HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 090971F - Grant Application - Criminal Justice Council - Microfilm Information Retrieval - 09_09_1971cl RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that Grant described below will ssist in more effective law enforcement, NOW THEREFORE ;E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized to execute :)r and on behalf of the City of Lubbock an application for a Grant offered by the .riminal Justice Council of the State of Texas for establishing a microfilm inform tion retrieval system to be used by the Lubbock Police Department, the total rant amount being $41, 795. 60 and a copy of such grant application is attacked .ereto and made a part hereof. assed by the City Council this 9th day of TTEST: f PPROVED AS TO FORM: d O, Senter, Jr., reasurer z- , rney r1 Page 1 TEXAS CRIMINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL APPLICATION FOR GRANT 1. Short Title of Project: (Do not exceed one typed line) Identification Microfilm System 2. Type of Application: (Check one) Grant Number (C.J.C. use only) Original X Revision Continuation Program No. Under Which Funding Expected: Grant Number of Application to be :eased or Continued 3. Project Duration: 4. Total C.J.C. Support Sought: Iota] length 12 months (Total for project) $ 4L�745.60 • From January 1, 1972 5. - Request for First Year: Through December '31, 1972 (Project exceeding, 16 months) 6. Applicant Agency or Institution: 7. Project Director: (Name, address, planning region) (Name, title, address, telephone) Lubbock Police Department Lt. Claude Keaton Post Office Box 2000 Lieutenant of Services Lubbock, Texas 79457 Post Office Box 2000 Lubbock, Texas 79457 • South Plains Association of Government 806-763-5333 8. Financial Officer: 9. Official Authorized to Sign Application: (Name, title, address, telephone) (Name, title, address) Mr. Sterling Miller f Mr. W. R. Blackwell Finance Officer 1 City Manager City of Lubbock City of Lubbock Lubbock, Texas 79401 Lubbock, Texas 806-762-6411 10. Type of Agency or Institution: 11. Federal Tax Exemption Determination: X Public Private Nonprofit X Yes* Date Pending: Yes No *If yes, attach copy of letter of exemption determination. 12. Federal Support: 13. Federal Submissions: Will other federal support be avafIbble for any part of this project? Have other federal agencies been contacted for assistance on this or similar. projects? YesX_No. If yes, identify Yes X No. If yes, specify: and explain: 14. Date: 15. Total Pages in Application: 17 . Farm CJC•1 (2/1l7i) `.• , 4�:f/t'�Cit•,, • • !'�./ice_ 1\Ire. Page 2 TEXAS CRWINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL Detailed Project Budget: , _.%_Complete Project (16 months or less) First Year Only (Projects exceeding 16 months) A. Personnel (Employees) 1. Salaries (list each position .:•ith salary rate & p of time to be devoted) APPLICATION FOR GRANT •Period FromJanuary _1 , 1972 Through Dprember 31. 1972 W.C. Grantee I Category ipport Contribution I Total See Continuation Sheet - Page 2A $ $ 00 1$20,433.21 2. FICA, Retirement, etc. is $ 1,857.21 Sub Totals Is $ 20,433.21 B. Professional and Contract Services Sub Totals is is -0- C. Travel (Transportation & subsistence) $ $ f Sub Totals $ $ $ D. Equipment See Continuation Sheet - Page 2-B $39,926.00 $ Sub Totals $ 39, 926.00 $ $ 39, 926.00 E. Construction Plumbing for Film Processor $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Sub Totals $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 F. Supplies & Other Operating Expenses See Continuation Sheet - Page 2C $ 1,769.60 $ Sub Totals $ 1,769.60 $� 1,7b9.60 A. PERSONNEL (EMPLOYEES) _ -PAGE 2A % of =� No. Employee Salary Time Amount FICA Retirement Licls. 1 Lt. of Services $ 8,880.00 20% '$19776.00 $ 95.90 $ 88.80 $ .88 1 Sgt. of Records 8s400.00 40% 3,360.00. 181.44 84.00 1.68 5 I. D. Officers 39,000.00 20% 7,800.00 421.20 390.00 3.90 1 Clerk 3,760.00 100% 39760.00 203.04 188.00 1.90 1 Clerk 3,760.00 50% 1,8,80.00 101.52 94.00 .95 TOTALS I $63,800.00 $18,5� 76.00 $1 003.10 $844.80. $9. 1 D. EQUIPi= PAGE 2B Quantity Description Amount r 1 Reader -Printer Including Parity $ 99960.00* . -Check Keyboard Control Unit, Logic Package 6 Inequality Keyboards @ $1,175 ea. 79050.00 1 Response Monitor 18120.00* 1 Equidigit Logic Selection Control 485.00 2 Keyboard Cabinets 40.00 1 Retrieval Station Console 395.00 1 Microfilm File Console 300.0 1 Twin Tier Mounting Kit 60.00 1 Interpolation Logic Selection Control 640.00 1 MIRACODE WORD OR Logic 500.00 1 Microfilmer wi$:h Film Unit 100500.00 1 Input Keyboard 40215.00 1 Magazine Loading Station 70.00 1 Film Processor, including basic 49591.00 installation kit w/processing rack; VRU, Thermostatic Mixing Valve (not including installation), accessory stand and sink and film inspection kit $39,9�26.0_00 *-Reconditioned with new equipment warranty. F. SUPPLIES ANTD NffSC. EXPDTSES PAGE 2C j Supplies Tape & Dispenser (2) 5.90 16mm Self -Threader, Package of three (2) 2.30 Film Magazines 150 ea. wl$1.15 172.50 Developer, 8 gals. •a. 41.60 Fixer, 8 gals. 26.00 Developer Systems Cleaner, 24 bottles 34.80 AEU Microfilm, 100 rolls 355.00 Paper for Reader -Printer, 20 Rolls 281.00 Microfilm Presstapes, 2 boxes 22.00 Monobath for Reader -Printer, 10 cartons 133.50 y 1,074.60 r . Misc. Expenses Film Duplication 1 695.00 695.00 TOTAL' $11769.60 t 'TEXAS CRLINIINAL COUNCIL Page 3 APPLICATION FOR GRANT A. Budget Summary for Project Exceedinol6 Months Duration Budget Categories — C.J.C. Funds Year Yena Beyond 2nd Year Months Total Personnel (Employees) .Professional and Contract Services Travel (Trans. & Subsistence) Equipment Construction Supplies & Other Operating Expenses "~ Total C.J.C. Funds Requested Total Grantee Contribution Total Project Costs B. Explanation of Grantee contribution. Describe (1) nature, (2) sources, and (3) project utilization of the Grantee Contribution .by year as specified in A above. Where the project does not exceed 16 months, explain the contribution listed in the Grantee Contribution column of page 2 of this application for the entire period. 1. PERSONNEL (,Employees) Salaries, FICA, Retirement and Insurance SOURCE - City Budget NATURE Man hours necessary to change from present system to a microfilm system. PROJECT UTILIZATION- On the job labor to microfilm current file of mug shots and fingerprint cards for program conversion. 2. CONSTRUCTION ,numbing for Film Processor SQURCE - City Budget . NATURE $100.00 Cash PROJECT UTILIZATION —Due to the fact that the film requires hot and cold water with a drain to function.properly, we need this construction -contribution. - Term GC-1 (211171) TEXAS CRL`IINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL 4 APPLICATION FOR GRANT �; a>>•., -- '�43, s. Budget Narrative -Begin below and add as many continuation pages (4a, 4b, etc.) as may be needed to explain each item of the project budget. Limit this narrative to an explanation of the basis for arriving at the cost of each item. I. PERSONNEL 1 - Lieutenant of Services will dedicate 20% of his time in total supervi- sion of the project. 1 - Sargent of Records, spending 40% of his time as a Project Supervisor and Monitor of Code Classification. 5 - I. D. Officers, who will each spend 20% of their time in preparing, coding and classifying fingerprint cards. 1 - Clerk, 100% of her time in operating the input microfilmer and search- ing the completed file. 1 - Clerk, 50% of her time to process film and make'necessary film retrievals as requested. II. EQUIPMENT PURCHASE 1 - Microfilm Reader/Printer to be..used in microfilm scanning, making necessary retrievals, and producing paper prints upon demand. 6 - Inequality Keyboards which give complete control and latitude of search and offer seven different seatch modes. 1 - Response Monitor to give statistical information from the Data File. 1 - Logic Selection Control which allows for data retrieval when all of'the coding necessary is not known at the time of data input. 2 - Keyboard Cabinets to mount keyboards and controls. 1 - Retrieval Station Console to accommodate the Reader/Printer and Logic Control. 1 - Microfilm File Console which accommodates the necessary Keyboard Controls and furnishes storage for microfilm magazine files. 1 - Twin Tier Mounting Kit-oo hold the assembled Keyboards. 1 - Interpolation Logic Selection Control to be used•in conjunction with the "Word Or" Logic for searching "and"/"or" situation. 1 - MIRA,CODE Word "Or"' Logic, which is used'when any answer to two questions can satisfy the search requirement. Porm cac-1 (2ni71) Z •• .BUDGET NARRATIVE (continued) PAGE 4A II. EQUIPMENT PURCHASE (continued) 1 - Microfilmer with input to accommodate the necessary document that will be converted from the manual file to the microfilm system. Rate of document input will be up to 250 documents per hour 'on an average basis. 1 - Input Keyboard which houses all operator controls to code on the film and record documents. 1 • Magazine Loading Station to load processed film into the magazines. 1 - Daylight Film Processor which will provide for immediate film processing and. reduced through -put time into the system to less than 24 hours. III. CONSTRUCTION - PLUMBING FOR PROSTAR This construction provides for the necessary installation of a Thermostatic Mixing Valve necessary for the operation of the film processor. The film processor will be connected to hot and cold water and a output drain. VI. SUPPLIES 2 - Tapes and Dispensers for attaching self -threader to film 2 - Packages of three 16mm Self -.threaders for threading film through processor. 150 - Film magazines to be used for handling and storage of film. 8 - Gallons of Film Developer Vo process film. 8 - Gallons of Fixer toprocess film. 24 - Bottles.of Developer Systems Cleaner to clean.the internal part of the film processor. 100 - Rolls of AHU Microfilm with which to film the original file. 20 - Rolls of paper for the Reader/Printer,with which to furnish hard copies. 2 - Boxes of Microfilm Press Tapes for film splicing.. 10 Cartons of Monobath for Reader/Printer to process paper copies. V. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES The necessary miscellaneous expenses required from the system will be for film duplication. The duplicated copy of'the film is a requirement for positive film when we are searching fingerprints and mug shots. The original camera film will be the security copy which will be stored at some other location. Page 5 r TEXAS CRIMINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL �'' APPLICATION FOR GRANT Project Plan and Supporting Data This section constitutes the heart of the grant application. It, -is the applicant's detailed statement of the project --its aims, precisely what will be done, who will be involved, and what is expected to result. Together with the project budget, it constitutes primary evidence to the C.J.C. of the soundness of the project, the care and planning that has gone into its formulation, and the responsibility and qualifications of the applicant and others who will be involved in carrying it out. This section consists of two parts: The Summary and The Detailed Project Description. The Summary Write a bnet summary of total project not to exceeU zuu worus in iengtn in the space oeiow. This proposed project offers the Lubbock Police Department a much better means of identification of fingerprints and mug shots, we expect the microfilm system to support us in the apprehension of criminals. Through the use of this auto- mated data file that contains our fingerprint cards and mug shots, we anticipate an increase in the number of arrests and a reduction in the growing list of unwanted crimes. This microfilm system will offer us a highly automated means by which we can accumulate a suspect list when a latent print has been lifted and classified from the scene of the crime. A modern means to improve our identification and information handling methods definitely exists. We also expect to relieve our over crowded and cramped conditions, due to an increase in paper work, and a microfilm system will relieve this situation. Complete security of vital records can be obtained from the microfilm duplicate that will be stored off premises. i In conclusion, we anticipate that this project, when completedi will give us a tool with which the.Lubbock Police Department can reduce crime in the streets and add further protection to the citizens residing in this county and area. The Detailed Project Description Organize the remainder of this section as per instructions under the following headings: A. Goals; B. Methods, C. Results; D. ResTurces; and E. Evaluation.*. ' Insert after this sheet as many additional pages (81/2" x 11") as may be needed to complete the description of the Project Plan and Supporting Data. Where the applicant wishes to append documents as supplemental information and these cannot be readily placed on continuation sheets, they should be listed on the last page of the Project Plan and copies furnished with the application for staff review. Form CJC-1 (211171) THE DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIVTION PAGE 5A ..A. GOALS t. Problems a. Currently, we have approximately 30,000 fingerprint cards on file and these cards offer a very voluminous information • base, which is almost impossible to search without a known suspect. There exists no rapid or orderly method for matching a latent print found at the scene of the crime with our fingerprint card file. b. In regards to our mug shot file, when a witness or victim is presented to the file to locate a suspect, this witness or victim has to wade through an enormous number of mug shots in an attempt to locate a suspect. Fatigue and con- fusion often overcome the witness and simply adds to the difficulty in making an identification. 2. Solutions a. The Lubbock Police Department requests that an automated data retrieval system be installed with which we can readily search our fingerprint file and display to us only those prints which approximate a latent found at the scene of the crime. A system such as this eliminates the necessity of having the name of a known suspect. b. Mug shots, modus Wrandi files, and physical characteristics of known criminals can be stored and displayed with the same microfilm system. The witnesses and victims will now be able to scan the mug shot file by identifying characteristics, both: physical and methods of operation so that only suspects with the same characteristics will be displayed to the witnesses or victims. Such a system will speed identification, ease the strain on the victim or witnesses, and speed up the subsequent apprehension process. c. We plan to use this system on a city, county, and regional. basis. We intend to offer support to the surrounding towns in our region by offering them access to the system and on a state-wide basis in the exchange of information with other 1 regions and the Department of Public Safety in Austin. d. In conclusion we anticipate that this effective tool in our WAR ON CRIME will provide to ourselves and other area Police Departments immediate access to.a very comprehensive fingerprint and mug shot microfilm system. THE DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION PAGE 5B B. METHODS 1. Step One - The five I. D. Specialists +assigned to spend 20% of their time will provide the,classification and the coding of the fingerprint cards. The fingerprint coding scheme that will be utilized by the Lubbock Police Department will be compatible to the system employed by the Texas Department of Public Safety in Austin. We will convert 30,000 fingerprint cards currently in the file. Simultaneously with the classifying of fingerprint cards, one I. -� D. Clerk will spend the necessary time for coding mug shots for input. 2. Step Two - Upon completion of the preparatiork:.of the documents, the pre -coded documents will then be passed to the microfilm input camera where a full-time clerk will microfilm the documents. The second clerk will spend 50% of'her time involved in the pro- cessing of the film, loading it into the magazines and making a small number of retrievals. *These two steps will take the 12 months of the project time to accomplish. 3. Step Three - Upon completion of Steps One and Two, we expect to offer the availability of the system to the surrounding towns and to the Sheriff's Department for the purpose of any conversion that they might wish to do to their records. These records can be stored at the primary retrieval device located in Lubbock and various means of commun Iation can be utilized by the surrounding. law enforcement agencies. We visualize that this step will benefit the entire region. C. RESULTS 1. The result will be a completely improved identification and mug shot system located in the Lubbock, Texas, Area. With this new law enforcement tool, we will have a more efficient crime fighting weapon and a better record in solving crimes. We will also offer the exchange of microfilms containing this data with-Qther cities and regions that are using the same system. ♦ For example, the cities in the Rio Grande Counsel of Governments Area and the Department of Public Safety in Austin, Texas. We think that this is..a most efficient method of helping to fight crime and would expect to see..coverage throughout the State. THE DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION PAGE 5C D. RESOURCES 1. Staff - This proposed project will be totally implemented by the employees on the staff of the Lubbock Police Department as previously listed. 2. Cooperation - The vendor, from which we would expect to purchase this system, will be responsible for the total implementation e of the system by installing, training our operators, and the maintenance of the equipment. All additional advice and techni- cal assistance will be offered by the vendor at no additional charge to the user, which is the vendor's usual manner of doing business. After the expiration of the normal warranty period on service and parts of one year, an Annual Maintenance Contract can be purchased. 3.. Future Needs - The first year will see the major work of conver- sion and the larger amount of the system expenses incurred. In subsequent years, the operating costs will become negligible and will be financed by our own budget. The expense of man-hours required for the on -going maintenance of the system will definitely be more than off set by the fast response time of data retrieval from the microfilm file.'. The Lubbock Police Department is absolutely confident that the maintenance of this system can be effectively maintained after any Federal Assistance is tCrminated. l E. EVALUATION 1. The project's progress and evaluation reports, that will be rendered: at regular intervals for the purpose of evaluating this system, will be the responsibility of Lieutenant -Claude Keaton, Lieutenant of Services, Lubbock Police Department. This evaluation shall consist of a comparison between the old I.D. Methods and the new Automated Microfilm Retrieval System. -j - PAGE SD (shown three -fourths of original si.e)' ADMISSION 8 BUREAU 6F • iEN111FICATION CARD . \•St - tleit MhOptl - - � NAME irillSOn Stan o • er B. !N•cbn m Ahot .ter _ Pnnred 1Yis ^N_o 'rPnnre!-B^__ A!?L=' Bob Wilson :. - • i • .y.. Dos /-�IrcogM « Mact of Berth nC0 n, eras d —s Arrested By _^ _�. ke, No. Oock•r NoIraq* Gook • Dote to 11tharie No. ' - - Address _-_---_ -`__- _ 0ty t State MARITAL STATUS Arrested With Whore Yes (J No ❑ Oi•rorcad . _. .. _.�.___.. U. S. CITIZEN iG Yes L.: No Occupac.on 3a1 es -Ire- o tmpla,.+ B�—Fastnan ko�ak'Eo, Address Oak I , no S —� _ Former Erwplaye' Address ' . soc•ot Securoy No `-- '�-- _—. i . Slate No F.B 1. No� ' Onwr't tic No 7- _ School•nq -Lose Grade Corwplered _ir►hy> col Co-r.on of Sublert ' EXCeT ' Charge One -- -- • �d _ C1KVif Court Gevt.h Coen 1Moq. Div. Judge ■error►s _ �-. --- __ -7Ew_m.*Oose light thumb • t Time - F.not O•W aaY r ''�' . feed Free F - - --' Jailor ,ity t., Nov. ieleated Dore thin• _y iler �' - �i...�,. �-`'!`• •a'�'T! t Who To Be Notified In Case of Emaraency • COLUMN • 1 and • 3 COLUMN ANY UTILITY SIT I (Check as many as n•edod) Amputations and F l NO. soon , gattoes Delormities 1 COLUMN •1 1 100 Forehead _ 110 Head __IX) Fingers r, Mond Sao mace Compleeien ,+101 Nose _ III Right Arm `121 fingers I hand 0 0 0. , _102 Cheeks 112 left Am 122 R,ght bond J✓. Mole V1 What I L•ght __103 lip Hands 123 left hand 2 Femole 2 Negro _ 2 Medium _104 Chin �113 Fingers Arm - •_ 3 Me.don j/) Dark _IDS Nick _114 Chess _F_124 125 Foot L log - -• 0rrerual ,__• Frwhled _ 106 Arms - -_ �113 _116 logs 126 Eor r_ . - — S wd•on —5 P.-Ply 187 Hands 117 Noodle Marks _ 177 Limps —6 Reddy 108 logs _118 Words 6 Nomes 128 Birthmodls • COLUMN of 2 109 Body +119 PicturesJO•signs _129 Warts L metes . weight Weight Budd (Other! 0 0 _0. OOP- I. Shore I U,dv 1006 _1_ Tbn Characteristics . Under S'•' 2 t00 1]0 --2. Medrvm Fol ?00 Hon hp _201 _208 Broken er 216 Lang - western - ... 6t� Medium ) 131 . t 70 _ 7 0, Heavy Deaf messing 'cosh �217 long - eastern -. S.S.- to S'11' e• 171 . 200 r• Muscular 202 Eye mrss,ng Decayed both Stuners _,7. Tall • ever 6' _. S 201 M Cress egad _209 Crooked note _218 219 Operational scan —6 Ova! 250 f • ' O -- - • COLUMN /p I _ �203 — 20• Glasses worn Glossa _210 211 Hooked note _ 220 Accidental scars Dab el Kirsh !ye Calm — 205 worm �312 lisps _ 221 Bwns - lost Two 0•gers • so -oh -es 213 Speech - poor _ 222 Non.comcl settees • -..;.0 N Year Bo.n BtBluea$ yea11.. --� Naahry h'• brews �,21 • lung. - foreign _227 F1roPte � .1 In 2 Gran �207 het tooth i215 long - southern _22• loft handed ' would be 4•SI __3 Cover _ _22S Ambrde.r'ous .� • No:•I Occupo6on Charges _S Brown _300 Truck/Cob Orrver __500 Nomard♦ �511 liquor and 6 Block 301 Restaurant amp. 501 So. eHenso ga•ebt'ng Marton 302 Conser worker �_502 Krdnoppinq 512 Vundobsm and . COLUMN of 4. - 303 Factory worker _503 Assault L barters cr.m damage to Moir Color Noe Type Nair Characteristic _ 301 Salesmen _504 durglory.rebbery property 1 0 0 0 305 Student SOS Th•fs _513 Threats L •., Blu.k - I Suarght P, Groynq _306 (rail ►eoolo y5o6 Aldo shall �514 Troff.c vmlotans 7 Brown .. 2 Wo.y ar Curif 2 Receding — 307 Office worker — 507 Embesslanent .SIS Domestic trouble _ t Red - Y)= -sky 7 Bold _308 Housewife i forgery Mob ocean _ • Blonde 10,0o • P ocos'd twrc}1 _..309 ,,,50E Fraud _516 S17 Rensting arrest _ S Blonde tW1140 S Bold 509 Narcotics _518 D,sordeny conduct _ �6 G'ay & Wn•re _SIO Arson _5I9 Contempt of court 7 Beld 520 /robot•n nolo•1en ■ ARKS - Scars. Tattoos, Amputations i Deformities - Other NOTE: As Columns 11 and 12 are not being used In the current m1crofllm system, Column /3 becomes 11, Column 14 becomes 12► Column NS becomes 13. and Column 16 becomes I4 on the Admis- slap s Bureau of Identifgatlon Card. -16- _ T • PANE DIGIT CODE SYSTEM CHART PAGE 5E ' COLiJMN l PATTERN TYPE RIDGE COUNT OR TRACE CORE TYPE 0 - Ampt - - --- 0 - No count or trace 0' = it Plain recurve _._ 1 - Arch _._.. _.. _:;�..._:.V ._ 1 = 1 - 5 ridges 1 = n Recurve with one rod _2 - Tented Arch 2 - 6 - 10 ridges 2 = fins Recurve with multiple rods - .3 - Right Slope Loop 3 = 11 - 15 ridges 3 dj1 Any recurve that is spoiled 4 = .Left Slope Loop 4 - 16 - 20 ridges 4 = Clockwise twist 5 - Plain Whorl 5 = 21 - out 5 = 4s Counter -clockwise twist 6 - Central Pocket Whorl 6 - Inner. 6 Complete enclosure 7 - Double Loop Whorl 7 - Meeting 7 = Almond shape whorl 8 - Accidental 8 = Outer 8 = h Upthrust 9 - Mutilated (can't read) 9 = Scar 9 l!�) Loop type COLMN II - POINT NEAREST CORE NUMBER OF -TYPE OF CORE TYPE IDENTIFYING POINTS IDENTIFYING POINTS 0 - Plain. Recurve 0 - None 0 - No ID points 1 = Recurve with one rod 1 -One ,1 - Ending ridge right 2 Recurve with multiple rods 2 - Two 2 - Ending ridge left 3 -71 Any recurve that is spoiled 3 - Three 3 - Bifurcation right 4 = Clockwise Twist 4 - Four 4 - Bifurcation left 5 - 12 Counter -clockwise twist 5 = Five 5 Short ridge or dot 6 - 4f> Complete enclosure 6 - Six 6 Island 7 -tA Almond shape whorl 7 - Seven 7 =Bifurcation and short ridge 8 = Upthrust 8 ---Eight or more 8 = Double bifurcation same ridge 9 = Loop type 9 - Scar 9 = Double bifurcation two ridges or more ' COLUMN III -'POINT NEAREST DELTA FIRST ID POINT FIRST ID POINT FIRST ID POINT FRONT OF DELTA AT RIGHT OF DELTA AT LEFT OF DELTA 0 - No ID Point 0 - No ID Points 0 - No ID Points. 1 - Ending ridge right '1 - Ascending ridge type line l - Ascending ridge type line 2 - Ending ridge left 2 - Descending ridge 'type line 2 - Descending ridge type lines 3 - Bifurcation right 3 - Ascending bifurcation on 3 - Ascending bifurcation type line on type lines 4 - Bifurcation left 4 - Descending bifurcation on 4 - Descending bifurcation type line on type lines 5 - Short Ridge% +� 5 - Ascending ridge ending 5 - Ascending ridge ending 6 - Island 6 - Descending ridge ending 6 - Descending ridge ending 7 - Bifurcation and short ridge 7 -.%Ascending bifurcation 7 - Ascending bifurcation 8 - Double Bifurcation same 8 e Descending bifurcation 8 - Descending bifurcation ridge + " 9 - Double bifurcation connect-. 9 =;Short ridge or island 9 - Short ridge or island ing two ridges or more !, If Delta runs into first ridge then Use ascending code number if type line D points are counted. ends on both ends inside circle. r ' Page 6 • ' TEXAS CRLti1INAL JUSTICE COUNCIL APPLICATION FOR GRANT Project Title: To validate this application, the following standard grant conditions, where applicable, must be certified and agreed to by the applicant. Also, where a eonditi applicable and requires additional information, such information should be Included in or as an addition to the application. (Additional explanation of these t conditions may be found in C.J.C. publications, Financial Manual for Action and Planning Grants and Action Grant Policies and Procedures Guide.) Standard Grant Conditions (1) Reports. The grantee shall submit, at such timrs and in such forms as may be prescribed, such reports as the Criminal Justice Council (C.J.C.) may req, including quarterly financial and progress reports and final financial and progress reports. (2) Fiscal Regulations. The fiscal administration of grants shall be subject to such rules. regulations, and policies, concerning accounting and records, paymer funds, cost allowability, submission of financial reports, etc., as may be prescribed by C.J.C., including those set forth in the C.J.C. Action Grant Policies Procedures Guide and Financial Manual for Action and Planning Grants. \ (3) Utilization and Payment of Funds. Funds awarded may be expended only for purposes and activities covered by the grantee's approved project plan budget. Payments will be made on the basis of periodic requests and estimates of fund needs submitted by the grantee. Payments will be adjusted to cor previous overpayments or underpayments and disallowances resulting from audit. (4) Written Approval of Chan gcs.Grant ees must obtain prior written approval from C.J.C. for major project changes. These include (a) changes of substanc ____project activities, design, or research plans set forth in the approved application; (b) changes in the project director or key personnel Identified In the appre application; (c) expenditure of grant funds representing more than a 5% increase in any category of the approved budget; and (d) any Increase or decreas grantee contribution exceeding 5% within any budget category. (5) Application Review Changes. Any changes effected In this application "a result of or during the course of C.J.C. review will be deemed to have been accep upon receipt of the grantee's request for funds. (6) Maintenance of Records. Ali required records shall be maintained until an audit by L.E.A.A. or Its representatives Is completed and all questions ah! therefrom are resolvcu, or for three years after final payment Ls made on the grant, contract, or subcontract under which this project Is being implemenl whichever is sooner. (7) Inspection and audit. The C.J.C.. LEAA, and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have ace for purposes of audit and examinations to any books, documents, papers, and records of the grantee, and to relevant books and records of contractors provided in Section 521 of P.L. 00-351. A notice to this effect shall appear in all arrangements for implementation of this project. (8) Termination of Aid This grant may be terminated or fund payments discontinued by C.J.C. where it finds a substantial failure to comply with the provW of P.L. 90-351 or regulations promulgated thereunder, including these grant conditions or application ,obligations, but only after notice and hearing i pursuant to all procedures set forth in Sections 510 and 511 of P.L. 90-351. . (9) Obligation of Grant Funds. Grant funds may not, without advance written approval by C.J.C., be obligated prior to the effective date or subsequent to termination date of the grant period. Obtigations outstanding as of the termination date shall be liquidated within 90 days. Such obligations must be relatec goods or services provided and utilized within the grant period. r (10) Title to Property. Title to property acquired in whole or In part with grant funds In accordance with approved budgets shall vest in the grantee, subjec divestment at the option of C.J.C. (to the extent of C.J.C. contribution toward the purchase thereof) exercisable only upon notice within 90 days after end of the grant period or termination of the grant. Grantees shall exercise due care in the use, maintenance. protection and preservation of such prope during the period of project use. (Ill) Project income. All interest or other income earned by the grantee with respect to grant funds or is a result of conduct of the grant project (sale publications, registrations fees, service charges on fees, etc.) must be accounted for. Income should be applied to project purposes or In reduction of pro. Costs. (12) Publications. The grantee may publish, at its own expense, the results of grant activity without prior revlety by C.J.C. provided that any publication (write - -visual, or sound) contains an acknowledgement of C.J.C. grant support. The following disclaimer must be contained In the aforementioned acknowledgerru The fact that the Criminal Justice Council furnished financial support to the activity described in this (written, visual, or sound) publication d not necessarily indicate the concurrence of the Criminal Justice Council in the statements or conclusions contained herein. At least 25 topics of any such publication must be furnished to C.J.C. but only 10 copies of training materials (where used In grant project) must be suppl except as otherwise requested or approved by C.J.C. Publication of documents or reports with grant funds beyond quantities required to meet standard re; requirements must be provided for in approved project plans or budgets or otherwise approved by C.J.C. and, for large quantity publication, manuscripts n be submitted in advance to C.J.C. (13) Copyrights. Where activities supported by -this grant produce original books, manuals, films, or other copyrightable material, the grantee may copyright st but C.J.C. reserves a royalty -free, non-exclusive and irrevocable license to produce, publish. and use such materials, and to authorize others to do to. t (14) Patents. If any discovery or Invention arises or is developed in the course of or as a result of work performed under this grant, by any level of Implemen grantee or contractor. the grantee shall refer the discovery or invention to C.J.C., which will determine whether or not patent protection will be sought. t __any rights therein, including patent rights, will be disposed of and administered. and the necessity of other action required to protect the public interes work supported with federal funds, all iii accordance with the Presidential Memorandum of October 10. 1963. on Government Patent Policy. The grante his final narrative report shall identify any discovery or invention arising under or developed in the course of or as a result of work performed under this gi or shall certify that there are no such inventions or discoveries. (15) Allowable Costs. The allowability of costs inctured under any grant shall be determined in accordance with the general principles of allowability and staid; !or selected cost Items set forth in Bureau of Budget Circular A-87, "Principles for Determining Costs Applicable to Grants and Contracts with State and Ls Governments;' as further defined and delimited In condltorts to the C.J.C. Financial bfanual for Action and Planning Grants. (26) Expenses Not Allowable. Grant funds may not be expended for (a) Items not put of the approved budget or separately approved by C.J.C.; (b) purchas construction of land and buildings or improvements thereon, or payment of real estate mortgages pr taxes. unless specifically- provided for In the gi agreement; (e) entertainment, amusemdnts, or social activities, incidental costs related thereto; (d) purchase of automobiles or other automotive vehicles un Provided for in the grant agreementI •P Sr) lodjrret (overhead) costs, where the grantee does not have an indirect expense allocation system and rate accepts to C.J.C.. except flat aiiiNufltS Ipejuded in the app09yed budget application. Page 1 (27) 1Preagreement Costs. Grant funds may not be used to reimburse costs Incurred prior to the date of the grant award without specific written C.J.C. approval.. -(18) Automatic Data Processing Equipment. Grant funds may not be expended or committed for the acquisition of automatic data processing equipment, wheth by outright purchase, rental purchase agreement, or by other method of purchase wit6o4 prior C.J.C. approval -rM Rental Costs. Grant funds may not be expended or committed for rental costs unless total space does not exceed 150 square feet per employee and unless tl rental rate is eon;itent with the prevailing rates in the area and not In excess of $7 annually per square foot. Deviations require prior C.J.C. approval. (20) Maintenance and Operations. Grant funds may not be expended or committed, without prior C.J.O. approval, for maintenance and operations expenses (+ defined in Bureau of the Budget Circular A-87). (21) Rearrangements and Alterations. Grant funds may not be expended or committed for rearrangements and alterations without prior C.J.C. approval where suc costs exceed $1,500. Such approval will be granted only v.-here it can be shown that (a) the building(s) Involved Is in reasonably good condition with a Ill -.expectancy of five years or morn; t-b) the coats are true rearrangements or renovation costs not involving the erection• acquisiton, expansion or repair of ne or existing buildings or other physical facilities; and (c) total costs do not exceed 2555 of the current value of the buiiding(s). -(22) Depreciation and Use Allowances on Publicly Os: ned Building:. A grant is not valid and grant funds may not be requested or accepted under this appiicatio until the grantee (a) certifies that the pulilicly nivned buildinj(s) on which depreciation or use allowances are to be charged are not temporarily Idle or exee: facilities; (b) provides the detailed basis for th: cornpvtaLion of the depreciation or use allowance to be used. and (c) certifies that the allowance method to b used has been determined and will be administa•red in accordance with the provision of paragraph 8.11 of attachment B. Bureau of the Budget Circular A-8' ('23) Occupancy Under Rental Purchase or Lease-wit;r-Option-to-Purchase Agreement: Grant funds may not be requested until the applicant has certified in writin that the occupancy of facilities will not be under either a rental purchase or lease -with -option -to -purchase agreement. _l Expenditures. The applicant hereby certifies that (a) no other equipment owned by the grantee Is available for the project; (t N(24) Equipment and Other Capita grant funds will not be used to provide reimbursement for the purchase price of equipment already owned by grantee except through permissible depreciatio or use allowance actually charged to the grantee. (c) If equipment is used for purposes other than this project, the appropriate proration of cost to eac activity involved will be effected: and (d) the cost of equipment purchased with C.J.C. funds will be reduced to the extent of resale or recovery value wher use of such equipment for carrying out the purposes of the grant project is discontinued (during the life of the project) or use for law enforcement purposes i discontinued (after completion of the project) unless all credit relating to such contin.,encies as set fortbL in Section C3 of Circular A•87. "Applicable Credit are applied to offset or reduce grant charges. (25) Insurance and Indemnification. Grant funds may not be committed for Insurance or Indemnification expense until the applicant hereby certifies that (a) type and extent and cost of coverage will be in accordance with general local government policy and sound business practice; and (b) costs will not be charged to contributions to a reserve for a self-insurance program. Grant funds may not be requested by applicant if any expenditures are to be made for insurance o indemnification costs for which the above certification cannot be made' unless complete details and justification have been submitted to C.J.C. as ai amendment to the grant application. (26) Proposal Costs. Grant funds may not be committed or expended for costs of preparing proposals without prior approval of C.J.C. (27) Third Party Participation. No contract or agreement may be entered into by the grantee for execution of project activities or provision of services to a gran project (other than purchase of supplies or standard commercial or maintenance services) which is not incorporated in the approved proposal or approved ii advance by C.J.C. Any such arrangements shall provide that the grantee will retain ultimate control and responsibility for the grant project and that th contractor shall be bound by these grant conditions and any other requirements applicable tothe grantee In the conduct of the project. (28) Professional and Contract Services. The applicant hereby certifies that (a) with respect to arrangements with Individuals (1.) the retainer arrangement is forma and proper and otherwise consistent with the grantee's usual practices for obtaining such services, (2.) time and/or services for which payment will be mad, and rates of compensation will be supported by documentation, (3.) the compensation is reasonable and consistent with that paid for similar work In oche activities of the grantee, (4.) the daily or hourly rate does not exceed St00 per may, (5.) no Individual retained is an employee of the executive branch of stat, government, (6.) no individual will receive compensation from his regular employer and the grantee for work performed during a sin;le'period of time eves though services benefit both, and (7.) transportation and subsistencefosts for travel performed are to be at an identified rate consistent with the general trave reimbursement practices of the State of Texas; (b) with respect. tooarrangements with aZencles of units of government (1.) the work or services for whicl reimbursement will be made will be directly and exclusively devoted to grant purposes and at rates not in excess of actual costs to the "contractor' governmental agency. (2.) the work or services for which reimbursement will be made or for which credit for matching contribution of grantee will be claimer is not wholly or in part covered by funds of other federal grants; (c) with respect to arrangements with non -governmental organizations (1.) the arrangement I formal and proper and consistent with the usual practice and policies of the applicant In contracting for or otherwise obtaining services of the type required (2.) selection of contractors has Involved the securing of competitive bids or proposals from a group of qualified organizations. (3.) In cost -type arrangements any indirect costs or overhead charges are based on an audited or negotiated rate previously approved by a state or federal agency or are based on an indirec cost submission, preferably incorporating a wage and salary base, reflecting actual cost experience during the contractor's fast annual or other recentll completed fiscal period, (4.) the fixed fee or profit allowance, in cost -type arrangements, does not exceed 10% of total costs. (29) Confidential Expenditures. Grant funds may not be expended or committed for purchase of Information or evidence from informers without obtaining prio C.J.C. approval. (30) Compensation for Personal Services. (a) costs charged to a grant project for personal services (direct or indirect costs) must be based -on payrolls documentec and approved in accordance with generally accepted practice of the grantee. Payrolls must be supported by time and attendance or equivalent records foi individual full-time employees; (b) salaries and wages paid to employees working on more than one project or cost objective must be prorated to each projec or objective to produce an equitable distribution of costs to each. The basis of proration must be documented and supported by appropriate time distributior records clearly identifying the services performed as directly and exclusively related to defined objectives of the approved grant program; (e) written C.JX permission must be obtained to permit charges of salaries to one [rant In cases where two or more federal grants constitute one Identified activity or project (31) Employee's Travel Expenses. Grant funds may` not be expended for costs incurred for transportation, lodging, subsistence, and related items by an employe unless (a) the employee Is in a travel status on official business Incident to the grant project. If the costs Incurred are properly chargeable to Vvo or more gran projects, proration to each will be grade on an equitable basis. (b) the basis of the charges (actual, per dierrr and/or mileage in lieu of actual costs incurred, o combination of the twop set forth in the grant application must be applied in like manner to all phases of an entire trip. The results of the basis used must no exceed charges normally allowed In like circumstances in_ non -federally sponsored_ activities; (c) if there is no established basis for travel expenses to - non -federally sponsored activities, the applicable rates in like circumstances under the general travel regulations for the State of Texas will be used. Travel Expenses of Non -employees. Travel expenses for persons other than employees will not be charged to the grant program unless specifically provided to In the approved budget application. (32) Privately Donated Services.The value of services voluntarily rendered to a grant program by private businesses, agencies, associations, or firms which perforr commercially the services donated may not be charged to the project as any portion of the grentee's matching contribution unless such services are necessar to achieve project purposes and are valued at actual cost to the donor(s). llonthly or quarterly records of such services must be maintained for each indlvi4w performing such services indicating dates and hours performed, type service, hourly rate, and any Incidental costs. The total amount of such donated service to be counted as part of the grantee's matching contribution cannot exceed 50% of the total required by the grant award. No more than 50''e of the grant,: contribution may be in the form of such donated services. Records of donated services as outlined above must be signed by the Individual performing th services. A statement will be included, signed by the donor, that the services were necessary to the project, the services were actually performed, and th amounts represent actual cost to the donor. The records will bear the notation of the project director that the donated services have been approved an, accepted by him on the above basis as an allowable cost, The "actual" cost to the donor must not Include any costs charted to federal funds provided th donor. If the donor is the recipient of federal funds, the grantee must obtain the donor's certification that the donated services will not be supported whotl or in part by federal funds or provide the C 1 C with detailed information as to such sut'nnri with a r+nueq• for aootovat wi an ailowabl•- coat - � ... Page ill) Audit Expenses, Grant funds may not be expended or committed for audit purposes unless (a) the arrangement for audit is formal and proper and consist with the usual practice and policies of the grantee ini contracting for or otherwise obtain. services of the type required: (b) Proration of the total cost Tsuch services is made where the arrangement covers jjudit of the grant: program in *addition to other activities of the grantee. The basis for proration must included in the arras-,ement or otherwise set forth to writing. (c) The proposed aiiange ent, including any proration of costs. is submitted to CJO a proval has been received. (34) Discrimination Prohibited. No person shall on the grounds of race, creed, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be refused the bene of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under grants awarded pursuant to Y.L. 90-351 or any project, program, activity, or grant supported by si grants. Grantees must comply with the provisions and requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and regulations issued by the Department Justice thereunder as a condition of award of federal funds and continued :rant support. Grantees further must comply with the Justice Department eq -employment opportunity regulation in federally asaistcd programs, to the end that discrinination in employment practices of law enforcement agencies other agencies or offices administering, conducting• or participating in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance, on the {,rounds of ra color, creed, or rational origin, be eliminated. The United States reserves the right to seek Judicial enforcement of this condition. To validate this application, the following special items must be certified and agreed to by the applicant: special Items Non -Supplanting Requirement. In compliance with the requirement that federal funds, made available under Put C.. Title I, Public Law 90-351. as amended. used so as "not to supplant state or local funds"; this is to certify that the below described recipient of federal funds under Part C.. Title I, Public Law 90-351, amended. will use such funds to increase state or local funds that would, in the absence of such federal aid, be made available for law enforcement purposes. Assurance of Compliance with Civil Rights Act of 19G4. The applicant hereby agrees that it will comply and will insure compliance by its contractors with Title a of the Civil Rlghts Act of 1964 (Public Law 83-352) and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to Regulations of the Department of Justice (28 CFR Part 4 }weed pursuant to that title, to the end that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied t benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the Applicant receives federal financial assistance from t Department. The grantee further will comply with and insure compliance by its contractors with Justice Department equal employment regulation in federa assisted programs to the end that employment discrimination in such programs on the grounds of race, eojRr, creed, or national origin. shall be eliminated. T grantee recognizes the right of the United States to seek Judicial enforcement in its contracts. +� . Applicant's Agreement It is understood and speed by the Applicant that any grant received as a result of this application shall be subject to the above standard conditions, special item and other policies and rules issued by the Criminal Justice Council for administration of grant projects and all provisions under P.L. 90-351, as amended. an memorandums Issued by C.J.C. Date: Form CJC-1 (2/1/71) • t Certified by: Signature Op or Name u al i POrter 2-6411 P. O. Box 2000 LUSSOCK, TEXAS 79406 August 1-7, 1971 Mr. Joe Frazier Brown Executive Director Criminal Justice Council Office of the Government 730 Littlefield Building Austin, Texas 78701 Dear Mr. Brown: We hereby submit to the Criwinal Justice Council an action grant application for a Microfilm Information Retrieval System (Miracode) for records and identification in the Lubbock Police Department. This system will enable the identification officer first to code and record the fingerprints of all known criminals and the retrieval of these prints to compare with the latent prints found at the crime scenes. Mug shots of all persons arrested will also be coded and will have the same speed of retrieval as fingerprints. This will be of value in the identification and capture of the persons responsible for sex crimes, robberies and any other ype of crime where the guilty person was seen. a The same equipment requested in this grant can be used to microfilm all the records,,' criminal and personal, and traffic accidents now maintained by the Lubbock Police Department. No Text