HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2007-R0415 - Agreement - Lubbock County - EBM JAG, Joint Enforcement Program - 09/13/2007 (2)Resolution No. 2007 RO415 September 13, 2007 Item No. 5.17 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, an Agreement for the 2007 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance (JAG) Grant in the amount of $247,703 to fund the Lubbock County Joint Enforcement Initiative Program, with the United States Department of Justice, and related documents. Said Agreement is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the Council. Passed by the City Council this 13th day of September 2007. DAVID A. MILLER, MAYOR ATTEST: Rebe ca Garza, City Secretary APPROVE? AS CONTENT: Claude Jones, Cht7llce APPROVED AS TO FORM: Amy L. im Assis ity Attorney gs/ccdocs/EdwardSymeMemorialJusticeAsst(JAG)07. res WOW Resolution No. 2007-RO415 Department of Justice Office of Justice Proglums iy Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant PAGE I OF 5 I. RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESS (Including Zip Code) 4. AWARD NUMBER: 2007-DJ-BX-1319 City of J.ubbock 1625 131h St. 5. PROJECT PERIOD: FROM 10/OL20% TO D9/3012010 Lubbock TX 79401-2726 BUDGET PERIOD: FROM 1"12006 TO 09/XV2010 6. AWARD DATE 08/282007 7. ACTION S. SUPPLEMENT NUMBER ]niliel IA. GRANTEE 6tS/VENDOR NO. T 7560OD593 00 9. PREVIOUS AWARD AMOUNT so 3. PROJECT TITLE 10. AMOUNT OF THIS AWARD $247,703 FY2007JAG Lubbock Comity Joint Enforcement Initiative 11. TOTAL AWARD $247.703 12. SPECIAL. CONDITIONS THE ABOVE GRANT PROJECT 1S APPROVED SUBJECT TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR LIMITATIONS AS ARE SET FORTH ON THE ATTACHED PAGE(S). 13, STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR GRANT This Project is supported wider 42 U.S.C. 3751(a) (BJA - JAG Fartnnla) 15. METHOD OF PAYMENT PAPRS AGENCY APPROVAL GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE 18, TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE OFFICIAL 16. TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL Domingo S. Hwmz David Miller Dieeaw, Bureau of Justice Aca suns. Mayor 17. SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL 19. SIGNATURE OF AUTHOIU RECINF Tf OFFICIAL 19A. DATE 4=� 3/07 AGENCY USE ONLY 21. DJ07UD0871 20. ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION CODES FISCAL FUND BUD. DJV. YEAR CODE ACT. OFC. REG. SUB. POMS AMOUNT X B DJ 80 DO 00 247703 O1P FORM 40002 (REV. 5-87) PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. CLIP FORM 40002 (REV. 4-88) Departmaot of Justice Omm of Justice how" Hmm" of justice A AWARD CONTIMJATION SHiERT Grut rRQJF.0 RUMMIM NO-DJ-aX•1318 AWARDDA7E 0112912oa7 SPECUL CONDITIONS I. The agreoar to ootriply writh dte Via! and achstitve rogoaeaiatts set fiord in rite carteat edition of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Financial Guide 2. The recipient admiowtodges tW Whim to submit so acceptable Equal limploymed Opporbi"y Plan (if redolent is required to submit one pursuit to 28 C.F.R. Section 42.302), that is approved by the Office for Civil Riga, is a violation of its Certified Assurtaicce and may nm* in suspension err to miastim of fdmdhr& until such time as ft recilikat is in coetplwnee. 3, The rocipicrit awes to ootWly with the ergaoiestioad audit requiranco a of OMB Circular A-133, Audis of Staffs, local Governmo ter, and Non -Profit OrgammAdonn, as ftuther described in the eaareat edition of the OJP Financial Guide, Chapter 19. 4. Recipient uede rsho ds and that it emarmt use any federal finds, either directly or WNrectly, in support of the a wWwat, repeal. modification err adopbom of say law, negulatim or policy, at jay level of governor nt, without tiro express prior written approval of OJP. S. The gnufte agrees to sash BJA in coinplyrog with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) sod odxr related Wool envnommenttl impact mnFyses roquin meets is the use of these grant finds, either directly by the grantee or by s aub mace. Accordingly, prior to oblipdrig goat finds, the gmkc agrees to fim determine if any of the following activities will be related to the use of the gnm hinds. The grantee anderstmds tad On special cm&tson applies to its following new activities whether or sot they are being spectf telly llmded with these grant finds. That is, as long as file activity Ia being conducted by the granwe, a oftraatee, or say third panty and the activity seedy to be undrafdren in ardor to use those grant !Coda, this special condition nam first be met. The activities covered by this special condition are, a. New aocratructia k b. Minor ro ur ation or nemodding of a property either (a) listed as or eligible for listing on the National Register of Hiskm Places or (b) located within a Myowr good pk= c. A reaovalion, lone. or any proposed use of a building or facility that will eitha (a) result in a dtaoge Is its basic prior use or (b) sigme5cxntly chatip its mime and. d. hoplemeotatioa of a am program mvolvmg the use of chainicals other than chemicals that arm (a) purchased n an incidents! component of a funded activity and (b) traditionally usod, for fx *c, in office, household, recrestiomA or education envinarnealL Application of Tba Special (oaditiom so Gnairbes Exis ft Programs or Activities: For say ofthe gnat §Ws oF its sribpw awes' existing program at activities that vall be funded by these grant hods, the grm*=. rpm specific regwcst firm BJA, agrees to caoperase with IUA in any pn* atioe by BJA of a nationsl or ptogsrm o wirom enta! ancssmeet of that forded program or activity. ON FORM 40M (REV. /-M Initial -4 nepsitmeat of h,rfioe OfFce of Justice Progrmrrs AWARD CONTINUATION ROME of justke SHEET PACs' 3 OF s Asdstmw G=09 NtOlr e T NUACM 20074"X4318 AWARB DATE 011 12007 SPEML CONDITlI NS 6. This spectral Condition foci-" I eomplisince with ire prwiQan of ale National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) relating to clandestine todbunphetasnim Laboratory opesations, inducting ire ideodfi adon, seb mv. or closure of clandestim med ampirtamiee laboratories [laeiastle r, "meth lab operations" I No maoics kom Ilia award may be obtigalod to nippon ninth tab operatiarta unless the grantee impka mis this special coed;tica. The Of6oe of Ju sboa Program (OJP), then consultation will die Bureau of Justice Assistaaoe, due Ding Eaftm%cnt Adminlawslim said the OM c! for Community Oriented Policing Services, prepeed a Pruwart-level 6aviramrmtat Assessment (Area rest) povanmg mode lab operations. Tic Assraumesit &wriit= the sdva a envirowneva i, beady mad safety impacts Lady to be encountered by law eathaoesnewt agascies as they implemaist specific actions under their methamp6Wmw laboratory operations. Caasutm with the Assessment the follorrbtg tams and Condhia.m sUl apply to Yea grantee for say OW funded meddab operations: A. The granitic dwil enion a compliance by ON IVwded sale-paulm With federal, suite, sod local emvi oamrwFal. health, ad safety laws and mplatioes applicable to meth lab opemmlioiw to include the dispanl of the eianicalt, equipment, mad wastes rxuiting lVom thwc operations. B. The grantee dWI have a Mitipatioa Plat in place dmd ideatifics sad documew tie peoasaw and poiols of a000ant0mlity Within its stale. This plat will be used to came slut dap advcrw aaviraomened, badth, and safety impecia delineated in ft Amme awma t as mitigated in a manner wasishent with die requironem of this condition. C. The pulse shall monitor OR fimded meth lab options to owes des they comply with the following nine mitigation ahpmm isle Wkd is the Assesumeat and wboaa implarteatedw is addressed w the ,yratlods MAllpition Ptao. These mitigation maws m anus be bwhmbd a speciad conditions ion all mii WwAs: (See Part U of this special Condition) 7. 1. Provide medical saeadag of persossael assigned or io be assigned by the grm*c b the seimm or cdasme of clandestine madmmpbMunbse laboratories; 2. Provide Ocarpatiowd Safety amd Health Adminietrntlea (OSHA) regained mdW mad tefrhbu training far law enforcemad officials and all oiQ personnel aewagned to cWw the sa nn or cloarm of clsndes6sse modweaphetania laboratories: 3. As datprmmed by their spoci5od ihia, ogup the peaomoeI with OSHA required protective wear and odw r required eufery 4. Assipt property trained person d to ptepat+e a oomprobwaive contamination report on each sdzc&dosed laboratory; S. Utilise gwdified disposal persomel to remove all chemkols and associsied ghwwae, egsipmenl, sod conuminoW msteiab and waaies bum ds mire(s) of eemol eietted laboratory: 6. Dispose of she chemicaik egstipmeil, said conummted materials and water at properly licensed igua d balitiew or, when all m%W at property liCeaaed tnrycliog fwit dm- 7. Momilor die transport, disposal, net recycling components of sa ftwagraphs marketed S. and 6. imamdately above in order to asane pupae camplimx; 8. Have is place Ad impkaiaet a wris m agreanes t with the responsible state eavimmmenad ap acy. This apeoenxu moot pmvide that the respeadbk able environmental apcncy apes for (a) limply cvakmft the awkowncaW condition at ad around the ails of* closed cladufine Imbmvbxy ad (ii) eoordWft with the responsible penny, property owner. or others to enure that any residual contamseastion a tanediseed, if dalarmmed nvccmwy by the stale aaviraemental ageney and to a000rdsom with as sh" state and federal mquiremem; and 9. Have is place and implement a writra •gme ew with the responsible state or load service agencies to properly respond to my minor, as dedined by sate law, at the sale. This agmanent must essm immediate taproom by qualified pessooml Who err (i) respond to die potential health needs of any minor at the site; (ii) take that miar into protective ctisiody aoless tie minor is criminally involved is the mdb lab activities or is abject to wrest Nor odia cvimimad vtolmtiomt; (iii) swarm tm= Wile medial treating for Mcdamphctemime bawdy: and (iv) wompe for my follow -tip mextiai teats, examiauions or baslih care nude necessary as a result of anedwripbetamm toxicity. ON PD" I000a (M. 4-W Initials: Dgwtmd of Justice Oflioe of Jwtice Programs AWARD CONTINUATION BRMW dhtatlNea SHEET PAGE 4 OF S Aallaaaoe Grwd PROiEGTNUMBER 200743J4X-1318 AWARD DATE OaV1alM SPECIAL CONDMONS & The recome spoors to submit to BJA for review and sppmvmi my currk uK ftsmiot; maMar a* or any odic wnum muscrial4 that will be published, iaact d" wcb4acd mewists and web sine wolent, thnwgh funds Bon this gnat a least thirty (30) worims days polar to At targeted dwerninsdoa date. 9. To weld dupiiatimg cdaiing networks or rr systems in say iniuistives 8, 'by BJA for 41w enfamment infannWou shoring syelemm wbxh involve iateratste oormrerdrity bdwms jarimdwb s, sub systems shall employ. to the adtest possiW existing ndworts as the caemrlunicstioo beckboae to scheme Wimasle oeeoeotivity, unless the gruNce one dmtoetraft so the asbslkdon of RIA that dds n quhsom would not be cost elyodive or world impab tk Racdonslity of an existrog or proposed rr sydem. 10. To support p obk safely sad justice m(omatioo sheriog, OR regw= the grantee to use dic Nabomel information Exciumgm Model (NIEM) spodficabous mad pidea hues for dos psrdwlar grunt t,,nv ce adWI p LMuh red make avail" whim" restriction all schamn gmasted as a result of df a grant to die component regudry a specrded in afire guidelines. For move isformem an compliance whir !him spe W condoxk vrsk hppJ/www.siam.fl���g+d�� 11. Tiro recipient is required to csts AA a hurt !land accosm. (The tnaat fiord may or may am be m into" besniag scoamt.) The Rrrd may not be used to pry drib Wcwmd by other activities beyond me some orlon Edward Bymc Menmriel Justice Asskrbsoe Gnat Program (JAG). The recoiene also apes io obligate and expend the groat Ruda in the trust Raid (inckxft soy is- - P O earned) during the period of the Smut Grant finds (ia bxbng may inlaest ensued) not cxpa ailed by the and of the gnus period nest be eel km F to At Puma of Juntiae Amriumce no Inner tbsn 90 days dW the and of the gnus perKA Aeog with the Real afrgissiam of the FomeW UWA Report (81F-269). 12. The gromm apm to comply with all reporting, data coilecti m and evaluotim nxtuir meats, ins pmeunli d by ruse BJA in the program rAdamce fior tk Jastioc Awisome Camas (JAG).Compliamoe with shame mgiAremeab wiU be monitored by BJA. 13. The radp w agmes that any udbrmstion lodwology system faded or mVpotod by ON NO& wilt comply with 28 C.F.R. Pats 23, CrirmhW Iotellips o Symems Operatimig Policies, i(OJP dctamkm this replofm to be spplies)le, Should Off determine 28 CYJL Part 23 to be applicable, OR mtgr, at its diseretioo, Porfi sm WAb of the syslan, as per 28 C.F.R. 23.20(g). Should sty violation of 28 C.F.R. Part 23 oar, tk recippieet msy be fined sa per 42 U.S.C. 3789g(cHd). RecOew may not sadsfy swb a &a with I deer) Reads. 14. The raootat agrees lost At income gmm tcd as a diced nenit of this awwd shall be deemed program income. All paogrsm in come rmet be accora "d for and reed far the purposes under the oomdivaw applic aMe for the ago of Nub under this award, imchdmg the *Twbvs often of &1!e W rou ciel Grille and, am applicable. either (1) 28 C.F.R. part 66 aw (2) 2B C.F.R part 70 and ORB CkcWw A-1 10. Further, the use of program inoomse must be shown as the alasrtaly Ross" Stdi s RV^ SF269. 13. The redpicid agrees so court stet the Ssrte Wormatien Technology Point of Casket receives written notification may mikomsbos tociieol W psojdst thadod by tYs grant arming the oblipbon m» d ectun iture poled This is to tlseilkw oommrsia im smosg load sad state govenvompod entities regarding various ido matieo technology projects being eonduosed with these grunt Ru& is addition, The reuVxW agleam to movemim at sdmhonstive file documenting the meeting of ilds regainw aat. For a list of Sato Infomnrstim Technology Point; of Comism go so bWWwrww.ojp.ndoj.Sov/ee/stamsa JMm. 16. Geninsce sgreea io congly with the ro*dremcnb of 28 C.F.R. Part 46 and At Moe of Jumbeo ProSasw policies and procedures nttrdiog the p oiedim of human masmik subjects, io Wdmg obtummest of hush booW Review Bond approval, if appropriate, mad u"od loth m it owascet OR FORM 4moa2 (RJ?V. 440) Initia S: orl, I Oboe of Justice Progmas AWARD CONTINUATION Bert= of dtltades SHEET PAGE 5 OF s At>stbta�ce Gran! PRIMECTKUWMER M7-04-M-1318 AWARD DATE OV26(GkT1 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 17. CoamAw agrees to comply wash at1 confidendality n+qnirenic is of 42 U.S.C. socGoo 378% and 28 C.F.R. Part 22 that art apOxmbb io boa, use, and rvetsim of data or infurmahm Gromtee fiwdwr ogre=, as a coedgm of g cot approval. to submA a Privacy Cerdika to dwo u in aox d with roquiremeels of 28 C.F.R. Pan 22 and, in putie iar. sectim 22.23. 18. "Applkmft n" otstify that Limited Fmgliaf ProScirawy peeoas have mmniWW Goons to the semices wider this programs} National origin dwrmunatlon irtchldes diaarimsiwow on the basis of !mated Eoglamb proliconcy (LEP). To comaw canrplil = wall; Title V l and the Safe Strueets Act, necipi W are rowired to take rcaeoarbk 04m to easrR e that LEP person have mamngfW access to Om* p qv ma. MeanmgiW awes* may cswad pnovid'isg ham ammislowe sarv-s. Wcluding Gal and wndm tnosaatim wbeo accessary. The U.S. Depaehecat of Jumoz has messed guidance fix W- tees to belp dbm aompiy with Tide VI regwwoct ts. The guidance document cm be accessed on the harm at www.lep.gvv.' 19. Roc4g of agrom that Ainds provided under dlis awed may not be tamed to Vw we a'pay4&-m ay" praXram iR aey Ioca1 sail. Recaeieae firdur amrem rot b submard fin%& fo laid ;Gila whkb aeeraie 'navao--star" rrnorarn9L ON POIW 40M (REV. /-M Inifialr74 ADDENDUM SIGNATURE PAGE 2007-DJ-BX-1318 EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT AWARD DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS BUREAR OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE SIGNED THIS I3th DAY OF September . 2007. CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS: David A. Miller, MAYOR ATTEST: Reb cca Garza, City Secreta APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: n � IrL Claude Janes Police Chief