HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 082257E - Notice Of Public Hearing - Proposed Actions Under Urban Renewal Law Of Texas - 08_22_1957 OAZZ,57T RESOLUTION A.RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR MEETING OF AND PUBLIC HEARING ;BEFORE CITY COMMISSION OF CITY OF LUBBOCK CONCERNING CERTAIN PROPOSED ACTIONS UNDER THE URBAN RENEWAL LAW OF TEXAS;, AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF SUCH MEETING AND HEARING. WHEREAS$ the Urban Renewal .Law of the State of Texas finds and declares the existence in the incorporated cities$ towns and villages of said State of slum and blighted areas (as therein defined) and that such areas constitute a serious and .growing menace*. injurious and inimical to the public health*, safety*; morals and welfare of the residents of the State; and* WHEREAS said Urban Renewal Law authorizes the exercise of certain powers thereunder by any such citya, town or village and by an Urban Renewal Agency as provided for in said Urban Renewal Law,,, for the elimination and prevention of the spread of such slum and blighted areas$, provided that the governing body of such city; town or village shall have: (a) Caused to be published at least twice in the newspaper officially designated by such governing body,, a notice that on a date certai% (which date shall be stated in the notice and shall be not less than sixty days after the publication of the first of such notices) such governing body will consider the question of whether or not it �-- will order an election to determine if it should adopt a resolution substantially in the form set forth in Section 1 hereof; (b) Determined (on or after the date specified in such notice) to call i such election; (c) Given (after its determination to call such election) at least thirty dayst notice of such election; and provided further that at such election so called and held*, ((at which only qualified voters residing in such city, town or village* owning taxable property within the corporate limits thereof, who have duly rendered the same for taxation* shall be entitled to vote) a majority of those voting thereat shall vote in favor of such governing body t s adoption of* and such governing body thereafter adoptsp, .such resolution; and, WHEREAS*, the City Commission of the City of Lubbock* deems it necessary that said City avail itself of the provisions of ;said Urban Renewal Law*; and the City Commission further deems it necessary to consider whether or not an Urban Renewal Agencys as provided for in said Urban Renewal Law.; should be created in and for the City of Lubbock¢ Vexas; and* WHEREAS* it is the purpose and intent of the City Commission* on the date and at the'time and place specified in the form of notice contained in Section 1 hereofs to hold a public hearing on the question ofp and to consider r ' __0b 4j and determine, whether or not it will order an election to determine if it should adopt a resolution substantially in the form set forth in said form of notice; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: *SECTION I. THAT the following notice is hereby ordered to be published by the City .Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, said notice to be published in the Sunday,, August 25th, 1957, and Sunday, September 1st,, 1957, issues of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal,which is published on,weekdays Monday through Saturday as the Lubbock Morning ;Avalanche and published on Sundays under the name of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, being published in the City of Lubbock, Texas the official newspaper of the City of Lubbock) said notice to be in the following form,, to-wit: "NOTICE OF ,MEETING OF AND PUBLIC HEARING BY CITY COMMISSION OF CITY OF LUBBOCKI, TEXAS,. CONCERNING CERTAIN,PROPOSED ACTIONS UNDER THE URBAN RENEWAL LAW OF TEXAS. "'Pursuant to the provisions of the tUr.ban Renewal Law$ of the State of Texas, notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, will meet a t the City Hall, in said City# on the 25th day of October, 1957, at Nine o�clock a. m. C.S. T. at which time and place .said Commission will conduct a public hearing on the question of, and will consider and :determine, whether or not it will order an:election by the qualified voters residing in said City, owning taxable property within the;,boundaries thereof, who have duly rendered the same for taxation, to determine if the .City Commission should adopt a resolution substantially as follows: 'RESOLUTION MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS;, DETERMINA- TIONS, AND ELECTIONS UNDER AND PURSUANT TO THE URBAN RENEWAL LAW OF TEXAS. tBE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK,. TEXAS, AS FOLLOWS: (SECTION I. It is hereby found and determined that one or more slum or blighted areas exists in .the City .of Lubbock. 'SECTION Z. It is hereby further found and determined that the rehabilitation, conservation, or slum clearance .and redevelopment or a combination thereof, of such slum or blighted area or areas, is necessary in the interest of public health, safety, morale or welfare of the residents of said'City. $SECTION 3- It is hereby further determined that the City of Li&bock. shall exercise the powers granted to the city by the .Urban Renewal 0a 4 V1 JMdW11&__ Law of the State of Texas, except the Urban Renewal Project Powers as defined in said Urban Renewal Law. 'SECTION 4. It is hereby further determined to be necessary and in the public interest that the ty of Lubbock elect, and, accordingly, the City hereby elects to have said Urban Renewal Project Powers exercised by the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Lubbock, which agency is created by said Urban Renewal Law. 'SECTION 5. The findings, determinations, and elections herein made are made in accordance with and the various terms used herein are used in the same sense as used or defined in said Urban Renewal Law. ' "At the aforesaid public,hearing, each person will be given full opportunity to be heard, either in person or by his counsel, relative to the subject being considered, and likewise to present to and file with the City Commission for its consideration, his written comments and recommenda- tions 'relative to such subject. City Commission, City of Lubbock, Texas S. S.' FORREST, JRi.,* Matey ai - d2w a O. L. BYRD„ Commissioner OMER G. MAXEYv Comm ssioner DAFT CASEY, Commi ioner LRXMSW. BAKER, Commissioner ATTEST, LavenA'JUowe, City Secretary-Treasurer SECTION' 2. The City Commission shall meet on the date and at the time and place specified in the form of notice contained in .Section,.1 hereof and shall then and there hold a public hearing on the question of, and consider and determine, whether,or not it will order an election in the City of Lubbock, in accordance with the Urban Renewal Law of the State of Texas, to determine if it should adopt a°resolution substantially in, the form set forth in said form of notice. . L2 Passed by the City _Commission of the City of Lubbock this 22nd day c of August, 1957, on motion of Commissioner Casey , seconded by.Commissioner Baker Commissioners voting yeasBaker, Byrds Casey and Maxey and Mayor Forrest. Commissioners voting nay: None S. S.YORRESTO, JR.I Mayo ATTEST: Lavenia Low , City Secretary-Treasurer