HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 042271E - Pavement Improvements - Walter V. Jarnagin Paving Contractor - Multiple Location - 04_22_1971OgU.!/67 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS ON PORTIONS OF STREETS AND/OR AVENUES AS LISTED BELOW: WHEREAS, in conformance with the paving requirement provisions of City Ordinance 1331, the subdivider of Melonie Park South,�Lots 1-72, made arrange- ments with Walter V. Jarnagin, Dirt and Paving Contractor for the construction of paving improvements on certain streets dedicated in said subdivision under the provisions of said Ordinance prior to the recording of the subdivision plat of Melonie Park South, Lots 1-72 including the following streets: Memphis Drive from its intersection with a line 23.00 feet South 600 O1' 11" West of the Southwest corner of Lot 72, Melonie Park South to its intersection with a line 222.73 feet North 600 O1' 11" East of the Southwest corner of Lot 72, Melonie Park South known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number 1844. 74th Street from its intersection with a line 53.33 feet Northeast of the Northeast Property Line of 76th Drive to its intersection with a line 14.00 feet East of the West Property Line of Indiana Avenue known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number 1845. 75th Street from its intersection with a line 11.00 feet North of the South Property Line of 74th Street to its intersection with a line 14.00 feet East of the West Property Line of Indiana Avenue known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number 1846. 76th Street from its intersection with a line 11'.00 feet Northwest of the Southeast Property Line of Memphis Drive to its intersection with a line 37.87 feet West of the Southeast corner of Lot 48, Melonie Park South known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number 1847. 76th Street from its intersection with a line 37.87 feet West of the Southeast corner of Lot 48, Melonie Park South to its intersection with a line 14.00 feet East of the West Property Line of Indiana Avenue known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number 1848. Kenosha Drive from its intersection with a line 23.00 feet South 450 O1' loll West of the Southwest corner of Lot 67, Melonie Park South to.;Lts intersection with a line 12.00 feet North 450 01', 10" East of the Southwes00Property.-1ine of 76th Drive known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number 1849. Joliet Avenue from its intersection with a line 23.00 feet South 00 01, 10" East of the Southeast corner oS Lot 61, Melonie Park South to its intersection with a line 12.00 feet North 0 01' 10" West of the South Property Line of 76t Street known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number 1850. AND WHEREAS, the construction of the above improvements on the above - mentioned streets was performed under the supervision of the City Engineer, and said improvements have been completed and have been inspected and found to have been constructed in accordance with City specifications and in accordance with the provisions of City Ordinance 1331. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS. I. That the improvements on said portions of the abovementioned streets be and the same are hereby accepted and the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized to direct the payment of the City's portion of the cost and to re- lease escrow money. II. This resolution shall take effect and be in force and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 22nd DAY OF APRIL, JAA- . H. Granberry, Mayor ATTE . Lav4mnia Lowe, City 9.ecretary AA Wird/D. Watson, City Engineer APP C red 0. Sen er, Jr., City torney IIIIIIIIIT a Lei--t_'—..----•—_._ � � �P PORTER 2-6411 BOX 2000 April 22, 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Council Lubbock, Texas Gentlemen: L U B B O C K. TEXAS 7 9 4 0 6 I have examined the paving improvements constructed by Walter V. Jarnagin, paving contractor, under his contract with the subdividers of Melonie Park South, Lots 1-72 and find the improvements on: Memphis Drive from alley Southwest of 76th Drive to 53.33' Northeast of 76th Drive 74th Street from 53.33' Northeast of 76th Drive to Indiana Avenue 75th Street from 74th Street to Indiana Avenue 76th Drive from Memphis Drive to 227.87' W. of Joliet Avenue 76th Street from 227.87' West of Joliet Avenue to Indiana Avenue Kenosha Drive from 76th Drive to alley South of 76th Drive Joliet Avenue from 76th Street to alley South of 76th Street as listed on the final estimate sheet to have been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and recommend that you accept the improve- ments on said streets and/or avenues, authorizing payment to the contractor the amount shown on the attached consolidated final estimate sheet as due him. Yours very truly, Wi d D. Watson City ngineer 4. CONSOLIDATED FINAL ESTIMATE Melonie Park South Lots 1-72 Accepted April 22, 1971 QUANTITIES S.Y.' S0ITa S.Y.' S.Y. Unit & Paving L.F.i Alley Valley Caliche Sub -Unit Location 6" Base C & G Return Gutter 6" Base N-S 1844 Memphis Drive from 23' 927.75 412.66 47.06 108.09 S. 600 01' 11" W. of the S.W.`corner of Lot 72, Melonie Park South to 222.73' N. 600 O1' 11" E. of the S.W.' corner of Lot 72, Melonie Park South N-S 1845 74th Street from 53.33' 4726.88 2111.49 148.97 N.t., of the N.E.' Property Line of 76th Drive to 14' E. of the WPL of Indiana Avenue N-S 1846 75th Street from 11' N 3401.91 1951.12 52.54 of the SPL of 74th St. to 14' E. of the WPL of Indiana Avenue. N-S 1847 76th Drive from-11' 2672.92 1450.08 52.54 N.W.' of the S.E. Property Lineof Memphis Drive..to 37.87' W. of the S.E.' corner of Lot 48, Melonie Park South. N-S 1848 76th Street.from 37.87' 2334.75 1232.28 W. of the S';E corner of Lot 48, Melonie Park South to 14' E. of the WPL of Indiana Avenue. N-S 1849 KenosP Drive from 23' 416.00 340.54 26.67 52.54 92.44 S. 45 01' 10" W. of the S,W.' corner of Lot 67, Melonie Park South to 12' N. 450 01' 10" E. of the S.W.' Property Line of 76th Drive. t S.Y.' S.Y.' S.Y.S.Y': Unit & Paving L.F,' Alley Valley Caliche Sub -Unit Location 6" Base C & G Return Gutter 6" Base N-S 1850 Joliet Avenue from 23' 560.99 328.54 '20.00 S.. Oo 01' 10" E. of the 5`'Ecorner of Lot 61, Melonie Park South to 12' North OOo 01' 10" W. of the SPL of 76th Street. TOTAL 15041.20 7826.71 242.70 157.62 200.53 COST ESTIMATE 159041.20 S.Y:.'Paving 6" Base 7,826.71 L.F..'Curb & Gutter 242.70 S.Y.'Alley Return 157.62 S..Y.,'Valley Gutter 200.53 S.Y. of 6" compacted caliche base COST DISTRIBUTION @ $1.85 $27,826.22 @ $1.85 $14,479.41 @ $7.00 $ 1,698.90 @ $7.50 $ 1,182.15 @ $0.85 $ 170.45 T CONTRACT COST $45,357.13 Property Unit & Contract Owner Sub -Unit Cost Cost N-S 1844 $ 2,901.05 $ 2,901.05 N-S 1845 13,693.78 13,693.78 N-S 1846 10,297.15 10,297.15 N-S 1847 8,021.60 8,021.60 N-S 1848 6,599.01 6,599.01 N-S 1849 2,058.91 2,058.91 N-S 1850 1,785.63 1,785.63 TOTAL $45,357.13 $45,357.13 Total Amount of Work Done $45,357.13 Amount Paid on Estimate #1 $25,930.62 Amount Now Due Contractor $19,426.51 NOTE: 200.53 S.Y.'of paving on Units N-S 1844 and N-S 1849 NOT completed. These quantities to be added to 2nd installment of Melonie Park South. C.W.O. 10,733 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR IMPSOMMl3'P OF PORTIONS OF STREETS, HIGWAYS s AVENUES AND/OR ALLEYS IN THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS, AND ALONG THE BOtiNDM OF SAID CITY AM DIRECTING PREPARATION OF PIANS AIM SPECIFICATIONS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF LMOCKs TEXAS g TH i 1. Public necessity exists that the following portions of streets, higtnays, avenues and/or galleys in the City of Lubbock and along the boundaries thereof$ be improved as herein provided, to -wit= Emli M Frankford 19th Street 55th Street Wayne Ave. 57th Street Bayne Ave. Seth Street Wayne Ave. Seth Street Utica Ave. Vicksburg Ave. 56th Street Chicago Ave. let Place 56th Street Vicksburg Ave. AL LIT E V Alley between gain Avenue "Q" and Broadway it. 24th Street York Avenue York Avenue glide Road Vicksburg Ave. Seth street 2nd Drive Utica Avenue Avenue '"V" Said portions of streets, highways and avenues shall be improved by rais- ing, grading and filling came, by installing concrete curb and gutters, by ice - stalling storm sewers ,and drains where necessary, by installing as compacted caliche base, and by surfacing with five (5) course penetration type or 1-3/4" hot mix type asphaltic surface treatment. Alleys shall be improved by in- stalling,a ten (10) foot wide, 5" thick reinforced concrete strip in the center thereof. IM The City Engineer is hereby directed to prepare plans and specifications for each improvements. ! r is ZV+ Such Improvoments in each unit shall be paid for in the following vAnneart (a) Railways and street mail, ay►s using, *,cevpyin# or crossing any portion of said astroeetas, bishvmya, avenues and/car alloys to be iaAprovead shall be: assessed for and ahall pay for all of the coat of the work in the area beweaen their railer and tracks, double tracks, turnouts and ovitches and two feet on each sid-2 thereof. glWMT V OVMGMU i (b) The abutting property and owners thereof chall pay and sb all be assesetc for *It the cost of constructina turbo in front of mch respective property and a part of the: wining cast of such taprovementol after deduotiaag the suma to be paid by 'th* railways under sub -paragraph (ea) aibove, provi.dtdr that such part of the costa assessed to the abutting property or Hers thereof shall not ex- ceed 90X of the cost of the taprovements plus the cost of the a urb, and farther providead thtt if it ohall appear at the hearing, to be bAd before _final assess - want ir. made, that the special benefits to such property by way of enhantenent value thereof by means of suth:ixtprovementalvill not aggregate sooh proporiCiona of the cost to speacifted hlbove, thou there shall be assessed and be paid by such abutting property and the owners thereof, a lesser amount not to exceed eed the benefits* ALM UVROM I (c) The abutting property and cuners thereof shall pry and shall be assessed for a part of the remaining east of such improvements# after deducting the sum to be paid by the railways under subs -paragraph (,a) abo ve# in the folioAng mamers All property which has single family or two (2) family residential usage on both tides of the alley to be Improved ;shalt be assessed for fifty (5(�%, of the cost of such improvemuts. Vacant property zoned for two (2) family roasidential purposee thall be assessed for fifty (50)' p of the cast of such i mprov ants . Property which has cowwreial orsemi-comercial usage, and property used or, vacant and coned for thread (3) or more family residential usage, shall be assessed for ninety the cost of such improvtmentas# lbetre there is comwrclal or d i-tomarci.al usage or toning an one side of au s",p and single family residential ntial usage and atoning on the other side, property used as a single Emily residence will not be assessed. $aid abutting property and eras thereof shall pay and be assessed for the costa of constructing, alley paving Uiprov »te as specified eabove# provided, that if it shall appear et tho hearing to be had before final assess nt to made, that the special benefits to such property by tray of enhaaaco not value thereof by mans of such Improvownts will act aggregate aath proportion of the cost to specified >above, then there shall be assessed a>ad be paid by such abutting property and the owners thereof, a lesser meet toot to exceed the benefits. (d) The raminitg cost of said lmsrovemants„ after deducting the soma finally assessed o0inst >r+alWaye and street railways under sub,Varragraph (aa) bearegof. rind against'aabuttin.S property and the ownery thereof under sub -paragraphs (h) and (c) above, sal s.11 be paid by the City of Lubbock. w Vt The amounts assessed against and to W paid by railvays and street tail - ways for work behest rAile and trades and 2 feet on asach side thereof *ball be paid on estizates or statementa on or before wenty days after acceptAnce of the Improvements in the unit to vhich the railway lice, by the City Council end #hall bear interest from date due read until paid at the gate of 6% per cnr. . 'fie smunts assessed against end to be paid by tha abutting property and the c&mers thereof shall be payable in give (5) equal Installmiartas The first of vhich thall b-atome due an or before 20 da s after completion and acceptance of the Improverents is the unit ova vhi+ the property abuts by, the City Councill tt•,a second, third, fourth and fifth Installments shall b*coma due one, Mog three and four :Fears respectively after completion and acceptr► encet of the IVrovements in the unit upon whi.th the property abuts, by the City Council, astd shell bear Interest from the date of coMletion ca sc pt- ante until paid, at than rate of six percent per ensues on street UVrovemantst end seven percent per annuu on alley b*r vemntat payabla annually, with provisions that if ftfaule be snide In the payment t of Imy installmett promptly ms the sam saturess them at the option of the holder of such assass=nt or certificate issued in evidence thereof, sun 4efAult shall mature the entire lasaegmnt upon which same is made. Vt. Assessments shall be node and levied, nand shall be a first and prior lien and pearsonal liability for principal, interest, reasonable attorneys goes and costs of collection$ if incurred, all under and in atoordancd vi.th the Charter, and amendmuts thereto, ncv in force in this City, and in accordanece with the provisione of Article 1105 b Reviscd Civil gtatuteg; of Texas as amadcd by Chapter 261 Acts of the 52nd Legislature, and matt reerent sawnded by Chapter lib Acts of the 60th Legislature. this Resolution 11 take effect and be in force Eros and after its Passage* �s%i�..'. q4 A s N 414 Loam, M7 S tAr7 Wilford D. Watoo s City Engineer Teed 0. Sen.terl City Attorney