HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2008-R0035 - Change Order To Contract - Brown Mckee Inc.- Lift Station Rehabilitation - 01_24_2008Resolution No. 2008—R0035 January 24, 2008 Item No. 4.20 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, Change Order No. 4 to that certain Contract by and between the City of Lubbock and Brown McKee, Inc. for an Influent Lift Station Rehabilitation At Southeast Water Reclamation Plant (ITB# 07-711- BM), and related documents. Said Change Order No. 4 is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Executed by the City Council this 24th day of January , 2008 DAVID A. MILLER, MAYOR ATTEST; City Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ood Fr lin, 'ef Engineer for ater Utilities APPROVED AS TO FORM: Richard K. asner, First Assistant City Attorney Richard/Res/ChangeOrder-Brown-McKee4.res CITY OF LUBBOCK CHANGE ORDER Change Order #: 4 1 Contractor: Brown -McKee, Inc. Date: Janaury 9, 2008 BID/ITB #: 07-711-BM Contract #: 7601 Protect Name: Influent Lift Station Rehabilitation At Southeast Water Reclamation Plant Change Order within the scope of the contract means a Change Order that DOES NOT ALTER THE NATURE OF THE THING TO BE CONSTRUCTED AND THAT IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE PROJECT OBJECTIVE. After performance of a construction contract begins, Change Orders may be approved if necessary to 1) make changes in plans or specifications; or 2) decrease or increase the quantity of work to he performed or materials. equipment, or supplies to be furnished. Description of change (alteration, deviation, addition, or deletion) caused by conditions encountered during construction not covered by the specifications and drawings of the project (attach additional pages if necessary): This change Order for the construction and installation of an Automatic Transfer Switch, all the needed appurtenances for the installation of the transfer switch, concrete slab extension, additional duct bank and reconnecting all the electrical wiring for the total sum of $93,094.83. Contractor is requesting 145 days construction time extension. The total construction time for project is 406 calendar days to Substantial Completion. New Substantial Completion date is July 271h, 2008. Change Orders must either be negotiated in the best interest of the City of Lubbock or put out for public bid by the Purchasing Department. Where the Change Order is negotiated, the Change Order must be fully documented and itemized as to costs, including material quantities, material costs, taxes, insurance, employee benefits. other related costs, profit and overhead. ITEMIZED COSTS MUST BE FULLY DOCUMENTED AND ATTACHED TO THIS FORM, ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT A. ORIGINAL CONTRACT VALUE: S 2,319,666.00 B. AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: Counril eapprovai required ifnver $25.t1(XJ $ 93,094.83 C. PERCENT OF CONTRACT VALUE THIS CHANGE ORDER (B/A): 4.01% D. AMOUNT OF PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: $ 7,472.81 E. TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (B+D): $ 100,567.64 F. PERCENT OF CONTRACT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (E/A): 15 x Murrrmrm 4.33% G. NEW CONTRACT AMOUNT (A+E): $ 2,420,233.64 It is mutually agreed that the above dollar amount and the time extension, as applicable, as set forth in this Change Order constitutes full compensation to the Contractor for all costs, expenses and damages to the Contractor. whether direct. consequential or otherwise, in anyway incident to, or arising out of or resulting directly or indirectly: from the work performed or modified by the Contractor under this Change Order. Thk Change Order is not valid without the following Signatures (please sign in order and retyrn 3 originals with Contract Cover Sheer to Furchasine and t" antract Management Departmeno: `� ,`�ri �I � I ' - i�•zr('1GC(.C�'�.Q��.sc..,�,-,,,, �-/�'� -D�j' (1) CONTRACTOR Date (2) PROJECT ARCH ITECT/ENGINE)R Date Apitoved as to Cont t: Approved as to F /� Oe 3) OW 'S RESENTATiVF (4) CITY ATTORNEY Date Q l-7 °8 (5) CAPrr4 PROJECTS MANAGER Date (6) URCHASING AID CONTRACT MANAGER Da e Change Orders ogr $45,000 require a Contract Cover Sheet and the following signatures: ATTEST.' 1/24/08 1/24/08 JP l: n-ul �) S12 -42= (7) MAYOR' Date (8) do Y SEC NARY Date Council Date: January 24, 2008 Agenda ltem #: 4.20 Resolution #: 2008—R0035 PUR-045 (Rev 02106) BLACK & VEATCH building a world of difference - ENERGY . WATER . INFORMATION . GOVERNMENT City of Lubbock, Texas Southeast Water Reclamation Plant Influent Lift Station Rehabilitation Mr. L Wood Franklin City of Lubbock P.O. Box 2000 Lubbock, TX 79457 Subject Change Order 04 Mr. Franklin: B&V Project 140092 B&V File G-1.0 January 10, 2008 Attached with this letter is documentation for Change Order No. 04, which involves the following item. Due to changes being made at the influent lift station as a part of this contract, the influent submersible pumps would no longer be connected to the emergency standby generator. In order to keep the pumps properly connected, the automatic transfer switch (ATS) will need to be replaced. At the December 4, 2007 progress meeting, Brown McKee, Inc was requested to proceed in submitting a cost proposal to complete the change in the ATS. The following documents are attached to support this change. Field Order No. 1 — ATS — revised dated November 15, 2007 (8 pages) • Letter dated January 3, 2008 from Jason McNeil. • Brown -McKee, Inc. cost breakdown. • TPC Electric Company, Inc. Contract Modification Request (8 pages). ATS Schedule. The change in the contract associated with these changes is detailed below. Original Contract Price: Contract Price with Change Orders 01-03. Net increase of this Change Order. - Contract Price with all approved Change Orders Original Contract Time: Contract Time change with Change Orders 01-02 Net increase of time with this Change Order: Contract Time with all approved Change Orders: $2.319,666.00 $2, 327,138.81 $93,094.83 $2,420,233.64 180 days to Substantial Completion 81 days 145 days 406 days to Substantial Completion Please let me know if you have any questions regarding these changes. Sincerely, BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION Laura A. Stratton, P E. Engineering Manager Enclosures cc: Ms. Mary Gonzales, City of Lubbock Mr Soo Koon Soon, City of Lubbock Mr. John Kelley, P.E.. Parkhill, Smith & Cooper Black & Veatch Corporation 9441 LBJ Freeway, Suite 114 Dallas. TX 75243 USA - Telephone: 214.570.7000 -- BLACK & VEATCH .-. building a world of difference - ENERGY . WATER . INFORMATION . GOVERNMENT City of Lubbock, Texas Southeast Water Reclamation Plant Influent Lift Station Rehabilitation Mr. Soo Koon Soon, P.E. 1625 131" Street City of Lubbock P.O. Box 2000 Lubbock, TX 79457 Dear Soon: B&V Project 140092 5100 B&V File G-1.0 November 15, 2007 Subject. Field Order No. 1 --ATS —Revised During construction, it was brought to our attention that with the pumping changes being made at the influent lift station, the new submersible pumps would no longer be connected to the emergency standby generator. Since these pumps are the only means of pumping flow into the plant, it is necessary to maintain connection of a portion of the pumping capacity to the generator during an emergency condition. The purpose of this letter is to summarize our recommendation to replace the existing Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) on the existing 1200 amp line that connects MCC100 loads to the emergency standby generator. if the City agrees with the recommendation, the Contractor should be requested to provide a cost proposal to complete the work. Design History Under the current contract, the existing screw pumps are being replaced with submersible pumps to address ongoing maintenance issues that the plant staff has had with the existing screw pumps Each screw pump will be replaced by two submersible pumps The existing screw pumps were fed out of motor control center MCC100, located in the headworks building. Because of the limited space available in the existing headworks building electrical room, the decision was made to construct a new electrical building adjacent to the influent lift station. This new electrical building would house the electrical equipment associated with the new influent lift pumps and provide space for anticipated future equipment for the influent lift station. In addition, the new electrical building motor control center MCC ILS would also subfeed MCC100 and the equipment associated with the headworks (screens, grit, odor control, etc). The loads associated with MCC ILS (including the potential future loads) dictated an increase in the amperage rating of the feed line from the new load center substations to the MCC to 2000 amps. The feed line from MCC ILS to subfeed MCC100 is rated 800 amps. The loads in MCC100 reflect equipment changes and sizes associated with the work in Contract No. 6. The load lists associated with both of these motor control centers is attached to this letter. Emergency Generator System The generator and the associated transformer and conduits were installed in 1999 by another entity under contract with the City of Lubbock. Since there are not any drawings associated with this work, our understanding of the generator and associated items is the following. The system consists of a 1200 amp ATS, 800 amp transformer 480 volt breaker, 500 kVA transformer, and 600 amp transformer 4160 volt switch. The ATS switches to the emergency generator upon loss of normal power. Emergency load can be fed from the existing 500 kVA transformer. Black & Veatch Corporation 9441 LB3 Freeway, Suite 114 Dallas, TX 75243 USA • Telephone: 214.5707000 City of Lubbock Mr. Soo Koon Soon Page 2 B&V Protect 140092 November 15. 2007 The ATS allows the power feed to the headworks and influent lift pumps to be changed from one source to another. The two sources on the ATS are the main plant feed and the standby generator. Normal operation power source is from the main plant feed. Under normal operation of the existing system, the ATS is in line with the main plant feed from the substation, through MCC100, to the headworks equipment and the influent lift pumps. When the generator is required, the ATS switches to the standby source. Normal operation on the rehabilitated system will have the switch in line with the main plant feed from the substation, through MCC ILS, and to the headworks equipment and the influent lift pumps. Since the ATS will be in line with the normal feed, which is being upgraded to 2000 amps with the equipment changes, it is recommended that the 1200 amp ATS be replaced with a 2000 amp ATS. During an emergency condition, not all of the headworks equipment is in operation. Based on conversations with plant staff, only two of the influent screw pumps run during an emergency event, with a few other equipment loads on the headworks. Based on this information, it was assumed that four submersible pumps would be operated off of the generator during an emergency condition with the revised pump configuration. The assumed load list for the emergency generator is attached to this letter. The loads included in the list will not exceed the capacity of the existing generator system. From conversations with plant staff, the size of the generator is adequate for emergency conditions and all components of the system appear to be in good condition. Because loads to the generator are not increasing, the assumption was made that all other components of the emergency system are adequate and therefore will not be modified. Summary Based on revised conditions due to construction of the Influent Lift Station, it is recommended that the existing 1200 amp ATS be replaced with a 2000 amp ATS. The new ATS will be in line with the new MCC ILS. Provided with this letter is a specification paragraph and one -line diagram (Figure A) indicating the new work to be performed. The new specification paragraph should be added to section 16050 following paragraph 2-24 of the Contract Documents. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me or Laura Stratton at 214/570-7000. .:. .W:M:LUPER.r .... 65138 I r���°�� TFV►s�G�F°'���r� X� /ONAL 1:.N�` LAS Attachments III I Sincerely, BLACK & VEATCH Wanda Luper, P.E. Electrical Engineer cc: Mr. L. Wood Franklin, P.E., Chief Water Utilities Engineer Ms. Mary Gonzales, Wastewater System Supervisor Mr. John Kelley, P.E., Parkhill, Smith & Cooper Dwrt Lubbock. TX _ Project Descrip110n SEVVRP W1r Rasowce8 Im�^aVl111Br'is� _ TAle Load Study Ce lotion _ Praje-rl Miltlher _�.. 140092 t+hase' --- Bus Name MCC-1P5 Il..o-1..N.--I G.._J•sI/1A -- Computed 9y _W _ u er GJna �1211072006 Checked By Dale fQtlF?MENT . -� LOAO TYPE 1bAp OEM - PF PAG7 :.. CONNECTED K1Af-C f<vARf KVA InfluentPUMP P-1101A AFD 60.00 D.95 7,00 60.28 198 IrAueM Pump P-1101 B AFD 60,00 G 95 100 571,20 198 Influent Pump P.1702A I AFD G0.00 0.95 #.DD 60.28 194 In}luenl Pump P-11026 AFD 60.00 0.85, 100 60 28 198 tnfluenl Pump P•1104A AFD 60.00 D.95I too 60.2b 19 e Influent Pump P-1104B AFD 6000 D 95! 1 00 60.28 19.E ;rftenl Pump P-1)GSA AFD 60.00 D,95; 7 00 60 28 19 F, (nlluen( Pump P-1105B AFD 6000 0951 000 6028 19 A (Fut) Inluent Pump P-1103A AFD 6000 095, 1-00 W 29 198 (Fut)Influent PunpP-11a3B AFD 6000 0.95! 100 6n.28 $90 Headworks MCC-100 KVA 60000 Oaf), IUD M.00 4a0.0 Lghtine Papal KVA 1500 0 W 100 1200 130 (Fut) Bar Strom CP I MOTOR 3500 0 851 1 OD 24.06 143 AJC Unit WAC-1 KVV 10.00 1 00 j 1.00 1000 0 0 A/C Unh WAC-2 KW 10.00 1 001 1 W. 10 0) 00 1.00 0 G 1 00 u.c ! 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MsnUIM inp As KW are rerlvi.ed abo+.e Soo hp AFC" top) i Motor FLA brseo 0n NEC, n01 CalCUlat!d values 53 3M 11046G,)-112" 3a fGA&G,t-1r2" 301406G,1-tr7' 34170,46G,7.112` 30110,A6G,1-112' 34110,46G, I-117" 1911016G,1-117' 3#1P) NG,1-Vf2" 34170.t)6G.1-1/2" 15-500KCf.ML, 5#4IDG.15)3- 3910,11,10G.34- 3J74.410G,1" i 3#12.Al2G.3+'4' 3412,01 012G 3.14' ,BLACK & VEATCH W 0- f V vE ofS s f -fr. ReQSV L'�� `'P V'Y V YO'Qf f+� �yOOi t QQSY Q+V�gy tf S L YyfP N N N A N 7G lC1 g �+ N N N N N N FI C� �p� CCcJpp FI N iV FrV ON Ff [tl O Fi [� �V �1 lL O a FI N A !L �N N C+1 �N H CV FI /L A `�V}kK�ix'1�i4 M ik ���w M Midi �! �� NM 7RRyy��� �Y, +fRrt�k;M p p� it�yy�� � r�! �kR7k ♦t 1� � M`M �#i it. ppMM g$�p {���f {p U 1=: V7 f^li n} N H fA M fA s fA Z; M tli a v; N 2 MD 2) y fA C1 bl a C"O W" W Z; y 07 (q N 07 /A 5 N 99 c; � U tD p pp Q p pp p p p p p p p ON A h Ih 17 fV 1� h N N 0 f N N h r: R R Nb O N N vi tl] N 4A N N u'! �f Q r •- N O t7 4 0 0 0 C O r^^ C y N N N m!"; N h A N N!'11+11Y 00 OJ D7 dl b b b 00000000p 1p p *� 0-cow an QOQOOO NQ101m t(i Yf �C1rrNN� � NN �-r Y] D OpOIc V f Y Yv'C f f f +?Nry m �� O COOf 0i �GOC 04C C0+l1 OW DI 61 C i Y' � .s. pC DOPN010 0 N Nm W 0!G>Om�Of f NNNOOOOOOQ OOY]YO)b tp 01p C1100�OQOOO OOOP Vf V [�l P1 wi�OP]OIOm �� 00 MiOovi viNNiV b000G 0000 ^ n O N OOO�' OOOO OO�OOIA i[)W u1 N N ftl Z oc �y K Y 0 UJ V7 �O O O O� O O O O O O O a n lq e! m Rewr Of f ^ �N COYCOmm O�iOv Ovfvi 'v v tYpap Gg o O GmeGGOOC 00000v mom tVV C �ppop oa p pp �Oippp �y NNipp p pp u !S 8 8 O F 2 8 S S P 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 Q 8 8 8 s 0 0 0 a 8 0 O 8 8 8 8 0 0 0 0 0$ a a� 8988 882888 Ory ti vi N A h N N P RO LV fV A r Y 4. m m Nb 0 N N YT o m. 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YS r r x ^ 14-0 CL IL 0 0_ L d d d S n a O 'ALL .emu C(1,,O,di'Fa^yO,.4uO,, WWWWWWWW Wpa.[�Z'OO�ma... S FPS L_2i W,t7 .. (y [�O.i3v 5 aq�¢y$1i uUi Cyl p ER 1d _tl}f��; 9,h0_OOO-��S��g2LL4 LLl W_WKq�NVl9 tyma �WW wtilt ul u OOu� wu#wLUUi Uji W` wu'� TOTAL BUS LOADS 461.9 266.3 533.1` 405.2 233.3 457.6 CONNECTED FLA 669.1 P.F 0.866 RUNNING FLA 686.8 P.F. D.667 MAX CB 7D0 LOAD TYPES NOTES MAIN SERVICE CABLE 9 350KCMIL,3#210N,(3)7 MOTOR (hp) 1, CaWalions are based on 460 molts, 3 ptmse. MAIN FEEDER CABLE 9.350KCMIL,3#1MG.(3j2412" KVA 2. Lookup data valid through 500 hp. Manual inputs KW are required above 500 hp. AFD (hp) 3 Motor FLA based on NEC. not calculated values 0- BLACK & VEATCH City of Lubbock trrtluent !rift Station Electrical Loads Emergency EQUIPMENT TAG NO HP AMPS Influent Pump P-1101A 60 77 Influent Pump P-1101 B 60 77 Influent Pump P-1102A 60 77 Influent Pump P-1102B 6d 77 Influent Pump (FUT) P-1103A 60 0 Influent Pump IFUT) P-1103B 60 0 Influent Pump P-1104A 60 0 Influent Pump P-1104B 60 0 Influent Pump P.1105A 60 0 Influent Pump P-1105B 60 0 Hawks MCC-100 165 Lighting Transformer 15 kVA 18 AIC Unit WAC-1 10 kW 0 A/C Unit WAC-1 10 kW 0 491 HEADWORKS LOADS Bar Screen BS-101 5 7.6 Bar Screen FS-1202 6 11 Bar Screen FS-1203 6 11 Screen Conveyor CB-101 15 3 Belt Cleaner CB-101C 1 2.1 Conveyor CON-1225 5 7.6 Conveyor CON-1235 5 _ 7.6 Washer -Compactor DWS-1226 15 Washer -Compactor DWS-1236 Grit Pump P-1301 Grit Pump P-1302 30 0 Grit Washer DWS-1310 1 0 Grit Washer DWS-1320 1 0 Air Compressor AC-101 5 7.6 Odor Control Metering OMP-101 0,5 0 Odor Control Metering OMP-102 0.5 0 Odor Control Recir ORP-101 10 0 Odor Control Rear ORP-102 10 0 Odor Control Fan OF-101 50 0 Ooor Control Fan OF-102 50 0 Odor Control Fan OF-103 50 0 Odor Control Fan OF4001 5 0 Heater EUH-101 4 kW 0 Heater EUH-102 4li 0 Heater EUH-103 4 kW 0 Heater EUH-104 4 kW _ 0 Heater EUH-105 4 kW 0 Heater EUH-106 4 kW 0 Heater EUH-107 4li `0 Heater EUH-108 4 kW 0 Heater EDH-102 4 kW _d Makeup Air Unit MAU-101 25 0 Hoist BC-101 10 14 Hoist H-1001 10 0 Hoist H-1002 _ ... 10,........_.___6 Hoist H-1003 10 0 Fan PF-102 1 0 Lighting Transformer 37.5 kVA 45 Electric Door a 5 1.1 Electric Door 0 5 1.1 Electric Door 0 5- i.1 Aeration Blower BL-101 20 0 Aeration Blower BL-102 20 d Sump Pump SU-101 1 2,1 A/C Unit WAC-HW-1 6 kW 0 Influent Gates SD-1430 10 0 Influent Gates SD-1431 16 d Influent Gates SD-14140 10 0 Influent Gates SD 1441 10 0 Influent Gates SD-1442 10 0 Influent Gates SD-1443 10 0 2-25. Automatic Transfer and Bypass Isolation Switch. The automatic transfer and bypass isolation switch shall be 2000 ampere, 480/277 volt, 3 phase, 4 wire, 60 Hz and shall be housed in a NINA 3R enclosure. Switch shall he listed by CInderwriter's Laboratories, bear the UL label, and shall meet all requirements of I.A. Standard 1008. Switch shall be Zenith ZTSD or approved equal. Minimum withstand current rating shall be 50.000 amperes at 480 volts. Switch shall have the f'01101Aing accessories: a. E. tended time delay- on transter adjustable from 0 to 5 minutes. Three-phase undervoltage sensing of secondary source. Three-phase overvoltage sensing of normal source, d. Override switch to manually bypass time delay on retransfer to normal. Reset switch for manual retransfer to normal with automatic retransfer in the event of secondary source failure. Gold flashed engine start contacts. Pilot lights for the following: normal source available, emergency source available, switch set to normal position, switch set to emergency position, switch set to center off position. h. Time delays for the following conditions: engine start, transfer to alternate, center off position, retransfer to normal, engine cool down. Transfer inhibit. Pushbutton retransfer to normal_ k. Key operated test. switch. The contractor shall coordinate with the power company and with the existing transfer switches to set the time delay on transfer. The transfer switches shall be set such that only one at a time will transfer and the first shall transfer only after the automatic reclosures of the power company have opened to stay open until manually closed. NEW AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH rl' - 2000A,480Y,30 (NOTE 1) NOTES 1. NEW TRANSFER SWITCH REPLACES EXISTING 1200A. TERMINATE EXISTING CABLE AT SWITCH. VI; Brown-911,cXee, Inc. Since 1955 vt 7 CONTRACTORS & ENGINEERS (806) 745-4511 Phone P.O. BOX 3279 (806) 748-1681 Fax 906 Slaton Road www.brownmckee.com Lubbock, Texas 79452-3279 January 3, 2008 Black & Veatch 9441 LBJ Freeway Dallas, TX 75243 Attn: Laura Stratton RE: Influent Lift Station Rehabilitation at SWRP Change Order Request -- ATS Ms. Laura Stratton, Per Black & Veatch's instruction BMI proposes to provide all labor, material and equipment to provide and install the new 2000A ATS, including additional ductbanks and wire. The amount for all of the work described above is $93,094.83. Please see attached BMI cost breakdown sheet and subcontractor documentation. if you have any questions, concerns and/or comments, please do not hesitate to call Sincerely, Jason McNeil Project Manager Change Order 8 - ATS unit No_ Urnls Labor $/unit Mtts. $!unit Sub-Cont Equip $junit Vunit No. MH Total Total Total Labor Materials Sub-Cmau Total Equip. Total 16 - Electrical 16.300 Junction Boxes a. Provide a install dMItiank, wire, ATS LS 1 80,601 519 - 80,601,59 80,601.59 Total Job Cost, WIO Taxes 80,601.59 80.601.59 Tax Materials Tax Equipment Total Job Cost With Taxes Overhead Pri Fit a. Labor and Equipment b. Malerials c. Sub -Contracts Total Job Cost With O&H % °% °% °% % °% 8.25 10 5 5 5 8,060.16 4A33.08 93,094.83 80,801.59 8,060.16 4,433.08 93 094.83 Total Cast 193.094.83 -, . .. _..... .- -. 1 .1 1C., =er Ul L." if r. �.L 1.'0L TPC ELECTRIC GOMPANYv INC. 2816 Central Drive #140118 Telophorm: (817) 888-6715 Bedford, Texas 76021 Fax; ($17) ES"718 CONTRACT MODIFICATION REQUEST To: Brown McKee, Inc. 906 Slaton Road Lubbock, Texas 79404 Attn: JASON McIV iL PROJECT NAME. SEWRP Lift Station PROJECT #: 07-711-BM TPC CMR.#: 385-02 Oentletnen, We request a Contract Modification on fts project as described below. Fxcepting only those teams specifically waived or amended herein, all of the terms, conditions, provisions and covenants of the original Contract shall remain in full force and effect. DES LMUON OF CHANGE OR DDIFICATIO:V: Install additional ductbanks , wire / and new 2000A ATS. Additive Cbange Totals 1S9 **NOTES** 1. CMR Summary Sheet attached. 2. Proposed ATS quote attached. 3. Proposed routing i installation location sketch attached. 4. Additional (21) twenty-one working days required after receipt of equipment. 5. Existing 1200A ATS to be disconnected and left in place. d. Excluding slab concrete work. 7. Excluding Band (acid at 2.5%) e. Production lead-time is 10-12 weeks ARO. Need expedited change approval and submittal miew to coordinate delivery i install with Substation Equipment to Xoid / minimize project completion delays. Issued by: Jay Johnson Sifinature. r Title: Project Manager Date: r 19, 2007 Cc: Aca. 385 [i!n TPC ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. 2816 Central Drive #140118 Telephone: (817) 658-6715 Bedford, 'Texas 76021 Fax: (817) 868-6718 CMR 385--02 ATS Proposed ATS / Substation Equipment Installation Sequence To avoid extended electrical system down time without the availability of the back-up generator power, we propose to relocate the new 2000A ATS to the Substation it ITL4 line-up in lieu of removing the existing 1200A A`I'S and installing the; new 2000A ATS at the Generator Substation # ETL4. The following is the proposed sequence: • Transfer service to existing Substation # 2TI..4 (with Generator backup) • Disconnect / remove existing Substation 11 ITL4 • Install manhole and ductbanks to new Substation # ITL4 and to the 800A secondary main breaker section of the Generator Substation I MTL.4 • Demolish the existing and install the new underslab conduits for Substation 1IFFL4 • Fxtend existing slab to accommodate new Substation # l TI A and the new 2000A ATS. • Install the new Substation # 1 TIA and new 2000A ATS • Install the secondary feeder cables `l'1PS-A to MCC-IPS • Test / start-up MCC-IPS • Test / start-up new Substation # I `114 and new ATS • Disconnect existing Generator Substation I�TL4 ATS and connect new ATS feeder to the 800A main breaker • Transfer service to new Substation # 1114 • Disconnect / remove existing Substation 14 2TIA • Install duetbanks to new Substation # 2TIA • Demolish the existing and install the new underslab conduits for Substation # 2TIA • Extend existing slab to accommodate new Substation # 2TIA • Install the new Substation 8 2TIA • Install the secondary feeder cables TIPS-B to MCCAPS • Test / start-up new Substation # 2" l.A Please review and advise if this is acceptable as soon as possible. J. Job ID: 12-14-07 Project: 385-ATS Lubbock Bid Summary Sheet Vendor: GB FTWORTH Labor Levei: LABOR 3 Tax Rate Status: Default BEd Name: DEFAULT 610 Bid Template: TPC BID 7y: TPC 9e_ k Ceapnry, lna. 12114/2007 1:55:46PM Drawing Phase quote S Material S Equip S Subcon $ Labor Hrs FEEDERS 23.003.00 10,8013.00 1,200.00 0.00 553.56 Sheet Totals: 23,903.00 18,686.03 1.20000 0.00 553-66 rag 0,00 a.no 0.00 0.00 "�81", fhxyY Sub Total tQuo/MatlEquiplSubl: 43,989.08 ct+;' NOTES: TAX RATES Sales Tax: 0.00 ^+ Materiallquotes: 0.001K Sub Total: 43,989.08 43,989.08 Labor: 0 00% Direct Labor #: 21,389.83 Equipment: 0.00 % indirect Labor $: 3,020.00 Subcontract: 0.00% Labor Escalation: 0.00 Job: 0,00% Labor Tax: 0.00 MiSC Direct Jab Costs t0.47%): 320,05 Avfj. Lbr. Rate (Cost): 38.04 Avg. Lhr. Rate (Bid): 44.63 Prime Cost: 68,719.76 Total Square Feet: Overhead JAv9. 10.00%): 6,871.98 Cost Per Sq. Ft.: — Net Cost: 75,591.74 Labor S Per Sq. FL: 2t,309.03 Labor Firs Per Sq. Ft.: 55397 Profit lAvg. 5.00%): 3,7/9.59 Quantity of Units: 1 JOB TAX: 0,00 Cost Per Uuit. T91 1.331 9ond 10.00%): 0.00 Cale. Adjustment! 000% Commission 0.00 Selling Price: 79.371.33 TPC Electric Company 6309 Industrial Sachse, TX 75048 Phone: 972• 414-7026 Fax: 972-496-0546 Concst Software Syslems i ^� Page 1 of 3 6235 Prospect Ave Dallas, TX 75214 Email: estephenssales@sbcglobal.net GE Consumer & Industrial Date : 10/29/2007 Telephone: 214-828-0193 Fax : 214-821.0188 Speed! Version : V 7.17 Bill of Material CITY OF LUBBOCK PUMP STATION WIN Proposal # : N60-00490 Proposal/Quote Type Base Bid Valued GE Customer We are pleased to offer this proposal for your review. Thank you for allowing GE Consumer and Industrial the opportunity to participate on this project. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the Information contained herein. Item# Qty Description 1 ZENITH SWITCHES ZTS ZTS DOOB00200 F Delayed Transition Transfer (ZTSD) Utility to Generator Transfer Four Poles 2000 Amp 2771480 V 3 Phase 14 Wire 60 Hz Rain Proof (NEMA 3R) MCONS-controls group: (6/P) Test switch -momentary -microprocessor (Al) Single Pole Double Throw - normal failure (Qty-1) (AIIE) Single Pole Double Throw - emergency failure (Qty - 1) (A3) Single Pole Single Throw - closed in emergency position ( Oty -2) (A4) Single Pole Singie Throw - closed in normal position ( Qty - 2) (CAL) Microprocessor activated calibration feature (CDP) Programable Plant exercisor-loadlno load, user selectable time range (DT) Time delay from neutral switch pos to emerg (source 2) (DW) Time delay from neutral switch pos to normal (source 1) (E) Engine Start Contact [(1) N.0,1(1)N.C.] (EL/P)Event log of last 16 events (J2E) Over/Under Frequency - emergency source (specify setting) (J2N) Over/Under Frequency - normal source (specify setting) (KIP) Frequency indication (on the controller) (1-1) Pilot light - normal position (L2) Pilot tight - emergency position (0) Pilot light - emergency available (1-4) Pilot light - normal available (I-N) Unit in Neutral Position (%TSD and ZBTSD onPy) (P1) Adjustable Time Delay Engine Start .a-10 Sec (02) Peak $have - Remote Load 'rest - Area Protection - Relay 120VAC) (Q3) Input to Inhibit Transfer to Emergency Control - Relay ( 120 GE Consumer & Industrial V AC ) (07) Input to Inhibit Transfer to Normal Control - Relay ( 120 V AC (R8) Emergency Over -Voltage sensing - 3 phase (R16) Phase Sequence Sensing (R17) Undervoltage Sensing on Emergency - 3 phase (8131P) Commit 1 No Commit trans to emerg (source 2}enableldisable (T) Adjustable Time Delay on Retransfer to Normal (factory set at 30 min) (T3/W 3) Pre -signet on Retransfer to Normal or Emergency (UMD) Universal Motor Disconnect Circuit -Pre & Post Transfer-2. circuits (U) Adjustable Time Delay on Cool -Down (factory set at 5 min) (VI) Voltage Imbalance between phases on 3 phase systems (W) Adjustable Time Delay on Transfer to Emergency (factory set at 1 sec.) (YENlP) Bypass Transfer Timers or Manual transfer Additional Options : (23ATS00) 4 600 MCM Mechanical 1600/2000 ATS (6C00000) Maintained test switch ( GC -Maintained test swi(ch-key operation ) (ZNM0200) MX250 Modbus Interface (1_4 or taler version) Total Lot Price FACTORY TESTS: Standard factory test procedures to be performed. Field- testing, customer inspections, customer witness tests and any other non-standard test procedures are not included unless specifically noted herein. WARRANTY: 1, Sales to Authorized GE Distributor: 12 months from GE ship date, or for shipments from Distributors stock 12 months from Distributor ship date. But not exceeding 18 months from shipment by GE. All other Sales: 12 months from installationlresato or 18 months from shipment, whichever occurs first. 2. Additional 12 months available for 2% adder, 24 months for 4% adder. 3. Warranty covers Equipment Only, to be repaired or replaced at Manufacturer's discretion. Contact GE Post Sales Service for Warranty assistance at (888) GE-RESOLve. Zenith ZTS Transfer Switches: 2-5.10 Limited Warranty Coverage: 2 -GE Zenith warrants ZTS Series transfer switches against defective workmanship for two years. 5 -GE Zenith warrants ZTS Series transfer switches against defective parts for five years. 10 -GE Zenith warrants ZTS Series transfer switches against defective main current carrying contacts for ten years. Duration: The warranty period begins the data the product ships from the GE Zenith factory. This warranty continuos to have value until ten years after ship date. Models Covered: This warranty appilos exclusively to the following GE Zenith labeled products: ZTS, ZTSD, ZTSCT, ZBTSCT, ZBTS, and ZBTSD models rated 600 Volt or less shipped on or after 511102, Post -Sales Service for GE Zenith Products — iAutomatic Transfer Switches and UPS products) Contact GE Post Sales Service at 800-637-1738 - Select Option 3 TERMS OF PAYMENT: GE Consumer & Industrial 100% Cash Net 30 days from date of shipment. POLICIES AND CONDITIONS OF SALE: 1. Sales to Authorized GE Distributor; This quotation is offered subject to the Apparatus Distributor Agreement between GE and Distributor. All other Sales: Policies and Conditions of Sale shown on GETC 2003 (copy attached) except as specifically noted herein. 2. This quotation expires in 30 calendar days unless terminated sooner by notice. 3. Order must be released for manufacture who 90 days.if drawings are required they must be returned approved for release w/in 60 days of mailing.lf not,and/or shipment is delayed far any reason,the price will increase 1.50/c for each partialffull month that shipment is delayed after the 90-day period Price(s) quoted are for estimated lead-times given; expedited schedule may require additional charges. ORDER CANCELLATION - SCHEDULE Or CHARGES- 10% - Order received and entered on factory, work not started, material not ordered. 30% - Drawings for approval submitted. 60%- Approved drawings returned .Job release for manufacture and shipment. 80%- Material accumulated and production started. 100% - Manufacturing completed. DELIVERY AND TRANSPORTATION: F.O.B Point of shipment, freight allowed to common-cardef free delivery point nearest first destination or point of export within the continental U.S.Tille passes upon shipment.((xre sir io11 - GE -Fuji Drives and GE -Zenith Controls Terms as Follows: FOB Seller's factory, freight allowed. Title Passes when the products are placed in the hands of the carrier at the point of shipment,(Exception-GE "Zenith ATS and UPS are not shipped freight allowed. Freight charges will be included Invoiee(2.7% of sale for ATS with minimum $52.00 shipping charge))). on F.O.B "Destination" is available for a 2% adder (but not less than $500 net) applied to the total price of the equipment. "Destination" is defined as GE's common carriers delivery point nearest first destination or point of export (more completely defined by the INCOTERM) within the continental U.S. 3. For orders below $1,000 not a $40 service charge will be added. 4. Shipment via Air or Open-ToplFlalbed/Lift gale truck Not included unless specifically listed herein. 5. Special Instruction - The Receiving Associate is required to sign, date and note specific visible or concealed damage on Bill of Lading at time of delivery. Freight Company Associate is required to witness Receiver's signature, date and damage claim annotations. GE's Post Sales Service Department must be provided with copy of annotated BOL within 5(five) days of delivery or Shipper's responsibility ends. SHIPMENT AND DRAWING SCHEDULE NOTE: ESIMATED DRAWING and SHIPMENT SCHEOULE(in weeka): Drawings: + Customer Review; + Manufacturing (ARO): — Total COMMENTS AND CLARIFICATIONS: This Proposal is based on the following documents only: Drawing(s): Revision Date: 0 GE Consumer & Industrial Spec(s): Revision: Date Addendum(s): The lead-times quoted are for Esfimatinq Pumo�g5 Only. Actual drawing and shipping schedules will be based on factory toad, receipt of order with complete technical information, and the date GE receives authorized release to manufacture, The accompanying Bill of Material is our interpretation of what is required to meet the intent of the listed Drawings and Specifications. Please review thoroughly for accuracy and completeness, and advise immediately if any revisions are required. This proposal is limited to the attached Bill of Material only. Start-up Services and Training are not included unless specifically noted herein. Changes to scope will require a revised proposal. The devices listed on this bill of material may have selective coordination over the long time, short time and instantaneous range. GE's selective capabilities are listed in publication DET-537. It is recommended that a qualified engineer be employed to determine selective coordination as required for the project and in accordance with applicable local codes and acceptable engineering practices. Selective coordination may require significant changes to the systern design, equipment sizing and cost. E Stephens III No Text City of Lubbock Influent Lift Station Rehabilitation ATS Schedule [Task Description Duration Start Finish Approval of ATS - City Council 0 days 01/25/08 01/25/08 Assemble Submittal Info. - Supplier 21 days 01/28/08 02/17/08 Review & Approve Submittal - B&V 14 days 02/18/08 03/02/08 Manufacture ATS - Supplier 84 days 03/03/08 05/25/08 Install ATS at Previously Demo'd 1st Substation- BMI I TPC 21 days 05/26/08 06/16/06 Demo 2nd Existing Substation - 13Ml / TPC 7 days 06/16/08 06/22/08 Install & Commission New 2nd Substation - BMI / TPC 28 days 06/23/08 07/20/08 Contingency for Supplier delays and weather 7 days 07/21/08 07/27/08 NOTES: 1. BMI / TPC wifl have to demo the 1st substation and prep the area prior to the ATS' arrival for this schedule to work. 2. The 84 day (12 week) delivery will be confirmed by supplier upon their receipt of approved submittals and at that time they could extend the delivery beyound the above duration. Office of Water Utilities DATE January 10, 2008 TO Thomas Adams, Deputy City Manager / Director of Water Utilities Aubrey Spear, P.E., Assistant Director of Water Utilities FROM Soo Koon Soon, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer THROUGH Wood Franklin, P.E., Chief Water Utilities Engineer SUBJECT Consider resolution for Change Order No. 4 - ITB #07-711-BM Influent Lift Station Rehabilitation At Southeast Water Reclamation Plant Subject: Contract Resolution — Water Utilities: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Change Order Number 4 to the construction contract awarded to Brown McKee, Inc. for the construction and installation of Automatic Transfer Switch. Summary: This project involves the construction and installation of Automatic Transfer Switch all the needed appurtenances for the installation of the transfer switch, concrete slab extension, additional duct bank and reconnecting all the electrical wiring of the transfer switch area, for the Southeast Water Reclamation Plant for the sum of $93,094.83. On September 1, 1998, as a result of a power failure incident, two million gallons of raw sewage was released into the North Fork of the Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River at the Southeast Water Reclamation Plant. That incident resulted in a fish kill, which is a violation of Texas Council of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) rules and regulation. On February 19, 1999, TCEQ issued a Notice of Enforcement Action Order to the City of Lubbock and it lasted until February 19, 2004 which required the City to engage in a solution to prevent any further discharge of raw or inadequately treated sewage into the creek in an event of power failure. The City has the option of providing a reliable alternate source of power using standby generators and or retention of inadequately treated wastewater. The City chose the alternate power source route and implemented the necessary corrective actions. A back-up generator was purchased in 1999 to ensure that the Plant met Y2K needs and also the 1999 Agreed Order from TCEQ. When ever, the primary source of power has a failure event, the back up generator automatically comes on provides the power needs of the Southeast Water Reclamation Plant. This automated action of switching from primary source of power to back up power is by using an Automatic Transfer Switch. The back-up generator is used at least once a year due to power failures. Increases in the influent lift station power loads require a larger automatic transfer switch with an increase in the amperage ratings. Even though, the existing back up generator system connection for the influent pumps was determined to have an amperage rating less than the new motor control center that is currently under construction, after several discussions Black & Veatch and City Of Lubbock staff agreed that the rating of the automatic transfer switch should be increased to match all other equipment in the circuit. An increase in the amperage rating requires a new automatic transfer switch. This Change Order No. 4 totals $93,094.83 resulting in a new contract amount of $2,420,233.64. Fiscal Impact: A total of $3,010,073 was appropriated and $1,924,030 is available in Capital Improvement Project number 90359 (Southeast Water Reclamation Headworks Pump Rehabilitation) for this purpose. Recommendation: Staff recommends the approval of the Resolution to amend the contract with Brown -McKee, Inc to a new contract amount of $2,420,233.64. A 145 days time extension will be necessary for the construction of this water main and the new contract completion date will be July 27, 2008. Agenda Item #.## Contract Resolution — Water Utilities: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Change Order Number 4 to the construction contract awarded to Brown McKee, Inc. for the construction and installation of Automatic Transfer Switch. Item Summary This project involves the construction and installation of Automatic Transfer Switch all the needed appurtenances for the installation of the transfer switch, concrete slab extension, additional duct bank and reconnecting all the electrical wiring of the transfer switch area, for the Southeast Water Reclamation Plant for the sum of $93, 094.83. On September 1, 1998, as a result of a power failure incident, two million gallons of raw sewage was released into the North Fork of the Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River at the Southeast Water Reclamation Plant. That incident resulted in a fish kill, which is a violation of Texas Council of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) rules and regulation. On February 19, 1999, TCEQ issued a Notice of Enforcement Action Order to the City of Lubbock and it lasted until February 19, 2004 which required the City to engage in a solution to prevent any further discharge of raw or inadequately treated sewage into the creek in an event of power failure. The City has the option of providing a reliable alternate source of power using standby generators and or retention of inadequately treated wastewater. The City chose the alternate power source route and implemented the necessary corrective actions. A back-up generator was purchased in 1999 to ensure that the Plant met Y2K needs and also the 1999 Agreed Order from TCEQ. When ever, the primary source of power has a failure event, the back up generator automatically comes on provides the power needs of the Southeast Water Reclamation Plant. This automated action of switching from primary source of power to back up power is by using an Automatic Transfer Switch. The back-up generator is used at least once a year due to power failures. Increases in the influent lift station power loads require a larger automatic transfer switch with an increase in the amperage ratings. Even though, the existing back up generator system connection for the influent pumps was determined to have an amperage rating less than the new motor control center that is currently under construction, after several discussions Black & Veatch and City Of Lubbock staff agreed that the rating of the autematic transfer switch should be increased to match all other equipment in the circuit. An increase in the amperage rating requires a new automatic transfer switch. This Change Order No. 4 totals $93,094,83 resulting in a new contract amount of $2, 420, 233, 64. Fiscat Impact A total of $3,010,073 was appropriated and $1,924.030 is available in Capital Improvement Project number 90359 (Southeast Water Reclamation Headworks Pump Rehabilitation) for this purpose. Staff Submiming/Recom►nendation Thomas Adams and Lubbock Water Advisory Commission recommends the approval of the Resolution to amend the contract with Brown -McKee, Inc to a new contract amount of $2,420,233,64. A 145 days time extension will be necessary for the construction of this water main and the new contract completion date will be July 27, 2008_ City Council Meeting