HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 081265C - Water_Sewer Improvements - Hemphill Contracting Co - Crestview Addition - 08_12_1965 now RESOLUTION Resolution accepting water and sewer system improvements for Lots 1 thru 128, Crestview Addition WHEREAS, the developers of Lots 1 thru 128, Crestview Addition have complied with the provisions of the City of Lubbock Code, Chapter 34, Article 2, by providing the water and sewer improvements for said addition in accordance with paragraph 61 of said Chapter 34, and, WHEREAS, the total utility cost to the developer is $28,992.81 with the improvements constructed by Hemphill Contracting Company having a value of $27,471.56 as determined by the unit prices established by said Chapter 34, and $1,521.25 cash (engineering, wet tie-ins, paving repair, difference in Pro Rata and actual cost) paid to the City, with Jennings Enterprizes, the developer. WHEREAS, the construction of the said water and sewer improvements was performed under the supervision of the City Engineer and said improvements have been completed in accordance with the City of Lubbock's plans and specifi- cations, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: 1. That the improvements be and the same are hereby accepted as an integral part of the water and sewage system of the City of Lubbock. 2. This resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12TH DAY OF AUGUST,jyjWjQ0d0)0= Mayor pro 'Fears Attest W. E. Alderson Lavjfii'a7 Lowe, Ci y ecretary roved: r ohn T. Hickerson, City Engineer Approved: red 0. Senter, Jr. , C' y ttor ey QLU'U' RESMVrIM ACCEPTING XNp'JWVEA 19M CM PORTIMS OF STREETS AND f CR ®MUES AS LSM ZMMA piRRW, in conformance with thea paving requirement ment provisions of City Ordinance 1331, the subdivider of Crestview Addition, Lots 1-128, mado arrangialwits with Pioneer Pavers, Ut. for the construction of paving iMrovements an certain streets dedicated in said subdivision under the provisions ,of said Ordinance prier` to the m4rding of this subdivision plat of Crestview Addition, Lots 1-128 Including the following streets: 59th Street from its intersection with a line 16.00 feet Went of the West property Line of Quaker Avenue to its interrwtion with the North End of radius on Rim$ Ave , known and designated as lkw Subdivision 1ii t Number 1509. Rim Avenue from its intetrout ion with * line 30.00 feet North of the forth Property Line of 59th Street to its Intersection with a line 3,00 feet North of the; alley North of 59th Street* known end designated as a part of Now Subdivision Chit Vw�bar 1510. 60th Street from its intersection with the 'grit and of the cul-de-sac East of Raleigh Avenue to its intersection with the 'West Property Lim of Lot 72, Crestview Addition, knom and designated as New Subdivision Vnit Number 1511. 61st Stet from its intersection, with a lists 16.00 feet hest of the: past Property Line of Quaker Avenue to its intersection with the Nest Lot Line of Lot 109, Crestvieaev Additicul lmown and desisted as Now Subdivision {bait Number 1512. (forth one-•haelf of 62nd Stet from its intersection with a liva 16,00 foot Hest of the hest Property Lino of Nakeer Avenue to its intersection with the West Lot Line of tat 110, Crestview Addition (concrete only), krmm and designated as a part of New Subdivision Unit Number 1513, Raleigh Drive from its Intersection with a line 25.98 feet South of the South Property Lint of 60th Street (East Lem to its intersection with ea line 8.66 feet North of the North Property Lira of Stet Street (East leg) and from Its intersection with a line 23,9$ feet South of the Omth Property Line of filet Street. (Rest Leg) to its Intersection with a liner 6.66 feet North of the North Property Liner of 62nd Street (East Leg), known and designated as a part ofDow Subdivisions 'wait Number 1S14. Raleigh Avetuee from its Intersection with a lusts 15.00 feet South of the South Property Line of 59th Street to its intersectimn with a line IS.00 feet North of the North Propeaarty Line of 60th Streeet# know mid designated as New Subdivision Umit Number 1515. AND WHERBA&, the construction of the above improvemants on the above- uention d streets was performed under the supervision of the City Etineeor, sued. "Id iu;mvvements have boon completed and have been inspected and f*w*d to bane been constructed In accord a with City specifications and in accordance with the provisions of City Ordinance 1331. Tl , DR IT RRMVM W THE CITf OF VOMC1, TES. I, That the impromments on said porticw of the abovewmtioned sttreet# be and the asno are hereby accepted and. the City HnSinser 'be and he is bereby authorised to direct the pat of the City's portion of the cost and to release emcrow This resolution shall take effect end be in force from and after its p+S = PAdSID AND "PRCIPO THIS 12TH DAY OF AWOST, 1965. W. E. ` LDERSON W. 2E=w.&I. kkr-srYri, !MaWxr Pro Tem ATTTs i Lavenia T.m, City T>ecre APPROM: Jahn T. 'Bickerton, City Ht oineer APEWMi Fred 0. &mter, cirri City Attorney un guw— AMMI 11a, Im say. S.T. B.T. S.T. cascrote, 2- rw �V, /tct� y ift L.P. Way ftai twin 0 +44 Call+ e i " 160 1M 1309 $Oth St. fma 16' W.of the 35W*04 IWAS 53.67 217000 1P. of fia&u ,Ave. to the N. RW of Sedium at luml rt of 10 1.510 911c Ave. fcam 30# R. 424.67 244.00 19.33 of the WL of 59th St. to 3' W. of the alley S. of sgtb St. 1311 60th St. tw m the eoX eee 33f3.CO 11.06 3 B. of R&Wgb Ave. to the VM of Lot 72 Crestview 16 1317 filet St. frm 164 W. of $063.75 2568188 the Wft of ("kiar kvo. to tum W AOt L i.oe of Lot 109 Crattview AM, awt of 1513 W 113 of 6ud St. fiva IIS2.79 {16, u. 1 of `tiUww -0 to viuf. Una *f O f Of NO 1514 RaletO brie* frm 35.% 1573.45 10$3.14 $6.43 60.82 fact O of the SPL of 6 St.C8.140 to 0.661 X.of thool! of Oot St..(2.140 of 619t St. .10 to G.64i W. of the WL of OrA St. Cc-log) 1515 Weigh Ave. five IS' S. $61.56 5".00 26.67 of da SIPL of 59th tit. to 151 R. of the Nft of 60th St. TVALS 169576.31 IM36.0 141.1$ 3 117.0 660.02 160576.31 B.T. C. 4443 a P3*7 ►.1i yy�� 3y .00 �ta 'block* 0 $25« ► MOO 21f,.0Q dial I-Cour" - 0 : 10,08 9344 .82 S.1`. fir" C*l C . .»�..,.-APUM CONVACT MST 3901 *07 uteva"tift toosiftC Gist, b q Coutt"t 01 ftt Of 1S1 lut of 151 .a9 1�,�61 . 115 t 1 VM 4 9 t 1 `09 "111 7 I h oumieM the pave i----a to me ted by pig 1'*v*n# T=o# y watt+ a to r, dwir contact with tha wabdividws of CrOxWlft edition# Lots 1-136, aad liced the i lle testa on 59th st et ftm Oaftr Avm" to li Avemoot $fit ftfttbe cq1 c to ftst Lime of Lac 72# 61st Sttmt it � t A to V"t Lim of Lot 109s 62ad Stmet 9"M (Viehft eVOMA to W t Lim of Zot 310# liq. Ate:# 38th to 59th lu"t# ►l*igb Dr. irm 60th St. to 6lud apt Raiet k ftem 50th Ott t to 6 th dt t " lis,W on t& fiaal exti to t to hm hem a 1+ iti _aa+�it all►. wig to p1ma and oWigitations and voc tUt ym accopt tbo "*eats ca said at to +Aloe o autborlsUW pqvou to tb ooattact m tbe ,amunt obwa on the attaaabed comoll4ated Ural wbato Amot ea tbm by dw City. of lmhhoek. TOWN ty tsutys City