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Resolution - 101156 - Street Improvements - West Texas Construction Inc - GWO 1234-B - 10_11_1956
t m CITY OF LUBB13CK IS (D n.w A\ �CKI TEXAS October 11, 1956 Honorable Mayor and City Commission Lubbock, Texas Gentlemen: I have examined the paving improvements constructed by West Texas Construction, Incorporated, wader their contract dated March 22, 1956, designated as G.W.O. 1234-B, and find the improvements on the streets, avenues, and/or alleys known and designated as Sub- Units 53, 6$ 7, 8.9 % 10, U, 121, 131, 14, 16, 17, 18 and 19 of Unit No.. 1850- Sub-Units 3, 4$ 7, S, 9, 10, 111,. 123, 13, 151 17, 18$ 21, 24, 25 and 26 of Unit No, 1851; Sub-Units 1, 2, 41, 5*. 63, 7'P 83, 90 10, 11 and 12 of Unit No. 1852; and Sub Unit No. l of Unit 1854, as listed on the: final estimate and assessment sheet to have been completed in accordance with the plains and specifications and recommend that you accept the improvements on said-etreets, avenues and/or alleys, authorizing payment to the contractor the amount shown on the attached consolidated final estimate sheet as dues them by the City of Lubbock and issue assignable certificates against property owners for the respective amounts shown on the attached final assessment sheets as being due against them and their respective properties. Yours very "truly, Ao T. Hickerson M:mm City Engineer CONSOLIDATED FINAL ESTDIATE SUB p ITS .ACCEPTED OCTOBER Us 1956 G.W.Ax 1224-B LUANTITIES Unit & S,Y. S.Y L.F. S.Y. S.Y. Sub-Unity Vocation Paving Sub;. G & G Alley Valley RLtan Gutt 1850-5 39th St..; Ave. P to Ave, L 3,909.34 41684,.75 21,4.99,66 811C 1850-6 40th St.; Ave. P to Ave., L 3,883.54 4,647„49 2,515.96 65„C 1850-7 41st St,; Ave. P to Ave. L 3,888„81 4.1663.09 2,450.66 93.! 1850-8 ,Ave. N; 38th St, to 39th St,. 808,89 995.00 598.00 20.00 1850-9 Ave, N; 39th St,. to 40th St, 808„89 995,00 598.,00 20,00 1850-10 Ave. N! 40th St, to 41st, St, 722,22 8724,22 168.,00 20,00 1850--11 Ave. N; 41st St,. to 42nd St. 79" 977,77 588.00 20,00 1850-12 Ave.. L; 38th St, to 39th St„ 791,56 959.06 567,.00 10.00 1850--1:3 Ave, L; 39th St, to alley S,of 433.33 531.94 319,00 10,00 39th St. 1850-14 Ave. L-, 40th St, to alley S. of 433.33 531.94 319.00 10,00 40th St,. 1850--16 49th St.; Ave. U to Ave. V 2,012.1.1 23,4.35.40 11,269,96 70,.5 1850-17 49th St.; Ave. V to Ave. W 2,154.53 21519,55 11314.08 1850--18 Ave. V; 49th St. to alley N. of 310.56 370,28 21.5.00 49th St, 150--19 48th St ,; Ave. U to Ave,. V 29092.63 2,442.06 1,257.,96 51--3 Ave. C; 29$h St. to 30th St, 11389,.78 1,608,.4.2 787,12 1851-4. Ave. C; 29th St. to F.W. & D.G.RR 1,661.84. 1,890.68 823.84 R.O.W., 1851-7 Ave.,. P; 39th St, to 40th St, 981,33 1,178,.00 598.00 30.56 1851-,8 Ave„ P; 4Qth St„ to 41st St,. 970,.67 11,140.95 569,00 12,22 1851.-9 Ave. P; 41st St. to 42nd St, 11237.33 1001.41 667„40 24.44 54*2: 185110 Ave. K; 37th St. to 38th St, 931,.56 1,097.66 550,.00 13.33 1851 11 37th St.; Ave. K to Ave. d 1,419.29 1,682.39 730,60 60.1# 1851-,1:2 37th St..; Ave. F to Ave. G 998,.16 1,139,55 509,.02 1851 13 56th St.; Ave.. G to Ave. D 1,581.,16 1,828.,22 889,44.0 1851-15 52nd St.; Ave. N to Ave. H 7,611A.36 81734.10 3,803.46 13,33 52.85 1851 17 44.th St,; Ave. S to Ave. T 22055.93 2,419.34 1,308.26 1851 18 42nd St.; Ave, T to Ave. U 23,363,.73 2720,.07 1,282.82 1851-21 Ave. W; 38th St, to 37th St. 1,023.76 1:205.26 605.42 13.33 1851-24 40th St.; Ave, g to .Ave. SOT 2,402.69 2,756.99 1,275.47 1851-25 Hartford Ave.; 33rd St., to 34th St. 1.5,016#89 1,190.92 494,50 36,.67 . 1851.-26 Canton Ave.; 41st St, to 42nd St.,. 1,102.62 12294.52 642.84 13.33 1852 1 38th St,; Ave. K to 2401 W. of 2,793.94 3,214.62 1,228,66 8.89 70.5( Ave. L, 1852--2 40th St.; Ave. B to ,Ave. D 3,725.33 4,180,23 1,637.64 1852-4 Ave,. N; 51st St.. to 52nd St.. 1,1.44.22 11310,►05 561,00 10„00 1852-5 52nd St.; Ave.. P to Ave„ N 21,576.09 2,91.6,21. 1,224,42 1852-6 58th St,.; Ave. V to Temple Ave. 8,611,.37 91,620.09 3,631,.40 1852-»7 Ave. U; 46th St. to 47th St. 11358,87 1,587„09 656.84 17,.78 27,.9€ 1852-8 Ave. U; 47th St. to 48th St. 11368.87 10588.63 610,42 22,22 ZMA "--q52-9 Ave,. U; 48th St, to 49th St. 1,140,.00 11313.33 544.00 22.22 52-1.0 Ave.U; 37th St,. to 38th St. 4011,.56 4204.02 656,84 10.00 "°""f 52-11 38th St., Ave, V to Ave,, W 3,189,24 3,566,.37 11357.68 1852-12 38th St.; Flint Ave. to Gary Ave. 2,529.11 2,86 ,89 1,198..00 1854,1 30th Pl.; Canton Ave. to El.gan Ave. 1 1,6121,00 2,10,19 1 6 6 8 7" Totals 82,852.88 96,479.75 45,471.1.7 358,.32 637,.67 820852,88 S. Y. Paving 0 1.20/S.Y. $99,423.46 96,479.75 S. Y. Subgr. Prep. 0 .23/S,eY. — 22,190.34 45,471.17 L. F, Curb & Gutter a si.51/S;,,Y. - 68,661,,1.7 358.32 S. Y. Alley Return 4 20/S,.Y, — 1,504*94 637.67 S. Y. Valley Gutter 4.00/S.Y. — 2,S50,68 Contract Cost 194,330 89 COST OISTRIBTIO SUB-UNITS ACCEPTED OCTOBER 11. 1956 G.W.0. 123k--B '' its & contract Property Owner Unit Complete Cityts cost Amount to be Subunits Cast cast City to Contr. for extra released frc Now width a crag `acco 1850-5 91867.43 10,245.82 - 378.39 1850-6 9,788.55 1o,263.43 - 474.86 1850-7 93813.74 10,003.97 - 190., 1850-8 2,186;,50 1,833.84 352.2 1850-9 2,186.5o 1,833.84 352.66 1850 10 1,857.95 1,375,.38 4.82.57 1850-31 2,150.10 19 799.24 350.86 1850-12 21068.63 2,101.04. 32.41 1850 13 4166.03 1,118.07 47.96 1850-114, 11166.03 1,118,07 47.96 1850-•16 5,174.39 5,175.68 - 1,29 1850 17 5,149.19 5,14.9.19 -0- 1850 18 782,.49 782.49 -0- 1850 19 4,972,35 4,885.59 86.76 18514 3,226.22 3,447.14 - 220,.92 1851-4 31673„06 31368,60 304.46 1853 7. 2,479,$,7 2,007.34 472..53 1851-8 22337.74 2j,209.29 128,.45 1851-9 31157.54 1,889,70 1,267.84 151 10 2,.256,82 2,041,06 215,76 511. 31433.94 2,993.42 440,.52 1851 12 2,228„51 21228.06 0*45 . 1851-13 3,6601.88 31989.18 -» 328,30 1851-15 17,153,25 15,869;.65 1,283.60 185117. 4,994.04 5,364.77 - 365.73 1851 18• 51399.15 5,683.12 - 283.97 1851-21 2,475.89 21147.71 328.18 1851 24 51443.30 5,659.83 - 216.53 1851-25 2,394.89 1..991.64 3*25 1851-26 2,647.56 13,907;.87 739*69 1852-1 61266.71 11910093 1,704,16 2,651.62 1852--2 7,904«69 7,894.94 9.75 1852-4 2,563.49 2,464.24 99.25 1852-5 5,610.,91 6,137,.12 - 526.21 1852-6 18,029,.68 15,023..01 11224.88 1,781,79 1852-7 39174.10 4415,12 931.88 327.10 1852 8 3,135 01 1,377.04 710*33 315,.09 732.55 1852-• 2$ 84.83 2,158.89 155,67 270.27 1852 10 2,524.63 19,915,12 609„51 1852-31 6,697.45 5,645.47 359.29 692,69 1852 12 53,502.15 21771.82 27.41 599.59 2,103.33 1854-1 500319,24 6 87 2,393487 Totals 1941330.93 172,343.58 12,513.32 6,638.15 21835.88 City Pent to be made NOW for October 13, 1956 Acceptance is 19,151.47 isFINAL PAVING ASS ;SSVYT 39th Street Sheet No. 2 of 2 G.W,O, 1234 B Sub-Unit #5 of Width 20 Feet From WPL Avenue P to the EGL Avenue L .Acce t d 10--11- 6 Unit No 18 Paving 4000 Owner Rate Cost C & G at $1.5855 Ft. Total 40 L t Block Addition Igo Ft Lin Ft Co Co t SOUTH SIDE f COIt,,TD) Pearl and Ella Mae Stolle 2 11 J.C.Davis Sub. 60.0 2.811849199 168,71 60,00 95.13 263,84 Joe Willford Moore 3 11 J.G.Davis Sub. 60.o 168,71 6o,00 95.13 263.84 Halbert 1. Kiefer) et ux 4 11 J.C.Davis Sub. 6o.o " 168,71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Toy Blooming Graves 5 11 J.C.Davis Sub, 60,0 168,71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Sanford Lee, et ux 6 11 J.C,Davis Sub. 6o.o " 168,71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Cecil Barnes, et ux 7 11 J.C.Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60,00 95.13 263.84 T. E. Gristy, at ux 8 11 J.C.Davis Sub. 60';0 168,71 60.00 95,13 263.84 H. 0. Nossum, et ux 9 11 J.C.Davis Sub. 6o.o " 168,71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Donald Wayne Johnson et ux 10 11 J.C.Davis Sub. 6;.o 182.77 65,00 103,07 285.84 AAST END F.W. & D.C. RR Co. Beginning at a point 1675 ft. S. and. 50. 2.811849199 `140.60 50.00 79.28 219.88 1270 ft. E. of W.W. Cor. of Sec. 8, Blk. "B" Lubbock County, Texas Thence N, 50 ft.; Thence E. 50 ft.; Thence S. 50 ft.; Thence W. 50 ft. to point of beginning Total P. 0., Cost 10,245.82 City's Share 114.E Total Cost 10,360.80 Final paving Assessment 1fOth Street 0. W. 0. 1234-B Sheet No. 1 of 2 Midth 30 Feet From WGL Lveme P t t e EGL Avenue L Aece ted 10-11- 6 9eib-tTnit #6 Unit No. 18 0 Paving . - C. & G. at $1.5855 omm 0�sr Lot Shook addition No I Rate Cost in, Ft Cost Total Cost 411110 .. .fj North Side r Noah Faneoek, Jr., at ux 1.1 11 J. C. Davis Sub. 65.0 2.811849199 182.77 65.00 103.06 285.83 Raymon L. Turner, at ux 12 11 J. G. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168.71 6o.00 95.13 263.84 0. R. Cotton 13 11 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 P. W. Quinn, et tax 14 11 J. 0. Davis Sub. 60.0 It 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Cecil V. YA11ow, et ux 15 11 J. 0. Davis Sub. 60.0 n 168.71 6o.00 95.13 263.84 A. M. Howard 16 11 J. 0. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.8/+ 11. L. Rodgers, et tax 17 11 J. 0. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Jack Doil Smith 18 11 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 15.13 263.84 James A. Law, Jr., at ux 19 11. J. C. Davis Sub, 60.00 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Miner L. Vill.ard, et the 20 11 J. 0. Davie Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 J. M. I&PPa at ux 12 6 J. 0. Davis Sub. 55.0 n 154.65 55.00 87.2€? 241-85 Thomas V. Roes 1.3 6 J. C. ]Davis Subs 60.0 " 168.71 6o,00 95.13 263.84 Ling , Irwin, et ng 14 6 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168,71. 60.00 95.13 263.84 Jemee E. Thompson, et ux 15 6 J. 0. Davis Sub. 60..0 " 168.71. 6fl.00 95.13 263.84 Froward J. F. Chapman, et Vx 16 6 J. 0. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168.71. 60.00 95.13 263.84 Pata H. Short 17 6 J. C. Davis Sub, 60.0 " 1.6e,71. 60,00 95.1:3 263,64 R. P. Bishop 18 6 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 JI 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Faroid B. N.cker, et ux 19 6 J. 0. Davis Sub. 60.0 n 168.71 60,00 95.13 263.84 J. B. Thomas, at ux 20 6 J. 0. Dams Sub. 60.0 " 168.71 60.0o 95.13 263.84 South Side Leonard Gordon Kelley, at ux 3 7 J. 0; Davis Sub. 60.0 2,811849199 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Gene Gordon, Jr. 4 7 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Alton G. Blewer, at ux 5 7 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 a 168.71. 60.00 Leland 0. Rieka, at ux 6 7 J. 0. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 V. 0+ (Jack) Raj 7 7 J. C: Davis Sub. 60.0 1 168.71 60.00 'Billy R. Putledge, at ux 8 7 J. G. Davis Sub. 60.0 !! 168.71 60.E Gilbert M. TurbevMe 9 7 J. 0. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 Moo � Raymond V. James 10 7 J. C. Davis M. 6o.0 168.71 60.00 Donald A. Howe 11 7 J. C. Davis Stab. 55.0 F 15 .65 55.00 � Andrew M. MOT., et ux 1 10 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 It 16�.71 60.00 Havard B. Wheelock 2 10 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 - 168.71 60.00 M. C. Thompson 3 10 J. e. Davis Sub. 60.a 168.71 60.Oo Final Waving Assessment 1+Oth Street G. V. 0. 1234-B Sheet No. 2 of 2 V14th 32 Feet From G .eve a a" to t e EGL Avenue L A.oee ted ]C�-- -1- 6 ttUna tNo 400 Paving 0. &:.G.' at 15105855 Total .. "No Owner Lotp. L31ock Addition 122 Ft A Awt ost Lins Ftx Coat Lost v�aes 40 South Side (Continued) V. T. Cherry 4 10 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 2.811849199 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Edwin A. Watson 5 10 J. 0. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 165.71 60.00 95.13 263.g4 Roy C. Bethany, et ux 6 10 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Lee Rice, Jr., et ux 7 10 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 0. G. ?fade, et = 8 10 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 a 168.71 60.00 95.1.3 263.84 George Keene, et ux 9 1.0 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 R. V. Williams 10 10 J. C. Davis Sub. 65.0 " 192.77 65.00 103.07 2$5.84 Vest End Southport Development Co. The S. 54 ft. of the North 179.5 16 Southport 54.0 2.81184919.9 151.85 54.00 85.63 237.48 ft. of Lot 2 TOTAL PROPERTY MM COST 10,2634041 CITY'S SNARE 14.57 TOTAL SUB--UNIT COST 10.,277.95 final Raving assessment 41st Street G. V. 0. 1234,B Sheet No. 1 of 2 width 0 '®et Fr€�m tom, verte P to th EGL avenue L AcEe 10- -� 6 Sub-Unit Unit N 1810 Paving C, &-G. at .5855doom - Owner Lots M ck Addition No A . Ft. Bate Cost Lin. Ft. Cost Total. Copt KO th Side James D. Rogers 11 10 T. 0, Davis Stab. 65 0 2.811849199 182.77 ° 65.00 101.06 285.83 Charles F. McClung 12 10 J. C. Davis Sub, 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Vill.iam. Maloch 13 10 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.4 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 John T. Grues, et ux 14 10 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 6o.00 95.13 263.84 Otho HerArix 15 10 J. G. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168.71 60.00 95 X 263.84 Yms. Bettie Vhitfield 16 10 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 ?, 168.71 60.0Q 95.13 263.84 Marion G. Young 17 10 J. 0. Davis Sub. 60.0 41 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Vrry E. Owen, et ux 18 10 J. 0. Davie Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 arren G. Harding, et wt 19 10 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 ! 168.71 6o.0U 95.13 263.84 H. F, Whitson 20 1.0 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.1.3 263.8 (Leaveout) 12 7 J. C. Davis %b. 55.0 Joe K. ritchett, et ux 13 7 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 6o.00 95.13 263.84 Harold S. Farrar, et ux 14 7 J. G. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Einer K. Riley 15 7 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 J. F. Rice, Jr, 16 7 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 tt 168.71. 60.00 95.1.3 263.84 Henry S. Ogletree, et ux 17 7 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 James L. Bulen 18 7 J. 0. Davis Sub. 60.0 1.68.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Richard 1. Vail, Jr, et ux 19 7 J. G. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168.71 6O.Oo 95.13 263.84 Charlie M. Dyer, et ux 20 7 J. 0. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 6o.00 95X 263.84 South Side Alvin A. Beekner, et ux 3 8 J. G. Davis Sub. 60.0 2.81.1849199 168.71 6©.00 95.13 263.84 Cleon L. %zilton, et ux 4 8 J. 0. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 0. T. MrAsey 5 8 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 C. R. Dale 6 8 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71. 60.00 95,13 263.84 Bob M. Barris, et ux 7 8 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 !' 168.71 60.00 95.13, 9A02 �r Orvel J. Ball, et ux 8 8 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.1 Voodxow V. Cole et ux 9 8 J. 0. Davis Snub. 60.0 " 168.71 60.()0 95.131 Clyde E. Spears 10 a J. C. Davis sub. 60.0 " 168.71 60.00 95.13 Nblville R." lard 11 8 J. 0. Davis Sub. 55.0 " 154.65 55.00 87.21 , s} Emltt Burchett, et ux 1 9 J. 0. Davis Sub, 60.4 7 168.71 60.00 95.13 Marta Lee Green 2 9 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 fie 168.71 60.00 95.13 John R. Davis 3 9 J. C. Davis Sub. 6o.0 rI 168.71 60.00 95.13 Final Paving Assessment 416t Street G. W. U. 1234-B Sheet Wo. 2 of 2 Width 30 Feet From ,4eMe P t the ML venue L koo ted 10-•11- 6 Sub:Unit Unit N 1810 - Parting G. & -G: at €der 58C5 7 ,ts Ba t Lin at ALItIgnT Cost .wur South Side (Continued) Mlton L. Sandhi.. et ux 4 9 J. 0. Davis Sub. 60.0 2.8118.9199 168.71 60.00 95.1.3 263.84. EtYgene Gatlin 5 9 J. 0. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 A. Cecil Hall'. et ux 6 9 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 1 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.54 B. L. Griffith 7 9 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 168.71 6o.00 95.13 263.84 E. 1T. Braziel., Jr. 8 9 J. C. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168.71 60.0o 95.13 263.84 LelwA L. 'Rankin 9 9 J. 0. Travis Sub. 60.0 � 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 James R. MeD ff, et ux 10 9 T. C. Davis Sub. 65.0 '_l 182.77 65.00 103.07 285.84 East End F.W. & D.C. F.R. Co. Beginning at a point 2335 ft. S 50.0 2.811849199 140.60 50.00 79.28 21.9.88 and 1270 ft. E. of N.W. corner Sec. 81 Mk. B, Lubbock Counter, Texas; Thence F* 50 ft.; Thence E. 50 ft.; Thence S. 50 ftl3 Thence 1°i. 50 ft. to point of "beginning. TOTAL FRomTY mm am 10,003.97 CITY Is SHM 22Z�L6 TOTAL SUB-M= COST 10,304-43 a FRIAL PAVLNG ASSESS 'T Avenue N G . 234 W 0 1 B Sheet No l of 1 e �ppdrr Accepted 10 11-56 Sub-Unit #8 of Width 30 Feet From SPL 18th Street to the M 39th Street Unit No. 18 50 Paving C & G at 855 Total Qwn2r Lots Block Addition NO Ft Rate Cot Lin Ft Cot Coot BAST SIDE Durwood Bolton 11 5 J.C.Davis Sub. 132.5 1.874566132 248.38 132.50 210.08 458.46 Stanley G. e 12 5 J.C.Davis Sub. 132.5 248.38 132.50 210,08 458.46 WJ T SIDE JohxzV W. McCul.lock 1 12 J.C.Davis Sub. 132.5 1.874566132 248.38 132.50 210.08 458.46 Willford D. Light 20 12 J.C.Davis Sub. 132.5 " 248.38 132.50 210.08 _4LSAL6 Total P. 0. Cost 1,833.84 City' s Share k61.99 Total Cost 2,295.83 Now FI AL WAVING )MESSMIMT Avenue N G.W.O. 1234 B Sheet No. 1 of 1 MONO Accepted 10-11-56 Sub--:Unit #9 of Width 30 Feet From SPL 39th Street to the NPL LOth Street Unit No1850 Paving C&G at $1.5855 Ft. Total Owner Lota Block Addition No Ft Rate Cot Lin Ft Cn t cost EAST SIDE Robert 0. Weaver 11 6 J.C.Davis Sub. 132.5 1,874566132 248.38 132.50 210.08 458,46 J. M. Rapp 12 6 J.C.Davis Sub. 132.5 " 248.38 132.50 210.08 458.46 U T SIDE Henry L. Johnson 1 11 J.C.Davis Sub. 132*5 1.874566132 248.38 132.50 210.08 458.46 Elver L. ,Millard 20 11 J.C.Davis Sub. 132.5 " 248.38 132.50 210.08 Total. P. 0. Cost 15833.84 City's Share A 461.99 Total. Cost 2,295.83 3j S 2 1 PAVING ASSESSnNT Avenue "N" G,W,O, 123 � Accepted 1 4W.O. 1234 B Sheet No, 1 of 1 z 20 Feet om SPL th 5tr et to the NPL t Street kocepted 10 11-56 Sub-Unit , 11 of Favi.n.g n Uni t No 8 0 r Lot§ Block Additi n roart, Rate C Paving CMG at 1.5855 Pt. Total Rate Co t Lin Pt SIDE Got Co t ld H. Howe 11 7 J.C.Devis Sub. 132.50 1.87456613274566132 12 (Leaveout) 7 J.C.Davis Sub. 132.50 rr 248.38 132.50 210.08 458.46 SIDE 239.01 127,50 202,15 441,16 eta M. Urger 1 10 J.C.Davis Sub, 132.50 1.874566132 Whitson 20 10 J.C.Davis Sub. 132.50 �7N4566132 248.38 132.50 210.08 458,46 23 9.01 127.50 202.15 Tc. Total. P. 0. Cost 1,799.24 JR- T City's Share --,,. 458.17 Total Cost 2,257»61 { Aj$ 1PFRIAL PAVING ASSESSMENT avenue"L" G.W.O. 1234 B Sheet No. 1 of 1 Accepted 10 11-56 Sub-Unit #12 of qW Width 30 Feet From 6' S. of SPL 28th Street to the NPL 29th Street Unit No Ow Paving C&G at $1.5855 Ft, Total Aft 0'' L, :;;;:': Lots Bock Addition Wo Ft Rate Cot Lin Ft Cost- Cost EAST SIDE F. W. & D. RR Co. Beginning at a point 1625 ft. 274 2.83.1849199 770.45 274.00 434.43 1204.88 S. and 1270 ft. E. of the N.W. Cor. of Sec. 8, Blk. "B" Lubbock County, Texas, Thence N. 274 ft.; Thence E. 50 ft.; Thence S. 274 ft.; Thence W. 50 ft. to the point of beginning WEST SIDE Elton E. Kelley 3 5 J.C.Davis Sub.. 126.5 1.874566132 237.13 126.50 200.57 437.70 Louis F. Lang, Jr. 20 5 J.C.Davis Sub. 132.5 " 248.38 132.50 210.08 Ag&46 Total P. 0. Cost 2101.04 City's Share 71.02 Total Cost a 2172.06 FINAL PAVING ASSESSM7T Avenue "LN • G.W,O, 1234-B Sheet No. 1 of 1 UNS Accepted I0-11-56 Sub-Unit #13 of 4011 r th 30 Feet From SPL 39th Street to the NPL 40th Street Unit Na 8 Q 400 Paging C&G at 61,5855 Ft. 400 Owner Loto Block ,Addition Na I Ft rate Cot Lin Ft Cot Total, Co ,■�► EAST SIDE F. W. & D. C. RR Co. Beginning at a point 1955 ft. S. 150, 2.811849199 421.78 150.00 237.83 659.61 and 1270 ft. E. of the N.E.Cor. of Sec. 8, B1k. "B", Lubbock County, Texas; Thence N. 280 ft.; Thence E. 50 ft.; Thence S. 280. ft.; Thence W. 50 ft. to the point of beginning. WEST SIDE Dellm r F. Tannery 3 6 J.C.Devis 132.5 1.874566132 248.38 132.50 210.08 �58.45 Total P. 0. Cost 1,118.07 City 's Share 106.26 T'otl. Cost 4P 11224.33 00 Phial Pa wing Assessment A.venae "Ln G. W. 0. 1234-B Sheet Fo. 1 of Vidth 20 net From SPL 4Mh Street,to the M 1st Street Accepted 10 ,.- 6 Sub-Unit Unit No 0 Paving C. & G. at 1.5555 . Total Omer Lots Book dit;,on No j Ft Rate Coat in, Ft GoatCoe t ,ror East Side . . . F. If. & D. C. R.R. Go. Beginning at a point 2285 ft. 150 2.811849199 421.78 150.00 237.83 659.61 S. and 1270 It. E. of N.W. corner of See. 81 Block "Bn, Lubbook County, Texas; Thence N. 280 ft.; Thence E. 50 ft.; Thence S. 280 ft.; Thence IT. 50 ft. to point of beginning. Nest Side Leonard Gordon Kelley, at t= 3 7 J. 0. Davis Sub. 132,5 1.874566152 248.38 132.50 210.08 458.46 TOTAL PROPMTY Off= COST 1011.ffi.07 CITY IS SMW Y■ III10 3 4 TOTAL SU 3-QM COST 1,221..33 FINAL PAVING ASSESS OT 49th Street G.W.0, 1234-B Shot No. 1 of 1 Accepted 10-11-56 Sub-Unit #16 of Wld&h 30 Feet &Rm EE'L Avenu "Urr to the EPL Ave e "V" Unit No. 8 Paving C&G at $1,5855 Ft. 0 rmx Lots Block Addition NO Ft . Rate Cost Lin Cot T tal Cost MTH SIDE ae�s City of Lubbock Beginning at a point 310 ft-W. 30 Crump Five Acre 285 2.81J8/+gl99 801,38 285.00 451.87 1,253.25 and 37.5 ft. N.of S.E.Cor.of . . .. . .. . .. Lot I,Blk 30,Crump ri.v acre Add.;Thence W.3001;Thence N. 125 ft.-Thence S,300 ft.;Thence S.125 ft.to the point of beginning John Knox Pres«- Beginning at a point 37.5 ft.N. 30 Crump Five .Acres 305 r' 857.61 305.00 4.83,58 1,341.18 byterian Church and 5 ft.W.of SE Cor.Lot 1,B1k. 30;Crump Five Acre Add.;Thenae W. 305r; Thence N.125 ft.;Thence E. 305 ft.;Thence S. 1.25 f't.to the point of beginning SOUTH SIDE Hoyle Bowles, Beginning at a point 12.5 ft.S. 30 Crump Five Acres 312.5 878.70 312.50 495,47 1,374.17 Julian Bowles,and and 5 ft,W.of N.E.Cor.Lot #4 Allen. T.Bowles Block 30,Crump Five Acre Addition; Thence S. 125 ft.; Thence W. 312.5 ft.;Tnence N. 125 ft.; Thence E. 312.5 ft. to the point of beginning Ada. Bowles Beginning at a point 12.5 ft.S. 30 Crump Five Acre 274.5 It 771.86 274.5 435.22 1 Q�,2 7.08 and 317.5 ft.W. of NE Corner Lot 4, Block 30.Crump Five Acre Addition;Thence 8.125 ft.; Thence W.274.5 ft.;Thence N.125 ft.;Thence E.274.5 ft, to the point of beginning Total P. 0. Cast City.'s Share i Total Subunit Cost VIRAL PAYING ASS SIMT Shr 49th Street G,W„O, 1234 B Sheet No, 1 of 1 Accepted 10-11-56 Sub--Unit #17 of dow Width 20F t Frog€ E end Ret 0 AveMe "W" to the E end Ret @ Ave 'IV" Unit No 1850 Paving C&G at $1.5855 Ft, Total Owner Lots Block Addition No Ft Rate Cost Lin Ft Coat Coot soxTx s��E Robert Oran Mauldin 1 Williford Add. 68,75 2.811849199 193.32 68.75 109.00 302,32 W. E. Dickson 2 Williford Add. 75 " 210,89 75.00 118,91 329,80 - W. E. Foster The 3.127.5 ft.of N.140 ft.of the of the Wj of Lot 3 30 Crump Five Acre 158.75 it 446.38 158.75 251,70 698.08 C. G. McMinn The S.127.5 ft,of N,140 ft.of 30 (;rump Five Acre 60 it 168,71 60,00 95.1:3 263.84 the W.60 ft.of the Ej of Lot 3 F. P. Day 1 F.R.Day Add. 60 " 168.71 60,00 95.13 263.84 F. P. Day 2 F.P,Day Add, 60 " 168.71 60.00 95.13 263..84 Lindsey L.Doss The S. 127.5 ft.of the V.140 ft. 30 Crump Five Acre 60 % 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 of the W.60 ft,of the E.137,5 ft, of Lot 3 C. D. Childress The S.127.5 ft. of the N.140 ft. 30 Crump Five Acre 52.5 " 147.62 52.50 83.24 __=.s,86 of the Wo 52.5 ft,of the E.77.5 ft. of Lot 3 Total P. 0. Cost 21,616.42 City's Share 2s7 _ .23 NJ & Sj, Total Cost 5,406.65 z F� � ; qP FIVAL PAVElIG ASSESSMENT Avenue "C" G.W.0, 1234 B Sheet Yo. 1 of 1 400 Accepted 10-11--56 Sub--Unit , 3 of 400 Aft Width 26 Feel From NGL 3Q&h Street to 3I. S. of SPL-29th Street unit No 1851 Paving C&G at $1,5855 Ft, Total Owner Lotj Shook Addition 1-12.Btft Bate Cot Lin'sFts cost Co t SST SIDE Irving L. Jones & F. B. Malone 1 3 Usleamans 50,0 3.072707309 153.64 50.00 79.28 232,92 Irving L. Jones & F� B. Malone 3 3 Uslesmans 50.0 " 153.64 50.00 79.28 232.92 I3'ving L. Jones & F. B. Malone 5 3 Usleamans 50.0 it 1.53.64. 50,00 79,28 232.92 Irving L. .Tones & F. B. Malone 7 3 Usleamans 50.0 153.64 50000 79.28 232.92 Irving L. Jones & F. B. Malone 9 3 Usleamans 50.0 " 153.64 50.00 79.27 232.91 Irving L. Jones & F. B. Malone 11 3 Usleamans 50,0 " 153,64 50.00 79,27 232.91 Irving L. Jones & F. B. Malone 13 3 Usleamans 50.0 " 153.64 50.00 79.27 232.91 Irving L. Jones & F. B. Malone 15 3 Usleamans 20.0 " 61.46 20.00 31,71 93,17 WEST Tillman R. Dillard 2 4. Usleamans 50.0 3.072797309 153.64. 50.00 79.27 232.91 Tillman R. Dillard 4 4 Usleamans 50.0 " 153.64 50.00 79.27 232.91 Tillman R. Dillard 6 4 Usleamans 50.0 " 153.64 50,00 79.27 232.91 Tillman R. Dillard 8 4 Usleamans 50.0 " 153.64 50.00 79.27 232.91 Tillman R. Dillard 10 4 Usleamans 50,0 " 153.63 50.00 79.28 232.91 Tillman R. Dillard 12 4 Usleamans 50.0 " 153.64 50.00 79,28 232.92 Tillman R. Dillard 14 4 Usleamans 50.0 " 153.64. 50,00 79,28 232.92 Tillman R. Dillard 16 4. Usleamans 20,0 " 61.46 20.00 31.71 23.17 Tot€l P. 0. Cost 3,447,14 City's Share - 59.61 Total Sib--Unit Cost 31387.53 FINAL PAVI11G ASSESSMENT Avenue "Cn G,W,O, 1234,E Sheet No. 1 of 1 Accepted 10--11-56 Sub-Unit #4 of idth 6 Feet From 31 N. of RPL 29th Street to the F W & D C R R R0W Unit L0.1t. 18 Paving C&C at 01,5855 Ft 4000 Owner Lots Block Addition Mao Ft Rate Cot Lin Ft Co T � C E0T` SIDE F.W. & U.C.RR Beg. at the F.W.Cor.Lot 5,Block 58.54 3.0727T309 179.88 55.54 92.52 272,70 2,Usleamans Arid.; Thence N.56.24 ft.,-Thence Southeasterly to a point 10.4 ft.-N.of N.E.Cor.of Lot 5;Thence S.10,40 ft. to the I .E. Cor.of dot 5;Thence W,137.5 f't.to the point of beginning George Alkins 5 2 Usleamana 50.0 153.64 50,00 79,25 232.92 George Alkins 7 2 Uslaamans 50.0 153.64 50,00 79,28 232.92 J. C. Davis 9 2 Usleamans 50.0 " 153.64 50,00 79,28 232.92 J. C. Davis 11 2 Usleamens 50,0 ' 153,64 50.00 79,25 232.92 J. C. Davis 13 2 Usleamans 50.0 °f 153.64 50.00 79.28 232.92 J. C. Davis 15 2 Usleamans 47.0 144.42 47*00 74,52 215.94 WET SIRE Lannis Baker Lot 2 Legs(a triangular shaped. 5 Usleamens 20.6 3.072797309 63.30 20,60 32.66 95.96 plot, 51.3 ft.on W.1ine & 27.1 ft. on E. Line;Beginn.ing at the N.E. Cor.of Lot 2,B1k.5;Tnence W.81.11, ft. to cor.; Thence. 5outheasterly 85,7 ft, to a p04 nt on E.Li.ne; Thence N. 27.1 ft. to point of beginning) Lennie Baker 4 5 Usleamans 50.0 n 153.64 50,00 70-V7 DID,01 Tennis Baker 5 Usleamans 50.0 " 153.64 50.E , - Lennie Baker g 5 Usleamans 50.0 " 153.64 50.00 A. T. Cocanougher 10 5 Usleamans 50.0 a 153.64 50„00 ' A. T. Cocanougher 12 5 Usleamans 50.0 153.64 50.00 A, T. Cocanougher 14 5 Usleamans 50*0 a 153.64 50.00 Annie T. Gravitt 16 5 Usleamans 47.0 1:a 47.00 Totes. p, 0 Cost City's S, _ e Total Sub-Unit Cnnt L ' I G.W.O. 1234-B FINAL PAVING ASSMYSNT Avenue "P" Accepted 10_11-56 Sheet No. 1 of 1 Sub-Unit #7 of � Width 36 Feet From 2t S. of SPL 39th Street to 21 N. of VPL Nth Strut Unit No 18 Paving MG at $1.5855 Ft. Total ' m.F Lots Block Addition No Ft Rate Cot Lin Bt Cost Cost FAST SIDE Donald 71ay-ne Johnson, et ux 10 11 J.C.Davis Sub.. 130.5 2.048531539 267.33 130.50 206.91 474.24 Noah Hancock,Jr.i et ux 11 11 J.C,Davis Sub. 130,5 " 267.33 130.50 206.91 474.24 WMT SIDE James R. Williams 10 14 Southport 130.5 2.048531539 267.33 130.50 206,91 474.24 Southport Development Co. North 125.51 of Lot, 2 16 Southport 125..5 3.072797309 385.64 125,50 198.98 58"62 Total. P, O. Cost 2,007.34 City t.a Share 596459 Total Cost 2,603.86 B 4) .� FINAL PAVING ASSEsIM&IT Avenue "P" G,W,Q. 1234-B Sheet No. 1 of 1 Accepted 1011-56 Sub Unit ;f 8 of ON Width 36 Feel From S of SPL th St to t N NPL t Street Unit N be 1851 Paving O&G at -I.5855 Ft. Total ' Q `ors I Lola Bock Ad, ition Bo Ft Rate cot Linjta Cot Cost LAM-SIDE R. W. Williams 10 10 J.C.Davis Sub. 130,5 2.048531539 267.33 130.50 206.91 474.24 James D. Rogers, et itx 11 10 J.C.Davis Sub. 127.5 " 261.19 127.50 202,15 463.34 SST SIDE Southport Development Co. S. 273 ft. of Lot 2 16 Southport Add. 273.0 3.072797309 838.57 273.00 432.84 IsMi,71 Total P. Q. Cost 29209.29 Ci-ty's Share 945.3� Total Cost 2,454.63 e r FIVAL PAVIEG ASSESSMT Avenue "P'+ G.W.0, 1234E Sheet No. I. of 1 Aces-oted 10--11-56 Sub-Unit #9 of Wid&h 3k Feet Foam S L 411t Street to 51 S. of SPL 42nd Street Unit No 1 40 Paving C&G at $1.5855 Ft. Total. 01mor Lots Mock Addition. Noon& Rate Cot Lin Ft: Cot cost EAST SIDE James R. McDuff et t i 10 9 J.C.Davis Sub. 127.5 2.048531539 391.78 127.50 202.15 463.34 Ralph R. Cahill , 11 9 J.C.Davis Saab. 132.5 n 407-15 132.50 210,08 481.51 WjST SIDE Southport Development Co. 7 12 Southport 127.2 2.048531.539 391.78 127.50 202.1:5 463.34 A. L. Shipley 6 12 Southport 132.5 " 407.15 132.50 210.08 19,Ll Total" P. 0. Cost $15,889.70 City's Share �l . Total Cost $3,315.42 FINAL PAVaG .A QFSS 'T Avenue "K" G.W.O. 1234-B Sheet No. 1 of 1 Accepted 10--11-56 Sub--Unit r10 of vli t 6 Feet om ' S. of SPL th Street to the 1' N of NPL 8th Street UnitN 851 Paving C&G at $1,5855 Ft, Total 0 er Lots Block Addition, Na Ft R to Cot Linz Ft Cot C .r+ EAST SIDE W. W. Campbell 1 4 Southmoor 127 2.048531539 260.16 127,00 201.36 461.52 W. H. Agee 10 4 Southmoor 50 3.072797309 153.64 50.00 79.28 232,92 W. H. Agee 9 4 Southmoor 50 " 153.64 50,00 79.28 232.92 W. W. Campbell N.21 ft. of Lot 8 4 Southmoor 20 " 61.46 20,00 31,71 93.17 WEST SIDE W. W. Campbell - 3 5 Southmoor 127 2,048531539 260.16 127.00 201.36 461.52 0. C. Roberta 4 5 Southmoor 50 3.072797309 153.64 50.00 79.28 232.92 Joe & Elizabeth Dorris 5 5 Southmoor 50 It 153.64 50.00 79,28 232.92 W. W. Campbell N,21 ft, 6f Lot 6 5 Southmaar 20 61.46 20,00 31,71 2.17 Total P. 0. Cost 2,041.o6 City's Snare 328.60 Total Cost 2,369.66 1 FINAL PAVING ASSEMMT 37th Street G.W.O. 1234-H Sheet Ho. 1 of 1 ago Accepted. 10-11-56 Sub-Unit #11 of 4wOO Width 36 Feet from WPL Aveme "K" to the WGL ,Avenue "J" Unit No 1851 Paving C&G at $1,5855 Ft. Total 400V ONDer LotA Block Addition No Ft Rate Got Lin Ft Cot cost NORTH SIDE W. W. Campbell 8 3 Southmoor 60 3.072797309 184.37 60,00 95.13 279.50 Clara Karvas W of Lot 7 3 Southmoor 50 " 153.64 50,00 79.28 232,92 E. C. Graham E of Lot 7 & W of Lot 6 3 Southmoor 100 " 307.28 100.00 158.55 465.83 W. T. Dennis E of Lot 6 3 Southmoor 50 " 153.64 50.00 79.28 232.92 R. H. Watson 5 3 Southmoor 61.3 " 188,36 61,30 97.19 285.55 S2UTH SIDE W. W. Campbell 1 4 Southmoor 60 3.072797309 184.37 60,00 95.13 279.50 W. W. Campbell 2 4 Southmoor 100 " 307,28 100.;00 158.55 465.83 Earl, M. & Jessie Lee Smith � of Lot 3 4 Southmoor 50 " 153.64 50.00 79.27 232,91 B. R. Gaultney Ej of Lot 3 4 Southmoor 50 " 153.64 50.00 79,27 232.91 A. E. Via. . 4 4 Southmoor 61.3 " 188,36 61,30 97.19 Total. P. C. Cost $2,993.42 City's Share 612.22 Total. Cost $3,605.64 w FINAL PAVING ASSESSi+ T 37th Street G.W.O. 1234-B Sheet No. 1 of 1 Accepted 10-1I-56 Sub Unit #12 of Ldidth 36 Feet From EPL Avenue "F" to the EPL Avenue "G" Unit N 18 1 Paving C&G at $1.5855 Ft. Total. + QWGer Lot B1ook d1t12n_ Vo,Ftm Pate Cot Lin,Lt& Cut CQat NORTH SIDE Jessie Calhoun 6 3 Harwell Hts. Re-Sub. 76.0 3.072797309 233.53 76.00 120.50 354.03 Houston H. Boyd 5 3 Harwell Hts. Re,.-Sub. 61.8 " 189.90 61.80 97.98 287.88 J. C. & Bertha Brown 4 3 Harwell Hts. Re-Sub. 76.0 233.53 76.00 120,50 354.03 SO MH SIDE Preston Carver 4 Nora. Sub, 52.7 161.94 52.70 83.56 245.50 Preston Carver 3 Fora Sub. 52.0 " 159.78 52.00 82,45 242.23 Preston Carver 2 Dora. Sub. 52.0 " 159.78 52.00 82.45 242.23 Preston Carver 1 Nora Sub. 52.0 " 159.78 52.00 82+45 242.23 E. C. Lollar 3 & E. 3.8' of Lot 2 Hughes Add. 55.8 " 171.46 55.80 88.47 252.D Total P, 0. Cost 2,228.06 Cityts Snare 3.. l.88 Total Cost 2039.94 now FIXAL FAVD G ASSESS TT 56th Street G.W.O. 1234 B Shot No. 1 of 1 411111100 Accepted 10-11-56 Sub-Unit #13 of Width 6 Feet From WPL Avenue "Do' tc the EPL Ave= a "Gs Unit No1851 Paving C&G at $1.5855 Ft. Oyner Lotg Block addition Na Ft R ut 2 Cot Lin Ft Co t Tgtnl Co NORTH SIDE Houston H. Boyd 14 17 Lyndale Acre 25.7 3.072797309 78.97 25.70 40.75 119.72 S. S. Forrest Jr, 15 17 Lyndale Acres 5".0 to 162.86 53.00 84.03 246.89 Houston H. Boyd 16 17 Lyndale Acres 53.0 to 162.86 53.00 84.03 246.89 Irvin J. Broussard, at ux 17 17 Lyndale Acres 53.0 n 162.86 53.00 84.03 246.89 Billy E. Manley, at ux 18 17 Lyndale Acres 53.0 n 162.86 53.00 84.03 246.89 W. R. Janes, at ux 19 17 Lyndale Acres 53.0 162.86 53.00 84.03 246.89 Fred. L. Hill, at ux 20 17 Lyndale Acres 53.0 " 162,86 53.00 84.0 246.89 Loyd A. Bloodworth, at ux 21 17 Lyndale Acres 53.0 162.85 53.00 84,04 246.90 James C. Griffin, at ux 22 17 Lyndale Acres 48.0 147.49 48,00 76.10 223.59 SOUTH SIDE John W. Raid, at ux 1 18 Lyndale Acres 48.0 3.072797309 147.49 48,00 76.10 223.59 Josh C. Eakin 2 18 Lyndale Acres 60.0 " 184,37 60,00 95.13 279,50 Newton J. Morgan, at ux 3 18 Lyndale Acres 60,0 184,37 60,00 95.13 279.50 J. D, Mitchell 4 i8 Lyndale Acres 60.0 " 184.37 60,00 95.13 279.50 Houston H. Boyd 5 18 Lyndale Acres 60.0 " 184.37 60.00 95.13 279.50 Billy Wayne Hollers 6 18 Lyndale Acres 60,0 11 184,37 60,00 95.14 279,50 S. S. Forrest, Jr, 7 18 Lyndale Acres 63.66 " 195,61 63.66 100.93 296.54 Total P. 0. Cost 3,989.18 City's Share _ - 165.26 Total Sub-Unit Cost 3,843.92 FINAL PAVING ASSESSM&T 39th Street G,W.O. 1234 B Sheet No. 1 of 2 Width 30' Feet From WPL Avenues P to the EGL Avenue L accepted 10-11-56 Sub-Unit 5 of WIN Unit No 1850 411111111110 Paving C & G at $1.5855 Total low Owner mots Block Addition No.Ft. Rate Cv t Li lit Cot Cost AM NORTH SIDE A. N. Wright, eat ux 11 12 J.C. Davis Sub. 65,0 2,811849199 182,77 65.00 103.07 285.84 J. Ray Pruitt 12 12 J.C. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168,71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Thomas E. Orr, et ux 13 is J.C. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168,71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Barney B. Stagner, et ux 14 12 J.C. Davis Sub. 60.0 168,71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Harry P. -M llican 15 12 J.C. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168,71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Harley White, Jr. 16 12 J.G. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Bernell A. Turner, et ux 17 12 J.C. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Galin 14urphy, et ux 18 12 J.C. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168.71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Ethel G. Shaw 19 12 S.C. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168,71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Willford D. Light, et ux 20 12 S.C. Davis Sub. 60,0 " 168,71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Stanley G. Steele, et ux 12 5 J.C. Davis Sub, 55.0 " 154.65 55.00 87.20 241.85 Hugh N. Hamilton, et ux(est.for driveway) 13 5 J.C. Davis Sub, 60.0 n 168,71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Eldred L. Darker, et ux 14 5 S.C. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168,71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Marlene Brown 15 5 J.C. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168,71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Flossie Hartzell 16 5 J.O. Davis Sub. 60,0 tt 168,71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Toward B. Crawford 17 5 J.G. Davis Slab, 60.0 " 168,71 60,00 95.13 263.84 William F. Cagle, et ux 18 5 J.C. Davis Sub, 60.0 " 168,71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Rodger S. Connellee, Jr. 19 5 J.G. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168.71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Louis F. Tung, Jr. et ux 20 5 J.C. Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168,71 60.00 95.13 263,84 SOUTH Dellmer T. Tannery 3 6 J.C.Davis Sub. 60,0 2.811849199 168.71 60.00 95,13 263.84 Charles C, Galbraith 4 6 J.C.Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168,71 60,00 95.13 263,84 Virgil L. Hampton 5 6 J.C.Davis Sub. 60,0 " 168,71 60,00 95.13 263,84 Harry C. Olson 6 6 J.C.Davis Sub. 60,0 " 168,71 60,00 95,13 263.84 A. W. Minnick 7 6 J.C.Davis Sub. 60,0 " 168,71 60.00 95,13 263.84 Billy Clyde Stephens 8 6 J.G.Davis Sub, 60.0 " 168,71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Murray A. Fullerton 9 6 J.C.Davis Sub. 60.0 168,71 60.00 ' 95.13 263,84 Richard N. Pope 10 6 J.G.Davis Sub, 60,0 " 168,71 60.00 76.3,84 Ptobert 0. Weaver 11 6 J.C.Davis Sub, 55.0 " 154.65 55.00 Henry L. Johnson 1 11 J.C.Davis Sub. 60.0 " 168.71 60.00 a IL IMM as FINAL PAVING ASSESS'ZNT 52nd Street G W.O. 1234 B Sheet No. 1 of 2 a Accepted 10 11-56 Sub-Unit #15 of ' W i t 26 Feet Fxom W P.L Avenue "N" to the W. edge of Avenue "H" 'Unit No 18 Paving C&G at $1.5855 Ft. Total woo* 01mm Lpta Block Addition PIa Ft Rate Cost Li Ft Cot Coal FORTH SIDE C. IQ. Hodges Beginning at a point 5 ft.W. and C.N.Hodges Sub. 610 3.072797309 1,874.41 610,00 967.16 2,841.57 5 ft. N. of the S.E.Cor.of Lot 4, Blk. 2, C. N. Hodges Sub.,Lubbock Co. Texas; Thence W.614 ft.; Thence N. 132.5 ft.; Thence E. 610 ft.; Thence S.132.5 ft. to the pt. of beginning C. 11. Hodges The S. 132.5 ft. of Tract 5 O.W.Hodges .add. (Re plat of C.N.Hodges Sub)940 2,888.43 940,00 1,490.37 4,378.80 Elwood E.French Beginning at a point 133.7 ft.W. C.N.Hodges Sub. 120 2.048531539 245.82 120,00 19o.26 1+36.08 and. 5 ft. N.o.f the SE Cor. of Lot 4,Blk.1, C.V.Hodges Sub-Div.; Thence W.120 ft.;Thence 11.60 ft.; Thence E.120 ft.; Thence 8.60 ft. to the point of beginning Elwood E.French Beginning at a point 5 ft. W. and C.N.Hodges Sub. 108.7 2.048531539 222.68 108.70 172.34 395,02 10 ft. W,of the S.E..Cor„of Lot 4, B1k.l,C.N.Hodges Sub,;: Thence W. 108.7 ft.; Thence N.60 ft.;Thence E.108,7 ft.; Thence 6.60 ft. to the point of beginning SOUTH SIDE F,, U. Pohl Beginning at a point 460.52 ft.W. C.N.Hodges Sub. 154.48 3.072797309 474.69 154.48, 244.93 719.62 and 5 ft.S,of the N.E.Cor.of Lot 1, Blk.3,0.N.Hodges Sub.lubbock Co., Texas; Thence S.132.5 ft.;Thence W.154.48 ft.; Thence H.132..5 ft.,- Thence E,154.48 ft.to the pbInt of beginning A. E# Oliphint Beginning at a point 320 ft.W. and C.N.Hodges Sub. 140.52 n 431.79 140.52 222.79 654.58 5 ft,Soof N.E,Cor.of Lot 1,B1k.3, ........... C.N.Hodges Sub.Lubbock Co.,Texas;Thence S•1.32.5 ft.; Thence W., (Conga) 49 U FINAL PAVING ASSESSITUNT 52nd Street G.W.0, 1234 B Sheet No. 2 of 2 Accepted 10-11-56 Sub-Unit #15 of mom �d dt 36 Feet FrQm WPL Ave ue "N" to the W. edge of Avenue "H" Unit No. 1851 m Paving MG 55 Ft. 40 Owner Lots Block Addition rho Ft Rate Cot Lin Ft Cot Total 02gLt atOOr SOUTH SIDE (CON'TD Thence N,132,5 ft.; Thence E. 140.52 ft. to the point of beginning Ava Fortenberry Beg. at a popp�,77r�t 200 ft.W. and C.N.Hodges Sub. 120 3.072797309 368.74 120.00 190.26 559.00 3i 5 ft. S. of .E.Cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 3, C.N.Hodges Sub,,Thence 5,142.5 ft.; Thence W,120 ft.; Thence N.142,5 ft.; Thence E. 1201 to the point of beginning -E. R. Balch Beginning at a point 100 ft. W. C.N.Hodges Sub, 100 " 307,28 100,00 158.515 465.83 and 5 ft.S.of the N.E.Cor.of Lot 1, Blk. 3, C.N.Hodges Sub.; Thence W.100 ft.; Thence S.142.5 ft.;Th.ence E.100 ft.;Thence N. 142,5 ft* to the point of beginning E. R. Balch The W.95 ft.of the E.100 ft.of the C.N.Hodges Sub. 95 tt 291.92 95,00 150.62 442..54 NJ of Lot 1 in Blk. 3 Herbert T. Kirk 5 Kirk Stab. 67.5 " 207.4.1 67.50 107.02 314.43 Herbert T. Kirk 4. Kirk.Sub. 67.5 t' 207.41 67.50 107,02 314.43 Herbert T. Dirk 3 Kirk Haab, 60 184.37 60.00 95.13 279.50 Herbert T, Kirk 2 Kirk Sub. 60 " 184.37 60.00 95.13 279�50 Herbert T. Kirk 1 Kirk Sub. 60 " 184.37 60,00 95,13 279.50 H.A..Bozeman The N.132.5 ft.of the W<295 ft.of the 4 C. N. Hodges Sub. 295 " 906.47 295.00 467,72 1374,19 E. ° of Lot 2 C.N.Hodges The N jTract 6 C.N.Hodges Add. 280 " 860.38 280.00 443.94 1304.32 C.N.Hodges The W.120 ft.of the N.132.5 ft.of C.N.Hodges Add. 120 2.048531539 245.82 120.00 190.26 436,08 Tract 8 C.N.Hodges The W.108.60 ft.of the E.118.6 ft.of C.N.Hodges Add. 108.6 2.04853153 9 222.4.7 108.60 172,19 394,66 the N4100 ft. of Tract 8 Total P. 0. Cost 152869.65 City's share R,aL4 Total Subunit Cost I8,010.91 IL a VI FIEIAL FAV.MG ACSESSNI ' 44th Street, G.W,0, 1234 B Sheet No. 1 of 1 Accepted. 10-11-56 Sub-Knit #17 of 40M Width 30 Feet From WpL Ave= "T" to the WGL Avenue "S" Unit No 1851 Paving MG at U,5855 Ft. Total .ram Ounor Lots Block Addition No Ft Rate Cot Lin Ft Cot Co NORTH SIDE E. M. Booker 11 4. E.M. Booker 60,0 2.811.849199 168.71 60,00 95.13 263.84 James Weldon Greenwood, et ux 12 4 E.14. Eooker 6010 a 168.71 60,00 95.13 263.8A Richard Lee Sandef'ard, et ux 13 4 E.M. Booker 6010 " 168.71 60,00 95.13 263.51 .Robert H. Whitaker 14 4 E.M. Booker 60 ,0 " 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 z a-ttie Kirkland 15 4 E.M. Booker 60,0 " 168,71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Don Calvin Duty, et ux 16 4 E.14. Booker 60.0 " 168.71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Dean Davis 17 4 E.M. Booker 60.0 " 16,c ,71 60.00 95,13 263.84 C. E. parker 18 4 E.M. Booker 60,0 " 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 J. S. Dunlap 19 4. B.M. Booker 60,0 " 168.71 60.00 95.13 263.84 J. S. Dunlap 20 4 E.M. Booker 70.0 " 196.83 70.00 110.98 307.81 SMITH SIDE Ruth Benelle Lee 1 1 Ben Dixon Sub. 70,0 2.811.849199 196.81 70.00 110.99 307.82 Ruth Denalle Zees 2 1 Ben Dixon Sub, 60.0 " 168.71 60,00 95.13 263.84 Arlen Trice 3 1 Ben Dixon Sub, 60.0 " 168,71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Albert B. Hardin 4. 1 Ben Dixon Sub. 60.0 " 168,71 60.00 95.13 263.84 J. A. Giles 5 1 Ben Dixon Sub. 60.0 " 168.71 60,00 95.13 263.84 C. F. Mcllroy 6 1 Len Dixon. Sub. 60.0 " 168,71 60.00 95.13 263.84 Mrs. W. C. Mar'berry 7 1 Ben Dixon Sub, 60.0 " ,68,71 60.00 95.13 263.84 James L. Cogbtzn, et ux 8 1 Ben Dixon Sub. 60„0 " 168,71 6©}0fl 95.13 263.84 G. E. Dawson 9 1 Ben Dixon Sub. 60.0 " 168.72 60.00 95.13 -63.85 G, E. Dawson 10 1 Ben Dixon Saab, 60.0 » 168.,72 60,,00 95*13 2 Total P. 0. Coat 5,364..77 City'a Share - 115.78 Total Sul,-Unit, Cost 5,248.99 FINAL MUM AWESS dT 42nd Street G.W,,O,p 1234-B Sheet No. 1 of 1 Accepted 10-11-56 Sub-Unit #18 of WIDTH 36 Feet Dzom WGL Avenue «T" to the ZGL Avenue "U" Unit No. 18 51 Paving C & G at $1,5855 Ft, Total Owner Lot Block Addition No,Ftm Rate Cot Li Ft Cot coot 40 NORTH SIDE Rhyne Simpson 11 1 Waller 65.0 3.072797309 199.73 65.00 103.06 302,79 Virgil. Moen 12 1 'faller 60,0 " 184.37 60.oO 95.13 279.50 C. A. Rodgers, Jr. 13 1 Waller 60.0 " 184.37 6o.00 95.13 279.50 J. C. Thompson 14 1 Waller 60.0 184,37 60.00 95.13 279.50 J. X. Williams 15 1 Waller 60.0 :' 184,37 60.00 95.13 279.50 J. A. Waller 1.6 1 Waller 60,o " 184.37 60.o0 95.13 279.50 A. J. Waller, at ux 17 1 Waller 60.0 " 184.37 60.00 95.13 279.50 J. A. Waller 18 1 Waller 60.0 184.37 60,00 95.13 279,5C J. A. faller, et ux 19 1. Waller 60.0 " 184.36 60.00 95.13 279.49 . A. Waller 20 1 Taller 65.0 199.73 65.00 103.06 302.79 SOUTH SIDE J. M, Locklar 1.0 2 Locklar 65,0 3,072797309 199„73 65,0o 103,06 302,79 W. If. Keesee 9 2 Locklar 6o,0 18/+.37 60.00 95,13 279.50 W. H. Keea®e 8 2 Locklar 60.0 11 184.37 60.00 95.13 279.50 Norman F. LeGrand. 7 2 Locklar 60,0 tl 184.37 60.00 95.13 279,5.0 V. N. Burleson 6 2 Locklar 60.0 " 184.37 60,00 95.13 279.50 J. M. Locklar 5 2 Locklar 60.0 f 184.37 60,00 95.13 279,50 A, Burell Craft 4 2 Locklar 60,o 184,37 60,00 95.12 279.49 J. M. Locklar 3 2 Locklar 60 0 K 184.36 60,00 95,13 .279.49 E. :E. Bryan, et tax 2 2 Locklar 60:0 N 184,36 60000 95.13 279.49 J, fit. Locklar 1 2 Locklar 65.0 199.73 65,00 103.06 99M Total P, 0. Cost 5,683,12 Cityt a Share 14.01 Total Sub-.Unit Cost 51669,11 FTC AL PAVING .ASSESS�kWT Avenue t1W" G,W,O 123 B Shed Ho.' 1 of 1 Accepted 10-W11--56 Sub-Unit #21 of Width 6 Fit F!rorz SGL a7th Strut to the 1t N. of hTL 38th Street E Le TPn_ t No U51 Paving C&G at 1.5855 Ft. Can r Lot Lote Block Addition Teo Ft Rate Got Lin Ft Cost Tot,Mj g2at F 4a SIDE E.K. Hufstedler and Son Beginning at a point 147,5' biz Alta Vista Acres 132.5 2.048531539 271.43 132.50 210.08 481,51 North of SW Cor.of Lot 3,B1k. 6,AltaVista Acres,Thence North 132.5 ft.;Thence East 60 ft.;Thane South 132.5 ft.; Thence West 60 ft.to point of beginning. E.K.Hufstedlw and Son Beginning at a point 51 6 Alta Vista Acres 126.5 2.048531539 259.14 126.50 200,57 459.71 North of SW Cor.of Lot 3, B1k,6,AltaVista Acres; m Thence North 127.51 ,Thence East 60t;Thence South 127.51; Thence West 60t to the point of beginning WEST SIDE Eula Mae Stephens 1 4 Eula May Stephens 3ub,66.25 3.072797309 203.57 66,25 105.04 308,61 Fula Mae Ste-ohens 2 4 Fula May Stephens Sub.66.25 " 203*57 66.25 105,04 308.61 Eula Mac Stephens 3 4 Eula May Stephens Sub.66.25 " 203.57 66.25 105,04 308,61 Eula. Mae Stephens 4 4 Eula May Stephens Sub.60.25 3.072797309 185.14 60.25 95.52 280.66 Total P, 0. Cost 2,147.71 City's Share �51.97 Total Sub-Unit Cost 2,599.68 m FL�a PAVING ASSESSMENT 40th Strut G.W.0, 1234-B Sheet Yo. 1 of 1 Accepted 10-11-56 tl b-Unit 124 of Width 36 Feet From. E.G.L. Avenue OXII to the WGL Avenue "W" Unit No. 1 - „ I's.v3ng C&G At �1.5555 �'t�, Total 0 Lot Block Addition Igo Ft Rate , Cost Lin.Ft Cost Gott RORTH SIDE H. L. Wolverton. 9 4 Wolverton Sub. 60.75 3.072797309 186,67 60.75 96.32 2S2.99 H. L. Wolverton 10 4 Wolverton Sub. 60.75 " 1.86.67 60.75 96.32 282,99 H. L. Wolverton 11 4. Wolverton Sub. 60.75 186.67 60,75 96.32 282.99 H. L. Wolverton 12 4 Wolverton Sub, 60.75 " 186.67 60.75 96.32 282,99 H. L. Wolverton 13 4 Wolverton Sub. 60.75 " 186.67 60.75 96.32 282.99 H. L. Wolverton 14 4Wolverton Sub. 60,75 °� 186.67 60.75 96.32 282.99 H. L. Wolverton I, 4 Wolverton Sub. 60.75 186,67 60.75 96.32 282.99 H. L. lefol,verton 16 4 Wolverton Sub. 60.75 " 186,67 60.75 96.32 282,99 H. L. Wolverton 17 4 Wolverton Seib. 60,75 " 186.68 60.75 96.32 283.00 H. L. Wolverton 18 4 Wolverton Sub. 60.75 " 186.68 60,75 96.32 283,00 S0"iTH SIDE City of Lubbock 1 13 Alta Vista Acres 607.5 3.072797309 1866#72 607.50 963.19 =, :L Total F. 0. Cost 4"5659.83 Cityts Share; 55.64 Total. Sub--Unit Cost 65715.47 FINAL PAVDTu ASSESS1+MT Hartford Avenue G.W,O, 1234-8 Sheet No. 1 of. I Accepted 10-11-56 Sub-Unit M of s Width 36 Feet From LPL_ 23rd Street to the NFL 24th St egt alt, No 1851 40 Paving C&G at $1.5855 FtTotsl Owner Lotg Block Addition No Ft Rate Cot L'n Ft C t Co EAST SID^,E Chan Fix Victory 11 3 Westminster Tits. 1.40.0 2.048531539 286.79 140,00 221,97 508,76 John Zournas 12 3 Westminster Hts. 1.26,0 3.072797309 387.17 1.26,00 199,77 586.95 WEST S TEE Ban R. Eskridge 1 4 Westminster Hts. 1IA.0 2.048531539 286.79 140.00 221.97 508.76 C,R, Nix 22 4 Westminster Hts. 126.0 3.072797309 387.17 387.17 Total P. 0. Cost 1$991.64 City's Share 522.99 Total Suva-Unit Cost 2,514.63 i iA FINAL PAVING ASSESSIMIT Canton Avenue G.W.O. 1234-B Sheet No. 1 of 1 Accepted 10-11-56 Sub-Unit 26 of W dth 36 Feet From SGL.41st Street to th NGL 42nd Street Unit No 18 MOW Paving MG at $1.5855 Ft, Total Dwn Lotg Bock .Addition Pao Ft Ads Cost Lin Ft Cot cost doom WT-SIDE, H. 0. Simmons, Jr. � 2 Urban Hts. 132.5 2.01�531539 271.43 132.50 210,,08 481.51 Walter D.` Vernon 12 2 Urban Hts. 132.5 2.048531539 271.43 132.50 210,08 481.51 LET SIDE Jack R. Williams 1 2 Pace & Stokes 132.5 2.048531539 271..43 132.50 210.08 481.51 Therman D. White The N. 127.5' of Lot 22 2 Pace & Stokes 127.5 2.048531539 261.19 1.27.50 202.15 Total. P. 0. Cost 1,907,87 City's Share _ 872.07 Total. Sub--Unit Cost 2,779.94 i %0 FINAL WAVING ASSESSMENT 38th Street G.W.0, 1234-B Sheet No. 1 of 1 Accepted 10-11-56 Sub-Unit #1 of a� L d h 42 Feet From 0 Ft W of Ave L,to the EPL Ave 1%" Unij No 1852 Aft Paving C&G at $1.5855 Ft. Total Owner Lots Block Addition YO.FtA Ratg Coat Lin Ft Coat Cost N211TH SIDE 11. W. Campbell 6 5 Southmoor 193.7 $2.027957752 392.82 193.70 307.11 699.93 SOUTIf SIDE Lubbock Mile Doane Beginning at a point 1351 f't. S. and 261.7 796.07 261.70 414.93 1211.0U :1375 ft. E. of the N.W. cor,® of Sec.8, Blk, B, Lubbock County., Texas; Thence E. 261.7 ft.; Thence S. 100 .ft.; Thence W. 261.7 ft.; Thence N. 100 ft. to the point of beginning. Total P. 0. Cost 1,910.93 City's Share Au 69.12 Total Cost 6,580.05 o Final Paving Assesgnent 40th Street G. W. 0. 1234rB Sheet No. 1 of I. Kid a. Feet From EPL Avenge B to the VM . .venue D Acge W 12=11.- 6 t z it ja Unit No 18 Paving C. & G. at 1458 5 Total �„ timer Lot Blac A dit n No1. Ft Rate C '0 9291 Cast North Side 40 J. V. Dullard 11 2 avenue non 45.6 3.041.936628 138.71 45.60 72.30 211.01 Frank S`gis 12 2 Lvenue MR, 50.0 " 152.1.0 50.00 79.27 231.37 Billy Bobner 13 2 Avenue Mr 50.0 152.10 50.00 79.28 231.38 B. C. Sanders 14 2 Avemie "D� 50,0 " 152.10 50.00 79.27 231.37 td3.1.9 i m F. mmmond 15 2 Avenue "Dr 50.0 " 152.10 50.00 79.27 231.37 J. B. Villiamw, Jr. 16 2 avenue 19)r 50.0 it 152.10 50.00 79.28 231.38 '. L. V. Mccuiston 17 2 Avenue 50.0 " 152.10 50.00 79.27 231.37 Vm, D. Cotham i8 2 avenue IV 50.0 " 152.10 50.00 79.27 231.37 Bobby G. Dorman 19 2 Avenue "Dn 50.0 152.10 50.00 79.28 231.38 Curtis A. Mangum 20 2 Avenue !V 50.0 "1 152.10 50.00 79.27 231.37 Loyd V. Boles 6 2 Bolen Place 50,0 152.10 50.00 79.27 231.37 Loyd V. Boles 7 2 Boles Place 50.0 1.52.10 50.00 79.27 231.37 Loyd V. Boles 8 2 Boles Place 50.0 " 152.10 50.00 79.27 231.37 Loyd V. Boles 9 2 Mes Place 50.0 ". 152.10 50-00 79.27 231.37 Loyd V. Boles 10 2 Boles Place 55.7 169.44 55.70 88.31 257.75 South Side Lubbock Sndependent School Beginning at a point 2020.3 ft. 793.9 3.041936628 2414 99 793.90 1258.73 District S. and 1282.9 ft. V. of the N.E. (Schoolle .Extra Width 744:64) 4AI8.36 corner of Sec. 8, Block B. Lubbock Country Twms; Thence E. 793.9 ft.; Thence S. 100 ft.; Thence V. 793.9 f t.; Thence N. 100 ft. to the point of beginning. TOTAL PROPERTY MM COST 7;894.94 CTTYIS Sam 404.98 TOTAL SUB-UNIT COST 8$299.92 EITNAL :AVING ASSESSMYM' Avenue nun G*W.O. 1234 B Sheet to, 1 of 1 MOM Accepted 10-11-56 Subunit #4 of one Width 42 .Peet From SPL 51st Street to the M 52nd Stet Unit No 1852 Paving C&G at 61.5855 F't. , Total 0 t Hock iti n No Ft Rat C Lan Cot C ' ST SIDE Lubbock Independent Beginning at a point 11 ft, 2 C.N.Hodges Sub. 274. $3.041936628 833.49 274,00 434.43 1�539.20 School District N. and 35 ft. W. of the S.E. (Schools Extra Width 271.28) Cor. of Lot 31 Elk. 21 C. N. Hodges Saab.} Lubbock Co.Texas; Thence W. 100t; Thence N. 274i; Thence E. 100 ft.; Thence S. 274 ft, to the point of beginning EASfi SIDE C. N. Hodges The W. 60 ft. of the N. C. F. Hodges 'Add. 132.5 $2.027957752 268.70 132,50 210.08 478,78 132.5 ft. of Tract 4 C., N. dodges The W. 60 ft. of the S. C. N. Hodges Kidd. 123.5 n 250.45 123.50 195,81 132.5 ft. of Tract 4 Total Px O., Cost 22464.24 Total Cityrs Share 227.1�2 Total Cost 2,691.66 Final Paving Assessment 52nd Street G. 11. 0. 1234-B Sheet No. 1 of 1 Lj.dth &Z Feet From E.G.L. of eve a 11P" to the WM Avelige ON" AccegW 10-11- 6 Sub-Unit 15 Unit No S 2 Paving & G. at 41.5855 Total e Lots B10 k d t o o Ft a C t Lin Ft Cot C North Side e Lubbock Independent Beginning at a point 35 ft. V. and C.N. Hodges 595 3.041936628 1809,95 595.00 943.37 $3051,41 School. District 11 ft. N. of the S.E. corner of Sub-Div. (School's Extra Width 598.09) Lot 3, Blk. 2, of C.N. Hodges Sub- division.. Lubbock Counter, Texas; Thence ''. 595 ft. Thence N. 274 ft.; Thence E. 595 ft.; Thence S. 274 ft. to the point of beginning. South Side FriTAtive Baptist Beginning at a point 5 ft. S. of the 111.0 "' 337.65 111.00 175.99 513.64 Church N.E. corner, Lot 2, Blk, 3, C.N, Hodges Subdivision, Lubbock County, Texas; Thence E. Ill ft.; Thence S. 132.5 ft.; Thence V. 111 ft.; Thence N. 132.5 ft. to the point of beginning. S. A. Hodges Nancy Glenn 51. "" 155.14 51.00 80.86 236.o0 S. A. Hodges Nancy Glenn 51 "' 155.14 51.00 80.86 236.00 S. A. Bodges 2 Nancy Glenn 51 ' 155.14 51.00 80.86 236.00 71411am. Rice Glenn Z Nancy Glenn 51. !" 155.1.4 51.00 80.86 236.00 .Ada E. Hood 5 .Ada E. Hood 58 " 176.43 58.00 91.96 268.39 Ada E. Mood 4 ,Ada E. Hood 58 '! 176.43 55,00 91.96 268.39 ,Ada E. Mood 3 Ada E. Hood 58 176.43 58.00 91.96 268.39 W. L. Wallace 2 Ads E. Mood 5€3 �r 176.43 58.00 91.96 268.39 W. L. Wallace 1 Ada E. Hood 55 '? 167.31 55.00 87.20 254.51 TOUL PROPERTY OWNER COST $6,137.1.2 CMtS SMM TOTAL SUB--LINTS COST 05,891.46 Final. Paving assessment 58th Street G. W. 0. 1234-B Sheet No. l of 2 t Feet From 101 V. of W, of T e gjvenue. to III jjs 2L EM e e " Ac t 1 - - 6 U t N v1 . & 0. -at Total mow Adit ogtMo-ek N Cot Co t North Side "'"" Lubbock Independent Beginning at a point 2610 ft. S. 600 3.072797309 1,843.68 600.00 951.30 2,794.98 School District and 30 ft. E. of the N. T. corner of N.E. 1/4 of Sec. 3, 'Black E, Lubbock County$ Te=m; Thence E. 600 ft.; Thence N. 100 ft,; Thence V. 600 ft.; Thence S. 100 ft. to the point of beginning. Estate of Dora Roberte, Beginning at a point 2610 ft. S. 385 " 1,183.03 385.00 610.42 1,793.45 Deceased, Ft. North and 690 ft. E. of the N.11. corner Nat'l Bank, Trustee of the N.E. 1/4 of Sec. 3,, Blk, E, Lubbock County-, Texas; Thence L. 385 ft.; Thence N. 100 ft.; Thence . 385 ft.; Thence 8. 100 ft. to the point of beginning. Lester 0. Cooper & Beginning at a point 2610 ft. S. 595 1,828.31 595.00 943.37 2,771.68 M. V. Warren and 30 ft. V. of the N.V. corner of the N.E. 1/4 Sec. 3, Block "Bill Lubbock Counter, Texas; Thence . 595 ft.; Thence N. 100 ft.; Thence ' E. 595 ft.; Thence S. 100 ft. to the point of beginning. S0= SIDE Lubbock Independent Beginning at a int 2670 ft. S. 595 " 1,828.31 595.00 943.37 2,771.68 School, District a 35 ft. V. o�the N.V. corner o t_. of the N.E. 1/4, see. 3., Blk. "EI', Lubbock County, Texas; Thence 00.1 100 ft.;, Thence V. 595 ft.; Thence N. 100 ft.; Thence E. 595 ft. to s the point of beginning. F Assessment G. W. 0 B ina.1 Paving �s essm nt 58th Street 123� Sheet No. 2 of 2 f dtB A&Feet 'E`rom 10 t of LPL Tem RLvenxe to 1 2f tPL &.ega v Ag2g.Rid 0- - 6tatb-tTb3 Igo 1S. P vir�g• C. &•G. arc 1.5855 Total thauer Lots Black Addition Rate o oat Go t South Side (Continued) City of Lubbock (Park) Beginning at a point 2635 f. S. 1,050 3.01727<7309. 3,226." 1,050.00 1,664.78 4,891.; and 25 ft. E. of the N. T. comer of they N.E. 1/1r of Sec. 3, Bloek L, Lubbock County, Texas; Thence E. 4050 ft.; Thence S. 100 ft.,,- Thence W 1,050 ft ; Thence N. 100 ft. to the point .of beginning. TOTAL PROPERTY OMW COST 5,Q23.E GTTY is SHARE TOM SUB-UNIT COST Final Awing Assessment Avenue "TT" G. W. O. 1231-8 Sheet No. 1 of 1 of jath Street Acee ted 1El—i- 6 b-Urit V IIait No. 1S 2 Paving & G. at . 1.5555 Total Owner Lotg jl&gk ANW n i2s rti Rate -02gt. Ida, Ft 02pt Ca t mop East Side „ Darrell Taylor 10 2 Ricdge Crest Sub. 132.5 2.027957752 268.70 132.50 210.08 478.78 Trey R. Marshall 11. 2 Ridge Crest Sub. 132.5 " 268.70 132.50 210.08 478.78 Nest Side Luther D. Box I I Whitney Sub. 132.5 2.027957752 268.70 132.50 210.08 478.78 Jahn M. Graham 20 1 Whitney Sub. 1.32.5 0 268.70 132.50 210.08 478.78 TOTAL PP?OFMTY CUM COST 1,91.5.1-2 TOTAL C TI c g SHM 1=X69 TOTAL =-UNIT COST 3,332.81 Viial Paving assessment E 1/2 of Avenue IV G. V. 0. 1234-B Sheet No.' I of I Width `eet From a e. a C'! a Uni II t No 1822 Paving &.G at $1.5855 Total womb 0wne . Lots Block Additl2Lq R2,% IM4 Rate C2gj L ' & Cost Co Ft Meld► East Side ANN& 6Tilliam G. Newton 10 3 Ridge Crest Sub. 132.5 2.027957752 268.70 132.5E 210.08 478.78 Joe E. Stewart 11 3 Ridge Crest Sub. 132.5 " 268.70 132.50 210.08 478.78 TOM PROMTY aftm COST 957.56 ESMGI AMID CITYtS SHARE 3S2. ..20 TOTAL °DH-UnT COST 3,251.76 Final Paving assessment Avenue, nU" (W 1/4 Not Assessed) G. W. 0. 1234-B Sheet No. 1 of 1 Width 'fret From aP 8th Street to the IM h St eet Ace ed 14- 6 Sub-Unit Unit No 1.8 2 , . Pavin 0. &G. at 1«5 855 Total mapt NoF to t t wmer Io c c t East Side dwow Alton E, Cotton, et ux 10 6 Ridgecrest Sub. 127.5 ' 2.027957752 258.56 127.50 202.15 460.71. Jim K. Thomas n 6 Ridgeeregt Sub. 1.27.5 " 258.56 127.50 202.15 46o.71 Vest Side John Knox Presbyterian Beginning at a point 37.5 ft. 30 Crump Five sere 125.0 3.041936628 380.24 125.00 198.19 578.43 Church N. and 5 ft. W. of S.E. corner of Lot 1, Blk, 30, Crump Five Acre ,Add.; Thence W. 305 ft.; Thence N. 125. ft.; Thence E. 305 ft,; Thence S. 125 ft. to the point of beginning. TOTAL PRt19MTY OMM COST 1,499.85 GZTY#3 SSE 1. TOTAL SUS-UNIT COST 2,714.07 ,. a Final ftving ,assessment Aventte nIIs 0. V. 0. 1234,B Sheet No. 1 of 1 V dth 36 Feet From S. Lip Line 37th Street.to the N. Lip Line of 38th Street accepted 10-11-56 Sob-Unit #10 Unit No. -dam* - ---- --- - - ---- - ------ Paving C. 8e G. at 15855 ' 'Total . (diner Lots- Block ALdItIgn No rts Rate Cost Lin ft Cost Cost East Side Jahn E. Wheeler The E. 50 ft. of 7 4 Palace Hts. 132.5 2.027957752 268.70 132.50 210.08 478.78 M. L. Aart The E. 50 ft. of 6 4 Place Ms. 132.5 " 268.70 132.50 210.08 478.78 Vest Side J. H. Lee The V. 65 ft. of 30 4 McSpadden Sub. 132.5 2.027957752 268.70 132.50 210,08 1+78.78 Richard M. Jones The W. 70 ft. of 11 4 MoSpadden Sub. 132.5 " 268.70 132.50 210.08 1.78i70 TOTAL PROPERTY MM COST 1,915.12 CITYES SHW ULM TOTAL SU13--UN T COST 2,650.86 - e g