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Resolution - 082875I - Grant Application - Community Services Administration - 08_28_1975
KJ/ dw, ' V � RESOLUTION IBE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the MAYOR of the CITY OF LUBBOCK, BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the CITY OF LUBBOCK an Application to the COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION for a;Grant in the amount of $104, 400.00 for the establishment of an Information and Referral Program in conjunction with an outreach and (counseling program, attached herewith which shall be spread upon the Minutes of the COUNCIL and as spread upon the Minutes of this COUNCIL shall constitute and be a part of this Resolution as if fully copie6 herein in detail. Passed by the City Council this 28th day of August 1975. 134 pmS ROY BASS, MAYOR ATTEST: Treva<Phillips, Ci Secretary -Treasurer APPROVED AS TO FORM: Fred O. Senter, Jr., City Attorney F..n App..re< ' OMB Nw I161101910 t CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 211 • ' • ECONOHIC•OPFORTUNITY ACT - DATE PAEPAREO _ . - t '—� (Form 3753 Sept. 1, 1975 ; i SECTION t_ I0E24TI FICATION 1. NAME OF CAA forprep—I CAA-) City of Lubbock, Community Services Department _ 2. MAILING ADDRESS - MO N T Dth &ET CITY TIE - ZIP' _ ' (1oth &Texasas) ox (l- -• Lubbock Texas 79457 _ A NAME OF PRINCIPAL REPRESENTATIVE aO AMP Community Services Commission - sECTiON It. POWERS OF PRINCIPAL REPFMSENTATtVE BOARD - {. PRINCIPAL REPRESENTATIVE BOARD IS . - •- [:]A GOVERNING BOARD ®AN A0NINf3TERIKG BOARD . . IF A COVl JIN!NC. BOARD N. a. Does it have as a minimum following pT owers?_ Oes ONO fJf»Ne .[[eeb rrpJo..ai.r_J (Ij• Appointment of the st f director of the CAA "} s 6) Dererm,nacio, sub' cOEO regulations and policies, of major personnel, fiscal, and t-wes 1 program polici ( Determination o overall program plans -and priocities (4) - al approv of all program proposals and budgets �- (S) En Y ceme of compliance with all conditions of OEO grants (6)' Detei Lion, subject to OEO regulations and policies, of rules of procedure for the governi board (7) Sele on ie officers and executive comtri tree fif anyl of the governing board b. Are a of the ■bo' ewers subject to concurrence, veto, of modification by any other local official."' - auti icy, other tha delegatico of the powers by the governing board? .. Rs ... 'ONO [Jf : v+v+•:A1 .. . -Are any of the above powers d ted? Or!,' ONO f1/ • - i. IF AN ADNINISTERWC BOARDc.. A. VhO site the governing officials of the state orpolitieal subdivision who have authority to act for the community aerion sgenty? The City Council of theCity.of Lubbock, Texas _ 1 !. A- e.0 .f Ir—p + 4 CAA. p.is uyro.lal.r7 rrrgn:/:e. by 0£O, qra[i..a rA—U ►. e.arr..l.r f+llr as poaa:blr Mar! a p.ea.Ae - _ pJ..a fw 80+.! p.vn, e.wp.a{li.� a. Leli.w. e[r. wrr Iersr•iti.. is r.e.Yt. - . S-91 ' L7 3 a. 'IF AN ADMINIST!RING BOARD Irp- —d) ' b. 'Do these governing officials exercise 311 of the powers listed in Item ia. above? ©Yes QNO flf •'R.' .wa -hirh .o, o. d,1... ad..d rA.th . r. 1h. odn u:a:rri., 6.. d a re an gran 6—d p. e;. U.) C. Does the idministering board have as a minimum the following powers ®.Vacs. o No rq•y'ro••,.rw.h _ (1) The right to reasonable advance notice of,.and an opportunity tomake recommendations to the governing officials concerning the exercise of all powers listed in Item Sa. which those officials have not delegoced to the administering board or to an area board or council. f2) Supervision of the administration of all OEO policies and -standards and of all program, adarinistratipe, and financial policies and rules adopted by the governing officials, including elaboration, supervision, and en- " foicemerre in the first instance, of all such policies and rules. Selection of its own officers, executive i:ommirece (if any), ind other committees. 71 State specifically what policies and procedures the governing board or administering board and governing officials have established to insure full and meaningful participation of the poor and area residents in the planning, develop- merlt,.implemenratio n, and evaluation of programs, as required in Sectioa 211(f) and CAP New* Si. . -fAu..6 ,.p..... ,6.., if ....... r.J- 1. "One-third of the administering board is made up of elected representatives of the_ poor from the six. target areas; they are elected democratically.. (Cf. Ordinance.7049, Sec. 2-92, b; .Commission By -Laws, -Art. III,. 2): 2. M_eetings of the administering board are held monthly at a tune and plsce'selected with special regard for the needs of the representatives of the -poor. (Commission By - Laws, Arta IV, 1). •3.- One of the three elected officials of the administering board must be an area represen- tative du-Ly elected by the target area people. (Commission By -Laws, Art, V, Sec. ly.. -A. All committees must reflect proportionately the three -fold composition of the Com- mission. (By -Laws; -Art. VI, Sec. -3; c): :. (Note: the Community'Services Department is still in its formative stage; as policies- -. and procedures are formulated to carry out goals and objectives -chosen by the Corir- mission, every effort will be made tb involve the poor and area residents in the plan- Aing, development, implementation, and evaluation of programs.) SECT70N 111. 80AR0 COMP?OSiT10N AND SELECTION a. The total number of seats on the Bosod.is 18 - Cf. City Ordinance No. 7049; Sec. •2-92; Commission By -Laws," Art. III Sec-' 4). A Representatives of the poor: _ a. The nurcber of seats reserved for representatives of the poor who reside outside of specified target areas is: • - NO. OF SEATS RESERVED s. Representatives or the poor: fCanti-4) b. The number of seats reserved for representatives of the poor in specified areas Of the community, as detailed below, is: > _ NO. OF SEATS RESa RVED SIX (6) ( Note: see attached map of target areas) - RO. OF SEATS AREA REPRESENTED NO. OF SEATS AREA REPRESENTLD 1 Area L (north-east Lubbock).: - Area 2 (north -central Lubbock) -- 1 ' Area '3 (central Lubbock) 1 Area 4 (east Lubbock) _ 1 -Area 5 (central -south-east. Lub ock) 1 Area 6 south-east Lubbock -c. Describe the metnods.Of democratic selection of the Area and non -*tea represecatives of the poor. -The representatives of the poor are chosen in. accordance with democratic selction procedures adequate to assure- that they- are representative of the poor in the urea to be _. served; they shall live in the _area they -represent; and "shall be chosen from six target areas -encompassing the, 1pw-income areas of Liibbock.. -All residents of •any given target . area may participate_ id the election; but special emphasis shall be plAced on insuring that, . _ those residents who are poor shall.participate fully in the election. • Target area boundaries. and the democratic. selection of representatives shall ie set and.accomplished'in such a rrian- ner as to insureproportionate of the -low_ income areas as a whole; _ (cf. City Ordinance No. 7049,.' Sec. 2-92,. b; Commission By -Laws, Art. III, . 2.) lc. Public officials and their representatives: a. Total number of seats is _ SIX. if a number of seats are being kept vacant because of unavailability " of officials willing and able to serve, explain and stare Dumber of vacancies that will be reserved fat chief elected public officials. b. Describe the tnetbodby which rhe.public officials are selected for representation on the board and list the title and political jurisdiction or agency of officials who will be represented. jUS. etlid...t sA..r if Public officials are selected by the City Council (Ordinance'7049, Sec. 2-92; a). - The six public officials selected for -Commission beginning April 1, 1975, .are: L Representative of City Council (Mayor•Roy -Bass was selected). " 2. Representative of City -County. Health Board.(A.".C. Bowden, president of the health � ' - board, .was selected): _ 3: Representative of Texas .Tech University* (Clyde Morganti, assistant to the president of Tech,- was selected} - : - -` •. 4. Representative of City of Lubbock Emergency Services (W- Hershel Shazp, Chief, Lubbock Fire Dept. was, selected):- _ S. Representative of County of Lubbock (Rodrick L. Shaw, county Judge, was selected), 6. Representative of Lubbock Independent School District (Warner Sims, director of Special Education, was selected)... ' CEO FORM 373 JAN 71 _} It. Private organizations and interests: a. Total number of seats reserved is SIX - b. List the private organizations and interests finally represented. TITLE OF REPRIMMTATIVIE �_•� •ORGANIZATION OR GROUP 1. ministerial, member -Lubbock Ministers' Association' - 2, active member & officer', Americ°an'Ass6ciation of Retired Persons, Lub- ' bock chapter. 3. member board of directors f. Lubbock Chamber of Commerce. ' 4. labor union officer - Central. Labor Council..' 5.-`staff member _ Lubbock"Christian College.'. 6.. member board of directors Community Planning Council. - e. How are the representatives of each group selected, once those groups have been.determined? The six private groups or organizations are selected -by the City Council.. The respective groups or organizations choose their -representative to'serve on -the Commission. - - ,(City Ordinance No. 7049, : Seca 2-92-, c. ). - d. How and by whom were the groups to be represented selected? List the names of all groups which were con- sidered and rejected. State the criteria for selection and the reasons for rejecting any groups of significance in the community: -The. groups vyere selected by the-City:Council on the basis of shown interest and .signi ficanre in the -community:- The City Council shall fiom'time to time select six privaie groups and interests. These private groups and lnterests should be business, industry,. labor' religious, welfare, education, -signs leant minority groups and other such major -private groups and interests -a-* are in the community. -:These groups shall -be. selected _ An a manner to insure that the commission will remain a continuing and effective meth= anism for securing broad community involvement: (Citybrdinance No. 7049, See: 2-92, e.) Consideration was given to choice •of. ethnic groups such as •N. A_ A. C. P. (black) and the G. I. Forum (chicano), but it was felt that it would be better, at least in the early stages of the Commission's existence," to-avoidpossible ethnic coafrotitations and press sures from within the Commission, especially since these are not the only. ethnic groups - purporting to represent the blacks and/or the browns:. The final choices were based on... having a well-rounded, city-wide representation of interested groups. - 1z. Does every board member who is selected &-represent a specific geographic area within the community reside in the area be represents? .. ® YES NO_ - a •h is. Do the agency by-laws or charter include provision for petitions for inclusion on the board by other representative groups of the. poor brother community sgeocies as required by Section 211(d) (2) and CAP l lemo at. and does this provision allow for expansion of the board fzbbiect so the S/ mem&rr linirarion) or revision of the make-up of the board in the event of -approval of such a petition? ® Yes 0 NO /J/"N.". ..Ptala.) r This "yes" answer has to be understood in the context of the total number of board mem- bers remaining at' 18: The. City Ordinance establishing the Commission -permits no flexi- bility in enlarging the Commission (Ordinance No. 7049, Sec. 2-92). However,. a pe.ti- tion procedure is provided in the By -Laws,' Art. 11I, Sec..2. Changes in the.member- ship of groups, agencies, or the representing public officials or' private groups.. can be inade by the City Council at its discretion. fAtaaeA ■ sejaz-ar A.d.r eaptaaari.a -Aare Sallie"" :put. Aa...I De.. ,.w:ddd re ea,t." f.tlr ur re.po....bew.) SECTION IV. 1REQU1REMCNTS FOR OTHER REPREStNTATIVE 130ARDS AND COMMITTEE! 14a. List the names of any executive or steering committees. I The By-L•aws provide fo= three standing committees: 1) Planning & Evaluation; 2) Ad-` ` ministrative; 3) Executive. • ;For duties cf: By -Laws, Article VI, Sec.. 1. tab, is each of the above committees in compliance with the"requirements of CAP Memo 81, concerning eomposicioa . and quoRtO? .. ® YEs 0 NO rif N.. eSpta.. Aaa, ed -AM ee.ytia.ea -iU be acawe.Q isa. List the names of any area policy boards and councils with major policy responsibilities as set forth in Section 211(e) and CAP Memo 81 and briefly describe their powers. Lubbock is in the area served by the South Plains Association of Governments (SPAG), which'reviews and comments on the.pkograms aid activities planned by agencies in a 15 county area. There are no other area policy boards and/ or councils pertaining to the City of Lubbock Community Service Department. tab. is each area, board or.eouneil in compliance with the representation requirements of CAP Memo 81? . • ® YES Q NO ' f!/!fs , aa.ae 1a):e:eriec aal ca esv4i. iw 1 ri.. e«.,t:..et Wit!M atArm41_ OEO FORM 375 JAu 71 .y. v is. ' a multi-councyXAA. does each counr have its own board for program activities within that county? . . YES NO if "Yes ', ate the county boards in compliance with the composition requirements of Ct Meru 81? n Yes ONO . A. _ SECTION V. BY-LAWS. CHARTER, ETC. •• - 17. Are the board requitcournts of CAP Memo 81 provided for in the chatter, by -lairs, or other basic written apes of the GA? - - ff3 YP3.7• 0 NO (J/•"fle': r+D6it,) - .. 7. Atnch a et<trent copy of the by-laws, chartir, or other documeotst - See attachment. ' it. Chat is the procedure for,amerRfias this document? :3 1. `.These t6r laws may, be amended, altered or revised by (a). a majority.v�te?of the: total Commission, :and (b) the subsequent approval of the City Council. _ 2. Proposed amendments, alterations or revisions must be placed on. the: agenda and :•. : >•notice' sent to each miembe� at least three days prior to meeting•in which changes s: • 'will be considered; notice must also be. posted in City Hall, and communicated through the city of L•vbbock information offiger_ (Cf_ Commission Ry-Laxvs_ Art VIM - SECTION VI. _ CERTIFICATION bP COMPLIANCE :Sip a„U*W. eertifteati_ ►rtr ) , !o. FOR AGENCY 3EEII1N6 PROVISIOYAL RecoGui 1oN AS NEM CAA, - The information provided in OEO Form 373 concerning present plans is accurate and complete. At such time as the proposed Community Action Agency has received provisional recognition by OEO and is pre - paced to commence operations and assume responsibility foe the community action program, it will be in full compliancy with the requicemt nts of CAP Memo 82 and Section 211 of the Economic Opportanity Act _ as amended.'[This 'certification concurred• in by the duly appointed exesuGide director- of Community Service Department:r¢i�t TYPEO NAM[ ANO TtTLZ OF OFFICIAL SUBMITTING CLRTIFICATION • - `�y ass:;: Mayo of : the -City) of "Lubbock, Texas SIGHJLru a .7 _ `yr . '=1. OR ►ROWSIONALLY RE W41 CAA. SE E£ING FULL RECOt:N1T10N' Thyrov;d n OEO Form 373 is accurate and complete. ' �. N. A.7- (N.—j. isincoopliancewith the.reemo 81 and Section 211'of the Economic Opportunity Act as amended, except asmalained in the form. The information and documentation set forth will be updatedtocur or upon request from OEO. - 7 - TYPED KAMEJAC TITI£ Of FICIAL. SUBMITTIRG CERTIFICATIO14 - SIG R AT E - .GATE APPLICATION FOR RECOGNITION OF -A I owe "H,,i "d' ' COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY (Form 370.1 SECTION 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ` 1. PROPOSED NAME OF COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY City of Lubbock, Community -Services Department ' NAILING ADDRESS fl)areifabfs) - A. HO. AND STN[ET B. CITY G STATE D. ZIP CODE P. O.-Box 2000 Lubbock Texas 79457 _ TCity Hall' *loth & Texas 1 NAME OF PERSON TO CONTACT . - - ti TELEPHONE NO. (l—find.-Arse Csnt.) Archibald M_ Bottoms, Executive.Director . 806-762-6411; Ext. 582 _ L NAME(S) OF POLITICAL, JURISDICTION(!) DESIGNATING COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY - The •Community Services Department is sponsored by the City -of Lubbock -as a ' department of the Public Services Division. A city ordinance (no. 7049) was enacted on March 27, . 1975, providing a new article X added to and amending .: Chapter 2 of-the..Code•of'ardinances of the City of Lubbock, ,Texas. Article-X is entitled "Community. Services' It provides: a) designation of the Ciiy Council as Governing:Boafd; b)'establishment'of the Community Services Department; _ and c) establishment of an. administrative (administering) board -entitled Community '.. ;. Services -ammission td.'IS THE DESIGNATED CAA ONE CURRENTLY APPROVED BY oval OYES. .. ©MO• - _ t• - 7• IS THE OESICNATEO CAA - •-. ' .. ® A STATE OR LOCAL GOVERNMENT, O SEPARATE /UBLIC AGENCY. r . O A PRIVATE NONPROFIT AGENCY. iJ TRIBAL COUMCILT -- ... S. NAMEt3) OF THE COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY WHICH WILL BE REPLACED BY THE.OES/QIATZD CAA: , Community Action hoard in Lubbock County'(organizatioa no. -.61021); which was terminated by CSA'as of March31; 1975. S: DATE PROPOSED FOR AQTWATION OR CAA October i, 1975 - G 10. ►uBLICNEARIMO - - ==--•. A. DATE PUIILK WOTICE OF NEARING WAS GIVLII B. DATE /"LIC NCARING WAS HELD March 8, 1975 _ First -hearing, March 1,�., 7975 G FORM IM WINCH NOTICE.OF NEARING WAS GIVEN - News media announced that -a public hearing on -proposed city'brdinance to establish: Community Services Dept. would beheld -id City Council chambers. 'City Halt • O. WAS EXISTING CAA NOTIFIED OF NEARINGI• OWES ®ieo, not specifically, since it was being phased out. - 11. NOTICE OF DESIGNATION TO SEGO AND POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS - - A. HAVE THE S[OO lndrlr dsaisali., jwislirni" is non a SIN.) AND ALL POLITICAL SUSDIVISIONS WITHIN THE AREA TO BE SERVEO •• BY THE CAA BEEN NOTIFIED.OF THIS DESIGNATION) • - E] Y ES . ONO ![splay B. DATEISI NOTICE OF OESIONATIOM WAS SENT - - April 1, 1975 (informal notification); July 31, 1975, formal notification SECTION II. ATTACHMENTS TO APPLICATION Two copies of the follQwing attachments should be -submitted With the application, as required by OEO Instruction 6302-2. pan H- I.. The designation documents (e.g., act, ordinance, or proclamation) together with the chief legal ufficer's certification _ where the chief esttnti.t has made the designation. • --cf. City Ordinance - No . - 7049. - 4. The notice of the designation sent to the SFOO'tagether with its response. • _ - _ _ , - i. OEO Fo m 372. "Anorney's Cen;fication," together with goeeming legal doctune— --:-Legal Dept. 110ii WOrkiII ' g- .. i on this. • 7. OEO Fora 37 % "Certification of.Catapliance with Section 211 of EOA." _A Itnip g RAP- - -. . R CAP Forst* 11. "Aaswranee of Citil 8igbcs Conpliaace. -Id hreupwriarT T..oe«i.:.. Plan. —Forms TA-4 TA 2,- and"419 attached.".• CERTI PICATION -- I CERTIFY that all the requirements of OEO Inscniction 6302-2 bave been complied With and that this application contains all of the information and doeumencs called for by those requirements. I further CERTIFY that the proposed Community Action Agency is able acid 1 willing cb carry out'che requirements of Section 201 of the Economic Opportunity Act and is willing to comply with prescoc OEO policies, regulations, and procedures as well as - with those that may subsequently be promulgated pursuant to law. - [This certification --is concurred in by me, . the duly appointed executive director_of the"City of Lubbock�s.Community Service• ' . Department: Ark TYPED HANK AND TITLE OF 011FICIAL SUBMITTING APPLICATIDN ' Roy Bass, Mayor' of the City 'of Lubbock,- Texas.'.. .SIGNATURE JDATE _ Y THREE YEAR FUNDING PLAN , Community Services Department, City of Lubbock `; " Funding period, October, 1,.1975 P. 0. Box 2CC0, Lubbock, Texas' 7,457 to September 30, 1975 Telephone (306) 762-6411, Ext. 562. P1anning Year One PLANNING YEAR l ; '.' PLANNING YEAR 2 PLANNING YEAR 3 f ' PA-01 3,570 AD'HIA'IST.RATION 1he Commission and the Department of. the Community Services of the City -of Lubbock will develop plans for action to achieve: 1. A viable and functioning community actior 1. Continued expansion of services to the 1. Continued expansion of services td the _agency in the city of Lubbock, poor as time and experience permits, poor as time and experience permits. 2. Increased participation of the poor. 2. Increased participation of the poor. 2.• Increased participation of the poor. 3. increased coordination with public and 3. Increased coordination with public and 3. Increased coordination with public and private groups towards institutional change private groups towards institutional change private groups towards -institutional change on behalf of the poor, on.behalf of the poor. on behalf of the poor. 4. A higher investment by public and•pri- 4. A higher investment by public and pri- 4. A higher investment by public and pri- vate groups in anti -poverty activities, vate•groups in anti -poverty activities, vate groups in anti -poverty Activities. 1 5. More efficient administration in the 5. More efficient administration in the 5. More efficient -administration in the areas of General and Fiscal Management, areas of -General and Fiscal Management, areas of General and Fiscal Management, Planning, Program Development, Coordination, Planning, Program Development,'Coordination, Planning, Program Development,.Coordination, .Mobilization of Resources, Data Collection, Mobilization of Resources, -Data Collection,• Mobilization of Resources, Data Collection, Evaluation, Board Support, Public Relations, Evaluation, Board Support,'Public Relations, Evaluation, Board Support, Public Relations, and possible Delegate Agency Support. and possible Delegate Agcney,Support. and possible Delegate Agency Support. ' � I THREE YEAR FUNDING. PLAN -Community Services Department, City of Lubbock Funding period, October 1, 1975 P. 0. Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79457 to September 30,.1975 Telephone (806)'762-6411, Ext. 582 Planning Year One PLANNING YEAR l PLANNING -YEAR 2 •. .' PLANNING YEAR 3 PA-05 GENERAL COMMU14ITY PLANNING 83,520 :20800) PROJECT A: INFORMATION AND REFERRAL CENTER ; A.1. Plan for a pilot program of information 6.,C'ontinue to develop and evaluate the*iri- 6. Continue to develop and evaluate the in - and referral. formation and referral center's activi=' formation'and referral' center's activitie A.2. Establish the information and referral ties, making sure that primary focus and particularly in the area of effectively emphasis ;emains centered on helping the helping the poor in their problems. center. poor, particularly in the areas of hous- A.3. Develop and maintain activities of in- ing, health care, and employment. formation and referral center �1720) PROJECT B: COUNSELING AND OUTREACH SERVICE. B.1. Provide counseling, advice, and direct- 7.•,'Fuither development of the counseling and 7. Continued development and evaluation of ion to the poor in overcoming and/or '..outreach services by possible expansion .. the counseling and outreach services. ameliorating their problems, particular .' of staff, staff training, focusing on.. ly those concerning the priority needs efficiency and quality of services de - of housing, health care, and employment. ::livered. B.2.•Develop a program of outreachworkers S. Development and evaluation of the inter - recruited from target areas; on both • relationship between. counseling -outreach`- employed and volunteer basis, to assist' services.and-the information and referral the counselors in making and maintainin ',..-center....:,: client contacts and in providing 'escort 9. Constant monitoring and evaluation of .the service and transportation of needy assistance given by direct financial aid clients to resources. to increase employment opportunities. 11.3. Provide direct emergency aid on a temp- orary basis to assist in solving prob- lems whose solution will increase the client's employmcnt opportunities. " x ' '+:.:;:.c .:•:+: '"�''�J .:''' c 3,1.,,,,:y:; ;;., . raga i or a p.aUuv S.. THREE YEAR FUNDING PLAN Community Services Department, City of. Lubbock `�; �' Funding period, October 1, 1975 P'. 0._ Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79457 .N :�: .;,;'"`. '-` y to September 30, 1975 Telephone (806) 762-6411, Ext. 582 '' ' ""`"' Planning Year One . PLANNING YEAR 1 PLANNING YEAR 2PLANNING YEAR 3 (1000) PROJECT Cs FORMATION OF NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS :"; •. C.1. Lay groundwork -for and planning for es- 10. Continue•to foster and develop activi- 8.�•Continue to develop and evaluate neighbor- tablishment of neighborhood groups in. ties of neighborhood groups, providing' hood groups; increase number'of neighbor - the target,areas.• training and technical assistance as a• hood groups if deemed useful in securing . C. Develop and establish at least one .needed. greater involvement of target area resi- neighborhood group in each of the six a dents in CAA: and community activities.. target areas. SUMMARY OF BUDGET REQUIREMENTS Community Services Department, City of Lubbock 916 Texas (P.O.Box 2000) Lubbock, Texas 79457 Funding Period, 10-1-75 to 9-30-76 Reffer to Pa e�in�s m PA # PROGRAM TITLE NOA REQUIRED Une e ded Tot 1 ed- era Sure 1 01 Administration 20,880 2,690* 23,570 5 05 General Community Planning 83,520 none 83,520 [5] [Project A: Information and (20,8001 Referral.Systcm] [9] [Project B: Outreach Coun- [61,720] `F seling Service] [12) [Project C: Formation of [1,000] Neighborhood Groups] TOTAL 104,400 2,690 107,090 *Unexpended funds left over on October 1 from 6,000 interim organizational funding from C.S.A. through South Plains. C.A.A. II. � .., , 41 OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY - APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM (FOR OEO USE) BAT[ R[eElv[D Reserved lop SUMMARY OF WORK PROGRAMS AND BUDGET (Please type or print clearly, See instructions on reversed (OEO Instruction 6710.1) 0,118 approval 1. NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY 2. NAME OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR IS. PHONE (include area code) PROGRAM YEAR S. GRANTEE NO. , FROM 10-1-75' TO 9-30-76 Community Services Department, City of..Lubbocki.Texas Archibald M. Bottoms ,806-762-6411 G. STREET ADDRESS 7. CITY. s. STATE S�' i1P CODE.10. .PLAN MBAR _ ,.� .,, •I '• _ 916 Texas (P.O.Box 2000) Lubbock :Texas. 7.9457' :. ® 1 �� 2 `' 3 :� d [].3 Three Year Plan. ;' Pages,l of 16 pages .• ,• ., ti.PROJECT TITLE AND aTA TEM ENTREQUIRED.E OF 12. PRIOR' 1s. .. .. .• .. ACTIVITIES TO ACHIEVGOAL 1e• TIME TABLE PROGRAM YEAR QTR. - •1 a. .' ... .' .. TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSIST,1NCE REOUIt ao to PA 17.. Ogg FUNDS, Is. NO. 1AOs. It. oTH ER RESOURCEI AVAILABLE (Sp City aataanS ONE-YEAR GOALS ITY - • •, a .. •1 e and faster) Say 2NO 3RD 4TH ADMINISTRATION Ol 23,570 12 3,375 from- The Commission and the ; Texas Dept. of Community Department of Community 7 for Affairs, City of Lub- Service; bock, will develop' " a r .Human Delivery Sys - plans to achieve: - :tem., 1. A viable and functio - 1. The Community Services Depart-: ing CAA in Lubbock. ment, starting anew as a CAA with ' • no inheritance of personnel, re'-' cords, or equipment from the pre- vious CAA,•will: .. a) Establish ,headquarters" in of '. face spaced provided by the City I of Lubbock, and secure necessary: x office equipment: b) Comply with•.equal opportunity employment practices through 'of-`.. firmative action 'in building 'a . x x'; x• x staff, beginning`-�with one'eompeten ' secretary who is.:bi-linguali, "! s 20. AID TO MINORITY ENTERPRIaEa Z. 21. TOTALS CARRIED FORWARD FROM PREVIOUS PAGES (1/411) ! r .w zz. GRAND TOTAL 23,570 23..LESS ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED FUNDS (Carryover) 2 ,690 ze. NET ADDITIONAL FUNDS REQUESTED FROM OEO (Item 22 minus 23) 20,880 CERTIFICATION 26. THIS APPLICATION HAS DECN (Check "a" or "b" as appropriate.) - - A copy of thfsapplication has been forwarded to the State Governor's office. It is understood and 1! A, M] Approved by the applicant's, a. a Reviewed by the, applicant's adminisketlns agreed by the undersigned that any scant received as a result of this application will be subject to ' governing board. - board and approved by Its governing officids. ; . _ the SQeral condli(ons sovecalas CAP grants, •, 26. NAM[ AND TITLE OF PRINCIPAL GOVERNING OFFICIAL OR PRINCIPAL OFFIC[R OF GOVERNING BOARD 271' SIGNATURE ' altOATL 79. OATk OF 00ARD AP.- PROVAS. ,. Roy Bnss, Mayor of the City of Lubbock: nFn FORM 419 (Tact) AIIC. 71 Rtir,I.A'CFn CAP FORM 1, DATED AVG 00, WHICH. MAY nE UOLD UNTIL JAN 71. Pope 2 of 16- - SUMMARY OF WORK PROGRAMS AND BUDG5T • Continuation Shoet Rr3rrvadfor . OMB Approval NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY PLAN YEAR DATE SUBMITTED GRANTER NO. Community Services Department City of Lubbock Texas [21 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 ❑ 4 ❑ S Se t. 1 1975 PROJECT TITLE AND STATEMENT OF PRIOR• I, ACTIVITIES REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE GOAL TIME AD LIE PRO GRAM(CA R QTR. TRAINING AND TECHNICAL A3313TANCE REQUIRED PA OEO FUNDS NO. MOS. OTHER RCSOURCCS AVAILABLC (Sp901fy dMOvni 18T 7ND 3RD 4 T H ONE-YEAR GOALS and sowcef c) Contract with Bell Tel. Co. for extension of.City Hall telephone x system into CAA office. 2. Significant movement toward accomplishing the three national goal of Community Service Ad- ministration: I. Increased participa- I.a. Publicity will be initiated and tion of the poor. maintained to inform the poor of their role in CAA, and to encourage x x x ?c their participation in CAA and in community affairs. I.b. Continue and increase involve- ment of elected representatives in serving as liaison between Commis- x x x x sion and target areas. I.c. Publicize the fact that Commis- sion meetings are open in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, x x x x and encourage attendance of the poor. I.d. Publicize widely the annual e- lection of three target area repre- sentatives; encourage poor to parti- x x x x cipate both as'candidates and as voters. I.e. Assist in forming neighborhood groups to further participation of the poor in CAA program planning, x x x x priority setting, and evaluation. TOTAL THIS PAGE OCO FORM 419 (T-1) ri— iI rnA ne r:.70+r Pop_ 9 of 16 SUMMARY OF WORK PROGRAMS AND BUDGET - Continuation Sheet Reuerved for OUB Approval NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY - PLAN YEAR DATE SUBMITTED GRAN 7EQ NO, Community Services Department, City of Lubbock, Texas 0 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 ❑ 4 O s Sept. 1, 1975 PROJECT TITLE AND STATEMENT PRIOR- ITY - ACTIVITIES REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE GOAL ' TIME TABLE PRO GRAMYEAR QTR. TRAINING AND TECHNICAL - ASSISTANCE REQUIRED PA QED FUNDS - NO. MOS. OTHER RESOURCES AVAILABLE _ (Specify amount 1ST 1ND 7R0 ATH ONE-YEAR GOALS S oad source) II. Increased coordina- II.a. Strive to achieve joint plan-. ion with public and pri ning with other agencies; cooperate 'ate groups towards in- in their planning, and invite them x x x x titutional change on be to participate in CAA planning. alf of the poor. II.b. Seek increased involvement of civic, ecclesiastical and community x x x r. based organizations in CAA work.., II.c. Encourage attendance of repre- sentatives of the poor and of neigh- borhood groups at meetings of civic x x x x groups, to inform the latter of low- income family needs and to present efforts toward soliciting their support. II. A higher investment III.a. Foster a.two-way flow of com- y public and private munication between poor and non -poor roups in anti -poverty particularly a further flow of com- ctivities. munication from the poor in the tar- x x x x get areas and their further involve- ment in community affairs. III'ib. Promote staff and Commission representatives appearance on T.V: x x -x x and over radio on interview programs III.c. Make available to local or- ganizations a speakers' bureau to provide informative programs about x x x x CAA at meetings. III.d. Urge various resources such as church and civic organizations to contribute in -kind support and x x x x volunteer work. TOTAL THIS PACE OEO FORM 419 (Toss) NOY 71 aSA Dr. 72.7647 Pape 4 or 16 SUMMARY OF WORK PROGRAMS AND BUDGET • Continuation Shoot Reserved for OMB Approval NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY PLAN YEAR DATE SUBMITTE& GRANTEE NO, Community Services Department; City of Lubbock, Texas ® 1 p 2 0 3 [] 4 S Sept. 1, 1975 PROJECT TITLE AND STATEMENT OF PRIOR ITV ACTIVITIES REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE GOAL ' . TIME TABLE PROGRAMYEAR QTR. TRAININO AND TECHNICAL' • ASSISTANCE REQUIRED PA OEO PUN D9 NO. MOS. OTHER RESOURCES AVAILABLE (Specify amougt IST 2ND SRD 4TH ONE-YEAR GOALS and source) III.e. Establish and maintain rap- port and cooperative relationship with other organizations and agencie working with the poor; develop plans x x x x to overcome obstacles, if any, to serving poor. III.f. Work with schools to offer educational programs on the prob- x x x .x lems of poverty in Lubbock. 3. An efficient adminis— tration in the areas of 3.a. Make efficient use of the ad - general and fiscal mana e- ministrative services and expertese ment, planning, program available from and through the City development, coordination, of Lubbock; services such as account mobilization of resources, ing, legal, purchasing, personnel, x x x x data collection, evalu- public relations, etc. ation, advisory board support, public relatio s, 3.b. Train and supervise the staff and possible delegate a in the efficient use of time and x x x x gooey support. energy. 3.c. Cooperate with other agencies to prevent overlap and duplication x x x x of services. 3.d. C.S.A. and T.O.E:O training x x 3.d. Request assistance in. training of all staff and board members, especially those associated with or mem- bers of the planning committee. Train board members regarding their responsibilities to the e poor, the general community, and their respective groups. TOTAL THIS PAGE OEO FOR/A 419 (Toil) rinv n f5A DC 72.764f OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY • APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM (FOR OEO USE) DATE RECEIVED Reserved for SUMMARY OF WORK PROGRAMS AND BUDGET (Please typo or print clearly. See Instructions on roverse.l =014struetion Ay10.1) OMB approval 1. NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY .. 3. NAME OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR a. PHONE (include area code) I A. PROGRAM YEAR s. GRANTEE NO; mom TO 1.806-;-762-6411,10-1-75` Community Services Department, City of -Lubbock, -'Texas' Archibald M. Bottoms 9-30-76 0. STREET ADDRESS 7. CITY al, STATE a:' ZIP 'CODE to. PLAN YEAR• 916 Texas (P.O.Box 2000) Lubbock Texas 7.9457 . , „ 1 ;:❑ 2 3 0 4 ., `(� 5 Three Year Plan. Page 5 of 16'pages. I=' PROJECT TITLE AND STATEMENT OF 13. PRIOR- 13. •. '' ,.; ,• ACTIVITIES REQUIRED:TO ACHIEVE GOAL" '� IA' TIME TABLE PROGRAM YEAR QTR. 13. :• '; .' a TRAINING AND TECHNICAL , 10;; PA 17. .. ? O[O FUNDS. ,• U. NO. It -OTHER RESOURCE AVAILABLE ONE-YEAR GOALS ITY :: .t 1' L A3SISTANC[ REQt)I RED �' Mae. (Specify amount and source) 1ST 3ND SRD 4TH GENERAL COMMUNITY 1 05 83,520 12 PROGRAMMING In a June survey conduc - ed by C.S.D., the great- est needs of the poor, -• "' r ._ _ ; in their own opinions, pertain to 1. Housing, t' 2. Health care, and 3. - Employment (see attache ; summary). The Communit • ' Services Commission a- _ V 1• dopted the folloWing projects as the best means, in view of all _ 4 the circumstances, to address those needs: PROJECT A. INFORMATION AND REFERRAL CENTER -'' [20,800) A.1. Plan for a..pilot A.l.a. Determine 'the specific need (orit Hate o pi 7) •,0. ' ".• 30. AID,TO MINORITY ENTERPRISES 31. TOTALS CARRIED FORWARD FROM PREVIOUS PAGES (!/an 1" 7�: h-'.w!�."'Yi''^2 ta.. GRAND TOTALr20,8001sF: t c ,• r i;•v 33, 'LESS ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED FUNDS (Carryover) ze. NET ADDITIONAL FUNDS REQUESTED FROM OEO fltern 22 minus 23) 208001 LCR I1T1LA 1 RJR 36. TN13 APPLICATION HAS OEfiN (Check "a" or ='b" as appropriate.) A copy of this application has been forwarded to. the State GOYCrnOr'a office. It is understood and A. CD Approved by the applicant's a. Go Reviewed by the applicant's administering agreed by the undersigned that any grant received as a result of this application Will be subject to governing board, bond and approved by lu governing officials. the �Fal tonJltlon■ governing GAP granu. 30. NAM[ AND TITLE OF PRINCIPAL GOVERNING OFFICIAL OR PRINCIPAL• OFFICER OF GOVERNING OOARD30. DATE 39. OAT[ OF •OARD AP - Roy Bass, Mayor of the City of Lubbocic jS 8-�=75' PROYAL 0110 FORM •119 (Test) Akin i1 IIC1.LACI'9 CAq rortM 1, DATCU) AUG OR, will rill MAY nR V3t:0 UNTIL JAn 73. ✓UNL'� �y�-- A SUNRAARY OF THE OVERALL NEEDS OF THE POOR AS SHOWN BY THE SURVEY OF THE SIX TARGET AREAS (arranged in priorities by groups) 1- HOUSING Some people need more room and better housing but can't afford it. (1) Some people need loans to repair their houses. (8) Cj Some people need information about what help is available for housing. (15) Housing codes and zoning laws not enforced sufficiently_ (32) c • o . 2. HEALTH CARS - ;Vt Cost of medical Care is too high. (2) ::.•• Local hospitals won't take all low income people_ (3) m Need community health and counseling center. (13) Older people need more medical care. (22) Some families need advice and assistance in family.planning.- (23) Some children don't have enough clothes to wear to school.: (26) U Better rodent and animal control. (30)rr - ;1_-- 3. EMPLOYMENT.' '�.' '- ' - ' • ".'; High school studneed Bummer jobs. (4) � er Wages are too low. (6) ::..' • ; There are not enough jobs in this area. (10) Some pe caWt get jobs because of lack of education and training:`. (12) Some women.cant work because no one can take care of their younger children. (17) ='= . Older people need opportunity for part time wozlc. (24) t:-4. NUTRTTiON ` t o r Groceries cost too'much iti this area. (5) '. ' •'` ::' ' :: : ' ` Some families lack 'money for their children to eat lunch at school every day:. (30) Emergency food at no cost.- (write iW ., rrr _ -5. COMMUNrrr FACILITIES MoreJday-care centers and child care facilities. (7) Area needs more police and fire protection. {� _ Young people need more recreation facilities. (Il) -' Elderly and handicapped need transportation. (16) - {-;? Area needs mare.community centers. (19) i'- Senior citizens center and prograns<_(27) 6. EDUCATION`. More children need, pre-school education. (14) :a-7 _ 3 Young people need loans and help to go to college. (18) - 41 - a' '' z Children need special help in school '. (20) j Care and training of children. ' (21) _ More opportunities for adult education and learning. (28) Some people would like to learn English. (33) � Community education programs in Spanish- (34) - - Some people would like to get a high school diploma. (35) 7. LEGAL AID High cost of borrowing money. (25) Some people need a lawyer.- .(29). { Papa-7— 61_16 ____ SUMMARY OF WORK PROGRAMS AND BUDGET • Continuation Sheot Reserved for OUB Approval NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY PLAN YEAR DATE SUBMITT D GRANTEE NO. ' Community Services Department, City of Lubbock, Texas © I ❑ 2 ❑ 3 ❑ 4 ❑ 5 Sept. 1, 1975 PROJECT TITLE AND STATEMENT OF PRIOR- - ACTIVITIES REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE GOAL TIME TABLE PROORAMYEAR QTR. TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE REQUIRED PA Ofi0 FUNDS NO. MOS. OTHER RESOURCES AV AILADLE ($pee/)y amount ONE-YEAR GOALS ITY - - and source) 1ST 2NO 2RD 4TM program of information of the community in reference to in - Ind referral. formation and referral. x x x x A.l.b. Meet with representatives of local agencies to plan and develop x x x x a comprehensive city-wide informa- tion system. A.2. Establish the in- A.2.a. Set up information center in formation and referal CAA headquarters under supervision x center of executive director. A.2.b. Search for and employ compe- tent person to coordinate and open - ate the information and referral x center and to provide communication with counselors and outreach workers A.2.c. Contract with Bell Tel. Co. for at least a two-line rotary tele- x phone system. A.2.d. Publicize extensively and continuously the existence and availability of the information and x x x x referral center. A.2.e. Work with either telephone clients or walk-in clients. x x x x A.2.f. Operate I & R center in even- ing as well as during day, six days per week; eventually to serve seven x x x x days per week, 24 hours per day. A.2.g. Recruit and train volunteers to assist in answering telephone x x x x and gathering information. TOTAL THIS PAGE OEO FORM 419 (Tnsl) rinv is GSA DC 72.7647 Pape_ of1g_ SUMMARY OF WORK PROGRAMS AND BUDGET- Continuation Sheet Reserved for OMB Approval NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY PLAN YEAR DATE SUBMITTED GRANTER NO, Community Services Department, City of Lubbock, Texas ® 1 ED 2 C:) S [] 4 C:] 5 Sept. 1, 1975 PROJECT TITLE AND STATCMENT OF PRTYR- ACTIVITIES REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE GOAL TIME TABLE PROGRAMYEAR QTR. TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE REQUIRED PA DEC FUNDS NO. MOS. JOTHER RESOURCES AVAILABLE ($p ac(fy amount 1ST 2NO SRO 4TH ONE-YEAR GOALS *ad source) A.Z. Develop and main- A.3.a. Focus emphasis on helping the tain activities of in- poor in the priority needs of hous- x x x x formation and referral ing, health care, and employment. center. A.3.b. Create and maintain a resourc file; gather information from other agencies and transfer to files; up- x X. x x date resource file on a continuing basis. A.3.c. Provide the poor with accur- ate, up-to-date information about community resources providing help with housing problems, health and x x x x social services, and employment. A.3.d. Provide referrals to agencies for those inquirers who need them. x x x x A.3.e. Provide follow-up services to those who received referrals, and to other inquirers deemed to have•need x x x x of this service. A.3.f. Provide escort service to those who need it, including trans- portation to agency and a companion to help negotiate with the agency, x x x x if needed. A.3.g. Increase public awareness of the existence of human service agen- cies, including the information and referral center and its follow-up x x x x outreach. TOTAL TIIIS PAGC I'MIMA19__.LT,,•_Il__..._L asA ur. ?P-1n4? SUMMARY OF WORK PROGRAMS AND BUDGET • Continuation Sheet Reserved for OUB Apprava! NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY PLAN YEAR - DATE SUOMI TTES GRANTEE NO. ' Community Services Department, City of Lubbock, Texas ® 1 p 2 C7 3 [] 4 [j 5 Sept. 1, 1975 PROJCCT TITLE AND STATEMENT OF PRIOR- ACTIVITIES REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE GOAL TIME TABLE PROGRAMYEAR QTR. - TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE REQUIRED PA QED FUNDS NO. mos. OTHER RESOURCES AVAILADLE (Specify amount ONE-YEAR GOALS ITY aAd sa Wce) 1ST SND SRD ATH A.3.h. Provide reports about ser- vices and needs that will enable local agencies and'service planners to make more useful recommendations about day-to-day operations as well as programmatic and policy changes. x x x x A.3.i. Maintain a constant evalua- tion of the operation of the center .o to insure both efficient operation and that the primary focus and em- phasis remains on serving the poor and the needy in the areas of great- x x x x est need. A.3.j. Increase the access to and the utilization of health and social services for existing and potential x x x x center -users. A.3.k. Assist in developing and ex- panding all services to the poor and needy with emphasis on housing, health care, and employment. x x x x A.3.1. Work with Texas State Depart- ment of Welfare to establish and.. maintain a transportation system for Medicaid recipients in the county of Lubbock. x x x x A.3.m. Work with Texas Tech Medical School to help bring together their resources and the needy. x x x x TOTAL THIS PAGE OEO FORM 419 (Tosl) Nay rI nSA DC 77.7642 OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY • APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM "r ! . (FOR OEO USE) DATE RECEIVED Reserved Jar ' SUMMARY OF WORK PROGRAMS AND BUDGET (Please type or print clearly. See instructions on reverse,) (0E0 instruction 6710.) GIfD approval . 1, NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY A. NAME OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 2. PHONE (Include area Cade) s. • PROGRA YEAR s. GRANTEE NO. IROM 10-1-75 TD 9-30-76 Community Services Department, City of Lubbock; Texas Archibald M. Bottoms 806-762-6411 a. STREET AODRE35 7. CITY • s. STATE 0.' ZIP CODE 10. PLAN YEAR. •• - •` '• " j "• - 916 Texas (P.O.Box 2000) Lubbock Tex ag '79457 ' ® 1 fn 2 Q 3 .❑ 4 [] 5 ,Three, Year. Plan.. Page10 of 16 pages tl. PROJECT TITLE AND STATEMENT OF 12. PRIOR- t2. •` '' . '• �' ACTIVITIES REQUIRED 70 ACHIEVE GOAL tt' TIMETABLE PROGRAM YEAR QTR. IS,.. .�, .,, „ •• TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ,.. ASSUTANCE REQUIRED: ter PA U. _ .Q [O FUNDS- 1J. NO. mos. iS.OTM ER RElDURCEI AVAILABLE ($pacify amount ON E•Y EAR GOALS ITY and source) is 2ND 8R0 sTH PROJECT B. COUNSELING c , r [61,720] AND SERVICE OUTREACH B.1. Provide counseling, B.l.a. All activities of•the: coup - advice, and directionto seling and outreach••services to.be !' : the poor in overcoming under direct supervision and - con-:' or ameliorating their tinuous guidance Of CAA.executive. x x s° x problems, particularly director. . those concerning the B.l.b. Working viithand through the ' a priority needs of hous- City s personnel, dept:,'employ a s. ing, health care, and housing expert--i:e., a counselor ' employment. knowledgable in and/or cap abie'ofI. acquiring .knowledge of possible. , resources to help the pobr in the variety of housing problems that ' beset them. x B.l.c. Working with"'and through the .. City's personnel-dept., employ a ,. . counselor knowledgable in and/or ". capable of acquiring knowledge,'of possible employment.�resources x 20. AID TO MINORITY ENTERPRISEa .� at. TOTALS CARRIED FORWARD FROM PREVIOUS PAGES (!/an) "' `%X"'_l;<: rr +jwL's::•>•"�:::s:s :; 2a. GRAND TOTAL r61.72oi 23. LESS ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED FUNDS (Carryover) 2t. NET ADDITIONAL FUNDS REQUESTED FROM 0ED (Item 22 minus 23) [61, 720] CERTIFICATION ' 26. THIS APPLICATION WAS OLEN (Check "a" or "b" as appropriate.) - _ A copy of this eppiication has bepe forwarded to the State Governor's office. It is undetatood and - t A. Q Approved by the applicant's a. CoReviewed by the applicant's adminiatecing agreed by the undersigned Abet say grant received as a result of Ibis application will be subject to governing board. board cad approved by Its governing officials. the ge el conditions soverning CAP scants. 26. NAME AND TITLE OF PRINCIPAL GOVERNING OFFICIAL OR PRINCIPAL OFFICER OF GOVERNING OOAnD 27. SIGNATURE" 2s. OATf. —y ,2s. DATE OF BOARD AP•'"' �(•(` Q(� 1 !� Roy Hass, Mayor of the City of Lubbock ' ••` U PROVAL 010 FORM 419 (Tasq A"C 71 REI.LACfs CAP FnriM 1, DATI"n AUG /a, WIIICH MAY nr USLO UNTIL JAN 72. Pago 11., of 16 SUMMARY OF WORK PROGRAMS AND BUDGBT - Continuation Shoot Reserved for OAfB Approval NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY PLAN YEAR _ DATE SUBMITTED GRANTEE NO. Community Services De ® 1 02 [] 3 0 4 p 5 Se t. 1 1975 PROJECT TITLE AND STATEMENT OF PRIOR- - ACTIVITIES REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE GOAL TIME TABLE PROGRAMYCAR QTR. TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE REQUIRED � - PA Ofi0 FUNDS NO. MOS. OTHER RESOURCES AVAILABLE (Specify amOunl ONE-YEAR GOALS 1TY - and source) 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH B.l.d. Work to obtain better housing for an estimated 50 families; pro- vide home counseling for all couples and/or heads of households seeking adequate standard housing; this would include home maintainance care, budgeting, purchasing and con- x x x x sumer education, financing, banking, all varieties of insurance, and community involvement. B.l.e. Provide counseling concern- ing job opportunities and advice as to educational opportunities for x x x x disadvantaged. B.l.f. Work with City's Community Development program in effectively reaching those with greatest housing x x x x problems. B.l.g. Utilize City's personnel de- partment to employ trained nurse with experience in community health planning, to assist the poor with counseling and direction in the areas of health needs indicated in C.S.D.'s survey; provide counseling concerning food and nutrition; ad- x x x x vise and direct to proper use of food; assist in establishing proper nutrition for every person. ' B.l.h: Assist an estimated 500 fam- ilies to receive better health care. x x x x TOTAL THIS PAGE nFn FOPM 419 (Toss) Nov n GSA DC 72.7042 Pago il— a(--16— SUMMARY OF WORK PROGRAMS AND BUDG5T • Continuation Sheot I Reserved for nun J? NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY PLAN YEAR DATEsuami TTio GRANTEE NO. Community Services Department, City of Lubbock, Texas Ej] I ED 2 C3 3 04 CD 5 Sevt. 1. 1975 PROJECT TITLE AND STATEMENT OF PRIOR- ITY ACTIVITIES REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE GOAL TIME TABLE PROC;HAMYEAR QTR. TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE REQUIRED PA OCO FUNDS No. MOS. OTHERRESOURCES AVAILABLE (Specify atno"s IST ZNP 3RO 4TH ONE-YEAR GOALS and source) B.l.i. Schedule the three counselors to work on specific days ineachof x x x x the six target areas: B.l.j. Define and establish a system of supervision and evaluation of counseling specialists that will al- x x x x low the measurement of the effective- ness and efficiency of services. B.l.k. Publicize services available from counselors and their schedule of availability. x x x x B.I.I. Coordinate work of counselors with that of other agencies to pre- vent overlap and duplication of ser- x XL X X vices. B.l.m. Ascertain usable resources of Texas TdchL11J",.and Lubbock Christian College, not only for volunteers but for technical assistance. x X. x X B.l.n. Secure agreement with city's Parks and Recreation Dept. for of- fice space in community centers lo- cated in the target areas, out of x X. x x which counselors can work., B.l.o. Investigate the usefulness and feasibility of providing mobile counseling offices in conjunction with transportation services and x X x x the neighborhood information offices to be housed in the community center TOTAL THIS PACE C,5A Or. 72-1042 PD9o_13—' or SUMMARY OF WORK PROGRAMS AND BUDGET - Continuation Shoat Reserved for OAIB Approval NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY PLAN YEAR - DATE SUBMITTED" GRANTEE NO. Community Services Department, City of Lubbock, Texas ® 1 0 2 C3 3 C3 4 0 s Sept. l 1975 PROJECT TITLE AND PRIOR- - TIME TABLE PROGRAM YEAR OTR. TRAINING AND TECHNICAL PA 0E0 FUNDB NO. OTHER RESOURCES AVAILABLE STATEMENT OF STY ACTIVITIES REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE GOAL ASSISTANCE REQUIRED MOS. (SpeClfy=ouni 1ST 3NO SRO 4TH ONE-YEAR GOALS and dource) B.l.p. Provide access to translator and/or typing service, and any other type of help necessary to remove barriers to information, communica- tions, or transportation that pre-- x x x x vent the poor from participating in actions that can help to remove or to reduce their dependency. B:2. Develop a program B.2.a. Define the nature and scope of outreach workers re of the outreach services to be de- cruited from target veloped to help mitigate barriers areas, on both employe preventing the poor from participat- and volunteer basis, tc ing in actions that could reduce, x x x x assist the counselors their state of dependency. in making and maintain B•2.b. Using City's personnel Ber- ing client contacts anc vices, employ at least three people in providing escort from the target area.to serve as service and transpor- outreach workers to assist the coup- tation of needy client selors in serving the target area x x to resources. residents according to needs. B.2.c. Enlist and train volunteers from target areas to assist outreach x x x x workers. B.2.d. Define and establish a system of outreach service supervision and evaluation which will allow measure- ment of the effectiveness and ef- ficiency of the outreach services x x x x provided. ' TOTAL THIS PACE OCO FORM 419 (Tort) Nov 71 GSA DC 72.7641 page 14 of Itj SUMMARY OF WORK PROGRAMS AND BUDGET - Continuation Shoat Reserved for OUB Approval NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY PLAN YEAR DATE SUBMITTRO GRANTER NO. Community Services Department, City of Lubbock, Texas ® t ❑ 2 ❑ 3 ❑ 4 0 5' Se t. 1 1975 PROJECT TITLE AND STATEMENT OF PRIOR ACTIVITIES REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE GOAL TIME TABLE PROGRAMYEAR QTR. TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE REQUIRED PA DEG FUNDS NO. )AD&. OTHER RESOURCES AVAILABLE (Specify amount ONE-YEAR GOALS ITY . and source) IST 3NO 3RO 4TH B.3. Provide direct em- B.3.a. Careful and judicious aid ergency aid to assist in areas that will assist the client . in solving problems to become more productive for him- x x x x whose solution will in- self, his family, and the community. crease employment op- B.3.b. Work to avoid duplication portunities of client. of services. x x x x I B-3.c. Strive to avoid such help as would increase dependency rather that decrease it. x x x x B.3.d. Temporary, one time help; e.g., providing eye -glasses, false - teeth, tools of trade, etc. x x x x TOTAL THIS PACE OEO FORM 09 (To,t) rlr.v ii AAA DC 77.764P OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY - APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM (FOR OEO USE) DATE Racziveo Reserved for SUMMARY OF WORK PROGRAMS AND BUDGET (Please type or print clearly. See instructions on reverse-) (OEO Instruction eylo-I) 1 OMD approval 1. NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY .. , 2. NAME OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 2. PHONE (Include area code) 1. PROGRAM EAR a. GRANTEE NO. FROM 10-1-75 TO 9-30-76 .:. Community Services Department, City of Lubbock, .. Archibald'M. Bottoms: ' 806-762-6411 - a. STREET ADDRESS 7CITY STATE-a ZIP COOS. 10. PLAN YEAR 916 Texas . (P. O. Box 2000) Lubbock Texas 79457 ;: ® 1 ; Q 2 ` E�] 7 [] 1 ', . 0 3 ' Three' Year Plan. Page 15- of 16. pages tt. PROJECT TITLE AND 12. IS,,. 1, _.:' 1e• TIME TABLE le. ,. .' :,�• :; le. 17. - 'FUN ,e. .1e.OTHER RESOURCE STATEMENT OF PRIOR• ACTIVITIES REOUIREO TD ACNIEVE'GOAL' PROGRAM YEAR QTR. TRAINING AND TECHNICAL - , ASSISTANCE RED, PA , 0E0 DS. NO. MOS. AVAILABLE (Specify amount ONE-YEAR GOALS ITY , - - - and fOYIC c) IST 2ND LRO eTH PROJECT C: FORMATION OF [1,000]: NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS C.1. Lay groundwork for C.l.a. Seek ouv and advise with. and planning for estab- target area residents who have.'had :• o.r lishment of neighborhool previous experience with neighbor_ ; x x •J groups in the target hood groups. , areas. C.l.b. Organize discussions with. target area community leaders con= 1 corning establishment of, neighbor- .cx x ,. . hood groups. ' C.1.c. Publicize the plans for.es- tablishing neighborhood groups and r j. the reasons for.and.usefulness of such groups to.target area resi- dents: viz., to provide •.means of. x ,. x unified community involvement and. interest on the part of target area residents. A: J, ao. AID,TO MINORITY ENTERPRISES at. TOTALS CARRIED FORWARD FROM PREVIOUS PAGES (If arty) ty ..;gt ._ ti :++:: y .•u :.,:,:; ,y,,,., u. GRAND TOTALr1,0001z. ,.` • ' ` ..y: } ts. LESS ESTIMATED' UNEXPENDED FUNDS (Cdrryover) 2e. NET ADDITIONAL FUNDS REQUESTED FROM OEO (Item 22 minus 23) l 000 CERTIFICATION ta. THIS APPLICATION HAS BEEN (Check "a" or "b" as appropriate.) A copy of this Apylication haa.beps foiwirded to the -State GOVttaOr'f O(flCt, It Is understood and A. C] Approved by the applicant's B. GE Reviewed by the sppllcsnt d administerins 1 . �' Weed by the ua etsigAW that any Stan received as a result of this application will be subject to sovernins board. board and approved by Its j{overnins officials. the enersl conditions sovemlas CAP slants. 26. NAME AND TITLE OF PRINCIPAL GOVERNING OFFICIAL OR PRINCIPAL OFFICER OF GOVERNING DOARD 27. 9113NATURC 2a. Dtg ,1e. DATE OF BOARD AP- Roy Bass, Mayor of the City of Lubbock J ((/' ��.Zs PROVAL . en OU stq (Tcst) AUG.71 REPLACCS CAP FORM 1, DATCO AUG 06. WHICH MAY BE USUD UNTIL JAN 72. SUMMARY OF WORK PROGRAMS AND BUDGET - Continuation Sheet Reserved for OAID Approval ' NAME OF APPLICANT AGENCY ' PLAN YEAR DATE iU EMITTED GRANTEQ NO. Community Services De artment City of Lubbock Texas ®t ❑ 2 ❑ 3 ❑ 4 ❑ S. Sept. 1, 1975 i TITLE AND PROJECT STATEM STATEMENT OF S TA Tfi PRIOR- • ACTIVITIES TI Qi REQUIRED TO ACHIEVQ GOAL . TIME TABLE PROGRAMYEAR QTR. ,. TRAINING AND TECHNICAL • ASSISTANCE REQUIRED PA OEO FUNDS NO. MOS. OTHER RESOURCES AVAILABLE (Specify amour! ONE-Y•E_AR COALS* i ITY and source) IST 2ND SRO 4TH { C.2. Develop and estab- C.2.a. Plan and advertize target- lish at least one neigh- area community-wide,meetings,to form x x x borhood group in each of neighborhood groups. the six target areas. C.2.b. Direct formation of groups with goals, by-laws,'officers, etc. x x x C.2.c. Utilize neighborhood groups } in the CAA planning and evaluation x x x i stages. TOTAL THIS PAGE .•nnu Mtn fT-1