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Resolution - 051062A - Water_Sewer Improvements - Hodges And Tierney - Briercroft Office Park Addition - 05_10_1962
/j 10 W&A BESOLUTIeN BSSOLUTIONACCBPTING II�IPROVE NTS ON PORTIONS OF STREETS ANDAEL AVENUES" AS LISTED zhL. f 7WOREAS, 'in conformance with the paving requirement provisions of I, yO' " 1331 the subdivider'of BrUr'croftpffice 'Park Addition, Dade'Citrdinance arrangements with Hodges 'end'Tierney fox the coastrnctivn of 'paving improve 'ments on certain nifi ets dedicated in said subdivision -under`the 'provisions of Said &dinsace 'prier to"the 'tecording 'of the subdivision plat of Briercroft Office Park-A'ddition including the -following streets: 56th 8 treat Drive from its iatersettoa with line 15 feet.-Bast of the East ' Property sine of;'$,venue 0`to.its intersection with aline 15 "feet Vorth of the North gnated as New Subdivision Unit Dumb r 1054 ctif 57th Street, known and desi . ,Avenue ©"& 57th' Street from its intersection with 'the Southwest Paving Line_ of ,Avenue Q';South Drive foutheast of`Avenue P to it's "intersection''vith'the' 6out6eat paving"Line'a Avenue Q ,$outh Drive Northweat of 58th Street, known an+d designated as New :Subdvioion Unit Number 1055.` 57th Btreet from its"intersection with a''line"13 feet pest of'the:East Property Lfne of Axenue P to' is intersection "with`'- line 13 82 feet hest of the Rest Property fine of Avenue ®',. known and designated as.New. Subdivis ion 'Unit Number ;10560 Avenue 0 from its intersection'with' 8 line 16 feet `8orth of the M6fth property Lfne'.of 5$th Street 't' o its intersection with a line 33.9 feet Routh of t6 [Trait Number' 1057. ' w Subdivision South r'' ert Line bf 57th Street known end `deli ted as Ne Part: of Jlvenue, P from its intaiiection 'w th:a'line .48 feet Northeast of' the Southwest Property Line of`.Avenue South.Drive to"ita intersect on`Vith the out ,G, of the first curve South cf.,kveaue' South Drive, known and designated"gs New Snbdivisien'Ontt Number .114830 - Part of "58th'Street from'it's. intersect Lon Vith'a line 48, feet Northeast-of Meet 1'. bilC. of the' first' e of Avenue 'Q South Drive `to its' Viteriection with the the SouthwestPawing sine rve West cf 44enne 1"South Drive, known and designated as New Subdivision Unit Number 1084'* AND WEHREAS, the construction of the above improvements an the abovementi~o" streets was performed"'under the supervision of"the City 8ngineer and "®ai&:'improvements' have been coM'A*; ted sad'have been 'inspected "and"found to have been,`constructed I n'aecoTdance with city :E.pecifications and in accordance with the 'provisions of City Ordinance '1331.* THEREFORE, BE IT USOLVED BY THE CTPY OF `Lunocx, TS![A$ That the improvements on said portions of the' abovementioned streets be and*the aame',are hereby accepted and the City Engineer be and he is 'herelKr authorized'to -direct the 'payment of the c tYli portion of the` cost. /f J t° i ii• This resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 10TH DAY OF MAY, 1962, a ck F trong, Mayor ATTES `� Lavenia Lowe, 'City Secretary APPROVED: 4 J hn To Hickerson, City Engineer APPROVEDs 11,10 Fred,o.-. Seater, Jr.,' City toraey CITY OF LUBBOCK K. TEXAS Hay 10, 1962 Sonoiable Mayor and City Commission Lubbock, Texas Gentlemen: I have examiaed'"the paving improvemsnts 'coastracted by Hodges Tierney, paving contractor r uader.their"contract witfi"the anbdivider® of Briercroft' Offlcs."park Addition' and fiid�the' fmn o_ve-w manta 'tm"56fh street ".Drive, Avenue O & 'STth Street;-5ithStreet - Aveane ',�. 8,veane p and 58th Streets as 'lfeted"on the final estimate sheet to have meets cc plated is accordance'with the pl n''i and d that you agccept 'the impr�ivemeite�.oA_� sd `knits .and/or "avenues " pecificatians and 'recommea th.. r.—, t" hcwn' oa the a tachee con olidated finao the contractor ai l estimate sheet as due"them' by the City ok"iubbock. Yours very truly, John TO gickerson City:$ngineer r"� C Y �• QONSOLIDATED FINAL EST]MATE E CROFT OFFIZ PAR K RK ADDITION,..... Accepted May 10, 1962 QUAPTITIES S.Y. Qait Location $ Y. L.F. Valley Paving C:& G Gutter NS 1054 56th St. Drive from .151 $* of the 1659.77 1496.12 EPL of Ave. 0`to 151,N. of the 10i of 57th St. NS 1055 Ave* 0 & 57th Ste from the S.W. 6554.13 2902.31 157.63 Paving Line of Ave.`Q S. Drive.. S6E0 of Ave. P to the B.W' ,Paving Line of•Ave. Q Se Drive N.W. of 58th St. NS 1056 57th St. from 15',V. of the EPL of 881.72 489.71 Ave.'P'to 13.821 We of the WPL. of Ave. 0 AS 1057 Ave. 0 from 16t N. of the NPL of 803,92 445.94 58th St. to 139 1 S. of the SPL of 57th St. Part of RS 1083 Ave. P' from 481 N. E. of'the'S.W. 51.00 P Line of,'Ave..Q 8" Drive to South P.'C. Of let curve Be of Ave. Q S. Drive Part of NS 1084 58th St. from 484 N. E. of the 6.53 54.80 S.W.'P. 'Line of Ave.'Q S. Drive to W.; P.C. of°let curve W, of Ave. Q S. Drive TOOL 100906.07 5439.88 157.63 COST ESTIMTE 10,906.07 S.Y. Paving @ $1:35 $ 14;7230'19 58439.88 L.F. Curb A Gutter @ $1.37 7,452.63 157.63 S.Y. Valley Gutter @ 04.50 709.34 CONTRACT COST $ 22,885.16 r COST DISTRIBUTION Unit Contract _ Property Cost Owner Cost IS 1054 $ 519640:37 $ 5,640 37 IS 1055 13;533.58 1353358 NS-1056 1,86122 - 1861:22 IS 1057 10696.23 1,696 23 Part of IS 1083 69.87 69.87 part' of IS 1084 $3.89 83,89 TOTAL $ 22,885,16 $ 22,885.16