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Resolution - 2008-R0047 - Change Order To Contract - Brown Mckee Inc.- Ground Storage Tank, Booster Pump - 02_14_2008
Resolution No. 2008—R0047 February 14, 2008 Item No. 5.24 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Change Order No. 3 to that certain Contract by and between the City of Lubbock and Brown McKee, Inc. for 500,000 Gallon Ground Storage Tank and Booster Pump Station #15 QTB# 07-065-VK), and related documents. Said Change Order No. 3 is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Executed by the City Council this 14th ATTEST: Rebe a Garza, City Secretary -�S APPRO` ED AS TO CONTENT: Wood FrAnklin,/ '`- Chief Erigin r for Water Utilities APPROVED AS TO FORM: Richard K. Casner First Assistant City Attorney ao/cedocs/ChangeOrder-Brown-McKee3 Pump Station.res January 30, 2008 day of February , 2008. DAVID A. MILLER, MAYOR CITY OF LUBBOCK CHANGE ORDER Change Order #: 3 Contractor: Brown McKee, Inc Date: 1/14/2008 BID/1TB #: 07-065-VK Contract #: 8009 Project Name: 500,00 Gallon Ground Storage Tank and Booster Pump Station (# 15) Change Order within the scope of the contract means a Change Order that DOES NOT ALTER THE NATURE OF THE THING TO BE CONSTRUCTED AND THAT IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE PROJECT OBJECTIVE. After performance of a construction contract begins, Change Orders may be approved if necessary to 1) make changes in plans or specifications; or 2) decrease or increase the quantity of work to be performed or materials, equipment, or supplies to be furnished. This DOES NOT mean that a department can redefine the project. All work that alters the nature of the thing to be constructed or that is not an integral part of the project objective must be let out for public bid by the Purchasing Department. Description of change (alteration, deviation, addition, or deletion) caused by conditions encountered during construction not covered by the specifications and drawings of the project (attach additional pages if necessary): This Change Order will add SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system for remote opperation of the facility and a concrete pad necessary for the generator to the facility In addition, the SCADA system delivery and construction will require an additional 90 days to the contract for substantial completion resulting in a new contract end date of June 19, 2008. This change order will also add a 16" butterfly valve between the tank and the venturi meter for future repairs without draining the tank. Change Orders must either be negotiated in the best interest of the City of Lubbock or put out for public bid by the Purchasing Department. Where the Change Order is negotiated, the Change Order must be fully documented and itemized as to costs, including material quantities, material costs, taxes, insurance, employee benefits, other related costs, profit and overhead. Where certain unit prices are contained in the initial contract, no deviations are allowed in computing negotiated change order costs. ITEMIZED COSTS MUST BE FULLY DOCUMENTED AND ATTACHED TO THIS FORM. ITEM DESCRIPTION A. ORIGINAL CONTRACT VALUE: B_ AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: Council approval required ifover S2S.00o C. PERCENT OF CONTRACT VALUE THIS CHANGE ORDER (B/A): 18.8% D. AMOUNT OF PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: E. TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (B+D): F. PERCENT OF CONTRACT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (E/A): zs%Maximum G. NEW CONTRACT AMOUNT (A+E): AMOUNT $1,486,738.00 $27940.70 $73,317.30 $352,761.00 �Ct, 23.73% $1,839,499.00 It is mutually agreed that the above dollar amount and the time extension, as applicable, as set forth in this Change Order constitutes full compensation to the Contractor for all costs, expenses and damages to the Contractor, whether direct, consequential or otherwise, in anyway incident to, or arising out of or resulting directly or indirectly; from the work performed or modified by the Contractor under this Change Order. This Chanee Order is not valid without the followine signatures /#lease sien in order and return 3 originals with Contract Cover Sheet to Purchasing and Contract MangggglLnt Department KV, lj�ivs X.0e (1) NTRACTO�l Date (2) PROJECT Abt+EI-IFECT/ENGINEER Date as to (5) CAPITAL PROJECTS MANAGER A7"r, h � Dat 4 CITY ATTORNEY Date OF Date (6) PURC14ASINdi AND CONTRACT MANAGER Change Orders over S;S,000 require a Contract Cover Sheet and the following, signatures. t?l-T� US A ST: v 14/08 2/14/08 (7) MAYOR Date (8) C1T SECRETARY Date Council Date: Agenda Item #: 5.24 Resolution #: 2008—R0047 PUR-045 (Rev 02106) �T�rfx Baker -Proposed rho^I�e Order #3 SCADA 1-14-0S.pdf Page 1 City of Lubbock Pump Station #15 Scow of Work for _Proposed Change - Pump Station #15 SCADA System Teak Inlbmnatlon labor Flours- unk Unit PrMas Qua" Una Item Eatanded Totals Mat Labor ; Equip Sub Material Labor Equip Sub SCADA System _ _.. - 1 236403.71 1 0.W, ; 0`00� 0001. 238403.71 ✓ Totaf Material 0.00 Total Labor 0.00 Labor Burden 32% 0.00 Total Equipment OAO Total Subcontractor 238 403.71 Subtotal 238,403.71 ---....._..... Generator Pad _... .._... {_ 1aoo. t a.6o- ar 1000. 00 o.00,.. a,. {- - , .n.... Total Material 0.00 Total Labor 0,00 Labor Burden ' 32%. 0.00 Total Equipment 0.00 Total Subcontractor 1.000.06 subtotal 1,000.00 Subtotal ; I 230�403.711. _ up ; Contractors Mark•UP 18%: 35,910.58 iMlke P. Oiea, President I ..-....._ _.._ , x [PC 03 Total (Add) $ 275,314.27 Contract Time 154 days A"koar m>-bp days to be a~ to Contraa Time Mat WN be required to .. ! ... ..._ ... _ .. . .....i..--. ... i .. C"Pieta Mb swopoaed Change. Approval 1114M &MI Projed W 07-021 T# Baker - P2e2 ed Chan a Order #4.pdf Page 1 City of Lubbock Pump Station #16 Scope of Work for proposed Change. Valve for Tank Inlet Teak Intormatlan Later Hours unitQwn Until Prices Line Ilan Extended Totals tMki Met Lebar Equip Sub Material Labor Equip Sub 18" Flg BFV w! Axeasories i 1 2105.13 2185.13 32+.ODD 00.00, , 324.00 6 0.00, 0.00 _.... Freight _ 100. 1 0.00 :. 0.00; _ 6.00 100-ijo - Insuletjon Jacket ' 818. 1 0.00, O,OD� 0.00 81&00 Total Material 2,185.13 Total Labor 324.00 Labor Burden 32%, 103.68 Total Equipment 60A0 Total Subcontractor 918.00 - -� - Subtotal 3,590.81 Subtotal 3,590.81 Contract) rs Markdjp 18%538.62 Mike P. Oiee, President I PC #Ifotal (Add) 4,129.43 _ .. Contract Time 1 AdWwal wogrvrp Gaya to be sOW la Con"Of Time Thal war be required to _Y._..___.._ _ ...... ubrnplsfOrN5pr'apasadaharrpe. AREroval 1114IOB &MI Project No. 07-021 01/12/2008 11:58 817-B58-6718 TPC Bedford #1322 2.001 1002 TPC ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. 6309 Industrial Telephone. (972) 414-7028 Sachse, Texas] 75048 Fax: (972) 496.OW January 12, 2008 Mr. Daniel Izzard Brown -McKee, Inc. 906 Slaton Road Lubbock, Texas 79404 Re: City'of Lubbock Pump Station #15 Package A Instrument and Control Proposed Change Order Deal° Mr. Izzard: We would like to provide a breakdown of the scope of worst and materials we are furnishing for this Proposed Change Order. Please see our description below: 1. Four (4) EIM electric valve operators. One (1) with 4-20ma controller w/input and output. Start-up services and calibration for all EIM operators. 2. Four (4) sump pumps for vaults with electrical equipment. Includes: discharge line piped to outside of vault, splash block, union, backflbw valve, and integral float on pump. 3. SCADA and Instruments as described in Bauman's quote. (Item NO. 1) attached. 4. Trenching, conduits, cable, concrete, rebar, red dye, and backfill and compaction for: pressure transmitter, five (5) venturi meters, GST MOV, lights, sump pumps, intrusion switches, GrST low level, lockout probes, and Generator run status. 5, Electric manhole. S' X 5' X 5' outside dimensions. 6. Items covered in RFI response No. 395-E-02. (Item No. 2) attached. 7. All I/O's covered in I/O list provided from the Owner with exception of the crossed -out items that do not pertain to this project. (Item No. 3) attached. 8. Add four (4) 20 amp 3-pole breakers to Panel "DP for valve operators. 9. Add four (4) 20 arnp l -pole breakers to Panel " LDP" for vault circuits. 10. Add one (1) 30 amp 1-pole breaker to Panel "LDP" for RTU panel feed. Par 1 of 2 01/12/2008 11:50 617-858-6718 TPC Bedford #1322 P.002 /002 11. Add four (4) receptacles and four (4) lights fixtures to vatilts. 12. Bauman InsWments has all items listed in RFI No. 8 covered in this Change Order. (Item No. 4) attached. 13. City of Lubbock to program RTU. 14. Conduits, power and control circuits for all required additions. (Item No. 5) attached. Also, we have met with Mr. Curtis McDole on 10-31-07 and discussed all items needed per this Proposed Change Order. We also showed Mr. McDola our conduit duct bank routing, conduit schedule -conduit and mMuctor sizing for all additional work. Our cost for this Proposed Change Order shall be: $238,403.71 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Si rely, A on Project Manager Pap 2of2 TPC ELECTRIC Fax:9724960AS Nov 8 2007 11:40 P. 07 -,2:74if, /v a z RFI RESPONSE NO. M-E-0z M Doom Mb: shim= &W& Suai>pC r C1eyofLubboc*PwVSmtlwl5PsdmpA DAT& t'Soeobw 9. 3t107 PSC Job No: 01,27%-07 is r"w* to RFI No. '1PC 393 R42 1. Plow fled ttw admdm d UO list a reWeeled and as pvMW by Cuft M Dole widk Ow COL 2. Prgjeat wilt toelaAr tiro, in venbui maserw w1m BwkION OW 3. Projrot will InchWo foot ({) a=wod vatrep-deve wM be in tlw bMW PMP VALIM and ow wM be an ft k9lum tia. m Ow OIT. Volor WE be 48OV-3 l tam juee u 62 pump- are rand -. Acumd vaho In 10' a 10' mutt will be contra d b7 kwei oared prmure kowel as la >he LUrf In moldnfala a ded W &a**. hmvvee +rape cyst silo be anuft lod w "ovarriddon" rommly by 0w OCADA rp.am pie an opaasor at On WTP, S. All YnWa stall bAys, pam for Wm be roqukK 6. S" Shoot C%101 f or roora0n e ounispon" z rad&W monbmh* One• gbkiikwltym 9WI be raaurriad oe lowior well alarm to er+rrr g( 7. Ths.tadnn`r peeMMwo tranerWaw ar'' wOl be boated iA dw rtimh forttr tia.i Vommi rater-400eetd dawn*v= of ow mroe. M" W valva rraehrd (� ��elao S. rm otrmo A svu ktor fa die pn.rator eriO bw mounted oo tb.,.nrreior ernrol pond P. V sown w11t be baled wor 1iM laoarian on Noel slid! of Boll red. I& Pown 6 uuwkiiwr dad D f M will be used for brel eoesrol to in OST 1 i. Yew �daaes..tmt_mrrr }ta1c� 1 Z MMampr will bo ooeardW by WHI hot to' ovaride'' cm 13. PAtNtlifl.l,110 F" & CO Niw, JIM 1'eM.r�h111 so 4TSA Oa • M% coca 411-M warn* 0 POP p We p m wzw hasn o do opwasor it de WTP IR aentroi tiro drtredpor4e rw„ i* vhh the uwwr loam kft s oomm d got" Odwt� �r Get.`et . TPC ELECTRIC Fax :9724%CM Nov 8 2007 11:40 P. 08 Rao* 1 Rack 1 l.T'�.:31 27 / ,,.V2 /°O 3 Pump Simon 15 UO w 3 iC89BA GM 1 Arming In htfbw vahre Aosb n X fs (. 2 Arming In plfbw .7007 3 Araft In Pump 1 Flow .'Cool 4 Antbg In Pump 2 Flow Sjev3 a Alm" In Pump 3 Fhw a Analog in SHOW Fbw Jvooy 7 Anabp In 8ySIem Pt+eawre t *or' 8 Arming In Chlorins Roeldual .T'ro x 9 Analog in Tank L" X *of 10 Arming In pump 1 $peed seie 11 Arming in Pump 2 Sped t011 12 Arming In Pump 3 sped -;OIL 18 Arming In Spun 14 Am" In Span 16 Analog In Span 18 Analog In span Slot 4 KUS Af.G3N 1 Arming Out IMtow P00W -To*C. 2 Arok)g Out Pump 1 Speed X Q /V 3 Arrmloo Out Pump 7 Sped X611 4 Arming Out Pump 3 lead jC'4/L 6 Arming Out Sprleie 8 Arming Out spare 7 Analog Out Span 8 Antbg Out Spun Pump Stoon 18 I00 Blot 8 IC$A9MDL#o 1 DMarete In Inflow voles Open 2 DlboMo In lnflow V" s Closed does' 3 Dbonte In inflow valve In RN." �O�S Py 10 11 Dbonts In Discrete In ep.r,1``'�--.--- 12 Dborso In Spam 13 Disc In Spy 14 DNcnte in Bpwo 15 Cliec" In l3pan TPC ELECTRIC Fax*9724960548 Nov 8 2007 11:41 P.09 Rack 1 Raok 1 Fleck 1 le 17 18 is 21D 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3D 31 32 33 34 30 36 37 38 30 40 41 42 49 44 48 418 47 48 49 60 62 54 55 DwoteM In opwn Pump Statbn 16 Vo Sbt a 08MOLM Dow in Pump i Ftun DbomW In Pump 1 in P*rmo DIn Pump 1 VFD On �� 1 Dbwdit In Pump 1 VFD Fai bMamo In C b ) [nacre In Dlrtcnto In Dbcnle In Vahm 1 Open j Dkwsb In Val a 1 Cioa�d Dbcrab In VgW I In F M, Dbcma In Genwow On Discratb In wow In 84ddan C po 7 Dlexsls in gtnolta Da4or A*M C Dlomft In Sp1u"+rt L WwM In Spam DWareM In Slam Pump Swbn 15 VO Slot 7 Mosmoume DWwft In Pump 2 Run C013 Dimmift In Pump 2 In A note 01mcna In Pump 2 VFD On D*n to In all Pump 2 VFD F7 Dhxn a In oo Diawft In POW i bowlr/ pkw m In V" 2 Open co 16(f Dkw*W In Vain 2 GbMd obc" In Valve 2 In 0 obw to In Entry AMA DMae1f In Airm G Q0A owl" #V/V R Dbonft In DbotMw In Spats Diaanla In Swo Pump Sraaon 16110 Sat a I DN*rm In Pump 3 Faun Pump 3 In Coll Drama In DbarMe In Pump 3 VFD On C oza iPC ELECTRIC Fax:9724950548 Nov 8 2007 11:41 so Qbwm In Valve 3 Open 57 DieorW In Valve 3 Cbmd 58 pfeam In Va" 3 In Ron AN b6 DleonKe In Spare 5o Memo In Span 91 also ism In Spam 82 Disarm In epwe as Discnoa In spin! 84 dacnbe in Span Pump Stadon 15110 Hack 1 Sid 0 K*93MCtW Paint • 1 Pow Type OWCA a out Inlbw Vska Open Cdds' 2 DWnft out Inflow Valve Cbm 3 Dlecrete out�iv 4 Dlscr W out a Draredf out 8 aacn to out D4crMe Pump 1 ftrt�y C D l 7 out 8 eie mw out Pump 1 Slop 9 dlrrar+ata out Valve 1 Oper, c o Jr 10 Dbarets out Valve 1 CIO" z 11 Okcnte aut Pulnp 2 8nrt�7 o l 3 12 Dleorebe Out Pump 2 MV 13 Dkorsta out Valor 2 Open 14 Dbdn#a out VaMo 2 Cbae 3 t3tart iY 15 Dbcn t out Pump > G O 1g Dkomm oLd Pump 3 Stop Pump S own 15 IJO Rack 1 Stan 10 KWSK t W 17 Dkwe out Vaw 9 opert --7 Co 17 18 Olomis out V" 3 Ck** 10 DhcreOa out SperM'o / 2D Dleaste out spare prrr L LR. �G•a 21 ow"W out Spare 22 DNKYM Out Spam /W.•yo 3 L fAGO 23 obon Le Out ae 24 [NMI" Out open 26 Dborm out Span 26 Dborata oat 8pen: 27 Dhanle out SPWa 28 Dlmxeta out Span 29 ONcnbe out speft 30 oborew out SPM 31 Dlaorms out Spero 32 ON K"w Out span P. 10 TPC ELECTRIC Fax:9724960548 Nov 8 2007 11:41 P. 11 Zy" tie y RFI RESPONSE NO, 8 M, Danbi hoard FROM: Sl+a wn Smith SUBJ=: City of Lubbock Pump Sudw 15 PsckW A DATE: Septerttbor 4. 2007 In repmIs to LRPI No. S z4OWfes PSC Job No: 01-275"7 Here is s preliminary flu of PLC tad Imam uuuuion Rant for Pump Station 15 prrovt¢cd to PSC by Scott Selby tad Gaols McDole with the City of Lubbock. Masai ray Q�m�4' Pare 4 DtrcrIodea GS"t0AW PLC I IC6l1? FM4 CP[I hoar —._. _CIII .4i._....�. KWALM a GPI M s.Q pw _ ._ _ t I lrtbL�40 Disaft OUWA— Gad I 700814A0801 S.000OOQ.tXJG - - i"r�ln�itter fw��w i u�.w �.w..r.wl�,w�.rri n u■ ww+r ww�w�.��i �wurw 4 Sm9Z4.81H-0Ot)00.148.L1',Si►4„S?.3V,i&X�fP DiFfMrotiallrwurr'Trarumta.r ��.w��wr.w.. ! �r w . i i ■ �...�. w1���rq�F1-.�wMr.11 �r..lw. i C-P" stgtaarnl ate_ da It AWO Dlrete0e 3 ---1 ON# ~OWlrwCblo /!w p. Alo�1.�.wwu■ f Ns .�+�+.� w. �r�l�r WAaalnar s+i.rr�wri�..�r�+P�w. Pmml48Nm i C00%% lm =7 T '• i0019 4T3 M . FU tlQb} 47:4WO 1.um"k s hro kWWb AM -Oft Oda TPC i1ECTRIC Fax:9724950548 Nov 8 2007 11:41 P. 12 TMO Yacti DhjLWW Antearttl A dale MOO ToutMrrsen - Pktw irr um la M PMSrMMies; "Aware ar wall a an fnwiam cable bd.rm the kwalmemee BA7-T l2C and commumicedon pmemor of Ow PLC. ThW Is to be hatalled ieslde the R{RTUcabinet as near aye level as SM"10 Rodlo [welted Wide the emlosum for the RTU- W Superfies AnW= Cable wkh 1*41m swp Cable m cm betwtlen and Y&j -- l -U%dk PWae Tower (Rapra�eoAd") 20' 8iemkW Tower Sutterft VadwdAdmtont Two-0' AWWA btralerfiy (boded on Pratt My torgm- mqWftnS 84 ft. The of torque) ModelO H" l5-LCU-B 1-PCU Operating time - 21 mwnds Actuator output - 110 ft. [but Once-$* AWWA buttat]y {based on Pratt Wfly wupsas- e"drft 176 (L lbs of torque) Modell HQ4304.CU-8 1-PCU OperrWng time - 26 seconds Actwum output - 213 & The Otw16" AWWA butterfly (braced on Pro My torques- requitinj 592 ft. IN of torque) Modeitl HQ- 120.1=-B 1-PCU OVeMing time - 31 seconds Actuator output - M & lbs SCADA system will be a complete in place system indu ta; all appurtenances which may or may not be specifically HOW in this change order. All progrtlrrrming of the SCAM system will be perfmad by the Clty d Lubbock, Any quesdorts mWh% the daalpu of the SCADA system she11 be directed to Curtis MaDok at On City of Lubbock The dmp ardor submitted for the SCADA system at the pump station MU MW to be ReMind with tire; coat far each item listed Individually. The change order will it itde the actuators for the butterfly valrea. but not the buderfly vaives dwmselves airwe they at irrcluW In dw original coMV*:L Puttcrtru,r SMIN i Goa►M INC. e21111 or S"M - Wlldaak T 76M (NO 47341M • FAX om 1 s784mo Pon tNFdlNd wry.... ... /.V-.fwM .r. •I.��r�71f ./r..+.. w.. ••W\AM.l F--y1/r�.-w .. .. ..-... TPC BLECTRIC 1=ax:9?24960548 Nov 8 2007 11:42 P.13 1X-m*Op s' Dud! Bank #M W4 2" Conduit RTU lea 1d' Veftrl 6 Prsssur+e Trorabrmer 6-1Prf3 IG 1006 RTU to 11!' V0011 G Preeeure TranebRnsr Woe RTU 1n MOV 94 Warr RTU to VwA #4 V.nagr 1009 RTU to GST I." Trta4forrner Cm 2 1/Y Conduit RTU m Vault 02 HL 5.3C$14 C003 RTU to VauR 03 HL 1-12Cd14 C004 RTU to VmM 04 HL 1-7C#14 C005 M bo Vault 03 MOW ©CJ04 RTU to (WT Ekm*pdo C008 RTU to G$T Ininwlon CO24 im to awabe" 3O1t14 span r conduit RTU to MH $1 me 1' Conduit LDP to Vault 02 Pkig 1 12 Iaaa 1' Conduit LDP to Vault 113 Pfup 1,3C812 we 1" Conduit LDP to Vault 04 Plug 1 • 12 1020 1" Conduit LOP to LON 01 1-30010 1021 1" Conduit LDP 10 Lipht 02 1-30010 1022 1' Conduit LOP to Llpht D3 1 30#10 1023 1' ConduR LOP to Light D4 1 -30#10 Span! 2" Conduit LOP to MH $1 1024 V Conduit DP to Vault 03 1.4C912 spore 1" Conduit DIP to MH#1 1001 1 1/4" Conduit RTU to 10" Ventnrl 3-1Prsiw e I= RTU to 10' VertiW 1003 RTU to 12" Vent A C001 I'Conduit RTU to Vault 01 HL 9C414 IWO 1" Conduit LDP to Vault #1 Pkp 3C-S12 Duct Bonk 02 1001 1 1/4" Conduit RTU to OPT 3-iPr$h 1= RTU to OPT Km RTU bo DPT C001 314" Conduit RTU to Float 1.31*14 INS 314" Conduit LDP W Rea 1-3C012 3-SA cc4s TPC ELECTRIC Fax:9724960548 Nov 8 2007 11:42 P. 14 1004 1• comult RTU b 18" Vw" 24Prsh me RTU to Pmm" Tnnftff nor =5 1" COndull RTU 10 MOV #14 2-1 Pfft 1007 1' CGrA* RTU to VWA04 VuntMi i-1PrSh mm 1' Conduit RTV 10 (OT 72 TrurwibmlK 1.1f'r8h c2 1' Conduit RTU to Vauk02 HL C004 1• Conduit RTU to 1lautt04 HL 1�14 c= 1- C WUR RTU to V" 03 HL 1-XV14 cm 1' Conduit RTU b Vault 93 MOV 1"Al ©m 1" Cor&* RTU 16 OBT Elwttodw 1-3CM4 coos 1" cmuka RTU b OBT Entry. i-11CM4 CO24 1" Corodutt RTU b OW Er"Swfth 1-"14 we 1" Conduk LOP 10 Va A 92 1-3#12 04 1" Cof" OP b Vautt #3 MOV 1.1 2 =5 1" Conduk LDP 10 V■A 03 W tax 1' Conduit LOP 10 Vwk 04 1 #i al Duct Bank 04 W4 1" Conduit RTU to 11!' VWMA 1-1Prews 05 1" Conclult RTU b PmM n Trf nwcmrwr 1-1PrSh#15 we 1" Conduit LOP to VAAQ Re*. 1-3=2 C002 1" Conduk RTU to Vault 02 HL WCOU Duct BaMt n loud 1" Conduit RTU tO MOV 04 2-iPr"10 =7 1" Conduit RTU to Vault04 V~ i-1Pr"ie C004 1" COndutt RTU to Vauk#4 HL 1-Ci14 0003 1' ewWud RTu to Vauk 83 HL 1-3CP14 Co06 1' Conduit RTU 10 Vauk 03 - MOV 04 1-30014 Im 1' Conduk DP to ViVA43 MOV 1.4C#12 1025 1" Corxluk LDP b V" 03 LipM-i" 1-3C#17 Wo 1" Conduit LDP b VM1R 64 Pk V 14CM Duct Bank 06 lock is ow4ult RTU 10 GOT LAM Trarmblvw 1-1Prst*le cow 1" Conduit RTU io W Elsobvdu 1-7C#14 C006 1" Conduit RTU to Ga kftWM 1.30014 Duct Bank B7 1007 1' COttduR RTU 0D 18" voobrl 1-1PrS le 0004 1' COMW RTU to VaA 04 HL i-3CIM4 we 1' Conduit LOP to VWA #4 Plug 1,3Cb12 TPC ELECTRIC Fax:972496CM Nov 8 2007 11:42 P.1S Duct Bank 06 Addidves cm 1" CW" ON AMWA r eo Can 0010 1" ckr" RTU 10 Can Pump Sftdon Rune anterior} 28CM10 3CM14 CO23 1' Co xm RTU to cmrkw M*AW 70014 ow W- Conduit RTU to " HL 3CM14 CQ11 314" Ca duff RTU b Pa ErAry SwWw 3CM14 =1 3W Conduit RTU b 8moica D a 301M C01 S 1' Cvndutt RTU to Pump O1 12C*14 C01$ 1' Cor" RTU to Pump #2 120014 0017 1' Condul! RTU to Pwnp 03 i2W4 C018 1" catdutt RTU b Pum t1 HP*UJHV t1!Cs14 0019 1` Conduit RTU to Pump 02 HPMLA4V 0CM14 CO20 1" COMO RTU to ftm M3 HPMLMV 9=4 CO22 3W Conduit RTU to Ind Motion 3CM4 1090 3W Conduit DP to Vatw P1 4CP12 1031 3W Conduit DP W V*m d2 4C$12 mm 314" Conduit DP to VMra 03 40*12 1008 1' Conduit RTU to Ch wit Anallm 2-1PrStWIG 1010 V Cwlctuit RTU to Pump i VFD 2448 Td i011 1" Conduit RTU to Pump 2 VFD 24118 TO 1012 1" Canduk 14TU tD Pump 3 VFD 2416 Td C012 1" Conduit RTU to Pump 1 VFD 12Ci14 C043 1" Conduit RTU 10 Pump 2 VFD 12t*14 0014 1" Conduit RTU b Pump 3 VFD 120014 t033 3/4" Conduit RTU to LDP 30010 acne tumen"don Equlpmem Dftw.tiai PMWM Tr WWft e+s wl8tan* Tubing 151"d and 9100 VOM Prwun TmnWbmw RYU Ps" ImAgon sw ann An mr Tower vWAMwafta and F%kW DST Level TrenMmer Elaatrlcal Now EqulMmt 4 Reowbwka 4 20 amp 3 PC* 480V BrOMM - Pont OP (Valvae 1 thru 4) 4 20 amp 1 Pota 120V OmMan - P" LDP (Vault 1 thru 4) 1 30 amp 1 Pala 120V 0raakw - Past LDP (RTU Pants)