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Resolution - 4316 - Supplemental Agreement #2-HDR Engineering Inc-RR Relocation, E-W Freeway Project - 11_11_1993
Resolution No. 4316 November 11, 1993 Item #28 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock Supplement Agree- ment No. 2 to an Agreement between the City of Lubbock and HDR Engineering, Inc. for Professional Engineering Services for the Railroad Relocation for the East-West Freeway Project, attached herewith, which shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon the minutes of this Council shall constitute and be a part of this Resolution as if fully copied herein in detail_ Passed by the City Council this ATTEST: Betty M. Jon n, City Secretary APP VED AS TO CONTENT: 7 Larry V.4floffman,-Dirktor o Transpor ation APPROVED AS TO FORM: Harold a d, AssistAnt City Attorney HW:js/SPAGMT#2.RES D2-Agenda/October 29, 1993 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 2 TO THE AGREEMENT DATED JULY 8, 1991 BETWEEN CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS OWNER AND HDR ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEER FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE RAILROAD RELOCATION FOR EAST -WEST FREEWAY IN LUBBOCK PROJECT NOVEMBER 11, 1993 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 2 TO THE AGREEMENT DATED DULY 8, 1991 BETWEEN CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS AND HDR. ENGINEERING, INC. FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE RAILROAD RELOCATION FOR EAST -WEST FREEWAY THIS IS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 2 made as of November 11, 1993, between the City of Lubbock, Texas and HDR Engineering, Inc. for modifications to the AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS AND HDR ENGINEERING, INC. FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES dated July 8, 1991. OWNER and ENGINEER, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, agree to modifications to the Agreement as follows: 1. Change the Agreement Section 4.2.1 to read: 4.2.1 Preliminary Design Phase - 240 calendar days. 2. Change the Agreement Section 4.2.2 to read: 4.2.2 Final Design Phase - 540 calendar days. 3. Change the Agreement Section 4.3.1 to read: 4.3.1 Route Location Analysis, Environmental Studies and Public Involvement - 1,020 calendar days. 4. Change the Agreement Section 5.3.1 to read: 5.3.1 For Additional Services as described in Paragraph 2.1 and Appendix, Exhibit A, payment shall be on the basis of Cost Plus Fixed Fee. The Fixed Fee shall be Forty -Four Thousand, Seven Hundred Eighty-six Dollars and Ninety-seven Cents ($44,786.97). The maximum amount payable for Additional Services as described in Appendix, Exhibit A, is Seven Hundred Sixty-four Thousand, Five Hundred Ninety-two Dollars and Fifty-five Cents ($764,592.55). Estimated Costs are itemized in the Appendix, Exhibit D. The maximum amount payable will be revised in the event of change in scope, increased cost, complexity of character of PROJECT or periods of service which exceed those periods defined in Section 4 as mutually agreed in writing by OWNER and ENGINEER. -2- Delete APPENDIX, EXHIBIT A, DETAILED SCOPE OF SERVICES and replace with the following: -3- APPENDIX EXHIBIT A DETAILED SCOPE OF SERVICES This exhibit expands the Scope of Services described in SECTION 1 - BASIC SERVICES and SECTION 2 - ADDITIONAL SERVICES and OTHER ADDITIONAL SERVICES of the Agreement for the PROJECT known as Railroad Relocation for East-West Freeway in Lubbock. The proposed PROJECT is further described as follows: The Proposed East-West Freeway will require the relocation of the Seagraves, Whiteface & Lubbock Railroad tracks, presently located along the East-West Freeway corridor, to a point between West Loop 289 and Reese Air Force Base. The relocated railroad must connect the existing tracks along the freeway corridor to the existing Santa Fe Railway tracks along Clovis Road, in addition to other connections which may be required. Special consideration must be given to the additional trackage required for the interchange of rail cars between the two different rail lines at the track intersection along Clovis Road. Appropriate revisions must also be made to the signals along the main line of the Santa Fe Railway. I. SCOPE OF SERVICES A. ROUTE LOCATION ANALYSIS (Additional Services, TxDOT Function Code 110) 1. Route Location Studies and Report a. Four alternative routes shall be evaluated b. The evaluation of each alternative will include an evaluation of Engineering, Environmental and Economic parameters. C. Each alternative route shall include: (1) Relocated railroad alignment which will provide for a smooth, uninterrupted connection between the trackage and facilities on the new right-of-way, and the railroad's existing track on its right-of-way southwest of Loop 289, also including switches, allowing a smooth interchange at the intersection of the new right-of-way and the railroad's existing tracks on its Whiteface line (new rails, ties, tie plates, spikes, switches, gates, lights, trackage and appurtenances as are necessary and appropriate for the operation of the railroad on, over and across the new right- of-way). (2) AT&SF Railway interchange trackage layout, including switches providing smooth access with the AT&SF tracks at a point northwest of Loop 289 where the new right-of- way will intersect with the AT&SF tracks (3) Interchange railcar yard layout, located at approximately the location where the new right-of-way will intersect with Page 1 10/93 the AT&SF tracks, containing track capable of storing at least eighty (80) railcars (4) Switch connection location on the new right-of-way proximally east of Reese Air Force Base, so as to allow for future service to Reese Air Force Base (5) Yard location and layout, located along the railroad's Whiteface line and having access to a public road, suitable for the loading and unloading of aggregate and other commodities comparable to the yard presently being used by the railroad at the approximate location of the intersection of U.S. Highway 82 and S.W. Loop 289 and having yard tracks capable of storing at least eighty (80) railcars (6) Recommendations regarding the location for a low volume "piggy back" facility (less than 100 lifts per day). (7) Recommendations regarding the location for a parking lot for an excursion train. The Seagraves Whiteface and Lubbock Railroad Company shall provide excursion train and parking lot design criteria consisting of maximum train length, number of parking spaces and sizes of proposed structures. (8) Recommendations regarding the location for a possible maintenance facility for the railroad. The Seagraves, Whiteface and Lubbock Railroad Company shall provide design criteria for the maintenance facility. 2. Traffic Evaluations and Projections - An evaluation of existing and proposed automobile and train traffic shall be conducted for each potential public at -grade crossing, including recommendations for type of crossing protection or needs for grade separation for each crossing. Vehicle traffic data shall be provided by TxDOT. Train traffic data shall be provided by the Seagraves, Whiteface and Lubbock Railroad Company. 3. Develop Design Criteria - Railway and roadway design criteria shall be developed for use in the development of alternatives and right-of-way. 4. Preliminary Cost Estimates - Preliminary Construction cost estimates shall be developed for each alternative alignment. ROW cost data shall be provided by TxDOT. 5. Design Schematic - A design schematic shall be prepared for the preferred alignment as described in the section titled Design Controls (Function Code 160). (This schematic shall serve as the Right -of -Way Schematic to be furnished to the Railroad. Scale: 1" = 200') 6. Preliminary Right -of -Way Requirements - The preliminary right-of-way requirements shall be indicated on the design schematic. 7. Design Concept Conference - A design concept conference shall be held to review the preferred alternative. Page 2 10/93 B. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES AND PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT (Additional Services, TxDOT Function Code 120) 1. Environmental Reports a. An Environmental Assessment Coordination Document containing the following shall be prepared, anticipating the need for a Draft Environmental Impact Statement. 1. Description of the Proposed Project - Describe the location, length, termini and proposed improvements. 2. Need - Identify and describe the problem which the proposed project is designed to correct. 3. Alternatives Considered - Discuss all reasonable alternatives to the proposed actions which were considered. 4. Impacts - Discuss the social, economic and environmental impacts of the alternatives considered and describe whether or not impacts are considered to be significant. 5. Comments and Coordination - Describe coordination efforts and comments received from government agencies and the public: Formal coordination and communication with government agencies and the public shall be provided by Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). If it is believed that the proposed project requires a Section 4(f) evaluation, the ENGINEER shall notify the OWNER. The ENGINEER shall proceed with development of technical data for a Section 4(f) evaluation after agreement between the OWNER and ENGINEER on additional scope and additional compensation and after receipt of written notice to proceed from OWNER. 6. Appendices (if any) - Include only analytical information that substantiates an analysis which is important to the document. Other information should be incorporated by reference only. b. A Draft Environmental Statement (DEIS) containing the following shall be prepared in accordance with applicable TxDOT, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements. 1. Title Page 2. EIS Identification Number 3. Summary 4. Table of Contents 5. Purpose and Need for Action 6. Discussion of Alternatives including the preferred alternative, all reasonable alternatives and other alternatives considered but dropped from detailed study 7. Affected Environment Page 3 10/93 8. Environmental Consequences as identified in the Texas DOT (TxDOT) Operations and Procedures Manual, Part H- B, Environmental and Public Involvement Procedures During Project Specific Planning and Development 9. List of Preparers 10. List of Agencies, Organizations and Persons to Whom Copies of the Statement are Sent 11. Comments and Coordination 12. Index 13. Appendices C. A Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) shall be prepared after appropriate interagency review within time limits prescribed by the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 23, Part 771. One draft and one final FEIS will be prepared. 2. Public Involvement a. All public involvement procedures shall be in accordance with TxDOT Administrative Order 23-82. b. Three public involvement meetings and one public hearing held in conjunction with TxDOT's East-West Freeway public hearing shall be scheduled, coordinated and conducted. C. Technical assistance, meeting/hearing preparation, maintenance of contact lists, minutes of meeting(s), and exhibit preparation shall be provided by the ENGINEER. The TxDOT shall conduct the public hearing. d. Public Relations - TxDOT shall provide any required fact sheets and public relations or public notifications. 3. Hazardous Materials Investigations - the ENGINEER shall perform a Level 1 Hazardous Materials Investigation for the old and new railroad right-of-way. a. Task 1: A record search to determine past ownership and historical uses of "high risk" properties located within the project corridor. b. Task 2: Conduct a "windshield" survey to investigate sites for potential environmental contamination or hazardous materials storage violations. C. Task 3: A review of applicable local, state and federal records to determine possible permit violation or clean-up requirements within the project corridor. d. Task 4: An analysis of historical aerial photographs to determine prior land uses in the project vicinity. e. Task 5: A written Hazardous Materials Evaluation Report summarizing the results of the Investigation. Recommendations for a Level 2 Investigation will be made based on findings of the preliminary study. 4. Archeological Survey a. Conduct an archeological survey of the preferred alternative Page 4 10/93 b. Prepare a report documenting the results of the archeological survey 5. Ambient Noise Monitoring Conduct ambiant noise monitoring along or near the preferred rail alignment alternative and present results in the Environmental Impact Statement. 6. General Guidelines for Preparation of Environmental Documents a. The environmental documents prepared shall be provided on paper and on a 3 1/2" IBM 1.44 MB diskette(s). b. Fifteen draft copies and fifteen final copies of the Environmental Documents shall be provided. One copy with camera-ready artwork shall be provided for TxDOT's use for attachment to the East-West Freeway environmental document, to be prepared by TxDOT. C. The environmental documents shall be prepared in accordance with the content and format of FHWA Technical Advisory T6640.8A. d. Exhibits in the environmental document shall be limited to 11" by 17" where possible. e. Three submittals of the DEIS and two submittals of the FEIS documents will be required. C. RIGHT-OF-WAY (Other Additional Services, TxDOT Function Code 130) 1. No work involving right-of-way (ROW) data shall be performed until the OWNER has given the ENGINEER written approval of the location of the proposed ROW lines. 2. Ownership Data - Ownership Information shall be determined be the OWNER 3. Right-of-way Map a. A ROW map including only plan sheets and ownership sheets shall be prepared and furnished. b. ROW map and field notes shall be revised as required due to changes in railroad design, ownership changes or revised parcel numbering. 4. Utility Adjustments a. A copy of the Right -of -Way Schematic will be provided to each utility entity (11 estimated). Each entity will indicate their utility lines within proposed Right -of -Way. All utility information provided by the utility entities will be posted on the Right -of -Way Schematic. Prepare 11 "x 17" location sketch with requirements for crossing railroad for each utility crossing (40 estimated). Request utility entity to respond with a construction cost estimate for adjustment of their utilities. Page 5 10/93 Review adjustment cost information from each entity. Request and receive revisions as necessary. Meet with utility entities concerning adjustment plans and costs. Provide TxDOT with adjustment cost information for their review and opinion. Prepare utility agreements for all crossings with that entity. Provide originals to OWNER for execution. After OWNER execution, OWNER will send to utility entity for final execution. Respond to questions from utility entities concerning adjustments. Meet with entities and/or the surveyor in the field for questions or locations. Make progress site visits to review adjustment construction activities (1 site visit for each crossing). Document final elevations and locations of adjusted utilities based on survey information. b. Utilities on Private Property (irrigation and/or gas line adjustments) are not included in this contract. These will be adjusted by the OWNER as part of the appraisal process. 5. Field Notes a. Prepare Field Notes for all Parcels using TxDOT format and language, referenced to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System b. Prepare Computation Sheets for Survey closure and Area for Each Parcel C. Survey and Prepare Field Notes and Plats on Individual Parcels 6. General Guidelines for Preparation of Right -of -Way Map a. All procedures involving ROW map, surveys and field notes shall be in conformance with the TxDOT Right -of - Way Division Right -of -Way Manual. Book I and Book H. except as provided herein. b. ROW Map plan sheets and Ownership sheets shall be prepared for inclusion in TxDOT East-West Freeway ROW plans. C. Minimum mathematical calculations relative to field note data are: (1) Area of taking, if expressed in acres, will be carried to three decimal places or, if expressed in square feet, will be rounded to the square foot Page 6 10/93 (2) Distances will be given to the nearest hundredth of a foot (3) Bearings will be carried to the nearest second. d. Data contained in the field notes and shown on the map shall be identical. e. Calls within the body of the field notes shall be written to identify property lines and the existing and proposed ROW lines. f. Project base line shall be drawn and stationed on the ROW map. g. Minimum size lettering shall be 5/32" height for hand lettering and 140 for lettering by computer -aided design and drafting (CADD). h. As soon as property lines and parent tracts can be determined, the ENGINEER shall submit a preliminary map for review of parcel numbers. i. Zip -a -tone or similar products shall not be used on map sheets. j. All field notes shall be signed, dated and sealed by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor or Licensed State Land Surveyor. k. The ROW map sheets shall be ink on Mylar type tracing film or as otherwise authorized by the OWNER. 1. Field note data for all parcels shall be prepared utilizing Word Perfect 5.1 and furnished in both hard copy and diskette formats. D. FIELD SURVEYING AND PHOTOGRAMMETRY (Other Additional Services, TxDOT Function Code 150) 1. Field Surveying a. Primary Project Control (1) 3 to 5 mile spacing (2) Precision shall be 1 part in 20,000 or better. (3) Horizontal control points shall be established by ENGINEER. (4) Vertical control points shall be established by ENGINEER. b. Secondary Project Control (1) Field survey for photogrammetric ground control shall be tied to the State Plane Coordinate system, adjusted to surface. (2) No traverse shall exceed 25 angle points. (3) The unadjusted angular error shall not exceed 2 seconds per angle, plus 14 seconds. (4) The unadjusted ratio of precision shall be one part in 10,000 or better. (The ratio of precision is the total length of the traverse divided by the total error.) Page 7 10/93 (5) The unadjusted vertical error shall not exceed 0.03 foot per mile of traverse. (6) Project control base lines shall be established by ENGINEER (7) Photogrammetric ground control shall be established by ENGINEER (8) Horizontal control shall be established by ENGINEER. Horizontal control panels shall consist of one panel at a maximum spacing of 1800 feet with a minimum of three (3) panels on each tangent. (9) Vertical control point targets shall be established by ENGINEER. Wing point distance off baseline shall be a minimum of 200 feet left and right of centerline. A band of three panels shall be set with a maximum spacing of 1800 feet with a minimum of three bands per tangent (10) Panels for horizontal and vertical control shall be 6" x 82" . Panels shall consist of cardboard, masonite, paint or tape. Where possible, panels will be painted on existing pavement. C. Other Field Surveying (1) Stake and profile center line (2) The project base line shall be coincidental with, or parallel to, the stationed "Design Center Line." (3) Base line control points shall be established using 5/8-inch iron rods, 36 inches long, at P.C.'s, P.I.'s and P.T.'s of horizontal curves and at 1000' maximum intervals on tangents. (4) Establish bench mark circuit throughout the project. (5) Profile and cross section intersecting streets for tie into project. (6) Cross section drainage channels. (7) Tie to exposed underground and overhead public utilities (location and elevation) (8) Stake ROW one (1) time using 5/8-inch iron rods, 36- inches long, marking P.C.'s, P.T.'s and property corners. All right-of-way staking work shall be approved by the OWNER prior to beginning work. (9) Stake soil core holes (10) Determine type of existing material, pavements, etc. (11) Profile existing drainage facilities. (12) Obtain elevations of manholes and valves of utilities within proposed ROW. 2. Photogrammetric Products shall be supplied by TxDOT as follows: a. Mapping (1) One (1) set of verification plots on bond paper at a nominal scale of 1" = 100', 1' Contour Page 8 10/93 (2) Planimetric and topographic graphics files, scaled to 1" _ 100' in an Intergraph format (3) Digital Terrain Model files in an Intergraph format E. PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DESIGN (Basic Services and Other Additional Services, T xDOT Function Code 160) 1. Geometric Design a. Develop Horizontal and Vertical Alignment b. Schematic Layout shall include: (1) The location of main tracks, turnouts, yard tracks, and loading and unloading facilities, as follows: (a) Relocated railroad alignment which will provide for a smooth, uninterrupted connection between the trackage and facilities on the new right-of-way, and the railroads' Existing track on its right-of-way southwest of Loop 289, also including switches, allowing a smooth interchange at the intersection of the new right-of-way and the railroad's existing tracks on its Whiteface line (new rails, ties, tie plates, spikes, switches, gates, lights, trackage and appurtenances as are necessary and appropriate for the operation of the railroad on, over and across the new right-of-way). (b) AT&SF Railway interchange trackage layout, including switches providing smooth access with the AT&SF tracks at a point northwest of Loop 289 where the new right-of-way will intersect with the AT&SF tracks (c) Interchange railcar yard layout, located at approximately the location where the new right-of- way will intersect with the AT&SF tracks, containing track capable of storing at least eighty (80) railcars (d) Switch connection location on the new right-of-way proximally east of Reese Air Force Base, so as to allow for future service to Reese Air Force Base (e) Yard location and layout, located along the railroad's Whiteface line and having access to a public road, suitable for the loading and unloading of aggregate and other commodities comparable to the yard presently being used by the railroad at the approximate location of the intersection of U.S. Highway 82 and S.W. Loop 289 and having yard tracks capable of storing at least eighty (80) cars (2) Vertical and horizontal alignment of all tracks and intersected cross roads in sufficient detail to determine ROW needs. Page 9 10/93 (3) Provide a complete explanation of the sequence and methods of stage construction. (4) The tentative ROW limits (5) The geometrics (pavement cross slopes, lane and shoulder widths, slope rates for fills and cuts) of the typical sections of cross roads. Typical sections of existing roadways will be provided to the ENGINEER by the OWNER and TxDOT. (6) The current and year 2005 projected traffic volumes for intersected cross roads shall be provided by the TxDOT. (7) Direction of traffic flow on all roadways. 2. General Guidelines for Project Development a. Prior to preparing detailed plans, a preliminary schematic layout shall be prepared on an uncontrolled aerial mosaic which indicates the general geometric features and location requirements. (1) Twelve copies of the schematic layout shall be submitted to the OWNER for approval and subsequent coordination with TxDOT and the SW&LR. (2) No geometric design shall be performed until the OWNER has given the ENGINEER written approval of the schematic layout. b. All Preliminary and Final Geometric Design shall be in conformance with the American Railway Engineering Association Manual for Railway Engineering and AT&SF design criteria as applicable for track work and the TxDOT Highway Design Division Operations and Procedures Manual for Roadway, except where variances are permitted in writing by the OWNER. C. The schematic layout shall include basic information including the items listed above in the checklist for Schematic Layout. d. Handling of traffic during construction shall be a consideration in the development of the schematic layout. e. Upon approval of the schematic layout by the OWNER, the schematic layout shall be the basis for an exhibit, to be provided by the ENGINEER, at the public hearing prior to final development of the project. (1) If there are any changes to the schematic after OWNER approval and before the public hearing, twelve copies of the revised schematic, as displayed at the hearing, shall be submitted either prior to or accompanying the public hearing data. (2) If there are no changes in the schematic as displayed at the hearing, only photographs of the schematic and other displays shall be submitted with the public hearing data. 3. Grading Design a. Based upon the approved schematic layout, refine the horizontal and vertical alignment of cross roads and tracks. b. Develop Typical Sections Page 10 10/93 C. Develop Design Cross Sections using aerial photography d. Determine Cut and Fill Quantities 4. Track Structure Design a. Prior to initiating detailed plan preparations for the project, a preliminary investigation shall be made to determine the approximate section to be used for track structure. b. Typical sections of the proposed track structure design shall be furnished by the ENGINEER to the OWNER for approval. (1) No detailed preparation of the plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) shall be performed by the ENGINEER until the OWNER has given written approval of the preliminary track structure design. (2) Development of these sections shall be in consultation with the OWNER. C. Embankment and Subgrade (Other Additional Services) (1) Soil Core Hole Survey. The location and minimum number of soil core holes required for this project are as follows: Along project center line, two borings per mile. The soil core holes will be supplemented with existing soil data to be provided by the OWNER. (2) Prepare three (3) copies of a report identifying, interpreting, and summarizing geologic features that affect engineering design. (3) Modulus of Elasticity of Subgrade Materials. d. Track Details - Develop detail design of track, special track work (turnouts and crossings), road crossings and other track appurtenances. F. DRAINAGE (Basic Services, TxDOT Function Code 161) 1. Preliminary hydraulic design of all drainage structures (culverts, storm sewers, channels, pump stations etc.) shall be submitted to the OWNER for review. 2. Preliminary submission shall include the overall drainage plan, structure layout, and hydraulic computations. 3. No detailed design of drainage structures shall be performed, until the OWNER has given the ENGINEER written approval of the preliminary hydraulic design. 4. All hydraulic design shall be in accordance with the TxDOT Bridge Division HYDRAULICS MANUAL and OWNER's playa lake ordinance. 5. Hydrologic Studies, Discharges a. Drainage area maps shall be prepared showing existing conditions and proposed improvements. b. Hydrologic data/discharge shall be determined 6. Hydraulic Design and Documentation a. Hydraulic computations shall be provided for design of: (1) Culverts (2) Channels Page 11 10/93 b. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodway requirements shall be identified 7. Layout, Structural Design and Detailing of Drainage Features including: a. Culverts (1) New culverts (2) Culvert widening and/or lengthening (3) Culvert replacements b. Outfall channel(s) within the ROW C. Outfall channel(s) outside the ROW d. Deleted e. Deleted f. Typical detail for subsurface drainage at road crossings. 8. ENGINEER and OWNER agree that open channels are usually the most economical means of carrying water either to the ROW, away from the ROW, or along the ROW, therefore no design of closed storm drainage facilities has been planned for. G. SIGNING. MARKINGS AND SIGNALIZATION (Basic Services, T xDOT Function Code 162) 1. Signing and Markings Layout a. Requirements include separate layouts for: (1) Railway and Roadway (2) Center line with station numbering (3) ROW lines (4) Culverts and other structures that present a hazard to traffic (5) Location of utilities, if not shown on plan and profile (6) Existing signs (illustrated and numbered) to remain, to be removed, to be relocated (7) Proposed markings (illustrated and quantified) which include railroad and pavement markings, object markings and delineation (8) Quantities of existing markings to be removed (9) Proposed signs (illustrated and numbered) (10) Proposed delineators and object markers 2. Summary of small signs tabulation 3. Sign Detail Sheets H. MISCELLANEOUS ROADWAY (Basic Services and Other Additional Services, TxDOT Function Code 163) 1. Traffic Control Plan (TCP), Detours and Sequence of Construction (Basic Services) A detailed TCP shall be developed when traffic handling during construction involves complications for which a feasible solution is not covered by the Texas MUTCD or the current Barricade and Construction (BC) Standards. Traffic Control Plan Layouts shall include: a. The sequence of construction and method of handling traffic during each phase. Page 12 10/93 b. The existing and proposed traffic control devices that will be used to handle traffic during each construction sequence, including signals, regulatory signs, warning signs, construction warning signs, guide signs, route markers, construction pavement markings, channelizing devices, portable changeable message signs, flashing arrow boards, barricades, barriers, etc. C. The proposed traffic control devices (stop signs, signals, flagperson, etc.) at grade intersection during each construction sequence. d. Where detours are provided, typical cross sections shall be shown. e. Road construction work hours shall be developed after an investigation of the traffic volumes has been performed. 2. Illumination (Basic Services) The ENGINEER shall provide illumination design services for security lighting at the rail yard along with the Whiteface line. a. Preliminary Roadway and Railroad Illumination Layout and Electrical Circuit Layout - Lettering shall be a minimum size of 5/32" height for hand lettering and 140 for lettering by computer - aided design and drafting (CADD). b. Final Roadway and Railroad Illumination and Electrical Circuit Layouts (1) Roadway and railroad layout showing pavement edges and shoulders, curbs, retaining walls, etc. (2) Center line with station numbering. (3) ROW lines. (4) Symbol legend. (5) Culverts and other structures that present a hazard to traffic. (6) Location of underground utilities, if not shown on plan profile. (7) Location of overhead electrical lines, both crossing and parallel to ROW. (8) Existing service poles, electrical circuits, ground boxes, etc. (9) Contact electric utility for service pole locations, voltage characteristics. (10) Location of proposed sign lighting circuits and roadway and railway illumination. (11) Proposed electrical circuits. (12) Tabulation of all quantities including proposed, existing to be relocated, and existing to be removed. C. General Guidelines for Illumination - The ENGINEER shall submit, in advance of PS&E due date, the illumination electrical circuit layout sheets for review by the OWNER. 3. Miscellaneous Drafting/Standards (Basic Services) 4. Compute and Tabulate Quantities (Basic Services) 5. Special Utility Details: Water, Sanitary, Sewer, etc. (Basic Services) Page 13 10/93 6. Miscellaneous Structures a. Type of Structure (1) Conventional Illumination Poles (2) Railroad Crossing Warning Signal Supports 7. Agreements (Other Additional Services) a. Utility Agreements - See Section C. Right -of -Way b. Exhibits for Utility Agreements - See Section C. Right -of -Way C. Railroad Agreements d. Railroad Exhibits (1) Railroad Grade Crossing (Pre -Cast Concrete, Rubberized or Wood Planking) (2) Railroad Grade Crossing Warning Systems (Signals) (3) Other Miscellaneous Sketches for Railroad 8. Estimate of Construction Cost (Basic Services) 9. Specifications and General Notes (Basic Services) 10. Bridge Design - No railroad or roadway bridge design has been included as part of this project. ENGINEER shall provide bridge design services as directed by the OWNER, upon agreement between ENGINEER and OWNER of additional scope and compensation and receipt of written authorization to proceed. 11. Bidding Phase Services (Basic Services) The ENGINEER shall perform the following bidding phase services: a. Coordinate a program for bidding and contract awarding procedures with the OWNER. b. Assist the OWNER in advertising and obtaining proposals for construction and trackwork procurement contracts. C. Conduct pre -bid conferences. d. Respond to Contractor's questions during bidding and issue addenda as appropriate. e. Attend the bid opening, tabulate bids and assist the OWNER in evaluating bids or proposals. I. CONSTRUCTION PHASE Administration of the Construction Contract (Basic and Other Additional Services) 1. Project Supervision (Basic Services, TxDOT Function Code 310) - Project Management and project engineering services shall be provided by the ENGINEER. Field office facilities will be furnished by the Contractor. The ENGINEER shall conduct the pre -construction meeting. 2. Inspection (Other Additional Services, TxDOT Function Code 320) a. Resident field inspection b. Pay quantities and daily reporting of work completed, including ICC Accounting C. Maintenance of Project Records including progress and final estimates d. Final inspection e. Recommendations to OWNER for acceptance of work Page 14 10/93 3. Materials Testing (Other Additional Services, TxDOT Function Code 330) - The ENGINEER will provide materials testing services required during construction, consisting of the following: a. Compaction tests (One per 500 feet) b. Moisture density relationships (Proctor) (One per mile) C. Aggregate analysis for subballast (Four per mile) d. Asphalt samples (Three per road crossing) e. Ballast analysis: Gradation, clay lumps and friable particles, absorption, wear, soundness, and thin elongated particles (15 samples). 4. Project Control Surveys (Other Additional Services, TxDOT Function Code 340) - All construction staking will be performed by the contractor. The ENGINEER will provide references to project control points established during design. The resident project representative shall review field survey notes provided by the Contractor for conformance with the Contract Documents. 5. Design Verification, Changes and Alterations (Basic Services, TxDOT, Function Code 351) a. Shop Drawing Review b. Field Change Orders C. Supplemental Agreements 6. Final Plan Preparation (Other Additional Services, TxDOT Function Code 352) a. Reproducible records prints of Drawings showing changes made during the Construction process, based on the marked -up prints, drawings and other data furnished by the Contractor to ENGINEER b. Certified American Land Title Association (A.L.T.A.) survey or equivalent of the new right-of-way, prepared by a registered Texas land surveyor slowing all improvements, the new facilities, lot lines, utility easements, roads, and showing no encroachments. H. EASEMENTS, LETTERS OF PERMISSION. PERMITS, ETC. A. EASEMENTS AND LETTERS OF PERMISSION (Other Additional Services) The ENGINEER shall be responsible for delineating all easements for purposes of proposed construction. The OWNER shall be responsible for securing the necessary legal instruments. B. PERMITS (Other Additional Services) ENGINEER will be responsible for preparation and coordination for obtaining all permits required for the project. The OWNER will be responsible for all permit application fees. The following permit applications will be prepared and coordinated with the appropriate agencies: 1. Interstate Commerce Commission 2. Texas Railroad Commission Page 15 10/93 3. 404 Permit (U.S. Corps of Engineers) 4. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater (Environmental Protection Agency) M. COORDINATION OF UTILITIES (Other Additional Services) The ENGINEER shall distribute prints of the project layout to various utility companies to determine which utilities are in the limits of the project. These shall be preliminary and are not for platting purposes. Upon completion of the preliminary drainage plans, the ENGINEER shall distribute prints to the various utility companies and request a review of possible conflicts. Upon return of these prints, a meeting will be scheduled by the ENGINEER involving the OWNER, TxDOT, the Railroad, and the various utility companies to discuss potential conflicts and conformance with the TxDOT Utility Accommodation Policy. The ENGINEER shall be responsible for coordination with the various utility companies for exposing potential conflicts and field ties to uncovered utilities in potential conflict areas. IV. SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS, SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS (Basic Services) Specifications will be prepared in conformance with the sixteen division format for the Construction Specification Institute and based on ENGINEER's Standard Specifications and General Conditions: Wherever possible, TxDOT Standard Specifications and/or previously approved special provisions and/or special specifications shall be used. Specifications for railway work shall be prepared in accordance with the AREA Manual for Railway Engineering. V. MEETINGS The ENGINEER will conduct monthly progress review meetings with the OWNER. Two project coordination meetings will be held with the following: Federal Highway Administration Texas Department of Transportation Interstate Commerce Commission Seagraves, Whiteface and Lubbock Railroad Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company U.S. Corps of Engineers Environmental Protection Agency Lubbock County Page 16 10/93 6. APPENDIX, EXHIBIT B, is hereby expanded to include the OWNER RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENTS NO.1 AND NO.2. -4- EXHIBIT B OWNER RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT 7. APPENDIX, EXHIBIT C, is hereby expanded to include the current ENGINEER RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT. -5- EXHIBIT C ENGINEER RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT CERTIFICATE The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the Assistant Secretary of HDR Engineering, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, and that, as such, has custody of the minute books of the Corporation, and that, by Consent and Agreement of the Board of Directors dated May 19, 1993, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: "RESOLVED, that effective immediately and until June 20, 1994, or until termination of said individual from the Corporation, or until recision by the Corporation's Board of Directors, whichever occurs first, the following individuals are hereby granted the nondelegable authority to execute or approve on behalf of the Corporation, contracts for engineering services and architectural services incidental to engineering services to be rendered by the Corporation, . . . , or releases of claim or lien in connection with such services, such contracts or releases so executed or approved shall be binding upon the Corporation: . . William R. Hindman - Senior Vice President " The undersigned further certifies that the foregoing resolution has been spread in full upon the minute books of the Corporation and is in full force and effect. DATED 1993. J (CORPORATE SEAL) onnie J. Kudro Asst. Secretary Delete APPENDIX, EXHIBIT D, SUMMARY OF COMPENSATION and replace with the following: In EXHIBIT D SUMMARY OF COMPENSATION This exhibit expands the Basis and Amount of Compensation described in SECTION 5 - PAYMENTS OF ENGINEER of the Agreement for the PROJECT known as Railroad Relocation for East-West Freeway in Lubbock. HDR ENGINEERING, INC. Seagraves, Whiteface 6 Lubbock Railroad HOURS AND LABOR COST SUMMARY Relocation for East—West Freeway PHASE I October 26, 1993 ------------------- MANHOURS-----------•-----------------------• DIRECT DIRECT LABOR LABOR + FUNCTION HDR LABOR CATEGORY A B C D E F TOTAL COST OH COST CODE HRS (DLC) (DLCx2.616) 110 ROUTE AND DESIGN STUDIES 64 404 920 0 608 168 2,164 49,144.00 128,560.70 120 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES AND PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 218 1.060 260 64 580 496 2,678 64,992.00 170,019.07 -------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT TOTALS — HDR ENGINEERING 282 1,464 HDR ENGINEERING —TOTAL LABOR COSTS---------------------- $298,579.78 HDR ENGINEERING IRE T T — D C COS S------------- Printing and Reproduction ------------ 10,000.00 Travel 20,000.00 Computer at $10.00/hour 2,000.00 CAD D at $15.001hour 3,600.00 Telephone, Postage, Misc. 11,500.00 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS — HDR 47,100.00 SUBCONTRACTS Hicks 282,354.81 PSC ------------------------- 91,771.00 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTS ------------ 374,125.81 HDR ENGINEERING — TOTAL COSTS $719,805.59 FIXED FEE 44,786.97 TOTAL ------------ TOTAL 764,592.56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,180 64 1,188 664 4,842 $114,136.00 $298,579.78 LABOR CATEGORIES: A = Principal B = Project Manager C = Design Engineer D = Design Tech E = Drafter F = Clerical NOR ENGINEERING — WORK ESTIMATE DETAIL SHEET FUNCTION CODE 110 ROUTE AND DESIGN STUDIES ADDITIONAL SERVICES --------------------- #MANHOURS -------------------- DIRECT DIRECT LABOR LABOR + LABOR CATEGORY A B C D E F TOTAL COST ON COST FUNCTION PLAN HAS (DLC) (DLCa20110 SUB —CODE SHTS WORK DESCRIPTION Project Mana0ement — 4 months a 126 32 166 4.816,00 12,598.66 Kick —OR Meeting 8 16 32 24 16 9e 2.176.00 5,092.42 Develop Study Plan and Scope 6 16 Bo 24 16 144 3,376.00 8,831.82 Data Collection SW&LR Operations 4 24 4 32 776.00 2,030.02 ATBSF Operations 4 24 4 32 770.00 2,030.02 Existing Conditions 2 24 4 30 712.00 1,88259 Piggyback Research 1 6 2 11 256,00 669.70 Maintenance / Dinner Train 1 a 2 11 256.00 669.70 Identification of Alternatives a 40 120 60 16 264 5,926.00 15,507.68 Evaluation of Alternatives 4 24 60 8 116 3,03200 7.031.71 Determine Preferred Route 4 16 40 60 1,560.00 4,394.96 15 Design Schematic 6 54 200 200 472 10,184.00 26,541.34 Preliminary ROW 2 24 40 40 106 2,41200 6,300.79 Traffic Analysis 2 le 00 16 114 2,786.00 7,293.41 Report 8 40 120 240 40 448 6.456.00 22,120.90 Quality Control 4 6 40 6 60 1,520.00 3,970.32 15 FUNCTION CODE 110 TOTALS 54 404 920 0 0106 166 2,164 $49,144.00 $128,560.7O LABOR CATEGORIES: A=Princpal, S=Projed Manager, C=Design Engr, D=DNig n Tech E=Drafter, F=Clerical HDR ENGINEERING — DIRECT COSTS Printing and Reproduction $5,000.00 Travel $10,000,00 Computer at $10.00Mour $1,200,00 CADD at 915.001hov $3.000.00 Telephone, Postage, Mac. f1,500.00 ---------------------------------------------- TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $20.700.00 SUBCONTRACTS ParlQnill, Smith & Cooper M.012.00 ---------------------------------------------- TOTAL SUBCONTRACTS $29.912,00 NOR ENGINEERING — TOTAL COSTS $170,172,70 FO(ED FEE $19,284.11 --------------- TOTAL $198,456.81 HDR ENGINEERING — WORK ESTIMATE DETAIL SHEET FUNCTION CODE 120 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES AND PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT ADDITIONAL SERVICES October 26, 1963 ----------------- MANHOURS------------------- DIRECT DIRECT LABOR LABOR LABOR CATEGORY A B C D E F TOTAL COST OH COST FUNCTION PLAN HRS PLC) (DLCx2.616) SUB —CODE SHTS WORK DESCRIPTION Project Management — 34 months 32 544 272 848 22,016.00 57,593.86 Hazardous Materials Investigation Review/Coordinate EA Report Review/Coordinate DEIS Review/Coordinate FEIS Coordinate with TxDOT/FHWA/ICC Public Meetings (3) Public Hearing (1) Incorporate Com ments Alignment Revisions Council Workshop ----------------------- 0 FUNCTION CODE 120 TOTALS $0.00 HDR ENGINEERING — DIRECT COSTS Printing and Reproduction Travel Computer at $10.00/hour CADD at $15.00/hour Telephone, Postage, Misc. Haz. Materials Investigation --------------------- TOTAL DIRECT COSTS SUBCONTRACTS Hicks PSC ----------------- TOTAL SUBCONTRACTS HDR ENGINEERING — TOTAL COSTS FIXED FEE TOTAL 10 260 64 180 40 554 11,264.00 29,406.62 4 20 4 28 856,00 2,239.30 32 120 32 164 5,568.00 14,565.89 32 120 120 32 304 7,248.00 18,990.77 Is 80 is 112 3.424.00 8,957.16 48 48 80 40 216 5,152.00 13,477.63 24 40 80 18 180 3,600.00 9,417.60 4 40 40 20 104 2,246.00 5,690.77 8 24 40 8 80 1,780.00 4,804.16 e 24 40 18 88 1,856.00 4,655.30 ---------------------------- 218 1060 260 $5.000.00 $10, 000.00 $800.00 $600.00 $5,000.00 $5.000.00 $26,400.00 $282,354.61 $01.858.00 $344,213.61 $540,632.88 $25,502.88 ------------- $586,135.74 84 580 496 2678 t84,992.00 $170,019.07 Hazardous Materiels Investigation covers only Level I analysis of the existing railroad right—of—way and alternative routes. 9. Delete APPENDIX, EXHIBIT E, PROJECT SCHEDULE and replace with the following: -7- Railroad Relocation for East—West Freeway Proposed Project Schedule October 26,1993 Task sod Deacription ROUTE LOCATION ANALYSIS, ENViRONMENTA Project Management at Administration Rome Location Analysis A. Identity Alteroativa B. Evaluate Alternatives C. Select Preferred Route Environmental Studies and Public Involvement A. Public Involvement Program B. Develop Environmental Baseline (EA) C. Identify Impacts, Mitigation (EA) D. PublicMeetiogs E. Submit Draft Coordination EA to COUDistrict F. Review Revise Coordination EA O. District Submits EA to D-8 H. D-8Rcview;Rcvise,Resubmit Coordination EA I. D—B Submits EA to FHWA, Other Agencies: 30 Day Comment Period J. District Drafts NOI, Submits to D-8 L District, D-8 Notify Ara, State Clearinghouses L. PHWAnkDOTPublisb NOl M. Prepare DEIS Review Draft N. COUDistrict Review; Revise, Resubmit DEIS O. D-8 Review,, Revise, Resubmit DEIS P. FHWA Reviews; Revise, Resubmit DEIS Q. FHWA Adopts DEIS for Circulation R. D-8, District Circulate DEIS for Comment & EPARLDOT publish Notice of DEIS Availability T. 45—DayCommat Period U. Respond to Comments V. District Publishes Notice of Public Hearing W. Public Haring no DEIS X. Prepare FEIS Y. D-8 Review; Revise, Resubmit Z. FHWA Reviewand Approval AA. D-8 Distributes FEIS BB. D —8 Notifies Ara, State Cleoringbouses CC. EPAlhDOT Publish Notice of FEIS Availability DD. FHWA Regional Office Completes and Signs ROD EXHIBIT E oo©o©ovo©o©von©a©goo©a©000©a©000 o©ov000©ova©ooaoo s s s Q o©o©000©a©goo©o©000©a©000©o©000©o©goo©oa000 SEEM Except as modified herein, all other provisions of the Agreement remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Supplemental Agreement as of the day and year first written above. Approved, As To Content: By: /� Name: Xarry V. WAffman, P.E. Title: Director of Transportation Approved As To Form: ' - W. "m 1W 1 Harold Willard Title: Assistant City Attorney &TJT LNI Title: Mayor Address: 1625 13th Street Lubbock, Texas 79457 Attest: By: Name: Betty M. Johnson Title: City Secretary "ENGINEER" HDR ENGINEERING, INC. Approved: Name: _ Z. William R. Hindman, P.E. By: Name: William B. Hag , P.E. Title: Senior Vice President Title: Senior Vice President Address: 12700 Hillcrest Road Suite 125 Dallas, Texas 75230-2096 In