HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 050963D - Street Improvements - Pioneer Pavers Inc - GWO 2770 Multiple Locations - 05_09_1963 t RESOLV M OTM OD BESa=ION ACCEPTING nOROVEMENTS ON PORTIONS OF ALtSYS, STREETS, ARID/ Q AVENUES ASL33TED BELOW AND- RDERING THE ISSUANCE OF (XRT]1?MLTES 339 EVIDENCE OF ASSESSMENTi.ZEVE,.. /rJ WHEREAS, the City of Lubbock heretofore passed various street Improve- ment ordinances and resolutions and entered into contract with Pioneer Pavers, Inc. G.W.O. 2770, for the making and construction of .street and/or alley 5 improvements on portions of numerous'alleys, streets and/or avenues in said city including among others the following: Louisville Avenue from its intersection with the South Property Line of 40th Street to'its intersection with the North Property Line of 41st Street, known and designated as Sub-Unit Number 3 of-Unit Number 2076. ' 23rd Street from its intersection with a line 11 feet East of the East Property Line of Chicago Avenue to its intersection with a line 3 feet West of the West Property Line of Bangor Avenue, known and designated as Sub-Unit Number 10 of Unit Number 2077. 23rd Street from its intersection with a line 3 feet East of the East Property Line of Bangor Avenue to its intersection with a line 7 feet West of the.East roperty.Line of Albany Avenue, known and designated as Sub-Unit Number 11 of Unit Number 2077. lbany Avenue from Its intersection with a line 8 feet South of the South operty Line of 23rd Street to its intersection with a line 8 feet South of the oath Property Line of 24th Street, known and designated as Sub-Unit .Number 13 f Unit Number 2077. lbany Avenue from Its intersection with a line 6 feet South of the South Proper y Line of 24th Street to its intersection with a line 10.5 feet South of the outl Property Line of 25th Street (West Lag), known and designated as Sub-Unit umber 14 of Unit Number 2077, lbany Avenue fromi its Intersection with a line 1065 feet South of the South roperty Line of 25th Street (West Leg) to its intersection with a line 15 feet orth of the North Property Line of_26th Street, known and designated as Sub- nit Number 15 of Unit Number 2077. ayne Avenue from its intersection with a line 6 feet South of the South Propert ine of 34th Street to its intersection with a line 5 feet North of the North roperty Line_of 35th Street, known and designated as Bub-Unit Number 20 of it Number 2077. alisbury Avenue from its intersection with a line 1 foot North of the North roperty Line of 34th Street to its intersection with the .cul-de-sac at 32ad treat, known and designated as Sub"Unit Number 21 of Unit Number 2077. Sth Street from its intersection with the East Lip Line of Salem Avenue to its ntersection with the West Property Line of Raleigh Avenue, known and designated s Sub-Unit Number.22 of Unit Number_2077. 351th Street from its intersection with the East Property Line of Raleigh Avenue to its intersection with a line 6 feet West of the West Property Line of Quaker Avenue, known and designated as Sub-�Unit Number 23 of Unit Number-2077. Kenosha Avenue from its intersection with a line 15 feet North of the North Property Line of 53rd Street to its intersection with the South Curb Line of 54th Street, known and designated as Sub-Unit Number 39 of Unit Number 2077. Avenue W from its intersection with the South Lip Line of 34th Street to its intersection with the North Lip Line of 35th Street, known and designated as Sub-Unit Number 43 of Unit Number 2077. Avenue V from its intersection with the South Lip Line of 37th Street to its intersection with a line l foot North of the North-Property Line of 38th Street, known and designated as Sub-Unit'Number 44 of Unit Number 2077. Brownfield Drive from its intersection with the Wait Tip Line of Quaker Avenue to its intersection with a line 18 feet hest of the Vast Property Line of Raleigh Avenue, known and designated as Sub-Unit Number 88 of Unit-Number 2077. Chicago Avenue from its intersection with a line 8 feet North of the North Property Line of 42nd Street (West Leg) to its intersection with a line 8 feet South of the South Property Line of_43rd Street (West Leg), known and designated as Sub-Unit Number 1 of Unit Number 2078. Chicago Avenue from its intersection with'a line'8 feet South of the South Property Line of 43rd Street (West Leg) to its intersection with a line 8 feet South of the South Property Line of_44th Street (West Leg), known and designate as Sub-Unit Number 2 of Unit_Nunber 2078. Chicago Avenue from its intersection with a line 8 feet South of the South Property Line of 44th.Street-(West Leg) to its intersection with a line 8 feet South of the South Property Une of_45th Street (West Tag), known-and' designated as Sub-Unit Number 3 of Unit Number 2978. _ :Chicago Avenue from its intersection with a line 8 feet South of the South Property Line of 45th Street (West Leg) to its intersection with a line 16 feet South of the'South Property Line of_46th Street (West Leg), known and desig- nated as Sub-Unit Number 4 of Unit Number 2078. Chicago Avenue from its intersection with a line 16 feet South of the South Property Line of 46th Street.(West Leg) to its intersection with a line 16 feet South of the South Prgperty_Liue of 48th Street (liest Leg), known and designated as Sub-Unit'Number 5 of Unit Number 2078. Memphis Avenue from its intersection with the South Property Line of 41st Street to its intersection with a line 6 feet North of the'North Property Line of 42nd Street, known and designated as Sub-Unit Number 6 of Unit Number 2078. Memphis Avenue from its intersection with a line 6 feet South of the South Property,Line of 42nd Street to its intersection with the North Property Line of Ord Street, known and designated as Sub-Unit Number 7 of Unit Number . 2078. r AHD WEB: M, the improvements upon the-said portions -of the above'- mentioned alleys,, . _streets and/or avenues, have been inspected and-found to have been constructed in accordance with terms of said contract G.W.O. 2770. TMMEFOBE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, MEXAS: I. That the improvements on said portions of the abovementioned alleys, streets, and/or avenues be and the same are hereby accepted, and the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized to direct payment of the cityls portion of the cost, and release escrow money. II ` That the Mayor and City Secretary be, and they are hereby instructed to execute and deliver certificates in evidence of the assessments levied against the parcels of property atutting upon the said portions of the alleys, streetsand/or avenues listed above and against the owners of such property in accordance with law and in the manner provided in said -contract, and the proceedings with reference to said improvements and assessments where such assessments Were levied. -III. _ This resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. PISSED APID ABBROVED THIS 9TH DAY 9.Y, 1963. ATTEST: ack F. Strong, Mayor Law ,nia Lowe,-dj:t-3?,S—eCr—erjxry ohn T. Hickerson, City Engineer APMOVED: Fred O. Senter, Jr., Cit ttorney CONSOLIDATED FINAL ESTIMATE GWO 2770 Accepted play 9, 1963 QUANPITIES �- S.Y. S.Y. Besurfa, unit' S.Y." L.F. Alley Qalley ing Sub-Unit. Location Paving C..&-G get* Cutter S.Y. 2076-3 Louisville Ave."from the SPL of 40th 781.73 -565.20 11.07 St. to the NPL of 41st St. 2077-10 23rd Street from Ili E.'of-the*EPL 3022,93 1700.40 of Chicago Ave. to 3 W. of the WPL of Bangor Ave. 2077-11 23rd Street from 3• E. of the EPL 2767,20 1495.92 of Bangor Ave. to.71 W. of the EPL, of Albany Ave. 2077-13 Albany Ave: from 8" S. of the SPL 1375,12 705.96 7.82 of 23rd'St. to 81 S. of the SPL 9f 24th St. 2077-14 Albany Avenue from 8"S. of the 1338.23 557.92 8.00 39.11 SPL of 24th Ste to 10.51 S. of the SPL of 25th St. 2077-15 Albany Avenue from 10.5' 6. of the 1230.52 317.80 7.91 SPL"of 25th'Ste(W.Side) to 15' N. of-the NPL of 2¢th St._ 2077-20 Wayne Ave. from 61 S. of the SPL 913.78 546.00 23.56 of 34th-St. to 59 N. of the NPL_of 35th St. 2077-21 Salisbury Ave.'from 1' No' of the 2594,53 1208,72 15.56 24,67 NPL of 34th St. to the cul-de-sac at_32ad St 2077-22 35tfi St.'from the E. Lip Line of 2192.46 1237.70 Salem Ave. to the WPL_of Raleigh Ave. 2077-23 35tb St. from the EPL of'galeigfi Ave. 2367.12 1216.24 to 61 W. of the WPL 9f Quaker Ave. 2077-39 Renosha Ave. from'15t N. of the HPL 1390,22 363.40 60.22 Of 53rd St. to the south curb line_ of 54th it. 2077-43 Ave. W from the t.Lip Line of 34th 1056,90 617.24 19.04 58.67 at. to the Be Lip Line.of 35th St. QUANTITIES S.Y. S.Y. Resurfac unit 6o S.Y. L.F. Llla Valley ing' Sub-Unit Location Paving CI& G Rate Gutter S.Y. 1077-44 Lve. V from'the S. Lip Line of 37th 1044.63 597.14 15.56 Ste to ll N. of the,NPL_of 38th St. 2077-88 Brownfield Drive from the'Wr. Lip•Line 2753.65 1438.58 of Quaker Lve, to 18, We of the WPL of Releigh.Lve. 2078-1 Chicago mi. fiam 81 N. of the Im 1951.22 554.91 146,77 of 42nd'St. (W*'Ug)- to 8' S. of t_he SPL of Ord St._(i1.Lag) 2078-2 Chicago Lve. fiam 80 Be of the SPL 1480.33 308.62 31.56 of Ord St. (w.Ieg) to 81 Be of due SPL of 44th St._(W,Leg) 2078-3 Chicago Mae fiam 8l Be of the SPL 1611,10 476.91 31.56 of 44th St. (W*'Leg) to 8' Be of the SPL of 45th 8t._(H.Leg) 2078-4 Chicago Lve. fiom 8' S. of the-SPL 1710.86 665.08 12.22 of 45th'St (We'leg) to 161 Be of ;he . SPL of 46th St.,(W*Leg) 2078-5 Chicago Lve.,from,l61-S.'of th6 SPI. 3196,96 1307.62 24.44 of 46th St. ( OLeg) to 16' Be of_ibe SPL of 48th Ste_(ii•Leg) 2078-6 Meemphis Lve; from the SPL of 41st 1128.76 264.60 6,00 St. to 61 N. of the NPL of 42nd Ste 2078-7 Memphis Lve. from 6' S. of the SPL 1117.20 529.20 13.13 of 42nd St. to the NPL of Ord St, TOTALS 37,025.45 16,675.16 174.31 294.78 97.78 COST ESTIMATE 37;025.45 S.Y. Paving @ $ 1;45 $ 53,68601 16,675.16 L.F. Curb& Gutter @ $ 1;44 24.012.23 174;31 S.Y. LllCy.ReiUrt @ $ 5.00 871'29 294.78 S.Y. valley'Gutter 0 $ 5.50 1,621:29 97.78 S.Y. Resurfacing @ $ 1.20 117.34 CONTRACT COST $ 80,309.32 COST DISTRnUTION Property City Escrow Unit & Contract Owner to to be Sub-Unit Cost Coat Contractor Released 2076-3 2;052:75 1;547.60 -505:15 2077-10 6;831.82 7,854!56 - 1,022;74 2077-11 6 166.'566;466:30 - '2990'74 2077-13 3;049.61 2;027.84 1,02L77 2077-14 2,830:77 1,826:72 407*38 -596:67 2077-15 2,281.'44 12077*52 .189.55 1,014937 2077-20 2,229:02 1,804:20 424.82 2077-21 5,716:11 4,4820'05 794:80 439,26 2077-22 4,961.36 5'523,62 - 562:26 2077-23 5;183.71 5,2470'42 - 63:71 2077-39 2,870:33 1;601'85 221091 1,046.57 2077-43 2,586:93 2,064:36 522:57 2077-" 2,452,40 ` 946:76 91,17 1,414.47 2077-88 6,064:35 4;081:27 -249,74 1,733.34 2078-1 4;435.57 1965:13 2,046.45 4230'99 2078-2 2,764:47 1,312.45 533,31 918071 2078-3 3,196,43 20115.29 560-95 520,19 2078-4 3;499'56 2,946:50 -553906 2078-5 6,640*76 5;599!77 1,04099 2078-6 2,047:73 1.483:00 564:73 2078-7 2:447.64 1:869:44 578.20 TOMW 80,309.32 63,843.65 8,358.10 8,107.57 City of Lubbock POrter 3-3491 916 Texas Avenue Lubbock, Texas May 9, 1963 Honorable Mayor and City Commission Lubbock, Texas Gentlemen: I-have examined the paving iaiprovembnts-constructed by--Pioneer Pavers Inc.,.piving contractor,'under their contract dated rebruary'28,' 1962, designated As-G.We*o. 2770; and find the liiprovemente on'Loni&ville Avemie, 23rd Street, Albany Avenue; Wayne-Avenue, Salisbury dveniit, 35t1i Street;-kenosha bveuiis, Avenue W, Avenue V, Brownfield Drive, . _ Chicato-Avenui and Hemphis Aveaue-as listed an tha'final estimate and assessment'sbeet to have-been completed'in accordance vith'the plans and a .. pecifieatians and recommend that you accept the improvements -on said streets and avenues, authorizing payment to the contractor the amount shown on the attached consolidated final estimate sheet is due them by the City of Lubbock and issue assignable certificates againsf- ro ert owners for the respective p p y amounts shown on the attached final assessment sheets as being due against them and their respective properties. Yours very truly, John T .S . 8ickerson City Engineer r. Acceptance Date May 9, 1963 G.W.O. 2770 . FINAL PAVING 11SSBSmZNT LOuisma AVENOB Sleet No. 1 of 1 CTPY_OF.=BOCK Sub-Unit No. 3 of Width 30_Foot From the SPL of 40th St. to the NPL of 41st Street unit No. 2076 Paving Curb & Gutter Owner Lots Bik. $1.51538385 Rate/L.F. $1.512 Rate/L.F. Total BAST SZOB No. Addition No. Ft. Cost Cost Cost William X. Brownfield 8 13 Sunny Bill 127.8 193.67 193.23 386.90 Joe F. Sparks 9 13 Sunny Hill 127.8 193.67 193.23 386.90 WEST SIDS T. G. Martin 1 14 Sunny Hill 127.8 193.67 193.23 386.90 Robert G. Page 16 14 Sunny Hill 127.8 193.67 193.23 386.90 TOTAL PROPBRTY OWNER COST $ 1547.60 CITYlS SURE 607.79_ TOTAL FINAL SUB UNIT COST $ 2155.39 Acceptance Date May 9, 1963 G.W.O. 2770. FI'AL PAVING ASSESSMENT 23RD STREET Sheet No. 1 of 2 CITY-(W UMBOCK sub-unit No. 10 of Width 36_Faet From 11.01 B. of the B,P,@L. of Chicago to 31 W. of the W.P*L. of Bangor Ave. Unit No. 2077 Paving Curb & Gutter OWner Lots Bike $3.09100989 Bate.L.F. $1,512 Bate/L.F. Total No. Addition No. Ft. Cost : Cost Cast SOUPS SIDE Adolphus H. dungman West 66.0 feet of Lot 1 7 Robert Neill Heights 66.00 204.01 99.79 303.8O A. G. dungman 4est 66.0 feet of Lot 1 7 Robert Neill Heights 66.00 204.01 99.79 303.80 Luther L. Tannery zest 66.0 feet of Lot 2 7 Robert Neill Heights 66,00 204.01 99.79 303.80 Wesley E. Holt West 66.0 fast of Lot 2 7 Hobert Neill Heights 66.00 204.01 99.79 303,80 Go s. Parker 3 7 Hobert Neill Heights j20.00 370.92 181.44 552.36 W. L. Mooney Bast 60.0 feat of Lot 4 7 Robert Neill Heights 60.00 185.46 90.72 276.18 S. F. Weir & wife Brlene West 60.0 feet of Lot 4 7 Robert Neill Heights 60,00 185.46 90.72 276418 T. Earle Hamilton 5 7 Robert Neill Heights 120900 370.92 181.44 552,36 Cox-Langford 7mp1. Co. Bast 60.0 feet of Lot 6 7 Robert Neill Heights 60,00 185.46 90.72 276918 R. L. Blurs West 60.0 fast of Lot 6 7 Robert Neill Heights 60,00 185,46 90972 276.18 Clandon R. Miller Bast 60.1 feet of Lot 7 7 Robert Neill Heights 60*10 185.77 90.87 276.64 Emma Y. Bledsoe West 60.1 feet of Lot 7 7 Robert Neill Heights 49.10 151.77 74e24 226.01 NORTH SIDE H,. H. Trammel & wife Orphine 8 6 Robert Neill Heights 109.20 337.54 165.11 502.65 Norman Hughes & wife Nancy West 60.0 fast of Lot 9 6 Robert Neill Heights 60.00 185.46 90.72 276.18 Bide J. MOudy East 60.0 feet of Lot 9 6 Robert Neill Heights 60.00 185.46 90.72 276.18 Acceptance Date May 9, 1963 4.W.0. 2770. FIN&L PAVING ASSBSSWNT 23RD STRSST Shoat No. 2 of 2 Cin-OF_UMB=_ _ Sub-unit No. 10 of Width 36.Feet From 11.06 S. of the S.P.L. of Chicago Ave. to 34 W. of the W.P.L. of Bangor Ave. Unit No. 2077 Paving Curb & Cutter Owner Lots Blk. $31009100989 Rat*IL.F. $1412 Rate/L.F. Total No. Addition No.Ft. Coat Coat Cost NORTH Slim Cmm" 0. L. Woosley West 60.0 fast of Lot 10 6 Robert Neill Heights 60.00 185.46 90.72 276.18 Robert H. Whitaker fast 60.0 feet of Lot 10 6 Robert Neill Heights 60.00 185.46 90,72 276.18 Waller Stanton, Annis P. Stanton, a widow & Mary Alice OiNea1 West 60.0 feet of Lot 11 6 Robert Neill Heights 60.00 185.46 90.72 276.18 Boyd G. Miller Beat 60.0 feet of Lot 11 6 Robert Neill Heights 60.00 185,46 90,72 276018 Clyde C. Scott & wife Elizabeth West 60,0 feet of Lot 12 6 Robert Neill Heights 60.00 185.46 90.72 276.18 Coleman Lemmons & wife Lula J'a _ Rest 60.0 feet of Lot 12 6 Robert Neill Heights 60.00 185,46 90.72 276.18 Henry S. Habbinga & wife Opal 13 6 Robert Neill Heights 132.00 408,01 199.58 607.59 W. S. Curnutt &wife Mary Jane West 62.0 feet of Lot 14 6 Robert Neill Heights 62.00 191.64 93.74 285.38 Brooks McKinney test 70.0 feet of Lot 14 6 Robert Neill Heights 70.00 216.37 105.84 322,21 TOTAL PROPRRTY QUMR COST $ 7854.56 CTPY*S SHM 681.15 TOTAL Vn&L SUB UNI1' COST $ 7173*41 Acceptance Date May 9, 1963 G.W.O. 2770 . FINAL. PAVING ASSES=NT 23BD STRUT Sheet No, 1 of 2 CITY-OF LUBBOQK. SubnUnit No. 11 of Width WV"t From 3+ E* of the N.Pr,L. of Bangor Ave* to 7' W. of the S.P.L. of Albauy Ave. Unit No, 2077 Paving Curb 6 Gutter, Owner Lots Blk. $3.09100989 Hate/L.F. $4512 Bate/L.F. Total No. Addition No* Ft. Cost, Coat Cost SOUTH SINS First National Bank East 60e0 feet of Lot 1 8 Hobert Neill Heights 60,00 185.46 90*72 276.18 Huth Shepard West 6000 feet of Lot 1 8 Hobert Neill Heights 60*00 185*46 90.72 276*18 Mrs* Maggie V. Smith 6 Daughter Miss Vey Belle Smith East 60*00 feet of Lot 2 8 Hobert Neill Heights 6000 185.46 90e72 276*18 Me Ae Moore West 60.00 feet of Lot 2 8 Hobert Neill Heights 60.00 185*" 90*72 276e18 Joseph Arnold Giles 6 wife Tommie Etna East 60.0 feet of Lot 3 8 Hobert Neill Heights 60.00 185.46 90.72 276,18 Paul W. Each 6 wife Anna West 60.0 feet of Lot 3 8 Hobert Neill Heights 60,00 185.46 90.72 276,18 Hellmut Klaus 4 8 Hobert Neill Heights 120.00 370*92 181,44 552*36 J. E. McCain 5 8 Hobert Neill Heights 120.00 370.92 181.44 552*36 Glenn W. Marrs & wife costa J.* 6 8 Hobert Neill Heights 102*40 316.52 154.83 471.35 NORTH S= Ray"B. Huckabee 6 wife Veda 7 5 Hobert Neill Heights 102.40 316e52 154.83 471*35 g* P. Burlesmith 6 wife Mary West 00*0 feet of Lot 8 5 Hobert Neill Heights 60.00 185.46 90,72 276,18 Mrs. Ottie Holcomb East 60.0 feet of Lot 8 5 Hobert Neill Heights 60.00 185946 90.72 276,18 Harold Pharr 6 wife Janaelle West 60.0 feet of Lot 9 5 Hobert Neill Heights 60*00 185.46 90*72 276.18 Bobby G. Day & wife Mildred Bast 60*0 feet of Lot 9 5 Hobert Neill Heights 60,00 185.46 90.72 276,18 *City agreed to purchase paving cart. on Oct. 11, 1962 Accaptancs Date May 9, 1963 QsW.O. 2770. FIULL EMNO ASSESSMENT 23RD 87REST Sheet No. 2 of 2 CITY.OF,LUBBOQK Sub+Unit No. 11 of Width.36..F�st From 34'8. of the B.A,L. of Bangor Ave. to 71 W. of the S.P.L. of Albany Ave, _ Unit No. 2077 Paving Curb & Cutter bluer Lots Blk. $3.09100989 Rate/L.F. $1.512 Bate/L.F. Total No. Addition No. Fts, Cost, Cost Cost NORTH SIAS CONTD, Hubert 0. Gill 10 5 Robert Neill Heights 120.00 370.92 181.44 552.36 Ce A. Thomas & Della M. Went 60.0 feet of Lot 11 5 Robert Neill Heights 60.00 185.46 90.72 276.18 Edward Lea Cuaelt East 60.0 feet of Lot 11 5 Robert Neill Heights 60.00 185.46 90.72 276618 Houston Ha Boyd West 60,.0 feet of Lot 12 5 Robert Neill Heights 60.00 185,46 90.72 276.1E Harold G. Stephens & wife Oleta Faye Bast 60.0 feet of Lot 12 5 Robert Neill Heights 60.00 185.46 90.72 276,18 I TOTAL PROPERTY OWWR COST $6466930 CITY'S SHARE 8.59 T6k&L*FmTAL SUB UNIT COST $6474089 r Acceptance Date May 9, 1963 Q.W.O. 2770. FINAL BLVING ASSESSMNT ALUM AVENUB Sheet No. -1 of 1 CTPY_OF;LUBBOg _. Sub-Wit No. 13 of Width 36_Feat From 8' S. of the S.P,L. of 23rd`3t to 81° S. of the S.Po" of 24th St. Unit No* 2077 Paving Curb & Gutter Owner Lots Blk. $2.06067326 Rate/L.F. $1.512 Hate/L.F. Total No. Addition No. Ft. Cost Cost Goat WEST SIDE First'National Bank East 60.0 feet of Lot 1 8 Robert Neill blights 140.00 288.49 211.68 500.17 Bill Shelby 12 8 Robert Neill Hsights 140.00 288.49 211.68 500.17 EAST SIDE Garland Newsom Beginning at a point which is 1726.5 138.5 285.40 209.41 494.81 feet South and 933.4 fast West of the Northeast corner of Section 5, Block 3-2, Lubbock County, Taxes; Thence South,138.50 feet; Thence Fast 100.0 feet; Thence North 138.50 feet; Thence West 100.0 feet to the point of beginning C. H. Hamilton Beginning at a point which is 1577.40 feet 149.10 307.25 225.44 532.69 South and 933.40 feet West of the Nortbr east corner of Ssction.5, Block 8-2, Lubbock County,,.Texas; ThsnSs South 149.10 feet; Thence Bast 100.0-feet, Thence North 149.10 feet; Thence West 100.0 feet to the point of.begimaing TOTAL PROEERTY QftMR COST $ 2027.84 CITYiS Sms 1174t25 T01'AL FINfIL SUB UNIT COST $ 3202.09 Acceptance Data May 9, 1963 Q.W.0. 2770. In" PAVn G ASSBSSMNY AUAMY AVENUE - Sheat No. 1 of 1 CITY,OF LUBBOCK . . SubvWit No. 14 of W1dth 36_Feet Fran 80' S.-o9 the S.P.L. of 24th St. to 10.50 Be of the S.P L. of 25th St. Unit No. 2077 Paving Curb & Gutter Owner Lots BIk. _. 01.512 S,ata/L.H, Total No. Addition No. Ft. Different Rate Cost Cost Cost WEST SIDE Gene Billingsley 1 9 Robert Neill Heights 144.00 2.06067326 296.74 217.73 514e47 Weldon Hargis The East 60.00 feat of Lot 12* 9 Robert Neill Heights 144.00 2.06067326 296.74 217.73 514.47 BAST SIDE C1yda-O. Tatum 7 Clyde G. Tatum Add. 223.30 2.06067326 460.15 337.63 797.78 1 Brunson Addition In Escrow Existing TOTAL PROPERTY Qf= COST @ 1826.72 CITYIS Slut 1145,59 TOTAL.BLp" SUB UNIT COST $ 2972.31 +� The vest 60.00 feat of Lot 12, Blk. 9, Released and recorded in Vol. 936 Page 1 an April 17, 1963 i i i i Acceptance Date May 9, 1963 G.W.O. 2770- F.INAL PAVING ASSESS10wr W 1/2 ARAM AVENUE Sheet No. 1 of 1 CIYY.OF,LUBBOCK-- Sub•Unit No. 15 of Width 36_Foot From 10.51 S. of the S.Y,L. of 25th St. (W. Side) to 15' N. of the N,.P,.L. of 26th St.(W.Side) Unit No. 2077 'Paving Curb & Gutter Owner Lots Blk. $1.512 Rate/L.F. Total _ No. Addition No. Ft. Different Rate Coat Coat Cost BAST SIDE 8 Brunson Addition IN ESCROW Existing 9 Brunson Addition IN ESCROid Existing WEST Sim A. J. Beckmeyer The East 1/2 of Lot 1 12 Robert Neill Heights 144.00 2.06067326 296.74 217.73 514.47 Weldon T. Adams The Bast 1/2 of Lot 12 12 Robert Neill Heights 157.60 2,06067326 324.76 238.29 563.05 TOPAL PROPERTY GiNER COST 01077.52 C=YtS sHm 1317,99 TOPAZ'Fni" SUB UNIT COST $2395.51 oaceptance Date May 9, 1963 G_.w.o. 2770 . FINAL. PAVING ASSESSMENT WAYNB AVENUE Sheet No. 1 of 1 CITYAN LUBBOCK. Sub-Unit No. 20 of Width 36_Fsst . From 61 Be of the S.P.L. of 34th St. to 5* N. of the NP!.L. of 35th St, Unit No. 2077 Paving Curb & Gutter Blk. $2.06067326 Rate/L.F. $1.512 Rate/L.F. Total Owner Lots No. Addition No. Ft. Coat Cost_ Cost WEST SIDE Doris L. Ries 1 3 Hillcrest Re-Sub. 126.25 260.16 190.89 451.05 Bernard Icon East 55.0 feet of Lot 12 3 Hillcrest He-Sub. 126.25 260.16 190.89 451.05 EAST SIDE Rupert N. Hayes West 55.0 feet of Lot 6 2 Hillcrest Re-Sub. 126.25 260.16 190.89 451.05 Phillip E. Perkins West 50.0 feet of Lot 7 2 Hillorest He-$nb. 126.25 260.16 190.89 451.05 TOTAL PROPERTY OWNER COST $ 1804.20 CTTYoS SHORE 536.27 TOTAL FINAL. SUB UNIT COST $ 2340.47 Acceptance Date May 9, 1963 FINAL PAVING ASSESSman SALISBURY AVENUM G.W.O. 2770. CITY_Cu.LUBBOCK Sheet No. 1 of 1 Width 36.Foet From 1• N. of the NeP, L. of 34th St* to the Cul"de•sac at 32nd St. Sub-Unit No. 21 of Unit No. 2077 Paving Curb & Gutter Bike $16'512.Rate/L.F.Total _ Owner Lots No. Addition No.Ft. Different Rate Cost Cost Cost Rm SIDS Dean Shuman 8 2 Walden Subdivision 132.50 2.06067326 273.04 200,34 473.38 J. D. Rudder 9 2 Walden Subdivision 132.50 2.06067326 273.04 200,34 473.38 J. F. Adams 8 3 Walden Subdivision 120.00 2.06067326 247,28 181.44 428.72 Susie Poarch Ogle 9 3 Walden Subdivision 120.00 3.09100989 370.92 181,44 552.36 WEST SIDE 8 Pounds Addition IN ZSCROJ Existing B.. C. and Aubrey Pounds Beginning at a point which is 23.0 feet 554.90 3.09100989 1715,20 839.01 2554,21 north of the northeast corner of Lot 8, Pounds Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock_County, Texas; Thence north 421.0 feet to a point, said point being on a curve to the left having a radius of 50.0 feet; said radius point being 25 feet west and 25 feet south of the soutbwest corner of Lot 8, Block 1, . Walden Subd.; Thence-around,said curve to the left as are length of 133.90 feet to a point, said point being 25 feet north and 25 feet west of the southwest corner of Lot 8, Block 1, Walden Subd.; Thence north 100.0 feet; Thence west 100.0 foot; Thence south 611.30 fest; Thence "at 75.0 foot to the point of beginning TOTAL PROPERTY QMB. COST $4482.05 CITYiS SBAB$ 1519987 TOTAL FINAL SUB UNIT COST $6001.92 Acceptance Date May 9, 1963 FINAL PAVING ASS88SN8NT 35TH STREET G.W.O. 2770 C=Y.Op.LUBBOCK Shoat No. 1 of 1 Width 36.Feat From He Lip Line of Salem Ave, to the W.P:.L. of Raleigh Ave. Sub-Unit No. 22 of Unit No. 2077 Paving Curb & Gutter Owner Blk. $3909100989 Rate/L.F. $1.512 Rate/L.F. Total Lots No. Addition Noe Fte Coat Coat Coat NOM SIDE Susie Conklin, a widow 13 2 College Heights Add. 100.00 309.10 151.20 460e30 Re L. Durham, Dacfd Probate #4679 14 & 15 2 College Heights Add. 200.00 618.20 302* 0 920.60 Judson I. Clements 16 & 17 2 Collage Heights Add. 200.00 618.20 302.40 920.60 We Be Cole 18 2 College Heights Add. 100.00 309.10 151.20 460.30 SOUTH SIDS Raymond Be Greantree Hest 66 2/3 feet of Lot 1 5 College Heights Add. 66.67 206.0E 100,81 306.89 M. L. Edmonaon seat 33 1/3 feet of Lot 2 & the West 33 1/3 feet of Lot 1 5 College Heights Add. 66.66 206.05 100.79 306.84 Kenneth Laurence Wright West 66 2/3 fast of Lot 2 5 College Heights Add. 66.67 206.08 100.81 306.89 s. G. White, Jr. bast 50.0 feet of Lot 3 5 College Heights AddeL 50.00 154.55 75.60 230.15 L. H. Parking & wife Clarice West 5040 feet of Lot 3 5 Collage Heights Add. 50.00 154.55 75.60 230.15 John Logging 4 5 College Heights Add. 100.00 309.10 151.20 460.30 Louis R. Pendergrass 5 5 Collage Heights Add. 1001,00 309.10 151.20 460.30 S. No Davanport 6 5 College Heights Add. .100,00 309.10 151.20 460.30 TWAL PROPERTY OWN&B. COST 05523,62 CPPYi8 SHARE 31 19 TMAL FU"SUB UNIT COST $5209.43 i I Acceptance Date May 9, 1969_._ G.W.0. .2770 iIML-PAVING ASSESSMgNZ 35TH STREET Sheet No. 1 of 1 CITY.OF-IMBOCK Sub-Unit No. 23 of With 36_Feet - " From the W.Y.L. of Raleigh Ave. to 6• Weat of the W.Y4l, of Quaker Avenue Unit No. 2077 Paving Curb & Gutter Owner Lots Blke $3.09100989 Rate/L.F. $1.512 Rata/L.F. Total No. Addition NoeFt. Cost Cost Cost NORTH SIDE Calvary Evangelical Methodist Church 13 1 College Heights Add. 100.00 309.10 151.20 460.30 Trustees of the Calvary Evan- gelical Methodist Church 14 1 Collage Heights Add. 100.00 309*10 151620 460.30 Purr's Realty Co. -15 & 16 1 College Heights Add. 200.00 618.20 302.40 920.60 Charles T. Lee 17 1 College Heights Add. 100,00 309,10 151*20 460*30 Lois Vieraggs* 18 1 College Heights Add. 70.00 216.37 105.84 322.21 SOUTH SIDS Judson-I. Clements East 60.0 feet of Lot 1 6 College heights Add. 60.00 185.46 90*72 276.18 comely F. Williams West 10.0 feet of Lot 1 & E. 60.0' of Lot 2 _ 6 College Heights Add. 70e0 216.37 105.84 322*21 William A. Metzig East 40.01 of Lot 2 &W.30.O'of Lot 3 6 College Heights Add. 70.0 216.37 105*84 322*21 Henry Payton West 70.0 feet of Lot 3 6 College Heights Add. 70.0 216.37 105*84 322.21 Epifania Munoz 4 6 College Heights Add. 100.00 309.10 151.20 460.30 Int.Church of Foursquare Gospel 5 & 6 6 College Heights Add. 200*00 618.20 302*40 920*60 TOTAL PROPERTY OWNER COST $ 5247.42 C1TYs8 SMEE, 195e48 TOTAL FML SUB UNIT C08T $ 5442.90 * City agreed to purchase paving Cart. on August 23, 1962 I Acceptance Date May 9, 1963 (;.Woo. 2770 . FINAL PAVING ASSESMENr W 1/2 WiNOSW► AVENUE Shoat No. 1 of 1 PVT_Q,UMBOCK S_ubrUnit No. 39 of Width 36.Yoo.t Fran 15* N. of the NPL of 53rd St. (S.Lag) to the South Curb Line of 54th St, Unit No. 2077 Paving Curb & Gutter $3,09100989 Bate/L.F.' $1.512 Rate/L.F. Total Owner Lots Addition No.Ft. Different Rate Cost Cost Cost EAST SIDE 122 Gleuridge In Escrow Existing 123 Glenridge In Escrow Existing WEST SIDE Carroll J. Wood* Beginning at a point which is 1565.0 fact 175.00 540993 264.60 805.53 west and 922.0 fast south of the northeast corner of Section 89 Block E-2, Lubbock County, Texas; Thence south 200.0 feet; Thence west 180,0 feat; Thence north-200.0 goat; Thence east 180.0 feet to the place of beginning Ted J. Wood* Beginning at a point which is 1565.0 feat 173.00 534,74 261.58 796.32 _ west and 1122.0 feat south of the northeast corner of Section 8, Block E-2, Lubbock County, Taxes; Thence south 173.0 feet; Thence vast 180.0 feet; Thence north 173.0 goat; Thence seat 180.0 feet to the place of beginning TOTAL PROPSSTY 02M COST $ 1601,85 CITY+S SW" 1412,00 TOTAL F ni" SUB UNIT COST $ 3013.85 *City agreed to buy paving cart. an Feb. 14, 1963 Acceptance Date May 9, 1963 Q.H.O. 2770. FINAL PAVING ASSESSMNT AVENGE H Sheet No. 1 of 1 CITY.OF.LUBBOCK _ Sub•Unit No. 43 of Width 36_Feat From the S. Lip Line of 34th Sto to the N. Lip Line of 35th St. Unit No. 2077 Paving Curb & Gutter Owner Lots Blk. $1.512 Rate/L.F. Total No. Addition No. Ft. Different Rate Cost cost Cost WEST SIDS Mrs. .Pearl Sampson Poulson 1 1 34th St. Add, 126.25 3,09100989 390.24 190.89 581.13 Ray Dennis* 8 1 34th St. idd. 126.25 2.06067326 260.16 190.89 451.05 BAST S= Genevieve Fern Joplin 2 Joplin 126.25 3*09100989 390*24 190.89 581.13 Genevieve Fern Joplin * 3 Joplin 126.25 2,06067326 260.16 190.89 451.05 TGTAL PROPERTY QMM COST $ 2064.36 Cmts OHM 651,92 Tii&L FU"i SUB UNIT CCBT $ 2716.28 *City agreed to purchase paving cart. on Feb. 28, 1963 Acceptance Date May 9, 1963 G.W.O. 2770. Sheet No. 1 of 1 Fn" Paim AS888S1+ENT g 1/2 AVSNOS V Sub-Unit No. 44 of CITY.OR_LUBBOGK Unit No. 2077 Width 36 Feet From the S. Lip Line of 37th St.-to the X.P.L. of 38th St. (E.Sids) Paving Curb& Gutter $1.512 Rate/L.F. Total Owner Lots B1k.No. Addition No. Ft. Different Bate Coat Cost Cost FAST SIDS Lubbock Bible Church,Inc. 20 4 Hapaddan Sub. 132.5 2.06067326 273.04 200.34 473.38 H. C. Brewer 21 4 HaSpadden Sub. 132.5 2.06067326 273.04 200.34 473.38 W&ST S= 1 & 20 Shady Terrace , -In Escrow Escrow TOTAL PROP$= aftZR COST $ 946.76 CTYYIS SHUIE 1628.26 TOTAL'Fn" SUB UNIT COST $ 2575.02 Acceptance Date May 9, 1963 _- Q.W.O. 2770- FINAL PAVING ASSESSMENT BROWNBIBID DRDE Sheet No. l of 1 C=-OF,UMBOG_1G Sub-Unit No. 88 of Width 36_Feet From the We Lip Line of Quaker Ave* to 181 W. of the W.P.L. of Raleigh Ave. Unit No. 2077 Paving Curb & Gutter Owner Blke $3.09100989 Rate/L.F. $1e512 Rate/L.F. Total .Lots No. Addition No. Ft. Coat Coat. Coot NORTH BID& City of Lubbock 1 Han"Addition 97.10 300.14 146.82 446,96 Luther E. Smith 2 Henry Addition 4718 147:75 72e27 220.02 B. J. Henry 3 Henry Addition 97.88 302.55 147.99 450e54 Ve T. McMullin 4 Henry Addition 195.76 605.10 295e99 901.09 We V. Brawn 1 Victory Addition 209.76 648.37 317e16 965e53 SOUPH STD$ 1-A Roles Acres Escrow Zora Roberson Beginning"at a point which is 50.00'feet '12 Roles Acres 238e35 736.74 360,39 1097e13 went and 45.00 fact south of the southwoat corner of Blk. 1, Victory Addition to the City of Lubbock Lubbock Tax" Thence north 53653140" east 238.35 feet; Thence south 36006120" seat 100.00 feet; Thence south 530531406 west 238.35 feet; ' Thence north 360061201! west 100.0 feet to the place of beginning _ TOTAL PRORIM OWNER COST $ 4081.27 � ywS SHM 2286,30 TOTAL FICIA3. SUB UNIT COST $ 6367.57 Acceptance Bate May 9, 1963 G,WoO. 2770. FIN&L PAVING ASSESSIMM CILICaGO AVSNUE Sheet No. 1 of 1 CITY-OF.LUBBOCK Sub-Unit No. 1 of Width 42 Foot From 81 N.o of the Ai,P,L. of 42ad St. (W.Lsg) to 81 S. of the S.P,L, of 43rd St. Unit No. 2078 Paving Curb & Gutter Owner Late Blk. 03.21753203 Rate/L.F. 41.512 Rate/L.F. Total No. Addition No. Ft. Cost Coat goat WEST SIDS Lloyd C. Blevins 1 2 Westmoreland 70,00 225.23 105.84 331.07 L. D. Thawas 2 2 Westmoreland 70.00 225,23 105,84 331,07 L. g. Countess 3 2 Westmoreland 70.00 225.23 105,84 331.07 S. C. Chowning 4 2 Westmoreland 67,50 217,18 102.06 319.24 BAST SUB 81 Richland Sills.. In 8scrow Existing George A. Fields Beginning at a point 30.00 feet east and 138.00 444,02 208e66 652,68 30,00 feet south of the"nortbwest corner of the soutbaaat me-fourth of Section-6, Block 8-2, Lubbock County, Texas;IThence south 138.00 foot; Thence-north 74003117N east 7280 feet;-Thence east 30.00 feet;. Thence north 118.00 feet; Thence west 100.00 feet to tba point of beginning TOTAL PROPERTY OWA= COST $ 1965.13 CITY'S OHM 269L.22 TOTAL VD AL SUB UNIT COST $ 4657.35 City agreed to purchase paving cart, on January 24, 1963 Acceptance Date My 9, 1963 G*W*0. 2770. FINAL PAVIW ASSESSMNr W 1/2#CHICAGO AVENUE Sheet No. 1 of 1 C= OF LUBBOCK Sub-Unit No. 2 of Width 42 Feet From 81 S* of the S.P,L. of Ord St. (W.Leg) to 81 S. of the S.P•L* of 44th St.(W.Iag) Unit No. 2078 Paving Curb & Gutter Omer Lots Bik. $39'21753203 Rate/L.F. $1.512 RatelL.F. Total No. Addition No. Ft. Cost Cost Cost WEST SIDS Robert N. Abbe 1 3 Westmoreland Add. 70.00 225,23 105.84 331.07 J. N. Haisen 2 3 Westmoreland Add. 70,00 225,23 105.84 331.07 S. No & Elsie M. Unison * 3 3 Westmoreland Add. 70.00 225,23 105,84 331.07 Alonzo D* Mills * 4 3 Westmoreland Add. 67.50 217,18 102,06 319,24 EAST ZIM Lots 84 & 147 Richland Hills Add. In Escrow Existiag TOTAL PROPERTY MNER COST $ 1312.45 CTPY,S S=z 1590,24 TOrIAL FINAL SUB Ub= COST $ 2902,69 *City agreed to purchase paving cart. an January 24, 1963 Acceptance Date Xsy 9, 1963 G.W.0. 2770- FIN&L PAVIM ASSESSMM CHIMGO AVENUE Sheet No. 1 of 1 ,CITY-CW LOBBOCY Sub-Unit No. 3 of Width 42 peat From 81 S. of the S.P.*L. of 44th St. (W.Lsg) to 8' S. of the S.Pj L. of 45th St.(W.Leg) Unit No. 2078 - Paving Curb & Gutter Blk. $3.21753203 Rate/L.F. $1.512 Rate/L.F. Total Owner Lots No. Addition No. Ft. Coat Cost Cost WEST SIDE Edward Haug 1 4 Westmoreland Add. 70.00 225.23 105.84 331.07 J..A. Blair 2 4 Westmoreland Add. 70.00 225.23 105.84 331.07 Dean Newgent * 3 4 Westmoreland Add, 70.00 225.23 105.84 331,07 Snowden M. True 4 4 Westmoreland Add. 67.50 217.18 102,06 319.24 BAST SIDE George A. Fields Beginning at a point which is 20.8 feet 169.75 546.18 256,66 802.84 south of the southwest corner of Lot_ 149, Richland Hills Addition to the City of Lubbock; Lubbock County, Texas; Thence south 169.75 fact; Thence east 100.00 feet; Thence north 190.55 feet; Thence west 270'20 feet; Thence south 74.03'17H west 75.71 feet to the point of beginning 149 Richland Hills Add. Escrow Existing TOML PROPERTY OINCR COST $ 2115.29 CIrYIS SMABE 1240.96 TOZAL FINAL SUB UNIT COST $ 3356,25 *City agreed to purchase paving cart. on June 14, 1962 Acceptance Date May 9, 1963 G.w.O. 2770 FINAL PAVING ASSESSI+BZNT CHICAGO AVENUE Sheet No. 1 of 1 czry Ov LUBBOCY Sub-Unit No. 4 of Width 42 Feet From 81 S. of the S.P.L. of 45th St. (W.LeB) to 16' S. of the S.P.L. of 46th St.(W.LaQ Unit No. 2078 Paving Curb & Gutter Owner Blk. Addition $39"21753203 Bate/L.F. $10512 Rate/L.F. Total Lots No. No. Ft. Coat Goat Coat EAST SIDS George A. Fields Beginning at &'point which is 345.50 1111.66 522.40 1634.06 190.55 feet south of the south- west corner of Lot 149, Richland Hills Addition to the City of Lubbock, "Lubbock'County, Texas; Thence south 345.50 feet; Thence oast 75.O feet; Thence north 345.50 feet; Thence west 75.0 feet to the point of beginning VEST SIDS Jimmy W. Bell hots 1 and 2 5 Westmoreland Add. 140.00 450.45 211.68 662.13 Willard E. Wright 3 5 Westmoreland Add. 70.00 225,23 105.84 331.07 Wilburn H. Hodges * 4 5 Westmoreland Add. 67.50 217.18 102,06 319.24 TOTAL P$OPEM OWNER COST $ 2946.50 CITY'S sun 728.04 TOTAL PU AL SUB UNIT COST $ 3674.54 *City agreed to purchase paving cart, on June 14, 1962 Acceptance Date May 9, 1963 G.W.O. 2770 Sheet Noo l of 1 rn" PAVIM ASSESSMENT CHICUGO AVENUE Sub-Unit No. 5 of CITY-OF LUBBOCK Unit No. 2078 Width 42 Feet From 16' S. of the S.P,,L. of 46ih St. (W.Side) to 16' N. of the N;.P�L.of 48th St.(W.Side) Paving Curb 8 Gutter Owner Late $3.21753203 Hate/L.F. 01.512 Sate/L.F. Total No.Ft. Cost Cost Coat WEST SIDE Lubbock Ind. School District Beginning at'a point which is 1350.0 feet 600.00 1930,52 907.20 2837.72 South and 30.0 feet West of the Northwest corner of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 6, Block 8-2, Lubbock County, Texas; Thence South 600.0"feet; Thence West 100.0 feet; Thence North 600.0. fest; Thence East 100.0 feet to the point of beginning EAST SIDS George A. Fields Beginning at a point which is 536.05 feet 584.00 1879.04 883.01 2762.05 South of the Southwest corner of"Lot 149, Richland Hills Addition to the City of Lubbock, .Lubbock County, Texas; Thence South 584.00 feet; Thence Bast 750 feet; Thence North 584.0 feet; Thence west 75.0 feet to the point of beginning TOTAL PROPERTY OWNER COST $ 5599.77 CTTY'S 6Hm 1373.03 TOTAL.FINLL SUS UNIT COST $ 6972,80 I ' Aaceptanoe Date MAY 9, 1963 G.W.O. 2770. . FINILL PAVING ASSESSHM IMOHLS AVENIM Sheet No. 1 of 1 CITY CF LUBBOCK Sub-Unit No, 6 of Width 42 Feet From the SPL of 41st St. to 66 N. of the NPL of 42nd St. Unit No. 2078 Paving Curb.& Gutter Owner Lots Blk. $2.14502135 Sate/L.F. $1.512 Rate/L.F. Total Noe Addition No. Ft. cost Cost Cost BAST SIDS Dale C. Lem 8 17 Sunny Sill 127.8 274.13 Curb Existing 274.13 W. M. Turner 9 17 Sunny Hill 127.8 274.13 Curb Existing 274,13 WEST SIDS H. Be glliott 1 & 16 16 Sunny Hill 255.E 548.27 386.47 934,74 TOTAL PROPOM C1M COST $ 1483,00 C=y,S S 667.12 TOTAL FINAL SUB UNIT COST $ 2150.12 Acceptance Data My 9, 1963 G.W.O. 2770 . • FINAL PAVING ASSESSMENT MQMPNLS AVENUE Sheet No. 1 of 1 CITY-OF LUBBOCK Sub-Unit No. 7 of Width 42 Feet From 6' S. of the S.P.L. of 42nd St. to the NPL of 43rd St. Unit No. 2078 Paving Curb & Gutter owner Lots Blk. $2.14502135 Rate/L.F. $1.512 gate/L.F. Total No. Addition No. Ft. 'Cost Cost Cost R&ST BUB Cleddie F. Edwards 8 20 Sunny Hill 127.8 274.13 193.23 467,36 M. -T. Daniell 9 20 Sunny Hill 127.8 274.13 193.23 467.36 WEST SUB Robert J. Ritchie Bast 70.25' of Lot 1 21 Sunny Hill 127.8 274.13 193.23 467.36 Emma B. Russell 16 21 sunny Hill 127.8 274,13 193.23 467.36 TOTAL PROPERTY OWNER COST $ 1869.44 CITYiB SH68E 70048 TOZAL FINAL SUB UNIT COST $ 2570.02