HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2008-R0166 - Contract - TTI Environmental - Analyses Of Aqueous Samples Of Groundwater - 05_08_2008Resolution No. 2008-RO166 May 8, 2008 Item No. 5.10 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the City Council of the City of Lubbock hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor of the City of Lubbock to execute a Contract with TTI Environmental of Arlington, Texas, and any associated documents, for analyses of aqueous samples of groundwater per ITB #08-032-MA, a copy of which Contract is attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Passed by the City Council this 8th day of . May , 2008. 4 DAVID A. MILLER, MAYOR ATTEST: Rcb ca Garza, City Secretary APPROVER A,S TO CONTENT: C bme.,;Loomis tant City Manager/Transportation & Public Works APPROVED AS TO FORM: Don Vandiver, Attorney Uf Counsel DDres/Trlenvironmentat08ConRes April 29, 2008 ITB #08-032-fNA. Analyses of Aqueous Samples for Groundwaler Resolution No. 2008-RO166 CITY OF LUBBOCK CONTRACT FOR SERVICES For :knalyses of Aqueous Samples for Groundwater ITI3 #08-032-tINIA THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this 8th day of May, 2008, pursuant to a r S011,1 iarl heretofore adopted by the City of Lubbock, Texas, by and between the City of Lubbock ("City"), and TTl Environmental Laboratories, ("Contractor"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the; City of Lubbock duly advertised for bids for Analyses of Aqueous Samples for GI'01111dwatCr and bids Were rcceived and duly opened as required by law; and WHEREAS, after careful consideration of the bid subnuttcd by Contractor, tilt: City of LLibbock has heretofore adopted a resolL1ti011 authorizing the acceptance ofstich bid, and the exectitlon, in the [faille of the City of Lubbock a contract with said Contractor covering the purchase and delivery of the said Analyses of Aqueous Samples for Groundwater NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreement contained herein, as well as the financial consideration hereinafter referred to, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: In accordance with City's specifications and Contractor's bid, copies of which specifications and bid are attached hereto and made part hereof, Contractor will deliver to the City the Analyses of AqueOLiS Samples for Groundwater. 1. Analyses of Aqueous Sanlples for Groundwater specifically referred to as ltcni(s) No. I — 3 and more particularly described in the bid submitted by the Contractor or in the specifications attached hereto. The contract shall be for a term of five years, said date of term beginning upon City Council date of formal approval. The rates may be adjusted Upward or downward at tills time at a percentage not to exceed the effective change In the Constlnier Price Index (CPI) or Product Price Index (PPI), whichever is most appropriate for the specific contract for the preVIOIIS 12-months. At the City's discretion, the effective chailoc rate shall be based oil tither the local or national index average rate for all items. If a-recnlent cannot be reached, the contract is terminated at the end of the current contract period. 2. This contract shall remain in effect until the cxpiration date, performance of services ordered, or termination by either party witll a thirty (30) day writtell notice. Such written notice I1lLlSt stLItC 08-032,MAdoc 7 ITB #08-032-MA, Analyses of Aqueous Samples for Grou11d1Vate1 the reason for cancellation. The City of Lubbock reserves the right to award the cancelcal contract to the next lowest and best bidder as it deems to be in the best interest of the city. 3. The contractor shall obtain and maintain in full force and effect during the terns of tllc contract commercial general liability coverage with insurance carriers admitted to do business in the State of Texas. The insurance companies must carry a Best's Rating of A- V11 or better. The policier will be written on an occurrence basis, subJect to the f0110Wn1g 1171111111un1 limits of liability: INSURANCE COVERAGE REQUIRED The City reserves the right to review the insurance requirements of this section during thf- effective period of the contract and to require adjustment of insurance coverages and their limits when deemed necessary and prudent by the City based upon changes in statutory law. court decisions, or the claims history of the industry as well as the Contractor. Subject to the Contractor's right to maintain reasonable deductibles in such amounts as arc approved by the City, the Contractor shall obtain and maintain in full force and effect for thc duration of this contract, and any extension hereof, at Contractor's sole expense, insurance coverage written by companies approved by the State of Texas and acceptable to the City, its the following tvpc(s) and amount(s): TYPE General Liability. - Products — Comp/Op AGG Contractual Liability A M(lt INT General Aggregate of 300,000 Professional liability insurance, including: 500,000 per occurrence The City of Lubbock shall be named a primary additional ion General Liability. All copies of the Certificates oJ* Insurance shall reference the project name or bid number for which the insurance is being supplied. The contractor will provide a Certificate of Insurance to the City as evidence of coverage. The certificate will provide 30 days notice of cancellation, and under the cancellation section, the wording "endeavor to" and "but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company, its agents or representatives" will be crossed out. A copy of the additional insured endorsement attached to the policy will be included with thf certificate. The contractor shall also maintain workers compensation insurance in the statutory anhoLnit. If at any tine during the life of the contract or any extension, the contractor fails to maintain the required II1tiUra11Ce in full force and effect, all 'Work Linder the contract shall be discontinued immediately. Any 1111ilure to maintain the required insurance may be sufficient cause for the City to terminate the contract. 08 032-"doe 8 ITR #08-032-MA, Analyses of Aqueous Samples for Grout,vw 4. Neither the City nor the Contractor shall assign, transfer or encumber any rights, duties interests accruing from this Contract without the written consent of the other. >. This Contract consists of the following documents set forth herein; Invitation to Bid #08-032- MA, General Conditions, Specifications, and the Bid Form. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first above written. Fxecuted in triplicate. CITY OF LUBBOCK CONTRACTOR -\, David A. My ler, Mayor Authorized Representative ATTEST: 2117 Arlinciton Downs Road Arlin ton TX 76011 Rebe ca Garza, City Sceretary �7K APl OVED AS TO CONTENT: F,Ay/ , mesLoomis,Try lsportation Public Works ire �W. r/Assistant City Manager APPROVED A TO FORM: r ssistant t7ity Attorney 08 032-MAdoc 9 ITB #08-032-MA, Analyses of Aqueous Samples for Groundwater Resolution No. 2008-RO166 mot► SUBMIT TO: CITY OF LUBBOCK CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS �ja� Purchasing & Contract Managenlcnt / 1625 131h Street, Rrn 204 foo Lubbock, Tx 79401-3830 — -- AN EQUAL INVITATION TO BID CONTACT PERSON-- OPPORTUNITY Marta Alvarez EMPLOYER #08-032-MA TEL: 906.775.2167 FAX: 806.775.2164 http:/lpun;hasing.ci.lubbork. Le.us TITLE: Analyses of Aqueous Samples for Groundwater SUBMITTAL DEADLINE: March 26, 2008, 3:00 p.m. CST PRE BID DATE, TIME AND LOCATION: March 17, 2008 at 10:00 ltan•hidefink, rowrdla�anr]'eke wadroof A.M. in the City Hall, 1625 131h Street, Purchasing Conference drinery.skillherrmrnralinnV ned. Room 204, Lubbock, Texas. RFSPONDFNT NAME- LABEL THE OUTSIDE OF YOUR SEALED BID WITHTHE ITB NUMBER. T11 •: TTI Environmental Laboratories CLOSING DATE AND TIME, AND YOUR COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS. 1F RETURNING AS A "NO BID", PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THE MAILING ADDRESS: 2117 Arlin ton Downs Road "STATEMENT OF NO BID". CITY RTATF ZIP- TILE CITY OF LUBBOCK RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY Arlington, TX 76011 AND ALL BIDS IN WHOLE OR IN PART AND WAIVE ANY INFORMALITY IN TI IF COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS. FURTHER, THE CITY RESERVES TIIE RICIIT TO ENTER INTO ANY CONTRACT DEEMED TO BE IN TIIE BEST INTEREST OF Tile CITY. IT 1S THE INTENT AND PURPOSE. OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK TIIA r THIS REQUEST PERMITS COMPETITIVE BIDS. IT IS THE BIDDER-S RF.SPONSIHILITY TO ADVISE THE CITY OF LUBBOCK PURC'IIASIN(i MANACFR IF ANY LANGUAGE, REQUIREMENTS, ETC., OR ANY COMBINATIONS THEREOF. INADVERTENTLY RESTRICTS OR LIMITS THE REQUIREMENTS STATED IN THIS [TB TO A SINGLE SOURCE. SUCH NOTIFICATION MUST BE SUBMITFF•.D IN 817-861-5322 FAX NO: 817-261-1717 bmoravec ttilabs.com FEDERAL TAX ID NO. OR SOCIAL SECURITY NO. 75-2398824 WRITING AND MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE PURCIIASING MANAGER NO LATER THAN FIVF.(5) BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO T11E ABOVE S(IBMI'l-fAI. Df ADI-INI•. THE BIDDER HEREBY ACKNOWLEDCES RECEIPT OF AND AGREES ITS BID IS BASED ON ANY ADDENDA POSTED ON RFPDEPOT.COM The City of Lubbock Charter stales that no officer or employee of the City can benefit from any contract, job, work or service for the enunicipality or br intvnnico in the sale to the City of any Supplies, equipment. material or articles purchased. Will any officer or employee of the City, or member of their immediate fmI103 benefit from the award of this bid to the above firm?__ YESN NO IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS SOLICITATION, THE UNDERSIGNED BIDDER HAVING EXAMINED THE INVITATION TO HIT] AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND BEING FAMILIAR WITH THE CONDITIONS TO BE MET, HEREBY SUBMITS THE FOLLOWING BID FOR FURNISIIINO THE MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, LABOR AND EVERYTHING NECESSARY FOR PROVIDING THE ITEMS LISTED ON THE ATTACHED BID FORM AND AGREES TO DELIVER SAID ITEMS AT THE LOCATIONS AND FOR THE PRICES SET FORTH ON THE BID FORM, AN INDIVIDUAI AUTHORIZED TO BIND THE. COMPANY MUST SIGN THE FOLLOWING SECTION. FAILURE TO EXECUTE THIS PORTION MAY RESULT IN BID REJECTION. By my signature I certify that this offer is made without prior understanding, ugreement, or connection with uny corporation, firm, business entity, or person submitting an offer for the saunc materials. supplies, equipment, or service(s), and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I further agree that if the offer is accepted, the offeror a ill vomey. sell, assign, or transfer to the City of Lubbock all right, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it muy nuw of hereafter acquire Lill, •r the Anti-trust laws of the United States and the State of Texas for price fixing relating to the particular commodity(s) or service (st purchased or acquired e City of Lubbock. At the City"s discretion, such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the City tenders final ��ddue. --_ _ Business Development Manager Authorized Signature Title J. Bradley Moravec 13124108 Print/Type Name Date THIS FORM MUSTRE COMPLETED AND RETURNED WITH YOUR RESPONSE. 08-032•MAdoc fTB #08-032-MA, Analyses of Aqueous Samples for Groundwale BID FORM ,analyses of Aqueous Samples for Groundwater CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS ITB #08-032-MA In compliance with the Invitation to Bid #08-032-MA, the undersigned Bidder having examined the ln�itation to laid and Specifications, and being, lamiliar with the conditions to be met, hereby submits the following Bid fix furnishing the material, equipment, labor and everything necessary for providing the items listed below and agrees to deliver said items at the locations and for the prices set forth on this form. The Invitation to Bid 908-032-MA is by reference incorporated in this contract. The Laid F01-111 must he completed in blue or black ink or by typewriter. UNIT OF UNIT PRICE* ANNt:AL ITEM QTY h11LASUR1.: DESCRIPTION BID COST (more ur less) 1. 75 Each Texas risk reduction Program Sampling, per S 350.00 26,250.00 ' mcthod of analyses 2. 4 haeh 40 CFR Part 136 Sampling, per method of '720.00 2,880.00 analyses 3, n F.:trh 5tormwater Sampling, per method of analyses 45.00 360.00 *PRICE: F.O.B. Destination. Freight Pre -Paid and Allowed **Days Aftcr Receint of Order iAROI PAYMENT TERMS AND DISCOUNTS - Bidder offers a prompt payment discount of NIA No, net _ calendar clays Discounts will not be considered in detennining low bid. Unless otherwise indicated on the Bid Form, payment terms will be NET THIRTY DAYS. "the City will pay the Successftl bidder within thirty days after the receipt of a correct invoice or after the date of acceptance- whichever event occurs later. Discounts for prompt payment requiring payment by the: Cit, within a stipulated number of days will be interpreted as applying within the stipulated number of calendar days aver thy date of receipt by the City of a correct invoice or after the date of acceptance that meets contract requirements, whichever event occurs later. Discounts Ior payment in less than ten days will not be considered. MOST FAVOURED PRICING: The Bidder certifies that the price quoted is not in excess of the lowest price charged anyone else, including its most favoured customer, for like quality and quantity of the prod uctslservices, does not include Li clement of profit on the sale in excess of that normally obtained by the Bidder on the sale of productslservices of like quality and quantity; and cities not include any provision for discounts to selling agents. If at any time during; the contract period, the supplier should sell or offer for sale to any other customer, an equal or less quantity of similar contract products of like or better quality, at a lower net price(s) than provided herein, supplier agrees to notify the City and sell s.unc product(s) at the lower price(s) on ail deliveries made during the period in which Such lower prices) is effective. INTERLOC'AL PURCHASINO (optional): The City desires to make available to other local governmental entities of the State of Texas, by mutual a-I'CClilernt with the Successful bidder, and properly authorized intcrloeal purchasing agreement, as provided for by the Interlocul Cooperation Act (Chapter 791, Governnicnt Code), the right w purehasc the Sam - services, at the prices quoted, Im the period of this contract. Each bidder shall indicate on the Bid Fomn in the spact provided below if he/she will honor Political Subdivision orders in addition to orders from the City of Lubbock, Should these other governmental entities decide to participate in this contract, would you (the bidder) agree that all tcrm�. conditions, specifications, :uid pricing would apply? Other governmental entities that might have interests in this contract are Frenship Independent School District, Lubbock Housing Authority, Lubbock County, Lubbock County Hospital District, Lubbock Independent School District, South Plains Association of Governments, City of Texarkana, Texas Tech University, West Texas Municipal Power Agenc), L. nn County, and City of Wolfforth. YES XX NO • If you (the bidder) checked YES, the following will apply: • Govcnnttcawl cntitirs utilizing Interlocal Agreements for Cooperative Purchasing with the City of Lubbock will be eligible. but not obligated, to purchase materials/services under the contract(s) awarded as it result Of thi, solicitation. All purchases by governmental entities other than the City of Lubbock will be billed directly to that governmental entity and paid by that governmental entity. City of Lubbock will not be responsible fir anothc, toventmcntal entity's debts. Fach governmental entity will order their own materials/sere ice as needed. 08-032-M4doc lyses of Aqueous Samples for Groundwater THIS BID IS SUBMITTED BY ITTI Environmental Laboratories corporation organized under the laws of the State of Texas 1, or a partnership consisting of NIA or an individual trading as N/A of the City of NirAI _ Fim, Add City MIWBE Firm: Woman Black American Native American XX Iispanic American xx Asian Pacific Other (Specify) American By `"' 7s uthori_ccl ,senlative - must sign by hand Officer Name and Title: 1J. Bradlev Moravec Business Development Manager Plcya e Print Business Telephone Number 517- 611-5322 1 FAX: 817-261-1717 FOR CITY USE ONLY Bid Form Item Numbcr(s) Awarded to Above Named Firm/Individual: Date of Award by City Council (for hide over $25,000): Date P.O./Contract Issued: LABEL THE OUTSIDE OF YOUR SEALED BID WITH THE ITB NUMBER, THE CLOSING DATE AND TIME, AND YOUR COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS. 08-032-MAdoc ITS #08-032-MA, Analyses of Aqueous Samples for Groundwala laboratory Analysis of Aqueous Samples — .Annual Pricing CITY OF LUBBOCK. TEXAS Specifications The purpose of these specifications is to describe requirements for aqueous analyses to be performed on samples collectec by the City of Lubbock Solid Waste Disposal Department. Agcuous samples will be collected from the City of Lubbocl C'aliche Canyon Landfill and the %%est Texas Region Disposal Facility. The contract will be awarded for live years. — Task Description Compliance lion- --- _ _ CoIn -I la - lice -I) Laboratory must be National Fm irounicival Laboratory Accreditation Progr`1in YES (NELAP) certified, DoC11111C11ta601t submitted with bid. _ _ - 1) The laboratory ti%iII keel} a cupt u1-all laboratory results and chain ofcustodics for YES a period of three ears_-- - — —_ -- - 3) All glassware container-, %%ith appropriate preservatives and trip blanks will be YES supplied by the laboratory. Shipping expenses to and from shall be included in bid price. 4)A copy of the chain of custody, furnished with each sample shipment, must be YES completed (signed arnlrnatiun of date, time, and temperature received) and returned to the City of Lubbock Solid Waste Disposal Department upon sample receipt. 5) The laboratory lnust advice the City of Lubbock Solid Waste Disposal Department YES of any laboratory anomalies as soon as possible. Any rc-analysis, if required, will be processed at the Iaborator�,'s e-%pensc. 6) In an electronic format (pdf rile) the vendor shall provide their quality YES assurance program for the laboratory to include a Laboratory Standard Operating Procedures (I.SOP),— 7) CD with exampfcs ol"thC cl_ec•V01111c tiles that are being requested to provide. YES .8) Any laboratory utilized as a sub -contract must also be NELAP certified. NIA Documentation must be submitted with bid. For quality control purposes and verification resarnpling, the City of Lubbock Solid Waste Disposal Department reserve - the right to periodically send an undefined number of aqueous samples to another laboratory. Texas Risk Reduction Program Sampling The tivo major sanlplinz event., generally take place in March and Sepiernbcr ofeach year at each of the landfills. I he l'it_ will ship/deliver samples daily during the scheduled samplim- events. These dates are approximations only: they miry may not be reflective of actual samples collected andror shipped. The below -listed 1110110hh ul'JIMINscs and reporting limits arc rcquircd to be reported in a Texas Risk Reduction Program JRRP) laboratory report using prep and analytical methods specified in "Test Methods r0r Evaluating Solid Waste 11hysical/C'hemical Methods•' (US f;PA Publication Number SW-846. dated September 1986, 3n1 Edition, as rc%iSed an4l updated). — Task Description Compliance Non- — _ Comp] pl lance In additiun, a RGG-36,TRRP-1 3 L.Iboratoty Data Package Covcr Page and Laboratory -- j Review Checklist must be completed liar each data set. The laboratory reports and checklists must be furnished in hard copy and on a C'D- ROM, The laboratory must cnnlplete the �g,roundwalter reporting forms (TCEQ-0312) for all event records and analytic,,. I he I'01.111S nlltst be ru-nilshed Ill both hard copy and on a YES YES YES 08-032-Wdoc 2 _ ITB #08-032-MA, Anal ses of Aqueous Sam les for Groundwate r CD-ROM. In addition, the laboralory must pros• ide an event records rile and a sample YES records rile in electronic lurm 9-Or each sampling event and must meet the formatting requirenlcnts or the 3-exas Commission on Environmental Quality Municipal Solid Waste Permits SCC6011 (Iuidanee docttmtnt is a\ailable upon request from the City of -Lubbock Purchasiij� Department). ,All quality assurance and qaality control standards roust be in compliance with 30 YES TAC 330 Subcha ler F. :analytical results must be submitted to the City of Lubbock Solid Waste Disposal Department �sithin three week% after sample receipt. All electronic files must be submitted to the Citv of Lubbock Solid Waste Disposal Department within four %%eeks after sample receipt. List methods of anal}scs and reporting limits required to be reported in a Texas Risk Reduction Progrun I IRRP} 1. Volatile Organic Compounds Method S 8260B: Constituent Reporting Limit u__wL CAS No. Acetone Actylonitrile _ � 10 07-64-1 107-13-1 BCnZCne 2 71 -43-2 Bromochlorotncthune — �, 2 Bronlodlchlorunicthilnc ? 74-97-5 75-27-4 Brotnofonn 2 75-25_2 Carbon diSulfde j 2 75-15-0 Carbon telrschloride — — T -- 2 — 56-23-5 108-90-7 --_—� Chlorobenzenc 2 Chloroethane 2 75-00-3 _ Chloroforn, 2 67-66-3 Dibromochlorouleth:Ine 2 124-48-1 _ 1,2-Dibronlo-3-chloroprnpaste 5 96-12-8 1,2-Dibronlonlcthane — — 2 o-DichlorobQnzenc 11,2) -- 2 106-93-4 95-50-1 p-Dichlorobenzene (1,4) ? 106-46-7 trans-1,-F-Dich6oru-2-botcn� 10 I10-57_{, 1, I-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichlorocthalie 2 75.34-3 ? I07-06-3 1, 1 -Dichlorocthylene _ cis-t,2-Dichlorocthylene trans-1,2-Dichlorocthylene - _1-- 1,2-Dichloropropanc cis-1,3-Dichloropropcnr 2 75-35-4 _ 156-59-2 — 2 2 156-60-5 78-K7-5 2 _ 2 2 10001-01-5 trans-1,3-Dichloruprunuc 10061-02-6 Ethvlbenzene 2 100-41-4 2-1Texanone - 2 591-78-6 Methyl bronlidc _---- 5 N-IC111VI C1110rllle klethvlene hronlide 5 74-83-9 74-87-3 74-95-3 _ Methylene chloride 5 15-09-2 Meth ) ethyl ketone 2 78-43-3 Methyl iodide — -- , 74-88-4 4-Methyl-2-1cntanone 011lii;l_-- 10 108-10-1 Sl rcne — 2 I,I,I.'_- retrachloroethane — - 2 100-42-5 _ I,I?,2-Tctrachlotocth,ulr _ 2 _630-20-6 _ 79-34-5 08.032•MAdoc 3 ITB #08.032-MA, Analyses of Aqueous Samples for G+oundwalc r amma-BHC 608 0.05 delta-BHC _ PCB-1242 608 608 0.05 1.00 PCB-1254 608 1.00 PCB-122 l 608 1.00 PCB-1232 608 1.00 PCB-1248 608 1.00 PCB- i 260 608 1.00 _ PC13-1016 608 1.00 Toxa hene 608 5.00 Methox chlor M 7 2.00 M►rex 617 0.20 Chloropyrifos 614 0.05 Delneton 614 0.20 _ Diazinon 614 0.50 _ Dicofol (Kelthanc) 617 20.00 Guthion _ 614 0.10 Malathion Parathion 614 0.10 _ 614 0.10 2,4-D 615 10.00 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 615 2.00 Stormwater Sampling The quarterly sampling events take place whenever a qualifying rainfall event occurs. The City will ship/deliver sample-, daily during the scheduled sampling events. These dates are approximations only; they may or may not be reflective of actual samples collected and/or shipped. A Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) laboratory report is NOT required. Only a hard copy of the analytical report i required. Task Description Compliance - C Non- liance All quality assurance and quality control standards must be in compliance with YES Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and Environmental Protection Af=-encv euidelines Analytical results must be submitted to the City of Lubbock Solid Waste Disposal I YES Department within two weeks after sample receipt. Reporting Limit Constituent Method V m L Total Iron 6010B 1.3 Total Suspended Solids SM 2540D 100 08-032-MAdoc