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Resolution - 2014-R0097 - PO - Daco Fire Safety Equipment - Fire Dept. Trucks - 03_13_2014
RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Purchase Order No. 10011057 for the purchase of Rosenbauer Trucks for the Fire Department as per HGAC Contract # FS12.13, by and between the City of Lubbock and Daco Fire Safety Equipment, and related documents. Said Purchase Order is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council on March 13, 2014 TSON, MAYOR ATTEST: Reb tca Garza, City Secret APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Mike KemIi, Fire Chief APPROVED AS TO FORM: Chad Weaver, Assistant City Attorney vw:ccdocsfRES.Daco Safety Equip-PurchaseOrd February 26, 2014 Page - I '� • Date - 02/26/2014 2, City of PURCHASE ORDER Lubbock Order Number 1001 I057 000 OP TEXAS Branch/Plant 5615 DACO FIRE SAFETY EQUIPMENT 201 AVENUE R TO: P.O. BOX 5006 LUBBOCK Texas 79408 5006 CITY OF LUBBOCK CENTRAL FIRE STATION COMPLEX SHIP TO: RAUL SALAZAR 1515 EAST URSULINE LUBBOCK Texas 79401 INVOICE TO: CITY OF LUBBOCK ACCOUNTSPAYABLE P.O. BOX 2000 LUBBOCK, TX 79457 BY: 660�J Marta Alvarez, Director rchasing & Contract Management Ordered 03/13/2014 Freight Requested 02/26/2015 Taken By Delivery PER SALAZAR R REQ 42760 HGAC CONTRACT # FS12-13 Description/Supptier Item Rosenbauer, Truck 1 Rosenbauer, Truck 2 Terms NET 30 DAYS Ordered Unit Cost UM 1.000 874,543.0000 EA 1.000 913.036.0000 EA D GAMBOA Extension Request Date 874,543.00 02/26/2015 913,036.00 02126/2015 Tbtal Order 1,787,579.00 This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of $1,787,579 awarded to Daco Fire Safety Equipment, of Lubbock, TX, on March 13,2014. The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by reference: Price quotation dated February 25, 2014 from Daco Fire Safety Equipment, of Lubbock, TX, and HGAC Contract No. FS12-13 Resolution # CITY OF LUBBOC Glen C, a rtso y r ATTEST: 0,0." Rebecca Garza, i Se retary {� CONTRACT PRICING WORKSHEET For MOTOR VEHICLES Only Contract FS12-13 No.: Datc 2/25/2014 Prepared: Tit is Worksheet is prepared by Contractor and given to End User. If a PO is issued, both documents MUST be faxed to H-GAC @ 713-993-4548. Therefore please type or print legibly. [tying :City ot'Lubbock Texas Agency: Contractor: DACO FIRE SAFETY EQUIPMENT Contact EDavid aunboa Person: Prepare) EED DEENE By: Phone: E806-775-2163 Phone: i817-281-4172 Fax: 806-775-2164 Fax: 817-281-6576 Email: :dgamboa mmy'lubbockus Email: ed r�dacolire.com Product CAO3 Code: Description: ?Rosenbauer 4-Door Tilt Cab, Formed Alum Body, Tandem Axle, 100' Rear Mount Steel Ladder rh..Product Item•B:isei i)nit.Price.Per. 6ittr:icior1s'H=G;%1b iCmitract: • 735058 ...................................................................... 13..Pbushed'Options=ltetnlze.be1oW'-Attich,tddltiatt:tlsltect(s)ifnecessary-'Include.Olitittu1.Edde.ittileseription'iPapplicstble:.'.'. ...................................................................... (hole: Puhlished k ptirms are •options .%�bich were submitted.and .p ice'd in.Cottlrac 'at•15 bid:). ' ....................................................................... Description Cost Description Cost Subtotal From Additional Sheet(s): 46646 Subtotal B: i 4664E ...................................................................... C: Unµublishett Options -- Jtctrrize. beltrw/.:tttarch addition'at shret(s).if.netessary: . . ........................ (NAte' Unpublished oplians' are•tcros'which'were.npt submited atn( priced in CooU�etor's.bid.j Description Cost Description Cost Subtotal From Additional Sheet(s): 132G02 Subtotal C: 132602 Check: Total cost of Unpublished Options (C) cannot exceed 25% of the total of the Base Unit For this transaction the percentage is: 17" Price plus Published Options (A+B). -Total Cost 13cfo;t� Xn'-Apj►IWble 'Frailc. . +(;+C); . . . . . . . . Quantity Ordered: l \ Subtotal ofA+ B+C: 914306 = Subtotal D:: 914306 E:.I7.CAC.Orik'r. Prtt&sc idg'Charge (�vniotint Pet' Currtnt.Potic y.Subtotal E: I 0 Ft:ade: I asl'0'1Ittr AlIdvotiIces / Speciascuums.Freight nstallatiott ' Description Cost Description Cost Multiple Order Discount = -24000 Chassis Prepayment Discount : (il 1,220) Aerial Ladder Prepayment Discount (54.543) Subtotal F: -3976_ � � CONTRACT PRICING �VORKSHEET For MOTOR VEHICLES Only Contract FS12-13 No.: Date 2/25/2014 Prepared: € This Worksheet is prepared by Contractor and given to End User. If a PO is issued, both documents MUST be faxed to H-GAC @ 713-993-4548. Therefore please type or print legibly. Buying !City of Lubbock Texas Agency: Contractor: DACO FIRE SAFETY EQUIPMENT Contact :David Gwtntboa Person: Prepared ED BEENE By: Phone: :806-775-2163 Phone: 1817-281-4172 Fax: :806-775-216 4 Fax: 817-291-6576 Email: dgamboa a mylubbockus Email: ed a dacofire.com Coaect CA03 oescription: Rosenbaucr 4-Door "rift Cub, Formed Alum Body, Tandem Axle, 100' Rear Mount Steel Ladder E1.:Product Item'I3:iseiJnit:Price:Prr Contractor's'U=GrtC Contract; 735058 ....................................................................... [3.. P�1bl�slied'Optioni= ltemizr'. bclo�v'- Atticlt ;uldit'ianat shect(S} if necessary = Iticlude .Olitibdt .Cade.ih ileserlptidn' if applicable:. ' . ...................................................................... (Note: Published.0ptimis are •options a%bich.were submitted.and {riced in.Cot=ctor's bid:).' . ' . .' . ....................................................................... Description Cost Description Cost i Subtotal From Additional Shcct(s): 46646 Subtotal B: E 46646 ...................................................................... C: Unpublished OpYiorts=.tterrrize belmY/. nttTch additionat stwet(s).if.neeessiry:. ................ ........ (Note' iJopublished options are.rtt;rt>s'ivhich'��ere,not 5. . . ... d priced io Coptractor's.bi . . • • • • • • • • • • ' Description Cost Description Cost Subtotal From Additional Shect(s): 145095 Subtotal C: ° 145095 Check: Total cost of Unpublished Options (C) cannot exceed 25% ofthe total of the Base Ulit€ For this transaction the percentage is: Price plus Published Options (A+B). U.4oialCosI00,11tw;1lny•A�pplieahie Wad c-lri•/'Othcr:Uto' wanecs%1)isetiunts(h+B+C); ' Quantity Ordered: I� X Subtotal of A+ B+ C:IL 926799 = Subtotal D, 926799 F.:.11.GA1C.Or'ticr. Pr"oc��titig'CI►:irl;t jtYmiuint Per Cuertnt.l'olic )'.' Subtotal E: '• 2000 rrade:last'Other�llo�► aces/3peciul'Discowrts'/.Freight /'lnstrllafion Description Cost Description Cost Chassis Prepayment Discount ($I 1,220) Aerial Ladder Prepayment Discount i (.�•4,5 43) Subtotal F: -1576' E�vety:Diit�: ; G:; I ot:jl �'itrc7l;>r$e;P,rie� (0-� F,4 ] }:: 91303 e ' o ■ �'©11