HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 050858H - Cooperation Agreement - URA - Coronado Urban Renewal Area Project - 05_08_1958 rRESOLUT_ION— �! A RESOLUTION.AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING A PROPOSED i COOPERATION AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AND THE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK RELAT- ING TO THE UNDERTAKING AND COMPLETION OF URBAN RENEWAL LI, PROJECT TEK. R=33. WHEREAS, the City Commission has by Resolution formally approved the Urban Renewal Plan for the Coronado Urban Renewal Area, Project No. Tex. R-33, and authorizing the undertaking and completion of said Project in accordance with said Urban Renewal Plan therefor, which Plan bears date II of March 24, 1958; and, i I WHEREAS, the Housing and Home Finance Agency, an agency of the United States of America, requires as a condition precedent to the disburse- ment of Federal.funds to aid in the undertaking and carrying out of the Coronado Urban Renewal Project that the City and said Urban Renewal Agency enter into a cooperation agreement relating to the undertaking of the proposed. Urban Renewal.Project activities by said Urban Renewal Agency and the provision of local grants-in-aid in relation thereto and in support thereof, together with certain other cooperative action on the part of the City of Lubbock in support and aid of said proposed Urban Renewal Project; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1, THAT the City Commission approve the attached proposed cooperation agreement, which is made a part of this Resolution, and that the City.of Lubbock be bound and obligated in accordance with the terms and pro- visions thereof. i i SECTION Z. THAT the Mayor BE and he is hereby authorized to execute said attached cooperation agreement on behalf of the City of Lubbock and the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to attest the signature of the Mayor to said cooperation agreement and affix the seal of the City of Lubbock thereto. On motion of Commissioner Maxey seconded by Commissioners--_ Caste —^_, the above and foregoing Resolution was passed this the 8th day of Mai , 1958, by the following vote: Commissioners voting "AYE": Casey.,&Merl, Thompson and Mayor Baker Commissioners voting "NAY": Alone ----- ATTEST: Cit Se retar -Tr_ e 7 Y Y P.eturn this copy to Lavenla Lure for file . COOPERATION AGREEMENT IUrryr.rr++r,wow.+.rrr+wr.w+rrwssa►+�+rursrr+wir this agreement, agnade and entered into this Gth day of May. 1958# by and between the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Lubbacks Texas thereinafter galled the "Agearncy7 wad the City of Lubbock# Z"eettass a maunicipal corporation 16e roi naftee r callead then "Cityt% W l T N E d 8 E T H t W HZREAB. the Agency is a public body corporate and politia, crested by the Urban Renewal Law of Texass atnd to transacting busiaess and exercising the powers granted by said Law by virtue of Resolution Burly passed a4d adapted by the City Commission of the'City on the 26th day of Novembers 1957; and. WHEREASs the Agency with the aid and cooperation of the City proposes to undertake and carry out " urban renewal program In the City of Lubbock. including the so-called Coronado Urban Renewal Project (hereinafter called the '4Projactee), in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan therefor heretofore approved by the City Commissi*as bearing date of March K 1958, and pursuant to the pro- visions of said, Urban Lenewal LAw of Texas; "do WHEREAS# the Agency proposees# In carding out the Urban Renewal Plan for said Projeect# to acquire all the property and improvements thereon within the project area, as provided in and by said Urban Renewal Plan; &ads WHEREASe the Agency proposes to enter into a loan and grant ,contract with the Administrator of the Housing and Home 1`inance Agency# an agency of the United States oaf Ameerica, providing for financial assistance pursuant to Title t of the Housing Act of 1"9# as amended, for the acquisition# clearance. preparation for sale and cUspasition of the: Project Drees,, in the sum of: 1. A loan or loan o in ern amount sufff ciont to onablee it to defray the grey+sag cost of the Projects but is so event to exceed $1. 1L5,618. 10. g. A Project capital grant In an aranouurt not to exceed $194,438. 50. 5. A relocation grant in as amount net to eked. $i5s 708.40 and. WIMA ASS the City desires to provide "local grants-in-aid" In connection with sold Project and has heretofore Indieatted its intention to do so in a< Resolution ,approving said Urban Renewal plan for chain! Project. NOW THEKEFORts in considerstteoA of the mutual covenants hereinafter set ;worth, the Agency and the City agree: 1. The Agency agrees to diligently and, forthwith proceed with all nece wow y +actions, work and undertaking to carry Taut the proposed and approved Urban Renewal Dian in the following de or cribeee3 Project Area and to carry out and fete MI the proposed,Loan aaad Grant Contract between it and the United &at** of Americas acting by and through the Housing and wee Finance Administrators said Project Arena being ideentiGeed as the OGO&%)A ''Ca#i nado Urban KOA*W*l Projescto", situated In the City of Lubbock# Lubbock '+GouAtyr Teexaap and described as 16I1owsv to•vvit BEGINNING at a point at the tatersection of the Panhandle and Sainte F* Railroad Southwest aright-of-may &&Ve>r the Northeast Might-of-way Una of ,beast Drive with the Northeast r ght-of-wray line of the Vort Worth &Ad Denver City ailroad; THENCE North 710 310 West a► distances ;of 2102. 1 tact along said.Fort Worth and Denver City Railroad right-,ed-way line to a ;fit at than Inter- section of said Une with the West line of Juniper Aveeauee; TIi=CE North a distance of 877 trot slang the Wont Una of Juniper Avenue to a point at the intears*ction of sold West line with the North line of East 88th streeet. TH"CE East a distance of T8 toot along the North Una of zast 88th Stroot to a point at the intersection of said North line with a 100 29e Opt curve to the left, said curve being a cewtlnua►tfon of the proposed Southeast aright- -wxy line of a proposed overpass streeeet# said ,curves having Its point of curvature 239. l toot West of and 55 toot South of the said inteer- se.r+f�o-j of the curve and the North line of East Mth Street, said carve having an internal angle of 390 39es and tangent length of 197. 3 feat, and a r"us of 547. l feet; TIMME slang said 10* 19' 0111 curve to the left an arc distance of 131. 1 toot to a point of tangency for *aid curve. said point of tangency being In the proposed Southeast line of proposed overpass street; THENCE North 50o III wait a distance of $60 feet to a point at the inter- section of the said proposed Southeast line of the proposed overpass street with the Southwest right-of-way lino of Panhandle and ita ire R&Uroad and/or the Northeast line of Southeast Drive; T"NCE South 390 391 East a distance: of 1.395.g toot along the Northeast lines of Southeast Chive and/or the Southwest right-of-way line of l*nh&Aelkee and Santa t"e "troad to the PoiNT or BEGIttMNG, said area containing S4.8 acres snore or loss. I.' The City agreee se pur su s to &ad wsrithta the pros ed*e s ..kequired by Its Charter and all applicable lawa+s+ to provide "local grants-in-aid" and to otherwise cooperate in the undertaking and complation of said Urban Renewal Frojoict in the following respecter (a) To take &U steps necessary to ,_:Vroperly appropriate and to contribute b to the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Lubbock for deposit in the project expenditures account walaWned by said Agency in connection with said Project, cash iu+the lunaunt of 6168,$56.86. 60% of which Shall be srsade available not later that: Lweember. 1958s dud the remain- ing 8 shall be va^dee available not later than Decembers 1959. (b) To arrange and provide said Improvements and supporting facilities to be installed in; connection with said project pursuant to said Urban Renewal pun as teallaws: ( l) The removal and relocation of Muuicipi and other public utility lines and facilities at, an eeeumated cost of z9.899.88. (2) Build, construct cad provide dia extension of Brest Mth Street from Webber Avenue across Iftahanidle and Santa re Railroad aright-of-way and Southeast Driver to "st zath Street with its intersection with the North-South alley between Ivory Avenue and :unipe+r Avenue including the proposed designated overpass and necessary appurtenances and approaches. (3)Construct and; rovide certain storm and sanitary Sewer facilities and water liners at ao estimated cost of We 896.04. (c) Pursuant to and within the procedures rexs required by its Charter and applicable laws. the City agrees to take such action;as mad* be required to vacates those portions of street* and allays and to accept deedicaUan of other areas for street purposes as may be necessary and proposed in sale: Plan for said Urban Renewal project, and to stone and tree-sore the project properties in accordance with said Urban Renewal Plan therefor'. 36. It is undeera3tood that the City of Lubbock is obligated to the payment of 1I3 of the not Project roost incurred in the undertaking and completion of said Urban Renewal Project and it is estimated that the City of Lubbockvwill receive a local grant-in-aid credited against its share of the net Projescttoot in the amount of $164. 154.08 by virtue of the construction of a J ior•Senior *Ugh School by the Lubbock Independent School District in the viciaft y of said Project bad which will serve the presidents theresaf. They City agrees Ito wee available and to pay over to the ASency in cash, any deficit local grant-in-aid.which shall develop if tba Administrator of the Housing cad Home Finance Agency shall not approve the full estimated amount of such local grant-in-adl credit for the soastr uctian of such school. Furthers the City agrees to pay ,in cash any other deficits in local ,grant-in-aid credit which shall e4etr or develop by virtue of its failures :to establish and support the aaacuawit of the local grants+in-paid for other Site imaperoveen eats sad MWporting facilities mentioned. ebove. d. The City further agrees to cooperates with the Agency in all respect to such eadeent as may be necessary and required in order to bring the, Coronado Urban Renewal Project to Its final and Successful completion., 0SOOSS I WITNIM 'I HZRX ', the City and the Agency have caused these presetnts -� to be °executed by they Mayor and Chu mAnt respectively and has ceased the signa- ture of such Mayor and Chaim rosprectiv4sly to be attested and the heal of the said respective City mad Agency to be affixed on the dates hereinabove first provided. VRBAN NEWA L AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LUB XXAS By' C - _ - Chairman Secretary CITY [ BC=CN. TCAl By. Mayo ATTEST ,:$ecru Y = e�suredr�' CITY OF LUBBOCK