HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2019-R0212 - Market Lubbock Expenditure - Chappell, Lanehart, & Stangle (Facade) - 06/11/2019 Resolution No. 2019-RO212 Item No. 6.9 June 11, 2019 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 5 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Market Lubbock Economic Development Corporation (the "Corporation"), the City Council of the City of Lubbock (the "City Council"), as the Corporation's authorizing unit, has the authority to approve all programs and expenditures of the Corporation; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the public to approve the program or expenditure, as proposed to the City Council by the Corporation, as set forth in Exhibit"A"attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Downtown Fagade Grant program or expenditure of the Corporation, in the amount set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, to be provided to Chappell, Lanehart & Stangl, P.C., is hereby approved pursuant to Section 5 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Corporation. Passed by the City Council on June 11. 2019 DANIEL M. POPE, M 012 ATTEST: Re �cca Garza, City §ecrLary APPROVED AS TO CONTEN 51V Vv1 � A Scott Snider,Business Development Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: r Kelli Leisure, Assistant City Attorney codocs/RES.Market Lubbock DT Expenditure—Chappell,Lanchart&Stangl 05.24.19 M A R K E T LUBBOCK,. Downtown Grant Program June 11, 2019 Total Capital - $17,077,386 Total Grants - $127,831 • Chappell, Lanehart & Stangl Law—1217 Ave K o Grant Type — Fapade (50% up to $25,000) o Expense Total = $5,661 o Grant Total = $2,831 o Board Approval — May 22, 2019 • Cotton Court— 1610 Broadway o Grant Type — Farade (50% up to $25,000) o Expense Total = $389,268 o Grant Total = $25,000 o Board Approval — May 22, 2019 • Cotton Court— 1610 Broadway o Grant Type — Permittable (10% up to $100,000) o Expense Total = $16,682,457 o Grant Total = $100,000 o Board Approval — May 22, 2019 1500 Broadway, 6t' Floor, Lubbock, Texas 79401 Phone (806) 749-4500 MARKET LUBBOCK, INC. - DOWNTOWN GRANT PROGRAM J11 1217 Ave K (Chappell, Lanehart & Stangl, P.C.) TOTAL SCOPE OF WORK = $5,661 FACADE GRANT = $2,831 Multiple property owners collaborating as one project M A R K E T LUBB*CK,. Downtown Grant Program Presented to MLI Board May 22, 2019 Project 1217 Ave K f Facade) The attorneys at Chappell, Lanehart&Stangl, P.C. have more than 50 years of collective experience and have served Lubbock since 1948. The firm is teaming up with their office neighbors, Laurie Key and Mike McBain to renovate the building along 1213, 1217 and 1219 Ave K, located within the Downtown TIF. The scope of work will include replacing the fabric of one awning and painting the fagade of the building and adding signage totaling$5,661 in expenses. The MLI Board is being asked to consider a Downtown Fagade Grant for Chappell, Lanehart&Stang] totaling$2,831 at 1217 Ave K. M A R K E T LUBB CK Downtown Grant - Application The information requested on this form will be used by Market Lubbock, Inc. for analysis of your project. MLI CONTACT INFORMATION Jorge Quirino-Special Projects Phone: 806.749.4500 Market Lubbock, Inc. 1500 Broadway, Sixth Floor, Lubbock, TX 79401 Email: jorge.quirino@lubbockeda.org *Applications must be received by MLI prior to pulling a City permit or starting construction *Scope of work must be approved by the City of Lubbock (more detail on page 3) Project Property Address 11217 Ave K GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY Company Name Chappell, Lanehart &Stangl, P.C. Street Address 1217 Ave K City, State, Zip Lubbock, TX 79401 Federal Tax ID# GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY CONTACT Name Chuck Lanehart Title Attorney Phone Number 806-765-7370 Email chucklanehart(o.hotmail.com Date Submitted 3/1/2019 (per phone call with JQ COMPANY BACKGROUND List any person or entity that has at least 5% ownership in the Applicant Company: Name Percent Name Percent Chuck Lanehart Laurie Key Mike McBain Is the firm registered with the Secretary of State's Office to do business in Texas? Yes Q, Are you in good standing with the State of Texas? Yes If you answered "No"to either of the above two questions, please explain Is the firm and/or principals delinquent on any federal, state or local tax obligations? No Q- Has the company or principals of the company had prior bankruptcies or lawsuits? No If you answered "Yes"to either of the above two questions, please explain 1/3/19 1 MLI INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROJECT Project Name(MLI Use) 11217 Ave K Property LCAD R# 110187 Property Ownership: Own F11 Lease ❑ Owner Approved ❑ Grant Type(Check One): Permittable ❑ Fagade El Detailed Project Summary and Description of Work: -Painting of exterior doors/windows at 1213 Avenue K(Laurie Key, owner) -Replacement of awning at 1213 Avenue K (Laurie Key, owner) -Painting of exterior doors/windows at 1215 and 1217 Avenue K(Chuck Lanehart, owner) -Painting of exterior doors/windows at 1219 Avenue K(Mike McBain, owner) -Painting of edge of shared overhang at 1215, 1217, 1219 Avenue K(Chuck Lanehart and Mike McBain, owners) Project's NAICS Code(North American Industry Classification System) 1541110 NAICS Description JOffices of LaTyers City Permit Total Amount(if applicable) Summary of Itemized Expenses: Projected MLI Approved Reimbursement (MLI USE) Refurbishing Awning Frame/Replacing awning fabric $1,460 $730 Painting offagade $2,073 $1,036 Signage $2,128 $1,064 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 TOTALI $5,661______J_ $2,831 Final bids will be used to calculate the project cost and grant amount. 1/3/19 2 MLI Scope of work must be approved by the City of Lubbock The link below includes the City documents used to determine compliance: https://ci.lubbock.tx.us/departments/planning/design-guidelines The property owner or leasee is responsible for communicating directly with the City of Lubbock to determine if any aspects of the scope of work require permits or public improvements. Public Improvements may be required if the project meets all four of the following criteria: 1 located within the CBD TIF area; 2)Valuation of$100,000 or more; 3)Scope of work affects the fagade/exterior of the building and surrounding area 4)4 building permit is required. CITY CONTACT Director of Business Development Office 806.775.3082 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FROM THE APPLICANT At the time of application: Application (must be received prior to construction started or permits pulled) Written City Approval of: Permit Needs Public Improvement Needs Detailed/Itemized Construction Bids or Schedule of Values Before Picture (prior to construction beginning) Architectural Plans (if applicable) Architectural Renderings(if applicable) After completion of construction: Certificate of Occupancy or Similar City Document(Permit) City Written Verification of Guideline Compliance (Non-Permit) Proof of Payment: PAID Invoices Processed Checks, Bank or Credit Card Statements matching PAID invoices Applicant Signature: Chuck Lanehart Date: 1-Mar-19 1/3/19 3 MLI 222 East 34"Street Lubbock,TX 79404 806.744.2351 QUEST & SONS INC 806.747.6936 Wd / Quote To: Laurie Key From: J.Mike McCasland Company: Laurie Key law Pages: 1 Phone: 771 -3933 Date: 4/2/2019 Fax: Re: Awning recover ❑Urgent x For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle 0 Comments: The following pricing is for recovering the existing awning frame located at 1213 Ave K in Lubbock,TX. Pricing includes removing and cleaning existing frame. Recovering the frame with all new Black Sunbrella fabric. Reinstalling the frame with the new cover.Sales tax. $1,460.00 DocuSign Envelope ID:B356EB86-CBB1-4C8D-85E8-B055279BA368 /yiIndependent Franchise Owner: Job#:TM41 F03072 CertaPro Painters , J&T Moore Enterprises, LLC Date: 03/2212019 r� 4413 82nd St.,Suite 207 ` 7^` { ` Lubbock,TX 79424 Customer Address: EXTERIOR PROPOSAL Owners-Tracy Moore: Chuck Lanehart Job Address: 806-777-1522;James Moore Chapel[ 1217 Avenue K 806-543-6001 Lanehart and Stangl Lubbock,TX 79401 Residential Sales Associate- P.C. Contact Phone: ((80)6)-7370 Cody Settle: 806-252-4452 1217 Avenue K Office Associate-Maria(Estela) Lubbock Granados: 806-368-6504 TX 79401 tracymoore@certapro.com; Phone: (806)535-2689 jamesmoore@certapro.com Office: (806)765-7370 1-800-462-3782 Cell:(806)535-2689 License#: NIA Email: chucklanehart@hot mail.com $2,000,000 General Liability Insurance SPECIAL NOTES: 1213 AVE K: 18 panel door-Scrape/sand($300) Window-Scrapelpaint($50)Replace board-optional-$70 Sub Total: $420 1 21 511 21 7 AVE K: 2 exterior doors$165 ea 2 windows$30 ea Sub Total: $390 1219 AVE K: 3 exterior doors$165 ea 3 windows$110 Sub Total: $605 FASCIA ON OVERHANG: Sub Total: $510 PREPARATION: Washing: To remove all dirt and mildew so the new finish coat will adhere properly. Caulking: Caulk all previously caulked gaps and cracks to seal out moisture and drafts. Scraping: Scrape all loose and peeling paint to ensure a firm base for the new paint. Sanding: To deg loss where necessary to promote adhesion of the top coat. PRIMING Surface Type/Area Primer Purpose Wood Spot prime where bare wood primer To seal substrate so as to allow proper finish coat"bite"for best intercoat adhesion. INCLUDED DETAILS Description Manufacturer/Paint Type Color Coats Doors,windows,fascia.--Not Applicable-- N.A N.A (See special notes.) Clean Up Page 1 of 6 DowSign Envelope ID:6356EB86-CBB1-4C8D-85E8-B055279BA368 To be completed in full daily and in upon job completion. All ladders down and stacked-Tools&equipment stored properly each evening in acceptable,safe location determined by the customer and the Site Manager. We clean up daily and upon completion to make sure your property is "presentable" and perform a full clean-up when we are complete(including sweeping and vacuuming paint chips). The procedures performed to properly clean your house may create literally thousands of very small paint chips that are near impossible to fully cleanup. Notes/Misc CUSTOMER SERVICE COMMITMENT: The goal for this job is to provide the best customer experience possible.This is accomplished by being friendly and courteous, by making the client feel part of the process with daily updates and excellent communication, by doing things right the first time,and by respecting your property and your home. PAYMENT TERMS: FULL PAYMENT FOR SERVICES AND MATERIALS RENDERED PURSUANT TO THIS PROPOSAL IS DUE IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION OF THE JOB. PRICE QUOTED INCLUDES A 2.5% DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT. Repairs being performed do not include any structural repairs that might be found during prep or carpentry repairs.We will review this with the customer should any areas of concern be identified .. FINAL PRICING PRICE OF INCLUDED ITEMS(All labor, paint, materials ) $0.00 Doors,windows,fascia.(See special notes.) $1915.00 PRE-TAX TOTAL $1915.00 SALES TAX(@ 8.25%) $157.99 $2072.99 DEPOSITS DUE -$0.00 PAYMENTS RECEIVED -$0.00 BALANCE DUE $2072.99 Signature of Authorized Franchise Representative: Date: Payment Terms: In Full upon Job Completion DECLARATION (I/WE) HAVE READ THE TERMS STATED HEREIN,THEY (I[WE)HAVE EXAMINED THE JOB STATED HEREIN, HAVE BEEN EXPLAINED TO (MEWS)AND(IfWE)FIND THEY HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO (ME/US)AND(IIWE) THEM TO BE SATISFACTORY,AND HEREBY ACCEPT FIND THEM TO BE SATISFACTORY,AND HEREBY ji-iSM,,si9"dACCEPT THE JOB AS COMPLETE I il,,d 3/23/2019 EZIn'.S:4S'J 5483 DATE SIGNATURE DATE Page 2 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID:B356EB86-CBB7-4C8D-85E8-B055279BA368 ertaf+ srIndependent Franchisee Owner: Job#:TM41F03072 t Painters J&T Moore Enterprises,LLC Date:0 311 912 01 9 4413 82nd St.,Suite 207 Chuck Lanehart I Lubbock,TX 79424 1217 Avenue K Job Photographs tracymoore@certapro.com; Lubbock,TX jamesmoore@certapro.com 79401 Owners-Tracy Moore:806-777-1522; Phone:(806)535-2689 James Moore 806-543-6001,Residential Work:(806)765- Sales Associate-Cody Settle: 7370chucklanehart@hotmail.com 806-252-4452,Office Associate-Maria (Estela)Granados:806-368-6504 y. 1 IMG_1230.JPG K 21MG 1231.JPG I 31MG 1232.JPG 41MG 1233.JPG f r , P Ad 5IMG_1234.JPG 6IMG_1235.JPG I 71MG_1236.JPG 8 IMG_1237.JPG Page 3 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID:B356EB86-CBB1-4C8D-85E8-B055279BA368 I C==w Aa I • r � 91MG_1238.JPG 101MG 1239.JPG YTI I I' I 111MG_1240.JPG 121MG 1241.JPG tt `1 I I I 13 IMG_1242.JPG 14 IMG_1243.JPG i. `.. .1' : r � II � I t w l 151MG_1244.JPG 16 IMG_1245.JPG Page 4of6 DocuSign Envelope ID:B356EB86-CBB1-4C8D-85E8-B055279BA368 CertaPro Painters : HELP RELATIONSHIP- The individual giving you this proposal is an independent contractor licensed by CertaPro Painters to use Its systems and trademarks to operate a painting franchise.The work will be completed by the Independent franchised contractor.Please make any check payable to the franchise shown in the upper right hand corner of the front of this proposal DEFINITIONS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT COLORS- Colors may be chosen by the client prior to commencement of work.If,after the job starts,a color change is required,the independent Contractor will have to charge for time and material expenses incurred on the original color. UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS- Should conditions arise which could not be determined by visual inspection prior to starting work,the client must pay an agreed upon extra for the completion of such work. PROPOSAL- This proposal is valid for 60 days after it was written.In addition,the Independent Franchised Contractor should be informed of your desire to have the work done and receive a signed copy of the proposal before work is to be started. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION CLIENT: YOU,THE BUYER,MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION.SEE THE BELOW NOTICE OR CANCELLATION FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT,(SATURDAY IS A LEGAL BUSINESS DAY IN CONNECTICUT).THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE HOME SOLICITATION SALES ACT AND THE HOME IMPROVEMENT ACT.THIS INSTRUMENT IS NOT NEGOTIABLE.NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Date of Transaction ..........,.--------------------------------------------------------------.._._-..- ----------------------------------------------- YOU MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION,WITHOUT ANY PENALTY OR OBLIGATION,WITHIN THREE BUSINESS DAYS FROM THE ABOVE DATE. IF YOU CANCEL,ANY PROPERTY TRADED IN,ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY YOU UNDER THE CONTRACT OR SALE,AND ANY NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT EXECUTED BY YOU WILL BE RETURNED WITHIN TEN BUSINESS DAYS FOLLOWING RECEIPT BY THE SELLER OF YOUR CANCELLATION NOTICE,AND ANY SECURITY INTEREST ARISING OUT OF THE TRANSACTION WILL BE CANCELLED. IF YOU CANCEL,YOU MUST MAKE AVAILABLE TO THE SELLER AT YOUR RESIDENCE IN SUBSTANTIALLY AS GOOD CONDITION AS WHEN RECEIVED,ANY GOODS DELIVERED TO YOU UNDER THIS CONTRACT OR SALE;OR YOU MAY,IF YOU WISH,COMPLY WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THE SELLER REGARDING THE RETURN SHIPMENT OF THE GOODS AT THE SELLER'S EXPENSE AND RISK. IF YOU DO MAKE THE GOODS AVAILABLE TO THE SELLER AND THE SELLER DOES NOT PICK THEM UP WITHIN TWENTY DAYS OF THE DATE OF CANCELLATION,YOU MAY RETAIN OR DISPOSE OF THE GOODS WITHOUT ANY FURTHER OBLIGATION.IF YOU FAIL TO MAKE THE GOODS AVAILABLE TO THE SELLER,OR IF YOU AGREED TO RETURN THE GOODS AND FAIL TO DO SO,THEN YOU REMAIN LIABLE FOR PERFORMANCE OF ALL OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE CONTRACT. TO CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION,MAIL OR DELIVER A SIGNED AND DATED COPY OF THIS CANCELLATION NOTICE OR ANY OTHER WRITTEN NOTICE,OR SEND A TELEGRAM TO (Name of Seller) (Address of Seller's Place of Business) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT OF (Date) I HEREBY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION. (Buyer's Signature) (Dale) LIMITED TWO YEAR WARRANTY Subject to the limitations set forth below,for a period of 24 months from the date of completion of the work described on the front of this contract,the Independent Franchise Owner named on the front of this contract(the"Contractor')will repair peeling,blistering or chipping paint resulting from defective workmanship. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER: Page 5 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID:B356ES86-CBB1-4C8D-85E8-B055279BA368 •Any work where the Contractor did not supply the paint or other materials. •Any work which was not performed by the Contractor. •Varnished surfaces. •Surfaces made of,or containing,galvanized metal. •The cost of paint required to perform the repairs. •Repairs to horizontal surfaces or any surface that,by virtue of its design permits moisture to collect.Surfaces include,but are not limited to,decks, railings,stairs,porches,roofs,and wood gutters. Exact paint match as environmental conditions will affect the color and finish of all paints over time. Any repairs which are necessitated as a result of a defect in the paint regardless of whether the paint was supplied by the Contractor or the customer. Bleeding caused by knots,rust or cedar. •Cracks in drywall,plaster or wood. •Peeling,blistering or chipping where they are caused by: mill-glazing from smooth cedar ordinary wear and tear. abnormal use or misuse peeling of layers of paint existing prior to the work performed by the Contractor. structural defects. settling or movement. moisture content of the substrate. -abrasion,mechanical damage,abrasive cleaning,abuse,or damage resulting from use of chemicals or cleaning agents or exposure to harmful solids,liquids or gases.-damage or defects caused in whole or in part by reason of fire,explosion,flood,acts of God,extreme weather conditions, misuse,alterations,abuse,vandalism,negligence,or any other similar causes beyond the control of the Contractor. Repairs under this limited warranty will be performed only on the specific areas where peeling,blistering or chipping has occurred and only to the level of surface preparation described in the preparation section of this Contract. FOR THIS WARRANTY TO BE VALID,YOU MUST: •Pay the full contract price. •Retain a copy of the original contract. Retain a copy of your cancelled check or other evidence of payment in full. •Pay for all materials used to perform the repairs. •Make the property accessible to the Contractor,or his employees,to perform the repairs THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS THE ONLY EXPRESS WARRANTY MADE BY THE CONTRACTOR AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.THIS WARRANTY COVERS ONLY THOSE SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER NAMED ON THE FRONT OF THIS CONTRACT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRACTOR BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR DAMAGES IN EXCESS OF THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE.THIS WARRANTY MAY NOT BE ALTERED OR EXTENDED FOR ANY PURPOSE UNLESS DONE SO IN WRITING IN A DOCUMENT EXECUTED BY ALL PARTIES TO THIS CONTRACT. This warranty gives you specific legal rights.Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts,so the above limitation may not apply to you.Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages,so the above imitations or exclusions may not apply to you. For warranty service,you should contact your Contractor to schedule an inspection of your property by calling CertaPro Painters at 800.462.3782. Page 6 of 6