HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 102055H - Paving Improvements - Kerr & Middleton - GWO 1100 - 10_20_1955 RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, the City of Lubbock heretofore passed various street improvement
ordinances and resolutions and entered into contract with Kerr and Middleton,
Paving Contractors, (G.W.O. 1100) for the making and construction of street
improvements on portionscof numerous streets and/or avenues in said City in—
cluding among others the following:
42nd Street from its intersection with the East Property Line of York Avenue to
its intersection with the East Paving Line of Slide Roads known and designated
as Unit Number 1603.
39th Street from its intersection with the West Property Line of Flint Avenue
to its intersection with the East Property Line of Gary Avenue, known and
designated as Unit Number 1665.
43rd Street from its intersection with the West Property Line of Memphis Avenue
to its intersection with the West Property Line of Nashville Avenue, known and
designated as Unit Number 1697.
41st Street from its intersection with the West Property Line of Knoxville
Avenue to .its intersection with the West Property Line of Louisville Avenue,
known and designated as Unit Number 1702.
Nashville Avenue from its intersection with the South Property Line of 32nd
Street, to its intersection with the North Paving Line of 34th Street, known
and designated as Unit Number 1708.
Memphis Avenue from its intersection with the South Property Line of 36th Street
to Its intersection with the South Property Line of 37th Street, known and
designated as Unit Number 1714.
43rd Street from its intersection with the West Property Line of Knoxville
Avenue to its intersection with the West Property Line of Louisville Avenue,
known and designated as Unit Number 1715. ,
43rd Street from its intersection with the West Property Line of Louisville
Avenue to its intersection with. the West Property Line of Memphis Avenue,
known and designated as Unit Number 1716.
Nashville Avenue from its intersection with the South Property Line of 43rd
Street to its intersection with the North Property Line of 44th Street, known
and designated as Unit hTumber 1717_
Peoria Avenue from its intersection with the South Property Line of 30th Street
to its intersection with the North Property Line of 31st Street, known and
designated as Unit Number 1718.
42nd Street from its intersection with the West Property Line of Knoxville
Avenue to its intersection with the West Property Line of Louisville Avenue,
known and designated as Unit Number 1719.
f CITY OF LuaaoCK 10 -044
October 20, 1955
Honorable Mayor and City Commission
Lubbock, Texas
I have examined the paving improvements constructed by Kerr and
Middleton, Paving Contractors, under their contract dated Emil 28, 1955,
designated G.W.O. 1100, and find the improvements on the streets and/or
avenues, ]noun and designated as Units 1603, 1665, 1697, 1702, 1708,
1714, 1715, 1716, 1717, 1718, 171.9, 1737, 1738, 1739, 1740, 1741, 17142,
171+3, 1714149 1748, 174.99 1750, 1751, 1752, 1758, 1761, 1768 and 1771
respectively, as listed on the final estimate and assessment sheet to have
been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and recommend
that you accept the Improvements on said streets and/or avemes.. Paying
the contractor the amount shown on the attached consolidated final estimate
sheet as due him by the City of Lubbock, and issue assignable certificates
against property owners for the respective amounts shorn on the attached
final assessment sheets as being due against them and their respective
Yours very truly,
,Tabu g. Hickerson
JTH:wa City Engineer
wit No. Location Paving Subgr. C & G S.Y. S.Y.Conc
S.Y. S.Y. L.F. Alley Valley 0
1603 42nd St.EPL York Ave. to E.Pay.L. 3,166.26 3,545.84 1,366.49 -0- -0-
Slide Rd.
1665 39th St.-WPL Flint Ave. to EPL 11733.34 29066.11 1,198.00 -0- -0-
Gary Ave.
1697 43rd St.-WPL Memphis Ave. to WPL 2,155.69 2041.81 1090.04 -0- -0-
Nashville Ave.
1702 41st St.-WPL Knoxville Ave. to WPL 1,959.73 21346.07 1,282.84 -0-- -0-
Louisville Ave.
*1708 Nashville Ave.-SPL 32nd St. to N. 11817.67 2,191.87 11195.12 42.22 -0-
sv. L 34th St.
1714 Memphis Ave.-SPL 36th St. to SPL 1,436.71 1,633.38 640.04 18.88 -0-
37th St.
1715 43rd St.-WPL Knoxville Ave. to WPL 1,989.73 2046.07 1,282.84 -0- -0-
Louisville Ave.
1716 43rd St.-WPL Louisville Ave. to WPL 2,039.06 21392.07 11270.84 -0- -0-
Memphis Ave;,
1717 Nashville -0 Ave. PL 43rd St. to NPL 1,064.98 1,285.93 719.42 21.11 -0-
44th St.
1718 Peoria Ave.-SPL 30th St. to NPL 808.88 997.65 600.00 21.11 -0-
;': 31st St.
419 42nd St.WPL Knoxville Ave. to 2,871.42 31,227.99 11283.64 -0- -0-
WPL Louisville Ave.
1737 Nashville Ave.-SPL 40th St. to 4042.40 1,203.28 541.20 10.55 -0-
NFL 41st St.
1738 42nd St.-EPL Vicksburg Ave. to EPL 2,962.32 3,325.00 1,305.66 -0- -0-
Wayne Ave.
1739 42nd St,-EPL Wayne .Ave. to EPL 2,962.32 3,325.00 1005.66 -0- -0-
York Ave.
1740 Nashville Ave.-SPL 42st St. to 1,062.40 i,226.06 551.20 10.55 -0-
NPL 42nd St.
1741 41st St.--M Louisville Ave. to
WPL Memphis 21039.06 21392.07 11270.84 -0- -0-
1742 41st St.WPL Memphis Ave. to WGL Nashville
Avenue 19986.42 2,344.59 1,289.42 -0- -0-
1743 42nd St.EPL Quaker Ave. to
EPL Raleigh Ave. 3044.66 3,728.54 1,243.3 9 -0- 38.49
1744 42nd St.WPL Utica Ave. to EPL
Vicksburg Ave. 39044610 3,403.81 15294.95 -0- -0-
1748 42nd St.-EPL Raleigh Ave. to 29817.78 3,175.67 19,288.41 -0-- -0-
EPL Sale. Ave.
1749 42nd St.-EPL Salem Ave. to EPL 2,971.43 3,332.81 1,300.95 -0- -0-
Toledo Ave.
1750 42nd St.-EPL Toledo Ave. to EPL 2,946.10 3,304.14 1,288.95 -0- -0-
Utica Ave.
751 42nd St.44PL Louisville Ave. to 21927.06 31280.07 1,270.84 -0- -0-
WPL Memphis Ave.
r1752 42nd St.WPL Memphis Ave. to 281 2,727,.75 39072.03 1,239.42 -0- -0-
W. of EPL Nashville Ave. Ave.
1758 38th St.-30f E. of EPL Knoxville/to 3063.42 3,742.39 1,364.28 -0- -0-
WPL Louisville Ave.
At No. Location Paving Subgr. C & G S.Y. S.Y.Cow
S.Y. S.Y. L.F. Alley Valley
lab Gutt
1761 Nashville Ave.-SPL 42nd St. to 767.28 951.14 585.91 21.11 -0-
NPL 43rd. St.
1768 26th St.-PL Memphis Ave. to 293.751
W. of Nashville Ave. 3,222.51 3,743.16 1,874. 34 -0-- -0-
1771 39th St.- L Quaker Ave. to EPL
Salem Ave. 4,J44,91 5,224.L8 L445,40 -0- -0-
Totals 65,805.39 75,348.73 33,690.09 145.53 38.49
895.10 S.Y. Seal Coat 34th St. Intersection
OCTOBER 20, 1955
65,805.39 S.Y. Paving (Surface & Base) @ $1.15 - 75,676.20
75,345.73 S.Y. Subg. Preparation @ 0.20 = 15,069.75
332690.09 L.F. Cane. Curb & Gutter Q 1.50 - 502,535.14
145.53 S.Y. Cone.Alley Return 6 3.75 - 545.74
38.49 S.Y. Cone. Valley Gutter 9 3.50 - 134.72
Contract Cost Sub-total. 3A1,961.55
895.10 S.Y. Seal Coat 0.12 = 107.41
Total Contract Cost 142,068.96
OCTOBER 20, 1955
-t No. Total Assessed Total City to Contract Schools Credit
Cost P 0 Co t CitZ Cost Pav Contr, Coot Cost Ec Dept,
1603 6,720.10 %055.90 1,664.20 1,344.20 6,40o.lo -0- 320.00
1665 4,413.74 4,152.37 261.37 51.19 41203.56 210,18
1697 5,326.09 42902.69 423.40 169,78 5,072.47 253.62
1702 4,915.74 4607.17 30857 74.49 4,681.66 234.08
*1708 4,703.69 3,655.53 19048.16 824.17 41479.70 223.99
1714 3,160.24 1,839.31 15.320.93 1,170.44 3,009.75 150.49
1715 41915.74 49607.17 308.57 74.49 4681.66 234.08
1716 41966.07 4650.96 315,11 78.63 41729.59 236*a
1717 21772.22 21034.13 738.09 606.08 2,640.21 132.01
1718 22214.35 19646.61 567.74 462.29 2,108.90 105.45
1719 6,166.85 49608.19 1,558.66 1,265.00 5,873.19 293.66
1737 22405«32 19500.65 904.67 790.13 2,290.78 114.54
1738 6P31,68 4,758.85 1,572.83 1,271.31 6,030.16 301.52
1739 69331.6-7 49758084 1,572.83 119271,32 6,030.16 301.51
1740 2,449.99 1,528.72 921.27 804.61 2033.33 116.66
1741 49966.07 41650.96 315.11 78.63 4,729.59 236.48
1742 4921.80 4,610.82 310.98 76.61 4687.43 234,37
1743 6021.46 4,880.37 20041.09 1,711.49 60591,86 329.60
1744 6,430.11 42836.65 1,593.46 1,287.26 6,123.91 306,20
61098.62 4568.69 1029.93 1,239.52 5,808.21 290.41
49 69336.90 4762498 1..573.92 1,272.16 6,035.14 301.76
1750 65281.39 4722.47 1058.92 1,259.81. 5,982.28 299.11
1751 6,224.81 4,650.96 1,573.85 1,277.43 %928.39 296.42
1752 5,890.97 4,282.17 1,608,80 1028.28 5,610.45 280.52
1758 69995.97 4,672.34 2,323.63 1,990.49 61662.83 333.1.4
1761 2,132.16 1,564.62 567.54 466.ol 29030.63 101.53
1768 7,629.33 6056.31 1,073.02 709.72 79266.03 363.30
1771 102A26,56 9,748 688.16 lazis 9s222.58 496,98
1.49,059.64 118,814..83 30,244.81 239 146.72 141,961.55 7, 098.09
*Seal Coat 107.41 107, 107, 107.
Totals 149,167.05 30,352.22 23,254.13 142,068.96
Final Paving Assessment 4-1st Street G.W.O. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of 1
Width 30 Feet From West Property Line of Louisville Avenue to the West Property accepted 10-20-55 Unit No. 1702
Line of Knoxville Avenue
Chrner Lots Block .Addition No. Ft. Paving C. & G. at 411.50 Ft. Total Cost
Rats Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
North Side
David Glenn Thompson 9 13 Sunny Hill 76.25 2.276 <y, 1.73.57 76.25 114.37 257.94
M. M. Mauldin 10 13 It " 76.25 iE 173.57 76.25 114.35 257.95
R. A. Coker 11 & 12 13 it EE 152.5 " 347.15 152.50 225.75 575.90
Cicero Smith Lumber Co. 13 13 " " 76.25 !' 173.57 76.25 114.38 287.95
Edmin Paxton Jr. 14 13 a ii 76.25 1' 173.57 76.25 114.37 287.94
Robert L. Srmith, et. ux. 15 13 " " 76.25 " 173.57 76.25 114.38 287.95
T. G. Seymore 16 13 « " 76.25 " 173.55 76.25 114.37 257.95
South. Side
J. D. Hufstedler 7 & S 18 Sunny Hill 152.5 2.276368>9 347.15 152.50 228.75 575.90
C. H. La kin 6 18 it it 76.25 " 173.57 76.25 114.38 287.95
C. A. Powell 'Jr. 5 18 ET EE 76.25 173.57 76.25 114.37 287.94
W. L. McArthur 3 & 4 18 " it 152.5 347.15 152.50 228.75 575.90
F. A. Anderson 2 18 " ►' 76.25 ;° 173.57 76.25 114.38 287.95
J. B. ?White 1 1S 76.25 " 173.57 76.25 114-38 287.95
Final Paving Assessment 4.3rd Street G. W. 0. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of 1
1,Tidth 30 Feet From 6' West of the west Property Line Memphis Ave. to the Accepted 10--20-55 Unit No. 1697
West Property Line of Nashville Avenue
C ner Lots Block Addition No.Ft. Paving C. &- G. at $1.50 Ft. Total
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost Cost
North Side
Raymond L. Fletcher 9 & 10 21 Sunny Hill 152.5 2.2617239 344-91 152.50 228.75 573.66
Raymond L. Fletcher 11 & 12 21 " " 152.5 " 344.91 152.50 228.75 573.66
Raymond L. Fletcher 13 & 14. 21 It It 152.5 !` 344.91 152.50 228.75 573.66
Robert J. Ritchie 15 and West 71.25 of 16 21 If it 14.6.50 '' 331.34. 14.6.50 219.75 551.09
Id. I1. Jones South 59.6 feet of Lot 16 1 Sunset Tits. 59.6 1.5078235 89.87 59.60 89.4.0 179.27
South Side
E. H. Black North 59.61 of Lot 8 22 Sunny Dill 59.6 1.5078235 89.86 59.60 89.40 1.79.27
E. H. Black 8 22 " " 76.25 2.2617239 172.4.5 76.25 114.38 286.83
Anna Lena Davis 7 22 " " 76.25 1' 172.4.6 76.25 114..37 286.83
E. T. Tribble 5 & 6 22 if it 152.5 it 344.91 152.50 228.75 573.66
Ralph L. Ualker 4 22 76.25 " 172.4.5 76.25 114.38 286.83
Frances L. Walker 3 22 e, ° 76.25 it 172.4.6 76.25 114.37 286.83
M. D. Bryan 2 and the West 41 of Lot 1 22 80.25 " 1.81.50 80.25 120.38 301.88
Eldridge K. Freeman West 67.25 of the East 22 66.25 It 14.9.84 66.25 99.38 249.22
71.25 of Lot 1
CMtS SHM 4.23.40
TOT2.L UNIT COST 5,326.09
Final Paving Assessment 39th Street G.W.O. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of
Width 30 Feet From palest Property Line Flint Avenue to the East Property Line Gary Avenue accepted 10-20-55 Unit No. 166?
Davin C. &, G. 5 Total Co,
Owner Lots Block Addition No.Ft. g . at 1" 9t t
Bate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost '
North Side
Pay L. Showalter The Forth 130 Feet of the 10 Lubbock View 600 1.960308 1,176.19 6000.00 900.00 21076.1�
(Estate) South 155 Feet of the Forth
1/2 of Block 10, Lubbock View
South Side
Van D. Alsup, Sr. 1 Cox 75 1.960308 147.03 75.00 112«50 259.53
Ruby Lee Cox 2 " 75 " 147.02 75.00 112.50 259.5;
Carl J. Suitt 3 " 75 `.' 147.03 75.00 112.50 259.53
Carl J. Suitt 4 " 75 " 147.02 75.00 112.50 25 9.52
Carl J. Suitt 5 " 75 147.02 75.00 112.50 259«52
Carl J. Suitt 6 " 75 " 147.02 75.00 112.50 259«52
Raymond P. Parr 7 75 147f02 75.00 112.50 259.52
J. B. McPherson S " 75 " 147.02 75.00 112.50 259.52
CITY 1 S SHARE 261.37
Final Paving Assessment 42nd Street G X.O. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of
Width 42 Feet From East Paving Line of Slade Road to the East Property Line of York Avenue Accepted 10-20-55 Unit No. 160
O<,rner Lots Block Addition I�T o.�'t. Paving C. & G. �1.50 Ft. Total Cos
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
North Side
R. A. Austin 11 5 Evans 65 2.6784297 174.1.0 65.00 97.50 271.60
A. C. Blackstone 12 5 " 60 It 160.71 60.00 90.00 250.71
Ralph B. Collins 13 5 It 60 " 160.70 60.00 90.00 250.70
Erlene Aydelotte 14 5 60 160.71 60.00 90.00 250.71
Chas. E. Bowman 15 5 '' 60 160.70 60.00 90.00 250.70
Hugh B. Roberson 16 5 " 60 'i 160.71 60.00 90.00 250.71
Clyde J. Alsup 17 5 " 60 i' 160.70 60.00 90.00 250.70
Tim. B. Taylor 18 5 " 60 " 160.71 60.00 90.00 250.71
Thomas R. Scarborough 19 5 " 60. TM 160.70 60.00 90.00 250.70
Hugh B. Roberson 20 5 60 " 160.71 60.00 90.00 250.71
South Side
Jo Ann Schneider Beginning at a point 30 feet 605 2.6781,297 11620.45 605.00 907.50 2,527.95
South of and 30 feet East of
the Northwest corner of the
Southwest 1A of Section 18,
Block B, Lubbock County, Texas;
Thence East 605 feet;
Thence South 125 feet;
Thence West 605 feet;
Thence North 125 feet to the
point of beginning.
CITY'S SHARE 11 664.20
Final Paving assessment Nashville Avenue G.W.O. 1100 Sheet No. I of 1
Width 30 Feet From South Property Line of 32nd Street to the North Paving Accepted 10--20-55 Unit No. 1708
Line of 34th Street
j Owner Tots Block Addition No. Ft. Paving C. & G. at �1.50 Ft. Total Cost
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
Fast Side
Garner Guest 10 6 Zuni Park 132.5 1.8942€301 250.99 132.50 198.75: 449.74.
W. R. Fry 11 6 rr It 132.5 'r 250.99 132.50 198.75 449.74
John W. I cCru_mmen 10 8 It It 120.0 ,t 227.31 120.0 180,00 407.31
Tester C. Cooper, et. ux. 11 8 " " 120.0 2.84140594 340.97 120.0 180.00 520.97
and M. N. Warren, et. ux.
Went Side
Merle H. 'Veaver Jr. 1 5 Zuni Park 132.5 1.8942801 250.99 132.50 198.75 449.74
V. W. Wilkerson 20 5 It rr 132.5 It 250.99 132.50 198.75 449.74
Arthur Turner 1 7 120.0 it 227.31 120.0 180.00 407.31
Lester C. Cooper et. ux. 20 7 " " 120.0 2.8411}0594 340.98 120.0 180.00 520.98
and M. V1. Warren et. ux.
C ITY'S SHAPE 1,048.16
Final Paving Assessment Memphis Avenue G. V. 0. 1100 Sheet No. l of 1
Width 42 Feet From SBL 36th Street to the SPL 37th Street Aecepted 10-20-55 Unit No. 1714
Chaner hots Block Addition No. Ft. Paving C. & G. at $1.50 Ft. Total Cost
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
East Side
W. A. Melally E. 85 ft. of Lot 8 2 Sunny Bill 126.30 2.098041 264.98 126.30 189.45 454.43
Leo G. Baker E. 71.25 ft. of Lot 9 2 it ft 129.30 n 271.28 1.29.30 193.95 465.23
West Side
rT. W. "Tyatt W. 55 ft. of Lot 1 3 Sunny all 126.30 2.098041 264.97 126.30 189.45 454.42
0. B. Volt W. 71.25 ft. of Lot 1.6 3 " 'r 129.30 it 271..28 129.30 193.95 465.23
C1TvfS SHARE 1,320.93
Final Paving Assessment 43rd Street G.W.O. 1100 Sheet No. I of 1
Width 30 Feet From Nest Property Line of Louisville Avenue to the West Property Accepted 10-20-55 Unit No. 1715
+ Line of Knoxville Avenue
O mer Lots Block Addition No. Ft. Faring C. & G. at 1.50 Ft. Total Cost
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
North Side
Keith Kratzer 9 19 Sunny Hill 76.25 2.2763689 173.57 76.25 114.380 287.95
Joe Bob Johnston 10 19 It tE 76.25 it 173.57 76.25 114-37 287.94
J. C. Wilson 11 & 12 19 tr tl 152.5 „ 347.15 152.50 228.75 575.90
C. F. Thompson 13 & 14 19 a It 152.5 It 347.15 152.50 228.75 575.90
Thomas R. McCommon 15 19 ° " 76.25 173.57 76.25 114-37 287.94
R. A. Coker 16 19 76.25 " 173.58 76.25 11.4.37 287.95
South Side
Billy Key 8 24 Sunny Fill 76.25 2.2763689 173.57 76.25 114-37 287.94
Bobbie Lee Williams 7 21. It " 76.25 " 173.58 76.25 114.37 287.95
Robert 1. Lockard 5 & 6 24 1.52.5 " 347.15 1.52.5 228.75 575.90
M. L. Fierce 4 24 76.25 " 173.58 76.25 114.37 287.95
0. Gowen 3 24 " " 76.25 " 173.58 76.25 114.37 287.95
J. H. Martin 2 24 fF ,r 76.25 " 173.58 76.25 114.37 287.95
E. T. PxibblE 1 24 76.25 " 173.58 76.25 114-37 287.95
TOTAL UNIT COST 1+3,915.74
Final Paving Assessment 43rd Street
?Width 30 Feet From 6' West of the ?Rest Property Line of Memphis Avenue G. T . 0. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of 1
to the West Property Line of Louisville Avenue Accepted 10--20-55 Unit No. 1716
�Owner Lots Block Addition No. Ft, Paving C. & G. at 1.50 Ft. Total
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost Cost
Forth Side
Louis xartin East 71.25 ' of Lot 9 20 Sunny ' 111 71.25 2.3437686 166.99 71.25 106.88 273.87
Louis 14.a.rti:i 10 20 " " 76.25 If 178.71 76.25 114.38 293.09
Robert L. Rouse 11 20 " " 76.25 It 178.71 76.25 114-38 293.09
Fred W. Noni6od 12 20 " " 76.25 " 178.71 76.25 114.38 293.09
r. A. Cofer 13 & 14 20 " it 152.50 " 357.42 152.50 228.75 586.17
A. A. Reynolds 15 & 16 20 E' " 152.50 " 357.42 152.50 228.75 586.17
South Side
P. H. Benton Jr. East 71.25 ' of Lot 8 23 Sunny Hill 71.25 " 166.99 71.25 106.88 273.87
Johnny 1,bore and 7 23 " 76.25 '? 1.78.71 76.25 114-38 293.09
Buster Long
�,% 74. Dix 5 & 6 23 " " 152.5 " 357.42 152.50 228.75 586.17
Sabe M. Kennedy Jr. 4 23 rr ,r 76.25 " 178.71 76.25 114-38 293.09
Jeff Hooper 3 23 " rr 76.25 " 178.71 76.25 114-38 293.09
Melvin H. ,Sanders 1 & 2 23 " " 152.5 357.42 152.50 228.75 586.17
C ITY'S SHARE 315.11
TOTAL, U1?IT COST 4,966.07
Final Paving Assessment Nashville Avenue
Width 30 Feet From South Property Line (!Test Leg) of /+3rd Street to _. G.W.O. 1100 Sheet No. I of I
19' South of the South Property Line (West Leg) 44th St. Accepted 10-20--55 Unit No. 1717
after Lots Block Addition Pao. Ft. Paving C. & G. at 1.50 Ft. Total Cost
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
Fast Side
Anna Lena Davis South 145.21 of Lot 8 22 Sunny Hall 145.2 1.7914.868 260.12 145.20 217.80 477.92,
Anna Lena Davis North 188.8 of Lot 9 22 it Tr 188.8 338.23 188.80 283.20 621.43
West Side
Toga Carver 1 3 Sunset Hts. 132.5 1.7914868 237.37 132.50 198.75 436.12
C. K. Cunningham 16 3 if " 132.5 It 237.37 132.50 198.75 436.12
James F. Nuntz North 191 of Lot I 5 19.0 34.04 19.00 28.50 62.54
C ITY'S STIM 738.09
Final Paving Assessment Peoria Avenue G. U. 0. 1100 Sheet Teo. 1 of 1
Width 30 Feet From SPL 30th Street to the 9PL 31st Street Accepted 10--20-55 Unit No. 1718
Owner Lots Block Addition Vo. Ft. Paving C. & G. at U.50 Ft. Total. Cost
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
Fast Side
Lloyd. Nelson 10 1 Park Terrace 132.5 1.606813 212.90 132.50 198.75 411.65
Donald W. Krieble 11 1 E' 132.5 " 212.90 132.50 198.75 411.65
West Side
Hubert Wilhite, Jr. 1 �_ Roberson 132.5 1.606813 21.2.90 132.50 198.75 411.65
Frank Good 20 1 " 132.5 t` 212.91 132.50 198.75 411.66
CITY 1s SHM 567.74
Final Paving Assessment 42nd Street
Width 42 Feet From Nest Property Line Knoxville Avenue to the G. W. 0. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of 1
West Property Line Louisville Avenue .Accepted 10-20-55 Unit No. 1719
Owner Lots Block Addition No. Ft. Paving C. & G. at p1.50 Ft. Total Cost
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
North Side
Rily V. White 16 18 Sunny Hill 76.25 2.2759669 173.54 76.25 114.38 287.92
Frank B. Hodges 15 18 it 'f 76.25 " 173.54 76.25 114.37 287.91
IT. R. Doke 14 18 it 11 76.25 " 1.73.54 76.25 114.38 287.92
Johnie Arnold 13 18 f' " 76.25 173,54 76.25 114.37 287.91
J. D. Morse 12 18 " " 76.25 '! 173.54 76.25 114.38 287.92
E. L. Hicks 11 18 76.25 ri 173.54 76.25 114.37 287.91
J. D. Hufstedler 9 & 10 18 " " 152.50 ° 347.08 152.50 228.75 575.83
South Side
J. I. Pha.il 1 19 Sunny Hill 76.30 2.2759669 173.66 76.30 114.45 288.11
R. A. Coker 2 19 it If 76.30 ff 173.66 76.30 114.45 288.11
R. A. Coker 3 19 rf it 76.30 " 173.66 76.30 114.45 288.11
R, A. Coker 4 19 " ff 76.30 ff 173.66 76,30 114.45 288.1.1
Morris T. Tipton 5 19 `f It 76.30 }Q 173.66 76.30 114.45 288.11
J. W. Peeler 6 19 a fr 76.30 ,f 173.66 76.30 114.45 288.11
Homer Hall 7 19 ra n 76.30 173.66 76.30 114.45 288.11
L. G. Pierce , Jr. 8 19 ff rf 76.30 173.65 76.30 114.45 288.10
CITYrS SHARE 11558.66
Final Paving Assessment Nashville Avenue G. N. 0. 1100 Sheet No. l of 1
Width 40 Feet From. South Property Line (West Leg) of 40th Street to the accepted 10-20--55 Unit No. 1737
North Property Line of 41st Street
Owner Lots Block Addition No. Ft. Paving C. & G. at $1.50 Ft. Total Cost
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
East Side
C. G. Moss 8 15 Sunny Hill 117.8 1.4645536 172.52 117.80 176.70 349.22
0. W. Neitsch 9 15 n n 127.8 " 187.17 127.80 191.70 378.87
Vest Side
City of Lubbock City Property, A. B. Davis Park 260.6 1.4645536 . 381.66 260060 390.90 772.56
CITY Is SHARE 904.67
Final Paving Assessment 42nd Street G. W. 0. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of 1
Width 42 Feet East Property Line of Mayne Avenue to the East Property Accepted 10-20-55 Unit No. 1738
Line of Vicksburg Avenue
Owner Lots Block Addition NO. Ft. Waving C. &. G. at S1.50 Ft. Total Cost
Pate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
North Side
E. E. Ward 11 7 Evans 65 2.4006967 156.05 65.00 97.50 253.55
Gerald W. Harris 12 7 == 60 " 1".04 60.00 90.00 234.04
Junior Harvey Attebury 13 7 " 60 " 144.04 60.00 90.00 234.04
Luther Pay Tamplen 14 7 " 60 j' 144.04 60.00 90.00 234.04
J. R. Chalker 15 7 " 60 " 144.04 60.00 90.00 234.04
Douglas Sims 16 7 ' 60 " 1".04 60.00 90.00 234.04
R. B. Evans 17 7 " 60 t° 144.04 60.00 90.00 234.04
John Henry Ford 18 7 '' 60 " . 144.04 60.00 90.00 234.04
Harold Nelson 19 7 " 60 " 144.04 60.00 90.00 234.04
J. E. Butler 20 7 " 65 156.05 65.00 97.50 253.55
South Side
J0 Ann Schneider Beginning at a point 30 feet 610 2.4006967 10464.4.3 610.00 915.00 2,379.43
South and 1345 feet East of
the Northwest corner of the
Southwest IA of Section 18,
Block B, Lubbock County, Texas;
Thence East 610 feet;
Thence South 125 feet;
Thence West 610 feet;
Thence North 125 feet to the
point of beginning.
CITY Is Slim 12572.83
Final Paving Assessment 42nd Street G. W. 0. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of 1
Width 42 Feet From Bast Property Line of York Avenue to the Fast Property Accepted 10-20--55 Unit No. 1739
Line of Vayne Avenue
Owner Lots Block Addition No. Ft. Paving C. &. G. at $1.50 Ft-Total Cost
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
North Side
Joseph Franklin Ballinger 11 6 'Evans 65 2.4006885 156.04 65.00 97.50 253.54
Bernard P. Evans 1.2 6 °1 60 4E 144.04 60.00 90.00 234.04
Jessie C. 'Whitfield 13 6 n 60 '.' 144.04 600.00 90.00 234.04
J. M. Skidmore 14 6 'E 60 144.04 60.00 90.00 234.04
Fardy T. Scott 15 6 60 144.04 60.00 90.00 234.04
James W. F3ollars 16 6 60 144.04 60.00 �90.00 234.04
M. C. McGee 17 6 60 '{ 144.04 60.00 90.00 234.04
Eugene 14. Copp., Jr. 18 6 " 60 " 144.04 60.00 90.00 234.04
Donald Tapp 19 6 60 144.04 60.00 90.00 234.04
Hugh B. Roberson 20 6 65 :,, 156.04 65.00 97.50 253.54
South Side
Jo Ann Schneider Beginning at a point 30 feet South 610 1,464.42 610.00 915.00 2079.42
and 685 feet East of the Northwest
corner of the Southwest 1A of
Section 18, Block B, Lubbock County,
Thence East 610 feet;
Thence South 125 feet;
Thence TATest 610 feet;
Thence North 125 feet to the point
of beginning.
CITY'S SHM 1072.83
I vice r%i
Final Paving Assessment Nashville Avenue G. W. 0. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of 1
Width 40 Feet From South Property Line of 4.1st Street to the North Property Accepted 10-20-55 Unit No. 1.74.0
Line of 4.2nd Street
Owner Lots Block Addition Ado. Ft. Paving C. & G. at $1.50 Ft. Total Cost
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
Last Side
Anna. Lena Davis 8 16 Sunny Hill 127.8 1.4.614951 186.78 127.80 1.91.70 378.4.8
Arena. Lena Davis 9 16 ,r " 122.8 yE 179.4.7 122.80 184..20 363.67
Kest Side
City of Lubbock A. B. Davis Park 265.6 1..4.614.951 388.17 265.6 398.40 786.57
U A•V as PT
Final Paving Assessment 41st Street G. IT. 0. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of 1
'Width 30 Feet From 6f West of the West Property Line of Y4mphis Avenue to the Accepted 10-20-55 Unit Ho. 1741
Vest Property Line of Louisville Avenue
Osmer Lots Block Addition No. Ft. Paving C. & G. at 1.50 Ft. Total Cost
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
I�Torth Side
Jack Givens 10 and Fast 71.25 of 9 14 Sunny Hill 147.5 2.34376859 345.71 147.50 221..25 566.96
Seth Bertram 11 & 12 14 " IT 152.5 " 357.42 152.50 228.75 586.17
Seth Bertram 13 & 14 14 " It 152.5 ;` 357.42 152.50 228.75 586.17
R. B. Carnes 15 & 16 14 „ „ 152.5 357.42 152.50 228.75 586.17
South Side
Graydon Odis Taylor East 71.25 Feet of 8 17 Sunny Hill 71.25 2.34376859 166.99 71.25 106.88 273.87
Edwin C. Dorsey 7 17 it 11 76.25 " 178.71 76.25 114.38 293.09
Vernon 0. Barron, et. ux. 6 17 " " 76.25 " 178.71 76.25 114.38 293.09
C. H. Tollison, et. ux. 5 17 " " 76025 " 178.71 76.25 114.38 293.09
Marvin D. Hal ma.n 4 17 " " 76.25 't 178.71 76.25 114.38 293.09
Charles T. Robins, Jr. 3 17 " " 76.25 " 178.71 76.25 11.4.38 293.09
Yxs. Christine Fall. 1 & 2 17 " " 152.5 fit 357.42 152.50 228.75 586.17
CITY'S SHME 315.11
Final Paving Assessment 41st Street
Width 30 Feet From West Gutter Line of Nashville Avenue to 6t West G. W. 0. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of I
of the Vest Property Line of Memphis Avenue Kccepted 10-20-55 Unit No. 1742
Owner Lots Block Addition 1'=o. Ft. Paving C. & G. at ZI.50 Ft. Total Cost
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
Forth Side
C. 11. Neitsch 9 & 10 15 Sunny Hill 152.5 2.31690397 353.33 152.50 228.75 582.08
0. W. Neitsch 11. & 12 15 it P1 152.5 " 353.33 152.50 228.75 582.08
D. L. Norman 13 & 14 15 it " 152.5 '.' 353.33 152.50 228.75 582.08
Howard. W. Petty 15 15 " " 76.25 t' 176.66 76.25 114.38 291.04
Weldon L. Fines Vest 71..25 feet of 16 15 " " 70.25 162.76 70.25 105.38 268.14
South Side
Anna Lena Travis 8 16 &MW Hill' 76.25 2.31.690397 176.66 ='76.25 114.37 291.03
Glenn If. Land, et. ux. 7 16 " 76.25 " 176.66 76.25 114.38 291.04
Buster Long and 5 & 6 1.6 1.52.5 " 353.33 152.50 228.75 582.08
Johnny Nbore
Ordis F. Y6mphill., et. ux. 3 & 4 16 „ " 152.5 " 353.33 152.50 228.75 582.08
H. B. Elliott 2 16 " " 76.25 1.76.66 76.25 114.37 291..03
H. B. Elliott West 71.25 Feet of 1 16 70.25 E' 162.76 70.25 105.38 268.14
CITY IS SHOY, 310.98
104t0fiS 44
Final Paving Assessment 42nd Street
ItTidth 42 Feet From East Property Tine of F..aleigh avenue to the East G. W. 0. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of 1
Property Tine of Quaker Avenue accepted 10-20-55 Unit No, 1743
0emer lots Block Addition ILTO. Ft. Paving C & G at $1.50 Ft. Total
Rate Cost Lin, Ft. Cost Cost
North Side
Charles L. Baggett 7 23 College Hts. 100 2.680188 268.02 100.00 1.50.00 418.02
Y. F. Bowley ?rest 62.5 feet of 8 23 it " 62.5 It 167.51 62.50 93.75 261.26
Charles Joe Collier East 37.5 feet of 8 and 23 " " 60 '! 160.81 60.00 90.00 250.S1
West 22.5 feet of 9
Edward D. Vanover East 60 feet of the 'hest 82.5 23 " " 60 " 160.81 60.00 901,00 250.81
feet of 9
111infred E. Armstrong East 17.5 feet of 9 and West 23 " " 60 " 160.81 60,00 : 90.00 250.81
42.5 feet of 10
Davis Withers East 57.5 feet of 10 and Nest 23 " " 60 n 160.81 60.00 90.00 250.81
2.5 feet of 11
J. E. Butler East 60 feet of West 62.5 feet 23 " " ; 60 " 160.81 60.00 90.00 250.81
of 11
James I?. Mears East 37.5 Feet of 1.1 and West 23 " if 60 ° 160.81 60.00 90.00 250.81
22.5 feet of 12
James G. Yd1ler hest 60 fec-t of the East 77.5 23 " " 60 'r 160.81 60.00 90.00 250.81
feet of 12
j South Side
Hugh B. Roberson Beginning at a point 30 feet 585 2.680188 1,567.92 585.00 877.50 23445.42
South and 45 feet West of the
Northeast corner of the South-
east 1A of Section 18, Block B,
Lubbock County, Texas;
Thence West 585 feet;
Thence South 1.25 feet;
Thence East 585 feet;
Thence north 125 feet to the
point of beginning.
CITY I S SPLAM 2 01-1..09
Final Paving Assessment 42nd Street G.W.O. 1.100 Sheet No. 1 of 1
Width 42 Feet From East Property Line of Vicksburg Avenue to the East Property Accepted 10-20-55 Unit No. 1744
Line of Utica Avenue
O=er Lots Block Addition No. Ft. Paving C. & G. at $1.50 Ft. Total Cost
.ate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
North Side
'U. B. Evans 11 S Evans 60 2.4972314 149.83 60.00 90.00 239.83
Romer Calvin Freeman 12 8 ff 60 If 149.83 60.00 90.00 239.83
Grady A. Glenn 13 8 n 60 1,
149.84 60.00 90.00 239.84
Richard E. Peterson 14 8 '� 60 ►f 149.83 60.00 90.00 239.83
C. D. McDaniel 15 8 " 60 149.83 60.00 90.00 239.83
Clinton J. Blankenship 16 8 " 60 °1 149.84 60.00 90.00 239.84
Lloyd L. Kelley 17 8 It 60 " 149.83 60.00 90.00 239.83
Thomas C. Clark 18 8 it 60 149.83 60.00 90.00 239.83
George P. Ivy 19 8 " 60 rr 149.84 60.00 90.00 239.84
Hugh B. Roberson 20 8 It 65 162.32 65.00 97.50 259.82
South Side
J6 inn Schneider Beginning at a point 30 feet South 605 2.4972314 1,510.82 605.00 907.50 23418.33
and 2005 feet Fast of the
Northwest corner of the Southwest
'A of Section 18, Block B, Lubbock
County, Texas;
Thence East 605 feet;
Thence South 125 feet;
Thence West 605 feet;
Thence North 125 feet to the point
of beginning.
CITY=S SHARE 1093.46
Find Paving Assessment 42nd Street G. W. 0. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of 1
Width 42 Feet From East Property Lime of Salem Avenue to the Fast Property Accepted 10-20--55 Unit No. 1748
Line of Raleigh Avenue
Owner Lots Block Addition No. Ft. Paving C. & G. at �1.50 Ft. Total
Fate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost Cost
Forth Side
J. Nelson. Curry 7 24 College Hts. 100 2.1116126 211.16 100.00 150.00 361.16
James L. Oswalt Nest 35 feet of 8 24 1' it 35 " 73.90 35.00 52.50 126.40
James L. Oswalt East 65 feet of 8 24 It 1f 65 " 137.25 65.00 97.50 234.75
W. F. Viorris 9 and the West 33 1/3 feet 24 " If 133 1/3 281,54 133.33 200.00 481.54
of 10
Jerry Beggs East 66 2/3 feet of 10 24 '" " 66 2/3 t' 140.78 66.66 100.00 21,,0.78
Charles L. Baggett 11 24 " " 100 " 211.16 100.00 150.00 361.16
R. L. C. L. Goad 12 24 " 1.00 " 211.17 100.00 150.00 361.17
South Side
Uugh B. Roberson Beginning at a point 30 feet 665 2.1116126 1,404.23 665.00 997.50 2,401.73
South and 630 feet I-Test of the
Northeast corner of the South-
east 1/4 of Section 18, Block B,
Lubbock County, Texas;
Thence South 125 feet;
Thence Nest 665 feet;
"Thence forth 125 feet;
Thence East 665 feet to the
point of beginning.
CITY'S SM 1029.93
Final Paving Assessment 42 d Street G. W. 0. 1100 Sheet 116. 1 of 2
Width 42 Feet From Last Property Line of Toledo Avenue to the East Property Accepted 10-20--55 Unit No. 1749
Line of Salem Avenue
Owner Lots Block Addition No. Ft. Paving C. & G. at 01.50 Ft. Total Cos-
Pate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
North Side
Anna Lee Davis West 70 feet of 7 25 College Hts. 70 2.4363471 170.54 70.00 105.00 275.54
Richard Doss Millsap Last 30 Feet of 7 & 'rest 25 " " 66 ct 160.80 66.00 99.00 259.80
36 feet of 8
H41 Baggett Last 64 feet of 8 and West 25 " " 66 " 160.80 66.00 99.00 259.80
2 feet of 9
A. T. Cocanougher 10 and East 98 feet of 9 25 it a 198 it 482.40 198.00 297.00 779.40
Edwin IT. Merritt 11 25 It " 100 '.' 243.63 100.00 150.00 393.63
A, E. Davies. J'r. 12 25 " " 100 '.' 243.63 100.00` 150.00 393.63
South Side
P. F. Judah 'Beginning at a point 30 Feet 371 2.4363 71 903.88 371.00 556.50 11460.38
South and 1584 Feet West of
the Northeast corner of the
Southeast 1/4 of Section 18,
Block B, Lubbock County, Texas;
Thence Sout?: 125 feet-1-
Thence Iciest 371 feet;
Thence North 125 feet;
Thence East 371 ,feet to the
point of beginning.
Hugh B. Roberson Beginning at a point 30 feet 179 " 436-11 179.00 268.50 704.61
South and 1584 feet liest of the
Northeast corner of the South-
east 1/4 of Section 18, Block B,
Lubbock, County, Texas;
Thence South 125 feet;
Thence East 179 Feet;
Thence North 125 feet;
Thence Vlest 179 feet to the point
of beginning.
I V/66*v ,,.Pq0W -1
Final Paving Assessment 42nd Street G. W. 0. 1100 Sheet No. 2 of 2
Width 42 Feet From East Property Line of Toledo Avenue to the East Property accepted 10-20-55 Unit No. 1749
Line of Salem Avenue
Owner Lots Block Addition No. Ft. Paving C. & G. at $1.50 Ft. Total Cost
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
South Side (Continued)
Calvin A. Shoup Beginning at a point 1345 feet 60 2.4363471 146.19 60.00 90.00 236.19
West and 30 feet South of the
Northeast corner of the South-
east IA of Section 18, Block B,
Lubbock County, Texas;
Thence South 125 feet;
Thence West 60 feet;
Thence North 125 feet;
Thence East 60 feet to the point
of beginning.
CITY;S STURE 1 t 573.92
Final Waving Assessment A.2nd Street G. ItT. 0. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of 1
Vidth 42 Feet Fron East Property Line of Utica Avenue to the East Property Accepted 10-20-55 Unit No. 1750
Line of Toledo Avenue
Owner Lots Block Addition PTO. Ft. Paging C. & G. at 1.50 Ft. Total Cost
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
Morth Side
Charles-L. Baggett 71 81 & 9 26 College Fts. 300 2.1;1906224 725.72 300.00 `450.00 1,175.72
R. L. Durham 10 & 11 26 " " 200 483.81 200.00 300.00 783.81
E. P. McAdoo 12 26 " " 100 rr 241.90 100.00 150.00 3 91.90
South Side
P. U. Judah Beginning at a point 30 feet South 605 2.41.906224 1463.54 605.00 907.50 22371.04
and. 2005 feet West of the Tbrtheast
corner of the Southeast 1/4 of Section
18, Block B, Lubbock County, Texas;
Thence West 605 feet;
Thence South 125 feet;
Thence East 605 feet;
Thence North 125 feet to the point
of beginning.
CITYtS SFM 1,558.92
Final Paving Assessment 42nd-Street G. T.I. 0. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of 1
N dth 42 Feet From 61 West of the Nest Property Line of Memphis Avenue to Accepted 10-20--55 Unit No. 1751
the Test Property Line of Louisville Avenue
0wner Lots Block Addition No. Ft. Paving C. & G. at 1.50 Ft. Total Cosa
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
North Side
Keith Nol.me-s East 71.251 of Lot 9 and 17 Sunny Hill. 147.5 2.3437686 345.71 147.50 221.25 566.96
all of Lot 10
Harvey Donavan 11 17 it to 76.25 it 178.71 76.25 114.38 293.09
Karl A. Megert, Jr. 12 17 if ri 76.25 it 178.71 76.25 7-1.4.37 293.08
Reginald Rushing North 122.81 of Lot 13. 17 if It 76.25 it 178.71 76.25 114.38 293.09
Fred W. Norwood North 122.81. of Lot 14 17 " " 76.25 " 178.71 76.25 114-37 293.09
E. B. Elliott north 122.81 of Lots 15 & 16 17 rr " 152.5 " 357.42 152.50 228.75 586.17
South Side
N. D. Hallman Lot 7 and the East 71.251 of 20 Sunny Hill 147.5 2.3437686 345.71 1.47.50 221.25 566.96
Lot 8
Reginald Rushing South 122.81 of Lot 6 20 " 76.25 it 178.71 76.25 114.38 293.09.
Fred W. Norwood South 122.81, of Lot 5 20 ° r' 76.25 01 178.71 76.25 114.38 293.09
R. A. Coker
20 152,5 " 35'7.42 152.50 228.75 586.17
W E. Russell 2 20 " r' 76.25 " 178.71 76.25 114.38 293.09
A. A. Reynolds 1 20 'r " 76.25 " 178.71 76.25 114.37 293.08
CITYrS SHIM 11573.85
Final Paving Assessment 42nd Street G. W. 0. 11.00 Sheet No. 1 of 1
Width 42 Feet From East Cutter Line of Nashville Avenue to 61 'hest of Accepted 10-20--55 Unit No. 1752
-, the Nest Pro pert Line of Memnhis Avenue
Ch4ner Lots Block Addition to. Ft. Paving 0. & G. at $1.50 Ft. Total Cos-
Rate Cost Lin. Ft, Cost
North Side
.Anna, Dena Davis 9 & 1.0 16 Sunny Hall 152.5 2.0448427 311.84 152.50 228.75 540.59
Odle M. Parks 11 16 " " 76.25 " 11 155.92 76.25 114.37 270.29
Keith Eartzer 12 16 " " 76.25 If 155.92 76.25 11.4.37 270.29
A. Willingham 13 16 'i a 76.25 " 1.55.92 76.25 114-37 270.29
Yalter S. Ellerd 14 16 76.25 " 155.92 76.25 114.37 270.�9
A. E. Hart North 122.81 of Lot 15 16 76.25 !' 155.92 76.25 114.38 270.30
H. B. Elliott Forth 122.81. of the Vest 16 '1 '� 70.25 1, 143.65 70.25 105.38 249.03
70.251 of Lot 16
South Side
Raymond L. Fletcher 7 & 8 21 Sunny Hill 152.5 2.0448427 311.84 152.50 228.75 540.59
Raymond L. Fletcher 5 & 6 21 11 V 152.5 It 311.84 152.50 228.75 540.59
Raymond L. Fletcher 3 & 4 21 " " 152.5 1! 311.84 152.50 228.75 540.59
Robert J. Ritchie Lot 2 & the Nest 86.51 of 21 11 '1 146.5 299.57 146.50 219.75 519.32
Lot 1
CITYIS SwE 1,608.80
IUZ() ` X
Final Paving Assessment 38th Street G. W. 0. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of 7
Width /4.2 Feet From East Property Line Knoxville Avenue to the East Property Accepted 10-20-55 Unit No. 1758
Line ,Louisville Avenue
Owner Lots Block Addition No. Ft. Paving C. & G. at $1.50 Ft. Total
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost Cost
Forth Side
Marie Gooch The North 122.7 feet of 9 & 10 6 Sunny Dill 152,450 2.3297787 355.30 152.50 228.75 584.05
J. F. C*ley The North 122.7 feet of 11 & 12 6 " " 152.50 " 355.29 152.50 228.75 584.04
Paul V. Pattillo The North 122,7 feet of 13 & 14 6 'r " 152.50 t0 355.29 152.50 228.75 584.04
Ance English The North 122.7 Feet of 15 & 16 6 152.50 " 355.30 152.50 228.75 584.05
South Side
Doyce D. Adams Part of Lot 1; Being described as 7 Sunny Fill 76.25 2.3297787 177.65 76.25 114.37 292.02
beginning at the Southeast corner
of Lot 1; Whence West 76.25 r;
Thence North 119.821; Thence South-
easterly to the East line of Lot 1;
Thence South 116.841 to the place
of beginning.
Earney V. Smith Part of Lot 2; Being described as 7 " r' 76.25 " 177.65 76.25 114.38 292.03
beginning at the Southeast corner
of Lot 2; Thence Talest 76425 r;
Thence North 122.7,14 Thence South-
easterly to East lane of Lot 2;
Thence South 119.821 to the place
of beginning.
1-bnroe A. Williford The South 122.7 feet of 3 7 " " 62.50 " 145.61 62.50 93.75 239.36
W. R. Johnson The South 122.7 feet of 4 7 90.0 209.68 90.00 135.00 314.68
F. E. Webb The South 122.7 feet of 5 7 " " 76.25 '! 177.65 76.25 114.37 292.02
D. D. Langford The South 122.7 feet of 6 7 " IT 76.25 177.64 76.25 114.38 292.02
J. T. Jones The South 122.7 feet of 7 7 " " 76.25 `I 177.65 76.25 114.37 292.02
David Crisp The South 122.7 feet of 8 7 " IT 76.25 a 177.64 76.25 114.38 292.02
C1TY'S SW.E 2,323.63
Final Paving Assessment Nashville .Avenue G. W. 0. 1100 Sheet No. 1 of 1
Width 30 Feet. From South Property Line of 42nd Street to the Forth Property Accepted 10-20-55 Unit No. 1761
Line (East Leg) of 43rd Street
(XMer Lots Block Addition No. Ft. Paving C. & G. at $1.50 Ft. Total. Coy
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
East Side
Raymond L. Fletcher 8 21 Sunny Hill 122.8 1.62175 a92 199.15 122.80 184.20 383.35
Raymond L. Fletcher 9 21 " " 127.8 " 207.26 127.80 191.70 398.96
'Jest Side
Jess G. Baldwin 1 1 Sunset. Heights 152.6 1.62175592 247.48 152.60 228.90 476.38
V. M. Jones north 98 feet of Lot 1 " " 98.0 it 158.93 98.00 147.00 305.93
CITY IS ST FE 567.54
9 IVA& �►
Final Paving Assessment 26th Street G. W. 0. 1100 Sheet No. l of 1
Width 30 & 40 Feet From guest Property Line Memphis Avenue to the 293.75 Feet 1ccepted 10-20-55 Unit No. 1768
West of the West Property Line Nashville Avenue
Owner Its Block addition No. Ft. Paving C. & G. at �?'1.50 Ft. Total Cost
Rate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost
North Side
Eva Landers (Corley) The North 125 feet of 16 John W. 31.8.75 2.1373426 681.27 318.75 478.1:3 1,159.40
the South 150 feet of Jarrett's
the East one-half UD
of Block 16
J. :], Vickers & 6 2 Vickers Re-Sub. 53.75 " 114.88 53.75 80.63 195.51
John E. Vickers
J. F. Vickers & John E. Vickers 7 2 tt tr 60.0 ° 128.24 60.0 90.00 218.24
If tt 8 2 tt tt 60.0 128.24 60.0 90.00 218.24
it It 9 2 n it 60.0 128.24 60.0 90.00 218.24
tt it 10 2 tt it 60.0 " 128.24 60.0 90.00 218.24
tt It 10 4 it it 60.0 128.24 60.0 90.00 218.24
tt it 9 4 tt E° 60.0 " 128.24 60.0 90.00 218.24
it 11 8 /11 if It 60.0 it 128.24 60.0 90.00 218.24
it tt 7 41 it It 60.0 " 128.24 60.0 90.00 218.24
6 4 if It 53.75 " 114.88 53.75 80.63 195.53
South Side
C. C. Land Company 1 1 Cooke-Carpenter 2nd 65 2.1373426 138.93 65.0 97.50 236.43
C. C. Land Company 2 1
60 tt 128.24 60.0 90.00 218.24
C. C. Land Company 3 1 ►t 60 tt 128.24 60.0 90.00 218.24
C. C. Land Company 4 1 It 60 tt 128.24 60.0 90.00 21.8.24
C. C. Land Company 5 1 ,t
C. C, Land Company 6 1 n 60 3t 128.24 60.0 90.00 218.24
60 it 128.24 60.0 90.00 21.8.24
0. C. Land Company 7 1 ,;
60 tt 128.24 60.0 90.00 218.24
0. C. Land Company 8 1
60 tt 125.24 60.0 90,00 218.24
C. C. Land Company 9 1 tt 60 tt 128.24 60.0 90.00 218.24
0. C. Land Company 10 1 t+ 60 it 128.24 60.0 q�.00 218.3421,
City of Lubbock J. B. Maxey Park 291.25 " 622.50 291.25 43b.88 1,059.3�3
CITY tS SYA E 1 073.02
Final Paving Assessment 39th Street G. W. 0. 1100 Sheet Ro. 1 of 1
Vidth 36 Feet From 151 hest of Uest Property Line Quaker Avenue to the Accepted 10-20-55 Unit hTo. 1771
East Prorelty Line Salem AveLaLe
Owner Lots Block Addition No. Ft. Paving C. &. G. at S1.50 FtTotal
Rate Cobt Lin, Ft. Cost Cost
North Side
Carl L. Field Jr. 7 16 College Hts. 100 2.61325 261.32 100.00 150.00 411.32
Carl L. Field Jr. 8 16 It It 100 it 261.33 100.00 150.00 141 -33
Clark Elmer Bogart 9 16 " 11 100 '.' 261.32 100.00 150.00 411.32
Lane E. Hodges 10 16 " t° 100 '' 261.33 100.00 150.00 4-11.33
Grady P. Warren 11 16 t' " 100 11 261.32 100.00 150.00 41.1.32
Edward Hilburn Jr. 12 16 t' it 100 IT 261.33 100.00 150.00 421.33
Charles L. Treaters 7 15 11 11 100 1 IT 261-32 100.00 150.00 411.32
Ouy L. Stroud West 68 feet of 8 15 IT 't ' 68 11 177.70 68.00 102.00 279.70
E. F. Stevenson East 32 feet of 8 & ?hest 15 1t 't 66 z' 172.47 66.00 99.00 271..47
34 feet of 9
F'erbert B. Reaves East 66 feet of 9 15 " " 66 t1 172.47 66.00 99.00 271.47
lraugbn T. Leaverton 10 15 IT 1t 100 '! 261.33 100.00 150.00 411.33
Eldon T. Smith hest 70 feet of 11 15 " u 70 t' 182.93 70.00 105.00 287.93
Hobert L. Patterson East 30 feet of 11 and 15 11 1T 70 11 182.93 70.00 105.00 287.93
West 40 feet of 12
E. J. Dresser nest 45 feet of East 60 feet 15 It if 45 11 117.60 45.00 67.50 185.10
of 12
South Side
_. G. G. Mcanzie hest 85 feet of 1 22 College Hte. 85 2.61325 222.13 85.00 127.50 349.63
Glen B. McDohald 2 22 it It 100 " 261.32 100.00 150.00 411.32
Emma. Young Footen 3 22 u " :100 " 261.33 100.00 150.00 411.33
Emma Young Hooten 4 22 IT ti 100 E1 261.32 100.00 150.00 411,32
Lake R. Rampy 5 22 " '° 100 261.33 100.00 150.00 4 -1.33
Carl J. Myers 6 22 " 11 100 T1 261.32 1.00.00 150.00 411.32
Preston Florence 1 21 " t' 100 " 261.33 100.00 150.00 411.33
J. D. Massie Jr. 2 21 100 '! 261.32 100.00 150.00 411.32
Charles L. Baggett 3 21 " " 100 261.33 100.00 150.00 411.33
W. Easy Mathis 4 21 IT it 100 't 261.32 1.00.00 150.00 411.32
David G. Calcots West 1/2 of 5 21 It �' 50 130.66 50.00 75.00 205.66
E E. Bryant East 1/2 of 5 21 IT a 50 11 1.30.66 50.00 75.00 205.66
FF?enzy J. Long 6 21 1t It 100 " 261.33 100.00 150.00 411.33
CITY18 S ME 688.16
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® Nashville Avenue from its intersection with the South Property Line of 40th
Street to its intersection with the North Property Line of 41st Street, known
and designated as Unit Number 1737•
42nd Street from its intersection with the East Property Line of Vicksburg
Avenue to its intersection with the East Property Line of Wayne Avenue, known
and designated as Unit Number 1738.
42nd Street from its intersection with the East Property Line of Wayne Avenue
to its intersection with the East Property Line of York Avenue, known and
designated as Unit I�Tumber 1739.
Nashville Avenue from its intersection with the South Property Line of 41st
Street to its intersection with the North Property Line of 42nd Street, known
and designated as Unit Number 1740..
41st Street from its intersection with the West Property Line of Louisville
Avenue to its intersection with the West Property Line of Memphis Avenue, known
and designated as Unit Number 1741.
41st Street from its intersection with the West Property Line of Memphis Avenue
to its intersection with the West Property Line of Nashville Avenue, known and
designated as Unit Number 1742.
.-- 42nd Street from its intersection with the East Property Line of Quaker Avenue
to its intersection with the East Property Line of Raleigh Avenue, known and
designated as Unit Number 1743.
42nd Street from its intersection with the West Property Line of Utica Avenue
to its intersection with the East Property Line of Vicksburg Avenue, known and
,designated as Unit Number 1744.
42nd Street from its intersection with the East Property Line of 'Raleigh Avenue
to its intersection with the East Property Line of Salem Avenue, known and
designated as Unit Number 1748.
42nd Street from its intersection with the East Property Line of Salem Avenue
to its intersection with the East Property Line of Toledo Avenue, known and
designated as Unit Number 1749.
42nd Street from its intersection with the East Property Line of Toledo Avenue
to its intersection with the Fast Property Line of Utica Avenue, known and
designated as Unit Number 1750.
42nd Street from its intersection with the West Property Line of Louisville
Avenue to its intersection with the West Property Line of Memphis Avenue, known
and designated as Unit Number 1751,
42nd Street from its intersection with the West Property Line of Memphis Avenue
to its intersection with a Line 28 feet West of East Property Line of Nashville
Avenue, known and designated as Unit Iumber'1752•
38th Street from its intersection with a Line 30 feet East of the East Property
Line of Knoxville Avenue to its intersection with the West Property Line of
Louisville Avenue, known and designated as Unit Number 1758.
Nashville Avenue from its intersection with the South Property Line of 42nd
r� Street to its intersection with the North Property Line of 43rd Street, known
and designated as Unit Number 1761.
26th Street from its intersection with the West Property Line of Memphis Avenue
to its intersection with a Line 293.75 feet West of West Property Line of
Nashville Avenue, known and designated as Unit Number 1768.
39th Street from its intersection with the West Property Line of Quaker Avenue
to its intersection with the East Property Line of Salem Avenue, known and
, designated as Unit Number 1771.
AND WHEREAS, the improvements upon the said portions of the abovementioned
streets and avenues, have been inspected and found to have been constructed in
accordance with terms of said contract G. W. 0. 1100.
That the improvements on said portions of the abovementioned streets and
avenues be, and the same are hereby accepted, and the City Engineer be and is
hereby authorized to direct payment of the Cityls portion of cost.
That the Mayor and City Secretary be, and they are hereby instructed to
execute and deliver certificates in evidence of the assessments levied against
the parcels of property abutting upon the said portion of streets and avenues
listed above and against the owners of such property in accordance with law and
in the manner provided in said contract, and the proceedings with reference to
said improvements and assessments.
This resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its
iur iayor
Lez P
Laveni& Lowe, City Secretaiy
T. Hickerson, City Engineer
lahtTff Wilson,, City 'Attorney