HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 5892 - Proposal - USDHUD - Parenting Cottage-Bright Beginnings Program, CDBG - 06_11_1998Resolution No.5892 Item No. 34 June 11, 1998 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock to sign and submit the Parenting Cottage — Bright Beginnings proposal, and all related documents to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Said proposal is attached hereto, and incorporated in this Resolution as it fully set forth herein and shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. Passed by the City Council this 1 Ith day of June , 1998 MAYOR PRO TEM A EST: KayM Darnell, City Secretary APPROVtD AS TO CONTENT: A, "aA CJW r . aodman, Managing DireciFor of Health & Community Services APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sims ssi City Attorney--' City of Lubbock InterOffice Memo To: Bob Cass, City Manager From: Doug Goodman, Managing Director, Health & Community Services Date: June 1, 1998 Subject: Agenda Items for June 11, 1998, City Council Meeting CITY OF LUBBOCK AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ITEM #/SUMMARY: # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Lubbock Fine Arts Center — SMART program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the City Health Department — Step Up to Health program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the South Plains Aids Resource Center — Dental Program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the City's Fire Department — Smoke Detector Program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Boy's and Girls Club — Smart Moves program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the City's Parks and Recreation — Summer Youth Program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Lubbock Regional Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse — Girl Power Program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Parenting Cottage — Bright Beginnings program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the COVE, Inc. — Court Ordered Visitation Exchange program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Lubbock Area Coalition for Literacy — Literacy Outreach, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Broadway Festivals — Fourth Corps, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the South Plains Regional Workforce Development Board — Child Care Services (Local Initiatives Project), and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the South Plains Community Action Association — Shapes Head Start program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the South Plains Child Care Management Services — YWCA, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Contact Lubbock — Kidsline project, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the City's Neighborhood Coordinator, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Lubbock United Neighborhood Association (LUNA) — Neighborhood Development, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Lubbock Housing Finance Corporation — Keys to Homeownership, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the CMCI — Chatman Memorial Center, Inc., and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the City's Residential Rehabilitation program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the City's Barrier Free Living program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Lubbock Housing Finance Corporation's — Down Payment Closing Cost Assistant program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the City's Replacement Reserve program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the City's Land Disposition program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the City's Rental Reconstruction, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Lubbock Housing Authority — Demolition project, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the City's Environmental Inspection Services and Graffiti program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Catholic Family Services — Joint Parking Lot Project, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Chapel Hill Neighborhood Association — Parking Lot Repair, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the City's Neighborhood Beautification program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the City's Senior Paint Program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Interfaith Hospitality Network — Public Facility, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Community Housing Resource Board — Acquisition program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the City's Micro -Enterprise Program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the City's Contractor's Apprentice Program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the City's New Construction Program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Community Housing Resource Board's — Operating Expenses, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the City's Reconstruction Program; and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Community Housing Resource Board's — Lease/Purchase Program, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Lubbock Housing Finance Corporation — Rehabilitation, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program. # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the ASK House — Women's Operations, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Women's Protective Services of Lubbock, Inc. — Basic Independent Living Skills, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Walker Houses Inc. - Operations, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Salvation Army — Homeless Prevention, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Lakeside Service Center — Continuum of Care, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Salvation Army — Essential Services, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Interfaith Hospitality - Renovation, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the South Plains Children's Shelter — Children's Shelter Renovation, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Alcohol Recovery - Renovation, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the South Plains Aids Resource Center - Renovation, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the South Plains Children's Shelter — Murphy House Renovation, and all related documents to, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). # Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the proposal for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program, and Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) program applications for all oversight and monitoring costs, and all related documents to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development informed the City of Lubbock that the city was eligible to receive a Fiscal year 1998 consolidated formula allocation of $4,371,000, a $10,000 decrease from last year. With additional monies from program income and carry-over contingency funds, the city has $4,872,000 to allocate this year. This year the city received 69 applications for CDBG, HOME and ESG funds with requested amounts totaling $7,241,984. The following shows a breakout of these resources and the amounts requested, through applications, for the use of these funds: srA r¢txi p grant 3 � �� �� .�t.�...':4.s<.{Fr."i,�, ET%i.�$a+r..:��"�.�'C a'`rvr: rSv�,.+�ick�'A�4 �YS,;.$+FZ•? Yw�tiF a r5. ?, r it 5 !AWIAbte ,�..�'•tr��1 �'!..1 f�tFh Reque steel ©ifference x Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) $3,164,000 $5,429.134 ($1,780,134) CDBG Program Income $485,000 N/A N/A HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) $1.082,000 $1.482,850 ($400,850) Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) $141,000 $330,000 ($189,000) Total $4,872,000 $7,24.1,984 ($2,369,984) Lubbock citizens participated in this year's process through neighborhood associations, community and business organizations, direct participation and the Community Development and Services Board (CDSB). After breaking into subcommittees to review the applications and formulate recommendations in April, the CDSB met on May 9, 1998, to formulate their recommendation for the FY 1998-99 funding cycle. In making their decision, the board kept in mind the goals of the City Council, the consolidated plan, the identified needs of the neighborhoods, staff priorities, and the recommendations of the provider groups. The recommendation for spending federal dollars has been published for open comment since May 26, 1998, and will continue until June 10, 1998. On June 11, 1998, a public hearing will allow citizens to directly participate by addressing the City Council with comments. There are some areas that the council needs to be aware of. These include: The request by the Lubbock Housing Authority for demolition funding will require a one for one replacement plan for each unit demolished within the next five years. Staff has been working with the LHA and HUD to facilitate this. However if HUD were to disapprove the plan, the funding would need to be reallocated to another project. The request by the YWCA for funding for renovation for a facility they are purchasing was considered by the committee. Much debate occurred, and it was decided that funding should be spread around since the YWCA had received funding in this year's reallocation. It was not put on a high priority; however, the committee felt that should any money come available, at this time, or at reallocation, the YWCA should be a top priority. It should also be noted that the building has not been purchased. The contract for CDBG funds from the reallocation was approved at the City Council meeting on May 281', 1998, and staff is waiting on final approval from HUD for the project. This project will also involve a relocation of a tenant currently in the facility. Contact Lubbock's request for funding was considered by the committee. The committee and staff feel this is a good organization but due to some concern over the information and referral Hotline, the committee chose to fund the Youth and Senior Lines. LUNA had three requests; the committee funded the same project as last year following the public service reduced level funding policy. The two other requests were good projects, but due to funding limits, and an evaluation of the numbers served, they were not funded. Arnett Benson Omnibudsman project was considered by the committee. It was felt that there were a number of other agencies that served in this capacity including LUNA, Neighborhood Coordinator, and CD Staff. It was also felt that if the door to funding neighborhood association's personnel were opened, all eligible neighborhoods would begin requesting funding. The City Housing programs including the Reconstruction, Rehabilitation, Barrier Fare, and Emergency Repair were all full funded by the committee; however, it is at a lower level that last year's funding. After evaluating the requests, staff reduced their requests for this year. The City Council should also be aware that the board did not leave any funds for contingency. They felt that with the program income being generated, and reallocation at mid year they could obligate all funds at this time. SUMMARYIRECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council accept the attached Community Development and Services Board's funding recommendation and recommends the approval of these resolutions authorizing the Mayor to execute this Agreement. FY 1998-1999 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND SERVICES BOARD FUNDING RECOMMENDATION CDBG APPLICATIONS hs„ '�! � 'uwEe�.:ti+} 7" [� .,±t 2 }} .T.T sea=' 8' k..° � �'i ;T"" 9 � h" {�`Sr.. i$-mi.'i` , .0 :R '$yr.'i �,i* •*+'u ^1z' d4� mil`$!. Rb a } �`Ey�3�T^ ':� .# •a.sK'^Y �wt }� fir` �`-� 9YR +S^ .:.` f � �� Y� R' !�_-"'- J�� �.%� "y � '4 RttBIIlInCDt�i� )# # �µ �'tfII..�, � �.E �"' F �S� '7i�:,ic '.✓4'1. :: `�a .t�`c.: ia�* � i3 ".: Y:.. i�Sw'��`[.: L t «✓ .p',g�„X 1�� ry �.1...'..: � Finn Arts Center Smart Program Cultural arts pmgram S40,000 $30,000 Funding Restrictions for at -risk youth. Estudio de Artes Estudio de Bilingual art classes for $10,000 NF Funding Restrictions Artes low-income families. Become more established City Health Dept. Step UP To Preventive and health $5,750 $5,750 Full funded Health education activities in targeted neighborhoods. SPARC Counseling and Provide mental health $40,000 $20,000 Funding restrictions Dental Program counseling and dental fund Dental portion maintenance assistance to SPARC clients. Hub City Sertoma Communication Provide speech and $36,000 NF Funding Restrictions Assistance hearing services to Become more Program poverty level seniors. established City Fire Dept. Smoke/Carbon Installation of $12,000 $6,000 Funding Restrictions Monoxide purchased or donated Possible private Detector Prog. detectors in low-income donations neighborhoods. Boys & Girls Club SMART Moves Youth education and $6,545 $6,545 Full Funded activities for low- income youth. City Parks Dept Summer Youth Safe, summer activities S165,780 $75,000 Funding Restrictions for youth. Lubbock Regional Girl Power! Self-esteem building S12,650 $12,650 Full Funded Council on Alcohol activities for girls ages and Drug Abuse 9-14. Parenting Cottage Bright Education and support $55,775 $45,000 Funding Restrictions Beginnings services for parents in high -risk situations. COVE Court Ordered Supervised visitation S51,565 $47,083 Funding Restrictions Visitation & and custody exchange Exchange for high conflict divorced or estranged families. City Parks Dept Job Training Computer classes. $14,375 NF Funding Restrictions Lubbock Area Literacy Literacy classes for 58,250 S8,250 Full Funded Coalition for Literacy Outreach non -reading or low - reading "English as a 20d Language" adults. Broadway Festivals 4 Corps Two week summer $3,500 $3,500 Full Funded youth leadership training camp. LEARN College Ready Provide opportunities $50,000 NF Funding Restrictions Initiative for first generation high Some testing waivers school/college students currently available to continue their education_ SPRWDB Child Care Child care for low- $195,000 $120,000 Funding Restraints Services income adults in job Duplication training, school or working. SPCAA SHAPES Head Pre-school supplies and $91,000 $56,000 Funding Restraints Start rehabilitation of building. SPCCMS/YWCA After School Expand 2 after school $17,227 $8,500 Funding restraints Care programs at Harwell and Dupre Elementary. Contact Lubbock Information & I&R Hotline, referral $49,450 NF Funding Restraints Referral services and publishes eligibility concerns resource directory. Contact Lubbock Kidsline and Check -in calls to latch $25,552 $25,552 Full fronded Reassurance key kids and seniors once a day. City Neighborhood Neighborhood Coordinate and assist $33,559 $33,559 Fall Funded Services Coordinator neighborhood groups to enhance quality of life. LUNA Neighborhood Encourage youth $10,000 NF Funding Restraints Youth Training involvement in Number Served neighborhoods through Jr. Editor program. LUNA Curfew Center Train neighborhood $10,000 NF Funding Restraints Volunteer volunteers for Curfew Number Served Training Center. LUNA Neighborhood Neighborhood $12,211 $12,211 Fall Funded Association leadership training, Development crime prevention and newsletter production. Amen Benson Ombudsman Provide neighborhood $13,794 NF Funding Restraints Neighborhood Project services to residents to Duplication Association help through CD process and upgrade neighborhood. Lubbock Housing Keys to Home- Expand affordable $35,000 $15,000 Funding Restraints Finance Corp. ownership housing opportunities (LHFC) through hotline, educational events and the Dream Tour. Chatman Memorial Chatman Complete affordable $61,430 $61,430 Full Funding Center, Inc. Memorial housing project by (CMCI) Center -New building one house on Homes remaining lot. City Community, Residential Rehabilitation of $600,000 $600,000 Full Funding Development Dept. Rehabilitation owner -occupied homes. City Community Barrier -Free Make homes handicap $75,000 $75,000 Full Funding Development Dept. Living accessible for very low income disabled homeowners. City Community Emergency Repair homes with $250,000 5250,000 Fall funding Development Dept. Repair possible life threatening situations. Lubbock Housing Down Payment Provide low interest $200,000 $200,000 Fall Funding Finance Corp. and Closing DP/CC loans to low Cost Asst. income homebuyers. City Community Replacement Funds to repair CD $20,000 520,000* Fall Funding Development Dept. Reserve properties under warranty where contractor has gone out of business. City Community Soil Second Soft second loans for $120,000 NF Funding Restraints Development Dept. Loan Program low-income families buying new homes. City Community Land Provide fiords for site $20,000 $20,000 Full Funding Development Dept. Disposition work on URA lots to encourage building. City Community Rental Purchase rent houses, $165,000 $55,000 Funding Restrictions Development Dept. Reconstruction remove, build a new do as pilot project home and sell to low income family. Housing Authority of Demolition Demolish 96 units in $700,000 $141,000 Funding Restraints Lubbock Green Fair Manor. Our School- Playground Make playground $20,000 NF Funding Restraints Imagination Nation Improvements accessible to handicapped children. YWCA YWCA Annex Renovated facility to $400,000 NF Funding Restraints Renovation allow expansion of special needs programs. City Environmental Environmental Provide salaries for EIS $291,698 $291,698 Full Funding Inspection Services Inspectors and Inspectors in CD areas Graffiti, and graffiti removal staff and supplies. Catholic Family Joint Parking Replace parking lot $50,000 $12,859 Funding Restraints Services/Early Lot Project shared by both Learning Center agencies. Chapel Hill Parking Lot Replace parking lot at $15,000 $15,000 Full Funding Neighborhood Assoc. Repair Chapel Hill Neighborhood Center. City Community Neighborhood Beautification and paint $85,000 $85,000 Full Funding Development Dept. Beautification projects for CDBG eligible neighborhoods. City Community Senior Paint Paint and labor to paint $45,000 $45,000 Full Funding Development Dept the homes of elderly homeowners. Lubbock Interfaith Interfaith Acquire building to $45,000 $45,000 Full Funding Hospitality Network Hospitality provide referral services for Homeless Network & support to homeless Families families. City Traffic Traffic Circles Construct traffic circles $25,860 NF Funding Restraints Engineering Dept. in 3 CDBG eligible Can do as Neigh. neighborhoods at Project request of neigh. Community Housing Acquisition Acquire & rehab $46,200 $46,200 Full Funding Resource Board Project building for affordable (CHRB) housing activities. Teen Publications Work Program/ Acquire building for $33,750 NF Funding Restraints Doug's Drug youth drug prevention Mobile programs. City Community Microenterprise Small business loans $80,000 $80,000 Full Funding Development Dept. Loans for low-income business owners. City Community Contractor's Provide 14 on-the-job $100,000 $100,000 Full Funding Development Dept Apprentice training opportunities Program with local contractors. An�sssiris�uia►,rra.r City Community .acrie►,aiiacy��.y Administration .W,W.~ riiiiia►.ivarr�iiiar�ar. Administrative fiends ,���-ii�rurariz $413,479 .a�.y.�,�si�iiuyieiii�..it►�.riaiy..✓.r�uiiiiiiir�u $413,479 Full Funding Development Dept. (200/.cap) for CD Staff. (13%) City Community Housing Salaries for CD Staff $467,667 $467,667 Full Funding Development Dept_ Delivery delivering housing Services services. City Community Indirect City Indirect costs and $94,067 $94,067 Full Funding Development Dept. Casts support for CD Dept. Total $5,429,134 $3,649,000 HOME APPLICATIONS 5f F � � �� r�.r�yt �" r � iYr'q.,y" tj�au� �; --:,i �' i r. � �4� ��ti fir ��,. -F. � • ar � �' ; - Y ..:,�,,t. � 5` ,�.:�pe^..4,� "gy,. ,. Tasdfi tainl�` r , ,-� #'� � � e '�• -.w. �,d -rg �> �� � a i1 ,�• �, r ..� �r»-i"tt .* Amo�itn��.. �n+ n:"�'�.IFihbJ$,.4.s �gndn7 � � tiingror� �A.g'ez!cl'" �x�'� � zoject � ixT�e oiTinn .�,� !{* �euet%d� �Recommen�ed ��,��arjtal'un�ng �?+ .�Sry y+.� � lY... .swy�.w�x f' � r6iR. YEA, #r�nP; � Yb. n % M1w AW�J+.m+b-•w:�,�w{^'+R .3 xh. c�-'+ City Community New Pilot program to $210,750 $59,900 Funding Restrictions Development Dept. Construction develop new homes on do as pilot project URA lots. Community Housing CHDO Administration and $50,000 $50,000 Full Funding Resource Board Operating operating finds for our (CHRB) CHDO. City Community Reconstruction Demolish owner- $550,000 $550,000 Full Funding Development Dept. occupied substandard dwellings and replace with new home. Community Housing Elderly Construct quadraplexes $250,000 NF Funding Restrictions Resource Board Housing 11 for rental by senior (CHRB) citizens. Community Housing Lease/Purchase Purchase homes, $162,300 $162,300 Full Funding HUD Resource Board IV (15% CHDO rehabilitate, lease to regulation (CHRB) Project) low income families for later purchase. Lubbock Housing University Rehabilitate eight $151,600 $151,600 Full Funding Finance Corp. Pines duplexes rented to low (LHFC) Rehabilitation income families. ,ra�ins�ca►AKoisirm► City Community iivr�,rio��.sir��.y�► Administration .xiu�.r�lAla�aica►.rraisrrrA�.eRr� Administrative fiords .sAa/A�9ifsRa�uar $108,200 ���isiiyursaiai S108,200 rrr.(ir.�uaCra►4/.(�rrryr Full Funding Development Dept. (10% cap) for CD Staff. ..p��'a��p].: .7„�" sew-,' `.�"ti[f£.3� ¢ . . ... !„' b. ...2.e i;^.:.. a<�, tR. •� �,�'Mwa�'z�.fi .�V.'� ^.y.M �:bt'x x� 'iX.'C �t SRw:..»:,.�. �..�y,-^rv.,,* ✓A "� �Y'l'if "c' - 8^ ' w, .. ,. ,.'.„'C,.��rta5. :�- �Y Y.: +F'Yi._I.. .. .�^. - ._. ::•i .. 'A .....r 3F- � .. w�. . .Y.S^' „x�-: _ { ..,�ipRpy � Total S1,482,850 $1,082,000 ESG APPLICATIONS :ei ',Te . R S f d6,K��` F�.,^.' lR .b'"�' i,'' tii. iYiP'y'Y. 'F '_ 'i •�w' J',A� hiyr 4,yri{.Y�n"l Y:':.'d ]�# ,qtiKr 4,,tt .g=`, x.d &�r? ablarl�a �,y'C.�'4'ir /�KX "0i"-0laC.Y Sei:.i.sa,c.e.. : '�_��:ltigene3�`�`�� <....'v.yy.f' ��'Pxojec� Ct`f : z1". ��+: ,'N, ,,�Y n or - s �a •:�3'�, � �� ;UseafFbnds��� �uested�� �' Recommen9�ded �-�Partis�lEin�d�ng�`� _ w".. � L �.31 ::.. t.. �. _ ,✓_` �W*�'''a•.� .+H. , ��s,^*.. � t:r�'t" � ��-� ,,�+,d'x¢�= �."'f ^r `ram �a `�'�, 4 i$..' ..,,.,i '�`: � fK.+ w . • .�.c '"t k,• iySl t4'£t .s.F°a Kr � .»'i.a. ASK House for Operations Operating funds for $6,735 S3,000 Funding Restrictions Women, Inc. women's rehab facility. and Caps Women's Protective Operations and Operating funds and $44,000 S21,212 Funding Restrictions Services (WPS) Essential counseling and direct and Caps Services asst. for abused women. West Texas Human Operations, Operating finds, $92,500 NF Funding Restrictions Resource Corp. Essential counseling, and and Caps Questions (WTHRC) Services and assistance with utilities, on Non-profit status Homeless rent to avoid eviction. Prevention Walker Houses, Inc. Operations Operating funds for $10,927 $7,500 -Funding Restrictions men's rehab facility. and Caps Salvation Army Homeless Assistance with utilities $37,500 $35,700 Funding Restrictions Prevention deposits and rent to and Caps avoid homelessness. Lakeside Service Homeless Self-sufficiency $2,088 $2,088 Fun Funding Center Prevention and program that assists Essential with utilities, rent and Services food vouchers. Salvation Army Essential Food and prescription $20,000 S18,M) Funding Restrictions Services assistance for homeless and Caps or low-income families. Lubbock Interfaith Rehabilitation I Paint, carpet, and roof $15,000 S15,000 Full Funding Hospitality Network new day center for for Homeless homeless families. Families South Plains Rehabilitation Renovate kitchen, $12,000 $12,000 Full Funding Children's Shelter dining and utility areas of Children's Shelter. Alcoholic Recovery Rehabilitation Rehabilitation and $40,000 $10,000 Funding Restrictions Center of Lubbock addition of new wing for men's rehab facility. South Plains AIDS Rehabilitation Renovate Care Center $15,000 $7,750 Funding Restrictions Resource Center kitchen used to provide (SPARC) meals for SPARC clients. South Plains Rehabilitation Paint interior and $5,000 $2,500 Funding Restriciions Children's Shelter exterior of Murfee House. Lubbock Interfaith Rehabilitation Remodel, plumbing and $10,000 NF Funding Restrictions Hospitality Network furnish new care center for Homeless for homeless families. Families NUD61R Rehabilitation Remove carpet and $13,000 NF Funding Restricitions Billy Meeks Center replace vinyl in Transitional Therapeutic Center. W�AWWWi~1WiWWWW Iff/.r City Community utl/�.al.%1���/�i�i.I./ Administration /I.cI///I.I�.//1//.'/dIAI.IIAI.'I.9IH!l Administrative funds /.iiiiiarw.iiia. $6,250 �rrai,�xiiriiiiiiuu�i $6,250 .iyyy/�ira�4�������y�►.a�.a�u Full Funding Development Dept. (5% cap) for CD Staff. .. :.,<-._..wg;Yk' 3`;+ sN S,}}` fin:., r$`.x +zaa t'= - #v `.atk- "i'"''tik' '; v; ,,A":* s. ic•.n si.. # -. : ,ti. Total $330,000 $141,000 1998-1999 Allocation Summary �raa o� e,IloatecLe: ;equestecT `` Difference ,, CDBG $3,649,000 $5,429,134 ($1,780,134) HOME $1,082,000 $1,482,850 ($400,850) ESG $141,000 $330,000 ($189,000) Total $4,872,000 $7,241,994 ($2,369,984)