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Resolution - 2006-R0179 - Contract - A-1 American Fence - Security Fence, Pump Station 10 And Reservoir - 04/13/2006
Resolution No. 2006-RO179 April 13, 2006 Item No. 5.27 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, a Contract for a security fence for Pump Station Ten and Reservoir, per ITB 406-015-BM, with A-1 American Fence of Orange, Texas, and any associated documents. Said Contract is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council this 13th day of ATTEST: Reb cca Garza, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Sherry Stephens Chief Operating Officer, Water Utilities APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sohn M. Knight Assistant City Attorney gs/ccdocs/res-Contract-A-1 Fence-ITB 06015MA 04,05.06 No Text City of Lubbock PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 204, MUNICIPAL BUILDING 1625 13T" STREET LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79401 PH: (806)775-2167 FAX: (806)775-2164 hup://purchasing.ci.lubbock.tx.us DATE ISSUED: CLOSE DATE: ITB # 06-015-BM, Addendum # I ADDENDUM 0 ITB # 06-015-BM Security Fence for Pump Station Ten and Reservoir March 22, 2006 March 23, 2006 @ 3:00 P.M. CST The following items take precedence over specifications for the above named Invitation to Bid (ITB). Where any item called for in the ITB documents is supplemented here, the original requirements, not affected by this addendum, shall remain in effect. 1. Bidders must submit the REVISED BID SUBMITTAL UNIT PRICE BID CONTRACT, attached. Bid item number five is added covering the renovations of the existing pump house. 2. Bidders must submit the City of Lubbock Background Questionnaire, attached. 3. Bidder's attention is invited to the following questions and their respective responses: QUESTION: Is 120 / 240 volt power available by the street? Do we need to include a step down transformer in our bid? Where do you want the step down transformer located? If it's ground mounted, does it require a concrete pad or screening fence? ANSWER: A metered service should be requested by the contractor from LP&L. LP&L will provide a meter for service to the controls from Memphis. QUESTION: What size conduit do you prefer for the run to the new controller? ANSWER: Conduit size should be a minimum of 1 % " OUESTION: What size / type wire do you prefer for this run? ANSWER: Wire should be minimum of 8 gauge with ground. QUESTION: Do the rolling gates require an electric operator / 120v power? ANSWER: No electrical service will be provided to the gates. These gates will be manually operated. QUESTION: I have a specification on a water well pump (Section 02525). It is not listed in the table of Contents, and I haven't found it on the plans, yet. I assume there is no water well pump to be furnished, set, wired on these CD's, and the specification should not have been in the book? — ANSWER: Section 02525 Water Well Pump can be deleted. The irrigation system is connected to an existing line in the park and not a water well. QUESTION: Is there a roofing spec? The pump station number 10 at 82nd / Memphis requires a new Elk roof (Composition sculptured shingles). ANSWER: There is no roofing specification. The roof is required 30 year ELK Prestique as noted on Sheet A4. ITB#06-015-BMAd I ITB # 06-015-BM, Addendum # 1 QUESTION: Patterned concrete is in the spec, but not on the drawings. I assume there is no patterned concrete required, since its not shown on the drawings? ANSWER: There is no patterned concrete on this project, disregard any reference to patterned concrete within the specifications. OUESTION: One of the masons told me he can only provide 4" tall fence / pilaster caps. Will 4" caps be acceptable, instead of 6" caps? ANSWER: Four -inch pilaster caps will be acceptable as a substitution to the specified six-inch caps. All requests for additional information or clarification must be submitted in writing and directed to: Bruce MacNair, Senior Buyer, City of Lubbock, P.O. Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79457 Questions may be faxed to (806)775-2164 or Email to BMacnairna,mylubbock.us . THANK YOU, CITY OF LUBBOCK Bruce MacNair Senior Buyer It is the intent and purpose of the City of Lubbock that this request permits competitive bids. It shall be the bidder's responsibility to advise the City of Lubbock Purchasing Manager if any language, requirements etc., or any combinations thereof, inadvertently restricts or limits the requirements stated in this ITB to a single source. Such notification must be submitted in writing and must be received by the Purchasing Manager no later than five (5) business days prior to the bid close date. A review of such notifications will be made. ITB#06-015-BMAd 1 2 CITY OF LUBBOCK INVITATION TO BID FOR TITLE: SECURITY FENCE FOR PUMP STATION TEN AND RESERVOIR ADDRESS: LUBBOCK, TEXAS ITB NUMBER: 06-015-BM PROJECT NUMBER: 91031.9282.30000 CONTRACT PREPARED BY: PURCHASING & CONTRACT MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 1. NOTICE TO BIDDERS 2. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 3. BID SUBMITTAL - BID FOR LUMP SUM CONTRACTS 4. PAYMENT BOND 5. PERFORMANCE BOND 6. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE 7. CONTRACT 8. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT 9. CURRENT WAGE DETERMINATIONS 10. SPECIFICATIONS NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE TO BIDDERS ITB #06-015-BM Sealed bids addressed to Victor Kilman, Director of Purchasing & Contract Management, City of Lubbock, Texas, will be received in the office of the Director of Purchasing & Contract Management, Municipal Building, 1625 13th Street, Room 204, Lubbock, Texas, 79401, until 3:00 o'clock p.m. on 23'd March, 2006, or as changed by the issuance of formal addenda to all planholders, to furnish all labor and materials and perform all work for the construction of the following described project: "SECURITY FENCE FOR PUMP STATION TEN AND RESERVOIR" After the expiration of the time and date above first written, said sealed bids will be opened in the office of the Director of Purchasing & Contract Management and publicly read aloud. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to ensure that his bid is actually in the office of the Director of Purchasing & Contract Management for the City of Lubbock, before the expiration of the date above first written. Bids are due at 3:00 o'clock p.m. on March 23rd, 2006, and the City of Lubbock City Council will consider the bids on April 131n, 2006, at the Municipal Building, 1625 13th Street, Lubbock, Texas, or as soon thereafter as may be reasonably convenient, subject to the right to reject any or all bids and waive any formalities. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a performance bond in accordance with Chapter 2253, Government Code, in the amount of 100% of the total contract price in the event that said contract price exceeds $100,000 and the successful bidder will be required to furnish a payment bond in accordance with Chapter 2253, Government Code, in the amount of 100% of the total contract price in the event that said contract price exceeds $25,000. Said statutory bonds should be issued by a company carrying a current Best Rating of B or superior. Bidders are required, whether or not a payment or performance bond is required, to submit a cashier's or certified check issued by a bank satisfactory to the City of Lubbock, or a bid bond from a reliable surety company, payable without recourse to the order of the City of Lubbock in an amount not less than 5% of the total amount of the bid submitted as a guarantee that bidder will enter into a contract and execute all necessary bonds (if required) within ten (10) business days after notice of award of the contract to him. FAILURE OF THE BIDDER TO INCLUDE BID SECURITY WITH THE BID SUBMITTAL SHALL CONSTITUTE A NONRESPONSIVE BID AND RESULT IN -' DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID SUBMITTAL. It shall be each bidders sole responsibility to inspect the site of the work and to inform himself regarding all local conditions under which the work is to be done. It shall be understood and agreed that all such factors have been thoroughly investigated and considered in the preparation of the bid submitted. There will be a non -mandatory pre -bid conference on March 14th 2006 at 10:00 o'clock a.m., in Municipal Building, Conference Room 204, 1625 1P Street, Lubbock, Texas. Bidders may view the plans and specifications without charge at The Reproduction Company, 2102 Avenue Q, Lubbock, Texas 79405. ONE SET OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE OBTAINED, AT THE CITY'S EXPENSE, FROM THE REPRODUCTION COMPANY WITH A $100 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT, http://pr.theret)roductioncompany.com/, Phone: (806) 763-7770. Additional sets of plans and specifications may be obtained at the bidder's expense. Attention of each bidder is particularly called to the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages included in the contract documents on file in the office of the Director of Purchasing & Contract Management of the City of Lubbock, which document is specifically referred to in this notice to bidders. Each bidder's attention is further directed to provision of Article 5159a, Vernon's Ann. Civil St., and the requirements contained therein concerning the above wage scale and payment by the contractor of the prevailing rates of wages as heretofore established by owner in said wage scale. The City of Lubbock hereby notifies all bidders that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority and women business enterprises will be afforded equal opportunities to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, disability, or national origin in consideration for an award. The City of Lubbock does not discriminate against persons with disabilities. City of Lubbock pre -bid meetings and bid openings are available to all persons regardless of disability. If you would like bid information made available in a more accessible format or if you require assistance, please contact the City of Lubbock ADA Coordinator at (806) 775- 2018 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. CITY OF LUBBOCK MARTA ALVAREZ, INTERIM PURCHASING MANAGER GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1 BID DELIVERY TIME & DATE 1.1 The City of Lubbock is seeking written and sealed competitive bids to furnish SECURITY FENCE FOR PUMP STATION TEN AND RESERVOIR per the attached specifications and contract documents. Sealed bids will be received no later than 3:00 p.m. CST, March 23rd, 2006 at the office listed below. Any bid received after the date and hour specified will be rejected and returned unopened to the bidder. Each bid and supporting documentation must be in a sealed envelope or container plainly labeled in the lower left-hand corner: "ITB #06-015-BM, SECURITY FENCE FOR PUMP STATION TEN AND RESERVOIR " and the bid opening date and time. Bidders must also include their company name and address on the outside of the envelope or container. Bids must be addressed to: Marta Alvarez, Interim Purchasing Manager City of Lubbock 1625 13th Street, Room 204 Lubbock, Texas 79401 1.2 Bidders are responsible for making certain bids are delivered to the Purchasing & Contract Management Department. Mailing of a bid does not ensure that the bid will be delivered on time or delivered at all. If bidder does not hand deliver bid, we suggest that he/she use some sort of delivery service that provides a receipt. 1.3 Bids will be accepted in person, by United States Mail, by United Parcel Service, or by private courier service. No bids will be accepted by oral communication, telephone, electronic mail, telegraphic transmission, or telefacsimile transmission. THE CITY WILL NOT ACCEPT FAX BIDS. 1.4 The City of Lubbock reserves the right to postpone the date and time for opening bids through an addendum. 2 PRE -BID MEETING 2.1 For the purpose of familiarizing bidders with the requirements, answering questions, and issuing addenda as needed for the clarification of the Invitation to Bid (ITB) documents, a non -mandatory pre -bid meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m., March 141h, 2006 in Municipal Building, Conference Room 204 1625 131, -' Street Lubbock Texas All persons attending the meeting will be asked to identify themselves and the prospective bidder they represent. 2.2 It is the bidder's responsibility to attend the pre -bid meeting though the meeting is not mandatory. The City will not be responsible for providing information discussed at the pre -bid meeting to bidders who do not attend the pre -bid meeting. 3 ADDENDA & MODIFICATIONS 3.1 Any changes, additions, or clarifications to the ITB are made by ADDENDA information available over the Internet at http://www.RFPdgpot.com. We strongly suggest that you check for any addenda a minimum of forty-eight hours in advance of the response deadline. BUSINESSES WITHOUT INTERNET ACCESS may use computers available at most public libraries. 3.2 Any bidder in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the specifications or other documents may request an interpretation thereof from the Purchasing & Contract Management Department. At the request of the bidder, or in the event the Purchasing & Contract Management Department deems the interpretation to be substantive, the interpretation will be made by written addendum issued by the Purchasing & Contract Management Department. Such addenda issued by the Purchasing & Contract Management Department will be available over the Internet at http://www.RFPdeyot.com and will become part of the proposal package having the same binding effect as provisions of the original ITB. NO VERBAL EXPLANATIONS OR INTERPRETATIONS WILL BE BINDING. In order to have a request for interpretation considered, the request must be submitted in writing and must be received by the City of Lubbock Purchasing & Contract Management Department no later than five (5) days before the bid closing date. 3.3 All addenda, amendments, and interpretations of this solicitation shall be in writing. The City of Lubbock shall not be legally bound by any amendment or interpretation that is not in writing. Only information supplied by the City of Lubbock Purchasing & Contract Management Department in writing or in this ITB should be used in preparing bid responses. All contacts that a bidder may have had before or after receipt of this ITB with any individuals, employees, or representatives of the City and any information that may have been read in any news media or seen or heard in any communication facility regarding this bid should be disregarded in preparing responses. 3.4 The City does not assume responsibility for the receipt of any addendum sent to bidders. 4 EXAMINATION OF DOCUMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Each bidder shall carefully examine all ITB documents and thoroughly familiarize itself with all requirements before submitting a bid to ensure that their bid meets the intent of these specifications. 4.2 Before submitting a bid, each bidder shall be responsible for making all investigations and examinations that are necessary to ascertain conditions and requirements affecting the requirements of this Invitation to Bid. Failure to make such investigations and examinations shall not relieve the bidder from obligation to comply, in every detail, with all provisions and requirements of the Invitation to Bid. 4.3 Notices of any discrepancies or omissions in these plans, specifications, or contract documents, shall be given to the Director of Purchasing & Contract Management and a clarification obtained before the bids are received, and if no such notice is received by the Director of Purchasing & Contract Management prior to the opening of bids, then it shall be deemed that the bidder fully understands the work to be included and has provided sufficient sums in its bid to complete the work in accordance with these plans and specifications. If bidder does not notify Director of Purchasing & Contract Management before bidding of any discrepancies or omissions, then it shall be deemed for all purposes that the plans and specifications are sufficient and adequate for completion of the project. It is further agreed that any request for clarification must be submitted no later than five (5) calendar days prior to the opening of bids. 5 BID PREPARATION COSTS 5.1 Issuance of this ITB does not commit the City of Lubbock, in any way, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a bid. 5.2 The issuance of this ITB does not obligate the City of Lubbock to enter into contract for any services or equipment. 5.3 All costs related to the preparation and submission of a bid shall be paid by the bidder. 6 TRADE SECRETS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND THE TEXAS PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT 6.1 If you consider any portion of your bid to be privileged or confidential by statute or judicial decision, including trade secrets and commercial or financial information, clearly identify those portions. 6.2 The City of Lubbock will honor your notations of trade secrets and confidential information and decline to release such information initially, but please note that the final determination of whether a particular _m portion of your bid is in fact a trade secret or commercial or financial information that may be withheld from public inspection will be made by the Texas Attorney General or a court of competent jurisdiction. In the event a public information request is received for a portion of your bid that you have marked as being confidential information, you will be notified of such request and you will be required to justify your legal position in writing to the Texas Attorney General pursuant to Section 552.305 of the Government Code. In the event that it is determined by opinion or order of the Texas Attorney General or a court of competent jurisdiction that such information is in fact not privileged and confidential under Section 552.110 of the Government Code and Section 252.049 of the Local Government Code, then such information will be made available to the requester. 6.3 Marking your entire bid CONFIDENTIAL/PROPRIETARY is not in conformance with the Texas Open Records Act. 7 LICENSES PERMITS TAXES The price or prices for the work shall include full compensation for all taxes, permits, etc. that the bidder is or may be required to pay. UTILIZATION OF LOCAL BUSINESS RESOURCES Prospective bidders are strongly encouraged to explore and implement methods for the utilization of local resources, and to outline in their bid submittal how they would utilize local resources. 9 CONFLICT OF INTEREST 9.1 The bidder shall not offer or accept gifts or anything of value nor enter into any business arrangement with any employee, official or agent of the City of Lubbock. 9.2 By signing and executing this bid, the bidder certifies and represents to the City the bidder has not offered, conferred or agreed to confer any pecuniary benefit or other thing of value for the receipt of special treatment, advantage, information, recipient's decision, opinion, recommendation, vote or any other exercise of discretion concerning this bid. 10 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 10.1 All work covered by the contract shall be done in accordance with contract documents described in the -' General Conditions. 10.2 All bidders shall be thoroughly familiar with all of the requirements set forth on the contract documents for the construction of this project and shall be responsible for the satisfactory completion of all work contemplated by said contract documents. 11 PLANS FOR USE BY BIDDERS It is the intent of the City of Lubbock that all parties with an interest in submitting a bid on the project covered by the contract documents be given a reasonable opportunity to examine the documents and prepare a bid without charge or forfeiture of deposit. The contract documents, may be examined without charge as noted in the Notice - to Bidders. 12 BIDDER INQUIRIES AND CLARIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS 12.1 It is the intent and purpose of the City of Lubbock that this request permit competitive bids. It shall be the bidder's responsibility to advise the Director of Purchasing & Contract Management if any language, requirements, etc., or any combinations thereof, inadvertently restricts or limits the requirements stated in this ITB to a single source. Such notification must be submitted in writing and must be received by the City of Lubbock Purchasing & Contract Management Office no later than five (5) calendar days before the bid closing date. A review of such notifications will be made. 12.2 NO BIDDER SHALL REQUEST ANY INFORMATION VERBALLY. ALL REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR CLARIFICATION CONCERNING THIS INVITATION TO BID (I'TB) MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING NO LATER THAN FIVE (5) CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR TO THE BID CLOSING DATE AND ADDRESSED TO: BRUCE MACNAIR, INTERIM PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTING OFFICER City of Lubbock - 1625 131" Street Lubbock, Texas 79401 Fax: (806)775-2164 - Email: BMacnair@mylubbock.us - RFPDepot: http://www.RFPdgpot.com 13 TIME AND ORDER FOR COMPLETION 13.1 The construction covered by the contract documents shall be substantially completed within ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE (125) CALENDAR DAYS from the date specified in the Notice to Proceed issued by the City of Lubbock to the successful bidder. 13.2 The Contractor will be permitted to prosecute the work in the order of his own choosing, provided, however, the City reserves the right to require the Contractor to submit a progress schedule of the work contemplated by the contract documents. In the event the City requires a progress schedule to be submitted, and it is determined by the City that the progress of the work is not in accordance with the progress schedule so submitted, the City may direct the Contractor to take such action as the City deems necessary to ensure completion of the project within the time specified. 14 PAYMENT All payments due to Contractor shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions of the contract documents. 15 AFFIDAVITS OF BILLS PAID The City of Lubbock reserves the right, prior to final acceptance of this project to require the Contractor to execute an affidavit that all bills for labor, materials and incidentals incurred in the construction of the improvements contemplated by the contract documents have been paid in full and that there are no claims pending, of which the Contractor has been notified. _u 16 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP The intent of these contract documents is that only materials and workmanship of the best quality and grade will be furnished. The fact that the specifications may fail to be sufficiently complete in some detail will not relieve -j the Contractor of full responsibility for providing materials of high quality and for protecting them adequately until incorporated into the project. The presence or absence of a representative of the City on the site will not relieve the Contractor of full responsibility of complying with this provision. The specifications for materials and _.} methods set forth in the contract documents provide minimum standards of quality, which the Owner believes necessary to procure a satisfactory project. 17 GUARANTEES 17.1 All equipment and materials incorporated in the project and all construction shall be guaranteed against defective materials and workmanship. Prior to final acceptance, the Contractor shall furnish to the Owner, a written general guarantee which shall provide that the Contractor shall remedy any defects in the work, and pay for any and all damages of any nature whatsoever resulting in such defects, when such defects appear within ONE year from date of final acceptance of the work as a result of defective materials or workmanship, at no cost to the Owner (City of Lubbock). 17.2 Notwithstanding any provisions contained in the contractual agreement, the Contractor represents and warrants fault -free performance and fault -free result in the processing date and date -related data (including, but not limited to calculating, comparing and sequencing) of all hardware, software and firmware products delivered and services provided under this Contract, individually or in combination, as the case may be from the effective date of this Contract. Also, the Contractor warrants calculations will be recognized and accommodated and will not, in any way, result in hardware, software or firmware failure. The City of Lubbock, at its sole option, may require the Contractor, at any time, to demonstrate the procedures it intends to follow in order to comply with all the obligations contained herein. 17.3 The obligations contained herein apply to products and services provided by the Contractor, its sub- contractor or any third party involved in the creation or development of the products and services to be delivered to the City of Lubbock under this Contract. Failure to comply with any of the obligations contained herein, may result in the City of Lubbock availing itself of any of its rights under the law and under this Contract including, but not limited to, its right pertaining to termination or default. 17.4 The warranties contained herein are separate and discrete from any other warranties specified in this Contract, and are not subject to any disclaimer of warranty, implied or expressed, or limitation to the _� 4 Contractor's liability which may be specified in this Contract, its appendices, its schedules, its annexes or any document incorporated in this Contract by reference. 18 PLANS FOR THE CONTRACTOR The contractor will be furnished one set of plans and specifications, and related contract documents for his use during construction. Plans and specifications for use during construction will only be furnished directly to the Contractor. The Contractor shall then distribute copies of plans and specifications to suppliers, subcontractors or others, as required for proper prosecution of the work contemplated by the Contractor. 19 PROTECTION OF THE WORK The Contractor shall be responsible for the care, preservation, conservation, and protection of all materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, apparatus, accessories, facilities, and all means of construction, and any and all parts of the work whether the Contractor has been paid, partially paid, or not paid for such work, until the date the City issues its certificate of completion to Contractor. The City reserves the right, after the bids have been opened and before the contract has been awarded, to require of a bidder the following information: (a) The experience record of the bidder showing completed jobs of a similar nature to the one covered by the intended contract and all work in progress with bond amounts and percentage completed. (b) A sworn statement of the current financial condition of the bidder. (c) Equipment schedule. 20 TEXAS STATE SALES TAX 20.1 This contract is issued by an organization which qualifies for exemption provisions pursuant to provisions of Article 20.04 of the Texas Limited Sales, Excise and Use Tax Act. 20.2 The Contractor must obtain a limited sales, excise and use tax permit which shall enable him to buy the materials to be incorporated into the work without paying the tax at the time of purchase. 21 PROTECTION OF SUBSURFACE LINES AND STRUCTURES It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to prosecute the work contemplated by the contract documents in such a way as to exercise due care to locate and prevent damage to all underground pipelines, utility lines, conduits or other underground structures which might or could be damaged by Contractor during the construction of the project contemplated by these contract documents. The City of Lubbock agrees that it will furnish Contractor the location of all such underground lines and utilities of which it has knowledge. However, such fact shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities aforementioned. All such underground lines or structures cut or damaged by Contractor during the prosecution of the work contemplated by this contract shall be repaired immediately by Contractor to the satisfaction of the City of Lubbock, Texas, at Contractor's expense. 22 BARRICADES AND SAFETY MEASURES The contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish and erect such barricades, fences, lights and danger signals, and shall take such other precautionary measures for the protection of persons, property and the work as may be necessary. The Contractor will be held responsible for all damage to the work due to failure of barricades, signs, and lights to protect it, and when damage is incurred, the damaged portion shall be immediately removed and replaced by Contractor at his own cost and expense. The Contractor's responsibility for maintenance of barricades, _r signs, and lights shall not cease until the date of issuance to Contractor of City's certificate of acceptance of the prof ect. 23 EXPLOSIVES 23.1 The use of explosives will not be permitted unless written permission to do so is obtained by the Contractor from the City. In all cases where written permission is obtained for the use of explosives, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all damage, which may occur as a direct or indirect result of the blasting. In addition, in all cases where explosives are authorized to be used, the Contractor shall use utmost care so as not to endanger life or property and the Contractor shall further use only such methods as are currently utilized by persons, fums, or corporations engaged in similar type of construction activity. 23.2 Explosive materials shall not be stored or kept at the construction site by the Contractor. 23.3 In all cases where explosives are to be used during the construction of the project contemplated by this contract, it shall be the duty of the Contractor to notify each utility company having structures (above or below the ground) in proximity to the site of the work of Contractor's intention to use explosives, and such notice shall be given sufficiently in advance to enable the companies to take such steps as they may deem necessary to protect their property from injury. Such notice, however, shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for any damage resulting from his blasting operations. 24 CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE The successful bidder shall be required to have a responsible local representative available at all times while the work is in progress under this contract. The successful bidder shall be required to furnish the name, address and telephone number where such local representative may be reached during the time that the work contemplated by this contract is in progress. 25 INSURANCE 25.1 The Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until he has obtained all insurance as required in the General Conditions of the contract documents, from an underwriter authorized to do business in the State of Texas and satisfactory to the City. Proof of coverage shall be furnished to the City and written notice of cancellation or any material change will be provided ten (10) days in advance of cancellation or change. All policies shall contain an agreement on the part of the insurer waiving the right to subrogation. The Contractor shall procure and carry at his sole cost and expense through the life of this contract, insurance protection as hereinafter specified. Coverage in excess of that specified herein also shall be acceptable. Such insurance shall be carried with an insurance company authorized to transact business in the State of Texas and shall cover all operations in connection with this contract, whether performed by the Contractor or a subcontractor, or separate policies shall be provided covering the operation of each subcontractor. A certificate of insurance specifying each and all coverages shall be submitted before contract execution. 25.2 PROOF OF COVERAGE SHALL BE FURNISHED TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK IN THE FORM OF A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE CERTIFICATES FURNISHED SHALL NAME THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AS A PRIMARY ADDITIONAL INSURED AND PROVIDE A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AS REQUIRED BELOW, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY A STATEMENT FROM THE CONTRACTOR TO THE EFFECT THAT NO WORK ON THIS PARTICULAR PROJECT SHALL BE SUBCONTRACTED. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE TO THE OWNER ALL PROOF OF COVERAGE INSURANCE DOCUMENTS INCLUDING WORKERS COMPENSATION COVERAGE FOR EACH SUBCONTRACTOR. 26 LABOR AND WORDING HOURS 26.1 Attention of each bidder is particularly called to the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages included in these contract documents. The wage rate that must be paid on this project shall not be less than specified in the schedule of general prevailing rates of per diem wages as above mentioned. The bidders' attention is further directed to the requirements of Article 5159a, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes providing for the payment of the wage schedules above mentioned and the bidder's obligations thereunder. The inclusion of the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages in these contract documents does not release the Contractor from compliance with any wage law that may be applicable. Construction work under this contract requiring an inspector will not be performed on weekends or holidays unless the following conditions exist: 26.1.1 The project being constructed is essential to the City of Lubbock's ability to provide the necessary service to its citizens. 26.1.2 Delays in construction are due to factors outside the control of the Contractor. The Contractor is approaching the penalty provisions of the contract and Contractor can show he has made a diligent effort to complete the contract within the allotted time. 26.2 Before construction work requiring an inspector is to be performed on weekends or holidays, the Contractor must notify the Owner's Representative not less than three full working days prior to the weekend or holiday he desires to do work and obtain written permission from the Owner's Representative to do such work. The final decision on whether to allow construction work requiring an inspector on weekends or holidays will be made by the Owner's Representative. 26.3 In any event, if a condition should occur or arise at the site of this project or from the work being done under this contract which is hazardous or dangerous to property or life, the Contractor shall immediately commence work, regardless of the day of the week or the time of day, to correct or alleviate such condition so that it is no longer dangerous to property or life. 27 PAYMENT OF EMPLOYEES AND FILING OF PAYROLLS The contractor and each of his subcontractors shall pay each of his employees engaged in work on the project under this contract in full (less mandatory legal deductions) in cash, or by check readily cashable without discount, not less often than once each week. The Contractor and each of his subcontractors engaged at the site of the work shall not later than the seventh day following the payment of wages, file with the Owner's Representative, or Engineer, a certified, sworn, legible copy of such payroll. This shall contain the name of each employee, his classification, the number of hours worked on each day, rate of pay, and net pay. The affidavit shall state that the copy is a true and correct copy of such payroll, that no rebates or deductions (except as shown) have been made, or will in the future be made from the wages paid as shown thereon. The Contractor must classify employees according to one of the classifications set forth in the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages, which schedule is included in the contract documents. The Contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to the City of Lubbock on whose behalf this contract is made, ten dollars for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day, or portion thereof, such laborer, workman or mechanic is paid less than the wages assigned to his particular classification as set forth in the schedule of general prevailing rate of per diem wages included in these contract documents. 28 PROVISIONS CONCERNING ESCALATION CLAUSES Bids submitted containing any conditions which provide for changes in the stated bid price due to increases or decreases in the cost of materials, labor or other items required for the project will be rejected and returned to the bidder without being considered. 29 PREPARATION FOR BID 29.1 The bidder shall submit his bid on forms furnished by the City. All blank spaces in the form shall be correctly filled in and the bidder shall state the price both in words and numerals, for which he intends to do the work contemplated or furnish the materials required. Such prices shall be written in ink, distinctly and legibly, or typewritten. In case of discrepancy between the price written in words and the price written in figures, the price written in words shall govern. 29.2 If the bid is submitted by an individual, his name must be signed by him or his duly authorized agent. If a bid is submitted by a firm, association, or partnership, the name and address of each member must be given and the bid signed by a member of the firm, association or partnership, or person duly authorized. If the bid is submitted by a company or corporation, the company or corporate name and business address must be given, and the bid signed by an official or duly authorized agent. Powers of attorney authorizing agents or others to sign bids must be properly certified and must be in writing and submitted with the bid. The bid shall be executed in ink. 29.3 Each bid shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed as specified in the Notice to Bidders, and endorsed on the outside of the envelope in the following manner: 28.3.1 Bidder's name 28.3.2 Bid for (description of the project). 29.4 Bid submittals may be withdrawn and resubmitted at any time before the time set for opening of the bids, but no bid may be withdrawn or altered thereafter. 29.5 Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 252.043(a), a competitive sealed bid that has been opened may not be changed for the purpose of correcting an error in the bid price. THEREFORE, ANY CORRECTIONS TO THE BID PRICE MUST BE MADE ON THE BID SUBMITTAL FORM PRIOR TO BID OPENING. 30 BOUND COPY OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Bidder understands and agrees that the contract to be executed by bidder shall be bound and include the following: (a) Notice to Bidders. - (b) General Instructions to Bidders. (c) Bidder's Submittal. (d) Statutory Bond (if required). (e) Contract Agreement. (f) General Conditions. (g) Special Conditions (if any). (h) Specifications. (i) Insurance Certificates for Contractor and all Sub -Contractors. (j) All other documents made available to bidder for his inspection in accordance with the Notice to Bidders. _ If Plans and Specifications are too bulky or cumbersome to be physically bound, they are to be considered incorporated by reference into the aforementioned contract documents. 31 QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS The bidder may be required before the award of any contract to show to the complete satisfaction of the City of Lubbock that it has the necessary facilities, ability, and financial resources to provide the service specified therein in a satisfactory manner. The bidder may also be required to give a past history and references in order to satisfy the City of Lubbock about the bidder's qualifications. The City of Lubbock may make reasonable investigations deemed necessary and proper to determine the ability of the bidder to perform the work, and the bidder shall furnish to the City of Lubbock all information for this purpose that may be requested. The bidder's bid may be deemed not to meet specifications or the bid may be rejected if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, the bidder fails to satisfy the City of Lubbock that the bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work described therein. Evaluation of the bidder's qualifications shall include: (a) The ability, capacity, skill, and financial resources to perform the work or provide the service required. (b) The ability of the bidder to perform the work or provide the service promptly or within the time specified, without delay or interference. (c) The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience, and efficiency of the bidder. (d) The quality of performance of previous contracts or services. (e) The safety record of the Contractor and proposed Sub -Contractors Before contract award, the recommended contractor for this project may be required to show that he has experience with similar projects that require the Contractor to plan his work efforts and equipment needs with City of Lubbock specifications in mind. Demonstration of experience shall include a complete list of ALL similar municipal and similar non -municipal current and completed projects for the past three (3) years for review. This list shall include the names of supervisors and type of equipment used to perform work on these projects. In addition, the Contractor may be required to provide the name(s) of supervisor(s) that will be used to perform work on this project in compliance with City of Lubbock specifications herein. 32 BID AWARD 32.1 The City of Lubbock reserves the right to reject any or all bids, reject any particular item on a bid, and to waive immaterial formalities and to accept the offer most advantageous to the City of Lubbock in its sole discretion. Unless otherwise specified herein, the City shall award the bid based on the total bid for Bid Items 1 through 4 plus the sum of any Alternate Bids the City may select. 32.2 All bids are evaluated for compliance with specifications before the bid price is considered. Response to specifications is primary in determining the best low bid. Failure to comply with the specifications may result in disqualification of the bid. 32.3 In case of tie bids, preference will be given to local bidders. Consistent and continued tie bidding may be cause for rejection of bids by the City of Lubbock and/or investigation by the Attorney General to determine possible Anti -Trust violations. 32.4 Before the City may award a bid to a nonresident bidder, the nonresident bidder's bid must be lower than lowest bid submitted by a responsible Texas bidder by the same margin or amount that a Texas bidder would be required to underbid the nonresident bidder in the nonresident bidders' home state. 32.5 Any contract made, or purchase order issued, as a result of this Invitation to Bid, shall be entered into the State of Texas and under the laws of the State of Texas. In connection with the performance of work, the Bidder agrees to comply with the Fair Labor Standard Act, Equal Opportunity Employment Act, and all other applicable Federal, State, and Local laws, regulations, and executive orders to the extent that the same may be applicable. u.3 32.6 NO INDIVIDUAL OF ANY USING DEPARTMENT HAS THE AUTHORITY TO LEGALLY AND/OR FINANCIALLY COMMIT THE CITY TO ANY CONTRACT, AGREEMENT OR PURCHASE ORDER FOR GOODS OR SERVICES, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY SANCTIONED --t BY THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS INVITATION TO BID. BID SUBMITTAL No Text ITB # 06-015-13M, Addendum # 1 REVISED BID SUBMITTAL UNIT PRICE BID CONTRACT DATE: Mm:dl 23, 2006 PROJECT NUMBER: #06-015-BM - SECURITY FENCE FOR PUMP STATION TEN AND RESERVOIR Bid of A--1 AtteciCEn Fmm, iric. (hereinafter called Bidder) To the Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Lubbock, Texas (hereinafter called Owner) Gentlemen: The Bidder, in compliance with your Invitation to Bid for the construction of a SECURITY FENCE FOR PUMP STATION TEN AND RESERVOIR having carefully examined the plans, specifications, instructions to bidders, notice to bidders and all other related contract documents and the site of the intended work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the construction of the intended project including the availability of materials and labor, hereby intends to furnish all labor, materials, and supplies; and to construct the project in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract documents, within the time set forth therein and at the price stated below. The price to cover all expenses incurred in performing the work required under the contract documents. Estimated V Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item Total Amount 1. 1,274 LF Furnish and install Decorative Masonry CMUBrick Fence, including one 20-foot gate and one 10-foot gate, foundation and all appurtenances as specified and shown. µ MATERIALS: CYIe ardred FT�e 11 a� �5/1�� $1Oa�?5 /LF(134,215.90 ) L LABOR: -'6MIY D21aI:s and 24/1 $_70.24 /LF( 4Rq 7A ) TOTAL A BID ITEM # 1: QIe Hxrhed -Seventy--Five DaUars al-d 59/100******** $175.59 /LF 773,7�1 �_ ) (Unit Price Amounts shall be shown in both words and numerals. In case of discrepancy, the amount shown in words shall govem.) 2. 1 LS Furnish and install demolition and removal of the existing fence, site grading work, chain link fence around cell tower, concrete drive, and concrete overflow as specified and shown. MATERIALS: NmetY-Six 'I r sard Two Iix dyed E3 -Fbls $96.284.40 /LSP6,284.40and 4WI ) LABOR: SiXY-Ftur Thollmd C ne Hxidred gar'd$ 64,189.60 /LS( 64,189.60 ) TOTAL 601 BID ITEM # 960,474.00 /LS# 60,474. 00 ) (Unit Price A ounts shall be shown in both words and numerals. In case of discre ancy, a amount shown in words shall govern.) _, 1axs aryl M/1 Bidder's Initials M # 06-015-BM, Addendum # 1 Estimated Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item Total Amount 3. 1 LS Furnish and install irrigation and landscaping on the exterior of screen wall fence as specified and shown.. MATERIALS:Td2nty-Six Z rumnd Ti D Htxrhed Farty IIhUl $26,240.00 /LS(26,240.00 ) LABOR:Ta.parid Zlree ardred S LAcy D Lars $ 39,360.00 /LS(39,360.00 ) TOTAL BID ITEM #3: Sixty--F'ixe Thousxd Six Hixdred Dollars $55,600.00 /LS165,600.00 ) (Unit Price Amounts shall be shown in both words and numerals. In case of discrepancy, the amount shown in words shall govem.) 4. 1 LS Furnish and install "Turffalo" grass on the interior of screen wall fence as specified and shown. MATERIALS: Sixty-ghme 7hotisand Nine Hxrhed Sixty Ib1lars $ 63,960.00 /LS63,960.00 ) LABOR: FtrL -Dip T Yosx-d SjX Htxdred = HLEdmd Rxl+ =lira 312Y64()_00 /LS(42 640 no ) TOTAL BID ITEM #3: One Hrldred Six'. ax5mld Six Hxdred Lbllars 106,600.00 /L,S(106,600.00 ) (Unit Price Amounts shall be shown in both words and numerals. In case of discrepancy, the amount shown in words shall govem.) 5. 1 LS Renovations to the existing pump house (this would include but not be limited to removal of the existing brick, guttering, and roofing. Re -roof, re -paint, and re -brick with colors and materials picked out by architect. Installation of a new garage door, new gutters, door, and sign area). _. MATERIALS: FcrtY-Cne Thousand rilmm 1jurx1md Zt _Becht Dr)11c-A 41,328.00'LS(411,328.00 ) LABOR: T10tY-93M TItYa land FTve Hxdred Fifty-Tio Dalars 97,552.00 /LS(27, `a52.00 ) _-= TOTAL BID ITEM #5: Slxty4�id t Thwsand EI'clilt IliArdlred Ej 1i_968,880.00 /LS(68,fflQ M ) (Unit Price Amounts shall be shown in both words and numerals. In case of discrepancy, the amount shown in words shall govern.) TOTAL BASE BID, ITEMS #1- #5: MATERIALS: Three Hnked Sixty-DD Th3jwd ZtgTty_&ct t Dallar and $362,028 30 30/1 LABOR: Zo Hxdred Sucty--Ttxee Tha salyd Tina Hrdred ata ty--Se m n2]zxs $ 263,227.36 TOTAL BASE and 36/1 - BID ITEMS #1 - #5:Six Hxlhted Zejy= `i_W 'Th r nrl Rt.r, uwlina $-r. rr.66 (Unit Price Amounts shall be shown in both words and numerals. In case of discrepancy, the amount shown in words shall govem.) Fifty Fi.W Dallars and 66/1 Bidder's Initials `�t ITB # 06-015-13M, Addendum # 1 Estimated Item Quantity No. & Unit Description of Item Total Amount ADDITIVIE ALTERNATE #1 Al 1 LS Drive located on Memphis Avenue (this would include but not be limited to deletion of 20' of the fence, 20' sliding gate size and design as shown on the plans, and a concrete drive as shown on the plans).. MATERIALS: Smexbam Thazer;d Six H rked 'Ihirben DaUars arid $17,613.60 /LSO7,613.60 ) 60 1 LABOR: Elemm Thos><jnd Sam HLrrksd Ftrty--Wo DDLlars and $11,742.40 /LS01,742.40 ) TOTAL ADDITIVE OPTION #A1: 7AOl1Y-Nine Z!nasnd 7Yree HxdrEd Fifty -Six DaU1 29,356.00 /LS(29,356.00 ) (Unit Price Amounts shall be shown in both words and numerals. In case of discrepancy, the amount shown in words shall govem.) ADDITIVIE ALTERNATE #2 A2 1 LS Furnish and install stairs and all appurtenances as specified and shown (this would include but not be limited to a concrete pad, Stairs to the roof of the existing reservoir for access to the hatch, and handrails around the hatch installed as designed). MATERIALS: Zinazty-Sem'Iilvad Sax<y DaLlars $271.060.00 /LS(27,(ffl()() ) LABOR: glltem d FAY DAIars and m/100 $18,040.00 /LS(18040.00 ) TOTAL ADDITIVE OPTION #A2: FCktY-n a Thcsand Q-e Hmdtsd DaUc-ws arld m/100 $4%100.00 /LS(45,100-00 ) (Unit Price Amounts shall be shown in both words and numerals. In case of discrepancy, the amount shown in words shall govern.) TOTAL BASE BID, ITEMS #1- #5 & ADDITIVE OPTIONS Al — A2: MATERIALS: Fbu' Rxrb3d Six Thasarld AaLlars SMUI Hinkud CM DaUars $406,701 90 aril 90/1 LABOR: Wo HmIred Ninety —'flue end Nine lars and 76/100*k******k $293,Mg. 76 TOTAL BASE BID ITEMS #1- #5 & ADDITIVE OPTIONS Al-A2: Six Hxdmd N'elY-Nine 71um-d Steen Rxrb d $699,711.66 (Unit Price Amounts shall be shown in both words and numerals. In case of discrepancy, the amount shown in words shall govern.) El.eVeM DDLlaxs and 66/1 Bidder hereby agrees to commence the work on the above project on or before a date to be specified in a written "Notice to Proceed" of the Owner and to substantially complete the project within 125 (ONE HUNDRED TWENTY- FIVE) calendar days thereafter as stipulated in the specifications and other contract documents. Bidder hereby further agrees to pay to Owner as liquidated damages the sum of $500 (FIVE HUNDRED) for each consecutive calendar day in excess of the time set forth herein above for completion of this project, all as more fully set forth in the general conditions of the contract documents. Bidder understands and agrees that this bid submittal shall be completed and submitted in accordance with instruction number 29 of the General Instructions to Bidders. Bidder understands that the Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any formality in the __. bidding. The Bidder agrees that this bid shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) calendar days after the scheduled closing time for receiving bids. The undersigned Bidder hereby declares that he has visited the site of the work and has carefully examined the plans, specifications and contract documents pertaining to the work covered by this bid, and he further agrees to commence work on or before the date specified in the written notice to proceed, and to sub ntially complete the work on which he has bid; as provided in the contract documents. Bidder's Initials ITB # 06-015-BK Addendum # 1 Bidders are required, whether or not a payment or performance bond is required, to submit a cashier's check or certified check issued by a bank satisfactory to the City of Lubbock, or a bid bond from a reliable surety company, .. payable without recourse to the order of the City of Lubbock in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid submitted as a guarantee that bidder will enter into a contract, obtain all required insurance policies, and execute all necessary bonds (if required) within ten (10) days after notice of award of the contract to him. Enclosed with this bid is a Cashier's Check or Certified Check for Dollars ($ ) or a Bid Bond in the sum of`hiXt-Y4'iVFB 'mo d Dollars Dollars ($35,000-W which it is agreed shall be collected and retained by the Owner as liquidated damages in the event the bid is accepted by the Owner and the undersigned fails to execute the necessary contract documents, insurance certificates, and the required bond (if any) with the Owner within ten (10) business days after the date of receipt of written notification of acceptance of said bid; otherwise, said check or bond shall be returned to the undersigned upon demand. Bidder understands and agrees that the contract to be executed by Bidder shall be bound and include all contract documents made available to him for his inspection in accordance with the Notice to Bidders. Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 252.043(a), a competitive sealed bid that has been opened may not be changed for the purpose of correcting an error in the bid price. THEREFORE, ANY CORRECTIONS TO THE BID PRICE MUST BE MADE ON THE BID SUBMITTAL FORM PRIOR TO BID OPENING. (Seal if Bidder is a Corporation) .q, AnS �I Secretary Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: Date: March 23, 2006 (::P-- L"L�:2 Authorized Signature Richard Hinds (Printed or Typed Name) A-1 American Fence, Inc. Company 701 E. Lutcher Dr. Address Orange Orange itV. s CTem Cou9V632 Addenda No. 1 Date 3/22/06 State Zip Code Addenda No. Date Telephone: 409 _883-8986 Addenda No. Date Fax: 409 _ 883-7832 Addenda No. Date M/WBE Firm: I X I Woman Black American Native American Hispanic American Asian Pacific American Other (Specify) 2. 3. 4. 5. - 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. k. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS A-1 Am dad Fence, Irr. is A IIE and will perfca100% cf cat3act. Minority Owned Yes No ❑ ❑ _ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED ALONG WITH INSURANCE CERTIFICATES FOR EACH SUB -CONTRACTOR PURSUANT TO SECTION 28G OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS. 5 CITY OF LUBBOCK INSURANCE REQUIREMENT AFFIDAVIT To Be Completed by Bidder And Attached to Bid Submittal I, the undersigned Bidder, certify that the insurance requirements contained in this bid document have been reviewed by me with the below identified Insurance Agent/Broker. If I am awarded this contract by the City of Lubbock, I will be able to, within ten (10) business days after being notified of such award by the City of Lubbock, furnish a valid insurance certificate to the City meeting all of the requirements defined in this bid/proposal. Contractor (Signa e) Richard Hinds Contractor (Print) CONTRACTOR'S FIRM NAME: A-1 American Fence Inc (Print or Type) CONTRACTOR'S FIRM ADDRESS: 701 E. Lutcher Dr. Orange, TX 77632 Name of Agent/Broker: Arthur J - Ga 1 agher Address of Agent/Broker: 700 W. Prien Lake Rd. City/State/Zip: Lake Charles, LA 70601 8397 Agent/Broker Telephone Number: (8 0 0 Date: 3/23/06 ) 256-8960 NOTE TO CONTRACTOR If the time requirement specified above is not met, the City has the right to reject this bid/proposal and award the contract to another contractor. If you have any questions concerning these requirements, please contact the Director of Purchasing & Contract Management for the City of Lubbock at (806) 775-2165. BID #06-015-BM - SECURITY FENCE FOR PUMP STATION TEN AND RESERVOIR 6 SAFETY RECORD QUESTIONNAIRE (Must Be Submitted With Bid Submittal) " The City of Lubbock City Council desires to avail itself of the benefits of Section 252.0435 of the Local Government Code, and consider the safety records of potential contractors prior to awarding bids on City contracts. Pursuant to Section 252.0435 of the Local Government Code, City of Lubbock has adopted the following written definition and criteria for accurately determining the safety record of a bidder prior to awarding bids on City contracts. ..b The definition and criteria for determining the safety record of a bidder for this consideration shall be: The City of Lubbock shall consider the safety record of the bidders in determining the responsibility thereof. The City may consider any incidence involving worker safety or safety of the citizens of the City of Lubbock, be it related or caused by environmental, mechanical, operational, supervision or any other cause or factor. Specifically, the City may consider, among other things: a. Complaints to, or final orders entered by, the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC), against the bidder for violations of OSHA regulations within the past three (3) years. b. Citations (as defined below) from an Environmental Protection Agency (as defined below) for violations within the past five (5) years. Environmental Protection Agencies include, but are not necessarily limited to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) (predecessor to the TCEQ), the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), the Structural Pest Control Board (SPCB), agencies of local governments responsible for enforcing environmental protection or worker safety related laws or regulations, and similar regulatory agencies of other states of the United States. Citations include notices of violation, notices of enforcement, suspension/revocations of state or federal licenses or registrations, fines assessed, pending criminal complaints, indictments, or convictions, administrative orders, draft orders, final orders, and judicial final judgments. C. Convictions of a criminal offense within the past ten (10) years, which resulted in bodily harm or death. d. Any other safety related matter deemed by the City Council to be material in determining the responsibility of the bidder and his or her ability to perform the services or goods required by the bid documents in a safe environment, ws both for the workers and other employees of bidder and the citizens of the City of Lubbock. In order to obtain proper information from bidders so that City of Lubbock may consider the safety records of potential -= contractors prior to awarding bids on City contracts, City of Lubbock requires that bidders answer the following three (3) questions and submit them with their bids: QUESTION ONE Has the bidder, or the firm, corporation, partnership, or institution represented by the bidder, or anyone acting for such firm, corporation, partnership or institution, received citations for violations of OSHA within the past three (3) years? YES NO X If the bidder has indicated YES for question number one above, the bidder must provide to City of Lubbock, with its bid submission, the following information with respect to each such citation: Date of offense, location of establishment inspected, category of offense, final disposition of offense, if any, and penalty assessed. QUESTION TWO Has the bidder, or the firm, corporation, partnership, or institution represented by the bidder, or anyone acting for such firm, corporation, partnership or institution, received citations for violations of environmental protection laws or regulations, of any kind or type, within the past five years? Citations include notice of violation, notice of enforcement, suspension/revocations of state or federal licenses, or registrations, fines assessed, pending criminal complaints, indictments, or convictions, administrative orders, draft orders, final orders, and judicial final judgments. YES NO - X If the bidder has indicated YES for question number two above, the bidder must provide to City of Lubbock, with its bid submission, the following information with respect to each such conviction: Date of offense or occurrence, location where offense occurred, type of offense, final disposition of offense, if any, and penalty assessed. QUESTION THREE Has the bidder, or the firm, corporation, partnership, or institution represented by bidder, or anyone acting for such firm, corporation, partnership, or institution, ever been convicted, within the past ten (10) years, of a criminal offense which resulted in serious bodily injury or death? YES NO X If the bidder has indicated YES for question number three above, the bidder must provide to City of Lubbock, with its bid submission, the following information with respect to each such conviction: Date of offense, location where offense occurred, type of offense, final disposition of offense, in any, and penalty assessed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK I certify that I have made no willful misrepresentations in this Questionnaire nor have I withheld information in my statements and answers to questions. I am aware that the information given by me in this questionnaire will be investigated, with my full permission, and that any misrepresentations or omissions may cause my bid to be rejected. e Signature Vice President ritle 8 h SUSPENSION AND DEBARMENT CERTIFICATION Federal Law (A-102 Common Rule and OMB Circular A-110) prohibits non -Federal entities from contracting with or making sub -awards under covered transactions to parties that are suspended or debarred or whose principals are suspended or debarred. Covered transactions include procurement contracts for goods or services equal to or in excess of $25,000 and all non -procurement transactions (e.g., sub -awards to sub -recipients). Contractors receiving individual awards of $25,000 or more and all sub -recipients must certify that their organization and its principals are not suspended or debarred by a Federal agency. Before an award of $25,000 or more can be made to your firm, you must certify that your organization and its principals are not suspended or debarred by a Federal agency. I, the undersigned agent for the firm named below, certify that neither this firm nor its principals are suspended or debarred by a Federal agency. COMPANY NAME: A-1 American Fence, Inc. Signature of Company Official: Date Signed: March 23, 2006 Printed name of company official signing above: Richard Hinds 9 PAYMENTBOND 10 STATUTORY PAYMENT BOND PURSUANT TO SECTION 2253,021(a) OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE (CONTRACTS MORE THAN $25,000) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that A-1 American Fence Inc (hereinafter called the Principal(s), as Principal(s), and Colonial American Casualty g Surety Company (hereinafter called the Suret ,101M �e e� a�c� � Tq o the City of Lubbock (hereinafter called the Obligee), in the amount ofseven un re a en 7�ff ollars ($699,711 . 66 lawful money of the United States for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the Obligee, dated the day of 2006 ,to Security Fence for Pump Station Ten and Reservoir and said Principal under the law is required before commencing the work provided for in said contract to execute a bond in the amount of said contract which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall pay all claimants supplying labor and material to him or a subcontractor in the prosecution of the work provided for in said contract, then, this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Section 2253.021(a) of the Texas Government Code, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said Article to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal (s) and Surety (s) have signed and sealed this instrument this _ _ day of V dA 20 06. Colonial American Casualty 6 Surety Co. Surety *By , it 4Atorney-ln-Fact las N . McEI een A-1 American Fence, Inc. (Company Name) Thg� undersigned surety company represents that it is duly qualified to do business in Texas, and hereby designates •C°owan� an agent resident in Lubbock County to whom an � _ g ty y requisite notices maybe delivered and on whom service of process may be had in matters arising out of such suretyship. Howard Cowan Bond Agency, Inc. P O Box 54020 Lubbock, TX 79543 Approved as to Form :.- City of Lubbock By: Attorney Colonial American Casualty g Surety Co. Surety *B i e)Do glas N. McElv�en Attorney -I n-Fact * Note: If signed by an officer of the Surety Company, there must be on file a certified extract from the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If signed by an Attorney in Fact, we must have copy of power of attorney for our files. .; 2 i Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, corporations of the State pl` aryland, by WILLIAM J. MILLS, Vice President, and ERIC D. BARNES, Assistant Secretary, in pursua e me by Article Vl, Section 2, of the By of said Companies, which are set forth on the.. rs �~ Ys�r reb certified to be in I\ , - Y full force and effect on the date hereof, does hereby nomina tfnat t��ab alipoiny VEEN, JR., Ray A. TODD, JR., Binnie STEVISON and Douglas c3 i��;�att of 4�ef�I.6msiana, EACH its true and lawful anent and Attorney -in -Fact, to i c is`a'1"�_ d�tivVff �ifits behalf as surety, and as its act and deed: Y �`� Yany and all bonds and undegw, exe if �itbr undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall d-e be as binding upon tkt � ni4 as�fuU , an intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by thkfe_- arm, eig ) r �t6e Company at its office in Baltimore, Md., in their own proper persons. This power of attorn?m �g h t sued on behalf of George A. MCELVEEN, JR., Ray A. TODD, JR., Binnie STEVISON, DouglaA }Q�VEEN, dated September 1, 2004. The said Assistant Secretary does hereby certify that the extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article VI, Section 2, of the By -Laws of said Companies, and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice -President and Assistant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed the Corporate Seals of the said FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, this 16th day of May, A.D. 2005. ATTEST: �p OfPOSC C. � C+�WtJt P � --» SEAL. FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY Eric D. Barnes Assistant Secretary By: William J. Mills Vice President State of Maryland 1 ss: City of Baltimore J On this 16th day of May, A.D. 2005, before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, duly commissioned and qualified, came WILLIAM J. MILLS, Vice President, and ERIC D. BARNES, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, severally and each for himself deposeth and saith, that they are the said officers of the Companies aforesaid, and that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seals of said Companies, and that the said Corporate Seals and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. 04't��p Dennis R. Hayden Notary Public j My Commission Expires: February 1, 2009 I POA-F 056-4449 EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND "Article VI, Section 2. The Chairman of the Board, or the President, or any Executive Vice -President, or any of the Senior Vice -Presidents or Vice -Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee, shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice -Presidents, Assistant Vice -Presidents and Attorneys -in -Fact as the business of the Company may require, or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertaking, recognizances, stipulations, policies, contracts, agreements, deeds, and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature of mortgages,...and to affix the seal of the Company thereto." EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY "Article VI, Section 2. The Chairman of the Board, or the President, or any Executive Vice -President, or any of the Senior Vice -Presidents or Vice -Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee, shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice -Presidents, Assistant Vice -Presidents and Attorneys -in -Fact as the business of the Company may require, or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertaking, recognizances, stipulations, policies, contracts, agreements, deeds, and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature of mortgages,...and to affix the seal of the Company thereto." CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect on the date of this certificate, and I do further certify that the Vice -President who executed the said Power of Attorney was one of the additional Vice -Presidents specially authorized by the Board of Directors to appoint any Attorney -in -Fact as provided in Article VI, Section 2, of the respective By -Laws of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY. This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on the l0th day of May, 1990 and of the Board of Directors of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 5th day of May, 1994. RESOLVED: "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Vice -President, Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of the Company, whether made heretofore or hereafter, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company, shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seals of the said Companies, this day of i; I z Assistant Secretary PERFORMANCE BOND STATUTORY PERFORMANCE BOND PURSUANT TO SECTION 2253.021(a) OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE (CONTRACTS MORE THAN $100,000) A-1 Aterican KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Fence, Inc eina er called the Principal(s), as Principal(s), and Colonial American Casualty 6-Surety&-Surety Company 650 Poydras, Ste. 1201, New Orleans, LA 70130 (hereinafter called the Sur Sure rs ,are and firmly bound unt the City of Lubbock (hereinafter called the �k t u� r(� I n� n� i ars ($ 699 , 711 .66:. lawful money of the Obligee), in the amount of cevPn _ un_ re e�e�i � 6`6'i°�i��� United States for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the Obligee, dated the _ day of 2004 to Security Fence for Pump Station Ten and Reservoir and said principal under the law is required before commencing the work provided for in said contract to execute a bond in the amount of said contract which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall faithfully perform the work in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract documents, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Section 2253.021(a) of the Texas Government Code, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said article to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. IN SS WHEREOF, the said Principal (s) and Surety (s) have signed and sealed this instrument this day of , 2006 . Colonial American Casualty 6 Surety Co. Surety * By, t (Title Dou Was h. McEINen Attorney -I n-Fact 1 A-1 American Fence, Inc. (Coin, ,any Name) (Signature) VA' AW (Title) ' The undersigned surety company represents that it is duty qualified to do business in Texas, and hereby designates Howard Cowan an agent resident in Lubbock County to whom any requisite notices may be delivered and on whom service of process may be had in matters arising out of such suretyship. Howard Cowan Bond Agency, Inc. P © Box 54020 Lubbock, TX 79543 Approved as to form: LubbockCity of ly vvl Colonial American Casualty g Surety Co. Surety * By: ktle D glas N. Mc veen Attorney -In -Fact * Note: If signed by an officer of the Surety Company there must be on file a certified extract from the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If signed by an Attorney in Fact, we must have copy of power of attorney for our files. 2 LJ Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, corporations of the S4a .Or aryland, by WILLIAM J. MILLS, Vice President, and ERIC D. BARNES, Assistant Secretary, in pursuae 'i�nted by Article V1, Section 2, of the By -Laws of said Companies, which are set forth on the- d �� of�an 4 reby certified to be in full force and effect on the date hereof, does hereby nomina e, qj t to b poi,n 0,6*i,.')3&LVEEN, JR., Ray A. TODD, JR., Binnie STEVISON and Douglas N .) z�f j4 e; l ! � ,bna, EACH its true and — lawful agent and Attorney -in -Fact, to it cU�is�a� ivui �,�p� S 'its behalf as surety,and as its act and deed: Y n1�i � 1 ��1.�" any and all bonds and undetita , �'1 axe �(f( _ Oo s or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon auk m , as fufl ai �a1T intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and f acknowledged by thk.�-6, arly,�et c i r. t e Company at its office in Baltimore, Md., in their own proper persons. _" This power of attorney- , - hued on behalf' of George A. MCELVEEN, JR., Ray A. TODD, JR., Binnie - STEVISON, Douglak }Q'.�LVEEN, dated September 1, 2004. The said Assistant Secretary does hereby certify that the extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article VI, Section 2, of the By -Laws of said Companies, and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice -President and Assistant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed the Corporate Seals of the said FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, this 16th day of May, A.D. 2005. ATTEST: �p OEPpsr Coe FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY Eric D. Barnes Assistant Secretary By: William J. Mills Vice President State of Maryland SS. City of Baltimore On this 16th day of May, A.D. 2005, before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, duly - commissioned and qualified, came WILLIAM J. MILLS, Vice President, and ERIC D. BARNES, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, severally and l each for himself deposeth and saith, that they are the said officers of the Companies aforesaid, and that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seals of said Companies, and that the said Corporate Seals and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. Hwwnoawnv wniwo Dennis R. Hayden Notary Public My Commission Expires: February 1, 2009 f POA-F 056-4449 EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND "Article VI, Section 2. The Chairman of the Board, or the President, or any Executive Vice -President, or any of the Senior Vice -Presidents or Vice -Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee, shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice -Presidents, Assistant Vice -Presidents and Attorneys -in -Fact as the business of the Company may require, or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertaking, recognizances, stipulations, policies, contracts, agreements, deeds, and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature of mortgages,... and to affix the seal of the Company thereto." EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY "Article VI, Section 2. The Chairman of the Board, or the President, or any Executive Vice -President, or any of the Senior Vice -Presidents or Vice -Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee, shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice -Presidents, Assistant Vice -Presidents and Attorneys -in -Fact as the business of the Company may require, or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertaking, recognizances, stipulations, policies, contracts, agreements, deeds, and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature of rnortgages,...and to affix the seal of the Company thereto." CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect on the date of this certificate: and I do further certify that the Vice -President who executed the said Power of Attorney was one of the additional Vice -Presidents specially authorized by the Board of Directors _ to appoint any Attorney -in -Fact as provided in Article VI, Section 2, of the respective By -Laws of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY. This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on the loth day of May, 1990 and of the Board of Directors of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 5th day of May, 1994. RESOLVED: "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Vice -President, Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of the Company, whether made heretofore or hereafter, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company, shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seals of the said Companies, this day of Assistant Secretca-= CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Sue At -Arthur J Gallagher Risk Mgmt FaxID: Arthur J Gallagher R To: BRUCE MACNAIR Date: 5/412005 11:13 AM Page: 1012 CSR SV ACQRD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE AlAME-2 DATE (MMIDOfn-M 1 05 04/06 PRODUCER Arthur J . Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc. 700 W . Brien Lake Rd. Lake Charles LA 70601-9397 Phone : 337-478-13485 Fax: 337-474-4418 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC 6 INSURED ----- — A-1 Ameril Fence Inc P O So Orange TX 777 631-2509 INSURERA. Peerless Insurance Cowan INSURERS Peerless Insurance C an INSURERC Peerless Insurance Company INSURERD — ------ INSlN2ERE. r THE POLICIES OF 114SURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING APC REQUIREMENT TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR - hWY PERTAIN THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICES DESCRIBED HEREIN is SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS" TIVE— LTR NOR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUJNBER DATE LTIDOOYYt DATE MNA7DM! LIMITS GENERAL L.1.481LITY EACH OCCURRENCE 6 1 , 000, 0 00 PREMISES (Es eawrance) IdED EI XP (ARYone Beraea) PERSONAL ISADVIWURY IS S 100f000 S 5,000 _ 1,000,000 A }( COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABIIITY CLAIMS NADE I -- , OCCUR X CONTIL LIABILITY I ] C$P$030557 ISO FORM Ca0001 10 06/O1/OS 06/01/06 01 I GENERAL AGGREGATE S 2,000,000 l 11I 1 — — GEGE—JJJJNL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLES PER. I P0_I oY X JEGT LOC I PRODUCTS • COMP/OP AGG ; 2,000,000 C AU'IDfSONLE LIABILITY X( ANY AUTO BAS030057 TEXAS 06/01/05 06/01/06 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT 151,000,0001Eaaccaell; BOCILYIrd,UHY (Per person; T S i ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS I BA8030757 LOUISIANA I ' X HIRED AUTOS X i NON•OWMIEDAUTOS ( !BODILYIHJURY I (Par2aaeanU X Comp ded $500 I PROPERTY OAYAOE (Parac0loelu; ; — X Coll des $1000 GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ EAACC CTHER TW. AUTO ONLY AGG ; Ar1Y AUTO 1 S EXCESSPJMBRELIALUBNITY EACH GOWNENCE i s 2 , 000, 000 LA—G—GREGATE 12,000,000 OCCUR CLAIMSMADE CV8o3ifer - iromom rolW 06/01/05 06/01/06 L---- DEDUCTIBLE -- _— S S X R_TEMNON 410,000 WORKERS COMPENSATION AND I X TOR -LIMITS I ER EL EACH ACCIDENT0,000 '$ ENPLOYER$'LIAERItY ANY PROPRIETORIPARTt1ER!EXEClrf1VE OFFICE.WEMBER EXCLUDED? WC9276703 ( 06/01/05 06/01/06 E�L DISEASE • EA EMPLGYEE S 1, 000, 000 E L CISEASE - PCLICY LIMIT !, ; 1 , 000 , 000 If yes. )OSO(IrA Uutler SPECIAL PROVISIONS b0ow I OTHER A Equipment Floater ICBP8030557 06/01/05 06/01/06� Leased/ $25000 Rented $230 DED DESCMpnoN OF OPERATION$ / LOCATIONS I VEHICLES I EXCLU$IONE ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISION$ GRNBRAL LIABILITY AND AUTO LIABILITY ARE ENDORSED FOR PRIK%RY ADDITIONAL INSURED & WAVIER OF SUBROGATON AS REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT. WORKERS COMPENSATION IS ENDORSED FOR WAIVER OF SUBROGATION WHEN REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT. Sid#06-015-BM. Contract #6679 CERTIFICATE HOLDER N/�I��rGGYfs nvn LUBBOC1 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE 1E$U$tG INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO 74E LEFT. BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE NSURER, ITS AGENTS OR City of Lubbock REPRESENTATIVES. 1625 13th St, Room L-04 R A E Lubbock TX 79401 1 1 -- nf.%In Sue At. Arthur J Gallagher Risk Mgmt Fa)dD: Arthur J Gallagher R To: BRUCE MACNAIR Date: 5/4/2006 11:13 AM Page: 10r 1 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing Insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does It affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. 05-04-06A}1:35 RCVD ACDRD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CSR sU DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) AIAME-2 03/20/06 PRODUCER Arthur J. Gallagher THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Risk Management services, Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 700 W . Prien Lake Rd. ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Lake Charles LA 70601-8397 Phone:337-478-5485 Fax:337-474-4418 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURERA: Peerless Insurance CO any INSURTER0: Peerless Insurance Company A-1 American Fence Inc INSURiERC: Peerless Insurance Company P 0 BOX 2509 Orange. TX 77631-2509 INSURNERD: INSURER E: IFit PULICILS OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE )SSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CAMS. LTR NSR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER IFUMYEFFECTIVE-FOUCTIDATE NMANJ n1) DA E (MMIDOR LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 A X X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CBP8030557 06/01/05 06/01/06 PREMISES EeoMLU ccurence $ 100,000 CLAIMS MADE Fir OCCUR MED EXP (Any one person) S 5,000 X PERSONAL S ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 CONT'L LIABILITY ISO FORM C00001 10 O1 GENERAL AGGREGATE 32,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRO- PRODUCTS • COMP/OP AGO $2 , 000 , 000 POLICY X JECT LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY C X X ANY AUTO BAS030057 TEXAS 06/O1/05 06/O1/06 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (EeeccMent) $1, 000, 000 ALL OWNED AUTOS BAS030757 LOUISIAM SCHEDULED AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per Person) $ X HIRED AUTOS X NON -OWNED AUTOS LY INJURY (Per (Per eccmem S X comp ded $500 X Per accwY DAMAGE (Per accident) S coll ded $1000 GARAGE UABIUTY AUTO ONLY • EA ACCIDENT S ANYAUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC S AUTO ONLY: AGO S ' EXCESSA/MBRELLALIAe1LItt B X OCCUR CLAIMS MADE CUS030857 - roum Soiw 06/01/05 06/01/06 EACH OCCURRENCE $2,000,000 AGGREGATE $2, 000, 000 DEDUCTIBLE SS X RETENTION $lO, 00O ERS COMPENSATION AND OYERS' LUBIUtt X TORY LIMNS ER ROPRIEiOWPARTNER/EXECUTIVE WC9276703 06/01/05 06/01/06 E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $1, OOO, 000 ER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? tlesctlbe underE.L. DISEASE • FA EMPLOYEE S1,OOO,O00 IAL PROVISIONS belowE.L. DISEASE • POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 FRO ipment Floater CBP8030557 06/01/05 06/01/06 Leased/ $25000 OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES / EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENOORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONSRented $250 DED L LIABILITY AND AUTO LIABILITY ARE ENDORSED FOR BLANKET ADDITIONAL D (G179576) AND BLANKET WAIVER OF SUBROGATION (CG2404 11/85)AS REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT. WORKERS COMPENSATION IS ENDORSED FOR BLANKET WAIVER or SUBROGATION (WC420304A) WHEN REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT CERTIFICATE HOLDER City of Lubbock P O BOX 2000 Lubbock TX 79457 CANCELLATION CITYLUB SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS WRITTEN N0710E TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUTFAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBUGA710H OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. CONTRACTOR CHECKLIST A CONTRACTOR SHALL: X (1) provide coverage for its employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filling of any coverage agreements; X (2) provide a certificate of coverage showing workers' compensation coverage to the governmental entity prior to beginning work on the project; X (3) provide the governmental entity, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage i showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; X (4) obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide to the governmental entity: _ (A) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (B) no later than seven days after receipt by the contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; X (5) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; X (6) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the contractor knew or should have known, of aiy change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; X (7) post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting. requirements imposed by the Act or other commission rules. This notice must be printed in at least 19-point normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population. The text for the notices shall be the following text provided by the commission on the sample notice, without any additional words or changes: PROOF OF COVERAGE SHALL BE FURNISHED TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK IN THE FORM OF A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE CERTIFICATES FURNISHED SHALL NAME THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AS A PRIMARY ADDITIONAL INSURED AND PROVIDE A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, OR IN. THE ALTERNATIVE, SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY A STATEMENT FROM THE CONTRACTOR TO THE EFFECT THAT NO WORK ON - THIS PARTICULAR PROJECT SHALL BE SUBCONTRACTED. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE TO THE OWNER ALL PROOF OF COVERAGE INSURANCE DOCUMENTS INCLUDING WORKERS COMPENSATION COVERAGE FOR EACH SUBCONTRACTOR. REQUIRED WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE "The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must (see reverse) be covered by workers' compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling, or delivering equipment and materials, or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project, regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an employee." "Call the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission at (512)440- 3789 to receive information on the legal requirement for coverage, to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage." and X (8) contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: (A) provide coverage based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (B) provide a certificate of coverage to the contractor prior to that person beginning work on the project; (C) include in all contracts to provide services on the project the language in subsection (e) (3) of this rule; (D) provide the contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (E) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the contractor: (i) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and (ii) prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (F) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; (G) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within (ten) 10 days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (H) contractually require each other person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs (A) - (H), with the certificate of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. CONTRACT CONTRACT #6679 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK _ THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 131h day of Anril, 2006 by and between the City of Lubbock, County of Lubbock, State of Texas, acting by and through the Mayor, City of Lubbock, thereunto authorized to do so, hereinafter referred to as OWNER, and A-1 American Fence Inc. of the City of Orange, County of Orange and the State of Texas hereinafter termed CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER and under the conditions expressed in the bond bearing even date herewith (if any) the CONTRACTOR hereby agrees with OWNER to commence and complete the construction of certain improvements described as follows: BID #06-015-BM -SECURITY FENCE FOR PUMP STATION TEN AND RESERVOIR-$654,612 ,241 and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the contract documents and at his (or their) own .._, proper cost and expense to furnish all materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction in accordance with the contract documents as defined in the General Condition of Agreement. A-1 American Fence Inc.'s bid dated March 23, 2006 is incorporated into and made a part of this agreement. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work within ten days after the date written notice to do so shall have been given to him and to substantially complete same within the time specified in the contract documents. .. The OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR in current funds for the performance of the contract in accordance with the bid submitted therefore, subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the contract documents and to make payment on account thereof as provided therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to these presents have executed this agreement in Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas in the year and day first above written. CONTRACTOR: COMPLETE ADDRESS: Company (A- t J� an k /�1 ;Q, i T-10f Address FJ O ( C , U dx.a V- T)Y, City, State, Zip p , 1i (I ATTE '' APPROVED AST FO Corporate Se retary 1 r ttorney 1 CITY OF LUB)f)CK, T)RAS (OWNER): LOIN ATTEST: City Se4retary GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT 1. OWNER Whenever the word Owner, or First Party, are used in this contract, it shall be understood as referring to the City of Lubbock, Texas. 2. CONTRACTOR Whenever the word Contractor, or Second Party, is used, it shall be understood to mean the person, persons, co- partnership or corporation, to wit A-1 AMERICAN FENCE INC. who has agreed to perform the work embraced in this contract, or their legal representative. 3. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE Whenever the word Owner's Representative or representative is used in this contract, it shall be understood as referring to, City of Lubbock, or its representative WOOD FRANKLIN, CHIEF CIVIL ENGINEER, so designated who will inspect constructions; or to such other representatives, supervisors, architects, engineers, or inspectors as may be authorized by said Owner to act in any particular under this agreement. Engineers, supervisors or inspectors will act for the Owner under the direction of Owner's Representative, but shall not directly supervise the Contractor or persons acting on behalf of the Contractor. • ► _ I • )u ►N _ . The contract's documents shall consist of the Notice to Bidders, General Instructions to Bidders, Bid, Signed Agreement, Statutory Bonds (if required), General Conditions of the Agreement, Special Conditions of the Agreement (if any), Specifications, Plans, Insurance Certificates, and all other documents made available to Bidder for inspection in accordance with the Notice to Bidders. The above described materials are sometimes referred to herein as the "contract" or "contract documents". 5. INTERPRETATION OF PHRASES Whenever the words "Directed," "Permitted," "Designated," "Required," "Considered Necessary," "Prescribed," or words of like import are used, it shall be understood that the direction, requirement, permission, order, designation or prescription of the Owner's Representative is intended; and similarly, the words "Approved," "Acceptable," "Satisfactory," or words of like import shall mean approved by or acceptable or satisfactory to the Owner's Representative. SUBCONTRACTOR The term Subcontractor, as employed herein, includes only those having a direct contract with the Contractor for _.. performance of work on the project contemplated by these contract documents. Owner shall have no responsibility to any Subcontractor employed by Contractor for performance of work on the project contemplated by these contract documents, but said Subcontractors will look exclusively to Contractor for any payments due Subcontractor. 7. WRITTEN NOTICE Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent certified mail to the last business address known to the party who gives the notice. 8. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES Unless otherwise stipulated, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance, and all water, light, power, fuel, transportation and all other facilities necessary for the execution and completion of the work covered by the contract documents. Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new and both workmanship and materials shall be of a good quality. The Contractor shall, if required, furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials. Materials or work described in words which so applied have well known, technical or trade meaning shall be held to refer such recognized standards. All work shall be done and all materials furnished in strict conformity with the contract documents. 9. SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETED The term "Substantially Completed" is meant that the structure or project contemplated by the contract documents has been made suitable for use or occupancy or the facility is in a condition to serve its intended purpose, but still may require minor miscellaneous work and adjustment. 10. LAYOUT Except as specifically provided herein, the Contractor shall be responsible for laying out all work and shall accomplish this work in a manner acceptable to the Owner's Representative. The Owner's Representative will check the Contractor's layout of all major structures and any other layout work done by the Contractor at Contractor's request, but this check does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of correctly locating all work in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. 11. KEEPING OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ACCESSIBLE The Contractor shall be furnished copies of all Plans and Specifications without expense to Contractor and Contractor shall keep one copy of same consistently accessible on the job site. 12. RIGHT OF ENTRY The Owner's Representative may make periodic visits to the site to observe the progress or quality of the executed work and to determine, in general, if the work is proceeding in accordance with the contract documents. Owner's Representative will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous onsite inspections to check the quality or quantity of the work, nor will Owner's Representative be responsible for the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or the safety precautions incident thereto. Notwithstanding the Owner's Representative's rights of entry hereunder, the Owner's Representative will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 13. LINES AND GRADES All lines and grades shall be furnished by the Owner's Representative whenever Owner's Representative deems said lines and grades are necessary for the commencement of the work contemplated by these contract documents or the completion of the work contemplated by these contract documents. Whenever necessary, Contractor shall suspend its work in order to permit Owner's Representative to comply with this requirement, but such suspension will be as brief as practical and Contractor shall be allowed no extra compensation therefore. The Contractor shall give the Owner's Representative ample notice of the time and place where lines and grades will be needed. All stakes, marks, etc., shall be carefully preserved by the Contractor, and in case of careless destruction or `a removal by Contractor, its Subcontractors, or its employees, such stakes, marks, etc., shall be replaced by the Owner's Representative at Contractor's expense. 14. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE'S AUTHORITY AND DUTY Unless otherwise specified, it is mutually agreed between the parties to this Agreement that the Owner's Representative has the authority to review all work included herein. The Owner's Representative has the authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessary to ensure the proper execution of the contract. The Owner's Representative shall, in all cases, determine the amounts and quantities of the several kinds of work which are to be paid for under the contract documents, and shall determine all questions in relation to said work and the construction thereof, and shall, in all cases, decide every question which may arise relative to the execution of this contract on the part of said Contractor. The decision of the Owner's Representative shall be conclusive in the absence of written objection to same delivered to Owner's Representative within fifteen (15) calendar days of any decision or direction by Owner's Representative. In the absence of timely written objection by Contractor, as provided herein, any and all objection or objections shall be deemed waived. 15. SUPERINTENDENCE AND INSPECTION It is agreed by the Contractor that the Owner's Representative shall be and is hereby authorized to appoint from time to time such subordinate engineers, supervisors, or inspectors as the said Owner's Representative may deem proper to inspect the materials furnished and the work done under this Agreement, and to see that said material is furnished and said work is done in accordance with the specifications therefore. The Contractor shall furnish all reasonable aid and assistance required by the subordinate engineers, supervisors or inspectors for the proper inspection and examination of the work. The Contractor shall regard and obey the directions and instructions of any subordinate engineers, supervisors or inspectors so appointed, when such directions and instructions are consistent with the obligations of this Agreement and accompanying plans and specifications provided, however, should the Contractor object to any orders by any subordinate engineer, supervisor or inspector, the Contractor may within fifteen (15) calendar days make written appeal to the Owner's Representative for its decision. In the absence of timely written objection by Contractor, as provided herein, any and all objection or objections shall be deemed waived. 16. CONTRACTOR'S DUTY AND SUPERINTENDENCE The Contractor shall give personal attention to the faithful prosecution and completion of this contract and shall keep on the work, during its progress, a competent superintendent and any necessary assistants, all satisfactory to Owner's Representative. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in its absence and all directions given to superintendent shall be binding as if given to the Contractor. It is expressly agreed that adequate supervision by competent and reasonable representatives of the Contractor is essential to the proper performance of the work and lack of such supervision shall be grounds for suspending operations of the Contractor. The work, from its commencement to completion, shall be under the exclusive charge and control of the Contractor and all risk in connection therewith shall be borne by the Contractor. The Owner or Owner's Representatives shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of the Contractor, or any subcontractors, or any of Contractor's agents or employees, or any other persons performing any of the work. 17. CONTRACTOR'S UNDERSTANDING It is understood and agreed that the Contractor has, by careful examination, satisfied itself as to the nature and location of the work, the confirmation of the ground, the character, quality and quantity of materials to be encountered, the character of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the prosecution of the work, and the general and local conditions, and all other matters which in any way affect the work under the contract documents. No oral agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the Owner, or Owner's Representative either before or after the execution of this contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained. Subject to the rights of Owner as set forth in Paragraph 23 hereof, all modifications and/or amendments to the contract documents, shall be in writing, and executed by Owner's Representative and Contractor. Unless otherwise specified herein, all loss, expense or damage to Contractor arising out of the nature of the work to be done, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen circumstance and the prosecution of the work, shall be sustained and borne by the Contractor at its own cost and expense. 18. CHARACTER OF WORKERS The Contractor agrees to employ only orderly and competent workers, skillful in the performance in the type of work required under this contract, to do the work; and agrees that whenever the Owner's Representative shall inform Contractor in writing that any man or men on the work, are, in Owner's Representative's sole opinion, incompetent, unfaithful, disorderly, or otherwise unacceptable to Owner or Owner's Representative, such man or men shall be discharged from the work and shall not again be employed on the work without the Owner's Representative's written consent. _ , 19. CONSTRUCTION PLANT The Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, equipment, machinery and materials necessary in the prosecution and completion of this contract where it is not otherwise specifically provided that Owner shall furnish same, and it is also understood that Owner shall not be held responsible for the care, preservation, conservation, or protection of any materials, tools, equipment or machinery or any part of the work until it is finally completed and accepted. The building of structures for the housing of men or equipment will be permitted only at such places as the Owner's Representative shall consent or direct, and the sanitary conditions of the grounds in or about such structure shall at all times be maintained in a manner satisfactory to the Owner's Representative. 20. SANITATION Necessary sanitary conveniences for the use of laborers on the work site, properly secluded from public observation, shall be constructed and maintained by the Contractor in such manner and at such points as shall be approved by the Owner's Representative and their use shall be strictly enforced. 21. OBSERVATION AND TESTING The Owner or Owner's Representative shall have the right at all times to observe and test the work. Contractor shall make necessary arrangements and provide proper facilities and access for such observation and testing at any location wherever such work is in preparation or progress. Contractor shall ascertain the scope of any observation that may be contemplated by Owner or Owner's Representative and shall give ample notice as to the time each part of the work will be ready for such observation. Owner or Owner's Representative may reject any such work found to be defective or not in accordance with the contract documents, regardless of the stage of its completion or the time or place of discovery of such errors and regardless of whether Owner's Representative has previously accepted the work through oversight or otherwise. If any such work should be covered without approval or consent of the Owner, it must, if requested by Owner or Owner's Representative, be uncovered for examination at Contractor's expense. In the event that any part of the work is being fabricated or manufactured at a location where it is not convenient for Owner or Owner's Representative to make observations of such work or require testing of said work, then in such event Owner or Owner's Representative may require Contractor to furnish Owner or Owner's Representative certificates of inspection, testing or approval made by persons competent to perform such tasks at the location where that part of the work is being manufactured or fabricated. All such tests will be in accordance with the methods prescribed by the American Society for Testing and Materials or such other applicable organization as may be required by law or the contract documents. 4 If any such work which is required to be inspected, tested, or approved is covered up without written approval or consent of the Owner or Owner's Representative, it must, if requested by the Owner or Owner's Representative, be uncovered for observation and testing at the Contractor's expense. The cost of all such inspections, tests and approvals shall be borne by the Contractor unless otherwise provided herein. Any work which fails to meet the requirements of any such tests, inspections or approvals, and any work which meets the requirements of any such tests or approvals but does not meet the requirements of the contract documents shall be considered defective, and shall be corrected at the Contractor's expense. Neither observations by the Owner or Owner's Representative, nor inspections, tests, or approvals made by Owner, Owner's Representative, or other persons authorized under the contract documents to make such inspections, tests, or approvals shall relieve the Contractor from its obligation to perform the work in accordance _ with the requirements of the contract documents. 22. DEFECTS AND THEIR REMEDIES It is expressly agreed that if the work or any part thereof, or any material brought on the site of the work for use in the work or selected for the same, shall be deemed by the Owner or Owner's Representative as unsuitable or not in conformity with plans, specifications and/or contract documents, the Contractor shall, after receipt of written notice thereof from the Owner's Representative, forthwith remove such material and rebuild or otherwise remedy such work so that it shall be in full accordance with the contract documents. It is further agreed that any remedial action contemplated as hereinabove set forth shall be at Contractor's expense. 23. CHANGES AND ALTERATIONS The Contractor further agrees that the Owner may make such changes and alterations as the Owner may see fit, in the line, grade, form dimensions, plans or materials for the work herein contemplated, or any part thereof, either before or after the beginning of the construction, without affecting the validity of this contract and the accompanying bond. If such changes or alterations diminish the quantity of the work to be done, they shall not constitute the basis for a claim for damages, or anticipated profits on the work that may be dispensed with. If they increase the amount of work, and the increased work can fairly be classified under the specifications, such increase shall be paid according to the quantity actually done and at the unit price established for such work under this contract; otherwise such additional work shall be paid for as provided under Extra Work. In case the Owner shall make such changes or alterations as shall make useless any work already done or material already furnished or used in said work, then the Owner shall recompense the Contractor for any material or labor so used, and for actual expenses incurred in preparation for the work as originally planned. 24. EXTRA WORK The term "extra work" as used in this contract shall be understood to mean and include all work that may be required by the Owner or Owner's Representative to be done by the Contractor to accomplish any change, alteration or addition to the work as shown on the plans and specifications or contract documents and not covered by Contractor's bid, except as provided under Changes and Alterations herein. It is agreed that the Contractor shall perform all extra work under the direction of the Owner's Representative when presented with a written work order signed by the Owner's Representative; subject, however, to the right of the Contractor to require written confirmation of such extra work order by the Owner. It is also agreed that the compensation to be paid to the Contractor for performing said extra work shall be determined by the following methods: Method (A) - By agreed unit prices; or Method (B) - By agreed lump sum; or Method (C) - If neither Method (A) or Method (B) be agreed upon before the extra work is commenced, then the Contractor shall be paid the lesser of the following: (1) actual field cost of the extra work, plus fifteen (15%) percent; or (2) the amount that would have been charged by a reasonable and prudent Contractor as a reasonable and necessary cost for performance of the extra work. In the event said extra work be performed and paid for under Method (C)(1), then the provisions of this paragraph shall apply and the "actual field cost" is hereby defined to include the cost of all workmen, such as foremen, timekeepers, mechanics and laborers, materials, supplies, teams, trucks, rentals on machinery and equipment, for the time actually employed or used on such extra work, plus actual transportation charges necessarily incurred, together with all expenses incurred directly on account of such extra work, including Social Security, Old Age Benefits, Maintenance Bonds, Public Liability and Property Damage and Workers' Compensation and all other insurances as may be required by law or ordinances or directed by the Owner or Owner's Representative, or by them agreed to. Owner's Representative may direct the form in which accounts of the actual field cost shall be kept and records of these accounts shall be made available to the Owner's Representative. The Owner's Representative may also specify in writing, before the work commences, the method of doing the work and the type and kind of machinery and equipment to be used; otherwise, these matters shall be determined by the Contractor. Unless otherwise agreed upon, the prices for the use of machinery and equipment shall be determined by using 100%, unless otherwise specified, of the latest Schedule of Equipment and Ownership Expenses adopted _ by the Associated General Contractors of America. Where practical, the terms and prices for the use of machinery and equipment shall be incorporated in the written extra work order. The fifteen percent (15%) of the actual field cost to be paid to Contractor shall cover and compensate Contractor for its profit, overhead, general superintendence and field office expense, and all other elements of cost and expense not embraced within the actual field cost as herein defined, save that where the Contractor's Camp or Field Office must be maintained primarily on account of such Extra Work, then the cost to maintain and operate the same shall be included in the "actual field cost." No claim for extra work of any kind will be allowed unless ordered in writing by Owner's Representative. In case any orders or instructions appear to the Contractor to involve extra work for which Contractor should receive compensation or an adjustment in the construction time, Contractor shall prior to commencement of such extra work, make written request to the Owner's Representative for a written order authorizing such extra work. Should a difference of opinion arise as to what does or does not constitute extra work or as to the payment therefore, and the Owner's Representative insists upon its performance, the Contractor shall proceed with the work after making written request for written order and shall keep adequate and accurate account of the actual field cost thereof, as provided under Method (C)(1). If Contractor does not notify Owner's Representative before the commencement of any extra work, any claim for payment due to alleged extra work shall be deemed waived. 25. DISCREPANCIES AND OMISSIONS It is further agreed that it is the intent of the contract documents that all work described in the bid, the specifications, plans and other contract documents, is to be done for the prices quoted by the Contractor and that such price shall include all appurtenances necessary to complete the work in accordance with the intent of these contract documents as interpreted by Owner's Representative. Notices of any discrepancies or omissions in these plans, specifications, or contract documents, shall be given to the Owners' Representative and a clarification obtained before the bids are received, and if no such notice is received by the Owner's Representative prior to the opening of bids, then it shall be deemed that the Contractor fully understands the work to be included and has provided sufficient sums in its bid to complete the work in accordance with these plans and specifications. If Contractor does not notify Owner's Representative before bidding of any discrepancies or omissions, then it shall be deemed for all purposes that the plans and specifications are sufficient and adequate for completion of the project. It is further agreed that any request for clarification must be submitted no later than five (5) calendar days prior to the opening of bids. 26. RIGHT OF OWNER TO MODIFY METHODS AND EOUIPMENT If at any time the methods or equipment used by the Contractor are found to be inadequate to secure the quality of work with the rate of progress required under this contract, the Owner or Owner's Representative may order the Contractor in writing to increase their safety or improve their character and efficiency and the Contractor shall comply with such order. If, at any time, the working force of the Contractor is inadequate for securing the progress herein specified, the Contractor shall, if so ordered in writing, increase its force or equipment, or both, to such an extent as to give reasonable assurance of compliance with the schedule of progress. 27. PROTECTION AGAINST ACCIDENT TO EMPLOYEES AND THE PUBLIC AND GENERAL INDEMNITY The Contractor shall take out and procure a policy or policies of Workers' Compensation Insurance with an insurance company licensed to transact business in the State of Texas, which policy shall comply with the Workers' Compensation laws of the State of Texas. The Contractor shall at all times exercise reasonable precaution for the safety of employees and others on or near the work and shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and municipal laws and building and construction codes. All machinery and equipment and other physical hazards shall be guarded in accordance with the "Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction" of Associated General Contractors of America, except where incompatible with federal, state or municipal laws or regulations. The Contractor, its sureties and insurance carriers shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and all of its officers, agents and employees against any all losses, costs, damages, expenses, liabilities, claims and/or causes of action, whether known or unknown, fixed, actual, accrued or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees and expenses, in connection with, incident to, related to, or arising out of, the Contractor's or any subcontractor's, agent's or employee's, in any manner whatsoever, omission, execution and/or supervision of this contract, and the project which is the subject matter of this contract. The safety precautions taken shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor, in its sole discretion as an Independent Contractor; inclusion of this paragraph in the Agreement, as well as any notice which may be given by the Owners or the Owner's Representative concerning omissions under this paragraph as the work progresses, are intended as reminders to the Contractor of its duty and shall not be construed as any assumption of duty to supervise safety precautions by either the Contractor or any of its subcontractors. 28. CONTRACTOR'S INSUEtANCE The Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until he has obtained all insurance as required in the General Conditions of the contract documents, from an underwriter authorized to do business in the State of Texas and satisfactory to the City. Proof of coverage shall be furnished to the City and written notice of cancellation or any material change will be provided ten (10) calendar days in advance of cancellation or change. All policies of insurance, required herein, including policies of insurance required to be provided by Contractor and its subcontractors, shall contain a waiver of any and all of the insurer's or payor's, in the event of self- insurance, rights to subrogation that any such insurer or payor, in the event of self-insurance, may acquire by virtue of payment of any loss under such insurance or self-insurance. All certificates of insurance submitted to the City in conformity with the provisions hereof shall establish such waiver. The Contractor shall procure and carry at its sole cost and expense through the life of this contract, insurance protection as hereinafter specified. Coverage in excess of that specified herein also shall be acceptable. Such insurance shall be carried with an insurance company authorized to transact business in the State of Texas and shall cover all operations in connection with this contract, whether performed by the Contractor or a subcontractor, or separate policies shall be provided covering the operation of each subcontractor. A certificate of insurance specifying each and all coverages shall be submitted prior to contract execution. 7 PROOF OF COVERAGE SHALL BE FURNISHED TO THE CITY OF LUBBOCK IN THE FORM OF A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ALONG WITH A COPY OF THE ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT. THE INSURANCE CERTIFICATES FURNISHED SHALL NAME THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AS A PRIMARY ADDITIONAL INSURED AND PROVIDE A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AS REQUIRED BELOW, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY A STATEMENT FROM THE CONTRACTOR TO THE EFFECT THAT NO WORK ON THIS PARTICULAR PROJECT SHALL BE SUBCONTRACTED. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE TO THE OWNER ALL PROOF OF COVERAGE INSURANCE DOCUMENTS INCLUDING WORKERS COMPENSATION COVERAGE FOR EACH SUBCONTRACTOR. A. General Liability Insurance (Primary Additional Insured and Waiver of Subrogation required) The contractor shall have Comprehensive General Liability Insurance with limits of $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit in the aggregate and per occurrence to include: Premises and Operations Products & Completed Operations Hazard Contractual Liability Personal Injury & Advertising Injury B. Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability Insurance —NOT REQUIRED C. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance (Primary Additional Insured and Waiver of Subrogation Required) The Contractor shall have Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance with limits of not less than; Bodily Injury/Property Damage, $500,000 Combined Single Limit, to include all owned and non -owned cars including: Employers Non -ownership Liability Hired and Non -owned Vehicles. The City is to be named as a primary additional insured on this policy for this specific job and copy of the endorsement doing so is to be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. D. Builder's Risk Insurance/Installation Floater Insurance. The Contractor shall obtain a Builder's Risk policy in the amount of 100% of the total contract price (100% of potential loss) naming the City of Lubbock as insured. E. Umbrella Liability Insurance- NOT REQUIRED F. Worker's Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance (Waiver of Subrogation required) Worker's Compensation Insurance covering all employees whether employed by the Contractor or any Subcontractor on the job with Employers Liability of at least $500,000. 1. Definitions: Certificate of coverage ("certificate") - A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self -insure issued by the commission, or a coverage agreement (TWCC-81, TWCC- 82, TWCC-83, or TWCC-84), showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project. Duration of the project - includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the Contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. Persons providing services on the project ("subcontractor" in Section 406.096, Texas Labor Code) - includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the Contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the Contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, without limitation, independent contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner - operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other service related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. 2. The Contractor shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and -- payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all employees of the contractor providing services on the project, for the duration of the project. 3. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. 4. If the coverage period shown on the Contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the Contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended. The Contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on the project, and provide to the governmental entity: (a) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (b) no later than seven days after receipt by the Contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. 6 The Contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. 7. The Contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the Contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. 8. The Contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. 9. The Contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on the project, to: (a) provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (b) provide to the Contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (c) provide the Contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (d) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the Contractor: (1) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and (2) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (e) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; (f) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (g) contractually require each person with whom it contracts to perform as required by paragraphs (a) - (g), with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. 10. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the Contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the Contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by worker's compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self -insured, with the commission's Division of Self -Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the Contractor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties, or other civil actions. 11. The Contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the Contractor which entitles the governmental entity to declare the contract void if the Contractor 10 (v) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the Contractor: (1) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and 4' (2) prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (vi) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; (vii) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (viii) contractually require each other person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs (i)-(viii), with the certificate of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. 29. DISABLED EMPLOYEES Contractors having more than fifteen (15) employees agree to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and agree not to discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability because of the disability of such individual in regard to job application procedures, the hiring, advancement, or discharge of employees, employee compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. 30. PROTECTION AGAINST CLAIMS OF SUBCONTRACTORS LABORERS MATERIALMEN AND FURNISHERS OF MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Without limiting, in any way, manner or form, the indemnity provided by Contractor in paragraph 27 hereof, the Contractor agrees that it will indemnify and save the Owner and all of its officers, agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, expenses and causes of action arising out of, in any way, manner or form, the demands of subcontractors, laborers, workmen, mechanics, materialmen and furnishers of machinery and parts thereof, equipment, power tools, and supplies, incurred in the performance of this contract and the project which is the subject matter of this contract. When Owner so desires, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence that all obligations of the nature hereinabove designated have been paid, discharged or waived. 31. PROTECTION AGAINST ROYALTIES OR PATENT INVENTION The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees, and shall provide for the use of any design, device, material or process covered by letters patent or copyright by suitable legal agreement with the Patentee or owner thereof. Without limiting, in any way, manner or form, the indemnity provided by Contractor in paragraph 27 hereof, the Contractor shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent or copyrights and shall indemnify and save the Owner, and all of its officers, agents and employees harmless from any loss on account thereof, except that Owner shall defend all such suits and claims and shall be responsible for all such loss when a particular design, device, material or process or the product of a particular manufacturer or manufacturers is specified or required in these contract documents by Owner; provided, however, if choice of alternate design, device, material or process is allowed to the Contractor, then Contractor shall indemnify and save Owner, and all of its officers, agents and employees harmless from any loss on account thereof. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, if the material or process specified or required by Owner and/or this contract is an infringement, the 13 Contractor shall be responsible for such loss unless it gives written notice of such infringement to the Owner's Representative prior to bidding. 32. LAWS AND ORDINANCES The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations, which in any manner affect the contract or the work, and without limiting, in any way, manner or form, the indemnity provided by Contractor in paragraph 27 hereof, Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner, and all of its officers, agents, and employees against any claims arising from the violation of any such laws, ordinances, and regulations, whether by the Contractor, its employees, or subcontractors. If the Contractor observes that the plans and specifications are at variance therewith, he shall notify the Owner's Representative in writing prior to bidding and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in the contract for changes in the work. In the absence of timely written notification to Owner's Representative of such variance or variances within said time, any objection and/or assertion that the plans and specifications are at variance with any federal, state or local laws, ordinances or regulations shall be deemed waived. If the Contractor, its employees or subcontractors perform any work contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and without such notice to the Owner's Representative, Contractor shall bear all costs arising therefrom. The Owner is a municipal corporation of the State of Texas and the law from which it derives its powers, insofar as the same regulates the objects for which, or the manner in which, or the conditions under which the Owner may enter into contracts, shall be controlling, and shall be considered as part of this contract to the same effect as though embodied herein. 33. SUBCONTRACTING The Contractor agrees that it will retain personal control and will give its personal attention to the fulfillment of this contract. The Contractor further agrees that subletting of any portion or feature of the work, or materials t required in the performance of this contract, shall not relieve the Contractor from its full obligations to the Owner, as provided by the contract documents. 34. TIME FOR SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES It is hereby understood and mutually agreed by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that the date of beginning and time for completion as specified in the contract documents, of work to be done hereunder are essential conditions of this contract; and it is further mutually understood and agreed that the work embraced in this contract shall be commenced as provided in the contract documents. If the Contractor should neglect, fail, or refuse to substantially complete the work within the time herein specified, then the Contractor does hereby agree as part of the consideration for the awarding of this contract, the Owner may withhold permanently from Contractor's total compensation, the sum of $500 (FIVE HUNDRED) PER DAY, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for the breach of the contract as herein set forth for each and every working day that the Contractor shall be in default after the time stipulated for substantially completing the work. It is expressly understood and agreed, by and between Contractor and the Owner, that the time for the substantial completion of the work described herein is reasonable time for the completion of the same, taking into consideration the average climatic range and conditions and usual industrial conditions prevailing in this locality. The amount is fixed and agreed upon by and between the Contractor and the Owner because the actual damages the Owner would sustain in such event would be difficult and/or impossible to estimate, however, the amount agreed upon herein is a reasonable forecast of the amount necessary to render just compensation to Owner, and is expressly agreed to be not disproportionate to actual damages as measured at time of breach. 14 IT IS FURTHER AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD BETWEEN THE CONTRACTOR AND OWNER THAT TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE OF THIS CONTRACT. 35. TIME AND ORDER OF COMPLETION It is the meaning and intent of this contract, unless otherwise herein specifically provided, that the Contractor shall be allowed to prosecute its work at such time and sessions, in such order of precedence, and in such manner as shall be most conductive to economy of construction; provided, however, that the order and time of prosecution shall be such that the work shall be substantially completed as a whole and in part, in accordance with this contract, the plans and specifications, and within the time of completion designated in the bid; provided, also, that when the Owner is having other work done, either by contract or by its own force, the Owner's Representative may direct the time and manner of constructing work done under this contract so that conflicts will be avoided and the construction of the various works being done for the Owner shall be harmonized. The Contractor shall submit, at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Owner's Representative, schedules which shall show the order in which the Contractor intends to carry on the work, with dates at which the Contractor will start the several parts of the work and estimated dates of completion of the several parts. 36. TIME OF PERFORMANCE The Contractor agrees that it has submitted its bid in full recognition of the time required for the completion of this project, taking into consideration the average climatic range and industrial conditions prevailing in this locality, and has considered the liquidated damage provisions of paragraph 34 hereinabove set forth and expressly agrees that it shall not be entitled to, nor will it request, an extension of time on this contract, except when its work has been delayed by an act or neglect of the Owner, Owner's Representative, employees of the Owner or other contractors employed by the Owner, or by changes ordered in the work, or by strike, walkouts, acts of God or the public enemy, fire or flood. Any request for extension shall be in writing with the written request for same setting forth all justifications, in detail, for the request, and submitted to Owner's Representative within twenty (20) calendar days of the occurrence of the event causing said delay. A failure by Owner's Representative to affirmatively grant the extension no later than twenty (20) calendar days of written submission by Contractor shall be deemed a denial, and final. Further, in the absence of timely written notification of such delay and request for extension, as provided herein, any request for extension by Contractor shall be deemed waived. 37. HINDRANCE AND DELAYS In executing the contract, the Contractor agrees that in undertaking to complete the work within the time herein fixed, Contractor has taken into consideration and made allowances for all hindrances and delays incident to such work, whether growing out of delays due to unusual and unanticipated circumstances, difficulties or delays in securing material or workmen, or any other cause or occurrence. No charge shall be made by the Contractor for hindrance or delays from any cause during the progress of any part of the work embraced in this contract except where the work is stopped by order of the Owner or Owner's Representative for the Owner's convenience, in which event, such expense as in the sole judgment of the Owner's Representative that is caused by such stoppage shall be paid by Owner to Contractor. 38. QUANTITIES AND MEASUREMENTS No extra or customary measurements of any kind will be allowed, but the actual measured or computed length, area, solid contents, number and weight only shall be considered, unless otherwise specifically provided. In the event this contract is let on a unit price basis, then Owner and Contractor agree that this contract, including the specifications, plans and other contract documents are intended to show clearly all work to be done and material to be furnished hereunder. Where the estimated quantities are shown, and only when same are expressly stated to be estimates, for the various classes of work to be done and material to be furnished under this contract, they are approximate and are to be used only as a basis for estimating the probable cost of the work and for comparing 15 their bids offered for the work. In the event the amount of work to be done and materials to be furnished are expressly stated to be estimated, and only when same are expressly stated to be estimated, it is understood and agreed that the actual amount of work to be done and the materials to be furnished under this contract may differ somewhat from these estimates, and that where the basis for payment under this contract is the unit price method, payment shall be for the actual amount of work done and materials furnished on the project. 39. PROTECTION OF ADJOINING PROPERTY The Contractor shall take proper means to protect the adjacent or adjoining property or properties in any way encountered, which may be injured or seriously affected by any process of construction to be undertaken under this agreement, from any damage or injury by reason of said process of construction; and Contractor shall be liable for any and all claims for such damage on account of his failure to fully protect all adjacent property. Without limiting, in any way, manner and form, the indemnity provided by Contractor in paragraph 27 hereof, the Contractor agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless the Owner, and any of its officers, agents and employees, against any and all claims or damages due to any injury to any adjacent or adjoining property, related to, arising from or growing out of the performance of this contract. 40. PRICE FOR WORK In consideration of the furnishing of all necessary labor, equipment and material and the completion of all work by the Contractor, and on the delivery of all materials embraced in this contract in full conformity with the specifications and stipulations herein contained, the Owner agrees to pay the Contractor the price set forth in the bid proposal attached hereto, which has been made a part of this contract, and the Contractor hereby agrees to receive such price in full for furnishing all materials and all labor required for the aforesaid work, also, for all expenses incurred by Contractor and for well and truly performing the same and the whole thereof in the manner and according to this agreement, the attached specifications, plans, contract documents and requirements of Owner's Representative. 41. PAYMENTS No payments made or certificates given shall be considered as conclusive evidence of the performance of the contract, either wholly or in part, nor shall any certificate or payment be considered as acceptance of defective work. Contractor shall at any time requested during the progress of the work furnish the Owner or Owner's Representative with a verifying certificate showing the Contractor's total outstanding indebtedness in connection with the work. Before final payment is made, Contractor shall satisfy Owner, by affidavit or otherwise, that there are no outstanding liens against Owner's premises by reason of any work under the contract. Acceptance by Contractor of final payment of the contract price shall constitute a waiver of all claims against Owner, Owner's agents and employees, which have not theretofore been timely filed as provided in this contract. 42. PARTIAL PAYMENTS On or before the tenth day of each month, the Contractor shall submit to Owner's Representative an application for partial payment or, if the Contractor does not submit such application, the Owner's Representative shall determine the amount to be partially paid. Owner's Representative shall review said application for partial payment if submitted, and the progress of the work made by the Contractor and if found to be in order, shall prepare a certificate for partial payment showing as completely as practical the total value of the work done by the Contractor up to and including the last day of the preceding month. The determination of the partial payment by the Owner's Representative shall be in accordance with Paragraph 14 hereof. The Owner shall then pay the Contractor on or before the fifteenth day of the current month the total amount of the Owner's Representative's Certificate of Partial Payment, less 5% of the amount thereof, which 5% shall be retained until final payment, and further, less all previous payments and all further sums that may be retained by Owner under the terms of the contract documents. -g 16 Any partial payment made hereunder shall not constitute a waiver by the Owner of any and all other rights to enforce the express terms of the contract documents, and all remedies provided therein, as to any and all work performed, to be performed and/or materials delivered hereunder, including, but limited to, work to which said partial payment is attributable. 43. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Contractor shall give Owner's Representative written notice of substantial completion. Within thirty-one (31) working days after the Contractor has given the Owner's Representative written notice that the work has been substantially completed, the Owner's Representative and/or the Owner shall inspect the work and within said time, if the work be found to be substantially completed in accordance with the contract documents, the Owner's Representative shall issue to the Owner and Contractor a certificate of substantial completion. Notwithstanding the issuance of a certificate of substantial completion, Contractor shall proceed with diligence to finally complete the work within the time provided in this contract. MA � a12Mi[KOMI a 191 [�J�/_��1��7_ ,rimy The Contractor shall give written notice to Owner's Representative of final completion. Upon written notice of final completion, the Owner's Representative shall proceed to make final measurement to determine whether final completion has occurred. If the Owner's Representative determines final completion has occurred, Owner's Representative shall so certify to the Owner. Upon certification by Owner's Representative of final completion, Owner shall pay to the Contractor on or before the 31 st working day after the date of certification of final completion, the balance due Contractor under the terms of this agreement. Neither the certification of final completion nor the final payment, nor any provisions in the contract documents shall relieve the Contractor of the obligation for fulfillment of any warranty which may be required in the contract documents and/or any warranty or warranties implied by law or otherwise. 45. CORRECTION OF WORK Contractor shall promptly remove from Owner's premises all materials condemned by the Owner's Representative on account of failure to conform to the contract documents, whether actually incorporated in the work or not, and Contractor shall at its own expense promptly replace such condemned materials with other materials conforming to the requirements of the contract documents. Contractor shall also bear the expense of restoring all work of other contractors damaged by any such removal or replacement. If Contractor does not remove and replace any such condemned work within a reasonable time after a written notice by the Owner or the Owner's Representative, Owner may remove and replace it at Contractor's expense. Neither the final payment, nor certification of final completion or substantial completion, nor any provision in the contract documents shall relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship, and Contractor shall remedy any defects due thereto and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom, which shall appear within a period of one (1) year from the date of certification of final completion by Owner's Representative. 46. PAYMENT WITHHELD The Owner or Owner's Representative may, on account of subsequently discovered evidence, withhold or nullify the whole or part of any certification to such extent as may be necessary to protect itself from loss on account of: (a) Defective work not remedied and/or work not performed. (b) Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating possible filing of claims. (c) Damage to another contractor. 17 When the above grounds are removed, or the Contractor provides a surety bond satisfactory to the Owner, in the amount withheld, payment shall be made for amounts withheld because of them. 47. CLAIM OR DISPUTE It is further agreed by both parties hereto that all questions of dispute or adjustment presented by the Contractor shall be in writing and filed with the Owner's Representative within fifteen (15) calendar days after the Owner's Representative has given any direction, order or instruction to which the Contractor desires to take exception. Timely written notice of dispute as provided in this contract of any decision by Owner's Representative or Owner shall be a condition precedent to the bringing and/or assertion of any action or claim by Contractor of any right under this Contract. If the matters set forth in the notice of dispute are not granted or otherwise responded to by Owner's Representative within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of notice of dispute by Owner's Representative, said objections shall be deemed denied. Any decision by the Owner's Representative, or deemed denial by the Owner's Representative, shall be final and conclusive in the absence of fraud. It is further agreed that the acceptance by the Contractor of the final payment shall be a bar to any and all claims of the Contractor, and constitute a waiver of the right to assert any claim against Owner, Owner's agents and employees and Owner's Representative, by Contractor. 48. NON-COMPLIANCE AND/OR ABANDONMENT BY CONTRACTOR hi case the Contractor should (1) abandon and fail or refuse to resume work within fifteen (15) calendar days after written notification from the Owner or the Owner's Representative, or (2) if the Contractor fails to comply with the written orders of the Owner's Representative, when such orders are consistent with this contract, then the Surety on the bond shall be notified in writing and directed to complete the work and a copy of said notice shall be delivered to the Contractor. In the event a bond is not required by law, or otherwise obtained by the Contractor, no further notice of such non-compliance to Contractor shall be required. After receiving said notice of abandonment or non-compliance , the Contractor shall not remove from the work any machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies then on the job, but the same, together with any materials and equipment under the contract for work, may be held for use on the work by the Owner or the Surety of the Contractor, or another contractor, in completion of the work; and the Contractor shall not receive any rental or credit therefore (except when used in connection with Extra Work, where credit shall be allowed as provided for under paragraph 24 of this contract); it being understood that the use of such equipment and materials will ultimately reduce the cost to complete the work and be reflected in the final settlement. In the event the Contractor, or Surety, whichever is applicable, should fail to commence compliance with the notice hereinbefore provided within ten (10) calendar days after service of such notice, and/or shall fail to proceed with diligence to complete the project as contemplated and in compliance with all terms and provisions of the contract documents, then the Owner may exercise any and all remedies available to it pursuant to law, contract, equity or otherwise, including, but not limited to, providing for completion of the work in either of the following elective manners: (a) The Owner may employ such force of men and use of machinery, equipment, tools, materials and supplies as said Owner may deem necessary to complete the work and charge the expense of such labor, machinery, equipment, tools, materials and supplies to said Contractor, and the expense so charged shall be deducted and paid by the Owner out of such moneys as may be due, or that may thereafter at any time become due to the Contractor under and by virtue of this Agreement. In case such expense is less than the sum which would have been payable under this contract, if the same had been completed by the Contractor, then said Contractor shall receive the difference. In case such expense is greater than the sum which would have been payable under this contract, if the same had been completed by said Contractor, then the Contractor and/or its Surety shall pay the amount of such excess to the Owner; or 18 (b) The Owner, under sealed bids, after notice published as required by law, at least twice in a newspaper having a general circulation in the County of location of the work, may let the contract for the completion of the work under substantially the same terms and conditions which are provided in this contract. In case of any increase in cost to the Owner under the new contract as compared to what would have been the cost under this contract, such increase shall be charged to the Contractor and the Surety shall be and remain bound therefore. Should the cost to complete any such new contract prove to be less than that which would have been the cost to complete the work under this contract, the Contractor or his Surety shall be credited therewith. In the event the Owner's Representative elects to complete the work, as described above, when the work shall have been finally completed, the Contractor and his Surety shall be so notified and certification of completion as provided in paragraph 44 hereinabove set forth, shall be issued. A complete itemized statement of the contract accounts, certified to by Owner's Representative as being correct shall then be prepared and delivered to Contractor and his Surety, if applicable, whereon the Contractor or his Surety, or the Owner as the case may be, shall pay the balance due as reflected by said statement within 30 days after the date of certification of completion. In the event the statement of accounts shows that the cost to complete the work is less than that which would have been the cost to the Owner had the work been completed by the Contractor under the terms of this contract, or when the Contractor and/or his Surety, if applicable, shall pay the balance shown to be due by them to the Owner, then all machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies left on the site of the work shall be turned over to the Contractor and/or his Surety, if applicable. Should the cost to complete the work exceed the contract price, and the Contractor and/or his Surety, if applicable, fail to pay the amount due the Owner within the time designated hereinabove, and there remains any machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies on the site of the work, notice thereof, together with an itemized list of such equipment and materials shall be mailed to the Contractor and his Surety, if applicable, at the respective addresses designated in this contract; provided, however, that actual written notice given in any manner will satisfy this condition. After mailing, or other giving of such notice, such property shall be held at the risk of the Contractor and his Surety, if applicable, subject only to the duty of the Owner to exercise ordinary care to protect such property. After fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of said notice the Owner may sell such machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies and apply the net sum derived from such sale to the credit of the Contractor and his Surety, if applicable. Such sale may be made at either public or private sale, with or without notice, as the Owner may elect. The Owner shall release any machinery, equipment, tools, materials, or supplies that remain on the jobsite and belong to persons other than the Contractor or his Surety, if applicable, to their proper owners. The remedies provided to Owner by law, equity, contract, or otherwise, shall be cumulative, to the extent permitted by law. It is expressly agreed and understood that the exercise by Owner of the remedies provided in this paragraph shall not constitute an election of remedies on the part of Owner, and Owner, irrespective of its exercise of remedies hereunder, shall be entitled to exercise concurrently or otherwise, any and all other remedies available to it, by law, equity, contract or otherwise, including but not limited to, liquidated damages, as provided in paragraph 34, hereinabove set forth. 49. LIMITATION ON CONTRACTOR'S REMEDY The remedies of Contractor hereunder shall be limited to, and Owner shall be liable only for, work actually performed by Contractor and/or its subcontractors as set forth in the contract documents, and Owner shall not be liable for any consequential, punitive or indirect loss or damage that Contractor may suffer in connection with the project which is the subject matter of this contract. 50. BONDS The Contractor is required to furnish a performance bond in accordance with Chapter 2253, Government Code, in the amount of 100% of the total contract price in the event that said contract price exceeds $100,000 and the 19 Contractor is required to furnish a payment bond in accordance with Chapter 2253, Government Code, in the amount of 100% of the total contract price in the event that said contract price exceeds $25,000. All bonds shall be submitted on forms supplied by the Owner, and executed by an approved Surety Company authorized to do business in the State of Texas. It is further agreed that this contract shall not be in effect until such bonds are so furnished. -- 51. SPECIAL CONDITIONS In the event special conditions are contained herein as part of the contract documents and said special conditions conflict with any of the general conditions contained in this contract, then in such event the special conditions shall control. 52. LOSS OR EXPENSE DUE TO UNUSUAL OR UNANTICIPATED CIRCUMSTANCES Unless otherwise specified herein, all loss, expense or damage to the Contractor arising out of the nature of the work to be done, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen circumstance or from unusual obstructions or difficulties, naturally occurring, man made or otherwise, which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, shall be sustained and borne by the Contractor at his own cost and expense. 53. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Contractor is, and shall remain, an independent contractor with full, complete and exclusive power and authority to direct, supervise, and control its own employees and to determine the method of the performance of the work covered hereby. The fact that the Owner or Owner's Representative shall have the right to observe Contractor's work during Contractor's performance and to carry out the other prerogatives which are expressly reserved to and vested in the Owner or Owner's Representative hereunder, is not intended to and shall not at any time change or effect the status of the Contractor as an independent contractor with respect to either the Owner or Owner's Representative or to the Contractor's own employees or to any other person, firm, or corporation. 54. CLEANING UP The Contractor shall at all times keep the premises free from accumulation of debris caused by the work, and at the completion of the work Contractor shall remove all such debris and also its tools, scaffolding, and surplus materials and shall leave the work room clean or its equivalent. The work shall be left in good order and condition. In case of dispute Owner may remove the debris and charge the cost to the Contractor. 55. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND ASBESTOS Hazardous Substances (herein so called), as defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (42 U.S.C.S. §9601(14)) and the regulations promulgated thereunder, as same may be amended from time to time, hydrocarbons or other petroleum products or byproducts and/or asbestos, in any form, shall not (i) be utilized, in any way, manner or form, in the construction of, or incorporation into, the Project; or (ii) be brought upon, placed, or located, by any party, on the Project site, or any other property of the City, without the written consent of the Owner's Representative. If Contractor believes that the utilization of a Hazardous Substance, hydrocarbons or other petroleum products or byproducts and/or asbestos is necessary in the construction of the Project, or that it is necessary to place and/or otherwise locate upon the site of the Project or other property of the City, a Hazardous Substance, hydrocarbons or other petroleum products or byproducts and/or asbestos, Contractor shall notify the Owner's Representative, and request consent therefrom, at least twenty (20) days prior to such action. Owner's Representative may grant or deny the request of Contractor and provide whatever requirements such consent, if granted, is conditioned upon, in its sole and absolute discretion. If the request of Contractor is not granted, or otherwise not responded to, by Owner's Representative within five (5) F, days of the receipt of said request, said request shall be deemed to be denied. 20 1 ({[ i In the event Owner's Representative shall consent to the request of Contractor, Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all personnel involved in the Project are (i) trained for the level of expertise required for proper performance of the actions contemplated by this Contract and, in particular, in all aspects of handling, storage, disposal and exposure of Hazardous Substances, hydrocarbons or other petroleum products or byproducts and/or asbestos; and (ii) are provided and utilize all protective equipment, including without limitation, personal protective gear, necessary to provide protection from exposure to Hazardous Substances, hydrocarbons or other petroleum products or byproducts and/or asbestos. 56. NONAPPROPRIATION All funds for payment by the City under this contract are subject to the availability of an annual appropriation for this purpose by the City. In the event of non -appropriation of funds by the City Council of the City of Lubbock for the goods or services provided under the contract, the City will terminate the contract, without termination charge or other liability, on the last day of the then -current fiscal year or when the appropriation made for the then -current year for the goods or services covered by this contract is spent, whichever event occurs first. If at any time funds are not appropriated for the continuance of this contract, cancellation shall be accepted by the Seller on thirty (30) days prior written notice, but failure to give such notice shall be of no effect and the City shall not be obligated under this contract beyond the date of termination. 21 CURRENT WAGE DETERMINATIONS RE: RESOLUTION NO.2002-R0483, NOVEMBER 14, 2002 Craft Acoustical Ceiling Installer Air Conditioner Installer Air Conditioner Installer -Helper Asbestos Worker Asbestos Supervisor Bricklayer Bricklayer -Helper Carpenter Carpenter -Helper Cement Finisher Drywall Hanger Electrician Electrician -Helper Equipment Operator -Heavy Equipment Operator -Light Fire Sprinkler Fitter -Journey Fire Sprinkler Fitter -Apprentice Floor Installer Glazier Insulator-Piping/Boiler Insulator -Helper Iron Worker Laborer -General Mortar Mixer Painter Plumber Plumber -Helper Roofer Roofer -Helper Sheet Metal Worker Sheet Metal Worker -Helper Welder -Certified EXHIBIT A City of Lubbock Building Construction Trades Prevailing Rates 1 Hourly 11.50 12.00 7.50 9.00 12.50 12.50 7.00 11.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 15.00 8.00 10.00 9.00 18.00 10.00 9.50 10.50 10.50 7.00 11.00 6.00 6.00 9.50 12.50 7.00 9.00 7.00 10.00 7.00 11.00 EXHIBIT B Paving and Highway Construction Prevailing Wage Rates Craft Hourly Asphalt Heaterman 9.00 Asphalt Shoveler 7.50 Concrete Finisher 9.00 Concrete Finisher -Helper 7.50 Electrical Repairer -Equipment 12.50 Flagger 6.50 Form Setter 8.00 Form Setter -Helper 6.50 Laborer -General 6.00 Laborer -Utility 6.75 Mechanic 9.00 Mechanic -Helper 7.00 Power Equipment Operators Asphalt Paving Machine 9.00 Bulldozer 9.00 Concrete Paving Machine 9.00 Front End Loader 9.00 Heavy Equipment Operator 9.00 Light Equipment Operator 8.00 Motor Grader Operator 10.25 Roller 7.00 Scraper 7.50 Tractor -Trailer 8.50 Truck Driver -Heavy 8.00 Truck Driver -Light 7.00 2 EXHIBIT C Prevailing Wage Rates Overtime Rate The rate for overtime (in excess of forty hours per week) shall be as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act. EXHIBIT D Prevailing Wage Rates Legal Holiday Rate The rate for legal holidays shall be as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act. 3 SPECIFICATIONS February 24, 2006 SECTION 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Work covered by Contract Documents. B. Owner's responsibilities. C. Contractor's use of site and premises. D. Owner occupancy of the facility. E. Project completion time. 1.3 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. Work of this project includes all items shown and/or described in the bid documents for this new screen wall. B. New construction includes new concrete drives, site grading, precast concrete, field constructed masonry, overhead doors, steel gates, irrigation, landscaping and related miscellaneous work. C. Restoration of the existing pump station: remove existing brick veneer, install new vapor barrier, install new brick veneer, remove existing roof shingles, install new shingles and flashing, clean and paint existing metal and wood surfaces, and related miscellaneous work as shown on the drawings. D. Perform utility construction and site improvement work as designated on plans. Pay all associated costs: including, but not limited to frontage fees, connection fees, meter fees, and dump fees. This includes water, gas and wastewater service to local utility companys. 1.4 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. Assist the contractor in maintaining job site safety by instructing employees and visitors of the potential dangers at the site. B. Provide access for the contractor to portions of the existing site as may be required for this project. C. Provide parking and storage space for contractor's employees, equipment, and materials. 1.5 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF SITE AND PREMISES A. Limit the use of site and premises to allow: a°e �@ d�P�"�arvoX p fhb t�I, Inc.SUMMARY OF WORK 01010 - 1 February 24, 2006 1. Owner occupancy. 2. Work by others. 3. Use of site and adjacent premises. B. The contractor and subcontractor shall assist the City of Lubbock in keeping the reservoir site secure at all times. The City will review site security requirements during pre -bid conference. 1.6 OWNER OCCUPANCY A. The owner will occupy the site and adjacent buildings during entire period of construction for the conduct of normal operations. B. Cooperate with owner to minimize conflict, and to facilitate owner's operations. 1. Temporary interruptions must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance with the owner. 2. The facility is not to be without utilities for any period of time due to this project. 3. Maintain a clear path for emergency vehicles at all times. 4. Assist owner in maintaining security of site at all times. C. Schedule the work to accommodate these requirements. D. Contractor is responsible for the safety of visitors to the job site. l 1.7 PROJECT COMPLETION TIME A. The entire scope of work included in this contract and described herein shall reach substantial completion within the number of calendar days submitted in the proposal. B. See Article 8.1 of the General Conditions for definition of Working Days. C. See Article 8.2 of the General Conditions for computation of Contract Time. D. See Article 8.3 of the General Conditions for claims for extension of Contract Time. PART PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION auibuniaeupfieatioXprohh6m'FInc. SUMMARY OF WORK 01010 - 2 February 24, 2006 SECTION 01040 COORDINATION AND MEETINGS PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Coordination. B. Renovation project procedures. C. Existing conditions. D. Pre -Construction conference. E. Pre -Roofing conference. F. Permit Review 1.3 COORDINATION A. Contractor shall coordinate scheduling, submittals, and work of the various sections of specifications to assure efficient and orderly sequence of installation of interdependent construction elements, with provisions for accommodating items installed later. B. A separate project schedule shall be provided by the contractor. C. Do not commence work at the site, including asbestos abatement, until all of the materials and equipment to be incorporated into the project are on the site or within one day of delivery to the site. D. The contractor shall schedule and coordinate the work so that once Notice to Proceed is given and work commences, the work will progress continually without interruption until the work at the site is substantially completed. E. Contractor shall coordinate completion and clean up of work in preparation for substantial completion. F. Contractor shall coordinate all construction activities and storage of materials with the architect and state representative so as to minimize disruption of activities at the sites. The facilities shall continue their daily activities throughout the life of this contract. 1.4 RENOVATION PROJECT PROCEDURES A. Materials: As specified in product sections; match existing products and work for patching and extending work. vaugp,ge@dupl�canoXprohh6i` : Inc COORDINATION AND MEETINGS 01040 - 1 Febmary 24, 2006 1.5 1.6 1.7 B. Remove, cut, and patch work in a manner to minimize damage and to provide a means of restoring products and finishes to original condition. C. Where new work abuts or aligns with existing, perform a smooth and even transition. Patched work to match existing adjacent work in texture and appearance. Notify architect if conditions will not allow an acceptable transition. D. When finished surfaces are cut so that a smooth transition with new work is not possible, terminate existing surface along a straight line at a natural line of division and make recommendation to the architect. EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Underground utilities: Failure of the drawings to show underground utility lines or other concealed piping, wiring and the like shall not be constructed as a guarantee on the part of the architect or the owner that such conditions do not exist, though unknown. All operations involving excavation or removals shall be done at the risk of the contractor who shall take the necessary precautions to protect employees and the public from injury or death and to avoid damage to existing systems. B. Damage to existing systems: Whether exposed or concealed, any piping (such as piping for gas, water, waste, vent, drainage, sewer, heating, or cooling systems, etc.) or wiring (such as wiring for electric lighting, power, public address, telephone, or signalling systems, etc.) which is encountered during the construction period and becomes damaged shall be repaired or replaced at contractor's expense. Only life and property threatening conditions may be repaired prior to a fully executed field order. C. Any unique items on this project? PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A. Attendance: After award of contract and prior to start of construction, contractor's direct representative, major subcontractors, owner's employees responsible for project, architects and engineers shall attend conference. Time and location as mutually agreed. B. Agenda: 1. Execution of Owner -Contractor Agreement. 2. Delivery of Notice to Proceed. 3. Designation of personnel representing the parties in contract and contact information. 4. Submission of executed bonds and insurance certificates. 5. Distribution of Contract Documents. 6. Submission of list of subcontractors and product suppliers. 7. Submission of Schedule of Values and format of monthly progress schedule. 8. Establish periodic coordination meeting schedule and which subcontractors to attend. 9. Chain of command and processing of request for information, change order request. 10. Procedures for processing submittals, applications for payments. 11. Contract closeout procedures and final application for payment. 12. Use of premises by owner and contractor, where to park, where to stage material. 13. Owner's requirements and restrictions on the site. 14. Security of job site, safety procedures, and general housekeeping issues. 15. Procedures for maintaining record documents, shop drawings, and construction set. 16. Review of Texas Accessibility Standards and any TDLR plan review comments. 17. Review of building permit application and any municipal plan review comments. 18. Any other items that have not been discussed. Permit Review Meeting oabl ,QW.pP OR PA tnc_ COORDINATION AND MEETINGS 01040 - 2 February 24, 2006 A. The term City is used as the governing agency having jurisdiction over this project. If a building permit is issued by a governing body other than a City, then the word City is to be substituted with agency's correct title. Conditions and obligations of this sub -section remain the same no matter the agency's name. B. Within five business days of receipt, the General Contractor shall provide written notification to the architect that the City's building permit has been received by the contractor. The same format shall be followed for any and all subsequent permits issued by the City and received by the contractor that are a part of this project — street right-of-way permit, sign permit, etc. C. The General Contractor shall schedule a permit review meeting with the architect for each permit received. A building permit review meeting shall take place prior to the first pay application. The purpose of these meetings is for the General Contractor's field superintendent and project manager to sit down with the architect to review each of the City's plan review comments and work toward a solution for each. In the event that the City has no review comments in their response, this meeting will serve as confirmation to the architect that there are no comments. Once a project permit has been issued and received by the contractor, this meeting is to happen even though there may not be any City plan review comments attached to the permit. D. It will be the architect's responsibility to keep the Owner informed of the progress made on any plan review comments included in the City's plan review response. 1.8 PRE -ROOFING CONFERENCE A. Attendance: At appropriate phase during construction, contractor's direct representative, roofing subcontractor's superintendent, state employees responsible for project and architect shall attend conference. Date, time and location as mutually agreed. B. Purpose: 1. To familiarize owner's employees, architect and roofing subcontractor with roof system to be installed. 2. Mutual interpretation of plans and specifications. PART 2 PRODUCTS NOT USED I VWXA lx� CK4 9141101 6) h NOT USED END OF SECTION a � � d�p�'eaV,. P Vgft�: Inc. COORDINATION AND MEETINGS 01040 - 3 February 24, 2006 SECTION 01090 REFERENCE STANDARDS PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Quality assurance. B. Schedule of references. C. Adherence to accessibility standards. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. General Conditions: Reference Standards. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. For products or workmanship specified by association, trade, or Federal standards, comply with requirements of the standard, except when more rigid requirements are specified or are required by applicable codes. B. Conform to reference standard by date of issue current on date of contract documents. C. Obtain copies of standards when required by contract documents. D. Should specified reference standards conflict with contract documents, request clarification from architect before proceeding. E. The contractual relationship of the parties to the contract shall not be altered from the contract documents by mention or inference otherwise in any reference document. 1.5 SCHEDULE OF REFERENCES AA Aluminum Association AABC Associated Air Balance Council AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ACI American Concrete Institute ADA Americans with Disabilities Act ADC Air Diffusion Council AGA American Gas Association U Unauthorized Chapman Harvey Archprohibited. ma REFERENCE STANDARDS 01090 - 1 Unauthorized duplication prohibited. AGC Associated General Contractors of America AIA American Institute of Architects AISC American Institute of Steel Construction AISI American Iron and Steel Institute AMCA Air Movement and Control Association ANSI American National Standards Institute APA American Plywood Association ARI Air -Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AWI Architectural Woodwork Institute AWPA American Wood -Preservers' Association AWS American Welding Society AWWA American Water Works Association BHMA Builder's Hardware Manufacturer Association BIA Brick Institute of America CDA Copper Development Association CLFMI Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute DHI Door and Hardware Institute EJMA Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association FGMA Flat Glass Marketing Association FM Factory Mutual System FS Federal Specification GA Gypsum Association d 2006 Chapman Harvey Architects, Inc. Unauthorized duplication prohibited. REFERENCE STANDARDS 01090 - 2 ICBO International Conference of Building Officials IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers MBMA Metal Building Manufacturers Association. ML/SFA Metal Lath/Steel Framing Association NAAMM National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers NCMA National Concrete Masonry Association NECA National Electrical Contractor Association NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers' Association NFPA National Fire Protection Association NPCA National Paint and Coating Association NRCA National Roofing Contractor Association NWMA National Woodwork Manufacturers Association OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration PCA Portland Cement Association PS Product Standard RMA Rubber Manufacturers Association SDI Steel Deck Institute SDI Steel Door Institute SGCC Safety Glazing Certification Council SJI Steel Joist Institute SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' Association SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council TAS Texas Accessibility Standards TCA Tile Council of America, Inc. UL Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. WCLIB West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau WRI Wire Reinforcement Institute WWPA Western Wood Products Association 2 2006 Chapman Harvey Architects, Inc. Unauthorized duplication prohibited. REFERENCE STANDARDS 01090 - 3 WWPA Woven Wire Products Association PART 2 PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 The general contractor and all sub -contractors constructing, installing, or providing materials for this project shall provide and/or install building components that comply with these standards. 3.2 Special attention shall be given to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) criteria. The contractors shall make themselves knowledgeable of ADA and TAS criteria and shall comply with the latest adopted version of these standards and acts. MT11-043 �M00I16M IQ 2006 Chapman Harvey Architects, Inc. Unauthorized duplication prohibited. REFERENCE STANDARDS 01090 - 4 SECTION 01300 SUBMITTALS PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS February 24, 2006 A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Submittal procedures. B. Schedule of Values. C. Construction Progress Schedules. D. Application for Payment. E. Shop drawings. F. Samples. G. Change Procedures. H. Manufacturer's instructions. I. Manufacturer's certificates. J. Submittal Schedule. K. AIA Form G702 - Application and Certificate for Payment. L. AIA Form G703 - Continuation Sheet. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01700 -Contract Closeout: Contract warranty and closeout submittals. 1.4 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. Transmit each submittal with AIA Form G810 or contractor's standard preprinted transmittal form. Identify the project title, project number, numbers of copies submitted, notice of deviation from contract documents and any other pertinent data. B. Sequentially number the transmittal forms. C. Identify project, contractor, subcontractors or supplier; pertinent drawing sheet and detail number(s), and specification section number, as appropriate. D. Coordinate and schedule submittals to expedite the project. ` � g"n noeXPr,*6ieInc.SUBMITTALS 01300- 1 February 24, 2006 r E. Deliver all copies of the submittals to the architect's business address. 1.5 SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Using AIA Form G703 - Application and Certificate for Payment, Continuation Sheet, submit Schedule of Values to Architect. B. Submit Schedule of Values within 15 days after date established in Notice to Proceed. Provide two copies. C. Use the Table of Contents to establish Schedule of Values format. Identify each line item with number and title of the specification section. D. Include in each line item any amount of Allowances specified in the project. E. Include within each line item Contractor's overhead and profit. F. Each application, revise schedule to list approved Change Orders to date. 1 1.6 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES A. Submit initial progress schedule in duplicate within 15 days after date established in Notice to Proceed for architect's review. B. Revise and resubmit as required. C. Submit revised schedules with each Application for Payment, identifying changes since previous version. D. Submit a horizontal bar chart with separate line for each major section of work or operation, identifying first work day of each week. E. Show complete sequence of construction by activity, identifying work of separate stages and other logically grouped activities. Indicate the early and late start, early and late finish, float dates, and duration. F. Indicate estimated percentage of completion for each item of work at each submission. G. Indicate submittal dates required for shop drawings, product data, samples, and product delivery dates, including those furnished by owner and under allowances. 1.7 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT A. Submit three copies of each application on AIA Form G702 - Application and Certificate for Payment and AIA G703 - Continuation Sheet. - B. Utilize Schedule of Values for listing items in Application for Payment. C. Payment period to be as defined in Owner -Contractor Agreement. D. Include one copy of waiver of liens from each subcontractor. 1.8 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings with all product literature, cut sheets, and photographs in a bound format. dna°o 3�Pi �anoX P�`cbh6erc�c , Inc. SUBMITTALS 01300 - 2 February 24, 2006 B. Submit the number of copies which the contractor requires, plus three copies which will be retained by the architect and owner. The architect will deliver two copies to owner for their review and comment. C. Mark in non -red ink each copy to identify applicable products, models, options, and other data. Supplement manufacturers' standard data to provide information unique to this project. The architect's review comments will be in RED INK. D. Apply contractor's stamp, signed, or initialed certifying that review, verification of products required, field dimensions, adjacent construction work, and coordination of information is in accordance with the requirements of the work and contract documents. Submittals delivered to the architect for review that have not been stamped and initialed will be returned without review. E. Identify variations from contract documents and product or system limitations which may be detrimental to successful performance of the completed work. F. Provide space for architect's review stamps. G. Revise and resubmit shop drawings as required, identify all changes made since previous submittal. H. Distribute copies of reviewed and approved shop drawings to concerned parties. Instruct parties to promptly report any inability to comply with provisions. I. Provide copies for Record Documents described in Section 01700 - Contract Closeout. 1.9 SHOP DRAWING REVIEW A. The architect shall affix a stamp upon the submittal with appropriate wording stating if submittal is accepted, accepted with noted revisions, revise and re -submit, or rejected. Rejected submittals are to be completely re -worked, assigned a new submittal number, and submitted as a new submittal. B. The architect shall provide copies of the submittal to the owner for the owner's review at the same time the architect is reviewing shop drawings. C. The contractor shall not begin work or order material for which a submittal is required until a submittal has been stamped accepted or accepted with noted revisions and returned to the contractor. D. Schedule submissions at least 14 working days before date reviewed submittal will be needed. The architect shall be allowed 14 working days for each submittal review. E. The architect shall notify the contractor when submittals are reviewed and ready for inclusion into the project. F. The architect shall review the same shop drawing submittal no more than two times. If more than two submittals are required in order to achieve an accepted submittal, the contractor shall be charged $105.00 per hour for each review beyond the initial two. The architect's review fee shall be paid by the contractor in full prior to the release of the accepted shop drawings. 1.10 SAMPLES A. Submit samples to illustrate functional and aesthetic characteristics of the product, with integral parts and attachment devices. Coordinate sample submittals for interfacing with work. U27fionz"e� dupfiCet oX Prohh�te�ct; l SUBMITTALS 01300 - 3 February 24. 2006 B. Submit samples of finishes from the full range of manufacturers' standard colors or in custom colors selected, textures, and patterns for architect's selection. C. Include identification on each sample, with full project information. D. Submit the number or samples specified in individual specification sections. Provide at least two copies of each item being submitted for review and selection. These copies will not be returned. E. Reviewed samples which may be used in the work are indicated in individual specification sections. 1.11 CHANGE PROCEDURES A. The Architect may issue a Proposal Request which includes a detailed description of a proposed change with supplementary or revised Drawings and specifications and a change in Contract Time for executing the change. Contractor will prepare and submit an estimate withing seven days. B. The Contractor may propose a change by submitting request for change to the Architect, describing the proposed change and its full effect on the Work. Include a statement describing the reason for the change, and the effect on the Contract Sum/Price and Contract Time with full documentation and a statement describing the effect on Work by separate or other contractors. Document any requested substitutions in accordance with Section 01600. C. Architect may issue a directive, on AIA form G713 Construction Change Directive signed by the Owner, instructing the Contractor to proceed with a change in the Work, for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. Document will describe changes in the Work, and designate method of determining any change in Contract Sum/Price or Contract Time. Promptly execute the change. D. Owner will issue Change Orders, using the City of Lubbock Purchasing Department's Standard Change Order Form, for signatures of all parties as provided in the Conditions of the Contract. 1.12 MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS A. When specified in individual specification sections, submit manufacturers' printed instructions for delivery, storage, assembly, installation, start-up, adjusting, and finishing, in quantities specified for product data. B. Identify conflicts between manufacturers' instructions and contract documents. 1.13 MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATES A. When specified in individual specification sections, submit manufacturers' certificate to architect for review, in quantities specified for product data. B. Indicate that material or product conforms to or exceeds specified requirements. Submit supporting reference date, affidavits, and certifications as appropriate. C. Certificates may be recent or previous test results on material or product, but must be acceptable to architect. PART2 PRODUCTS fin a��o���@ fa�P cng. r`oebh6et'e ., Inc SUBMITTALS 01300 - 4 NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE Fdnuary24, 2006 Section No. Section Title Paragraph 01400.................................................... Quality Control...........................................................1.8 01500....................................................Construction Facilities ................................................ 1.4 ..................................................................................................................................................1.7 ..................................................................................................................................................1.12 01600.................................................... Material and Equipment .............................................. 1.7 ..................................................................................................................................................1.8 01700.................................................... Contract Closeout.......................................................1.3 ..................................................................................................................................................1.6 ..................................................................................................................................................1.7 ..................................................................................................................................................1.8 ..................................................................................................................................................1.9 02050.................................................... Demolition..................................................................1.3 02200.................................................... Earthwork...................................................................1.4 02513.................................................... Asphalt Concrete Paving............................................1.3 02514.................................................... Concrete Curbs, Walks, and Paving ............................ 2.1 ..................................................................................................................................................3.4 02580.................................................... Pavement Marking ...................................................... 1.4 .................................................................................................................................................. 3.2 ..................................................................................................................................................3.5 02811.................................................... Landscape Irrigation...................................................1.4 02905.................................................... Landscaping ................................................................ 1.7 03300.................................................... Concrete ...................................................................... 1.5 ..................................................................................................................................................2.2 ..................................................................................................................................................2.6 ..................................................................................................................................................2.7 .................................................................................................................................................. 3.14 04100.................................................... Mortar and Masonry Grout ......................................... 1.3 04230.................................................... Reinforced Unit Masonry ...........................................1.4 04300 .................................................... Unit Masonry System.................................................1.6 ..................................................................................................................................................2.2 04340.................................................... Reinforced Unit Masonry System ............................... 1.5 05120.................................................... Structural Steel...........................................................1.4 05500.................................................... Metal Fabrications......................................................1.6 05722.................................................... Steel Handrail System ................................................. 1.4 06100.................................................... Rough Carpentry ......................................................... 1.4 07900.................................................... Joint Sealers ................................................................ 1.6 08100.................................................... Hollow Metal Frames.................................................1.6 08111.................................................... Steel Doors and Frames..............................................1.6 08360.................................................... Upward Acting Sectional Doors.................................1.6 08700.................................................... Finish Hardware .......................................................... 1.8 09900.................................................... Painting ....................................................................... 1.7 10410 .................................................... Outdoor Map Display Cases ....................................... 1.4 (This list is provided as a general guideline and is not intended to list all required submittals.) END OF SECTION Baaupog�J�Pr"caneXprohh61io '�"` SUBMITTALS 01300 - 5 No Text February 24, 2006 SECTION 01400 QUALITY CONTROL PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Quality assurance and control of installation. B. References. C. Field samples. D. Inspection and testing laboratory services. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01090 - Reference Standards. B. Section 01300 - Submittals: Submission of Manufacturers' Instructions and Certificates. C. Section 01600 - Material and Equipment: Requirements for material and product quality. D. Individual Specification Sections: Inspections and tests required and standards for testing. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL OF INSTALLATION A. Monitor quality control over suppliers, manufacturers, products, services, site conditions, and workmanship, to produce work of specified quality. B. Comply fully with manufacturers' instructions, including each step in sequence. C. Should manufacturers' instructions conflict with contract documents, request clarification from architect before proceeding. D. Comply with specified standards as a minimum quality for the work except when more stringent tolerances, codes, or specified requirements indicate higher standards or more precise workmanship. E. Perform work by persons qualified to produce workmanship of specified quality. F. Secure products in place with positive anchorage devices designed and sized to withstand stresses, vibration, physical distortion or disfigurement. 1.5 REFERENCES a�4ko d�P 'earvoXPr n6 `eX, Inc QUALITY CONTROL 01400 - 1 February24, 2006 A. Conform to reference standard by date of issue current on date of contract documents. B. Obtain copies of standards when required by contract documents. C. Should specified reference standards conflict with contract documents, request clarification from architect before proceeding. D. The contractual relationship of the parties to the contract shall not be altered from the contract documents by mention or inference otherwise in any reference document. E. ANSI/ASTM E329 - Recommended Practice for Inspection and Testing Agencies for Concrete, Steel, and Bituminous Materials Used in Construction. 1.6 FIELD SAMPLES A. Install field samples at the site as required by individual specifications sections for review. B. Acceptable samples represent a quality level for the work. C. Where field sample is specified in individual sections to be removed, clear area after field sample has been accepted by architect. 1.7 OWNER'S INSPECTION AND TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES A. Owner may employ and pay for services of an independent testing laboratory or owner may use its own personnel and facilities to perform inspection and testing laboratory services. B. If the results provided by the Owner's laboratory differ from the contractor's laboratory report, the owner's laboratory shall be final and contractor shall pay for tests. C. Work found to be unsatisfactory according to test results, shall be removed from the project and �. re -constructed at contractor's expense. 1.8 CONTRACTOR'S INSPECTION AND TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES A. The contractor shall employ and pay for a reputable testing laboratory to perform inspections, tests, and other services specified in individual specification sections and as required by the architect. B. The testing laboratory shall be submitted to the architect for review and acceptance two weeks prior to the first sampling of construction materials. 1. Submittal shall provide years of experience qualifications and certificates of owners, and name lab representative who will be responsible for this project. C. Reports will be submitted directly to the architect from laboratory, in duplicate, indicating 1 observations and results of test and indicating compliance or non-compliance with contract documents. Copies of reports shall also be sent to the contractor for his use. autfianiae "PGearvoX piohhb �`e5•,"`• QUALITY CONTROL 01400 - 2 i February 24, 2006 D. Cooperate with testing laboratory: furnish samples of materials, design mix, equipment, tools, storage and assistance as requested. 1. Notify testing laboratory 24 hours prior to expected time for operations requiring services. 2. Make arrangements with testing laboratory and pay for additional samples and tests required for contractor's use. E. Retesting required because of non-conformance to specified requirements shall be performed by the same testing laboratory on instructions by the architect. Payment for retesting will be charged to the contractor by deducting inspection or testing charges from the contract sum. PART PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION a02�o "dip '� s I o�nb„ee` jnc QUALITY CONTROL O I400 - 3 February 24, 2006 SECTION 01500 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work in this Section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Sanitary Facilities: Contractor's employees, city employees and public. B. Temporary Utilities: Electrical, water, sewer, gas and telephone. C. Field Offices: Services and size. D. Temporary Controls: Barriers, enclosures and fencing, protection of the work, and storm water control. E. Construction Facilities: Parking, progress cleaning, and project signage. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01700 - Contract Closeout: Final cleaning. 1.4 TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES A. Provide and maintain required facilities and enclosures. B. Provide suitable temporary toilet facilities at beginning of work. Review proposed toilet facilities location, and signage with architect prior to installation. 1.5 TEMPORARY UTILITIES A. Contractor shall furnish and install all temporary piping and wiring required for construction. B. Contractor shall provide construction meter loop for temporary power and pay cost of electrical power used for construction. C. Contractor shall provide construction water and pay cost of water used for construction. D. Contractor shall provide all service equipment and gas required for construction. E. All temporary utility connections and distribution shall be approved by owner and respective local utility companies, and shall be removed by contractor at completion of construction. 1.6 TEMPORARY FIELD OFFICES A. Provide weather tight enclosure with lights, telephone, and layout table for drawings. B. Facility shall be large enough to allow for at least three people to stand and meet comfortably. a°4�a e@ dap 'ea�oX P �h65�� Inc.. CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES 01500 - 1 �_ 3 February24, 2006 1.7 BARRIERS A. Provide suitable barriers to prevent unauthorized entry to construction areas while still allowing access for owner's use of site. Protect existing facilities and adjacent properties from damage during construction operation and demolition. Type of barrier to be used will be at the discretion of the contractor and the circumstance involved. The contractor to submit proposed barrier for review and approval by owner. B. Protect vehicular traffic, stored materials, site, and structures from damage. C. Clearly post warning signs all around the work sites. Signs are to be secured to the barriers. D. Suitable barriers include durable solid partitions, chain -link fences, temporary dust and acoustic partitions and woven fabric. Suitable barriers do not include ropes or warning tape tied to saw horses or similar devices. E. Prohibit traffic through landscaped areas. r- F. Contractor is to assist the owner in maintaining the owner's 8'-0" fence around the existing reservoir. The owner's fence is to remain in plase throughout the project until the new screen wall is complete and reservoir is secure. t 1.8 STORM WATER CONTROL A. Grade site for positive drainage around new construction. Maintain excavations free of water. Provide, operate, and maintain pumping equipment when necessary. B. Protect site from puddling or running water. Provide water barriers as required to protect site from soil erosion. C. Contractor shall file and maintain a storm water Retention Plan as required by the State of Texas. 1.9 PROTECTION OF INSTALLED WORK A. Protect installed work and provide special protection where specified in individual specification sections. B. Provide temporary and removable protection for installed products. Control activity in the immediate work area so as to minimize damage of installed work. 1.10 PROTECTION OF LANDSCAPING A. Prohibit traffic through landscaped areas. Damaged landscape shall be replaced at no cost to owner. B. Provide weight dissipating panels under all vehicle tires, tracks, stabilizing arms, and trailer tongues when traveling across or parked on lawns. C. Efforts shall be made to minimize travel on lawns or other landscaped areas. Repair damaged landscaping to an acceptable condition. 1.11 SECURITY A. Contractor shall provide security and facilities to protect work, existing facilities, and owner's operations directly adjacent to new construction from unauthorized entry, vandalism, or theft. a�4k� e�d°aP ahoXproh' bgj' CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES 01500 - 2 February 24, 2006 B. The loss of building materials and/or equipment from the job site will be replaced with same at contractor's expense. C. Coordinate with owner's security program. 1.12 PARKING A. Arrange for temporary parking areas to accommodate construction personnel. B. Coordinate with owner for owner's employee parking. A C. When site space is not adequate, provide additional off -site parking. 1.13 PROJECT SIGNAGE A. There is not to be any project sign erected at the site. Contractor may attach a sign to the chain link - fence during construction, but must remove sign when work is completed. 1.14 PROGRESS CLEANING A. Maintain areas free of waste materials, debris, and rubbish. Maintain site in a clean, orderly condition. Do not allow lawns or weeds to grow taller than six inches. B. Remove waste materials, debris, and rubbish from site weekly and dispose off -site. C. Do not allow hazardous conditions to develop or continue. This shall include lumber with un- pulled nails and concrete with projecting rebars. 1.15 REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY UTILITIES, FACILITIES, AND CONTROLS Y A. Remove temporary above grade or buried utilities, equipment, facilities, materials, prior to substantial completion inspections. ,:... B. Clean and repair damage caused by installation or use of temporary work. C. Restore existing facilities used during construction to original condition. Restore permanent facilities used during construction to specified condition. D. Remove all job signs, barriers, fences, controls and repair holes dug for posts; regrade lawn and/or sod as necessary. 1.16 HAUL ROUTE A. All materials, tools, equipment, etc. shall be transported via the shortest route possible. B. No vehicles are permitted in residential areas. All haul routes shall utilize Memphis and/or 82"' Street. Do not use residential streets to reach or leave the site. PART 2 PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION NOT USED WO e@2�P1'"e oKP �S,h6w, Inc. CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES 01500 - 3 February24, 2006 END OF SECTION a°4fioG"'Z"P'�at�oXpfohh6itef�'" CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES 01500 - 4 February 24, 2006 SECTION 01600 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT PARTI GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Products. B. Transportation and handling. C. Storage and protection. D. Product options. E. Substitutions. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Instruction to Bidders: Product options and substitution procedures. 1.4 PRODUCTS A. Products: Means new material, machinery, components, equipment, fixtures, and systems forming the work. Does not include machinery and equipment used for preparation, fabrication, conveying, and erection of the work. Products may also include existing materials or components required for salvage and reuse. B. Do not reuse materials and equipment removed from existing premises, except as specifically permitted by the contract documents or as approved by the architect. C. For similar components provide interchangeable components of the same manufacturer. D. All materials are to be certified asbestos -free. 1.5 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING A. Transport and handle products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Promptly inspect shipments to assure that products comply with requirements, quantities are correct, and products are undamaged. C. Provide equipment and personnel to handle products by methods to prevent soiling, disfigurement, or damage. 1.6 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING ta �Ha7,BPonco p,.bInc. MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 01600 - 1 February 24, 2006 A. Delivery: 1. Deliver materials, products and equipment to the project site in undamaged condition in manufacturer's original unopened containers or packaging with identify labels intact and legible. 2. Arrange deliveries in accordance with the construction schedule and in ample time to facilitate inspection prior to installation in order to avoid unnecessary delays in the construction process. B. Storage: 1. Store and protect products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. Store sensitive products in weather -tight, climate controlled enclosures. 2. For exterior storage of fabricated products, place on sloped supports, above ground. 3. Provide off -site storage and protection when site does not permit on -site storage or protection. 4. Cover products subject to deterioration with impervious sheet covering. Provide ventilation to avoid condensation. 5. Store loose granular materials on solid flat surfaces in a well -drained area. Provide mixing with foreign matter. 6. Provide equipment and personnel to store products by methods to prevent soiling, disfigurement, or damage. 7. Arrange storage of products to permit access for inspection. Periodically inspect to assure products are undamaged and are maintained under specified conditions. C. Handling: 1. Handle materials, products and equipment in a manner prescribed by the manufacturer or as required to protect from damage during storage and installation. 2. Do not handle material in such a way that may leave permanent scars, dents, impressions, cracks, or blemishes. 1.7 PRODUCT OPTIONS A. Products specified by reference standards or by description only: Any product meeting those standards or description. B. Products specified by naming one or more manufacturers: Products of manufacturers named and meeting specifications, no options or substitutions allowed. C. Products specified by naming one or more manufacturers with a provision for substitutions: Submit a request for substitution for any manufacturer not named. 1.8 SUBSTITUTIONS A. Instructions to bidders specify time restrictions for submitting requests for substitutions during the bidding period to requirements specified in this section. B. Substitutions may be considered after the bid date only when a product becomes unavailable through no fault to the contractor. C. Document each request with complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution with contract documents. D. A request constitutes a representation that the contractor: 1. Has investigated proposed product and determined that it meets or exceeds the quality level of the specified product. 2. Will provide the same warranty for the substitution as for the specified product. f a�4k a upi�canNX AUhi rte'3''ae- MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 01600 - 2 February 24, 2006 3. Will coordinate installation and make changes to other work which may be required for the work to be complete with no additional cost to owner. 4. Waives claims for additional costs or time extension which may subsequently become apparent. 5. Will reimburse for review or redesign services associated with re -approval by authorities. E. Will not be considered when they are indicated or implied on shop drawing or product data submittals, without separate written request, or when acceptance will require revision to the contract documents. F. Substitution Submittal Procedure: 1. Submit three copies of request for substitution for consideration. Limit each request to one proposed substitution. 2. Submit shop drawings, product data, and certified test results attesting to the proposed product's equivalence. 3. The architect, after consultation with owner, will notify contractor, in writing, of decision to accept or reject request. 1.9 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION METHODS OPTIONS A. Where contract documents indicate no specific method of construction, the contractor shall employ standard industry practices. B. Where contract documents indicate a specific method of construction, the contractor shall employ the method indicated or, at his option, may submit a written request for an alternate method of construction. C. Architect/engineer will consider written requests for alternate construction methods, if received in time as to allow for review and return of such requests and for alternation to be made with no delay to total construction methods. See contract for total working days allowed. D. Submit separate requests for each alternate. Support each request with three copes of complete details and/or documentation for alteration. 1. Indicate changes of materials to be used. 2. Show significant effects of alterations to other affects of alterations to other affected areas. PART PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 8naui�oiizaeli'�uplreat oX prohhdlke , Inc. MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 01600 - 3 February 24, 2006 SECTION 01700 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PART GENERAL _. 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Closeout procedures. _ B. Final cleaning. C. Adjustments. D. Project record documents. E. Project Record Binders. F. Warranties and Certificates. G. Texas Accessibility Standards Warranty. H. Spare parts and maintenance materials. I. Starting of systems. 1.3 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES A. Submit written certification that contract documents have been reviewed, work has been inspected, and that work is complete in accordance with contract documents and ready for architect's inspection. B. Final payment will be authorized only after all requirements of this section have been met, all punch list items have been completed and verified by the architect, updated record documents have been delivered to the architect, complete operation and maintenance manuals have been delivered to the architect, a notarized letter for all subcontractors attesting that they have been paid in full, and all known violations of the Texas Accessibility Standards have been corrected. Submit final application for payment identifying total adjusted contract sum, previous payments, and sum remaining due. _. 1.4 FINAL CLEANING -, A. Execute final cleaning prior to final inspection. B. Clean interior and exterior glass and surfaces exposed to view; remove temporary labels, stains and foreign substances, polish transparent and glossy surfaces, vacuum carpeted and soft surfaces. C. Clean equipment and fixtures to a new and sanitary condition. D. Replace all filters of operating equipment with new, clean filters. Provide owner with one complete set of all filters required for all equipment. E. Clean debris from roofs, gutters, downspouts, and drainage systems. a°o a p'cetoXpiohhblreWInc. CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01700- 1 February 24, 2006 F. Clean site; sweep paved areas and rake clean landscaped surfaces. G. Remove waste and surplus materials, rubbish, and construction facilities from the site. 1.5 ADJUSTMENTS A. Adjust operating products and equipment to ensure smooth and unhindered operation. B. If adjustments cannot provide a smooth and unhindered operation, replace product with matching item that will operate correctly. 1.6 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Maintain on site one set of the following record documents; record actual revisions to the work: 1. Contract drawings. 2. Specifications. 3. Addenda. 4. Change orders and other modifications to the contract. 5. Accepted shop drawings, product data, and samples. B. Store record documents separate from documents used for construction. C. Record information concurrent with construction progress. Do not wait to update Record Documents at the end of work, update as work progresses. D. Specifications: Legibly mark and record at each product section description of actual products installed, including the following: 1. Manufacturer's name and product model and number. 2. Product substitutions or alternates utilized. 3. Changes made by addenda and modifications. E. Record documents and shop drawings: Legibly mark each item to record actual construction, showing any and all modifications, including: 1. Measured depths of foundations in relation to finish main floor datum. 2. Measured horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances, referenced to permanent surface improvements. 3. Measured locations of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in construction, referenced to visible and accessible features of the work. 4. Field changes of dimension and detail. 5. Details not on original contract drawings. F. Record Documents are to a part of the final submittal to the architect. Final submittal shall be made prior to claim for final payment. If possible, bind record documents in Project Record Binders 1 described in Paragraph 1.7 of this section. 1.7 PROJECT RECORD BINDERS A. Submit three complete sets of project record data prior to final inspection. Information is to be organized on 8-1/2 x 11 inch pages, bound in three ring durable plastic covered binders. WO f�nXPfhb�c��PCONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 2 February 24, 2006 B. Prepare binder covers with the printed title of "Project Record", the title of the project, the date the project was completed, and the subject matter of the binder when multiple binders are required. 1. Label multiple binders as "Volume I of II" and "Volume II of II", as appropriate. 2. Label the outside of the binder cover and edge, as it would be seen when placed on a shelf. C. Internally subdivide the binder contents with permanent page dividers, logically organized as described below, with tab titling clearly printed under reinforced laminated plastic tabs. D. Contents: Prepare a Table of Contents for each volume, with each product or system description identified. E. Part 1: Directory; listing names, addresses, telephone numbers, and contact person of the architect, the contractor, the subcontractors, and the major equipment suppliers. F. Part 2: Project documents and certificates, including the following: 1. All approved shop drawings and product data. 2. Hauling and dumping permits, receipts, and/or manifest. 3. Air and water balance reports. 4. Written statement certifying that all building materials installed in project are asbestos free. 5. Natural gas pressure test and certification. 6. Contractors' Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims, use AIA Documents G706, 706A. 7. Certificates issued by the architect; change orders, addenda, field reports, instructions, etc. 8. General Contractor's and Sub -Contractors' warranties. (Section 01700, 1.8) 9. Texas Accessibility Standards Warranty. (Section 01700, 1.9) 10. Certificate of Occupancy issued by governing body. G. Part 3: Operation and maintenance instructions, arranged by system and subdivided by specification section. For each category, identify names, addresses, and telephone numbers of subcontractors and suppliers. Identify the following: 1. Significant design criteria. 2. List of equipment, make, model, and serial number. Verify that numbers are correct. 3. Parts list for each component. (Section 01700, 1.10) 4. Operating instructions. 5. Photocopies of manufacturers' warranties and bonds. 6. Maintenance instructions for special finishes, including recommended cleaning methods and materials and special precautions identifying detrimental agents. 1.8 WARRANTIES AND CERTIFICATES A. Provide original warranties and certificates in bound volumes outlined in Section 01700, 1.7. B. Where specifications request warranties and certificates, provide such items requested. Warranties are required of each major sub -contractor who is responsible for an installed building system. C. If applicable, provide required certifications requested by state and local governing agencies. Contractor shall forward copies of the certificates directly to the agency, provide proof of delivery. D. A copy of the certificate of occupancy issued by the governing body having jurisdiction over this project shall be included in the Record Binder. D. The following are known required certificates, other certificates may be required. 1. Flame spread/smoke density ratings of carpets. 2. Certificate of Occupancy. E. Provide a written warranty on contractor's business letterhead stating that the building is warranted against defects in material and labor for a period of one year from date of final acceptance. This is not necessarily the date of substantial completion. Warranty commences only after final payment. 6.20 4�0 d�P eeioXP h6lc�` , I"e• CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 3 Fcbmary 24, 2006 1.9 TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS WARRANTY A. On the contractor's letterhead, provide a written statement that all installed building components have been installed according to the latest adopted version of the Texas Accessibility Standards. B. The statement shall also certify that mounting heights and other locating dimensions provided by the construction drawings have been followed. C. A Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations inspector will walk the site within approximately one year of the completion date. The contractor shall warrant that if, after this walk through, there are items provided and installed by the contractor that do not comply with the code, the contractor shall provide the necessary labor and material to correct the unacceptable items. If the construction documents provided the correct information and this information was not followed, the corrective work shall be at the contractor's expense. If the corrective work is necessary due to changes in the code or omission on the documents, circumstances beyond the contractor's control, the work is to be priced at a fair market value. D. The contractor's warranty shall state that any necessary corrective work associated to the Texas Accessibility Standards shall be completed within 30 days of written notification that the installed work did not pass the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations inspection. E. If for some reason the contractor or sub -contractor does not believe that a given dimension or installation detail is in compliance with the Texas Accessibility Standard, the contractor is obligated to bring this concern to the architect's attention prior to the original installation, not after the project's installations have failed inspections. 1.10 SPARE PARTS AND MAINTENANCE MATERIALS A. Provide product names, list of spare parts, maintenance and extra materials in quantities specified in individual specification sections. B. Clearly label cartons and containers, identify the contents, and applicable project. C. Deliver to project site and place in location as directed by owner and obtain receipt prior to final payment. 1.11 STARTING OF SYSTEMS A. Preparation: 1. Notify architect and owner seven days prior to start-up of each system. 2. Verify that each piece of equipment or system has been checked for proper lubrication, drive rotation, belt tension, control sequence, or other conditions which may cause damage. 3. Verify that tests, meter readings, and specified electrical characteristics agree with those required by the equipment or system manufacturer. 4. Verify wiring and support components are complete and tested. 5. Execute start-up under supervision of responsible manufacturer's and owner's representatives in accordance with manufacturer's instruction. 6. Demonstrate start-up, operation, control, adjustment, trouble shooting, servicing maintenance and shutdown of each piece of equipment to owner's personnel two weeks prior to date of final inspection. 7. Amount of time to be devoted to instruction shall be reasonable and consistent with size of installation and its complexity. PART 2 PRODUCTS 8�4 o e@d��PfcaiioXprohhdIeA,In`. CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 4 February 24, 2006 NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION naui�onie�"dupiicat�ioKprohh6 e$'"` CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 5 February 24, 2006 SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Dust control. B. Protection. C. Availability of work areas. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01500 - Construction Facilities. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. The procedures proposed for the accomplishment of salvage and demolition work shall be submitted for approval. The procedures shall provide for safe conduct of the work, careful removal and disposition of materials specified to be salvaged, protection of property which is to remain undisturbed, and coordination with other work in progress. The procedures shall include detailed description of the methods and equipment to be used for each operation, and the sequence of operations. 1.5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. The work includes demolition or removal of existing construction indicated or specified. All materials resulting from demolition work, except as indicated or specified otherwise, shall become the property of the contractor and shall be removed from the limits of owner's property within five working days of dismantling. B. Maintain a clean and organized job site throughout the demolition phase of the work. C. Coordinate the removal of any security devices with the owner's security representative. D. Coordinate construction routes through existing, undisturbed portions of the facility with the architect prior to beginning demolition. 1.6 DUST CONTROL A. The amount of dust resulting from demolition shall be controlled to prevent the spread of dust and avoid creation of a nuisance in the surrounding area. Use of water will not be permitted when it will result in, or create, hazardous or objectionable conditions such as ice, flooding and pollution. B. Maintain barriers until that portion of the project is complete. sul�onzae�upb anoXF^roh6� :'°e. DEMOLITION 02050- 1 February 24, 2006 1.7 PROTECTION A. Protection of Existing Work: Before beginning any demolition work, the contractor shall carefully survey the existing work and examine the drawings and specifications to determine the extent of the work. The contractor shall take all necessary precautions to ensure against damage to existing work to remain in place, any damage to such work shall be repaired or replaced at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall carefully coordinate the work of this section with all other work and construct and maintain shoring, bracing and supports, as required. B. Protection of Trees: Trees within the project site which might be damaged during demolition and which are indicated to be left in place shall be suitably protected. Any tree that is damaged during the work under this contract shall be replaced. C. Isolate demolition areas from occupied portions of the facility with suitable barriers. Suitable barriers include those described in Section 01500, 1.7 Barriers and Part 2 of this section. 1.8 AVAILABILITY OF WORK AREAS A. Areas in which demolition work is to be accomplished will be available in accordance with the provisions of these specifications. Coordinate work with owner's activities. Restrict unauthorized access to the project site, unless other wise instructed by the architect. PART PRODUCTS 2.1 DUST BARRIERS A. Light sprinkling of water as necessary. 2.2 FENCING A. Maintain and continue to use the Owner's chain fence currently erected on site. The Owner is responsible for moving and/or relocating sections of fence as needed throughout the project. The Contractor is not to move fence. Any portion of the fence that is damaged by the Contractor shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. B. Unless instructed differently by the Owner, an existing access gate suitable for personnel and equipment to pass through is to be locked or secured close whenever personnel leave the job site, including lunch breaks. C. Brightly colored warning signs are to be attached to barrier and continually maintained throughout the life of the barrier. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXISTING FACILITIES A. Existing Surfacing: Existing walks, drives, floors and wall surfaces are not to be damaged during demolition. Protect from damage with suitable measures. B. Other Facilities: Remove within the limits shown to a logical and straight termination as noted on the drawings. C. Temporary: Those materials noted to be temporarily removed, to allow access to areas affected by L this work and then re -installed to match existing adjacent materials, shall be protected from damage and stored on site as directed. a°49a"Pf�aFoKP o�n6l�`' DEMOLITION 02050 - 2 r February 24, 2006 3.2 DISPOSITION OF MATERIALS A. Title to Materials: Title to all materials and equipment to be demolished is vested in the contractor upon receipt of notice to proceed. Items noted to be salvaged shall be returned to the owner and stored as directed. B. Disposition: All materials resulting from demolition shall be disposed by the contractor in accordance with all applicable laws, codes, and ordinances. 3.3 CLEAN-UP A. Debris and Rubbish: Debris and rubbish shall be removed from work sites on a regular basis. Only by prior approval of the architect will debris and rubbish be allowed to accumulate on the site for more than a week. B. Debris Control: Debris shall be removed and transported in a manner as to prevent spillage on streets or adjacent areas. C. The contractor is not permitted to use owner's refuse containers. D. Regulations: Applicable federal, state and local regulations regarding hauling and disposal apply. Provide copies of hauling and dumping permits, receipts, or manifest to architect. Include copies in operations and maintenance manual. E. Cleanliness of Site: Due to the high visibility of the site and potential danger to the public, maintaining a clean and safe site will be critical. END OF SECTION 62 nauigoi ieapficenoi prohh6,�e.' DEMOLITION 02050 - 3 February 24, 2006 SECTION 02200 EARTHWORK PARTI GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to work of this Section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Description of work. B. Quality assurance. C. Submittals. D. Job conditions. 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The extent of earthwork is shown on drawings. B. Preparation of subgrade for building slabs and walks is included as part of this work. C. Backfilling of trenches within building lines is included as part of this work. D. Sand leveling fill under building slabs is included as part of this work. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Codes and Standards: Perform excavation work in compliance with applicable requirements of governing authorities having jurisdiction. B. Testing and Inspection Service: 1. Employ, at Contractor's expense, testing laboratory to perform soil testing and inspection service for quality control testing during earthwork operations. The testing laboratory shall comply with the requirements of ASTM D3740, Evaluation of Agencies Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil or Rock Used In Engineering Design and Construction. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Test Reports: Submit following reports directly to architect from the testing services, with copies to contractor and engineer. 1. Test reports on existing or borrow material for each type of soil encountered. a. Atterberg Limits b. Linear Shrinkage C. Optimum moisture/maximum dry density curve 2. Field density test reports of subgrades and compacted fills. Reports shall indicate soil type or change of soil if any other is used. 3. Verification of each footing subgrade. 4. Report of actual unconfined strength and/or results of bearing tests of each strata tested. 5. Concrete walks and utility pads do not require subgrade testing. 1.6 JOB CONDITIONS A. Site Information H 1. Subsurface soils text reports are included at the end of this section. a a°4�oniae�"�un na eXprohh( teed:'" EARTHWORK 02200 - 1 February 24, 2006 2. Test borings and other exploratory operations may be made by contractor at no cost to owner. B. Existing Utilities: Locate existing underground utilities in areas of work. If utilities are to remain in place, provide adequate means of protection during earthwork operations. 1. Should uncharted, or incorrectly charted, piping of other utilities be encountered during excavation consult utility owner immediately for directions. Cooperate with owner and utility companies in keeping respective services and facilities in operation. Repair damaged utilities to satisfaction or utility owner. 2. Do not interrupt existing utilities serving facilities occupied and used by owner or others, expect when permitted in writing by architect and then only after acceptable temporary utility services have been provided. C. Use of explosives is not permitted. D. Protection of Persons and Property: Barricade open excavation occurring as part of this work and post with warning lights. 1. Operate warning lights as recommended by authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. PART PRODUCTS 2.1 SOIL MATERIALS A. Satisfactory soil materials are defined as those complying with ASTM D 2187 soil classification groups GW, GP, GM, GC, SC, SM, and SP. B. Unsatisfactory soil material are defined as those complying with ASTM D 2487 soil classification groups CH, ML, MH, OL, OH, and PT. C. Subbase Material: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, crushed slag, natural or crushed sand. D. Sand Leveling Fill: Clean, sound, durable, mineral fill material free of organic matter, with a plasticity index (PI) less than 8. E. Topsoil shall be fertile, natural soil of loamy character, free of clay lumps, stones, and debris. F. Backfill and Fill Materials: Satisfactory soil materials free of clay, rock, or gravel larger than 2" in any dimension, debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetable and other deleterious matter. Fill materials shall have a liquid limit between 4 and 30 and the plasticity index shall be between 4 and 12. PART EXECUTION 3.1 EXCAVATION A. Excavation consists of removal and disposal of material encountered when establishing required finish grade elevations. B. Earth excavation includes removal and disposal of pavements and other obstruction visible on ground surface, underground structures, and utilities indicated to be demolished and removed, material of any classification indicated in data on subsurface condition, and other material encountered that are not classified as rock excavation or unauthorized excavation. C. Unauthorized excavation consists of removal of materials beyond indicated subgrade elevations or dimensions without specific direction of architect, Unauthorized excavation, as well as remedial work directed by architect, shall be at contractor's expense. n au9�onze�uplicanoti prohh6itA,Inc. EARTHWORK 02200 - 2 Febmary 24, 2006 D. Under footings, foundation bases, or retaining walls, fill unauthorized excavation by extending indicated bottom elevation of footing or base to excavation bottom, without altering required top elevation. Lean concrete fill may be used to bring elevations to proper position, when acceptable to architect. E. Elsewhere, backfill and compact unauthorized excavations as specified for authorized excavations or same classification, unless otherwise directed by architect. F. Additional Excavation: When excavation has reached required subgrade elevations, notify architect, who will make an inspection of condition. 1. If unsuitable bearing materials are encountered at required subgrade elevations, carry excavations deeper and replace excavated material as directed by architect. 2. Removal of unsuitable material and its replacement as directed will be paid on basis of contract conditions relative to changes in work. G. Stability of Excavations 1. Slope sides of excavations to comply with local codes and ordinances having jurisdiction. Shore and brace where sloping is not possible because of space restrictions or stability of material excavated. 2. Maintain sides and slopes of excavations in safe condition until completion of backfilling. H. Dewatering: Prevent surface water and subsurface or ground water from flowing into excavations and form flooding project site and surrounding area. 1. Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations. Remove water to prevent softening of foundation bottoms, undercutting footings, and soil changes detrimental to stability of subgrades and foundations. Provide and maintain pumps, well points, sumps, suction and discharge lines, and other dewatering system components necessary to convey water away form excavations. 2. Convey water removed from excavations and rain water to collecting or run-off areas. Establish and maintain temporary drainage ditches and other diversions outside excavation limits for each structure. Do not use trench excavations as temporary drainage ditches. I. Material Storage: Stockpile satisfactory excavated materials where directed, until required for backfill or fill. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles for proper drainage. 1. Locate and retain soil materials away from edge of excavations. 2. Dispose of excess soil material and water materials as specified. Excavation for Structures 1. Conform to elevations and dimensions shown within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10 foot, and extending a sufficient distance from footings and foundations to permit placing and removal of concrete formwork, installation of services, other construction, and for inspection. 2. In excavating for footings and foundations, take care not to disturb bottom of excavation. Excavate by hand to final grade just before concrete reinforcement is placed. Trim bottoms to required lines and grades to leave solid base to receive other work. K. Excavation for Trenches 1. Dig trenches to the uniform width required for particular item to be installed, sufficiently wide to provide ample working room. 2. Excavate trenches to depth indicated or required. Carry depth of trenches for piping to establish indicated flow lines and invert elevations. Beyond building perimeter, keep bottoms of trenches sufficiently below finish grade to avoid freeze -ups. 3. Where rock is encountered, carry excavation 6" below required elevation and backfill with a 6" layer of crushed stone or gravel prior to installation of pipe. 4. Grade bottoms of trenches as indicated, notching under pipe bells to provide solid bearing for entire body of pipe. "aaupGcetioXpr0% ice ' � EARTHWORK 02200 - 3 February 24, 2006 5. Backfill trenches with concrete where trench excavations pass within 18" of column or wall footings and which are carried below bottom of such footings, or which pass under wall footings. Place concrete to level of bottom of adjacent footings. 6. Concrete is specified in Division 3. 7. Do not backfill trenches until tests and inspections have been made and backfilling authorized by architect. Use care in backfilling to avoid damage or displacement of pipe systems. L. Cold Weather Protection: Protect excavation bottoms against freezing when atmospheric temperature is less than 35 degrees F. 3.2 COMPACTION A. General: Control soil compaction during construction providing minimum percentage of density specified for each area classification. B. Percentage of Maximum Density Requirements: Compact soil to not less than the following percentages of maximum dry density for soils which exhibit a well-defined moisture -density relationship determined in accordance with ASTM D 698 (Standard Proctor); and not less than the following percentages of relative density, determined in accordance with ASTM D 2049, for soils which will not exhibit a well-defined moisture -density relationship. 1. Structures: Compact top 12" of subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill material at 95% maximum dry density or 90% relative dry density. 2. Building Slabs and Steps: Compact top 12" of subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill material at 95% maximum dry density or 90% relative dry density. 3. Lawn and Unpaved Areas: Compact top 6" of subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill material at 90% maximum dry density. 4. Walkways: Compact top 6" of subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill materials at 95% or 90% relative dry density. C. Moisture Control: Where subgrade or layer of soil material must be moisture -conditioned before compaction, uniformly apply water to surface of subgrade, or layer or soil material, to prevent free water appearing on surface during or subsequent to compaction operations. 1. Remove and replace, or scarify and air dry, soil material that is too wet to permit compaction to specified density. 2. Soil material that has been removed because it is too wet to permit compaction may be stockpiled or spread and allowed to dry. Assist drying by dicing, harrowing, or pulverizing until moisture content is reduced to as satisfactory value. 3.3 BACKFILL AND FILL A. General: Place acceptable soil material in layers to required subgrade elevations, for each area classification listed below: 1. In excavation, use satisfactory excavated or borrow material. 2. Under grassed areas, use satisfactory excavated or borrow material. 3. Under walks and steps, use satisfactory excavated or borrow material, or combination of both. 4. Under building slabs, use satisfactory borrow material plus sand leveling fill. B. Backfill excavations as promptly as work permits, but not until completion of the following: 1. Acceptance of construction below finish grade including, where applicable, dampproofing, waterproofing, and perimeter insulation. 2. Inspection, testing, approval, and recording locations of underground utilities. 3. Removal of concrete formwork. 4. Removal of trash and debris. C. Ground Surface Preparation 1. Remove vegetation, debris, unsatisfactory soil materials, obstructions, and deleterious materials from ground surface prior to placement of fills. Plow, strip, or break-up so that fill material will bond with existing surface. 00 H f neuikoniupfc84 oXprohh6, Inc. EARTHWORK 02200 - 4 February 24, 2006 2. When existing ground surface has a density less than that specified under "Compaction" for particular area classification, break up ground surface, pulverize, moisture -condition to optimum moisture content, and compact to required depth and percentage of maximum density. D. Placement and Compaction 1. Place backfill and fill materials in layers not more than 8" in loose depth for material compacted by heavy compaction equipment, and not more than 4" in loose depth for material compacted by hand -operated tampers. 2. Before compaction, moisten or aerate each layer as necessary to provide optimum moisture content. Compact each layer to required percentage of maximum dry density or relative dry density for each area classification. Do not place backfill or fill material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice. 3. Place backfill and fill materials evenly adjacent to structures, to required elevations. Take care to prevent wedging action of backfill against structures by carrying material uniformly around structure to approximately same elevation in each lift. fc��fT.7:�71r;1;f1 A. General: Uniformly grade areas within limits of grading under this section, including adjacent transition areas. Smooth finished surface within specified tolerances, compact with uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations are shown, or between such points and existing grades. B. Grading Outside Building Lines: Grade areas adjacent to building lines to drain away from structures and to prevent pending. C. Finish surface free from irregular surface changes, and as follows: 1. Lawn or Unpaved Areas: Finish areas to receive topsoil to within not more than 0.10 foot above or below required subgrade elevations. 2. Walks: Shape surface of areas under walks to line, grade, and cross-section, with finish surface not more than 0.10 foot above or below required subgrade elevation. D. Grading Surface of Fill Under Building Slabs: Grade smooth and even, free of voids, compacted as specified, and to required elevation. Provide final grades within a tolerance of 1/2" when tested with a 10 foot straightedge. E. Compaction: After grading, compact subgrade surfaces to the depth and percentage of maximum density for each area classification. 3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL - A. Quality Control Testing During Construction 1. Allow testing service to inspect and approve subgrades and fill layers before further construction work is performed. 2. Perform field density tests in accordance with ASTM D 1556 (Sand Cone Method) or ASTM D 2167 (Rubber Balloon Method), or ASTM D 2922 (Nuclear Gauge Method) as applicable. B. Building Slab Subgrade 1. Make at least one field density test of subgrade for every 2,000 sq. ft. of building slab, but in no case less than 3 tests. In each compacted fill layer, make one field density test for every 2,000 sq. ft. of overlaying building slab, but in no case less than 3 tests. Subsequent layers shall be placed only after the previous compacted layer has been tested and approved by the testing laboratory and architect/engineer. pp. noX prohhbife�: Inc. EARTHWORK 02200 - 5 1 1 Febmary 24, 2006 C. If, in opinion of the architect, based on testing service reports and inspection, subgrade or fills which have been placed are below specified density, provide additional compaction and testing at t no additional expense. 3.6 MAINTENANCE A. Protection of Graded Areas �v I . Protect newly graded areas from traffic and erosion. Keep free of trash and debris. 2. Repair and re-establish grades in settled, eroded, and rutted areas to specified tolerances. B. Reconditioning Compacted Areas: Where completed compacted areas are disturbed by subsequent constriction operations or adverse weather, scarify surface, re -shape, and compact to required density prior to further construction. 3.7 DISPOSAL OF EXCESS AND WASTE MATERIALS A. Removal from owner's property 1. Remove waste materials, including unacceptable excavated material, trash and debris, and dispose of it off owner's property. 2. Disposal of material shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local regulations. Provide copies of permits, receipts and/or manifest. END OF SECTION ((NN11 HH f �naut�onze upi�c noX prohhbieA, Inc. EARTHWORK 02200 - 6 I February 270120 4, 2006 T DH SS- f SQL 1 S11 iG lflflORfl f O �, IBC. "M, a" kWdCMa knuk"dftdAft0WM PROFMIONAL145SMO 5W�3ftW T"nrOWUN or ttq*44 V Laiwow" (406) 78437e • F*X (we) 7e6 - To: Brown -McKee 04 ofReport 03/25/05 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock.Texas 79462 Pape 1 of 2 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-6 - 6aMll at North Side of Tank- Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank Tests #7 & 8 - Backtill at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank 14.11- MI Ir_r =A= rnuoer_Trnru rarer na re Test Number 1 2 3 4 8 6 1 8 Station 70' North 48' North 58' North 19' North 17' North 45' North 10 North 30' South OtftM 84' West is, West 43' East 77 West 30' East 20' East 8' West 6 West Elevation 28th Uft 28th Uft 28th Uft 28th Uft 28th Uft 28th Uft 22nd Uft 22nd Litt D 6 -inches e - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2004 2228 2209 1903 19ti9 2110 2179 1971 Wet Density 127.2 122.6 122.8 129.6 128.2 124.8 123.E 127.9 Moisture Cnt. 171 172 173 179 176 191 158 183 Moistur8(lbs.) 14,1 14.2 14.3 14.9 14.6 16.0 12.9 1&2 Dry Density 113.1 108.3 108.E 114.6 113.6 108.8 110.7 112.7 % Moisture 12.6 13.1 13.2 13.0 12.8, 14.7 11.7 13.5 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 opt Metre, 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 %Comp. 94.0 90.0 90.2 96,3 94.4 90A 920 93.6 • opt. Mstre. 91.2 95.6 06.3 94.8 93.4 107.2 86.4 98.6 Metre. Carr. Standard Counts 7YPe sole Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2717 827 aelrtAR". Above teat results on representative areas indicate the compaction does r In.) and t2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project, s COPIES TO. 2 - Above t P 1- City of Lubbock DYES$-PETE, ---- RY, IA 1 - Chapman -Harvey N- 2504 Rates 5355A by r .1° .Ciae@"arsnwYPrggf6 g1oc. EARTHWORK 02200 - 7 F&m" 24, 2006 MEMBEROF; ���jj(([}}''---j(�}j'T��-j��j L(,1 �rj{j(�1 RUN }(�j}j�� �(j{ ■ Amaip Ta�r73r20 MiwiomBaciMrfaTw1lnQMIwIM �UL� 1 l 1 LI 1 � U �! tV 417Uo111 l� �1 l � �� 0"Mkall • Ea( Aam wn8od*o1 &QkM r PROFESSIONALTESTING ■ 3E6334ft8too Tew CVX" d ttrl*4e* p (S? 7 • fox (SM U&IM TO., Brown -McKee PA, Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Date of Reporh 03125105 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-6 - Backfili at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank 115nm NUCLEAR =MPACTIAM TEST DATA RMICIrnn Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 Station 63' North ST North 44' North 28' North 31' North 10' North Offset 58' West 38' West 13' East 59' East IvWest 58' West Elevation 28th Lift 28th Lift 28th Lift 28th Lift 28th Lift 28th Litt Depth B - inches 8 - inches 8 - inches 8 - Inches 8 - Inches 6 -inches Density Grit 2094 2552 2048 2138 2181 2589 Wet Density 130.8 121.8 131.8 129,8 128.9 122.2 Moisture Cnt 197 172 191 194 190 180 Molsture(ibs.) 19,8 12.7 14.3 1*3 14.2 13.4 Dry Density 116,0 109A 117.8 115.8 114.7 108:S % Moisture 12.7 11.7 12.1 12.3 12.4 12.3 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120,3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 117 13,7 117 13.7 % Comp. 96.9 90.7 97.7 96.1 95A 90.4 % Opt Mstre. 92.7 85.4 88.3 89.8 90.5 89.0 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2420 858 I'mMutxs: Above teat results on representative areas Indicate the compaction doey of optimum moisture as specified for this project. f 4 COPIES To: 2 - Above 1- City of Lubbock DYEss-PEKE V 1 - Chapman -Harvey Pro)sat No. 2004 RNA tim 5360 by l ill 4' and t2% fa 6.209fi � � aW'oX �.' g I.C. EARTHWORK 02200 - 8 February 24, 2006 MEMBER of. (� �� tt r ((tt jj �� j' j � ((11 GIN ! rj (l j {prj�� j1�yj' pi}(�� ttytt I # ARWVW, Taxes M20 A4*11WCwwftotT�drrpMtaterWs ( i �� ATIE .� 0 �,L IN j O l � �i , ff. �T2 1811 � Pau{668}3723SSB AmadWrCar�aMatmt�ae (J („ I (, (.. (J j, Arkan of s &0'* PMFP;MONAL 3E&MG s6.i9� rna4W SVW TaxaaGameofEOwwkp des to"mg-s"s • FUt8047116&tm TO:, Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03/25/06 PAO. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 79452 Page 2 of 2 Tested In Accordance With ASTM designation: 02922 91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #9-14 - Backfili at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank Tests #15 & 16 - Backfiil at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Paint of Radius at East Side of Tank 9!0fiam NUCLEAR CDMPAC'nON TEST nATA rater -fit! Test Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Station 60' North 49' North 52' North 26' North 31' North 18' North 41' North 37 South Offset 50' West 17' West 28' East 58' East 41' East 10' West 5' East 17 East Elevation - 27th Lift 27th Lift 27th Lift 27th Lift 27th Lift 27th Lift 24th Lift 24th Lift Deem 6 - inches 6 -inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2004 2042 1998 2049 2010 2308 2090 2360 Wet Density 132.8 131,8 132.9 131.7 132.6 126.4 130.9 125.3 Moisture£nt 206 231 198 215 206 182 197 184 Moisturs(lbs:) 15.3 17.6 14.9 15,3 15.6 13:5 14A 13.7 Dry Density 117.5 114.1 118.1 115.4 117.1 112.9 116.1 111.7 % Moisture 13.0 16.5 12.6 14.1 13.3 12:0 12.7 12.2 Std. [lenity 120.3 120.3 120.3 120♦3 120;3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt, Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13,7 13:7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 97.7 94.9 98.1 96.9 97.3 93.8 96.5 92:8 • Opt. Mstre. 94.8 113.1 91.9 102.9 97.0 57,5 92.7 89.0 Mstre. Corr, Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2420 656 REMARKs: Above test results on representative areas Indicate the compaction does (min.) and t.2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project, COPIES TO: 2 - Above r 1- City of Lubbock DyESS.P ti TOF! , INC. 1- Chapman -Harvey ProOd No• 2604 Report No. 53698 a04�o e�da�P'eervoXP^r.% `A, Inc. EARTHWORK 02200 - 9 n i T r February 24, 2006 MEMBEROF: 0����4111.SO0 K9 i % M I UR9J IRE. t�37249 Aox(S i46, �3t44W 79120 Anwior� saiok Far T-*V U"Iak P.O.8m[ 30M ANWkSOW" Society Amuioen Cmae� Inr1YA�' • Lubbock T*M 79M Amwkw Sgd*V of CM K PWPV89I0NAL TE8T7Q G sass 4an sent Tian C&Ad d F Ch Inp Labora as OW 785 4M . F= ($M lea-i9% T0: grown -McKee Date of Report; 03/24/05 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 7902 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas 6aekfilf at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank 9-nneen MIMI PAD !`nUDAfMnN T=QT nATA Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 8 T 8 station 11' North 58' North 19' North 63' North 26' North 71' North Offset 67 West 31' West 5' East 47 East 58' East 43' East Elevation 26th Lift 28th Lift 28th Lift 26th Lift 26th Lift 26th Lift Depth 6 -Inches 6 - Inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2573 2346 230 2512 2494 1978 Wet Density 121A 125.6 125.6 122.8 123.9 133.3 Moisture Cnt 174 176 188 182 178 205 Moisture(Ibs.) 12.8 13.2 13.8 13.5 13.3 15.4 Dry Density 108.6 112.4 111.8 109.0 110.8 117.9 % Moisture 11.8 11.8 12.9 12.4 12.0 13.1 Sid, Density 120.3 12M3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt Metre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 Comp. 90.3 93.4 92.9 90.6 91.9 98.0 % apt. Metre. 86.1 86.1 90.6 90.5 87.5 95.6 Metre. Corr. Standard Counts ype il: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density 1 Moisture 2435 652 RENIARIM Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does e � in) and t2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project. Sr�t1t COPS TO: 2 - Above 1- City of Lubbock DYEBS-PET ORY C. 1- Chapman -Harvey PmJod No, 2604 RVW No. 5354by ' R.10 ueeaa`t`iuXproh"b'it r"` EARTHWORK 02200 - 10 Fcb`uary 24, 2006 MEMBER OR r% DS�SS- RSM TtSTIIIG HOW ORS, It �'t �� Mrdae Wadnp sa>>tq ■ t Wbac1 Taus 7Y42A M&AM9aei� aCMRye. PROFRM0NALTZ9MG sass4968"W TuraccW" iacWiD¢ssre • FIXwei'46-im TO., Brown -McKee Datoofitsport: 03/24/06 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 79452 Paper i of 2 Tested in Accordamm With ASTM Designation: D2922-91 PFWJECT' City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-8 - Back81i at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank Tests #7 & 8- 8ackfill at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank 3!1§nm NUCLFAR MUPACTIM TFgT neTA a -"I# Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 1d' North 31' North 28' North 66' North 74' North 58' North 36' North 21' South Offset 56' West 2V West 42 East 38, East il' West ST West 13' East IU' East Elevation 25th UR 25th Lift 25th Uft 25th Litt 25th Lift 25th Leh 20th Lift 20th Uft Depth 6 - Inches 5 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches Density Cnt 2518 26M 2461 2461 2502 2163 2207 2340 Wet Density 122.9 121.0 123.4 123.4 122:7 129.3 128.4 125.6 Moisture Cnt, 186 172 190 178 176 203 188 188 Moisture(lbs.) 13.8 12.7 14.2 12.9 12.9 15.3 13,8 14.0 Dry Density 108.5 108.3 109.2 110.6 109.8 114,0- 114,8 111.6 % Moisture 12.8 11.7 13.0 11 7 11.7 13.4 12:1 12.8 Sid. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 113.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 • Comp. 90,2 90.0 90.8 91.9 91;3 84.8 95.3 8Z.7 • Dpt. Mate. 93.4 85.4 94.8 86.4 86.4 97.8 88,3 91.9 Matra, Corr. Standard Counts ype Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2936 652 REmAR cs: Above test results on representative areas indicate the com p potion does (din,) and *296 Of optimum moisture 83 specified for this project, � �t comm. 2 - Above i - City of Lubbock DYES$•P TORY n 1 - Chapman -Harvey rt', ,� 7 2 e Roject No, 2604 Rapport No. 5353A by .. EARTHWORK 15 02200 - 11 February 24, 2006 MEMBER OR T P.O. Sa mm Sudety FaT�eiLg htatadab AM%1, nConttfah� Aft GATIASOH � S IOG � O 1 RYA � (am=-�e• m !T!I at fts tip $--* • Lubtiodt. Ta w?$M iYTQliC8i1 $Oddly Ot rCh9 nQMtN1'i T%OFM10r4,ALTESMG 583349 S"W Texas *=X11 of &*W"*V UOWMCA" t8881786,4378 • Rex i8081785.1959 TO: Brown -McKee Qate of Report: 03/25105 PA, Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Pop 2of2 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation. D2922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests 49 & 10 - Backfili at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank w.ea.,... NI Irl EIlR f`nUPdCTInfU TEST nATA Raakflil Test Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Station 30` North 48' South Offset 5` east 10' East Elevation 25th Litt 25th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - Inches Density Cnt, 2409 2558 Wet Density 124.4 121.7 Moisture Cnt. 182 178 Moisture(ibs.) 13.5 12.9 Dry Density 110.9 10&.8 % Moisture 12.2 11.9 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 Opt. Metre. 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 92.2 90.4 % Opt. Metre. 89,0 88.8 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture REmAlws: Above test results on representative areas Indicate the Compaction does r r.} and t2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project.-! Fif# COPIES TO: 2 - Above 1 - City of Lubbock DYtESS-PET ' DRY, INC. 1- Chapman -Harvey I `"� * a °. Proms Na 2604 Report No. 53618 by /� U P 1bl6eni Nupi cats rohh6i A:Inc EARTHWORK 02200 - 12 Febmary 24, 2006 MEMSM AmWwC Far d1W* aMW. WSATIRSOH 11STS MURMUR IRE. W011 - Fix (80% tzM LuhDoek TOW79121 A W&Wsod*d cm &*Asm PR0F=8I0NAL7%WM0 50340SbW T"" Owi ace d & kwwiv Labw"Mi s (106) 793-e9 , fax (60G) MINg TO: Brown -McKee DateofRapart:- 03124/06 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79462 PsQ* 1 of 2 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922-91 PROJECT, City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-e - 8eck(ill at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank Tests #7 8 8-13acknU at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank 11.302m NUCU PAR cniuRer.Tinui TEST nATA ae "11 Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 Station 61' North 39 Noah 47' North 26' North 53' North 1T North 21' South 3T South offset 67 West 19 West 1T East 58' East 69 East 15' West 54' West 19 East Elevation 24th lift 24th Lift 24th Uft 24th Uft 24th Uft 24th Lift 21stUft 21st lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. Y490 2515 2138 2206 2394 2435 2396 2566 Wet Density 122.9 123.6 129.9 128A 126.7 123.8 124.6 122.6 MoistureCnt. 184 167 190 204 169 201 182 168 Moistura(lbs.) 13.7 13.2 14.2 15.4 13.4 15.1 13.5 13.2 Dry Density 109.2 110.3 115.7 113.0 112.3 108.7 111.1 109.4 % Moisture 12.5 12.0 17-3 13.6 11.9 13.9 12.1 12.1 Std. Density 120.3 12D.3 120.3 1201 120.3 120.3 1203 120.3 Opt Matra 13.7 13.7 131 13.7 13.7 13.7 117 13.7 % Comp. 9o.8 91.7 90.1 93,9 93.3 90.4 92.4 91.0 % Opt. Metre; 91.2 87.5 89.7 99.2 se's 101.4 88.3 SU Mstra Corr. Standard Counts Type Soii: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2935 652 REMARM Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction doesPow. WV of optimum moisture as specified for this project. s < COPIES Ttr. 2 - Above `.: ' .�,� j 1 - City of Lubbock DYES" 1 - Chapman -Harvey '( Project No. 2604 aapmt No. 5362A by and t2% 7E 8.1o��e@2e�Pp�noX^' hda Inc EARTHWORK 02200 - 13 Fcbn ry 24, 2006 DESSATIRSQII GTIGG SURTORJ, IBC. ��,; AnMm 8owy at C t:I am FAOFM1oNAL TFj844I1 G ■ { k Tsxr ft" Cot" Coof r�pi "kV tabu k"W sass 7 rec417xs-ears • Fsxoe>7ES1"Q (e796Y To., Brown -McKee P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Date of Report: 03/25/05 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922-91 Pegs i of 2 PROJECT- City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Teats #1-5 - Backtili at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank Teats #8-8 - Backflli at West Side of Tank- Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank A-AAnm Alt 1^1 CAfl ww�a lfA AlYw�� �� Test Number 1 2 -' -- 3 4 b 8 Aa14iA1111 Station 4Z South 39' South 32 South 21' South 49' South 48' North 9' North 33' South offset 49' West 38' West 14' Fast 48' East 20' East 14' West 17 West 9' West Elevation 24th Lift 24th Lift 24th Lift 24th Lift 24th Uft 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd LNt Depth 8 -inches 8 - Inches B -inches 8 - Inches 1 8 - Inches 8 - Inches 8 - inches 8 - Inches Density Cnt. 2520 2089 2085 2543 2445 2331 2288 2397 Wet Density 122.3 130.9 130.9 121.9 123.7 125.8 128.7 123,5 Moisture Cnt 187 188 205 183 193 207 203 203 Moistute(ibs.) 13.9 13,8 15.4 18.8 14A 15.8 15.3 15.3 Dry Density 108A 117.1 115,5 108.3 109.3 110.2 111.4 1102 % Moisture 12.8 11.8 13A 12.5 13.2 14.2 13.7 13.9 Std, Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 12M3 120.3 Opt. Matra. 13.7 13,7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 90.1 97.3 96.0 9M 1 90:8 91.8 92.8 91:8 % Opt. Mstre. 93A 100.2 97.8 91.2 98.3 102.8 100.0 101.4 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soi Reddish Yellow Sandy Loan clay Density Moisture RBMARKs: Above test results on representative areas Indicate the compaction does of optimum moisture as specified for this project. .1� f.: COPIES TO, 2. Above t - City of Lubbock DYtcss.pE 1- Chapman -Harvey ProJec t Na 2604 R"wd No. 5361A by and ;t2% INC. Rr- a(.ko�@"dlup�"�oXP"rb'"` EARTHWORK 02200 - 14 February 24, 2006 MEMBER OP. PA. box Nom Atrgrkm Sxlsyr FarTN1Yp Awe&m CwwM* brNN DS-PTRO� TS�I(GflBORflO�, X.tS".s MW1M s at ' 1PWFES 10NAL TZS17NG1 "aT am T""0%ff401&#"0"L0b� Wel> s.flaxteas)7ea.,is4 TO. Brown -McKee pate of Report 03/23/05 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Pop 1 of 2 Tasted in Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-8 - Backfili at North Side of Tank- Distances from Center Paint of Radius at North Side of Tank Tests #7 & 8 - Backfill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank M.12A- , Mr rr-r FAM r nUPAIMM TFAT naTA R�Wu Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 47' North 63' North 61' North 24' North 15' North 30' North 30' North 61' South Offset 67 West 28' West 60' East 39' East 4' East 6T West 6 East 10' East Elevation 23rd Litt 23rd Lift 23rd Lift 23rd t.ift 23rd Lift 23rd Lift 21st Lift 21st Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - Inches 6 - Inches 6 - Inches Density Cnt. 2400 2407 2371 2468 2331 2427 2442 2383 Wet Density 124A 123.3 126.0 123A 12&$ 124A 123.7 124.8 Moisture Cnt. 190 186 212 189 197 196 187 193 Moisture(ibs,) 14.2 13.8 16.0 14.1 14.8 14.7 13.9 14.4 Dry Density 110.2 109.5 109,0 109.4 111.1 109.3 109.8 110.4 % Moisture 12.9 12.8 14.7 12.9 13.3 13.4 12.7 13:1 Sid, Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre; 131 13.7 13.7 13.7 117 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 91.6 91.0 90A 90.9 92A 90.9 91.3 91.8 % Opt Mstre. 94.1 91.9 107.2 94A 97.0 97.3 92.7 95.8 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2389 677 REmARI s: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction doe . - in.) and t2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project. tf; COPM8 To: 2 - Above c: -.iAEL COPE # A 0 1 - City of Lubbock DYESS-PE M ON TOR INC. 1 •Chapman -Harvey. v No, 2804 Roport Nm 6361A by ia��,hX�h'"° o ,."" . ii I-aftFc1, 24, 2001 MEMBER OR [S �tl[RO 1tS1 LflP0fl� RU j (808}s72rea Amt 0s3s 20 k wdan sod* FatTSOW4 Atlt I* I}- i(,o. sw: arias Amatian o"Cr M Inaft" TIN kmrkan sodetY en*A ra PROFESSIONAL TESTING � 6663 0 8b" Teiias Cµ 4 of En mfrp Ldwamea t 1765 837e • Faz Wei 7W19% To: Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03125/05 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79462 Page 1,02 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922-01 PROJECT. City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-5 - Backfiil at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank Tests #6-8 - Backfill at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank e.nc-- ntt lrt truer rtnUPAnT111M TPAT neTA Rnc 011 Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 62' South 55' South 59' South 31' South 17' South 91' North 11' North 34' South Offset 48' West 33' West 43' East 37 West 36' East 10' West 13' West 'i7' West Elevation 23rd Lift 23rd Lift 23rd Lift 23rd Lift 23rd Litt 21st Lift 21st Lift 21st Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2534 1993 2181 2439 2692 2423 2387 2358 Wet Density 122.1 133.0 128.9 127.9 124:3 126.2 124.9 125.3 Moisture Cnt. 178 203 198 203 209 196 186 191 Maisture(ibs.) 13.2 15.3 14.9 15.4 15.5 13.6 13.8 14.3 Dry Density 108.9 117.7 114,0 112.5 108.8 112.E 111.0 111.1 % Moisture 12A 13.0 13,0 13.7 14.2 12.1 12.5 12.8 Sid. Density 120.3 120.3 12M3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 opt. Metre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 fib Comp. 90.6 97.9 94.8 93.0 90.4 93.6 92.2 92,3 • Opt. Mstre. 88.3 04.8 94.8 100.0 103,E 88.3 91.2 93.4 Mstre. Gorr. Standard Counts Type Soll: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture REMaRKs: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does � f8i"%e-g( of optimum moisture as specified for this project. r k F r; COPIES TO. 2-Above i 1- City of Lubbock DYESS-PEt' � 1 - Chapman -Harvey It f Prolect No. 2604 Report No. 5359A by i�ZwvL+. aaui�oiiiae��uplcanoXpr`o`�hbi°� Inc EARTHWORK and t2aA INC. p6� 02200 - 16 February 24, 2006 P.O. Box 300M t«WiW30tii : 0 �1� Q 1 I G AGE�, I C. t. Americen SoelbtY%rT*sikq trleh A CWW"lMft" a t+bbock,Tmn ?W4 sod* of Ow &*"m pROFES$Ip1YAL TE9TiNG1 i 78b 76 • Fsx{�b"78lrtsb&' Taxis cornet a Fr*W0atA-W- TO: Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03126105 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,'Texas 78452 Tested in Accordance with ASTM Designation. 02922-91 PROJECT; City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 Lubbock, Texas Test #9 - Sackful at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank REMARKS: Above test resutts on representative areas indicate the compaction does of optimum moisture as specified for this project. i CopIEs T'n; 2 - Above DYES$ -FETE 1 - City of Lubbock 1 - Chapman -Harvey project No. 2604 Report No. 5365E bt'------- INC. Pe 6.2 ui9onia upGcst oX prohh6 ta, Inc. EARTHWORK 02200 - 17 sow a �IIGfl0flFebmary 24, 2006 MEMBER OR Amnkm -� RS � ,11. '" �i t e W S lUbb6dLTa=?W4 PxaFUSSO AL sTic sasa,ft sow razes Cased (MM 7$ 079 • FAx ISM 745-ism TO: Brown -McKee Mtn of'Repert; 03i21105 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Page t of 2 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922-91 PROJECT. City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-6 - Backfilt at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Paint of Radius at North Side of Tank Tests #7 & 8 - Backfili at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tanis A«Annm NlIM Fe0 rnU0ArT1r K1 T=*T nnTA n- Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 74' North 52` North 69 North 21' North 17 North 40' North 8' South 5& North offset 88` West 14' West 45' East 68' West 30, East 19' East 11' West 13' West Elevation 21st Lift 21st Lift 21st Lift 21st Lift 21st Lift 21st Lift 16th Lift 16th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2337 2181 2200 2270 2369 2401 2362 2205 Wet Density 123A 126.5 126.1 124.7 123,0 122.2 123.1 126.9 Moisture Cnt, 169 189 178 170 169 165 lei 202 Molsture(lbs.) 13.4 is"! 14.1 13.5 13A 13.1 14A 16.2 Dry Density 110.0 111A 112.0 111.3 109.6 109.1 108.7 109.7 % Moisture 12,2 13.5 12.6 12.1 12.2 12.0 13.3 14.7 Sid. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 opt Mstre' 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 • Comp. 91.5 92.6 93.1 92.6 91.1 90.7 90.3 91,2 • Opt. Mstre. 89,0 98.6 91.9 88.0 389.0 87.5 97.0 107.2 Mstre. Corr, Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture F 2480 663 ReraAws. Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does txtqXr11P*9ttP (min.) and t2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project.$ Cates TO. 2 -,Above 1 - City of Lubbock OyeSS-PpE LAO TOR Y is 1 - Chapman -Harvey i Prolact NO, 26N Report fro. 5342A by naut6onzupGcano�i prohh6 �ct,4.,Inc. EARTHWORK 02200- 18 j Febmary 24, 2006 MEMBER OP 0 A0VWkT"w7q12o aoakMSocWFor TosengMa mish p0.8ac lurarkan CtWE ao+s PROMSIONAL�DYG; 8 t 6W3 ft : Texas Cound or Ongth ft t sboraroe (806) 78$078 + Fax tM8i 7W12 R TO* Brawn -McKee Date of Report, 03124105 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Page 2 of 2 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922-91 PROJECT. City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #9-11 - Baoktiii at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank Tests #12 & 13 - Backfiii at East Side of Tank -'Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank Tests #14-16 - Backfiii at West Side of Tank Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank i i •3nnm NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Rackfiti Test Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Station 56' South ST South 42` South 31' North 32' South 51' North 13' North 38' South Offset 41' East 5' West 6T East 16 East 10' East 5' West 14' West a' West Elevation 21st Lift 21 st Lift 21st Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 19th Lift 19th Lift 19th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 -inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cot. 2676 2379 2374 2420 2465 2386 2430 2410 Wet Density 121 A 125.6 125,0 124.2 1213 125.8 124.1 123.2 Moisture Cnt. 171 180 197 181 182 199 178 169 Moisture{lbs.) 12.6 13.3 14.8 13.4 13.5 13.7 13.8 13.8 Dry Density 108.8 111.E 110.2 110.8 109.8 112.1 110.3' 109.4 % Moisture 11.7 11.9 13.4 12.1 12.3 12.2 12.5 12.6 Std. Density 120.3 120,3 120.3 120,3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Metre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 %Comp. 90.4 92.8 91.6 92.1 91.3 93.2 91.6 90.9 %Opt: Metre. 85.4 86.8 97.8 88.3 89,7 89.0 91.2 91.9 Metre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2435 652 aEMARtts: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction door ,' of optimum moisture as specified for this project. - . COM TO: 2 - Above L 1 - City of Lubbock DYE 1 - Chapman -Harvey Project No, 2604 Report No. 53528 by and t2% INC. Pe. aauiganzeil�upl�c noX prohh6��"e�• Inc.EARTHWORK 02200 - 19 February 24, 20N MEMBER OF: nuu-P�Tpu -f QTinP l fl�R(I� flUflu inn ( .,` (�` Mwiori BocMy t;ar7a6p 11Wedd� ftnia P.O. So 900�IY s PMVEMONAL TESM0 a 5e59T44M M"..r T CouncAolt?nyiM.rrgtaborMair (eaerft(UM 7 &lmm To* Brown -McKee DO* of R"Mt: 03/23MS P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Pap2o(2 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922-91 PROJECT; City of Lubbock Pump Station #10- Lubbock, Texas Tests #9-13 - 8ackfill at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank Tests 014-16 Backfili at West Side of Tank Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank .4-SAr en NUM PAR VnMPLCTIM TPAT IIATA RartkAll Test Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Station 29' South 24' South 16' South 80' South 55 South 51' North 17 North 29' South offset 59' East 18, West 30' West 19' East 39' East 15' West e' West 10' West Elevation 20th Uft 20th Lift 20th Lift 20th lift 20th Lift 18th Lift 18th UR 18th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 8 - inches Density Cnt. 2248 2287 2308 2210 2538 2197 2435 2429 Wet Density 127.5 126.6 120.2 128.3 122.2 128.6 123.9 124.0 Moisture Cnt 212 213 212 194 163 187 178 195 Moisture(lbs.) 16.0 16.1 1e.0 14.5 13.6 13.9 13.2 14.8 Dry Density 111.4 1 %6 110.2 113.8 108.6 114.7 110.8 109A % Moisture 14.4 14.6 14.5 12.8 12.5 12.1 11.9 13.3 Std, Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 12M3 120.3 12M3 Opt Metre' 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 117 13.7 % Comp' 92.6 91.9 91.6 94.6 90.3 95.3 92.1 90.9 % Opt. Mstre. 105.1 106.5 105.8 963A 91.2 88.3 86.8 97.0 Metre, Cart. Standard Counts yps Soli: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 1 23811 877 tEMARKs. Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction dotes of optimum moisture as specified for this project. coPWs TO: 2 - Above ' 1- City of Lubbock DYES$-PETEq 1- Chapman-Harvey-M 4"� Pro)rct No. 2804 Repoli No, 5351 B by and t2% pe" j t_ Eoe°nzeC aplica�i'uX p^n'rhh$t.'me. EARTHWORK 02200 - 20 February 24, 2006 MEMBEfOrW4 DES49IRSOH GIN l� NTORY, IN. �' � _ kWkm Sad* FarT*8ftU0kWa PA. aor3050 MNrbm Conontai�rYlya MnAanaaa.yal t�pl»«a Pt3OFESSIONALTESTING A 5W34ah$U*M Taaacwa of 6000"la6o "ift me) 786.63" - Fax (W la .IM To: Brown -McKee tests of Reports 03/24/06 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 79452 Peps 2ef 2 Tested in Accordance With A8TM Designation: 02022-91 PRAT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Teat #9 - Backfili at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank Tests #10-14 - Backfill at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Paint of Radius at South Side of Tank Teats #16 & 16 - Backfill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank 3-ainm NUCLEAR CnAAPA1'_TInN TFAT n&'rA as "If Test Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 Is 16 Station 42'South 51' South 39' South 26' South 52' South 38' South 41' North 30' South Offset 18' West 48' West 21' West 31` East 49' East 55' East 9' East 10' East Elevation 20th Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 23rd Lift 23rd Lift Depth 6 - inches 8 - inches 8 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt: 2270 2016 2189 2419 2393 2377 2330 2415 Wet Density 127.4 133.e 128.8 124.2 124.7 125.0 125,9 124,3 Moisture Cnt 180 184 184 193 192 192 187 186 Moiature(ibs.) 13,81 14.7 13.7 14.4 14,3 14.3 13:9 13.8 Dry Density 113,3 118.9 115:1 109.7 110.3 110.0 112.0 1%8 % Moisture 12.2 12.4 11.9 13A 13.0 13.0 12.4 12.4 Sid. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120:3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 117 13.7 131 13.7 % Comp. 54.1 98.8 95.7 91.2 91.7 92.0 93.1 91.9 • Opt Matra. Wo 90.5 We 95.8 94.8 94.8 90.5 WS Matra. Corr. Standard Counts pe Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2936 652 REMARKS: Above test results on representative areas Indicate the compaction does In 7 (min.) and t23b of optimum moisture as spectfled forthla projecL- x;...> F�k�} t COPIES TO: 2. Above r �� 1 - City of Lubbock DYESS-PEtE . TORY INC. i - Chapman -Harvey Proled Mk 2804 Report No. 5363B by 13.204k«;'�e@daup,X,v.eXPgbfgj Ine- EARTHWORK 02200 - 21 February24,2006 M6Mi3i_R t�F: jr�� t rtr�,j Am P.O. oak som Aaeetirab Soaibfy For TssHng AiebtNk AmWkM Caxreie l -{r��� � fT` GIN L� }�ttjtr�! 1 f t836i 372-49! Fox (80 ) 37 krealcen W"V saferyt 1 U U U f ■ Luta6och, T 79424 kwicanaweryoiowE+oom PROFESSIONAL TESTINO S8894A8rsmr* Tame C&Ad of Engkm*q Laloolorive t808178S•8378 • Fax (888)7WIM TO: Brawn -McKee hate of Report: 03/22105 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Paget of3 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #9 & 10 - Backfill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank Tests #11-16 - Backfill at North Side of Tank - distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank Kit iri hers r_niuoarrinm TF qT nnra Ractriiti Test Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 Station 37 North 50' South 72' North 50' North 61' North 20" North IV North 46' North offset 6` East II'East 86' West 16, West 48' East 64" West 31' East 22' East Elevation 20th Lift 20th Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cat. 1981 1897 1954 2108 2116 2026 1888 1887 Wet Density 127,7 129.7 128.3 126.1 124.8 126.7 129.8 129.9 Moisture Cnt. 201 183 187 166 184 188 204 194 Moistureilbs.j 1&0 15.3 15.6 13.7 16.3 1&7 17.2 , 16.3 Dry Density 110.7 114A 112.7 IIIA 109.6 111.0 112.6 113.E % Moisture 16.3 13.3 13.9 12.3 14.0 14,2 15.3 14.3 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120,3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt' Matra. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 92.0 96.1 93.7 92.6 91.0 92.3 93.6 94A % Opt. Matra. 111.6 97,0 101A 89.7 102.1 103.6 111.E 104.3 Matra, Corr. ]Type Standard Counts Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2723 661 esiaaexs: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does m o 9004.,Qnin.) and 324/4 of optimum moisture as specified for this project.,$ COPIES TO: 2-Above + "` ""• -"" - 1- City Of Lubbock DYESS-PETdIR RY, C. I - Chapman -Harvey _ u Prolact No. 2604 Report No. 5345E by A Uaaut�oniae upGcert,. probhirr ' Inc.EARTHWORK 02200 - 22 February 24, 2006 MEMBER OF: ■ o Texas 79'20 D ISSAIM 0H GTE ..fl E I URY, ME. °:"tom � ' n 79424 Ametkm $ of r PRoFEsszoxnLTEgr BBrr.44ftfitmo Tex"emadErpeneodvtabcraW4" (000 7NAM-Faxteas)tee m TO: Brown -McKee Date of R"Hull' 03121/05 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 7902 Page 1 of 2 Testeii in Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922:91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-6 - Backfiil at North Side of Tank - Distances from Inlet Pipe at North Side of Tank Tests#7 S 8 - Backfill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank Me IM eeo rnrunar.'rvnrd TPQT nnTA Rurktltt Teak Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 station 13' North 26' North V North 63' North 59' North 48' North 51' North 27' South offset SW West 17' West ev East 49` East 13' West 39' West 10' East ITEast Elevation 20th L ift 20kh Lift 20th Lift 20th Lift 20th Lift 20th Lift 17th Lift 17th Uft Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 8 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2204 2227 2190 2232 2243 2206 2178 2162 Wet Density 126.0 125:6 128:3 125.4 126.1 12&0 126.5 126.8 Moisture Cnt. 194 180 188 186 208 169 195 202 Moisture(lbs.) 16.6 14.3 15,0 14.7 16.7 13A 15,6 16.2 Dry Density 110.6 111,2 111.3 1101 108A 112.E 110.9 110,6 % Moisture 14.0 12.9 13.5 13:3 16.4 11.9 14.0 14.6 Sid. Density 120.3 120,3 120.3 120.3 120,3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 131 13.7 13.7 133 13.7 13.7 %Comp: 91.8 92,5 92.5 92.0 90.1 9$.6 92.2 92.0 %Opt, Wore] 102.1 94.1 98.5 97.0 112A 86.8 102.1 106.6 Mstre; Corr, Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2480 663 REMARKS: Above test results on representative areas indicate the companion doesA of optimum moisture as specified for this project. Codas To: 2 - Above 1 - City of Lubbock DYESS PE1iE 1- Chapman -Harvey `+ Project No. 2604 Ra+ixt No. 5341A by and:2% t fiaa°qgo"uPi"ee oXPiohh6eieX'I"` EARTHWORK 02200 - 23 February 24, 2006 MEMBER air: MMW�ft D -� RS0 11 C1 fl 0 fl ,IBC. Amerkmr Saciltp fnx Tsatiq t1"�11 Amakeft Cane %lrc OW* AMVkxawsid6rp9octetit a UtbOCKTaxas79424 A,„ e&a, sod„ d Cid a PROFESSIONAL TESTING 5653 4M SUW ieaai 785 a378 + Fax t808} 19 rtA54 Tezm COAAad of Ef4*"** LAWMWM TO. Brown -McKee Date of Reporh 03122/06 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79462 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation. 02922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-5 - Backfili at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank Tests #e-8 - 8ackiili at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of rank wn ant eeo nnaat�ArT4ntr TCQY' nATE Rsckfill Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 491 South 43' South 36' South 20' South 46' South 50' North 11' North 30' South Offset 90' West 34' West 16' East 46' East 21' East IV West 9' West 11' Wast Elevation 19th Lift 19th Lift 19th Lift 19th Lift 19th Lift 17th Lift 17th Lift 17th Litt Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt, 2151 1972 2127 2204 2025 1988 1874 1795 Wet Density 124.1 128.0 124.7 123A 126.8 12T6 130.2 133;5 Moisture Cnt. 178 169 165 163 176 172 189 178 Moisture(ibs.) 14.8 13.9 13.6 13.4 14.6 14.2 16;8 14.8 Dry Density 109.3 114A 111.1 109.7 112.2 113A 114.4 118.7 % Moisture 13.5 12.2 12.2 12.2 13.0 12.5 13.8 12.5 Sid. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt, Matra. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 117 % Comp, 90.9 94.8 92.3 91.2 93.3 94.3 95.1 98.7 % Opt. Mstre. 98.5 89.0 89.0 89,0 94.8 91.2 100.7 91.2 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2723 661 REMARKS: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction doss most ttX%SQ%q (min.) and t2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project. r J COPIES TO* 2 -Above :� f i - City of Lubbock DYIESS-P r. ORY, C. 1 - Chapman -Harvey No. 2604 Repwt No. 5346A by _ = f f 6.20 ut�eniae�iuplHcaiiuriPA, th je , Inc EARTHWORK 02200 - 24 Feb'uary 24, 2006 Mwemnewi': 11` n.E f((f`��yy ({�jj yj�y An1NiWt1 Ganaeie balk ��)� S �rtj- 0r ]7 i � ���i,/ iJ(�� �(��{j I t� �}}�j( I UK I t;1. iBfM M-491 • 806j 37PAft�bS�F Am ft-Yhidtnp 8ft" l i LubW* Tales TW4 cwSixfoydOld &Vk"m 1`'ftt MSION'AL1Z$r` G. Ww49ts"M T"" c"W of Ea9i WWw V LaWMbe4s 0" 7$54m • fax t908178&IM TO, Brown -McKee Date of it erwtt: 03118t05 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 79452 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Backftll at North Side of Tank - Distances from Inlet Pipe at North Side of Tank t1-302m Nt3E,t_EAR P[fMPArTIARi "TGRT nATA tt-Witl Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 4& North 61' North 52' North 2W North 17' North 31' North Offset 60' West 32' West 53' East 37' East 5' East 61' West Elevation 19th lift 19th Lift 19th Lift 19th Litt 19th Lift 19th Lift Depth 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - Inches 6 -Inches Density Cnt. 2307 2672 2467 2451 2541 2202 Wet Density 124,3 122.9 123.5 124,0 126A 12T2 Moisture Cnt. 201 170 195 197 214 220 Moisture(lbs.) 13A 13.6 14.8 15.0 14.1 13.9 Dry Density 110.9 109.3 108.7 109.0 112.3 1133 % Moisture 12.1 12;4 13.6 13.7 12.8 12.3 Sid, Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 opt; Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 92.2 90.8 90.4 90,6 93.3 94.2 % Opt. Metre. 88.3 90.5 99.2 100,0 91:9 89.7 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2410 661 ReMnaKs; Above test results an representative areas indicate the compaction does met flies 9 in.) and t2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project. cOPIt3s TOc 2 - Above [el ti 1- City of Lubbock DYESt3-PE 1z o TORY, i 1 - Chapman -Harvey ; �? Pr*d No. 2604 RapoR rye. 5344 by Yinsutgoniae� pi�cBhoX prohh6tc`ei,t°e. EARTHWORK 02200 - 25 February 24, 2006 MEMBER OP P.01 am "M FarTaft Amoticancap"WAsam WSAIRSOH NETS LROU I UR MC. ..T. ainarsca, sodary of c rs PROFESSIONAL =';tMG sass 4�t 5tteal Texas Cma of &*WWhV (,aboiatoeks (808i T85-89T@ • Eaz i806y 785-t458 to: Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03/17/06 P,O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation. 02922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Backfiil of North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point Radius on North Side ..a c•wn wswarn TiAai TCQT r%ATA Ra'" l Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station IT North 37 North 28' North 69 North 75' North 56' North Offset 61' East 23' East 81' west 59` West 23' West 60' East Elevation 18th Lift 18th Lift 18th Lift 18th Lift 18th Lift 18th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 8 - inches Density Cnt. 1757 2116 1835 2190 2057 1880 Wet Density 132.7 124.4 130,8 122.9 125.6 129.E Moisture Cnt. 186 192 185 173 189 170 Moisture(ibs.) 16.6 16.1 15A 14.3 15.8 14.0 Dry Density 117.2 108.3 116.4 108.6 109.8 115.5 % Moisture 13.2 14.9 13.3 13.2 14.4 12.1 Sid. Density 120,3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13,7 13.7 %Comp. 97.4 90.0 95.9 90.3 91.3 96,0 % Opt. Mstre. 96A 108.8 97.1 96.4 106.1 88.3 Mstre, Cott. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2700 626 mmARRs: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does of optimum moisture as specified for this project. r caPlEs TO: 2 - Above DYESS-P R 1 - City of Lubbock 1 - Chapman -Harvey 4 project No. 2604 R"WM No. 5326 by the 94°fr' n.) and *2% A. inyi x , 1 . 4rl tra°oikoniaeil3aaPcaioXPiiohb6e�c. Inc. EARTHWORK 02200 - 26 February 24, 2006 MEMBER OF D - RS 11 G fl fl It C. 9. �> i�1 pfl.i= Ameriartaodaiyof Ergtnwis PROF'ESSIOXALT S7WG ■ $8884MSkeet Texas ed r of Ei+pinee&p Lbb 0" 785Pe97a - Fex t8081785:iM To: Brown -McKee Date of Repott' 03/21105 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922-91 PROJECT. City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1 & 2 - Backfili at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank Tests #3 7 - Backfili at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank O.Ac.... Nit IM FACT r_n!UIPWITirsni TF_gT nnTa. R-Irtr❑ Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 31' North 41' South 50' South 41` South 38' South 21' South 48' South Offset 10' East 5' East ST West 36' West 17' East 44' East 26' East Elevation 18th Uft lath lift 18th Uft 18th Lift 18th Lift 18th Lift 18th Uft Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 -Inches e - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2375 2319 2683 2237 2308 2218 2697 Wet Density 126.5 126:5 124.1 128.3 126.7 128.6 123.2 Moisture Cnt. 188 202 192 187 213 201 186 Moisture(ibs:) 14.2 15.4 15.8 14.1 16A 14.3 14.8 Dry Density 111,3 111.1 108.3 1141 110.4 114:3 108A % Moisture 12,8 13.9 14.8 12.4 14.8 12.5 13.7 Std. Density 12M3 120,3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 opt, Matra. 13,7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 %Comp. 92.5 92.4' 90.0 1 94.9 911 9510 90.1 % opt. More. 93.4 101 A 87.5 90.5 108.0 91.2 100.0 Mstre. Cora`, Standard Counts Type Soii: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2480 663 REMARKS: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction of optimum moisture as specified for this project. COPIES TO: 2 - Above 1 - City of Lubbock DYERS-p i - Chapman -Harvey Proled No- 2604 Report ft. 5343 by i does M- V9G%. (min.) and t2% h1 LAtiiii TORY,,# naul�oniacuplicanoX prohh�tetct, Inc. EARTHWORK 02200 - 27 t�-`, D/�f}}-- T t� /� �ry February 24, 2006 A l:iimC o (jib ISSATIR O F�{ 5 A €�� I.UR , K. t808j 372J9a •LUt�64dt 7$42A MwJ=$**VFerT""MMffWb '(JiiJi jyJ >tJ, jj lj 'U( UM M�ericro tanwela ItMBtikdl *nW1om So �rq Si*W E Pl?UFE3 10r4n'.[; zMG Amrdcat Soaisb d Ctvt t?rgirwn Sti53 M 5aeoi T"" Cora of Erin wkv fe08I 765.4378 • FAA (s" M-1959 f" To: Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03/21/05 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Pew 2 of 2 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02022-91 �_- PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #9-13 - Backfill at South Side of Tank - distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank Tests #14-16 - Backfilt at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank xr. nr�rawn^rrnwl7'c+Q7 r'1ATA Rankfill a:usam Test Number 9P26* ,... 11 - - - 12 - - 13 14 15 16 Station 31' Southth Ir South 57' South 61'South 49' North 13' North 28' South Offset 58'Eastst 48' West 21'west 47 East 16 West a' West 17 West Elevation 17th Littift 17th raft 17th Lift 17th Lift 15th Uft 15th Lift 15th Lill Depth 6 -inches -nces 6 -inches 6 -inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2171 2179 2165 2349 2256 2273 2380 1906 Wet Density 126.6 126.4 126.8 123.2 125.0 124.6 122.6 132.6 Moisture Cnt 208 207 191 183 177 182 164 192 Moisture(ibs.) 16.7 16.6 15.2 14.6 14.1 14.5 13.0 15.3 Dry Density 109.9 109.8 111.6 108.6 110,9 110.1 109.E 117.3 Moisture 15.2 15.1 13.7 13A 12.7 13.2 11.8 13.1 Sid. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt Mstre. 13,7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13,7 % Comp. 91.4 91.3 92.7 90.3 92.2 91.5 91.1 97.5 % Opt. Mstre. 110.9 110.2 100.0 97.8 92.7 98:3 86.1 95A Mstre, Corr. Standard Counts Type Soit: Reddish Yellow Sanity Lean Clay Density Moisture 2480 663 REMARKS: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction d0es V"'j t�t�90�M6�min.} and t2°di of optimum moisture as specified for this project.VA Copies TO: 2 - Above � 1 - City of Lubbock DYESS-P t2 T } TORY INC. 1 - Chapman -Harvey€,? ' Protect No. 2604 Report No. 6341 B by nauth'o e P eanoXProhh6fgj., Inc. EARTHWORK 02200 - 28 j February 24, 2006 Aff*ic ER OF; (' � (� (1> P.O.ftwm Fax(00%37 lv"=Sad*FofTftftM#ferkle AmrNicenConcrNefrpde � t k 1 j ! (aoa M49r -SM !(j t * T isros�ait;oo*of ON Eno*" FROMS1014AL TESTING Oft t W Tem cara a Mow*ffOq Lgoftdu (OMTB"M • Fax(0"7ss.iss9 TO; Brown -McKee vateorReport: 03/21105. P.O. BOX 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79462 Page 2 of 2 Tasted In Accordance With ASTM Designation; D2922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Test #9 - Backflli at West Side of Tank - Distances from Canter Point of Radius at West Side of Tank Test #10 - Backfili at East Side of Tank- Distances from Canter point of Radius at East Side of Tank LdOnm NUCLIFAR CCMPACTI[]N TEST r1ATA Rnr4}fif Test Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Station 19 North 48' North Offset 6' West 10' east Elevation 16th Lift 19th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2223 2477 Wet Density 126.6 123.6 Moisture Cnt. 196 178 Moisture(lbs.) 16.7 13A Dry Density 109.9 110.3 % Moisture 14.3 12.1 Sid, Density 120,3 120,3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 • Comp: 91 A 91.7 • Opt, Mstre. 104.3 88.3 Mstre. Carr. Standard Counts Type Boil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2480 663 REMARK& Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does fpwai°i# -90"k*(min.) and t2°lo of optimum moisture as specified for this project. COPIES TO: 2 - Above 1 - City of Lubbock DYESS-PE" 0 1TORY, M1 1- Chapman -Harvey r Proled No. 2604 Raport No. 63428 by ^a°q(oe@�^PranoXProbn6i`A'f^e EARTHWORK 02200 29 February 24, 2006 Anwim$W*ftTo*gM"Ws F.O. awl P Amedow Ind Arnprieu�8odatYot (i�,$$i #hil1S.'ii*, '% iG SW 40 ftW Tan C"XI of ErgT "ft (soel "s-sm • Fax (a" ns-109 TO: Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03/17/06 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 79452 Tested to Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 Lubbock, Texas Tests #1 & 2 - Backfill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank Tests #3-7 - Backfiil at South Vide of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank a-15nm NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfill Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 37' North 41' South 54' South 47` South 22' South 31' South 18' South Offset g' East 11' East 63' West 13' West 53' East 13' East 41' West Elevation 16th Lift 16th Lift 16th Lift 16th Lift 16th Lift 16th Lift 16th lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2196 2184 2582 2434 2638 2481 2459 Wet Density 129.0 129.2 121.7 124.4 123.7 122.6 124.4 Moisture Cnt, 205 218 174 192 193 185 194 Moisture(lbs.) 15.7 16.8 13.0 14.6 14.8 13.2 16.2 Dry Density 113.4 112.4 108.7 109.8 108.9 109.4 109.2 % Moisture 13.8 14.9 12.0 113 13.6 12.1 13.9 Sid, Density 120.3 120.3 12M3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt' MstM 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 94.2 93.5 90.4 91.3 90.6 90.9 90.8 % Opt. Mstre. 100.7 108.7 87.5 97.0 99.2 88.3 101.4 Mstre. corr. Standard Counts Type Soii: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2408 664 REmmi(s* Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does of optimum moisture as specified for this project. F COPIES TO.' 2 -Above 1 - City of Lubbock DYESS-PETER 1 - Chapman -Harvey ProJed No. 2604 Report No. 5327 by {min.} and t2% INC. a t e �P '� noX Plo h6gi, Im_ EARTHWORK 02200 - 30 Febmary 24, 2006 Section 02225 TRENCHING PART GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Excavating trenches for utilities. B. Compacted fill from top of utility bedding. C. Backfilling and compaction. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 16010 - General Electrical Provisions. - 1.4 REFERENCES -- A. ANSI/ASTM D1557 - Test methods for moisture -density relations of soils and soil -aggregate mixtures using 10 pound rammer and 18 inch drop. 1.5 DEFINITIONS A. Utility : Any buried conduit, pipe, or cable. 1.6 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify that survey bench mark and intended elevations for the work area as shown on the drawings. 1.7 COORDINATION A. Verify work associated with lower elevation utilities are complete before placing higher elevation utilities. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 FILL MATERIALS A. Fill type to match existing. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Identify required lines, levels, contours, and datum. B. Protect plant life, lawns, and other features remaining as a portion of final landscaping. aauifionh"upPOnoX probh6ii`e�,`"` TRENCHING 02225 - 1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 February 24, 2006 C. Protect bench marks, existing structures, sidewalk, paving and curbs from excavation equipment and vehicular traffic. D. Maintain and protect above and below grade utilities which are to remain. E. Cut out soft areas of subgrade not capable of compaction. Backfill with fill type S and compact to density equal to or greater than requirements for subsequent backfill material. EXCAVATION A. Excavate subsoil required for utilities to. B. Cut trenches sufficiently wide to enable installation and allow inspection. C. Do not interfere with 45 degree bearing splay of foundations. D. Hand trim excavation as required. Remove loose matter. E. Remove lumped subsoil, boulders, and rock up to 1/3 cu. yd., measured by volume. F. Stockpile excavated material in area designated on site and remove excess material not being used, from site. BACKFILLING A. Backfill trenches to contours and elevations with unfrozen materials. B. Systematically backfill to allow maximum time for natural settlement. Do not backfill over porous, wet, frozen or spongy subgrade surfaces. C. Soil fill type S: Place and compact material in continuous layers not exceeding 8 inches compacted depth. Allow for settling and backfill as specified. D. Employ a placement method that does not disturb or damage conduit in trench. E. Maintain optimum moisture content of fill materials to attain required compaction density. F. Remove surplus fill materials from site. G. Leave fill material stockpile areas completely free of excess fill materials. TOLERANCES A. Top Surface of Backfilling Under Paved Areas: Plus or minus 1 inch from required elevations. B. Top Surface of General Backfilling: Plus or minus 1 inch from required elevations. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field inspection and testing will be performed under provisions of Section 01400. B. Compaction testing will be performed in accordance with ANSI/ASTM D1557. C. If tests indicate work does not meet specified requirements, remove work, replace, compact, and retest. Unaa9oniae p ioat. p ohh6,ia, Inc. TRENCHING 02225 - 2 � z_ D. Frequency of Tests: Each lift at one hundred foot intervals. 3.6 PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. Reshape and re -compact fills subjected to vehicular traffic during construction. END OF SECTION Wui�onieuplHcenoX prohh6ite'°° TRENCHING February 24, 2006 02225 - 3 February 24, 2006 SECTION 02514 CONCRETE CURBS, WALKS, AND PAVING PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, and Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The extent of concrete curbs, walks, and paving is shown on the drawings. B. Comply with applicable requirements of Section 03300, Concrete Work, for materials, testing, mixing, placing, and curing, except as specified otherwise. 1.3 JOB CONDITIONS A. Grade Control: Establish and maintain the required lines and grades. PART PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Forms: 1. Either steel or wood, of size and strength to resist movement during concrete placement and to retain horizontal and vertical alignment until removal. Use forms that are straight and free of distortion and defects. Bent, twisted, split, or defective form materials are not permitted. 2. Use flexible spring steel forms or laminated boards to form radius bends as required. 3. Coat forms with a non -staining, clear, paraffin base form oil that will not discolor or otherwise deface the surface of the concrete. B. Concrete: Comply with applicable requirement of Section 03300, Concrete Work, for concrete materials. Concrete mix shall not be the same as used for building slabs and foundations. Exterior concrete shall attain a minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi at 28 days and shall contain 6 sacks (564 lbs.) of cement per cubic yard of concrete, 6% plus or minus 1 % of entrained air, coarse aggregate V or smaller, and shall be poured with a slump of 5" plus or minus 1". C. Expansion Joints: Premolded cane fiber saturated with asphalt. Unless indicated otherwise, 1/2" thickness by depth of slab less 1/2" below top of concrete. At curbs and gutters, furnish special section to meet local curb and gutter specifications. All exterior expansion joints are to have the top 1/2" depth filled with gray exterior grade sealant, submit sealant to architect. D. Color Admixtures: Submit range of available color admixtures for review, selection, and approval. Colored concrete shall be used at accessible ramps and as shown on drawings. E. Tactile Texture: Submit proposed tactile texture for review, selection, and approval. Tactile pattern shall comply with Texas Accessibility Standards, 4.29.2. F. Reinforcement admixtures: Contractor shall provide fiberglass reinforcement in all mix recipes to the ration recommended by manufacturer. Fiber Crete is an acceptable product. 8�4�o e@daaP,c.g. pr.% te'e�: Inc. CONCRETE CURBS, WALKS, AND PAVING 02514 - 1 Provide steel reinforcement shown on drawings in addition to fibers. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 SURFACE PREPARATION 3.2 3.3 Febmary 24, 2006 A. Remove all loose material from the uniformly compacted subbase surface immediately before placing concrete. FORM CONSTRUCTION A. Set forms to the required grades and lines, rigidly braced and secured. Install sufficient lengths of forms to allow continuous progress of the work and so that forms can remain in place at least 24 hours after concrete placement. Tops of walks and paving shall slope at least 1/8" per foot. B. Check completed formwork for grade and alignment to the following tolerances: 1. Top of form units: Not more than 1/8" in 10 feet. 2. Vertical face: Longitudinal axis, not more than 1/4" in 10 feet. C. Clean forms after each use and coat with form oil as often as required to ensure separation from concrete without damage. CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. General: 1. Comply with the requirements of Section 03300, Concrete Work, for mixing and placing concrete and as herein specified. 2. Do not place concrete until subgrade and forms have been checked for line and grade. Moisten subgrade as required to provide a uniform dampened condition at the time concrete is placed. Do not place concrete around manholes or other structures until they have been brought to the required grade and alignment. 3. Place concrete using methods which prevent segregation of the mix and as little rehandling as possible. Consolidate concrete along the face of forms and adjacent to transverse joints with an internal vibrator. Keep vibrator away from joint assemblies or side forms. Use only square -faced shovels for hand -spreading and consolidation. Consolidate with care to prevent dislocation of reinforcing, dowels and joint devices. Do not over vibrate. 4. Deposit and spread concrete in a continuous operation between transverse joints, as far as possible. If interrupted for more than 1/2 hour, place a construction joint. Sections less than 15 feet in length between transverse joints will not be permitted. Remove such sections if directed by the architect. B. Curbs and Gutters: Automatic machine may be used for curbs and gutter placement at contractor's option, if acceptable to the architect. If machine placement is to be used, submit revised mix design and laboratory test results which meet or exceed the minimums herein specified. Machine placement must produce curbs and gutters to the required cross-section, lines, grades, finish, and jointing as specified for formed concrete. If results are not acceptable, remove and replace with formed concrete as specified. I l a�� �ze�da"PfearvoXPoShbI:'"` CONCRETE CURBS, WALKS, AND PAVING 02514 - 2 February 24, 2006 3.4 JOINTS A. General: Construct expansion, weakened -plane (contraction) and construction joints true -to line with face perpendicular to surface to the concrete, unless otherwise shown. Construct transverse joints to align with previously placed joints, unless otherwise shown. B. Weakened -Plane (Contraction) Joints: Provide weakened -plane (contraction) joints, sectioning concrete into areas equal to width of walk or as shown on the drawings. Walks 5 feet wide shall have joints at 5 feet on center, 4 feet wide walks to have joints at 4 feet on center and so on. Construct weakened -plane joints for a depth equal to at least 1/4 concrete thickness. C. Tooled Joints: Form weakened -plane joints in fresh concrete by grooving top portion with a recommended cutting tool and finishing edges with a jointer. D. Construction Joints: Place construction joints at the end of all pours and at locations where placement operations are stopped for a period of more than 1/2 hour, except where such pour terminates at expansion joints. 1. Construction joints as shown or, if not shown, use standard metal keyway section forms. E. Expansion Joints: Provide premolded joint filler for expansion joints abutting concrete curbs, catch basins, manholes, inlets, structures, walks, and other fixed objects. 1. Expansion joints shall be at 20 feet on center, unless otherwise shown. 2. Extend joint fillers full -width and depth of joint and not less than 1/2" or more than 1" below finished surface. Whenever possible furnish joint fillers in one-piece lengths for the full width being placed. Where more than one length is required, lace or clip joint filler sections together. Form top edge of filler to conform to top profile of concrete. 3. Protect the top edge of the joint filler during concrete placement with a metal cap or other temporary material. Remove protection after both sides of joint are placed. 3.5 CONCRETE FINISHING A. Finishes: 1. All sidewalks, concrete aprons, and porches shall be floated with a light broom finish, to provide non -slip finish. 2. Curbs, gutters, and driveway approaches shall be finished with a stiff -bristled broom to provide non -slip finish. Provide sample for review and approval. 3. Provide tactile surfaces on walks that lead to or through hazardous conditions according to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Provide sample for review and approval. B. The following finishing procedures shall be observed: 1. After striking -off and consolidating concrete, smooth the surface by screeding and floating. Do not use "jitterbugs". Use hand methods only where mechanical floating is not possible. Adjust the floating to compact the surface and produce a uniform mixture. 2. After floating, test surface for trueness with a 10 foot straightedge. Distribute concrete as required to remove surface irregularities and refloat repaired areas to provide a continuous smooth finish. 3. Work edges of slabs, gutters, back top edge of curb, and formed joints with an edging tool and round to 1/2" radius, unless otherwise shown. Eliminate any tool marks on concrete surface. °4�oiiacuplreai oXP fhb �`: ` CONCRETE CURBS, WALKS, AND PAVING 02514 -3 Febmary 24, 2006 4. After completion of floating and when excess moisture or surface sheen has disappeared, complete surface finishing as follows: a. Broom Finish: Broom finish, by drawing a fine broom across concrete surface, perpendicular to line of traffic. Repeat operation if required to provide a fine line texture acceptable to the architect. b. On inclining slab surfaces, provide a coarse, non -slip finish by scoring surface with a stiff -bristled broom. 3.6 CURING A. Protect and cure finished concrete walks, curbs, gutters and paving, complying with the applicable requirements of Section 03300, Concrete Work. Use moist -curing methods whenever possible for first 24 hours, then apply curing compound. 3.7 REPAIRS AND PROTECTIONS A. Repair or replace broken or defective concrete as directed by architect. B. Drill test cores where directed by architect when necessary to determine magnitude of cracks or defective areas. Fill drilled core holes in satisfactory pavement areas with portland cement concrete bonded to pavement with polysulphide-epoxy binder or with polysulphide resin grout, complying with FS MMM-G650B CANC. C. Protect concrete from damage until acceptance of work. Exclude traffic from pavement for at least 14 days after placement. When construction traffic is permitted, maintain pavement as clean as possible by removing surface stains and spillage of materials as they occur. D. Sweep concrete pavement and walks free of stains, discoloration, dirt, and other foreign material just prior to final inspection. END OF SECTION a'.9koWuP'eaioXp o5,h,", Inc.CONCRETE CURBS, WALKS, AND PAVING 02514 - 4 February 24, 2006 SECTION 02525 WATER WELL PUMPS PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Submersible well pumps. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. ABS: Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene plastic. B. PA: Polyamide (nylon) plastic. C. PE: Polyethylene plastic. D. PP: Polypropylene plastic. E. PVC: Polyvinyl chloride plastic. 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Minimum Tested Water Supply Well Performance Capacity: 60 GPM 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit certified performance curves and rated capacities of selected well pumps and furnished specialties and accessories for each type and size of well pump indicated. B. Shop Drawings: Show layout and connections for well pumps. 1. Wiring Diagrams: Power, signal, and control wiring. 2. Setting Drawings: Include templates and directions for installing foundation bolts, anchor bolts, and other anchorages. 3. Project Record Documents: Record the following data for each water supply well: a. Pumping Test: Static water level, maximum safe yield, and drawdown at maximum yield, b. Alignment: Certification that well is aligned and plumb within specified tolerances. C. Field quality -control reports, including the following: e�°g .Cle�`duPp eryoXPA, h6t`'g, InoWATER WELLPUMPS 02525 - 1 February 24, 2006 February 24, 2006 r above grade. Install driver plate nea test data. itenance Data: For each well pump to include in emergency, operation, and >ottom. an ils. id undamaged. able clamps that do not have sharp Qc lifications: Installer must be a licensed PI (Pump Installer) in Texas with np and piping. __ mts, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, a t sting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for nd straight termination as noted on to allow access to areas affected by -ials, shall be protected from xi: ing 8" Steel. C 60, Type II. C 33, fine and coarse grades. ig and Bonding." and Cables." F bricated of ASTM A 666, Type 304 stainless steel tube; with slotted or -in tests all in compliance with the nd designed for well -screen applications. nmental Quality (TCEQ). Submit all pL igs: Butt -type, stainless -steel coupling rings. :es. Swab casings using alkalis, if : Screen, with necessary fittings, closes bottom and makes tight seal between _ _, and well casing. 3ni ;ring Velocity: 0.1 fps. A100. oratory and well -screen ater for various pumping rates, and t controls and pressure setting. nent •� - raded filter sand, maximum 1/8 inch in diameter. im im 1/4 inch in diameter. TIPS 02525 - 4 WATER WELLPUMPS 02525 - 2 Febmary 24, 2006 5. Performance Testing: Conduct final pumping tests after wells have been constructed, cleaned, and tested for plumbness and alignment. a. Arrange to conduct tests, with seven days' advance notice, after test pump and auxiliary equipment have been installed. Note water -level elevations referred to for each assigned datum in wells. b. Provide discharge piping to conduct water to locations where disposal will not create a nuisance or endanger adjacent property. Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. c. Provide and maintain equipment of adequate size and type for measuring flow of water, such as weir box, orifice, or water meter. d. Measure elevation to water level in wells. e. Perform two bailer or air -ejection tests to determine expected yield. Test at depths with sufficient quantity of water to satisfy desired yields. f. Test Pump: Variable capacity test pump with capacity equal to maximum expected yields at pressure equal to drawdown in wells, plus losses in pump columns and discharge pipes. g. Start and adjust test pumps and equipment to required pumping rates. h. Record readings of water levels in wells and pumping rates at 30-minute maximum intervals throughout 24-hour minimum period. i. Record maximum yields when drawdown is 60 inches above top of sucion screens after designated times. j. Operate pumping units continuously for eight hours after maximum drawdown is reached. k. Record returning water levels in wells and plot curves of well recovery rates. 1. Remove sand, stones, and other foreign materials that may become deposited in wells after completing final tests. E. Water Analysis Testing: 1. As required by TECQ. 3.4 CLEANING A. Disinfect water supply wells according to AWWA A100 and AWWA C654 before testing well pumps. B. Follow water supply well disinfection procedures required by authorities having jurisdiction before testing well pumps. 3.5 PROTECTION A. Water Quality Protection: Prevent well contamination, including undesirable physical and chemical characteristics. B. Ensure that mud pit will not leak or overflow into streams or wetlands. When well is accepted, remove mud and solids in mud pit from Project site and restore site to finished grade. C. Provide casings, seals, sterilizing agents, and other materials to eliminate contamination; shut off contaminated water. D. Exercise care to prevent breakdown or collapse of strata overlaying that from which water is to be drawn. E. Protect water supply wells to prevent tampering and introducing foreign matter. Retain temporary well cap until installation is complete. END OF SECTION a00� �Z uP'� noXPh61�e�:`" WATER WELLPUMPS 02525 - 5 February 24, 2006 SECTION 02810 IRRIGATION SYSTEM PARTI GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY u A. Scope of Project - 1. The Contractor shall supply all supervision, perform all work, furnish all labor, tools, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to fully and properly perform all work as shown on the plans and described in the specifications. All construction and other work shall be completed in accordance with all governing codes and ordinances, with the best engineering and construction practices, including material manufacturer's recommendations for installation and workmanship, for the skill or trade involved. 2. We request that your proposal be made in conformance with the guidelines contained in the specifications and on all plans. The contract shall be awarded to the company with the proposal determined to be the most advantageous to the City of Lubbock. B. Work included: _. 1. Product Substitution 2. Irrigation 3. Special Conditions C. Additional Information 1. Al I information under General Instructions to Bidder, General Conditions of Agreement, and Special Conditions apply to this section. 2. The bidder shall be prepared to send the Owner a price breakdown of any and/or all items on which he has bid. Price breakdowns will only be requested after the bid opening has taken place. 3 3. These plans and specifications were prepared by the Parks Department (which shall be called the Owner). The Owner shall verify all construction stakes for locations of elements at project sites, and give the owner 48 hours to approve the staking before construction can begin. D. Quality Assurance 1. Contractor's on Site Responsibilities a. The Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to protect all existing landscaping sidewalks, buildings, vehicles, utilities, etc., in the area where the work is being done or that may be located adjacent to or in -route across City property to the job site. The Contractor shall rebuild, restore, and make good at his own expense, all injury and damage to same which may result from work being carried out under this contract. nau�iAffrlurpli�cauoeii prorhhliriee�.° �"° IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 1 February 24, 2006 b. The Contractor shall not park or drive any vehicles or equipment beneath the drip line of on -site trees and shrubs. The Contractor and employees shall not park on unsurfaced park property and shall not drive vehicles across City land unless it is directly necessary to deliver materials to the job site. C. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of any pedestrians during the demolition, construction, and clean-up operations. The Contractor shall maintain and keep in good repair the work intended under these Plans and Specifications and shall perform all necessary repair, construction, and renewal to the date of acceptance by the Owner. d. Any utility and irrigation lines shown on plans are for design and construction information only. The depths of utility lines are not guaranteed. All underground lines are referenced from known surface structures. It is not implied that all existing public utility lines are shown on plan. Park utilities include irrigation systems, and park lighting, all others are public utilities. The Contractor's attention is directed to the fact that other underground utility lines may exist of which the Owner is not aware. The Owner does not assume any responsibility for any public utilities that are not shown on plans. It is the Contractor's obligation to locate and familiarize himself with all utilities and to provide for their safety. Damage to utilities will be repaired at Contractor's expense. Park development staff will assist in the design and relocation of utility lines. e. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of unfinished work and shall be responsible for the safety of individuals using the unfinished equipment. The Contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish and erect such barricades, fences, lights, and danger signals, and shall take such other precautionary measures for the protection of persons, property and the work as may be necessary. f. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage to work due to the failure of barricades, signs, and lights to protect it, and when damage is incurred, the damaged portion shall be immediately removed and replaced by the Contractor at his own expense. The Contractor's responsibility for maintenance or barricades, signs, and lights shall not cease until the date of issuance to Contractor of City's certificate of acceptance of the project. g. The Contractor shall be responsible for removal, hauling, and disposal of all debris and unusable material form proposed construction area and designated sites as shown on plans and in specifications. The Owner shall retain the right to any existing materials deemed to have value. h. The Contractor shall be responsible for inspection of site, to verify all complete all work as described in the specifications and shown on plans. i. The Contractor shall furnish and supply all supervision, equipment, and labor necessary to perform excavation, grading, backfill, compaction, and stock piling of material as specified herein and on the plans. Product Delivery, Storage, and Handling a. Protect all materials from inclement weather: wet, damp, extreme heat, or cold, theft, damage, or vandalism. a�0uT.2 WQpV,.90proShU,A., In IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 2 February 24, 2006 b. All manufacturer's labels, installation instructions, and shop drawings shall be in included for each item ordered. 3. Equipment Check a. The Contractor shall, one week after installation of equipment, check that all parts are secure and are in good working condition. 4. Clean-up a. Demolition debris shall be removed from the site prior to commencement of construction work. b. Within three days after completion of the site, the Contractor shall clean, remove rubbish and temporary structures from the site. He shall restore adequately all property, to its original integrity both public and private, which has been damaged during the execution of work, and leave the entire site of the work in a neat and presentable condition. The cost of the "cleanup" shall be included as a part of the cost of the various items of work involved, and no direct compensation will be made for this work. This work shall be done before final acceptance by the Owner will be considered. C. The Contractor shall clean up and dispose of all construction debris, including excavated rock material. The area shall be graded back into existing grade smoothly. d. All spare parts or other pieces of equipment shall be turned over to the Owner following completion of the project. 5. Warranty a. The Contractor shall guarantee all labor, workmanship, and materials supplied by the Contractor for a period of one (1) year from date of acceptance. b. Repairs made necessary due to faulty workmanship shall be made promptly by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 General A. Work Included 1. Summary of Work 2. Irrigation 3. Special Conditions B. Substitutions 1. Conditions for substitutions (`or approved equal') a. In the event that clause `or approved equal' is used in the specifications pertaining to materials, the Bidder desiring to make substitutions for specified equipment shall submit the following: t9ra°�%',Z d � c o�proShU,,W,Inc. IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 3 February 24, 2006 1. Product identification, including manufacturer's name, address, and product literature 2. Product description 3. Product performance and test date 4. Reference standards 5. Manufacturer instructions for maintenance and repairs b. Request for substitution shall be included with the overall bid and will be considered before contract is awarded. C. After the contract is awarded, no substitutions will be considered. It will be the Bidder/Contractor's responsibility to assure the availability of specified product or substitution before the bid date. d. The Bidder shall provide the same guarantee for substitution as for product or method specified. e. The Bidder shall coordinate installation of accepted substitution into work, making such changes as may be required for work to be complete in all aspects. f. The Bidder shall waive all claims for additional costs related to substitution that consequently becomes apparent. g. The Bidder shall be prepared to send the Owner a price breakdown of any and/or all items which he has bid. Price breakdowns will only be requested after the bid opening has taken place. 2. Substitutions will not be considered if: a. They are indicated or implied on shop drawings or project data submittals without being formally described in detail as to their differences form what was originally specified. b. Acceptance will require substantial revision of the original layout of the project. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 General A. Work included 1. Summary of Work 2. Product Substitution 6n2u .C.'I fdurpV,.9A proSuU�e'ii' �"°� IRRIGATION SYSTEM 028I0 - 4 February 24, 2006 3. Special Conditions B. Qualifications of Bidder -Licensing 1. The Bidder shall supply the name and license number of the licensed irrigator who is responsible for the project with the bid submittal. The irrigation installer shall be licensed in the state of Texas or from where the Contractor is based. Out of state licensing, shall be only acceptable if the licensing state share reciprocity with Texas. A licensed irrigator or installer shall be on the job site at all times when irrigation work is in progress. 2. The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid if bidder is not qualified based on to above given criteria. C. Codes and Standards 1. The Bidder is to conform to all local, state, and federal codes and ordinances. D. Discrepancies 1. It is the intent of this contract that all work must be completed and all material must be furnished in accordance with the generally accepted practice of the area. In the event of any discrepancies between the plans and specifications or doubts as to the meaning and intent of any portion of the contract, the Owner shall define what is intended to apply to the work. 3.2 Site Condtions A. Examination of Sites 1. Bidder shall visit the project site and compare drawings and specifications to the actual site. Failure to do so will in no way relieve the successful Bidder from the responsibility of completing the project in accordance to project specifications at additional cost to the Owner. B. Utilities 1. The Contractor's attention is directed to the fact that other underground utility lines may exist of which the Owner is not aware. It is the Contractor's obligation to locate and familiarize himself with all utilities and to provide for their safety. Damage to utilities will be repaired at the Contractor's expense. 2. Water Supply (if applicable) - Meter or other water source already installed. The Contractor is responsible for hook-up to system from the existing water meter. The connection and DCV shall be the same size as the irrigation main, unless otherwise specified. 3. Electrical Power Supply (if applicable) - The Contractor will install power connection to the meter box. The Contractor shall set the meter box. The Contractor shall run power to the controller. Contractor must satisfy City of Lubbock electrical codes for hook-up. The Contractor is required to have a licensed electrician provide the electrical hook-ups. 4. Bores / Road crossings (if applicable) - Contractor is responsible for bores and sleeving necessary to go under city streets/utility drives to provide any utility service to the project site. Bored holes shall be of the smallest diameter that will permit installation of encasement pipe. Pipe sleeving under city streets, park roads, and or parking lots shall be 16-gauge [SnaMonie�uplHca ion prorhhbe�' �" IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 5 Februm 24, 2006 smooth steel pipe with a minimum wall thickness of one -quarter (1/4") inch when pipe size is greater than four (4") inch diameter. Irrigation lines crossing sidewalks shall be sleeved with Schedule 40 PVC pipe twice that of the pipe when line is less than six (6") inch diameter. - Pipe to be large enough for irrigation pipe and conduit for electrical control wires (if necessary). Notes shown on plans shall over ride specifications. Sleeves shall extend at least two (2') feet out from under the surface structure. 3.3 Field Quality Control A. Responsibility of Materials The Contractor shall be responsible for all materials furnished by him and shall replace at his own expense all material found to be defective in manufacture or if it has become damaged in handling after shipment. B. Responsibility of Property 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection and preservation of all plant material, monuments, and structures during installation. Any damage shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor, at his own expense, to the satisfaction of the Owner. 2. All trenching or any excavation is to be no less than six (6) feet from the trunk of any plant material. If questions arise, the Contractor shall contact the Owner for clarification. C. Barricades and Protective Measures 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of unfinished work. The Contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish and erect such barricades, fences, lights, and danger signals. He shall also take such other precautionary measures for the protection of persons, property, and the work as may be necessary. 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage to the work due to failure of barricades, signs, and lights to protect it. When damage is incurred, the damaged portion shall be immediately removed and replaced by the Contractor at his own cost and expense. The Contractor's responsibility for maintenance of barricades, signs, and lights shall not cease until the date of issuance to of City's certificate of acceptance of the project. 3.4 Submittals A. Shop Drawings Contractor shall submit shop drawings to the Owner before installation of equipment. Shop drawing to include complete layout and detail drawings illustrating the location and type of all heads, valves, piping circuits, controls, and accessories. B. Maintenance Materials 1. At the completion of the job, the Contractor shall furnish spare parts, special tools, and equipment required to operate and maintain the system. [3nsui�onine�unplicaat o pmfhhbnA, Inc. IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 6 February 24, 2006 C. Maintenance Data 1. The Contractor shall furnish two (2) copies of parts list and repair manuals for controllers, valves, and heads. D. Project Record Document 1. The Contractor shall prepare "as -built" plans of system after final check. Work to be done on vellum paper with legend describing symbols for equipment (check with Owner for 3.5" diskette option). "As -built" plans shall be accurate. Inaccurate plans will not be accepted. Final payment will not be made until "as -built" plans are submitted and approved by Park Development staff. 3.5 Products A. Performance of Specified Material 1. All specifications given for materials are based on the performance of the equipment. This is to assure the integrity and proper hydraulics for which the system is designed. If bid material does not conform to given performance specifications, the bid will be rejected by the Owner based on grounds that proper function of system could not be maintained by using equipment that does not meet the performance specifications required. 2. All material to be new, unused, and current. 3. All material must be a standard product of a manufacturer. 4. The Contractor shall provide performance records to verify equipment capabilities. B. Materials 1. PVC Pipe a. All polyvinyl chloride pipes shall be class 200, SDR 21 un-plasticized polyvinyl chloride, Type I, Grade I. 2. Polyethylene Line a. All polyethylene line shall be Agricultural Products, Inc. 3/4" polyethylene, OD = .710, ID = .610, and be made from low density. 3. Fittings a. All pipes must have manufacturer's markings clearly printed on them during installation b. All class 200 pipes must conform to ASTM D-2241 C. All lateral piping under four (4) inches shall be solvent weld UauVi2Wr.pP..9 .P'Ub M' Inc. IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 7 February 24, 2006 d. All mainline piping four (4) inches and larger shall use belled ends or belled couplings using rubber gaskets in twenty- (20) foot laying lengths e. All fittings for four (4) inches or larger mainline shall be 200 psi Gasketed Fittings f. All fittings shall be pressure rated for 200-psi maximum working pressure g. Gaskets shall be designed for pressure and vacuum with maximum deflection (ATSM F-477) h. PVC Fittings 1. Schedule 40 fittings must conform to ASTM D-2466 2. Schedule 80 fittings must conform to ASTM D-2464 i. Three (3) Four (4) Male adapters shell not be used 4. Swing Joints a. Nipples: Schedule 80 with molded threads on both ends, unless specified otherwise in construction detail b. Elbows: (90 degree) Schedule 40 FIPT x FIPT C. Pre -fabricated swing joints are acceptable as specified Sec. 06, C, 5B d. Lateral line fittings: Schedule 40 e. Quick -coupler swing joints shall be galvanized 5. Flow Meter a. The flow meter shall be compatible with a Bermad Flow Sensor One flow meter shall be installed at each water source on the irrigation plans. 6. Valves a. Manual Control Gate Valve 1. All gate valves shall have resilient seats, iron body, bronze mounted throughout, threaded'/4", brass or bronze, and shall meet all requirements of AW WAC 509. All valves shall be mechanical joint. All valves shall open by turning to the left, and unless otherwise specified shall have non - rising stem when buried and outside screw and yoke when exposed. Gate valves shall be furnished with a two-inch operating nut when valves are buried and shall be furnished with hand wheels when exposed. Gate valves shall be furnished with O-ring stem packing. 2. Quick -coupler Valves i. Buckner by Storm # QB44RC10, 1", Single lug, 2-piece body, heavy cast bronze `or approved equal'. nauuionzae�up�ica ion profhhbr(c, ma IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 8 3 4. Febm24, 2006 ii. The Contractor shall supply the Owner with four- (2) valve keys for each Quick -coupler type. iii. Installed with minimum ten- (10) inch diameter with a minimum six- (6) inch opening concrete doughnut (for 1" valves). Donuts shall be installed flush with finished ground level and shall not shift when walked upon. Section Valve (Rianbird PESB Series or `approved equal') i. Sized according to plan ii. Direct burial, remote control electric valve normally closed iii. Solenoid— Waterproof molded epoxy resin construction having no carbon steel components exposed iv. Actuator — Stainless steel enclosed in a watertight protection capsule with a molded in place rubber exhaust port seal. Spring shall be stainless steel. V. Diaphragm — Dual ported, made of nylon reinforced nitril rubber vi. Flow adjustment system vii. Cold water working pressure — 200 psi viii. Heavy-duty glass filled UV resistant nylon stainless steelstuds and flang nuts Double Check Valve i. The double check valves shall be a Febco series 850 "or approved equal". On the 3" meter a 3" double check vavle. On the 2" meter a 2" double check valve. ii. The unit shall have non -rising stem resilient seat gate valves. iii. The unit shall consist of four (4) test cocks with plugs which provide for in -time testing and maintenance. iv. The double check valves are to be accessible from the top of the device without removing the check valve body from the line. V. Stainless steel springs and corrosion resistant materials shall be used throughout. 6.20 eeil'�dupl�catio�i proh�Ueie'�' �"` IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 9 Febluary 24, 2006 7. Valve Boxes a. Valve Box (Ametek "or approved equal"). 1. Supplied by the Contractor 2. To be installed by the Contractor 3. Minimum dimensions: 15" x 12" deep, molded plastic. Extensions shall be used as necessary to bring valve box to grade and shall be compatible with box to achieve depth required (no bricks shall be used). 4. Bolt -in green lid with cover lift holes (rectangular, lid shall have snap lock tab closure). b. Concrete Meter Vault for Double Check Valves (Brooks Model # 800-4-MV "or approved equal"). 1. Supplied by Contractor 2. To be installed by the Contractor 3. Minimum dimensions: 4' 6 " (four feet, six inches) x 6' 0" (six feet, zero inches) x 4' (four feet) deep. Extensions shall be used as necessary to bring valve box to grade and shall be compatible with box to achieve depth required (no bricks shall be used). 4. The meter vault shall have a Model # WIW 40 F/C, concrete lid. 8. Sprinkler Heads a. Specified Head #1: Rainbird 1800PRS, 15 Series (or "approved equal") 1. Body: Shall be Rainbird 1804 PRS and (or "approved equal') Non- corrosive cycolac and stainless steel construction. 2. Pop-up design with pressure regulation. 3. 15' radius at 30 psi. with .93 GPM on 90 degree, 1.85 GPM on 180 degree emitter 4. Precipitation Rate: 1.83"/hr for 90 degree and 180 degree heads llnauth'onheupf�o� prochhUe3' IncIRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 10 February 24, 2006 b. Specified Head #2: Hunter 125 series for flow rates ranging between 9 and 25 gpm, ,or approved equal' 1. Sprinklers shall be pop-up type with gear drive for full circle and part circle coverage. The final gear drive and bull gear drive shall be made of stainless steel and brass. The nozzle and drive assembly shall also be encased in stainless steel. Sprinklers shall be mounted up to one-half (1/2") inch below finished grade. C. Specified Head #3, Hunter I 20 with standard nozzle for flow rates ranging between three (3) and six (6) gallons per minute `or approved equal'. 9. Controller (Rain Bird ESP-20 LX `or approved equal') a. The controller shall be a 20 station hybrid type, that combines elctro-machanical and microprocessor based circuiltry cabable of fully automatic, semi automatic, and manual control irrigation systems. The controller shall be housed in a wall - mountable, heavy-duty, plastic, weather resistant cabinet with a key lock door and shall be suitable for indoor or outdoor applications. The controller's door shall be easily removable once it has been unlocked and opened. The controller's face panel shall be a swing open type and shall be easily removable for imstallation or maintenance. The controller shall operate on 117 VAC f 10% at 60Hz and shall be capable of operating up to two 5.5 VA 24 VAC electric remote control valves per station plus a master valve or a pump start relay. The controller shall have an eletronic diagnostic circuit breaker that shall sense a station with an electrical overload or short circuit and shall bypass the station and shall continue to operate all other stations in the program in sequence. The controller shall utilize an indicator light to alert the operator to the electrical problem and shall also display the problem station until the operatot depresses the front -face -panel reset button. 10. Lightning Arrestors with Grounding Rods (if applicable) a. Arrestor to be installed at controller by Contractor. Lightening rods shall be installed by Contractor. b. Ground Rods -Copper coated steel using copper coated or bronze one-piece clamps. IL Control Wiring a. All 24 volt wiring to be 12 AWG-annealed copper, Baron UF, 600 volt, PVC coated UL approved direct burial. b. All wire to be single stranded, one wire for each electric valve and a common wire. C. All control wires to be installed at minimum depth of eighteen (18") inch and directly alongside any pipe if the same ditch is used. 12. Miscellaneous Equipment nauln %ff plrca�on praShL �"e` I"` IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 11 Febntw 24, 2006 a. Wire Connectors b. Solvent Cementing 1. Primer- Weld -On P-68 Purple Colored Only (All pipe and fittings) 2. Solvent- %2" then 1 ''/2" Weld -On #705; 2" three-10" Weld -On #717 3. Manufactures Recommendations shall be followed at all times C. Thrust Blocks 1. Concrete "ready -mix" - 3,000 PSI. in 28 days with number #3 rebar installed. To be placed at all angles and terminal ends of two and one-half (2 %2") inch or greater pipe. To be placed at all angles (90's, 45's, tees) and at terminal ends of pipe. (Refer to Thrust Block Detail) Thrust Blocks must be installed against the pipe and extend to twelve (12") inches of an undisturbed vertical wall of the trench. All pipe and fittings to be wrapped in thirty (30) pound felt to protect from movement. d. All pipe to have a one (1') foot minimum vertical separation from all non -like utility lines. 3.6 Execution A. Handling of Materials 1. The Contractor shall exercise care in handling, loading, and unloading of all equipment. All PVC pipe, fittings, and other equipment shall be adequately covered and protected from the elements. Pipe and fittings also shall be transported in such a fashion as to be protected from excessive bending and from external, concentrated load at any point. B. Trenching 1. To have straight, flat bottoms and of sufficient depth for sprinkler head and operable swing joint. 2. Trench Size: a. Minimum width: Six (6") inches -Unaulli'unie@'9�'pl�CA p oft&.` Inc. IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 12 February 24, 2006 b. Minimum cover over installed supply piping: Eighteen (18") inches C. Minimum cover over installed branch piping: Fourteen (14") inches d. Minimum cover over installed outlet piping: Fourteen (14") inches e. Maximum centerline depth main line shall not exceed twenty-four (24") inches at zone valves. 3. Pipe pulling is not acceptable. 4. All trenches and adjoining areas shall be hand raked to leave the grade in as good or better condition than before construction started. 5. All settling and low areas that occur within the first twelve (12) months shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to fill and level. 6. Trench to accommodate grade changes. 7. Maintain trenches free of debris, material, or obstructions that may damage pipe. 8. Where rock or other undesirable materials are encountered trenches are to be over excavated by three (3")inches to allow for a three (3") inch layer of finely graded sand under all piping. After the piping is installed, finely graded sand shall be placed around the piping up to a point three (3") inches above the piping. 9. All trenches are to be inspected and approved by Owner before covering. 10. Trench digging machinery may be used to make trench excavation except in places where operation of same would cause damage to existing structures either above or below ground; in such instances, hand methods shall be employed. 11. The Contractor shall locate all existing underground lines, of which he has been advised whether or not they are shown on the drawings, sufficiently in advance of the trenching to make whatever provision necessary to prevent damage thereto. Extreme care shall be used to prevent such damage and the Contractor shall be fully responsible for damage to any such lines. 12. There will be no classification of, or extra payment for excavated materials and all materials encountered shall be excavated as required. Adjacent structures shall be protected from damage by construction equipment. All excavated material shall be piled in a manner that will not endanger the work or existing structures and which will cause the least obstruction to roadways. t �a er�t. P M a ProSuti�'e�: I"` IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 13 February 24, 2000 13. The Contractor will be required to locate all known utility lines far enough in advance of the trenching to make proper provision for protecting the lines and to allow for any deviations that may be required from the establishment lines and grades. 14. Excess trench excavation, not used for backfill, shall be disposed of by the Contractor, and at the Contractor's expense as directed by the Owner. 15. All trench backfill shall be flooded to prevent settling to 95% Standard Proctor Maximum Density. Tamping is required, at road crossings the material shall be placed in 8-inch layers, moistened if necessary, and thoroughly compacted with mechanical tampers from the bottom of the trench to the finish grade to a density of at least 95% of maximum density at optimum moisture as determined by ASTM D698. 16. It is understood that the piping layout is dynamic and piping shall be routed in such a manner to achieve the intent of the plan. C. Installation 1. Install pipe, valves, controls, and outlets in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 2. Connect to utilities. 3. Set outlets and box covers at finish grade elevations. 4. Provide for thermal movement of components in system. 5. Swing Joints a. Swing joints shall be used on all rotary gear driven sprinklers and shall be of the same diameter as the inlet opening. b. Pre -manufactured swing joints shall be used as manufactured by Spears swing joint schedule 80t, or Lasco G132-212, "or approved equal". C. Swing joints for quick coupling valves shall be made up using galvanized pipe and fittings. 6. Use flexible risers on all fixed head pop-up sprinklers. 7. Wiring: a. All wiring shall be No. 12, Type UF, copper direct bury type made for the irrigation industry. Wiring shall be color -keyed: white for ground, red for operation of equipment. dna o e@auP Ni. Prro`nhU&A.,I"e IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 14 February 24, 2006 b. Wire splices will only be allowed to occur within an accessible control box. Inline direct burial splices will not be allowed. Wire splices shall be DBY model as manufactured by 3M Company or approved equal. C. Provide looped slack at valves and turns in trench to allow for contraction of wires. d. All wire passing under existing paving, sidewalk, etc., shall be encased in plastic conduit extending at least twelve (12") inches beyond edges of paving or construction. e. All electrical control wiring shall be wrapped together on 10-feet increments with plastic straps. An electrical wiring schematic shall be furnished with the equipment. f. Tracer wire and warning tape shall be installed with all fresh water piping. Tracer wire 16 Gauge CU. shall have the insulation removed for at least six (6") inches every thirty (30') feet of run. Potable Water Warning tape shall be run at half the depth of the top of the pipe. 8. After piping is installed, but before outlets are installed and backftll commences, open valves and flush system with full head of water. 9. Dissimilar Materials Piping Joints: Construct joints using adapters that are compatible with both piping materials, outside diameters, and system working pressure. 10. Concrete Thrust Blocks are required at all turns and dead -ends on pipe sizes three (3") inches and over. Pipe of smaller sizes may also require thrust blocks if so directed by the Owner. Concrete shall have a twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength of 3000 psi, minimum (See __. Detail). D. Laying of PVC Pipe I. The pipe is to be snaked from side to side of trench bottom to allow for expansion and contraction of the pipe. 2. All foreign matter is to be removed from inside of pipe before joining. Keep clean during laying operations by means of plugs or other approved methods. 3. All lumber, rubbish, and large rocks shall be removed from the trenches. Pipe shall have firm, uniform bearing for the entire length of each pipeline to prevent uneven settlement. 4. Do not lay pipe in water, or when trench or weather conditions are unsuitable for work. 5. When work is not in progress, securely close the open ends of pipe fittings so that no trench water, earth, or other substance will enter pipes or fittings. [`insumon'Wudupr'ca onp,.ft,ie'�'Inc IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 15 February 24, 2006 6. Take up and relay any pipe that has the grade or joint disturbed after laying. 7. Fittings at bends in the pipeline and at ends of lines shall be firmly wedged against the vertical face of the trench, but not against rock. 8. Thrust blocks to be used. (See V. Products, B., 12.d., Thrust Blocks). 9. Make joints in all threaded fittings by applying Teflon tape on male threads. Use of Teflon dope is prohibited. 10. Where threaded PVC connections are required, use threaded PVC adapters. it. There shall be no less than nine (9) inches of pipe between any two fittings, except for close nipples used in swing joints. 12. No cross tees or street ells are to be used at any time. 13. On cut pipe, all burrs to be removed, tees and pipe to be cleaned, and primer and solvent applied as to standard application process. 14. After pipe has been solvent weld, do not apply water pressure for a time less than that of the manufacture's recommendation, considering current weather conditions. 15. All pipe shall be installed so that manufacture's markings are facing in the up position. 16. Excess PVC Solvent shall be removed from joints before drying to prevent pipe weakening. Pipe connections made with excess solvent will not be accepted. 17. Solvent welding will not be permitted if weather conditions prevent joints from remaining free of dirt or moisture, while the joint is being made. Also, if the temperature is below that specified by the pipe or solvent manufacturer's recommendations. 18. The Owner must be given twenty-four (24) hour notice before the pipe trenches are covered so that Owner's representative may be present for inspection. After the pipe system has been inspected and approved, trenches may be closed. 19. All pipe shall have a one (1') foot minimum vertical separation from all utility lines in close proximity. 20. Thrust blocks to be used. (See V. Products B., 12d. Thrustblock). E. Installation of Valves (gate, double check, and section valves) C3naumonrzeli'rauplicati'o pro , A, Inc- IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 16 February 24, 2006 1. Install all new valves on a level grade with the mainline. Valve boxes shall extend a minimum of three (3") inches below bottom of valve. Valve box extensions shall be used as necessary and shall be compatible with the valve box. 2. Double check valves two (2) inches or smaller shall be installed with PVC unions on both sides of the valve assembly. Double check valves three (3) inches or larger shall be flange mounted. 3. PVC unions shall be used for all connections through the exit side of the section valve. 4. After installing valves and valve boxes, backfill holes with a three (3") inch minimum washed gravel, three-quarters (3/4") inch size up to bottom of valve. 5. Quick -coupler valve to be installed on swing joint. Top to be flush with finish grade. F. Sprinkler Heads 1. All sprinkler heads to be installed at spacing indicated on plans. 2. Sprinkler heads installed on swing joint assemblies shall be installed so that the top of head is slightly above ground level to allow for settling. 3. All sprinkler heads to be set to property arc by the Contractor. 4. All sprinkler heads to be installed six (6) inches from existing and/or proposed fence line. G. Flushing 1. The mainline and valves will be flushed after installation. Full working pressure must be used to flush all lines. On a loop system the two valves the greatest distance from the water source will be opened. On any other configuration of mainline, the last valve on each mainline will be opened for flushing. The Owner's representatives must be given twenty- four (24) hours notice before flushing begins so they may be present for inspections. After mainlines have been inspected and flushed, the lateral lines may be installed. 2. The lateral lines will be flushed just before head installation. The flushing procedure will consist of pointing all swing joints away from ditch line to prevent contamination. Next, open the valve with full working pressure and begin capping each swing joint with a threaded cap, beginning with the swing joint closest to the valve and ending with the swing joint the greatest distance from the valve. Twenty-four (24) hour notice must be given to Owner's representatives for inspection. 3. Flush pipes until free of all rock, dirt, trash, pipe shavings, and debris. H. Leakage Test oau"fioniae�u"p ica roei pro`bhb&A_ IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 17 February 24, 2006 1. After pipe is laid, line to be pressurized and all air expelled from line at highest point of each section. 2. Each line to be inspected for leaks. Any joints showing leaks shall be repaired and any cracked or defective pipes or fittings shall be removed and replaced with good material. I. Backfill 1. Trenches to be backfilled with the excavated earth from trench work. All rocks and debris to be removed and no item larger than one (1) inch diameter to be placed back in the trench. A warning tape is to be placed approx. 6" above the top of the pipe or 2' wire for the entire length of the exposed area. Backfill is to be compacted and flooded to settle trench. The Contractor shall add more Backfill if needed to bring trenches to existing grade. J. Controller (if applicable) 1. Contractor to locate controller as indicated on plans. 2. Contractor shall install a concrete slab four (4) inches thick flush to ground. The Contractor shall provide and install a stainless steel rain -tight controller pedestal which is designed for use with the specified controller. Contractor shall install grounding rod through concrete slab inside of the stainless steel rain -tight box. 3. Contractor shall install rigid conduit from edge of slab, ell up through and attach to controller box. One conduit for power source; one conduit for common/section wires. 4. Power wire conduit to be %" diameter rigid conduit to meet city code. 5. One duplex plug shall be installed in the controller box. 6. The Owner shall provide a telephone line for the controller. The Contractor shall provide a conduit for the installation of the telephone line into the controller housing. K. Wiring 1. Control wires from controller to valves shall be laid in sprinkler line trenches (if applicable - wiring to be installed along wiring route on plan). 2. Control wires to be taped together every twenty (20) feet along trench. 3. Expansion loops shall be made at every turn in the trench and every 50 foot length of wire run by wrapping at least five (5) turns of wire around a one (1) inch rod or pipe. Next, withdraw the rod leaving turns in wire. 4. All wire connections or splicing work shall have moisture proof connectors, and their location must be denoted on the as -built plan. Contractor shall minimize amount of splices. rl�au oniae�dupl{caart o proSuqu&, Inc. IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 18 February 24, 2006 5. Common valve wiring shall be white through entire system. 6. Section valve wiring shall be red through entire system. White wire may not be used as section wire. L. Lightning Arrestors and Rod 1. A lightning arrestor and rod shall be installed at each controller. The rod shall be installed by the contractor and placed within the concrete slab below the controller. 2. Rod shall be copper coated steel, minimum 8 feet long, and 5/8" diameter. 3. Rod shall have minimum resistance of twenty-five (25) OHMS or less. 4. Rod to be connected to controller by a copper coated or bronze one piece clamp. 5. Wire used to connect controller to lightning rod shall be 6 gauge solid copper wire or one gauge larger than power wires, whichever is largest. M. Testing and Inspection 1. Do not allow any of the work in this section to be covered or enclosed until it has been inspected, tested and approved by the Owner or Owner's Representative. 2. Prior to backfill, the main line and with control valves in place but before the lateral lines are connected, completely flush and test the main line. 3. Fill the main line with water for a twenty-four (24)-hour period prior to testing. 4. Pressure test main lines with 100 psi for a period of two (2) hours. Allowable leakage shall be as determined by the formula listed in AWWA C600. The Owner will witness and approve all tests. Notify the Owner at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of all testing. 5. Provide all testing equipment and personnel required to complete the testing procedure. Repeat testing as required. 6. Flush, clean, adjust, and balance all systems. 7. Adjust heads for proper coverage. 8. Potable Water Lines: Hydrostatic test for six (6) hours at 150 psi. There shall be no leaks whatsoever. 'Unaulhoniae�itupficatio� profubiiff Inc. IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 19 February 24, 2006 9. Double Check Valves shall be tested and certified, and two (2) copies shall be provided to the owner as required by local, state, and federal codes and ordinances. 3.7 Inspection/Acceptance A. Preliminary Inspection 1. When all initial installation is done and all incidentals necessary to the proper function of the system is done, the Contractor shall request the Owner to walk through system and visually check the operation of the system. At this time the Owner and the Contractor will discuss repairs that may need to take place. B. Final Inspection 1. After preliminary inspection has taken place and all corrections and repairs have been completed by the Contractor, the Contractor and the Owner will again walk through system to check operation. This procedure will be repeated until system operates to the Owner satisfaction. At this time the Owner will accept system from the Contractor. An acceptance form will follow from the Owner to the Contractor. 3.8 Clean Up and Adjusting A. Removal of Site Debris The Contractor shall: 1. Make final clean up of all parts of work. 2. Remove all construction material and equipment. 3. Prepare the site in an orderly and finished appearance. 4. Remove from site any rock or extra dirt that resulted from this and restore site to its original condition. 5. Flush dirt and debris from piping before installing sprinklers and other devices. 6. Adjust automatic control valves to provide flow rate of rated operating pressure required for each sprinkler circuit. 7. Carefully adjust lawn sprinklers so they will be flush with, or not more than one-half (1/2") inch below finish grade after completion of landscape work. 8. Adjust settings of controllers and automatic control valves. 6naulhonzffupli{ca on protb,,cA, mo_ IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 20 February 24, 2006 9. The Contractor will be required to remove all construction debris from the site. Final clean up by the Contractor must be acceptable to the Owner. 3.9 Commissioning A. Starting Procedures 1. Follow manufacturer's written procedures. If no specific procedures are prescribed by proceed as follows: a. Verify that specialty valves and their accessories have been installed correctly and operate correctly. b. Verify that specified tests of piping are complete. C. Check that sprinklers and devices are correct type. d. Check that any damaged emitters, valves and devices have been replaced with new materials. e. Check that potable water supplies have correct type backflow preventers. f. Energize circuits to electrical equipment and devices. g. Adjust operating controls. 2. Operational Testing: Perform operational testing after hydrostatic testing is completed, backfill is in place, and emitters are adjusted to final position. B. Demonstration 1. Demonstrate to the Owner that system meets coverage requirements and that automatic controls function properly. 2. Demonstrate to the Owner's maintenance personnel operation of equipment, sprinklers, specialties, and accessories. Review operating and maintenance information. 3. Provide a seven (7) day written notice in advance of demonstration. C. Guarantee dnaulhoniaell'rd plrca on proS�U,,,W, In. IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 21 February 24, 2006 _1 The Contractor shall: v.., 1. Make all needed repairs or replacements due to defective workmanship or materials for exactly one (1) year following date of final acceptance. 2. Be responsible for all expenses necessary for repairs and replacement. 3. Pay all expenses incurred if the Contractor fails to act upon a request from the Owner for repairs to system. If the Contractor fails to do work within ten (10) days after request has been made by the Owner, the Owner will proceed with repairs and charge all expenses to the Contractor. 4. Pay for expenses incurred to project due to vandalism prior to final acceptance. 5. Owner shall pay for all expenses incurred due to vandalism after final acceptance. END OF SECTION fin aulhonzfflurpfica�i o proShbe'�' �"e IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810 - 22 February 24, 2006 SECTION 02905 LANDSCAPING PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, and Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. General Conditions 1.3 CONTRACT SCOPE A. This contract includes purchase, delivery, and installation of lawn material. B. Coordination of landscaping, irrigation, and pavement work shall assure that work is installed as shown at no extra cost to owner. p' C. Preparation of soil, placement of seed and fertilizer. 1.4 QUALITY CONTROL A. Nursery: Company specializing in growing and cultivating the plant life specified in this section. B. Sod Producer: Company specializing in sod production and harvesting. C. Maintenance Services: Performed by installer at regular intervals as required for a period of one year. 1.5 WARRANTY A. Provide one year warranty, including one continuous growing season of plants, from death or unhealthy conditions. B. Replacements: Plants of same size and species as specified, planted in the next growing season, with a new warranty commencing on date of replacement. 1.6 MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Maintain sodded areas and plant life for one year from date of substantial completion. Owner will contract mowing service separate from this agreement. 1.7 SUBMITTALS A. Submit labels of all planting material shown on the drawings and specified. B. Submit soil preparation procedures that will be used for review and approval. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GRASS Bneut�oniaell�upteatioiprohi Iletl;!^C. LANDSCAPING 02905 - 1 February 24, 2006 A. Area within the screen wall is to have Turffalo plugs planted at 17 inches on center. B. Area outside of screen wall to limits of property line or street curb are to have bermudo hydro - mulch. C. Reseed: Where existing lawn has been damaged and where instructed, reseed with similar grass species. Submit grass seeds and installing procedures for review. 2.2 SOIL AND SOIL ENHANCEMENT MATERIALS A. Topsoil: Fertile, agricultural soil, typical for locality, capable of sustaining vigorous plant growth, free of subsoil, clay or impurities, plants, weeds, and roots. B. Fertilizer: Fifty percent of the elements derived from organic sources. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION A. Verify that required underground utilities are in proper location. B. Prepare subsoil to eliminate uneven areas. Maintain profiles and contours. Make changes in grade gradual. Blend slopes into level areas. C. Scarify subsoil to a depth of 3 inches. 3.2 PLACING TOPSOIL A. Spread topsoil to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Rake smooth. B. Grade topsoil to eliminate rough, low or soft areas, and to ensure positive drainage. C. Place topsoil into pits and beds intended for plant root balls to a minimum thickness of 6 inches. D. Apply fertilizer in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.3 SEEDING A. Rake existing lawn area, scarify soil. B. Moisten prepared surface immediately prior to seeding. C. Maintain watering until seed is established. 3.4 MAINTENANCE A. Mow grass at regular intervals to maintain at a maximum height of 2-1/2 inches. Do not cut more than 1/3 of grass blade at any one mowing. B. Water to prevent grass and soil from drying out. C. Control growth of weeds. Apply herbicides and pesticides in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. LANDSCAPING 02905 - 2 r I February 24, 2006 D. Contractor shall maintain lawns for a period of at least sixty days. The Owner is to assume responsibility for lawn maintenance only after the entire project is accepted and the sixty days have expired. 3.5 CLEANING AND REPAIR A. Remove excess soil from walks, drives, and planing areas. B. Remove shipping material from site. C. Remove excessive tire marks from pavement caused by installation equipment. D. Repair ruts caused in lawn by equipment. E. Leave site clean and trim prior to final inspection. END OF SECTION t a�4�eeli�P'� hogph6, me LANDSCAPING 02905 - 3 February 24, 2006 3.5 INSERTS, EMBEDDED PARTS, AND OPENINGS A. Provide formed openings where required for items to be embedded in or passing through concrete work. B. Locate and set in place items which will be cast directly into concrete. C. Coordinate work of other sections in forming and placing openings, slots, reglets, recesses, chases, sleeves, bolts, anchors, and other inserts. 3.6 FORM CLEANING A. Clean and remove foreign matter within forms as erection proceeds. B. Clean formed cavities of debris prior to placing concrete. C. Flush with water or use compressed air to remove remaining foreign matter. Ensure that water and debris drain to exterior through clean -out ports. 3.7 FORMWORK TOLERANCES A. Construct formwork to maintain tolerances required by ACI 301. 3.8 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect erected formwork, shoring, and bracing to ensure that work is in accordance with formwork design, and that supports, fastenings, wedges, ties, and items are secure. B. Do not reuse wood formwork more than 3 times. Do not patch formwork. 3.9 FORM REMOVAL A. Do not remove forms or bracing until concrete has gained sufficient strength to carry its own weight and imposed loads. B. Loosen forms carefully. Do not wedge pry bars, hammers, or tools against finish concrete surfaces scheduled for exposure to view. C. Store removed forms in manner that surfaces to be in contact with fresh concrete will not be damaged. Discard damaged forms. END OF SECTION fig i�uniae apf cat10Xp 0% A, `ue. CONCRETE FORMWORK 03100 - 3 February 24, 2006 SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT PARTI GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Condition, and Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work in this Section. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. Reinforcing steel bars, wire fabric, and accessories for cast -in -place concrete. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 03100 - Concrete Formwork. B. Section 03300 - Concrete Work. 1.4 REFERENCES A. ACI 301 - Structural Concrete for Buildings. B. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. C. ACI SP-66 - American Concrete Institute - Detailing Manual. D. ANSI/ASTM A82 - Cold Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement. E. ANSI/ASTM A185 - Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement. F. ANSI/AWS DIA - Structural Welding Code for Reinforcing Steel. G. ASTM A615 - Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. H. CRSI - Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Manual of Practice. I. CRSI 63 - Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars. J. CRSI 65 - Recommended Practice for Placing Bar Supports, Specifications and Nomenclature. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Division 1. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate bar sizes, spacings, locations, and quantities of reinforcing steel and wire fabric, bending and cutting schedules, and supporting and spacing devices. eu g'Q . a g p -h6 �`e� ` CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT 03200 - 1 February 24, 2006 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with ACI 301. 1.7 COORDINATION A. Coordinate work under provisions of Division 1. B. Coordinate with placement of formwork, formed openings and other work. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 REINFORCEMENT A. Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A615, 60 ksi yield grade; deformed billet steel bars. B. Welded Steel Wire Fabric: ASTM A185 Plain Type in flat sheets for flat slabs and coiled rolls for other areas. 2.2 ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Tie Wire: Minimum 16 gage annealed type. B. Chairs, Bolsters, Bar Supports, Spacers: Sized and shaped for strength and support of reinforcement during concrete placement conditions. Provide special chairs with plate bottoms for chair on sand fill. 2.3 FABRICATION A. Fabricate concrete reinforcing in accordance with ACI 318. B. Locate reinforcing splices not indicated on drawings, at point of minimum stress. Indicate location of splices in the shop drawings. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PLACEMENT A. Place, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement. Do not deviate from required position. Place welded wire fabric in center of slab. B. Do not displace or damage vapor barrier. C. Accommodate placement of formed openings. 3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field inspection will be performed under provisions of Division 1. END OF SECTION auihonzell"�upl,c hoXprohhbite : Inc. CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT 03200 - 2 s February 24, 2006 SECTION 03300 CONCRETE WORK PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The extent of concrete work is shown on the drawings. B. Metal Stair Nosings. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02514 - Concrete Curbs, Walks, and Paving. B. Section 07900 - Joint Sealers. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Codes and Standards: Comply with the provision of the following codes, specifications and standards, except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified: 1. ACI 301 "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings" 2. ACI 304 "Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete" 3. ACI 311 "Recommended Practice for Concrete Inspection" 4. ACI 318 "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" 5. ACI 347 "Recommended Practice for Reinforced Concrete" 6. MSP-1-90 Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, "Manual of Standard Practice" B. Workmanship: The contractor is responsible for correction of concrete work which does not conform to the specified requirements, including strength, tolerances and finishes. Correct deficient concrete as directed by the architect. C. Design and Testing 1. The contractor shall bear all expenses in connection with securing proper laboratory designed mixes. Mixes proposed for use in this project shall be tested by means of actual cylinder breaks, with all information being reported to the architect. A proven, established, mix from an acceptable ready -mix plant may be used. Provide a minimum of 5 recent different compression test reports for the proposed mix. D. Concrete Testing Service: Employ, at contractor's expense, a testing laboratory acceptable to architect to perform material evaluation tests and to design concrete mixes. 1. Job site cylinders shall be taken as directed by the architect. The contractor shall notify the testing laboratory. The laboratory shall come to the site and take the concrete cylinders and be responsible for their care and handling, including breaking same at laboratory. 2. Test results shall be furnished to the architect, engineer, and the contractor. 3. Materials and installed work may require testing and retesting, as directed by the architect, at any time during the progress of the work. Allow free access to material °4fie a Pf'� hoXp ohhbeM., I CONCRETE WORK 03300 - 1 February 24,2006 stockpiles and facilities at all items. Tests, not specifically indicated to be done at the owner's expense, including the retesting of the rejected materials and installed work, shall be done at the contractor's expense. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's Data: Submit manufacturer's product data with application and installation instructions for proprietary materials and items, including reinforcement and forming accessories, admixtures, patching compounds, joint systems, patterns, stair nosings and others as requested by the architect. B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication, bending, and placement of concrete reinforcement. Comply with ACI 315 "Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structure" showing bar schedules, stirrup spacing, diagrams of bent bars, arrangement of concrete reinforcement. Include special reinforcement required at openings through concrete structures. PART PRODUCTS 2.1 FORM MATERIALS A. Forms for Exposed Finish Concrete: Unless otherwise shown or specified, construct all formwork for exposed concrete surfaces with plywood, metal, metal framed plywood -faced or other acceptable panel -type materials, to provide continuous, straight, smooth, exposed surfaces. Furnish in largest practicable sizes to minimize number of joints and to conform to joint system shown on the Drawings. Provide form material with sufficient thickness to withstand pressure of newly - placed concrete without bow or deflection. Forms used for this class of concrete shall be new or good as new. B. Use plywood complying with U.S. Product Standard PS-1 "B-B (Concrete Form) Plywood" Class I, Exterior Grade or better, mill -oiled and edgesealed, with each piece bearing legible trademark of an approved inspection agency, unless otherwise acceptable to architect. C. Forms for Unexposed Finish Concrete: Form concrete surfaces which will be unexposed in finished structure with plywood, lumber, metal, or other acceptable material. Provide lumber dressed on at least two edges and one side for tight fit. r D. Earth Trench Forms: Earth trench type forming shall only be used where continuous type or square spot footings are shown on the drawings. 2.2 REINFORCING MATERIALS A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615, Grade 60, except No. 3 ties and stirrups may be Grade 40. B. Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A 185, 6 x 6 - W2.1 x W2.1, welded steel fabric unless other wise noted. C. Dowels for load transfer in floors shall be plain steel bars conforming to ASTM A 675, Grade 60 or ASTM A 499. fi20.0hV&:' CONCRETE WORK 03300 - 2 February 24, 2006 D. Supports for Reinforcement: 1. Provide supports for reinforcement including bolsters, chairs, spacers and other devices for spacing supporting and fastening reinforcing bars and welded wire fabric in place. Use wire bar type supports complying with CRSI, unless otherwise specified. Wood, brick, and other devices will not be acceptable. 2. For slab -on -grade, use supports with sand plates for horizontal runners where wetted base material will not support chair legs. 3. For exposed -to -view concrete surfaces, where legs of supports are in contact with forms, provide supports with legs that are hot -dip galvanized, or plastic protected or stainless steel protected. 2.3 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: 1. ASTM C 150, type I, unless otherwise acceptable to architect. 2. Use only one brand of cement throughout the project, unless otherwise acceptable to architect. B. Fine Aggregate: 1. Clean, sharp, natural sand free from loam, clay, lumps or other deleterious substances. 2. Dune sand, bank -run sand and manufactured sand are not acceptable. C. Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C 33. Clean, uncoated, processed aggregate containing no clay, mud, loam or foreign matter as follows: 1. Crushed stone, processed from natural rock or stone. 2. Washed gravel, either natural or crushed. Use of pit or bank -run gravel is not permitted. 3. Provide aggregate from a single source for all exposed concrete. 4. Maximum Aggregate Size: a. Not larger than one -fifth of the narrowest dimension between sides of forms, one-third of the depth of slabs, nor three -fourths of the minimum clear spacing between individual reinforcing bars of bundles or bars. b. The limitations may be waived if, in the judgement of the architect, workability and methods of consolidation are such that concrete can be placed without honeycomb of voids. D. Water: Clean, fresh, drinkable. E. Air -Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260. F. Water -Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type A, containing not more than 0.1%A chloride ions. G. Set -Control Admixtures: ASTM C 494, as follows: 1. Type B, Retarding 2. Type C, Accelerating 3. Type D, Water -reducing and Retarding 4. Type E, Water -reducing and Accelerating H. Calcium chloride will not be permitted in concrete, unless otherwise authorized in writing by Architect. I. High -Range Water -Reducing Admixture (Super Plasticizer): ASTM C 494, Type F or G containing not more than 0.1% chloride ions. auiFenzc upi can.Xp ohhbi&.Inc. CONCRETE WORK 03300 - 3 February 24, 2006 s 2.4 RELATED MATERIALS A. 10 mil polyethelane vapor barrier. B. Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers: Premolded cane fiber saturated with asphalt. Unless indicated otherwise, 1/2" thickness by depth of slab. C. Absorptive Cover: Burlap cloth made from jute or kenaf, weighing approximately 9 oz. per square yard, complying with AASHTO M 182, Class 2. D. Moisture -Retaining Cover: One of the following, complying with ASTM C 171. 1. Waterproof paper. 2. Polyethylene film. 3. Polyethylene -coated burlap. E. Curing Compound: ASTM C 309, Type I, Class A. 1. Guardian Chemical Company, clear bond at the rate of 400 square feet to the gallon. F. Hardening, Sealing, and Dustproofing: ASTM C 309, Type I, Class A. All exposed slabs not covered with tile on other applied surface finish shall receive second application where construction work is complete. 1. A second application of Guardian Chemical Company, Clear Bond at the rate of 600 square feet to the gallons over the curing compound cost. 2.5 PROPORTIONING AND DESIGN OF MIXES A. Prepare design mixes for each type and strength of concrete in accordance with applicable provisions of ASTM C 94. Use and independent testing facility acceptable to the architect for preparing and reporting proposed mix designs. The testing facility shall not be the same as used for field quality control testing unless otherwise acceptable to the architect. B. Prepare design mixes by either laboratory trial batch or field experience methods, using materials to be employed on the project for each class of concrete required, complying with ACI 211.1. r C. Submit written reports to the architect of each proposed mix for each class of concrete at least 15 days prior to start of work. Do not begin concrete production until mixes have been reviewed by the architect. D. Design mixes to provide normal weight concrete with the following properties, as indicated on the Drawings and schedules: 1. 3000 psi 28-day compressive strength; W/C ratio, 0.58 maximum (non -air -entrained), 0.46 maximum (air entrained). E. Adjustment to Concrete Mixes: Mix design adjustments may be requested by the contractor when characteristics of materials, job conditions, weather, tests results, or other circumstances warrant, at no additional cost to the owner and as accepted by the architect. Laboratory test data for revised mix design and strength results must be submitted to and accepted by the architect before using in the work. 2.6 ADMIXTURES A. Use water -reducing admixture or high range water -reducing admixture (super plasticizer) in concrete as required for placement and workability. fin �9�a aPf�an. .% iA:Inc. CONCRETE WORK 03300 - 4 February 24, 2006 B. Use color admixture in concrete where noted and at pattern concrete locations. Submit color selection chart for approval. Color admixture is to be added at the mixing plant, not at the site. C. Use non -chloride accelerating admixture in concrete slabs placed at ambient temperatures below 50 degrees F. D. Use air -entrained admixture in exterior exposed concrete, unless otherwise indicated. Add air - entraining admixture at the manufacturer's prescribed rate to result in concrete at the point of placement having air content within the following limits: 1. 5.5% with 1 1/2" maximum aggregate 2. 6.0% with 1" maximum aggregate 3. 6.0% with 3/4" maximum aggregate 4. 7.0% with 1/2" maximum aggregate E. Use admixture for water -reducing and set -control in strict compliance with the manufacturer's directions. F. Use amounts of admixtures as recommended by the manufacturer for climatic conditions prevailing at the time of placing. Adjust quantities and types of admixtures as required to maintain quality control. 2.7 SLUMP LIMITS A. Proportion and design mixes to result in concrete slump at the point of placement as follows: 1. Ramps and Sloping Surfaces: Not more than 3". 2. Reinforced Foundation Systems: Not less than 1" and not more than 3". 3. Concrete containing HRWR admixture (super plasticizer): Not more than 8" after addition of HRWR to verified 2"-3" slump concrete. 4. All Other Concrete: Not more than 4". 2.8 CONCRETE MIXING A. Ready -Mix Concrete: Comply with the requirements of ANSI/ASTM C 94, and as herein specified. B. Delete the references for allowing additional water to be added to the batch for material with insufficient slump. Addition of water to the batch will not be permitted. C. During hot weather, or under conditions contributing to rapid setting of concrete, a shorter mixing time than specified in ANSI/ASTM C 94 may be required. D. When the air temperature is between 85 degrees F. and 90 degrees F., reduce the mixing and delivery time from 1-1/2 hours to 75 minutes, and when the air temperature is above 90 degrees F., reduce the mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. 2.9 PATTERN CONCRETE A. Submit slate design patterns for use in the four concrete paving sections and along glass under the entrance canopy where shown on plans. Submit tactile flat domes pattern at ramps. B. Pattern concrete shall meet the same specifications as required for other concrete paving in this project. SAT uplrcanuXProh"6"Q, I CONCRETE WORK 03300 - 5 t_ Febmary 24, 2006 I C. All pattern concrete is to have pigmented concrete, color to be selected by architect. I PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 FORMS A. Design, erect, support, brace and maintain formwork to support vertical and lateral loads that might be applied until such loads can be supported by the concrete structure. Construct formwork so concrete members and structures are of correct size, shape, alignment, elevation, and position. B. Design formwork to be readily removable without impact, shock or damage to cast -in -place concrete surface and adjacent materials. C. Forms shall not leak cement paste. D. Fabricate forms for easy removal without hammering or prying against the concrete surface. Provide crush plates or wrecking plates where stripping may damage cast concrete surfaces. Provide top forms for inclined surfaces where slope is too steep to place concrete with bottom forms only. Kerf wood inserts for forming keyways, reglets, recesses, and the like, to prevent swelling, and for easy removal. E. Provide temporary openings where interior area of formwork is in accessible for cleanout, for inspection before concrete placement, and for placement of concrete. Securely brace temporary openings and set tightly to form to prevent loss of concrete mortar. Locate temporary openings on forms at inconspicuous locations. F. Chamfer exposed corners and edges as shown, using wood, metal, PVC, or rubber chamfer strips fabricated to produce uniform smooth lines and tight edge joints. G. Form Ties: Factory -fabricated, adjustable length, removable or snapoff metal form ties, designated to prevent form defection, and to prevent spalling concrete surfaces upon removal. H. Unless otherwise shown, provide ties so portion remaining within concrete after removal is at least 1-1/2" inside concrete. Unless otherwise shown, provide form ties which will not leave holes larger than V diameter in concrete surface. I. Provisions for Other Trades: Provide openings in concrete formwork to accommodate work for other trades. Determine size and location of openings, recesses and chases from trades providing such items. Accurately place and securely support items built into forms. J. Cleaning and Tightening: Thoroughly clean forms and adjacent surfaces to receive concrete. Remove chips, wood, sawdust, dirt, or other debris just before concrete is placed. Retighten forms after concrete placement if required to eliminate mortar leaks. 3.2 PLACING REINFORCING A. Comply with the specified codes and standards, and Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute's recommended practice for "Placing Reinforcing Bars", for details and methods of reinforcement placement and supports, and as herein specified. B. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and mill scale, earth, ice, and other materials which reduce or destroy bond with concrete. a°4fioe@d�P'earvoXP o�hb �:' CONCRETE WORK 03300 - 6 February 24, 2006 C. Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement by formwork, construction, or concrete placement operations. Locate and support reinforcing by metal chairs, runners, bolsters, spacers and hangers, as required. D. Place reinforcement to obtain at least the minimum coverages for concrete protection. Arrange, space, and securely tie bars and bar supports to hold reinforcement in position during concrete placement operations. Set wire ties so ends are directed into concrete, not toward exposed concrete surfaces. E. Do not place reinforcing bars more than 2" beyond the last leg of continuous bar supports. Do not use supports as bases for runways for concrete conveying equipment and similar construction loads. Install welded wire fabric in as long lengths as practicable. Lap adjoining pieces at least one full mesh and lace splices with wire. Offset end laps in adjacent widths to prevent continuous laps in either direction. 3.3 JOINTS A. Construction Joints 1. Locate and install construction joints, where are not shown on the drawings, so as not to impair the strength and appearance of the structure, as acceptable to the architect. 2. Provide keyways at least 1 1/2" deep in all construction joints in walls, slabs, and between walls and footings; acceptable bulkheads designed for this purpose may be used for slabs. 3. Place construction joints perpendicular to the main reinforcement. Continue all reinforcement across construction joints. B. Control Joints in Slabs -on -Ground: I . Construct control joints in slabs -on -ground to form panels or patterns as shown or directed. Use screed type joints equal to those manufacturer by Superior Concrete Accessories, Inc. Screed key joints are of 24 gauge galvanized steel with 1 1/8" dowel knockouts at 6" on centers. Install with a minimum of five special 16 gauge by V stakes per ten feet of length of material. 2. The use of a softcut saw on a troweled surface is recommended. When using a softcut saw, the saw cuts are to be placed as soon as possible after finishing the concrete. C. Isolation Joints in Slabs -on -Ground: Construct isolation joints in slabs on ground at all points of contact between slabs on ground and vertical surfaces, such as column pedestals, foundation walls, grade beams, and elsewhere as indicated. 3.4 INSTALLATION OF EMBEDDED ITEMS A. General: Set and build into the work anchorage devices and other embedded items required for other work that is attached to, or supported by, cast -in -place concrete. Use setting drawings, diagrams, instructions, and directions provided by suppliers of the items to be attached thereto. B. Edge Forms and Screed Strips for Slabs: Set edge forms or bulkhead and intermediate screed strips for slabs to obtain the required elevations and contours in the finishes slab surface. Provide and secure units sufficiently strong to support the types of screed required. Align the concrete surface to the elevation of the screed strips by the use of strike -off templates or accepted compacting type screeds. H �naa4 onze@'aupl�caiuX prtibhUit `"e CONCRETE WORK 03300 - 7 February 24, 2006 3.5 k1rel PREPARATION OF FORM SURFACES A. Coat the contact surface of forms with a form -coating compound before reinforcement is placed. Provide commercial formulation form -coating compounds that will not bond with, stain, nor adversely affect concrete surfaces, and will not impair subsequent treatment of concrete surfaces requiring bond or adhesion, nor impede wetting of surfaces to be cured with water or curing compounds. B. Thin form -coating compounds only with thinning agent of type, in amount, and under conditions of the form -coating compound manufacturer's directions. Do not allow excess form -coating material to accumulate in the forms or to come into contact with concrete surfaces against which fresh concrete will be placed. Apply in compliance with manufacturer's instructions. CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. General: I. Comply with ACI 304, and as herein specified. 2. Add fibrous concrete reinforcement to concrete materials at the time concrete is batched in amounts in accordance with approved submittals for this types of concrete. Mix batched concrete in strict accordance with the fibrous concrete reinforcement manufacturer's instruction and recommendations for uniform and complete dispersion. 3. Deposit concrete continuously or in layers of such thickness that no concrete will be placed on concrete which has hardened sufficiently to cause the formation of seams or planes of weakness within the section. If a section cannot be placed continuously, provide construction joints as herein specified. 4. Deposit concrete as nearly as practicable to its final location to avoid segregation due to rehandling or flowing. B. Pre -Placement Inspection: Before placing concrete, inspect, and complete the formwork installation, reinforcing steel, and items to be embedded or cast -in. Notify other crafts to permit the installation of their work; cooperate with other trades in setting such work, as required. Thoroughly wet wood forms immediately before placing concrete, as required where form coatings are not used. C. Placing Concrete in Forms: Deposit concrete in forms in horizontal layers not deeper than 18" and in a manner to avoid inclined construction joints. 1. Consolidate placed concrete by mechanical vibrating equipment supplemented by hand - spading, rodding or tamping. Use vibrators designed to operate with vibratory element submerged in concrete, maintaining a speed of not less than 6000 impulses per minute. 2. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete inside of forms. Insert and withdraw vibrators vertically at uniformly spaced location not farther than the visible effectiveness of the machine. Do not insert vibrators into lower layers of concrete that have begun to set. At each insertion, limit the duration of vibration to the time necessary to consolidate the concrete and complete embedment of reinforcement and other embedded items without causing segregation of the mix. D. Placing Concrete Slabs 1. Deposit and consolidate concrete slabs in a continuous operation, within the limits of construction joints, until the placing of a panel or section is completed. Consolidate concrete during placing operations so that concrete is thoroughly worked around reinforcement and other embedded items and into corners. 2. Bring slab surfaces to the correct level with a straightedge and strike off. Use bull floats or darbies to smooth the surface, leaving it free of humps or hollows. Do not sprinkle a°4kog"e�d�P'earvaXprohh6,t: Inc CONCRETE WORK 03300 - 8 February 24, 2006 water on the plastic surface. Do not disturb the slab surfaces prior to beginning finishing operations. 3. Maintain reinforcing in the proper position during concrete placement operations. E. Cold Weather Placing -_ 1. Protect concrete work from physical damage or reduced strength which would be caused by frost, freezing actions, or low temperatures, in compliance with ACI 306 and as herein specified. 2. When air temperature has fallen to or is expected to fall below 40 degrees F., uniformly heat all water and aggregate before mixing as required to obtain a concrete mixture temperature of not less than 50 degrees F., and not more than 80 degrees F., at point of placement. 3. Do not use frozen materials or material containing ice or snow. Do not place concrete on frozen subgrade or on subgrade containing frozen materials. 4. Do not use calcium chloride, salt, and other materials containing antifreeze agents or chemical accelerators, unless otherwise accepted in mix designs. F. Hot Weather Placing 1. When hot weather conditions exist that could seriously impair the quality and strength of concrete, place concrete on compliance with ACI 305 and as herein specified. 2. Cool ingredients before mixing to maintain concrete temperature at time of placement below 90 degrees F. Mixing water may be chilled, or chopped ice may be used to control the concrete temperature provided the water equivalent of the ice is calculated to the total amount of mixing. 3. Cover reinforcing steel with water -soaked burlap if it becomes too hot so that the steel and temperature will not exceed the ambient air temperature immediately before embedment in concrete. Wet form thoroughly before placing concrete. 4. Do not use retarding admixtures unless otherwise accepted in mix designs. 3.7 FINISH OF FORMED SURFACES A. Standard Rough Form Finish: For formed concrete surfaces not exposed to view in the finish work or by other construction, unless otherwise shown, or specified. This is the concrete surface having the texture imparted by the form facing material used, with defective areas repaired and patched as specified, and fins and other projections exceeding 1/4" in height rubbed down with wood blocks. B. Standard Smooth Finish: For formed concrete surfaces exposed to view, or that are to be covered -' with a coating material applied directly to the concrete or a covering material bonded to the concrete, such as waterproofing, dampproofing, painting, or other similar system. This is the as - cast concrete surface as obtained with the form facing material, with defective areas repaired and parched as specified, and fins and other projections on the surface completely removed and smoothed. C. Related Unformed Surfaces: At tops of walls, horizontal offsets and similar unformed surfaces occurring adjacent to formed surfaces, strike off smooth and finish with a texture matching adjacent formed surfaces. Continue final surface treatment of formed surfaces uniformly across adjacent surfaces, unless otherwise shown. 3.8 MONOLITHIC SLAB FINISHES A. Scratch Finish: Apply scratch finish to monolithic slab surfaces that are to receive concrete floor topping or mortar setting beds for tile or other bonded applied cementitious finish flooring material, and as shown on the drawings. a04fio P'earv. o% gg:'"` CONCRETE WORK 03300 - 9 February 24, 2006 After placing slabs, plane surface to a tolerance not exceeding 1/2" in 10 feet when tested with a 10 foot straightedge. Slope surfaces uniformly to drains where required. After leveling, roughen surface before final set, with stiff brushes, brooms, or rakes. B. Float Finish: Apply float finish to monolithic slab surfaces that are to receive trowel finish and other finishes as hereinafter specified, and slab surfaces which are to be covered with membrane or elastic roofing, and as shown on the drawings or in schedules. 1. After screeding and consolidating concrete slabs, do not work surface until ready for floating. Begin floating when surface water has disappeared or when concrete has stiffened sufficiently to permit operation of power -driver floats or both. Consolidate surface with power -driven floats, or by hand floating if area is small or inaccessible to power units. Check and level surface plane to a tolerance not exceeding 1/4" in 10 feet when tested with a 10 foot straightedge. Cut down high spots and fill low spots. Uniformly slope surfaces to drains. Immediately after leveling, refloat surface to a uniform, smooth, granular texture. C. Trowel finish: 1. Apply trowel finish to monolithic slab surfaces that are to be exposed to view, unless otherwise shown, and slab surfaces that are to be covered with resilient flooring, paint, or other thin film finish coating system. 2. After floating, begin first trowel finish operation using a power -driven trowel. Begin final troweling when surface produces a ringing sound as trowel is moved over the surface. Consolidate concrete surface by final hand troweling operation, free of trowel marks, uniform in texture and appearance, and with a surface plane tolerance not exceeding 1/8" in 10 feet when tested with a 10 foot straightedge. Grind smooth surface defects which would telegraph through applied floor covering system. D. Non -Slip Broom Finish: 1. Apply non -slip broom finish to exterior concrete platform, steps and ramps, walks and elsewhere as shown on the drawings or in schedules. 2. Immediately after trowel finishing, slightly roughen concrete surface by brooming perpendicular to main traffic route. Coordinate required final finish with the architect before application. E. Pattern Finish: 1. Apply pattern finish to exterior concrete ramps as shown on the drawings. 2. Use only the approved pattern finish as submitted. 3.9 CONCRETE CURING AND PROTECTION A. General 1. Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperature, and maintain without drying at a relatively constant temperature for a period of time necessary for hydration of cement and proper hardening. 2. Start initial curing application as soon as free water has disappeared from concrete surface after placing and finishing. Weather permitting, keep continuously moist for not less than 72 hours. 3. Begin final curing procedures immediately following initial curing and before concrete has dried. Continue final curing for at least 168 cumulative hours (not necessarily consecutive) during which concrete has been exposed to air temperatures above 50 degrees F. Avoid rapid drying at end of final curing period. a°9�" � J�P�"c noX p ohh6 gj., Im CONCRETE WORK 03300 - 10 February 24, 2006 - ° B. Curing Methods: Perform curing of concrete by moist curing or by moisture retaining cover curing or by membrane -forming curing compound and by combinations thereof, as herein specified. 1. Provide moisture curing by following methods: a. Keep concrete surface continuously wet by covering with water. Continuous water -fog spray. b. Covering concrete surface with specified absorptive cover, thoroughly saturating cover with water and keeping continuously wet. Place absorptive cover to provide coverage of concrete surface and edges, with 4" lap over adjacent absorptive covers. 2. Provide moisture -cover curing as follows: -t a. Cover concrete surfaces with moisture -retaining cover for curing concrete, placed in widest practicable width with sides and ends lapped at least 3" and -; sealed by waterproof tape or adhesive. Immediately repair any holes or tears during curing period using cover material and waterproof tape. -' 3. Provide curing compound for slabs as follows: a. Apply specified curing and sealing compound to concrete slabs as soon as final finishing operations are complete (within 2 hours). b. Apply uniformly in continuous operation by power -spray or roller in accordance with manufacturer's directions. Recoat areas subjected to heavy rainfall within 3 hours after initial application. Maintain continuity of coating and repairing damage during this curing period. C. Do not apply membrane curing compounds on surface which are to be covered with coating material applied directly to concrete, liquid floor hardener, waterproofing, dampproofing, membrane roofing, flooring, painting, and other coatings and finish materials, unless otherwise acceptable to the architect. C. Curing Formed Surfaces: Cure formed concrete surface, including undersides of beams, supported slabs and other similar surfaces by moist curing with forms in place for full curing period or until forms are removed. If forms are removed, continue curing by methods specified above, as applicable. D. Curing Unformed Surfaces: Initially cure unformed surfaces, such as slabs, floor topping, and other flat surfaces by moist curing. 1. Final cure unformed surfaces, unless specified otherwise, by methods specified above, as - applicable. 2. Final cure concrete surfaces to receive liquid floor hardener or finish flooring by use of moisture -retaining cover, unless otherwise directed. 3.10 REMOVAL OF FORMS A. Formwork not supporting weight of concrete, such as sides of beams, walls, columns, and similar parts of the work, maybe removed after cumulatively curing at not less than 50 degrees F. for 24 hours after placing concrete, provided concrete is sufficiently hard to not be damaged by form removal operations, and provided curing and protection operations are maintained. B. Formwork supporting weight of concrete, such as beams, soffits, joists, slabs and other structural elements, may not be removed in less than 14 days and until concrete has attained design minimum compressive strength at 28 days. Determine potential compressive strength if inplace concrete by testing field -cured specimens representative of concrete location or members. C. Form facing material may be removed 4 days after placement, only if shores and other vertical supports have been arranged to permit removal of form facing material without loosening or disturbing shores and supports. 3 8�4fi" e� 3�p 'cei oX proh to g" Inc. CONCRETE WORK 03300 - 11 Febmary 24, 2006 3.11 RE -USE OF FORMS A. Clean and repair surfaces of forms to be re -used in the work. Split, frayed, delaminated or otherwise damaged form facing material will not be acceptable. Apply new form coating compound material to concrete contact form surfaces as specified for new formwork. B. When forms are intended for successive concrete placement, thoroughly clean surfaces, remove fins and laitance, and tighten forms to close joints. Align and secure joints to avoid offsets. Do not use patched forms for exposed concrete surfaces, except as acceptable to architect. 3.12 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE ITEMS A. Filling -in: Fill-in holes and openings left in concrete structures for passage of work by other trades, unless otherwise shown or directed, after work of trades is in place. Mix, place, and cure concrete as herein specified, to blend with in -place construction. Provide other miscellaneous concrete filling shown or required to complete work. B. Reinforced Masonry: Provide concrete grout for reinforced masonry lintels and bond beams where indicated on the drawings and as scheduled. Maintain accurate location of reinforcing steel during concrete placement. 3.13 CONCRETE SURFACE REPAIRS A. Patching Defective Areas: 1. Repair and patch defective areas with cement mortar immediately after removal of forms, I but only when acceptable to architect. 2. Cut out honeycomb, rock pockets, voids over 1/3" in any dimension, and holes left by tie rods and bolts, down to solid concrete but in no case to a depth of less than 1 ". Make edges of cuts perpendicular to the concrete surface. Before placing cement mortar or proprietary patching compound, thoroughly clean, dampen with water and brush -coat the areas to be patched with neat cement grout, or proprietary bonding agent. 3. For exposed to view surfaces, blend white portland cement and standard portland cement so that, when dry, patching mortar will match surrounding color. Provide test areas at inconspicuous location to verify mixture and color match before proceeding with patching. Compact mortar in place and strike -off slightly higher than surrounding surface. B. Repair of Formed Surfaces: 1. Remove and replace concrete having defective surfaces if defects cannot be repaired to satisfaction of architect. Surface defects include color and texture irregularities; cracks; spalls; air bubbles; honeycomb; rock pockets; fins and other projections on surface; and stains and other discolorations that cannot be removed by cleaning. Flush out form tie holes, fill with dry pack mortar or precast cement cone plugs secured in place with bonding agent. 2. Where possible, repair concealed formed surfaces that contain defects that adversely affect the durability of the concrete. If defects cannot be repaired, remove and replace the concrete. C. Repair of Unformed Surfaces 1. Test unformed surfaces, such as monolithic slabs, form smoothness and to verify surface plane to tolerances specified for each surface and finish. Correct low and high areas as herein specified. Test unformed surfaces sloped to drain for trueness of slope, in addition to smoothness, using a template having required slope. 2. Repair finished unformed surfaces that contain defects which adversely affect durability of concrete. Surface defects, as such, include crazing, cracks in excess of 0.01" wide or lj a04fio�d�P'�arvoXPa hk &A,'"`. CONCRETE WORK 03300 - 12 February 24, 2006 which penetrate to reinforcement or completely through non -reinforced sections regardless of width, spalling, pop -puts, honeycomb, rock pockets and other objectionable conditions. 3. Correct high areas in unformed surfaces by grinding after concrete has cured at least 14 days. 4. Correct low areas in unformed surfaces during, or immediately after, completion of surface finishing operations by cutting out low areas and replacing with fresh concrete. Finish repaired areas to blend into adjacent concrete. Proprietary patching compounds may be used when acceptable to architect. 5. Repair defective areas, except random cracks and single holes not exceeding 1" diameter, by cutting out and replacing with fresh concrete. Remove defective areas to sound - concrete with clean, square cuts and expose reinforcing steel with at least 3/4" clearance all around. Dampen concrete surfaces in contact with patching concrete, and brush with a - neat cement grout coating or concrete bonding agent. Mix patching concrete of same materials to provide concrete of the same type or class as original concrete. Place, compact and finish to blend with adjacent finished concrete. Cure in the same manner as adjacent concrete. 6. Repair isolated random cracks and single holes not over 1" in diameter by dry pack method. Groove top of cracks and cut-out holes to sound concrete and clean of dust, dirt, and loose particles. Dampen cleaned concrete surfaces and brush with neat cement grout coating or concrete bonding agent. Mix dry pack, consisting of one part portland cement to 2 1/2 parts fine aggregate passing a No. 16 mesh sieve, using only enough water as required for handling and placing. Compact dry pack mixture in place and finish to match adjacent concrete. Keep patched area continuously moist for not less than 72 hours. D. Use epoxy -based mortar for structural repairs, where directed by architect. E. Repair methods not specified above may be used, subject to acceptance of architect. 3.14 QUALITY CONTROL TESTING DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The contractor will employ a testing laboratory to perform all other tests and to submit test reports. B. Sampling and testing for quality control during the placement of concrete may include the following, as directed by the Architect. I . Sampling Fresh Concrete: ASTM C 172, except modified for slump to comply with ASTM C 94. 2. Slump: ASTM C 143; one test for each concrete load at point of discharge; and one test for each set of compressive strength test specimens. 3. Air Content: ASTM C 173, volumetric method for lightweight concrete; ASTM C 231 pressure for normal weight concrete; one for each set of compressive strength test specimens. 4. Concrete Temperature: Test hourly when air temperature is 40 degrees F. and below, and when 80 degrees F. and above; and each time a set of compression test specimens made. 5. Compression Test Specimen: ASTM C 31; one set of 4 standard cylinders for each compressive strength test, unless otherwise directed. Mold and store cylinders for laboratory cured test specimens except when field -cure test specimens are required. 6. Compressive Strength Tests: ASTM C 39; one set for each 100 cu. yds. or fraction thereof, of each concrete class placed in any one day or for each 5000 sq. ft. of surface area placed; 1 specimen tested at 7 days for information only, 2 specimens tested at 28 oa �o adldupi�rah P,.%hb fA, Inc. CONCRETE WORK 03300 13 Febmary 24, 2006 days, and I specimen retained in reserve for later testing if required. The acceptance test results shall be the average of the strengths of the two specimens tested at 28 days. a. When the frequency of testing will provide less than 5 strength tests for a given class on concrete, conduct testing from at least 5 randomly selected batches or from each batch if fewer than 5 are used. b. When the total quantity of a given class of concrete is less than 50 cu. yds., the strength test may be waived by the architect, if, in his judgement, adequate evidence of satisfactory strength is provided. C. When the strength of field -cured cylinders is less than 85% of companion laboratory -cured cylinders, evaluate current operations and provide corrective procedures for protecting and curing the in -place concrete. C. Test results will be reported in writing to the architect , engineer and the contractor on the same day that tests are made. Reports of compressive strength tests shall contain the project identification name and number, date of concrete placement, name of concrete testing services, concrete type and class, location of concrete batch in the structure, design compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mix proportions and materials; compressive breaking strength and type of break for both 7-day tests and 28-day tests. D. Additional Tests: The testing service will make additional tests of in -place concrete when test results indicate the specified concrete strengths and other characteristics have not been attained in the structure, as directed by the Architect. The testing service may conduct tests to determined adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with ASTM C 42, or by other methods as directed. Contractor shall pay for such tests conducted, and any other additional testing as may be required when unacceptable concrete is verified. 3.15 TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS A. All new concrete walks, sloped walks, ramps, curb cuts, curb ramps, surface textures, and dimensions shall comply with the Texas Accessibility Standards of the Architectural Barriers Act, Article 9102, Texas Civil Statutes. B. New and renovated concrete surfaces shall provide at least a 2% positive slope away from accessible routes. Do not allow any water to stand within accessible routes. END OF SECTION I O auihoi i"b�P11� noXprohh(i1te: Inc.CONCRETE WORK 03300 - 14 I_ February 24, 2006 SECTION 03450 PRECAST ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: A. The extent of precast architectural concrete units is shown on the Drawings. B. Precast architectural concrete units include the following: 1. Plain smooth -faced concrete units 2. Brick -embedded concrete, equal to Scott system "Brick snap System" 3. Elastomeric formliner equal to Scott System "Flex Liner". 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Manufacturer and erector shall have a minimum of five years production and erection experience in architectural precast concrete work of the quality and scope required on this project. B. When requested, the manufacturer shall submit evidence to verify the above requirements. C. All work shall comply with testing provisions of PCI-MNL-I17, "Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Architectural Precast Concrete Product". D. The manufacture and erection shall be such that each panel, after erection, complies with the dimensional tolerances listed in the above manual. 1.4 SUBMITTALS: A. Shop Drawings: 1. Shop drawings shall be submitted showing unit shapes and dimensions, finishes, reinforcing, joint and connection details, lifting and erection inserts, location and details of anchorage hardware attached to structure, and any other items cast into the panels. 2. Submit five copies of shop drawings to the Architect for approval. 3. Submit shop drawings for custom form -liner, illustrating artwork and relief depths. B. Samples: 1. Submit 3 sets of precast samples approximately 12" x 12" x 2" to illustrate quality, color and texture of surface finish. 2. Architect's review of samples will be for color, texture and general conditions only. "a1 go e@ dap cBnoX prohh6gA., Im. PRECAST ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE 03450 1 February 24, 2006 3. Submit brick samples for brick selection by the Architect. 4. Submit samples of the brick inlay snap carriers. 5. Provide one full mock-up of panel Type I prior to the casting of the remainder of the panels. Once approved, the submitted panel may be used in the construction. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: A. Handle and transport units in a position consistent with their shape and design in order to avoid excessive stresses or damage. B. Support units during shipment on non -staining shock -absorbing material, and lift and support units only at the points shown on the erection shop drawings. Do not place units on ground. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 CONCRETE MATERIALS: A. Portland Cement for the mix shall be ASTM C 150, Type I or IE. B. Coarse Aggregate for the mix shall meet ASTM C 33. C. Fine Aggregate for the mix shall be sand meeting ASTM C 33. D. Water shall be clean and potable. E. The 28 day compressive strength shall be 5000 psi minimum when tested as 6" x 12" cylinders. 2.2 REINFORCING MATERIALS: A. Deformed bars shall meet ASTM A 615, Grade 60 or Grade 40 (non -galvanized). Welded wire fabric shall meet ASTM A 185 (electroplated). 2.3 CAST -IN ANCHORS: A. In general, all anchoring members cast into the panels will be furnished by the panel manufacturer. All other anchors and attachment items shall be furnished under Division 5. B. All cast -in steel anchors shall meet ASTM A 36 (non -galvanized). C. Anchor bolts shall meet ASTM A 307 (non -galvanized). D. Welded head studs shall meet AWS D1.1, Part VI, Section 4, (non -galvanized). 2.4 FABRICATION: A. Manufacturing procedures shall be in compliance with PCI-MNL-I17. The face of the panels shall be finished with a combination of form -liner and embedded brick. Any exposed surface shall'be achieved by face down casting. The back of the panels shall have smooth wood float finish. Provide at least 3/4" cover for reinforcing steel. B. Metal back chairs, with or without coating, shall not be used in the finished face of the panels. 8.20 4 a�' 3�P.'C n. .% ,egj.jnc PRECAST ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE 03450 - 2 Febmary 24, 2006 C. Precast panels shall achieve a minimum compressive strength of 2000 psi before removal from forms. Panels shall be air -cured until minimum design strength is achieved. D. Panels which do not meet the dimensional tolerances will be rejected. E. Make one compression test at 28 days for each day's production. 2.5 SURFACE FINISH: Provide exposed surface finish as follows: A. The exposed surface finish of the concrete panel shall be with cut bricks laid in courses as specified by the Architect, and special formed castingas shown on the drawings. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 ERECTION: A. The General Contractor shall provide access so that erection equipment can operate under its own power at all times. Adequate barricades and/or signs shall be erected to safeguard traffic in the immediate area of hoisting and handling operations. B. Set precast panels level, plumb and true within the allowable tolerances. Provide temporary supports and bracing as required to maintain position, stability and alignment as units are being permanently connected. C. Non -cumulative tolerances for location of precast units shall be in accordance with PCI-MNL-117. D. Set units dry, without mortar, and fasten in place by welding and/or bolting as detailed on the plans. E. After installation and before joint treatment, clean soiled panel surfaces with detergent and water using a fiber brush and rinse thoroughly with clean water. Use diluted muriatic acid to clean stubborn stains only after above methods have failed and only if approved by the Architect. F. The erector shall be responsible for any chipping, spalling, cracking or other damage to the panels caused by the erection process. END OF SECTION b��9(o Ze Pfea"oXP 0% teed•Inc PRECAST ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE 03450 - 3 February 24, 2006 SECTION 04100 MORTAR AND MASONRY GROUT PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, and Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work in this Section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Mortar and grout for masonry. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Samples: Submit two samples of mortar, illustrating mortar color and color range. 1.4 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01400 - Quality Control. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with ACI 530 and ACI 530.1. 1.6 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Cold Weather Requirements: IMIAC - Recommended Practices and Guide Specifications for Cold Weather Masonry Construction. B. Hot Weather Requirements: IMIAC - Recommended Practices and Guide Specifications for Hot Weather Masonry Construction. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Refractory Mortar: ASTM C199. B. Mortar Aggregate: ASTM C 144, standard masonry type. C. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C207, Type S. D. Mortar Color: Mineral oxide pigment color as selected. E. Grout Aggregate: ASTM C404. F. Water: Clean and potable. G. Bonding Agent: Latex. r8�4�oae@d�PcanoXprohh6`: Inc MORTAR AND MASONRY GROUT 04100 1 Febmary 24, 2006 2.2 MORTAR MIXES A. Mortar for Load Bearing Walls and Partitions: ASTM C270, Type S using the Property Method. B. Mortar for Non -load Bearing Walls and Partitions: ASTM C270, Type S using the Property Method. C. Mortar for Reinforced Masonry: ASTM C270. D. Mortar For Glass Unit Masonry: ASTM C270, Type S using the Property specification. E. Stain Resistant Pointing Mortar: One part portland cement, 1/8 part hydrated lime, and two parts graded (80 mesh) aggregate, proportioned by volume. Add aluminum tristearate, calcium stearate, or ammonium stearate equal to 2 percent of Portland cement by weight. 2.3 MORTAR MIXING A. Thoroughly mix mortar ingredients in quantities needed for immediate use in accordance with ASTM C270. B. Add mortar color in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Do not use anti -freeze compounds to lower the freezing point of mortar. 2.4 GROUT MIXES A. Bond Beams: 3,000 psi strength at 28 days; 8-10 inches slump; premixed type in accordance with ASTM C94. 2.5 GROUT MIXING A. Mix grout in accordance with ASTM C94. B. Do not use anti -freeze compounds to lower the freezing point of grout. 2.6 MIX TESTS A. Testing of Mortar Mix: In accordance with ASTM C780. B. Testing of Grout Mix: In accordance with ASTM C 1019. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION A. Apply bonding agent to existing surfaces. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install mortar and grout in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Work grout into masonry cores and cavities to eliminate voids. Do not displace reinforcement. END OF SECTION neul�onzi�°buplic noti prohhb�icg'Inc MORTAR AND MASONRY GROUT 04100 - 2 February 24, 2006 SECTION 04300 UNIT MASONRY SYSTEM PARTI GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, and Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work in this Section. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. Concrete unit masonry backup walls, complete with reinforcement and anchorages. B. Exterior facing brick. C. Form control joints. D. Built-in items supplied by other trades. E. Cut and fit for items furnished and installed by other trades. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 03300 - Concrete Work. B. Section 04340 - Reinforced Unit Masonry System. C. Section 05500 - Metal Fabrication. D. Section 06100 - Rough Carpentry. E. Section 07105 - Dampproofing and Waterproofing. F. Section 07900 - Joint Sealers. G. Section 08100 - Hollow Metal Frames. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform concrete unit masonry work in accordance with requirements of ANSI A 41.1, unless indicated otherwise herein. 1.5 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM C 90-95 Hollow load bearing CMU. B. ASTM C 91 Masonry Cement C. ASTM C 140 Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Unit. D. ASTM C 150 Portland Cement. � 9k"�"1�Pf�ahoXp"6�, : ` UNIT MASONRY SYSTEM 04300 - 1 February 24, 2006 E. ASTM C 207 Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes. F. ASTM C 216 Facing Brick. G. ASTM C 270 Specifications for Mortar for Unit Masonry. H. ASTM C 426 Test for Drying Shrinkage of Concrete Block. I. ASTM C 476 Specification for Grout for Masonry. J. ASTM A 82 Cold -Drawn Steel Wire - Plain for Reinforcement. 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. Certificates of Compliance: Manufacturer's certification that masonry units furnished meet or exceed requirements of this section. B. Test Reports: Certify that concrete masonry units and mortar mix proposed conform to the following: 1. Concrete Masonry Units: ASTM C 140 and C426. 2. Mortar: ASTM C270. C. Product literature of items specified; include manufacturer's literature on sizes, maintenance, cleaning, water repellent, and graffite control. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store materials off ground and protected from wetting by capillary action, rain or snow and protected from mud, dust or other material and contaminating material. 1.8 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Hot Weather Requirement: 1. Protect all masonry construction from direct exposure to wind and sun for 48 hours after erection when ambient air temperature exceeds 99 degrees F and when shaded with relative humidity less than 50 percent. 2. Provide suitable coverings or barriers to deflect direct sunlight and wind. B. Temperature: No masonry work shall be conducted when ambient temperature is falling and below 50 degrees F. PART PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Concrete Masonry Units and Face Brick. 1. Featherlite Building Products. 2. Brunson Brick 3. Acme Brick. 4. Elgin -Butler Brick. 5. Henderson Clay Products. B. Water Repellent 1. Thoro: Thoroclear 777. 2. Okon. afio�Pp� hoXprohhVie$:' UNIT MASONRY SYSTEM 04300 - 2 Febfuary 24, 2006 3. Prime-A-Pell200. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Concrete Masonry Units: 1. Manufacturer's standard units with nominal face dimensions of 16" long x 8" high (15- 5/8" x 7-5/8" actual), unless otherwise indicated. Thicknesses as indicated on the drawings. 2. Special Shapes: Provide where required for lintels, corners, jambs, sash, control joints, headers, bonding and other special conditions. 3. Hollow Loading -Bearing CMU: ASTM C 90-95, Grade "N". 4. Weight: Provide lightweight units using aggregate complying with ASTM C 331 producing dry net unit weight of not more than 105 lbs. per cubic foot, unless otherwise indicated. 5. Curing: Cure units in a moisture -controlled atmosphere or in an autoclave and normal pressure and temperature to comply with ASTM C 90-95, Type I. a. Limit moisture absorption during delivery and until time of installation to the maximum percentage specified for Type I units for the average annual relative humidity as reported by the U.S. Weather Bureau Station nearest the project site. B. Face Brick: 1. Size: Unless otherwise indicated, provide bricks manufactured to the following nominal dimensions: a. King: 2 3/8" x 3 3/8" x 9 5/8". b. Special Shapes: Provide where necessary for lintels, corners, jambs, sash, control joints, headers, bonding and other special conditions. 2. For applications resulting in exposure of brick surfaces which otherwise would be concealed from view, provide uncured or unfrogged units with all exposed surfaces finished. 3. Facing Brick: ASTM C 216, and as follows: a. Type of Grade: SW. b. Type: Type FBS (normal size and color variations). C. Application: Use where brick is exposed, unless otherwise indicated. d. Texture and Color: Match existing texture and color scheme of hospital. Submit samples for approval prior to ordering. e. Coursing is to match existing hospital; 1/3 running bond. C. Mortar: 1. Mortar mixes: Conform to ASTM C 270, and the following: a. Type "S" Mortar, for all masonry. One part Portland Cement, 1/4 to 1/2 part hydrated lime, 2-3/4 to 4-1/2 parts damp loose sand or 1/2 part Portland Cement, 1 part masonry cement, 3-3/8 to 4-1/2 parts damp loose sand. 2. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type 1, one sack 94# net, considered one cubic foot. 3. Masonry Cement: ASTM C 91 furnished in sacks containing one cubic foot each, marked with the weight. One sack considered one cubic foot. Exterior masonry cement shall contain integral waterproofing. Masonry cement shall be manufactured by Atlas, Lehigh, Lonestar, Trinity or an approval equal. 4. Sand: (Fine Aggregate) 80# damp, considered one cubic foot ASTM C 144 of acceptable color graded within the following limits: SIEVE NO. PERCENT OF SAND RETAINED MAX. (BY WEIGHT) MIN. 4 0 0 8 5 0 16 40 0 30 65 30 50 85 65 ij a�4ka e�d�P'caioXPf0% tee Inc. UNIT MASONRY SYSTEM 04300 - 3 Febmary 24, 2006 100 98 85 5. Water: Clean and free from injurious amounts of oil acids, soluble salts, and organic impurities. 6. Colors shall be as selected by architect. 7. Do not lower the freezing point of mortar by use of admixtures or antifreeze agents. 8. Do not use calcium chloride in mortar or grout. D. Joint Reinforcement, Ties and Anchoring Devices: 1. Zinc -Coated Wire: ASTM A 82 for uncoated wire, ASTM A 641, Class 3 for zinc coating. 2. Joint Reinforcement: Welded -wire units prefabricated with deformed continuous side rods and plain cross rods into straight lengths of not less than 10 feet. Fabricate from cold -drawn steel wire complying with ASTM A 82, and a unit width of 1-1/2" to 2" less than thickness of wall or partition, with prefabricated corner and tee units, and as follows: a. Wire Size for Side Rods: 9 gauge diameter. b. Wire Size for Cross Rods: 9 gauge diameter. C. For multi-wythe or cavity exterior masonry back-up fabricate units with additional side rods spaced for embedment in inside face of back-up wythe. 3. Veneer Anchors and Ties: Screw on anchor of at least 12 gage hot dipped galvanized metal with two screw holes per anchor. Flexible wire ties of hot dipped galvanized 3/16 inch wire by suitable length. Flexible straps of hot dipped galvanized 16 gage by at least 1 1/4 inch wide by suitable length with 1/4 inch anchor holes. 4. Miscellaneous Masonry Anchors: Fabricated from 16 gauge steel sheet or 3/8" steel rod, 1.5 oz. hot -dip zinc coating after fabrication. E. Flashing for Masonry: 1. Provide concealed flashings, shown to be built into masonry. 2. Provide concealed flashings as follows: a. Asphalt -Coated Copper: Copper coated both sides with flexible fabricated asphalt. b. Fabricate with 3 oz. copper, unless otherwise indicated, as produced by AFCO Flashings or Equal. 3. Provide plastic flashing as follows: a. Sheet polyvinyl chloride, 30 mil thickness (0.030), 3.3 oz/SF, ASTM D 822, 48 or 72 inches wide rolls. York Flashings: Wascoseal. b. Use rubber base adhesive compound for bonding polyvinyl chloride sheets. F. Miscellaneous Masonry Accessories: 1. Reinforcing Bars: Deformed steel, ASTM A 615, Grade 60 of the sizes shown. 2. Metal Expansion Joint Strips: Provide the following formed to the shape shown. a. Bond Breaker Strips: 30 lb. asphalt roofing felt complying with ASTM D 226, or 30 lb., coal -tar roofing felt complying with ASTM D 227. b. Premolded Control Joint Strips: Solid rubber strips with a Shore A durometer hardness of 60 to 80, designed to fit standard sash block and maintain lateral stability in masonry wall, size and configuration as indicated. 3. Rubber Expansion Joints: Provide rubber Blok-Tite gaskets as produced by AA Wire Products Co., or equal. Install as shown on the drawings. 4. Cleaning Solution: Non -acidic as recommended by masonry manufacturer. 5. Provide pre -cast concrete apple logo on each face of the outer most band of masonry columns along the entrance, see drawings. Precast units of art work provided, approximately 9 x 10 king brick module. McC Masonry Casting Corp., Amarillo, 1-806- 359-4912. 6nauthon�iae�"c�uplic AIM plohb6etct. [ne. UNIT MASONRY SYSTEM 04300 - 4 February 24, 2006 G. Water Repellent: 1. Masonry water repellent shall be equal to Prime -A -Pell 200, manufactured by Chemprobe Corporation. Cover all exposed exterior masonry, full height of wall. 2. Install per manufacturer's instructions. H. Graffiti Control: 1. Graffiti control shall be equal to Defacer Eraser, manufactured by ProSoCo, Inc., -- telephone 913-281-2700. Cover all exposed exterior masonry, full height of wall. 2. Provide at least two gallons of Defacer Eraser Graffiti wipe supplement to Graffiti Control. Store where directed by Owner. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Examine other construction which is to support or interface with masonry work for conditions that would prevent proper installation of masonry. B. Where footings and shelves are not sound or level, where anchorage devices have not been installed, where interfaces exist, or where there are other conditions unsuitable for proper installation of masonry, do not start masonry work until other construction has been corrected. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install masonry units in running bond to match the existing brick patterns. B. Cut exposed masonry units, where necessary with a power saw. 1. Avoid the use (by proper layout) of less than half size units. C. Wet brick prior to laying. D. Hold uniform joint sizes of 3/8", unless otherwise indicated. Hold joint sizes to suit modular size of masonry units. E. Cut joints flush and tool slightly concave, unless otherwise indicated. F. Keep cavities between masonry and insulation clean of mortar droppings and other materials during construction. G. Reinforce horizontal joints with continuous masonry joint reinforcement, spaced 16" vertically. Do not bridge control and expansion joints in the wall system. H. Build other work into the masonry work as shown, fitting masonry units around other work, and grouting for secure anchorage. I. Protect newly laid masonry from exposure to precipitation, excessive drying, freezing, soiling, backfill and other harmful elements. J. At end of each day's work, use a medium soft dry nylon brush to clean masonry work. K. Weep Holes: 1. Provide weep holes in head joints in same course of masonry bedded in the flashing mortar. 2. Provide weep holes spaced 32" apart at the bottom of (and at edges in) cavities. 3. Provide preformed plastic tubes with cotton wick inserts. u&nzc"npP.V'R.X Prohhb �e`J:' UNIT MASONRY SYSTEM 04300 - 5 February 24, 2006 L. Structural Bonding of Multi-Wythe Masonry: 1. Use continuous joint reinforcing embedded in horizontal joints for bond tie between wythes. Install at not more than 16" o.c. vertically as specified. Provide continuity at corners and intersections using prefabricated "L" and "T" units. M. Horizontal Joint Reinforcing: 1. Provide continuous horizontal joint reinforcing as shown and specified. Fully embed longitudinal side rods in mortar for their entire length with a minimum cover of 5/8" on exterior side of walls and 1/2" at other locations. Lap reinforcement a minimum of 6" at ends of units. Do not bridge control and expansion joints with reinforcing, unless otherwise indicated. Provide continuity at corners and wall intersections by use of prefabricated "L" and "T" sections. Cut and bend units as directed by manufacturer for continuity. 2. Space continuous horizontal reinforcing as follows: a. For multi-wythe walls where continuous horizontal reinforcing also acts as structural bond or tie between wythes, space reinforcing as required by code but not less than 16" o.c. vertically. b. For single-wythe walls, space reinforcing at 16" o.c. vertically, unless otherwise indicated. 3. Reinforce masonry openings greater than 1'-0" wide, with horizontal joint reinforcing placed in two horizontal joints approximately 8" apart, both immediately above the lintel and below the sill. Extend reinforcing a minimum of 2'-0" beyond jambs of the opening, bridging control joints where provided. N. Anchoring Masonry Work: 1. Provide anchoring devices of the type shown as specified. If not shown or specified, provide standard type for facing and back-up involved. 2. Anchor masonry to structural members where masonry abuts or faces such members to comply with following: a. Provide an open space not less than 1" in width between masonry and structural member, unless otherwise shown. Keep open space free of mortar or other rigid materials. b. Anchor masonry to structural members with metal ties embedded in masonry joints and attached to structure. Provide anchors with flexible tie sections and metal compatibility unless otherwise indicated. C. Space anchors as shown, but not more than 16" o.c. horizontally. d. Bond intersecting walls with masonry units or provide anchors spaced 16" o.c. r 3.3 PROTECTION t_ A. Maintain protective boards at exposed external corners which may be damaging completed work. B. Keep expansion joint voids clear of mortar. C. Provide temporary bracing during erection of masonry work. Maintain in place until building structure provides permanent bracing. D. At end of each day or shutdown period, protect all exposed walls by covering with a strong waterproof membrane, extending at least two feet down each side of wall and secured in place. E. Seal wall with anti -graffiti masonry sealer, submit for review. 3.4 POINTING AND CLEANING a°4� �ze�upleanuXproh'i6te�'" UNIT MASONRY SYSTEM 04300 - 6 February 24, 2006 A. After mortar is thoroughly set and cured, clean masonry as follows: 1. Remove large mortar particles by hand with wooden paddles and nonmetallic scrape hoes or chisels. 2. Test cleaning methods on sample panels before proceeding with cleaning of entire masonry work. 3. Clean brick masonry by bucket and brush hand cleaning method described in BIA "Technical Note No. 20 Revised" using the following cleaner: a. Acidic cleaner approved by unit masonry manufacturer. 4. Clean concrete unit masonry to comply with masonry manufacturer's directions and applicable NCMA "Tek" bulletins. 5. Clean accessories of all excess mortar. B. On completion, point up all exposed masonry. Cut out defective joints and repoint where necessary. Reclean masonry as necessary. C. Remove white scum from masonry with Sure Keean White Scum Remover, PorSoCo, Inc., telephone 913-281-2700. END OF SECTION a02" ".P,canoXprohh6l�e�:'" UNIT MASONRY SYSTEM 04300 - 7 February 24, 2006 SECTION 04340 REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY SYSTEM PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, and Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work in this Section. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. Work under this section includes the providing and installing of all reinforcing and grouting associated with reinforced unit masonry. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 04300 - Unit Masonry System. 1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM C 404 Aggregate for Masonry Grout. B. ASTM C 143 Slump of Portland Cement Concrete. C. ASTM C 144 Aggregate for Masonry Mortar. D. ASTM C 615 Deformed and Plain Billet Steel for Concrete Reinforcement. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication, bending, size, quanity lengths and placement of reinforcement bars. Comply with ACI 315 "Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures." Show bar schedules, diagrams of bent bars, stirrup spacing, lateral ties and other arrangements and assemblies as required for fabrication and placement of reinforcement for unit masonry work. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Refer to Section 04300 - Unity Masonry System, 1.8 Project Conditions and conform to these requirements under this section. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. General: Refer to Unit Masonry section for masonry materials and accessories not included in this section. B. Reinforcement Bars: Provide deformed bars, grade 60 KSI yield billet steel deformed bars complying with ASTM A 615, except as otherwise indicated. C. Mortar and Grout: nauifionzell"�apfic noX Pfohbge,c�J c. REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY SYSTEM 04340 - 1 February 24, 2006 1. Portland Cenment ASTM C 150, Type I. 2. Blended Hydraulic Cement ASTM C 595, Type IS, IP or S. 3. Masonry Cement ASTM C 91, Type S. 4. Hydrated Lime ASTM C 207, Type S. 5. Aggregates: a. Sand ASTM C 144. b. Coarse for Grout ASTM C 404, Size No. 8. 6. Water: Clear, clean and potable. 7. Mortar Color: a. All natural exposed to view mortar, as selected by the architect. b. All other locations: Natural grey. 2.2 MIXES A. Masonry Grout Mix: Conform to ASTM C 476 and the following for coarse grout: 1. One part Portaand Cement, 0 to 1/10 part hydrated lime, 2-1/4 to 3 parts damp, loose sand, 1 to 2 parts coarse aggregate. 2. Meet physical requirements for grout as specified in ASTM C 476. 3. Grout for filling of reinforced cells in concrete block walls shall have a strength of 2500 pounds per square inch in 28 days. B. Fine aggregate shall conform to ASTM Spec. C144 except for soundness and lightweight particles and shall have the following screen analysis: • passing No. 4 screen 100 • passing No. 8 screen 95 to 100 • passing No. 100 screen 25 maximum • passing No. 200 screen 10 maximum C. Course aggregate shall conform to ASTM Spec. C404 and shall have the following screen analysis: % passing No. 1/2 in. 100 % passing No. 3/8 in. 86 to 100 % passing No. 4 10 to 30 % passing No. 8 0 to 10 % passing No. 16 0 to 5 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. General: Clean reinforcement of loose rust mill scale, earth, ice or other materials which will reduce bond to mortar or grout. Do not use reinforcement bars with kinks or bends not shown on drawings or final shop drawings, or bars with reduced cross-section due to excessive rusting or other causes. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Reinforcing: 1. Position reinforcement accurately at the spacing indicated. Support and secure vertical bars against displacement. Horizontal reinforcement may be placed as the masonry work progresses. Where vertical bars are shown in proximity, provide a clear distance between bars of not less than the nominal bar diameter or 1 inch (which ever is greater); "autgoniell°lupl. MXpr.% te�:I REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY SYSTEM 04340 - 2 February 24, 2006 2. Splice reinforcement bars at intervals not to exceed 5 feet. Provide lapped splices. In splicing vertical bars or attaching to dowels, lap ends, place in contact and wire -tie. 3. Embed prefabricated horizontal joint reinforcement as the work progresses, with a minimum cover of 5/8 inch on exterior face of walls and 1/2 inch at other locations. Lap units not less than 6 inches at ends. Use prefabricated "L" and "T" units to provide continuity at corners and intersections. Cut and bend units as recommended by manufacturer for continuity. 4. Anchor reinforced masonry walls to non -reinforced masonry where they intersect. B. Masonry: 1. Refer to Section 04300, Unit Masonry System for general installation requirements of unit masonry. 2. Do not wet concrete masonry units (CMU). 3. Lay CMU units with full -face shell mortar beds. Fill vertical head joints (end joints between units) solidly with mortar from face of unit to a unit to a distance behind face equal to not less than the thickness of longitudinal face shells. Solidly bed cross -webs of starting courses in mortar. Maintain head and bed joint widths shown, or if not shown, provide 3/8 inch joints. 4. Walls: a. Pattern Bond: Lay CMU wall units in 1/2 running bond with vertical joints in each course centered on the units in courses above and below, unless otherwise indicated. Bond and interlock each course at corners and intersections. Use special -shaped units where shown, and as required for corners, jambs, sash, control joints, lintels, bond beams and other special conditions. b. Maintain vertical continuity of core or cell cavities, which are to be reinforced and grouted, to provide minimum clear dimensions indicated and to provide minimum clearance and grout coverage for vertical reinforcement bars. Keep cavities free of mortar. Solidly bed webs in mortar where adjacent to reinforced cores or cells. C. Where horizontal reinforced beams (bond beams) are shown, use special units to allow for placement of continuous horizontal reinforcement bars. C. Grouting: 1. Use "Fine Grout" per ASTM C 476 for two-wythe walls with grout spaces less than 2 inches. a. Concrete masonry units provide minimum clear dimension of 2 inches and clear area of 8 square inches in vertical cores to be grouted. 2. Use "Coarse Grout' per ASTM C 476 for two-wythe walls with grout spaces of 2 inches or larger. a. Concrete masonry units with clear dimension of 2 inches or greater and clear area of 8 square inches or greater in vertical cores. 3. Grouting Technique: Use low -lift grouting techniques subject to requirements which follow. 4. Low -Lift Grouting: a. Construct low -lift masonry by placing reinforcement, laying masonry units and pouring grout as work progresses. b. Place vertical reinforcement prior to laying of CMU. Extend above elevation of maximum pour height as required for splicing. Support in position at vertical intervals not exceeding 192 bar diameters nor 10 feet. C. Lay CMU to maximum pour height. Do not exceed 5 feet height, or if bond beam occurs below 5 feet height, stop pour at course below bond beam. Do not exceed a 12 inch pour height for two-wythe masonry walls. d. Lay masonry units prior to each grout pour, but do not construct more than 12 inches above maximum grout pour height in one exterior wythe and 4 inches �a°g�oepcaioXprohh6lio'e$'� REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY SYSTEM 04340 - 3 February 24, 2006 above in other exterior wythe. Provide metal wall ties if required to prevent blowouts. e. Pour grout using chute or container with spout. Rod or vibrate grout during placing. Place grout continuously; do not interrupt pouring of grout for more than one hour. Terminate grout pours 1-1/2 inches below top course of pour. If poured in lifts, place from center to center of masonry courses. f. Bond Beams: Stop grout in vertical cells 1-1/2 inches below bond beam course. Place horizontal reinforcing in bond beams; lap at corners and intersections as shown. Place grout in bond beam course before filling vertical cores above bond beam. g. Maintain vertical continuity of core or cell cavities, which are to be reinforced and grouted, to provide minimum clear dimension indicated and to provide minimum clearance and grout coverage for vertical reinforcement bars. Keep cavities free of mortar. Solidly bed webs in mortar where adjacent to reinforced cores or cells. D. Formwork: 1. Temporary Formwork: Provide formwork and shores as required for temporary support of reinforced masonry elements. Design, erect, support, brace, and maintain formwork. 2. Construct formwork to conform to shape, line and dimensions shown. Make sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar grout, or concrete (if any). Brace, tie, and support as required to maintain position and shape during construction and curing of reinforced masonry. 3. Do not remove forms and shores until reinforced masonry member has hardened sufficiently to carry its own weight and all other reasonable temporary loads that may be placed on it during construction. 4. Allow not less than the following minimum time to elapse after completion of the member before removing shores or forms, provided suitable curing conditions have been obtained during the curing period. a. Seven days for arches. 5. Limit extent of masonry construction to sections which do not exceed the maximum pour requirements specified hereafter. Provide temporary dams or barriers to control horizontal flow of grout at ends of wall sections. Build dams full height of grout pour. If masonry units are used, do not bond into permanent masonry wythes. Remove temporary dams after completion of grout pour. END OF SECTION a°2�o � d�P 'earvo8 P fhb m, I REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY SYSTEM 04340 - 4 SECTION 05400 COLD -FORMED METAL FRAMING PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS February 24, 2006 A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 specification sections, apply to work of this section.. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. All axial or wind loaded light gage steel studs, track, joists, bridging and related accessories are as indicated on the Contract Drawings and specified herein. B. The types of light gage metal framing units for the project include the following: 1. licit or "Z" shaped light gage steel joists or purlins 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Structural Steel - Section 05120 B. Non Load -Bearing Steel Studs - Plaster and Drywall sections in Division 9 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Structural Performance: Engineer, fabricate, and erect cold -formed metal trusses to withstand design loads within limits and under condition required. 1. Design light gage steel trusses for the loads indicated on the plans. 2. Design light gage steel trusses to withstand the loads indicated on the plans without having vertical deflections greater than 1/240 of the span. B. Design trusses to provide for movement of framing trusses without damage or over stressing, sheathing failure, connection failure, or undue strain on fasteners and anchors. C. Engineering Responsibility: Engage a fabricator who assumes undivided responsibility for engineering cold -formed metal trusses by employing a qualified professional engineer to prepare design calculations, shop drawings, and other structural data. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Codes and Standards: Comply with the provisions of the following codes, specifications and standards, except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified: I . ASTM A 446 Steel Sheet, Zinc -Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot -Dip Process Structural (Physical) Quality. 2. ASTM A 525 Steel Sheet, Zinc -Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot -Dip Process, General Requirements. 3. AWS D1.3, "Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel". "a2ogda�PcaioXProhh6�re�:"` COLD -FORMED METAL FRAMING 05400 1 February 24, 2006 4. ANSIZ49.1 "Safety in Welding and Cutting". 5. AISI "Specification for the Design of Cold -Formed Steel Structural Members", latest edition. B. Component Design: Compute structural properties of studs and joists in accordance with AISI "Specification for the Design of Cold -Formed Steel Structural Members". C. Fire -Rated Assemblies: Where framing units are components of assemblies indicated for a fire - resistance rating, including those required for compliance with governing regulations, provide units which have been approved by governing authorities having jurisdiction. D. Manufacturer: Provide light gage metal framing components of the type(s) indicated, produced by one of the following: 1. "C" or "Z"-Shaped Steel Joists, 2 1/2" flange: a. Dietrich Industries Inc. - 8" CSJ, 16 gage at 16" o.c. max. b. Delta Metal Products, Inc. - PCS600-16 at 16" o.c. max. C. Unimast, Inc. - 60CSJ16 at 16" o.c. max. E. The purlins shall be designed to support 25 psf uniform live load plus all other loads, with a maximum deflection not exceeding L/240. F. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced Installer who has completed cold -formed metal framing similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance. G. Welding Standards: Comply with the applicable provisions of AWS DI. 1 "Structural Welding Code - Steel" and AWS D 1.3 "Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel." 1. Certify that each welder has satisfactorily passed AWS qualification tests for welding processes involved and, if pertinent, has undergone recertification. H. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer legally authorized to practice in Texas and experienced in providing engineering services of the kind indicated that have resulted in the installation of cold -formed metal framing similar to this Project in material, design, extent and that have a record of successful in-service performance. 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. For information only, submit copies of manufacturer's product information and installation instructions for each item of light gage framing and accessories. Distribute one additional copy of installation instructions to the Installer. B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for special components and installations not fully dimensioned or detailed in manufacturer's product data. t 1 Include placing drawings for framing members showing size and gage designations, number, type, location and spacing. Indicate supplemental bracing, splices, accessories, and details as may be required for proper installation. ��01((,, H( r aui6orCl'izupl�c noX prohh6 te: IncCOLD-FORMED METAL FRAMING 05400 - 2 February 24, 2006 2. For cold -formed metal trusses, include structural analysis data sealed and signed by the qualified professional engineer who was responsible for its preparation. 1.7 DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. Deliver to the project site in manufacturer's unopened containers or bundles, fully identified with name, brand, type and grade. Protect metal framing units from rusting and damage. Store off the ground in a dry ventilated space or protect with suitable waterproof coverings. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 METAL FRAMING A. System Components: With each type of metal framing required, provide manufacturer's standard steel runners (tracks), blocking, lintels, clip angles, shoes, reinforcements, fasteners, and accessories as recommended by the manufacturer for the applications indicated, as needed to provide a complete metal framing system. B. Materials and Finishes: 1. For 16 gage and heavier units, fabricate metal framing components of structural quality steel sheet conforming to the minimum requirements of ASTM A446, with a minimum yield point of 40,000 psi. 2. For 18 gage and lighter units, fabricate metal framing components of commercial quality steel sheet conforming to the minimum requirements of ASTM A446, with a minimum yield point of 33,000 psi. 3. All galvanized studs, tracks, bridging, and accessories shall be formed of steel having a galvanized coating meeting the requirements of ASTM A525 with a minimum G 60 coating. 4. Provide prime coated finish with one coat of shop -applied red oxide, zinc -chromate, or other similar rust -inhibitive primer. C. "C"-Shape Studs: Manufacturer's standard C-shaped load -bearing steel studs of size, shape, and gage indicated, with 1 5/8" flange and flange return lip. D. Steel Stud Track: Manufacturer's standard U-shaped steel stud track, un-punched, of web depths indicated, with straight flanges, and gage as indicated. E. "C" Shape Joists: Manufacturer's standard C-shape sections of size, shape and gage indicated, with 1 5/8" flange and flange return lip. F. Steel Joist Track: Manufacturer's standard U-shaped steel joist track, un-punched, of web depths indicated, with straight flanges, and gage matching the steel joists. G. Punched Channel Studs: Manufacturer's standard, factory punched, load -bearing steel studs of size, shape, and gage indicated, with 1 3/8" flange. 2.2 FRAMING ACCESSORIES A. Fabricate light steel -framing gage accessories of the same material and finish used for framing members, with a minimum yield strength of 33,000 psi. aaui oniael3"�upGcaiioX Pronh6gA., Inc COLD -FORMED METAL FRAMING 05400 - 3 Febwary 24, 2006 B. Provide supplementary framing, bracing, bridging, solid blocking, web stiffeners, gusset plates, stud kickers, joist hangers, end closures, and reinforcement plates made from the manufacturer's standard thickness and configuration. 2.3 FABRICATION A. General: All framing components shall be cut squarely for attachment to perpendicular members, or as required for an angular fit against abutting members. Members shall be held positively in place until properly fastened. Framing components may be prefabricated into panels prior to erection. Fabricate panels plumb, square, true to line and braced against racking with joints welded. Perform lifting of prefabricated panels in a manner to prevent damage or distortion in any members in the assembly. B. Cut framing members by sawing or shearing; do not torch cut. C. Fastening of components shall be with self tapping screws or welding of sufficient size to insure the strength of the connection. Welds shall be performed by operators qualified in accordance with Section 6.0 of the American Welding Society's "Structural Welding Code -Sheet Metal" (AWS D 1.3). D. Wire tying of framing components is not permitted. E. Locate mechanical fasteners and install according to cold -formed framing manufacturer's instructions with screw penetrating joined members by not less than 3 exposed screw threads. F. Reinforce, stiffen, and brace framing assemblies to withstand handling, delivery, and erection stresses. Lift fabricated assemblies by method which will prevent damage or distortion. G. Fabrication Tolerances: Fabricate assemblies to a maximum allowable tolerance variation from plumb, level, and true to line of 1/8" in 10 feet and as follows: 1. Space individual framing members no more than plus or minus 1/8" from plan location. Cumulative error shall not exceed minimum fastening requirements of sheathing or other finish materials. 2. Fabricate each cold -formed metal framing assembly to a maximum out -of -square tolerance of 1/8". H. Insulating Material: Provide insulation equal to that specified elsewhere in all double jamb studs and double header members which will not be accessible to the insulation contractor. Manufacturer's standard cementitious mixture with a compressive strength of not less than 5000 psi. Thickness to suit required fire rating. Steel Shell: Manufacturer's standard to suit required fire rating, finished with one coat shop - applied primer. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL L_ A. Manufacturer's Instructions: Install metal framing systems in accordance with manufacturer's printed or written instructions and recommendations, unless otherwise indicated. F 6.10 �k�c'"P ehoX ProSh6 �eeM:'" COLD -FORMED METAL FRAMING 05400 - 4 February 24, 2006 B. Cold -formed metal framing may be shop or field fabricated for installation, or it may be field assembled. C. Install cold -formed metal framing and accessories plumb, square, true to line, and with connections securely fastened. Cut framing members by sawing or shearing; do not torch cut. D. Fasten cold -formed metal framing members with self tapping screws or welding of sufficient size to insure the strength of the connection. Wire tying of framing components is not permitted. E. Install framing members in one-piece lengths, unless splice connections are indicated for track or tension members. F. Set studs plumb, except as needed for diagonal bracing or required for non -plumb walls or warped surfaces and similar requirements. G. Where stud system abuts structural columns or walls, including masonry walls, anchor ends of stiffeners to supporting structure. H. Install supplementary framing, blocking and bracing in the metal framing system wherever wall or partitions are indicated to support fixtures, equipment, services, casework, heavy trim and furnishings, and similar work requiring attachment to the wall or partition. Where type of supplementary support is not otherwise indicated, comply with the stud manufacturer's recommendations and industry standards in each case, considering the weight or loading resulting from the item supported. I. Provide temporary bracing and leave in place until framing is permanently stabilized. Fasten reinforcement plate over web penetrations that exceed size of manufacturer's standard punched openings. K. Erection Tolerances: Install cold -formed metal framing to a maximum allowable tolerance variation from plumb, level, and true to line of 1/8" in 10 feet and as follows: Space individual framing members no more than plus or minus 1/8" from plan location. Cumulative error shall not exceed minimum fastening requirements of sheathing or other finish materials. 3.2 INSTALLATION OF WALL STUD SYSTEM 1= A. Runner Tracks: Install continuous tracks sized as shown. Align tracks accurately to the layout at base and tops of studs. Secure tracks as shown on the drawings for the type of construction involved, except do not exceed 24" o.c. spacing for nail or power -driven fasteners, nor 16" o.c. for other types of attachment. Provide fasteners at corners and ends of tracks. All track butt joints, abutting pieces of track, shall be securely anchored to a common structural element, or they shall be butt -welded or spliced together. B. Studs shall be plumbed, aligned and securely attached to top and bottom runner tracks by either welding or screw fastening at both inside and outside flanges. Studs shall have full bearing against inside track web, prior to stud and track attachment. C. Install headers over wall openings wider than the stud spacing. Fabricate headers of compound shapes indicated or required to transfer load to supporting studs, complete with clip -angle connectors, web stiffeners, or gusset plates. a°4k nhzae� �upliea'tg pr.% 'gI. `.. COLD -FORMED METAL FRAMING 05400 - 5 February 24, 2006 SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS PART GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to work of this Section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Shop fabricated ferrous metal. " 1.3 PRODUCTS FURNISHED BUT NOT INSTALLED UNDER THIS SECTION A. Section 03300 - Concrete Work: Placement of metal fabrications in concrete. B. Section 04230 - Reinforced Unit Masonry System: Placement of metal fabrications in masonry. 1.4 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 05210 -Steel Joists: Structural joist. B. Section 09900 - Painting: Paint finish. 1.5 REFERENCES A. ASTM A36 - Structural Steel. B. ASTM A53 - Hot -Dipped, Zinc -coated Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe. C. ASTM A123 - Zinc (Hot -Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated From Rolled, Pressed and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, and Strip. D. ASTM A153 - Zinc Coating (Hot -Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. E. ASTM A283 - Carbon Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars. F. ASTM A307 - Carbon Steel Externally Threaded Standard Fasteners. G. ASTM A325 - High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints. H. ASTM A386 - Zinc -Coating (Hot -Dip) on Assembled Steel Products. I. ASTM A500 - Cold -Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Round and Shapes. J. ASTM A501 - Hot -Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing. Li K. ASTM B 177 - Chromium Electroplating on Steel for Engineering Use. L. AWS A2.0 - Standard Welding Symbols. 8OaMPeWPr nuXprohh6lf�:"` METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 - 1 1.6 1.7 1.8 PART 2 2.1 2.2 February 24, 2006 M. AWS DLL - Structural Welding Code. N. SSPC - Steel Structures Painting Council. SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate profiles, sizes, connection attachments, reinforcing, anchorage, size and type of fasteners, and accessories. Include erection drawings, elevations, and details where applicable. C. Indicate welded connections using standard AWS A2.0 welding symbols. Indicate net weld lengths. QUALIFICATIONS A. Prepare shop drawings under direct supervision of a professional structural engineer experienced in design of this work and licensed in the State of Texas. B. Welders' Certificates: Submit under provisions of Section 01300, certifying welders employed on the Work, verifying AWS qualification within the previous 12 months. FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. The contractor shall verify that field measurements are as indicated on shop drawings. B. It shall be the responsibility of the fabricator to accurately construct items to meet required dimensions. PRODUCTS MATERIALS A. Steel Sections: ASTM A36. B. Plates: ASTM A283. C. Bolts, Nuts, and Washers: ASTM A325. D. Welding Materials: AWS D1.1; type required for materials being welded. E. Shop and Touch -Up Primer: SSPC 15, Type 1, red oxide. FABRICATION A. Fit and shop assemble in largest practical sections, for delivery to site. B. Fabricate items with joints tightly fitted and secured. i 3 C. Grind exposed joints flush and smooth with adjacent finish surface. Make exposed joints butt tight, flush, and hairline. Ease exposed edges to small uniform radius. ti e°2koffuPpehoXA, hgr `"`" METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 - 2 I February 24, 2006 D. Exposed Mechanical Fastenings: Flush countersunk screws or bolts; unobtrusively located; consistent with design of component, except where specifically noted otherwise. E. Supply components required for anchorage of fabrications. Fabricate anchors and related components of same material and finish as fabrication, except where specifically noted otherwise. 2.3 FINISHES A. Clean surfaces of rust, scale, grease, and foreign matter prior to finishing. B. Do not prime surfaces in direct contact with concrete or where field welding is required. C. Prime paint items with two coats. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that field conditions are acceptable and are ready to receive work. B. Beginning of installation means erector accepts existing conditions. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean and strip primed steel items to bare metal where site welding is required. B. Supply items required to be cast into concrete or embedded in masonry with setting templates to appropriate sections. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Install items plumb and level, accurately fitted, free from distortion or defects. B. Allow for erection loads, and for sufficient temporary bracing to maintain true alignment until completion of erection and installation of permanent attachments. C. Field weld components indicated on shop drawings. D. Perform field welding in accordance with AWS D1.1. E. Obtain architect's approval prior to site cutting or making adjustments not scheduled. F. After erection, prime welds, abrasions, and surfaces not shop primed, except surfaces to be in contact with concrete. 3.4 ERECTION TOLERANCES A. Maximum Variation From Plumb: 1/8 inch, unless otherwise noted. B. Maximum Offset From True Alignment: 1/8 inch, unless otherwise noted. END OF SECTION 8au16uniel3"dupl earl oX Phb `" METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 - 3 SECTION 05710 STEEL STAIRS PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS February 24, 2006 A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The extent of the steel stair work is shown on the Drawings, which includes all items fabricated from iron and steel shapes, plates, bars, strips and tubes for the stair systems which are not a part of structural steel or other metal systems in other sections of these specifications. B. The types of steel stair systems include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Steel pan stairs. 1.3 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Concrete Work - Section 03300 B. Structural Steel -Section 05120 C. Metal Fabrications - Section 05500 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Codes and Standards: Comply with the provisions of the following codes, standards and specifications, except as otherwise shown or specified. 1. AISC "Specifications for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings", and including the "Commentary of the AISC Specification". 2. AISI, "Specification for the Design of Cold -Formed Steel Structural Members". 3. AWS DI. 1 "Structural Welding Code" B. Structural Performance: Engineer, fabricate, and install metal stairs to withstand following structural loads without exceeding allowable design working stress of the materials involved, including anchors and connections. Apply each load to produce the maximum stress in each respective component of metal stairs. 1. Treads of Metal Stairs: Capable of withstanding uniform load of 100 pounds per square foot or a concentrated load of 300 pounds on area of 4 square inches located in center of tread, whichever produces greater stress. 2. Platforms of Metal Stairs: Capable of withstanding uniform load of 100 pounds per square foot. 3. Stair Framing: Capable of withstanding stresses resulting from loads specified above as well as stresses resulting from railing system loads. _< .2augk ffNnpGcaiioX prohh�t icc�. [nc. STEEL STAIRS 05710 — 1 February 24, 2006 C. Qualifications for Welding Work: Qualify welding processes and welding operators in accordance with AWS "Standard Qualification Procedure". D. Inserts and Anchorages: 1. Furnish inserts and anchoring devices, which must be set in concrete for the installation of the steel stair systems work. Provide setting drawings, templates, instructions and directions for installation of anchoring devices. Coordinate delivery with other work to avoid delay. 2. See Section 03300, Concrete Work, for installation of inserts and anchorage devices. E. Shop Assembly: 1. Preassemble items in the shop to the greatest extent possible, so as to minimize field splicing and assembly of units at the project site. Disassemble units only to the extent necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly mark units for re -assembly and coordinated installation. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's Data, Steel Stairs: For information only, submit 2 copies of manufacturer's specifications, load tables, dimension diagrams, anchor details and installation instructions for products to be used in the fabrication of steel stair work, including paint products. Indicate by transmittal that copy of instructions has been distributed to the Installer. B. Shop Drawings, Steel Stairs: Submit shop drawings for the fabrication and erection of steel stair assemblies which are not completely shown by the manufacturer's data sheets. Include plans and elevations at not less than 3/8" to 1'-0" scale, and include details of sections and connections at not less than 1 1/2" to P-0" scale. Show anchorage and accessory items. PART PRODUCTS 2.1 METAL SURFACES, GENERAL A. For the fabrication of the steel stair systems work, which will be exposed to view, use only materials, which are smooth and free of surface blemishes including pitting, seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names and roughness. Remove such blemishes by grinding, or by welding and grinding, prior to cleaning, treating and application of surface finishes including zinc coatings. F 2.2 STRUCTURAL STEEL PLATES, SHAPES AND BARS A. Structural -size shapes and plates, except plates to be bent or cold -formed; ASTM A 36. B. Steel plates to be bent or cold -formed; ASTM A 283, Grade C. - C. Structural Steel Tubing: ASTM A 500, Grade B, Fy = 46 ksi. D. Hot -Rolled Carbon Steel Sheets and Strips: ASTM A 568 and ASTM A 569; pickled and oiled. E. Cold -Rolled Carbon Steel Sheets: ASTM A 366. F. Cold -Drawn Steel Tubing: ASTM A 512, cold -sunk drawn, butt -welded, cold -finished and stress - relieved. 2.3 ANCHORS nanpchpti6tuihoure't"`. ro6STEEL STAIRS 05710 - 2 February 24, 2006 A. Threaded -Type Concrete Inserts: Galvanized ferrous casting, internally threaded to receive 3/4" diameter machine bolts; either malleable iron complying with ASTM A 47 or cast steel complying with ASTM A 27; hot -dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 386. 2.4 FASTENERS A. Standard Bolts and Nuts: Regular hexagon head type, complying with ASTM A 307, Grade A. B. Machine Screws: Cadmium plated steel, complying with FS FF-S-9213 (1). C. Plain Washers: Round, general assembly grade carbon steel, complying with ANSI B 18.22.1, Type B. D. Lock Washers: Helical spring type carbon steel, complying with FS-F-W-84A (3). 2.5 PAINT A. Metal Primer Paint: Modified Alkyd, complying with TT-P-86d, Types I and II. 1. Select primer paint, which is compatible with the required finish coats of paint. Coordinate selection of metal primer with finish paint requirements specified in Division 9 of these specifications. 2.6 FABRICATION A. Workmanship: Use materials of the size and thickness shown, or if not shown, of the required size and thickness to produce adequate strength and durability in the finished product for the intended use. Work to the dimensions shown or accepted on shop drawings, using proven details of fabrication and support. Use the type of materials shown or specified for the various components of work. B. Form Exposed work true to line and level with accurate angels and surfaces and straight sharp edges. Ease exposed edges to a radius of approximately 1/32" unless otherwise shown. Form bent - metal corners to the smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or otherwise impairing the work. C. Weld the corners and seams continuously and in accordance with the recommendations of AWS. Grind exposed welds smooth and flush, to match and blend with adjoining surfaces. D. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, which are flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners wherever possible. Use exposed fasteners of the type shown, or if not shown, use Phillips flathead (countersunk) screws or bolts. E. Provide for anchorage of the type shown, coordinated with the supporting structure. Fabricate and space anchoring devices as shown and as required to provide adequate support for the intended use of the work. F. Use hot -rolled steel bars for work fabricated from bar stock, unless work is shown or specified to be fabricated from cold -finished or cold -rolled stock. 2.7 SHOP PAINTING A. Shop paint all steel stair work, except those members or portions of members to be embedded in concrete or masonry, surfaces and edges to be field welded, unless otherwise specified. a°4ker" WpM'c'hOXPA,, Inc.STEEL STAIRS 05710 - 3 February 24, 2006 B. Remove scale, rust and other deleterious materials before the shop coat of paint is applied. Clean off heavy rust and loose mill scale in accordance with SSPC SP 2 "Hand Tool Cleaning" or SSPC SP 3 "Power Tool Cleaning" or SSPC SP7 "Brush -Off Blast Cleaning". Remove oil, grease and similar contaminants in accordance with SSPC SP 1 "Solvent Cleaning". C. Apply one shop coat of paint to fabricated metal items, except apply 2 coats of paint to surfaces, which are inaccessible after assembly or erection. Change color of second coat to distinguish it from the first. D. Immediately after surface preparation, brush or spray on steel primer paint, applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and at a rate to provide a uniform dry film thickness of 2.0 mils per coat applied. Use painting methods, which will result in full coverage of joints, corners, edges and all exposed surfaces. 2.8 STEEL PAN STAIRS A. General: 1. Use welding for joining pieces together, unless otherwise shown or specified. Fabricate units so that bolts and other fastenings do not appear on finish surfaces. Make joints true and tight, and make connections between parts light -proof tight. Provide continuous welds, ground smooth where exposed. 2. Construct stair units to conform to sizes and arrangements as shown. Construct entire assembly to support a minimum live load of 100 pounds per square foot, unless otherwise shown. Provide all metal framing, hangers, columns, struts, clips, brackets, bearing plates and other components as required for the support of stairs. Erect stair work to line, plumb, square, and true with runs registering level with floor. 3. Provide brackets and bearing surfaces as detailed and as required to anchor and contain the stairs on the supporting structure. B. Stair Framing: Fabricate stringers of structural steel channels, or plates, or a combination thereof, as _ shown. Provide closures for exposed end of stringers. 2. Construct platforms of structural steel channels and miscellaneous framing members as indicated. C. Metal Pan Risers, Sub -treads, Sub -platforms and Handrails: 1. Form metal pans of 0.1046" thick structural steel sheets (12 gage) complying with ASTM . A 570, Grade B. Shape pans to conform to the configuration shown. 2. Attach risers and sub -treads to stringers by means of brackets made of steel angles or bars. Weld brackets to stringers and attach metal pans to brackets by welding. 3. Provide steel handrails framed into rectangular tubular up -rights of size and sections detailed on the Drawings. Securely anchor uprights to concrete above and below. Handrails shall be welded between uprights with all welds ground smooth. 4. Provide sub -platforms constructed of 12 gage steel sheets. Attach sub -platform to platform framing with welds. i 5. Stair pans and platforms shall be filled with concrete as specified under Section 03300, Concrete Work, and shall be smooth troweled. r?a4ll"for,ze�"daapai'aXp^r`o`thb1�'I"` STEEL STAIRS 05710 - 4 Febmary24, 2006 6. Perimeter handrails shall be of steel supported on wall brackets, all of sections and sizes as noted on the Drawings. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 ANCHORAGES A. Provide setting drawings, diagrams, templates, instructions and directions for the installation of anchorages, including concrete inserts, anchor bolts, and miscellaneous items having integral anchors, which are to be embedded in concrete or masonry construction. Coordinate the delivery of such items with work at the project site. 3.2 FASTENING TO IN -PLACE CONSTRUCTION A. Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where necessary for securing steel stair items to in -place construction; including, threaded fasteners for concrete inserts, bolts, and other connectors as required. 3.3 CUTTING, FITTING AND PLACEMENT A. Perform all cutting, drilling and fitting required for the installation of the miscellaneous metal items. Set the work accurately in location, alignment and elevation, plumb, level, true and free of rack, measured from established lines and levels. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items, which are to be built into concrete or similar construction. B. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form tight hairline joints. Weld connections, which are not to be left as, exposed joints, but cannot be shop -welded because of shipping size limitations. Grind joints smooth and touch-up shop paint coat. 3.4 FIELD WELDING A. Comply with A WS Code for the procedure of manual shielded metal -arc welding, the appearance and quality of welds made, and the methods used in correcting welding work. 3.5 TOUCH-UP PAINTING A. Immediately after erection, clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of the shop paint and paint all such areas with the same material as used for shop painting. Apply to provide a minimum dry thickness of 2.0 mils. B. Final painting shall be field applied as specified under Division 9. END OF SECTION '; d a9kod�Pfca�toXprohh6lt'"` STEEL STAIRS 05710 - 5 SECTION 05722 STEEL HANDRAIL SYSTEM PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS Febmary 24, 2006 A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The extent of metal handrailing is shown on the drawings. B. All handrails have radius turns, top rail radius down and returns in line with lower rail, and radius changes in direction. C. Casting metal sleeves in concrete to receive metal posts. D. All bolts or miscellaneous connections that will penetrate the reservoir shell be stainless steel. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 03300 - Concrete Work. B. Section 07900 - Joint Sealers. C. Section 09900 - Painting. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300. B. Shop Drawings: 1. Prepare and submit shop drawings and product data indicating component details, materials, finishes, connections, joining methods, and wall anchors. 2. Prepare and submit dimensioned layout of all cast in place components; pipe sleeves, grounds, anchors, etc. C. Submit manufacturer's installation instructions for non custom components. D. Submit color chart for paint color selection. 1.5 REFERENCES A. American Society for Testing and Materials 1. A36/a36M-91 Structural Steel 2. A53-90 Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot -Dipped, Zinc -Coated, Welded and Seamless B. American Welding Society 1. D1.1-88 Structural Welding Code -Steel C. The National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturer's 1. Metal Stairs Manual, 1982 D. Texas Accessibility Standards of the Architectural Barriers Act it auigOnzi Inc STEEL HANDRAIL SYSTEM 05722 - 1 February 24, 2006 1. Paragraphs 4.9, 4.26, and related portions of the act 2. Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, 512-463-3211 E. ASTM E894 - Anchorage of Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Railings for Buildings. 1.6 STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS A. Handrail assemblies and attachments shall withstand a minimum concentrated load of 250 lb./ft applied at any point on the top rail. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver embedded items, templates, and accessories to job site in a timely manner. B. Deliver materials to the job site in good condition and properly protected against damage to finished surfaces. C. Store material in a clean, dry location away from water, mud, uncured concrete, and heavy traffic. Cover with waterproof paper or polyethylene sheeting that will allow air circulation. D. During installation and final placement, minimize handling and exercise particular care to avoid damage to finishes. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Steel Pipe: ASTM A53, Standard Weight, outside diameter of 1 1/2", primed ready for painting. 2.2 FABRICATION, GENERAL A. Fasteners: Minimize the use of exposed fasteners. If required, use semi -concealed bolts and screws. Exposed bolts and screws shall have countersunk heads with ends of bolts and screws dressed flush after nuts are set. B. Reinforcement: Insert and weld reinforcement sleeves into core of pipe at stress points. C. Welding: 1. Structural steel, AWA D1.1 and sheet steel, AWS D1.3. 2. Where possible, locate welds on unexposed side. 3. Grind exposed welds smooth and true to contour of welded member. Remove welding splatter. 4. Touch up welds and grindings with primer. D. Remove all sharp edges and burrs, touch up primer. E. Shop Primer: Prepare surface, and apply primer as specified for ferrous metals in Section 09900, Painting. F. Fabricate railings, including handrails, from steel pipe with flush coved joints. Connections may be standard fittings designed for welding, or coped or mitered pipe with full welds. G. Return top rail ends of handrail down and back to line up with lower rail. H. Space intermediate posts not over six feet on center between turning post or end post. 2.3 FINISHES a°2�o"e�d�p'anaXPn6�e`X Inc. STEEL HANDRAIL SYSTEM 05722 - 2 February 24, 2006 A. Paint completed pipe rail system according to Section 09900, Painting. Color to be selected from submitted color chart. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION _ A. Supply items to be cast in concrete to appropriate crew in adequate time for proper installation. The railing system contractor shall provide proper templates and supervision during installation to -- insure correct placement. - B. Dissimilar metals and components in contact with cement shall be kept from direct contact by a 3 heavy coat of asphaltic or bituminous paint. C. Beginning of installation means erector accepts existing conditions. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance to approved shop drawings and manufacturer's instructions. - B. Erect work plumb and level to horizontal surfaces and parallel to sloping surfaces or rake of stairs to within 1/8 inch in twelve feet. C. Provide expansion joints as needed to allow for thermal expansion and contraction. 3.3 FIELD PRIME PAINTING A. When installation is complete; clean field welds, burrs, and sharp edges to bright metal. B. Completely coat areas where shop primer has been disturbed using matching primer. 3.4 CLEANING __. A. When installation is complete, wash thoroughly using clean water and soap; rinse with clean water. B. Do not use acid solution, steel wool or other harsh abrasives. C. If stain remains after washing, consult manufacturer for instructions of stain removal. D. Damaged or permanently stained components shall be removed from the site and replaced with new components. E. Protect installed work from damage until entire project is accepted. END OF SECTION 6� utbonzae��upGc hoXPhbl'" STEEL HANDRAIL SYSTEM 05722 - 3 February 24,2006 SECTION 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, and Supplementary General Conditions apply to work of this Section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Roof curbs and cants; blocking in wall and roof openings; wood furring and grounds; concealed wood blocking; concealed fire stopping. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 05500 - Metal Fabrication. B. Section 10800 - Toilet Accessories. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with the following agencies: 1. Lumber Grading Agency: Certified by ALSC. 2. Plywood Grading Agency: Certified by APA. B. Meet or exceed ASTM E 84 criteria. C. Meet or exceed UL 723:PR-S criteria. D. Submit certification that all wood products built into the project and left in place meet NFPA 703, Fire Retardant Impregnated Wood and Coatings for Buildings, Class A rating. PART PRODUCTS 2.1 LUMBER MATERIALS A. Lumber Grading Rules: AWPA, Rule C-1, Timber Product -Preservative Treatment. B. All miscellaneous wood products incorporated into this project shall be fire retardant impregnated wood as tested in accordance with NFPA 703. 2.2 SHEATHING MATERIALS A. Plywood Roof Sheathing: APA Rated Sheathing; sanded. B. Particleboard Roof Sheathing: ANSI A208.1 wood chips set with waterproof resin binder; sanded faces. C. Plywood Floor Sheathing: APA Rated Sheathing Span Rating; sanded. D. All miscellaneous wood products incorporated into this project shall be fire retardant impregnated wood as tested in accordance with NFPA 703. a�4�o e�d�aP 'earv.X .% 61€ ., I ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 - 1 February 24, 2006 2.3 UNDERLAYMENT MATERIALS A. Plywood Underlayment: APA Rated Sheathing; sanded. B. Particleboard Underlayment: ANSI A208.1; wood chips set with waterproof resin binder; sanded faces. C. All miscellaneous wood products incorporated into this project shall be fire retardant impregnated wood as tested in accordance with NFPA 703. 2.4 ACCESSORIES A. Fasteners: Galvanized steel for exterior, high humidity, and treated wood locations, plain finish elsewhere. B. Die Stamped Connectors: Galvanized steel. C. Anchors: Toggle bolt type for anchorage to hollow masonry. Expansion shield and lag bolt type for anchorage to solid masonry or concrete. Bolt or ballistic fastener for anchorages to steel. 2.5 WOOD TREATMENT A. Fire retardant: AWPA Treatment C20, Exterior Type, chemically treated and pressure impregnated; capable of providing a maximum flame spread of 25 or less and have a smoke developed rating not exceeding 200. B. D-Blaze, Bowie -Sims -Prange Treating Corporation. C. Wood Preservative (Pressure Treatment): AWPA Treatment C1 using water -born preservative with 0.25 percent retainage. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 FRAMING A. Erect wood framing members in accordance with applicable code. Place members level and plumb. Place horizontal members crown side up. B. Curb all roof openings except where curbs are provided. Construct curb members of single pieces per side. 3.2 SITE APPLIED WOOD TREATMENT A. Site apply preservative treatment in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Treat site -sawn cuts. Brush apply two coats of preservative treatment on untreated wood in contact with cementitious materials roofing and related metal flashings. C. Allow preservative to cure prior to erecting members. 3.3 CONCEALED GROUNDS A. Provide fire resistant concealed grounds in framing as required for secure anchoring of wall mounted building components, such as wall mounted grab bars. a�4k� b�Pf�e"oXP ,Snb,�"4: Inc. ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 - 2 i_ i February 24, 2006 B. All concealed blocking or built-in wood products that are intended to remain shall be certified by the manufacturer of passing the NFPA fire retardant tests described above. END OF SECTION 8n °4keeP'earvoXprohh6 t ` ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 - 3 February 24, 2006 SECTION 07105 DAMPPROOFING AND WATERPROOFING PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work in this Section. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. Work under this section includes providing and installation of waterproofing and/or dampproofing. B. The following types are included under this section: 1. Waterproofing at sills, heads and elsewhere as detailed. 2. Spray applied masonry water repellent for brick masonry. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 04300 - Unit Masonry System. B. Section 04340 - Reinforced Unit Masonry System. C. Section 09900 - Painting. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit all types of waterproofing and dampproofing to architect for approval before any materials are ordered; installation instructions are to be included in this submittal. B. Submit photographs of the dampproofing and waterproofing applications as the work is in progress, clearly show applicators at work on this project. -_ C. Submit applicable evidence that products were applied as directed; photographs, package labels. 1.5 SAMPLE DAMPPROOFING APPLICATION A. Apply per manufacturer's instructions, to not less than 200 sq. ft. (per coat) of substrate material matching job conditions. B. Determine coverage rate for application. C. After treatment fully cures, water test to verify that repellent will repel moisture from surface. D. Verily that no surface stains or discoloration will result from application. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver to site in original sealed containers, clearly marked with manufacturer's name, brand name, and type of material. B. Comply with instruction for storage, shelf life, and handling. naui9"niae uPfic hoX prohh6Ei"e3'"° DAMPPROOFING AND WATERPROOFING 07105 - 1 February 24, 2006 1.7 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not proceed under the following conditions: 1. If substrate contains frozen water. 2. In rain. 3. In high or gusty winds. 4. In ambient temperatures lower than 40 degrees F. B. Do not proceed with work if application will create a hazard to workers, owner's, employees that may be on the site, or to neighboring persons and property. 1.8 WARRANTY A. Each type of waterproofing and dampproofing shall be guaranteed against leakage of water, excessive deterioration, or otherwise failing to perform as required within the guarantee period, due to failure of materials or workmanship. The period of guarantee is for term of 5 years after acceptance of building by owner and architect. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Waterproofing: 1. W.R. Meadows, Inc. 2. Celotex. 3. Rubber and Plastic Compound Company. B. Dampproofing: 1. W.R. Meadows, Inc. 2. Chemprobe Corporation. 3. Thoro Systems Incorporated. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Waterproofing shall be Nervastral Seal -Prof HD, or equal, as manufactured by Rubber and Plastics Compound Company, Long Island, N.Y.; Gauge shall be 0.30, 3.3 oz/SF. B. Masonry water repellent shall be equal to PRIME-A-PELL 200, manufactured by Chemprobe Corporation. PART3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Proceed with waterproofing and dampproofing only after substrate construction and penetration work has been completed. Installer shall not commence his operations until all substrate and other conditions are acceptable to him for a satisfactory installation. B. Proceed with work under this heading only when weather conditions comply with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.2 PREPARATION i 6�� oX Pria a° ., Inc DAMPPROOFING AND WATERPROOFING 07105 - 2 Febmry 24, 2006 A. Verify surfaces to receive water repellent coatings are clean, free of efflorescence, oil, grease, or other foreign matter detrimental to application. -° B. Remove loose particles and foreign matter. Remove grease or oil with a solvent, effective alkaline cleaner, or detergent as instructed by coating manufacturer. Scrub surfaces with water. C. Allow surfaces to dry prior to application. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. All waterproofing and dampproofing products shall be applied in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. All surfaces shall be dry and compatible in every other way to provide a first-class dampproof installation. - B. Waterproofing: Waterproofing at sills and similar type waterproofing requirements shall receive Nervastral, or equal, synthetic sheeting embedded in solid Nervaplas, or equal, cold applied mastic, minimum of one gallon to 40 sq. ft. of sheeting areas. Sheeting shall not be deformed to - _a the extent to promote cracking. C. Dampproofing: All exterior surfaces of masonry shall be given one brush or spray coat of clear _ water repellent waterproofing applied in accordance with manufacturer's specific written directions. Care shall be taken to not over -run other adjacent materials. Special care should be taken to protect all glazing materials and similar products. 3.4 PROTECTION A. Protect adjacent surfaces not scheduled to receive coating. If applied on unscheduled surfaces, remove immediately by method approved by the manufacturer. 3.5 CLEANING A. Remove any over spray from adjacent materials not scheduled to receive dampproofing and waterproofing. B. Completely restore adjacent surfaces to their condition prior to over spraying. END OF SECTION na°��o P ear oX Prohhb i`"e�' Inc DAMPPROOFING AND WATERPROOFING 07105 3 February 24, 2006 SECTION 07900 JOINT SEALERS PARTI GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work in this Section. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. Provide caulking in conjunction with interior painting operations and as otherwise indicated on drawings for interior caulking. B. Provide sealant where indicated on the drawings in conjunction with weather seals, and as otherwise noted. C. Perform all work required to complete the joint preparation, joint packing or filler, priming, caulking and sealing indicated by the drawings and specified herein. Furnish all supplementary items necessary. D. In fire rated partitions, install only fire resistant sealants. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 04300 - Unit Masonry System. B. Section 08100 - Hollow Metal Frames. C. Section 09900 - Painting. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: 1. Minimum two year's experience in applying sealants and approved by manufacturer. B. Manufacturer's Representative: 1. Arrange for technical representative to be on project site to advise installer of proper procedures and precautions for use of materials and to check installation. 1.5 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. FS TT-S-00230C, Type II Sealing Compound: Elastomeric Type, Single Component. B. FS TT-S-001543A Sealing compound: Silicone Rubber Base. C. FS TT-S-00227E, Type I, Class A Joint Sealant: Self Levelling. D. ASTM C834 Standard Specification for latex sealing compounds. 2�0 Q n HHarve a, b�tect Ins. JOINT SEALERS 07900 - 1 y �naui�onze�"�upficanoX proh�brteg: February 24, 2006 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following: 1. Product Data: a. Manufacturer's specifications, recommendations and installation instructions for sealant, backing, and related materials. 2. Samples: a. Color charts for selection by architect. b. Furnish samples of custom colors. 3. Certification: a. Letter of certification from manufacturer or certified test laboratory report that materials are chemically compatible with each other and with substrate. b. Letter from manufacture that certifies material's fire resistant qualities. C. When requested by the architect, submit samples of cured sealants and a 6 inch long sample of each type of joint backup. 1.7 DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. Deliver materials in unopened containers as packaged by the manufacturer. Store in a manner to protect materials from the weather. 1.8 WARRANTY A. Warrant, in writing, materials and workmanship against air and water leakage for a five-year period. B. Provide written warranty of materials fire resistance and accepted use in at least a one hour fire resistant assembly. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PRODUCTS A. Pecora Chemical corporation. B. Sonneborn Building Products. C. W.R. Grace and Company. D. General Electric Company. E. Products Research and Chemical Corporation. F. Substitutions: In accordance with Section 01600. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Polysulfide (Type I): 1. Two-part conforming to FS TT-S-00227E, Class A, Type I (self -leveling) or Type 2 (nonsag) as recommended by manufacturer. 2. Color: As selected by architect. Fre �o e P ai0 �,hb �a:'"e• JOINT SEALERS 07900 - 2 February 24, 2006 3. Acceptable products: a. Synthacalk GC-5, Pecora Corp. b. 350, PRC. C. Sonolastic, Sonneborn-Contech, Inc. B. Chlorosulfonated Polyurethane (Type 2) 1. One part conforming to FS TT-S-230C. 2. As selected by architect. 3. Acceptable products: a. Synthacalk, Pecora. C. Polyurethane (Type 3): 1. Two-part conforming to FS TT-S-0000227E, Class A, Type I or II. 2. Color: As selected by architect. 3. Acceptable products: a. NR-200, Pecora. b. No. 200, PRC. C. Sonolastic Paving Joint Sealant, Sonneborn-Contech. d. THC-900/901, Tremco. D. Polyurethane (Type 4): 1. One -part conforming to FS TT-S-000230C, Class A, Type II. 2. Color: Custom color as selected by architect. 3. Acceptable products: a. No. 6000, PRC. b. NP 1, Sonneborn - Contech. C. Dymonic, Tremco. E. Silicone (Type 5): 1. One part rubber based silicone conforming to FS TT-S-001543, Class A, Type I. 2. Color: Custom color as selected by architect. 3. Acceptable products: a. 790 Building Sealant, Dow Corning. b. Silproof, General Electric. C. Proglaze, Tremco. F. Acrylic, Solvent Cure (Type 6): 1. One -part, FS TT-S-00230. 2. Acceptable products: a. Unicrylic, Pecora. b. Permacryl, Schnee -Moorhead Chemicals, Inc. C. Mono, Tremco Manufacturing Company. G. Nondrying, Nonskinning (Type 7): 1. One -part sealing compound. 2. Acceptable products: a. GC-55, Noncung, Goal Chemical. b. BR-96, Pecora. C. Curtain Wall Sealant, Tremco. H. Bitumen Impregnated Sealant (Type 8): 1. Precompressed bitumen impregnated foam joint sealant. 2. Size: As recommended by manufacturer for joint condition as rain seal. 3. Acceptable product: Emseal compressed, Emseal Corporation. nfi nzMupfieatioX prohh6i ,M, Inc. JOINT SEALERS 07900 - 3 February 24, 2006 I. Backer Rod: Closed cell expanded polyurethane or polyethylene "Denver" foam, compatible with sealant; sized and shaped to control depth of sealant; and to maintain 20% to 50% compression of material. J. Joint Cleaners and Primers: As recommended by sealant manufacturer. K. Bond Breaker: Pressure sensitive adhesive polyethylene tape. L. Masking Tape: Pressure sensitive adhesive paper tape. M. Sealant Tape: I. Compressible adhesive -cohesive tape of cross -linked butyl polyisobutylene rubber that accommodates variations and movement, sized as necessary to allow for joint movement of + or - 25%. 2. Acceptable product: PTI 606, Protective Treatments, Inc. N. Expansion Joint Filler: I. Closed cell polyethylene compatible with sealant. 2. Acceptable product: Sonoflex F, Sonneborn. 3. Fire resistant to be used in at least a one hour fire rating classification. 2.3 MIXING ' A Six components in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. PAk i _j _ _ 4 3 l PISPEC T ON all surfaces to receive sealant and report all conditions not acceptable. Installation shall be u, d as acceptance of the surface. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean all surfaces and joints thoroughly, removing all foreign matter, dust, oil, grease, water surface, dirt, frost, old caulking material, and previously applied paint or primer. B. Prime and prepare surfaces in strict accordance with sealant or caulk manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations. C. Remove loose mill scale from steel surfaces. Remove dirt, oil, or grease by solvent cleaning and wipe surfaces. All surfaces must be clean and dry. Any protective coating on building materials that will impair sealant bond shall be removed._. 3.3 APPLICATION A. Sealants: I. Follow sealant manufacturer's instructions regarding preparation, priming, application life, and application procedure. 2. Apply masking tape where required in continuous strips in alignment with joint edge. Remove tape immediately after joints have been sealed and tooled as directed. 3. Apply sealant under pressure with gun having nozzle of proper size or other appropriate means. Provide sufficient pressure to completely fill joints. naui�oni upfAw. pr0%in, Inc. JOINT SEALERS 07900 - 4 i i_ February 24.2006 4. Neatly point or tool sealant to provide proper contour. Use clean water -wet tool or tooling solution recommended by manufacturer when tooling white or light colored sealant. B. Caulking: 1. Caulking: Apply caulking joints before final coat of paint is applied to adjacent surface. Apply caulking with a pressure gun having a nozzle of proper size to fit joint. Completely fill joint and firmly tool against backing to make a smooth, convex bed, and assure good adhesion. Caulking shall develop a firm skin before paint is allowed. C. Joint Size: 1. Sealant and Caulking: Depth equal to 1/3 times joint width or as recommended by manufacturer. 3.4 CLEANING A. Remove excess caulking or sealant materials and smears from adjacent surfaces as work progresses. B. On non -porous surfaces excess uncured sealant shall be removed with a solvent moistened cloth immediately. On porous surfaces excess sealant should be allowed to cure overnight, then removed by lightly wirebrushing or sanding. All adjacent surfaces shall be clean and free from stains. C. Remove all debris resulting from these operations from the site. 3.5 SCHEDULE A. Interior and Exterior Joints Subject to Movement (Not Including Traffic): Type 1, 2, 4, or 5 at Contractor's option and as recommended by manufacturer for joint condition and sealant color. B. Interior and Exterior Horizontal Joints Subject to foot and Vehicular Traffic: Type 2, self -leveling. C. Interior Horizontal and Vertical Joint Not Subject to Movement (Not Including Traffic): Type 6. D. In contact with roofing and waterproofing materials: Type 3 or 4, low modulus, unmodified. E. Unexposed window joints: Type 7. F. Interior fire resistant rating of at least a one hour rated assembly subjected to minimal movement: Type 2. G. Secondary seal and exterior brick expansion joint secondary seals: Type 8. END OF SECTION 07900 - 5 B eTko uPP�aW. P,.%hb tA, Inc. JOINT SEALERS February 24, 2006 SECTION 08111 STEEL DOORS PARTI GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. The extent of hollow metal doors and frames is shown on the drawings and schedules; all shall be custom hollow metal work. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01090 - Reference Standards. B. Section 01700 - Contract Closeout. C. Section 04230 - Reinforced Unit Masonry. D. Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications. E. Section 07900 - Joint Sealers. F. Section 08100 - Hollow Metal Frames. G. Section 08700 - Finish Hardware. H. Section 09900 - Painting. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide hollow mental doors and frames manufactured by a single firm specializing in the production of this type of work. 1.5 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. In addition to other specified requirements, comply with Steel Door Institute "Recommended Specifications for Standard Steel Doors and Frames" (SDI-100), for the following classifications: 1. Exterior Doors: SDI-100, Grade III, extra heavy-duty, Model 2, Minimum 16-gage faces. B. Comply with latest adopted version of the Texas Accessibility Standards and Americans with Disabilities Act. 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. With manufacturer's standard details and specifications for steel doors and frames, submit shop drawings showing application to project, as required. e a°"2p"„'�".P�" afioXP o5,h6ncg, Inc STEEL DOORS 08111 - 1 L Febmary24, 2006 B. Provide a written warranty letter per Section 01700, 1.8, on business letterhead stating that installed door components comply with TAS and/or ADA. PART PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURER A. Hollow Metal: 1. Steelcraft/Div. American Standard Co. 2. Republic Builders Products Corp./Subs. Republic Steel. 3. Tex -Steel Corporation. 4. Hol-O-Met, Inc. 5. Superior Door and Sash Company. 6. Substitutions: In accordance with Section 01600. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Metal steel doors and frames; hot -rolled, pickled and oiled per ASTM A 569 and A 568; cold - rolled per ASTM A 366 and A 568. B. Exterior Doors: SDI-100, Grade III, extra -heavy duty, Model 2, Minimum 16-gage faces. C. Anchors and Accessories: Manufacturer's standard units. Use galvanized items for units built into exterior walls, complying with ASTM A 153. 2.3 FABRICATION A. Fabricate units to be rigid, neat in appearance, and free from defects, warp or buckle. Weld exposed joints continuously, grind, dress, and make smooth, flush, and invisible. B. Prepare steel doors and frames to receive mortised and concealed finish hardware, including cutouts, reinforcing, drilling and tapping, complying with ANSI A 115 "Specifications for Door and Frame Preparation for Hardware". C. Reinforce units to receive surface -applied finish hardware to be field applied. D. Locate finish hardware as indicated or, if not indicated, per DHI "Recommended Locations for Builder's Hardware". E. Shop paint surfaces of doors and frame units, including galvanized surfaces, using manufacturer's standard baked -on rust -inhibitive primer. F. Doors: Comply with SDI-100, of the types and styles indicated, for materials quality, metal gages, and construction details. G. Frames: Comply with SDI-100, of the types and styles indicated, for materials quality, metal gages, and construction details. H. Provide standard hollow metal frames for doors, transoms, sidelights, borrowed lights, and other openings as indicated. Frames 6 feet wide and under shall be constructed of 16 gage material. I. Prepare frames to receive 3 silencers on strike jambs of single -swing frames and 2 silencers of double -swing frames. e�fi"Qf"b�P'eervoXp o5,n6 Inc STEEL DOORS 08111 - 2 February 24, 2006 J. Provide 26 gage steel plaster guards or mortar boxes, welded to frame, at back of hardware cutouts where installed in concrete, masonry or plaster openings. K. Protect inside faces of frames in plaster or masonry wall construction which are placed with anti- freeze additives, using high -build fibered asphalt emulsion coating. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install hollow -metal units in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and final shop drawings. Fit doors to frames and floors with clearances specified in SDI-100. B. Finish hardware is specified in Section 08700. 3.2 ADJUST AND CLEANING A. Prime coat touch-up: Immediately after erection, sand smooth any rusted or damaged areas of prime coat and apply touch-up paint of compatible air -frying primer. B. Final adjustments: Check and readjust operating finish hardware items, leaving steel doors and frames undamaged and in complete and proper operating condition. END OF SECTION °a2ko�'aPpatioXpror5h61te�:' STEEL DOORS 08111 - 3 Fcbmary 24, 2006 SECTION 08360 UPWARD ACTING SECTIONAL DOORS PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work in this Section. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. Fully compatable track and counterbalance spring system. B. Sectional door panels, electric hoist, and associated hardware. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications B. Section 06100 - Rough Carpentry C. Section 08700 - Finish Hardware D. Section 09900 - Painting. 1.4 REFERENCES A. ASTM A569 - Steel, Carbon, Hot -Rolled Sheet and Strip, Commercial Quality. B. ASTM A591 - Steel Sheet, Cold -Rolled, Electrolytic Zinc Coated. C. ASTM C236 - Steady State Thermal Performance of Building Assemblies D. ASTM E283 - Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Doors E. NFPA 80 - Fire Doors and Windows. F. NFPA 252 - Fire Tests for Door Assemblies. G. ANSI/NAGDM 102 - Industry Standards for Windloads 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to NAGDM standards and guidelines. 1.6 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA A. Submit shop drawings and product data under provisions of Section 01300. B. Indicate track configuration, door panel design, anchor spacings, anchor types, location of cutouts for hardware and reinforcement, wheatherstripping, glazing type and gasket, and operator system. C. Submit manufacturer's installation instructions under provisions of Section 01300. a�4fio "d�Pf�aloXplohh6&A,In`. UPWARD ACTING SECTIONAL DOORS 08360 - 1 February 24, 2006 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND PROTECTION A. Protect products under provisions of Section 01600. B. Protect tracks, panels, and moving parts with resilient packaging. 1.8 WARRANTY A. Provide five year manufacturer's warranty under provisions of Section 01700. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Overhead Door Corporation, Series 420 B. Ceco/Windsor Door C. Ideal Door Company D. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 01600. 2.2 DOOR PANELS A. Sections: Panel faces and stiles to be 20 gage roll -formed galvanized steel. B. Thickness: Panel sections to be nominal 2 inches thick. End stiles to be nominal 2 inch deep channels, 16 gage. C. Fabrication: Provide weathertight rabbeted meeting rail joints, full width structural regidity, stiles to be fastened to panel faces to form integral structure, panel back covers rivet to sections. D. Deflection: Fully assembled door is not to deflect more than 1/120 of the door width. E. Hinges: Hinges and fixtures to be galvanized steel. Full floating ball bearing rollers with hardened steel races. Size rollers for appropriate door size and load limits. F. Finish: Door sections to be painted with an epoxy coating. Color to be selected from standard manufacturer's color chart by the architect and owner. 2.3 TRACKS A. Material: Rolled steel with angle mounts. B. Dimensions: 2" deep. C. Anchors: Bolted or welded as recommended by manufacturer and as detailed. 2.4 ACCESSORIES A. Counter Balance: Provide coil spring sized for door. B. Locks: Lock to be interior mounted five pin tumbler keyed lock. 6.20 4fioQfPi,37,.XP.,h6f`e Inc.UPWARD ACTING SECTIONAL DOORS 08360 - 2 February24, 2006 C. Hoist: Door to be operated by an electric motor hoist. Size hoist for proper operation. Locate wall mounted control near door, east wall -review with architect and owner. Provide owner with two remote controllers. D. Reinforcing Struts: Provide roll formed steel hat sections or steel angle reinforcement as appropriate for door width. Maintain structural intregrity of door system. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install tracks, panel sections, operators, and accessories in accordance with NAGDM. B. Coordinate with wall construction for anchor placement. C. Install minimum of 5 anchors per track. 3.2 TOLERANCES A. Maximum Diagonal Distortion: 1/16 inch measured with straight edge, corner to corner. 3.3 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Adjust for smooth and balanced door movement. B. Immediately after erection, provide barriers and warning tapes to protect door from damage. 3.4 Trim Coordination A. Coordinate the clearance required for wood trim with general contractor's carpenter. Review door installation with general contractor, carpenter, electrician, owner, and architect during a conference of a mutually agreed date and time. END OF SECTION d aut�onzaeup�eaSiuXp ohhbrte9: ` UPWARD ACTING SECTIONAL DOORS 08360 - 3 x February 24, 2006 SECTION 08700 FINISH HARDWARE PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. Complete sets of hardware for all new doors. New hardware is to match existing hardware manufacturer, style, type, finish, and installation heights. B. Butts and hinges, locks and latch sets, closers, push/pulls, trim units, kick plates, silencers, and miscellaneous items required for a complete installation. C. Provide all items, articles, materials, operations or methods listed, mentioned or scheduled on the drawings and/or herein, including all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary and required for their completion. Any item of finish hardware not specifically mentioned, but which is necessary for proper completion of the work shown on the Drawings shall be provided without additional cost to owner. Any omissions shall be called to the attention of the Architect prior to bid opening; otherwise the Drawings and Specifications will be considered complete. D. Exchange or replace all damaged existing door hardware with new hardware; no additional money shall be granted for such items. E. Exchange all existing door hardware that does not meet current Texas Accessibility Standards criteria with new hardware which does meet T.A.S. criteria; existing knobs replaced with levers of matching manufacturer and finish. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01090 - Reference Standards. B. Section 01700 - Contract Closeout. C. Section 08111— Steel Doors. 1.4 REFERENCES A. ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act, 36 CFR. B. ANSI/NFPA 80 - Fire Doors and Windows. C. AWI - Architectural Woodwork Institute. D. BHMA - Builders' Hardware Manufacturers Association. E. DHI - Door and Hardware Institute. rt2 �2�eeP'eatrvoXprohhU: m° FINISH HARDWARE 08700 - 1 February 24, 2006 1.5 1.6 1.7 F. NAAMM - National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers. G. NFPA 101 -Life Safety Code. H. SDI - Steel Door Institute I. ANSI A115.2 - Door and Frame Preparation for Bored or Cylindrical Locks for 1-3/4 inch Doors. J. ANSI A 115.9 - Door and Frame Preparation for Closer, Offset Hung, Single Acting. K. ANSI A 156.1 - Butts and Hinges. L. ANSI A156.2 - Locks and Lock Trim. M. ANSI A156.4 - Door Controls (Closers). N. ANSI A 156.6 - Architectural Door Trim. O. ANSI A156.7 - Template Hinges. COORDINATION A. Coordinate work of this section with other sections involving manufacturer of any internal reinforcement for door hardware. B. Hardware subcontractor shall examine the drawings and specifications to determine the extent of hardware quantities required. Should any particular door or item be omitted in any scheduled hardware group, provide such door or item with hardware similar to that required for similar conditions on the project. Locks, bolts, hinges, pulls, levers shown on the plans for non -factory manufactured cabinet and casework shall be included in the Division of Finish Hardware. C. When new hardware is to match an existing owner's standard, new shall match in every way so long as it does not violate Texas Accessibility Standards criteria. New door hardware shall comply with T.A.S. Contractor shall confirm what is owner's standard prior to ordering material. D. Hardware shall be keyed to match water treatment departments current keying. Owner will supply key for matching. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturers: Companies specializing in manufacturing door hardware with minimum three year's experience. B. Hardware Supplier: Company specializing in supplying commercial and institutional door hardware with five year's documented experience. C. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of the section. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to applicable codes for requirements applicable to fire rated doors and frames. B. Conform to the applicable sections of Chapter 5 of NFPA 101. 20�� Cha an nI ng. Archh'�tect , Inc. nau onz up nano pro �tej. 08700 - 2 c 1 February 24, 2006 C. Conform to criteria stated in the most current edition of the Texas Accessibility Standards. 1.8 SUBMITTALS A. Submit schedule, shop drawings, and product data under provisions of Section 01300. Resubmittals will be required until complete architectural approval is obtained. B. Indicate location and mounting heights of each type of hardware. Show required mortising and internal reinforcing of metal products. C. Provide product data on specified hardware. D. Submit keying diagrams to show grandmaster, master, etc. level of hierarchy. E. Submit proposed replacement levers, finish, function, and example of new hardware that is replacing existing hardware. 1.9 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Submit operation and maintenance data under provisions of Section 01700. B. Include data on operating hardware, lubrication requirements, and inspection procedures related to preventative maintenance. C. Lost or stolen hardware shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Replace all items lost or stolen with identical items at no cost to owner. 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Package hardware items individually; label and identify package with door opening code to match hardware schedule. B. Protect hardware from theft by cataloging and storing in secure area. 1.11 MAINTENANCE MATERIALS A. Provide special wrenches and tools applicable to each different or special hardware component. B. Provide maintenance tools and accessories supplied by hardware component manufacturer. 1.12 WARRANTY A. Provide a written warranty per Section 01700, 1.8, on business letterhead stating that installed door components comply with TAS and/or ADA. B. Provide warranties for all hardware furnished under this division to the general contractor for transmittal to the architect. Warranties shall be for a period of one (1) year (five [5] years for closer) from date of owner acceptance, against defects in material and workmanship of the merchandise. PART PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS auTgoni upi eatrvoxPTohh6i(e�:'°e• FINISH HARDWARE 08700 - 3 February 24, 2006 A. Locksets and Latches: Sargent or equal. B. Hinges: McKinney or equal. C. Closers: Sargent or equal. D. Exit Devices: Sargent or equal. 2.2 STYLE A. All hardware components shall match throughout the facility in finish, style, and function. B. New hardware shall match existing make, model, style, finish, etc. C. Provide a knurled grip or similar, acceptable texture on levers of doors leading to a potentially hazardous situation for a physically or visually challenged person; ie, mechanical rooms and stairs. 2.3 KEYING A. All cylinders are keyed to the existing system. No substitutions allowed. B. Supply two keys for each lock. C. Coordinate new keying system with owner. 2.4 FINISHES A. Finishes for new hardware are identified in the schedule at end of this section. Submit for architect's approval. B. Finishes for replacement of existing hardware is to match the existing finish. Submit for architect's approval. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Verify that doors and frames are ready to receive work and dimensions are as indicated on shop drawings. B. Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing conditions. C. The Owner reserves the right to request and pay for an inspection by a representative of the referenced organization to determine that the work of this Section has been performed in accordance with the specified requirements. D. In the event such inspection determines that the work of this Section does not comply with the specified requirements, immediately remove the non -complying items and immediately replace them with items complying with the specified requirements, all at no additional cost to the Owner, and reimburse the Owner for the cost of the inspection. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install hardware in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and requirements of SDI, NAAMM, AWI, ANSI/NFPA 80, BHMA, DHI, and Texas Accessibility Standards. iaeui�oniae��upHcahoXpf011hb`'Inc- FINISH HARDWARE 08700 - 4 February 24, 2006 B. The contractor shall install all finished hardware plump, square, true and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, using the best practices as approved by architect. Hardware shall be fitted and operated prior to painting, then removed and painting completed before final installation. All hardware must be thoroughly cleaned, free from mars and blemishes and in perfect operating condition when turned over to the owner. Damaged or malfunctioning hardware will not be acceptable. C. No extra costs will be allowed to facilitate proper installation of any hardware. The general contractor shall be responsible for the proper fabrication of all materials and work to receive hardware. D. Finish hardware shall be furnished with all necessary screws, bolts, or other fastenings of suitable size use and long life and shall harmonize with the hardware as to material and finish. These fastenings shall be furnished where necessary with expansion shield, security bolts, toggle bolts or other approved anchors according to the material to which it is applied and recommended by the manufacturer. All hardware fastened to concrete shall be furnished with machine screws and lead shields. Extension flushbolts shall be edge mounted in all cases. Wrought box strikes shall be furnished where strikes are mortised into wood. Strikes shall have sufficiently extended lips where required to protect trim from being marred by latch -bolts, but no more than necessary. Strikes for pairs of doors shall have 1" lips to center. All backsets of locks and latches shall be 2-3/4" from the door edge unless otherwise indicated. E. Hardware for fire doors shall conform to the requirements for NFPA 80 and NFPA 101. In case of conflict between the type of hardware specified in these specifications or the type required for fire protection, materials of equal quality and design required by NFPA, shall be furnished, at no additional cost to owner. 3.3 HARDWARE LOCATIONS A. Adjust any of the following heights, as required to maintain the existing standards established by the owner. B. Locks, latches: Finish floor to C/L of knobs, 40-5/16" C. Deadlocks: Finish to C/L of cylinder, 48" D. Push/Pull Plates: Finish floor to C/L of plate, 46" E. Flushbolts: C/L of bolt face to top (and bottom) edge of floor, 12" F. Exit Devices: Per template and installation instructions; Rails shall not conflict with door liter, mounting heights shall be adjusted to center exit rail on appropriate door rail. G. Closer, O/H Holders: Per template and installation instructions. H. Stops: To protect doors and hardware from contact with parts of the building or other conflicting doors. I. Butt Hinges: 1. Top anchor butt - per template instructions; 2. Top butt hinge - top edge of butt leaf to rabbet, 5" 3. Bottom butt hinge - bottom edge of butt leaf to finish floor, 10" 4. Intermediate butt hinge - equal distant between top and bottom butts. T1aa°4go d�P ca�t�ioXprohh�teA,Inc. FINISH HARDWARE 08700 - 5 February 24, 2006 3.4 ADJUSTMENT AND MAINTENANCE A. Within thirty (30) days after Owner Acceptance of the Project, the subcontractor shall meet with the Owner's maintenance foreman and thoroughly instruct him in the care and adjustment of all movable hardware furnished under this division. Provide him with a Manufacturer's Parts List for all locks, exits and closer, a Bound Care and Adjustment Manual, and an adjustment tool for each type of adjustable hardware. Included shall be a copy of an approved Hardware Schedule. END OF SECTION & a�4fio d�P'rahoXprohh6 `,4., `"` FINISH HARDWARE 08700 - 6 February 24, 2006 SECTION 09900 _a PAINTING PART1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED --• A. Surface preparation. B. Surface finish schedule. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02520 - Portland Cement Concrete Pavement. B. Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications. C. Section 08100 - Hollow Metal Frames. 1.4 REFERENCES A. ANSI/ASTM D16 - Definitions of Terms Relating to Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related - Products. B. ASTM D2016 - Test Method for Moisture Content of Wood. C. SSPC - SP1 - Solvent Cleaning D. SSPC - SP2 - Hand Tool Cleaning 1.5 DEFINITIONS A. Conform to ANSI/ASTM D 16 for interpretation of terms used in this section. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Product Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing quality paint and finish products with five years experience. B. Applicator: Company specializing in commercial painting and finishing with three years documented experience. C. Flame Spread: Interior finishes must meet Class 11 flame spread, 26-75 index, or less. fi e02e N ?P 'cetioX prohh6 fA, Ic PAINTING 09900 - 1 February 24, 2006 1.7 SUBMITTALS A. Provide product data on all finishing products. B. Submit samples under provisions of Section 01300. C. Submit two samples 6 x 6 inch in size illustrating range of colors and textures available for each surface finishing product scheduled, after color selection. D. Submit manufacturer's application instructions under provisions of Section 01300. E. Certify that material installed on this project does not contain insecticide, mildewcide, and no more than 0.06 percent lead. 1.8 FIELD SAMPLES A. Provide one field sample panel, 12 inches long by 12 inches wide, illustrating special texture, and finish. B. Accepted sample may not remain as part of the work. 1.9 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver products to site under provisions of Section 01600. B. Store and protect products under provisions of Section 01600. C. Deliver products to site in sealed and labelled containers; inspect to verify acceptance. D. Container labelling to include manufacturer's name, type of paint, brand name, brand code, coverage, surface preparation, drying time, cleanup, color designation, and instructions for mixing and reducing. 1 E. Store paint materials at minimum ambient temperature of 45' F and a maximum of 90' F, in well ventilated area, unless required otherwise by manufacturer's instructions. F. Take precautionary measures to prevent fire hazards and spontaneous combustion. 1.10 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Provide continuous ventilation and heating facilities to maintain surface and ambient temperatures above 55° F for 24 hours before, during, and 48 hours after application of finishes, unless required otherwise by manufacturer's instructions. B. Do not apply exterior coatings during rain or snow, or when relative humidity is above 50 percent, unless required otherwise by manufacturer's instructions. C. Minimum Application Temperatures for Latex Paints: 55° F for interiors; 65° F for exterior; unless required otherwise by manufacturer's instructions. D. Minimum Application Temperature for Varnish Finishes: 65' F for interior or exterior, unless ! required otherwise by manufacturer's instructions. E. Provide lighting level of 50 footcandles measured mid -height at substrate surface. 6.2 �ui�ciiaeg duplu,Z.X P fhb teA• Inc. PAINTING 09900 - 2 February 24, 2006 1.11 EXTRA STOCK A. Provide two gallon containers of each color and surface texture to owner. B. Label each container with color, texture, and room locations in addition to the manufacturer's label. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS — PAINT A. Glidden Coatings and Resins Division of SCM Corporation. B. PPG Industries, Inc. Coatings and Resins Division. C. Kelly -Moore Paint Co., Inc. D. Sherwin Williams Company. E. Monarch Paint Company. F. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 01600. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Coatings: Ready mixed, except field catalyzed coatings. Process pigments to a soft paste consistency, capable of being readily and uniformly dispersed to a homogeneous coating. B. Coatings: Good flow and brushing properties; capable of drying or curing free of streaks or sags. C. Accessory Materials: Linseed oil, shellac, turpentine, paint thinners, and other materials not specifically indicated but required to achieve the finishes specified, of commercial quality. 2.3 FINISHES A. Refer to schedule at end of section for surface finish schedule. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Verify that surfaces are ready to receive work as instructed by the product manufacturer. B. Examine surfaces scheduled to be finished prior to commencement of work. Report any condition that may potentially affect proper application. C. Measure moisture content of surfaces using an electronic moisture meter. Report any condition that may potentially affect proper application. 1. Plaster and Gypsum Wallboard: 12 percent. 2. Masonry, Concrete, and Concrete Unit Masonry: 12 percent. 3. Interior Located Wood: 15 percent, measured in accordance with ASTM D2016. 4. Exterior Located Wood: 12 percent, measured in accordance with ASTM D2016. D. Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing surfaces. a �0 b�P '� h.X prohh6 fj, Inc. PAINTING 09900 - 3 February 24, 2006 3.2 PREPARATION A. Remove electrical plates, hardware, light fixture trim, and fittings prior to preparing surfaces or finishing. B. Correct minor defects and clean surfaces which affect work of this section. C. Shellac and seal marks which may bleed through surface finishes. D. Impervious Surfaces: Remove mildew by scrubbing with solution of tri-sodium phosphate and bleach. Rinse with clean water and allow surface to dry. E. Gypsum Board Surfaces: Latex fill minor defects. Spot prime defects after repair. F. Galvanized Surfaces: Remove surface contamination and oils and wash with solvent. Apply coat of etching primer. G. Concrete and Unit Masonry Surfaces Scheduled to Receive Paint Finish: Remove dirt, loose mortar, scale, salt or alkali powder, and other foreign matter. Remove oil and grease with a solution of tri-sodium phosphate; rinse well and allow to dry. Remove stains caused by weathering of corroding metals with a solution of sodium metasilicate after thoroughly wetting with water. Allow to completely and thoroughly dry. H. Plaster Surfaces: Fill hairline cracks, small holes, and imperfections with latex patching plaster. Make smooth and flush with adjacent surfaces. Wash and neutralize high alkali surfaces. I. Uncoated Steel and Iron Surfaces: Remove grease, scale, dirt and rust. Where heavy coatings of scale are evident, remove by wire brushing or sandblasting; clean by washing with solvent. Apply a treatment of phosphoric acid solution, ensuring weld joints, bolts, and nuts are similarly cleaned. Spot prime paint after repairs. J. Shop Primed Steel Surfaces: Sand and scrape to remove loose primer and rust. Feather edges to make touch-up patches inconspicuous. Clean surfaces with solvent. Prime bare steel surfaces. Prime metal items including shop primed items. K. Interior Wood Items Scheduled to Receive Finish: Wipe off dust and grit prior to priming. Seal knots, pitch streaks, and sappy sections with sealer. Fill nail holes and cracks after primer has dried; sand between coats. L. Concrete Paving Scheduled to Receive Paint Finish: Remove foreign particles to permit adhesion of finishing materials. M. Hollow Metal Doors Scheduled for Painting: Seal top and bottom edges with primer. 3.3 PROTECTION A. Protect elements surrounding the work of this section from damage or disfiguration. B. Repair damage to other surfaces caused by work of this section. C. Furnish drop cloths, shields and protective methods to prevent spray or droppings from disfiguring other surfaces. D. Remove empty paint containers from site. �a°g�aPf�rano8v"n6 �ct�. Inc. PAINTING 09900 - 4 C 1_ February 24, 2006 3.4 APPLICATION A. Apply products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Do not apply finishes to surfaces that are not dry. C. Apply each coat to uniform finish. D. Apply each coat of paint slightly darker than proceeding coat unless otherwise approved. E. Sand lightly between coats to achieve required finish. F. Allow applied coat to dry before next coat is applied. G. Where clear finishes are required, tint fillers to match wood. Work fillers into the grain before set. Wipe excess from surface. H. Prime back surfaces of interior and exterior woodwork with primer paint. I. Prime back surfaces of interior woodwork scheduled to receive stain or varnish finish with gloss varnish reduced 25 percent with mineral spirits. J. Apply new paint as specified on new and renovated existing surfaces. The entire renovated surface shall be painted, not just the repaired portion. Renovated surfaces shall be painted from floor to ceiling, corner to corner, or break in surface plane. K. Repainting the entire surface (new, renovated, or existing): shall be required if the surface is damaged by construction activities. The architect will make the final determination. 3.5 FINISHING MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT A. Refer to Section 15 and Section 16 for schedule of color coding and identification banding of equipment, ductwork, piping and conduit. B. Paint shop primed equipment. C. Prime and paint insulated and exposed pipes, conduit, boxes, insulated and exposed ducts, hangers, brackets, collars and supports, except where items are prefinished. D. Replace identification markings on mechanical or electrical equipment when painted accidently. E. Paint interior surfaces of air ducts, that are visible through grilles and louvers with one coat of flat black paint, to limit of sight line. Paint dampers exposed behind louvers, and grilles, to match face panels. F. Paint exposed conduit and electrical equipment occurring in finished areas. G. Paint both sides and edges of plywood backboards for electrical and telephone equipment before installing equipment. H. Color code equipment, piping, conduit, and exposed ductwork in accordance with requirements indicated. Color band and identify as required. I. Replace electrical plates, hardware, light fixture trim, and fittings removed prior to finishing. nauihoii'ie upficahoX pro% f Inc" PAINTING 09900 - 5 February 24, 2006 3.6 CLEANING A. As work proceeds, promptly remove paint where spilled, splashed, or spattered. B. During progress of work, maintain premises free of unnecessary accumulation of tools, equipment, surplus materials, and debris. C. Collect cotton waste, cloths, and material which may constitute a fire hazard, place in closed metal containers, and remove daily from site. 3.7 SCHEDULE - SHOP PRIMED ITEMS FOR SITE FINISHING A. Metal Fabrications (Section 05500): Steel Bollards; Steel Channel Frame for Canopy. B. Grating & Floor Plates (Section 05530): Sidewalk Grate & Frame. 3.8 SCHEDULE OF PAINTING A. The kinds and brands of paint and number of coats required on the various surfaces shall be those listed below. The types of paint are identified with Pittsburg Paint or Sherwin Williams numbers. B. The owner and architect shall select color, tint, and sheen from manufacturer's standard color chart. C. Exterior and Interior Metal: 1. First Coat: PPG 6-208 Series Speedhide steel primer 2. Second Coat: PPG 7-282 Series Industrial Gloss Alkyd enamel 3. Third Coat: PPG 7-282 Series Industrial Gloss Alkyd enamel D. Interior Wood: For paint finish 1. First Coat: PPG 6-6 Speedhide Alkyd enamel undercoat 2. Second Coat: PPG 6-90 Series low sheen Alkyd enamel 3. Third Coat: PPG 6-90 Series low sheen Alkyd enamel E. Interior Wood: For transparent finish 1. First Coat: PPG Rez 77-560 line semi -transparent Alkyd stain 2. Second Coat: PPG 6-10 Speedhide wood sanding sealer 3. Third Coat: PPG REZ 77-89 Interior Polyurethane satin clear varnish 4. Fourth Coat: PPG REZ 77-89 Interior Polyurethane satin clear varnish F. Gypsum Board Walls and Ceilings 1. First Coat: PPG 6-2 Speedhide interior Latex primer sealer 2. Second Coat: PPG 6-510 Speedhide interior semi -gloss Latex enamel 3. Third Coat: PPG 6-510 Speedhide interior semi -gloss Latex enamel G. Galvanized Metal 1. First Coat: PPG 90-712 series Pitt -Tech Industrial DTM primer/finish enamel 2. Second Coat: PPG 7-282 Series Industrial gloss Alkyd enamel 3. Third Coat: PPG 7-282 Series Industrial gloss Alkyd enamel H. Concrete and Asphalt Pavement 1. First Coat: PPG 11-3 Series flat Alkyd zone marking paint. 2. Second Coat: PPG 11-3 Series flat Alkyd zone marking paint. Accessible parking zones to receive a second coat. 00 H �aaul�onze upl.canoX prohh6it W, Inc PAINTING 09900 — 6 February 24. 2006 I. J. Concrete Unit Masonry 1. First Coat: PPG 6-7 Speedhide Latex masonry block filler. 2. Second Coat: PPG 6-2045 Series Speedhide exterior satin Acrylic Latex. 3. Third Coat: PPG 6-2045 Series Speedhide exterior satin Acrylic Latex. Concrete Walks 1. First Coat: PPG 11-25 flat Traffic & Zone Marking Paint. Blue unless noted otherwise. Accessible ramps and sloped walks. END OF SECTION a°4ko Ze@.P'earvoXprohh6l,°'e$: t" PAINTING 09900 - 7 b MEIdIBEROF: DYG49RDR GTE EMERY IDC, 0"�' te�,�'3 20 sW" For T"" M"iW6 P.O.6= WM r 1lmsrkun htWMris #ff*ft n Wsi ft $0d* j ■ t uhbo* Tents ?W4 Annsrirsn Sod* of 04 E 00ft PROiF'FM10?fAL TSSTlM 580 49tft sa.« Taus Cam¢41 040tp "Ntp i,abotsw'" (a" 785.0 a Fix 0" 745-im To: Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03/25105 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 P"o 1 of 2 Tested In Accordance With A,STM Designation: 02922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas 3 _J Tests #1-6 - Backfill at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank - Tests #7 & 8 - Backfiil at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank -1 11:33am NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backftil Test Number 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 Station 70' North 48' North SW North 19' North 1T North 45' North 10' North 30' South Offset 84' West 15' West 43East 72' West 39 East 20' East 8' West 6' West Elevation 28th Lift 28th Lift 28th Lift 28th Lift 28th Lift 28th Lift 22nd lift 22nd Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 8 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 -inches 6 - inches Density Cnt, 2004 2228 2209 1903 1969 2110 2179 1971 Wet Density 127.2 122.5 122.8 129.6 128.2 124.8 123.6 127.9 Moisture Cnt. 171 172 173 179 176 191 168 183 Moisture(lbs.) 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.9 14.6 16.0 12.9 16,2 Dry Density 113.1 108.3 108.5 114,E 113.E 108.8 110.7 112.7 S6 Moisture 12.6 13.1 13.2 13.0 12.8 14.7 111 13.5 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 94.0 90.0 90.2 95.3 94.4 90.4 92.0 93.6 9b Opt. Mstre. 91.2 96.8 96.3 94.8 93.4 107.2 86.4 98.8 Matra. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2717 627 REMARKS. ,Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does m ,, in.} and t2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project. COPIES Tor ` 2 -Above 1 - City of Lubbock DYESS-PETE RY, INC. 1- Chapman-HarveyPr*J-'•• �t n�', r► K No. 2604 RNA NO. 5355A by (IWy0_� Amwk*nC*ncN*6kWVkft DES-P91RO KSTS NNIUM, IRC. (Wolm." ,Dean So d* d CM &Vkwm PWFESSIONAL TESMGi 5e58 4M sb" T"" Gou d of 60"OkV L"abdss (S" 7854= • Fax (a" 7$5.1959 To: Brown -McKee P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 _l Date of Report: 03125/05 �- PROJECT. City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Teats #1-6 - 8ackfill at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank 1 1.4 Itnrn Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922-91 NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfill � Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 6T North 6T North 44' North 28' North 31' North 10, North Offset 58, West 36' West 13' East 69' East 13' West 58' West Elevation 28th Lit! 28th Lift 28th Lift 28th Lift 28th Lift 28th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 8 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2094 2552 2048 2138 2181 2589 Wet Density 130.8 121.8 131.8 129.8 128.9 122.2 Moisture Cnt< 197 172 191 194 190 180 Moisture(lbs.) 19.8 12.7 14.3 14.3 14.2 13.4 Dry Density 116.0 109.1 117.6 115.6 114.7 108.8 % Moisture 12.7 11.7 12.1 12.3 12.4 12.3 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 96.9 90.7 97.7 96.1 95.4 90.4 % Opt. Mstre. 92.7 85.4 88.3 89,8 90.5 89.8 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2420 1 658 RemAms: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction doe . I of optimum moisture as specified for this project. r 1, c0PWs TO: 2 - Above 1 - City of Lubbock 1 - Chapman -Harvey ,err+ 19 Pre0d too. 2604 R"Wt W. 5360 by _ and t2% a ORY, NC. �v t MEMBER OR' N AmAo, Tax" 70120 Amedm Sodev FW Tuft Ma"als 3724911 - pax (8" 3n-sw knedw wwft s0owy 8 Ltdgwk Texas 7W4 An*d=sod* o1CM&*mn PROFESSIONAL TWMG SON 491h Snit Taxes Owind of &*4*rhV Lebwooda (800) 786-WM « Fax ($" 785-1959 TO: Brown -McKee Date of Riqwd: 03/26/06 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Page 2 of 2 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922-91 PROJECT' City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #9-14 - Backfill at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank Tests #15 & 16 - Backfill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank 9:05am NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfill Test Number 9 10 11 1-2 13 14 is 16 Station I 60' North 4V North 62'North 2T North 31'North 18'North 41'North 37 South Offset 50'West I r West 26'East 58' East 41' East 10' West S'East IY East Elevation 27th Lift 27th Lift 27th Lift 27th Lift 27th Lift 27th Lift 24th Lift 24th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - Inches 6 - Inches Density Cnt 2004 2042 1998 2049 2010 2308 2090 2360 Wet Density 132.8 131 A 132.9 131.7 132.6 126A 130.9 125.3 Moisture Cnt, 206 231 198 215 206 182 197 184 Moisture(lbs.) 16.3 17.6 14.9 16.3 15.5 13.6 14.8 13,7 Dry Density 117.5 114.1 11&1 115.4 117.1 112.9 116.1 111.7 96 Moisture 13.0 16.6 12,6 14.1 13.3 12.0 12.7 12.2 Sid. Density 120.3 120,3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 131 13.7 13.7 117 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 97.7 94,9 98.1 95.9 97.3 93.8 96.6 92.8 % Opt. Mstre. 94.8 113.1 91.9 102.9 97.0 57.6 917 89,0 Mstre. Corr. '0 Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 1 2420 1 658 L RENIARK& Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does of optimum moisture as specified for this project. COPIES TO: 2 - Above I - City of Lubbock DYESS-14iiiii 1 - Chapman -Harvey L, Project No. 2604 Report No. 53598 by (min.) and *2% slat W9 MEMBEROF: USSARR GTIAG �fl�0 fl J II G. (OM�411 WM3 MMdam Sociov For Too" Mawh& Ro. Box 30M Mrdan t�Oncrala b1WnN 1 _ 79424 A "d=socwyd chd boom PROFESSIONAL 17.S'I' G a 5M 4M Sh" _ Tina CWX* of Enp meet LabonMxMo (808j 7854= Fox (SM 705-INN To: Brown -McKee Date of Report; 03/24/05 - P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 79452 Tested In Accordance with ASTM Designation: 02922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas 1 Backfiil at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank 1 5:00 m NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Sacktill Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 11' North 58' North 19' North 63' North 28' North 71' North Offset 67 West 31' West 5' East 42' East 58' East 43' East Elevation 26th Lift 26th Lift 26th Lift 26th Litt 26th Lift 26th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2573 2345 2344 2512 2494 1978 Wet Density 121.4 126.6 126.6 122.6 123.9 133.3 Moisture Cnt 174 176 186 182 178 205 Moisture(ibs.) 12,8 13.2 13.8 13.5 13.3 16.4 Dry Density 108.6 112.4 111.8 109.0 114.E 117.9 % Moisture 11.8 11.8 12.9 12.4 12.0 13A Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13,7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 90.3 93.4 92.9 90.6 91.9 98.0 % Opt. Mstre, 86.1 86.1 90.5 90.6 87.5 96.6 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts e Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay r Density Moisture 2435 652 RENIARK31 Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does d i .) and t2% of optimum moisture a$ specified for this project.- cOF4Es To: 2 - Above s ' " : 07L . %A!'FU IV 1 - City of Lubbock DYESS-PET ORY C. 1- Chapman -Harvey=' ,r P► Od No. 2604 No. 5354 by _ C. ft Affmim MEMBER HGARS90 GTIN ARMY,R. 372-M1 Fax{eaG)3r�a-M 79120 Mwimm Sod* PorTos tq M"Wisk P.O. Boot 3DW9 OM 79424 M>ttit�r► 8a et + kmm P' OFMSIONAL TESSMG 5T Tyus cmul of Bnp *of Ldwakwin (808)?e 37Q ' Rex {8pS} 786-t 9 i _i To: Brown -McKee gets of Report: 03/24/06 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Pspe t of 2 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designason: 02922-81 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-6 - Backfill at North Side of Tank- Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank Tests #7 & 8 - Backfill at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank _.J 315prn NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfill Test Number 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 Station 10' North 31' North 28' North 66' North 74' North 58' North 36' North 21' South Offset 56' West 28' West 47 East 38' East 17, West 63' West IT East 10' East Elevation 26th Uft 26th Lift 26th Lift 26th Uft 25th Uft 26th Uft 20th Uft 20th Uft Depth 6 - Inches 8 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt 2618 2600 2461 2461 2602 21e3 2207 2340 Wept Density 122.9 121.0 123.4 123.4 122.7 129.3 128A 125.6 Moisture Cnt 186 172 190 178 176 203 186 188 Molsture(lbs.) 13.8 12.7 14.2 12.9 12.9 15.3 13.8 14.0 Dry Density 108.5 108.3 109.2 110.6 109.8 114.0 114.6 111.E % Moisture 12.8 11.7 13.0 11.7 11.7 13.4 12.1 12.6 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 12M3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13,7 % Comp. 90.2 90.0 90.8 91.9 91.3 94.8 96.3 92.7 % Opt Mstre. 93.4 85.4 94.8 86.4 86.4 97.8 88.3 91.9 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2935 652 LREMARM Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction of optimum moisture as specified for this project. L. COPIESTO: 2 - Above 1- City of Lubbock DYESS-a 1- Chapman -Harvey f [J Project No. 2604 RWO Na. 5363A by I1 and t2% IrAEMSEROF: 3M SoDES-KHROR TISTING ARMY,ADC. (MM11 mmian Soddy For-r"kV Mwwwb PA Soot AnWian Owwele tnai e m"'d Texas Amwkw Wd*Q Ste' • Lubbock Trapp 79W Ametkan Sod* 7sa� � T Cotr of Mi � PROFESSIONAL TESTINGTESTINGING M3Ptah 8geei - {aosl -8s7a MM 7$ I WO To: Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03/25/05 f P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Pees 2 of 2 Tested in Accordance Wfth ASTAA Designation: D2922-01 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #9 & 10 - Backfill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank C 4:45 m NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Sockfill Test Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Station 30' North 48' South offset 5' east 10' East Elevation 25th Lift 25th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2409 2558 Wet Density 124.4 121.7 Moisture Cnt. 182 178 Moisture(lbs.) 13.5 12.9 Dry Density 110.9 108.8 % Moisture 12.2 11.9 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 96 Comp. 92.2 90.4 9fi Opt. Mstre. 89.0 86.8 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture REs: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does of optimum moisture as specified for this project. COPIES TO: 2. Above F 1- City of Lubbock OYESS-PET 1- Chapman -Harvey -, ProJ w tfa 2604 Report No• 5361 @ ay and t2% ORY, INC. I MEMBER "'"%°'' DYG41RSOR GTIRG AN] URY IRE. W* .MFoxftiW" t �trr�air.+n sooraty orof E►�pirw«s PMF 810?fAL TESM N(; T ft SWO Tsxaa COWWA 0160wa ft ubor Od" (OW 78i"M • Rau {ta % 7&1D54 I TO., Brown -McKee P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 79452 Date of Report: 03/24/05 Pepe 1 of 2 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-6 - Backfiil at North Side of Tang - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank j Tests #7 & 8 - Back6ii at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank I 11:30am NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfifl Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 61' North 39' North 47' North 26 North 53' North 1T North 21' South 33' South Offset 57 West I West 1 T East 56' East 69' East I West 54' West I East Elevation 24th Lift 24th Lift 24th Lift 24th Lift 24th Lift 24th Lift 21at Lift 21st Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2490 2616 2138 2208 2394 2435 2396 2566 Wet Density 122.9 123.5 129.9 128.4 125.7 123.8 124.6 122.6 Moisture Cnt, 184 167 190 204 169 201 182 166 Moisture(lbs. } 13.7 13.2 14.2 16.4 13.4 16.1 13.5 13.2 Dry Density 109.2 110.3 116.7 113.0 112.3 108.7 111.1 109.4 % Moisture 12.5 12.0 12.3 13.6 11.9 13.9 12.1 12.1 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Matra. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 90.8 91.7 96.1 93.9 93.3 90.4 92.4 91,0 % Opt. Matra. 91.2 87.6 $9.7 99.2 86.8 101.4 88.3 88.3 Matra. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2935 1 662 REWRM Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does �n.) and t2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project. cofs To: 2 -"wove 1 - City of Lubbock 1- Chapman -Harvey Prone No- 2604 Report aloe 5352A by ?Or i ,c«a rs%hw k " °'''"` USSATIRSOR GTE RUN URY,INC. (We1372- , O1. 2 � i Lubbock, Teams TUN Tans cotma d &Qk*WiV Lsbaebt(ss " TO: Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03125105 R.O. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 79452 Page t of 2 TedW in Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922.41 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-5 - Backfiil at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank Tests #6-8 - Backfiil at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank 9!05am NtICLFAR C1nMRIICT10FJ TEAT nATA aa. "11 Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 67 South 55' South 59' South 31' South 17' South 91' North 11' North 34' South Offset 48' West 3T West 43' East 32' West 36' East 10' West 13' West 17' West Elevation 23rd Uft 23rd Uft 23rd Uft 23rd Lift 23rd Uft 21st Lift 21at UR 21st lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 8 - inches 6 - inches 8 - inches 6 - inches 8 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2534 1993 2181 2439 2592 2423 2387 2358 Wet Density 122.1 133.0 128.9 127.9 124.3 126.2 124.9 125.3 Moisture Cnt. 178 203 198 203 209 196 186 191 Moisture(lbs.) 13.2 15.3 14.9 15.4 16.5 13.6 13.8 14.3 Dry Density 108.9 117.7 114.0 112.5 108.8 112.6 111.0 111.1 % Moisture 12A 13.0 13.0 13.7 14.2 12.1 12.5 12.8 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 90.6 97.9 94.8 93.0 90.4 93.8 92.2 92.3 88.3 94.8 94.8 100.0 103.6 88.3 91.2 93.4 arr. EMstre. andard Counts Type Soii: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay ity Moisture REmARKS: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does raesrWN of optimum moisture as specified for this project. cOPIEs TO., 2 - Above ' 1 - City of Lubbock DYESS-P $.. 1 - Chapman -Harvey Proms No, 2604 Report So. 5359A by� and t2% , INC. i� � MEMBEROF- a MVW Tana-nti2o c :�i DYG4FIRSUH TON AN] At IE WM 11- Fa( OM Mu PWW.414 0NAL T8B'MO T 49m Tomas CounrJ of F.npinettir�p LaEotato�Ns (M 78 -UM Fax 0" "&Is" CTo: Brown -McKee oat• of iteport: 03/26/06 P.O. Box 3279 r Lubbock,Texas 79462 Pop z or z Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922 91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Test #9 - Backlill at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank 11:33am NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfili Test Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Station 4V North Offset 15, West Elevation 22nd Lift Depth 6 - inches Density Cnt. 1973 Wet Density 127.9 Moisture Cnt. 179 Moisture(ibs.) 14.9 Dry Density 113.0 % Moisture 13.1 Std. Density 120.3 Opt Mstre. 13.7 % Comp. 93.9 % Opt. Mstre. 95.6 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil:. Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2717 627 REs: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does of optimum moisture as specified for this project. COPIES To: 2 - Above 1- City of Lubbock 1 - Chapman -Harvey Pr*d No. 2604 R.port No. 63668 by and t2% INC. i' MEMBER Cf. *m#V1oT*xw*n12o I MMrican Sodagr Fa Te" MapMla P.O AffW1=CWWfthVftft DES-MIRSUH Ell HE i A, IRC. (amm.011 * F=W%3n-ww ,+l wkw Eris P'J 0FWS10?fAL T'�3 M(; K $W 4M st o* T=n "x%a ar L'nptr""Lw (8 M 785-MM Fax (BOO) 785.1"9 To: Brown -McKee We of Report: 03/21 /05 P.O. Box 3279 I Lubbock Texas 79452 Pup i or 2 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922-91 PROJECT. City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-6 - Backflll at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank Tests #7 & 8 - Backfiil at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank 4:40 m NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Sackful f Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 74' North 52' North 60' North 21' North 1£9' North 40' North W South 50' North Offset 88' West 14' West 46 East 68' West 30' East 19' East 11' West 1T West Elevation 21st Lift 21st Lift: 21st Uft 21st Lift 21st Lift 21st Lift 16th Lift 16th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches Density Cnt. 2337 2181 2200 2270 2359 2401 2352 2205 Wet Density 123.4 128.6 126.1 124.7 123.0 122.2 123.1 126.9 Moisture Cnt. 169 189 176 170 169 166 181 202 Moisture(lbs.) 13.4 16.1 14.1 13.5 13.4 13.1 14.4 16.2 Dry Density 110.0 111.4 112.0 111.3 109.6 109.1 108,7 109,7 % Moisture 12.2 13.5 12.6 12.1 12.2 12.0 13.3 14.7 Std. Density 120.3 120,3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13,7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 91.5 92.6 93.1 92.5 91.1 90.7 90.3 91.2 % Opt. Mstre. 89.0 98.5 91.9 88.0 389.0 87.5 97.0 107.2 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2480 1 663 REMARKS: Above test results on representative areas Indicate the compaction does of optimum moisture as specified for this project. COPIES, Ta " 2 - Dove 1 - City of Lubbock 1 - Chapman -Harvey Pr9Jw No. 2604 Repot No. 5342A M0 (min.) and t2% hA13 Z TORY INC. " * L t_ MEMBER OF- DYGAIRSOH RSTS OEM URY, ME. � ' . am M wim Sodsty For T08 ft A "*b P.O. Sox 3000 Miedcan Caxxoa Waftft_ � mown $ad* Er*«s P�Ei0FZ8S10NAL TIE�.13'i'fI G ST a ft Taos CWXXA of Enpi WNi" LA*M Hips F= (W} 7Eb1M TO. Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03/24/06 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 79452 PaV 2 of 2 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #9-11 - Backfill at South Side of Tanis - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank Tests #12 & 13 - Backfill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank Tests #14-16 - Backfill at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank 11:30am NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfill Too Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Station 58' South 63' South 47 South 31' North 32' South 61' North 13' North 38' South Offset 41' East 5' West W' East 15' East 10' East 5' West 14' West 8' West Elevation 21st Lift 21st Lift 21st Lift 22nd Litt 22nd Lift 19th Lift 19th Lift 19th Lift Depth 8 - inches 8 - inches 6 - inches 8 - Inches 8 - inches 6 - inches 8 - inches S - Inches Density Cnt. 2575 2379 2374 2420 2465 2386 2430 2410 Wet Density 121.4 125.8 125.0 124.2 123.3 125.8 124.1 123.2 Moisture Cnt 171 180 197 181 182 199 178 169 Moisture(ibs.) 12.6 13.3 14.8 13.4 13.5 13.7 13.8 13.8 Dry Density 108.8 111.6 110.2 110.8 109.8 112.1 110.3 109.4 % Moisture 11.7 11.9 13.4 12.1 12.3 12.2 12.5 12.8 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 OPL Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 Comp. 90.4 92.8 91.8 92.1 91.3 93.2 91.8 90.9 96 Opt. Mstre. 85.4 86.8 97.8 88.3 89.7 89.0 91.2 91.9 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts ype Soli: Reddish Yellow Sandy Loan Clay Density Moisture 2435 1 652 _ REmA' cs: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction do, � )(jnln.) and t2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project. i COPIES To: 2 - Above `, L O. LAM 1- City of Lubbock ay"�� i 1- Chapman -Harvey Project No. 2804 R"ort No. 53528 ` MEMBER OF. �� jj (t �� 1RINH GIN ARMY, U. {°°6i sII # ftxx (WM sTz_"ArrNrkyt► ffiocioty� For T"inq Mws�is Q ��� 1 P.O, 8o�c 30�9Affmim C MO* Madder M tarbbatl4 TanMUim Amnim Wok" Sodatir T Cwjnd d & q ft Lsboralaiea I�} A '1'JE;$'�1�1G (SW 755.63M + f ax {�9W 7$5M I TO: Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03123/06 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 79452 Pep 2 of 2 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922 91 PROJECT, City of Lubbock Bump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests W13 - Backflll at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank Tests #14-16 - Backfitl at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank A-Unm NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfill Too Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Station 29' South 24' South 16 South 60' South 56 South 61' North 12' North 2W South Offset 59' East 18' West 39 West 19' East 39' East 15' West 6' West 10' West Elevation 20th Lift 20th Lift 20th Lift 20th Lift 20th Lift 18th Lift 18th Lift 18th Litt Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 -inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 224e 2287 2308 2210 2538 2197 2435 2429 Wet Density 127.5 126.6 126.2 128.3 122.2 128.6 123.9 124.0 Moisture Cnt. 212 213 212 194 183 187 178 196 Moisture(lbs.) 16.0 16.1 16.0 14.5 13.6 13.9 13.2 14.6 Dry Density 111.4 110.5 110.2 113.8 108.E 114.7 1%8 109.4 % Moisture 14.4 14.6 14.5 12.8 12.5 12.1 11.9 13.3 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120,3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre, 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13,7 13.7 • Comp. 92.6 91.9 91.6 94.6 90.3 96.3 o2.1 90.9 % opt. Mstre. 105.1 106.5 105.8 963A 91.2 88.3 86.8 97.0 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Typo Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2389 1 677 RIMARK8, Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does of optimum moisture as specified for this project. COPIES TM 2 - Above 1- City of Lubbock 1- Chapman -Harvey PMjaat No. 2604 RqmtNm 5351 B by end t2% MEM "0**0 ci t?i DKS949140 ZTE HOUTER, ��. i8081 72''19 �x3T2-b5S2P.O. q*X a>�► so�uy or, P`R0 ESS1Or;AL T MG sw e s T"m 1 #xl of ice" Lobs WW" {BptSj? '3-D978 + 1=ax { 785-t9�9 TO: Brown -McKee Date of Raport: 03124J05 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Txas 79452 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922-91 Page 2 of 2 PROJECT. City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Test #9 - Backfill at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank Tests #10-14 _ 8ackfill at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank 3 Tests #15 & 16 - Back ill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank 3:1Snm NUCLEAR P-tIMPAr.TIM TFgT nATA n .., I.A 9 10 11 12 13 14 '15 16 ETestmber 42' South 61' South 3W South 26' South 57 South 36' South 41'North 30' South 16' West 48' West 21' West 31' East 49' East 56 East 9' bast 10' East Elevation 20th Lilt 22nd Lift 22d Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 23rd Lift 23rd Lift Depth 6 _ inches 6 - inches 6 » inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 » inches 6 » inches Density Cnt. 2270 2016 2189 2419 2393 2377 2330 2415 Wet Density 127.4 133.6 128.8 124.2 124.7 126.0 126.9 124.3 Moisture Cnt. 186 184 184 193 192 192 187 186 Moisture(lbs.) 13.8 14.7 13.7 14A 14.3 14.3 13.9 13.8 Dry Density 113.3 118.9 115.1 109.7 110.3 110.0 112.0 110.6 % Moisture 12.2 12.4 11.9 13.1 13.0 13.0 12.4 12.4 Sid, Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 131 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 94.1 98.8 95.7 91.2 91.7 92.0 93.1 1 91.9 % Opt. Mstre. 89.0 90.6 86,8 95.6 94.8 94,8 90.5 90.5 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soii: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2936 662 REmARKs: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does m (min.) and 1:2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project.' cOP1E8 To; 2 - Above a ff 1- City of Lubbock DYES" TORY INC. 1- Chapman -Harvey Rroled r*. 2604 Rat lilm 63538 by � �� .1 An Tau 79120 MEMBER OR•P.0. Box 306" k"dw sodev For T"*V (MM =4911 Pow (- W) 3712-M AM901M CWKnft NW^ft DESAIROP 10% NOR i A, MC. 8 wft* Affoorkm We" SoCWY 4 Lubb**. TOM 70424 khodw sm" of c" &**M FMMSSIONAL TESTING $853 49th street Tun C*tMd(A&**WkVLAw*k"W pax ($" ns-1969 TO: Brown -McKee Date of Report: - 03/22/05 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Page 2 of 2 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #9 & 10 - Backfill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank Tests #11-16 - Backfill at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank �" 4:32pm NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfill Test Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 Station 32North 50' South 72North W North 61' North 20' North 18' North 4& North Offset 6' East IV East 8& West 16 West 48' East 64' West 31' East 22'East Elevation 20th Lift 20th Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 1981 1897 1954 2106 2115 2026 1888 1887 Wet Density 127.7 129.7 128.3 125.1 124.8 126.7 129.8 129,9 Moisture Cnt,201 183 187 166 184 188 204 194 Moisture(lbs.) 16,9 15.3 16.6 13.7 16.3 16.7 17.2, 16,3 Dry Density 110.7 114A 112.7 111.4 109.5 111.0 112.6 1116 % Moisture 15.3 13.3 13.9 12.3 14<0 14.2 15.3 14.3 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt Mstre, 13.7 13.7 13.7 13,7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 92.0 96.1 93.7 92.6 91.0 92.3 93.6 94.4 % Opt, Mstre. 111.6 97.0 101.4 89.7_ 102.1 1016 111.6 1 104.3 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Loan Clay Density Moisture 2723 1 661 mj*� *:"'� s f REMARKS: Above test results on representative areas Indicate the compaction does m pin.) and *2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project. COPIES TO' 2. Above I - City of Lubbock DYESS-13 RY, C. I - Chapman -Harvey Pram' No. 2604 R*PortN*. 5345B by /MEMBER OF: ky"M sodety fte Taft Mftfiwe P.0.IMXXM DYISOtTR OA GIN AN A., 10C. (S" 372-49 Fax 1006)372-sM AnwdM W"V $OdW 8 Uftodc� Tom m24 MWOM so"Yof ad &Vine" *FW810NALTESMG 54534ftshow Towa Caur4 of &**wing taboMofts (806) 785-8378 •Fax (SM 7W1W TO. Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03/21/05 P.0, Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: DM2-91 Page I of 2 PROJECT* City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1 -6 - Backfill at North Side of Tank - Distances from Inlet Pipe at North Side of Tank Tests #7 & 8 - Backfill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank 9*054M NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfill Number 1 2 3 4 6 6 7- a 1Test Station I Y North 26' North 37 North 63'North 69'North 48' North 61' North 27' South Offset so, West Wlest 17'West 60'East 49' East 13' West V West 10' East 1Y East Elevation 20th Lift 20th Lift 20th Lift 20th Lift 20th Lift 20th Lift 17th Lift 17th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2204 2227 2190 2232 2243 2206 2178 2162 Wet Density 426.0 125,6 126.3 126.4 126.1 126.0 126.5 126.8 Moisture Cnt. 194 180 188 185 208 ISO 196 202 Moisture(lbs.) 16.5 14.3 15.0 14.7 16.7 13.4 15.16 16.2 Dry Density 110.6 111,2 111.3 110.7 108.4 1116 110.9 110.6 % Moisture 14.0 12.9 13.6 13.3 15.4 11.9 14.0 14.6 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt, mstre, 13.7 117 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 Comp. 91.8 92.6 92.5 92.0 -- 90.1 93.6 92.2 92.0 Opt, Mstre. 102.1 94.1 98,6 97.0 112.4 86.8 102.1 106.5 Mstre. Coff. Standard Density Counts Moisture Type Soil; Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay 2480 663 REMARKS, Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does AN and *2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project. COPIES TO: 2 - Above L I - City of Lubbock DYES"C�E :1109.. ;Amu I - Chapman -Harvey Pro1w No. 2604 R"d No. 5341A by - 11 N'- February 24, 2006 SECTION 09900 PAINTING PARTI GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The Drawings, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions apply to the work of this Section. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED A. Surface preparation. B. Surface finish schedule. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02520 - Portland Cement Concrete Pavement. B. Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications. C. Section 08100 - Hollow Metal Frames. 1.4 REFERENCES A. ANSI/ASTM D16 - Definitions of Terms Relating to Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Products. B. ASTM D2016 - Test Method for Moisture Content of Wood. C. SSPC - SP1 -Solvent Cleaning D. SSPC - SP2 - Hand Tool Cleaning 1.5 DEFINITIONS A. Conform to ANSI/ASTM D 16 for interpretation of terms used in this section. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Product Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing quality paint and finish products with five years experience. B. Applicator: Company specializing in commercial painting and finishing with three years documented experience. C. Flame Spread: Interior finishes must meet Class II flame spread, 26-75 index, or less. �� a49e9t@"d�PPNV.8X P r 09900 - 1 5h6 ��: � ° PAINTING February 24, 2006 1.7 SUBMITTALS A. Provide product data on all finishing products. B. Submit samples under provisions of Section 01300. C. Submit two samples 6 x 6 inch in size illustrating range of colors and textures available for each surface finishing product scheduled, after color selection. D. Submit manufacturer's application instructions under provisions of Section 01300. E. Certify that material installed on this project does not contain insecticide, mildewcide, and no more than 0.06 percent lead. 1.8 FIELD SAMPLES A. Provide one field sample panel, 12 inches long by 12 inches wide, illustrating special texture, and finish. B. Accepted sample may not remain as part of the work. 1.9 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver products to site under provisions of Section 01600. B. Store and protect products under provisions of Section 01600. C. Deliver products to site in sealed and labelled containers; inspect to verify acceptance. D. Container labelling to include manufacturer's name, type of paint, brand name, brand code, coverage, surface preparation, drying time, cleanup, color designation, and instructions for mixing and reducing. E. Store paint materials at minimum ambient temperature of 45' F and a maximum of 90' F, in well ventilated area, unless required otherwise by manufacturer's instructions. F. Take precautionary measures to prevent fire hazards and spontaneous combustion. 1.10 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Provide continuous ventilation and heating facilities to maintain surface and ambient temperatures above 55° F for 24 hours before, during, and 48 hours after application of finishes, unless required otherwise by manufacturer's instructions. B. Do not apply exterior coatings during rain or snow, or when relative humidity is above 50 percent, unless required otherwise by manufacturer's instructions. C. Minimum Application Temperatures for Latex Paints: 55' F for interiors; 65' F for exterior; unless required otherwise by manufacturer's instructions. D. Minimum Application Temperature for Varnish Finishes: 65' F for interior or exterior, unless j required otherwise by manufacturer's instructions. E. Provide lighting level of 50 footcandles measured mid -height at substrate surface. U au&2 "d�Prar.KPA, h.l `e ' PAINTING 09900 - 2 February 24,2006 1.11 EXTRA STOCK A. Provide two gallon containers of each color and surface texture to owner. B. Label each container with color, texture, and room locations in addition to the manufacturer's label. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS — PAINT A. Glidden Coatings and Resins Division of SCM Corporation. B. PPG Industries, Inc. Coatings and Resins Division. C. Kelly -Moore Paint Co., Inc. D. Sherwin Williams Company. E. Monarch Paint Company. F. Substitutions: Under provisions of Section 01600. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Coatings: Ready mixed, except field catalyzed coatings. Process pigments to a soft paste consistency, capable of being readily and uniformly dispersed to a homogeneous coating. B. Coatings: Good flow and brushing properties; capable of drying or curing free of streaks or sags. C. Accessory Materials: Linseed oil, shellac, turpentine, paint thinners, and other materials not specifically indicated but required to achieve the finishes specified, of commercial quality. 2.3 FINISHES A. Refer to schedule at end of section for surface finish schedule. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Verify that surfaces are ready to receive work as instructed by the product manufacturer. B. Examine surfaces scheduled to be finished prior to commencement of work. Report any condition that may potentially affect proper application. C. Measure moisture content of surfaces using an electronic moisture meter. Report any condition that may potentially affect proper application. I . Plaster and Gypsum Wallboard: 12 percent. 2. Masonry, Concrete, and Concrete Unit Masonry: 12 percent. 3. Interior Located Wood: 15 percent, measured in accordance with ASTM D2016. 4. Exterior Located Wood: 12 percent, measured in accordance with ASTM D2016. D. Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing surfaces. e�4ko �P'earv0X�"ro%hbitaj"`. PAINTING 09900 - 3 February 24, 2006 3.2 PREPARATION A. Remove electrical plates, hardware, light fixture trim, and fittings prior to preparing surfaces or finishing. B. Correct minor defects and clean surfaces which affect work of this section. C. Shellac and seal marks which may bleed through surface finishes. D. Impervious Surfaces: Remove mildew by scrubbing with solution of tri-sodium phosphate and bleach. Rinse with clean water and allow surface to dry. E. Gypsum Board Surfaces: Latex fill minor defects. Spot prime defects after repair. F. Galvanized Surfaces: Remove surface contamination and oils and wash with solvent. Apply coat of etching primer. G. Concrete and Unit Masonry Surfaces Scheduled to Receive Paint Finish: Remove dirt, loose mortar, scale, salt or alkali powder, and other foreign matter. Remove oil and grease with a solution of tri-sodium phosphate; rinse well and allow to dry. Remove stains caused by weathering of corroding metals with a solution of sodium metasilicate after thoroughly wetting with water. Allow to completely and thoroughly dry. H. Plaster Surfaces: Fill hairline cracks, small holes, and imperfections with latex patching plaster. Make smooth and flush with adjacent surfaces. Wash and neutralize high alkali surfaces. I. Uncoated Steel and Iron Surfaces: Remove grease, scale, dirt and rust. Where heavy coatings of scale are evident, remove by wire brushing or sandblasting; clean by washing with solvent. Apply a treatment of phosphoric acid solution, ensuring weld joints, bolts, and nuts are similarly cleaned. Spot prime paint after repairs. J. Shop Primed Steel Surfaces: Sand and scrape to remove loose primer and rust. Feather edges to make touch-up patches inconspicuous. Clean surfaces with solvent. Prime bare steel surfaces. Prime metal items including shop primed items. K. Interior Wood Items Scheduled to Receive Finish: Wipe off dust and grit prior to priming. Seal knots, pitch streaks, and sappy sections with sealer. Fill nail holes and cracks after primer has dried; sand between coats. L. Concrete Paving Scheduled to Receive Paint Finish: Remove foreign particles to permit adhesion �- of finishing materials. M. Hollow Metal Doors Scheduled for Painting: Seal top and bottom edges with primer. 3.3 PROTECTION A. Protect elements surrounding the work of this section from damage or disfiguration. B. Repair damage to other surfaces caused by work of this section. C. Furnish drop cloths, shields and protective methods to prevent spray or droppings from disfiguring other surfaces. D. Remove empty paint containers from site. t e9�o� wPf �ahaX p `o`tn6 i Inc. PAINTING 09900 - 4 __ February 24, 2006 3.4 APPLICATION A. Apply products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Do not apply finishes to surfaces that are not dry. C. Apply each coat to uniform finish. D. Apply each coat of paint slightly darker than proceeding coat unless otherwise approved. E. Sand lightly between coats to achieve required finish. F. Allow applied coat to dry before next coat is applied. G. Where clear finishes are required, tint fillers to match wood. Work fillers into the grain before set. Wipe excess from surface. H. Prime back surfaces of interior and exterior woodwork with primer paint. I. Prime back surfaces of interior woodwork scheduled to receive stain or varnish finish with gloss varnish reduced 25 percent with mineral spirits. J. Apply new paint as specified on new and renovated existing surfaces. The entire renovated surface shall be painted, not just the repaired portion. Renovated surfaces shall be painted from floor to ceiling, comer to corner, or break in surface plane. K. Repainting the entire surface (new, renovated, or existing): shall be required if the surface is damaged by construction activities. The architect will make the final determination. 3.5 FINISHING MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT A. Refer to Section 15 and Section 16 for schedule of color coding and identification banding of equipment, ductwork, piping and conduit. B. Paint shop primed equipment. C. Prime and paint insulated and exposed pipes, conduit, boxes, insulated and exposed ducts, hangers, brackets, collars and supports, except where items are prefinished. D. Replace identification markings on mechanical or electrical equipment when painted accidently. E. Paint interior surfaces of air ducts, that are visible through grilles and louvers with one coat of flat black paint, to limit of sight line. Paint dampers exposed behind louvers, and grilles, to match face panels. F. Paint exposed conduit and electrical equipment occurring in finished areas. G. Paint both sides and edges of plywood backboards for electrical and telephone equipment before installing equipment. H. Color code equipment, piping, conduit, and exposed ductwork in accordance with requirements indicated. Color band and identify as required. I. Replace electrical plates, hardware, light fixture trim, and fittings removed prior to finishing. a°4Und�P 'eZ. F^ro% �e`�: me PAINTING 09900 - 5 February 24, 2006 3.6 CLEANING A. As work proceeds, promptly remove paint where spilled, splashed, or spattered. B. During progress of work, maintain premises free of unnecessary accumulation of tools, equipment, surplus materials, and debris. C. Collect cotton waste, cloths, and material which may constitute a fire hazard, place in closed metal containers, and remove daily from site. 3.7 SCHEDULE - SHOP PRIMED ITEMS FOR SITE FINISHING A. Metal Fabrications (Section 05500): Steel Bollards; Steel Channel Frame for Canopy. B. Grating & Floor Plates (Section 05530): Sidewalk Grate & Frame. 3.8 SCHEDULE OF PAINTING A. The kinds and brands of paint and number of coats required on the various surfaces shall be those listed below. The types of paint are identified with Pittsburg Paint or Sherwin Williams numbers. B. The owner and architect shall select color, tint, and sheen from manufacturer's standard color chart. C. Exterior and Interior Metal: 1. First Coat: PPG 6-208 Series Speedhide steel primer 2. Second Coat: PPG 7-282 Series Industrial Gloss Alkyd enamel 3. Third Coat: PPG 7-282 Series Industrial Gloss Alkyd enamel D. Interior Wood: For paint finish - 1. First Coat: PPG 6-6 Speedhide Alkyd enamel undercoat 2. Second Coat: PPG 6-90 Series low sheen Alkyd enamel 3. Third Coat: PPG 6-90 Series low sheen Alkyd enamel E. Interior Wood: For transparent finish 1. First Coat: PPG Rez 77-560 line semi -transparent Alkyd stain 2. Second Coat: PPG 6-10 Speedhide wood sanding sealer 3. Third Coat: PPG REZ 77-89 Interior Polyurethane satin clear varnish 4. Fourth Coat: PPG REZ 77-89 Interior Polyurethane satin clear varnish F. Gypsum Board Walls and Ceilings 1. First Coat: PPG 6-2 Speedhide interior Latex primer sealer 2. Second Coat: PPG 6-510 Speedhide interior semi -gloss Latex enamel 3. Third Coat: PPG 6-510 Speedhide interior semi -gloss Latex enamel G. Galvanized Metal 1. First Coat: PPG 90-712 series Pitt -Tech Industrial DTM primer/finish enamel 2. Second Coat: PPG 7-282 Series Industrial gloss Alkyd enamel 3. Third Coat: PPG 7-282 Series Industrial gloss Alkyd enamel H. Concrete and Asphalt Pavement 1. First Coat: PPG 11-3 Series flat Alkyd zone marking paint. 2. Second Coat: PPG 11-3 Series flat Alkyd zone marking paint. Accessible parking zones to receive a second coat. 62 04 C1aP`eeryoXprohhb: ` PAINTING 09900 - 6 February 24, 2006 I. Concrete Unit Masonry 1. First Coat: PPG 6-7 Speedhide Latex masonry block filler. 2. Second Coat: PPG 6-2045 Series Speedhide exterior satin Acrylic Latex. 3. Third Coat: PPG 6-2045 Series Speedhide exterior satin Acrylic Latex. J. Concrete Walks 1. First Coat: PPG 11-25 flat Traffic & Zone Marking Paint. Blue unless noted otherwise. Accessible ramps and sloped walks. END OF SECTION Un ui�oniae�'�upfieat�i'oX p ohhb tj''ue PAINTING 09900 - 7 No Text MEMBER OF: [`((`�����j t/^�� 161EE{}n�' t Affat Taxa M20 Maid nCUMOWkkoft* DYG49RDD 1AG MI Y., 1K. MW=- I • Fax( MWkW V"WQ E TOU "Q4 AM*W ftd* of Ch* PMFWSIONAL T1ii:RMO SM ,M gWO T"" Cara 41 &*A"w UWAW " {easy Tas�ara -Fax {easy 7e�•tQbg TO: Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03/25/06 P,O. Box 3279 J Lubbock,Texas 79462 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: W922-91 Pap 1 of 2 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-6 - Backfill at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank Tests #7 & 8 - Bac kfili at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank ,1 11:33am NUCLEAR CQMPACTIpN TEST DATA 8ackff11 Test Number 1 2 3 4 6 8 7 8 Station 70' North 48' North 58' North I North 17" North 46' North 10' North 30' South Offset 84' West 1S' West 43' East 77 West 30' East 20' East 8' West 6' West Elevation 28th Lift 28th Lift 28th Uft 28th Lift 28th Lift 28th Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 8 - inches Density Cnt. 2004 2228 2209 1903 1959 2110 2179 1971 Wet Density 127.2 122.5 122.8 129.6 128,2 124.8 123.6 127.9 Moisture Cnt. 171 172 173 179 176 191 168 183 Moisture(lbs.) 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.9 14.6 16.0 12.9 16.2 Dry Density 113.1 108.3 108.S 114.6 113.6 108.8 110.7 112.7 % Moisture 12.5 13.1 13.2 13.0 12.8 14.7 11.7 13.5 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Metre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 94.0 90.0 90.2 96.3 94.4 90.4 92.0 93.8 % Opt. Mstre. 91.2 96.6 96.3 94.8 93.4 107.2 86.4 98.5 Metre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2717 827 REMARKS: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does of optimum moisture as specified for this project. Ccs To: ` 2. Above ' 1- City of Lubbock I - Chapman -Harvey r No. 2604 Report No. 5355A by and t2% MEMBER f?F: DYGARRSUH GTE MORM URY, �1. x .Toxa swAmericanSW*y Pa Tee ip t iieb PA.am W60 Carts;Bo$} 372 4st � • fax � 372.5552 Aaiaark;en W"V &ocialyr 12 UOA** Teams 7"24 Am ftm Sw* of CM EnO"M PR4MSS10?;AL WESMG ss59 4M suet Texas ca of t np&aeer v dries ISM 785,8= • fax (NM 7$5-1859 TO: Brown -McKee P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 7942 Date of Report: 03/26106 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-6 - Backfill at North Side of Tank - Distances from Canter Point of Radius at North Side of Tank . Aa-.- Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922 91 kit I&M CAD f%^UDAt"!T1nfd TART nATA Backfill Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 6T North 53` North 44' North 28` North 31' North 10' North offset 68' West 36` West IT East 59' Bast IT West 56' West Elevation 28th Lift 28th Lift 28th lift 28th Lift 28th Lift 28th Lift Qepth 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2094 2552 2048 2138 2181 2589 Wet Density 130.8 121.8 131A 129.8 128.9 1221 Moisture Cnt 197 172 191 194 190 180 Moisture(lbs.) 19,8 12.7 14.3 14.3 14.2 13.4 Dry Density 116.0 109.1 117.6 115.6 114.7 108.8 % Moisture 12,7 11.7 12.1 12.3 12.4 12.3 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 12M3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 1.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 96.9 90.7 97.7 96.1 96.4 90A % opt. Mstre. 92.7 86.4 88.3 89.8 90.6 89.8 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soli: Reddish Yellow sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2420 668 REMARKS. Above test resins on representative areas indicate the compaction doe atfi� in.) and t2% of optimum moisture as specifiers for this project. � � � 0t COPIES TO., 2 - Above i~ 1 City of Lubbock DYl`t: t RY,94C 1 - Chapman -Harvey Pik tx 2604 Report No. 5360 i { MEMBER Of- X84 79120 MWri ut soci* Rtu Twit t lat W&% P.D. BOX WON mwe w ete 4nat0uts "V sod* DY&ATIRSDR GTIRG AN I MY, IRE. mwft*T'% ■ I uh ** Taxea na4 St t oft &**M MOFESSIONAL,T88MGi 680 Oft st" Tames CWHO Of ft usbomftfs" (tt % 78s 78 + Fax J$0e)'78rmM TO: Brown -McKee Date of Repast: 03126105 P.O. Sox 3279 - Lubbock,Texas 79452 Page 2 of 2 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922-91 PROJECT, City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #9-14 - Backfill at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank Tests #15 & 16 - Backfill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank 9>05am NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfill Test Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 Is 16 IS IS 60' North 49' North 52' North 26' North 31' North 1 ' Noah 41' North 37 South 59 West IT West 26' East 58' East 41' East 10' West 5' East 13' East Elevation « 27th Lift 27th Lift 27th Lilt 27th Lift 27th Lift 27th Lift 24th Lift 24th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 « inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Gnt. 2004 2042 1998 2049 2010 2308 2090 2360 Wet Density 132.8 131.8 132.9 131.7 132.6 126.4 130.9 125.3 Moisture Cnt. 206 231 198 216 206 182 197 184 Moisture(lbs.) 15.3 17.6 14.9 16.3 15.6 13.5 14.8 13.7 Dry Density 117.5 114.1 118.1 115.4 117.1 112.9 116.1 111.7 % Moisture 13.0 16.6 12.6 14.1 13.3 12.0 12.7 12.2 Sid. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt, Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 96 Comp. 971 94.9 98.1 95.9 97.3 93.8 96.5 92.8 Opt. Mstre. 94.8 113.1 91.9 102.9 97.0 $7.6 92.7 89.0 Mstre. Gorr, Standard Counts Type Soil; Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2420 1 658 aemARxsy Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does m, (min.) and t2°lo of optimum moisture as specified for this project. •"" :`- t COPIES To: ' - Above .. 1 - City of Lubbock DYESB-' it Ts3R , INC. 1 - Chapman -Harvey Project No. 2604 Report No. 5359B by PEI 4 :.i MEMBER cre DKSS�91RHH GTE HOME, IRC. {wo si FAx(806)3 M kfte"1 f�OrT*8"frW?Wk P.O.8wt Mtsricut Cortr�ep Sod* PWF'F MIONAL Z'�3SMGI � $W 49Yt $ftd T"" C"We of fltpi "ft Ldwoo " (W6) 7854= • Fa ($" 785.19W l To: Brown -McKee lists of Report: 03/24/05 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 79452 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922-91 1 PROJECT. City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Backfill at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank t S,00om NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfili Test Number 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 Station 11' North 58' North 19' North 63' North 26' North 71' North Offset 67 West 31' West S' East 42' East 58' East 43' East Elevation 26th lift 26th Lift 26th lift 26th Uft 26th Uft 26th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches Density Cnt 2573 2345 2344 2612 2494 1978 Wet Density 121.4 125.6 125.6 122.6 123.9 133.3 Moisture Cnt 174 176 186 182 178 205 Moisture(lbs. ) 12.8 13.2 13.8 13.6 13.3 16.4 Dry Density 108.6 112.4 111.8 109.0 110.E 117.9 % Moisture 11.8 11.8 12.9 12.4 12.0 13.1 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 90.3 93.4 92.9 90.6 91.9 98.0 % Opt. Mstre. 86.1 86.1 90.6 90.6 87.5 95.6 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2435 652 REMARKS: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does, tla' of optimum moisture as specified for this project. COPIES T. 2 - Above CO 1- City of Lubbock DYESS-PET 1- Chapman-Hiuvey C A > No. 2604 Report No. 5354 by - and t2% AmwkBEf�OF: HGATIRS91`1 1011"IG SON] OR, IRE. �.0„ (WMP.O. Boer3080 M�cr kafte Tom 79424 lunar► s P WFF� 610NAL TE9Ti G 5M Oh ftW T"" Cm a or!'nph*VkV L"ato" (806) 7854M = Fox ON) 785-I M TO. Brown -McKee Data of report; 03/24/06 P.A. Box 3279 J Lubbock,Texas 79452 Paps 1 of 2 _. Tasted in Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922-01 PROJECT. City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-6 - Backf ll at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank 7 Tests #7 8 8 - Backfiil at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank 3:15pm NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA aackffii Test Number 1 2 3 4 66 6 7 8 Station 10' North 31' North 28' North 66' North 74' North 58' North 38' North 21' South offset 56' West 28' West 42' East 38' East 17, West 63' Wear 13' East 10' East Elevation 26th Lift 25th Lift 26th Lift 25th Lift 25th Lift 25th Lift 20th Lift 20th Uft Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches f3 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2618 2600 2461 2461 2602 2163 2207 2340 Wet Density 122.9 121.0 123.4 123.4 122.7 129.3 128.4 125.6 Moisture Cnt. 186 172 190 178 175 203 186 188 Moisture(ibs.) 13,8 12.7 14.2 12.9 12.9 15.3 13.8 14.0 Dry Density 108.5 108.3 109.2 110.6 109.8 114.0 114.6 111.6 % Moisture 12.8 11.7 13.0 111 11,7 13.4 12.1 12.6 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 1X3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 117 13.7 13.7 • Comp. 90.2 90.0 90.8 91.9 91.3 94.9 96.3 92.7 • opt. Mstre, 93.4 85.4 94.8 86.4 86A 97,8 88.3 91.9 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts IType Soli: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2936 652 REmAms: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction doestot in.) and :t2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project. tt! COPIES TO: 2 - Above ° t 1- City of Lubbock DYE TORY NC. 1- Chapman -Harvey ! ; Proled ML 2604 Report No. 6353A by MEMBER OR P.O.Box WON MLaRflTuRg.,INC.0 ,(� I * F= (WM MI-M xW kW God* ftr Tu*v M"Wim s ■ I.ubbod Tun ncM Amwimn sodely of CM &Own PHOP7ASIONAL TF-STING SM 4M 8VW r Tors C.owd of taborae Wn W*) 785.Wn • Pax (S" 7WIM TO: Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03/25/05 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Page 2 of 2 Tested in Accordance Wfth ASTM Desiignation: D2922.91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #9 & 10 - Backflll at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank 1 C 4:45 m NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfili Test Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 Station 31Y North 48' South Offset 8' east 10' East Elevation 25th Lift 25th Lift Depth 8 - Inches 6 - Inches Density Cnt. 2409 2668 Wet Density 124.4 121.7 Moisture Cnt. 182 178 Moisture(lbs.) 13.8 12.9 Dry Density 110.9 108.8 % Moisture 12.2 11.9 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 92.2 90.4 % Opt. Mstre. 89.0 86.8 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture REMA"s: Above test results on representative arena indicate the con of optimum moisture as specified for this project. COPIES To: 2 - Above 1- City of Lubbock 1- Chapman -Harvey Pry too. 2604 No. 5361 B t EMBER OF: • T"a 79120 , .n Wig %" HGABSOH GTIRG AWIURY't IOC, „ . Fax P.O.� AffA M0* d anp s PROFF�9SIONAL T8'i'8G M 4M so Stacas Ctwnoi or a rpk�asrinQ i aboraio s (SM 78MM • Rt;x (M lest M To: Brown -McKee oat. of p.vort: 03/24106 P.D. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 79452 Page 1 of 2 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922.91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-8 - BackHll at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank Tests #7 & 8 - Backkfill at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tanis 1 11:30am NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backtill J Test Number 1 2 3 4 6 8 7 a Station 61' North 39' North 47' North 26' North 63' North 17" North 21' South 33' South Offset 62' West I West I East 56' East 69' East 15 West 54' West 10' East Elevation 24th Lift 24th Lift 24th Uft 24th Lift 24th Lift 24th Lift 21st Lift 21st Lift Depth 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - Inches Density Cnt. 2490 2616 2138 2208 2394 2436 2396 2666 Wet Density 122.9 123.6 129.9 128.4 125.7 123.8 124.6 122.6 Moisture Cnt. 184 167 190 204 169 201 182 166 Moisture(lbs. ) 13.7 13.2 14.2 16.4 13.4 16.1 13.6 13.2 Dry Density 109.2 110.3 116.7 113.0 112.3 108.7 111.1 109.4 % Moisture 12.5 12.0 12.3 13.6 11.9 13.9 12.1 12.1 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 117 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 90.8 91.7 96.1 93.9 03.3 90.4 92.4 91.0 % apt. Mstre. 91.2 87.6 89.7 199.2 86.8 101.4 88.3 88.3 Mstre. Corr. Counts Type oil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay LStandard Density Moisture 2935 y 652 REMARKS: Above test results on representative areas indicates the compaction does �n.) and 32% of optimum moisture as specified for this project. Cots To: 2 - Above `r j . COF EL KD 1 - City of Lubbock DYESS-ix� TORY his. 1 - Chapman -Harvey A Proms No. 2604 Report Nm 5352A by i MEMBER OF. MwftDYISSAIMSDI"I G1106 HDRIORY,NU, t°°Q_11(eo4}srTom �aaa2 MWIM sod* for T"*4 F "Umb P.O. Box 30M 79424 sommkoww Enpinsas PROFEMONAL T7EISMG 8T 4M Tum cooed of & qkw 6v Lammod" 785• gex (NO) TassM TO: Brown -McKee Data of RsporG 03/25/05 r P.O. Box 3279 (l Lubbock, Texas 79452 Pie 1 at 2 Tested in Accordance With ASTM DesignsSon: D2922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-5 - Backfill at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank Tests #6-8 - Backfill at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank 4:45om NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfill Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 42` South 39' South 37 South 21' South 49' South 48' North 7North 33' South Offset 49' West 36' West 14' East 48' East 20' East 14' West 17 West 9' West Elevation 24th Lift 24th Uft 24th Lift 24th Lift 24th Lift 22nd Uft 22nd Lift 22nd Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2620 2089 2086 2543 2445 2331 2286 2397 Wet Density 122.3 130.9 130.9 121.9 123.7 126.8 126.7 123.5 Moisture Cnt. 187 186 206 183 193 207 203 203 Moisture(lbs. ) 13.9 13.8 16.4 18.6 14.4 16.6 16.3 15.3 Dry Density 108.4 117.1 115.6 108.3 109.3 110.2 111.4 110.2 % Moisture 12.8 11.8 13.4 12,5 13.2 14.2 13.7 13.9 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 90.1 97.3 96.0 90.1 90.8 91.6 92.6 9L6 % Opt. Mstre. 93.4 100.2 97.8 91.2 96.3 102.6 100.0 101.4 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type $oil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture REMARKs: Above -test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does of optimum moisture as specified for this project. ,�• c0PlE8 TO: 2 - Above 1 - City of Lubbock 1- Chapman -Harvey No. 2604 No. 5361A b Y ;&Vnin.) and t2% INC. P EMBER OR gg Saeisly}�Tsaltitp . Coro =. Waftft Amwicen WOW* Sod* Mwkm Sod* drMEr4n"M To" cand of t mkw*ft iaboratolin DYG49RDO TMIN ARMY,IDC. ��49' • SWS7 �5W . Lubbock Tau 74424 >�> ©NA,�G56W4ft$ Mt (WM 7Q6.a3" • Fax (am 711&19" TO: Brown -McKee P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 � J Pap t of 2 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922.91 Date of Report: 03/23106 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-6 - Backfill at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of radius at North Side of Tank Tests #7 & 8 - Backlill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank _.J j 3:34pm NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA 6ackfill Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 47' North 6Y North 61' North 24` North 15' North 30' North 39 North 51' South offset 6-Z West 28' West 60' East 39' East 4' East 6T West 5' East I East Elevation 23rd Lift 23rd Lift 23rd Lift 23rd Lift 23rd Lift 23rd Lift 21st Lift 21st Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches Density Cnt 2409 2407 2371 2458 2331 2427 2442 2383 Wet Density 124.4 123.3 125.0 123.4 125.8 124.0 123.7 124.8 Moisture Cnt. 190 186 212 189 197 196 187 193 Moisture(lbs.) 14.2 13.8 16.0 14.1 14.8 14.7 13.9 14.4 Dry Density 110.2 109.5 109.0 109A 111.1 109.3 109.8 110.4 % Moisture 12.9 12.6 14.7 12.9 13.3 13.4 12.7 13.1 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 91.6 91.0 90.6 90.9 92.4 90.9 91.3 91.8 % opt. Mstre. 94.1 91.9 107.2 94.1 97.0 97.3 92.7 95.6 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2389 677 REmARtcs: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction of optimum moisture as specified for this project. c0m To: 2 - Above 1 - City of Lubbock DYESS-P -? 1 - Chapman -Harvey %., AA Project No. 2604 Report No. 5361 A by X '� n.) and t2% INC. P. MEMBER Of: ■ Amupl hT"" nilso ,� aI DSS49ROH HS10 HOW URY., INC* , . of{ass � [ s d* PROFESSIONAL ZESMGf � 5M � i Texas Cam of &000 4 La wwori" Lam M8 8= • Fox 0" 7e INQ To: Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03/25/05 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 79452 Pie 1 of 2 Tested In Accorttanco With ASTM Dosignatfon: 0292241 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas i Tests #1-5 - Backfill at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank t Tests #6-8 - Backfill at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank 9:050m NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backftii Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 67 South 66' South SW South 31' South 17' South 91' North 11' North 34' South Offset 48' West 33' West 43' East 37 West 36' East 10' West 13' West 17' West Elevation 23rd Lift 23rd Lift 23rd Lift 23rd Lift 23rd Litt 21st Lift 21st Lift 21st Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2534 1993 2181 2439 2592 2423 2387 2358 Wet Density 122.1 133.0 128.9 127.9 124.3 126.2 124.9 125.3 Moisture Cnt. 178 203 198 203 209 196 186 191 Molsture(lbs.) 13.2 15.3 14.9 15.4 16.5 13.6 13.8 14.3 Dry Density 108.9 117.7 114.0 112.6 108.8 112.6 111.0 111.1 % Moisture 12,1 13.0 13.0 13.7 14.2 12.1 12.5 12.8 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 90.6 97.9 94.8 93,0 90.4 93.6 92.2 92.3 % Opt. Mstre. 88.3 94.8 94.8 100.0 103,6 88.3 91.2 93.4 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soli: Reddish Yellow Sanity Lean Clay Density Moisture REIMAR": Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does'pOW4ftl of optimum moisture as specified for this project. cotes To: 2 - Above 1- City of Lubbock DYESS-P� ` 1 - Chapman -Harvey ft P.*d No. 26" Rqwrt fro. 5359A by �. . and t2% i- i YR,INC. �- P� MEMBER OF: yn+uwoa 7sr2o 09GAIRSUHTOM NOR URY, ��2.4�„ • �,x��s i dabock TOM 79424 mkon $ad* d cid &OMM PiUFF MONAL TESTWO S3 4ft SOW T"w Cw4 of f ngk*oft LsbaaloiM 7 • { T8S t �56 TO. Brown -McKee gate of Report: 03/26106 P.Q. Box 3279 Lubbockjaxas 79462 Pop 2 of 2 -. Tested in Accordance With ASTM designation. D2922-91 SECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Test #9 - Backfill at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank J 11.33arn NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Bacltffll Test Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Station 4W North Offset I& West Elevation 22nd Lift Depth 6 - Inches Density Cnt. 1973 et Density 127.9 oisture Cnt. 179 oisture(lbs.) rM 14.9 y Density 113.0 a% Moisture 13.1 Std. Density 120.3 Opt Mstre. 13.7 % Comp. 93.9 % Opt Mstre. 95.6 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Ype Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2717 627 mmxs: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does of optimum moisture as specified for this project. COPIES To: 2 . Above 1 - City of Lubbock DYESS-FETE 1 - Chapman -Harvey Prolad No. 2604 K No. 63568 by L and t2% INC. MEMBER OP 8 Anww , Tom 79120 kmim sod* Amwim e 091SOff[RSUN GIN Lffiffidg,1CC. OW372.491, . Faxpf� 1 Y I ■ Lubbock.T""?" A Anerk m SoO^y d 004 &Owsm PROFESSIONAL TE9T&G€ seas 4M sa..ir Taxes Cauxi of &gh"rkv Ldww wilt M" 78a4m • Fax (W% 785.1"9 t TO: Brown -McKee Data of Report: 03/21/05 P.V. Sox 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79462 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922-91 Pop i of 2 PROJECT. City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-6 - Backfilf at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank Tests #7 8 8 - Backfill at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank 4:40nm NUCLEAR COMPACTIMN TFST nATA t Sackfill Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station 74' North 52' North 60' North 21' North 19' North 40' North 8' South 50' North Offset 88' West 14' West 45' East 68' West 30' East 19' East 11' West 13' West Elevation 21st Lift 21st lift 21st Uft 21st Lift 21st lift 21st Lift 16th frig 16th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches Density Cnt 2337 2181 2200 2270 2369 2401 2362 2206 Wet Density 123A 126.5 126A 124.7 123.0 122.2 123.1 125.9 Moisture Cnt. 169 189 178 170 169 165 181 202 Moisture(lbs.) 13.4 15.1 14.1 13.5 13.4 13.1 14.4 16.2 Dry Density 110.0 111.4 112.0 111.3 109.6 109.1 108.7 109.7 % Moisture 12.2 13.5 12.6 12.1 12.2 12.0 13.3 14.7 Sid. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 �5 Comp. 91.5 92.6 93.1 92.5 91.1 90.7 90.3 91.2 % Opt. Mstre. 89.0 98.5 91.9 88.0 380.0 87.5 97.0 107.2 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay DeL Moisture 863 eeMAws: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does of optimum moisture as specified for this project.:. CCWMS TO;, 2 - Above 1- City of Lubbock 0YE99-P TE 1 - Chapman -Harvey Prollod No. 2604 RqWtNo. 5342A by BQ (min.) and t2% 7- . '. ,, MEMBER =camF: DKSS4t1[RSDH � 11% �� N � UR� ME. �3724MI o F#X0M33rAnwim socky For Tedi g MdwW* P.O. Box 90M Mnertcan CorEcreur pamim sod* t PROFESSIONAL TESTING 8 �"d`SM 4kM �9uh � Toxa Corx+d of EnpYM rtr� LaEorabriK (908) 788- M • I'm (NO) 70-19" TO. Brown -McKee Data of Report: 03/24/06 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Page 2 of 2 _-. Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation. 02922-91 PROJECT. City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #9-11 - Backfill at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank Tests #12 & 13 - Backfill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank 1 Tests #14-16 - Backfill at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank t 11:30am NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfill Test Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Station 56' South 83' South 42' South 31' North 32' South 51' North 13' North 38' South Offset 41' East V West 6T East 16' East 10' East T West 14' West 8' West Elevation 21st Lift 21st Lift 21st Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 19th Lift 19th Lift 19th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 8 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2575 2379 2374 2420 2465 2386 2430 24410 Wet Density 121.4 125.6 125.0 124.2 123.3 125.8 124.1 123.2 Moisture Cnt 171 180 197 181 182 199 178 169 Molsturs(lbs.) 12.6 13.3 14.8 13.4 13.5 13.7 13.8 13.8 Dry Density 108.8 111.E 110.2 110.8 109.8 112.1 110.3 109.4 % Moisture 11,7 11.E 13.4 12.1 12.3 12.2 12.5 12.6 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120,3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Ms". 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 90.4 92.8 91.6 92.1 91.3 93.2 91.6 90.9 % Opt. Mstre. 85.4 s6.8 97.8 88.3 89.7 89.0 91.2 91.9 Mstre, Corr. Standard Counts Typo Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2435 652 REmARKs. Above test resuks on representative areas indicate the compaction do. Vin.) and t2% LJ Of optimum moisture as specified for this project. si j COPIES TO:' 2 - Above 1- City of Lubbock DYES TC) t , INC. F 1- Chapman -Harvey t Prod No, 2604 Report No. 5352E by r AnuAft MEMBER OF: DES4IRSDA 11STS LARRY,1 t�.� 3r�w11 F.ax (M ! sn-mu Arr»rkar► SoCbgr ForTamp RHO Tom 7912D PO. am 3" Ameriwn ConcraM MKtlhree T LuNbodr, sxp 70424 AMWkW W*k" S0d* Arran > of aw a:►n� IVWFEMONAL 3'lvSMG 5= 4ft scat -- T*X" c"Id of Enpk"*V t.woralw" (jai 7654M ' Fax (MG)7U.10a TO: Brown -McKee P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Pape 2 of 2 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922-91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Ode of Report: 03/23/06 1- Tests W13 - Backfill at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank Tests #14-16 - Bacf Il at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank 3!3anm NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA BackfiH Test Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 Station 29' South 24' South 16' South 60' South 55' South 51' North 12' North 29' South Offset 59' East 18' West 30' West 19' East 3W East 16' West 61 West I West Elevation 20th Lit! 20th Lift 20th Lift 20th Lift 20th Lift 18th Lift 18th Lift 18th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2248 2287 2308 2210 2638 2197 2436 2429 Wet Density 127.5 126.6 126.2 128.3 122.2 128.8 123.9 124.0 Moisture Cnt. 212 213 212 194 183 187 178 195 Moisture(lbs.) 16.0 181 18.0 14.5 13.6 13.9 13.2 14.6 Dry Density 111.4 110.6 110.2 113.8 108.8 114.7 110.8 109.4 % Moisture 14.4 14.6 14.5 12.8 12.6 12.1 11.9 13.3 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 92.6 91.9 91.6 04.8 90.3 96.3 92.1 90.9 % Opt. Mstre. 105.1 108.5 105.8 963.4 91.2 88.3 86.8 97.0 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2389 677 REMARKS: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does of optimum moisture as specified for this project. COPIES TO: 2 - Above i - City of Lubbock 1- Chapman -Harvey PMi•t r4. 2604 No. 6351 B by and t2% �, : T. DZS�9[RSUH TON ROME R. (�s�' �: ,. I'ROii�'ESSItaPTAL �Tr�"T7NG 8 Ufto&� T o= ?W4 T." camel d ftVW" Ubo aw" (SM 7 . t ax WM ?ea-1 M To; Brown -McKee Oats of Report 03/24/06 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79462 Page 2 of 2 Tested In Accordance Witt ASTM Designation: D2022.91 PROJECT; City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Test #9 - Backfill at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank Tests #10-14 - Backfiii at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank Tests #15 & 16 - Sackfili at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank 315nm NUCLEAR cnmPACTiciN TEST DATA RALPaeu est Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Station 47 South 61' South 39' South 26' South 57 South 36' South 41' North 39 South offset 16' West 48' West 21' West 31' East 49' East 65' East 9' East 10' East Elevation 20th Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 23rd Lift 23rd Lift Depth 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt 2270 2016 2189 2419 2393 2377 2330 2416 Wet Density 127.4 133.6 128.8 124.2 124.7 126.0 125.9 124.3 Moisture Cnt. 186 184 184 193 192 192 187 185 Moisture(bs.) 13.8 14.7 13.7 14.4 14.3 14.3 13.9 13.8 Dry Density 113.3 118.9 116.1 109.7 110.3 110.0 112.0 110.6 % Moisture 12.2 124 11.9 13.1 13.0 13.0 12.4 12.4 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 opt, Matra. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 i Comp. 94.1 98.8 95.7 91.2 91.7 92.0 93.1 91.9 % opt. Mstre. 89.0 90.5 86.8 95.6 94.8 94,8 90.6 90.6 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2935 652 t >4raztcs. Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does m {min.) and *20 of optimum moisture as specified for this project. ��s� COPM8 TO: 2 - Above 1- City of Lubbock -- 1- Chapman -Harvey Pry Na 2604 RepottNo. 53638 by n. tER, i' INC. _3 MEMBER OF. Toxas M20 Aft*ekM S0016V For Tft*V Mabdak P.O. Box 30699 (WM 3724911 * Fax (806) sn4sw At Cor►aelekwftft DKSORROH TO% HE I URRI X. 8 *"A*, Amw=Wei d"S=Wy a Lubbo* TOM ?W4 M*rlcWs0CWy*1oN*f"*A" PROFESSIONAL TFUSM0 SM49thStr" Tex" 0"Id of &**WkV La*rdWW (WG) 785-SM • Fax (OW 78-5- 1959 TO: Brown -McKee we Of Report 03122/06 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock Texas 79452 Page 2 of 2 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922-91 PROJECT: CRY of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #9 & 10 - Backfill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank Tests #11-16 - Backfill at North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at North Side of Tank U I 4:32pm NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfill Test Number 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 Station 32! North 50' South 72' North 50'North 61' North 20' North 18' North 46 North Offset 6' East I V East so West 16 West 48' East " West 31'East 22' East Elevation 20th Lift 20th Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift 22nd Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 1981 1897 1954 2106 2116 2026 1888 1887 Wet Density 1271 129.7 128.3 125.1 124,8 126.7 129.8 129.9 Moisture Cnt. 201 183 187 166 184 188 204 194 Moisture(lbs.) 16.9 15.3 16.6 13.7 1&3 16.7 17.2, 16,3 Dry Density 110.7 114A 112.7 111.4 109.6 111.0 112.6 113.6 % Moisture 15,3 13.3 13.9 12.3 14.O 14.2 15.3 14.3 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120,3 120.3 120.3 opt Mstre. 13.7 13.7 117 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 92.0 96A 93.7 92.6 91.0 92.3 93.6 94.4 % opt. Mstre. 111.6 97.0 101.4 89,7 102.1 103.6 111.6 1041 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Moisture LDensity 23 227L Rol REMARKS! Above test results on representative areas Indicate the compaction does m 0,10i) rin.) and :t2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project. ? cOPIEs TO, 2 - Above I - City of Lubbock DYES"ETiit RY, G. I - Chapman -Harvey Project I'm 2604 Report NO. 53468 by L T MEMBER OF: sFaT� AM$dt* t COMMM kxeUla sodgyaC" Taxas Caxtd! d L'a+pir�airp laboratories DEOtIRDH TO% ME i A �C. (e�i�+e11 �s�a . Lubbock. Tax" nm F"FB1913IONAL TESMG seas 4M WON (SW 785.M • Fax (80% 7W1 M TO. Brown -McKee P.O, Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922-91 Pape t of 2 Date of Report: 03/21 /05 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station f#10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-6 - Backfifl at North Side of Tank - Distances from Inlet Pipe at North Side of Tank Tests #7 & 8 - Backfiil at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank 9:05ant MIM FAR t%-nUPANTInfd TIMT nATA Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -� 8 Station 13' North 26' North 37 North 63' North 59' North 48' North 51' North 2T South met My West 17' West 60' East 47 East 13' West 39' West 10' East 13' East Elevation 20th Lift 20th Lift 20th lift 20th Uft 20th Lift 20th Lift 17th Litt 17th Lift Depth 6 - Inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2204 2227 2100 2232 2243 2206 2178 2162 Wet Density 126.0 125.6 126.3 126.4 125.1 126.0 126.5 126.8 Moisture Cnt. 194 180 1s$ 186 208 189 195 202 Moisture{Ibs.) 15.6 14.3 15.0 14.7 16.7 13.4 15.6 16.2 Dry Density 1%6 111.2 111.3 110.7 108.4 1128 110.9 110.6 % Moisture 14.0 lZ0 13.5 13.3 15.4 11.9 14.0 14.6 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt' Mee' 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 91.8 92.5 97-5 92.0 90.1 93.6 92.2 92.0 % Opt. Mstre. 102.1 94.1 98.6 97.0 112.4 86.8 107-1 106.E Mstre. Carr. Standard Counts Type Soll: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2480 683 REMARKS. Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does= efta gin.) and t2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project. r� � t� COP9:9 TO:2 - Above 1 - City of Lubbock DYES"tN l9" f TQRY, INC. 1 - Chapman -Harvey ' Pf*JW No. 2604 5341A by j?, MEMBER OF: • m o. Tsxae nim Amemn Cwws% Iftftft DES4111400 GTE HE I URY, ff. American tW*k" V ■ UbW* TUN M24 A wim sm" IMOFESSIONAL IF.& G SM 40 &" Tun (Msi m wn • Fax" nr'-1as9 TO: Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03/22105 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Page 1 of 2 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922-91 PROJECT* City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1-5 - Backfill at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank Tests #6-8 - Backfill at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Paint of Radius at West Side of Tank d-32nm NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfill Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Station 4W South I 43' South 36' South 20' South 46' South 50' North 11' North 30' South Offset 5V West 34` West 16' East 46' East 21' East IV West 9' West 11' West Elevation 19th Lift 19th Lift 19th Lift 19th Uft 19th Uft 17th Uft 17th Uft 17th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2161 1972 2127 2204 2025 1988 1874 1795 Wet Density 124.1 128.0 124.7 123.1 126.8 127.6 130.2 133.6 Moisture Cnt. 178 169 165 163 176 172 189 178 Moisture(Ibs.) 14.8 13.9 13.6 13.4 14.6 14.2 15.8 14.8 Dry Density 109,3 114.1 111.1 109.7 112.2 113.4 114.4 118.7 % Moisture 13.5 12.2 12.2 12.2 13.0 12.5 13.8 12.5 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120,3 opt Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 90.9 94.6 92.3 91.2 93.3 94.3 95,1 981 % Opt. Mstre. 98.5 89.0 89.0 89.0 94.8 912 100.7 91.2 Mstre. Carr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy lean Clay Density Moisture 2723 661 REmARKs: Above test results on representative areas Indicate the compaction does meet tti ?°lc (min.) and t2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project. F x�% t o: " .. COPW$ T► 2 -Above 1- City of Lubbock I YEss.PE"t' R _ OR'(, C. 1 - Chapman -Harvey Project No. 2604 Report ft. 5345A by �i Ar LJ t MEMIXROP DESATIRSDO GIG AN � A CDC, 'rt � Arraign society Fa TUMV MoKwe P.Q. 8oz 30WO s � r*"R PROFESSIONAL TESTING � ses3T m SV" Teas CoUnd of 6tpkrs"V taborer (" 7864= • FU MM 78 I DW TO: Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03/18/06 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 79452 Tested In Accordance With ASTIVI Designation: 02022-91 SECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station ##10 - Lubbock, Texas Backf€il at North Side of Tank - Distances from Inlet Pipe at North Side of Tank 11:30an NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfiil Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 Station 48' North 61' North 62' North 26' North 17' North 31' North Offset 60' West 32' West 53' East 379 East S' East ev VUeat Elevation 19th Lift 19th Lift 19th Lift 19th Lift 19th Lift 19th lift Dew 6 - inches e - Inches 6 - Inches e - Inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches Density Cnt: 2387 2572 2467 2461 2541 2202 Wet Density 124.3 122,9 123.5 124.0 126.4 127.2 Moisture Cnt 201 170 195 197 214 226 Molsture(lbs.) 13.4 13.e 14.8 16.0 14.1 13.9 Dry Density 110.9 109.3 108.7 109.0 112.3 113.3 % Moisture 121 12.4 13.8 13.7 12A 12.3 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 92.2 90.8 90.4 90.6 93.3 94.2 % Opt Mstre. 88.3 90.5 99.2 100.0 91.9 89.7 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2410 I eel REMARKS: Above test results on representative areas Indicate the compaction does ..�� tip ` in.) and *2% tit.,{ i of optimum moisture as specified for this project. cow98 To: 2 - Above 1- City of Lubbock 1 - Chapman -Harvey i'fojed No. 2604 Rqmt too. 5344 by Anwaft 79120 MEMBER OF- ONSS41TROR 1.3 I (! I� �DUTI UTl�7 �1 il,.{��"4°11S"lunwicr► r�or Tsitlnp P.O. Box 308�4Amwicw+Cowolsb aaw. ., ■ lubbaa4 Tom42A AMvkWAmwkw s sCNI nFWFFI MONAL TFAMG rya Teams Card of Epgid6tiip tabors 00" (ems Tel OM 0 fax IWO 785-1969 TO: Brown -McKee P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 79462 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922.91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #1 0 - Lubbock, Texas Backfill of North Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point Radius on North Side -2.12Q__ fuf Ir_t PAR (%C%Upnr_TtAfJ TFST nATn t Date of Report: 03117/05 f- C C Backtili Test Number 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 Station 13' North 32' North 28' North 60' North 76' North 66' North Offset 61' East 23' East 81' west 59' West 2T West 6(Y East Elevation 18th Ult 18th Lift 18th Lift 18th tilt 18th Lift 18th uft Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches Density Cnt. 1757 2116 1835 2190 2067 1880 Wet Density 132.7 124A 130.8 122.9 125.6 129.5 Moisture Cnt. 186 192 185 173 189 170 Moisture(ibs.) 15.5 161 16.4 14.3 15.8 14.0 Dry Density 117.2 108.3 11&4 108.E 109.8 116.6 % Moisture 13.2 14.9 13.3 13.2 14.4 12.1 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 97.4 90.0 96.9 90.3 91.3 96.0 % Opt. Mstre. 96.4 108.8 1 97.1 96.4 105.1 88.3 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2700 1 628 11 REOAws: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does the _SQ� n.} and *2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project.+ t COPIES To: 2 - Above�'I « 1 - City of Lubbock DYi::3"ETf TORY, NC. 1 - Chapman -Harvey `s{ Proied Na 2604 Report No. 5326 by MEMBER OR Aroulm :*kaft" o � L.i U 1 I � o � � S II G N oRp URY I E . (800) 372-4=11 • fox 0 372-am 70424 PP-OFE88IONAL TESTING a �T � Texas Comaii of Enpi ***V L"iaia (S" 7S6- M • Fax (606) 7WIM To: PROJECT: i 2.43 m Brown -McKee P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79462 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922-91 00* or Report: 03/21/05 City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1 8 2 - Backfill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank Tests #3-7 - Backfill at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfill Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a Station 31' North 41' South 60' South 41' South 38' South 21' South 48' South Offset 10' East 6' East 53' Wean 36' West 17' East 44' East 26' East Elevation 18th Litt 18th Uft 18th Lift 18th Lift 18th Lift 18th Uft 18th Uft Depth 8 - inches 6 - inches e - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches Density Cnt. 2376 2319 2683 2237 2308 2218 2697 Wet Density 126.6 126.5 124.1 128.3 126.7 128.6 123.2 Moisture Cnt. 188 202 192 187 213 201 186 Moisture(ibs.) 14.2 16.4 15.8 14.1 16.4 14.3 14.8 Dry Density 111.3 111.1 108.3 114.1 110.4 114.3 108A % Moisture 12.8 13.9 14.6 12.4 14.8 12.5 13.7 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 92.6 9Z4 90.0 94.9 91.7 96.0 90.1 % Opt Mstre. 93.4 101.4 87.5 90,6 108.o 91.2 100.0 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2480 663 REMARKS: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction doesspw"eti,(min.) and 12% -' of optimum moisture as specified for this project. >_:.. .. cOP'IEs TO 2 - Above •+ •+ .1T 1 - City of Lubbock DYESS-PATE Tt1RY, C. 1 - Chapman -Harvey '- �a Profit No. 2604 RPort Mo. 5343 by MEMBER Of: n AmfftTom *nin i AiP. O. SDX 3000 At"Odw corlcme huft" DYISSATIRSDA GIN ME i A, 10C. (am =4911 * Fax (8W 372-6552 Amedw Wo*q Sodstj 8 Lubbock Tftu 7W4 kmicaft sodoq of CNN &O"M PROFESSIONAL TESTING SM 4M Sbw Tom C"Id or &O"Oft Locawd" (008) 70"M • Fax M" ?Wig" TO: Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03/21/05 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock, Texas 79452 Pap2of2 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922-91 PROJECT* City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #9-13 - Backfill at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank Tests #14-16 - Backfill at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank 9:05am NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfill Test Number 9 10 11 12 11 14 15 16 Station 31'South 26 South 17'South 57' South 61' South 49' North 1T North 28' South Offset 618! East 31' East 48West 21'West 42'East IT West V West 12' West Elevation 17th Lift 17th Lift 17th Lift 17th Lift 17th Lift I Sth Lift 15th Lift 1 5th Lift Depth 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - Inches 6 - Inches 6 - Inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches Density Cnt 2171 2179 2165 2349 2256 2273 2380 1905 Wet Density 126.6 126.4 126.8 123.2 125.0 124.6 122.6 132.6 Moisture Cnt. 208 207 191 183 177 182 164 192 Moisture(lbs.) 16.7 16.6 15.2 14.6 14.1 14.5 13.0 15.3 Dry Density 109.9 109.8 111.6 108.6 110,9 110,11 109.6 117.3 % Moisture 16,2 16.1 13.7 13.4 12.7 13.2 11.8 111 Sid. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 Opt. mstre. 1117 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13,7 • Comp. 91.4 91.3 92.7 90.3 92.2 91.6 91.1 97,5 • Opt. Mstre. 110.9 110.2 10M0 97.8 92.7 96.3 86.1 95.6 Mstre. Corr. standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture L-2480 663 REMARKS: Above test results on representative areas Indicate the compaction does gtfflilt' 4 N>kmln.) and *2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project. !, e' COPIES TO.' 2 - Above I - City of Lubbock I - Chapman -Harvey P"gect No. 2604 Report No. 63418 t DESATIRS00■ AM&d1kTWW?01za MEMBEROP(T:„. �dW CO 101% I URY, IRC. • WbborJt, Taagt 79424 kr»�ia1r► $oat t +s+k >Qnpin s PROFESSIONAL TESTI O 5M 4Mh 60" Tam Cowl of EgYeadng LabomWd" (am 78"M + FM (No 78Srlm TO: Brown -McKee Date of Report: 03/21 /06 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Page 2 of 2 Tested in Accordance With ASTM Designation: D2922.91 PROJECT: City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 Lubbock, Texas Test #8 - Backfili at West Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at West Side of Tank Test #10 - Backfili at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank &Asa cwn /^AaaOAt%'n Kl TCQ1r r%ATA R=kfiti A -AM RI 9 . 10 s......� ... 11 ...... ..— .. — - 12 -- — 13 14 1 1t3 Lesl,ONmber 10`Noah 48' North 6' West 10' east Elevation 16th Litt 19th Lift Depth 6 - inches a - inches Density Cnt. 2223 2477 Wet Density 125.e 123.8 Moisture Cnt. 196 178 Moisture(ibs.) 16.7 13.4 Dry Density 109.9 110.3 96 Moisture 14.3 12.1 'Sid. Density 120.3 120.3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 % Comp. 91.4 91.7 % Opt. Mstre. 104.3 88.3 Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Lean Clay Density Moisture 2480 1 663 REmARKs: Above test results on representative areas indicate the compaction does r Pl ` (min.) and t2% of optimum moisture as specified for this project. COPIES TO 2 - Above 1 - City of Lubbock 1- Chapman -Harvey -±Pn4ed ML 2604 R"Md NM 5342E i t MEMBER OR ■ Am*0o.Teams 7qi2o *W100 $=I* For TqdbV Ms*rk% P.O. 8"3060 Amwkan Cows*% lnsftft H&ARRSOH IMING MORM A, K. is" 3724911 0 Pout {a 372-sm A"Wican W4*v Sod" a Lubbock. Tan 79424 Mwkm Sod* of CM Enow"m PWFFoM10XALTE9MG SM 4M StrW Tuft Cowd d 60meft LabomWa# (WMM4= Fax (00MIS&I959 TO: Brown -McKee [We of Report. 03/17/05 P.O. Box 3279 Lubbock,Texas 79452 Tested In Accordance With ASTM Designation: 02922-91 PROJECT, City of Lubbock Pump Station #10 - Lubbock, Texas Tests #1 & 2 - Backfill at East Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at East Side of Tank Tests #3-7 - Backfill at South Side of Tank - Distances from Center Point of Radius at South Side of Tank 4:15pm NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST DATA Backfill Test Number 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 a Station 37' North 41'South 54'South 4T South 22- South 31' South 18' South Offset W East 11' East 63West IT West 63'East ITEasi 41 - West Elevation 16th Lift 16th Lift 16th Lift 16th Lift 16th Lift 16th Lift 16th Lift Depth 6 - Inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - inches 6 - Inches 6 - inches Density Cnt 2196 2184 2582 2434 2538 2461 2469 Wet Density 129.0 129.2 121.7 124.4 123.7 122.6 124.4 Moisture Cnt. 205 218 174 192 193 185 194 Moisture(lbs.) 16.7 16.8 13.0 14.6 14.8 13.2 15.2 Dry Density 113.4 112.4 108.7 109.8 108.9 109.4 109.2 % Moisture 13.8 14.9 12.0 13.3 13.6 12.1 13.9 Std. Density 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3 120,3 Opt. Mstre. 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13,7 % Comp. 94.2 93,5 90.4 91.3 90.5 90.9 90.8 % Opt. Mstre. 100.7 108.7 87.5 97.0 99.2 88.3 101A Mstre. Corr. Standard Counts Type Soil: Reddish Yellow Sandy Loan Clay Density 2408 1 Moisture 664 Raft Ams* Above test results on representative areas Indicate the compaction does meetft90% (min.) and :t211/6 of optimum moisture as specified for this project. -,"7 � " ii 'k Ile, I A comes TO. 2 - Above X 1 - City of Lubbock ly I - Chapman -Harvey Pf*Jsd NO. 2604 Report No. 5327 by ET E FLA TORY, INC. City of Lubbock Water Reservoir Facade Pump Station #10 8V and Memphis Ave. Lubbock, Texas February 24, 2006 Chapman Harvey Architects, Inc. CHA, Inc. Project 0312 Table of Contents Bidding Requirements and Conditions of the Contract Provided by the City of Lubbock Purchasing Department Division 1 General Reauirements 01010 Summary of Work 01040 Coordination and Meetings 01090 Reference Standards 01300 Submittals 01400 Quality Control 01500 Construction Facilities 01600 Material and Equipment 01700 Contract Closeout Division 2 Site Work 02050 Demolition 02200 Earthwork 02225 Trenching 02514 Concrete Curbs, Walks, and Paving 02810 Irrigation System 02905 Landscaping Division 3 Concrete 03100 Concrete Formwork 03200 Concrete Reinforcement 03300 Concrete Work 03450 Precast Architectural Concrete MUM TABLE OF CONTENTS TC- I Divisions 4 Masq= 04100 Mortar and Masonry Grout 04300 Unit Masonry System 04340 Reinforced Unit Masonry System Division 5 Metals 05400 Cold -Formed Metal Framing 05500 .., Metal Fabrications 05710 Steel Stairs 05722 Steel Handrail System Division 6 Wood and Plastics 6100 Rough Carpentry Division 7- -- Thermal and Moisture Protection 07105 Dampproofing and Waterproofing 07900 Joint Sealers Divisions 8 Doors and Windows 08111 Steel Doors 08360 Upward Acting Sectional Doors 08700 Finish Hardware Division 9 Finishes 09900 Painting Division 10 Specialties NOT USED Division 11 uiment NOT USED Division 12 Furnishings NOT USED Division 13 Special Construction NOT USED Division 14 Conveying Systems NOT USED Division 15 Mechanical NOT USED Division, 16 Electrical NOT USED TABLE OF CONTENTS file"A