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Resolution - 2012-R0490 - Change Order To Contract - JD Abrams LP - Taxiway Improvements - 12_17_2012
Resolution NO. 2012—RO490 December 17, 2012 Item No. 5.12 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Change Order No. 2 to that certain Contract No. FAA AIP Project No. 3-48-0138-36-2011 by and between the City of Lubbock and J. D. Abrams, L. P., for LBB 08/26 & Taxiway Improvements -- Phase 3 at the Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport, and related documents. Said Change Order is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council on December 17, 2012 GQXVR0T6WTSON, MAYOR O v ED AS TO CONTENT: Loomis, Executive Director of Aviation vw;ccdocs/RES.ChgOrd#2 Contract-M Abrams, LP December 4, 2012 CITY OF LUBBOCK CHANGE ORDER' Change Order #: 002 Contractor: JD Abrams, LP Hate: November 26, 2012 BID/ITB/RFP #: 11-10031-MA Contract #: FAA AIP Project No. 3-48-0138-36-2011 Project Name: LBB 08126 & Taxiway improvements — PH3 'Change Order" means a written order to a Contractor executed by the Owner in accordance with the contract authorizing an addition to, deletion from, or adjustment or revision of the requirements of the contract documents, or an adjustment to the compensation payable to Contractor, or to the time for performance of the contract and completion of the Project, or a combination thereof, which does not alter the nature of the thing to be constructed and is an integral part of the project objective. Adjustments to 'Estimated Quantities' to a line item in a Unit Price contract do not require a Change Order. All work that oilers the nature of the thing to be constructed or that is not an Integral part of the proiect objective must be let out for public bid. Description of change (alteration, deviation, addition, or deletion) caused by conditions encountered during construction not covered by the specifications and drawings of the project (attach additional pages ff necessary): Misc. Items (See attachment A) $261,556.49 Quantity Adjustments (See Attachment B) ($591,057.36) Total $329 500.87 Where the Change Order Is negotiated, the Change Order must be fully documented and Itemized as to costs, including material quantities, material costs, taxes, insurance, employee benefits, other related costs, profit and overhead. Where certain unit prices are contained in the initial contract, no deviations are allowed in computing negotiated change order costs. ITEMIZED COSTS MUST BE FULLY DOCUMEIV'f EDAND ATTACHEi3 TO TIiIS pQRIM. ITEM QI=SCRIPTION AM9UNT A, ORIGINAL CONTRACT VALUE: $ 24,558,986.39 B. AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: counc#smovalmwmNovor$25,000 ($ 329,500,87) C. PERCENT OF CONTRACT VALUE THIS CHANGE ORDER (B/A): -1.34% D. AMOUNT OF PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: $ 24,812.90 E. TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (B+D): ($ 304,687.97) F. PERCENT OF CONTRACT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (EIA): 2s96 mukaum -1.24% G. NEW CONTRACT AMOUNT (A+E): $ 24,254,298.42 It Is mutually agreed that the above dollar amount and the time extension, as applicable, as set forth In this Change Order constitutes full compensation to the Contractor for all costs, expenses and damages to the Contractor, whether direct, consequential or otherwise, in anyway incident to, or arising out of or resulting directly or indirectly, from the work performed or modified by the Contractor under this Change Order. This Change Order is not valid with�it the followinct signatures (please sign in orderand retttrrr 3 oriarlrrals with Contract Cover She t to PArroft4wing and Contrast ManagLment Department): ONTRAC7 Date (2} PRO.I T CHiTEC t@NGINEER Date AMV(* to o e t: Appr ed to Fa PTO T-ATWEa (A Y A O TY (5) CAPMAL CTS MANAGER Date (6) C A"RACT MANAGER Date Change Orders over $25,000 equiretract Cover Sheet anh the following signatures: CITY OF LUBBOCK ATT S (7) MAYOR 4Ad,L Date (8) GI Y CRETARY ate Coundt Date: December 17 , 2012 Apnda ltem� 5.12 Re Iudontr:2`t'l �"� Qb ATTACHMENT A CHANGE ORDER 2 ITEMS Item No. Description Amount CO2-1 Discovered in the field that RVR cable count differed from cable count accounted for in plans. FAA requested that all 25 cables be extended to new RVR site $ 27,077.90 CO2-2 wire. LBB requested circuit be property grounded. Work included installation of #6 bare copper wire with ground rods spaced at 500' to 800'. See drawing attached. $ 32,440.69 CO2-3 Modification of edge drain installed under previous phase (phase 2). Edge drains was modified to accommodate thickened edge of Taxiway P $ 2,514.26 CO2-4 Additional removal at Localizer including asphalt, gravel and sixteen 18" piers approximately 48" depth $ 12,534.86 CO2-5 Install casing under localizer road for lowering of FAA cables $ 4,002,06 CO2-6 Locate FAA lines with vacuum truck per FAA request $ 2,761.76 CO2-7 Remove hold short signs on Taxiway L to accommodate for new limits of RSA and relocated localizer $ 2,809.06 CO2-8 Relocate wind socks $ 4,359.26 CO2-9 ISpail repair on Runway 17-35 due to poor condition of existing pavement $ 2,675.87 CO2-10 llnstall temporary approach signs for displaced threshold of phase 1A $ 3,205.34 CO2-11 Additional blank light can bases to allow access to circuit on Runway 8-26 $ 3,474.98 CO2-12 Additional 3" thickness concrete removal of unknown buried slab in phase I removed 17" slab instead of planned 14" slab $ 8,812.65 CO2-13 I Rename segment of Taxiway R to Taxiway G per FAA request $ 11,427.31 CO2-14 Additional bracing for outside unit of PAPI 26 per FAA r uest $ 1,819.11 CO2-i5 Lower FAA lines where crossing localizer road and new drainage ditch $ 71,641.68 CO2-16 Modification of 59 of existing fence at transition to new fence to align fabric and achievespecified fence height $ 3,336.58 ATTACHMENT A CHANGE ORDER 2 ITEMS Item No. Description Amount CO2-17 Additional concrete work pads around FAA -owned equipment er FAA request $ 9,923.89 CO2-18 Additional grading and hydromulch along south side of Taxiway J $ 11,194,11 CO2-19 Installation of curb stops and delineators along perimeter of localizes shelter parking area per FAA request $ 4,291.00 CO2-20 Modification to fiber due to recent City of Lubbock changes to fiber loop. Additional 1work required includes splicing and capsule $ 10,585.07 CO2-21 Guide Slope Modifications $ 10,931.12 CO2-22 Claim for delay to splicing FAA cable_ Delay due to FAA SSG staff requesting work stoppage on day wok to be performed $ 19,737.93 TOTAL $ 261,556.49 ATTACNMFNTB LUBBOCK PRESTON SOM INTERNAMONAL AIRPORT RUNWAY B126 IMPROVEMENTS - PNASE 9 SUMMARY OF CNANGX ORDER NO, 2 (FINAL QUANTITY ADJUSTMENTS OF ORIGINAL BID ITEMS) ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM cwirw q FIMI Qkrtb Adlusiment Urm Rice Total AftsfMort Amarrt BASE BID 4 Item P-101, Romwa and depsrw d 14' P-501. 16' Te00T Rem 345, 0' P-155 Mr.? 00 ID99.OD 7.00 SY $20.00 S 140.00 5 Rern P-101, Rwaeve and d trine at 14' P-501, 4" P-4m, 7' TaDOT Item 345, 7' sobase 5790.00 SM.00 , 3600, 5Y $mob 6 Rom R101. Rem ovs end dsposa d if P-501, B' P4W, f0` P-209 849ZOD 0658.00 166.00 SY 520.00 $ 3,320.00 7 Item P-101, Remwe and dspoae d 14' P-501, 4' P-401. V'T=T Rem 345, ID' P-154 5355.00 8400.00 45.00 SY S&Oc $ 90000 8 Ilem P-101. Ro twve and sdh9a 2 P-401, 6' P-209. 8' P-M 3487.00 3M.00 1.00 SY $4.00 $ 4.00 9 Ram P-101, Remae did d opase d IT P-304 ueMr ZV of P-1522 27M.00 13550.00 Sc. DO, SY $4.00 S 514OD- 10 Rem P-101, Rwnow aald saI ig 4' P-401, e- flew 963-0D 044.00 1 t 9 Oct, SY $0.00 $ 4114-00 12 Ram P-101, 8hDddw CM FW&Q 13880.00 8710,00 11-0 00' SY SOAO S 4,200.00 13 hem P-1D1, Carrcrele pavwiwm credt repair(laclo 0 eapeir material) 15o0UD0 15793.00 703.00 LF SIAD $ 1,110.20 15 Item P-1011 Canasta pevemert spa0 repair (iricluft repair matedal and tw vwiafien based 5000.00 5002.89 2,89 SF $45,00 d on de x Ir) 3 136.05 16 Item P-152, Eacsvaf an 111483,00 107495.00 - CY $Zw $ 7 970.00 19 Item P-152 Gtodnp aM sftrods prepw*w(ode (r a5) 3426.00 22OWDO 13,672.DD SY $3.00 S 41,016.00 20 item P-152, Gmdrp e11d arAWade Powell- (Mo 9, ph) 11067.00 10779.00 SY $3.00 t UDD 21 Item P-15Z Tep"n0 Wmq portmoter rod (4- ft 359DOLOO 34M 00 BY $1.35 S (1,453.95) 23 lism P-155, Ums Rooted ea6Weds, wckdrB Sme(tl' ti&nns) 11057,00 10789.00 SY U.00 y 1,112.00 24 Item P-155, One used In LTSG (W%) 187,00 50.90 TON 327C.00 $ (36,74700 26 Rem P-209, Crushed aWa0ato ban course, 6' 0idmoss 11153,00 17274.00 141.00 SY 6=0 $ 3,130,20 27 Item P-209, Crushed e9Wa0ase base csurso (variable iNdness uder blind pad) 1515,00 1621.00 106,00 CY $131.00 $ i3AW6 00 28 Fia>ible base. TtDDT Item W-Type A Orada 2 16'WcWeas) 4945.00 3059.00 11, 876 00) SY $S.00 $ IS Doa.00 29 Item P-401, Plot mhr bf umftpa pevamanD (7 thkloaoas) 11V6.00 11614.19 141,611 TON $1350D $ 5,644.35 30 Rom PA01, Plant Ma bhurdhsrs pavemads (4' 1Nelmaaa-two 2' 19m) 2428.00 2328,17 1101.531 TON 5135,00 3 03,747 D5 31 item P-401, Platt rek bat imincr s pawn ft W t4dnsee) 2443.00 2511300 220.00 TON 5135.00 $ 29.700.00 32 Item P-401, Plot MIX hUWAVIals paemanb (3% msldnae boms) 1. DO D,50 r .. LS SW,934.35 $ 13,471.17 33 11am P•501.Por•srd comet cowafe povemwrl 5 thiduresa W 8boTmeshl 3300.00 3809.00 509.OD SY SM.00 $ 30 031 OD 8 8 ✓� m g � gg g5y r. i�'i g q $ $ � 8 n r N N q N N N N N N N q N q N N N N N N N Yn3(j M jU i!1 UJ W a fA J J J ITq W LL7 5 J N •'+i �! let 53 d�n d E R d f A d E a F E W a E a a d d" '' E g d E S .= E a 6 o E 9% E E S E 9 d E d a E F 8 € i e4 Q f8 A$ (R a a 8 ra 8 8 �m & c as '8 g N si c M r Id E E E 8 y ¢ g ZL �4g 17 d d a a d a n d ii d d a d a d d. d a d p W ��] aD 0 N ♦ Y O 0 00 N N O v N ro N O 9 3 3 gR 3 3 3 3 a 3 9 9 3 3 3 3 g 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 R 33 3 3 �• 3 fr 4 3 I IQ g g 74 g 8 8 8$ i P 9 D r*i rii rn Si si 4'I K K N' < Y T T T 1/ $ s$& o is 8 s$ & s S g$ is $ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN Op Pp Nq tGo p1� P � y ,-aA N -• + p� O W N� a� +A A � tpJ V4gtS W pm+ i6� O �♦y �C _. 6qq O�o N�N pSp ��+pp� ((WTT Wm N�N Odp 4N411 V�V pOp pp9 ,yd mNm f|| &k%k&k■k | ! | k f k ! � | ! ! k ! i ,�7.f.� | $ 7 & & ■ $�|�■|#| � I � ■ � ! � $ ! 11all1 % 7 ■ # t\iƒ|i|7 ƒ ! i q itits t|| i | ! | ! E I § t■ k k§| 2 a a � £ ; $ % § ■ k ) $ 3 . | 2 « ! # � ; ¥ ■ ; « 2 7 § | 2 9, 8 2 2 � k e a @ a ! & ! ■ ■ J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: CHANGE ORDER MODIFY RVR CONTROL CABLE COUNT DATE: 11 /20/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER Modify RVR Control Cable Count-$ 27,077.90 We have not had to opportunity to include this work into our schedule and we reserve the right to request additional days should this work extend the project duration. J. D. ABBAM , L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ARAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: CHANGE ORDER GROUNDING RWY 8/26 EDGE LIGHT FIXTURES DATE: 3i21f2012 CG: CHANGE ORDER Grounding Rwy 8l26 Edge Light Fixtures -$ 32,440.69 We have not had to opportunity to include this work into our schedule and we reserve the right to request additional days should this work extend the project duration. ].D. Abrams, I. P. LIGHTGRND Lightning Grnd Change Order Est Lubbock s*q 03/21/2012 7:45 BIi;TIMATE RECAP - li#1D QUA"T16S DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL % OF TOTAL Labor 0.00we Bux)dett 0.000% Leb+Bur 0,000*ib Perm Mats 0.0000/0 Coast Exp 0.000% Equipment 0/0000/0 Subs 27,927.20 27,927-20 ✓ 1Q OW% Other 0.0000A Total Costs: 27,927,20 27,927.20 100.0000A OfTeta4 100^0% 0.000% 100,000'/0 Escalation on, Labor Burden Perm Matt coast Matt Ce 8qp RaW090 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,00% 100.00% 100.00% 1Qtl O^ 100.00% 100.00% Eq Op Eap Sub Trucking Misc2 Mise3 Taft I Evealstion 0 0 0 0 0 0 1WOO % 100.001% 100-00% 100.00% 100.00% 100,00% * Data Below here is dependent on the Summary Process. * Tire SurawAry Process was last rust 03121/2012 at 7,45 AM Markup an kmuree Costs 4,199,08 15.00000/0 Markup.4ildmn Lurnp Sum Margin Lump Sum 0.00 0.4000% MARKUP TOTALS 4,189.08 15.0000% Cast Addons Bond 1_0000 % of lob Value � � 324AI 1,1616% MARKUP, ADDON & BOND TOTALS 4,513.49 16.1616% elo of costs) COST + MARKUP ----__.• S32,440.69 (On Takwff Quantity) There * ARE NOT * closing accounts for this bid. Rounding difference: Unbalancing dil0reuce: From Cut&Add ftot-oasts: From Cv&&Add Sheet -markup: Pass Through Adjustments; Net Adjusments (to the balanced bid): BALANCED BID TOTAL DESIKED BID fitspecified) $32,440.69 -Effect on Bid - (on Bid Quantity) (an Bid Qasrttit+y) None for desired bid] 1 J.D. Abrams, L.P. LIGHTGRND LightningGmd Change Order Est Lubbock BID TOTAL (on bid quantities) Bll3 COSTS (on bid quantities) MARKUP (on bid quantities) EXPECTED JOB VALUE (on takeoff gwwtitics): EXPECTED COSTS (on takeoff quantities): EXPECTED MARKUP (on takeoffquantitles� Adjust to Bid Quantities = Y on "i'"liFQuadfies Labor Hrs. (MHWHS) 0 0 0 (inel burden) 0 0 0 Labor (DAY1DAYS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (OtherUnib) 0 0 0 (incl burden) Labor Burden 0 0 0 Spread ladirects on: No Spread Spread Addons&Bond on: No Spread 03/2112012 7:45 $27,927-20 $23,251.61 4324.41-1.143'4 $27,927.20 $2V51.6) -$324.41-1.149% Spread Madcap on: No Spread Ka 111dicsioLs Balanced Markup / Total labor z Balanced Markup Total Labor 4,189.08 / 0.00 0.W/0 Indirect Cost Qd10 1 Direct Cost 1 27,927.20 indirect CostlDirect Cost 0.00% ----- ESTIMATE NOTES: ---- Bid Date: Ckmer: Engr Firm: T 00T Estimator-in-QaW: Desired Bid (if specified) — 0.00 Notes- Estimate created on: 12/20/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\11B2004\EST\MA8TFR1ESTHAST Labor setup copied from: L:1RB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\hB2004\F-ST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables setup copied frvn: L:\H520G4\EST\2011\1112-04 created on: 01/03/2012 by U8er#a: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\i1PODUSKA\DESICWPiBRAOTEST. zip is backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM 1 J.D. Abrams. L.P. 03/2112012 7:45 LEGHTGRND Lightning Gmd Change Order Eat Lubbock *«;*"• �**�*;;stia►tite created on: 02/23/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used: D:XMY D0CUMZNTS\BID\RCSS\SfW 3ACKUPS\SSTMLUBC0.aip (a backup) from 02/23/2012 10:24:O6 AM created on: 03121/2012 by User#: 0 - Scurce useds C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVEi25PAIRRal.zip (a backup) from 03/21/2012 7:33:00 AM Last Summary on W/I1/2012 at 7:45 AM. Lost Spread on 032 I N 12 at 7.45 AM. J.D. Abrams. L.P. Page I LIG14TORND Lightn4Gmd Change Order Est Lubbock 03/21/2012 8.08 Ulreet Cast Report Activity Dese Quantity Unit Perm Constr Equip Sutr Ro c= PCs Unit Gast Labor Mood MatUEx McntContrac Total BID ITEM - 100 Descripticm = Instal Ground Wire for light Cans $J26 "I Sub Eiectriml 4EL1 InsWl Ground Wire Land Item SCHEDULE, I t00 Unit= €.S TOeaf'fQunrt: 1.000 EngrQuan: 1.000 Quan: L110 LS HmShft: 10-06 Cal $10 WCNONE 1.00 LS 27,437.200 27,927 27,927 1;27F93710 •"« Report Total$ 27,927 37,927 >>> indicates Non Additive Activity _—Report Notes. -- The estimate was prepared with TAKEOFF Quantities. This report shows TAKEOFF Quantities with the resources. Bid Date: Owner. Engineering Firm: TXDQT waft-1n-awsgsg JOB NOTU Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User4: 19 - Brad L'verstt Source estimate used: Lt\HB2004\ESTXIu.7iSTER\BSTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L,.\RB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB20041EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\RB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 **+*********Estimate created on: 01/03/201.2 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\D0CUME1kgTS AND SETTINGS\MPQDVSKA\DF.SKTOP\BRAUTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29n59 PM *****"***4**E5timate created or.: 02/23/2012 by User#: 0 - SUurce used: 0: \MY D0CT1MENTS\BID\HCSS\9RAD BACKUPS\ESTMLUl3CO.zip (a backup) from 02/23/2012 10:24:06 AM *w*'***t****Estimate created on: 03/22/2012 by User#: 0 Source used: C:\HEAVXBID'sHBSAVE\25FAIAAUL.zip to backup) from 03/21/2012 7:33:00 AM * on units of MR indicate ave a labor unit cost was used rather than base rate. [ ] in the Unit Cost. Colum = Labor Unit Cast Without Labor Burdeais In equipment resources, rent % and EOE % not - 100% are represented as XXX%YYY Where XXX-Rent% and YYY-EOE% Calendar Cock&---- 410 40 Hour Week (4-109) 509 45 Hour Week (5A's) Sill 50 Hour Week (5-1(rs) (Datiult Calendar) 512 60 Hour Week (5-12'3) J.D. Abrams, L.P. Page 2 LLGHTGRND Lightning Grnd Charge Order Est U►bW& 03l2V2012 8:08 Direct Cost Rtport Activity Dow Quantity Unit Perm Coastr Equip Sub- 1tesoume; PCs Unit Cost Labor Materi Mad/Ex MentCantrac "Total 131D ITEM = 100 Land Rem SCHEDULE: 1 100 Description = instalt Ground Wire for light Cans 8/26 Unit, LS TakeofrQuan. 1000 Engt Qoan: 1.000 609 54 hour Weak (6 91s) 610 60 Hour Week (6-1 O's) 611 66 Hour Week (& l I's) Page 1 of 1 CONSTRUCTION CGST ESTIMATE BREAKDOWN CONTRACTOR Rural Electric Inc ADDRESS 9802 East Main Street Mesa Arizona CONTRACT FOR (Work to be perfemoed) Provide GroaundIn Rwy 8-26 Edge Light FixtumelCans DATE 3/1912012 CUSTOMER NAME J.D. Abrams PROJECT NUMBER WORK L57EATioN Lubbock International Airport LINE NO, ITEM 1 UNIT OF MEA 2 QTY 3 MATERIAL COST LABOR COST OTHER DIRECT COSTS 9 LINE TOTAL 10 UNIT TOTAL S MNHRS MNDYS 6 AVERAGE RATE 7' TOTAL $ 001 #6 Bane Capper If 16,300,0 $ 0.85 $ 10,595.00 18.000 $ 42.00 S 672.00 11,267.E 002 Gird. Lugs-Exlensiwa+ 86ts ea 100.0 $ 5.40 $ 540.00 17.000 $ 42.00 $ 714.04 $ 1,254.00 003 Grd. Lugs-Extens. To Lida ea 200.0 $ 5.40 $ 1,080.00 34.000 $ 42.00 $ 1,428.00 $ 2,508.00 004 Lid Grd Wire (#6 Insulated) If 200.0 $ 0.85 $ 170.00 $ - $ 170.00 005 Hale in Asphalt as 28.0 $ - 14.000 S 42.00 $ 568,00 $ 200.00 $ 788.00 008 Ground Rod era 28.0 $ 22.00 $ 618.00 20.000 $ 42.00 $ $40.00 $ 4X00 $ 106,00 007 Cad Weld sa 28.0 S 18.00 $ 448.00 28.000 ; 42.00 $ 1,176.00 S 1,624.00 006 Grd Tab on lid ea 68.0 $ 5.00 $ 528,00 $ - $ 526.00 009 $ -- 010 $ - $ - $ 011 $ - $ - S - 017 $ - $ _ S - 013 $ - $ 015 $ - $ - $ - SUM SHEET TOTAL LS $ 13, 977.00 $ 5,416,00 $ 800, 00 $ 19, 99$, 00 Paw i of 1 INSTRUCTION FOR CCSMPL"#IC AF PORM 36C2 Cat I ][tart. 1}csotiption of mrlerimls required, vrodt to be dm, special cquiprami needed eta Breakdown should bo in sulricient detail w PM11 itemizing of as direct a>sls. GI 2 Unit of 1vAeasure. Descri ion of the unit in which rash item is to be estinm d (exwnplcs - square yw& — SY, ciiMe yards 4CY. sgmx fc;,•SI' linaar fivOY, horrd feel -BF, each -EA. Pound-1,11). u. 3 Quantity. Ceelracwes cstimale of qu"iy required in ienm ofuno of mcasom (enhum 2)_ Iteens and units dmttasure grail be fur` n1st" by the Government, Opmlity estimates will he furnished by kk Governrncnl ostler when it is adicipaml that a unit prscc contra t will nc ismtsod- Othawise, the cuntrazior is nwptxr i* few detemiining quanlity estimates. - of 4 and 5 Wm ial Coo. FAA unitmataial coat (Cd 4) to be supPIM. 'MC tWnl cact(col 5) is aw madcdly ptarlsled (Cu13 • Cal 4). Col k 7 and 81AWr Coats. In Col 6 odic the c6sting equatinrt by touring ntmrhouts perunit " Col 2. In Col 7 truer the average Wage rate fix itrc 6wti1PIMC itsvolvell Cal is outomoicdly calculated (CW 6 • Col 4 W 4 Other Uircet Cats. Enter estirnAW uosu ofspecial equipment caul 0tlur iilms (fitted in coltann 1) which ate Sl=iaf 10 the eord"d awl ofsignifscam dollar vat= Cul 10 Lira: Too. Col 10 is wAoina ically advilated, 1-91 - In addition to other totals craved vA vw1ous pogos, the grand total of column 10, plus OH A P will be sbDwn on the last page as k4trws. TOTAL MATERIAL COM 3 13.ti77.20 TOTAL LABOR COSTS 3 SAlfi.tld TOTAL 0n-ICR Of KECT COSTS S fimpo I'UrAL DIRECTCOSTS S 19.993.dp LA13OR BURDEN 36% S I. 30 OvElk"FAD 15% S .swag PROFIT 10% S 1499.06 Bond 2.00% S 547.59 TOTAL PRICE I 27a2i.20 DATE 1 -Mar-12 F1itNlNAME Rural ®echic Inc. TITLE estimator BY Roger Siebenlp tel IIttMUCTIONS TO OFFERORS I.11= Pmprwe of thin+ form is m provide a standard tonal by which the oMm submits to tttc Limcmmcat a summary of ncurma card =11 mmcd oasts (and attached suppnrling infartmlion) euiwbk inr dWWcd review zed analyak Before award of teat mw resulting from di- prepood the offtxor shall, under the umd Lions 91wed in AS PR 3.8073, be squimd to submit 4 ecrfifiraee of ammo cm ar prlentg oats {see ARPR 3-807.3 (e) and 3-W7A). 2. In addition to tlta gwiflc infarrtmtron required by this rmm, the offeror is vxpec*cd, or Suod 161k, to irtcarporaW to arW submit with this Fran any aAdthanal darts, auPPixting t eboduk% or substaxwWan which arc ousoneW required for the c mduct of as q*mpride review tnaly:n i» the light oftbe specific lactt oflhu prahaimsnt- Ne effective aegotiattarts it A enerttiei that theca boa clear undastanding of a The etdst A& vcwgble data b. '1jwAmtlgmwW fsastlrs applied in projoWPp from know data to the esiinmw WA u. The eo unlycncim teed by the offeror in his pmprtsed pride. n ,hor, di a oes estitnairng pry itself aceds to be+tisdosed. i. when restof sapportilfg oast or fx data to this romt is imprat icable, the data wiFl be docribal (with sobcdahm as oppropriale), and r.:atc avatlahts to the crottrmtial; sdlitaer ot•his tutlhorizcd rcpracwtivr"MrequesL aurrrau ,1 It it U WK riw aci,,M 91 It 11 If 11 I 1 MAW WC 11 �4 C A P w M ear a aaaa two* er e-0 r , v e... aw 1m acre r rra eww roc w . r n � rs o_DEMLIKEWNs Cl ho SOMY �w aNat am nrt coc ira � - wr cue ens .aim nun /' ODy/R-�wWR en+rro a ` N el0 rMe far err mA nmrep aam Urea n rre yawl a M + ago arar + ��arr one w err � r< ADD R14TtV UtIM ±OM TO NAIL RWY 8-26 In NDKII i e I'M ■A �Mn It4II ararE aerir � nrt P'+oUtORl ®M Ne emt®. aM .oicerr[ sear N Nr A Pm MYIr ew EOtl6Y m 0lega r�� 9Va\OR >/lafq I iLw JL E1C05_MNG LIGHT BiSE E7tTQMON ON 2MAID PAVM %jW err W sae[ rsleil.s rn N Yr Y g gee w ear air. "I I �s MWUM 4�.F1'Je w . w �L,:'RGT I*Adnvowvm C.P. Crown & Asud a CWWW" Ow" — ����i pow Lubbock Preston Smith Intemeuonal Airport IwINIMY 0= AND 1f1�1i0.MAtf IMI�ROIY� PNMrN � 1 e1�y/�1 RWY 8.26 OR4WDiMa DIM" M ■ J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: TWY P THICKENED EDGE MODIFICATION DATE: 11/19/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER TWY P Thickened Edge Modification: $2,514.26 Requesting written direction that PSC approves the additional work to modify the thickened edge at Taxiway P. Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. Report selectlons: lob: 1104 Job Status: A Phase: 700300 Phase Status: ALL Cost Type: ALL Division: ALL Tran. Type: ALL Pre -Time Card Batch: ALL Vendor: ALL Customer. ALL Employee: ALL Draw Appi. d: ALL Inv. item: ALL UnP0 t-W? Tarn Date 1 Type Reisrence J.D. ABRAMS LP Job Cost History Report From Inception To 03/21/12 Includes Pasted Tra.nssctlans Only Description Additional Iftmatlon Hours Unit of Mewsure Quantity Amount Job: 1104 LUBBOCK AIRPORT Phase: 700-300 T rrr Edge Drain Adjustment Coat Type: E TMEC EQUIP DENT uj?04ne to I Id`.7 jo rehuv4JU r%tfIC. L UL "T'Vo 14!'lit7 03XW12 EQ 2564 CAT 140H MOTORGRADER ReW 26.00 3.00 78.00 03104/12 EQ 2866 '99 CAT, 95OG LOADER Rate: 21.00 8.00 158.00 03tW12 EO 2683 VOLVO L150E LOADER Rate 28.00 0.00 224.00 03JU12 Ea 2976 CAT 4468 BACKHOE Rate 23.00 8.00 184.00 031002 EQ 3444 ALLEN 255 37 TRIPLE TUBE PVR Rate 7.00 8.00 56.00 03104/12 EQ 33140 08 - SUPERIOR DTSOCT BROOM Rats. 4.00 800 32.00 Subtotal for Phase. 700-300 Twy Edge Drain Adjustment Cost type: E T MEC EQUIP RENT 51.00 0.00 788.00 Phase: 700-M Twy Edge Drain Adjustrnent Cost Type: L LABOR 03AW12 PR 174186 CHRISTOPHER JACOBS Cho" F68593 9.50 149,63 03104/12 PR 174183 ROBERT DUANE KIPP Che" F68595 8.00 144.00 03104/12 PR 174183 ROBERT DUANE KIPP Chm*f F88595 9.50 171.00 03104/12 PR 174187 MICHEAL I WEBSTER Cher" F68587 5.00 142,50 D3104112 PR 174189 JOSHUA CORY JONES chec # 1:68594 0.50 4,50 031041V PR 174189 JOSHLA CORY JOKES Check# F58594 9.00 121,50 03AW12 PR 174198 SILLY SCOTT SPURGEON Checdt F58585 5,50 74.25 03AW12 PR 174206 JOSEPH JONATHAN REYES Check# F68584 9150 128.25 03ADQ12 PR 174228 JAMES DEWEY ANDERSON Check# F88588 9.50 17100 03AW12 PR 174228 JAMES DEWEY ANDERSON Check# F68580 8.00 144.00 03AX112 PR 174248 CHRISTOPHER SCOTT CORNWALL Check# F60589 9.50 128.25 031W12 PR 373435 JESUS ALEJANDRO MUNOZ ROJO Cho" F68582 3.00 49,50 Subtotal for Phase: 700-M Twy Edge Drain Adjustment Cost Type: L LABOR 86.50 0,00 1,428,38 Printed by AHG as of 03121112 9:14; 25W Page 1 Tran Daft I TYPa Re%mce Job 1104 R*cap Hours Amount 700.wo T" Edge Drain Adlusbmnt r—.ToW __ J.D. ABRAMS LP Job Cost History Report From inception To 03121112 Includes Posted Transactions Only Additiowl Wormstion Total for Job:1104 LUBBOCK AIRPORT LABOR TMEC EQUIP RENT TOW "Jo 3116D 137.30 1,420.30 758.00 2,100.38 ftso 61.00 137.J0 1,42&38 758.00 2.188.3E Hours Quantity Amount 137.60 0.00 2,1s8.38 Printed by AHG as of 0312L112 9:14:25AW Page 2 Unposted7 Tran Dale I raw Reference Report Recap by Job Hours Amount LABOR 1104 LUBBOCK AIRPORT Total J.D. ABRAMS LP Job Cost History Report from Inception To 03121/12 Includes Posted Transactions Only Additional Wormatlon Hours 19 records processed Report Totals TMEC EQUIP RENT Total i 8A60 51100 13T.W 'l,4?8.38 788.00 2,185.38 80.50 $1.00 1.428.38 758.0{I 2,166.38 t[57pA�/' 0 3 Z-7 Tu s1q l4 137.50 0.00 Amount PWnred by AHG as of 0312YJ 2 9: J 4: 2SAW Page 3 2,186.38 19 11 -51;� �* cl te to (, � Adam Goode From: Craig Boyer cCBoyer0warn-pst.com> Sent; Monday, March 05, 2012 9.16 AM To: Adam Goode Subject RE: Twy P Thickened Edge 0 J Adam, On the sketch of Taxiway P, the asphalt needs to transition down to be flush w th the existing asphalt layer still allowing for a 14" thickened edge rather than the specified 20". At the south end of Taxiway K, it shall be a thickened edge as shown on AIt4-113. Taxiway R shall be doweled construction joint as shown on C-133, Thanks, Craig Boyer From: Adam Goode [rnaiito.AGoode@J4ggra[Msc ] Soft Monday, Marsh 05, 2012 8.21 AM To: Mark Haberer; Craig Boyer; Mark Carpenter Subject: Twy P Thickened Edge @ 3 Mark — Here is a sketch of what we have done on P where it ties into J. There seems to be a discrepancy in the Plans on what type of joint is located a, that location. The Jointing details (Alt5- 103) show a thickened edge. The plan and profile (AltS-101) calls out an Expav slon Joint. It seems that you want a thickened edges where taxiways tie into the runway and expansion joints where taxiways connect. Also on K the joint layout(AU-103) calls for a thickened edge and the plan ant profile (AU-101) calls for a doweled construction joint. And Last but not least on R the joint layout (C-133) calls for doweled eonstruc ion joint and the same on the plan and profile(Glll) Give me a call and let me know what we want to do on P. we are placing dirt 1 Dr lime on Wednesday so if we need to change the plan I need to know ASAP. Adam Goode, P.E. Project Manager J.D. Abrams, L.P. 512-7494760 J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: BELOW GROUND REMOVALS FOR LOCALIZER DATE: 8/17/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER Below Ground Removals for Localizer-$ 12,534.86 Requesting written direction from PSC for the change to Remove Below Ground foundations of the Localizer. Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: CASINGS UNDER LOCALIZER ROAD FOR FUTURE FAA LINES DATE: 11/20/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER Install Casings Under Localizer Road-$4,002.06 Requesting written direction that PSC approves the installation of casings under the locaUer road for future FAA line Work. Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/20/2012 7:36 LOCCAS Cassings under localizer *s* ESTIMATE RECAP - BID QUANTITIES DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL % OF TOTAL Labor 0.000% Burden 0.0000/0 Lab+Bur 0.000% Perm Mat] 0.000% Const Exp 0.000% Equipment 0.000% Subs 3,445.26 3,445.26 100.000% Other 0.000% Total Costs: 3,44526 3,445.26 100.000%a % of Total 100.000% 0.000% 100.0006/0 Escalation on: Labor Burden Perm Mat[ Const Matl Co Eqp Rented Eqp 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Eq Op Exp Sub Trucking MISC2 Misc3 Total Escalation 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% * Data Below here is dependent on the Summary Process. The Summary Process was last run 11 /20/2012 at 7:36 AM Markup on Resource Costs 516.78 lC9997% Markup Addons Lump Sum Margin Lump Sum 0.00 0.0000% MARKUP TOTALS => 516.78 14.9997% Cost Addons Bond 1.0000 % of Job Value 40.02 1.16160/6 MARKUP, ADDON & BOND TOTALS —`> 556.80 16,1613% — — (°/a of costs) COST + MARKUP -------------------> $4,002.06 (On Takeoff Quantity) There * ARE NOT * closing accounts for this bid. -Effect on Bid - Rounding difference: Unbalancing difference: From Cut&Add Sheet -costs: (on Bid Quantity) From Cut&Add Sheet -markup: (on Bid Quantity) Pass Through Adjustments: None Net Adjustments (to the balanced bid): [or desired bid) BALANCED BID TOTAL $4,002.06 DESIRED BID (if specified) J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/20/2012 7:36 LOCCAS Cassings under localizer BID TOTAL (on bid quantities) $3,445.26 BID COSTS (on bid quantities) $3,485.28 MARKUP (on bid quantities) -$40.02-1.148% EXPECTED JOB VALUE (on takeoff quantities): $3,445.26 EXPECTED COSTS (on takeoff quantities): $3,485.29 EXPECTED MARKUP (on takeoff quantities): -$40.02-1.148% Adjust to Bid Quantities Y On Takeo Qttsntities Labor Hrs. (MH/MHS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (DAY/DAYS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (OtherUnits) 0 0 0 (incl burden) Labor Burden 0 0 0 Spread Indirects on: No Spread Spread Markup on: No Spread Spread Addons&Bond on: No Spread Key Indicators Balanced Markup ! Total Labor = Balanced Markup/Total Labor 516.79 1 0.00 = 0.00% Indirect Cost / Direct Cost = Indirect Cost/Direct Cost 0.00 / 3,445.26 = 0.00% ------ ESTIMATE NOTES: Bid Date: Owner: Engr Firm: TXDOT Estimator -In -Charge: Desired Bid (if specified) = 0.00 Notes: Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM 2 J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/20/2012 7:36 LOCCAS Cassings under localizer ************Estimate created on: 11/20/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBTD\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6:05:41 AM Last Summary on It /2012012 at 7:36 AM. Last Spread on 1 ] /20/2012 at 7.36 AM. J.D. Abrams, L.P. Page 1 LOCCAS Cassings under localizer 11/20/2012 7:37 Direct Cost Report Activity Desc Quantity Unit Perm Constr Equip Sub - Resource PCs Unit Cost Labor Materi Matt/Ex MentContrac Total BID ITEM = 100 Description = Casings Under Localizer 010 Casings under localizer 4EL Sub Elec casings an to 1.00 LS Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Unit = LS Takeoff Quan: 1.000 Engr Quan: 1.000 Quan: 1.00 LS Rrs/Shft: 10.00 Cal 510 WCNONE 3,445,260 3,445 3,445 $3,445.26 *** Report Totals *** 3,445 3,445 >>> indicates Non Additive Activity ------Report Notes: ----- The estimate was prepared with TAKEOFF Quantities. This report shows TAKEOFF Quantities with the resources. Bid Date: Owner: Engineering Firm: TXDOT Bstinwor-ln-Charge: 81'+iO Estimate created on: 12/29/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Evexatt Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM ************Estimate created on: 11/20/2012 by User#: 0 - Source usedz C:\afuAVYBI.D\HSSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6:05:41 AM " on units of MH indicate average labor unit cost was used rather than base rate. [ ] in the Unit Cost Column = Labor Unit Cost Without Labor Burdens In equipment resources, rent % and EOE % not 100% are represented as XXX%YYY where XXX=Rent% and YYY=EOE% ------Calendar Codes------ 410 40 Hour Week (4-1Os) 509 45 Hour Week (5-9's) 510 50 Hour Week (5-10's) (Default Calendar) 512 60 Hour Week (5-12's) 609 54 Hour Week (6-9's) 610 60 Hour Week (6-1 O's) 611 66 Hour Week (6-11's) Lubbock International Airport Rnwy 08-26 Taxiway Improvements Ph 3 Contract # Subcontract # 1104-03 Bill To: J.D. Abrams, L.P. 1!!�4 ELECTRIC (480) 986-1488 Fax (480) 984-0319 PAY ESTIMATE i 1 FOR THE DATE 10/27/12 BID ITEM I DESCRIPTION UNIT I PLAN QTY I PREV QTY QTY THIS PERIOD CITY TO DATE UNIT PRICE EXTEN THIS PERIOD I EXTEN TO DATE 100-001A 100-001B 100-050 B9 Sub Mobilization _ BB Sub BqnAj 1% BB Salvage Using VAST _ BB Demo 7x7'x7' Eiec Manhole BB Guard Post BB 8a 5kV L824C REM _ _ BB 6"x24"Trench 1 Conduit BB 4 A 600v RHH-W Cable BB Bare 6Aw ShieIdlGR ___ BB 8 Awa 5kV L824C Cable LS_ LS LS EA EA _LF_ LF LF LF LF 1 _ 1 1 _ 6 _ 4 14,05 6,090 8,020 6,090 24,208 1,00 1.00 1.00 13.00 4.00 114,100.00 23 349.00 11 208.00 18,038.00 27,816.00 (5,119.00) (1i,208.00) (1,783.00) (3,566.00) 1.00 1.00 1.00 i 3.00 4.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 11,939.00 $ 1,900.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 470.00 $ - $ 40,000.00 $ - $ 11,939.00 $ - $ 1,900.00 $ $ 16,250.00 $ $ 1,880A0 100-059 100-060 100-061 14,100.00 18,230.00 0.00 16,255.00 24,250 00 10,804.00 13900 8,675.00 $ 0.20 $ 5.00 $ $ 0.90 $ 1.25 $ 2,70 $ 40.00 $ 1 A0 $ - $ 2,820,00 $_ (25,595.00) $ 91,150.00 (20,174.40) $ - $ (1,60410) $ 14,629,50 $ (4,457.50) $ 30,312.50 $ - $ 29,170.80 $ - $ 5,560,00 $ (3,708.60) $ 12,145.00 100-062 100-063 100-064 100-065 10C -066 100-067 _ BB 6 Pair 19 GA Telco Cable LF 11,712 10 804.00 BB 4" Sch 80 HDPE Con Bored LF 93 139.00 100-068 BB T' Sch 40 PVC Conduit BB 4'x4' PVC Duct Encased _ BB 6x6x6 Aircraft Rated MH BB New Duct Marker _ BB GS Antenna. Foundation BB GS Shelter Foundation _ +_ BB Glide 510 Shatter ELECT BB Glide Slope Relocate___ B13 Glide Slo Ant Cable Kit __ BB Rem AG GLD SLP EQP _- BB Rem Edge Light Fixture BB-ASW L882 Edge Li ht _ BB-ASW L862 Threshold Light jqq Remove Airfieldn , LF LF EA EA LS LS _ LS LS LS LS _ EA79 EA EA_ EA _ 6,090 392 2 37 1 1 1 1 i 1 60 8_ 15 11 324.00 210,00 2.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 79.00 61.00 8.00 _15,00 (2,649,00) _ _ (1.00) 100-069 210.00 2.00 800 1.00 1.00 $ 30.00 $ 12,400.00 $ 420.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 5,500.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - �$ $ 6,300.00 $ 24,800.00 $ 3,360.00 $ 4,800.00 5,500.00 100-070 100-071 100-072 100-073 100- 774 100-075 1.00 $ 12,900.00 $ - 1.00 $ 3,800.00 _ $ - 1.00 $ 3,750.00 $ - 1.00 $ 1,500A0 $ - 79.0 $ 40.00 $ $ 12,900.00 $ 3,800.00 $ 3,750.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 3,160.00 100-075 100-077 100-078 100-079 100-080 100-061 60.00 $ 700,00 $ (700.00) 8.00 $ _ 750.00 $ - 15.00 $ 800.00 $ - $ 42,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 12,000.00 100-082 BB S2, ST3 I Fluor Sign BB S2, ST3, 2P Fluor Sin _--- BB S4, ST3, LED Dist S' n BB LOG Shelter ELEC Service EA EA EA LS 1 3 7 1 1.00 3.00 7.00 1.00 - - - 1.00 3.00 7.00 1.00 $ 5,650.00 $ 7,750.00 $ 4,680.00 $ 15,800.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ $ $ 5,650.00 23,250.00 34,160.00 15,800.40 100-083 100-084 100-085 104-086 100-087 100-088 BB LOC Antenna Foundation BB LOG Shelter Foundation BB LOC S tern Relocation LS LS LS 1 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 $ 10,800.00 $ 5,500.00 $ - $ - $ $ 10,800.00 5 0000.00 1.00 $ 9,900.00 $ - $ 9,900M 100-089 BB LOC Ant CondlCtrpoise LS 1 1.00 1,00 1.00 $ 12,400.00 $ 4,400.00 $ - $ - $ $ 12,400,00 4,400.00 100-090 BB LOC Ant System Relocate LS 1 1.00 100-091 BB LOC A/G Equip Removal BB LOC Ground Chk Marker _ _ BB LOC Antenna Cable Kit _ BB PAPI RW8 Ele Ser4r BB PAPI RW26 De Ser1Gr ---- BB Install FAA L880 PAPI LS _ EA LS LS LS EA 1 10 1 �1 1 2 1.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 14.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 $ 1.500.00 $_ 125.00 $ 4,650.00 $ 14,400.00 $ 7,300.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _-$ $ $1,250.00 $ $ 1,500.00 4,650.00 14,400.00 7,300.00 100-092 100-093 10"94 100-095 100-096 100-697 104 098 100-099 2.00 _ 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00--$ 7.00 0.00 6.00 &00 1,00 1500 0.00 $ 19,500.00 $ 6,204.00 $ 34,000.00 $ 24,004.00 29,600.00 $ 400,00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ -_ $ 800.00 $ 1,450.00 $ 2.42 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ _ - $ �- $ - $ - $ 13,050.00 $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 39,000,00 18,600.00 34,000AM 24,000.00 29,600.00 2,800.00 - 3,000.00 - 800.00 21,750.00 - BB Install New Pay Sensor EA _ 3 3.00 BB Relo Pay Sensor RPU-C LS _ 1 1A0 BB Relo L849E REIL S stem LS 1 1.00 BB Relo RVR System _ LS 1 1.00 BB U/G Dud Vent/Drain EA 7 7.00 BB Circuit Isolation Can L867 +_ EA 2 0.00 BB Pull Box L867 Base EA 6 6.00 100-100 100-101 100-102 100-103 100-104 140-108 100411 100412 100-113 100-114 8B Ele Sery Im rov LPBL _ 88 Pro Phasin ITemp Mkt _ _ BB Hand Hole 30"x48"x36" BB Proof Existing 1" Duct BB Proof Existin V1Rr Line BB 4" PVC Conduit BB T PVC Conduit _ _ LS LS EA LF_3,714 LF LF LF _ _ _ 1 1 14 2.320 3,162 721 0.00 1.00 6.00 0.00 11270,00 0.00 0,00 9.00 1,640.00 2,334.00 2,910.00 2.334.00 0.00 11 00 1,270.00 $ 7.28 $ 15.00 $ 7.00 $ 430.00 $ 10.20 $ 11,939.20 $ 36,410.40 $ - $ 3,440.00 $ - $ $ $ $ $ 21,184.80 36,410.40 - 4,730 000 t2,954.00_ 100-115 100-116 100-117 100-118 BB LodExten 4" 8 1" Conduit _ EA 9 3.00 8.00 BB 4" PVC into Waterline LF 2,320 1,270.00 BB 1" duct into 4" PVC LF 14,610 0.00 000 $ 3.70 $ - $ - 100-119 BB 12 Fiber into 1" Duct LF 10,436 0.00 0.00 $ 2.50 $ - $ - 100-120 BB 2x12 Fiber in 1" Duct LF 237 0.00 0.00 $ 5.00 $ - $ - i00-121 BB Splice Fiber Cable EA 48 0.00 0.00 $ 206.00 $ - $ - 100-122 68 Re -Enter Exist Splice EA 2 0.00 0.00 $ 285,00 $ $ - 100-123 BB 24 Pos Patch Panel EA 1 0.00 0,00 $ 2,850.00 $ $ - 100-124 BB Bldg Ent 2" Gal Conduit EA 1 0.00 1.00 1.00 $ 1,080.00 $ 1,0s0.00 $ 1,080.00 100-125 BB gore 4" Conduit LF 325 140.00 75.00 21500 $ 50.00 $ 3,750.00 $ 10,750.00 100-126 BB Fiber Optic Waning Mkr EA 8 0.00 0.00 $ 100.00 $ - $ - 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 $ - $ - $ - 102-001 A2 Subcontractor Mob Alt 2 LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 3,000.00 $ - $ 3,000.00 102-009 A2 LED Taxiway Light EA 17 17.00 17.00 $ 700.00 $ - $ 11,900.00 101, A2 Ed a Li ht EA 18 18.00 18.00 $ 700.00 $ - $ 12,600.00 0 - - _ - A4 Subcontractor Mob Alt 4 0 LS 0 1 0.00 1.00 _ 0.00 $ - $ - $ - 104-001 1.00 1,405.00 $ $ 3,000.00 7.00 $ - $ $ - $ 3.000.00 9,835.0D 104-023 A46"x24"Trench 1 Conduit LF 1,405 1,405.00 104-024 A4Bare 6A SNOW Grnd A4 8 An 5kV L824C Cable A4 2" Sch 40 PVC Conduit LF. LF LF 1,405 2,259 1,405 1,405.00 2,396.00 1,405.00 1,405.00 2,396.00 $ $ 0,90 1.25 $ - $ $ - $ 1,264.50 2,99S.00 104-025 104-026 1,405.00 $ 1.40 $ - $ 1,967.00 104-027 A4 4x4 TYI PVC Duct Encased LF 371 362.00 362.00 $ 30.00 $ - $ 10,860.00 104-028 A4 6x6x6 Manhole _ EA ` 4 4.00 4.00 $ 12,400.00 $ - $ 49,600.00 104-029 A4 Duct Marker EA 4 0.00 q,00 $ 420.00 $ - $ - 104-030 104-031 104-032 104-033 A4 LED Tax" Li ht EA 27 27.00 27.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 700.00 1,200,00 5,650.00 7,950.00 400.00 500.00 $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ $ 18,900.00 1,200.00 22,600.00 7,950.00 800.00 - Ad SF Runway Edge Light _ EA 1 1.00 A4 S2, ST3, 1P Fluor Sign _ EA 2 4.00 A4 S2, ST3, 3P Fluor Sin EA 1 1.00 104-034 _ A4 UG Duct Vent/Drain EA 2 2.00 104-035 A4 Circuit Isolation L867 Can - EA 0 1 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 $ - $ - $ - 105-001 105-022 106-023 105-024 A5 Subcontractor Mob Alt 5 A5 6"x24" Conduit Trench LS LF 1 2,460 1.00 2,108.00 1.00 $ 3,000.00 $ - $ 3,000.00 2,108.00 2,108.00 3.195.00 2.108.00 386.00 4.00 0.00 28.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1,00 0.00 $ 7.00 $ 0.90 $ 1.25 $ 1.40 $ 30.00 $ 12,400.00 $ 420.00 $ 700.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 7,750.00 $ 7,950.00 $ 400.00 $ 500,00 $ $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ {2,100.00) $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ $ $ - $ 14,756.00 1,697.20 3,993.75 2,951.20 11,580.00 49,600.00 - 19,600.00 1,200.00 15,500.00 15,900.00 400.00 - A5 Bare 6 AM ShieldtGmd LF 2,460 2,108.00 AS B Awg 5kV L824C Cable LF 2,851 3,195.00 A5 2" Sch 40 PVC Conduit LF 2,460 2106.00 A5 4x4 TYI PVC Duct Encased LF 371 386.00 A5 6x6x6 Manhole _ __ EA 4 4.00 A5 Duct Marker _ EA 4 0.00 A5 LED Taxlwa Li ht EA 30 31.00 (3.00) 1 o 5-025 105-026 105-027 105-026 105-029 105-030 _ _ A5 SF Run) a Ed a Li ht _ EA 1 1,00 A5 82, ST3, 2P Fluor Sign _ F�4 2 _ 2.00 105-031 105-032 105-033 _ A5 S2 ST3 3P Fluor Sign A5 UG Duct VentlDrain _ AS Circuit Isolation L867 Can - EA EA EA 0 _ 2 1 1 0 2A0 1.00 0.00 0.00 105-034 0 0.00 1.00 $ $ - 3,350.00 $ - $ $ $ - 3,350.00 112-001 _ Al2 LOC Antenna Repaint LS 1 1.00 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 $ - $ - $ - 113-001 A13 GS Tower Repaint LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 1,850.00 $ - $ 1,850.00 0 - 0 0 0,00 0,00 $ - $ - $ - 114-001 A14 Climbing Safety System LS 1 1.00 1,00 $ 9,150.00 $ - $ 9,150.00 0 0 0 0.00 0,00 $ - $ - $ - 115-001 Al ILS Shelter Repaint EA 2 ZOO 2.00 $ 550.00 $ - $ 1,100.00 Exra Rnwy 8 A roach Signs LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 2,759.39 $ - $ 2,759.39 Exra Twy Lights Rn 8-26 Extension LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 470.79 $ - $ 478.79 Exra 5n 8-26 Addiitional Base Extensions EA 9 9.00 9.00 $ 332.39 $ - $ 2,991.51 Exra I Extend 25 Pair at Glideslope LS 1 1.00 1,00 $ 23,310.54 $ - $ 23,310.54 Exra Gmd Existing B-26 Edge Lights LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 27,927.20 $ - $ 27,927.20 Eire Twy M Light Base Move - Stripping LS 1 1.00 1 1.00 $ 4,875.10 $ - $ 4,875.10 Exra Exra Exra Locates & Vaccuum Excav -FAA New Fndtion Windcone/Reinstall Rnwy 26 PAPI - New Plans LS LS LS 1 2 1 1 00 _ 2.00 _ 1 00 Exra FAA Com Cbl Sleeves - Lot Road LS _ 1 1 00 Exra Power to Sign at Txwy P corelbore LS 1 000 Exra Power to North Surface Sensor RPU LS 1 Contract Work Stored Material Subtotal Retention Taken s�,o Retention Released 0% Total Retention Held Contract Work less Retention Less Previous Estimates Net Amount Due this Estimate 1.00 2.00 1,00 $ $ $ 2,377.52 1,876.38 2,850.00 $ - $ $ $ 2,37-1.52 $ 3,752.76 $ 2.850.00 1.00 3,445,26 3,445.26 0.00 $ 2,602.87 $ $ $ 9,836.80 — i— Current To Date Previous $ i i,32940 $ 1,188,313.72 $ 1,176,984.32 $ 11,329.40 $ 1,188,313.72 $ 1,176,984.32 $ (566.47) $ (59,415.69) $ (58,849.22) $ (566.47) $ (59,415,69) $ (58,849.22) $ 10,762.93 $ 1,128,B98.03 $ 1,118,135.10 $ 1,118,135.10 $ 10,762.93 $ 10,762.93 J. D. ABRAMS, L.F. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK. HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: LOCATE FAA LINES WITH VACUUM DATE: 11 /20/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER Locate FAA Lines With Vacuum-$2,761.76 Requesting written direction that PSC approves the Vacuum Locate of the FAA lines along the v-ditch. Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/20/2012 8:16 VACLOC Locate FAA lines VAC ESTIMATE RECAP - BID QUAD M IES DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL % OF TOTAL Labor 0.000% Burden 0.000% Lab+Bur 0.000% Perm Mat! 0.000% Costt Exp 0.000% Equipment 0.000% Subs 2,377.52 2,377.52 100.0000/0 Other 0.000% Total Costs, 2,377.52 2,377.52 100.0000/0 % of Total 100.000% 0.000% 100.000% Escalation on: Labor Burden Perm Matt Cosst Matl Co Eqp Rented Eqp 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % Eq Op Exp Sub Trucking Misc2 Misc3 Total Escalation 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 % 100,00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100,00 % 100.00 % * Data Below here is dependent on the Summary Process. The Summary Process was last run 11/20/2012 at 8:16 AM Markup on Resource Costs Markup Addons Lump Sum Margin Lump Sum MARKUP TOTALS =-> Cost Addons Bond 1.0000 % of Job Value MARKUP, ADDON & BOND TOTALS =� COST + MARKUP------------ti------> There * ARE NOT * closing accounts for this bid. Rounding difference: Unbalancing difference: From Cut&Add Sheet -costs: From Cut&Add Sheet -markup: Pass Through Adjustments: Net Adjustments (to the balanced bid): 356.62 0.00 27.62 384.24 $2,761.76 (On Takeoff Quantity) BALANCED BID TOTAL $2,761.76 DESIRED BID (if specified) 14.9997% 0.0000% 14.9997% 1.1617% 16.1614% (% of costs) -Effect on Bid - (on Bid Quantity) (on Bid Quantity) None [or desired bid] J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/20/2012 8:16 VACLOC Locate FAA lines VAC **s BID TOTAL (on bid quantities) $2,377.52 BID COSTS (on bid quantities) $2,405.14 MARKUP (on bid quantities) -$27.62-1.148% EXPECTED JOB VALUE (on takeoff quantities): $2,377.52 EXPECTED COSTS (on takeoff quantities): $2,405.14 EXPECTED MARKUP (on takeoff quantities): -$27.62-1.148% Adjust to Bid Quantities = Y Labor Hrs. (M111I1+1IiS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (DAY/DAYS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (OtherUnits) 0 0 0 (incl burden) Labor Burden 0 0 0 Spread Indirects on: No Spread Spread Markup on: No Spread Spread Addons&Bond on: No Spread Kev indicators Balanced Markup 1 Total Labor = Balanced Markup/Total Labor 356.63 / 0.00 = 0.000/0 Indirecct Cost 1 Direct Cost = indirect Cost/Direct Cost 0.00 I 2,377.52 - 0.00% ------ ESTIMATE NOTES: ------ Bid Date: Owner: Engr Firm: TXDOT Estimator -In -Charge: Desired Bid (if specked) 0.00 Notes: Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM 2 J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/20/2012 8:16 VACLOC Locate FAA lines VAC ************Estimate created on: 11/20/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6:05:41 AM Last Summary on 11120/2012 at 8:16 AM. Last Spread on 11/20/2012 at 8:16 AM. J.D. Abrams, L.P. Page 1 VACLOC Locate FAA lines VAC 11/20/2012 8:16 Direct Cost Report Activity Desc Quantity Unit Perm Constr Equip Sub - Resource PCs Unit Cost Labor Materi MatYEx MentContrac Total BID ITEM = 100 Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Description = Locate FAA lines VAC Unit = LS Takeoff Quan: 1.000 Engr Quan: 1.000 010 Locate FAA Lines Vac Truck Quan: 1.00 LS HrslShft: 10-00 Cal 510 WCNONE 4EL Locate FAA Lines Va 1.00 LS 2,377.520 2,378 2,378 $2,377.52 *** Report Totals *** 2,378 2,378 >>> indicates Non Additive Activity ------Report Notes: The estimate was prepared with TAKEOFF Quantities. This report shows TAKEOFF Quantities with the resources. Bid Date: Owner: Engineering Firm: TXDOT Estimator -In -Charge: JOB NOTES Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM ************Estimate created on: 11/20/2012 by User#: 0 - 5ource used: C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6:05:41 AM " on units of MH indicate average labor unit cost was used rather than base rate. [ ) in the Unit Cost Column = Labor Unit Cost Without Labor Burdens In equipment resources, rent % and EOE % not = 100% are represented as XXX%YYY where XXX=Rent% and YYY=EOE% ------Calendar Codes------ 410 40 Hour Week (4-10s) 509 45 Hour Week (5-9's) 510 50 Hour Week (5-10's) (Default Calendar) 512 60 Hour Week (5-12's) 609 54 Hour Week (6-9's) 610 60 Hour Week (6-lVs) 611 66 Hour Week (6-11's) 1!!�4CTRIC (480) 986-1488 Fax (480) 984-0319 Lubbock Intemational Airport PAY ESTIMATE 11 Rnwy 08-26 Taxiway Improvements Ph 3 FOR THE DATE 10127/12 Contract # Subcontract # 1104-03 Bill To: J.D. Abrams, L.P. No Text 0 0.00 0.00 $ - $ - $ 104-0 11 A4 Subcontractor Mob Aft 4 _0_ LS 1 _ 1.00 1.00 $ 3.000.00 $ - $ 3,000.00 104-023 A4 6'"x24" Trench 1 Conduit LF 1,405 1,405.00 1,405.00 $ 7.00 $ - $ 9,835.00 104-024 A4Bare 6A Shield/Grnd LF 1,405 1,405.00 1,405.00 2,396.00 $ $ 0.90 1.25 $ $ - $ - $ 1,264.50 2,995.00 104-025 A4 8 A 5kV L824C Cable LF 2,259 2,396.00'_ 104-M A4 2" Sch 40 PVC Conduit LF 1.405 1,405.00_ 1,405.00 $ 1.40 $ - $ 1,967.00 104-027 A4 4x4 TYI PVC Duct Encased LF 371 362.00 362.00 4,00 0.00 27.00 $ 30.00 $ 12.400.00 $ 420.00 $ 700.00 $ $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 10,860.00 49,600.00 - 18,900.00 104-028 A4 6x6x6 Manhole EA 4 4.00 104-029 A4 Duct Marker EA 4 0.00 - - 104-030 A4 LED Taxiway Light EA 27 . 27.00 104-031 A4 SF Rurwva Ed a Light _ _ EA 1 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 $ $ $ $ 1,200.00 5,650.00 7,950A0 400.00 $ $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,200.00 22,600.00 7,950.00 800.00 104-032 A4 S2, ST3, 1 P Fluor Sin 2 4,00 104-033 ---EA A4 S2, ST3, 3P Fluor Sin EA 1 1.00 104-034 _ _ A4 UG Duct Vent/Drain EA 2 2.00 104-035 A4 Circuit Isolation L867 Can EA 1 0.00 0.00 $ 500.00 $ $ - 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 $ $ - $ 105-Ml A5 Subcontractor Mob Alt 5 LS 1 1.00 1,00 $ 3,000.00 $ - $ _- 105-022 A5 WxN4' Conduit Trench LF 2,460 2,108.00 2,108A0 $ 7.00 $ - $ _3.000.00 14,756.00 105-023 A5 Bare 6AWG Shield/Gmd LF 2,460 2,108.00 2,108.00 $ 0.90 $ -_$ 1,897.20 105-024 A5 8 Awg 5kV L824C Cable LF 2,851 3,195.00 3.195.00 $ 1.25 $ - $ 3,993.75 105-025 A5 2" Sch 40 PVC Conduit LF 2,460 2,108.00 2,108.00 $ 1.40 $ - $ 2,951.20_ 105-026 A5 4x4 TYI PVC Duct Encased _ LF 371 386.00 38600 $ 30.00 $ $ 11.580.00 105-027 A5 6x6x6 Manhole _ _ A5 Duct Marker A5 LED Taxiway Light _EA EA EA 4 4 30 4.00 0.00 31.00 (3.00) 4.00 $ 12,400.00 $ - $ 49,600.00 105-028 0.00 $ 420.00 $ - $ 105-029 28.00 $ 700.00 $ (2,100.00) $ 19,600.00 105-030 A5 SF Runwa Ede Li hk EA 1 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 $ $ $ 1,200.00 7,750.00 7,950.00 $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ 1,200.00 15,500,00 15,900.00 105-031 A5 S2, ST3, 2P Fluor Sin EA 2 2.00 105-032 A5 S2, ST3 3P Fluor Sin EA 2 2.00 105-033 A5 UG Duet VentlDrain EA 1 1.00 1.00 $ 400.00 $ - $ 400.00 10"34 _ A5 Circuit Isolation L867 Can EA 1 0.00 0.00 $ 500.00 $ - $ - 0 --_- 0 0 0.00 0.00 1.00 $ $ - 3,350.00 $ $ - $ - $ - 3,350.00 112-001 _ Al2 LOG Antenna Repaint LS 1 1.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 $ - $ - $ - 113-001 Al GS Tower Repaint LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 1,850A0 $ - $ 1,850.00 0 - 0 0 0.00 000 $ - $ - $ - 114-001 A14 Climbing Safety System LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 9,150.00 $ - $ 9,150.00 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 $ - $ - $ - 115-001 A15 ILS Shelter Repaint EA 2 2.00 2.00 $ 550.00 $ - $ 1,100.00 Exra Rnwv 8 A roach Signs LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 2,759.39 $ - $ 2.759.39 Exra Twy Lights Rn 8-26 Extension LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 478.79 $ - $ 478.79 Exrs R 8-26 Addiitional Base Extensions EA 9 9.00 9.00 $ 332.39 $ - $ 2,991.51 Exra Extend 25 Pair at GlideslopeLS 1 1.00 1,00 $ 23.310.54 $ - $ 23,310.54 Exre Gmd Existing 8-26 Edge Lights LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 27,927.20 $ - $ 27,927.20 Exra Twy M Light Base Move - Stripping LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 4,675.10 $ - $ 4,875,10 Exra I Locates & Vaccuum Excav -FAA LS 1 1.00 1 00 $ 2,377.52 $ $ 2,377.52 Exra New Fndtion Windcone/Reinstall LS 2 200 2.00 $ 1.876.38 $ - $ 3,752.76 Ezra Rnwy 26 PAR - New Plans LS 1 1 00 1.00 $ 2,850.00 _ $ $ 2,850.00 Exra FAA Corn Cbl Sleeves - Loc Road LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 3,445.26 _ $ $ 3,445.26 Exra Power to Sign at Twy P corelbore LS 1 0.00 000 $ 2.602.87 _ $ $ Exra Power to North Surface Sensor RPU LS 1 $ 9,836.80 Current To Date Previous Contract Work $ i1,329.40 $ 1,188,313.72 $ 1,176,984.32 Stored Material $ - $ - $ - Subtotal $ 11,329.40 $ 1.188,31172 $ 1,176,984,32 Retention Taken 5% $ (%&47) $ (59,415.69) $ (58,844.22) Retention Released 0% $ - $ - $ - Total Retention Held $ (566,47) $ (59,415.69) $ (58,849.22) Contract Work less Retention $ 10,762.93 $ 1,120,898.03 $ 1,118,135.10 Less Previous Estimates $ 1,118,135.10 Net Amount Due this Estimate $ 10.762.93 $ 10,762.93 J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.B. SUBJECT: REMOVE HOLD SHORT SIGNS TWY L DATE: 8/17/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER Remove Hold Short Signs & Foundations TWY L Requesting written direction that PSC approves the change to remove the hold short signs and foundations on TWY L. Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: RELOCATE WIND CONES DATE: 11 /20/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER Relocate Wind Cones-$4,359.26 Requesting written direction that PSC approves the relocation of the wind cones on RWY 8/26 . Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/20/2012 8:28 WINSOCK Relocate windsocks ESTIMATE SOAP - W) QUANTITIES DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL % OF TOTAL Labor 0.000% Burden 0.0000/0 Lab+Bur 0.000% Perm Mat! 0.000% Const Exp 0.000% Equipment 0.0000/0 Subs 3,752.76 3,752.76 100.0000/0 Other 0.0000/0 Total Costs: 3,752.76 3,752.76 100.0m % of Total 100.0000/0 0.000% 100,000% Escalation on: Labor Burden Perm Mat] Const Matl Ca Eqp gented Eqp 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % Eq Op Exp Sub Trucking Misc2 Misc3 Total Escalation 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00% 100,0 % 100.DD % 100.00 % 100.00 % 1.00.00 % * Data Below here is dependent on the Summary Process. The Summary Process was last run ! 1/20/2012 at 8:2.8 AM Markup on Resource Costs 562.91 14.9999% Markup Addons Lump Sum Margin Lump Sum 0.00 0.0000% MARKUP TOTALS =-=> 562.91 14.9999% Cost Addons Bond 1.0000 % of Job Value 43.59 1,1615% MARKUP, ADDON & BOND TOTALS => 606.50 16.1614% (% of costs) COST + MARKUP$4,359.26 (On Takeoff Quantity) There ARE NOT * closing accounts for this bid. -Effect on Bid - Rounding difference: Unbalancing difference: From Cut&Add Sheet -costs: (on Bid Quantity) From Cut&Add Sheet -markup: (on Bid Quantity) Pass Through Adjustments: None Net Adjustments (to the balanced bid): [or desired bid] BALANCED BID TOTAL DESIRED BID (if specified) $4,359.26 1 J.D. Abrams, L.Q. 11/20/2012 8:28 WINSOCK Relocate windsocks s*f BID TOTAL (on bid quantities) $3,752.76 BID COSTS (on bid quantities) $3,796.35 MARKUP (on bid quantities) -$43.59-1.148% EXPECTED JOB VALUE (on takeoff quantities): $3,752.76 EXPECTED COSTS (on takeoff quantities): $3,796.35 EXPECTED MARKUP (on takeoff quantities): -$43.59-1.148% Adjust to Bid Quantities = Y On TwiewQuantities, Labor firs. (MHlMIIS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (DAY/DAYS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (OtherUnits) 0 0 0 (incl burden) Labor Burden 0 0 0 Spread Indirects on: No Spread Spread Markup on: No Spread Spread Addons&Bond on: No Spread Kev Indicators Balanced Markup / Total Labor = Balanced Markup/Total Labor 562.91 I 0.00 - 0,00% Indirect Cost / Direct Cost = Indirect CoWDirect Cost 0.00 I 3,752.76 = 0.00% ------ ESTIMATE NOTES: ----- Bid Date: Owner: Engr Firm: TXDOT Estimator -In -Charge: Desired Bid (if specified) 0.00 Notes: Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\BB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM 2 J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/20/2012 8:28 WINSOCK Relocate windsocks ************Estimate created on: 11/20/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBID\RBSAVE\ESTMLUBCQ.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6:05:41 AM Last Summary on 1112012012 at 8:28 AM. Last Spread on 11/20/2012 at 8:28 AM. J.D. Abrams, L.P. Page 1 WINSOCK Relocate windsocks 11/20/2012 8:29 Direct Cost Report Activity Desc Quantity Unit Perm Constr Equip Sub - Resource PCs Unit Cost Labor Materi Matl/Ex MentContrac Total BID ITEM = 100 Description T Relocate Windsocks 010 SUB Elee Relocate Wind Socks 4EL Relocate Wind Socks 2.00 EA Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Unit = EA Takeoff Quan: 2.000 Engr Quan: 2.000 Quan: 2.00 EA Hrs/Shft: 10.00 Cal 510 WC NONE 1,876.380 3,753 3,753 $3,752.76 *** Report Totals *** 3,753 3,753 >>> indicates Non Additive Activity --- -Report Notes: ---- The estimate was prepared with TAKEOFF Quantities. This report shows TAKEOFF Quantities with the resources. Bid Date: Owner: Engineering Firm: TXDOT Esti r r- a-Chargo: JOB NOTE`; Estimate created on: 12/29/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Evorett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM ************Estimate created on: 11/20/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used. C-. \ 1 IU\BBSAU,E\EST14LUBCO. zip (a backup) from O8/14/2012 6:05: 41 AM on units of MH indicate average labor unit cost was used rather than base rate. [ ] in the Unit Cost Column = Labor Unit Cost Without Labor Burdens In equipment resources, rent % and EOE % not = 100% are represented as XXX%YYY where XXX=Rent% and YYY=EOE% ------Calendar Codes------ 410 40 Hour Week (4-1Os) 509 45 Hour Week (5-9's) 510 50 Hour Week (5-10's) (Default Calendar) 512 60 Hour Week (5-12's) 609 54 Hour Week (6-9's) 610 60 Hour Week (6-10's) 611 66 Hour Week (6-11's) 1!!!4 ELECTRIC (480) 986-1488 Fax (480) 994-0319 Lubbock International Airport PAY ESTIMATE 91 Rnwy 08-26 Taxiway improvements Ph 3 FOR THE DATE 1 OJ27/12 Contract # Subcontract # 1104-03 Bill To: J.D. Abrams, L-P. No Text 0 - 0 0 0.00 - 0.00 $ - $ _- $ -- J 104-00i 104-023 104-024 A4 Subcontractor Mob Alt 4 _ A4 6"x24" Trench 1 Conduit LS LF 1 1,405 1.00 1,405.00_ _ 1.00 1,405.00 1,405.00 2,396.00 1,405.00 362.00 4.00 0,00 $ 3,000.00 $ 7.00 $ 0.90 $ 1.25 $ 1.40 $ 30.00 $ 12,400.00 $ 420.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,000.00_ 9,835.00 1,264.50 2,995,00 1,967.00 10,860,00 49,60OA6 - A4 Bare 6 An ShiekV Gmd LF 1,405 1,405.00 _ A4 B A 5kV t 824C Cable LF 2,259 2,396.00 104-025 104-026 104-027 104-028 A4 2" Sch 40 PVC Conduit A4 4x4 TYI PVC Duct Encased A4 6x6x6 Manhole A4 Duct Marker A4 LED Taxiway Light A4 SF Runway Edge Light A4 S2, ST3, 1 P Fluor Sin A4 S2, ST3, 3P Fluor Sin - A4 UG Duct Vent/Drain LF LF EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 1,405 371 4 4 27 1 2 1 2 1,405.00 362.00 �_- 4,00 0.00 27.00 1.00-- 4.00 1.00 _ 2.00 _ -_- - -_- _ 104-029 104-030 104-031 104-032 104-033 iO4-034 27.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 700.00 1,200.00 5,650.00 7,950.00 400.00 500.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 18,900.00 1,200.00 22,600.00 7,950.00 800.00 - 1O4-035 0 105-0Oi 105-022 105-023 105-024 A4 Circuit Isolation L867 Can - A5 Subcontractor Mob Alt 5 A5 6"x24" Conduit Trench A58are6AtrVG5hietdlGmd A5 8 Awg 5kV L824C Cable A5 2" Sch 40 PVC Conduit A5 4x4 TYI PVC Duct Encased _ A5 6x6x6 Manhole A5 Duet Marker _ A5 LED TaxiwayLight A5 SF Runwa Ed Li ht A5 S2, ST3, 2P Fluor Sign___ A5 S2, ST3 3P Fluor Si n A5 UG Duct Venvarain A5 dreuit Isolation L867 Can Al2 LOG Antenna Repaint EA 0 LS LF LF_2,460 LF LF LF EA EA_ EA EA _ EA EA_ FA EA 0 LS 1 0 1 2,460 2,851 2,460 _ 371 4 4 30 1 2 2 1 1 0 1 _ 0.00 0.00 1,00 2,108.00 2,108.00 3,195.00 2,108.00 38fi.00 4.00 0.00 31,00 1,00 2.00 2.00 1.00 _ 0.00 0.00 1.00 _ _- -_- _ _ _ _ (3.00} 0.00 1,00 2.108.00 $ - $ 3,000.00 $ 7.00 $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ - 3,000.00 14,756.00 2.108.00 $ 0.90 $ - $ 3,195-00 $ 1.25 $ - $ 2,108.00 $ 1.40 $ - $ 366.00 $ 30.00 $ - $ 4.00 $ 12,400. 00 $ - $ 0.00 $ 420.00 $ $ 28,00 $ 700.00 $ (2,100.00) $ 1.00 $ 1,200.00 $ - $ 2.00 $ 7,750.00 $ - $ 2.00 _$ 7,950.00 $ - $ 1.00 $ 400.00 $ $ 0.00 $ 500.00 $ - $ 1,897.20 3,993.75 2,951.20 11,580.00 49,600.00 - 19,600.00 1,200.00 15,500.D0 15,900.00 400.00 - 105-025 105-026 105-027 105-028 105-029 105-030 105-031 105 032 105-033 105-034 0 112-001 0.00 $ - $ - $ - 1,00 $ 3,350.00 $ - $ 3,350.40 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 $ - $ - $ - 113-001 Al GS Tower Repaint LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 1,850W $ - $ 1,850.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.0D $ - $ $ - 114-001 A14 Climbing Safety System LS 1 1,00 1-OD $ 9,150.00 $ - $ 9,150.00 0 - 0 0 0.00 0,00 $ - $ - $ - 115-001 Al ILS Shelter Re int FA 2 2.00 ZOO $ 550,00 $ $ 1,100.00 Exra R 8 roach Si ns LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 2,759.39 $ - $ 2,759.39 Exra T L' hts 8-26 Extension LS 1 1.00 1,00 $ 478.79 $ - $ 47879 Exre Rwy 8-26 Additional Base Extensions EA 9 9.00 9.00 $ 332.39 $ - $ 2.991,51 Exra Extend 25 Pair at Glideslope LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 23,310.54 $ - $ 23,310.54 Exra Gmd Existing 8-26 Edge Lights LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 27,927.20 $ - $ 27,927.20 Exra Twy M Light Base Move - Stripping LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 4,875.10 $ - $ 4,875.10 Exra Locates & Vaccuum Excav -FAA LS 1 1.00 1,00 $ 2,377.52 $ $ 2,3i .ate Exra New Fndtion Windcone/Reinstall LS 2 2.00 2.00 ,876.38 - 3,752.761 Exra Exra Rnwy 26 PAR- New Plans FAA Corn Cbl Sleeves - Loc Road LS LS 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 $_2,850.00 $ 3,44S.2B $ _ _ _ $ - $ 2,850.00_ $ 3,445.26_ Exra Power to Sign at Txwy P oore/bore Power to North Surface Sensor RPU LS LS 1 1 0.00 _ 0.00 $ 2,602.87 $ 9,836.80 $ - $ Exra Contract Work Stored Material Subtotal Retention Taken Retention Released Total Retention Held Contract Work less Retention Less Previous Estimates Net Amount Due this Estimate 5% 0% Current To Date $ 11,329.40 $ 1,188,313.72 $ - $ - $ 11,329.40 $ 1,188,313.72 $ (566.47) $ (59,415.69) $ - $ - $ (566.47) $ (59,415.69) $ 10,762.93 $ 1,128,898.03 $ 1,118,135.10 $ 10,762.93 $ 10,762.93 Previous $ 1,176,984.32 $ - $ 1,176,984.32 $ (58,849.22) $ - $ (58,849.22) $ 1,1i8,135.10 I D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: RWY 17135 SPALL REPAIRS DATE: 11 / 19/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER RWY 17135 Spall Repairs: $2,675.37 Requesting written direction that PSC approves the extrf work to repair Spalls on RWY 17135. Also to include the payment breakdown for how - liis will be paid in the next approved estimate. Report Selections: 30b: 1104 Sob Status: A Phase: 700100 Phase Status: ALL Cost Type: ALL Dlvlsiom ALL Tran. Type: ALL Pro -Time Card Batch: ALL Vendon ALL Cu@Wrr r: ALL Employee. ALL Draw Appl. is ALL Inv.Itam: ALL rU-n—Po9*-d'?-1 Tran Dabs TYPO Rahrence J.D. ABRAMS LP Job Cost History Report From Inception To 17119/12 Includes Posted Transactions Cny Description Additional information Hours Unit of Nlaeeun Quantity Amount Job. 1104 LUBBOCK AIRPORT Phno.- 700406 RUNWAY i7 SPALL REPAIR Cost Type: L LABOR 111201i 1 PR 174164 KEITH GOMEZ Ch8CW 469591 5-50 55.00 1112W11 PR 174164 KEITH GOMEZ ChKW 469591 0.50 7.50 11120111 PR 17416E ENRIQUE GOMEZ III ChecW 460592 6.00 90.00 11/20111 PR 323168 AM MOJIC4 Chedal 469594 7.00 147.OD SubEotsl for Phase: 700-100 RUNWAY 17 SPALL REPAIR Coal Type: L LABOR 19.00 0.00 2".69 Pheae: 700.100 RUNWAY 17 SPALL REPAIR Cost T'yps: X MSC- DW COSTS 12/01/11 AP RSC EQUIPMENT RENTAL Invoice 50=156-001 dated iiliWi l 214.34 1211W11 AP 13513 COMDATA CARD SERYK:ES ChKW ACH033 Involca 120211 dated 1212111 13.90 12121111 AP L]3i7 CMC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Invoice 395M dated 11 =11 1 723.63 12121/11 AP 11311 CMC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Invoice 395M dated 11/29111 8w.60 120,31/11 AP t 7823 RSC EQUIPMENT RENTAL Invoice SM3201.001 dated IN 9111 562.87 12/31/11 AP !YM RSC EQUIPMENT RENTAL Invoice 50053201-001 dated 1i/ 9111 -488.94 ON19112 AP t tM Ct,1C CONSTRUCTION SVCS IrweAce t498$0 dated ZW12 109.20 1€. eV, _ ,.. IrVIYlVM I In VMIIV JCnr'4co -OW,> o M"nu-10 AVUII,C I,MIJL I d.-M Uatcu M/ Lt 1 e Subtotal for Phase: 7WI00 RUNWAY 1T $PALL REPAIR Cost Typo: X WSC. DIR COSTS 0.00 0.00 2,027.34 Job 1104 Rim" Total for Job 1104 LUBBOCK AIRPORT 19.00 0.00 2,320.64 mom Amount LABOR MM. DIR CIA" -Tew 7040—RUMWAY 17 SPALL 19.00 0.00 19.00 REPAIR yp„Sp 2,0VJ4 IB.fte Total 'Id9i � $ 00 iS.00 > 2.027.34 2,32&84 Panted by AHG as of 1111V12 3:04:05M Page l UnPoet4d? Dow ITram Typo Reference Report RAW by Job slows -- Amount LABOR 1104 LUBBOCK AIRPORT Total J.D. ABRAMS LP Job Cast History Report From Inception To 1III 5112 Includes Posted Transactions Only Additional 1n1orMtbn Hours 12 records processed Report Totals miss. bIR COSTS Total 19.00 O,OYr 1900 299.60 2.027.34 2.326.94 19.00 0.00 19.00 299.50 2.02T.34 Z326.84 73 �t- 19.00 0.00 X=." Printed by AHG as of 11119112 104. 05M Page 2 J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: RWY 8 TEMP APPROACH SIGNS DATE: 11/20/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER RWY 8 Temp Approach Signs: $3,205.34 Requesting written direction that PSC approves the extra work to install temporary approach signs for runway 8. Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/20/2012 8:42 RWY8APR RWY 8 Aproach Signs *** ESTIMATE IMATE RECAP - BID QUANTMEB DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL % OF TOTAL Labor 0.000% Burden 0.0000/0 Lab+Bur 0.000% Perm Mati 0.000% Const Exp 0.000% Equipment 0.000% Subs 2,759.39 2,759,39 100.000% Other 0.000% TOW Costs; 2,759.39 2,759.39 I00 om % of TOW 100.060°la 0.00D% 1'00.000% Escalation on. Labor Burden Perm Matl Const Mad Co Eqp 'Rented Eqp 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Eq Op Exp Sub Trucking Misc2 Misc3 Total Escalation 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00% 100.00% 100.00 Vo 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% * Data Below here is dependent on the Summary Process. * The Summary Process was last run 11/20/2012 at 8:42 AM Markup on Resource Costs Markup Addons Lump Sum Margin Lump Sum MARKUP TOTALS => Cost Addons Bond 1.0000 % of Job Value MARKUP, ADDON & BOND TOTALS => COST + MARKUP There * ARE NOT * closing accounts for this bid. Rounding difference: Unbalancing difference: From Cut&Add Sheet -costs: From Cut&Add Sheet -markup: Pass Through Adjustments: Net Adjustments (to the balanced bid): BALANCED BID TOTAL DESIRED BID (if specified) 413.90 0.00 413.90 32.05 445.95 $3,205.34 (On Takeoff Quantity) $3,205.34 14.9997% 0.0000% 14.9997% 1.1615% 16.1612% (% of costs) -Effect on Bid - (on Bid Quantity) (on Bid Quantity) None for desired bid] 1 J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/20/2012 8:42 RWYSAPR RWY 8 Aproach Signs BID TOTAL (on bid quantities) $2,759.39 BID COSTS (on bid quantities) $2.791.44 MARKUP (on bid quantities)-$32.05-1.148% EXPECTED JOB VALUE (on takeoff quantities): $2,759.39 EXPECTED COSTS (on takeoff quantities): $2,791.44 EXPECTED MARKUP (on takeoff quantities):-$32.05-1.148% Adjust to Bid Quantities = Y On Takoff quadtims Labor Hrs. (MH/MHS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (DAY/DAYS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (OtherUnits) 0 0 0 (incl burden) Labor Burden 0 0 0 Spread Indirects on: No Spread Spread Markup on: No Spread Spread Addons&Bond on: No Spread Kev Indicators Balanced Markup / Total Labor = Balanced Markup/Total Labor 413.91 / 0.00 = 0.00% Indirect Cost / Direct Cost = Indirect Cost/Direct Cost 0.00 / 2,759.39 0.00% ------ ESTIMATE NOTES: ------ Bid Date: Owner: Engr Firm: TXDOT Esthnator-In-Charge: Desired Bid (if specified) 0.00 Notes: Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM 2 J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/20/2012 8:42 RWYBAPR RWY 8 Aproach Signs ************Estimate created on: 11/20/2012 by User*: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6:05:41 AM Last Summary on 11/20/2012 at 8:42 AM. Last Spread on 11/20/2012 at 8:42 AM. J.D. Abrams, L.P. Page 1 RWY8APR RWY 8 Aproach Signs 11/20/2012 8:43 Direct Cost Report Activity Dese Quantity Unit Perm Constr Equip Sub - Resource PCs Unit Cost Labor Materi Matl/Ex MentContrac Total BID ITEM = 100 Description RWY 8 Temp Approach Signs 010 SUB-Eiec RWY 8 Approach signs 4EL RWY 8 Signs 1.00 LS Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Unit = LS Takeoff Quan: 1.000 Engr Quan: 1.000 Quan: 1.00 LS Ars/Shft: 10•00 Cal 510 WCNONE 2,759.390 2,759 2,759 $2,759.39 *** Report Totals *** 2,759 2,759 >>> indicates Non Additive Activity ------Report Notes: ---- The estimate was prepared with TAKEOFF Quantities. This report shows TAKEOFF Quantities with the resources. Bid Date: Owner: Engineering Firm: TXDOT F.amaor-In-Change. JOB NOTES Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 — Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM ************Estimate created on: 11/20/2012 by User#: 0 - SoVXCO Used. Cs\HMVYBJD\Ri�SAVF,\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6:05:41 AM * on units of MH indicate average labor unit cost was used rather than base rate. [ ] in the Unit Cost Column = Labor Unit Cost Without Labor Burdens In equipment resources, rent % and EOE % not = 100% are represented as XXX%YYY where XXX=Rent% and YYY=EOE% ------Calendar Codes------ 410 40 Hour Week (4-1 Os) 509 45 Hour Week (5-9's) 510 50 Hour Week (5-10's) (Default Calendar) 512 60 Hour Week (5-12's) 609 54 Hour Week (6-9's) 610 60 Hour Week (6-10's) 611 66 Hour Week (6-11's) Lubbock International Airport Rnwy 08-26 Taxiway improvements Ph 3 Contrract # Subcontract # 1104-03 Bill To: J.D. Abrams, L.P. le4 ELECTRIC (480) 986-1488 Fax (480) 984-0319 PAY ESTIMATE 11 FOR THE DATE 10/27/12 100-001A BB Sub Mobilization BB Sub Bond 1°foj --- - LS LS 1 1 1.00 1,00 1,00 1,00 $ 40,00U0 $ 11,939,00 $ $ - $ - $ 40,000.00 11,939.00 100-001B 100-058 BB Salve a Exisin VAST BB Demo 7'x7'x7' Elec Manhole BB Guard Post _ LS _ EA EA_ 1 6 4 i.00 13.00 4.00 i.00 13.00 4.00 $ 1,900.00 $ 1,250.00 $_ 470.00 $ $ $_ - $ - $ $ 1,900.00 16,250.00 1,880.00 100-059 100-060 100-061 _ BB 8awg 5kV L824C REM BB6"x24"Trench 1Conduit � _ _ LF_ _ LF 14,050 6,090 14,100.00 23349.00 {5,11990) 14,100,00 18,230.00 $ 0.20 $ _ 5.00 $ $ _ $ (25,595.00) $ 2,820.00 91,150.00 100-062 100-063 BB4A 6aavRHH-WCabie__ BB Bare 6 Awg ShietdlGR ____LF LF 8,020 _6,090 11208.Q13 18,038.0 (11,208,00) (1,783.00) 0.00 16,255.00 $ _ 1.80 $ 0,90 $ $ (20,174440) $ (1,604.70) $ - 14,629,50 100-064 2425000 10,804,00 $ 115 $ 2.70 $ $ (4,457.50) $ - $ 30,312.50 29,170.80 100-065 BB 8 A 5kV L824C Cable LF 24,208 27 816.00 (3,566.001 BB 6 Pair 19 GA Telco Cable LF 11,712 10,804.00 100-066 100-067 _ BB 4" Sch 80 HDPE Con Bored _ BB 2" Sch 40 PVC Conduit _ LF LF _ 93 6,090 139.00 11,324.00 (2,649.00) 13900 8,675.00 $ 40.00 $ 1,40 $ $ - $ (3,706.60) $ 5,560.00 12,145.00 100-068 100-069 BB 4'x4' PVC Duet Encased LF 392 210.00 210. 00 $ 30.00 $ - $ 6,300.00 i a0-070 BB 6x6x6 Aircraft Rated MH EA 2 2.00 _ 2.00 $ 12,400.00 $ - $ 24,800.00 100-071 BB New Duct Marker EA 37 8.00 8.00 $ 420.00 $ - $ 3,360.00 100-072 _ BB GS Antenna Foundation BB GS Shelter Foundation _ BB Glide Slope Shelter ELECT----- BB Glide Sl Relocate _ LS _ LS LS _ LS 1 _ 1 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 5,500.00 $ 12,900.00 $ 3,800.00 $ $ $ $--- _ - $ - $ $ $ 4,800.00 5,500.00 12,900,00 3,800,00 100-073 100-074 i00-075 100-076 BB Glide Slope Ant Cable Kit 1 1.00 1.00 $ 3,750.00 $ - $ _ 3,750,00 100-077 BB Rem AG GLD SLP EQP _LS LS _ 1 1.00 1.00 $ 1,500.00 $ - $ 1,500.00 100-078 BB Rem Ede Light Fixture EA 79 79.00 79.00 $ 40.00 $ - $ 3,160.00 100-079 68-ASW L862 Edp Light EA _ 60 61.00 (1.00) 60.00 $ 700.00 $ 0� O.QO) $ 42.000.00 100-080 _ BB AS1N L862 Threshold Light___ _ EA 8 8.00 8.00 $ 750.00 $ - $ $,000.00 100-081 BB Remove Airfield Sign _ EA 15 15.00 15.00 $ 800.00 $ - $ 12,a00A0 No Text 104-001 104-023 104-024 104-025 104-026 104-027 A4 Mob Alt 4 A4 6 x24" Trench 1 Conduit LS LF 1 1,405 1.00 1,405,00 1.00 1,405.00 1,405.00 2 398.00 1,405.00 $ $ $ $ $ 3,000.00 7A0 0,90 1.25 1.40 $ $ $ $ $ $ + - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,000.00 9,835.00 1,264.50 2,995.00 1,967.00 A4 Bare 6 �An Shieldl Gmd LF 1,405 1,405.00 A4 8 Awg 5kV L824C Cable LF 2,259 2,396,00 A4 2" Sch 40 PVC Conduit LF 1.405 1,405.00 A4 4x4 TYI PVC Duct Encased LF 371 362.00 362.00 4.00 000 $ 30.00 $ 12.400.00 $ $ $ $ _ - $ - $ - $ 10,860,00 49,600.00 - 104-028 104-029 A4 6x6x6 Manhole 'EA 4 4.00 _ A4 Duct Marker A4 -Lr:DTaxjway Light EA EA _ 4 27 0.00 27.00 104-030 27.00 $ _420.00 700,00 $ - $ 18,900.00 104-031 104-032 104-033 104-034 104-035 A4 SF Runway Edge Light__ A4 S2, ST3, 1 P Fluor Si n _ A4 S2, ST3, 3P Fluor Sin A4 11G Dud Vent/Drain EA _ EA EA EA 1 2 1 2 1.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 400 $ $ 1,200,00 5,650.0o $ $ - $ - $ 1,200.00 22,600.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 $_ $ $ $ $ 7,950.00 400.00 500.0 - 3,000.00 $ $ $_ $ - $ - $ -$- $ - $ - $ 7,950.00 800.00 _ 3,000,00 A4 Circuit Isolation L867 Can A5 Subcontractor Mob -Alt 5 A5 WxN4' Conduit Trench A5 Bare 6AM Shield/Grad EA 0 LS LF LF 1 0 1 2,460 2,460 0.00 0.00 1.00 2,10& 2,108.00 0 105-001 105-022 2,108.00 2,10800 3,195 00-$ $ $ 7.00 0.90 1.25 $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ 14,756.00 1,897.20 3„993.75 105-023 105-024 _ A5 8 A 5kV L824C Cable A5 2" Sch 40 PVC Conduit A5 4x4 TYI PVC Duct Encased _ A5 6x6x6 Manhole A5 Duct Marker A5 LEI] Taxiway Light A5 SF Runway Edge Light A5 S2, ST3, 2P Fluor Sign A5 S2, ST3 3P Fluor Sin A5 UG DuctVentlDrain--- A5 Circuit isolation L867 Can - Al2 LQC Antenna Repaint ++ LF LF LF EA _ EA FAA EA EA EA Fes, EA 0 LS 2,851 2,460 371 4 4 30 1 2 2 1 1 0 1 3,195.00 2,108.00 386.00 4.00 0.00 31.00 1.00 2.00 2,00 1,00 0.00 0.00 1.00 (3,00) 105-025 2,108.00 38600 4.00 000 $ 1.40 $ 30.00 $ 12,400.00 $ 420.00 $ $ $ $ - $ $ +` $ - $ 2,951.20 1 i,580.00 49,600.00 - 105-026 105-027 105-028 105-029 105-030 28.00 $ 700.00 $- (2,100.00) $ 1.00 $ 1,200.00 $ - $ 19,600.00 1,200.00 105-031 1055-032 105-033 2.00 $ 7,750.00 $ $ 2.00 $ 7,950.00 $ $ 1.00 $ 400.00 $ - $ 0.00 $ 500.00 $ - $ 0,00 $ - _ $ _ - $ 1.00 $ 3,350.00 $ - $ 15,500,00 15,900.00 400.00_ - - 3,350,00 105-034 0 112-001 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 $ - $ $ - 113-001 Al GS Tower Repaint LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 1,850.00 $ - $ 1,850.00 0 0 0 0,00 0.00 $ - $ - $ - 114-001 A14 Climbing Safety System LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 91%00 $ - $ 9,150.00 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 $ - $ $ - 115-001 A15 ILS Shelter R int EA 2 2.00 2.00 $ 550.00 $ - $ 1,100.00 Twy Li hts R 8-26 Extension R 8 26 Addiitional Base Extensions LS EA 1 9 100 9.00 1.00 9.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 $ 478.79 $ 332.39 $ 23,310.54 $ 27,927.20 $ 4,875.10 $ $ $ $ $ - - $ - $ - $ $ 478.79 2,991.51 23,310.54 27,927.20 4,875.10 Exra Exra Exra Extend 25 Pair atGlidealo -- LS 1 1.00 Gmd Existin 8-26 Ed a Li hts LS _ 1 1.00 T M Light Base Move -Stripping - LS - 1 1.00 ,-- Exra Exra Contract Work Stored Material Subtotal Retention Taken Retention Released Total Retention Held Contract Work less Retention Less Previous Estimates Net Amount Due this Estimate 0/0 0% Current To Date Previous $ 11,329.40 $ 1,188,313.72 $ 1,176,984.32 $ 11,329.40 $ 1,188,313.72 $ 1,176,984.32 $ (566.47) $ (59,415.69) $ (58,849.22) $ (566.47) $ (59,415.69) $ (58,849.22) $ 10,762.93 $ 1,128,898.03 $ 1,118,135.10 $ 1,118,135.10 $ 10,762.93 $ 10,762.93 J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: ADDITIONAL BLANK LIGHT CAN BASES RWY 8/26 DATE: 11 /20/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER Additional Blank Light Can Bases: $3,474.98 Requesting written direction that PSC approves the change of Additional Blank Light Can Bases that were installed on RWY 8/26. Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/20/2012 8:54 ADDLIGHT Additional light can Bases E;3T94ATE RECAP - BID QUANTITIES DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL % OF TOTAL Labor 0.000/0 Burden 0.000% Lab+Bur 0.000% Perm Matt 0.0000/0 Const Exp 0.000% Equipment 0.000% Subs 2,991.51 2,991.51 100.0000/0 Other 0.000% Total Cosh; 2,991.51 Z991.51 100.000% % of Total 100.000% 0.000% 100.0m% Escalation on: Labor Burden Perm Matl Const Mad Co Eqp 'Rrntpti Eq'p 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Eq Op Exp Sub Trucking Misc2 Misc3 Total Escalation 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00% 100,00% t00.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100,00% * Data Below here is dependent on the Summary Process. The Summary Process was last run 11/20/2012 at 8:53 AM Markup on Resource Costs 448.72 14.9998% Markup Addons Lump Sum Margin Lump Sum 0.00 0.0000% MARKUP TOTALS 448.72 14.9998% Cost Addons Bond 1.0000 % of Job Value 34.75 1.1616% MARKUP, ADDON & BOND TOTALS = 483.47 16.1614% — (% of costs) COST + MARKUP ----------- > $3,474.98 (On Takeoff Quantity) There * ARE NOT * closing accounts for this bid. -Effect on Bid - Rounding difference: Unbalancing difference: From Cut&Add Sheet -costs: (on Bid Quantity) From Cut&Add Sheet -markup: (on Bid Quantity) Pass Through Adjustments: None Net Adjustments (to the balanced bid): [or desired bid] BALANCED BID TOTAL $3,474.98 DESIRED BID (if specified) J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/20/2012 8:54 ADDLIGHT Additional light can Bases BID TOTAL (on bid quantities) $2,991.51 BID COSTS (on bid quantities) $3,026.26 MARKUP (on bid quantities) -$34.75-1.148% EXPECTED JOB VALUE (on takeoff quantities): $2,991.51 EXPECTED COSTS (on takeoff quantities): $3,026.26 EXPECTED MARKUP (on takeoff quantities): -$34.75-1.148% Adjust to Bid Quantities = Y Labor Hrs. (MH/MHS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (DAY/DAYS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (OtherUnits) 0 0 0 (incl burden) Labor Burden 0 0 0 Spread Indirects on: No Spread Spread Markup on: No Spread Spread Addons&Bond on: No Spread Kev Indicators Balanced Markup / Total Labor = Balanced Markup/Total Labor 448.73 J 0.00 = 0.00% Indirect Cost J Direct Cost = Indirect CoA(Direct Cost 0.00 / 2,991.51 0.00% ------ ESTIMATE NOTES: ------ Bid Date: Owner: Engr Firm: TXDOT Estimator -In -Charge: Desired Bid (if specified) 0.00 Notes: Estimate created an: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\ES°T\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM 2 J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/20/2012 8:54 ADDLIGHT Additional light can Bases ************Estimate created on: 11/20/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLTUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6:05:41 AM Last Summary on 11/20/2012 at 8:53 AM. Last Spread on 11/20/2012 at 8:53 AM. J.D. Abrams, L.P. ADDLIGHT Additional light can Bases Activity Desc Quantity Resource PCs Unit BID ITEM = 100 Description = Additional Light can Bases 010 additional light can bases 4EL SUB ELEC light can 9.00 EA Page 1 11/20/2012 8:54 Direct Cost Report Unit Perm Constr Equip Sub - Cost Labor Materi MatV x MentContrac Total Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Unit = EA Takeoff Quan: 9.000 Engr Quan: 9.000 Quan: 9.00 EA Hrs/Shft: 10-1 Cal 510 WCNONE 332.390 2,992 2,992 $2,991.51 *** Report Totals *** 2,992 2,992 >>> indicates Non Additive Activity ------Report Notes: ---- The estimate was prepared with TAKEOFF Quantities. This report shows TAKEOFF Quantities with the resources. Bid Date: Owner: Engineering Firm: TXDOT Esiimatpr-in-Charge: JOB NOTVS Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM ************Estimate created on: 11/20/2012 by User#: 0 - grurcet used: C: \HEAVYEIIDVOSAVE\ESTMLUBCO. zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6: 05- 41 AM ' on units of ME indicate average labor unit cost was used rather than base rate. [ ] in the Unit Cost Column labor Unit Cost Without Labor Burdens In equipment resources, rent: % and EOE % not = 100% are represented as XXX%YYY where XXX=Rent% and YYY=EOE% --Calendar Codes----- 410 40 Hour Week (4-10s) 509 45 Hour Week (5-9's) 510 50 Hour Week (5-10's) (Default Calendar) 512 60 Hour Week (5-12's) 609 54 Hour Week (6-9's) 610 60 Hour Week (6-10's) 611 66 Hour Week (6-11's) Lubbock International Airport Rnwy 06-26 Taxiway Improvements Ph 3 Contract # Subcontract # 1104-03 Bill To: J.D. Abrams, L.P. le4 ELECTRIC (480) 986-1488 Fax (480) 984-0319 PAY ESTIMATE 11 FOR THE DATE 10/27/12 1 100-059 BB Demo Tx7'x7' Elec Manh( 100-060 BB Guard Post BB 8awg 5kV L824C REM_ BB 6"x24" Trench 1 Conduit 100-061 100-062 100-063 100-064 BB 4 Awg 60Qv RHH-W Cabb BB Bare 6 Awg Shield/GR BB LAwq 5kV L824C Cable 100-065 100-066 BB 6 Pair 19 GA Telco Cable BB 4" Sch 80 HDPE Con Bon 100-067 100-068 88 2" Sch 40 PVC Conduit 100-069 BB 4'x4' PVC Duct Encased i Rem EA 6 EA 4 LF_ 14,050 14 LF_ 6,090 23 LF 8,020 11 LF 6,090 18 LF 24,208 27 LF 11,712 10 LF 93 _1 LF 6,090 11 LF 392 2 -- EA 2 _ EA 37 --LS 1 Ls---1 LS 1 LS 1 FA 79 100-081 4 BB Remove Air 6d qign _ EA I 1 19. 1.00 $ 40,00U0 $ - $ 40,000.00 1.00 $ 11,939.00 $ - $ 11,9 99.00 1.00 $ 1.900, 00 $ - $ 1,900.00 13.00 $ 1,250.00 _ $ - $ 16,250.00 4.00 $ 470.00 $ - $_ 1,860.00 14,100, 00 $ 0.20 $ - $ 2,820.00 18,230 00 $ 5.00 $ (25.595,90) $$ 91,150.00 0.00 $ 1.60 $ (20,174.40) $ - 16,255.00 $ 0.90 $ (1,604.70) $ 14,629.51) 24,250.00 $ 1.25 $ (4,45T60) $ 30,312.50 10,804,00 $ 2.70 $ - 29,170.60 139,00 $ 40.00 _$ $ $ 5,560.00 8,675.00 $ i.40 $ (3,708.60) $ 12,145.00 210.00 $ 30.00 $ - $ 6,300.00 2.00 $ 12,400 8.00 $ 420, 1.00 $ 4,800. 1.00 $ 5,500. 1.00 1.00 1.00 $ 12,900, $ 3,800. $ 3,750, 1.00 79.00 $ $ 1,500, 40. $ 24,800.00 $ 3,360,00 $ 4,800.00 $ 5,500.00 $ 12,900.00 $ 3,800.00 $ 3,750.00 $ 1,500.00 - $ 3,160.00 1.00) $ 42,000.00 - $ 6,000.00 - . 1g non nn 100-082 BB S2, ST3, 1P Fluor Sin EA 1 1.00 1.00 3.00 $ 5,650.00 $ 7,750.00 $ $ - - $ $ 5,650.00 23,250.00 100- 883 100-084 BB S2, ST3, 2P Fluor Sin BB S4, ST3, LED Dist Sin BB LOC Shelter ELEC Service _ EA _ EA LS _ 3 7 1 3.00 7.00 1.00 7.00 $ 4,880.00 $ - $ 34,160.00 100-085 1.00 $ 15,800.00 $ - $ 15,800.00 100-086 100-087 _ BB LOG Antenna Foundation _ BB LOC Shelter Foundation 88 LOC System Relocation LS _ 1 -Ls-1 1 1.00 _ TOO 1.00 1.00 $ 10,800.00 $ - $ 10,8DD.DD 1.00 $ 5,500.00 3 - $ 5,500.00 100-088 100-089 1.00 1.00 1.00 $ 9,900.00 $ 12,400-00 $ 4,400.00 $ $ $ - - $ $ $ 9,900.00 12,400.00 4,400.00 _LS BS LOC Ant CondlC ise LS 1 1.00 BB LOC Ant System Relocate LS 1 1.00 100-090 100-091 BB LOC AIG Equip Removal BB LOC Ground Chk Marker BS LOC Antenna Cable Kit _ BB PAPI RW8 Ele SerlGr BB PAPI RW26 Ele SerlGr LS _ EA LS LS LS 1 10 1 1_ 1 1.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 $ 1,500.00 $ - $ 1,500.00 100-092 100-093 100-094 10.00 $ 125.00 $ - $ 1,250.00 _ 1.00 $ 4,650.00 $ - $ 1A0 $ 14,400.00 $ - $ 4,6%00 14,400.00 100-095 1.00 2,00 $ 7,300.00 $ 19,500.00 $ $ - - $ $ 7,300.00 39,000.00 100-096 BB Install FAA L880 PAPI BB Install New Pav Sensor BB Relo Pav Sensor RPU-C BB Relo L849E REIL System _ EA _EA LS LS _ _ 22.00 3 1 1 _ 3.00 1.00 1.00 _ _ _ 100-097 100-098 3.00 1,00 1.00 1,00 7.00 0, DO 6,00 0.00 1.00 16.00 $ 6,200.00 $ 34,000.00 $ 24,000.00 $ 29,600.00 $ 400.00 $_ 500.00 $ 500A0 $ $ 800.00 $ 1,450.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - - _ - - - _ - 13,050.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 18,600.00 34,000.00 24,000.00 29,600.00 2,800.00 - 3,000.00 800.00 21,750.00 100-099 100-100 BB Relo RVR S tem LS 1 1.00 100-101 BB UIG Duct Vent/Drain EA 7 7.00 100-102 100-103 BB Circuit Isolation Can L867 BB Pull Box L867 Base BB Ele Sery Im mv LPBL BB Proj Phasin ITemp Mk _i BB Hand Hole 30"x48"x36' BB Proof gxistin 1" dud 88 Proof Existing Wtr Line _ BB 4" PVC Conduit BB 2" PVC Conduit _ BB LcdExten 4" 8 V Conduit _ EA -EA _ LS LS _ EA LF LF __LF LF EA 2 6 1 1 14 3,714 2,320 3,162 721 `9 0.00 _ 6,00 0,00 1,00� 6.00 0.00� 1,270.00 0,00 0,00 3,00 _ _ 9.00 1,640.00 2,334.00 8.00 100-104 100-108 100-111 100-112 0.00 2,910 00 $ 2.42 $ 7.28 $ $ - 11,939,20 $ $ - 21,184.80 10D-113 100-114 2,334.00 0.00 11 00 1,270.00 $ 15.60 $ 7.00 $ 430.00 $ 10.20 $ $ $ $ 36,410A0 - 3,440.00 - $ $ $ $ 36,410.40 - 4,730.00 12,964.00 100-115 100-116 100-117 _ BB 4" PVC into Waterline LF 2,320 1,270.00 100-118 _ B8 V duct into 4" PVC LF 14,610 0.00 O.DO J $ 3.70 $ - $ - 100-119 BB 12 Fiber into 1" Duct LF 10,435 0.00 0.00 $ 2.50 $ - $ - 100-120 BB 202 Fiber in 1" Duct LF 237 0.00 0.00 $ 5.00 $ - $ 100-121 BB Splice Fiber Cable EA 48 0,00 000 $ 206.00 $ - $ - 100-122 BB Re -Enter Exist Spilce EA 2 0.00 0.00 $ 285.00 $ - $ - 100-123 BB 24 Pos Patch Panel EA 1 0.00 0.00 $ 2,850.00 $ - $ - 100-124 BB Bldg Ent 2" Gal Conduit EA 1 0.00 1.00 1.00 $ 1,080.00 $ 1.080.00 $ 1,080.00 100-125 BB Bore 4" Conduit LF 325 140.00 75.00 215.00 $ 50.00 $ 3,750.00 $ 10,750.00 100-126 BB Fiber Optic Warning Mkr EA 8 0.00 0.00 $ 100.00 $ - $ - 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 $ - $ - $ 102-001 A2 Subcontractor Mob Alt 2 LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 3,000.00 $ - $ 3,000 00 102-009 A2 LED Taxiway Light EA 17 17-00 17.00 $ 700.00 $ $ 11,900.00 102-010 A2 Edge Light EA 18 18.00 16.00 $ 700.00 $ - $ 12,600.00 A4 Subcontractor Mob Aft 4 a LS _ _ 0 1 0.00 1.00 - O.ao 1,00 1,405.00 $ $ $ - 3,000.00 7.00 $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ ---- 3,000.00 9,835.00 104-001 104-023 A4 6"x24" Trench 1 Conduit LF _ 1,405 1,405.00 104-024 _ R4 Bare 6 Awg Shield/ Gmd A4 6 A _ 5kV L824C Cable A4 2" Sch 40 PVC Conduit A4 4x4 TYI PVC Duct Encased LF LF LF LF _ 1,405 2,259 1,405 371 1,445.00 2 396.00 1,405.00 3620D 1,405.00 2,396,00 1,405,00 $ $ $ 0.90 1.25 1.40 $ $ $ - $ $ - $ 1,264.50 2,995.00 1,967.00 104-025 104-026 104-027 104-028 104-029 104-030 104-031 104-032 104-033 104-034 362.00 4.00 000 27.00 1.00 -4. -00 $ 30.00 $ 12,400.00 $ 420.00 $ 700.00 $ 1,200.00 $ _ 5,650.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ ----$ 10,860.00 49,1800.00 - 18,900.00 1,200.00 2_2,600.00 A4 644 Manhole A4 Duct Marker A4 LED Taxiway Li ht _ A4 SF Runwa Edge Li ht. __ A4 S2, ST3, 1P FluorSin A4 S2, ST3, 3P Fluor Sign A4 UG Duct VentlDrain _ A4 Circuit isolation L867 Can _ A5 Subcontractor Mob Alt 5 FA EA _ EA _ fA EA _EA _FA EA 0 LS 4 4 27 1 2_ 1_ 2 1 0 1 4.00 0.00 27.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0 00 0.00 1.00 2,108.00 2.10800 3,195.00 2,108.00 386.00 4.00 000 28.00 ^1.00 2.00 2.00 $ 7,950.00 $ 400.00 $ 500.00 $ $ 3,000.00 $ 7.00 $ 0,90 $ 1.25 $ 1.40 $ 30.00 $ 12,400.00 $ 420,00 $ 700,00 $ 1,200.00 $ 7,750.00 $ 7,950.00 _ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ - $ - _$___-_ _ $_ - $ - $_ - $ __$ _ - $ - $ - $ (2,100.00) $ $ - $ - $ 7.950.00 800.00 -_-_ 3,000.00 14,756.00 1,897,20 3,993.75 2,951.20_ 11,580,00 _49,600.00 _ - 19000.00 1,200.00 15,500.00 15,900.00 104-035 0 105-001 105-022 _ _ A5 6"x24" Conduit Trench LF 2,460 2,108,00 105-023 105-024 105-025 A5 Bare 6 AWG Shield/Gmd LF 2,460 2,108.00 A5 8 Awg 5kV L824C Cable � LF 2,851 3,195.00 A5 2" Sch 40 PVC Conduit V A5 4x4 TYI PVC Duct Encased_ A5 6x6x6 Manhole A5 Duct Marker _ A5 LED Taxiway Li ht - A5 SF Runway Ed a Li ht 1 A5 S2, ST3 2P Fluor Sign A5 S2, ST3 3P Fluor Sign -_ A5 UG Duct Vent/Drain A5 Circuit Isolation L867 Can --0 Al2 LOC Antenna Re aint _ LF LF _ EA EA EA EA FA FA JEA EA LS 2,460 371 _4_ 4 30 1 2 2 - 1 1 0 1 2.108.00 386.00 4.00 0.00 31.00 1.00 2,00 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 3,00) 105-026 105-027 105-028 105-029 105-030 105.031 105-032 105-033 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 $ $ $ $ 400,00 _ 5 00,0.0 - 3,350.00 $ _ $ $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ 400.00 -� -- 3, 5-0.1)0 105-034 0 112-001 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 $ - $ $ 113-001 Al GS Tower Repaint LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 1,850.00 $ $ 1,850.00 0 - 0 0 0.00 0.00 $ - $ $ - 114-001 A14 Climbing Safety System LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 9,150.00 $ - $ 9,150.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 $ - $ - $ - 115-001 Al ILS Shelter Repaint EA 2 2.00 2.00 $ 550.00 $ - $ 1,100,00 Exra Rrmy 8 A roach Signs LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 2,759.39 $ - $ 2,759.39 Exre T Li hts Rn 8-26 Extension LS 1 1.00 1.00 $ 478.79 $ - $ 478.79 Exra Exre Exra Extend 25 Pair at Glideslo LS 1.00 1.00 $ 23,310.54 - 23,310.54 _ _1 Gmd Existfn 8-26 Ede hts _ LS _ 1 1,00 jMLight Base Move -Stripping _ LS - 1 1.0© - Tw 1.00 $ 27.927.20 $ - $ 1.00 $ 4,875.10 $ - $ 27,927.20 4,875.10 Contract Work Stored Material Subtotai Retention Taken Retention Released Total Retention Held Contract Work less Retention Less Previous Estimates Net Amount Due this Estimate 5% 0% Current To Date Previous $ 11,329.40 $ 1,188,313.72 $ 1,176,984.32 $ 11,329.40 $ 1,188,313.72 $ 1,176,984,32 $ (566.47) $ (59,415.69) $ (68,849.22) $ (566.47) $ (59,415.69) $ (58,849.22) $ 10,762.93 $ 1,128,898.03 $ 1,118,135,10 $ 1,118,135.10 $ 10,762.93 $ 10,762.93 J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: 17" CONCRETE INSTEAD OF 14" IN PHASE 1 A DATE: 11/19/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER 17" concrete instead of 14" in Phase 1 A: $8,812.65 Requesting written direction that PSC approves the additional depth of removals during Phase IA. Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/19/2012 14:15 EST171NCONC 17" Concrete demo ESTIMATE RECAP - BID QUANTITIES DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL % OF TOTAL Labor 0.000% Burden 0.000% Lab+Bur 0.000% Perm Matl 0.000% Const Exp 1,250.00 1,250.00 16.477% Equipment 0.000% Subs 3,086.54 3,086.54 40.684% Other 3,250.00 3,250.00 42.839% TOW costm 7,536.54 7,W.94 100.0000A % Qf Total 100.000% 0.00M/O 10O.M0°/a Escalation on: Labor Burden Perm Mad Const Matl Co Eqp Rented Eqp 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % Eq Op Exp Sub Trucking Misc2 Misc3 Total Escalation 0 0 0 0 0 0 100100 % 100.00 % 100,00 % 100.00 % 100,00 % 100.00 % * Data Below here is dependent on the Summary Process. The Summary Process was last run 10/02/2012 at 6:20 AM Markup on Resource Costs Markup Addons Lump Sum Margin Lump Sum MARKUP TOTALS =� Cost Addons Bond 1.0000 % of Job Value MARKUP, ADDON & BOND TOTALS => COST + MARKUP ----------_____> There * ARE NOT * closing accounts for this bid. Rounding difference: Unbalancing difference: From Cut& Add Sheet -costs: From Cut&Add Sheet -markup: Pass Through Adjustments: Net Adjustments (to the balanced bid): BALANCED BID TOTAL DESIRED BID (if specified) 1,137.98 15.0000% 0.00 0.0000% 1,137.98 15.0000% 88.13 1.1617% 1,226.11 16.1616% (% of costs) $8,812.65 (On Takeoff Quantity) -Effect on Bid- 0.59 Adjusted -0.69 Adjusted (on Bid Quantity) (on Bid Quantity) None 40.10 [or desired bid] $8,812.65 H J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/19/2012 14:15 EST 17fNCONC 17" Concrete demo BID TOTAL (on bid quantities) $7,586.44 BID COSTS (on bid quantities) $7,674.67 MARKUP (on bid quantities) -$88.23-1.149% EXPECTED JOB VALUE (on takeoff quantities): $7,586.44 EXPECTED COSTS (on takeoff quantities): $7,674.67 EXPECTED MARKUP (on takeoff quantities): -$88.23-1.149% Adjust to Bid Quantities Y On Takeff Quanfities Labor Hrs. (MH/MHS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (DAY/DAYS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (OtherUnits) 0 0 0 (incl burden) Labor Burden 0 0 0 Spread Indirects on: No Spread Spread Markup on: No Spread Spread Addons&Bond on: No Spread Key Indicators Balanced Markup / Total Labor = Balanced Markup/Total Labor 1,137.98 / 0.00 = 0.00% Indirect Cost f Direct Cost = Indirect Cost/Direct Cost 0.00 / 7,586.54 0.00% ------ ESTIMATE NOTES: Bid Date: Owner: Eng Firm: TXDOT Estimator -In -Charge; Desired Bid (if specified) = 0.00 Notes: Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\l112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM 2 J.D. Abrams, L.P. i 1/19/2012 14:15 EST171NCONC 17" Concrete demo *r* ************Estimate created on: 10/02/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 7:05:41 AM Last Summary on 10/02/2012 at 6:20 AM. Last Spread on 10/02/2012 at 6:20 AM. J.D. Abrams, L.P. EST171NCONC 17" Concrete demo Direct Cost Report Page 1 11/19/2012 14:16 Activity Desc Quantity Unit Perm Constr Equip Sub - Resource PCs Unit Cost Labor Materi Matt/Ex MentContrac Total BID ITEM = 100 Description = break cone 17" 010 Stomper Demolition Extra depth for 17" 4DEMO Sub Stomper demo ex 4,171.00 SY BID ITEM = 200 Description = Haul off for extra depth Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Unit = SY Takeoff Quan: 4,171.000 Engr Quan: 4,171.000 Quan: 4,171.00 SY Hrs/Shft: 10.00 Cal 510 WCNONE 0,740 3,087 3,087 Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Unit = CY Takeoff Quan: 347.000 Engr Quan: 347.000 010 Haul off extra Corte Quan: 347.00 CY IIrs/Shft: 10•00 Cal 510 WC NONE 3MISC MISC 50.00 LS 25.000 1,250 1,250 5HRT TRUCKING-HR-TA 50.00 HR 65.000 3,250 3,250 $4,500.00 [ ] 4,500 4,500 12.97 12.97 Item Totals: 200 - Haul off for extra depth $4,500,00 [ ] 4,500 4,500 12.968 347 CY 12.97 1297 $7,586.54 *** Report Totals *** 4,500 3,087 7,587 >>> indicates Non Additive Activity -.--.-Report Notes: ------ The estimate was prepared with TAKEOFF Quantities. This report shows TAKEOFF Quantities with the resources. Bid Date: Owner. Engineering Firm: TXDOT Estimator -In -Charge: JOB NOTES Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM J.D. Abrams, L.P. EST171NCONC 17" Concrete demo Direct Cost Report Page 2 11/19/2012 14:16 Activity Desc Quantity Unit Perm Constr Equip Sub - Resource PCs Unit Cost Labor Mated Matl/Ex MentContrac Total BID ITEM = 200 Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Description = Haut off for extra depth Unit = CY Takeoff Quan: 347.000 Engr Quan: 347.000 ************Estimate created on: 10/02/2012 by User: 0 Source uged: C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 7.05:41 AM * on units of MH indicate average labor unit cost was used rather than base rate. [ ] in the Unit Cost Column = Labor Unit Cost Without Labor Burdens In equipment resources, rent % and EOE % not = 100% are represented as XXX%YYY where XXX=Rent% and YYY=EOE% ------Calendar Codes----- 410 40 Hour Week (4-1Os) 509 45 Hour Week (5-9's) 510 50 Hour Week (5-10's) (Default Calendar) 512 60 Hour Week (5-12's) 609 54 Hour Week (6-9's) 610 60 Hour Week (6-1 O's) 611 66 Hour Week (6-11's) J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: TWY R SIGN CHANGED TO TWY G DATE: 8/17/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER TWY R changed to TWY G-$ 11,427.31 Requesting written direction that PSC approves the change of replacing the TWY R Signs to TWY G designation. Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: BRACING FOR PAPI 26 DATE: 10/22/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER Additional Bracing for PAPI 26: $1,819.11 Requesting written direction that PSC approves the installation of additional Bracing on the PAPI 26 Equipment, Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. J.D. Abrams, L.P. 10/M012 8:31 ESTPAPIBR Bracing for PAFI 26 *s� ESTIMATE RECAP - BID QUANTMES DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL % OF TOTAL Labor 0.0000/0 Burden 0.0000/0 Lab+Bur 0.0000/0 Penn Matl 0.0000/4) Coast Exp 0.0000/0 Equipment 0.000% Subs 1.566.02 1,566.02 t00.000•/s Other 0.0006/0 Tood Cuats: I -W.02 1,566.02 100.000% % of Total 100.OW/C 0.000% 100.00w Escalation on: Labor Burden Perm Matl Coast Matt Co Lqp Rented Eqp 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00'l Eq Op E:p Sub Trucking Misc2 Misc3 Total Escalation 0 0 0 0 0 0 1001w% 100A0% 100.W% 100.00'9'4i loom% 100.00% * Data Below here is dependent on the Summary Process. • The Summary Process was last run 1010912012 at 7:45 AM Markup on Resource Costs 234.90 14.9998% MNarwp Addow Lump Sum Margin Lump Sum 0.00 0.0000% MARKUP TOTALS => 234.90 14.9998% Cass Addwu Sond 1.0000 % of Job Value 19.19 1.1615% MARKUP, ADDON & BOND TOTALS 253.09 16.1614% (9+f. of ooats) COST + MARKUP -- > S1,819.11 (On Takeoff Quantity) Tbere • ARE NOT * closing accounts For this bid. -EfFect on Bid - Rounding difference: Unbalancing difference: From Cut&Add Sheet -cogs: (on Bid Quantity) From Cut&Add Sheet -markup: (on Bid Quantity) Pass Through Adjustments: None Net Adjustments (to the balanced bid): [or desired bid) BALANCED BID TOTAL. DESIRED BID (if speci0ad) $1,819.11 J.D. Abrams, L.P. ESTPAPIBR Bracing for PAPI 26 .*s BID TOTAL (on bid quantities) BID COSTS (on bid quantides) MARKUP ton bid quantities) EXPECTED JOB VALUE (on takeoff quantities): EXPECTED COSTS (on takeoff c}umtities): EXPECTED MARKUP (ion takeoff quantities): Adjust to Bid Quantities = Y Oat Takooff Labor Hrs. (MH/MHS) 0 0 0 (btcl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (DAYIDAYS) 0 0 0 (inc) burden) 0 0 0 Labor (OdierUnits) 0 0 0 (inel burden) Labor Burden 0 0 0 Spread Indirects on: No Spread Spread Addons&Bond on: No Spread 10=012 8:31 $ 1,566.02 $1,58411 -$18.19 -LI43% $1,566.02 $1,594.21 -$18.19-1.143% Spread Markup on: No Spread Key Indicators Balanced Markup / Total Labor = Balanced Markup/Total Labor 234.90 / 0.00 = 0.000i0 indirect Cost / Direct Cost = Indirect CosVDirect Cost 0.00 / 1,566.02 - 0.00% ---- ESTIMATE NOTES: -----� Bid Date: Owner; Engr Firm: TXDOT £stirmoNln-Charge: Desired Bid (if speciW) = 0.00 Notes: Estimate created on: 12/26/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\E5T\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: Lt\H82004\EST\2011\1112-04 created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DQCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\14PODUSKA\DESKTOE\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM 2 J.D. Abrams, L-P. 10/=012 8:31 L:STPAPLBR Bracing for PAPI 26 *s+ ************Estimate created on: 10/09/2012 by User11: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBIB\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 7:05:41 AM Last Summary on 10/09/2012 at 7:45 AM. Last Spread on 10/09/2012 at 7:45 AM. J.D. Abrams, L.P. ESTPAPIBR Bracing for PAPI 26 Direct Cost Report Page 1 I0.122/2012 931 Activity Desc Quantity Unit Perm Constr Equip Sub - Resource PCs Unit Cost Labor Materi Matl/Ex MentContrae Total BID ITEM 100 Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Description = BracinR for PAPI 26 Unit LS Takeoff Qww: 1.000 Engr Quan: 1.000 010 SUB -Bracing for PAP] 26 Quan: 1.00 LS Hrs/Shft: 1"N' Cal 510 WCNONE 4ELl Sub Bracing PAP[ 26 1.00 LS 1,566.020 1,566 1,566 S1.%&02 *** RepartTotals *•* 1,566 1,566 >>> indicates Non Additive Activity —Report Nottes:----- The estimate was prepared with TAKEOFF Qw mdties. This report shows TAKEOFF Quantities with the resources. Bid Date: Owner Engineering Firm: TXDOT Estimator -in -Charge: JOIN NOTU Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\flB2004\EST\KASTER\9STMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/201.2 by User#! 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.aip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM ************Estimate created on: 10/09/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUI3CO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 7:05:41 AM • on units of MH indicate average labor unit Cost was used rather then base rate. [ J in the Unit Cost Coltunn = Labor Unit Cost Without Labor Burdens In equipment resources, rent % and EOE % not = 100% are represented as XXX%YYY where XXX-Rent% and YYY=EOE% —Calendar Codes--- 410 40 Hour Week (4-1Os) 509 45 Hour Week (5-79) 510 50 Hoar Week (5-10'a) (Default Calendar) 512 60 Hour Week (5-12's) 609 54 Hour Week (6-9's) 610 60 Hour Week (6-1Vs) 611 66 Hotw Week (6-1 I's) �- 4 oKwr3A&,L ��rs.stiE Ll�tis Olyco— Two F iovacno ass Sr4µm. wr. V ^"Cw Page 1 of 1 INSTRUCTION FOR COMPLETING AF FORM 3052 t ul 1 Item. Descxipuon of mite iris requirtA worn to be dome, special equiPaitnl needed, ctc. Wo"own should be in suliicient detail to pennil itemizing of all direct costs. Col 2 Unit of Measure. Description of the curt is which cacti ikm is to be estimated (examples - square yards — SY, cntbic yards -CY, square tw°i-SI , lincar Cott-LF, board feet -BF, each -EA, pound -LB)_ 013 Quantity. Contractor's estimsre of gwamity n*dfed in tetras of unit of mcmu a (colum 2). Items and units of niMure will be ffr- 111Ak: l by the CKrvcmmcnt, (2uartity estimates will be Fanislned by the Crova ni nut only when it is tamcipated that a una price contract will he issu d. Odmwtae, the oUtrka nx is responsible far determi t mg quantity canna tar, L of 4 mad 3 Mstcnat Costs. Enter unit minerieii cost (Col 4) to be supplied. The tore[ cast (col 5) is at emu t6edly caicuW" (Col 3 • Co14). ('ul 6, 7 anti 8 Labor Casts. In Cal 6 edit the existing equation by entering manhours per unit • Col 2. in Col 7, enter the avtxri5c wage rate for the discipline involved Col 8 is automatically caWated (Cal 6 • Col 7). ('019 Other Direct Costs. Frrtcr csutnated costs ofspeeial oquipracm and odor hams (listed in column 1) which arc special to die contract anti of significant dollar valoc. C of 10 Late Tam[. Col 10 is automatically calculated. NOT[- In addition to otbes totals entered on vaiwv pies, the graid total of column 10. plus OH P will be shown on the fag page as follows TOTAL. MATERIAL COSTS Ir 302LO TOTAL LABOR COSTS 372.00 TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COtSTS $ 435.00 TOTAL DIRECT C M $ 1_119.60 LABOR BURDEN 35% S 130 2Q OVERHEAD 10% S 111.26 PROFIT 15% $ 20d 2b BID BLIND 5 TOTAL PRICE S 1—%&02 DATF -12 FIRM NAME Dural Epic Inc. TrrtA-= I=5 imtor By Rtxaer Biebtardcxf (si9not") INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS I The purpose of this form is to Mvide a standard format by whkh the offeror subcmits to the Govrrnman a summary of incueed and estintmod coats (and attached supporting information) suftablc for detailed ftxicw and analysis. Before award of a contract faulting fian this proposal the vi7cntr shaft, touter the cnaditions stated in ASPR 34073- be regoircd to submit a ecrlifx:ift of current cost or pricing data ter ASPR 3407.3 (e) and 3-807.4). In addition to tine specific informwlwn retired by this forts the offeror a ctpecded, in good (fart. to incorporate in and subadt with this fun, any additmxW dots, mWportmg s*Wuie& or substantineaio n which arc ratably required for the conduct of an approprim review analysis in the light of the specific facts of this procun%wrt. For efkx;tive =erstianions, if is essential that there be a clan had of a_ Tbc existing, verifiable data- b. The judgmtantal fetters applied in pmjeohng from known date to the estimaats, and a The oar dageaeiea used by the oft ow in his p opoacd price. In shots ih otTeror's c Aumatintg proocss itself needs to be disclosed. ± When saachment ofsoppurtiog cast or pricing dean to this form is impnctirnsble, the data will bar dmmbed (watt 44w4w cs are appropriate}, and made available to to contracting officer or his authorized representative upon regttcsi Distdbu -un: 069 - Owner Cc: CF FD 08 RB Page 1 of 1 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE BREAKDOWN CONTRACTOR Rural Electric Inc. ADDRESS 9502 East Main Street Mesa Arizona CONTRACT FOR (Work to be performed) Brace PAPI Logs, 1 Most Outboard LHA`s 26 DATE 1018/2012 CUSTOMER NAME J.D. Abrams Inc. PROJECT NUMBER WORK LOCATION Lubbock International Airport LINE NO, ITEM 1 UNIT OF MEA 2 CITY 3 MATERIAL COST LABOR COST OTHER DIRECT COSTS 9 LINE TOTAL 10 UNI'r TOTAL 5 MNHRS MNDYS 6 AVERAGE RATE. 7 TOTAL 8 001 Shallow Unistrut If 30.0 3 6.60 $ 204.00 6.000 S 35.00 $ 210.00 $ 414.00 002 Square Washers ea 12,0 $ 2.80 $ 33.60 6.000 $ 27.00 S 162.00 $ 195.60 003 2" Stand Offs Be 12.0 $ 4.20 $ 50.40 $ - $ 50.40 004 318" Spring Nuts ea 12.0 3 1.20 $ 14.40 $ - $ 14.40 005 006 318" X 1" SS Bolts Per Diem ea da 12.0 1.0 $ 0.85 $ 10.20 $ - $ - $ - $ 60.00 $ 10.20 $ 60,00 007 Housing da 1.0 $ - $ - $ 150.00 $ 150.00 008 Work Truck da $ - $ - $ 75.00 $ 75.00 009 Chop Saw/Blades da $ - $ - $ 25.00 $ 25.00 010 DesigntSubmittals to $ - $ - $ 125.00 $ 125.00 Oil $ - $ - $ - 012 $ - $ - $ - 013 014 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 015 S - $ - $ - SUM S H E E T T O T A L LS $ 312.60 $ 372.00 $ 435.00 $ 1.119.80 Distribution: Orig - Owner, Cc: CF, FO, BB, RB J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: LOWER FAA LINES DATE: 8/17/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER Lower FAA Lines-$71,641.68 Requesting written direction that PSC approves the change to Lower the FAA lines in the v-ditch. Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: PERIMETER FENCE ADJUSTMENT DATE: 10/29/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER Adjust Perimeter Road Fence-$3,336 To adjust the fence we propose to adjust 50 LF of the existing fence. To accomplish this we will detach the existing fabric from the post. Weld extensions to the top of each post. Attach new fabric so that it lines up with the new fence. Grade adjusted fence line area and maintain current drainage patterns. We will provide bagged personnel to be present during the time that the fence is not secure. Requesting written direction that PSC approves the proposed adjustment procedure. Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. J.D. Abrams, L.P. 10/29/2012 8:09 ESTFENCE Perimeter Fence Adjustment *** ESTIMATE RECAP - BID QUANTITIES DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL % OF TOTAL Labor 423.24 423.24 14.735% Burden 204.43 204.43 7.117% Lab+Bur 627.67 627.67 21,852% Perm Matl 0.000% Const Exp 0.0000/0 Equipment 294.69 294.69 10.260% Subs 1,950.00 1,950.00 67.888% Other 0.000% Total Casts: 2,872.36 2,972.36 100.0m% % of Total 100.000% 0.000% 100.000% Escalation on: Labor Burden Perm Matl Const Matl 0 0 0 0 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Eq Op Exp Sub Trucking Misc2 0 0 0 0 100100% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% " Data Below here is dependent on the Summary Process. The Summary Process was last run 10/29/2012 at 8:07 AM Markup on Resource Costs Markup Addons Lump Sum Margin Lump Sum MARKUP TOTALS =� Cost Addons Bond 1.0000 % of Job Value MARKUP, ADDON & BOND TOTALS => COST + MARKUP There * ARE NOT * closing accounts for this bid. Rounding difference: Unbalancing difference: From Cut&Add Sheet -costs: From Cut&Add Sheet -markup: Pass Through Adjustments: Net Adjustments (to the balanced bid): BALANCED BID TOTAL DESIRED BID (if specified) 430.85 0.00 33.37 464.22 $3,336.58 (On Takeoff Quantity) Co Eqp Rented Eqp 0 0 100.00% 100.00% Misc3 Total Escalation 0 0 100.00% 100.00 % 14.9999% 0.0000% 14.9999% 1.1618% 16.1616% (% of costs) -Effect on Bid- -0.36 Adjusted 0.40 Adjusted (on Bid Quantity) (on Bid Quantity) None $0.04 [or desired bid] $3,336.58 I J.D. Abrams, L.P. 10/29/2012 8:09 ESTFENCE Perimeter Fence Adjustment BID TOTAL (on bid quantities) $2,872.40 BID COSTS (on bid quantities) $2,905.73 MARKUP (on bid quantities) -$33.33-1.147% EXPECTED JOB VALUE (on takeoff quantities): $2,872.40 EXPECTED COSTS (on takeoff quantities): $2,905.73 EXPECTED MARKUP (on takeoff quantities): -$33.33-1.147% Adjust to Bid Quantities = Y On Takcoffftff Quantities Labor Hrs. (MHJMHS) 16 0 16 (incl burden) 627 0 627 Labor (DAY/DAYS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (OtherUnits) 0 0 0 (incl burden) Labor Burden 204 0 204 Spread Indirects on: No Spread Spread Markup on: No Spread Spread Addons&Bond on: No Spread Key Indicators Balanced Markup / Total Labor = Balanced Markup/Total Labor 430.85 / 627.67 = 68.64% Indirect Cost / Direct Cost = Indirect Cost/Direct Cost 0.00 / 2,872.36 0.00% ------ ESTIMATE NOTES: ------ Bid Date: Owner: Engr Firm: TXDOT Estimator -In -Charge: Desired Bid (if specified) = 0.00 Notes: Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User*: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM 2 J.D. Abrams, L.P. 10/29/2012 8:09 ESTFENCE Perimeter Fence Adjustment **s ************Estimate created on: 09/28/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 7:05:41 AM Last Summary on 10/29/2012 at 8:07 AM. Last Spread on 10/29/2012 at 8:07 AM. J.D. Abrams, L.P. ESTFENCE Perimeter Fence Adjustment Direct Cost Report Page 1 10/29/2012 8:07 Activity Desc Quantity Unit Perm Constr Equip Sub - Resource PCs Unit Cost Labor Mated Matl/Ex MentContrac Total BID ITEM = 100 Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Description = Sub Adjust Fence Unit = LS Takeoff Quan: 1,000 Engr Quan: 1.000 010 Sub Adjust Fence Quan: 1.00 LS Hrs/Shft: 1U.00 Cal 510 WCNONE 4FE SUB -FENCING 1.00 LS 1,950.000 1,950 1.950 BID ITEM = 200 Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Description = Grade Fence line Unit LF Takeoff Quan: 100.000 Engr Quan: 100.000 010 Grade Fence line Quan: 100.00 LF Hrs/Shft: 10.00 Cal 510 WCNONE 8MG140 140H MOTORGRAD 3.00 HR 83910 252 252 8TOPU PICKUP (IN OVERH 3.00 HR 14.320 43 43 LMLABU Labor, Utility 3.00 MH 11.800 58 58 LOBLD 1 =y Oper, Motorgrad 3.00 MH 21.000 103 103 LSGFOR -7 Foreman, Grade- 10.00 MH 31.500 467 467 $922.36 0.1600 MH/LF 16.00 MH [ 4.232 ] 628 295 922 6.2500 Unit/M 6.28 2.95 9.22 > Item Totals: 200 - Grade Fence line $922.36 0.1600 MH/LF t6.00 MH [ 4.232 ] 628 295 922 9.224 100 LF 6.28 2.95 9.22 $2,872.36 *** Report Totals *** 16.00 MH 628 295 1,950 2,872 >>> indicates Non Additive Activity ----Report Notes: ---- The estimate was prepared with TAKEOFF Quantities. This report shows TAKEOFF Quantities with the resources. Bid Date: Owner: Engineering Firm: TXDOT Estimator -In -Charge: JOB NOTES Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\RB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 J.D. Abrams, L.P. ESTFENCE Perimeter Fence Adjustment Direct Cost Report Page 2 10/29/2012 8:07 Activity Desc Quantity Unit Perm Constr Equip Sub - Resource PCs Unit Cost Labor Mated Matl/Ex MentContrac Total BID ITEM = 200 Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Description = Grade Fence line Unit = LF Takeoff Quan: 100.000 Engr Quan: 100.000 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM ************Estimate created on: 09/28/2012 by User*: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 7:05:41 AM * on units of MH indicate average labor unit cost was used rather than base rate. [ ] in the Unit Cost Column � Labor Unit Cost Without Labor Burdens In equipment resources, rent % and EOE % not = 100% are represented as XXX%YYY where XXX=Rent% and YYY=EOE% -----Calendar Codes----- 410 40 Hour Week (4-IOs) 509 45 Hour Week (5-9's) 510 50 Hour Week (5-10's) (Default Calendar) 512 60 Hour Week (5-12's) 609 54 Hour Week (6-9's) 610 60 Hour Week (6-10's) 611 66 Hour Week (6-11's) Anderson Fence Co. Tod Anderson 4621 103rd Lubbock, TX 79424 806-798-5859 mobile 806-786-4216 Fax 806-407-5004 Date: October 22, 2012 Company: JD Abrams Attn: Adam From: Tod Anderson Anderson Fence Co. is pleased to present the following quotation for labor and materials required for the following project. Lubbock Airport Remove 50' of existing old fence and dirt. Insert sleeves to posts for taper to new fence and match heights. Use existing barbarms, toprail and all components and moving dirt as needed. Total Price $ 1,950.00 Thank You For The Opportunity! Tod Anderson References available upon request Fully Insured- Copies upon request J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: ADDITIONAL FAA WORK PADS DATE: J O/WO 12 CC: CHANGE ORDER Additional FAA Work Pads: S9,923.89 Requesting written direction that PSC approves the installation of additional Work Pads around FAA Equipment. Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. J-D_ Abrsms, L.P. 10108/2012 1&05 ESTFAAWP FAA Work Pads 41mo ESTIMATE RECAP - BID QUANTMES DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL % OF TOTAL Labor 0.000'/0 Bien 0.0000/0 Lab+ ant 0.000'/0 Perm Mat! 0.000% Cosst Exp 0A000/0 Equip rwitt 0.0000/a Subs 8,54118 8,543.18 100.0000/9 Other 0.0000/0 Tatai C"M "43.18 q".Is 100-0004A % of Total 100.000/o 0.000% 100.0Dbri6 Escalation 08: Labor Burden Perin Mad Coat Mod Co Eqp Rented Eqp 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Eq Op Ezp Sub Trucldug Misc2 Misc3 Total Ewalation 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% s Data Below here is dWendent on the Summary Process. * The Summary Process was last run 10/09/2012 at 4:04 PM Markup on Resource Costs 1,281.47 14.9999% Markup Addoru Lump Sum Margin Lump Sum 0.00 0.000(r/• MARKUP TOTALS 1,291.47 14.99990/9 Coss Addwu Band 1.0000 % of Job Value 99.24 1.161Wo MARKUP, ADDON & BOND TOTALS => 1.380.71 16.1615% NO of costs) COST + MARKUP > S9,923.89 (On Takeoff Quantity) There " ARE NOT • closing accounts for this bid. -Effect our Bid - Rounding difference: Unbalancing difference: From Cut&Add Ste -costs: (on Bid (uiundy) From Cut&Add Street. -markup: (on Sid Quantity) Pass Through Adjushwits: None Net Adj (to the balanced bid): [or desired bid] BALANCED BID TOTAL S9,923.99 DESIRED BID (if specified) J.D. Abrams, L-P. ESTFAAWP FAA Work Pads !*f BID TOTAL (an bid gwuWties) BID COSTS (on bid qua ntkies) MARKUP (on bid quantities) EXPECTED JOB VALUE (on takeoffquwttities): EXPECTED COSTS (art takeoff quantities): EXPECTED MARKUP (on takeoff quantities): Adjust to Bid Quantities = Y on T Qum Labor Firs. (MFi(MHS) 0 0 0 (inei burden) 0 0 0 Labor (DAYIDAYS) 0 0 0 (inui burden) 0 0 0 Labor (OtberUnits) 0 0 0 (incl burden) Labor Barden 0 0 0 Spread Indirects on: No Spread Spread Addons&Bond on: No Spread 10l08/1012 16:05 $8,543.18 $9,642.42 -S"14-1.148% $8,543.18 $9,642.42 -$99.24-1.148% Spread Markup on: No Spread Keay Indicators Balanced Markup ! Total Labor = Balanced MarkWTotal Labor 1.281.48 ! 0.00 = 0.00% tadirect Cost Direct Cost = Indirect Cost/Dbwt Coat 0.00 / 9,543.18 = 0.00°fo ------ ESTIIKATE NOTES: ----- Bid Date: Owner Engr Firm: TXDOT Estimator -In -Charge: Desired Bid (if specified) = 0.00 Notes: Estimate created on: 12/26/2011 by User*: 19 -- Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST%MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\AB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST. zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM 2 J.D. Abrams, L.P. 10/09/2012 16:05 ESTFAAWP FAA Work Pads as* ************Estimate created on: 10/06/2012 by user#: 0 - Source used: C:\REAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCQ.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 7:05:41 AM Last Summary on 10/09/2012 at 4:04 PM. last Spread on 10/082012 at 4:04 PM. J.D. Abrarns, L.P. Page I ESTFAAWP FAA Work Pads 10/08n012 16:03 Dimet Cost Report Activity Dew Quantity Unit Perm Ctx W Equip Sub - Resource PCs Unit Cost Labor Mated Mall/Ex MeatContmr. Total BID ITEM = 100 Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Description = Guilde Slope Power Rack t'rit = 1_S Takeoff Qum: 1.000 Engr Quart: 1.000 010 SUB Guide Slope Power Rack Quan_ 1.00 LS Hr-N/Shft: IQ•00 Call 510 WCNONF 4W QW& Slope Power R 1.00 LS 2,656.730 2.657 2.657 BID ITEM = 200 Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Description RW"Y S REIL, Light Stations & Rack 1 init = LS Takeoff Quan: 1.1114M e;ngr Qtar: 1.W, 010 RWY 8 REIL, Light Stations & Rack- Pad (mean: 1.00 LS Hrs/Shft: 10-00 Cal 510 WCNONE 4U2 XWYHREiL,Light S 1.00 LS 3,054.520 3.055 1.055 BID ITEM - 300 Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Description = RV R Site Unit = LS TakeofQttan: 1,000 Engr Quan: I A00 010 SUB- RVR Site Quan: 1.00 LS HmNlift: 10-00 Cal 510 WCNONE 4i U AVR She= Pad 1.00 LS 1,459.350 1-459 1.459 BID ITEM = 400 Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 1o0 Description Guide Slope Air Conditioner I"... = 1_S Takeoff Qum: 1.000 Engr Quart: 1.000 010 SUB -Guide Mope Air Conditioner Qua: 1.00 LS Hrs/Sl&- I&SO Cal SIO WCNONE 4ELA Guide Slope- Pali 1.00 LS 1,372.590 1.373 1,373 $9,543.18 *** Report Totals *** 8,543 8,50 >>> indicates Non Additive Activity -----Repoli Notts: — Pie estimate was prepared with TAKEOFF !QtsaTddcs. This mport sshom TAKEOFF Qtmutles with the mourres. Bid Daft: Owner: Engineering Firm: TXDOT It;stimator-in-Chary: JD. Abrams, L.P. ESTFAAWP FAA Work Pads Activity Desc Resource Page 2 10/08/2012 16:05 Direct Cast Report Quantity Unit Perm Consir Equip Sub- PCs Unit Cost Labor Mated Mat)JEx MentContrac Total RFD ITEM - 400 Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Description Guide Slope Air Conditioner Unit = LS Takeoff Quan: 1.000 Engr Quaw 1.000 JOB NOTES Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB20041EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:1HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\RB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\'DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRAOTEST.zip (a backup) from 01J0312012 3:29:59 PM ************Estimate Created on: 10/08/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip ra backup) from 08/14/2012 1:05:41 AM ' on units of MH indicate average labor unit cost was used rather than base rate. ( l in the Unit Cost Column = Labor Unit Cost Without labor Burdens In equipment resources, gent % and EDE % not 100% are represented as XXX%YYY where XXX=Rent% and YYY-EOE% -----Calendar Codes 410 40 Hour Week (4-109) 509 45 Hour Week (5-91s) 510 50 Hoar Week (5-10's) (Defaait Calendar) 512 60 Hour Week (5-12's) 609 54 Hour Week (6-9's) 610 60 Hour Week (6-1Vs) 611 66 Hour Week (6-1 l's) Rage 1 of 1 INSTRUCTION FOR COMPLETING AF FORM 3052 '„ f I here Description of materials requirod, wort to be done, spacial equipment needed, etc. Breakdown should be in sufficient desalt to permu itamiaing of all direct costa. C of 2 Unit of Meamm Description of the unit to which aK* itern is in be estimated (emmpies - square yards — SY, cuteic yards -CY, square Iccl-SF linear font-L.F. board fcd-BF, W;b-EA, pmW d.B). 'ol 3 Quantity. CotUUmMes estimate of quwbty required m lama of unit of mat (coktnmt 2)• Itm ,md emits of rocastaT will be ftr- nnhcd by du Gvv-rramert, Quantity estimates will be fumrslicd by the Croverement arty vAwn it is wokipated then a trait prior cDMW will br issued. Odtcwise, the contactor is r sporrsible for deterounn quantity estimate,, Col 4 and 3 Material Costs. Erna unit nu tcnad cost (Cal 4) to be suppliod. -ft total cost (cal 5) is automatically calculelod (Cot 3 • Col 4). 'ol 6, 7 and 9 labor Casts. In Col 6 edit the exiatirtg equation by catering autnhours per unit • Col 2. In Col 7, enter the wm age wage rate kv the discipline mvdve& Col 9 is mdomatically cakulaacd (Col 6 • Col 7). Col 9 Otia:r Direr Coats. Etrt-r cstimtttd costs of special oWipment and otter loans (listed in column 1) evhrdh are special to the cosmr a and of significant dollw value_ t'u1 ] 0 Limo Tghd. Col 10 is automatically calculated. NO I L- In addition to ether totals atered na various pagrs, the grand wtal of oolumn IQ plus OH R P will be shown on the last page as folkm& T(TfAL MATERL41 COSTS IMZL 4 TOTAL LABOR COSTS g 560.W TOTAL 01HER DIRECT COSTS ; 310,00 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS i I QQ LABOR BURDEN 36% S 196.I10 OVFRREALI 10% $ 192.20 PROFIT 15% S 346,5,E BID BOND S TOTAL PRICE 1 2.656.73 DATE 28-SO-12 FIRM NAME Rural EWdhc Inc. TITLF Estimator BY ROOE'f BIeb8ldt)ff f—) INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS 1. Tbc purpow of this form i+ to psvvide a slsndand foramen by whkh the oPfitror subtni.> to the Goveraa cm a summary of k wrnad and "timmt:d coats (and attached ngTa ting information) witable flit &-tailed review and analysis. Before award oft cnttract resulting horn hLs prnQQs&1 the olTaaar shall, under the oaaditiaas stated in ASPR 3-W 3, be vtgabed to submit a cafifumn: of cunem coat or peeing data xx ASPR 3-807.3 (e) and 3-907.4). In addition to the spedfic information required by dais farm, am offtror is expeded, in good faith, to inaxporrle in and subruii with this tornt any Wilma] data, sttpporliag sclu dtdesw or substantwotiae which are reasonably nWra.d for the conduct otan appropriafa nevow analyai % i o the ligbt of the soncifc fares of this procuumma. For dkctive negotiations, it is essaraal that there be a der understandings of a lira: -daunt, Venfiable data. b. 1 he judgmental fanxnrs applied m prvjectMg from known daea to the eslirrwm end e The omfin envies lewd by the olfenar m his propttvnd puce. In Amt, th affeioes esti wing pimm itacif needs to be ditelased_ 3. when altaehtnetal efsupportbtg cast or prising data to this farm is impraetisuble, the data cool be deacribod (with schedules as uppnVru tk and merle available to the cmnaraatft officer at his nahoriaed repetitive upon regta-.er Distribution: Oft - Owner Cc: CF F BB RD Page 1 of 1 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE BREAKDOWN CONTRACTOR Rural 'Elecrric Inc. ADDRESS 9502 East Main Street Mesa Arizona CONTRACT FOR (Work to be performed) Maintenance Pad at Glideslo a Power Rack DATE 9/29/2012 CUSTOMER NAME J.D. Abrams Inc. PROJECT NUMBER WORK LOCATION Lubbock International Airport LINE NO, ITEM 1 UNIT OF MEA 2 OTY 3 MATERIAL CAST LABOR COST OTHER DIRECT COSTS 9 LINE TOTAL 10 UNIT TOTAL s MNHRS MNDYS 6 AVERAGE RAPE TOTAL 8 001 Excavate at Power Rack Is 1.0 $ - 2.000 $ 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 40.00 $ 110.00 002 Compact Subgrade Is 1.0 S - 2.000 $ 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 40.00 $ 110.00 003 Form Is 1.0 50.00 $ 50.00 2.000 $ 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 120.00 D04 Expansion Board If 1&0 $ 1.00 $ 16.00 2.000 $ 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 85.00 005 WWF Is 1.0 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 2.000 $ 36.00 S 70,00 $ 100.00 006 Ready Mix cuyd 1.0 $ 956.00 $ 956.00 4.000 $ 35.00 $ 140.00 $ 1,096.00 007 Warts Truck da 1.0 $ - $ - $ 40.00 $ 40.00 008 Per Diem de 2.0 $ - $ - $ 60.00 $ 60.00 009 Housing da 2.0 $ - $ - $ 130.00 $ 130.00 010 Strip Forma, Clean Up Is 11.0 $ - 2.000 $ 35,00 $ 70.DO $ 70.00 011 s - $ - $ - 012 $ - $ - 3 - 013 $ - $ - S - 014 $ - $ $ - 015 SUM SHEET TOTAL LS $ - $ 550.00 $ 3%00 S 1,922.D0 Distribution: Orig - Owner, Cc: CF, FO, 813, RB M Page f of INSTRUCTION FOR COMPLETING AF FORM 3052 Cot 1 Item, Dcmxi$6on of maserriais required. work to be dune. spatial og *mot needed. etc. Bmakdtrwn should be in sufficient detail to rcmtu itemirxirtg of aA direct Coss. Cot Unit of Measurc. Dmaiption of the unit in which each ism is to be estimated (o - squsre duds — SY, cubic yw& -CY, square Icet-51. Ibm fi4-L.F, board fm.BF, eaeh+A, pound 4.8). Col 3 Quaatity. Corh'actur's estivate of quantity requned in low of unit of inn: (mlum 2} Items axi +mite of measure will be fir nishcd by die +CI aorarncK Qwwtnty estimudes will be furnished by the Gov umot only when it is anticipated that a unit price contract will be issued. Odmn ist". the ootnractor is responsible for 4eftmuntng quantity c-,tarrnatm Cot 4 and 5 Materid Gosm Enter unit maecrW cast (Cal 4) to be supplied. The total cost (cW 5) is rntonngiaally calculated (Col 3 "Col 4). �oi 6.7 and 9 Labor Costs. to Cal 6 edit the misift equit"i b% entering nt;uuhotrs pre unit • Col I. In Col T, cutler the everap wage rate 1br the disciplate involved Col S is autornatiraliy calculated (Col 6 • Cod 7). CUt 9 Other Direct Costs. Enter estimated cane of spacial equgrutcat and oilier items Glared in colarun 1) which we special so due contract and of sigpificaM dollm vahna Col 10 Line Tatad. Col 10 is mamrmtically cawated. NOTE in addition to other totals effin d on various pagm dic groW WW of ool rm 10. plus OH d P will be shown on the last page ns follows_ TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS s 456A TOTAL LABOR COSTS S 1190,00 TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS 390LW TOTAL. DIRECT COSTS s 7�lUi_Q0 LABOR BURDEN 35% S 41IN OVERHEAT] 10% 5 203*0 PROFIT 15% 3 39&42 BID BOND 3 TOTAL PRICE 3 3.054.52 HATE 12 FIRM NAME Rur-1 Ek&tk Inc_ TITLE Esbmator BY Roger Blh3 NWorf (:�+DnaBee) INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS I The purpose of this form is to provide a sundard farmaa by which the offeror vAmmits to the Goveramaent a summary of incurred and cstametcd casts (and aamedted supporting informaiko) aadWe for dctai kd mview aid wmgysis_ ®e[ara award ate rqulune iieleR th is pmpasal Site offew 9hall, under the candkKm stated in ASPR 34MY73, be raarkW to submit a certificate of cutra4 cost or p►lerft d" sm, ASPR 3-607.3 (e) and 3-W7.4). 2. In addition to dw specific inforonation required by this form, the ofkw is expected, in good faith, to ircotporam in and submit with this tbnn any o&Wbonat dam aapporting schedules, or substantmation which are ra modAy requitred far the conduct ratan oppropsiane review amalysh in the light of the speciFx fails of this pros rcravant. For effective mgodatioum it is essential that thete be a clear undwAasndirtg of 4 The ertistiap, verifiable data. It. The judgma4pd lhmm applied in M*c i% fium known dos m dac estimaie, wad c. Iba dies mod by the offav r in his propaaead pricc. lit shaat th o8ftes csthr uft process ilaelf coeds to be dachnod. 3 When amd m w of aapportiag oust or pricing data to this form is impmacaWe, the drag wits he described (wild schoduln as appmprbftX and made available to the aostral q; officer or his autinarin d nepumentathm upon a cquest. Dia rlbution: O - Owner CC: CF. Ffl BB RB Page 1 of 1 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE BREAKDOWN CONTRACTOR Rural Electric Inc. ADDRESS 9602 East Main Street Mesa Arizona CONTRACT FOR (Work to be performed) Concrete Maintenance Pads; R 8 REIL Li ht Stations and Rack DATE 812812012 CUSTOMER NAME J.D. Abrams Inc PROJECT NUMBER WORK LOCATION Lubbock international Al rt LINE NO. ITEM UNIT OF MEA z OTY 3 MATERIAL COST LABOR COST OTHER DIRECT COSTS LINE TOTAL 10 UNIT TOTAL s MNHRS MNDYS 6 AVERAGE RATE TOTAL s 001 Excavation at Light Stations ea 2.0 $ - 2,000 $ 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 40.00 $ 110,00 002 Forming at Light Stations ea 2.0 $ 45.00 $ 90.00 4.GN $ 36.00 $ 140.00 $ 230.00 003 WWF at Light Stations ea 2.0 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 2.000 $ 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 120,00 004 Expansion Board if 20.0 $ 1.00 $ 20.00 2.000 $ 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 90.00 005 Ready Mix cuyd 1.0 $ 95.00 $ 96.00 4.000 $ 35.00 $ 140.00 $ 235.00 006 Excavation at PCU ea 1.0 $ - 2.000 $ 35,00 $ 70.00 $ 40.00 $ 110,00 007 Forming at PCU ea 1.0 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 2,000 $ 36.00 $ 70.00 $ 120.00 008 WWF at PCU ea 2.0 $ 20.00 $ 40.00 2.000 $ 35.00 $ 70,00 $ 110.00 009 Expansion Board If 16.0 $ 1.00 $ 16.00 2.000 $ 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 98.00 010 Ready Mix cuyd 1.0 $ 95.00 S 95.00 4.000 $ 35.00 $ 140.00 $ 235.OD 011 Compact Subgrade Is 1.0 $ - 2.000 $ 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 40.00 $ 110.0D 012 Per Diem da 2.0 $ - $ - $ 60.00 $ 60.00 013 Housing da 2.0 $ _ $ - $ 130,OQ $ 130.00 014 Work Truck da 2.0 $ - $ - $ $0.00 $ 80.00 015 Strip Forms, Clean Up Is 1 $ 6.000 $ 35.00 $ 210,00 $ 210.00 SUM SHEET TOTAL LS I $ 456.00 $ 1,190.00 S 390.00 $ 2,036.00 Distribution: Orig - Owner, Cc: CF, FO, BB, RB Page 1 of 1 INSTRUCTION FOR COMPLETING AF FORM 3032 001 1 Ilan. Descripsian of nos tsgttired, work to be donF special equipment needed, eke. Breakdown should be in sufl'kient detail to Permit itemizing of all dims costs. l>I 2 Unit of Measure. Description of the unit in whk h each item is to be coirnoW (tea - square yards -- SY, cubic yam -CY, square fect-SF. Liam feetd,F, board feet -BF, tadh-EA, pound -LB)_ ('03 Qusttity, Crmtraftes eWmme of qunnity required in terms of unit of tr carom (solution 2} Item trod units of measure will be fur- nished by the Gnveramern, flit) estimates will be furnished by the Croivernawat only when it is anticipated that a unit price air m will br issued. otherwise, the conttWwr is tesponsibk for determinirtl; shy estimates. Col 4 and 5 Ms►csial Costs. Enter unn material cost (Col 4) to be supplied. The total cost (cal S) is a noahaicafly calwlawd (Cal 3 • Col 4). Col 6, 7 and 8 Labor Costs. In Cal 6 edit the existing cq uadan by aekm* manhou s per unit • Cal 2, In Cal 7, suer the r amw wage rite for the discipline involved. Col B is automatically catcuiamed (Cal 6 • Cal 7). Cin] 9 Other Direct Coats. Fier estirrated costs of special cquipitwnt and other items (listed in column 1) which are special to the carunact and of sigaifw:an t touter value. Ctol 10 Line Tatar, Cot 10 is automatically calculated. NOTP In addition to othertads entered cat various pages the Smod total of eolumaa 10, phis OR & P wilt be shown on the but pawns 140ows. TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS S 135.DQ TOTAL LABOR COSTS 5 530.00 TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS S 27n.i10 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS S 9fi5.00 LABOR BURDEN 35% 185.50 OVERHEAD 10% S 99-50 PROFIT 15% S 19035 BID BOND S TMAL M C E $ 1:439,35 RATE 28-Sen 12 FIRM NAME Rur al Eiecbic Im TITLE Estimator BY R_ oiler ffieberftf r °•Wwm) INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS t "the purpose of this form is to pmovWe it standard format by which the offeror submits to the Cvvaanvw a summary of incurred mW tunotAni costs (and xNadred supporting infxxmatiuo{ suitabk 1 m ti>3ta k d review and analysis. Before award of a ci mtratt rewhing Lam this proposal the offeror dWL under the conditions gated in ASPR 34Yr73, be mgtuirvd to submit a eerCficate of eunerq cant a>r pricing data (Sec ASPR 3407.3 (e) and 3-807.4). 2. In addition to the apoeiftc t nVtir©d by thi9 fetal, the offeror is tagocad, is good f lilk to inoorpante :t and s+>bmit With this turn+ airy addhionai data, supporting sue, or substantiontim which are rcusorn ly required for the conduct of an appropriate review analysts in the fight ofthe specific faM ofthis pttwtautatrm. For cffeetive neptinRion& it is essential that time be a star understanding of a The adsting. vedfiable do& It. The judg nanud tFactars applied in p ajeding from known data to 11te estirnaW, and a The coitingertem used by the offeror in his proposed pace. to chart, th ofromes eaisru" process itself needs to be diaclossd. 3 Wbon auadlunent of supportiWe cast or p data to this form is i aproe icaW the data will be described (with schedules as mWopriale), and ntade available to Ow 4onMing oft w or ha AW rized rt pt ve upon naqucsL W butlon: Orh„Owmc Cc: CF. Fa. 60, RB Page 1 of 1 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE BREAKDOWN CONTRACTOR Rural Eiectrric Inc, ADDRESS 9502 East Main Street Mesa Arizona CONTRACT FOR (Work to be performed) Maintenance Pad RVR Site DATE 9/28/2012 CUSTOMER NAME J.D. Abrams PROJECT NUMBER WORK LOCATION Lubbock Intertlationai Ai ort LINE NO. ITEM 1 UNIT OF MEA 2 CITY 3 MATERIAL. COST LABOR COST OTHER DIRECT COSTS 9 LINE TOTAL 10 UNIT TOTAL 5 MNHRS MNDYS 6 AVERAGE RATE TOTAL 8 001 Excavate at Maint. Pad Is 1.0 $ - 2.00015 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 40.00 $ 110.00 002 Compact Subgrade is 1.0 $ - 2,00015 35.00 $ 40.00 $ 40.00 003 Form is 1.0 60.00 $ 50.00 2.000 $ 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 120.00 004 Expansion Board If 10.0 $ 1.00 $ 10.00 2.000 $ 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 80.00 005 WWF Is 1A $ 30.00 $ 30.00 2.000 $ 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 100,00 006 Ready Mix cuyd 1.0 $ 95.00 $ 95.00 4.000 $ 35.00 $ 140.00 $ 235.00 007 Per Diem da 2.0 $ - $ - $ 60.00 $ 50.00 008 Housing da 2.0 $ - $ - $ 130.00 $ 130.00 009 Work Truck da 1.0 $ - $ - $ 40.00 $ 40.00 010 Strip Forms, Clean Up 13 1.0 $ - 2.000 $ 35.00 3 70.00 $ 70.00 011 $ - S - $ - 012 $ - 3 - $ 013 $ - $ - $ - 014 $ - $ - $ 015 $ - $ - $ - SLIM S H E E T T O T A L LS $ 185.00 $ 530.00 $ 270.00 $ 985.00 Distribution: Orig - Owner, Cc: CF, FO, BB, RB Page 1 of 1 INSTRUCTION FOR COMPLETING AF FORM 3052 a,1 I lwm. Deicripticm of materials rcquiad,, voork to be done, specia! equipment needed, one. Breakdown should be in suffiCieat dcWi 10 peruut itemizing of all direct coats. (W 2 Unit of Measure. Descriptim of the unit in which each item is to be estimated (examples - square yards — SY, cubic yards -CY, square foot -SF. linear fM-LF, board fool -BF. eacfi-E+y pawed -1.0). of 3 Qmdity. Contradkies coma" of quantity requited in terms of unit of measure (cAtinn 2)_ hems and units of mcamm wffl be fur- nished by the CovemtneK Quantity estimate will be fiunishad by the Gvrewure t only when it Is anticipated dun a unit prim cone ict will he issued. Otherwise, the cowaw w is responsible for dclernuinmg quantity cstimalm. Col 4 and 5 Material Cans. Eater unit material cost (Cal 4) to be suppliad. The bola! cast (col 5) is atnometically, catty Wed (Col 3 • Col 4) -ol 6, 7 and 8 Labor Coats. in Col 6 alit lice existing equation by enter ma nhaas per unit • Col 2. In Col 7, tinter the average wage rate tit[ the discipline involved. Coll 8 is m>Kunatkalty calculated (Col 6 ` Col 7), Col 9 Other Direct Costs, Enter aiimawl case of special equilisam and other items (limed in co)unn 1) which are special io the oonnact and of sigeiGtrent dollar value. 't11 10 Line ToW. Cal 10 is sotornatiesHy calculated. N011 In addition to otho lauds cawrOd on various pages, the grand total of Column 1 % plus OH k P will be sbmm on tic last page as follow. TOTAL WATERIAL COSTS S 183,00 TOTAL LABOR COSTS S 525 00 TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS $ 210.00 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS S 911t_00 LABOR BURDFN 35% $ 183.75 OVFJU4EAD 10% $ 91.80 PROFIT 15% S 179-03 AID BOND 3 TOTAL PRICE S "72.58 DATE 28-SQD-12 FIRM NAME Rural Lkx= Inc. TITLE EsfiMWp BY ROggr BICD20kd (am) INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS 1, 'Ihe purpose of this fora[ is to provide a sUmdard format by K h tch the oflteta sulantts to the Goverimm a summary 0f incurred and cslimatcd costs (sod attached suppmttng irtfYmwiott) sathable for detailed review and aoalysa. 8ctr,re award of a contract iesulting from this proposal the offem dikil, tmdor the conditions steed in ASPR 3407.3, be requited to submit a oerftficatc of ourcm can or pricing data (scc ASPR 34107.3 (e) and 34107.4). 2 In addition to the spoeit3c infon nation inquired by this laird, the offeror is expected. in good faint. to inrarpwaDe in and submit with this form any additional data, supporting schedules, or submraniourion which are reasonably requited for the conduct of an appropriase review 8ua1%sis in the light of dle specific facts of dlis PFUCwemmt. For effaclive negotiations, it is essential that there be a clew understanding of 3 The existing. verifiable data. b. The jutlptrnxtbal factan applied m projecting from knrnvn data to the cgtimate, and a The condo' used by the otTtxar in his proposed price In short, th offerors ea knstirng phoccu itself acods to be disclosed. I When attach of supporting cost or pricing data to this form is imilwacoic#Itk. the data will be desc�riW (emh schedules as apprttpriwe and made ayslltWa to the comraehng officer or his anlmrmcd mprimidal z span mqueat. Oistributlon: Orin - Owner, Cc: CF FO. BB RB Page 1 of 1 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE BREAKDOWN CONTRACTOR Rural Elecrric Inc ADDRESS 9802 East Main Street Niesa Arizona CONTRACT FOR (Work to be performed) Maintenance Pad Gildeslo a Shelter Air Conditioner DATE 9/28/2012 CUSTOMER NAME J.D. Abrams PROJECT NUMBER WORK LOCATION Lubbock International Airport UNE NO. ITEM 1 UNIT OF MEA 2 OTY 3 MATERIAL COST LABOR COST OTHER DIRECT COSTS 9 LINE TOTAL 10 UNIT TOTAL 5 MNHRS MNDYS 6 AVERAGE RATE TOTAL 8 001 Excavate for Maint. Pad Is 1.0 $ - 2.000 S 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 40.00 $ 110.00 002 Compact Sub Grade Is 1.0 $ - 2.000 S 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 30.00 $ 100.00 003 Form for Pad is 1.0 50.00 $ 50,00 2,000 S 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 120.00 004 WWF Is 1.0 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 2.004 $ 36.00 S 70.00 $ 100.00 005 Expansion Board if 8.0 $ 1.00 $ 8.00 1.000 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ 43.00 008 Ready Mix cuyd 1.0 $ 95.00 $ 95.00 4 000 $ 35.00 $ 140.00 S 235.00 007 Strip Form. Clean Up Is 1.0 $ - 2.000 $ 35.00 $ 70.00 $ 70.00 008 Per Diem da 1.0 $ - $ - $ 30.00 $ 30.00 009 Housing de 1.0 $ - $ - $ 85.00 $ 65.00 010 Work Truck da 1.0 $ - $ - $ 45.00 $ 46.00 011 $ - s - $ 012 3 - $ - $ - 013 $ - $ - $ - 014 $ - $ - $ - 015 $ - $ - $ - SUM SHEET TOTAL LS $ 183.00 $ 625.00 $ 210.00 $ 918.00 Distribution: Orig - Owner, Cc: CF, FO, BB, RB Adam Goods From: RalphZapata@faa.gov Sent: Thursday, September 27, 201212,07 PM To: Roger Bieberdorf,, Adam Goode; Baidernar Esquivel Cc GregoryhlutskoOfaa gov; Ricardo.E.Salinas@faa.gov; Erbey.Femandez4#ae.gov; Latif.Mekhail@faa.gov; gene.p.leavxll@faa.go%r; Jonathan.Meyer@faa.gov; Jack.Bush0faa.gorr, Diep.NgoDfaa.gov; Erit.P.Thadcer@faa.gov Subject: Re: FW: LBB Punch List Ataachm aft: LBO Facility Maintenance Areas.doa Roger, In reference to the maintenance (work) areas mentioned below, the FAA is requesting the following: S concrete maintenance area on three sides of each RWY 8 REIL fight stations (front and two long sides) T concreW maintenance area on two sides of the RWY 8 REIL PCU Xx V concrete maintenance area on the back side of the RWY 26 Glide Slope Shelter (for A/C and disconnect switch) T ooncrete maintenance area on two sides of the RWY 26 Glide Slope Power Rack T concrete maintenance area on one side of the RWY 26 RVR (the length of the RVR pad) Concrete: : 4" thick wffiA6 w.w.m. reinforcement and W" expansion joint separating existinglnew concrete on compacted subgrade. All work shall be constructed in accordance with the project specitations. Attached are photos of the aforementioned areas I will be in Lubbock for the next couple of weeks in an effort to finalize the punch list items and address any additional concerns. Your immediate attention to these matters is gritty appreciated. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you. Ralph D. Zapata, PE FAA Civil Engkteer/GOTR (817) 367-MO From: "Roper 816bedorr > To: Ra" Znp&U9ASW1FAA®FAA, "Adam Goodo" ama.opm> Cr.- CarpeNeBwBkSVWFAA4FAA."SWdemarEsquiver< SaldernaTEaruraleledrlC inr,'RonniePrieo",tmnriepcc7rurateletlnc.mms Date, M12*0121019 AM Sublecr- FW: LBS Punch list I received a call from Ralph Zapata this morning asking about the status of the FAA Navaids Punch List items. I am forwarding an email from Curtis Hefner dated September 10 which addresses most of the items and documents the work With photographs that was done based on the original punch list. Items that are still open include: Red Line Drawings ...... the only changes are ones that were initiated by the FAA associated with change in design of the PAPI's. I will detail the changes in a later document. beggar Results ...... I was in Lubbock yesterday and picked up that documentation. That information will be put on the acceptable FAA form and submitted. Work/Housekeeping Areas around racks and devices...... this is noted as a design deficiency by Mr. Hefner. Previously we responded and asked for locations and dimensions of the additional concrete/gravel pads so that we may price the additional work. We will wait for this information if the decision is made to deviate from the project drawings. While in Lubbock I did note the additional Duct/Cable markers that have been installed. An item not noted here is the installation of the Monuments at the Localizer Antennae foundation. It is our understanding that the exact placement of these monuments must be indicated by the FAA at the time of antennae aiming. We do have the monuments and the J.D. Abrams surveyor has indicated the expected location. This observation was made in August with no response. The center monument will fall in the expansion joint and can not be installed (this possibility was indicated on the previous punch list and at that time was considered acceptable to not install this monument) Roger Bieberdorf -----Original Message ----- From: Curtis. i3e .ier@faa.gov (maiit-:^urtia.Hefner@faa. ---7] Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 12:37 PM To: "'reqory.Hutako@faa.gov; D_t_p.Hgo@faa.gov; Lat_f. :ikhai_@fag,_aov; erbey_ternande_@faa.goy; ricardo.e.sa it:.=;@faa.gov Cc: ne.P.Leayell@faa.aov; Saidemar Esquivel; Roger Bieberdmrf Subject: LBB Punch List Hello all, Attached is the Punch List for the LBB project. Most of the line items have now been completed. I have now been assigned to a project in Arlington, so I won't be on site at L8B anymore. Feel free to contact me for any additional information. Curtis Hefner Resident Engineer, NAVAIDS ATO / CSA / ES / AJW-C14J M: (817) 751-9183 [attachment '20120910 - LBB - Punch List.pdf" deleted by Ralph Zapata/ASW/FAA] 2 .A RWY 8 REIL (T concrete maintenance area an three sides, each light (2) — Front of tight and sides) ENO ;III :b. RVVY 26 Gllde Slope Shelter (39d' concrete maintenance area for A/C and Distoonectl RWY 26 GRde Slope Power Rack {3' concrete maintenance area - two sides) RWY 26 RVR (T Concrete maintenance area - one side, length of RVR pad) y J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: EXTRA GRADING & HYDROMULCH TWY 1 DATE: 9/20/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER Extra Grading and Hydro Mulch TWY 1 The Estimated Cost for the additional grading and hydro mulch along TWY J is $ 11,194.11. Abrams request that the written approval from PSC for the additional grading and hydro mulch for TWY 1. be by September 26, 2012 to facilitate our planning to schedule and complete this requested extra work to coincide with the previously authorized extra work to lower the existing FAA cable and our demobilization of equipmcnt from the project. Wealso request that PSC indicate the payment breakdown structure for how this will be paid on the next approved estimate_ lam ob No Date 9 /13 PARKHILL &COOPER Sul — i A D , r.•, a • #t. :-'>.F'�^ ; 2-1 a do OT T 4 PC A J.D. Abrams, LP. 09/20*012 10-03 ESTGRADE Additional grading TWY 1 ss♦ EST04ATE RECAP - BID QUAN'I M ES DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL % TOTAL Labor 1,104.66 1,10066 11.463% Burden 533.55 533.55 5.537'/e L.ab+Bur 1,638.21 1,638.21 17.000041 Perm Mat] 0.0000/0 Cosst Exp 1,500.00 1,500.00 15.566% Equipment 1,11W.86 1,800.96 18.688% Subs 3,397.60 3,397.60 35.257% Other 1,300.00 1,300.00 13.4W/e Total Costs; 9,636.67 OAX67 1SIO.d01'K % of Total 100.0004/o 0.000% 100,0000/0 Escalation on: Labor 'Burden Perm Mat] Cost Mad Co Eqp Rented Eqp 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Eq Op Eap Sub Trucking Misc2 M1sc3 Total Escalation 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100,00% # Data Below here is dependent on the Summary Process. ' The Summary Process was last run 09/20r2012 at 10:02 AM Markup on Resource Costs Ma4up Add= Lump Sum Margin MARKUP TOTALS Cost Addow Bond Lure Sum 1.0000 % of Job Value MARKUP, ADDON 8c BOND TOTALS > COST + MARKUP There • Alt E•; NOT *closing accounts for this bud. Rounding difference. Unbalancing difference: From CutdtAdd Sheet -,costs: From Cut&Add Sher -markup: Pass Through Adjustments: Net Adjusunents (to the balanced bid): BALANCED BID TOTAL DESIRED BID (if specified) 1.445.50 15.0000% 0.00 0.00001/0 1,445.50 15.0000% 111.94 1.1616% 1,357.44 16.16160/a - - - N of costs) S11,194.11 (On Takeoff Quantity) -Effect on Bid- 46.49 Adjusted 42.47 Adjusted (on Bid Quantity) (on Bid Quantity) None $4.02 [or desired bidj $11,194.11 J.D. Abrams L.P. ESTGitADE Additional grading TWY J sus BID TOTAL (on bid quantities) BID COSTS (on bid quantities) MARKUP (on bid quantities) EXPECTED JOB VALUE (on takeoffquantides): EXPECTED COSTS (on takeoff quantities): EXPECTED MARKUP (on takeoff quantities): Adjust to Bid Quantities - Y On TakewQuanddes Labor Hrs. (MNJMHS) 56 0 56 (incl burden) 1,638 0 1,638 Labor (DAYIDAYS) 0 0 0 Onci burden) 0 0 0 Labor (OtberUnits) 0 0 0 (incl burden) Labor Burden 533 0 533 Spread Indirec s on: No Spread Spread Addons&Bond on: No Spread 0W20i1012 10:03 S9,640.69 $9,748.61 -$10792-1.1or/* $9,640.69 $9,748.61 -$107.92-1.107% Spread Markup on: No Spread Key indicators Balanced Markup 1 Total Labor = Balanced MarkuplTotal Labor 1,445.50 1 1,63821 = 88.24% Indirect Cost 0.00 ------ESTIMATE NOTES: Bid Deis: 1 Direct Cost ! 9,636.67 Indirect CostM ireet Cost 0.00°rL Engr Firm: TXDOT Estimator-In-Chargr.: Desired Bid (if specified) — 0.00 Nam: Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User*: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\H82004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: I - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRJIDTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM 7 J.D. Abrams, LP. 09MM12 10:03 ESTGRADE Additional geding TWY a «.+ ************EStimate created on: 09/20/2012 by User4: 0 - Source used: C.\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLaUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 7:05:41 AM Lao Summary on 09120nO12 at 10:02 AM. LAM Spread on 0W120f2012 at 10:02 AM. J.D. Abrams, L.P. ESTGRADE Additional grading TWY 1 Direct Cost Report Page 1 09120/2012 10:04 Activity Desc Quantity Unit Perm Constr Equip Sul} Resource PCs Unit Cast Labor Materi Matl/Ex MentContrac Taal BID ITEM = 100 Description = Made Wor" 010 Embank/ haul material 2" of fill to repair area 8,494 x 2 475 cy 475 CY- 8 cy/load @ 3 Ld/hr- 20hr Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Unit - SY Takewff Quan: 9,494.000 Eng QU8W 3,494,000 514RT TRUCKING-HR-TA 20.00 HR 8L950 CAT 950 LOADER 10.00 HR 8MG140 140H MOTORGRAD 10.00 HR STOPU PICKUP (IN OVERH 10.00 HR LMLABU Labor, Utility 20.00 MH LOBLDI = Oper, Motorgrad 10,00 MH LOLDRi Oper, Leader 10.00 MfI LSGFOR Foreman, Grade- 10.00 MH S4,342.17 0.1052 MN/CY 50.00 MH 9.5000 Unit 020 Fine -grade 8MG 140 140H MOTORGRAD 2.00 HR 8TOPU PICKUP (IN OVFRH 2.00 HR LMLABU Labor, Utility 2.00 MH LORLDI Oper, Motorgrad 2.00 MH LSGI:OR Foreman, Grade- 2.00 MH $396.90 0.0007 MH/SY 6.00 MH 1,415.6696 Unit/M Quan: 475.00 CY HrVS11C1: 100J Cal 510 WCNO.NE 65.000 1,300 1,300 62.210 622 622 83.910 839 839 14.320 143 143 11.900 385 385 21.000 343 343 14.900 243 243 31-500 467 467 [ 2.0411 1,438 1,300 1,604 4,342 2.74 3.3R 9.14 Quan: &491.00 SY Hrs/Shft: 10-" Call 510 WC NONE 83.910 168 168 14.320 29 29 11 Aw 39 39 21.000 69 69 31.500 93 93 [ 0.0161 200 196 397 0.02 0.02 0.05 - Item Totals: 100 - Blade Work $4,739.07 0.0065 MWSY 56.00 MH 10.131 1,639 1,300 1,801 4,739 0.553 8494 SY 0.19 0.15 0.21 0.56 BID ITEM = 200 Description = Hydro mulch Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Unit = SY Takeoff Quan: 8,494.00D Engr Quan: a.494.000 010 Sub hydramulrh Quan: 8,494•00 SY Hrs/Shft: 10-OD Cal 510 171,'CNONE 3M1SC M1SC 1.00 LS 1,500.000 1,500 1,500 4LAI+ID Lodscape - Sub 8,494.00 SY 0,400 3,398 3,398 S4,897.60 [ ] 1,500 3,398 4,898 0.19 0.40 0.58 J.D. Abrams, L.P. ESTGRADE Additional grading TWY J Direct Cost Report Page 2 09I20a012 10.04 Activity Desc Quantity Unit Penn Constr Equip Sub- Resourca PCs Unit Cost Labor Materi Mat]/Ex MemContrac Total BID TTEM z 200 Description Hydra mulch =---> Item Totals: 200 . Hydro makh S4,897.60 0,577 8494 SY $9.636.67 *** Report Totals *** 56.00 MH Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Unit- SY Takoaff Quan: 9,494.0W Engr Qum 1,494,000 >>> Indicates Non Additive Activity -----Report Names: ---- The estimate was prepared with TAKEOFF (wantities. This report shows TAKEOFF Quantities with the raourccs. Bid Date: Owner: Engineering Firm: TXDOT Estin 9W--In-Charge: j 1,500 3.398 "98 0.18 0.40 0.59 1,638 2,800 1,801 3,398 9,637 iceiam- Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:1fiB20041ESTNMA5TER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L: \l4B2004\EST\2011\l112.-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\l112--04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTDF\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM ************Estimate created on: 09/20/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used; C:\RUVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 7:05.,41 AM * on units of MH indicate average labor unit cast was used rather than base rate. [ ] in the Unit Cost Column - Labor Unit Cast Without Labor Bums In equipment resources, rent % and EOE % not - 100% are represented as XXX%YYY where XXX=pent% and YY'Y-EOE% -----Cake a" Caodes- 410 40 Hour Week (4-10s) 509 45 Hour Week (5-ft) 516 50 Hour Week (5-10's) (Detnu t Calendar) 512 60 Hour Week (5-12"s) 609 54 Hour Weds (6A's) 610 60 Hour Week (6-)0"s) 611 66 Hour Weer (6-111s) J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: CHANGE ORDER LOCALIZER CURB STOPS & DELINEATORS DATE: 11/8/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER Curb Stops & Delineators-$ 4,291 Attached is the Estimated Cost Proposal for installing the Additional Curb Stops & Delineators on the Localizer Road. Per the phone conversation on 10/7 between Mark Haberer and Brad Everett we will not be painting the Curb Stops yellow and we will not be responsible for any maintenance or warranty requirements for these items. We will provide extra delineators to the Airport as agreed. Please provide direction that PSC approves the proposal. Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. I.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/082012 7:04 LC)CCS l.ocali=r Curb Stops SATERECAP- DID QUAD DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL % OF TOTAL Labor 374.36 374.36 10.134'/0 Burden 180.92 190.92 4.895% Lab+Bur 555.19 555.1$ 15.029% Perm Mat) 2,025.00 2,025.00 54.8180% Coast Exp 9$5.00 985.00 26.664°rG Equipment 128.89 129.98 3.4896/a Subs 0.0000/0 0.000%, TOW Codw 3,6" 100.O %O(Tosal )0t1l0w% Escautioe on: lAbor Burden Perm Mati Coast Mail Co Fqp 1)ai+aai rqP 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 °% 100.00 gib E9 Op Exp Sub Tracking M6c2 Miac3 Total Escalation 0 0 0 0 0 0 loom% 100.00% 100.009E 100.00% 10Q00% IM,000A * Data Below here is dependcm on the Summary Process. The Summary Process was last run 11 /0812012 at 7:04 AM Markup on Resource Costs Markup Addwu Lump Sum Margin MARKUP TOTALS �> Cosr Addons Bond Lump Sum 1.0000 % of Job Value MARKUP, ADDON & BOND TOTALS ==-y COST + MARKUP -----= There * ARE NOT * closing accounts for this bid. Rounding differ: Unbalancing diflbrence: Frnan Cut&Add Street -casts: From CutdcAdd ShM-mwkup: Pass ThMgln Adjustr CM: Net Adjt cuts (to the baahwced bid): SAL ANCED BID TOTAL. DESIRED DID (if specified) 554.10 14.9998% 0.00 0.0000% 554.10 14,9998% 4291 1.1616% 597.01 16.1614% - - - - (% of coats) S4.291.07 (On TaskeoffQuantity) -Effect on Bid- 0.02 Adjusted -0.02 Adjusted (on Sid QuaMity) (on Bid Quantity) None -$0.00 [or desired bid] $4,291.07 J.D. Abrwts, L.P. 11101112012 7:04 LOCCS Localiur Curb Stops BID TOTAL (on bid quantities) $3,694.05 BILL COSTS (an bid quantities) $3,736 97 MARKUP (on bid quantities) 442.92-1.148% EXPECTED JOB VALUE (on takeoff quantities): $3,694.05 EXPECTED COSTS (on takeoffqusntities� S3,736.97 EXPECTED MARKUP (an tekeoffquantities): 442.92-1.14W* Adjust to Bid domes s Y OBTAMWOUNWes Lobar Hrs. (MH/MHS) 16 0 16 ()nc1 burden) 555 0 555 Labor (DAYIDAYS) 0 (inct bumden) 0 Labor (odwunits) 0 (mcl burden) Labor Burden 180 Spread Indirwm on: Spread Addons&Bond on: Key Indleatars No Spread No Spread 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 Spread Markup on: No Spread Baiarwed Markup 1 Toda1 Labor Balattced MwkuplTotat Labor 554.11 1 555.18 = 99.81% Indirect Cost I Direct Cast = indi eat Cost/Direct Cot 0.00 1 3,694.06 = 0.00% ----- ESTIMATE NOTES: ----- Did Datc: Owner. Engr Finn: TXDOT Estimator -In -Charge: Desired Bid (if speadied) = 0.00 ]dotes; Estimate created on: 12 8/2411 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: :\HB2004\EST\HASTER\ESTHAST Labor Setup copied fr L:\11B2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup coed from: L:\H22004\EST\2011\1112-04 created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduaka Source used: C:\DOCIJMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKANDESKWP\BRADTEST.zfp is backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PH 2 J.D. Abrams, L.P. 1110&2012 7:04 LOCCS L, oWi m Curb Slaps •te ******.*****Estimate created on: 11/08/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBTDIHESAVEIESTMLUBCO.aip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6:05:41 AM Last Summary on 1110"12 at 7:04 AM. Last Spread on 1110&2012 at 7:04 AM. J.D. Abrams, L.P. Paige 1 LOCCS Localiur Curb Stops 11 /0812012 7:06 Direr! Coal Report Activity Dese Quantity Unit Perin Cotsr Equip Sub - Resource PCs Unit Cost Labor Materi Ma"x MentContrac Total BID ITEM = 100 Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 rvscription = Layout Unit = LS Takeoff Quan: 1.000 Engr Quan: 1.000 D10 1.9yout Quan: 1.00 LS llrs/Shft: 10" Cal 510 WCNONE 87 OPU PICKUP (IN OVERH 2.00 HR 14320 29 29 LMLABU Labor, Utility 2.00 MH 11.900 39 39 LSGFOR Forcami, Grader 2.00 MH 31.500 93 93 $160.57 4.0000 NIMLS 4.00 MH [ 88.% ] 132 29 161 0.2500 Unit/M 131.93 28.64 160.57 �> Item Totals; 100 - LagoNt $160.57 4,00W MH/LS 4.00 MH [ 88.96 ] 132 29 161 160.570 1 LS 131.93 28.64 160.57 BID ITEM 200 lhseription Plilce: ui fit„ Land ltcan SCHEDULE: 1 100 Unit= EA Takeoff Quan: 14.000 EngrQuan: 14,000 010 Purchase Material Quan; 14.00 EA Hrs/Shft: 1000 Cal 510 WCNONF 2CS Curb Stops 14.00 EA 100.000 1.400 1,4UO 3MISC MISC 1.00 IS 575.000 575 575 S1,475.00 [ ] 1,400 575 1,975 100 _+Jo 41 A? 141.07 020 Install Curb Stops Quan: 14.00 FA 11rs1Shft: 10-00 Cal 510 WCNONE 3CONC Vulcan Concrttc Prod 2.00 HR 105.000 210 '110 8TOPU PICKUP (IN OVERH 2.00 HR 14320 29 29 LSGFOR -> Ftxmatn, Grad.- 2.00 MH 31.500 93 93 S332.07 0.1428 MWEA 2.00 MH 14.51 93 210 29 332 7.0000 Unil/M 6.67 15.00 2.05 73.72 s Item Totah: 200 - Place Curb Stops $2,307.07 0.1428 MWEA 2.00 MH [ 4.5 ] 93 1,400 785 29 2,307 164.791 14 EA 6.67 100.00 56.07 2.05 164.79 BID ITEM = 300 1X-empcion = Install Delineators Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Unit = EA Takeoff Quan: 19.000 Eagr Quan: 19.000 010 Purchaw Materials Quan: 19.00 FA Hrs/Skft °'" Cal 510 SSCNONF. J.D. Abrams. L.P. Pogo 2 LOCOS Lotalizer Curb Stops 11AMM12 7:06 Direct Coat Report Activity Desa Quantity Unit Perm Constr Equip Sub - Resource PCs Unit Cost Labor Materi Matl/Ex MerdC arac Total BID ITEM - 300 Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 t00 Description = Install Delineators Unit = EA Takeoff Quan: 19.000 Engr Quan: 19.000 3mi5c is for: Drill Bit - 45.00 anchor Bolts = 95.00 Liquid Nail = 60.00 total- 200.00 2DEL Yellow Delineators 25.00 EA 25.000 625 625 3MISC M1SC 1.00 LS 200.000 200 200 $825.00 [ i 625 200 925 32.89 10.53 43.42 020 Install delineators Quas: 19.00 EA Hrs/Sbtt: 10-W Cal 510 WC. NONE 8TOPU PICKUP (IN OVERH 5.00 HR 14.320 72 72 LMLARIJ Labor. Utility 5A0 MH 11.900 96 96 LSGFOR Foreava. Grade- 5.00 MH 31.500 234 234 S401 A2 0.5263 Nffi/EA 10.00 MH [ 11.705 ] 330 72 401 1.9000 Unit/M 1736 3.77 21.13 Item Totals. 300 - Install Delietators $1,M.42 03263 MHIEA 10.00 MH [11.7051 330 625 200 72 1.226 64.548 19 EA 17.36 32.89 1053 3.77 64,55 $3,694.06 *** Report Totab *** 16.00 MH 555 2,025 "5 129 3,694 >>> indicates Non Additive Activity —Report Nodes: — The eaimaze was prepared with TAKEOFF Quanrities. This report strows TAKEOFF Qoarttities with the resources. Bid Date: Owner: Engineering firm: TXDOT Estirnator-ln-Charge: " NOM Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by Usert#; 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:1H82004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HJR2004\EST\2011\l112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTI[CGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.aip (a backup) from 01/03/201Z 3:29:59 PM J.D. Abra►ns, L.P. Page 3 LOCOS L.ocalizer Curb Stops l 1/08/2012 7:06 Direct Cost Report Activity Desc Quantity Unit Perm Constr Equip Sub - Resource PCs Unit Cost Labor Mated Mat[/Ex MentConttac Total BID ITEM = 300 Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Description = Install Delineators Unit - EA TakeoffQuan: 19.000 Engr Quan: 19.000 ************Estimate created on: 11/08/2012 by User#: 0 -- Source used: C:1HI;AVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLOBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6:05:41 AM R on units of MN indicate average labor unit cost was used rather than base rate. [ J in the Unit Cost Column - Labor Unit Cost Without Labor Burdens In equipment resources, rent % and EOE % not — 100t are represented as XXX%YYY where XXX-Rent% and YYY-EOE% -----Glendar Codes----- 410 40 Hour Week (4-10s) 509 45 Hour Week (5-7s) 510 50 Hour Week (5-10's) (Defoe t Cakadar) 512 60 Hour Week (5-1 Z's) 609 54 Hour Week (64s) 610 60 Hour Week (6-10's) 611 66 Hour Week (6-11's) "M araP: xH' DOE AT SAep stY+�fOR Ar TaP oer �..c.tae � ur l DOM I I DETAIL Al ttO Or TALL wM.C7 PAMTU) ne.Lnw , N jelt "60. Rf"�idLl1�.4Sia �t11 RTI�MAQpII. A:f'ORf m�nvAr oeos roTNairAr A�a�rta wKWa nw.a. "Low Pm rntow AND aarEa ro PAtiE1FNt r,5��4m 1WIM P �IYLAfA ...[r. � F_�_-- 1 fr1r1 { OCAUZER PAD r.w or. 41A"2 pmw a; ohm* 1 0 40 Fle�ci- (,aide FU 3 0 0 "Creadft Products to ,Save Lives" Surface Mount Delineator Posts # 0 d"m awA an Davidson roadside delineator posts increase visibility and improve safety Flexi-Guide? 300 Surface Mount "+Channe izers" save lives by deterring dangerous auto accidents on all Binds of roadways. Flexi-Guide Pasts are highly visible, both day and night. They clearly delineate driving lanes with bright colors and reflective sheet- ing.. To reduce the risk of fatal accidents. place the FG 300 Posts at critical points along the highway: 2-way 2-lane Centerlines, Off - Ramp Gores & Exits, Pedestrian Crosswalks, and other areas where safety hazards exist. The Flexi-Guide' 300 Posts can be replaced quickly and easily. Quick replacement means less exposure time for workers, a big plus on the side of safety and economy! Damaged tutees are easily replaced with our simple Lock -Pin System. This is very useful for temporary applications in Work Zones where impact msis- tancc and ease of replacement are of the utmost importance. The FG 300 withstands multiple high speed impacts. The unique pot rnrr alloy in the FG 300 series absorbs vehicle; impacts, allowing the channeliaer tuhe to sustain numerous hits at high speed. Tice clover -leaf design of the FG 300 tube provides far beaer rebound than simple round tubes. The FG 300 meets or exceeds all state and federal specifications for surface - mounted delineator posts. Versatile FG 300 "Channeiizers" meet specifications nationwide. The FG 300 post features one broad, flat side that easily accommcs- dates highly reflective sheeting or message decals. With the broad side facing traffic. the FG 300 is more visible than simple round tubes. You can convey "Handicapped Parking Only" or other messages by adding custom decaLs or signs. The FG 300 can also have sheeting applied all amnd the post, which makes it visible f om all angles of approach. Order Engineer tirade, High Intensity, or Prismatic Super High Intensity sheeting for superb nighttime reflectivity and to meet various DOT specifications. The FG 300 provides dellneation from top to bottom. For more complete delineation and increased safety, both the base and the post of the FG 300 are available in matching colors. FG 300 bases can now be purchased in bright colors such as yellow, white or orange. Colored bases increase the visibility of the FG 300, improving safety on your roadways. 0 & dU Fkxi-GuW prx+djtcts are both Rftyckd and Recyci ibk No Text USES: Truck Parking Traffic Barrier Footing Block Borders ADVANTAGES: Precast Concrete Ail Block DIMENSIONS: 14'" wide at base 12" wide at top 74" length 120 tan Approximately 1000 lbs. Sturdier Than A Standard Parking Block Taller, More Visible Actual size of concrete products may vary slightly vaughn � concrete products, inc. 10021 Amarillo Blvd. East • Amarillo, Texas 79107 9 806-374-3747, Fax 806-33a- 3717 Aw" ykave Sir p4� P.O. Box W Wimberiry, Texas 78676 Tell Free 1.800t43-3844 Fax (512) 8474M To: Adam Goode J.D. Abrams, LP Fax: From: Rick Brushabor PRICE QUOTATION Date: 11107112 # of Pages 1 AMMY tfi8SCRUTM ONf7' Rflti Z TMAL 20 ca. FG300 36" Yellow .Flexible Delineew Past Surface Mount S 25.00 ea S 500.00 Base w/ 3 x 9 Yellow HI Shee ' Prices quoted are for the above quantities shipped at one time. Prices may change If quantities differ from those shown above. Prices good through 30 days. Adam Gwde From, Kathy Pollack <Kathy@vcpinc-net> Sent Wednesday, November 07, 2012 2.23 PM To. Adam Goode Subject MINI BLOCKS j LUBBOCK AIRPORT, LUBBOCK, TX Adam, The information you requested is listed below, PRODUCT PRICE Mini Blocks $100.00/ea Delivered to Lubbock, TX $575.00/Load VCP Delivers & Unloads into ready excavation or on top of ground w/ H Hour Unloading TimelTruck w/ Sufficient Boom Truck/Trailer Access. VCP to furnish truck/trailer operator only. Contractor to furnish qualified personnel to assist In unloading. Maximum of 12' from back of boom truck/trailer on stable ground to center of excavation. Additional Truck Time @ $105.00/Hr Product Lead time is approximately 3 weeks from time order isplaced. All above pricing does not Include sales tax (if applicable) and is valid for 30 days. if it has been longer than 30 days, please contact our office for updated pricing Thank You, Wy Cuslmner Se *a/A.P. Assistant Vaughn Cmrnete Product. Inc R lrrJ-Ql-Sfr5 / f. IM-IP-7W kathvgRva im.net www.vaL&hnconcreteproduds. wm We now offer 7-5" diameter Precast Concrete ia" tlollards. contact us today far pricing 8 avallabilityl Don't be loft out in the stormI Order a Precast Concrete Above Ground Stone Shelter manufactured to the National Storm Shelter Association tkSW Standard today! Visit our webslte at www,ylughnconcret orodgM.com for more inlWmatiom F,' STR1�,I 'TIC ("WAUm The Transtec Group, Inc. • 6111 Balcones Drive • Austin, Texas 78731 Invoice Invoice No., 212056-01 Date: 11/212012 Billing Period. 08/01/12 - 09/01112 To: Parkhill Smith & Cooper 4222 85th Street Lubbock, Texas 79423 Attn: Mr. Mark Haberer, PE (606) 473-2200 From: The Transtec Group, Inc. 6111 Balcones Drive Austin, Texas 78731 (512)451-6233 Afro: Dan K. Rozycki TIN # 74-2983615 Re: Rolling Dynamic Deflectometer Data Collection and Report at Lubbock Airport, August 2012 Item No. Supplies or services Amount 1 Professional Services as contracted by lump sum Current $32,374,81 Cumulative $32,374.81 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $32,374.81 $32,374.81 Please remit payment to: The Transtec Group, Inc. 6111 Balcones Drive Austin, Texas 78731 J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: FIBER CAPSULE & SPLICE CHANGES DATE: 11/20/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER Fiber Capsule & Splice. Changes: $10,585.07 Requesting written direction that PSC approves the additional capsule and splicing work necessary to implement the changes in the existing fiber line. Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/20/2012 6:30 FIBERCAP Fiber Capsuel & Splice Changes ESTIMATE RECAP - BID QUANTITIES DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL % OF TOTAL Labor 0.000% Burden 0.000% Lab+Bur 0.000% Perm Matl 0.000% Const Exp 0.000% Equipment 0.000% Subs 9,112.37 9,112.37 100.000% Other 0.000% Total Costs: 9,112.37 % 112.37 100.000% % of Total 100.000% 0.000% 100.000% Escalation on: Labor Burden Perm Mad Const Matl 0 0 0 0 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % Eq Op Exp Sub Trucking Misc2 0 0 0 0 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % * Data Below here is dependent on the Summary Process, The Summary Process was last run 11 /20/2012 at 6:30 AM Markup on Resource Costs Markup Addons Lump Sum Margin Lump Sum MARKUP TOTALS ==> Cost Addons Bond 1.0000 % of Job Value MARKUP, ADDON & BOND TOTALS =� COST + MARKUP There * ARE NOT * closing accounts for this bid. Rounding difference: Unbalancing difference: From Cut&Add Sheet -costs: From Cut&Add Sheet -markup: Pass Through Adjustments: Net Adjustments (to the balanced bid): BALANCED BID TOTAL DESIRED BID (if specified) Co Eqp Rented Eqp 0 0 100.00 % 100.00 % Misc3 Total Escalation 0 0 100.00 % 100.00 % 1,366.85 14.9999% 0.00 0.00000/0 1,366.95 14.9999% 105.85 1,472.70 $10,585.07 (On Takeoff Quantity) $10,585.07 1.1616% 16.1615% (% of costs) -Effect on Bid - (on Bid Quantity) (on Bid Quantity) None [or desired bid] J.D. Abrams, L,P. 11/20/2012 6:30 FIBERCAP Fiber Capsuel & Splice Changes e«* BID TOTAL (on bid quantities) $9,112.37 BID COSTS (on bid quantities) $9,218.22 MARKUP (on bid quantities) -$105.85-1.148% EXPECTED JOB VALUE (on takeoff quantities): $9, l 12.37 EXPECTED COSTS (on takeoff quantities): $9,218.22 EXPECTED MARKUP (on takeoff quantities): -$105.85-1.148% Adjust to Bid Quantities = Y On Toff Quothles Labor Hrs. (MH/MHS) 0 0 0 (inel burden) 0 0 0 Labor (DAY/DAYS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (OtherUnits) 0 0 0 (incl burden) Labor Burden 0 0 0 Spread Indirects on: No Spread Spread Addons&Bond on: No Spread Kev Indicators Balanced Markup / Total Labor 1,366.86 / 0.00 Indirect Cost / Direct Cost 0.00 J 9,1 I2.37 Spread Markup on: No Spread Balanced Markup/Total Labor 0.00% Indirect Cost/Direct Cost 0.00% ------ ESTIMATE NOTES: ------ Bid Date: Owner: Engr Firm: TXDOT Estimator -In -Charge: Desired Bid (if specified) 0.00 Notes: Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User*: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM N J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/20/2012 6:30 FIBERCAP Fiber Capsuel & Splice Changes ************Estimate created on: 11/20/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6:05:41 AM Last Summary on 11/20/2012 at 6:30 AM. Last Spread on 11/20/2012 at 6:30 AM, J.D. Abrams, L.P. FIBERCAP Fiber Capsuel & Splice Changes Activity Desc Quantity Resource PCs Unit BID ITEM = 100 Description = Fiber Capsuel and Splice Changes 010 SUB -Fiber Capsuel and Splice Changes 4EL Sub-Ele Capsuel/splic 1.00 LS Page 1 11/20/2012 6:31 Direct Cost Report Unit Perm Constr Equip Sub - Cost Labor Materi Mat1/Ex MentContrac Total Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Unit = LS Takeoff Quan: 1.000 Engr Quan: 1.000 Quan: 1.00 LS Hrs/Shft: i0.00 Cal 510 WC NONE 9,112.370 9,112 9,112 $9,112.37 *** Report Totals *** 9,112 9,112 >>> indicates Non Additive Activity ------Report Notes,, ---- The estimate was prepared with TAKEOFF Quantities. This report shows TAKEOFF Quantities with the resources. Bid Date: Owner: Engineering Firm: TXDOT Estimator -la -Charge: JOB NOTES Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM ************Estimate created on: 11/20/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6:05:41 AM * on units of MH indicate average labor unit cost was used rather than base rate. [ I in the Unit Cost Column = Labor Unit Cost Without Labor Burdens In equipment resources, rent % and EDE % not = 100% are represented as XXX%YYY where XXX=Rent% and YYY=EOE% ----Calendar Codes------ 410 40 Hour Week (4-1Os) 509 45 Hour Week (5-9's) 510 50 Hour Week (5-10's) (Default Calendar) 512 60 Hour Week (5-12's) 609 54 Hour Week (6-9's) 610 60 Hour Week (6-10's) 611 66 Hour Week (6-11's) Page 1 of 3 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE 13REAKDOWN CONTRACTOR Rural Electric Inc ADDRESS 9602 East Main Street Mesa Arizona CONTRACT FOR (Work to be performed) Additional Fiber Optic Cable Work Over Contract Quantities DATE 11/19/2012 CUSTOMER NAME J.D. Abrams PROJECT NUMBER WORK LOCATION Lubbock International Airport LINE NO. ITEM 1 UNIT OF MEA 2 OTY 3 MATERIAL COST LABOR COST OTHER DIRECT COSTS 9 LINE TOTAL 10 UNIT TOTAL 5 MNHRS MNOYS 6 AVERAGE RATE 7 TOTAL 8 001 HH#3 Splice/Pigtail Work Is 1.0 $ 2,292.65 $ 2,292.55 8.000 $ 45.00 $ 360.00 $ 2,652.65 002 HH#3-1 SptkWPigtail Work Is 1.0 $ 2,295.65 $ 2,295.65 8.000 $ 45.00 $ 360.00 $ 2,655.65 003 Housing da 2.0 $ - $ - $ 165.00 $ 165.00 004 Per Diem da 2.0 $ - $ $ 90.00 $ 90,00 005 Work Truck da 2.0 $ - $ $ 90.00 $ 90.00 006 Splice Capsule HH 15 ea 1.0 $ 955.00 j $ 955.00 4.000 $ 45.00 $ 180A0 $ 1,135.00 007 $ - $ $ 008 $ $ - $ 009 $ $ $ 010 $ $ - $ 011 $ - $ - $ - 012 $ $ - 013 $ $ $ 014 $ $ $ - 015 $ $ $ - SUM SHEET TOTAL LS $ 5,543.30 $ 900.00 $ 345.00 $ 6,788.30 Page 2 of 3 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE BREAKDOWN CONTRACTOR ADDRESS 9502 East Main Street Mesa Arizona CONTRACT FOR (Work to be performed) DATE CUSTOMER NAME PROJECT NUMBER WORK LOCATION LINE NO. ITEM 1 UNIT OF MEA 2 CITY 3 MATERIAL COST LABOR COST OTHER DIRECT COSTS 9 LINE TOTAL 10 UNIT 4 TOTAL 5 MNHRS MNDYS 6 AVERAGE RATE 7 TOTAL 8 Sheet 1 Totals LS $ 5,543.30 $ 900.00 $ 345.00 $ 6,788,30 Sheet 2 Totals LS $ - $ - $ - $ - Sheet 3 Totals LS $ $ $ - $ Sheet 4 Totals LS $ - $ - $ $ - SUM S H E E T T O T A L LS $ 5,543.30 $ 900,00 1 $ 345.00 $ 6,768.30 Page 3 of 3 INSTRUCTION FOR COMPLETING AF FORM 3052 Cot 1 Item. Description of materials required, work to be done, special equipment needed, etc. Breakdown should be in sufficient detail to pe rm i i itemizing of all direct costs. Col 2 Unit of Measure. Description of the unit in which each item is to be estimated (examples - square yards — SY, cubic yards -CY, square reel -SE'. linear feet-LF, board feet -BF, each -EA, pound -LB). Col 3 Quantity. Contractor's estimate of quantity required in terms of unit of measure (column 2). Items and units of measure will be far- ishad by the Government, Quantity estimates will be furnished by the Government only when it is anticipated that a unit price contract will tie issued Otherwise, the contractor is responsible for determining quantity estimates. Cat 4 and 5 Material Costs. Enter unit material cost (Coll 4) to be supplied The total cost (col 5) is automatically calculated (Cal 3 * Col 4). Col 6, 7 and 8 Labor Costs, In Col 6 edit the existing equation by entering manhours per unit' Col 2. In Col 7, enter the average wage rate I'm the discipline involved. Cal 8 is automatically calculated (Col 6 * Col 7). Col 9 Other Direct Costs. Enter estimated costs of special equipment and other items (listed in column 1) which are special to the contract and of significant dollar value. Col 10 Line Total, Cal 10 is automatically calculated MOTF In addition to other totals entered on various pages, the grand total of column 10, plus OH & P will be shown on the last page as follows. TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS $ 5.543.30 TOTAL LABOR COSTS $ 900,00 TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS $ 345.00 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $ 6,788.30 LABOR BURDEN 35% $ 315.00 OVERHEAD 15% $ 1,01125 PROFIT 10% $ $12.15 Bond 2.00% $ 178 67 TOTAL PRICE S 9,112,37 DATE 19-Nov-12 FIRM NAME Rural Electric Inc. TITLE Estimator BY Roger Bieberdorf (Slgneru-e INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS I The purpose of this form is to provide a standard format by which the offeror submits to the Government a summary of incurred and cstrmuted costs (and attached supporting information) suitable for detailed review and analysis. Before award of a contract resulting from thus proposal the offeror shall, under the conditions stated in ASPR 3-807.3, be required to submit a cerfificate of current cost or pricing data wtv ASPR 3-807.3 (e) and 3-807.4). ?. In addition to the specific information required by this form, the offeror is expected in good faith, to incorporate in and submit with this rnrm any additional data, supporting schedules, or substantioation which are reasonably required for the conduct of an appropriate review urlrsi s in the light of the specific facts of this procurement. For effective negotiations, it is essential that there be a clear understanding of a. The existing, verifiable data. b. The judgmental factors applied in projecting from known data to the estimate, and c. The contingencies used by the offeror in his proposed price. to short, th offerors estimating process itself needs to be disclosed. 3 When attachment of supporting castor pricing data to this form is impracticable, the data will be described (with schedules as appropriate), and made available to the contracting officer or his authorized representative upon request. J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: CHANGE ORDER GUIDE SLOPE MODIFICATIONS DATE: 11 /30/2012 CC: CHANGE ORDER Guide Slope Modifications -$ 10,931.12 Attached is the Estimated Cost Proposal for Modifications to the Guide Slope Tower. This estimate includes the cost to remove the top section of the tower, relocating the lightning protection and object light, and making adjustments to the ladder and climbing safety system. This excludes any permits for use of cranes on the airfield and is contingent on approval to proceed during the week of December 3rd. Please provide direction that PSC approves the proposal. Also to include the payment breakdown for how this will be paid in the next approved estimate. J.D. Abrams, L.P. GUIDEANTEN Guide Slope Modifications 11 /30/2012 11:54 ESTIMATE RECAP - BID QUANTITIES DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL % OF TOTAL Labor 0.000% Burden 0.000% Lab+Bur 0.000% Perm Matl 0.000% Const Exp 0.000% Equipment 0.000% Subs 9,410.27 9,410.27 100.000% Other 0.000% Total Casts: 9,410.27 9,410.27 100.0000/0 % of Total 100.000% 0.000% 100.0000/0 Escalation on: Labor Burden Perm Mat[ Const Mat] Co Eqp Rented Eqp 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % Eq Op Exp Sub Trucking Misc2 Misc3 Total Escalation 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % l00,00 % 100.00 % Data Below here is dependent on the Summary Process. * The Summary Process was last run 11/30/2012 at 11:54 AM Markup on Resource Costs 1,411.54 15.0000% Markup Addons Lump Sum Margin Lump Sum 0.00 0.0000% MARKUP TOTALS 1,411.54 15.0000% Cost .4ddons Bond 1.0000 % of Job Value 109.31 1.1616% MARKUP, ADDON & BOND TOTALS 1,520.85 16.1616% (% of costs) COST + MARKUP --------____..._.> $10,931.12 (On Takeoff Quantity) There ° ARE NOT * closing accounts for this bid. -Effect on Bid - Rounding difference: Unbalancing difference: From Cut&Add Sheet -costs: (on Bid Quantity) From Cut&Add Sheet -markup: (on Bid Quantity) Pass Through Adjustments: None Net Adjustments (to the balanced bid): [or desired bid] BALANCED BID TOTAL $10,931.12 DESIRED BID (if specified) J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/30/2012 11:54 GUIDEANTEN Guide Slope Modifications BID TOTAL (on bid quantities) $9,410.27 BID COSTS (on bid quantities) $9,519.58 MARKUP (on bid quantities) -$109.31-1.148% EXPECTED JOB VALUE (on takeoff quantities): $9,410.27 EXPECTED COSTS (on takeoff quantities): $9,519.58 EXPECTED MARKUP (on takeoff quantities): -$109.31-1.148% Adjust to Bid Quantities = Y Labor Hrs. (IvIHiMHS) (incl burden) Labor (DAYIDAYS) (incl burden) Labor (OtherUnits) (incl burden) Labor Burden Spread Indirects on: Spread Addons&Bond on: Kev Indicators on Takeoff Qmt3ties 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No Spread No Spread Balanced Markup / Total Labor 1,411.54 / 0.00 Indirect Cost / Direct Cost 0.00 / 9,410.27 Spread Markup on: No Spread Balanced Markup/Total Labor = 0.00% Indirect Cost/Direct Cost 0.00% ------ ESTIMATE NOTES: ------ Bid Date: Owner: Engr Firm: TXDOT Estimator-tn-Charge: Desired Bid (if specified) = 0.00 Notes: Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM 2 J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/30/2012 11:54 GUIDEANTEN Guide Slope Modifications yes* ************Estimate created on: 11/30/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6:05:41 AM Last Summary on 11/30/2012 at 11:54 AM. Last Spread on 11/30/2012 at 11:54 AM. J.D. Abrams, L.P. GUIDEANTEN Guide Slope Modifications Direct Cost Report Page 1 11 /30/2012 11:55 Activity Desc Quantity Unit Perm Constr Equip Sub - Resource PCs Unit Cost Labor Materi Matl/Ex MentContrac Total BID ITEM = 100 Land Item SCHEDULE: I 100 Description = Guide Slope Modifications Unit = LS Takeoff Quan: 1.000 Engr Quan: 1,000 010 Sub- Elee Guide Slope Mod Quan: 1.00 LS Hrs/Shft: 10•00 Cal 510 WCNONE 4EL Guide Slope Modifica 1.00 LS 9,410.270 9,410 9,410 $9,410.27 *** Report Totals *** 9,410 9,410 >>> indicates Non Additive Activity ----Report Notes: ------ The estimate was prepared with TAKEOFF Quantities. This report shows TAKEOFF Quantities with the resources. Bid Date: Owner: Engineering Firm. TXDOT Estimator -In -Charge: JOB NOTES Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM ************Estimate created on: 11/30/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6:05:41 AM ' on units of MH indicate average labor unit cost was used rather than base rate. [ ] in the Unit Cost Column = Labor Unit Cost Without Labor Burdens In equipment resources, rent % and EOE % not 100% are represented as XXX%YYY where XXX=Rent% and YYY=EOE% ------Calendar Codes------ 410 40 Hour Week (4-IOs) 509 45 Hour Week (5-9's) 510 50 Hour Week (5-10's) (Default Calendar) 512 60 Hour Week (5-12's) 609 54 Hour Week (6-9's) 610 60 Hour Week (6-1O's) 611 66 Hour Week (6-11's) Page 1 of 2 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE BREAKDOWN 7- CONTRACTOR Rural Electric Inc ADDRESS 9502 East Main Street Mesa Arizona CONTRACT FOR (Work to be performed) Modify Glideslo a Tower Rev 2; DATE 11129/2012 CUSTOMER NAME J.D. Abrams PROJECT NUMBER WORK LOCATION Lubbock international Airport LINE NO. ITEM 1 UNIT OF MEA 2 QTY 3 MATERIAL COST LABOR COST OTHER DIRECT COSTS 9 LINE TOTAL 10 UNIT TOTAL 5 MNHRS MNDYS fi AVERAGE RATE 7 TOTAL 8 001 Remove Top 5 feet of Tower $ - $ - $ 002 Crane Rental hr 12.0 $ 135.00 $ 1,620.00 $ - $ 1,620.00 003 Labor for Removal $ - 24.000 $ 42.00 $ 1,008.00 $ 1,008.00 004 Remove Ladder/Safety System hr $ 8.000 $ 42.00 $ 336.00 $ 336.00 005 Modify Lightning Protectlon ea 2.0 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 8.000 $ 42.00 $ 336.00 $ 536.00 006 Modify Obstruction Lighting Is 1.0 $ 40.00 $ 40.00 4.000 $ 42.00 $ 168.00 $ 208.00 007 Heating to Antennae $ - $ $ 008 New Thermostat ea 1.0 $ 350.00 $ 350.00 8.000 $ 42.00 $ 336.00 $ 686.00 009 Conduit/Raceway If 50.0 $ 4.50 $ 225.00 8.000 $ 42.00 $ 336.00 $ $61.00 010 Conductors Is 1.0 $ 75.00 $ 75.00 4.000 $ 42.00 $ 168.00 $ 243.00 011 Snorkel Lift da 1.0 $ - $ - $ 865.00 $ 865.00 012 Per Diem da 4.0 $ $ $ 180.00 $ 180.00 013 Housing da 4,0 $ $ $ 232.00 $ 232.00 014 $ $ $ - 015 $ $ $ SUM SHEET TOTAL LS $ 2,510.00 $ 2,688.00 $ 1.277.00 $ 6,475.00 Page 2 of 2 INSTRUCTION FOR COMPLETING AF FORM 3052 "ol 1 Item. Description of materials required, work to be done„ special equipment needed, etc. Breakdown should be in sufficient detail to Ivrmir itemizing of all direct costs. Col 2 Unit of Measure. Description of the unit in which each item is to be estimated (examples - square yards -- SY, cubic yards -CY, square Icc;-SI linear feet-LF, board feet -BF, each -EA, pound -LB), ('sr! 3 Quantity. Contractor's estimate of quantity required in terns of unit of measure (column 2). Items and units of measure will be fur- nustied by the Government, Quantity estimates will be furnished by the Government only when it is anticipated that a unit price contract will bG issued Otherwise, the contractor is responsible for determining quantity estimates. CA 4 and 5 Material Costs. Enter unit material cost (Col 4) to be supplied. The total cost (col 5) is automatically calculated (Col 3 • Col 4). Cc-1 6, 7 and 8 Labor Costs. In Cal 6 edit the existing equation by entering manhours per unit ; Col 2. In Col 7, enter the average wage rate rt;r the discipline involved. Col 8 is automatically calculated (Col 6 . Col 7), Cc] 9 Other Direct Costs. Enter estimated costs of special equipment and other items (listed in column 1) which are special to the contract ,v id of significant dollar value. Col 10 Line Total. Col 10 is automatically calculated. C:CL: In addition to other totals entered on various pages, the grand total of column 10, plus OH & P will be shown on the last page as follows. TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS $ 2.510.00 TOTAL LABOR COSTS $ 2_688.00 TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS S 1.277.00 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $ 6,475,00 LABOR BURDEN 35% S 240.9 OVERHEAD 15% $ 97I.25 PROFIT 10% $ 838,71 Bond 2.00% $ 184.52 TOTAL PRICE $ 9,410,27 DATE 29-Nov-12 FIRM NAME Rural Electric Inc. TITLE Estimator BY Roger Bieberdorf (Signature) INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS I The purpose of this form is to provide a standard format by which the offeror submits to the Government a summary of incurred and c�sljmffled costs (and attached supporting information) suitable for detailed review and analysis. Before award of a contract resulting from I hm proposal the offeror shall, under the conditions stated in ASPR 3-807.3, be required to submit a cerfificate of current cost or pricing data ts.e ASPR 3-807.3 (e) and 3-807.4). 2. In addition to the specific information required by this form, the offeror is expected, in good failh, to incorporate in and submit with this Fnm7 any additional data, supporting schedules, or substantioation which are reasonably required for the conduct of an appropriate review nnl% %js in the light of the specific facts of this procurement, For effective negotiations, it is essential that there be a clear understanding of a_ The existing, verifiable data. b. The judgmental factors applied in projecting from known data to the estimate, and c. The contingencies used by the offeror in his proposed price. sham, th offeror's estimating process itself needs to be disclosed. When attachment of supporting cost or pricing data to this form is impracticable, the data will be described (with schedules as appropriate), ,ui,1 made available to the contracting officer or his authorized representative upon request. J. D. ABRAMS, L.P. MEMORANDUM TO: MARK HABERER FROM: ADAM GOODE, P.E. SUBJECT: ESTIMATED COST IMPACT FOR DELAY IN FAA CABLE SPLICING DATE: 1 if 15/2012 CC: ESTIMATED COST IMPACT FOR DELAY IN FAA CABLE SPLICING The cost for the disruption caused by the FAA delay to Abrams is estimated to be $19,737.93, This estimated cost is based on our schedule to have all the work items completed by November 23, 2012 and demobilize Rural Electric and Abrams' work crews from the project site. This estimate includes all cost incurred by Rural Electric and Abrams. Attached is the detailed breakdown for this estimate. J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/15/2012 14:08 ESTFAADEL Estimate for FAA Delay *** ESTIMATE RECAP - BID QUANTITIES DIRECT INDIRECT TOTAL % OF TOTAL Labor 0.000% Burden 0.000% Lab+Bur 0.000% Perm Matl 0.000% Const Esp 3,559.14 3,559.14 20.946% Equipment 0.000% Subs 13,432.65 13,432.65 79.054% Other 0.000% Total Costs: 16,991.79 16,991,79 100.000% % of Total 100.000% 0.000% 100.000% Escalation on: Labor Burden Perm Mat[ Const Mad Co Eqp Rented Eqp 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 % 100.00 % 100, 00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % Eq Op Exp Sub Trucking Misc2 Misc3 Total Escalation 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % I00 00 % 100.00 % * Data Below here is dependent on the Summary Process. * The Summary Process was last run 11/15/2012 at 2:08 PM Markup on Resource Costs Markup Addons Lump Sum Margin Lump Sum MARKUP TOTALS =� Cost Addons Bond 1.0000 % of Job Value MARKUP, ADDON & BOND TOTALS => COST + MARKUP -----------------_> There * ARE NOT * closing accounts for this bid. Rounding difference: Unbalancing difference: From Cut&Add Sheet -costs: From Cut&Add Sheet -markup: Pass Through Adjustments: Net Adjustments (to the balanced bid): BALANCED BID TOTAL DESIRED BID (if specified) 2, 548.76 0.00 2,548.76 197.38 2,746.14 $19,737.93 (On Takeoff Quantity) $19, 73 7.93 14.9999% 0.0000% 14.9999% 1.1616% 16.1616% (% of costs) -Effect on Bid - (on Bid Quantity) (on Bid Quantity) None [or desired bid] J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/15/2012 14:08 ESTFAADEL Estimate for FAA Delay s*+k BID TOTAL (on bid quantities) $16,991.79 BID COSTS (on bid quantities) $17,189.17 MARKUP (on bid quantities) -$197.38-1.148% EXPECTED .JOB VALUE (on takeoff quantities): $16,991.79 EXPECTED COSTS (on takeoff quantities): $17,189.17 EXPECTED MARKUP (on takeoff quantities): -$197.38-1.148% Adjust to Bid Quantities Y Can TiFw;ff Quandtks Labor Hrs. (MH/Ml`IS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (DAYMAYS) 0 0 0 (incl burden) 0 0 0 Labor (OtherUnits) 0 0 0 (incl burden) Labor Burden 0 0 0 Spread Indirects on: No Spread Spread Addons&Bond on: No Spread Kev Indicators Balanced Markup 2,548.77 Indirect Cost 0.00 Spread Markup on: No Spread 1 Total Labor = Balanced Markup/Total Labor / 0.00 = 0.00% / Direct Cost = Indirect Cost/Direct Cost / 16,991.79 = 0.00% ------ ESTIMATE NOTES: ------ Bid Date: Owner: Engr Firm: TXDOT Estimator -In -Charge: Desired Bid (if specified) = 0.00 Notes: Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 - Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM 2 J.D. Abrams, L.P. 11/15/2012 14:08 ESTFAADEL Estimate for FAA Delay ************Estimate created on: 11/15/2012 by User#: 0 Source used: C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6:D5:41 AM Last Summary on 11/15/2012 at 2:08 PM. Last Spread on 11/15/2012 at 2:08 PM. J.D. Abrams, L.P. ESTFAADEL Estimate for FAA Delay Activity Desc Quantity Resource PCs Unit BID ITEM = 100 Description = JDA Supervision 010 JDA Supervision 3ELEC Trailer Electricity 3PJMAN Project Manager 3PORT Port -A -Jon 3TRAIL Office Trailer STRUCK Truck $3,559.14 Page 1 11/15/2012 14:09 Direct Cost Report Unit Perm Constr Equip Sub - Cost Labor Mated Matl/Ex MentContrac Total Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Unit = DAY Takeoff Quan: 9.000 Engr Quan: 9.000 Quin: 9.00 DA Hrs/Shft: 10-M Cal 510 WCNONE 9.00 DAY 9.230 83 9.00 DAY 332.080 2,989 9.00 DAY 4.150 37 9.00 DAY 17.000 153 9.00 DAY 33.000 297 [] 3,559 395.46 > Item Totals: 100 - JDA Supervision $3,559.14 395.460 9 DAY BID ITEM = 200 Description = Electrical Sub -Rural 010 SUB Electrical 4EL 1 Sub Electrical Delay 1.00 LS $16,991.79 *** Report Totals *** Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 Unit = LS Takeoff Quan: >>> indicates Non Additive Activity -----Report Notes:- ---- The estimate was prepared with TAKEOFF Quantities. This report shows TAKEOFF Quantities with the resources. Bid Date: Owner; Engineering Firm: TXDOT Estimator -in -Charge: 3,559 395.46 83 2,989 37 153 297 3,559 395.46 3,559 395.46 100 1.000 Engr Quan: 1.000 Quan: 1.00 LS Hrs/Shft: 10.00 Cal 510 WCNONE 13,432.630 13,433 13,433 3OB NOTES Estimate created on: 12/28/2011 by User#: 19 — Brad Everett Source estimate used: L:\HB2004\EST\MASTER\ESTMAST Labor Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Overtime Rules Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 Burden Tables Setup copied from: L:\HB2004\EST\2011\1112-04 3,559 13,433 16,992 J.D. Abrams, L.P. ESTFAADEL Estimate for FAA Delay Direct Cast Report Page 2 11 /15/2012 14:09 Activity Desc Quantity Unit Perm Constr Equip Sub - Resource PCs Unit Cost Labor Materi Matl/Ex MentContrac Total BID ITEM ; 200 Land Item SCHEDULE: 1 100 Description = Electrical Sub -Rural Unit LS Takeoff Quan: I,000 Engr Quan: 1.000 ************Estimate created on: 01/03/2012 by User#: 1 - Martin Poduska Source used: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MPODUSKA\DESKTOP\BRADTEST.zip (a backup) from 01/03/2012 3:29:59 PM ************Estimate created on: 11/15/2012 by User#: 0 - Source used: C:\HEAVYBID\HBSAVE\ESTMLUBCO.zip (a backup) from 08/14/2012 6:05:41 AM ' on units of MH indicate average labor unit cost was used rather than base rate. [ ] in the Unit Cost Column = Labor Unit Cost Without Labor Burdens In equipment resources, rent % and EOE % not = 100% are represented as XXX%YYY where XXX=Rent% and YYY=EOE% --Calendar Codes------ 410 40 Hour Week (4-I0s) 509 45 Hour Week (5-Vs) 510 50 Hour Week (5-I0's) (Default Calendar) 512 60 Hour Week (5-I2's) 609 54 Hour Week (6-9's) 610 60 Hour Week (6-10's) 611 66 Hour Week (6-I 1's) Page 1 of 4 DISRUPTION OF PLANNED ACTIVITIES COST LISTING CONTRACTOR Rural Electric Inc ADDRESS 9602 East Main Street Mesa Arizona CONTRACT FOR (Work to 4e performed) SPLICING OF FAA COMM CABLES DATE 1111412012 CUSTOMER NAME J.D. ABRAMS PROJECT NUMBER WORK LOCATION LUBBOCK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LINE NO, ITEM 1 UNIT OF MEA 2 QTY 3 COST LABOR COST OTHER DIRECT COSTS 9 LINE TOTAL 10 UNIT TOTAL 5 MNHRS MNDYS 6 AVERAGE RATE 7 TOTAL 8 001 Management Air Fare is 0.5 $ 414.00 $ 207.00 2.000 $ 65.00 $ 130.00 $ 337.00 002 Escort&fHelper Transportation mi 844.0 $ 0.40 $ 337.60 8.000 $ 21.50 $ 172,00 $ 509.60 003 Managemenagement Trans. mi 844,0 $ 0.40 $ 337.60 7 000 $ 65,00 $ 455.00 $ 792.60 004 Housing Escort & Helper da 2.0 $ 76.00 $ 156.00 $ - $ 156.00 005 Housing Management da 0.5 $ 78.00 $ 39.00 $ $ 39.00 006 Per Diem da 2.5 $ 45.00 $ 112.50 $ $ 112.50 007 Extended Field Office OH da 14.0 $ 45.00 $ 630.00 $ $ 6M.00 008 Extended Home Office OH da 1.4 $ 700.00 $ 980.00 $ $ 980.00 009 EXTENDED EQUIPT PRESENCE $ - $ $ - 010 Sackhoe da 14.0 $ 126.00 $ 1,764.00 $ $ 1,764.00 011 Water Truck da 14.0 $ 85,00 $ 1,190.00 $ $ 1,190.00 012 Work Truck da 14.0 $ 4500 $ 630.00 $ $ 630.00 013 Document Preparation Is 1-0 $ 250.00 $ 250.130 $ $ 250.00 014 Risk of Splice Pit Flooding Is 1.0 $ 500,00 $ 500 00 $ $ 500.00 015 $ - $ $ - SUM SHEET TOTAL L5 is 7,133.70 $ 757,00 5 - $ 7,890.70 Page 2 of 4 DISRUPTION OF PLANNED ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR Rural Electric Inc ADDRESS 9502 East Main Street Mesa Arizona CONTRACT FOR (Work to be performed) FAA COMMUNICATION CABLE SPLICING DATE 1111412012 CUSTOMER NAME J.D. ABRAMS PROJECT NUMBER WORK LOCATION LUBBOCK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LINE NO. ITEM 1 UNIT OF MEA 2 CITY 3 COST LABOR COST OTHER DIRECT COSTS 9 LINE TOTAL 10 UNIT 4 TOTAL 5 MNHRS MNDYS 6 AVERAGE RATE 7 TOTAL 6 016 SPLICING SUBCONTRACTOR $ - $ $ - 017 EXPENSES $ $ - $ 018 $ - $ $ - 019 TRANSPORTATION ml 180.0 $ 0.40 $ 72.00 $ $ 72.00 020 Travel Labor $ - 16.000 $ 85.00 $ 1,360,00 $ 1,360.00 021 Gathering of Materials $ 4.000 $ $5.00 $ 340.00 $ 340.00 022 $ $ - $ - 023 $ $ $ 024 $ $ $ 025 $ $ - $ 026 $ $ - $ 027 $ $ - $ 028 $ $ - $ 029 $ $ - $ 030 $ $ - $ SUM rs U SHEET TOTAL LS $ 72.00 $ 1,700.00 $ $ 1,772.00 Page 3 of 4 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE BREAKDOWN CONTRACTOR RURAL ELECTRIC INC ADDRESS 9502 East Main Street Mesa Arizona CONTRACT FOR (Work to I e performed) DATE CUSTOMER NAME J.D. ABRAMS PROJECT NUMBER WORK LOCATION LUBBOCK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LINE NO. ITEM 1 UNIT OF MEA 2 CITY 3 COST LABOR COST OTHER DIRECT COSTS 9 LINE TOTAL 10 UNIT 4 TOTAL 5 MNHRS MNDYS 6 AVERAGE RATE 7 TOTAL S Sheet 1 Totals LS $ 7.133.70 $ 757.00 $ $ 7.890.70 Sheet 2 Totals LS $ 72.00 $ 1,700.00 $ $ 1,772.00 Sheet 3 Totals LS $ - $ - $ - $ - Sheet 4 Totals LS $ $ - $ $ - kUM SHEET TOTAL LS $ 7,205.70 $ 2,457.00 $ - $ 9,662,70 Page 4 of 4 INSTRUCTION FOR COMPLETING AF FORM 3052 C 10. 1 Item. Description of materials required, work to be done, special equipment needed, etc. Breakdown should be in sufficient detail to per 1 m i itemizing of all direct costs. n1 2 Unit of Measure. Description of the unit in which each item is to be estimated (examples - square yards -- SY, cubic yards -CY, square frKi-tiF. linear feet-LF, board feet -BF, each -EA, pound -LB). Cr,l 3 Quantity. Contractor's estimate of quantity required in terms of unit of measure (column 2). Items and units of measure will be fur- m%licd by the Government, Quantity estimates will be furnished by the Government only when it is anticipated that a unit price contract will tx issued. Otherwise, the contractor is responsible for determining quantity estimates. Coil 4 and 5 Material Costs. Enter unit material cost (Cot 4) to be supplied. The total cost (col 5) is automatically calculated (Cot 3 • Cot 4). CO 6,7 and 8 Labor Costs. In Cot 6 edit the existing equation by entering manhours per unit • Col 2. In Col 7, enter the average wage rate for the discipline involved. Cot 8 is automatically calculated (Col 6 • Col 7). of 9 Other Direct Costs. Enter estimated costs of special equipment and other items (listed in column t) which are special to the contract and of significant dollar value. :r7 10 Line Total. Cot 10 is automatically calculated. Nt i I L In addition to other totals entered on various pages, the grand total of column 10, plus OH & P will be shown on the last page as follows. COSTS S 7201.70 TOTAL LABOR COSTS $ 2,457.00 TOTAL OT IER DIRECT COSTS $ TOTAL DIRECT COSTS S 9,662,70 LABOR BURDEN 35% $ 859,95 OVERHEAD 15% $ 1A49.41 PROFIT 10% $ 1-197.21 Bond 2.00% $ 263,39 TOTAL PRICE $ 13,432.65 DATE 15-Nov-12 FIRM NAME Rural Electric Inc TITLE Estimator 13Y Roger Bieberdorf (Signature) INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS The purpose of this form is to provide a standard format by which the offeror submits to the Government a summary of incurred and slwi,ned costs (and attached supporting information) suitable for detailed review and analysis. Before award Ufa contract resulting from Iri s proposal the offeror shall, under the conditions stated in ASPR 3-807.3, be required to submit a cerfficate of current cost or pricing data ts:r ASPR 3-807.3 (e) and 3-807.4). 2. In addition to the specific information required by this form, the offeror is expected, in good faith, to incorporate in and submit with this fon;l any additional data, supporting schedules, or substantioation which are reasonably required for the conduct of an appropriate review an26Y:>i, in the light of the specific facts of this procurement. For effective negotiations, it is essential that there be a clear understanding of a. The existing, verifiable data. b. The judgmental factors applied in projecting from known data to the estimate, and c. The contingencies used by the offeror in his proposed price. In short, th offeroras estimating process itself needs to be disclosed 3 When attachment of supporting cost or pricing data to this form is impracticable, the data will be described (with schedules as appropriate), and made available to the contracting officer or his authorized representative upon request. =+ LAQUlN IA INN & bU11M LUjb0V4.A ivVXnao 5006 AUBURN LA OIJ I N TA LUBBOCK, TX 79416 INNS a SUITES (806) 749-1600 BIEBERDORF, ROGER Folio#: 6018122592 9502 E MAIN Sf Room: 308 Arrival: 11/13/12 MESA, AZ 852078821 Departure: 11/20/12 Company: Rural Electric Returns Club No: P05162392 Voucher/Ship/PO: Trans # Date Description Charges Payments Balance 442719 11/13/2012 Rm. 308 COR13 - Corporate Rate $58.00 $0.00 $58.00 442720 11113/2012 TAX - OCCUPANCY - CITY $4.06 $0.00 $62.06 442721 11/13/2012 TAX - OCCUPANCY - STATE $3.48 $0.00 $65.54 443068 11/14/2012 Rm: 309 COR13 - Corporate Rate $58.00 $0.00 $123.54 443069 11/1412012 TAX - OCCUPANCY - CITY $4.06 $0.00 $127.60 443070 11/14/2012 TAX - OCCUPANCY - STATE $3.48 $0.00 $131.08 443413 11115/2012 Rm: 308 COR13 - Corporate Rate $58.00 $0.00 $189,08 443414 11/15/2012 TAX - OCCUPANCY - CITY $4.06 $0.00 '$193.14 443415 11115/2012 TAX - OCCUPANCY - STATE $3.48 $0.00 $196.62 443493 11/1&2412 CC PMT - VISA $0.00 $196.62 $0.00 Bauer: SO Method of Pay: Credit Card: VISA - ... 8683 Signature: THANK YOU 1. A QU I N T'.Aa INNS a SUITES BIEBERDORF, ROGER 9502 E MAIN ST LA QUINTA INN & SUITES LUBBOCK NORTH 5006 AUBURN LUBBOCK, TX 79416 (806) 749-1600 Folio#: 6018122591 Room: 307 Arrival: 11/13/12 MESA, AZ 852078821 Departure: 11/20A2 Company: Rural Electric Returns Club No: P05162892 VottewlShip/PO: Trans # Date Description Charges Payments Balance 442716 11/13/2012 Rm: 307 COR13 - Corporate Rate $58.00 $0.00 $58.00 442717 11/13/2012 TAX - OCCUPANCY - CITY $4.06 $0.00 $62.06 442718 11/13/2012 TAX - OCCUPANCY - STATE $3.48 $0.00 $65.54 443065 11/14/2012 Rm: 307 COR13 - Corporate Kate $58.00 $0.00 $123.54 443066 11/14/2012 TAX - OCCUPANCY - Cr1'Y $4.06 $0.00 $I27.60 443067 11/14/2012 TAX - OCCUPANCY - STATE $3.48 $0.00 $131.08 443410 11/1512012 Rm: 307 COR13 - Corporate Rate $58.00 $0.00 $189.08 443411 11/15/2012 TAX - OCCUPANCY- CITY $4.06 $0.00 $193,14 443412 11/1512012 TAX - OCCUPANCY - STATE $3.48 $0.00 $196.62 443492 11116/2012 CC PMT- VISA $0.00 $196,62 $0.00 Balance: $0.00 Method of Pay: Credit Card: VISA - ... 8683 Signature: THANK YOU WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS lkku Y N TA VS a SUITES ;RDORF, ROGER MAIN ST , AZ 852078821 sny: Rural Electric Jwa t'lueoUiuy LUBBOCK, TX 79416 (806)749-1600 Folio#: 6018122590 Roam: 304 Arrival: 11113/12 Departure: 11/16112 Returns Club No : P05162892 Voucher/Ship/PO: a N hate Description Charges Payments Balance 37 11/13/2012 Rm: 304 COR 13 - Corporate Rate $58.00 $0.00 $58.00 D8 11/13/2012 TAX - OCCUPANCY - CITY $4.06 S0.00 $62.06 09 11113/2012 TAX - OCCUPANCY - STATE $3.48 $0.00 S65.54 56 11/14/2012 Rm: 304 COR13 - Corporate Rate $58.00 S0.00 $123.54 57 11/14/2012 TAX - OCCUPANCY - CITY $4.06 $0.00 $127.60 58 11/14/2012 TAX- OCCUPANCY - STATE $3.48 $0.00 $131.08 04 11/1512012 Rm: 304 COR13 - Corporate Rate $58.00 $0.00 $189.08 05 11115/2012 TAX - OCCUPANCY - MY $4.06 $0.00 $193.14 06 11/15/2012 TAX- OCCUPANCY - STATE $3.48 $0.00 $196.62 88 11/16/2012 CC PMT - VISA $0.00 $196.62 $0.00 Balance: $0.00 od of Pay: Credit Card: VISA - ... 8683 itu re: THANK YOU RM,