HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 031468C - Pipe Line License Agreement - FWDRC - Crossing Under Track, Near Globe Ave - 03_14_1968KJ:tp RES OLUT ION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock a Pipe Line License Agreement with Fort Worth and Denver Railway Company, attached herewith which shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon the minutes of this Council shall constitute and be a part of this Resolu- tion as if fully copied herein in detail, FORM APPROVED: red O. Senter,, Jr., City form 310 a r; shoot i st a a CONTRACT, FOR PIPE LINE �►' ACROSSR'rALONG RIGHT OF WAY:`, ; 9'Ni8 AaREEbfENT, Made and ehtaed into asbL..... thieMl4m 'Y of'ebruat� • Y (g ...»... a......y:....._ between FORT WORTH AND DEMM RAILWAY.00MPANY, hereinafteicalled the "Railway," and .,.,:..: w...'..w..�c..•., N .........� ......«.«....•+......« •....w r..«..ai..o« ....... ..... .« . . w,•.... ..w........+......H•.....iw...�....r..w..w.s.....:....... . w •.w «+••M• Nw 'M• wr/.w.rw�.•.N •..r r••i.•I.. L H.i.•aM.w.w ii .•J•i«NM � - w • + of . «..state of _ ........„� A .•w,.�•_/f.•.w..�.�»„� `L- *•w�..ri•w.+. w+w.r.w•wwrrrYw ; w�I1M .iwde. w•.wir• w.M.«.. MrM•,f bereinafter edW the " Lleensee /r.ww WITNESSETH: Aninctx 1: In consideration of _ .one.»($1--00)-Doll&Lr. irlitiRl Qnd, Only..... ............... .....«......................to be paid by Licensee to Railway Immediately upon the execution of this agreement, and upon the Leans Lubbock:Labbock and conditions hereinafter set forth Railway hereby grants unto Licensee license to enter upon the premises of Railway at otla'.. ......».»...» » ...».» Countyq TezR&.Pipe 13ae crosses under Railways main Uad track & Track No. Norther],y=sont�er7,�� direction. along the Meet «side . of::alobe Aim construct,�d thereafter matatain across or ....__... .... «»..»......»... «. .......................... ......... abng said premises at the sole expense of Licensee, ell.. eft.:«...:. ( $ ..» : )• inch "pipe line to be used for conveying.:._.«:..... .._._.. F4 .... ....... '.. ..... «......... «............ ..................« only, the .location of said pipe line "being shown in redon the Railways print No $P .�9=�..8.�'�.�...9�hereto attached, «...... _.. ... ..« ....«.. .......» ».«, and made apart hereof. five (5) ARTICLL 2: The top of said pipe line shall be placed at a depth of not less than itaX$I) feet six (6) inches below the base of the rails of the track or tracks of Railway where it passes under the same and not less than three (3) feet below the surface of the ground at any point on Railway's property. If the said pipe line shall be of a diameter four inches or larger the portion of same directly under the said track or tracks, and under the roadbed thereof, shall be of cast iron or other material of approved strength. ARTICLE 3: The said pipe line shall be constructed and maintained in such manner and at such time or times and of such materials as shall meet ' .with the approval of the Superintendent of Railway, and as shall not hinder, delay or endanger the operation of engines, trains care or business of PP P Yi i Y B�' Pe B� r i 4 Railway over its track or tracks now laid or hereafter laid on said premises, or in any manner interfere with the present or future use of the said premisbs. The Licensee shall not enter upon said premises for the purpose of constructing, maintaining or removing said pipe line except upon forty-eight hours' notice to Superintendent of Railway, and then a designated representative of Railway may oversee or inspect all of said work as it progresses, at the expense of Licensee, and performance of such work shall be subject to his approval. If deemed necessary by Railway so to do, Licensee shall, at the expense of Licensee, support the said track or tracks, as directed by Rahway; while the work of constructing, maintaining or removing said pipe line is being done. forty-five (45) In the event the pipe line shall be used to carry any liquid or other substance under pressure, and shall be located under any track or within . feet of any track, bridge or structure of the Railway, the pipe line shall be constructed and maintained strictly In accordance with Railway's Plan No.l; copy of which shall be attached to, and thereby: become a part of,,this agreement 105999D In case Railway shall, after said pipe line has been constructed, build upon its premises.any additional track or tracks, or structures, or make any changes in existing tracks or structures over said pipe line, the Licensee shall, ,at once,, at its own expense, make such changes in its said pipe line as may be necessary to make the same conform in its relation to said new. tracks` or structures'or;changes in existing tracks or structures, in all respects to the conditions herein required for said.present tracks or structures,'or as may be requited by the Railway. Form 310 Shoot 2 of 7 . AaT1c1.a 4: In the event any cathodic electrolysis or other electrical grpunding,system is installed in connection with said pipe line which in the opitflon of Railway in any way interferes with any train signals, telephone or telegraph lines, .or other facilities of Railway, the Licensee immediately shall discontinue operation of and remove said grounding system, or take such steps as maybe necessary to avoid all such interference. Licensee further agrees to indemnify and save harmless Railway from and against any damages, claims, losses, suits or expenses in any manner arising from or growing out of interference with the signals, telephone or telegraph lines of Railway by the operation, use or existence of any such grounding system. AnT1c1,a 5: The Licensee further covenantsand agrees at all times during the existence of said pipe line upon the premises of Railway to keep and maintain the soil over the•same thoroughly compacted; and the.grade even with the adjacent surface of the ground, and that Licensee will at all times release, protect, indemnify and save harmless Railway from all claims, demands, judgments, less, costs and expenses, for injury to or death of any person, or loss or damage to the property of any person or persons whomsoever (including both parties hereto and their employee), in any manner arising from or growing out of in *hole or in part, the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, operation, repair, change, existence, use or removal of said pipe line or the subsidence of soil over the same whether %vsed by the negligence of the Railway, its servants or employes, or otherwise. AaTicLE 6: If Licensee shall well and faithfully comply with all the terms, covenants, and conditions herein set forth, on the part of Licensee to be observed and complied with, the license herein granted by Railway shall continue in force. to the full expiration of the period of one (1•) year from the date hereof, and thereafter until terminated, upon not less than sixty (60) days' written notice by either party hereto to the other; but if Licensee shall fail to perform any of the covenants herein contained, Railway, shall have the right to terminate this license forthwith and without notice.,' Any notice herein provided for shall be sufficiently given and delivered if mailed in an envelope properly stamped and sddresse�to ~Upon the termination of this license in any'of the modes herein provided for, Licensee shall, at its own expense, upon being notified so to do by Railway, remove said pipe line from said premises, and restore the ground to a safe and level condition,, and in case of its failure so to do, the Railway may at its option, either remove the said pipe line from said premises at the sole expense of Licensee, or disconnect the same at points where it enters and leaves the said premises. A Asrima 7: The Licensee shall not transfer or assign this license without the written consent of Railway. The said license shall be binding upon the beirs, personal representatives, successors and'assigos of the parties hereto. IH Wrrrtass Wmmos, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed on the day and year first herein written. ATTEST: �..._._:_._................:........«......_«...........»......._......_.�.......:. FORT WORTS AND DENVER RAILWAY COMPANY. Secretary. ATTEST: By ... .� r...i.... tT s'.Prea33eat7'.._ City of Lnbbook ._..........�.._....... .._.._...... ......... ....... ...._.............. _.. APPROVED AS TO FORM: + By ............ ......... Its .»_...._ ......».. _ .........._...».._ . • ! . �....... Form Ap-p o d =iM Attorney. Rec ommen City Aitornoy II e ........._....«. ...................» »�lLePi�. M�16tgettiGh%t ..ftp,.... Superintendent » MUM y dFsoc 4913 -q!6Z f V Sold To j �•: i�ti 4 UA ! It a � aOtAe� Coy/t'Ca/iie: ' (I(wraBtk' C4r/rrjrf 7F7o �rtaao' . �073-j�s� SOLOr :EORGIA- PACIFI' �. ORPORATIOIN --28-54 DC c W0.lie 546 1N Qtreet FORM 3209 Installation Pipelines crossing under any track shall be Installed in accordance with Figure Four and shall not be placed within a culvert or under o railway. bridge. Pipelines crossing under tracks shall be Installed by boring or jocking,if practicable, otherwise with use of folsework.Nowever,upon receipt of special written. permission from the Division Superintendent permitting removal of trocks,pipelines Crossing under frocks may be Installed by the open trench method,and pipes carrying only non-flammable substances not under pressure may then be Installed without casing pipes, in any manner set forth In the next succeeding paragraph, provided that o Concrete collar at least 9Inches thick and 1 foot on each side of the joint shall be cost around the joints whenever tongue and groove concrete pipe Is used. Any pipeline not crossing under any frock shall be installed as follows: , L If within 45 feet of any track,bridge or structure the carrier pipe shot I be installed and encased in accordance with the standards shown in figure 5, it carrying non•flommoble substances. 2. If more than 45feet from any trock,bridge or stucture the pipe shoo consist of steel,costIron or wrought iron pipe meeting the specifcatbrn for such carrier pipes here -in -after set forth; 3. If such pipe shall carry only o non-flammoble substance not under pressure, It may Consist of concrete pipe meeting A.S.T.M. Spectficatlon C-76-57sTable IV, and no encasement is necessary. All pipes shall be installed of a depth of not less than 3 feet below the surface of the ground at oil points. Signs are required at all points where the pipeline enters and leaves the right of way,and of appropriate periodic Intervals Where the pipeline parallels the right of way. Where laws or orders of cortnpeterd pudic authority prescribe a higher degree of protection than specified herein, then the higher degree of protection so prescribed shotl be deemed a port of the specifications set forth in this exhibit. Carrier Pipe Carrier line pipe and joints Inside of easing under railway tracks and rixbt-of-way shall be of approved construction satisfactory to the railway company. Joints for carrier Me pipe operating under pressure shall be of mechanical or welded type. Pipe sball be laid with slack (no tension) in the Mae, or with expansion joint faear the point of railway Casing Pipe Casing pipe and joints shall be of leakproof construction, capable of withstanding railway loading. . WALL THIc KNEss FOR STtELe CASING Pipe Foa E 71 LOADING (INCLUDING IMPACT) 1" urn 711kkNNfa Diameter of Pipe #......................... . .... • , Jr, e•. i f , l e, l4• and le . ............................... le and 20e ' .......... . ........... ....... a --22rIand Oe I: ............................. 26• and 28. 30•, 3r and 34• • :..................... '... '... .!e and :W �' ......... . ... ....... .......... ...W and 42e Thickness Is for steel pipe having a minimum 7Kid strength of 35,000 psi. Adjust R6ktness as necessary for other trades of pipe, except that Ikicknes of pipe s6a11 not be less than M In. Class ISO cast iron pipe may be used for 12 in and under and Class 2SO shall be used for over 12 in, provided the method of installation is by open trench and prior approval has been secured from the chief engineer of the railway company. The inside diameter of the casing pipe shall be at Last 2 in greater than the largat outside diameter of the carrier pipe, joints or couplings, for carrier pipe Lai than 6 in in diameter; and at least 4 in greater for carrier pipe 6 in and over in diameter. It shall, in all cases, be great enuugh to allow the carrier pipe to be removed subsequently without disturbing the casing pipe or roadbed. Casing pipe shall be so constructed as to prevent leakage of any matter from the casing or conduit throughout its length under track and railway right-of-way, except at ends of casing or conduit where ends are left open. Casing shall be -so installed as to prevent the formation of a waterway under the railway and with an area hearing throughout its length, and shall slope to one end. Protection Against Corrosion Pipes, when of steel material, shall receive externally the same protective coating which is applied to the carrier pipe adjacent to the crossing, except that in no case shall the protective coating be less than a coal -tar primer coat, followed by a single application of hot coal -tar enamel J in thick :I--b2 In, plus a bonded 15-cab asbestos felt wrap, or in lieu of the above, the coating shall be on approved substitute equal to this combination protective coating. ---- 1 N a s Or Fig.4 Pipe Line For Non -Flammable Subsiances See Note 3 See Mate 3 - 11W MM Schwne I •• �-••��(��e�-0�������.. See Note 2--- p 5 Ft GhI(Mirt� 3►t A See Plofe I NOU1111.Ends aresssing,when below ground,osall be suth:Wy protected oWnsf onfrona e toraign maierlot. tws breasinri. when above greund surface end above hief r wain level.may be Ief't open wWre drvinctle is aottoble. S Cosplq pipe shall extend a mbtttaun dstonce or Itft pk:%5ft plus L5 D measured d A# angba'erMee�ldetrack(WhereDequobsloedepibafbottaaatowil ttebw or 4* rkjh} er-way vwbichever is greafar ASPHALT COATED CARRIER PIPE TO BE SMOOTH STEEL ASBESTOS BONDED SMOOTH STEEL OR OR WROUGHT SPACE BETWEEN CAA CAS - CORRUGATE CST IRON PIPE IRON OR COR- RIER PIPE AND CAS' METAL,OR w.l.. RUCATED ING PIPE TO BE SAC FILLED WITH SAND PIPE OR CARRIER PIPE JACKING SMOOTH CENTERED WITH PAPS : ;i,:• OR LEAN CONCRETE PIPE, SAND OR OTHER IF CORRUGATED PIPE STEEL PIPE , SUITABLE MATERIAL. IS USED. PROTEAGAINST CORROSION, SECTION A -A SCHEME i SECTION A -A SCHEME 2 CARRIER PIPE WITH SUB- CARRIER PIPE WITH SUBSTANCES NOT STANCES UNDER PRESSURE. UNDER PRESSURE. CASING PIPE CASING PIPE IN BORED HOLE. JACKED THROUGH ROAD BED. MANHOLE REOUIRED AS SHONN IN FIG 4 UNLESS OTHERNTSE SPECIFIED IN CONTRACT, ASPHALT COATED, EXCEPT THAT MANHOLES AND SAND ASBESTOS BONDED CENTERING MAY BE OMITTED IN INSTALLA. CORRUGATED METAL TANS USED ONLY INTERMITTENTLY WHERE OR SMOOTH STEEL BOTH ENDS OF CASING PIPE ARE ABOVE PIPE, PROTECTED GROUND AND OPEN FOR INSPECTION.I f! AGAINST CORROSION. Pipe Ines tarrying non-ffommobis substances under a pressure of less then 100 paL may be encased in reinforced concrets culvert pipe mode In OCCOrdatim with A.T.S.M. Spec. C76-57 Toble IV RR Strength. Corrugated Metal Pipes Under Track Diameter RKvW MUNI- Tunnel Pine dote LNw 8' to 15- 14 Go. - - IB• B 21' 12 • - - - 24• 10' • - - 4e e • - Bon. BCP to 72' - Bra S Be IO IOB• - 3 • 3 12da14'r - 1• 3• SECTION A -A SCHEME 3 TO BE USED IN INSTALLATIONS USED ONLY INTIO MITTENTLY WHERE BOTH ENDS OF THE CASING PIPE ARE ABOVE GROUND,ABOVE THE HIGH WATER LEVEL AND OPEN FOR INSPECTION DRAINAGE MUS`f BE PROVIDED IN A MANNER SO THAT LEAKAGE WILL BE CONDUCTED AWAY FROM THE ROAD BED AND STRUCTURES. NON ; ASBESTOS BONDING MAY BE OMITTED FOR MULTI -PLATE AND TUNNEL LINER. Fig. 5 Pipe Line Along Right of Way !+� PIPE LIHa CAR"M suesTANCEb UIOest y PRES"r MUST eE ETSC&Oco r wrTwm j� ea RET aF CENTEK Loa aF TNW-X OR J, Or WITHIN AS "MT or "Im � J on STRUCTURE T'd:p` 1 wINCRE tT Ica w/1CTICABLE MP To COMPLY anOLM IK•' wrTM TNia SAPPLAM DEVIATION MUST aE 3N" IN. APPROVED ST CHEF ENWr4ER s•-s • :1611101 a 11 A M010 ��dQ�IiF�F3�iaaac�li�a Qil STANDARD SIZES OF CAST IRON PIPES E 1 4 6 I I 14 1 I 1 I 14 i 1 24 e 0.0. SIZES ARE BASEQ ON: Iola Ne PIP2 (IfCL. l T11tcx.17•T024eP1PE INCL• t II11t Wmaarw,er+..• - f"