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Resolution - 041058L - Adopt Manual Of Services, Lubbock City-County Welfare Department - 04_10_1958
REi"4LU'l'IC LE IT RESOLVED 13Y THE CITE' COMMISSION OF T110, CITY OF LUBBOCK AND THE COA+SWESIONER5 COURT OF LUBBOCK COUNTY IN JOINT SESSION: THAT the attached. MAMAL OF VERVICES numbered Page 1 to 13 inclusive BE and the same is hereby tn joint session approived and adopted to govern the Lubbock Citj-County Welfare Department, and the provisions of said Manual shall supersede all other previsions relating to the same subject. This Resolution shall be executed by the signing of duplicate originals; one of which shall be filed with the County Clerk of Lubbock County and the other retained In the files of the City Secretary of the City of Lubbock. Massed by unanimous vote of the City CornwAssion of the City of Lubbock this 1 0th deny of April, 1958. ACTT *retary-Tireasurer Passed by unanimous vote of the C�omrnis alone re Court of Lubbock County .this 10th day of April, 1958. A:TT CoAv 0*10se La. LUBBOCK CITY-COUNTY WELFARE DEPARTM M Page l 1�3ANtJAL OF SERVICES I. Functions of the Department A, The Lubbock City-County Welfare Department is a public, tam-supported fanily agency established primarily to meet the unmet financial steeds of the indigent,_unemployable person and the needy family without an employable member who are residents of Lubbock County, B. Casework services must be offered to the needy for parposes of rehabilitation of the client and/or his family members, II. The Role of the :Department in the Cammmity A. A. sound and adequate general assistance program is a necessity in order for anc t a enc es o function effectively in helping need people, .B. Department urges .interagency planning and the Iteamwork approach" in the giving of services and Working with people, promoting the-idea of case conferences by"all agency people giving service in the same family, to assure meaningful, reasonable, and adequate consideration of the client and his needs. III. Basic Principles of -Operation of the Department A. The Department makes every effort to stimulate an attitude of independence through encouraging the needy person to develop his own resources. _B. Mile planning With clients and giving financial assistance and services, our ultimate purpose is to aid those personsy who can be so helped, to become self-supporting as soon as feasible and to assure those who cannot become self-supporting the opportunity to maintain a healthful_ standard of living. C. ' Our aim is the pry determination of need and granting of help in the interest of general welfare;; delay may lead to increased troubles and problems which tend to be more expensive as well as more serious in the long rune .D. General assistance clients are encouraged to maintain and strengthen the unity of the homes Ee Human dignity is respected and the rights of the individual. considered when we give help; the right of self-determination of the. client makes it his choice whether or not he wishes to ask the agency for help; and the client will benefit by assuming the initiative in seeking aid for meeting needs which are his own responsibility. F. The Department. does not make decisions for its clients but advises them of their rights within the law and policies and procedures governing the offering of aid; we do not go out and seek clients and the person must be read for help and willing to apply for assistance. G. The names of clients9 data found in their social history files, .and divulging whether or not persons are being given services by this Department will not be information available to the public; clients are assurred the data given to their caseworkers are kept CONFIDENTIAL. . r 04105b L.- LUBBOCK CITY-COUNTY FARE DEPARTMENT MANUAL Page 2 IV. Services Offered by the Department to Indigent and/or Medically Indigent Clients A. General Financial Assistance Basic maintenance a. Food b. Rent C. Utilities 2. Miscellaneous a. Clothing b. Transportation c. Funerals d. Telephone calls B. Medical Services 1. Hos-p al i taz ion 2. Convalescent hone and nursing care 3. Medicine prescribed by a physician 4. Appliances prescribed by a physician 5. Transportation to and from State mental and tuberculosis hospitals and University of Texas Medical Schools diagnostic clinics and hospitals. 6. Clothing and incidental expenses in State hospitals C. Casework Services . est gation of need and certification of indigenty 2. Counseling with many recipients 3. Referrals to other agencies 'and organizations (written) 4. Case conferences with other agencies for joint..planning 5. Social histories sent to State T. B, and University of Texas Medical hospitals on request 6. Reports requested by other welfare agencies from all sections of the country 7. Reports on Travelers Aid Association cases in emergencies D. Administration of the United States Department of Agriculture Food Commodities Program in Lubbock County. E. Social case work services for Lubbock City-County Out patient Clinics Program V. Policies and Procedures Related to Eligibility Requirements for Recipients of General Assistance A. Hoer to apply for help AzW person who be eves he is eligible for assistance from this agency and wants aid may apply by calling at the Department offices in the basement of the New Courthouse in Lubbock. If the !°head of .the household" is physically able to do sou he must make the application in person as .the initial step in the office. In case of emergency illness which prevents his coming to the office, or if he is a.chronie invalids the wife may call at the office, and the home call will be made as soon as presumptive eligibility seems probable. In exceptional cases the initial application may be made la the homes bu:W there must be enough information obtained frcm the person referring the case t-) determine there is no one of the family who can come to make the applicatio; at the offices. B. Residence dr` order to be eligible for assistance from the Lubbock City-County Welfare Department the client must have lived at least one year in the State of Texas and sine months in Lubbock County, except in the cases of burials of "paupers" and in emergency hospi- talizatior4 Length of residency is not a factor considered in determining eligibility for aid in emergency hospitalization cases or in the burial of indigents, but the death must have occurred in this County and the emergency health condition necessitating hospitalization must have occurred in this County or the patient must have been a resident of the County. C. Citizenship United States citizenship is omitted as a_requirement for eligibility for aid from the Department. UaBBocK e�r1,,T—cotrrTY ��� DEPgRTMExr MMANUALO4 Page 3 D. The standard used as a guide for the amounts to be considered in the monthly budget of expenses of clients is subject to change, according to the annual budget approved for the Lubbock City-County Welfare Department by the County Commissionerst Court and City Commission. E. Factors related to the determination of indi&enMJweJd o Eefore any assistance ,is g ven9 indigency mupt:,-:.p bliohed by the Departments fallowing application by the client. 2. All resources available to the applicant are compared with the total basic expense e c- ent and/or his family members are unable to meet his needs on the standard accepted by the Department, he may be eligible for aid. 3. Refusal of the employable client and/or employable members of the family to accept .or attempt to obtain employment shall exclude_ the person or family from aid. 4. Medical indi encr may exist when income of a client meets regular monthly expenses on a minimm basis but is not sufficient to meet medical needs. 5. Resources may icr:lude income such as g a ri ings of all manbes°s of the fsmi ly group b, Contributions from-other relatives,, etc, c. Rentals, dividends,, annuities,, and other income from investments d. Allotments or allowances from the Military - e. Veterans' death pensions, retirement pensions,, or cmupensation f. Regular contributions from churches,or other community organizations g. Payments frcra other social agencies, includinga (1) Old Age Assistance (2) Aid to Needy Blind -(3) Aid to Dependent Children (4) Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled (5) Unemployment or Workmants Compensation (6) Social Security payments (7) Vocational. Rehabilitation Maintenance,, etc. 6* Other Resources_mi t includes a, Ability and TwI lingness of relatives to assist b. "Credit"., in cases of the temporarily needy i�,e Availability of employment e. Real or personal property e. Insurance on stocks, investments, etc, f. Inzcme in kindg e.g., shelter, food,, and/or utilities furnished 7. Real Prope ty(defined to be any real estate in which the client owns an interest) ac, The ow-noership of a resident homestead does not affect eligibility* b. Real, Property in excess of a homestead or on which the client is not Living excludes him from aid if it has a net value of as much as $150.00. Personal. Pro erty(defined to be anything of value in excess of "homestead"). a. The ownership of as automobile needed and used for transportation does not necessarily affect eligibility. b. Personal, property which is liquidable with a net value of as much as $3,50.00 �°xcaudes the client from aid except that household items are exempt from 111..•%luici(;i atioJFP. j, Ton15 of trade iiss.ih will be used soon are exempt from affecting eligibility. d. :ash on hand, du tsited,, or elsewhere must be used first to pay bills. e or biltrial Insurance policies' premiums may be considered amo4g basic expenses in extreme cases of need. b. Life or burial insurance policies may not exceed a face value of $500.00 nor a cash. value of $150,00 10* Supplementation of. Available Income The ex:LLtence of other sources of income, such as assistance .from other social agem .esa does not necessarily prevent the giving of supplemental assistance when the dent is indigent according to the Departanentts standard. 32. In ENEeme emergencies no more than one order for food may be given prior to usual procedure for determination of eligibility. IS 04105 LUBBOCK CITY COUNTY FARE DEPARTMENT MANUAL Page 4 12, DeFe�e of Need is measured by use of the "Standard Monthly Budget Chart" in determining basic expenses and comparing this total with all resources available. The Standard Monthly Budget Chart is comparable with the standard accepted by state and federal welfare pwgrams. for assuring an economic situation of "health and decency." The Lubbock City- County Welfare Department Standard Budget Chart-follms _ STANDARD MONTHLY BUDGET allM ead = Gtroup,........ue .20 oIle...esr..�s.... .7 Food $28 50 : Utilities Food $27.00 Utilities Sp. Needs 3.25 Fuel 2,10 Clothing 2.25 Fuel 2190 Clothing 2.25 Lights 2e10 Sp. Needs 3.25 Lights 2.90 Utilities 7.75 Water 2.4o Utilities 9.70 Water 2,40 Ice 1.15 Ice 2.50 Total , -75 Total 9.16 GSA FM goardno to Exceed *52.50B Ge8 Nursing cared ma boa da laundry, Roan and Board up to $48.00 & home remedies.....oe............. $125.00 Clothing 2.25 Add $2,25 for clothing Sp. Needs 2e25 Add $225 for special needs Spouse or Incapacitated Adult 32. 0 Chi en Ages ..................... WOW Food $27.00 Food Wm Clothing 2.25 Clothing 1,50 Sp. Needs 3.25 Sp., Needs 150 h en Ages 7m .....u.o..... 15 a —Ch-11&en Ages o1 ................. 23. Food $15.50 Food $18,50 Clothing 2.75 Clothing Sp. Needs 1.50 Sp. Needs 1,50 char iaximums , No. Persons Amount 1 25.00 Add $1e50 for Special Needs for 2 or 3 . 30,00 Blind 4 to 6 35.E Over 6 40.00 - rd.: i•ua3i. g al fine or i.al Diet companioxx cases,, each $ .2.00 .A&d 10� o o ovance Fmnily group 4000 Add 20% for diabetes VI. Po`Liciez iu d`Procedures Related to Methods of Granting General Assistance u c, ase orders are gi-:ven recipients Mich they present to approved_grocery stores, oaple ood hams needed are selected by the clients. These food stores ,are used +.he T apartment because they offer a flat rate of discount on the monthly bills LUBBOCK CITY-COU= WELFARE DEPARTMENT' M1AWAL Page 5 Be Rent =definite agreement is made with the client and his landlord for,purchase orders and warrants to be issued to the landlord for rent on a monthly basis,, unless for some_, unusual reason the client does_not' need for rent to be paid for as long as one month. Rent is paid in accordance with the rent maximums in the .Standard Budget"Chart.- C. Utilities ame instances utilities are supplied by the landlord and the cost .of rent and combined in one: purchase order. In other cases purchase orders ad.warrants are issued,to the utilities companies,, not to exceed the maximums in the Chart. D. Clothing _ens are first referred to the .C©armmnity Clothing _Center,, and there are few instance of need for basic clothing maintenance assumed by the Department. -In cases of wards of the courts or indigents sent to` tuberculosis hospitals. mental hospitals,-and in some instances of patients going to the John Sealy or M.Z. Anderson hospitals,, clothing re- quired as standard for all patients .in these hospitals is bought by the Department. E. Transportation .rural assistance cases of unwed mothers being sent to maternity homes,, of a near relative being needed at one of the State hospitals with 'a critically ill patient or with a child,, the agency pays-transportation. In cases of death of Lubbock County residents in a 'State hospital,, transportation cf the corpses to this County is paid by this Department. Purchase orders and warrants made to the carriers, train or bus, are tax-free and at charity rates for transportation. -F. Funerals rchase orders and warrants are given to funeral homes who are`will.ing to bury indigen persons according to the following schedules 1.. Infants' caskets_.,, 2 ft.. to 3 ._..:o 0 0 0.............••.$3/."`� 2. Childrents caskets. 3 ftaa 6 in. to t ft.,, 6 in.,......,.. 50.00 3. Persons'-caskets 5 ft. to 6 ft.,, 3 in, or more............100.00 Indigents are buried byy funds from this Agencyp regardless of residences if they died in this County. 14e. Department.pays the City Cemetery $25.00 for a burial plot for an indigent child and $50.00 for a burial plot for an adult. ,7I1 Policies and Procedurea Related to Medical Care Services A. Basic principles used in administering the Lubbock .City-County Welfare Department dic a I. Care ogr am 1. Medical care is available for both indigent recipients and to medically indigent peoples a. A medically indigent person is one who can meet his basic needs for maintenance but is not financially able to meet his medical needs._ be An indigent. recipient is one who must have -assistance in meeting both his needs for basic maintenance and medical care. 2. Indigency or medical indigency must be determined by-the Lubbock City-County Welfare Department for those persons applying for aid., and the Agency uses a emilar procedure for determining medical indigenty as used in determining LAigency. 3. Th,,3 -,,Jient_selects his own physician,, dentist,, and/or hospitill and the wall not make such a selection for him,, 4. ,tt,ezding physician of a client authorizes the entrance of his patient in a hospital] the Department will. not attempt to make such authorization. 5. Citizenship and residence are not factors considered in determining eligibility of a cl,ierrW for assistance in paging for hospitalization in cases determined to b�, e ,3rgenciss by their physicians. 1 4 Y rf'• .. r 1 l LUBBOCK CITY-COUNTY WELFARE DEPARTMENT MANUAL Page 6 6. The Department does not pay physicians for their services. When hospitalization or diagnostic clinical study is recommended by a physician for a client who is indigent or medically indigent and mho is not an emergency medical case4 the Department will assist in arrangements for securing the services available in State and/or federal supported institutions,, if requested to do so by the client and/or his physician. 7. Upon entrance of a patients who appears to be either indigent or medically indigent., into a hospital, the hospital administrative staff must sent a copy of the completed questionaire, (furnished the hospital by the Department)., and-the original and second copy of Medical Indigency Forms,, (provided by the Department)b to the office of the Department. The third copy of the Medical Indigency Forms are to be retained by the hospital administrative office. The questionaire and Medical Indigency Forms are to be taken by the head of the household or the responsible person to the office of the Department to wake application for help-in paying for the hospitalization. This is the sole responsibility of the hospital. Prompt determination of eligibility for aid is facilitated when the responsible member of the patient's family brings the forms immediately to the office of the Department. A tentative-report form will be sent immediately following the application interview by the client to the hospital admini- strative office. As soon as the Department can determine eligibility the decision will be noted on the original copy of the Medical Indigency Forms and returned to the hospital. If any difficulty is encountered in getting information needed to make a decision, the.Department staff member will notify the hospital by telephones and inquiries from the hospital are welcomed. B. Standard of EligibiiLlz for Medical Indi e la Definition of Medical Indigency--medic indigency may exist when net income of a c °ent meets regular mont ]y expenses on a minmum basis but is not sufficient to meet medical. needs. 20 Basic Eligibility Requirements a. Citizenship and residence are not factors considered in determining eligibility of a client for assistance in paying for hospitalization in cases determined to be emergencies by his physician. Emergencies must have arisen in the County of Lubbock for nonresidents of the County to be eligible., although City-County residents are eligible no matter where the emergency arose. b. In cases non-emergent in nature,, the client must have been a resident of Lubbock fj:nanty for at least six months and of the State of Texas for one year. Aid from this Department is also provisional on whether some basic program of a specific c. tegory is set up and availably; for the client's specific health problem. 3. Other `4r<teria of Medical Indigence . � aWom -1� income .from_all sources must be considered in determining; medical "d2ge:�Ycy,, such as9 A)-x iiiags of aJI persons living as a family group in the same household a c amnunal unit or plan Coax r;ibL j LOWof relatives ?;# R-ntRis and cther income from. investments G11ot1r eats or allowances from the military b l Vetcrar:s compensation or pensions Regular manthly p,•, ;.rents from other social agencies Faymtntz on sicW s,, accident,, and loss of time insurance policies. >o ser - (dwf°.ned to be anything of value in excess of *homestead") ` T71 -'f ,. :zLerrshi,p of an automobile in use and necessary for transportation ' r tk� +,-r by group does not affect eligibility. � •6c ial property with a value of as much as $1.00.00 excludes the client t,l..igibi.l.ity unless he liquidates this resource and applies it first t-An-rd. payment for medical care. 3 id of trade which are owned by the client and will be used are exempt f Lfc.,j consideration. .°Ah on hand,, depositedg or available must be used first for meeting needs �'z<Q medical care. i I E .. ,. . . LUBBOCK CITY-COUNPY �=, ARE DEPARTMENT �=AL Page 7 c. Real. Pro ert (defined t� .be: any real estate :in which the client owns an interest) The ownership of a resident hweistead._does�not affect eligibility. (2) AxW other real property in excess of -a-' hiomestead or on which the client is not living, excludes him from eligibility, if such property has a net value of as much as $300.00, unless the client liquidates this resource and applies it first toward.payment for medical care. d. Insurance Life and burial insurance policies with a face value of $500,00 or less per person are exempt from affecting eligibility, except such an insurance policy has a cash value of more than $150.00 per person. (2) If a life insurance policy has a coh value in excess of $150..00 per person in the family group, all cash above the' conversion value of $150.00 must first be applied toward payment for medical care. e. Loans-If a client can secure the necessary loans to pay for medical expenses9 he is medically indigent. f. Relatives-The ability and/or willingness of relatives living outside the home (the 2aai],y communal unit),, to assist should be determined. -If such relatives are not willing to assist, and they are not legally responsibleg this Department will not consider these relatives as a resource for meeting medical needs. g. Supplementalants- If a portion of the hospital bill is paid,, either through e c ent -s resou ceces (hospitalization insurances etc.),, this Department will supplement.these payments to the total amount of the hospital bill as assumed accorc ing to the policies of this agency. 4. Misrepresentation of Facts-Any attempt by any interested party to circumvent the pol.icie of the Department in order to become eligible is grounds for refusal of aid from this Department. 5. Income I'Iaximums-(These figures may be used in determining medical indigency if they are more lanient or liberal than the standard chart figures used in the determination of indigency.) a. ArW indigent client is medically indigent. b. Eligible medioallly indigent patients include families with these monthly income maximums (1) One-member families, $100.00 (2) Two-meraber families,, $125.00 (3) Three-member to six-member familieso add $20.00 per person for each one above two to $125.00 (4) Seven-member families and larger,, add $15.00 per person for each one above six to $205,00. C. Financial Questicnaire-(to assist the hospital in investigation of cases) The Dapartmen will make available to each hospital a forms providing an outline of questions and information of value In determining if a patient is potentially medically it ligent. 2. EJ!,.h hoap`41a_ 7d_'Ll be furnished a list of probable documents,, etc. which might be henlp2u! tc the patient ea responsible relative in proving his financial situation., and other helpful, suggestions may be made which will speed the investigation. D. Arbitration Cm mittee.-The, City-County Welfare Board will set up an arbitration committee of the; t:,_t:,eee members {not to it hides the director of the Department nor any member of the Be rrd directly concerned with a::.e offerring of medical care services) to act as a group to P� 3� ma,- be rrade for the ,-Lrlo .t,ration of any cases that are considered exceptional by the hospital. , do�Ttoro.9 personnel of the Departments, and other persons. E. Hospitalization ,Costs I. The basic '7cmi rate per day for medically indigent clients of the Department Ghn 11O,X. Payviants for nther hospital services should be the same as that charged for paying .ierits o ` .,s Hospitals, exempt where other Department policies are in conflict r 'h .s policy - . 04IC66 LUBBOCK CITY-COUNTY WEWARE DEPARTMENT MANUAL Page 8 C. Medical Care Services Offerred 1. D?ia nostic testing The Department will depend entirely upon services offered in the Lubbock City- County Medical Indigency Out-Patient Clinics for diagnostic testing(see the section of this Manual describing this out-patient clinics program.) 2. Hospitalization a. Emergency cases which are determined by the Department staff to be indigent or medically indigent are the responsibility of the agencys regardless of citizenship or residence status. b. The Department may pay for hoapitalization of-the medically indigent or the indigent patients non-emergency in status, if he is the bread-winner of a family, if his ailment incapacitates him from his usual occupation, and if it is not feasible for him to be referred to the State medical hospitals, c. A flat rate of $40.00 per case is paid for hospitalization of school children for tonsilectomies who families are found to be indigent or medically indigen by the Agency stuff d. .Wards of the Lubbock County courts and the .Lubbock City-County Child Welfare Unit are the responsibility of the Department for hospitalization. e. Referrals are made of those persona .thought to be eligible for hospitali- zation services through the programs of the Veterans' Administrations Texas Vocational Rehabilitation Division., Crippled_ Children's Division, the State Commission for the Blind, _etc. f. The Department will work with any physician in planning for referring patients who are not eligible for financial assistance from the Department in a local hospitals to the tax-supported tuberculosis, mental, and Universit of Texas Medical Schools hospitals and diagnostic clinica; but these person' must be medically indigent, go -The Department pays $3.00 daily to the John Sealy Hospital in Galveston for hospitalization of medically indigent residents of- Lubbock County$ provided the Department authorizes payment. ho Basic maintenance may be provided by the Department for the medically indi- gent patient receiving diagnostic "work-up" on an out-patient basis in one of the State medical schools treatment centers. 3e Nurs Care The -LubbockCity-County Welfare Department provides nursing care for eligible patients at the maximum rate of $125.00 monthly, In some cases requiring an unusual amount of individual care the maximum may equal as much as MO.00 a. The Agency supplements grants of other agencies and/or income of the patient and/or his relatives, etc. to the maximum rate, b, The Department does not place clients in nursing homes$ his relatives and/or guardian and physician assume this responsibility if he is not able to do so, c. If the client is a recipient of another agency and the Department is assumin€ supplemental financial responsibilityp the referring agency makes all plans with the client and/or his relatives or guardian for his care, including arranging for other services" such ass hospitalizations medical treatments visiting, etc. The referring agency notifies this Agency of the patient-is need of supplemental financial help and refers the patient and/or relatimm- or guardian for application. Written referralz are requested, d. It is the responsibility of the operator of the nursing bane to arrange with- the patient and/or his relatives or guardian for medical care of the patients including planning for such care in case of emergency illness or accident. e. The attending physician of the patient in the nursing home authorizes the entrance of the patient in a hospital, and the indigent patient mWor his relatives or guardian selects the hospital. , f. Drugs prescribed by a physician may be purchased by the Department for nursin care cases, g. The Department may pay for hospitalization locally for indigent nursing care cases which are determined by a physician to be emergency in status. oqlo%L- LUBBOCK CITY-COUNTY WELFARE DEPARDIENT MANUAL Pap 9 h. The Department may pay for transportation and the $3.00 daily rate to provide care for nursing care indigent patients in. the University of- Texas Nedical. schools: hospitals, and diagnostic clinics when these patientp -are 'not eli- gible for hospitalization in local hospitals by the Agency. i. The Lubbock City-County Welfare Department reserves the right to deny payment of nursing care for clients; if= (1) The nursing home does not meet the licensing standards of the State, City and/or County Health departments and-City Fire Departme4; (2) Patients are not in. the care of a lieensed_physician, according to the laws of Texas; (3) The Welfare Department caseworker is denied access to the client in his roams; ffiThere is ary evidence of patient abuse according to the caseworker; For any reason the standard, of care provided by the home is below that seemed desirable by the Welfare Department. fit. s F=cations prescribed by a physician for specific ailment of an indigent or medically indigent client is bought by the Department at pharmacies which give a material discount to the agency. 5. Transportation The Department provides transportation for indigent or medically indigent patients being sent to one- of the State treatment institutions, to their destination and return; and transportation for a person who must accompany them may be provided. 6. _S2ecial Needs A flat rate payment of $5.1)0 monthly may be made by the Department for special needs of medically indigent patients in tuberculosis hospitals, provided these patients are sent to these hospitals by the Lubbock County Judge and Lubbock City- County Health Unit, and provided the patients' relatives, etc., cannot meet these needs. M1 7, Medical Care A liaances etc. Medic indigent c3lents o need eye care (either lens or frames), bracesp etc.. the Department makes these purchases if there-is no other agency_in:the community who offers this service and if prescribed by a physician licensed by the State of Texas. 8, Dental Care rTheDepartment will depend entirely upon services offered in the Lubbock City- County Medical indigency Out-Patient Clinics for dental care(see the section of this Manual describing-this out-patient clinics program). VII1. CASMRK SERVlCE5 OFFERED BY THE DEPARTMENT A, Investigation of Need and Ce if cat on of Indigency- Caseworkers of the agency accept applications of clients and determine indigency and/or medically indigency for all clients of the agency whether they receive care through the general assistance, medical services program,, the United States Department of Agriculture food ccanmodities Program or the Lubbock -City-County Out-patient Clinics Program. A case record is maintained for each applicant reflecting the need for the services. B. Counseling- In— marW cases members of the family group are helped through counseling with reference to how they many deal with their problems. C. Case Conferences- ere two or more agencies or community organizations are giving services to the same family attempts to arrange for ca a conferences in order that recipients might be helped best to deal with their problems, looking toward rehabilitation if possible. D. Social Histories- recipient R assistance through the agency who is sent to one of the-State medical schools or tuberculosis hospitals is considered as being this agencies' responsibility with regard to any social information needed by the institutions where:he is staying. LUBHOCK CITE-COUNTY WELFARE DEPARTEM MAMAL Page 10 E. Inquiries From :Other Social Welfare Agencies- quiries are received from all sections of the United States askiig that relatives in this County be interviewed or reports made regarding persons living here or persons who have been and/or residents of this County. F. Referrals Any person who is not eligible for assistance from this agency and/or is eligible for services of a particular type through some other established community program, in addition to services offered by this agency,, is referred by the caseworker to the particular local agency. These referrals are made in writing and are given to the client., showing the name and the address of the place he may go. II. WELFARE DISTRIBUTION OF UNITED STATES DEPARTM M OF AGRICULTURE COMDITIES IN LUBBOCK COUNTY gal Authority for Operation By joint action the Lubbock County Cammiseionerst -Court and the City Commission of Lubbock formally and as a matter, of record authorized welfare distribution of United States Department of Agriculture food commodities for Lubbock County and provided that the County Judge of the County, of Lubbock had authority to contract with the Director of the Commodity Distribution Division of the Texas State Department of Public Welfare in behalf :of the Lubbock City-County Welfare Department for receiving the said food commodities.. _The said formal action of the Lubbock County Commissioners t .Court and City Cm mission of Lubbock provided that the standard of eligibility on which basis United States Depart- ment of Agriculture food commodities eh&l d be distributed to need persons in Lubbock County should be that of the State Standard of Eligibility for the United States Department of Agriculture commodities plan.and that these food coo miodities should be distributed to need y persons residing in Lubbock County without regard to length of residence in the County. B. Adtni�strat on h�ountyty_771ubbock is the Recipient Agency operating the United States Department of. Agriculture commodities program through the,Lubbock City-County.Welfare .Department and the CountyJudge of Lubbock County is the official of the Recipient Agency, The Director of the .Lubbock City-County.Welfare Department is the authorized represent- ative of the County of Lubbock responsible for welfare distribution'in .Lubbock County of food commodities donated by the United States Department of Agriculture through the Texas State Department of Public Welfare Space and equipment for establishing the food commodities program is Lubbock is provided by the County of Lubbock. The issuing clerk for United States Department of Agriculture food cannodities in Lubbock County is a staff member of the Lubbock City-County Welfare Department o The LUBBOCK CITY-0OUNTY WELFARE BOARD is responsible for administration of the c;;m odities program in Lubbock County and the operational cost of the plan is included in the annual budget of the Lubbock City,County. elfsre Department. C. Health Cards M'rsor�s direct connected with the receipt,, h re ack, and Pe. �Y , P , . . issuing of commodities by the Lubbock City-County Welfare Department vill be required to obta nand maintain on file.with the Director of the Agency a current health card secured in accordance with'existing.State Laws and local City aid County regulations. D. .Referrals from Other Social Agencies 1. State Department of Public Assistance Referrals- All Public Assistance cases accepted for commodities must be referred as a ble by the appropriate Field porker of.the e�ent of �'ubl3.c��elf'are on the form prescribed and provided Lubbockby C ounWelfare Department,, Idien recipients of Fublic Assistance, with or without dependents are living with non-dependent persons$ relatives or otherwise but as one household and are not the head(s) of the h ouseholdp then the application for commodities will be made to the county agency by the head of the household. In such situations,, all incomes including the Public Assistance grant(s) .must be considered. 04M_ L LUBBOCK CITY-COUNTY WELFARE DEPARDMNT MANUAL Page 11 2. Other Referrals, and Procedures in.-Hwidling Re�ferrrals werrM may be accepted from other localr ecognizee social agencies which maintain adequate case records reflecting the basis of eligibility to receive agency service and permitting the answering of a1* questions which might be raised concerning eligibility to receive United States Department of Agriculture cammzodities. Such agencies shauld refer only those ,cases eligible within the Standard of Eligibility adopted by the LUBBOCK CITY-COUNTY WELFARE BOARD and must agree that if necessary their records may be. eaam.ined to substantiate the basis for referral. The 'Lubbock City- ount Welfare Department will reserve the right to make .any additilonal investigation found necessary, It will also _ rem n the responsibility .of the:appropriate representative of the Lubbock City- County Welfare Department to actually certify such referred cases as beingg eligible to receive came odities4See instructions for completing referral forms) E. Standard of ibil-i�t Individuals and families receiving food commodities-`shall be advised such commodities are to be used for their consumption and are not to be sold.. trad- ed., or otherwise disposed. of. Grants for food must not be reduced`by the distributing agency or by other social agencies making referrals for commodities for their recipients because of the receipt of`United States Department of Agriculture donated food commodities] that is, the level of financial or other assistance provided needy persons by those ggenciei must not be reduced by virtue of the receipt of United States Department of Agriculture commodities. Continuing eligibility of persons to receive commodities must be determined at least every six months. 1. Citizenship United es Citizenship is omitted as a requirement incident to the receipt of commoditieso 2. Residence er' rsons residing in Lubbock County who are otherwise eligible. for receipt of commodities may be issued commodities without regard to the length of residence in the county] that is, "legal residence" is omitted as a re- quirement for eligibility. ,, Cammodities may be issued only to individuals or families living under such circumstances as to have facilities for preparing- and serving meals. "Transients"., those living in hotels nurs- ing homes., boarding hones and rooming houses and those who take their meals in cafes are automatically excluded from receipt of commodities. 3. EM1 to ent Availability of employment to employable individuals eighteen years of age or older shall be considered as a resource in determining eligibility to receive commoditiesj and the employable person's refusal to accept or attempt to obtain employment shall exclude the individual, or family from receipt of commodities. �. Income 7=nneome from all sources must be considered in determining eligibility or receipt of commodities. Income may include Public Assistance,, Un- employment Compensation, Old Age and Survivors Insurances Veterans Pensions or Compensation., earnings, rentals., sickness benefitss retirement paymentso annuities., etc. 5. -Income Maximums The following table indicates the maximums on income levels for the number of persons in the family in determining eligibility to receive commoditiess er Persons 1 2 or 3 4 or 5 6 or 7 8 or 9 10 or more i 1 0.00 plus V15.00 nthly Income �b0.00120.0071�0.00165.00 $180.00 for each additional person above 9 041056L LUBBOCK CITY-COUNTY tMEARE DEPARTMENT MANUAL Page 12 6. Resources ME-i teems as homesteads furnishing shelter* necessary household goods# essential transportations and tools of trade being used need not be considered as affecting eligibility for commodities. All other capital resources shall be considered# including the loan and/or-sale value of real estate# cash on hand in a bank or elsewhere# bonds# excessive Life insurance and other real or personal property. a. Resource maximums in real or personal property which an individual or family may own and still be eligible to receive commodities are indicated in the following: (1) One person---$300.00 �2� Two sans--WO.00 3 Add 0.00 for each additional person up to $600.00 b. Cash value of insurance above $300.00 for any person excludes him from eligibility. F. Continuing_E_l_i bilit Al~l 'Commodity 0n3,v1 cases must be'reviewed at least on%0, each six (6) months to determine continuing eligibility and dated chronolo- gical recordings will be made on the 'Commodity Case Record' card . substantiating such decisions. Should an individual or family fail to call for commodities two months in succession all such cases will be officiAlly close in accordance current procedure. If the persons v&ose cases were closed for this reason wish to again receive commodities, new application forms and/or referral forms will be appropriately executed and eligibility redetermined abd recorded. Ze SOCIAL CASE WORK SERVICES FOR LUBBOCK CITY-COUNTY OUT-PATIENT CLINICS R INDIGENTS A. Resg2 rsibilities of the Lubbock Ci -Count Welfare Department . Determination of indigency and certification of eligible patients 2. Social case work services for indigents as requested a. By the Physician-in-charge b. By the patient and/or his family 3. Case work services needed by patients as recognized by staff of Lubbock City-County Welfare Department 4. Purchase of drugs prescribed by the Physician-in-charge 5. Provision f®r other treatment prescribed by the Physician--in- charge within limitations of our budget and-,,policies 6. Maintenance of needed records to account for services given by this Department B. Procedures in Offering Case work Services for Eligible Patients 1. e� w applicants a. Register for application b. Intake interview and verifications of needs and resources (may require another interview) c. Preparation of case records forms and central index cards d. Certification for Clinics (identification card given) or denial of further clinic services e. Referral to available resources f. Posting of central index cards 2. Eligible Patients a. Registration for clinic services (may have clinic appointment slip) b. Making available to Physician-in-charge any medicol and/or social data in patient's case file 04106VI Ll7IBOCg C=-CMJNTY WEIFARE DEPARTMENT IWIJAL Page 13 r c. Processing of treatment and/or appointment slips d. Follow-through with Physician-in-charge for prescribed treatment (including authorization of expenditures) (1) Hospitalization locally (2) Purchase of drugs$ etc. (3) Purchase of appliances; etc. (4) Planning for transportation and treatment in State clinics and hospitals (5) Providing for nursing care e. Social planning with Public Health Department and/or other agencies f. Posting of patient and family central service cards