HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2003-R0247 - Memorandum Of Understanding - Worksource Of The South Plains - 06_19_2003Resolution No. 2003—RO247 June 19, 2003 Item No. 29 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, a Memorandum of Understanding to provide educational and workforce development services to residents of Lubbock County, by and between the City of Lubbock, WorkSource of the South Plains and the Adult Education Region XVII, and related documents. Said Memorandum is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council this 19th day c ATTEST: Y N A 4 .A Rebecca Garza, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Ran ruesddf, Community Services Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: '0004/!� William de Haas Contract Manager/Attorney gs:ccdocs/Memo of Understanding-SPRses May 12, 2003 Resolution No. 2003-RO247 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Among South Plains Regional Workforce Development Board (d.b.a WorkSource of the South Plains), Adult Education- Region XVII, and the City of Lubbock The following Memorandum of Understanding (the Agreement) sets forth the terms of agreement among WorkSource of the South Plains (WorkSource), and City of Lubbock (hereinafter known as Community Centers) and the Adult Education- Region XVII (hereinafter referred to as Adult Education) with regard to providing educational and workforce development services to residents of Lubbock County. L Purpose Whereas it is in the best interest of the constituencies served by the parties to this Agreement that WorkSource, Adult Education and the City of Lubbock develop a comprehensive collaborative relationship, one that not only defines the level of services and responsibilities, but also provides adult education and instruction for educationally disadvantaged adult learners in the Lubbock area. WorkSource and Adult Education do hereby resolve to create tangible and philosophical bonds of cooperation between the organizations. The strengthened planning, programming, research, and development that shall result from this relationship will benefit the public and each entity as well. Each entity will assure that open access to information and available resources are streamlined and that any artificial barriers to cooperation are permanently dissolved and prevented from developing in the future. & Duration of Agreement The terms of this Agreement shall be effective from the date signed by the parties. This Agreement shall continue to remain in full effect until such time that each party desires to renegotiate the terms or cancel the Agreement. 111, futnmary of Services provided through the Workfource One -Stop Centers: Through this agreement, WorkSource hopes to initiate a new level of involvement with WorkSource Career Center partners to implement and improve workforce development services for the residents of Lubbock and the South Plains. There are several programs and activities identified in the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) that make their services available through the WorkSource One -Stop delivery system. These include, but are not limited to, Adult Dislocated Workers and Youth Services under WIA Title I, Adult Education, Apprenticeship Programs, Child Care, Choices/TANF, Postsecondary Career and Technology Training Providers, Food Stamp Employment and Training, Literacy under the National Literacy Act, NAFTA- Transitional Assistance, National and Community Services Act, Project RIO, Senior Citizens Employment Program, Trade Adjustment and Assistance Act, Unemployment Insurance, Veterans Employment and Training Programs, Wagner-Peyser Employment Service, and Welfare to Work. Services offered through Adult Education and the City of Lubbock Memorandum of Understanding Page 1 of 8 Community Centers is key to the success of WIA customers and the effectiveness of the WorkSource Career Centers. WorkSource Career Center staff may identify customers eligible for Adult Education Services at the City of Lubbock Community Centers. Voluntary applicant ' information as well as diagnostic, comprehensive and specialized testing and assessments will be the methods used by WorkSource Career Center staff to determine the need for education remediation and/or basic education. Through the development of the Individual Employment Plan (IEP), the customer and WorkSource Career Center staff will address goals, objectives, and a time -line for meeting said goals. It is envisioned that after those educational goals have been attained, the customer will return to the WorkSource Career Center and seek job placement or further training assistance. IV. Program Description The Education Service Center Region XVII will serve as fiscal agent for an Adult Education Cooperative. The educational services of the cooperative will be made available at a number of training sites, including the City of Lubbock Community Centers. This Agreement, entered into the date signed by WorkSource of the South Plains, Adult Education- Region XVII and the City of Lubbock, will provide educational services to educationally disadvantaged adult learners pursuant to the provisions of the National Literacy Act (P.L. 102-73) and as authorized under the Texas Education Code, Subchapter H, 29-252. The Agreement also encompasses funding provided by the state of Texas as authorized under the Adult Education State & Federal Funds, TEC 29.252 and P.L. 104-193, Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (TANF) and P.L. 106-113 and P.L. 105-200 of the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act. V. General Provisions A. The parties to this Agreement assume full responsibility for their respective costs associated with their performance of the terms of this Agreement. In no event shall WorkSource be obligated to pay or reimburse any expense incurred by the Community Centers or Adult Education under this Agreement. B. It is understood by the parties that each shall fulfill its responsibilities under this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of law and regulation, which govern their activities. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to negate or otherwise render ineffective any such provisions or operating procedures. C. If at any time either party is unable to perform its functions under this Agreement consistent with such parry's statutory and regulatory mandates, the affected parry shall immediately provide written notice to the other to establish a date for mutual resolution of the conflict. D. In the case that any portion of this Agreement is found to conflict with the requirements imposed by a superseding authority, the applicable provisions of this Agreement shall be secondary. E. The Agreement may be amended at any time in writing by the parties concerned. Between WorkSource and the City of Lubbock, the Agreement may be canceled by either party upon sixty (60) days written notice except where the cancellation is for cause, i.e. a material and significant breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement, it may be canceled upon delivery of written Memorandum of Understanding Page 2 of 8 notice to the other party. Adult Education may cancel the Agreement upon written notice to the parties involved. VI. Responsibilities of the Parties Under Agreement In consideration of the mutual aims and desires of the parties to this Agreement and in recognition of the public benefit to be derived from effective implementation of the programs involved, the parties agree that their responsibilities under this agreement shall be as follows: A. WorkSource, Adult Education- Region XVII, and the City of Lubbock agree to: 1. Work cooperatively to establish innovative and effective solutions to the problems facing Lubbock adults and dislocated workers. This may involve developing partnership teams or the utilization of existing cooperative bodies with the specific mission of improving customer access to personal and career development services in Lubbock. 2. Identify specific contact persons and staff who will be responsible for participating in interagency forums and discussions, including planning meetings and goal articulation. These individuals shall then be responsible for communicating the results of said meetings or projects to their respective sponsor organizations. Representation and contact points should be established at the local levels if at all feasible. 3. Develop communications protocol that will best serve the interests of the parties involved. This procedure, either formal or informal, shall provide for open communication among the three (3) parties and methods for reporting discernible progress, effective practices, strategic changes, areas of agreement and support, and matters of disagreement. This protocol will also result in the timely communication of identified target population needs and any ongoing or developing situations that my impact the workforce development community. 4. Share resources, to the extent practicable, that will further the mutual objectives of the parties while reducing costs and expenses that would have been incurred otherwise. This shall include tangible items such as space, equipment, and informational materials, as well as management expertise, reasonable linguistic support and translation services, specific technological knowledge, and other party -specific domains of a less tangible nature. 5. Support the efforts of the other party in legitimate attempts to eliminate duplication of effort, introduce streamlined services and improve the quality and access of available programming. 6. Seek additional resources including educational grant funding that will improve the effectiveness of individual and joint efforts implemented by the parties to this Agreement, and provide reasonable support to the other organization in the acquisition of said resources. 7. Each party will act as a resource/referral source to help individuals locate community resources that will assist with their educational and workforce goals. Memorandum of Understanding Page 3 of 8 B. WorkSource shall: (1) Coordinate and disseminate workforce development information and resources with the local Community Centers and Adult Education staff. (2) Include in the list of services offered at the WorkSource Career Centers information about the Adult Education and Literacy Programs at the City of Lubbock Community Centers. (3) Refer eligible customers, or customers who may be eligible, to Adult Education for services at the Community Centers through WorkSource Career Center staff. This will include transferring allowable enrollment data that may have been collected about the customer in order to expedite the intake process and reduce duplication of effort and eliminate unnecessary redundancy. (4) Accept referrals from Adult Education and City of Lubbock Community Centers and provide all allowable and necessary services to eligible individuals as funding availability permits. (5) Establish and maintain measures that will protect any and all confidential information that may be shared through the implementation of this Agreement. Client -specific data and information shall be held in the strictest confidence and will only be accessible by staff that needs the information for legitimate business purposes. Outside access to client records and documentation shall be restricted to controls established by applicable funding sources and legal authorities with a specific controlling interest. (6) Invite Adult Education and City of Lubbock Community Center representatives to participate in regular evaluation initiatives of WorkSource and WorkSource Career Centers, including impact studies and qualitative assessment measures such as focus group sessions. (7) Participate, in conjunction with the Adult Education Cooperative and the City of Lubbock Community Centers, in the publicity and promotion of the adult education program in a coordinated and timely manner to enhance community involvement. WorkSource further agrees to provide: 1. Computers and software to accommodate the training needs of students in the Community Centers. 2. An authorized WorkSource Board staff member to act as a contact person. The contact person is the Director of Operations. 3. Provide WorkSource Career Center resources at the Community Center. C. Adult Education- Region XVII agrees to provide: 1. Coordinate with the local WorkSource Career Center by providing Adult Education and Literacy program information and opportunities for area citizens. 2. Coordinate and disseminate information and resources with the local WorkSource Career Center. 3. Refer eligible customers, or customer who may be eligible, to local WorkSource Career Centers for services. This will include transferring allowable data that may have been collected on the customer in order to expedite the intake process and reduce duplication of effort and reduce unnecessary redundancy. 4. Accept referrals from the local WorkSource Career Centers and provide all allowable services to those eligible individuals. Adult Education will also record the number of eligible individuals referred to the Community Centers from the Lubbock WorkSource Career Center, and provide this information to WorkSource as requested. 5. Establish and maintain measures that will protect any and all confidential information that may be shared through the implementation of this Agreement. Customer -specific data Memorandum of Understanding Page 4 of 8 and information shall be held in the strictest confidence and will only be accessible by staff that needs the information for legitimate business purposes. Outside access to client records and documentation shall be restricted to controls established by applicable funding sources and legal authorities with a specific controlling interest. 6. Invite WorkSource representatives to participate in regular evaluation initiatives of Adult Education, including impact studies and qualitative assessment measures such as focus group sessions. 7. Instructional services in either one or all of the following areas: English as a Second Language (ESL), Adult Basic Education (ABE), General Education Development (GED), Literary Training, and ESL/Civics Training. 8. Identification of instructional personnel as needed. 9. Assistance in preparation of program reports through accurate documentation and collection of data. 10. Participation, in conjunction with the Adult Education Cooperative and the City of Lubbock Community Centers, in the publicity and promotion of the adult education program in a coordinated manner to enhance community involvement. 11. Services are provided on an as needed basis at designated Community Centers. Adult Education will provide notification of scheduling changes to WorkSource within thirty (30) days of the change. D. City of Lubbock Community Centers shall: (1) Coordinate with WorkSource and Adult Education by providing information on the Community Center programs and opportunities for citizens for area residents (2) Promote information sharing and coordination of activities to improve performance of WorkSource workforce development programs by proposing joint programming opportunities; (3) Promote joint planning for delivery of services; (4) Sustain the ability to expand the WorkSource and City of Lubbock partnership to other Community Centers as the need dictates. (5) Facilitate collaborative activities between the WorkSource, Adult Education and the Community Center programs. (6) Provide space, Internet access, and staff to provide access to the facilities. Vll. Allocation of Costs The parties referred to in this Agreement assume full responsibility for their respective costs associated with their performance of the terms of this Agreement. Vill. Amendment of Cancellation of Agreement The Agreement may be amended at any time in writing and by mutual consent of the parties. Between WorkSource and the City of Lubbock, the Agreement may be canceled by either party upon sixty (60) days written notice except where the cancellation is for cause, i.e. a material and significant breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement, it may be canceled upon delivery of written notice to the other party. Adult Education may cancel the Agreement upon written notice to the parties involved. Memorandum of Understanding Page 5 of 8 /X. JOGNATORVAPPROVAL The undersigned parties bind themselves to the faithful performance of this Agreement. It is mutually understood that this Agreement shall not become effective until approved by all parties involved. Wo It e e uth Mains B Name: Mary Ann Rojas Title:. Chief Executive Officer Date: Memorandum of Understanding Page 6 of 8 Adult Education- Regio XVII By: Name: Freddye Harrell Title: Coordinator- Adult Education Date: 0 3 Memorandum of Understanding Page 7 of 8 CITY OF LUBBOCK., TEXAS ATTEST: Rebecca Garza City Secretary Date: June 19, 2003 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Randy Trj6esdell Community Services D� Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: �v rG t1�GG�5' r^n+zaer/Attorney Date: ��93 Memorandum of Understanding Page 8 of 8