HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 102678G - Amendment To Housing Assistant Plan Of CDBG Application - 10_26_1978KJ:bsb RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING..AN AMENDMENT TO THE HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN OF THE 1978-79 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION, PROJECT NUMBER B-78-MC-48-0022. WHEREAS, Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 as amended in 1977 specifies the conditions under which a recipient of Community l• Development Block Grant funds must submit an amended application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and WHEREAS, the City of Lubbock finds it necessary to amend the 1978-79 Housing Assistance Plan in order to revise the general locations for assisted housing established pursuant to Sec. 570.306 (b) (3) (11); NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE, and is hereby, authorized to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock an amendment to the Housing Assistance Plan of the 1978-79 Community Development Block grant application. THAT such amendment shall consist of a revision to the approved Housing Assist- ance Plan, Table IV: General Locations for Proposed Lower Income Housing, (2) Re- habilitation, to include the addition of Census Tract 18.01. THAT such amendment shall also consist of an assurance of compliance with all certifications as may be required by the regulations issued by the Department of Housing and Urban Development on March 1, 1978. Passed by the City Council this 26th day of October 1978. DI AAJA Wli--- S MAYOR ATTEST: Ev lyn Gaf ga; Se tary-Treffisurer APPROVED AS TO FORM: John Ross, City Attorney OMB Appr FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 2. APPLI- a. NUMBER 3. STATE a. NUMBER �n ry� r• CANT'S APPLI- 3 APPLICA- TION IDENTI. TX 80102012 1. TYPE ❑ PREAPPLICATION b. DATE car month day b. DATE r n d ACTION ® APPLICATION CATION 79 0 10 2b FIER ASSIGNED 1978 01 24 (Afark op- NOTIFICATION OF INTENT (OPL) T.eaue - box) 0 REPORT OF FEDERAL ACTION Blank 4. LEGAL APPLICANT/RECIPIENT S. FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NO. o. Applicant Nlma City of Lubbock 75-60000590-W b. Organization Unit Community Development Department c. Street/P.O. Sax P.O.. Box 2000 & PRO. to NUMBER 1 14 Ids 2 1118 IS. TITLE d. city Lubbock .. county : Lubbock GRAM I. State Texas L. ZIP code: 79457 Federal Community Development h. Contact Poraon (Name Catafop) Block Grant Program . F &tel.phoneIV*.) Vicki. Foster, 62-6411 ext. 2290 sa 7. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT 8. TYPE OF APPLICANT/RECIPIENT A -State H-Community Action Agency a Community Development Program: B-Interstate 1- Higher Educational Institution D-Sub,tate J-Iadi.. Trlb. u park improvements; neighborhood facilities District K-0thar (Specify): D-Coaaty street paving, lighting and signals, and E-City F-Schoal District neighborhood revitalization C-Special Purpwa E DiArict Enter appropriate tatter ❑ 9. TYPE OF ASSISTANCE A-Ba,lc Grant 0--Insurance go BSupplemenUl Cnat E-0Other Eater appro- C-Loan yriate Jetter(a) I(. AREA OF PROJECT IMPACT INamen of cities, cottrttiea, 11. ESTIMATED NUM- 12. TYPE OF APPLICATION Staten, etc.) BER OF PERSONS A -New FRevislon E-Augmentation City Of Lubbock BENEFITING 175,000 B-Renewal D-Continuation Eater appropriate letter 13. PROPOSED FUNDING 24. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: 15. TYPE OF CHANCE (For IS* or eta) - A -Increase Dollars "if -or (Specify): B-Decraala Dollars a. FEDERAL = 4,257,000 ,DB a. APPLICANT b. PROJECT 1 19 ncre.3ft Gum",. D-IDmr.m Duration HAP Amendment b. APPLICANT .00 E-0anwL'ation a STATE 00 16. PROJECT START 17. PROJECT DATE Year mont%day DURATION Enter appro- d. LOCAL .00 19 8 12 1 12 Afonth. priate letter(.) FMF o. OTHER .00 18. ESTIMATED DATE TO Year month dcy 1B. EXISTING FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER BE SUBMITTED TO FEDERAL AGENCY D 19 8 11 15 B- 8-MC-48-0022 I. TOTAL S .DD 2O. FEDERAL AGENCY TO RECEIVE REQUEST (Nema, City. State, ZIP coda) 21. REMARKS ADDED DHUD Area office 2001 Br an Tower, Dallas, TX 75201 1 17 Yes p No 22. a. To the bat of yry knewladge and belief, b. If roquir.d by 0618 Circular A-�95 this application was eubmitted, pursuant to in. No r.- Re.pon.. o data In MISpreapplieaiai/application are stmcbons therein, to appropriate elearinghau3es and all responses are attachad: .pone. ettaahed PTHE true and correct, the documant has been - APPLICANT duly authorized by the govsming body of If) South Plains Association of Governments ❑ El CERTIFIES THATI- Me applicant and the Applicant will comply with the attached aamrances If the assist- CA Governors office of Budget and Planning ❑ 10 ante le epprcved. (3) ❑ ❑ 23. a. TYPED NAME AND TITLE b. SIGNATURE t. DATE SIGNED o CERTIFYING Y.w w"t% day N SFNTATiVE Dirk West, Mayor 39 24. AGENCY NAME Year sna.M. day TIOAPPLICA. RECEIVED 19 26. ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT 27 ADMINISTR9TIV"ICE 28. FEDERAL APPLICATION QF.OVOO6C as SsOa TcztiT� IDENTIFICATION ca E 29. ADDRESS 30. t; FEDERAL GRANT IDENTIFICATION ciwba 32. ACTION TAKEN 32. FUNDING - - ear anosrtn day 34. row stonth. door a. AWARDED a. FEDERAL $ .00 33. ACTION DATE Is., 19 19 DATE 19 b. REJECTED b. APPLICANT ,Op 95. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMA, TION (Nam. and talaphon. somber) 35. Yaw s 11. day c. STATE .00 c. RETURNED FOR ENDING DATE- 19 d. LOCAL .00 37. REMARKS ADDED ` NAENDMENT - (34. DEFERRED a. OTHER .00 . . �.r � sWITHDRAWN [ Year flNo 38. a. In taking above action, any tonm.nts recalved from dearingh... war. ton. b. FEDERAL AGENCY A-95 OFFICIAL Cd.red. It agency rospon,s is due under provisions of Part 1, OMB Circular "5, (Name and telephoa. cane) FEDERAL AGENCY It has been or is being mode. A415 ACTION 424-101 .. STANDARD:M 424 PAGE 1 .. •r �, :.' Praatn'bed by GSA,, JloderK X-9-t.,tt Ciro[. r7,i-7.7 *- Form Approve OMB. No. 63R ' U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING ANC :iBAd: DEVELOPMENT - HOUSING ASSISTAN__ TABLE IV — GENERAL LOCATIONS FOR Pr D` SED LOWER INCOME HOUSING 1. NAME OF APPLICANT 3. L ORIGINAL City of Lubbock, Texas. XU AMENDMENT. DATE- October 26, 1! 2. APPLICATION/GRANT NUMBER =. PROGRAM YEAR e_ 7 8- M C- 4 8- 0 1 0 1 2 2 FROM: 6/1/78 To: 5/31179 A. IDENTIFY GENERAL LOCATIONS ON MAP IN THIS APPLICATION 1. New Construcli)n: Census Tract Numbers 1, 2.01, 2.02, 3,4.019 4.022 4.03, 6.01, 5.C2, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16.01, 16.02, 17.01, 17.02, 18.01, 18.02, 19.01, 20, 21, %?, 23, 24. No specific site t� within these general locations is acceple as a site for new assisted housing if it does not conform to HUD's =it= and neighborhood standards. 2. Rehabilitation: Census Tract Numbers 1, 2.01, 2.02, 3, 6.01, 6.02, 7, 8, 9, lt, 1c, 12.01, 12.02, 13, 24, 25. 18.01 (March 1, 1978) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT . ASSURANCES The applicant hereby assures and certifies with respect to the grant that: (a) It possess legal authority to apply for the grant, and to execute the proposed program. (b) Its governing body has duly adopted or passed as an official act a resolution, motion or similar action authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of .the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required. (c) It has complied with all the requirements of OMB Circular No. A-95 as modified by the Part and that either: (1) Any comments and recommendations made by or through clear- inghouses are attached and have been.considered prior to submission of the application; or (2) The required procedures have been followed and no comments or recommendations have been received. (d) Prior to submission of its application, the applicant has: (1) Prepared a written citizen participation plan, which: i. Provides an opportunity for citizens to participate in the development of the application, encourages the submission of views and proposals, particularly by residents of blighted neighborhoods and citizens of low and moderate income, provides for timely responses to the proposals submitted, and schedules hearing at times and locations which permit broad partici- pation; ii. Provides citizens with adequate information concern- ing the amount of funds available for proposed com- munity development and housing activities, the range of activities that may be undertaken, and other important program requirements; iii. Provides for public hearings to obtain the views of citizens on community development and housing needs; and; iv. Provides citizens with an opportunity to submit com- ments concerning the community development performance of the applicant; (2) Followed this plan in a manner to achieve full participation of citi- zens in development of the application. The applicant shall also follow this plan to achieve full citizen participation in all other stages of the program. (e) Its chief executive officer or other officer of applicant approved by HUD: (1) Consents to assume the status of•a responsible federal official under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 insofar as the provisions of such Act apply to this Part; (2) Is authorized and consents on behalf of the applicant and himself to accept the jurisdiction of the federal courts for the purpose of enforcement of his responsibilities as such an official. (f) The Community Development Program has been developed so as to give maximum feasible priority to activities which will benefit low and moderate income fami- lies or aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. [The requirement for this certification will not preclude the Secretary from approving an application where the applicant certifies, and the Secretary determines, that all or part of the Community Development Program activities are designed to meet other community development needs having a particular urgency as specifically explained in the application in accordance with Subsection 570.302(f).] (g) It will comply with the regulations, policies, guidelines, and requirements of OMB Circular No. A-102, Revised, and Federal Management Circular 74-4 as they relate to the application, acceptance, and use of federal funds under this Part. (h) It will administer and enforce the labor standards requirements set forth in Subsection 570.605 and HUD regulations issued to implement such requirements. (i) It will comply with all requirements imposed by HUD concerning special require- ments of law, program requirements, and other administrative requirements, approved in accordance with OMB Circular No. A-102 Revised. (j) It will comply with the provisions of Executive Order 11296, relating to evalua- tion of flood hazards and Executive Order 11288 relating to the prevention, control and abatement of water pollution. (k) It will require every building or facility (other than a privately owned resi- dential structure) designed, constructed, or altered with funds provided under this Part to comply with the "American Standard Specifications for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible to and Usable by, the Physically Handi- capped," Number A-1171-R 1971,.subject to the exceptions contained in 41 CFR 101-19.604. The applicant will be responsible for conducting inspections to insure compliance with these specifications by the contractor. (1) It will comply with: (1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub. L. 88-352), and the regula- tions issued pursuant thereto (24 CFR Part 1), which provides that no person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, or national origin,, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the applicant receives Federal financial assistance and will immedi- ately take any measures necessary to effectuate this assurance. If any real property or structure thereon is provided or improved with the aid of Federal financial assistance extended to the applicant, this assurance (2) shall obligate the applicant, or in the case of any transfer of such property, any transferee, for the period during which the real property or structure is used for a purpose for which the Federal financial assis- tance is extended, or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits. (2) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Pub. L. 90-284), as amended, administering all programs and activities relating to housing and community development in a manner to affirmatively further fair housing; and will take action to affirmatively further fair housing in the sale and rental of housing, the financing of housing, and the provision of brokerage ser- vices. (3) Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, and the regulations issued purusant thereto (24 CFR Part 570.601), which provides that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under, any program or activity funded in whole or in part with funds provided under this Part. (4) Executive Order 11063 on equal opportunity in housing and non-discrimination in the sale or rental of housing built with Federal assistance. (5) Executive Order 11246, and the regulations issued pursuant thereto (24 CFR Part 130 and 41 CFR Chapter 60), and Section 4(b) of the Grant Agreement, which provides that no person shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in all phases of employ- ment during the performance of Federal of federally assisted construction contracts. Contractors and subcontractors on Federal and federally assisted construction contracts shall take affirmative action to insure fair treat- ment in employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation and selection for training and apprenticeship. (m) It will comply with Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, requiring that to the greatest extent feasible opportunities for training and employment be given to lower -income residents of the project area and contracts for work in connection with the project be awarded to eligible business concerns which are located in, or owned in substantial part by, persons residing in the area of the project. (n) It will: (1) To the greatest extent practicable under State law, comply with Sections 301 and 302 of Title III (Uniform Real Property Acquisition Policy) of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 and will comply with Sections 303 and 304 of Title III, and HUD implementing instructions at 24 CFR Part 42; and (2) Inform affected persons of their rights and of the acquisition policies and procedures set forth in the regulations at 24 CFR Part 42 and Subsection 570.602(b). (3) (o) It will: (1) Comply with Title II (Uniform Relocation Assistance) of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 and HUD implementing regulations'at 24 CFR 42 and Subsection 570.602(a); (2) Provide relocation payments and offer relocation assistance as described in Section 205 of the Uniform Relocation Assistance Act to all persons displace as a result of acquisition of real property for an activity assisted under the Community Development Block Grant Program. Such payments and assistance shall be provided in a fair and consistant and equitable manner that insures that the relocation process does not result in different or separate treatment of such persons on account of race, color,.religion, national origin, sex, or source of income; (3) Assure that, within a reasonable period of time prior to displacement, comparable decent, safe and sanitary replacement dwellings will be -avail- able to all displaced families and individuals and that the range of choices available to such persons will not vary on account of their race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or source of income; and (4) Inform affected persons of the relocation assistance, policies and pro- cedures set forth in the regulations at 24 CFR Part 42 and Subsection 570.602(a). (p) It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using positions for a purpose that is or gives the appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others, particularly those with whom they have family, business, or other ties. (q) It will comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act which limits the political activity of employees. (r) It will give HUD and the Comptroller General through any authorized representa- tives access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the grant. (s) It will insure that the facilities under its ownership, lease or supervision which shall be utilized in the accomplishment of the program are not listed on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) list of Violating Facilities and that it will notify HUD of the receipt of any communication from the Director of the EPA Office of Federal Activities indicating that a facility to be used in the project is under consideration for listing by the EPA. (t) It will comply with the flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973. Pub. L. 93-234, 87 Stat. 975, approved December 31, 1973. Section 103(a) required, on and after March 2, 1974, the purchase of flood insurance in communities where such insurance is available as a condition for the receipt of any Federal financial assistance for construction or acquisition purposes for use in any area, that has been identified by the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development as an area having special flood hazards. The phrase "Federal financial assis- tance" includes any form of loan, grant, guaranty, insurance payment, rebate, subsidy, disaster assistance loan or grant, or any other form of direct or indirect Federal assistance. (4) (u) It will, in connection with its performance of environmental assessments under the National Environment Policy Act of 1969, comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 470), Executive Order 11593, and the Preservation of Archeological and Historical Data Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 469a-1, et. seq.) by (a) consulting with the State Historic Preser- vation Officer to identify properties listed in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places that are subject to adverse effects (See 36 CFR Part 800.8) by the proposed activity, and (b) complying with all requirements established by HUD to avoid or mitigate adverse effects upon such properties. (5)