connecting to flanged fittings, and shall conform to the base specifications to which the pipe is manufactured. Fittings shall be A.W.W.A. Standard Class "D" bell and spigot type or an approved gasket joint for the particular type of pipe used and designed for the pressures of the pipe except as shown on the plans. Flanged fittings where required, shall be 125 pound American Standard. All fittings shall be lined with 30 mil thickness epoxy lining on the interior and exterior shall be coated with an asphalt paint. 602-2.7 Precast Reinforced Concrete Manholes Manhole barrel, cone, and extension sections shall be constructed of precast concrete. A plant inspection may be required for production facility inspection and to review record - keeping for material certification. The manufacturer must provide certification that all_ materials used for manufacturing meet with the following ASTM Specifications. Aggregates ASTM C- 33 Cement ASTM C-150 Sampling Specimens ASTM C- 39 Reinforcing ASTM C-185 Sand and Mortar ASTM C-144 Precast concrete sections for manholes shall conform to ASTM C-478 specifications. Compressive strength test results must verify concrete strengths meet or exceed 4,000 psi. Aggregate shall be crushed limestone and shall conform to ASTM C-33 specifications. Joints, excepting grade rings, shalt be tongue and groove or an equivalent male and female type Joint as approved by the Engineer. All joints shall be effectively jointed to prevent leakage and infiltration. All connections between wall sections shall be joined with Conseal Joint Sealant or approved equal to provide a watertight manhole. This sealant will be provided by supplier and will be considered an essential part of each Shipment. 602-3 All cones and adjusting rings shall maintain a clear 24" opening. Adjusting rings shall be reinforced with the same percentage of steel as risers and tops and will also meet ASTM C-478 specifications. Adjusting rings, as well as all precast concrete manhole products, shall be smooth, uniform in size and dimensions, consistent in components throughout and free of voids or honeycombs. All manholes shall be designed to withstand 11-20 AASHTO loading. They shall also have lifting holes that do not protrude through manhole wall; one full inch of concrete thickness must remain between lift hole and outside wall of manhole. 602-M A'lanhole Frames and Cover Manhole frames and covers shall be of good quality gray iron casting and conform to A.S.T.M. Designation A48 (latest revision), having a clear opening of not less than 22 inches. The casting shall be designed with a full bearing ring so as to provide a continuous seat between frame and cover. The cover shall be fumished with lifting ring cast into the cover in such manner as to prevent water leaking through. Frame and cover shall have a weight of not less than 275 pounds. The manhole ring and cover shall be Wcstem Iron Works #40 or approved equal. The cover shall include lettering, City of Lubbock, Texas sanitary sewer. 602-2. _Concrete and Mortar Cement - Portland cement shall conform to A.S.T.M. C-150 specifications. Aggregate - Fine and coarse aggregate to be used in concrete sliall conform to A.S.T.M. C-33 specifications. Mortar and Sand - Sand to be used in cement mortar shall conform to ASTM C-144 specifications. All concrete (Class A) for manhole bottoms, piers and other reinforced concrete structures shall contain not more than 7.0 gallons of water per sack of cement. All concrete (Class B) for pipe cradling, blocking of fittings, and other non -reinforced concrete shall contain not more than 9.0 gallons of water per sack of cement. Surface moisture or moisture carried by the aggregates shall be included as part of the mixing water. Class A concrete shall have a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3,000 p.s.i. and Class B shall have 2,500 p.s.i. 602-2.10 Reinforcine Steel All reinforcing steel shall conform to current A.S.T.M. specifications A-15, A-16, or A- 305. Wire mesh shall be woven or electrically welded, cold -drawn mild steel wire fabric. Reinforcing bars shall be in the deformed bar type. All reinforcement shall be permanently marked with grade, identification marks or shall, on delivery, be accompanied by a manufacturer's guarantee. 602-2.11 Forms Forms for all concrete work shall be of wood or approved metal forms. Wood sheeting forming surfaces exposed to sight or weather shall be plywood or plpvood lined of a quality to produce smooth surface, free from excessive form marks and shall meet the 602-4 approval of the Engineer before use. The same type of form shall be used for all exposed portions of the work. Forms shall be constructed true to lines, -grade's -and -sections shown on the plans and shall be mortar=tight and sufficiently rigid to prevent displacement of sagging between supports. Wall forms shall be set plumb and true and rigidly braced to maintain them in correct position and alignment. Temporary openings for cleaning and inspection shall be provided at the base ofvertical forms or other places where necessary. Such openings shall be neatly and securely closed before concrete is placed. Form ties approved by the Engineer shall be adjustable in length -and of such typ"s-to leave no metal closer than 1 inch of the surface, and shall not be fitted with lugs, cones, washers, or other devices acting as a spreader which will leave a hole larger than 7/8 inch in diameter or depth back of the exposed surface of the concrete. Wire ties will not be permitted. 602-2.12 CurinZ,Comnound Compounds used to form an air tight membrane over a fresh concrete surface shall be in accordance with Texas Highway Department Item 531.2. 602-2.13 Embedment The embedment shall be crushed stone with irregular surfaces and comply with the following gradation requirements. % By Weight Retained on I" Sieve 0 Retained on 7/8" Sieve 0 - 2 Retained on 3/4" Sieve 15 - 35 Retained on 5/8" Sieve 55 - 100 Retained on 3/8" Sieve 95 - 100 Retained on No. 10 Sieve 99 - i00. 602-3.0 Gravity Flow Sanitary Se-wer Pipe installation 3.01 SCOPE The -,work covered by this Specification consists of constructing gravity flow sanitary sewers, including appurtenances normally installed as a part of this system. Construction may include surface preparation; trench excavation; shoring, dewatering; lay, align and join pipe installation of appurtenances; bedding and backfilling; surface restoration and other related work. 3.02 QUALITY STANDARDS The latest published revision of the quality standards in effect shall apply. AASHTO T 99: Moisture -Density Relations of Soils, using a 5.5 lb. Rammer and a 12 inch Drop ASI'M A 746: Ductile Iron Gravity Sewer Pipe (ANSI) 602-5 ASTM C 12: Installing Vitrified Clay Pipe Lines AWWA C -600: Installation of Gray and Ductile Cast Iron (ANSI) Water -mains and. Appurtenances AWWA M 23: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe Design and Installation UNI B 5: Recommended Practice for Installation of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Sewer Pipe ACPA Concrete Pipe Installation Manual (Published by American Concrete Pipe Association) NCSPA Installation Manual Installation Manual for Corrugated Steel Drainage Structures (Published by National Corrugated Steel Pipe Association) LCP-4791 Semi -Rigid Truss Pipe Handbook (Published by Armco, Construction Products Division) Vitrified Clay Pipe (Published by National Clay Pipe Institute) Handbook : 3.03 1 ATEIUALS The Contractor shall install sanitary sewer pipe of the type, diameter, wall - thickness an protective coating that is defined in the Special Provisions or designated by the City of Lubbock Water Utilities Department. 602-3.1 Surface Preparation One or more acceptable types of pipe may be used. As such, the Contractor shall have the option of installing any of the acceptable types, provided only one type is used throughout any single size designation or run of pipe_ 3.1.1 WITHIN EASEMENTS, CULTIVATED OR AGRICULTURAL AREAS All vegetation, such as brush, sod, heavy growth or grass or weeds, decayed vegetable matter, rubbish and other unsuitable material within the area of excavation and trench side storage shall be stripped and disposed of. Topsoil shall be removed from the area to be excavated and stockpiled, or, the Contractor may elect to import topsoil to replace that lost during excavation. Topsoil shall be removed to a depth of 8 inches or the full depth of the topsoil, whichever is less, 602-6 3.1.2 WITHIN UNPAVED ROADWAY AREA The Contractor shall strip that cover material from graveled roadways or other developed, but unpaved traffic surfaces to the full depth of the existing surfacing. The surfacing shall be stockpiled to the extent that it is acceptable for restoration purposes. 3.1.3 vnTmN PAVED AREA The removal of pavement, sidewalks, driveways or curb and gutter shall be performed in a neat and workmanlike -manner. The width of the cut shall exceed the width of the trench at the subgrade by at least 12 inches on each side of the trench. Concrete pavement, sidewalks, driveways or curb and gutter shall be cut with a power saw to a depth of 2 inches prior to breaking. The concrete shall be cut vertically in straight lines and avoiding acute angles. Any overbreak, separation or other damage to the existing bitumen or concrete outside the designated cut lines shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. Excavated paving materials shall be removed from the jobsite and shall not be used as fill or backfill. Crossings under sidewalks, curbs and gutters or other utility lines may be made by tunneling only if approved by the City Inspector, 602-3.2 Barricades and Safety Measures The Contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish and erect such barricades, fences, lights, and danger signals, and shall take such other precautionary measures for the protection of persons, property and the works as may be necessary. All safety measures shall meet the requirements of The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, The Contractor shall be held responsible for all damage to the work due to failure of barricades, signs, and lights to protect it, and when damageis incurred, the damaged portion shall be immediately removed and replaced by Contractor at his own cost and expense. The Contractor's responsibility for maintenance of barricades, signs, and lights shall not cease until the days of issuance to Contractor of City's certificate of acceptance of the project. Rules and regulations of local, state and Federal authorities regarding safety provisions shall be observed. OSHA's regulations for excavations, trenching, and shoring shall be included in the Special Specifications. 602-3.3 Protection of Existing Underground Utilities: The Contractor shall proceed with caution in the excavation and preparation of the trench so that the exact location of underground structures, both known and unknown, may be determined. If required, the Contractor shall excavate and locate existing underground utilities ahead of trench excavation in order that necessity for grade changes may be ascertained in advance. The Contractor shall be held responsible for the repair of such structures when broken or otherwise damaged because of carelessness on his part. Hand 602-7 excavation shall be used where necessary. The Contractor shall notify local utilities whenever working near gas mains or services or near electrical or telephone cables or when the presence of these utilities is suspected in the area of construction. 602-3.4 Trench Excavation: The Contractor shall excavate as necessary to attain the lines and grades at the locations shown on the Plans or as staked in the field. All trench excavations shall be open cut, unless otherwise shown on the Plans or approved by the City's Inspector. There will be no classification of materials excavated. The Contractor shall protect adjoining private and public property and facilities, including underground and overhead utilities, curbs, sidewalks, driveways, structures and fences. Disturbed or damaged facilities or property shall be suitably restored or replaced at the Contractor's expense. Excavatedmaterialsunsuitable for backfill or not required for backfill shall be disposed of by the Contractor. The Contractor shall prevent surface water from flowing into excavations. Water shall not be permitted to rise in trenches that have not been backfilled. Any pipe having its alignment or grade changed as a result of a flooded trench shall be relard at the Contractor's expense. Repose of excavation and use of shoring, sheathing, or trenching boxes shall conform to current OSHA regulations and all state and local safety requirements. 3.4.1 TRENCH DU%4ENSIONS Width The width of the trench shall provide adequate working room for installation, joining and proper compaction along both sides of the pipe. Trenches shall conform to the following dimensions, unless otherwise shown on the Plans. NOMINAL SUE MAX M[JM TRENCH WIDTH MINt1vtUM TRENCH WIDTH OF PIPE AT TOP OF PIPE AT PIPE SPRINGLINT Less than 18" Pipe O.D. -t- 18" 18" thru 36" Pipe O.D. -+- 24" 37" tluu 60" Pipe O.D. + 30" Pipe O.D. + 12" Pipe O.D. + 18" Pipe O.D. + 24" The width of the trench above the top of the pipe may be as wide as necessary for shoring, bracing or proper installation of the pipe. Excavation in paved areas shaU be confined to a minimum practical width. The Contractor may be required to take remedial actions defined by the Water Utilities Engineer if the maximum trench width exceeds that shown in the table. The specified remedy shall be at the expense of the Contractor. 602-8 Depth Trench depth shall be shown on the Plans as depth of bury or invert grade: Pipe -trenches shall be excavated to provide a trench bottom that is firm for its full length and width. Care shall be taken to prevent excavation below the required depth. Spongy material, organic matter, or fill material containing concrete, asphalt or debris that is encountered during trenching shall be excavated to the depth designated by the Engineer. Areas over -excavated for the C ontractor's convenience shall be backfilled ' with suitable material and compacted to a density approximately equal to the density of the adjacent soil, or backfilled with approved bedding material at the Contractor's expense. 3.4.2 TRENCH -GRADING AND FINE GRADING In order to obtain a true, even grade, the trench shall be fine -graded. The material for fine grading shall be free of rocks, roots, grass or any other debris. The depth of the fine grading material shall not exceed three (3) inches. Where the trench is excavated in excess of three (3) inches below grade, the material shall be compacted to 95% Proctor Density or shall be replaced with bedding material. If rock or other unyielding material shall be removed to a depth of three (3) inches below grade and replaced with the bedding material to grade. The grade shall be such that the pipe will rest fimily on the bottom of the trench throughout the entire length of the pipe cylinder. 3A.3. EXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURES AND APPURTENANCES Excavation for manholes, structures and other appurtenances shall be sufficient to provide clearances adequate for proper backfill and compacting on all sides. The depth of excavation, provisions for dewatering, shoring and other applicable portions of these Specifications. shall apply to excavation for structures and appurtenances. All excavated material shall be stockpiled so as not to endanger the work or workmen, and in a manner that will avoid obstructing sidewalks and driveways. 602-3.5 Dewaterin: All pipe trenches and excavation for structures and appurtenances shall be kept free of ,.. water during pipe laying and other related work. The method of dewatering shall provide for a dry foundation at the final grades of the excavation. Water shall be disposed of in a manner that does not inconvenience the public or result in a menace to public health. Pipe trenches shall contain enough backfill to prevent pipe flotation before dewatering is discontinued. Dewatering shall continue until such time as it is safe to allow the water to rise in the excavation. 602-9 602-3.6 Lavine. AL)P- ng and Joining Pipe: Sanitary sewer pipe shall be installed in accordance with the manufacture's recommendations for installing the type of pipe used, unless otherwise shown on the Plans or as directed by the Water Utilities Department. Proper equipment, implements, tools and facilities shall be provided and used by the Contractor for safe and convenient installation of the type of pipe being installed. 3.6.1 RESPONSIBILITY FOR IMATERIAL The Contractor shall be responsible for all materials intended for the Work that are delivered to the constructi6n site and accepted by him. Payment shall not be made for materials found to be defective or damaged in handling after delivery and acceptance. Defective or damaged materials shall be removed and replaced with acceptable materials at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall be responsible for the safe and proper storage of such materials, until incorporated into the Work. 3.6.2 HANDLING Pipe and accessories furnished by the Contracting Agency shall be unloaded and distributed at the site by the Contractor. Each pipe shall be unloaded adjacent to or near the intended laying location. Pipe, fittings, specials, valves and appurtenances shall be unloaded and stored in a manner that precludes shock or damage. Such materials shall not be dropped. Pipe shall be handled so as to prevent damage to the pipe ends or to any coating or lining. Pipe shall not be skidded or rolled against adjacent pipe. Damaged coatings or linings shall be repaired by the Contractor, at his expense in accordance with the recommendations of The manufacturer, and in a manner satisfactory to the City's Inspector. 3.6.3 LAYING PIPE The pipe and pipe coatings shall be inspected for damage or defects before being placed in the trench. Damaged or defective pipe shall not be installed. Damage to the coatings, linings, or pipe shall be repaired in accordance with pipe manufacturer's recommendations. After the trench has been properly fine graded, the pipe shall be laid in accordance with the following specifications. Each length of pipe shall be inspected for defects and shall be thoroughly cleaned before being lowered into the trench. Pipe laying shall proceed up -grade with the spigot ends pointing in the direction of flow. All pipe shall be laid true to the lines and grades as established by the Engineer, batter boards or laser beam shall be used and each length ofpipe set to grade. Bell holes shall be dug at each joint of sufficient depth to allow the entire length of the barrel of the pipe to rest on the bottom of the trench and to allow ample space for properly jointing the pipe. 602-10 The jointing shall be completed for all pipe laid each day, in order not to leave open joints in the trench overnight. At times when pipe laying is not in progress, then open ends of the pipe shall be properly plugged. No pipe shall be laid in water, or when trench conditions or weather is unsuitable for such work. If the pipe is disturbed from line and grade after being laid, the pipe shall be removed from trench, the joints cleaned and the pipe relaid. The Water Utilities Department shall be notified at least 24 hours in advance of when pipe is to belaid_m any trench. No pipes shall be covered or authorized for cover until they have been inspected by the City's Inspector. 602-3.7 Backfilling Around Pine: The backfill around the pipe and to a point 12" above the top of the pipe shall be carefully placed and shall be loose top soil or finely divided caliche free of organic matter, rocks or hard clods larger than two inches. The remainder of the backfill that is above twelve inches (12") higher than the top of the pipe at all locations, except under highway crossings and railroad crossings, shall be backfilled with loose excavated material in 12" maximum layers and compacted by forcing water into the backfill at the level of the top of pipe until the water level rises to within eighteen inches of the natural ground surface. The water shall be forced into the backfill at locations not more than ten feet apart. In areas to be capped with concrete, the remainder of the backfill that is above twelve inches (12") higher than the top of the pipe shall be backfilled with select excavated material in 6 inch to 12 inch layers and compacted to 95% standard proctor density. The moisture content shall be attained by prewetting and thoroughly mixing before applying appropriate layers to accomplish desired compaction. All surplus material shall be loaded and wasted at the Contractor's expense, at locations approved by the Engineer. Following the completion of the backfilling the Contractor 'shall maintain the street and trench surfaces, in a satisfactory manner until final completion and acceptance of the work. The maintenance to include blading from time to time as necessary, filling depressions caused by settlement, sprinkling to settle dust, brooming or flushing at the request of the Engineer and other work required to keep the streets and roads in satisfactory condition for traffic. The Contractor shall maintain and be responsible for all paving cuts until such time as City Forces shall repair cuts with asphalt. 602-3.8 Surrace Restoration: All streets, alleys, driveways, sidewalks, curbs or other surfaces broken, cut or damaged by the Contractor shall be resurfaced in kind or as shown on the Plans. 607-3.9 Clean Up: All rubbish, unused materials and other non-native materials shall be removed from the jobsite. All excess excavation shalt be disposed of as specified by the City's Inspector, and the right-of-way shall be left in a state of order and cleanliness. 602-11 602-3.10 Manhole Construction: 3.10.1 SCOPE The work covered by this Subsection consists of constructing precast; pre - assembled or field assembled manholes for sanitary sewers. Construction consists of excavation; shoring; dewatering; subgrade preparation; construction of base; placement and assembly of risers, cone, or tops; installation of ring, cover and adjusting rings; backtSihng; surface restoration and other related work. 3.10.2 QUALITY STANDARDS The latest published revision of: ASTM C 891: Installation ofUnderground Precast Concrete Utility Structures shall apply. 3.10.3 MATERIALS The Contractor shall install manholes of the dimensions shown on the Plans. 3.10.4 MANHOLE BASE Field poured concrete bases shall be at least 12 inches thick and not less than 1 (one) foot greater diameter than the outside diameter of the manhole riser section. Concrete shall be minimum 3000 psi. Concrete placement shall conform to ACI and good construction practices. Concrete shall be consolidated and struck -off to a horizontal surface within the forms or pouring rings. Field poured concrete bases shall be reinforced as detailed on the Plans or as shown in the Standard Details. Precast reinforced concrete bases shall be of the size and shape detailed on the Plans or as shown in the Standard Details. 3.10.5 MANHOLES BARRELS Manhole barrels shall be assembled of precast riser sections. Riser sections shall be placed vertically with tongues and grooves properly keyed. Invert channels shall be smooth and semi -circular in shape conforming to the inside of the adjacent sewer section. Changes in direction of flow shay be made with a smooth curve of as large radius as the size of the manhole will permit. Changes in size and grade of the channels shall be made gradually and evenly. The invert channels may be formed directly in the concrete of the manhole base or may be half -pipe laid in concrete. The floor of the manhole outside the channel shall be smooth and shall slope toward the channel not less than one inch per foot, nor more than two inches per foot. Free drop inside the manhole shall not exceed 30" measured from the invert of the inlet pipe to the invert of the outlet pipe. Where the drop exceeds 30", drop manholes shall be constructed as detailed on the Plans or as shown in the Standard Details. 602-12 All connections between the riser or base sections and the sewer pipe shall be joined in such a manner as to make the manholes watertight. Preformed rubber waterstop gaskets cast into the riser or base section methods. Preformed flexible plastic sealing compounds similar or equal to "Ramnek" or "Kent Seal" are also acceptable, provided acceptable watertightness is achieved. 3.10.9 TOP OR CONE SECTIONS Flattop sections may be used on shallow lines where standard cone sections will not conform to specified elevations. Cone shaped top section shall be assembled on top of the manhole barrel with ` tongues and grooves properly keyed. Adjusting rings or brick may be used for adjusting the top elevation, except that f ° the total height of the adjusting rings shall not exceed 12 inches at any manhole. Each manhole shall have a minimum of 6 inches of grade adjustment. Rings shall be set to the elevations shown on the Plans or established by the City's Inspector. Concrete shall be placed around and under the ring to provide a seal and properly seat the ring at the required elevation. Concrete shall be rounded -off in accordance with the Standard Details. 3.10.10 WATERTIGHTNESS The finished manhole is expected to be as watertight as the pipe system it is incorporated into. Infiltration or exfiltration shall not exceed the limits established in Subsection 602-3.14. All connections between riser sections, bases and tops shall be sealed with preformed flexible plastic joint sealing compound. Application of primer and sealing compound shall be accomplished in conformance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Grade of materials, quantity of materials and application temperatures recommended by the manufacturer shall govem. Sealing compound similar or equal to "Ramnek" or "Kent Seal" shall be used. 3.10.11 BACKFILLING Backfilling around manholes shall conform to the requirements as specified for backfilling. Bedding material shall be placed up to a point equal to that required for the adjacent pipe. 3.10.12 SURFACE RESTORATION Surface restoration shall conform to the requirements of Subsection 602-3.8. 3.10.13 QUALITY CONTROL Inspection, testing, approval and acceptance shall conform to the requirements of Subsection 602-3.13. Materials not inspected by the City's Inspector or damaged by an action of the Contractor may be subsequently rejected and replaced at the Contractor's expense. 602-13 3.10.14 CLEAN UP All rubbish, unused materials and other non-native materials shall be removed from the jobsite. All excess excavation shall be disposed of as specified, and the right- of-way shall be left in a state of order and cleanliness, 602-3 11 Connection to City Sewerage System: Flow of any kind into the existing sewerage system shall not be allowed until the sewer has been satisfactorily completed and accepted for use by the Water Utilities Department. 602-3.12 Tees for Service Connections: The Contractor shall place wyes and tees for service conneetions where required by the approved constriction plans. Watertight plugs shall be installed in each branch pipe or stub. Tee locations shall be marked with a piece of two inch by. four inch lumber extended from the end of the pipe to above ground level. Service lines shall be installed to property line. 602-3.13 Inspection, Testing,Approval and Acceptance of Gravity Flow Sanitary Sewers: 3.13.1 SCOPE The work covered by this Specification consists of the inspection, testing, approval and acceptance of gravity flow sanitary sewers, including appurtenances normally installed as part of the system. The work may include leakage testing, deflection testing of flexible pipe system and television inspection of the interior of the finished sewer system. 3.13.2 QUALITY STANDARDS The latest published revision of [lie Quality Standards in effect at the time of bid shall apply. ASTM C 969: Infiltration and Exfltration Acceptance Testing of Installed Sewer Lines ASTM C 828: Low Pressure Air Test of Sewer Lines. UNI B 6: Recommended Practice for Low -Pressure Air Testing of Installed Sewer Pipe. (Published by Uni-B ell Plastic Pipe Association) 3.13.3 MATERIALS Water used for exfiltration tests shall be potable or as otherwise approved by the City's Inspector. Equipment necessary for any of the tests shall be of the type, quality and capacity to perform the operations required and to execute the tests specified, and shall be furnished by the Contractor along with all labor and materials including water. 602-14 t- 3.13.4 INSPECTION The City's Inspector shall inspect and approve all work accomplished. Deflection testing shall be performed at the discretion of the City's Inspector. 3.13.5 CLEANING Prior to testing any section of sewer, the Contractor shall remove all foreign matter from the interior of the system. Flushing a cleaning ball, pressure jetting or other appropriate cleaning method approved by the City's Inspector may -be -used. Watertight plugs or other methods approved by the City's Inspector shall then be used to prevent dirt or debris from entering the system. 3.I3.6 TESTING Testing shall be conducted by the Contractor and at thisownexpense. All testing shall be accomplished in the presence of the City's Inspector or his authorized representative. The City's Inspector shall be notified 24 hours in advance of the testing. Testing shall not commence on any portion of the pipeline, until all field placed concrete in contact with the pipe, fittings or appurtenances is adequately cured. The Contractor shall have the option of conducting a water exfiltration test, a low- pressure air test, or an infiltration test if the pipeline is continuously subjected to an exterior hydrostatic head. The sewer line being tested may be filled with water for a period long enough to allow water absorption in the pipe wall. The saturation period shall be a minimum of 4 hours and not more than 72 hours. Exfiltration Test Each section of the pipeline shall be tested between successive manholes or other structures. The lower end of the section shall be closed with a watertight device. The inlet end of the section to be tested shall be filled with water to a point 4 feet above the pipe invert at the centerline of the upper manhole or structure. If the ground water level is above the pipe invert, the water level in the upper manhole shall be 4 feet above the adjacent ground water level. Ground water level shall be detemnined by the City's Inspector. The allowable leakage by exfiltration shall not exceed 200 gallonslinch diameterfmilefday. The leakage shall be measured by checking the drop in the water level in the upper manhole or structure over a period of 4 hours. The Contractor shall repair obvious or concentrated leaks and whatever repairs are necessary to reduce exfiltration leakage to an acceptable rate. The Contractor shall repeat the 4 hour exfiltration test after repairs until an acceptable leakage rate is attained. All repairs required shall be at the Contractor's expense. 602-15 Low -Pressure Air Test The low-pressure air test shall be conducted in accordance to the PTO" isions of L -B-6, "Recommended Practice for Low -Pressure Air Testing of Installed Sewer Pipe," published by Ur&Bell Plastic Pipe Association. The Contractor shall repeat the low-pressure air test after repairs until an acceptable pressure drop for the test is attained. All repairs required shall be at the Contractor's expense. Infiltration Test Infiltration tests are acceptable only if the pipeline is continuously subjected to an external hydrostatic head (ground water level) of at least 2 feet above the top of the pipe at the upstream manhole or structure. Ground water level shall be determined by the City's Inspector. Infiltration test shall be made by sealing the inlet and outlet ends of this pipeline and measuring the volume of water that infiltrates into the section being tested. Flow measurement may be measured by collecting the discharge into a volumetric measuring container, weir or other approved method. The allowable infiltration shall not exceed 200 gallonsfinch diameter/mile/day. The test shall be continued over a period of at least 4 hours. Time shall be allowed to soak lines and manholes in advance of performing test. The Contractor shall repair obvious or concentrated leaks and whatever repairs that are necessary to reduce the infiltration to an acceptable rate. The Contractor shall repeat the 4 hour infiltration test after repairs until an acceptable infiltration rate is attained. Alt repairs required shall be at the Contractor's expense. Whenever the rate of infiltration is found to exceed the prescribed amount, the Contractor shall be notified in writing. The Contractor may then be required, by the Water Utilities Department, to provide at his own expense, electronic or photographic visual inspection of the interior of the conduit. The Contractor shall make appropriate repairs by methods approved by the Water Utilities Department and shall continue to test the conduit until it is proven satisfactory. 3.13.7 GENERAL. Final acceptance of the sewer line shall be based on an inspection covering all items in this specification. The inspection shall be done in an appropriate manner by representatives of the Water Utilities Department. The Contractor shall remedy, at his own expense, any poor aligrunent or any other defects in workmanship or materials revealed by final inspection. Final acceptance ivill be based on reinspection of the sewer after the appropriate repairs and corrections are completed. 602-16 t- 3.I3.8 T.V. INSPECTION N►Thcrc-deternuned_necessary by the City's Inspector, the sewer shall be inspected by T.V. camera prior to final acceptance of the pipeline. The costs incurred in making the initial inspection by T.V. Camera shall be borne by the Contracting Agency. T.V. equipment expressly designed for pipeline inspection purposes and operated by experienced and qualified personnel shall be pulled through the entire pipeline. The T.V. operator -shall -maintain -a- log -of all. inspections and-note_location, type and extent of any deficiencies. The T.V. operator shall also photograph all deficiencies and not less than one °typical" location per each 500 feet of pipeline inspected. The Contractor shall bear all costs incurred in correcting deficiencies found during the T_V. inspection,_including cost of additional T.V. inspection required to verify correction of noted deficiencies. T.V. inspection conducted solely for the Contractor's benefit shall be at the Contractor's expense. 3.13.9 DEFLECTION TEST Where determined necessary by the City's Inspector, sewer pipe shall be subjected to a deflection test. Deflection tests shall be conducted in the presence of the City's Inspector and after the pipe has been installed and backfilled. The deflection test shall be conducted by pulling a mandrel (go -no go device) through the pipe. The mandrel shall be designed and sized for each size of pipe and shall be at least 1.5 pipe diameters in length. The mandrel shall be constructed with an odd number of runners placed parallel to the pipe centerline and equally spaced around the perimeter of the mandrel. Mandrels for 8 inch pipe shall be constructed with at least 9 runners, and more runners shall be utilized for larger pipe sizes. Test mandrel shall be furnished by the Contractor_ All test equipment; calibration data and procedures shall be subject to the approval of the City's Inspector. Ring or diametric deflection of the installed pipe shall not exceed 5% of the design internal diameter of the pipe. Pipe sections that restrict free passage of the mandrel shall be removed and replaced or excavated, rebedded, back -fined and retested. All such repairs, replacement, remedial work and retesting performed by the Contractor shall be at his expense. The deflection test may be conducted concurrently with the T.V. inspection of the pipe interior, subject to approval by the City's Inspector. 3.13.10 ACCEPTANCE Flow of any kind into the existing sewerage system shall not be allowed until the sewer has been satisfactorily completed and accepted for use by the Water Utilities Department. b02- 17 Portions of the work completed may be placed in operation after all cleaning, testing and inspection requirements have been fulfilled. Such partial use or partial acceptance shall be subject to approval of City Inspector- 602-3 14 inspection, Testing. Approval and Acceptance of Manholes: 3.14.1 SCOPE The work covered by this Specification consists of the inspection, testing, approval and acceptance of manholes. The work may include leakage testing. 3.14.2 QUALITY STANDARDS UNI- B-6: Recommended Practice for Low -Pressure Air Testing of Installed Sewer Pipe (Published by Uni-Bell Plastic Pipe Association) ASTM C 969: Infiltration and 5diltration Acceptance Testing of Installed Concrete Pipe Manholes. 3.14.3 MATERIALS Water used for exfiltration tests shall be potable or as otherwise approved by the City's Inspector. Equipment necessary for any of the tests shall be of the type, quality and capacity to perform the operations required to execute the tests specified, and shall be furnished by the Contractor along with all labor and materials including water. 3.14.4 INSPECTION The City's Inspector shall inspect and approve all work accomplished. 3.14.5 CLEANING Prior to testing any manhole, the Contractor shall remove all foreign matter from the interior of the manhole. Chunks of concrete, mortar, or other debris (including dirt that may have intruded into the interior of the manholes) shall be removed by mechanical means. Small gravel or grit may be removed by flushing, pressure jetting or other appropriate cleaning methods approved by the City's Inspector. After cleaning, the manhole cover shalt be positioned to prevent dirt or debris from entering the manhole. Other means of preventing intrusion of dirt or debris may be employed if approved by the City's Inspector. 3.14.6 TESTING All manholes shall be tested for leakage by an exfiltration test. Manholes may also be tested for infiltration when, in the opinion of the City's Inspector, high ground water levels indicate the possibility of excessive infiltration leakage at the manhole. 602-18 i Ex.Sltration Test All inlet and outlet pipes in the manhole shall be plugged with a watertight device. The manhole shall be filled with water to a point 4 feet above the outlet pipe invert, measured at the centerline of the manhole. If the ground water level is above the pipe invert, the test level shall be 4 feet above the adjacent ground water level. Ground water level shall be determined by the City's Inspector. The allowable leakage shall not exceed 0.1 gallonifoot diameter/foot of head during a 4 hour test. The manhole may be allowed to remain saturated to allow absorption into the manhole wall for 4 to 72 hours prior to testing. The Contractor shall repeat the 4 hour enfiltration test after repairs until an acceptable leakage rate is attained. All repairs required shall be at the Contractor's expense. Infiltration Test Infiltration tests are acceptable only if the connecting conduit is continuously subjected to an external hydrostatic head (ground water level) at least 2 feet above the top of the conduit. Ground water level shall be determined by the procedures set forth in Section 8 ofUNI-13-6. All inlet and outlet pipes in the manhole shall be plugged with a watertight ' device. The volume of water that infiltrates into the manhole during a 4 hour period shall be measured in a manner determined by the City's Inspector. The test shall be conducted after the manhole has been subjected to the maximum ground water level for at least 4 hours to thoroughly saturate the manhole wall. The allowable infiltration shall not exceed 0.1 gallon/foot of diameter/foot of head during a 4 hour test. The Contractor shall repeat the 4 hour infiltration test after repairs until an acceptable leakage rate is attained. All repairs requires shall be at the Contractor's expense. 3.14.7 ACCEPTANCE Portions of the work completed may be placed in operation after cleaning, testing and inspection requirements have been fulfilled. Such partial use of partial acceptance shall be subject to approval of City Inspector. 602-3.15 Restoration and Clean Up: The Contractor shall restore or replace all removed or damaged paving, curbing, sidewalks, gutters, sod, shrubbery, fences, irrigation ditches, pipe, or other structures or surfaces to a condition equal to that before the work began and to the satisfaction of the Water Utilities Department. When pavement must be replaced and hot -mix asphalt paving is not available, the Contractor shall install cold -mix asphalt over the trench and replace it with hot -mix as soon as possible. The construction site shall be left clean and orderly. 602-19 A minimum base course of six inches shall be placed in trench areas prior to either permanent or temporary asphalt placement. The base course material shall conform to the following gradation: Percent by Weiebt Sieve Designation Passing Lab Sieves 0- 5 7/8" 8-30 30-55 #4 50-70 ,140 70-90 LL shall not exceed 45 PI shall not exceed 15 LS shalt not exceed 5 602-20 6" �o 1z, m -STANDARD MAN,HUL-t-- %4.H RItIG e, COVER D T G"Tols FAIN. 48- MIN. 4' 4. To ir.' 21"BOVER MIN. ro'* R I ALL SIZ:S 14111. 6,T MIN.,5- ,K��, )-- ;MORTAR tG'SCEEPE GRADE RINGS FOR GRADE ADJUSTMENT SECCENTRIC CONE SECTION vX \ h, --SEAL ALL JOINTS I e iNSIDE 6 OUT f: - I Vv Ir W R AYA ,l E V, - 0 pu�uT SEAL o #7 61 A. 'A -b ,. hl RISER SECTION V-1 (TONGUE 8 GROOVE) r , BOTTOM RISER SECTION (BUTT ft GROOVE) J7 'IF MIN. TO Z" GROUT SPACE o...; CONCRETE BASE FORMED SURFACES 7--, OR t/4 PIPE DIA.(P) WHICHEVER IS LARGER 4 BARS G"OC EA. WAY 2" BELOW BOTTOM OF PIPE PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE ASTM C- 478 SPECIFICATION MANHOLE DROP MANHOLE '12- ADJUSTMENT O MIN. DROP 2'-6" Jill;= Iltli �tx pe Jr 5 e G O.G. E-W A` V CONSTRUCTION OF THE DROP MANHOLE IS IDENTICAL WITH THE STANDARD MANHOLE IN EVERY RESPECT EXCEPT THE METHOD OF ENTRANCE OF THE SEWAGE 15 FROM THE LATERALS, THIS ENTRANCE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS SHOWN ABOVE- NO REINFORCEMENT WILL BE REQUIRED IN THE CONCRETE FOR PIPE ENCASEMENT, WHEN ENTERING AN EXISTING MANHOLE WITH A NEW LINE AND THE DIFFERENCE IN ELEVATION OF THE TWO INVERTS EXCEEDS 2.5' FEET THE METHOD OF ENTRANCE SHALL BE AS ABOVE. 602-22- DROP TIE TO EXISTING MANHOLE C STANDARD 275 LB. MANHOLE FRAME & COVER `111= il;r-ilU.��=111i�=iltl=1111,, f , ==n111� 6 �012 ADJUSTMENT11 =111i J CONCRETE BLOCK TNSIDE DROP STANDARD 275 MANHOLE FRAME Lb. & COVER M A .1_ V _ \J t! _FJ 20P PIPE AS WIER LAY PIPE TO UNDISTURBED SOIL 3,8" OIA. ALUMINUM PIPE STRAP. PVC PIPE DETAIL A REMOVE PORTION OF DROP PIPE TO CONNECT AS SHOWN 316" DIA. ALUMINUM STRAP ALLOY 6061-TG FILL EXCAVATED SPACE OUTSIDE OF MANHOLE S UNDER PIPE WITH CONCRETE 602- 24 OUTSIDE DROP MANHOLE (PVC) STANOtRD 275 Lb. ZZ MANHOLE FRAME d COVER CONCRETE ENCASEMENT TE ENCASEMENT XW S a G" O.C. (E-w) 602- 25 u SELECT, 8ACKFILL Q • X -�O Q D TEE & RISER o • -- l p ; • ^� SELECT BACKF[LL a, WYE & RISER 602- 26 LAY CLAY TILE THROUGH MANHOLE "� CUT OR BREAK OUT TOP OF PIPE STRAIGHT THROUGH ► ANHOLE CLAY TILE STRAIGH BEND AT MANHOLE JUNCTION AT MANHOLE E02- 27 TILE SEND OR ED CONCRETE INVERT V/YE WITH 300 BEND ED CONCRETE INVERT SPECIAL BEDDING FOR VCT PIPE (24'-28')CUT l (18' -24' )CUTI DJ2 GRADATION ROCK 42" MAX. FOR 24' a 2�1" illy=PIPE ,36" MAX FOR 18 11111PIPE. FOR 18" PIPE 0. D. I}18" MAX. OTHER SIZES MIN O.D.+ 12" ° •' SELECT•-8ACKFIL'L• '0o..-- 1p ..e otr i1 O �•• VNIII 12" D/4 (14' -18' )CUT NOTE: REfi:OVE ALL LOOSE MATERIAL BEFORE PLACING BEDDING OR SHAPING TRENCH WHERE CUTS EXCEED 281 REINFORCED CONCRETE EMBEDMENT WILL BE REWIRED I EMBEDMENT OF PVC PIPE \ \ REMAINDER OF . BACKFILL COMPACTED $Y JETTING \�SELECT BACKFILL CAREFULLY -PLACED GRADED GRAVEL AS SPECIFIED IN :f£r�••it�: : PAR. • LIVE PP 602 TRENCH WIDTH MIN O.D. NOTE: ALL PVC SEWER REGARDLESS OF DEPTH,BE COMPLETELY WILL EMBEDDED GRAVEL \ i i 602-29 TACLE P-2—TRENc)t SHORING —MINIMUM ReOUIREMENTS Sire and spacing of mcmban Up+ights Stringers Cross brocos , Width of trench m4timum s0acinq ocpin at Xlnd or conditional earth Ueneh Minimum t.ta.imum A1.e Turn tlp imam Up to 3 to 6 tool 6 to B tool 910 12 12 to is Vertical Ifodrental dimension spacing dimension spacin0 teal toot toot Feet tnchG Feet inchos J Fact Inches Inches tncKas Inches Inches Fact Foot S to 10 Hard, compact_____ 3X4 or 2x6 6 2X6 4X4 4X6 6X6 0x0 4 6 Likely 10 crack « 3X4 of 2X6 3 4 X 6 4 2X6 4X4 4X6 6X6 axe 4 0 Close Soh, sandy, or tilled. 3x4 or 2XS sheeting 4X6 4 tX4 4X6 6X6 6X8 axe 4 6 Close HydrosWir pressure.._..«_—. 3X4 or 2X6 sheeting 6X8 4 4X4 4X6 60 axe 81(0 4 6 1D to 15 Hard «._«« .. 9X4 or 2xe a 4X6 4 4X4 4X6 6X6 axe axe 4 a mi,cly to clack._, . ,. ...„, 3X4 or 21.46 2 4X6 4 4x4 4X6 OX6 6X0 axe ....... 0 Close Sell. sandy, or 3X4 3x4 or 2X6 shecliru) 4X3 4 4Xe 8X6 ex0 axe OXID 4 6 Cosa Hydroslaliepre $sure.,,.,,. ..«... 3X6 shccling 8X10 4 4X6 6X6 6xe axe BX10 4 a Close 1Sto20 AV kinds or conditions... ,.„.,.. 3x6 shcu[,ng 4xt2 4 4Xs2 6X8 axe 0XID 10xio 4 6 Ncf20 Alllindsor:onditions.« ,_« 3X6� Cosa sheeting 6xe < 4XI2 axe 8X10 10XI0 lox12 4 8 Mcneh jacks may be used In 6ou at, or in com6inalion with, doss braces. Shormg is net tcgwred'nt solid rock, hard shale, or hard slag. where deslrabio, slctil shoal piling and bracing of equal strength may bo subs5luled for wood, O ti TRENCH JACKS IN TRUE HORIZONTAL POSITION AND SPACED VERTICALLY Uprights AVOID DANGEROUS OVERHANGS! ALL MATERIALS USED'FOR SHORING SHALL BE IN GOOD CONDITION,FREE OF DEFECTS AND OF AT LEAST MINIMUM SIZE SHOWN IN ACCOMPANING CHART. SHORING SHALL CLOSELY FOLLOW THE EXCAVATION. 602-31 Cleats----., �� Stringers ONE EXAMPLE OF SEVERAL TYPES OF SHEETING Sheet Pilings Uprights - Braces SDDii Trenching machine I TRENCH SHIELD �r L-- — Tamper'/,/ ,, /-�,$ 602— 32 1i l_.a ,. ram,-.. _ ,�,,..,, �..--.ter. e,...,� �w a•.«.�".�,. .. ,. y �..*� ^.: � .�.�,,..� ....m �...� '°..�.,°, FOR INSTALLATIONS OVER 6' DEEP FOR INSTALLATIONS UNDER 6' DEEP WESTERN MON WORKS* 40 2751b MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER S 7—CEMENT ,MORTAR WESTERN IRON 'NORKS *40 ;r----- BRICK OR CONCRETE 275,b MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER ADJUSTMENT GRADE RINGS CEMENT MORTAR z; `\_ X JOINT TO 9E SCALED WITH _�_ 9RICX OR CONCRETE L?JUST:`1ENT iT :oy APPROVED WATERPROOF p:. o GRACE RINGS' W / BITUMINOUS MATERIAL r TEPS i JOINTS TO 9E SEALED WITH APPROVED S :6" O.C. ox WATERPROOF SITU MINOS MATERIAL EQUIPMENT BENCH ,z'i*yST•EPS j•S. i6 CtC. ~ EOUIPMENT BENCH .e'�'S�CEUENT MORTAR �• M ;P CEMENT MORTAR NOT E='NHEAE EXISTING SANITARY _ ..►►;' °J: ^;,°r. *. , CONNECTIONS ARE $6" DI?. 6 (` �� •{ I.8• TRANSITION PIPES TO 6" 7 Q• "—"'�"a- SHOULD qE INSTALLED AT SECTION 2--9 LEAST 2 OUTSIDE THE SECTION A' MANHOLE. WHERE EXISTING : p PLOSION -RESISTANT BOX 8 LIGHT a CONNECTIONS ARE3-6" OIA, :� .' ,� WATT "• 9:. SWITCH a 2 OUTLETS WITH TRAN31Ti0N PIPES 9 FLUME `�: ' 57ES SHALL BE DETERMINED : ExPLO NT r GROUND RESISTANT 8Y THE WATER ILITY DEPT. ::"INCANDESCENT LIGHT 8 FIXTURE " rB �: ' '=, NOTE: LOCATE LIGHT SWITC .. :. .'i ON MANHOLE WALL 6 STANDARD 6" OIA. GALVANIZED • RIGHT OF FIRST PALMER-90wLUS 3q CONDUIT i'yNOTEtAFTER INSTALL' ;•i (HIGHEST) MANHOLE i : ATiON THE FLUME- 5 ' FLUME f; Y. STEP A IlQ VOLT SHALL 9E CALIBRATED . AND CERTIFIED 60 HZ,3-wiRE ?: ;j ►''"r AC SUPPLY WITH r .i- ay—"' STANDARD fi'OIA. PALMER' I -•: CIRCUIT BREAKER SOWLUS FLUME TO BE ., i"MORT INSTALLED IN STRICT ;l4ACCORDANCE WITH p• t.;, ;:!,,; 4 ^• MANUFACTURERS ;i EXPANDED �8,. • �w ► r::';: % +.. .qn , y .. �* RECOMMENDATIONS ALUMINUM GRATE '• ' '' �:.' L_fo NOTE: ALL BRACES, LEGS, 8 SUPPORTS •NOTE+ALL ELECTRICAL INSTALI.ATIONS FOR EQUIPMENT BENCH SHALL SHALL COMPLY WITH NATIONAL BE OF 3" X Z" X va" ELECTRICTRICAL CODE . CLASS I .ALUMINUM ANGLE -IRON ARTICLE SDI,, 1987 EDITION. MONITORING MANHOLE DETAIL CITY OF LUBBOCK WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT FIGURE 3.1 No Text Tract A & B Lubbock Animal Shelter Addition FORCE MAIN PIPING. PUMPS VALVES AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS SECTION 2. FORCE MAIN PIPING --PUMPS VALVES AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 1.1. GENERAL The contractor shall provide all materials, equipment and labor necessary to install, test and place into service the TOP pre-engineered fiberglass pump station- as --shown in the plans and described in this specification. The pre-engineered pump station package, including submersible pumps, pump control, fiberglass pump station, internal piping, accessories and auxiliary equipment shall be supplied by the pump manufacturer. 1.2. REQUIREMENTS The TOP pre-engineered fiberglass pump station package shall be capable of handling unscreened sewage, wastewater in accordance with the design conditions defined in ' Table 1. of this specification. The fiberglass pump station shall have an integral, hopper -shaped pump station bottom, which is self-cleaning by virtue of its design. The flat surface area shall be minimized to an area that is directly influenced by the pump suction and shall be free of obstacles. The bottom surface area shall have a ratio of 1:4 as it relates to the cross -sectional area of the pump station. The sloping walls of the pump station bottom shall further optimize the self-cleaning features of this station by directing all solids, trash and sludge, normally found in sewage and wastewater, to the suction of the submersible pumps to lacili-tate removal and effectively clean the bottom. Furnish and install 2 submersible non -clog wastewater pump(s). Each pump shall be equipped with a 10 HP submersible electric motor, connected for operation on a 460 volt, 3 phase, 60 hertz, three wire service, with 50 feet of submersible cable (SUBCAB), suitable for submersible pump applications. The power cable shall be sized according to NEC and ICEA standards and have P-MSHA Approval. The pump shall be supplied with a mating cast iron 4 inch discharge connection and be capable of delivering 300 GPM at 30 TDH. An additional point on the same curve shall be 468 GPM at 25 feet total head. Shut off head shall be 48 feet (minimum). Each pump shall be fitted with 22 feet of 304SS lifting chain. The working load of the lifting system shall be 50% greater than the pump unit weight. PART 2. PUMPS t 2.1. PUMP DESIGN The pump(s) shall be automatically and firmly connected to the discharge connection, guided by no less than two (stainless steel, galvanizes steel) guide pipes extending from the top of the station to the discharge connection. There shall be no need for personnel to enter the wet -well. Sealing of the pumping unit to the discharge connection shall be accomplished by a machined metal to metal watertight contact. Sealing of the discharge ev interface with a diaphragm, O-ring or profile gasket will not be acceptable. No portion of the pump shall bear directly on the sump floor. 2.2. PUMP CONSTRUCTION Major pump components shall be of grey cast iron, ASTM A-48, Class 35B, with smooth surfaces devoid of blow holes or other irregularities. All exposed nuts or bolts shall be AISI type 304 stainless steel construction. All metal surfaces coming into contact with the pumpage, other than stainless steel or brass, shall be protected by a factory applied spray coaling of acrylic dispersion zinc phosphate primer with a polyester resin paint finish on the exterior of the pump. Sealing design shall incorporate metal -to -metal contact between machined surfaces. Critical mating surfaces where watertight sealing is required shall be machined and lilted Tract A & B, Lubbock Animal Shelter Addition 2-1 Force Main Piping, Pumps,Valves, and Miscellaneous items Tract A & B, Lubbock Animal Sheller Addition FORCE MAIN PIPING. PUMPS, VALVES AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS with Nitrile or Viton rubber 0-rings. Fittings will be the result of controlled compression of rubber O-rings in two planes and 0-ring contact of four sides without the requirement of a specific torque limit. Rectangular cross sectioned gaskets requiring specific torque limits to achieve compression shall not be considered as adequate or equal. No secondary sealing compounds, elliptical 0-rings, grease or other devices shall be used. 2.3. CABLE ENTRY SEAL The cable entry seal design shall preclude specific torque requirements to insure a watertight -and --submersible seal. The cable entry shall consist of a single cylindrical elastomer grommet, flanked by stainless steel washers, all having a close tolerance fit against the cable outside diameter and the entry inside diameter and compressed by the body containing a strain relief function, separate from the function of sealing the cable. The assembly shall provide ease of changing the cable when necessary using the same entry seal. The cable entry junction chamber and motor shall be separated by a stator lead sealing gland or terminal board, which shall isolate the interior from foreign material gaining access through the pump lop. Epoxies, silicones, or other secondary sealing systems shall not be considered acceptable. 2.4. MOTOR The pump motor shall be a NEMA B design, induction type with a squirrel cage rotor,_, shell type design, housed in an air filled, watertight chamber. The stator windings shall be insulated with moisture resistant Class H insulation rated for 180°C (356"F). The stator shall be insulated by the trickle impregnation method using Class H monomer -free polyester resin resulting in a winding fill factor of at least 95%. The motor shall be inverter duty rated in accordance with NEMA MG1, Part 31.The stator shall be heat -shrink filled into the cast iron stator housing. The use of multiple step dip and bake -type stator insulation process is not acceptable. The use of bolts, pins or other fastening devices requiring penetration of the stator housing is not acceptable. The motor shall be designed for continuous duty handling pumped media of 40"C (104'F) and capable of no less than 15 evenly spaced starts per hour. The rotor bars and short circuit rings shall be made of cast aluminum. Thermal switches set to open at 125°C (260°F) shall be embedded in the stator end coils to monitor the temperature of each phase winding. These thermal switches shall be used in conjunction with and supplemental to external motor overload protection and shall be connected to the control panel. The junction chamber containing the terminal board, shall be hermetically sealed from the motor by an elastomer compression seal, Connection between the cable conductors and stator leads shall be made with threaded compression type binding posts permanently affixed to a terminal board. The motor and the pump shall be produced by the same manufacturer. The combined service factor (combined effect of voltage, frequency and specific gravity) shall be a minimum of 1.15. The motor shall have a voltage tolerance of plus or minus 10%. The motor shall be designed for operation up to 40`C (104`F) ambient and with a �=t temperature rise not to exceed 80`C. A performance chart shall be provided upon request showing curves for torque, current, power factor, input/output kW and efficiency. _ This chart shall also include data on starting and no-load characteristics. The power cable shall be sized according to the NEC and ICEA standards and shall be of sufficient length to reach the junction box without the need of any splices. The outer jacket of the cable shall be oil resistant chlorinated polyethylene rubber. The motor and cable shall be capable of continuous submergence underwater without loss of watertight integrity to a depth of 65 feet or greater. Tract A & B, Lubbock Animal Sheller Addition 2-2 Force Main Piping, Pumps,Valves, and Miscellaneous Items r Tract A & B Lubbock Animal Shelter Addition FORCE MAIN PIPING .PUMPS VALVES AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS The motor horsepower shall be adequate so that the pump is non -overloading throughout the entire pump performance curve from shut-off through run -out. A. Motor Cooling System Motors are sufficiently convection -cooled by the surrounding environment or pumped media. B. Bearings The pump shaft shall rotate on two bearings. Motor bearings shall be permanently grease lubricated. The upper bearing shall be a single deep groove ball bearing. The lower bearing shall be a two row angular contact bearing to compensate for axial thrust and radial forces. Single row lower bearings are not acceptable. C. Mechanical Seal Each pump shall be provided with a tandem mechanical shaft seal system consisting of two totally independent seal assemblies. The seals shall operate in a lubricant reservoir that hydrodynamically lubricates the lapped seal faces at a constant rate. The lower, primary seal unit, located between the pump and the lubricant chamber, shall contain one stationary and one positively driven rotating corrosion resistant, tungsten -carbide ring. The upper, secondary seal unit, located between the lubricant chamber and the motor housing, shall contain one stationary and one positively driven rotating corrosion resistant, tungsten -carbide seal ring. Each seal interface shall be held in contact by its own spring system. The seals shall require neither maintenance nor adjustment nor depend on direction of rotation for sealing. The position of both mechanical seals shall depend on the shaft. Mounting of the lower mechanical seal on the impeller hub will not be acceptable. For unique applications, other seal face materials shall be available. The following seal types shall not be considered acceptable nor equal to the dual independent seal specified: shaft seals without positively driven rotating members, or conventional double mechanical seals containing either a common single or double spring acting between the upper and lower seal faces. No system requiring a pressure differential to offset pressure and to effect sealing shall be used. Each pump shall be provided with a lubricant chamber for the shaft sealing system. The lubricant chamber shall be designed to prevent overfilling and to provide lubricant expansion capacity. The drain and inspection plug, with positive anti -leak seal shall be easily accessible from the outside. The seal system shall not rely upon the pumped media for lubrication. The motor shall be able to operate non -submerged without damage while pumping under load. Seal lubricant shall be non -toxic and FDA Approved. D. Pump Shaft Pump and motor shaft shall be the same unit. The pump shaft is an extension of the motor shaft. Couplings shall not be acceptable. The shaft shall be stainless steel — ASTM A479 S43100-T. The use of stainless steel sleeves will not be considered equal to stainless steel shafts as shaft sleeves only protect the shaft around the lower mechanical seal. E. Pump Impeller / Volute ._ Tract A & B, Lubbock Animal Shelter Addition 2-3 Force Main Piping, Pumps,Valves, and Miscellaneous Items f p( Tract A & B Lubbock Animal Shelter Addition FORCE MAIN PIPING PUMPS. VALVES AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS j f The impeller(s) shall be of high chrome iron, dynamically balanced, semi -open. multi -vane, back -swept, non -clog -design. The impeller vane leading edges shall be mechanically self -cleaned upon each rotation as they pass across a spiral groove located on the volute suction which shall keep them clear of debris, maintaining an unobstructed leading edge. The impeller(s) vanes shall have screw -shaped leading edges. The leading edges of the cast iron impellers shall be hardened to Rc 45. The impeller shall be capable of handling solids, fibrous materials, heavy sludge and other matter found in waste water. The screw shape of the impeller inlet shall provide an inducing effect for the handling of sludge and rag -laden wastewater. Impellers shall be locked to the shaft, held by an impeller bolt and treated with a corrosion inhibitor. The pump volute shall be of A48 Class 35B gray cast iron and shall have a high chrome iron replaceable ring having spiral shaped cast groove(s) at the suction of the volute. The internal insert ring shall provide effective sealing between the pump volute and the multi -vane, semi -open impeller. The sharp spiral groove(s) shall provide the shearing edge(s) across which each impeller vane leading edge shall cross during its rotation in order to remain unobstructed. The clearance between the internal volute bottom and the impeller leading edges shall be adjustable. F. Sump Mixing Valve One pump unit in each TOP pump station shall be equipped with an automatically operating Flygt Mix -flush Valve mounted directly to a machined boss located on the exterior of the pump volute casting that will provide mixing action within the sump at the start of the pumping cycle. The valve shall redirect a portion of the pumped media into the sump to re -suspend solids and grease by the turbulent action of its discharge. The valve shall be equipped with an adjustable, wear -resistant discharge nozzle that can be used to direct flow within the sump. The valve shall operate by differential pressure across the valve and shall of require any electric or pneumatic power source to operate. The valve shall be suitable for use in Class I, Division 1 hazardous locations. The valve shall open at the beginning of each pumping cycle and shall automatically close during the pump operation after a pre-set time♦ A method of adjusting the valve operating time shall be provided. G. Motor Protection All stators shall incorporate thermal switches in series to monitor the temperature of each phase winding. The thermal switches shall open at 125`C (260'F), stop the motor and activate an alarm. A leakage sensor shall be available as an option to detect water in the stator chamber. The Float Leakage Sensor (FLS) is a small float switch used to detect the presence of water in the stator chamber. When activated, the FLS will stop the motor and send an alarm both local and/or remote. Use of voltage sensitive solid state sensors and trip temperature above 125'C (260" F) shall not be allowed. The thermal switches and FLS shall be connected to a Mini CAS (Control and Status) monitoring unit. The Mini CAS monitoring unit shall be designed to be mounted in any control panel Tract A & B, Lubbock Animal Shelter Addition 2-4 Force Main Piping, Pumps,Valves, and Miscellaneous Items I Tract A & 11Lubbock Animal Shelter Addition FORCE MAIN PIPING PUMPS VALVES AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS PART 3.PRE-ENGINEERED FIBERGLASS PUMP STATION 3.1. CONSTRUCTION The station cylinder shall be wound to the station bottom such that the assembly is of a monolithic design, which is capable of withstanding the full_ hydrostatic head from the exterior of the station while the station is completely empty. The cylinder shall be made of FRP using the filament winding process. A safety factor of two (2) on the minimum ultimate tensile strength of the laminate bottom shall be used in designing the basin and cylinder wall thicknesses for the station, taking into account all normally imposed loads arising from floatation, soil pressures, normal backfill, handling loads, operating loads and static loads imposed by equipment used in hoisting the pumps in and out of the station. The cylinder is a filament wound laminate constructed by saturating continuous strand glass roving in a controlled pattern over a corrosion resistant white -pigmented resin layer that is to be 8 mils minimum thickness. The roving's shall be applied uniformly throughout the entire length of the cylinder as required to provide adequate thickness for the mechanical loads of each application. The winding pattern shall be a combination of helical and hoop wraps and shall produce a dense laminate without non -reinforced resin pockets or air bridging between the rovings. The glass content of the structural laminate shall be 60% to 70% by weight. The station bottom is a 30% to 50% glass content, chop spray laminate, constructed by built-up layers of chop spray and chopped strand mat applied along with a catalyzed resin. Each layer shall be properly wetted out and rolled out so that it is free of air voids until the required wall thickness has been obtained. €. All inside surfaces shall be smooth and free of cracks and crazing. The inside surface will be pigmented or gel coated to a bright white finish. All surfaces other than those made in contact with the mold surface shall be coated with air -inhibited resin or gelcoat, this includes any cut edges of laminate. The station shall be provided with one (1) anti -flotation flange located near the bottom of the station. This anti -flotation flange is an integral part of the station and is sufficient in design to withstand the forces acting upon the station due to the subsoil water pressure. Once the station is inserted into the hole, concrete ballast may be required depending on �. the station depth, please refer to the recommendations for concrete ballast as recommended in Flygt's TOP Station Operations and Maintenance manual. The combination of the flange and the loading of backfill material over the concrete shall provide adequate ballast against buoyancy under full hydrostatic head conditions. PART 4.TOP STATION COVER The TOP station cover shall be of 14-inch thick Type-5086 aluminum diamond plate with an integral Safe -Hatch access cover. All bars, angles and shapes shall be type 6061-T6 aluminum. The access cover frame shall be a minimum of 4-inches deep and shall be adequately sized to allow for easy passage of the submersible pumps, The Safe -Hatch access cover shall be designed to support the weight of the pump unit plus pedestrian traffic. The access door(s) shall be equipped with a hold -open arm, held open in the 90- degree position. Cover door hinges shall be heavy-duty design and be cast 1/4-inch thick Type 316 stainless steel with 3/8-inch diameter stainless steel hinge pins. All fasteners shall be type-316 stainless steel. Each hatch shall be supplied with a type-316 stainless steel slam lock, having a key -way protected by a threaded plug. The plug shall be flush with the diamond plate cover. The hatch shall be equipped with an aluminum lift handle that shall be flush to the top of the diamond plate cover. Tract A & B, Lubbock Animal Shelter Addition 2-5 Force Main Piping, Pumps,Valves, and Miscellaneous Items Tract A & B Lubbock Animal Shelter Addition FORCE MAIN PIPING. PUMPS VALVES r--, AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS The station lid shall have an integral four -inch diameter stub -pipe connection for the purpose of venting the pump station. The inverted J-shaped vent pipe shall be schedule 40 PVC pipe ? and shall end at a point at least 3-foot above the elevation of the station cover. There shall also be an option for a second vent to accommodate positive ventilation of the wet well. The access cover unit shall be equipped with a Safe -Hatch hinged safety grate to provide protection against fall -through and to control access into the confined space. Grate openings shall be sized to allow for routine maintenance inspection without having to open the safety grate. The closed safety grate shall be designed to support the weight of one pump to facilitate site pump wash -down and inspection. The hatch opening will have a 4" elevated toe board to prevent tools from being kicked into the wet well (per OSHA 1926.502 (j)). PART 5.VALVE VAULT The pre-engineered pump station shall have a valve vault that is separate from the pump station vessel. The valve vault shall be fabricated in a manner identical to the pump station and shall be large enough to allow entry for routine maintenance and inspection. The valve vault shall be equipped with an integral drain and check -valve to facilitate drainage from the valve vault back into the pump station. 5.1. PIPING AND VALVES The Flygt TOP pre-engineered fiberglass pump station shall be furnished complete with discharge pipes, fillings, check valves and shut-off valves. Discharge piping shall be of Stainless Steel. The check valves shall be Flygt-HDL Type-5087 ball -type. The shut-off valves shall be 14-turn eccentric plug -type, cast iron ANSI Class 125 flanged, with 100% port area and shall be suitable for the intended purpose. 5.2.ELECTRIC CONTROLS1 The Flygt TOP pre-engineered fiberglass pump station shall be furnished with pre -installed conduit fittings for connection of the pump power/control and level control wiring. Pump station liquid level control shall be as per options listed below. A stainless steel mounting f bracket and four 2" electrical conduit fittings shall be included_ All electrical and control accessories shall be shipped inside of the pump station for field installation f. 5.3. TESTING A. Standard pump Factory Test Each completed and assembled pump/motor unit shall undergo the following factory tests at the manufacturer's plant prior to shipment: 1. Minimum 3-point hydraulic performance test 1 2. No -Leak seal integrity test 3. Electrical integrity test B. Field Start-up After installation, a pump station start-up shall be performed by the installing contractor under the supervision of the manufacture's authorized representative. Two days of field service shall be provided by an authorized, factory trained representative of the pump manufacturer_ Services shall include, but not be limited to, inspection of the completed pump station installation to ensure that it has been performed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations, supervision of all field-testing and activation of the Pump Manufacturer's Warranty. The test shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Owner that the equipment meets all specified performance criteria, is } Tract A & B, Lubbock Animal Shelter Addition 2-6 Force Main Piping. Pumps,Valves, and Miscellaneous Items Tract A & B. Lubbock Animal Shelter Addition FORCE MAIN PIPING PUMPS VALVES AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS properly installed and anchored, and operates smoothly without exceeding the full load amperage rating of the motor. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the "required field services with the Pump Manufacturer. 5.4.PUMP PERFORMANCE DATA SHEET Flygt pump model.................................................................... NP3102.185 Pump/Motor approval ..................................... ......... ......... <FM> Class 1, Div. Pump station type..........................................................Duplex Primary Pump Duty Condition Primary pump capacity (Flow per pump).................................300 GPM Head....................................................................... .........30 Feet (TDH) Minimum efficiency ....... ............................................ ............... 63% Secondary Pump Duty Condition Secondary pump capacity (Flow per pump) ............................468 GPM Head.................................................................................25 Feet (TDH) Minimum efficiency..................................................................70 % Pump shutoff head ........ ........................................................... 47Feet Motor rated horsepower.........................................................10 hp Electric service characteristics................................................460 Volt 60 Hz. 3 Ph. Pump operating speed............................................................1745 RPM Minimum discharge size..........................................................4 inches Application....................................................................Primary Sewage Collection Liquid to be pumped................................................................ Municipal Sewage Liquid temperature ................... ................................................ .> 140 °F Liquid specific gravity @ pumping temperature ......................1.0 END OF SECTION Tract A & B. Lubbock Animal Shelter Addition 2-7 Force Main Piping, Pumps.Valves, and Miscellaneous Items Tract A & B Lubbock Animal Shelter Addition SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGEPUMPLIFT STATION SECTIONS. CONTFIOL-PANEL 1.1.SUMMARY Provide a control system, assembled and supplied -by -the pump manufacturer containing all of the mechanical and electrical equipment necessary to provide for the complete operation of the submersible pumps. 1.2.ENCLOSURE The control panel enclosure shall be rated Nema 4X and shall be constructed of 304 stainless steel. A single, three point lockable exterior latch shall be included to allow entry to the panel. Multiple, screw type fasteners are not allowable. A polished inner door shall be mounted on a continuous aluminum aircraft type hinge and shall contain cutouts for the protrusion of the circuit breakers and provide protection of the personnel from internal live voltages. All control switches, pilot indicators, elapsed time meters and other devices shall be mounted on the external surface of the dead front. The dead front door shall open a minimum of 150 degrees to allow for access to the equipment for maintenance. A 3/4" break shall be formed around the perimeter of the dead front to provide rigidity. A back plate shall be manufactured from_12 gauge —sheet steel and be finished with a primer coat and two coats of baked on white enamel. All hardware shall be mounted using stainless steel machine thread screws. Sheet metal screws shall not be acceptable. All installed devices will be permanently identified with engraved legends. 1.3.POWER DISTRIBUTION The panel power distribution shall include all necessary components and be wired with stranded copper conductors rated at 90 degrees "C". Conductor terminals shall be as recommended by the device manufacturer. The power system shall contain incoming power terminals, motor circuit breakers and control circuit breaker. All circuit breakers shall be heavy duty thermal magnetic, similar or equal to Square D type FAL. Each breaker shall be sized to adequately meet the operating conditions of the load and have a minimum interrupting capacity of 10,000 amps at 230 V and 18,000 at 460 V. Breakers shall be indicating type, providing an "on -off -tripped" positions of the handle. They shall be quick make -quick break on manual and automatic operation and have inverse time characteristics_ Breakers shall be designed so that tripping of one pole automatically trips all poles. A main disconnect shall be included and mounted on the inner door of the control panel. Motor starters shall be open frame, across the line, NEMA rated with individual overload protection in each phase. Motor starter contacts and coil shall be replaceable from the front of the starter without removal of the starter from its mounted position. Overload protection shall be via solid state units. Typical units are Square D Motor Logic. Definite purpose contactors, fractional size starters and horsepower rated contactors or relays shall not be used. A lightning -transient protector shall be provided. The device shall be a solid state device with a response time of less than 5 nano -seconds with a withstanding surge capacity of 6500 amperes. Units shall be instant recovery, long life and have no holdover currents. The following components shall also be supplied as standard equipment 1—Control wiring to be 18AWG copper tinned rated at 105 degrees C. 2—Each wire shall be numbered corresponding to the wiring diagram 3—Alarm Silence Switch to mute alarm horn 4—A duplex GFCI receptacle mounted in the inner door, 15 amp rating 5--An interior work light with on/off switch on inner door 1.4. LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM Level control shall be via a Multitrode MSM3-MP MulliSmart Level Control with MODBUS RTU option. Level input to be via MJK 1400 Series Submersible Pressure Transducer, set for 0 to 34.6 feet full scale. Cabling to of sufficient length to run without splicing into control panel. No exceptions Tract A & B. Lubbock Animal Shelter Addition Submersible Sewage Pump Lift Station 3-1 Tract A & B, Lubbock Animal Shelter Addition SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE PUMP LIFT STATION will be allowed. 1.5. HIGH LEVEL ALARM The panel shall be equipped with a light and horn to give indication of a high level condition in the wet well. The horn shall provide a signal of not less than 90 db at 10 feel and shall be mounted to the side of the enclosure. A backup float shall also be furnished, terminated dry contacts, indicating a high level condition. 1.6. RTU/RADIO An MDS Model 9810 MDS radio with NWD diagnostics card shall be provided. A UPS, rated at 450VA shall also be provided to power the radio, PLC and Level Controller during a power outage. The PLC shall be a SCADAPack, Model P1-100-01-0-0_ All programming of radio and PLC to be by others (City of Lubbock). No exceptions will be allowed. 1.7. MISCELLANEOUS A final as built drawing, encapsulated in mylar, shall be attached to the inside of the front door. A list of all legends shall be included. All control panels shall be listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory and apply the certification necessary to indicate the NRTL approval. To insuresinglesource responsibility, the pump, pump motor and control system shall be manufactured by a single source. All equipment shall be guaranteed for a period of three (3) years from the date of shipment. The guarantee is effective against all defects in workmanship and / or defective components. The warranty is limited to the replacement or repair of the defective equipment. END OF SECTION Tract A & B. Lubbock Animal Shelter Addition Submersible Sewage Purnp Lill Station 32 t�