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Resolution - 051150B - Street Improvements - City Engineer - Multiple Locations - 05_11_1950
r RESOLUTION e RESOLUTIOIT PROVIDING FOR 31TROVET• 1'T OF PORTIONS OF STM,7ETS, VjMTUES ATTD/OR ALLEYS IN T113 CITY 07 LT-7M-P0CK2 TEXAS AND T)TREGTING PREPARATION ON' PLANS AITD SPECIFICATIONS. BE IT RESOLVED BY TTIE CITY COP24ISSIOIT 017 LTJBBOCl, TEXAS, That, Public necessity exists that the following portions of streets, avenues and/or alleys in the City of Lubbock, Texas, be improved as herein provided, to-wit: Cornell Street from EPL Elgin Avenue to EPL Gary Avenue e Boston Avenue from TTPL Dartmouth Street to SPL Duke Street % Duke Street from EPL Boston Avenue to WPL Canton Avenue ' L / Dartmouth Street from EPL Boston AvE:nue to WPL Canton Avenue Emory Street from EPL Burleson Osborn :4dd.to WPL Detroit Avenue 30th Street from WPL Lvenue E to IM Avenue A �( 1lideninr- of Avo.H from SPL 30th Street to XPL 29tI1 Street Louisville Avenue from SPL 30th Street to f4PL 31st Street 33rd Stroet fron: TUL Fvenue S to EPL Avenue T Bates Stre©t from EPL Gory Avenue to 4,'PL Indiana, Avenue "VtLouisville rvenua from SPL 31st Street to NPL 32nd Street 1�, J Louisville Avenue from SPL 32nd Street to '17L 33rd Street Louisville Avenue from SPL 33rd Street to TT.Pay.L 34th Street Fir Street from IM 22nd Street to NPL 23rd Street Fir Street from SPL 23rd Street to SPL 28th Street Memphis Avenue from SPL 26th Street to NPL 27th Street 25th Street from WPL Joliet Avenue to 'vPL Kno-,7, ill e Avenue Avenue T from SPL 32nd Street to NPL 33r St" ea 2nd Street from EGL Clovis Rd. to TJPL Avenue Q Avenue Q fron EPL Clovis Rd. to South ROIL P 8: S.F.R.R. 23rd Strut from EPL Pnoyville Avenue to EPL Louisvil t-e Avenue 410t Street from EFL Akron Avenue to EPL Boston Avenue 48th Street from 'U.Pay.L Avenue Q to WPL Avenue Cornell Street from EPL Gary Avenue to I4PL Indiana Avenue 30th Street from EPL College Avenue to EPL A!won Avenue Colgate Street from EPL College Avenue to EPL Garrison Sub. Indiana Avenue from TTPL Bates Stro3t to NPL Baylor Street 36th Street from WPL Canton Avenue to WPL Elgin Avenue Knoxville Avenue from SPL 28th Street to TTPL 29th Street I°Tolffv-rth Stroet from WPL Avenue G to EPL Avenue H Avenue n from SPL Main Street to NPL Broadwev 2n? Street from EPL Avenue a to ?,IPL Amarillo Rd. /.6th Street from W Pav: L:Av6nue it to EPL Avenue L 21st Street from WPL Tdermhi.s _Aver.pe to WPL Mliqii Avenue I' Avenue J fron: S Pav,L. 34th--Street to SPL 36th Street Kato:-ville Avenue from SPL 29th Street to NPL 30th Street 38th Street from EPL College Avenue to EPL Akron Avenue 3rd Street from 14PL Avenue F to EFL Avenue H 29th Street from ZdPL Texas Avezwie to EPL Avenue L 39th Street fr IML Canton Avenue to NTL Elgin Avenue ,lemphis "venue fron SI L 19th Street to Id 'L 20t.h Street ITem his avenue frora SPL 20th Street to NFL 2 st Street :Iemnhis -,-avenue from. SPL r:l st Street to I,TPL 22nd re & East of East-?vest Alley Block 120 Original To�rrn A dition e 0511W North — South Alley Bl001. 151 Original Torm Addition North — South Alley Blocs 137 Original Town Addition and Certain Streets or gives in Lubboc% Memorial Conotery. 11. Said portions of streets, avenues and/or alleys shall be improved by raising, dradirg, wild filling sage, and by Installing concrete curbs and gutters, end story^ severs and drains where necossary, and by pemin trth one of the follow- tD in; t3Tos or r^^.terial on prover foundation, to-wit; (a) ??o'- ?'_%x Asphaltic Conereto Aspha]tic Surface Treatment The ,e},aot r,:" paver-:ent to be dotermixe-I by the Commission of tF 0; C of Lub- Tho CJ:l.try` 24ndini,er ` here y stl to prop.-are l b dire�:t:__ I7._ars aria. ..,.�c.; at rats r�r ;.ttc , J 1 ro't;er ont:;. The Cit;,r Er_oi.re r i.s directed to , estimate of the cost of such in rovom,Qr is b lore tr.e hearing relatirp hereto is Iiul'd arl before any such. iri:3ro7rc.:~Ents ,are actually constructe I. 1Y. in each '.Tait zh all be ,,�.�a ll he f ll , - ,,.� .,. i or n ' G �(;� li7t; 1'1, .1`5;:2 �'.Iy7wrInb o7' {:rC3: v iid z::ny portlr.,1 of ai I ^at'" mts »G :o 1.uT',yOSf,Cl i. 1='11. ply. j-(I bF' .ZS„.:C?0se:-I ="o=' &11 tt3^. ...,.sl. a ot'tr- Ir the ar- c bvt ac'11 -%L IV rL:Lls ?arf.1 tracks2 detiblo tra.c7:'_'7 �7 o ^i i'!i .a^;Z� thr-rc-of. 71 - RTil'�: ubtZt'�iJ..o ;;r0 :3rt'i�* am" lv+;^1I201'F thr.'1'GG>r y" "<�� fo-r Z011 t11Ee • P c st ,.?-t �,_ .•t t, n front {+ .7:. e„7'7.: I',...�,i1.o -:!..�?:. ri fr0 . �; O_ .. )I'0 7!.'7't5T `:]I.d i:,�"r�' ray t. `.-'. z�...,-�.nzr: cost v?1^7.i. i.�i•y Y t'i3:' ^.':t;`.i t. ..- el.edt_l.'.ting tIie�o�' Gc1S'r Sri ui�.. a• _, }.,. 4 1_.t..Y Y +, ��I .-�• r th? .a�r�• ....C,�-. ,.�.� -t ttl Vy J..! no �CtT + "�'v,Ca �'v :al .: is fJi u� C •., ... . .. .c v b ^t l7t t .t.I b �•T"G. I C L:i. t._ _. J J� �.) f7;,r ui'C 1?" 2'O',{c.°t'.;i:1�tu plus t�=C ;•.c':.'t Ul ii�l^ CiIY' 7 1' and furthor n .1,' -� ':! � •�� oh ll �., - y?. t or -Z�1. 1.) I',.- }, rI ,^ 0 a,:. 't;e� J... %t 7.., i� :+.t3.... iz1'ly:::.c.,.. e 1] c.;� � .. �' .L In w1 w.. y .:..., t r ...a_ . � .,I.CF tl..�„'t ..��.ti:, v"'n�'�7.'-1 U'`;nf'^;.�-^ t ^7:^•1, i � -, 1-t. �Yr {• n:.w_..., • -r:.._T. Ul �i n_ b, riiennc of .,, ..... 3;`^' <�.:. .a-_ :.T... It:v' •_', z. "v'i.`�G_'=.r:l.�'..:1 0r7 , hcn u:i t7 b- c..;- ec: :..:1ch, abtli,U�.,..K., ,,.�„ 1'.,-,-��-r" �'^c� T. l - �'y^-�+ now to bon'Z'ILP.-i 'S".1,r.C:i?ii2;; ^.• t of s aia, f i'vliT a . C ur+:�ii ag.Tns t �a!_1wc ,s, �.:7d :;trect c C'C .. - r"'1ltJ^�"� LIYI -r (a) h:Ereoi, L:1,1 z.Oa --t. ab'.3 -frog '+-1 S th'e mjn .,rs thereof L :bT] ocl.:. "Jr Tho �'Io be, p I J r a i il a s o s e rJ a:6--a InSt st.r.,,cat ra-1.1ways fcl- �ot-,iocn railz uml trai'lr-- ani t?,ro f:�c'u or, --Ide, th--.roof, 2 0 0 Ltcron,.� or or !-.,:,r dc'— uft-r omr,l t o o U u 1. - f L- - I "0 Uil :i" i���� 5 0', �3 '2 r " t'1-:0 an-I z;LCLI boar irt�jr,,,st fror� dat- r1no an,,! 1al,-7 c'LJ -'u':;2 rat-D of r-jj` -)-r u I --1 �-v u annim. Th�,- amcuntE to I-a lasuss�-,-A a-n-3 na`(' abut-I-in" rr;7�pert'y anet the o7-mers thereof in each UnIA shall be pay-able in r z *a,1r.,a i CIrc respoctilrel-, on or b- foru, ten 2 - t I �?'O—72 0 a r 11 comy'le"'Imn -'md accertance by the ""Ity of t733 irp--1-6venont5 in T-c-'A, .I' - C", -nJ shall be in'rrc-�;t from date c etion.1 and acco r-nd ix-til r at Vne, r.-to Dr 6"S' -er cont per czivom., qyable I' - —! L-�I .", -*on th t !:-,f a-'127-t In in the t-cyr-In' n' annu%' 3 !,cm a' V,.a o-tion of t'lic, h.-)117%-..i-,-- Ir 'he s--:.xie Tqat,zre,--� 0 ZSZCO,�—,' in ev-1.dirmce thoreof sucn deir'.W...". raturo e 3 me V -s r I; I.ron which sarr) is mado. Asuess,-ents shall be made un I 1, I-ed anI a'I be a firs L and rrior licn and Personal liability for princip-0 I interest, reasonable naLt-Orneyto JE'e-cs and costs of collcotion: if incurred., all mdcx and, it accordance With the Charter, and amendments thereto, now in force in tlniw City. 711. U .- ThIs resolution shall take cr-le--t and be in Z6rce from and of le its PI-SSE D AND !XPIZCVED thi-, the 11 day of Ka y .91950. A .I;,TT 7:77