HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 072557D - Street Improvements - J.R. Fanning - GWO 1234-C - 07_25_1957 GO 07 S11) RESOLUTION / RESOLUTION ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS ON PORTIONS OF STREETS, AND/OR AVENUES AS LISTED BELOW AND ORDERING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES IN EVIDENCE OF ASSESSMENTS LEVIED. WHEREAS, the City of Lubbock heretofore passed various street im- provement ordinances and resolutions and entered into contract with J. R. Fanning (G.W.O. 1234-C) for the making and construction of street improvements on portions of numerous streets in said city including among others the following: A "Leaveout" on 6th Street from its intersection with the East Property Line of Lot 11, Block 131, Overton Addition to its intersection with a line 9 feet West of the West Property Line of Lot 12, Block 131, Overton Addition, known and designated as "Leaveout" Unit Number .2. A "Leaveout" on Avenue S from its intersection with the North Property Line of Lot 1, Block 29, Overton Addition to its intersection with the South Property Line of Lot 1, Block 29, Overton Addition, known and designated as "Leaveout" Unit Number 5. A "Leaveout" on 15th Street from its intersection with the East Property Line of Lot 22, Block 23, Overton Addition to its intersection with the West Property Line of Lot 22, Block 23, Overton Addition, known and designated as "Leaveout"" Unit Number 10. A "Leaveout" on 17th Street from its intersection with the East Property Line of Lot 5, Block 7, Overton Addition to its intersection with the West Property Line of Lot 5, Block 7, Overton Addition, known and designated as "Leaveout" Unit Number 12. A "Leaveout" on Avenue N from its intersection with the South Property Line of Lot 10, Block 161, Original Town, to its intersection with a line 13 feet North of the South Property Line of Lot 8, Block 161, Original Town, known and designated as "Leaveout" Unit Number 31. A "Leaveout" on 24th Street from its intersection with the East Property Line of Lot 6, Block 60, McCrummeu!l's 2nd addition to its intersection with the West Property Line of Lot 6, Block 60, McCrumments 2nd Addition, known and designated as "Leaveout" Unit Number 46. A "Leaveout` on 26th Street from its intersection with the East Property Line of Lot 21, Block 67, Highland Heights Addition to its intersection with the West Property Line of Lot 21, Block 67, Highland Heights Addition, known and designated as "Leaveout" Unit Number 47. A "Leaveout" on 25th Street from its intersection with the East Property Line of Lot 1, Block 14, South Side Addition to its intersection with a line 7.5 feet West of the West Property Line of Lot 1, Block 14, South Side Addition, known and designated as "Leaveout" Unit Number 51. 4 0125SID AND WHEREAS, the improvements upon the said portions of the above- mentioned streets and/or avenues, have been inspected and found to have been constructed in accordance with terms of said contract (GWO 1234-C) . THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, TEXAS: I. That the improvements on said portions of the abovementioned street and/or avenues be, and the same are hereby accepted. II. That the Mayor and City Secretary be, and they are hereby instruct- ed to execute and deliver certificates in evidence of the assessments levied against the parcels of property abutting upon the said portions of streets and/or avenues listed above and against the owners of such property in accordance with law and in the, manner provided in said contract, and the proceedings with reference to said improvements and assessments where such assessments were levied. III. This resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 25TH DAY OF JULY, 1957. S. S. Forrest, Jr.' or ATTE Lavenia Lowe, City Secretary AP ROVED: IgTn- T. Hickerson, City Engineer A VED: Vaughn E. Wilson, City Attorney r 4 r 4� CITY OF LUBBOCK072551D TEXAS July 25, 1957 Honorable Mayor and City Commission Lubbock, Texas Gentlemen: I have examined the paving improvements constructed by J. R. Fanning, under his contract dated March 22, 1956, designated as G.W.O. 1234-C, and find the improvements on the leaveouts known and designated as '!Leaveout" Units Number 2, 5, 10, 12, 31, 46, 47 and 51, as listed on the final estimate and assessment sheet to have been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and recommend that you accept the improvements on said streets, authorizing payment to the contractor the amount shown on the attached consolidated final estimate sheet as due him by the City of Lubbock and issue assignable certificates against property owners for the respective amounts shown on the attached final assessment sheets as being due against them and their respective properties. Yours very truly, L5ohn T. Nickerson JHS:wm City Engineer 0 0 ITO- A CONSCLIDATED FINAL 12TIN'ATE QUANTITIES: G. W. .O, 1234-C, Accepted July 25, 1957 Paving Subgrade Curb & Gutter Leaveout No. Location S. Y. S. Y. L. F. 2 2421 - 2423 6th Street 102,00 132,00 108,00 5 802 806 Avenue S 93.89 129.31 127.50 10 1906 15th Street 45.83 60.83 54.00 12 1702 - 1706 17th Street 139.30 1.80.27 147.50 31. 1415 - 1"9 Avenue N 50.17 68.23 65.00 46 2102 --22104 24th Street 108.33 143.89 128.00 k7 2208 26th Street 39.67 53.56 50.00 1 12077 - 1211 25th Street 108.89 146.lam 4-00 T€3TAls 688.08 914.20 $14.00 COST ESTIMATE: 688.08 S. Y. Paving 0 1.24/s,y. 853.22 93.4 20 S. .Y. Subgr. @ IS .19/$•y• 173.70 814.00 L. F. Curb & Gutter 1.45/L. F. il8w0 CONTRACT COST 2207.22 4: F' COST DISTRIBUTION: Leaveout No. Contract Cost P. 0. Cost City to Contract IM 2 308.16 237.9.1 6 70.25 5 325.87 268.14 57.73 10 146.69 115.07 31.62 12 420.86 333.24 87.62 31 169.42 „'138.42 31.00 46r 347.27 � 2`79-7�6+. �6j7�..5e17 4[ 131-87 e1�u7*30 24r5/( 51 3 -08 282.62 7.� M TOTALS 21207.22 $1,762.46 U4.76, I ;r P r1b Fino1 Paving Assessment 6tb. Street C. 14. 0. 1.234; C Skeet No. 1 of 1 City of LuIbbock From 2-421 6tla Street to 21,.23 6-0, Street . ecerted July 25, 1957 Unit No. L. 0. #2 U) vT3dth 10 Feet Omer Logs Plocks .- Prving Cutter ^t 22. o tb L3.i�. fit. Cost South Side I. L. Smith 11 9, 12 131 Overton 100 .085660 55.66 100.00 152.25 237.91 TOTAL ASSESSED 'P.O. COST 237.91 CITYIS SH .F'E 55.66 TOT'.I, UFIT COST 323. 57 PIn,,,l Thving Assessment Avenue S G. TIT. C. 1234-0 Sheet 11-10. 1 of 1 GA I City of Lubbock From 802 A'Irenae S to 806 .venue 8 Accepted July 25, 1957 Unit No. L.O. Vidth 7.5 Feet IP Ovner Lots Block Addition No. 'ft. Rate Cost Curb & Gutter at 1.5225 -A. NLin. Ft. Cost Amft&- Vest Side IT. Y. Iteo,h- 1 29 0T7erton 127.5 0.580549 74.02 127.50 194.12 269.14 TOTPI ATM,4",ST,?D P.O. COST f"11-mlis SWIT-E, 74102_ TOVI'L UNIT CO3'5T 342.16 'Pinr.l v-!nL kssessment 15th ,Street C. W. 0. U Sheet IYo. l of y of Iubl�nck From 1906 15th Street to 1906 15t� Street Accepted Tu'.y 25, 1957 Knit. No. I.C'. #10 lid tln 9.5 F*bt -- t?tarzer Lots Blocks Addition .a. t. .te Cast Curt; Gutter at 1.5225 -3 0 Lin. Ft. North Side Cecil 13. (!goods) Jones 2.2 23 Overton 50 0.77880 38.94 50.00 76.1.3 A,1115.07 TOT`I ASSESSED F.0a. COST A 115.07 C TIW-'S SY?,.P l 6 � s:- 3 .a5 T'OT I L UVIT COST 154.02 Au SAM Fi l T,?.vinF Jkssessplent 17th street G. ' . 0. 993 City of T-ub�nck r4idth 10.5 Feet From 1702 'N 1'7v'r Itrect to 1706 17 t? street A cce led jjul 25 1957 Unit Roo L.D. `12 D-mer Lots Ploc3k dditi€�n No. -to Rnte Cost C-&rb & Gutter at 1.5225 Lin. Ft. North Side Le7_ftn6 S. east 5 7 'overton 11=7.5 0.73667 108.66 1/,r7.50 22/,. 8 333.24 TOT'L A3,17; SIL P.O. COST 333.24 CITY I S Tr s 108.66 77'L UYTT COST 4,41.90 n n Final_ ' trim?Gr W2,Assessment _,venue ��I G. W. �J. �,��4-C ._sheet No. 1 0f 1 C1ty o' Lubbock From 1115 Avenue IT to 141.9 Avenue U Accented Jul, 25, 1957 Unit No. L.O. %'31 Vidth 9 Peet owner Lots 131ocI .ddit on _ NO. Ft. costa Curb & Gutter at I.5225 Lin. Ft Cost Total Fpst Side James N. Goodman 10., 9 & of 8 161 Orig3nal Toim 65 0,60707 39.4.6 65.00 98.96 _138.42 TOT,',L CFS"SLD P.J. COST 138.42 C 1TY is smam TOT=-.L UNIT CC{"T ............................. 0— Final vine �:_ssessment 21, th Street �. w. 0. l zc Sheet Ado. 1 of 1 city of Lubbock From 2102 24th Street to 23-04 21,th `3treet Accepted J ily 25, 10,57 Unit NO. truth 7.1; Feet (Nmer Toots plod addition ITO. Ft. Rate Cost Onrb & Gutter fqt 1.5225 Ft. Total J North Side Ilers 6 60 MaCx men't 2- d 129 0.64620 83.36 . 1.96.40 '�.u �•'E 6 TOTAL A SSES,S73) P.O. COST 279.76 C1TYIS .'I?- 84,87 TOTAL T=T COST 361..63 Final 7b.ving "Lssessment City of Lubbock 26th Street G. W. 0. 1234-C "Sheet N. 1 of 1 g 3dth '7.5 Feet From 2208 26th Street to 2208- 26th Street ,cce�ted Jul '7 � ftit Not L.Q• -A mpr Lots r .oe'.s Addition _ IT . pt. � � ,.vine Curb °� ('Putter �t 1 .52�5 Rate Cost Lira. Ft. Cost Total lrorth Side F'. 81 Denny 21 67 ighlend Neigj�ts 50 0,623 .0 31.17 50.00 ?6.13 107.30 TOTAWL ASSESSED P.O. COST 107-30 CITE'1 S EFT E 2 .116 TOT.'L UNIT COST 138.46 a .. ..... ............. ..... .. ...... ..._ .. ... ....__,_. ..... .. ... .... Fins.1 ftiring Assessxmerts City of Lul-bock 25th Street G. T . 0. 1234--C Sheet No. 1 of 1 Width 7.5 Feet From 1207 25th Street to 1211 25th Street Icce ted July 25 1957 Unit No. L. O. _j 51 Owner Lois Blocks Addition 110. Ft. Rat e Paving Curb & Gutter f,.t 1.5225 Rate Cott Lin. Ft Cost Tote1 South10 SidQ zlhert Lane 1 11..1 South Side 125 o.73848 92.31 125.00 190.31 282.62 TOTAL ASSESSED P.O. COST 282.62 CFTV+S SF':RE TOTU UNIT COST 374.93