HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 071058J - Quit Claim - B.E. Needles - Wheelock Second Addition - 07_10_1958 l ol tos- Is THS ATE OF TEXAS ALL k COUNTY OF LUBBOCK TIhe CITY OF a.Hawe ..kule Munizipal Corporation cougar b I. ` r `It . fat aad W cousideratlan of the sum of ONZ to of Texas, re*"pt of w1hich . i Z "d JFOR _' - :�. NZWLJM his - ire =4 gazians. ., its r4ju# rash in aad to tha car- t car- taia tvact of laad lying &ad bias t in the CountyLubbock and of Texas aid ' i a portion of Avemse in the CityTexas. saA portion of 4m Avenue being the ftet 1 Z 1/2 f Avenue between tb* North line of 33rdStreet &ad the South 144e ort "Nor . Deavez 4ailwayCo. An the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County* Texatt deseribedas f*Uaws. - DZGINKING t the Original corner ( t) of al"k the whealmk Seco LubbeckCaunty, Toms, said point balika1z. 5-fe' t West of the Southwest c oraer of of 16 of the B. X. Niedles Addition; THZXCZ North paralLel to and i. . t West of the t. 0 of tho 5. X. 'ti less i 1. ': feet to a patut . e i ` t-' °t � Wirth a ave r itaiiw yCO.: XI - - ; SoutheastcAy With the Southright-of -: t . Fort Worth & De e r RauWay. Caluvany a 41 stauce13. i feet to 4 paiattiv said point beinS the intersectioaof the '04siaal West une of Lot i, S. E. Needles Ad4itien a4d, the South U'Re of t Poet 'earth Deaver Railway o=p right-09-way unal TKENCZ Souththe West Uue of tho S, X.- : Addition a "stance of 1038. 2 &,apt to a Polat, said paint beingthe Southwest comer of ,dot 16 of the B. Z, Ne* THEN THENCZ W04t 12. -15 feet to the PUNT . . TO kTAVZA.ND TO,HOLD the abwm-de scribed prwniaes together' with MI d stagular the rightfs, prtv4legas and appurteswicas thereto i . � r i " 'f 'n i' CITY OF LUSSOCKS, nor its suaces.sors stnd assiSas, r any pars r pereons tie or interest to the alaresaid promises or appartaaa=ea or any.part thexack, W TNOM o f . IT Y O aCX.h%-v oause4ita corporate siame to be hereunto-subscribod by its Mayor and its duly attestedcorporate to be affizwd by its. Set retary-Trea ware r, all in thet , u mk, 'rexasp tbis the 10th Uy of J41Y CITY L or TT T �^ , STATE Or COUNTY Or LXBBOGK e 404, -f tbar ,. • ...' . -4 !f Cn 0 �- RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER TO B. E. NEEDLES,; A QUIT CLAIM DEED ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF LUB BOCK TO A PORTION OF ELM AVENUE,IN THE CITY OF LUBBOCK,, AS MORE_!' PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE BODY OF THIS RESOLUTION. I WHEREAS,, it has been determined by the City Commission of the City of Lubbock that a certain portion of Elm Avenue as more particularly described in the body of this Resolution is not being used and will not in the future be used or needed for public purposes or street purposes or any other public purpose; and, WHEREAS, it has been determined that it would be to the public interest for the City of Lubbock to quit claim its interest in said portion of Elm Avenue to B. E. Needles; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: SECTION 1. THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver on behalf of said City a quit claim deed to B. E. Needles, conveying its interest in and to the following described portion of Elm Avenue located in the City of Lubbocka, Lubbock Countyy Texas, to-wit: BEGINNING at the original corner (Southwest) of Block 87 of the Wheelock Second Addition to the City of Lubbock, Lubbock County., Aw.w, Texas, said point being 12. 5 feet Vest of the Southwest corner of Lot 16 of the B. E. Needles Addition; THENCE North parallel to and 12. 5 feet West of the West line of the B. E. Needles Addition a distance of more or less 1041. 32 feet to a point in the South right-of-way line of the Fort Worth & Denver Rail- way Co. right-of-way line; THENCE Southeasterly with the South right-of-way line of the Fort Worth & Denver Railway Company a distance of 13. 1 feet to a point, said point being the inter section of the original West line.of Lot 1, B. E. Needles Addition and the South line of the Fort Worth & Denver Railway dbmpany right-of-way line; THENCE South along the West line of the B. E. Needles Addition a distance of 10 38.2 feet to a point, said point being the Southwest corner of Lot 16 of the B. E. Needles Addition; THENCE West 12. 5 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. 1 R. I SECTION Z. The City Secretary-Treasurer shall attest such quit claim deed affixing the seal of the City of Lubbock thereto. rt Passed by the Commission this loth day of July ,. 1958. € I 'Lefinis Baker, Mayor ATTEST: 4 #1 Lav fa Low2Le, Cit Secretar -Treasurer Lvad �i l 3AG orney rnrE �a rya Appprcvti, �{t ;r r I J 1 , 4. p 'I I� 4I I