HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2014-R0261 - CO To Contract - Red River Construction Co.- NWTPIP - 08_14_2014RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Lubbock and Red River Construction Co. ("Contractor"), entered into Contract No. 11430 ("Contract"), Resolution No. 2013-R0304, related to the North Water 'treatment Plant Improvements Project (the "Project"); WHEREAS, pursuant to Change Order No. 1, the City and Contractor increased the amount of the Contract by Twenty -Three Thousand Five Hundred Forty and Noll00 Dollars ($23,540.00), said amount being less than 1 % of the original Contract value; WHEREAS, the City and Contractor now desire to enter into Change Order No. 2, as prescribed below. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Change Order No. 2 to that certain Contract No. 11430, Resolution No. 2013-R0304, by and between the City of Lubbock and Red River Construction Co., for the North Water Treatment Plant Improvement Project, per Bid # RFP — 13-11430-MA, and related documents. Said Change Order No. 2 is attached hereto and incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. by the City Council on 'I=I T: 5--X- Reb cca Garza, City , ecreta t) August 14, 2014 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: iR. Keith Smith, P.E., Director of Public Works A��;17 RO ER'1'SON, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORNI: Richard K. Casner, Natural Resou es and Utility Attorney sj!Etf:S.Chg{)rdt,'2-Coiitract-11430-lied RiverConstructiun Co. 718114 Contract No: 11430 Change Order No, CO-2 BID/RFP No. RFP-13-11430-MA City of Lubbock Purchasing and Contract Management Change Order Contractor: Red River Constructionrinc- (f Contract Title: NWTP Improvements No.1 Project Number: 91032.9241.30000 I. "Change Order" means a written order to a Contractor executed by the Owner in accordance with the contract authorizing art addition to, deletion from, or adjustment or revision of the requirements of the contract documents, or an adjustment to the compensation payable to Contractor, or to the time for performance of the contract and completion of the Project, or a combination thereof, which does not alter the nature of the thing to be constructed and is an integral part of the project objective. Adjustments to "Estimated Quantities- to a line item in a Unit Price contract do not require a Change Order. All work that alters the nature of the thing. to be constructed or that is not an inle real part of the project obieciive must be let out for public bid. Description or change (alteration, deviation, addition, or deletion) caused by conditions encountered during construction not covered by the specifications and drawings of the project (attach additional pages iVneremur7): See attached for breakdown 2. Where the Change Order is negoliatral, the Change Order must be fully documented and itcmized as to costs, including material quantities, material costs, taxes, insurance, employee benefits, other related costs, profit and overhead. Where certain unit prices are contained in the initial contract, no deviations are allowed in computing negotiated change order costs. ITEMIZED COSTS MUST BE FULLY DOCUMENTED AND ATTACHED `rO THIS FORM. ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT A. ORIGINAL CONTRACT VALUE: S 3,219.9oo.ot7 B. AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: (hoar+lapp mwlrequlred!JoverS25J)00 S98,21239 COST CENTER: 91032 ACCOUNT: 9241 C. PERCENT OF CONTRACT VALUE •rills CHANGE ORDER (B/A): 3,05 % D. AMOUNT OF PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: S P3,540.00 E. TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (B+D)- S 121.751.79 F. PERCENT OF CONTRACT OF ALL Cl IANGE ORDERS (E/A): 25% rncreatr 378 _ a/o or drerea.Tr G. NEW CONTRACT AMOUNT (A+E): S 3,341,652.79 3. 1t is mutually agreed that the above dollar amount and the time e.+ctension. as applicable, as set forth in this Change Order constitutes full compensation to the Contractor for all oasts, expenses and damages to the Contractor, whether direct, consequential or otherwise. in anyway incident to, or arising out of or resulting directly or indirectly. from the work performed or modilied by the Contractor under this Change (Order. This Change Order is not valid without the rollowine signatures (please sr'prr in nrdrr avd rerun 3 originals with Contrast Cover aret to Purrhr�,d!!e amid r entr arY'fr.nggement r?rnarYmen! ■l+r+r (1)CON IRAC IUR Bate (2)PROJFCIARCW'rFCTlFNG1NFFR Ilaic Appnwed as to ' 1111e tt Approccd as to rot n )l ' R'S FffP R Tn r'IVi tc (4) C'1 Y"NGANI! I) I `' 1S) (.'AN TAI- PRO :C'I MANAGF.It tG) YURLIVTliACT MANAGER l7aic C r e Ur h nett $2S,(NJrJ rrr)t+irt a rnorru<! C r+i rr ,Sheet oar! the frrlL+nit ' arue C•1TY 0 LUB111 r 1('K A l l 5 1 (7} MAYOR 17atc (, } C'I ' SECRETARY t7ate Council hale• Agenda Item fi. Resolution N PUR.45 rRc% W2012) City of Lubbock North Water Treatment Plant Improvements No. 1 Change Order No. 2 I. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE ORDER a. Per CMR No. 1, for reinforcing the new baffles and gates with 2x4's. b. Per PCM No. 1, for deleting the 30" drain butterfly valve and actuator replacement from the scope of work but adding the replacement of the 24" influent valve and actuator. c. Per PCM No. 2, for replacing the 30" backwash butterfly valve and actuator. d. Per PCM No. 3, for repairing leaky joints in Basins 1-6. Part of this ($23,540 of the $70,620) has been paid in Change Order No.1, and this Change Order addresses the balance. II. EFFECT OF CHANGE Extended Additional Item Description Unit Cost Days a. Baffle Reinforcement Lump Sum $ 26,956.47 0 b. Filter No. 8 Influent Valve Replacement Lump Sum $ 180.38 0 c. Main Backwash Replacement Lump Sum $ 23,995.94 0 d. Joint Sealant Repair Lump Sum $ 47,080.00 0 Subtotal $ 98,212.79 0 IIIlw2.flw.opai\sharelprojects104251014-041ConstAdminlContmct Modirrcations\Change 4rderTO-021Attachment with breakdown• description doe A A ASSOCIATES, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS 0425-014-04 July 3, 2014 Mr. Greg Baier, P.E. Civil Engineer Water Utilities Engineering City of Lubbock P.O. Box 2000 Lubbock,Texas 79457 Re: City of Lubbock North Water Treatment Plant Improvements Project No.1 Change Order No. 2 Dear Mr. Baier: Enclosed are three signed copies of Change Order No. 2 for the above -referenced project, which have been executed by our office and Red River Construction, Inc., and are ready for final processing. This change order includes CMR No. 1, PCM No.1, PCM No. 2, and PCM No. 3. Part of PCM No. 3 ($23,540 of the $70,620) has been paid in Change Order No.1 and this Change Order addresses the balance. The change order includes $98,212.79 in additional cost and no additional days to the contract time. The revised contract amount for the project is $3,341,652.79. The dates for substantial completion and final completion are November 4, 2014, and December 19, 2014, respectively. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ALAN�PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. James L. Naylor, P.E. Texas P.E. No. 92721 Project Manager JLNlmlk Enclosure cc: Michael Lowe, City of Lubbock 112050'J TH UN VF R5I TY DRIV! SUITE RO Fp4T WORTk.TEXAS 76,07 PHONE B 17 006 I7(.q FAX 8178702516 F•pro;CC[S .�J42501a-0-1�C s!Atimin'Ccnt•an f+lOdf:2.O�s CJen3e Qrde••CO-0�13a Cr_CD_�C�G __ sparcnr car+ TWE F­ N., 1} Y' City of Lubbock, TX Capital Project Project Cost Detail July 26th, 2014 Capital Project Number: 91032 Capital Project Name: Water Treatment Plant Upgrade EncumberedlExpended Budget City of Lubbock Staff $ 46,534.37 Advertisement 2,256.49 Misc Expenses 76.24 Professional Services 1,854.87 Design/Study APAI 1,026,128.00 Design/Study BM 612,150.00 Construction BLTI 730,865.20 Construction Whiteside 64,810.00 Construction Anthony Mech 65,449.00 Other Equipment & Services 118,102.05 Red River Construction Contract 11430 3,219,900.00 Contract 11430 Change Order No.1 23,540.00 $ 5,888,126.22 Agenda Item July 261h, 2014 NWTP Improvements No. l - Change Order No.2 98,212.79 Encumbered/Expended to Date 5,986,339.01 Estimated Costs for Remaining Appropriation Uncommitted 3,415,660.99 Remaining Appropriation 3,415,660.99 Total Appropriation To Date $ 9,402,000.00 11 age l ol") Greg Baier - RE: Con traet 114311 Red River Chaange Order No.2 From: "Naylor, .lames" <*jnaly1or(waIxii 'nv.corn> To: Dean Porter <Dean.Porter�l,)redriverconsiructioil.cr)m>, Cireg Baier <GBaier(ii)m... Date: 7/17/2014 8:25 AM Subject: RH: ContraacI 1 14 30 Red 1tY er Change Order No.2 CC: "Casner, Richard" <RCasncvt inlail.ci.lnbbock.tx.us>, "I IoJ'a nia�" <tho!(-I.apaaie... Greg, My apologies for the error in Red River',; corporate name. APAI has not issue with striking through the error and making the correction as you noted. James Naylor, PE (Texas No. 92721 ) Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. 817.806-1700 From: Dean Porter [Dean. Porter@b red riverconstruct_ion.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 4:49 PM To: Greg Baier; Naylor, James Cc: Casner, Richard; Ho,Tania; Turpin, John Subject: RE: Contract 11430 Red River Change Order No.2 We have no problem having you change it. Legally, our Corporate name should be as shown below ("Co.") and as per our corporate seal on the contracts. Thank You, Red River Construction Co. Dean Porter President From: Greg Baier(ma iIto: GBaier@mail.ci.Iubbock.tx.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 4:35 PM To: Dean Porter;; inayIor apaienv,com Cc: Casner, Richard; Tania Ho; Turpin, )ohn Subject: Contract 11430 Red River Change Order No.2 file:111C:/Users11509941AppDataatI.oral/Temp/XPgrpNvise/53C'789921,Ubborkdorypo.a 1001... 7/ 17/2014 Page 1 of 2 Greg Baier - RE: Contract 11430 Red River Change Order No.2 From: Dean Porter <Dean.Porter apredriverconstruction.com> To: Greg Baier <GBaier@mail.ci.lubbock.tx.us>, "jnaylor@apaienv.com" <jnaylo... Date: 7/15/2014 4:50 PM Subject: RE: Contract 11430 Red River Change Order No.2 CC: "Casner, Richard"<RCasner@mail.ci.lubbock.tx.us>, Tania Ho <tho@apaienv... We have no problem having you change it. Legally, our Corporate name should be as shown below ("Co.") and as per our corporate seal on the contracts. Thank You, Red River Construction Co. Dean Porter President From: Greg Baler [GBaier@)mail.ci.lubbock.tx.usl Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 4:35 PM To: Dean Porter; jnaylor@apalenv.com Cc: Casner, Richard; Tania Ho; Turpin, John Subject: Contract 11430 Red River Change Order No.2 Dean and James, Legal has flagged the Red River company name on signed CO2 documents and has requested that we make the following adjustments: from "Red River Construction, Inc." to "Red River Construction Company" With your permission, we will make the strike -through and correction as shown above and send you copies. We will also need to adhere to this change on all future documents. Thanks, Greg Baier, P.E. Civil Engineer Water Utilities Engineering City of Lubbock 1625 13th Street fi le:///C:/Users/ 150994/AppData/LocaUTemp/XPgrpwise/53 C55 BC9Lubbockdorypoa 100... 7/ l 7/2014