HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2012-R0461 - Accept LECD PSAP Grant - Lubbock Emergency Communication District - 12_06_2012Resolution No. 2012—RO461 December 6, 2012 Item No. 5.2.1. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the City Council of the City of Lubbock does hereby accept the Lubbock Emergency Communication District Public Safety Answering Points Grant in the amount of $19,872.52 on behalf of the City of Lubbock, from the Lubbock Emergency Communication District. Said Grant documents are attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council on December 6, 2012 GL . ROBE TSON, MAYOR ATTEST: I Re —beck Garza, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Roge4 El is, Chief of Police APPROVED AS TO FORM: 9 Chad Weaver, Assistant City Attorney vw:ccdocs/RES.Grant-Emergency Communication October 31, 2012 Resolution NO. 2012—RO461 L.UBBOCK EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION DISTRICT 8200 Nashville Ave., Suite A200 • Lubbock, TX 79423-1909 806,747.6911 • fax 806.747.5803 , www.lubboL*91l.org October 24, 2012 Chief Roger Ellis Lubbock Police Department P. O. Box 2000 Lubbock, TX 79457-2000 Dear Chief Ellis: On Wednesday, October 10, 2012, the LECD Board of Managers considered all PSAP Grant requests for the fiscal year 2012/2013 budget. After discussion and consideration, the Board of Managers approved a grant for -the Lubbock Police Department in the amount of $19,872.52 for console upgrades, monitors and chairs. This represents the $22,080.58 that was requested for the items, minus the 10% agency matching. The grant period is from October 11, 2012 until September 30, 2013. We daa request that all purchases and/or project work be completed and the associated dacume[ita#ion be submitted to our office no later than September 15, 2013. Again, this is a reimbursable grant. Your agency Must expend the funds and provide documentation to the District that the items have been purchased and/or work has beers completed and all invoices paid. Also the items purchased or work completed must match the grant request. Congratulations on the approval of your grant., Th.e District is happy to assist our PSAP agencies in providing the best possible 91-1-1 Serves to the public we serve. Sincerely, Michael H. Grossie, ENP Executive Director Cc: Communications Manager Christy Hennsley ".-to provide the best possible, trouble free 9-1-1 network for the citizens we serve..." City of Lubbock, TX Department of Finance Grant Information Form Grant Title: PSAP Reimbursable Grant Program FY 20012-13 Department: Lubbock Police Communications Center Department contact: Christy Hennsley, Manager Phone #: 775-2991 Email: C1lennsley@mylubbockus Granting agency: Lubbock Emergency Communication District Phone #: 747-6911 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) #: NIA Grant Contract # assigned by granting agency: NIA Application deadline: 5:00 P.M., September 11, 2012 Grant application package included? [ x ] Yes [ ] No Cash match? [ x j Yes [ j No Amount: S 2,208.06 Grant amount (not including match): S 22, 080.58 40 # of FTE's: 42 # of PTE's: 1 Cash match account number: 5717.9111 IDE revenue code: Did funds originate with federal gov't? [ j Yes [ x ] No Grant application summary provided? [ x ] Yes [ ] No Page # from application: 2 Grant period: October 1, 2012 - September 30, 2013 How does this grant align with City Council priorities? Emergency Telecommunicators sit for extended periods oftime, which can trigger problematic stressors. Comfortable, functioning chairs are a necessity when operating a 2417 Communications Center. Temperature control within the Communications Center is hard to maintain on an individual basis; fans and heaters will help to regulate this. Stress will be reduced and customer service will be enhanced. Replacement of four (4) existing flat panel LCD monitors that were purchased under the 2008-2009 PSAP grant. These monitors serve several purposes such as far viewing the multiple traffic cameras strategically placed along Loop 289, Marsha Sharp and IH27; maps and screen shots associated with the CAD software. How will the grant program's effectiveness be measured? What measures will be used? Is this a new grant program or an enhancement to an existing program? [ ] New [ x ] Enhancement Are there any additional requirements that are associated with receiving the grant? [ ] Yes [ x ] No If yes, what are the additional requirements? Will the City pass grant Funds to sub -recipients? [ ] Yes [ x ] No Is there construction costs associated with the grant? [ ] Yes [ x ] No Can indirect costs be funded in the grant? [ ] Yes [ x ] No Does accepting the grant result in the redirection of some operating costs?[ x ] Yes [ ] No If yes, how much? $2,208,06 By:. Grant Ptppft Managery iloellz- s C)-1 Manag Da e 2 1-/ A ZI& dzk'LAA--� 6 - U- I -.-- Chief rinancial Officer or City Manager Date Attachments? [ x ] Yes [ ] No Number of pages: 13 912412012, 6:1L.ECD Grant\Gmnt Analysis Form 2012-13.docx Lubbock Emergency Communication District PSAP Grant Funding Program FY 2012-2013 In the past, the Lubbock Emergency Communication District has provided funding for technology upgrades and enhancements, training, and workplace environment enhancements to the PSAPs within the District. The Grant Funding program for FY 2012-2013 is a reimbursable one. The agency accepting the grant must first expend the funds and then provide documentation to the District of the expenditures. Arrangements can be made for a timely reimbursement if necessary. Agencies must match a minimum of 10% of the cost of the project. A maximum of $50,000 can be awarded to an individual agency. The project for which the grant funds are awarded must be completed within the District's fiscal year. The District fiscal year is October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013. Projects that cannot be completed in that timeframe will not receive grant funds, Grant funds are to be used for the receipt, tracking, recording or documentation of 9-1-1 calls. The two exceptions are for dispatcher/call-taker training and enhancements to the dispatch environment. The Grant funding program shall not be used to purchase "odds and ends" or for the purchase of radios or radio (dispatch) consoles and the like. All projects must have a positive impact on the receipt, tracking, recording or documentation of 9-1-1 calls. All projects must show benefit to the citizens, dispatchers and/or first responders. Funds may be used for: (not exclusive) • Dispatch console furniture. • Dispatch console task lighting, • Dispatch Chairs, • New or upgrades to software designed to assist the dispatcher in locating, recording, tracking and documenting 9-1-1 calls. • Relocation of 9-1-1 'center to another location inside or outside of existing facility, • Training, tuition, and travel expenses above and beyond what is normally provided by the District or agency. • New or upgrades to software designed to assist the dispatcher in "triaging" of 9-1-1 calls and quality assurance reviews of 9-1-1 calls. Funds may not be used for: (not inclusive) • Personnel Expenses (salary, stipend, benefits). Floor, wall or window treatments or coverings. • Training material not directly related to the receipt of 9-1-1 calls (motivational training is acceptable). • Uniforms or clothing. • Office Supplies or public education material. All grants will receive final approval by the Board of Managers. Grants that contain items which, in the opinion of the Board, are outside the scope of the District's mission will not be approved. The Board's decision is final. Submission Deadline is 5:00 P.M. Friday, September 21, 2012. Grants will be approved at the October 10, 2012 Board meeting. Lubbock Emergency Communication distrk3 PSAP Grant Funding FY 2012-2013 Page 1 of 3 Lubbock Emergency Communication District PSAP Grant Funding Program FY 2012-2013 This form must be used. LPoject Type: f ❑Technology ❑Training ® PSAP Environment Agency Name Lubbock Police Communications Center Contact Person Christy Hennsley, Manager Phone Number (806)775-2991 Email CHennsley@mylubbock.us Fax (806)762-4912 Goal Our goal is to improve 9-1-1 services to the residents of the Exactly what is to be accomplished? Lubbock Emergency Communication District by improving the work environment of the Telecommunicators. Why Ergonomic chairs, console fans and heaters will provide a Describe why this project is necessary. pleasing and comfortable environment for the Telecommunicators. Replacement monitors originally bought for 2009-2010 grant are needed to support the technology available in assisting with emergency services. Linkage Emergency Telecommunicators sit for extended periods of How does this project relate to the time, which can trigger problematic stressors. Comfortable, receipt, tracking, recording, and functioning chairs are a necessity when operating a 24/7 documentation of 9-1-1 calls? Communications Center. Temperature control within the Communications Center is herd to maintain on an individual basis, fans and heaters will help regulate this. Monitors will display five traffic stream and maps to assist in dispatching emergency calls for service. Outcome Stress will be reduced and customer service will be enhanced, How will this undertaking provide better 9-1-1 call handling and services for the citizens, dispatchers, and/or first responders? Timeline Proposed start date: October 1, 2012 Describe what will happen during each Proposed completion date: January 1, 2013 month of the project short projects may be broken down by weeks. Budget Provide a detailed budget with narrative that describes the budget items. Include alternate budget(s) if funding less than the amount of the request could be provided. If request is for training funds, include statement regarding available funds budgeted by agency for personnel costs, Including the personnel costs of replacement Lubbock Emergency Communication District PSAP Grant Funding FY 2012-2013 Page 2of3 or "fill in" employeas. if training funds request, please include where the classes are located for FY 2012-2013, if training material, please include in your narrative how you will document the use of material. Other Funding Please describe other sources of funding that are available or have been requested for this project. Capabilities and competencies Ability to manage and organize this project from beginning to Please describe the capabilities and end. competencies of the people with oversight on this project. Matching Funds If approved, we anticipate paying our matching funds from line Please include documentation that the items listed in the approved 2012-2013 budget. required matching funds are available for this project. Maintenance Ergonomic chairs will be cleaned periodically and parts Describe how this project will be replaced as needed. Fans and heaters will be checked maintained once implemented; annually through an active warranty contract with Watson. sottwareihardware support, similar. Monitors will be turned off periodically to prevent screen bum. Signature of person preparing Grant Request Date: Z gnature of Agency/Department Head Date: Received by LECD: Lubbock Emergency Communication District PSAP Grant Funding FY 2012-2013 Page 3 of 3 LUBBOCK EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION DISTRICT PSAP Grant Funding Program FY 2012-2013 Detailed Budget Lubbock Police Communications Center Item Cost Ergonomic Chairs $7,078.67 Console Fans & Heaters $11,414.47 Monitors $3,587.44 Total Grant Request $22,080.58