HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2005-R0302 - Approve CDBG - Young Women's Christian Association Challenger ED Program - 06_23_2005Resolution No. 2005-RO302 June 23, 2005 Item 50 ]RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the City Council of the City of Lubbock does hereby approve of the proposal for the Young Women's Christian Association Challenger ED Program from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and all related documents. Said proposal is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council this 23rd day of June/ Z- , 2005. MAYOR ATTEST: Garza, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Nancy Haney Community I APPROVED AS TO FORM: Si of Attorney ccdocshes-YWCA-Challenger ED Prog-CDBG.res June 17, 2005 1.1 , of It FY 2005-2006 Public Service Continued Funding Application Page 2 To submit an application, complete Part A — J, Attachments 14 (if applicable) and any other items requested. Do not bind the application or include any items that are not requested. Submit one proposal per project. Submit one original and one copy of each application (SINGLE SIDE ONLY) to Community Development, 1625 13th Street, PO Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79457 by April 1, 2005 5:00 PM. Please review the "Citizen's Guide" for the Community Development programs, goals, requirements and timelines. For assistance, please call the Community Development Department at 775-2301. A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant: YWCA of Lubbock Challenger Program ® Not -For -Profit ❑ For -Profit ❑ CHDO ❑City Dept. ❑ Other (Please include a copy of your IRS ruling providing tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the 1986 IRS Code if you are a non-profit.) 2. Name of Project: Challenger ED Program 3. Area or Location of Project: YWCA, 3101 34th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79413 4. ContactPerson/Title• Shirley Stevens, Challenger Program Director MailingAddress/Zip: YWCA, 3101 35th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79413 Telephone/FaxNumber(s): (806)792-2723 Fax (806)792-0556 S. Grant Request: ® CDBG ❑ ESG ❑ HOME 6. Amount of Funds Requested for Project: $ 25 , 000 7. Amount of Matching Funds for Project: , $ 6,250 Match Type: ❑ Cash ® Sweat Equity ❑ Other Grants ❑ Donations Identify Source of Match: Sweat Equity: Professional Services In -Kind: YWCA, LISD Match Status: ®Confirmed ❑ Requested 8. Unduplicated Units Served (agency's definition) One student attending program (a) Total CD Funds Requested 25 000 (b) Total Unduplicated Units Served 15 (c) Average CD Cost Per Unit (a/b): $1,666.66 9. Is this project? Year 1 Year 2 d) Total Project $al. 250 e) Total Unduplicated Units Served 15 f) Average Cost Per Unit (d/e): $2,083.34 X Year 3 Year 4 A& FY 2005-2006 Funding Request Page 3 B. PROPOSED PROJECT: 1. Project Description: In two sentences concisely describe your project. This description will be used in future publications should your application be approved. Limit two sentences 2. List Goals, Objectives and Outcomes. What outcome are you trying to achieve? Please include the number of people or households that will directly benefit from the program. How will you measure the outcomes? Please list at least one output and outcome. LMT V2 page 3. List Activity Measures/Steps required to obtain Goals and Objectives. Include a one-year Timeline from planning to completion for each activity measure. Please highlight significant milestones or steps of your proposed program. LIMIT 1/2 page 4. Evaluation: Explain how you plan to evaluate the program. What criteria will you use to measure if the program is successful? Please be specific and elaborate on the output and outcome that you listed above. LIMIT 1/2 page C. STRATEGY TO DEVELOP ALTERNATIVE FUNDING SOURCES 1. If program is a public service, outline your plan to develop alternative funding to replace Community Development funds at the end of the three-year cycle. Provide a timeline, with measurable goals and objectives as a part of your plan. Limit 1 page 2. If this is your second or third year of funding, update your accomplishments in meeting the goals and objectives in your funding plan and timeline. Limit 1 page D. PROGRAM INCOME 1. Please list applicant's anticipated program income from this project and detail how applicant will create a return of investment to the grantor particularly if proposed project includes facilities, housing, or economic development. LIMIT 1/2 page B. PROPOSED PROJECT: 1. Project Description: The Challenger ED Program provides educational and recreational activities for emotionally disturbed children and children with severe behavior problems who are unable to function in mainstream summer and after -school programs. By intervening in the lives of these troubled children at an early age, the program seeks to prevent school dropout, drug abuse, and involvement in delinquent and gang related activities. 2. Goals, Objectives and Outcomes: The primary goals of the Challenger ED Program are as follows: 1. To continue a viable and ongoing YWCA program in the Lubbock area, offering 15 to 20 emotionally disturbed children an accessible educational/recreational program designed to meet their special needs. 2. To introduce children with emotional disabilities to activities that will improve and enrich their lives, and encourage them to remain in school and to avoid involvement in unproductive or criminal activities. 3. To increase participants' capacity to be integrated into mainstream educational/recreational classes and activities. Efforts will be made to attain these goals through the achievement of the following objectives: Objective 1: Conduct culturally sensitive outreach and advertising programs that reach educators and organizations that serve emotionally disabled children. Objective 2: Encourage participation in the Challenger ED Program and offer scholarships for emotionally disturbed children who are eligible. Objective 3: Continue the program in 2005/2006. Serve approximately 10 students at a time depending on degree of disability, with a total of 15 to 20 students served annually. Objective 4: Increase participants' self-esteem, improve social skills and the ability to make wise decisions in peer relationships, encourage responsibility and personal accountability and improve educational successes. OUTPUT: The Challenger ED program will serve at least 15 emotionally disturbed students during each year of the grant period. OUTCOME: Successful attendance of emotionally disturbed students in a recreation/education program, demonstrated by the ability of participants to follow program rules and accept consequences when rules are broken, by improvement in social skills and by the acquisition of new recreation and education skills such as swimming and computer literacy. 3. Activity Measures/Steps and Timelines All activities are ongoing unless otherwise noted below. OBJECTIVE 1 ACTIVITIES: August and December. 1. Create and distribute flyers and program overview announcements for the Challenger ED Program to schools and organizations that serve emotionally disturbed children. 2.. Contact principals, counselors, and social adjustment classroom teachers to discuss the program. Contact staff at Lubbock Regional MHMR and at other organizations to discuss the program. OBJECTIVE 2 ACTIVITIES: August and December 1. Ask social adjustment teachers to talk to students about the program and send program flyers home to parents. 2. Discuss the program with interested parents and offer scholarships. 3. Assist parents and teachers to arrange transportation to program location. OBJECTIVE 3 ACTIVITIES: August and ongoing. 1. Hire and train program staff as needed. 2. Enroll students. OBJECTIVE 4 ACTIVITIES: Ongoing. l . Provide activities children will enjoy to encourage participation. 2. Provide a very structured environment with definite consequences for inappropriate behavior, and praise and rewards for better behaviors. 3. Provide tutoring and assistance with homework as needed. Use educational computer software such as Math Blaster and Reader Rabbit to increase math and reading skills. 4. Discuss progress and problems with parents and teachers as they arise. 4. Evaluation The Challenger ED Program uses several measures to evaluate success: 1. We set goals for the number of children we will serve each year. 2. We track participants by age, disability, ethnicity, income level and place of residence so that we know we are reaching the people we are targeting. 3. We keep track of the number of students continuing in the program each month, and returning to the program each session. This return rate not only indicates how well our services are received by participants, but also by their parents or guardians, caregivers, case workers and school personnel. 4. We monitor students' progress in skill acquisition, such as making friends and getting along with peers, learning to swim, learning new games and computer activities, and success in following rules of the program. 5. By polling parents, teachers, counselors and caseworkers we determine whether the program has increased participants' social skills, self-esteem, personal accountability, decision -making skills and educational successes. C. STRATEGY TO DEVELOP ALTERNATIVE FUNDING SOURCES 1. Alternative Funding Plan Goal: Develop a plan to replace Community Development funds by the end of the three-year grant period and continue to operate the Challenger ED Program. Objective 1: Search for funding sources and, write grant proposals to support this program. Research will be done through the Internet and the Lubbock Area Foundation. 3'd year of gram Objective 2: Work with the YWCA Board and Executive Director to develop and implement a variety of fundraising activities/options to support the program on a long- term basis. Ongoing. Objective 3: Establish a sliding scale fee to be implemented at the end of the grant period. 3'd year of grant. Objective 4: Contact LISD Special Education personnel to discuss ways the school district might assist with funding for this program. Annually. 2. Funding Plan Update The Challenger ED Program second year funding ends in September 2005. The YWCA Board of Directors and Executive Director regularly discuss funding for this program during the monthly board meetings. The Lubbock Independent School District Special Education Department has been contacted to discuss funding for this program. LISD has agreed to provide bussing to the YWCA for emotionally disturbed students, but they are at present unable to assist with other funding. The YWCA has applied for and received a grant from the CH Foundation that will allow us to offer the Challenger ED Program during the summer months of 2005. We will continue to search for and write grants to support this program in the future. D. PROGRAM INCOME Individuals who do not qualify for scholarships from this CDBG grant will pay a monthly fee to participate in the Challenger ED Program. Because parents/guardians of emotionally disturbed children are often unable or unwilling to fund these kinds of programs for their children, we do not anticipate significant income from this source; however any such income will be used to support the program. This program creates a return of investment to the community of Lubbock by providing accessible activities for emotionally disabled youth that will aid in their integration into mainstream educational and recreational programs, and prevent their involvement in gangs, drug abuse and other delinquent activities. Page 4 E. PROJECT BUDGET 1. Please list applicant's anticipated expenditures, detailing requested funds and applicant's matching Binds. Please place Cush, S=Sweat Equity, O=Other Grants, D=Donations beside each amount under "Applicant's Match" to denote the type of match being used. IK=In-Kind e. tee, nFan Ytro n ro Bu et ADMINISTRATION: Personnel # 4 15 990 990 Payroll Taxes 1,760 1,760 Employee Benefits 1 240 1-240 Office supplies 50 50 copy supplies 50 C;n Postage 50 50 Tele hone Promotional Professional Service 110 000 S 1,000 Vehicle Flueumeage Other. Utilities 600 1,090 IK 1,690 Transportation 1,060 S 1,060 Bookkee er/PD 1.210 2,200 IK 3,410 Swim/Gym 4,050 900 IK 4,950 PROGRAM: Acquisition NIA Reconstruction N/A Rehabilitation N/A Installation N/A Demolition NIA T ech. Asst. Direct Assistance Rental of Space Rental of EEkmeut Professional Services for Clients Other. Professional services Construction N/A TOTALS 25,000 6,250 31,250 �X� Or, Page 5 F. BOARD INFORMATION 1. List all board members' names, number of years on board, occupation, and breakdown the gender and ethnicity of the board members. Please indicate officers. LIMIT 1 page G. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Federal law (24CFR570.611) prohibits persons who exercise or who have exercised any Smctions or responsibilities with respect to the above grants... or who are in a position to participate in a decision making process or to gain inside information with regard to such activities, may obtain a financial interest or benefit from an assisted activity... either for themselves or those with whom they have family or business ties, during their tenure or for one year thereafter. 1. Is there any member of the applicant's stall; member of the applicant's Board of Directors, or officer who currently is or has/have been within one year of the date of this application a City employee, a member of the Community Development & Services Board, or a member of the City Council? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, please list names: 2. Will the funds requested by the applicant be used to pay the salaries of any of the applicant's staff or award a subcontract to any individual who is or has been within one year of the date of this application a City employee, a member of the Community Development & Services Board, or a member of the City Council? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, please list names: 3. Is there any member of the applicant's sta$ member(s) of the Board of Directors, or officer(s) who are business partners or immediate family of a City employee, a member of the Community Development & Services Board, or a member of the City Council? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, please list names: Karen Martin — Board Member (wife of councilman Tom Martin) If any member of the Community Development Services Board has a con&4 they may not particlpate In the sub- eommhtee interview or discussions, nor vote during the raeomrxendatlon. The applicant certifies to the best of his/her knowledge and belief that the data in this application is true and correct and that the governing body of the applicant has duly authorized the fling of the application and that the applicant will comply with all the requirements of each grant respectively if the application is approved. Please include: 1) the minutes of the board meeting at which this item was authorized, and 2) who is authorized to sign the application and/or contracts. Name: C t(I U Ai & At'ti jW` Signature: Title: Board Chairperson Date: Nam . Signatu _ Title: Director Date: