HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 110972F - Grant Application - HUD - Neighborhood Facilities Project - 11_09_1972h Ito KJ: pr RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING OF APPLICATION FOR NEI GHBORHOOD FACI LI TI ES GRANT WHEREAS Section 703 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 authorizes the making of grants of Federal funds to local public bodies or agencies to assist in financing the development cost of neighborhood facilities projects nec- essary for carrying out programs of community service; and WHEREAS the City of Lubbock (herein sometimes referred to as "Applicant" deems it to be necessary and in the public interest to provide certain facilities of the type contemplated in said Section 703 and to undertake a project (hereinafter called the "Neighborhood Facilities Project") with Federal grant assistance, des- cribed as Parkway School Park Site (Zenith Avenue and Erskine Road); and WHEREAS it is recognized that the Federal contract for such financial assis- tance pursuant to said Section 703 will impose certain obligations and responsibilit. upon the Applicant and will require among other things (1) the provision of the local share of the cost of the Neighborhood Facilities Project, (2) assurances that famili or individuals displaced as a result of the development of a Neighborhood FacilitieE Project will be offered decent, safe, and sanitary housing within their means, (3) the making of relocation payments in accordance with regulations of the Departmen of Housing and Urban Development, (4) compliance with Federal labor standards, and (5) compliance with Federal requirements relating to equal employment oppor- tunity; and WHEREAS Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the regulations of the De- partment of Housing and Urban Development effectuating that Title, or the policy o the. Department provide that no person shall, on the ground of race, 'color, creed, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or k subjected to discrimination in the undertaking and carrying out of projects receivir Federal financial assistance; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: 1. That an application on behalf of the City of Lubbock be made to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a grant under Section 703 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965, in an amount equal to two-thirds of the development cost of the Neighborhood Facilities Project, such development cost now estimated to be $260, 000. 2. That, the Neighborhood Facilities Project (a) is necessary for carrying out a program of health, recreational, social or similar community service in the area, (b) is consistent with comprehensive planning for the development of the community, and (c):.;will be available for use by a significant number of the area's low and moderate income residents. 3. That theis hereby authorized and directed to execute and file such application, to execute such contracts as may be necessary for the grant applied for to provide such information and furnish such documents as may be required by the Department of Housing and Urban KJ:pr II Development, amd to act as the authorized representative of the Applicant in the accomplishment of the Neighborhood Facilities Project. 4. That the United States of America and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development be, and they hereby are, assured of full compliance by the Applicant with the regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and with the policy of the Department prohibiting discrimination on the basis of creed. 5. That the Neighborhood Facilities Project will be carried out in full compliance with applicable Federal statutes and regulations of the Secretary of Labor pertaining to the employment of laborers and me- chanics on projects assisted with Federal lands. Passed by the City Council this 9th day of November 1972. M RRIS W. TURNER, MAYOR ATTEST: Lav hia Lowe, CftSecretary-Treasurer APPROVED AS TO FORM: . Senter, Jr., City FORM APPnn VF>D omn t1!f_ 63-Rlw U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT GOVERNMENT USE ONLY NEIGHGOnHOOE) FACILITIES GRANT FIHOGRAM PROJECT NUMDER APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE PART A (Please read the instructions before completing this opplicotion. Suhniit np fication in original anti at)(,cop 1 DATE SUUMITTEO A. APPLICANT 1. EXACT LCGAL/COnPORATE NAME AND STR@ET ADOnfSS City of Lubbock - Park and Recreation Dept. P. 0. Box 2000 2. (City or Tawn) (County) (State) (Zff' Cade) Lubbock Lubbock Texas 79457 3. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION (Check approprinto box) Stole � County l X� City Other (specify) B. PROJECT 1. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION AND SIZE OF PROJECT (Dancribo) Lots No. 1, 2, and 3; Tract F, McKinsey Terrace Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas. Existing structure contains 3,380 square feet of usable space. There are 3.22 acres of land. The property is in a redevelopment area now controlled by HUD. 2. DESCRIPTION The existing building would be used by the residents for various meetings and services would be provided. Health, legal aid, supervised recreation for all age groups, em- ployment consultation and other services will be provided. A director and assistant director will be hired. A swimming pool and bathhouses will be constructed. 3. PUBLIC INTEREST AND NEED The area in question has had a very unstable population during the last five to ten years. However, due.to`the efforts of the local HUD office, rehabilitation is pro- gressing.'and.the factlittes which we propose should help to stabilize the neighborhood by providing needed recreational and other services in close proximity to the neighbor- hood. 4. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST p. Total project cost b. Local share (Specify source and status) o) cosh Bond Fund - d130,000.00 (2) Noncash e. Amount of grant request (Line a. minus fine b.) 130,000.00 C. LOCALITIES TO BE SERVED CITIES. TOWNS. OR AREAS (List separately) COUNTY CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT(S) POPULATION . I970 CURRENT TO BE SERVED BY PROJECT TOTAL LOW -AND MOOCAATC-/hC Lubbock t 10 38 10,500 10,500 10,000 HUD-6180.1 (7-72) PAGt 13 D. PROGRAM PREREQUISITES 11.LNCHECK IF 'ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE' WITH TITLE VI OF CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 IS ATTACHED. (See Forms )I UI)-I t v01 irld 41906 CHEK IF THE RVIE AREATHE DESIGN CAPAC TY OP TF THE FACILITY IS HC PROP OSCD FACIL TY REASONABLE IN RELATIONSHIP TO THE SERVICES TO DE PROVIDED, 2. A AND CHECK IF "ASSURANCES OF COMPLIANCE" WITH RESPECT TO REQUIREMCNTS OF TITLE II AND TITLE III OF THE UNIFORM, 3• RELOCATION ASSISTANCE AND FiHAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION POLICIES ACT OF 1970 ARL ATTACHEO.(See Forme IIUD-11909 and 41909.) 4. CIIIfCK IF THE r`R0Jr..CT WILL DE SO LOCATED AS TO BE AVAILA13LE FOR USE BY A SIGNIFICANT NUMBER OF LOW -AND �w MODERATE -INCOME RESIDCNTS. (tricludo as parr of dexcr/pNun In It.7.) E. RELATIONSHIP TO COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING YES uNO IS THE PROPOSED FACILITY SPL'CIFICALLY IDENTIFIED IN THE. LOCALITY'S GCNCRAL PLAN? F. INCOME LEVELS OF AREA TO DE SERVED (Ch-ek appropriate bus) THE PERCENTAGE OF FAMILIES THAT ARE LOW -AND MODERATE -INCOME FAMILIES AND WHOSE NEEDS ARE PROPOSED TO BE SCRVL:O BY THE FACILITY ARE: LESS THAN 40 PCRCCNT �50-S9 PERCENT L� 40.49 PERCENT [X160 OR MORE PERCENT (Use fatesl available doconnlal census data.) C, RELEVANCE OF PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. LYES C]NO WILL THE PROPOSED FACILITY BE MADE READILY ACCESSIBLE TO LOW- AND MODERATE -INCOME FAMILIES OUTSIDE THE IMMEDIATE NEIGHBORHOOD? (11 yes, explain brlclly)Bus service is now provided in the neighborhood and during the summer free bus service will be provided to transport low and moderate income families to the swimming pool.. 2. YES CDNO WILL THE NEEDS IDENTIFIED BY REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS OF LOW- AND MODERATE -INCOME FAMILIES AND SERVICE AREA ORGANIZATIONS BE MET BY THE PROPOSED FACILITY AND WILL PROVISION BE MADE FOR CITIZEN PARTICIPATION TO CONTINUE WITH A PROGRAM OF COMMUNITY SERVICES? (I1 yes, explain brolly: the process used to Involve rosidenis In assesslnn needs and the provisions lot a continuing citizen par llclpatlon effort.) The CAB will have use of the building as needed. The City of Lubbock has a permanent Citizen's Grievance Committee which has equal repre- sentation from all races and income groups. 3. LYES NO WILL THE PROPOSED NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITY PROGRAM COORDINATE AND EXTEND EXISTING HEALTH, RECREATION, SOCIAL, OR SIMILAR COMMUNITY SERVICES TO MEET THE IDENTIFIED NEEDS OF THE POPULATION OF THE AREA TO BE SERVED? (If yes, explain brlelty) By maki nq office space available for established health, employment, and legal services. K CAPACITY TO ADMINISTER THE NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITY I. YES , CnNO HAS THE LOCALITY COMMITTED STAFF AND FUNDS TO PROVIDE CORE SERVICES FOR THE PROPOSED FACILITY? (11 yes, please describe briefly) 2. YES rX NO HAS THE LOCALITY PUT INTO OPERATION A PROJECT ASSISTED UNDER THE NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITIES GRANT PROGRAM? (Identlly project and provide project number: ) (If the answer to question 2 above is "Yes," questions 3 and 4 need not be answered by the applicant.) 3. tY�YES C]NO THE APPLICANT HAS ADEQUATELY MAINTAINED NEIGHBORHOOD PUBLIC FACILITIES. (It'yes.' describe the malntenarice efforts and indicate the locations of the facilities) The City of Lubbock has mai ntai r ed the Posey Neighborhood Center at 1602 Vanda since construction in 1968. 4. M YES NO SUCH PROGRAMS HAVE BEEN OPERATED ON A NONDISCRIMINATORY BASIS. (If 'yes.' give evldnnce)The Cen- ter is located in a tri-racial neighborhood and is open to all residents. 1. LOCAL EQUAL EMPLOYMENT AND ENTREPRENEURIAL EFFORT 1. Describe any recent (i.e., immediate 2 calendar years preceding application) activities to recruit, train, and upgrade members of minority groups within both locality and the applicant agency staffs. Cite numbers of such persons recruited, trained, and/or upgraded; their median salaries before and after training; budget outlays for recruitment and training, and any other information which will describe these activities. (Attach descriptive statement and limit to not more than one page.) See Attachment "A" 2. Describe the activities and results of the locality's and the applicant's affirmative action policies and programs, if any, during the past 2 years preceding this application, which are designed to assure, and assist in, increased employment and training op- portunities for members of minority groups who are interested in entering the construction industry at -all skill levels. (Attach descriptive statement and limit to not more than one page.) See Attachment "A" HUD-6190.1 (7-72) PAGE s. 3. Describe anymathods which flee locality and the opplicont have utilized within the past 2 years preceding this application to assure the participation of minority firms in contracts for goods, services, and construction let by the locality and the appli. cant. Include specific statistical information on minority firms which have participated in work financed through HUD funds, Include any changes in local or state procurement statutes and/or regulations which are designed to produce increased partici- potion by minority firms in public contracts. (Attach descriptive statement and limit to not more than ono page.) 4. Based on the locality's and the applicant's existing affirmative action policies and programs, designed to provide enhanced opportunities for training, employment, and business opportunities for members of minority groups, what do you believe will be the impact of such policies and plans on activities resulting from this application, in each of the following categories: (Shnlu sollices u%(1,11a. If d(Ila are ►u'l a+v+ilable, in whole or in liart, show steps heing, taken to collect tm+d n+aintain such ►l(it+l.) -40. Minority Employment in theApplicantAgenc CURRENT TOTAL. NUMBER OF PERCENT OF NUMBER OF MINORITV TRAINEES MINORITY MINORITY (no( included In column 2) 111 121(3) 14) MANAGERIAL vitort:SSIONAL AND TCCIINICAL 5KILLLD 100 UNSKILLED NEW EMPLOYMENT GENERATED BY TOTAL NUMBER OF PERCENT OF NUMBER OF MINORITY TRAINEES THIS APPLICATION (It any)' MINORITY MINORITY (not Included In column 2) (11 (2) (3) (4) MANAGERIAL 2 2 100 PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL SKILLED UNSKILLED 1 100 1 4b. Minority Training and Employment With Contractors and Vendors Holding Controcts With Applicant. (11 a statistical sampling method is utilized in answering this section, describe such sampling methods and the specific sources of data provided.) CURRENT —EMPLOYMENT BY CONTRACTORS TOTAL NUMBER OF PERCENT OF NUMBER OF MINORITY TRAINEES HOLDING CONTRACTS WITH LOCALITY MINORITY MINORITY (not to eluded In column 2) (1) (2) -13) (4) MANAGERIAL PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL SKILLED UNSKILLED NEW EMPLOYMENT GENERATED BY NUMBER OF THIS APPLICATION TOTAL NUMBER OF PERCENT OF MINORITY TRAINEES (It contract to lot by Locality) MINORITY MINORITY (not included In column 2) (1) (2) (3) (4) MANAGERIAL PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL SKILLED UNSKILLED 4e. Minority Training and Employment With Contractors and Vendors Holding Contracts With Applicant. (If a statistical sampling method is utilized in answering this section, describe such sampling methods and the specific sources of data provided.) NUMBER OF CURRENT —EMPLOYMENT BY CONTRACTORS TOTAL NUMBER OF PERCENT OF MINORITY TRAINEES HOLDING CONTRACTS WITH LOCALITY MINORITY MINORITY (not Included In column 2) (1) (2) (3) •(4) MANAGERIAL AND TECHNICAL [PROFESSIONAL SKILLED UNSKILLED HUD-6180.1 (7-72) r PAr:F t NEW EMPLOYMENT GENERATED DY THIS APPLICATION. TOTAL NUMBER OF PERCENT OF NUMDER OF MINORITY TRAINEES (it contract Is let by Applicant) MINORITY MINORITY (not Included In column 2) Il) (2) (31 (4) MANAGERIAL PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL SKILLED UNSKILLED 4d. Percent of Contract Awards to Minority Firms for Services, Goods, and Construction, in Contracts Let by Locality. (1l a statistical sampling method is utilized in answering this section, describe such sampling methods and the specific sources of data provided.) SERVICCS AND GOODS CONSTRUCTION _ TOTAL MINORITY Z TOTAL MINORITY 41 cr 6 Ir fr. NUMnCR: NUME)EH: NUMUF►i: NUMnf.n: AMOUNT: S AMOUNT: S AMOUNT: S AMOUNT: S EOJ NF:W ACTIVITY (tit) y a plicntlon) NEW ACTIVITY (thla appllcnUon) TOTAL MINORITY TOTAL MINORITY NUMBER: NUMBER: NUMBER: NUMBER: AMOUNT: S AMOUNT: S AMOUNT: S AMOUNT: S S. What is the usual trading area in which the locality or the applicant publishes bid announcements for potential contractors to provide goods, services, or construction or in which the locality or the applicant negotiates contracts for goods, services, or construction? (Describe either in forms of number of miles from the jurisdiction or in terms of the location of contractors most distant from the jurisdiction.) 150 mile radius J. LOCAL NEED 1. MEDIAN INCOME OF JURISDICTION (Check appropriate box and Indicate source of information) THE MEDIAN ANNUAL FAMILY INCOME FOR THE APPLICANT'S GEOGRAPHIC AREA OF JURISDICTION, COMPARED WITH THE STATE MEDIAN ANNUAL FAMILY INCOME IS: SI-S500 BELOW STATE MEDIAN MORE THAN S500 BELOW STATE MEDIAN EQUAL TO OR ABOVE THE STATE MEDIAN SOURCE: 2. MEDIAN INCOME OF SERVICE AREA (Check appropriate box and Indicate source of information) THE MEDIAN ANNUAL FAMILY INCOME OF THE SERVICE AREA COMPARED WITH THE STATE IS: $1-S500 BELOW STATE MEDIAN MORE THAN $500 BELOW STATE MEDIAN EQUAL TO OR ABOVE THE STATE MEDIAN SOURCE: 1970 Census K. COMMITMENT TO PROJECT 1. LOCAL COMMITMENT a. THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE (1) [JYES �NO PARTICIPATED DURING THE PLANNING OF THE PROJECT. (2) M YES ONO IS DEMONSTRATING CONTINUING PUBLIC COMMITMENT IN SUPPORT OF THE PROJECT. BRIEFLY EXPLAIN ANSWERS TO at1) AND a(2) ABOVE: The mayor made the original recommendation and has supported the project throughout the planning stages. b. THE GOVERNING 13ODY OF THE LOCALITY (1) MYES ONO PARTICIPATED DURING THE PLANNING OF THE PROJECT. (2) 2 YES ONO IS DEMONSTRATING CONTINUING PUBLIC COMMITMENT IN SUPPORT OF THE PROJECT. BRIEFLY Ex1LA1N ANSWERS TO W) AND 6(2) ABOVE: • We have had the cooperation of the City Council throughout the planning stages. 1(UD•6180.1 (7-72) IZ PAGE s 2. RESIDENT COMMITMENT [X#ES UNO THERE HAS Dr -EN PARTICIPATION BY CITIZENS AND THE REPRESENTATIVE OF CITIZEN ORGANIZATIONS, IN THE SERVICE AREA, IN THE DEVELOPMENT Of INITIAL PLANS AND PROJECT ODJCCTIVES, AND ADE- QUATE PROVISIONS HAVE SCE:N MADE FOR THE CONTINUED INVOLVEMENT OF SERVICE AREA RESIDENTS THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT LIFE. (11 'yes,' explain briefly.) Through. meetings with developers in the area we have been able to get the ideas as stated by the residents of the area. 3. COORDINATION OF RESOURCES �.CX YC5 CJNO THCRC WAS PARTICIPATION OF OTHCR LOCAL AGCNCICS DURING THC PLANNING PHASCT(ll'yoe,e lief agencies and briefly describe their participation.) Chamber of Commerce - Committee '70 Local HUD Office United Fund - Guadalupe Center Staff 6.YES NO THERE IS CURRENT COMMITMENT INCLUDING RESOURCES FROM FEDERAL, STATE, COUNTY AND OTHER LOCAL AGENCICS IN ADDITION TO THOSE NECESSARY TO SATISFY THE LOCAL SHARE REQUIREMENT? (if 'yea.' list agencies and brtolly describe their commitment.) ti 4. PARTICIPATION IN AREAWIDE OR METROPOLITAN PLANNING UX YES NO IS THERE ACTIVE PARTICIPATION BY THE LOCALITY'S REPRESENTATIVE(S) IN THE AREAWIDE OR METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION? (11 'yea.' explain briefly.) The City of Lubbock is represented by both voting and non -voting partici- pation on SPAG. L. EXPANSION OF HOUSING FOR LOW- AND MODERATE -INCOME FAMILIES 1. DURING THE PAST THREE YEARS ASSISTED HOUSING HAS BEEN PROVIDED IN THE COMMUNITY THROUGH: (it 16Yes.0•briefly expfa/n) CZ YES NO • o. NEW CONSTRUCTION —HUD - Apts . a YES NO b. REHABILITATION — HUD 2. APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN FILED FOR ASSISTED HOUSING UNDER ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMS: (if ".Yes." briefly explain) CAYES ❑ NO o. 235 Loans [SYE.S ❑NO b. 236 Rent assistance YES ❑ NO C. PUBLIC AND OR OTHER ASSISTED HOUSING 95 I.. THERE 15 PERCENT OF LOW— AND MODERATE —INCOME HOUSING IN THE SERVICE AREA. 4. LA YES ❑ NO THE LOCALITY HAS A REALISTIC PLAN TO EXPAND THE SUPPLY OF LOW— AND MODERATE —INCOME HOUSING IN A NONDISCRIMINATORY WAY OUTSIDE AREAS OF CONCENTRATION OF ECONOMICALLY DISADVANTAGED OR MINORITY GROUP CITIZENS. (11 the details of the plan have not boon previously sub - emitted to t(UD for review attach the plan.) HUD-6180.1 (7-72) PAGE e M. SUBMISSION AUTHORIZATION The applicant represents that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief and that the filing of this application has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant identified in A-1. ATTEST: C (Signature of Aftrst/ng Dlllcer) �Yrlfle) / BY: (Signature of Authorized 011lclal) Mayor (Title) October 30, 1972 (Date) 762-6411 (Telophono Number) NOTE: All supporting documentation must be retained by applicant and additional information may be requested to support this application. r NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITIES PROGRAM APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS— PART A A. APPLICANT: 1. Exact Legal /Corporate Name: Fill in the exact legal or corporate name of the local public body or agency, as defined in Section 106(b9) of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965, which is applying for Federal assistance under the program. 2. Address: Give the post office address of the applicant. 3. ape of Organization: State — An organizational unit of state government. County — An organizational unit of the government of a county (or parish). City — An organizational unit of the government of a city, town, township or other municipality. Other Separate local public agency or housing authority school district, interstate agency, council of government, etc. B. PROJECTt 1. Geographic Location and Size of Project: Describe proposed location of proicct and size of structure(s) in square feet. Indicate if the locality is.in whole, or in part, in a designated "redevelopment area" as defined or used in the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended. 2. Description: Give a brief description of existing problems in the proposed service area. Describe the specific facilities to be constructed or acquired and the services to be located in such facilities. Describe the nature of these services, including core service activities, as appropriate. Core Services cover such activities as: a. Coordination of services, including hiring of a center director; b. `Outreach' i.e, efforts to extend services beyond normal service area; c. Intake, referral, and followthrough; d. Information development and dissemination; e. Maintenance of central record -keeping system; .f. Community organization. 3. Public Interest and Need: Give brief statement of why this project is desirable and necessary for project residents and the city, as a whole. A. Estimated Project Cost: Self-explanatory. C. LOCALITIES TO BE SERVEDr Self-explanatory. D. PROGRAM PREREQUISITES: Items 1-4 are self-explanatory. HUD-6180.1 (7-72)