HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 6498 - Contract- Alan Plummer Associates Inc.- Water Treatment Plant Optimization Study - 09_09_1999Resolution No. 6498 Sept. 9, 1999 Item No. 27 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock a contract for Water Treatment Plant Optimization Study, by and between the City of Lubbock and Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. of Fort Worth, Texas and related documents. Said contract is attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council this 9th day of Se tembev 1 99 . (444 WINDY SITT , ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Victor Ki , Purchasing Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: r v William de Haas Competition and Contracts Manager/Attorney gs:ccdocs/Alan Plummer Associates.res Augut 31, 1999 �•� ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIIkTES, INC.!, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS - DESIGNERS • SCIENTISTS JAMES L ALTSTAETTER. P.E. 99-045 STEPHEN J. COONAN, P.E. PEGGY W. GLASS, Ph.D. August I I, 1999 DAVID A. GUDAL, P.E. A. LEE HEAD, III, P.E. BETTY L JORDAN, P.E. LORETTA E. MOKRY MARK A. PERKINS. P.E. ALAN H. PLUMMER. JR, RE., DEE RICHARD H. SMITH, P.E. 1� n Mr. Gary Essary Water Treatment Plant Operations Coordinator City of Lubbock 6001 North Guava P.O. BOX 200 Lubbock, Texas 79457 ALAN RTUCKER, P.E. P. JONATHAN YOUNG, Ph.D,, RE. Re: Water Treatment Plant Optimization Study Engineering Services Agreement 7524 MOSIERVIEW COURT SUITE 200 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 761 18-7110 PHONE 817.284-2724 METRO 817-589-2226 FAX METRO 817-589-0072 Dear Mr. Essary: Resolution No.6498 Sept. 9, 1999 Item No. 27 Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. (APAI) appreciates this opportunity to submit an Engineering Services Agreement to the City of Lubbock for performing an Optimization Study of the Water Treatment Plant (WTP). In performing the WTP Optimization Study, we will: (1) Gather, compile, and review pertinent information, records, and data from the water treatment plant including: ■ Previous engineering reports/plans and specifications. ■ Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) monthly operating reports for the past three years. ■ TNRCC inspection or survey reports. ■ TNRCC Comprehensive Performance Evaluation. ■ Chemical usage and feed rates. ■ Daily and hourly plant water production records. ■ Quarterly THM data. ■ Dry TOC and/or HAA data available. ■ Raw, settled, filtered, and finished water turbidities for three years. ■ Backwash rates and return flow volumes. ■ Water quality of Canadian River source, including turbidity, temperatures, alkalinity, pH, TOC, iron, manganese, etc. ■ Water quality of terminal storage reservoir, including turbidity, temperatures, alkalinity, pH, TOC, iron, manganese, etc. ■ Water quality of the Roberts County well field. (2) Identify any additional data needs and laboratory evaluations. After review of the data provided in Task No. 1, we will identify any additional data necessary. Mr. Gary Essary Page 2 August 11, 1999 (3) Conduct an initial project workshop. A workshop with the plant staff will be held to define treatment goals and constraints and identify any process problems currently experienced by the plant staff and anything that has previously been tried to resolve the problems. (4) Identify any potential process/hydraulic "bottlenecks" at the plant. (5) Evaluate the potential impact of current and proposed EPAfrNRCC regulations and requirements and list the potential benefits of a pilot plant.. The impacts of the Phase I Disinfectant/Disinfection-By-Product Rule, the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule, the Filter Backwash Rule, and other proposed Federal and State requirements will be evaluated. (6) Evaluate various options and alternatives, including developing opinions of cost, to improve performance, including: a. Impact of using the terminal storage reservoir for continuous flow through. b. Moving the ammonia feed point either after sedimentation or after filtration to maintain a longer free chlorine residual, to assist in optimizing sedimentation. (The potential for THM/HAA formation will be evaluated.) C. Evaluate alternative rapid mixing options, including installing rapid mixers at the end of the chlorine contact basin. d. Evaluate alternative coagulant and polymer feed points. e. Evaluate modifying the current flow splitting arrangements through the sedimentation basins. f. Evaluate baffling the sedimentation basins. g. Evaluate increasing the settled water collection troughs weir lengths. h. Evaluate the addition of tube settlers in the sedimentation basins, the PAC contact basin, or both. i. Evaluate the possibility of employing two -stage sedimentation, with or without tube settlers, at the end of the second stage. j. Evaluate using a filter -aid polymer in the settled water. k. Evaluate the backwash procedures, the filtered water turbidity recovery times after backwashing, and adding filter -to -waste piping. 1. Evaluate modifying the waste backwash storage facility. M. Evaluate the possibility of using settled waste backwash water for irrigation. (7) Evaluate the potential impact of the Roberts County well field project on the treatment process and in the distribution system. (8) Review results of evaluations with plant staff in a workshop. (9) Submit three (3) copies of a DRAFT evaluation report to the City for review. (10) Incorporate City comments and submit twenty (20) copies of the final report. As a Special Service, if required, we propose to spend four (4) days at the water treatment plant conducting various tracer and other specific tests to confirm appropriate flow splitting F:\Userslshare\DOC\PROP\1999199045 Lubbock WITTssary.12.doc Mr. Gary Essary Page 3 August 11, 1999 into each sedimentation basin, confirm appropriate mixing, and identify any serious short circuiting through one or more sedimentation basin. We will develop protocols for any recommended in -plant tests and will forward these to the plant staff at least three (3) weeks before on -site testing is scheduled to take place. We will include the results of these in plant tests as part of the overall optimization evaluation. We propose to complete the above listed tasks for a lump sum of $45,950. Special Services, if authorized, would be on an hourly basis (for up to four persons on site for four full days) in accordance with the attached schedule of charges, with a not -to -exceed amount of $21,300 (labor and expenses). A breakdown of the proposed costs is attached for your information. If authorized to proceed by August 27, 1999, we propose to complete this optimization evaluation by December 17, 1999 (assuming no more than one -week review of submitted items by the City). Please let me know if you have any questions or require any additional information concerning this proposal. If this proposal is acceptable to you and the City, execution and return of one copy of this letter agreement will serve as our authorization to proceed. Sincerely, ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. /� Get, 14d� A. Lee Head, III, P.E. Principal ALH/jes Enclosure cc: Ms. Betty L. Jordan, P.E., Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. F:\Users\share\DOC\PROP\1999\99045 Lubbock WMEssary.12.doc Mr. Gary Essary Page 4 August 11, 1999 ATTEST: ,,,a 1, Darnell ;D AS TO CONTENT: Owner's Rep6sentative APPROVED AS TO FORM: fY '0& /vim MQ GD�1i'raGT/ /Viwnws t/ ATTEST: Corporate Secretary. CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS (OWNER) 3))l L 4. — Mayor WINDY SITTON CONTRACTOR Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. By: PRINTED NAME: A. Lee Head, III, P.E. TITLE: Principal COMPLETE ADDRESS: Company: Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. Address: 7524 Mosier View Court, Suite 200 City, State, Zip: Fort Worth Texas 76118 F:\Users\share\DOC\PROP\1999\99045Iubbock WMEssary.12.doc a ATTACHMENT B ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC. HOURLY FEE SCHEDULE 1999 Category Billing Rate/Hour Word Processing $45.00 Technical Writer 50.00 Drafter/Technician 55.00 Designer/CAD Operator 65.00 Engineer/Scientist 70.00 Project Engineer/Scientist 80.00 Senior Project Engineer/Scientist 90.00 Project Manager 90.00 Senior Project Manager/Principal 105.00 Senior Principal 130.00 Officer 150.00 a Billable rates are adjusted annually. A multiplier of 1.15 will be applied to all direct expenses. Inhouse computer is billed at S 15 per hour. Expert witness time is billed at S 1,300 per day.