HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 3380 - Canvassing Returns - Runoff Election - 5_26_1990 - 05_29_1990Resolution #3380 May 29, 1990 Item #3 1DGV:js RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION CANVASSING THE RETURNS AND DECLARING THE RESULT OF THE RUN- OFF ELECTION HELD MAY 26, 1990. I BE IT REMEMBERED THAT on the 29th day of May , 1990, ;the City Council of the City of Lub oc ­metat 11:30 o'clock A M. at the !regular meeting place of the City Council in the City of Lubbock Municipal IBuilding with the following members present, to -wit: Mayor B. C. McMinn Councilmember T.J. Patterson Councilmember Maggie Trejo Councilmember Bill Maloy Councilmember Gary Phillips Councilmember M. J. Aderton On motion of Councilmember Patterson second by Councilmember Maloy , it is unanimously carried that the returns of the Run -Off Election held May 269 1990, for the election of the Council Member, District 1, as provided by law, be opened and canvassed, and the results of the election be declared therefrom; and said returns having been duly canvassed, it is found that the votes for the candidates are as follows: CANDIDATES FOR COUNCIL MEMBER DISTRICT 1 VOTES RECEIVED MAGG I E TREJO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549 FRANCISCO J. GUTIERREZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533 TOTAL VOTES CAST: 1,082 And it further appearing that said election was duly held as provided by law and that the following person received a majority of the votes of the sum total of votes cast for such position: Maggie Trejo IT IS THEREFORE FOUND, DECLARED AND CERTIFIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the following person was duly elected Council Member, District 1: Maggie Trejo PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON MOTION OF Councilmennber Patterson, SECONDED BY Councilmember Ma1oy THIS 29th DAY OF May 1990, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: COUNCIL MEMBERS VOTING AYE: Mayor B.C. McMinn Councilmember T.J. Patterson Councilmember Maggie Trejo Councilmember Bill Maloy Councilmember Gary Phillips Councilmember M. J. Aderton COUNCIL MEMBERS VOTING NAY: no one Ranrtte uoya, city z�ecreury APPROVED AS TO FORM: `� C r B. C. McMI N, MAYOR UBnala u. vanalver, hlrst7HSSlstan City Attorney - 2 - A ced" PAGE 1 MAY 269 1990 -- CITY OF LUBBOCK RUNOFF ELECTIONS DISTRICT #1 CUMULATIVE RESULTS PRECINCTS COUNTED: 10 109 988 = 1097 BALLOTS NAME OF OFFICE VOTING —NOTES CAST------- PERCENTAGE NAME OF CANDIDATE POSITION ABSENTEE + MAY 25 = TOTAL OF VOTES COUNCIL MEMBER i DISTRICT NO. 1 MAGGIE TREJO 14 58 491 549 5007 FRANCISCO J• GUTIERREZ 15 50 483 533 49*2 OVER, VOTES 0 9 9 UNDER VOTES 1 5 b DGV : j s THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK CITY OF LUBBOCK WHEREAS, City of Lubbock lowing officers ORDER AND NOTICE OF RUN-OFF ELECTION ELECTION ORDER a Run -Off Election has been ordered by the City Council of the to be held May 26, 1990, for the purpose of electing the fol- of said City of Lubbock, Texas: CITY COUNCIL MEMBER, DISTRICT 1 Said Election shall be held at the places in the City of Lubbock hereinafter designated as voting precincts and voting places on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Polling places shall be open from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. and all electors shall vote in the District of their residence and in the precinct of their residence unless such precinct shall be consolidated with another precinct as provided herein in Exhibit A. Electronic voting machines shall be used for this Run -Off Election, including absentee voting. The persons set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes, are hereby appointed Judges and Alternate Judges to hold said Run -Off City Election on May 26, 1990. Each presiding Judge so named is authorized to appoint the number of clerks specified by the Election Administrator which, number shall be not less than two clerks nor more than six clerks. The Alternate Judge shall serve as Presiding Judge in the event that the regularly appointed Judge is unable to serve. The Alter- nate Judge shall be appointed by the Presiding Judge to serve as one of the clerks in the event that the election is conducted by the regularly appointed Judge. Absentee balloting shall be conducted at the office of the City Secre- tary on weekdays and on Saturday, May 19, 1990, during the absentee voting period, which shall commence the 15th day of May, 1990, and shall end the 22nd day of May, 1990. The hours of voting shall be the regular hours of business of the office of the City Secretary, which are from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. ELECTION NOTICE The City Secretary of the City of Lubbock is hereby ordered to cause publication of this Order and Notice of Run -Off Election at least one time in a daily newspaper published within the City of Lubbock not more than thirty (30) days nor less than ten (10) days prior to the Run -Off Election as re- quired by law. The City Secretary shall serve a duly certified copy of this Order and Notice of Run -Off Election on each of the Presiding Judges named in Exhibit B hereto not later than the 7th day after the signing of this Order and Notice of Run -Off Election, or the 15th day before the Run -Off Election, whichever is later. SIGNED AND EXECUTED in the Municipal Building at Lubbock, Texas, this 8th day of May, 1990. ATTEST: ecretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Donald G. Vandiver, First Assis City Attorney AC B. C. MCMI IN N1, MAYOR - 2 - Exhibit A PRECINCT #'S/POLLING PLACES 1/63 Wolfforth Elementary School 3202 Erskine 2/79/80 Arnett Elementary School 701 East Queens 3 McWhorter Elementary School 2711 1st Street 4 Jackson Elementary School 201 Vernon 5 Guadalupe Elementary School 101 N. Avenue P 8/10 Ramirez Elementary School 702 Avenue T Absentee Polling Place City Hall 1625 13th Street, Room 206 K 33 S-1a Exhibit B ELECTION PRECINCT PRESIDING JUDGES/ALTERNATE JUDGES May 26, 1990 Run -Off Election May 8, 1990 PRESIDING ALTERNATE PRECINCT # JUDGE JUDGE Wolfforth Elementary School 1/63 Rita Wolford Arnett Elementary School 2/79/80 Verdie Harris McWhorter Elementary School 3 Mary Mendoza Jackson Elementary School 4 Lilly Carrillo Guadalupe Elementary School 5 Julia Carrillo Ramirez Elementary School 8/10 Rachel Lopez Absentee Polling Place --City Hall Ranette Boyd City of Lubbock ABSENTEE BALLOT BOARD JUDGE: Joy Lambert CENTRAL COUNTING COMMITTEE: ABSENTEE VOTING CLERK: Ofelia Hinojosa Don Brooks Joe Rodriguez Joe Carrillo Louisa Hurtado Martin Wicker Graves Ann Davidson, Presiding Judge County Clerk, Lubbock County, Texas Bill McCullough Director of Computer Services Lubbock County, Texas Tom Tuning Management Information Services City of Lubbock, Texas Ranette Boyd City Secretary City of Lubbock, Texas K 3 38v EL ESTADO DE TEXAS CONDADO DE LUBBOCK CIUDAD DE LUBBOCK ORDEN Y AVISO DE ELECCION DE DESEMPATE ORDEN DE ELECCION MIENTRAS QUE, una Eleccion De Desempate se ha ordenado por el Consejo Municipal de la Ciudad de Lubbock que se lleve acabo el dia veinte y seis (26) de Mayo, 1990, para el objeto de elegir los siguientes oficiales de dicha Ciudad de Lubbock, Texas: MIEMBRO DEL CONCILIO DISTRITO NUM. 1 (TERMINO DE CUATRO ANDS) Dicha Eleccion se llevara acabo en los sitios de la Ciudad de Lubbock de ahora en adelante designado como recintos electorales y lugares de votar en Expuesta A aqui atada y hecha parte de esto para todas intenciones y objetos. Los sitios para votar estaran abiertos de las 7:00 a.m. hasta 7:00 p.m. y todos votantes han de votar en el Distrito de su residencia a no ser que tal recinto sea consolidado con otro recinto como designado aqui en Expuesta A. Maquinas de votar electronicas seran usadas para esta Eleccion De Desempate, incluyendo los votos en aucensia. Las personas sentadas en Expuesta B atadas y hechas parte de esto para todas intenciones y objetos son aqui nombrados Jueces Actuante y Juces Suplente para tener dicha Eleccion De Desempate en el dia veinte y seis (26) de Mayo, 1990. Cada Juez Actuante esta autorizado para nombrar el numero de oficios especificado por el Administrador de la Eleccion, que tal numero no sera menos de dos (2) oficinistas ni mas que seis (6) oficinistas. Los Jueces Suplentes serviran como Jueces Actuantes si acabo el Juez Actuante asi nombrado no pueda servir. El Juez Suplente sera nombrado por el Juez Actuante para que sirva como uno de los oficinistas en caso que la eleccion sea condujida por el nombrado Juez Actuante. Los votos en ausencia seran registrados en la Oficina de la Secretaria Municipal durante los dias de la semana y en el Sabado, el dia 19 de Mayo, 1990, mientras dure la votacion en ausencia que empezara el quinto (15th) dia de Mayo, 1990, menos que tal sitios de votar estaran cerados en cualquier dia designado por la Ciudad de Lubbock como dia oficial de fiesta y las horas de votar seran las horas regulares de la oficina de la Secretaria Municipal, que son de 8:00 a.m. hasta 5:00 p.m. AVISO DE ELECTION La Secretaria Municipal es aqui ordenada que publique esta Orden y Aviso de Eleccion De Desempate siquiera una vez en un periodico diario publicado dentro la Ciudad de Lubbock no mas de treinta (30) dias y no menos de diez (10) dias antes de la Eleccion De Desempate como es requirido por ley. La Secretaria Municipal servira una copia certificada al debito tiempo de esta Orden y Aviso de la Eleccion de Desempate a cada uno de los Jueces Actuantes nombrados en Expuesta B aqui atada no mas tarde que el septimo dia despues de firmar esta Orden y Aviso de la Eleccion De Desempate, o el dia quince antes de la Eleccion De Desempate, cualquiera sea mas tarde. FIRMADO Y EJECUTADO EN LA CASA MUNICIPAL EN LUBBOCK, TEXAS EL DIA SIETE DE MAYO, 1990. /s/ B. C. McMinn B. C. McMINN, ALCALDE ATESTIGUA: /s/ Ranette Boyd Ranette Boyd, Secretaria Municipal /s/ Donald G. Vandiver Donald G. Vandiver, Abogado Municipal Primero Ayudante Expuesta A NUMBEROS DE RECINTOS/SITIOS PARA VOTAR 1/63 Escuela Primaria de Wolfforth 3202 Erskine 2/79/80 Escuela Primaria de Arnett 701 East Queens 3 Escuela Primaria de McWhorter 2711 calle 1 4 Escuela Primaria de Jackson 201 Vernon 5 Escuela Primaria de Guadalupe 101 Norte Avenida P 8/10 Escuela Primaria de Ramirez 702 Avenida T Votacion en Ausencia Cuarto 206, La Casa Municipal, 1625 la calle 13 9� �80 Expuesta B JUECES ACTUANTES/JUECES SUPLENTES DE LOS RECINTOS ELECTORALES MAYO 26, 1990 ELECCION DE DESEMPATE RECINTO --------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUEZ ACTUANTE JUEZ SUPLENTE 1/63 Escuela Primaria Wolfforth Rita Wolford Ofelia Hinojosa 2/79/80 Escuela Primaria Arnett Verdie Harris Don Brooks 3 Escuela Primaria McWhorter Mary Mendoza TO BE SELECTED 4 Escuela Primaria Jackson Lilly Carrillo Joe Carrillo 5 Escuela Primaria Guadalupe Julia Carrillo Louisa Hurtado 8/10 Escuela Primaria Ramirez Rachel Lopez Martin Wicker Graves Votacion en Ausencia BALOTA DE AUSENCIA JUEZ CONSEJADO: COMITE CENTRAL DE CONTAR: OFICINISTA DE VOTAR EN AUSENCIA: Ranette Boyd Secretaria Municipal Ciudad de Lubbock, Texas Joy Lambert Ann Davidson, Juez Actuante Ofinista del Condado, Condado de Lubbock, Tejas Bill McCullough Director de Servicios Computadores Condado de Lubbock, Tejas Tom Tuning Servicios Manejadores de Informacion Ciudad de Lubbock, Tejas Ranette Boyd Secretaria Municipal Ciudad de Lubbock, Tejas