HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 6243 - Application - TDOH - 14 Automated External Defibrillators, FD - 03_25_1999Resolution No. 6243
Item No. 39
March 25, 1999
THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and
directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, an application to the 'Texas
Department of Health for the purchase of fourteen automated external defibrillators to be
used by the City of Lubbock Fire Department and all related documents. Said
Application is attached hereto and incorporated in this Resolution as if ftilly set forth
herein and shall be included in the minutes of the Council.
Passed by the City Council this 25th day of
� -) ailv '___
Kaytl e arnell, City Secretary
Steve Halley, Fire: C} ief,
William de Haas
Competition and Contracts Manager/Attorney
FireDe ibAcs
Mar.1 5, 1999
March 1999.
Resolution No. 6243
Item No. 39
March 25, 1999
Application Procedure
A. A description of the organization and service area:
The Organization 1 Entity seeking funding for calendar year 1999-2000 is the City of Lubbock Fire
Vital Statistics:
County (Rural)
Est. County Population:
234,479 Residents
900.7 Sq. Miles
Lubbock, Texas
Est. City Population:
197,117 Residents
Service Area:
115 Sq. Miles
City Council 1 City Manager
Active Stations:
New Construction:
New Station to be completed in 2000
Two Hundred Forty Eight
Administration, Shop, Training, Fire Marshal's Office and Suppression
Specialty Teams:
Heavy Rescue, HazMat and Dive
1997-98 Call Volume:
B. A complete and specific description of the problem or need:
In providing a specific description of the problem or need at hand, there are two fundamental issues that
are of a growing concern from the perspective of the Lubbock Fire Department. They are "Fire Fighter
Fatality Rates" and the accountability of adhering to "National Standards" as decreed by national
regulatory agencies.
In accordance with "Fire Fighter Fatality Rates", the number one killer of fire fighters in the United States
is cardiac arrest. In a 1997 study prepared by IOCAD Emergency Service Groups and TriData
Corporation for the United States Fire Academy (USFA) and the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA), aggregate data affirmed that 38% of on duty firefighter fatalities were attributed to heart
attacks. This was accompanied by Internal Trauma at 34% and Asphyxiation at 16%.
As represented in these figures, there is a tremendous need to afford firefighters with Basic Life Support
(BLS) , capabilities on location. Though emergency environments substantially vary from scene to
scene, health risks strongly increase and are often exacerbated by the noxious clouds of smoke and
stress that these individuals are continuously subjected to on a daily basis. As a result, the likelihood of
cardiac arrest actually occurring becomes a somber reality for many of these public servants.
The second area of concern ruminates upon the capacity to sustain an acceptable level of compliancy to
standards as determined by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Like most professions, public safety officials are increasingly
being scrutinized. This is primarily for employee protection and is readily revealed through national
standards serving as governing measures by regulatory bodies.
Health and Safety Code; CHAPTER 773.001 Emergency Medical Services, SUB CHAPTER A General Provisions:
Sec. 773.003. Definitions. In this Chapter: (2.) "Basic Life Support " means emergency prehospital care that uses
noninvasive medical acts.
In relation to the Lubbock Fire Department, 'both the NFPA and OSHA have instituted numerous
standards that must be observed. Cases in point include:
*NFPA 1500 — ".., the incident commander shall.., request that at least basic life support
personnel and transportation be available."
'NFPA 472 — Requires medical monitoring of Haz-Mat personnel.
"OSHA 1910.120 — "...qualified basic life support personnel, as a minimum, shall be standing by
with medical equipment...."
With regards to these standards of conduct, it is obvious that medical capabilities play an intricate role in
the environment of these public servants. As expressly prescribed by such regulatory entities, the need
for harboring critical medical provisions becomes an issue that utterly magnifies the extremity of their
profession as a public servant, At this time, there is a recognized deficiency with regards to specific
medical provisions that prohibit the efforts of the department in conforming to an acceptable level of
compliancy as instructed by such bureaus_
Having recognized these facts, it is in the interest of the Lubbock Fire Department to seize these
elucidating realities as an opportunity to pursue funding for the procurement of (14) Automated External
Defibrillators. (AED's).
C: A detailed explanation of what the proposed project is, how much it will cost, what the TDH
share of the project will be, and what the benefits will be following completion of the project:
In a process to reconcile the issues identified above, the Lubbock Fire Department aspires to instate an
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Program whose primary mission is to improve the survivability
rate among victims of cardiac arrest ( more specifically fire fighters ) and to elevate the department's
degree of compliancy to regulatory bureaus. This objective shall be achieved by providing local fire
fighters with AED capabilities planned at: a.) improving victim survivability with the augmentation of
(BLS) services that embody initial patient assessment and treatment, and at b.) affording the tools
necessary to refine firefighter management skills pertaining to urgent and life -threatening predicaments.
According to the American Heart Association, " Electrical defibrillation provides the single most important
therapy for the treatment of cardiac arrest patients in ventricular fibrillation'. It is disturbing to discern
that with as little as 6 minutes having elapsed during cardiac arrest, brain damage is certain and after 10
minutes w / out CPR, there is a 0% survivability rate. With an AED issued to each Engine Company, it is
anticipated that victims (Firefighters as well as Private Citizens) on location may experience improved
medical care granted accelerated attention prior to EMS arrival. Be advised that early CPR and rapid
defibrillation may raise the survival rate of a cardiac patient by as much as 40%. Data indicates that
AED's which are currently in service elsewhere are 90% sensitive for ventricular fibrillation and 90-95%
specific for other heart rhythms.
Under normal conditions, the Lubbock Fire Department herein engaged as a support agency may
respond to 100 medical assistance calls per year. With 13 fire stations strategically located throughout
the community, an average time of response has been aptly measured at 4.1 minutes.
In stark contrast, EMS may respond to 40-50 calls per day. With this in mind, be advised that the
average response time is 5-6 minutes here within the city. In comparison, factors that may be attributed
to this viable 2-minute lapse in time are: a.) Fewer stations (only five) located throughout the community,
b.) a larger service area that extends out into the county and c.) availability.
In considering these factors, a victim's medical care may be significantly hindered in circumstances
where EMS is required to transport more than one person to a hospital. The results are increased
firefighter and citizen vulnerability due to areas of the community left unprotected. It is under these
circumstances that the fire department recognizes a critical fault in the distribution of ''Emergency
Medical Services 2 By being better equipped, the department is striving to improve the assistance that is
currently offered by expanding the level of training and the capacity to administer medical attention while
waiting for the primary care giver being EMS. In due course, these efforts identified would accede to the
stipulations presented by the Texas Department of Health that beseech opportunities to increase the
availability and quality of emergency prehospital health care.
In order to instate a program of this nature, $84,000 is required for the procurement of 14 AED's. Of this
amount, $42,000 or 50% would need to be awarded on behalf of TDH. The City of Lubbock would then
match the remaining portion. Aside from these monetary figures, a program with this capacity would
generate immense benefits. Circumstances permitting, expectations include: a.) a heightened degree of
medical care afforded to firefighters as well as civilians downed by cardiac arrest, b.) a heightened rate
of survivability attributed to medical care administered more immediately. c.) an enhanced level of
bureau compliancy d.) the broadening of serviceable knowledge in the management of life threatening
predicaments and perhaps most importantly e.) the capacity to achieve our mission which is to "protect
life, property, health and the environment of our city by delivering quality fire and life safety services'.
Despite the exceptional medical attention that is provided by EMS, it is evident that time is perhaps the
most critical element with regards to cardiac arrest victims. please take note that it is the intention of the
Lubbock Fire Department as a support agency to utilize the AED's in a capacity formally for initial
medical attention prior to EMS arrival. Efforts shall be directed at allaying firefighter cardiac fatalities and
on raising the degree of compliancy currently observed by the department.
D: An itemized budget for the project:
Texas Depart. Of Health
Auto. External Defibrillators
City of Lubbock
Auto. External Defibrillators
Auto. External Defibrillators
It is expected that each AED purchased shall be equipped with the following accessories: two reserve batteries,
defibrillator pads and a protective carrying case. Pleased be advised that more detailed specifications are not
admissible at this time. This attributed to a procurement process that compels additional market research
preceding the commencement of a municipal bidding process.
E: The willingness and ability of the organization to provide 50% matching funds on applicable
items as specified in the section titled "Range of Financial Assistance": Course of action shall be
acknowledged upon the results of discourse as disclosed in the March 251 City Council Meeting.
F: A mechanism for measuring and reporting the benefits or impact of the project:
Measures that shall monitor and report benefits 1 impacts associated with this project shall entail:
Receipts: These shall be furnished upon request to verify thoroughness of procurement activity.
This entails product information, quantity and costs.
Health and Safety Code; CHAPTER 773.001 Emergency Medical Services, SUB CHAPTER A General Provisions:
Sec_ 773.003. Definitions. In this Chapter: (8.) "Emergency Medical Services" means services used to respond to
an individual's perceived need for immediate medical care and to prevent death or aggravation of physiological or
psychological illness or injury.
Records: Documentation of all training is standard operating procedure. Upon request,
documentation shall be furnished verifying individuals having successfully completed
course work in the care and administration of AED units.
Unit (AED)
Assignment: Documentation shall be maintained and provided upon request as to the assignment of
each unit.
Call Run
Reports: Reports of call / run activities are standard operating procedure. Information shall relay
nature of incident, location, etc_ This information shall be fumished upon request.
G. Project Time Line
I Sept.1
Finalize AED Specification
Training of First Class (15 Recruits),
. r"
Initiate Bidding Process
Procurement Process
Training of Second Class (15 Recruits)
AED's Placed into service
Training of Third Class (15 Recruits)
H: The completed application (pg.10-11) and forms (pg. 12-15): Attached
This application should be completed in the name of the organization that will enter into a contract with The Texas
Department of Health. Fill in all blanks. If a Section does not apply to your organization, write "NIA" in the blank. All
signatures MUST be original. A Medical Director's signature is required only for advanced life support projects.
Organization Name: City of L hhock
Street Address:
1625 13th Street
Mailing Address:
PO Bnx 200n
Payee Name: City of Lubbock
Payee Mailing Address: PO Box 2000 - 1625 13th St. - l i,hhnrk,_ T_( 29457
Texas Vendor Identification Number: 1-75-600-590-h0-37
(14 Digit number. One will be assigned if organization has not previously contracted with the state)
Federal Employer Identification Number. 75-6000-590
(9 digit number. All organizations must submit this number)
Type of Organization: (Check all that Apply)
Licensed Provider Volunteer Registered lst Responder X Government Entity
Educational Organization Texas Corp. (Charter # )
For Profit Organization Non -Profit Organization
General Information about Proposed Project
Category (Check all that Apply)
Prehospitai Health Care Certification and/or Training
• if proposing on -site courses, indicate number of miles to nearest training facility:
• if proposing education, will this purchase upgrade the level of service from BLS to ALS or MICU
or from ALS to MICU? Yes No
• If proposing education, how many individuals will be receiving certification or training?
• If proposing education, how many EMS insrructors will be utilized:
Data Management (computer) System Development
Prevention Program
- if proposing prevention program that involves public educarion, how many EMS instructors will be
X EMS Equipment Ambulance
• if proposing EMS Equipment or Ambulance purchase, will this purchase upgrade the level of service
from BLS to ALS or MICU or from ALS to MICU? Yes X No
Benefit to Multiple Agencies
Indicate the number of entities (licensed EMS providers, registered first responder organizations) that will
benefit from the proposed project: � 1
General Information about Applicants
All Applicants
Percentage of staff that are volunteer 0
EMS Providers and First Responders
Number of years in operation: 0 4.,
Average runs or responses per month during last calendar year n f a
Average transport distance (miles): nn / as
Units (indicate number of each): BLS ALS NIICU
Staff (indicate number of each): ECA EMT EMT -I
Highest level of service available in county: BLS ALS
General Information About the Service Area
Name of primary county served 1 uhhn _k County type (check one): Urban _ Rural _(Frontier_
Population 234,479 Square Miles gpf)_7
Does your service participate in a Regional Advisory Council? Y OName of RAC
Project Coordinator.
ft. Ms. Dr.)
Name (Print): Rhea Cnnper
Title: Deputy Chief of Operations
Hm Phone:
Wk Phone: (806) 775-2633
Fax Number. (806) 775-3510
Alternate Contact Person:
Name (Print): - l4Aui SA MAR
Title: f V 1A NArcM at J 4' Zia .
Hm Phone:
Wk Phone: 9°& i -7 75-31?1P
Fax Number.
Person Autborized to Sign Contract:
(Mr. Ms. Dr.)
Name (Print): Windy Sitton
Title: Manor
Hm Phone:
Wk Phone: 806-7 75-7010
Medical Director.
Name In Tide: ��li
Hm Phone: �y
Wk Phone:
Signature: A-IIA �Z OR4
(Medial Dire sig - requbvd for all ALS per)
Steve Bailey, Fire R4ef
Appmved as to #onm•
zl /ram
4rl AM de HaSS
In—x. . •.a --j 't----1. . •
Air Act and the Federal Water Pollution Contract Act with Respect to Federal Contracts, Grants or
C. Conformity of federal actions to state clean air implementation plans under the Clean Air Act of 1955,
as amended, 42 USC §§7401- 7642;
D. Protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, as
amended, 21 USC §349, 42 USC §§300f-300j;
13. Will comply with the Pro -Children Act of 1994,20 USC §§6081-6084, regarding the provision of a smoke-fte
workplace and promoting the non-use of all tobacco products;
14. Will comply, if applicable, with National Research Service Award Act of 1971, 42 USC §289L-1 and 20 USC
§§2080-6081, regarding the protection of human subjects involved in research, development, and related
activities supported by this award of assistance;
15. Will comply, if applicable, with the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA), 42 USC
§263 a, which establish federal requirements for the regulation and certification of clinical laboratories;
16. Will comply, if applicable, with the Occupational Safety and Heahh Administration Regulations on Blood borne
Pathogens, 56 Fed. Reg. 64175 (1"I1 29 CFR § 1919.030, which set safety standards for those workers and
facilities who may handle Blood borne pathogens;
17. Will bear, if a private nonprofit organization or a for profit organization, along with its governing board, fiill
responsibility for the integrity of the fiscal and programmatic management of the organization which includes
accountability for all funds and materials received, compliance with applicable fedeml/state rules. policies,
procedures, laws and regulations, and correction of fiscal and program deficiencies identified through self -
evaluation or future stateAcderal monitoring processes. Ignorance of requirements contained or referenced
herein or in the resultant contract shall not constitute a defense or basis for waiving or appealing such provisions
or requirements. Further, the governing board shall ensure separation of powers, duties, and functions of board
members and organization staff;
I8. Will cause to be performed the required fumancial and compliance audits in accordance with the Single Audit
Act of 1994, 31 USC §§7501-7507, and any revisions thereto;
19. Will supplement the project/acdvity with funds made available through a contract award as a result of this RFP
and will not supplant funds;
20. Affirms that it has not given, nor intends to give, at any time hereafter any economic opportunity, future
employment, gift, loan, gratuity, special discount, trip, favor, or service to a public servant or any employee or
representative of same, in connection with this procurement;
21. Will not, if a for profit organization, charge a fee for profit. A profit or fee is considered to be an amount in
excess of actual allowable, allocable, and reasonable direct and indoect costs which are incurred in conducting
an assistance project;
22. Will cantply with all applicable requirements of all other state/federal laws, executive orders, regulations, and
policies governing this program;
The above certifications and assurances are made as a required element of the proposal to which they are attached,
understanding that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed here and the condoning compliance with these
are condetions precedent to the award or continuation of the related contract(s):
Signature of Authorized Certifying Official Title:
Q_ Attorney
Legal Name of Applicant
William de Haas
)y_M,#n 9g
Certificate Regarding License, Certificate, or Permit
Article DC, Section 163 ofthe General Appropriations Act, 75th Legislature prohibits an agency which receives an appropriation
tinder either Article II or V ofthe General Appropriations Act from awarding a contract with the owner, operator, or administrator
of a facility which has had a license, certificate, or permit revoked by another Article II or V agency.
For purpose of this requirement, Article 11 agencies are:
• Texas Department of Aging
• Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
• TexaS Commission for the Blind
• Texas Career Council
• Children's Trust Fund of Texas Council
• Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of
• Interagency Council on Early Childhood
For the purpose of this requirement, Article V agencies are:
• Adjutant General's Office
• Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission
• Texas National Guard Armory Board
• Texas Department of Criminal Iustice
• Texas Criminal Justice Policy Council
• Texas Commission on Fire Protection
• Texas Commission on Jail Standards
• Texas Juvenile Probation Commission
• Texas Health & Human Services
• Texas Department of Human Services
• Texas Department of Mental Health &
Mental Retardation
• Texas Department of Protective and
Regulatory Services
• Texas Rehabilitation Commission
• Texas Department of Health
• Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
Officers Standards & Education
• Texas Polygraph Examiners Board
• Board of Private Investigators and Private
Security Agencies
• Texas Department of Public Safety
• Texas Council on Sex Offender
• Texas Youth Commission
In accordance with Section 163 of Article IX of the General Appropriations Act, 75th Legislature the undersigned
certifies that no owner, operator, or administrator of the facility or entity applying for this contract has had a license,
certificate, or permit revoked by any of the Texas state agencies listed above.
Signature Date
William de Haas
Printed Name
Legal Name of Applicant: City of Lubbock
Title or Position with Contractor