HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 121059A - State Highway Right Of Use Permit. Best Scan Possible. - 12_10_1959 PJMLUTION
WH R.F,dS. the land hereafter described is owned by the City of Lubbock and
is needed by the State of Texas for State Highway Right of Way purposes; and,
WTAS� such band will be included within State Highway Loop 289 and
such. Highway facility will be of great benefit to the people of the City of Lubbock;
WHEIAS, The Sate of Texas will pay to the City of Lubbock the sum of
50% rei-mbur Bement of the value of $16V#75. 00 for such Right-of-Way and land to
be used for this Highway facility, NOW THEREFORE*
SECTI€N 1. THAT the Mayor BE anal he is hereby autho-iiraed and directed t
execute on behalf of the City of Lubbock the attached Deed to the State of Texas,
which .said Deed is hereby incorporated by reference herein for all purposes# con-
veying to said gate of Texas for such consideration and for such purposes as then -
in. stated% all that certain tract or parcel of land,; situate in the County of Lubbock
State of`Texas-a and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
1L Z44 acres of .lando. is two parcels„ same being out of and a part of
that certain 602 acre tract out of Section 1, Br,ck Ba Lubbock County,.
Texas.* which 602 acre tract was conveyed tothe City of Lubbock,. Texas,
,by dew dated August 7, 1937, of record in. Volume 204 Page 4030, Deed
Records of Lubbock County., Texas,, which 3 4 ac re s of band i a mor e
particularly described by metes and bounds as follows:
B, at the Northeast c-Drner of a certain tract of land conveyed to
the Department of Public Safety by deed of record in Volume 393, Page
492* Deed Records of Lubbock County*. Texas,* ,said point being 1176. 0
feet West and 471. 0 feet North of the Southeast corner of said Section 1,
$lock B;
THENCE North 8905ST West,, 367. 2 feet along the North boundary line of
said Department of Public Safety tract,; to a point;
THENCE North 7°52t East, 253. 1 €eeta to a Point;-
THENCE Forth 0024t Ea st„ 1516.8 f e et, to aG point;
THENCE North 8040" East, 10 61. 67 feet* to appoint;
THENCE North 443143 Vest, 2003.2 feet along a line parallel to and 150. 0
feet.Werly from the centerline of a proposed freeway as established in
the field by the Texas.I ighway Department, to a point in the North boundary
line of said 602 acre tract;
THENCE Easterly,, 300. 0 feet along said North boundary line, to a point;
THENCE South GoOV East,, 2003.2 feet along a line parallel to and 150. 0
feet Easterly fr= the said, centerline, t±eapaint;
THENCE South 0027x East„ 999. D feet, to a point;
THENCE Sauth 7048.t. westo. 779.0 feeta to a point in the ,North houndary
line of a curtain tract of land conveyed to J. Frank Grey by deed of record
is Volt 448, page 48.8a Iced Records of Lubbock County, Texas;
THENCE Westerly 39. 1 feet ,along said North boundary line to the Northwes
corner of said 38. 5 awe: tract;
THENCE Southerly; 1046. 7 feet along the 'west boundary line of said 38. 5
acme tract to the place of beginning and. contains 37. 960 acres.
BECMNMG at a point in the North right,of,-way line Of Flea[ H,i.ghway 835„
said pit being the aoutbwest corner of the Depa tment of.Pub.Ue Safety
tract in, said, seeti=., said point being also 1576.€! We at and 8 L;4,.
feet nth of the Southeast corner of said section,
THENCE Worth 8.9058t We.sta,. 205. 5 feet along said North right-of-sway lines
to a poi xL
THENCE,North 0 QV Kastw,, ZO. 0 feet$, to a point on a curves.
TEMCE in a Northeasterly direction abg a circular curve to the left
the center of the cu ve: being Worth 00021 East; 215. 0 feet from the be-
ginning of the curve* a distance of 273. 7 feet, to a point in the West
boundary line of said Dwpartment: of Public Safety Tzaet;
THENC& South. 0002T' W4S4 171.8 feet along said Test boundary line to
the PLACE OF BEGINX G and contains 0.284 acrea.
SECTION Z. THAT the City Secretary-Treasurer is hereby directed to
attest the signature of the Mayor towL.id .deed and affix the seal of the City of
Lubbock thereto..
Passed by the City .Commission this lotbd y of December , 19 59 .
L venia Lows, City Secretary-`l'reasuitor
tyty w-r
Texas Highway Department 00800
Form D-15-11
1-i0buck Co.
loop 289
PM qp—vo
19 T A :f 0 T X A S
Gounty of --- P.
AWIRAAS, the Stan Highway Co=fPsUn hag been authorized under House Bill 170,
Acta of the 55th Legialatute, Regulaz Sesaion, 1957, to purchase land and such
other property righta deemed neceseary for the purposes of facilitating the con-
struction, waintenance and operaticn of ContrMled Mcess Highways; and,
WIMM&S, the purch4ae of the hereinaiter described premises has been deemed nec-
essary by the State Highway Commission for the purposes of facilitating the con-
atructionp maintenance and operaLins of a Controlled Access Righuay facility;
_jjj Vb k
of the County of Mate of Texas, hereinafter referred to as
Gr"tota, VheLhar one or more, for and in consideration of the sum of ",., eisbursemeiit
of the valux oQ16a, r '
A r, Ma " PJAYInifter to Grantor An-hand
of Texa&' V�'s y xad through the State Highway Commission,
receipt of which is Kreby acknouledged, and for which no lien is retained, either
expressed or implied, have thie day sold, and do by there presents grant, bargain,
sell and convey unto the State of Texas, all that certain tract or parcel of land,
situate in the County of -w c
State of Texas, and
being ^ore p�rticularly described as follows, to-wic:
38-344 mares of land, in two yaxcels, aame beii out of aid a p4xt of that eortain
602 acre tract out of Section Ip Block B0 lAbbook UountyD Texas, which 602 more
tract vas convayed to tM City of Lubbock, Texas, by deed, dated ? Mg. t17, of ro-
ocrd in vole 202e lege 403, Deed. Roordi of Lubbock MAQ0 Texas., wldch 38 A-*4.
asras of land is more partioulaxly dAgeribM by mats and bounds as follow*4
BEGIIIING at th rthaast corner of a certain tract of Mad conveyed to Qw Dept.
Of Pullic SafetY W aead of retard in V01- 39% page 492, Deed Ascords of lAbbook
County, Maza, said point beixg 11?6vo feet west and 47loO feet nort* of the South-
east eornor of said Action 1, Block B,*
VMS X NOW V, 367-2 feet along tha north bouadarl line of said Dept. of PIII'lit'.
sasety twat, to a point;
KATHEM V 7*521 Xb 251.1 feeto to a point
k ;
"iTmal I qnva X' IjjjV4 feet, to to point;
MR01 1 8040 So !061.67 faetv Q a poitt,',
ThV01 1 06014 V, 2003.2 teat alone a line paralle! io iuid 2,500 'feet wagterly from
jhs santerlina of a pro sad. freouty as estaljish6d in the Meld by the Ta High-
vow Apart unate 0 * paiat in the north hovndary line of said 602 acre trxct;
THIROX sasterlY, 300A feet alone said north bouodzry IMP, Q a puiat ;
MWO 8 0031 29 2003.2 foot Sacag a line parallel to and 130.0 feet easterly
fma ths said 60atorlimeq to apoint;
0 0027, No, 9"'0 Soots to a point;
TERM 1 1 W. 779A feet r to a point is the north 'boundaz7 line of a
treat.of lead **=*red to ,J, 7rank ftW W dood of record in vale ,
of lubbeak Oamtyo
wect*47 39al fact WIong add morlb Umademy line to the mertbwast
of . e t t i
sowtberly# e7 feet &left the wost bwwWmy line of said 3 ®5 wre
%mot to the place of 9 res.
at a point Ix the northf IW of 3,P said point
peutbwost carner of the Department of ftblic Wety tnwt in add
"stionp =dd point being a2zo 1375,0 foot vast and 81.0 feet north of the sea
t cormor of aW mactioni
3Bf W9 20.5 feet along sai4 north right-of limes to apoint;
! 00 f t o to a point on a ;
MWCM is a mortbamtorly direction along a ciroulax carve to the lefts t1m cem-
of 00021 39 235e0 feet from the beginning of the curree a
Oistamwo of a foot@ to a point in the vest lwwAary line of said Depwtmat
of Polio Wety t t#
0 2 Vs 1 .$ feet along said vest to 31no to the p1wo of
0#284 morose
The Grantors reserve all of the oil , gas and sulphur in and under said land,
but waive all rights of ingress and egress for the purpose of exploring, cievelop-
ing, mining or drilling for the same ; however, nothing in this reservation shall.
affect the title and rights of the Stw,7e to take sr-,d use , without �additlonal com-
Rensatiov., all other minerals and materials chereon, thereit-i or thereund-ar.
TO HA YZ kRD TO OLD the tbove described nremiaes, together w.Lh all and singular
the rights and appurt&nances Liaerecra i�--. any-wise beioit'-oging, unto the said 'State of
Texas and its aeaigvs, fcreverA And the Grantors, vihei�.her one or. more, do hereby
bind �Durselves, our heirs, ex,5cuLors, adminisLraLors, successor,-. and assigns, to
warraut ani forever defend all and siiigular the said premises, uuto the said S�;at.e
of Texas, and its aasigns against every person wl.omsoever lawfuily cLlaiminlg Or to
clailu the swore or any part thereof.
It is expressly understood that nothing contained herein shall be a limitation
of any type on the tEee-slraple iit.le conveyed by this Lustrument.
IN UP..'MES.S WM— =W- ' crantatrs have Cau#ej this instrumen't cc- be executed oil this
......—day Q'E L DeQ,
City at Lubb*sk
........... ..........
Before we, a not&-rjj pub 1.c an and fox' said Couvi Ly and State,
on thin day personally appe are aq
Knatea! to me (or proved to me on
the oath ot a credibie wicupss) to be the
whose name--- ---sikscribad to the for-,goin& instruu�nt at-W acknowledged to trie
that executed the same ti>". t'he purposee and coas deration tllp-rt ill
Given under my hrand and seal of office, this rhe Oi
Couy',Ly, Texas
Fonn D-15-11
county of
;before me, a notary public to and for osid County my State, an
this day personally appeared wife Of
known to me (or proved to me on the oath of
a credible wi ) to be the pamon whose is
;ub"ribed to the foi;ioG instrumeant, �xd Navin been examined by me privily and apart from ber
haAbaad, and having the same fully explained ed to her, she the said
acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, d. that had willingly s3 the
same for o Pubes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it.
Given under my hand and seal of ofltae, this the_—day of
Notary Public in and for County,Texas.
! � f
i rwd
� � f
aunty d
Clark of the County Court of said County, do hereby
QatlfY t the foregoing instrument of writing, dated the ____ day, of �� _ -_ �. D. lQ__
with its authentication, was filed for record in my OMW on the__day A. D. lo-
mW duly recorded this the.._...._.-.__._ ......day of__ ______._.._.._. . ____-,A.D. to_..._
._ ., In the Deed Records of Bald County, in Volume _.� ou P .�_ ._.
i #ny and the l of the County Court of said County, at o in - ------------•----_----- -.....
day anA ye4r last above written.
Clerk of Court, _.County, Te
Form l��t 1
O 0
BEFORE MS. the undersigned authority, a Notary Public j..n and for
said County., Texas, on. this day personally appp eared LENNIS 1JAKER, KNOWN
to we to be therParsou whose name, is sub cribed to the foregoing instxu-
mert and acknowledged to me that he executed, the same �N the act and deed
of the City of Lubbockand ,is May<-,r a for the purposer, &,,Ad consideration
therein expressed, and in the capacity therein. stated,
GIVEN UNDLEI' MY HAJiD .410 SEAL OF OFFICE, thj6 loth— day of
Notary P,,ablAc , Lubbock- County,