HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 012661D - Release Of Easement-Texas Highway Commision-Sewer Line, 53.651 Acres Sec 5 Blk E - 01_26_1961 RESOLUTION HEREAS� by that certain instrument dated the 15th day of Aprils 1959, of c record in Volume 738 at Page 36.3, Deed Records of Lubbock County,. Texas,, the undersigned Grantors, were granted an easement for Sanitary Sewer Line pur- poses'in, along, overg upon and across certain property more particularly des-cribed therein; and, 'HEREAS� the State of Texas, acting by and through the State Highway Commissions is acquiring the hereinafter described property and is desirous that such portion of said easement interest located thereon be released unto the State of Texas; NOW THEREFORE* BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 'LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock to execute and deliver the attached Re- lease of Easements, conveying to the State of Texas all that certain easement interest as more particularly described in said attached Release of Easement as attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes. SECTION 2. That the City Secretary Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to attest the Mayoras signature to such Release of Easement affixing the seal of the City of Lubbock thereto. / ~VID C: ASEY# Mayor T--- AAini Lawes it y Secretary-Treasurer it'r Attomq a—, RELEASE OF EASEMENT 1 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY Or LUBBOCK [ Q x WHJER.EA.S# by that certain instrument dated the 15th day of April. 1959s of record In Volum*738 at Fa e 3 r f w C:ourtty.TexaaMie ou ersigned Grantors, were granted an easement for.�" ' Sanitary Sewer Line purposes in, along. over, upon and across certain property more particularly described therein; and, V WHEREAS. the State of Texan$ acting by and through the State Highft y way Commiss'*no to acquiring the hereinafter described property and is :.� desirous that such portion of said easement interest located thereon be re-X-1;-A leased unto the State of Texas; IIQ KNOW ALL I+ ZN BY THESE PRESENTS: � That the City of Lubbock. 'a Home Rule Municipal Corporation of the�"'`� '. County of Lubbock. State of Texas# hereinafter referred to as Giraators, whether out or more, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE AND NOIl00 ($1.00) DOLLARS# to Grantors its hand,paid by the State of Texas acting by and through the State Highway Commission, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has released and do by these presents grant, bar ggain. sell. convey remise, release# and forever quithlaim unto the State of Texas all that certain casement interest more particularly'des- cribed above that to located in. along. over, upon, and-across the follow- ing described promises in Lubbock County. State of Texas, and being more particularly described as follows, to-Wit: 54.651 :acres of land in three parcels, being out of and a part of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 5, Block V, Lubbock Gouaty. Texas$ which Northeast one-quarter was conveyed to Joe S. Mcllhaney by deed dated February '18. 1944. of record in Vol. Z75. Page 148, Deed Records of Lubbock County, Texas. which 54. 651 acres of land is more particularly described by motes and bound* as follows: TRACT "An BEGINNING at a point in the bast boundary line of said section. said point being 1666 feet South of the Northeast corner of said section; THENCE Southerly 300 feet along said East boundary line, to a point; THENCE South 690574 West. 610.1 feet along a line P&r&Uelttor and 150 feet Southerly from the centerline of a proposed freeway as esta- blished in the field by the Texas Highway Dppartment, to a paint; THENCE South 8OoZ91 West. 304. 1 feet. to a, point; THENCE South 89057' West. 900 feet along a line parallel to and ZOO feet Southerly from said centerline to the beginning of a carve; THENCE in a Southwesterly direction along a circular curve to the left, the center of the curve being South 00031 East, 165 feet from the begin- ning of the curve, a distance of ZZ6.8 feet. to a point; THENCE South 11018' West. 458.4 feet, to a point; THENCE In a Southwesterly direction along a circular curve to the right, the center of the curve being forth 78048' Vest, 327 feet from the beginning of the curve, a distance of 4Z.Z feet, to a point in the South boundary tine of said Northeast quarter sect- LOA; THENCE South 690 49' Feat, SO4.9 feet along said South boundary line, to a point in the East right-of-way line of a highway; THENCE Northerly 2636. 3 feet alongthe said aright-of-way line to a point in the North boundary line of said section; i THENCE Easterly 10 feet along the North boundary line of said section, to a point; THENCE South 60530 East, SZ6. 9 feet, to a point; THENCE South 00031 East, 151. 5 feet. to a point; THENCE in a Southeasterly direction along a circular curve to the left, the center of the curve being North 89057' East, Zi5 feet from the beginning of the curve, a distance of 213 feet, to a point; THENCE South 56048' East, 374. 1 feet, to a point; THENCE South 16'048' East, 454. 7 feat, to a point; THENCE in a Southeasterly direction along a circular curve to the left. the neater of the curve being North 73012 East. 16S feet from the beginning.of the curve, a distance of Z10.9 feets to a point; THENCE North 89057' East, 900 feet along a line parallel to and ZOO feet northerly from said centerlines to a point; THENCE South 60035' East, 304. 1 feet. to a point; ! THENCE North 89057' East, 620.7 foot along aline parallel to and ! 160 feet Northerly from said centerline to the PLACE OF BEGIN- NING and contains 40. 109 acres. TRACT" I BEGINNING at a Cat in the said North line of Parcel "A" said point being 9ZO. 7 feet West and 1613. 9 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Northeast one- quarte r; i! THENCE South 89°57' West, 900 toot along said North line to the begin- ning of a curve; THENCE continuing along said North tine in a curve to the Northwest, the center of the curve taring North 0003' West, 165 feet from the beginning` of the curve, a distanced 210. 9 feet, to a point; ' THENCE continuing along said tine. North 16048' West. 190,b facts to a paint; i .ate+ THENCE North$9057' East, 1111.9 feet along a line parallel to and 500 feet Northerly from the centerline, to a putt THENCE south 0003' ,Cast, 300 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and contains 7.Z$9 sere s. TRACT "C" BEGINNING at a point in the said South line of Parcel'"A". said point being 910.7 feet Urest and gala. 9 Beet South of the Northeast corner of said Northeast one-quarter; 'THENCE South 890571 West. 900 fact along said South line to the beginning of a curve; THENCE continuing along said South line inacurne to the Southwest, the center of the curve being South 0°03' East, 166 feet from the begin- ning of the curve, a distance of 226.8 feet. to a pdat; THENCE South HOW West, 170. 6 goat along said line, to a point; THENCE North 89*57' East, 1095. 1 Beet along a line parallel to and SOO feet Southerly from the centerline. to a point; THENCE North 0003' Kest. 300 feet to the PLACE: OF BEGINNING and contains 7'. 253 acres. Texas Highway Department . Form D-15-17 too*"- TO HAVE AND TO HOLD :for said.purposes •together with all and singular the rights, privileges, and appurtenances thereto in any manner belonging unto the said State of Texas forever. 4r---day SS WIEREOF, Grantors have caused this instrument to be executed on this of ,` 19 61 Cry or Wasocz i M ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF" TE % 'AS County of Lk " Before me, - Lavenia Lowe a notary public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared . DA C. 0"Vi I"Y" of,the City of k Ujas known to me .10 ' to be the person whose named subscribed to' the foregoing instrument and ack- nowledged to me that executed 'the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressedt OkWA-in CAOIM#tY tb*"Iu M 4- Given under my hand and seal of office, this the 26th day of January , 19 61 Notary Public in and for County, Texas 2-2 I, L avenia Lowe, City Secretary-Treasurer, City of Lubbock, Texas hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a. Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute and deliver the Release of Easement,,conveying to the State of Texas the easement interest described (54.651acres of land in three parcels, being out of and a part of the NE 1/4 of Section 5. Block E. Lubbock County, Texas, which NE 1/4 was conveyed to Joe S. McIlhanev. Passed by the City Commission on the 26th day of Januas. 1961 and of record in Minute Book 19, pane 562 records of the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas THIS 31st DAY OF January 19-L, Lavenia Lowe, City Secretary-Treasurer _ City of Lubbock, Texas