HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 032846A - Agreement - Employ Architects - Plans For Auditorium Coliseum - 03_28_1946 ' r J RESOLUTION WHERREAS, the City Commission deems it advisable to immediately employ architects in connection with the plans, construction and erection of an Auditorium-Coliseum within the corporate limits of the City of Lubbock and S. B. Haynes and W. T. Strange, dba Haynes and Strange Architects of Lubbock, Texas, have made a proposal substantially acceptable to the governing body, THEREFM, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: That the Mayor BE and he is hereby authorized to execute the attached agreement marked Exhibit "A", for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock. Passed by unanimous vote of the Commission, this 28th day of March, 1946. Mayor Attests City Secretary A. 052SLYDA iiwbib-it •As Ms�diteri+awe-Co'iisene► 8eyraees a0$ Strass�e ThIL ACO",LAT the 28th def at Mxrrets. 1W6, bj aced between tw C-itt ad' Lub vc* Leroiaanft r x:. IL44 Mg a ;;. % 3n-&s aEitx4 *. T. Stroago, dba Harmas arsl Strane of Lab.ftk, Texas, horeinafter called the Architects. It Maas Ssfb, that, whereas the C i.ty- i st ads V" ereest as AndUmim-CoUseens vithiss Ow 94cparate Baits V the Citdr at Labbook, 4 7A, i 1W,Ff A44, the Mq as►d tw Architectsq for the ocnsideratlas hil"I a %er Daaed, agree as follwras. L AreUt,ects' Services The Ar+ehiteats agree to pert'waa r foa al ,ml lrvioes fast the above aaatL-3aa-� warks, which aarc�rioes ahal3 aa,-41srt if the ascsasawtrr eester- enow, tw preparation of the prerllaimix7 desp varkleg draw s, esifirsat3oses9 large saee.le amd detail draviiWol the drs►ftiag of tam af ale and a=tsaeutast the keeping of aaataimts between City and eontaractere= cad the ,eenar&l adainisUe- U= of business vW sapervial m of the mark. S. ,fS4rl3almy zatlaateass �han requested to eta so, the AMLAtrats _MhAll far- nisr,'h ,deli inex oisttmz"r: of the coat �t Ufa w3rk, but %W do net garirentoe the ' see uraas? aS staoh astLas tes. In cacao the lowest reliasW gwaral bid be Ui -, r than tw eatinsta Ziven b7 the so or core than finds available flr LL:-& PM- jects then the Y-robiteata,, if so desirrd 1W Vac CiVs swll etake snob revisime at the dra*i a 4&4 specit atL.+na, alt hat a1m},Qe W the %:!%o as say Le reeaess►ery to br ag the e"t of the building within fins available. 3. ,rstaarvtsi.jn of the s the Atehiteetss v tb*JJr railreasetntatives w1U asks vioite to the building for the purpose ar' geas al supervieie a of such frequMV seed dusrati e Lis ir► the kshLtesets' j udgemat will satfiae at as my be aeeessenrf to M- ly Irii tr aCt t a a wtra atoro, past Van the marit►s of "tarials ama3 workmanship cad saaistteia can effeaetite �)r4On14wUJO Of S*VWUI a OJM%sactWS aWS96d Mpon the tea. The Arahltecta aiU deastsW .-)r the ooafiraoters ps*pw aorreation snei roses- -�lf ail �eiLsaate d1soll+mm. in the vwk# and will asslat the Citjr in coremizZ the texas at the oesttracts= but the Arehiteet►s' saperriaioz shell wt inaltsde► liabilftY or are- ar,ausitility for &W broseb of eontnot br the oosatre►atwo. ;. Archita cts' Liabilitrs In ell traessestl-ma between the City cad tAse castm- Un tw Archit+ecta are to not as the CiV's *pat, and their duties and liabilities LA thine 0owlao i.}n are tL.>ze .3r aaR agent 044. j. =' di+3FiL to Arwiteate s The City agree* to per' the Arehitaets j siatl y for the Mbove RefttijUS4 sesr+riacees a *"#p 4M&t1QU at FL" ( ) W Gadt ,at for t t$1 And 000- plate caxt of the ww&g A.acl+ ding xtatl�=wy fixtae` o seta! heal-aa l oquiPseeaLp but eseluilog the cost of la,ad, lagel, atrehiWtwal sr omismin fees. The terns of pefsswat Ahali is as toilettes upon 0>,Up,lati.?n if the prellcaf4x�- stkidu2, )-,* fifth of tho total fee as oLicAp alted aiyaa the estiaatod cost a* the work sba12 be paid; at the tbw c=structi pr4paaals are rfsuairodf a scum sufficient to increase the ;y- sent to three-fifthae -al the total fee.shal) be paid.. a& coapAad ,)a tho a epto of =ha asounts of the lavost reliable jr3, ,1z+tlsj the raasialn, two-firth of the fee shall be ;.aid 3a instalLeawattet, dutrt:ly thg origraaa :Nf the tenthp at the Um eartiftaates of pqumt are issued to amtractioroe eaeeh iaeUUmwste L-91w computed epos the aaouat at the cortifisate Uouned. AiW reaasini4 or final i-Atellaeat ,stall be due affi pgsble Wn the owWleti3n of the whet ondertstaase 042 WA - If for •ter resssn the building profeet B mbsndomed afterthe pa`awatinn of the diewins and specifiestioass then oay the mment of the three 00 pereent at the estimated east shall be dos, as provided above) but sbould the work be resmssds then the Arehiteets shalll, earry an the work and reesive their fall aeepsasation tharsfor as MO; qgh w defy had ocaarrsdjo axoept What pyaost of :he *&tire son- sid+irstion is suNoct to sale 7f bands for the project. 6* vaership of Doeuseats and Tbo criaissl drsmiur,3 amd speeifioatione are the praperty of the Gity whether the work rar shiah their are made be o;mautm at 4jt, end is lieU of U.e a-Mm iderati in set, -34t in Paragraph Ss the G ity *aY at its apti.)e "'ervlee the manstructlan, in wU4h event the Aeehitectx ahall be pall three (3A5 per coat 07 the total and aoaplate cast of the corky 1401,4 inn station- azT fixtures and mobaniaal equip meat, and =less the City axaraLoss eruct+ o7*ion, the Ambiteats shall reaeits full coopmsmtioa as provided in Paraoraph $s S.4r aU services oQtitremplated by this mgr*em nU Me pity mad the Architeets hereby agree to the fall performance -344' the oovsxeank s aomtmiaed bereia. This is not assigmmble 1W Architects. QW have emmatod this agreeeeat the day and year first above written. CITY UYNE'a' & MAMUE s Arshiwa s y City .�aorwfary