HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2012-R0156 - PO - Forman's Pick Up Pals - Suvs, Light Duty Vehicles - 04_10_2012Resolution No. 2012-RO156 April 10, 2012 Item No. 5.18 RESOLUTION IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Purchase Order No. 31009815 for the purchase of light duty vehicles and SUVs as per ITB 12-10601-CI, by and between the City of Lubbock and Forman's Pick Up Pals, and related documents. Said Purchase Order is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council on April 10, 2012 TOM MARTIN, MAYOR ATTEST: lReb cca Garza, City Secretary VED AS TO CONTENT: YkarwobG, Assistant City Manager Information Officer AS TO FOIZjy1; jChad Weaver, Assistant City Attorney rccdocs/RES.Forman's Pick Up Pals-PurchaseOrd arch 27, 2012 1 , i ,r city of Lubbock rlt�l PURCHASE ORDER TO: FORMANS PICK UP PALS INC 6810 WAYBE AVENUE LUBBOCK Texas 79424 INVOICE TO: CITY OF LUBBOCK ACCOUNTSPAVABLE P,O. BOX 2ooe Ll16BOCK, TX 79437 Page _ I Date - 012T 2012 Order Number 31009815 000 OP Branch; Plant 3526 SHIP TO: CITY OF LUBBOCK FLEET SERVICES 206 MUNICIPAL DRIVE LUBBOCK Texas 79403 Ordered 03/27/2012 Freight Requested 09/19/2012 Taken By Delivery PER PORRAS J REQ 38753 PER [TB 12-10601-Cl Description/Supplier Item Ordered Unit Cost UM General Purpose Flatbed 1.000 2,128.2100 EA Spec NV41-VC Utility Service Body w/Crane 2.000 16,958.9700 EA Spec NV-37-WTR Terms NET DUE ON RECEIPT C ISAACS Extension Request Date 2,128.21 09/19/2012 Total Order 33,917,94 10/ 10/2012 36,046.15 This purchase order encumbers funds in the amount of $36,046.15, for the purchase of vehicles awarded on April 10, 2012 to Forman's Pick Up Pals, Incorporated, of Lubbock, Texas in accordance with Forman's Pick Up Pals response to ITB# 12- 10601-CI. The following is incorporated into and made part of this purchase order by reference: Bid Submitted by your firm in response to Citv of Lubbock ITB# 12-10601-CI. Resolution# 2612—RO156 . CITY OF LUBBOCK ATTEST: Tom Martin, 1vlayor Reber �Garza,'City IFER+NIS ,AND CONDITIONS IM PO RTA.N r: READ CAREFULLY STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS Seller and Bayer agree to follows: I SELLER TO PACKAGE (:Of1fT5. Seller will package goads in accordance with good commercial practice. F'ach shipping turnserler %hall be clearly and peemsnendy marked as follows is) Seller's name and address, lbl Consignee's name, address said purchase order or purchase release number,urd the supply egreement numbs if appl(cebk, fcl Csmwner nurrsbar and total numbs of cunWnen, a g. Von I of { boxek and (it) the numbs of she conuirher hearing nhe pocking ,lip. Seller iliall hear coal of packagng unless adrrwise provided Oueds +hall be suitably perked ho terum lower lranspomation costs ad La caofurm with requiremmu of ctmwwwe carnal and any applicable VoctRcations. Buyer's count or wetghl +hall be final and cttrscluisve on shipments nail accompanied by pecking lists. 2. SHIPMENT ENDER RESERVA f10N PROIIIBITEO. Seller is no autdniZOd to ship the goals under reservoson ad no tender of @ bull of (ding will operate a a tends of goods. 3. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS. rho title ad risk of tire, of the gtrocis shei) not pas to Buys zlil Buys actually receives and takes poasessiur of the sio-de in the point or points of livay. 4. NO REPLACEMENT OF DEFF:C'r)VE TENDER. Every tender of delivery of goods mute fully comply w ah all provisions of this %wraract a to time of delivery, quality and the like. Ifs tender is trade which does rot fully conform this than constitute a Vrract and Seiler %hall not have the ngM to tubslitua a comforreing tends, provided, where the mite, for psfornance has not yet e%pired is Seller may reasonably rarity Buyer of his inunuan to cure And may then make a conforming under within the contract time her as afterward 5. INv'OICk4 A PAYMENTS. a. Seller dull wbmit +,parse invoices, in duplicate. one each purchwo .wdw or purchases releser after sack delivery. Invoices shall indicate the psacham order or putcluse rtlesse number and she supply agreement number If applicable. Invoicas shall be itemund and transportation charger, if any, shall be liaised sepwalely. A copy of the bill of lad rs, and the fieigbs waybill whim applicable, sMrld be attached to the invoice. Mail To: Accounts PsysbM. City of Lubbock, P. 0. Boa 2000, Lubbock. Tnas 79457. payment shall not be tkw rand the above instruments are submiued after delivery, 6, GRATUITIES. The Buys may. by written notice to the Sells. cancel this contract without liability to Seller if it in detanwimd by Buyer dual gratuities, in the fota of emernainm em. gilt ar urherwisa. were afered or given by the Seller, or awn a" or representative of the Seller, to any officer or employss at this City of Lubbock with s view to secr(ry a contract or securing favorable irea ntwst wish respect so des@ ewsid ng or anwrdin g or the mating of any detenniswiass with _-pier ta tha pterforming of such a cattrettt. in the erases this con~ is canceled by Buyer Montano a this provision. Buyer shall be entitled, in addition to any other righte end rertoediek to recover or wid thwld the simulate of des cost ieciared by Sella in providing stitch pramdlls. 7. SPECIAL TOOLS A TEST EQUIPMENT. If to price staled om' der knit hereof inekdn the cost of any speed tooling or special sea equipsfabricated or required by Sells for dw purpose of filling this order, such special tooling equiprnrtt red airy process ahem related thereto shall become that pnopeety of the Buyer and to the extant fesibie shall be identified by the Seller s ruck. 1. WARRANTY -PRICE a. nw price to be paid by Ow Buyer dull be that consamd hit Seller's laid which Seller wareros to be no higher than Sof's cunem procsea on osdsn by ushers For products of tb kid and speeillswim oova@d by thin agreement for similar quantities under tlmlhr of like conditions and method of parchm In line evstt Seller breacbse this wormvsty, the prices of the item shall be resLcall a the Sena's curter, priices an orders by Others, or In the alternative. Buyer may cancel the contract without liability to Seller for bindle or Seder's actual expense. b. Tte Seller wartime than no person or wiling agency ha bean employed or retained W WWII. or xeetra this contract uposs an Mincemeat. or uuderstendig for cwnwsion. percemap, brokerage, or coothisgent (s escapti g bons Bile employees of boom Bile estal lsbed conmereial or willing agencies nsaimairred by the Seller for that pepow of seaolrg lauehww For beech of vlelanoe of "a wanady the Buyer shell have Use right in addition to any other right serf rgha so eaaseel ski conuaq whsout "lily ad to deduct hues dte cam+aet price. or aksrwis recover without liability and to deduct lean dw wit rect prim tar otherwise recover the IWI arroat of warts connnwsioe, percentage, brokerage or contingent ties 9. WARRANTY -PRODUCT. Seller aleR not Ifewia or exclude my implied wasnnies mid airy atterrps to do so shell render this carsad voidable me the option of the Buyer. SeRw sran@nte that the Stones Ftanished will conform to the tpecifkuriur, drawings, said descriptions listed in the bid invitation, and to the ample(t) (Famished by the Seger. if any. la Ibe event of a csmhid or betworst the pecsft[siaw, drawersp, wed downsplroswt, der speahcaaiasa t1eR govern Notwithstanding my prerl I come int d in der contracnap ogive as th Seller represeNs and warms rsuk-fin performance and fault. few result in the processing daw ad dew related data (includiag, but dart limited so calcul mug, computing and sequencing) of all haedetwo, software and hrmwen products delivered eel services provided uwdar hbi Contract. individually or In caabirmiak as ilw use nwy be from the efledive date of ibis Contract. nee obfigai en co taped hers® apply to products ad eervices provided by Ilw Salle►. Rx sub - Seller w any third peaty invoked in rho o a sai or developreat of the p radnets and services a be delivered to do City of Lubbock under thin Covent . Failure to comply with stye of the obligaioee canuined barns, may result in the City of Lubbock availing itself of any of its rights under tar law and under sled Contract including. but its li tried im its right painkilwg to termination or defassll The wertrties contained herd sit tepin and ddsosse lean say other wansniks spec" is this Contract. and at not subject to any disclaimer of warranty. implied or expreraed, or Ii ewiim of dw Seller's liabalky wit" tiny be specified is tka Canaan, its sppadkak is whedules, iu asrwees or my 4ocwwer rrscaporawd in this C,MiML by refesena. 10. SAFETY WARRANTY. Seller *0 Isis that the products sold to the Buyer shill conform to Ike snendards pramJgased by the U. S Department of Labor under the Occupational Safety and I IealLh Aciof 1970_ In the coat line product don not conform to OSIIA tdasdards. Buys my return the pin duce for correction or mplacenri at this Seller's npw m In the even Sella fah to make the appnpmaa ccrrecum within a reuonsble line, nwrectmon minds by Buyer will he at the Seller's expose. 11 *40 M %RRAN TV BY BUYE2 AGAINST INF RINGItMENFS. As pen of nerd contract for sale Sella agree to awertas whetlef goods rmmulactared a wcurdancs with the quaufkasiam stitched to this agreement will give rim to Lit* rightful claim o(sny third paaoe by way of infringement of the like. Buyer make no -worry thin the production of foods cording w the speoficaiiun w ill not give rise to such a claim, and m ms even shall Buyer he bottle to Seller for indemini"ian in she event that Seller is wed to the grounds of tinfnngemem of the like If Seller is of the opinion than m mlfinppewm settle like will reeds. he wdl mify the Buyer to this effect in writing within two weeks after the signing of this agrtememt, If Buyer don not receive notice and is iubsegwtnly heW liable for the infringement ur Ili like. Seller will eve Buys harmless. 11 Sean m good faith avorasrua the production of the goods an accordance with the nisei kssions will result in Infringement or the like. the contran shall be null sd void 12. RIGHT OF INSPECTION. Buyer sW have the right to imprca the goods ai delivery before accepting thud I1. CANCELLArtON. Buyer ,hall have the right to camel for defasds A or any pan of the untle0vered pinion of Lsia order sf Sells brewhiss any of the terms hereo! including warranties of &Ilse or If the Seller becomes ,tenure nr or commits acts Of tenkrupcy. Such right of cancellation is in addition to and not in lieu of any other remakes which Buyer may have in Is- or egaay. l4. TERMINATION, r1e perfamrne of wark under this order may be tmninMed its wheal, or In pen by the Buys in accordance with tni provision. Townsison of work herra der then be efrecied by the delivery of tin Sella of a "Noslce of Termination" .pacifying the ,arm to which perfomnance of work under the order is terminated and the data upon which ouch termination becomes effective. Such right or termination is in addition to and non in lieu of the nghu of Buys set finds in Clam 13. herein. 15. FORCE MA.IEURE. Neither party shell be held responsible fa losses, resulting if the fulfillment of airy leer of provisions of this conman is delayed or pmentad by any cause not within the control of the parry whose performance is interfn wilt. and which by the tactician of reasoable di I igence said perry is orbk to prevent. It. ASSIGNMENT -DELEGATION. No right or interest as this contnp ahsR be signed or Jelegaias of any ONigabn mails by Sallee withal Lti writtm pen"nion of the Buyer. Any suampasd ass vionerm or deleption by Seiler shall be wholly void and mdxany ineffis ive for all purpose unless nsede in conformity ity with Isis paragraph I7. W AIV EIL No claim or risk sensing of of a breach of this contract can be dischergad In whole w in pert by a waiver or nmswi stiom of the claim or right unless the waiver or remanciatim is tupparted by consideration and Is in writing signed by the aggrieved party, 11. INTERPRETATION -PAROLE EVIDENCE This writing, phn any rpecilkmtana for bids and peformance provided by Buyer k as dvertisnwm for bide, ad any Other documents provided by Seller u post of his bid is interudetd by the parties se a final expression of their agreernml and ostendW ohs as a corpleu and etcluWvo statement of dw warms of their agrcenmers. Whersevar a term dsrhisd by the Uniform Commercial Code Is used in this egrtircarnam, the definition contained in the Code is to control. 19. APPLICABLE LAW. This @greened than be governed by the Uniform Coamsrewl Cede. When aver, the arts "Uniform Conmrcal Code" is ussd, it shell be construed u meaning the Uniform Cormwaisl Code se adopewf in der Sloe of Tins as efrsnive and in korcr on the dale of" agrm+rra. 20, RIGHT TO ASSURANCE Wsenevw one pony to this contract is good faith has reason to question the other Perry's intent to pa Fiat he may demand tied to Other parry give wrai ms aaourance of his intent so perfaraL le the event that a demand Is me& end no assurance Is divas within dire (5) days. the demanding party nay eyes this failure n o amicipaory, repudiation of the conurwL 21, INDEMNIFICATION. Seller shall i Livemify, keep will eve hermles the Buyer, its agema, offleit is sad etplayea, spins all "uris, death, peak deorpe, direr, priest clehor, tuns. liabilhiak judgnnesne, caeca pd a patsk which may is arywis acstuse ■gels the Bayer in conseq rim of the granting of Ili Cameo or whits may mywia temk therefrom, whether or not if tan be Alrged or deesenm. that the seta wait cased through negHprsce or animu m of the Seller or its ..so* s or of der su63elkr or assign or its employee@, if any, and the Selkr shWL m kis ovm espalas, appear. defend and pry sill chaps of morrsya and aB cows and other etpo e t arising lhaeflrw of incurred In cmmrctlm dwdewiLk and, if arty judlp eta rhell be If idered spina dw Buyer is my swelt edi an, tb W. kr AWL at its own expaneek %tidy mid dlaherp the lose Sella npsresaty tinderwarl411 end agrees dart arry bored eeyuind by this connerec4 or onlstwis provided by Seiler. Omit in no way lam this responsibility to irdswm4, keep and aver harmless and defend der Buyer a her provided 22. TIME. It Is hereby expressly speed and undertoad thin time is of the comm fine the performance of this coraroi wnd failure by contract to met the tie gsacif woe of this apemwt will cats Sena b lr it defaJl of dis apeemat. 23. MBE The City of Lubbock hereby notifies all bidder that m regard to my contract entered into parautart to this request, niagieV and women business enterprises .ill be afforded equal ,tipperiseemes to submit bids Is reaptimm to this inviW im and will not be dtsctim resod +gaunt tan the grounds of race, color, was or neural origin in consideration fbr an sward. 24. NON -ARBITRATION, The City reserves the rigbe Io eamcin my right or remedy avail" to it by low, contract equity, or otlwrrise, inchding wahotd limiauicat, the right a seek wry and am fora of relief in it coat of compdm Jurisdiction. Further. this City thou rest his VAjaer to my whits man process price to nacnig its unestricud right to seek judicial remade. Thw nernaeddea sett tons snail ere cuaalri+e end ties nrlwivs, tied gray lose ntrciaed corerrenuy. To the extent of terry conflict berwem this provision aid anodaa provision is, or related to, thin docwrwnL this provitkon AM sass. 25. RIGHT TO AUDIT. At any Lima during the tom of the contract- or tiseaha, the City, or a duly sudlosued Audis repeesnnariw of the City or the Sow of Tess, st its c%ptmve sd a reasonable lerrak reserves On risk to sucil Cermactor's record@ end basks rekt.mr ern all services provided to the City under ,hie Conti t In the event such an vulnt let the I a. rev cads any omen as ovcrpsyessin by the City. Cons- to sled) refund cite t sy -he full emam .tit such wapsyrnema within thirty (30) eiy@ of such autk Ifndisrp, order 1 fry. at rnervn the right a deduct such anasoas awing to City haw any payment. ,lua l'Iwtul n uw Rcv 0::012