HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 021077H - Minute Order #72151 - TDHPT Commission - Reconstruction, US 84 - 02_10_1977RESOLUTION ILE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and irected to accept for and on behalf of the CITY OF LUBBOCK the provisions Dntained in Minute Order No. 72151 of the Texas Highway and Public Trans- drtation Commission regarding reconstruction on U. S. Highway 84 from U. S, :ighway 87, Northwest a distance of approximately 0.6 mile, attached here- •ith which shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon ie minutes of this Council shall constitute and be a part of this Resolution as ' fully copied herein in detail. Passed by the City Council this ATTEST: loth day of February 1977 reva Phillips, City/Secretary-Treasurer AS TO FORM: . Senter, Jr., CW Attorney ROY BASS, MAYOR RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PROVISIONS OF. STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION MINUTE ORDER THE STATE OF TEXAS x Lubbock , Texas CITY OF Lubbock X February 10 19 77 MOTION was made by Councilwoman Jordan and seconded by Councilman wpgr that the Lubbock City Commission accept the provisions contained in Minute Order No. 72151 passed by the State Highway Commission on anz,asy 20 19,n, for the improvement by the Texas Highway Department of the roads described below and that the City of Lubbock agrees to the provisions contained therein: U. S. Highway 84 from U. S. Highway 87, Northwest a dis- tance of approximately 0.6 mile. .� } VOTE on the motion was as follows: Mayer Bass, Counc linen West, Jordan, Henry and. McAlister voting t Yea. nogg voting Nay. ) , W�lgP,fVPOPl the, motion was declared carried. Neva Philliptit ecretary Clerk (Fill'in the following for,the copy to be furnished to the State) I hereby certify that the above.resolution is a true and correct copy of the original adopted and approved on the date(s) shown. ? rl�t-i �✓ February , 1977 Treva s Philli Secretary Date p C y Clerk WVrltAb 33 Jr. .yTAXI-, iiA'1: MIJEW Cqv WGRMAY S f AND PUBLIC TRALWORTATION LUBr'►'.3CK county t MINUTE. 1 q V TE. ORDE Page of j Pages District No.- �i C t, Tr'i#ii;EAS, in LUBBOCK COUNTY, the City of Lubbock has requested assistance in reconstruc- tion on U. S. Highway 84 from U. S. Highway 87, Northwest a distance of approximately 0.6 mile; and 1tFIFP. AS, U. S. Highway 84 is included in the Urban System; . and WIffiRMS, it is the desire of the State Department of highways and Public Transportation to assist the City of Lubbock in such work; Noff, TIMMFORE, the Engineer -Director is directed to tender the following proposal to the City of Lubbock:. Provided the City will maintain that portion of the work which is its responsibility in accordance with present maintenance agreement and agree to regulate -traffic and prevent encroachment on the right of way all in accordance with governing policies -and regula- tions of the Department, the Department will, subject to the availability of Federal -aid Urban System funds and the eligibility of the proposed work for financing with said funds: 1. Prepare construction plans and specifications. 2. :Provide for additional surfacing at an estimated cost of $66,000 as authorized in the 1977-1978 Urban System Program. 3. Maintain that portion of the work which is its responsibility in accordance with present maintenance agreement. Upon acceptance of the provisions of this Order by the appropriate officials of the City of Lubbock, the Engineer -Director is directed to enter into any necessary agreements with the City covering the details of the proposed improvements, to proceed with the en- gineering development of the project and with construction in the most feasible and eco- nomical rianner. This Order shall become operative upon acceptance by the City of Lubbock and if not ac- cepted within 90 days of the'date hereof, the action herein contained shall be automati- cally cancelled. ' !_FiK _--i -- Si'A4itS I ✓ LL r "9AS�C 1 ; G�,;,s _G.) r ff Submitted by: Exami and•recommend (Title) is -Pr0 ram Engineer Approved P. i A-41uit��ah i itliwayF�ri¢e"oesr� ---.1JWti6a-�1ttii�K'i.lxroi'c'Oi�c'•""�'� . Approved: Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner `.Stall: fti�'iaysp3�u�t Etx4'e�%.t,',i bu.�latU �lilf6Qyi Minute Number Date Passed JAN 20 77 s Note: This form is to be submitted in Qulntuplieste.