HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 020956E - Order For Election - City Commission Authorization To Contract With CRMWA - 02_09_1956 RESOLUTION j MINUTES PERTAINING TO PASSAGE AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AND ORDER FOR WATER CONTRACT ELECTION i I' THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF LUBBOCK COUNTY OF LUBBOCK it ON THIS, the 9th day of February, 1956, the City Com- mission of the City of Lubbock, Texas, convened in regular session, at the regular meeting place thereof in the City Hall, i there being present and in attendance the following members, j I to-wit: MURRELL R. TRIPP, MAYOR, Presiding; W. H. CARPENTER, S. S. FORREST LENNIS W. BAKER COMMISSIONERS, LUCIAN THOMAS and MRS. LAVENIA LOWE, CITY SECRETARY 1 . also being present; and with the following absent: None constituting a quorum; at which time the following among other business, was transacted, to-wit: Carpenter ! ' It was moved by Commissioner Ca rP and seconded by Commissioner Thomas that there be w j � submitted to the qualified electors of the City who own taxable property therein and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, the question of whether the City Commission, on behalf of I` the City shall be authorized to enter into a water supply contract with the Canadian River Municipal Water Authority. Thereupon, Commissioner Carpenter made a motion that any rule requiring that resolutions be notfinally passed �I on the day introduced, but must be passed, read and voted upon i more than one time or at more than one meeting of the City Com- mission, be suspended for the reasons stated in the emergency clause. i The motion was seconded by Commissioner Thomas i and carried by the following vote: YEAS: Mayor Tripp and Commissioners } II Carpenter, Forrest, Baker and Thomas. NAYS: None. I Thereupon, Commissioner Carpenter introduced a resolution and order calling an election for the purpose of sub- matting the proposition to a vote of the qualified electors of the City, and moved the passage and adoption of such reso- lution and order. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Thomas The motion, carrying with it the passage and adoption f of the resolution and order for election, prevailed by the following vote: i YEAS: Mayor Tripp and Commissioners Carpenter, Forrest, Baker and Thomas. NAYS: None. The Mayor then announced that the resolution and i order had been finally passed and adopted. i i MINUTES APPROVED, this the gth day of February, 1956. f l� ayor y , exas ATTEST: UYEy— Sg3retary, City of Lubbock,TexFs (City Seal) i . I li "RESOLUWON AND ORDER calling an election on ,the 13th day of March, 1956, in the City of Lubbock, Texas, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said City who own taxable property therein and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, the question of whether the City Commission, on behalf of the City, shall be authorized to i enter into a water supply contract with the Canadian River Municipal Water Authority; and enacting other provisions relating to the sub- ject and purpose of this resolution". .WHEREAS, the City of Lubbock is in need of a water supply which may be obtained by contract with the Canadian River I Municipal Water Authority; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has received from the I Board of Directors of the Canadian River Municipal Water Authori-I ty notice to call a water supply contract election in accordance with the provisions of Article 8280-154 R.C.S. of Texas, 1925, as amended, such election to be held under the provisions of Article 1109e, R. C. S. of Texas and other applicable laws; j and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it advisable and to the best interest of the City and its inhabitants to call ' �i and conduct an election as hereinafter provided for on the proposition hereinafter stated; therefore BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK, SECTION 1: That an election be held within and i throughout the limits of the City of Lubbock on the 13th day of March, 1956, at which time there shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the City who own taxable property therein, and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, the following { proposition: III I azcoqs(o� "SHALL the City Commission of the City of Lubbock, ,Texas, be authorized to contract with the-Canadian River Municipal Water Authority for a water supply for said City as..authorized by Article 1109e, R.C.S. of ,Texas 1925, and other, applicable laws?" SECTION 2: That said election shall be held under the provisions of and in accordance with the laws of this State it applicable thereto, particularly the provisions of Article 1109e, R.C.S. of Texas 1925, and only qualified electors of said City who own taxable property therein and who have duly rendered the same for taxation shall be permitted to vote. SECTION 3: That the polling places and officers of said election shall be as follows, to-wit: PRECINCT NO. POLLING PLACE ELECTION OFFICERS 1 Carroll Thompson Jr. High School, 14th Street and Mrs. F. M. Maddox Avenue T Presiding Judge All that part of the City of Lubbock Mrs. I. C. Dunbar bounded by Avenue A on the east, Judge 19th Street, on the south, 4th Street on the north and the Panhandle and Mrs. Sid Clark Santa IFe Railway Company (seagraves Clerk Branch) right-of-way on the west. i 2 0. L. Slaton Jr. High School, 32nd Street and Watt.L.'Hester j Avenue Q Presiding Judge All that part of the City Of Lubbock Mrs. V. R. Plummer lying within the following described Judge area: Beginning at the point of in- tersection Of the Slaton Highway with Mrs. Charles L. Brewer the City Limits; Thence Northwesterly Clerk along said highway to the Fort Worth and Denver City Railway Company Right- of-way; Thence Northwesterly along said railway right-of-way to Avenue A; Thence northerly along Avenue A to l9th Street; Thence West along l9th Street to College Avenue;_Thence South along College Avenue to the South City Limits; Thence along the Corporate.Limits of the Southern por- tion of the City of Lubbock to the point of beginning. Ii 3 Dunbar High School, 2311 Date Avenue _ George Wood Fres d ng Judge All that part of the City of Lubbock � f lying South of l9th Street, east of W. B. Hamilton Avenue-A and north of a line beginning Judge with the intersection of Avenue A with the main line track of the Fort Worth Mrs. Lucille Lovinos and Denver City Railway Company, thence Clerk southeasterly to-the intersection of said Fort Worth and Denver City Railway Company track with the Panhandle-and Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way, thence along said right-of-way to the south City Limits Line. i 02CRSb ' i PRECINCT NO. POLLING PLACE ELECTION OFFICERS 4 College Avenue Fire Sta- tion, 3rd Street and College Avenue Steve Hunter Presiding udge All that part of the City of Lubbock lying north of 4th Street and.,west of C o. kThite a line running due north from the Judge intersection of Avenue A with 4th Street according to the ,original town a Mrs C 'ckso_n___ of Lubbock Plat le 5 J. T. Hutchinson Jr. High School, 32nd .Street and Canton Street Ray Cha man Presiding ng Judge All that part of the City of Lubbock, bounded by 19th Street on the-North, Mrs, 11. J. Roper College Avenue on the East, Memphis Judge Avenue on the West and_,the South City Limits Line on .the south. 0. A. Lambert er 6 Zenith Avenue Fire Sta- tion, Zenith Avenue. and loth Street Bruce Barrier Presiding u ge All that part of the City of Lubbock lying North of 19th Street and East Zack Kitrbro of Avenue A extended-North to the Judge North City, Limits Line. Earl Stalnaker Clerk 7 Lou Stubbs School, 34th,Street,,and Toledo Street Paul Judah Presiding Judge All that part of the City of Lubbock lying west of a line beginning at the Mrs. S.N. Davenport,Sr Junction of Memphis Avenue with the Judge South City Limits line, thence north along Memphis Avenue to the Panhandle airs. 0. J. Snow and Santa Fe Railroad (Seagraves Branch) Clerk right-of-way,..thence northeasterly along said Railroad to the north boundary v line extended to said railroad of the C. C. Leftwich Subdivision. SECTION 4: That the ballots for said election shall be prepared in sufficient number and in conformity with Chapter 6, V.A.T.S. Election Code adopted by the 52nd Legis- lature in 1951, as amended, and that printed on such ballots "�•_./ shall appear the following: { OZo�lS�o� i� "FOR THE WATER CONTRACT" � "AGAINST THE WATER CONTRACT" AS TO THE FOREGOING, each voter may mark out with black ink or pencil one of such expressions, thus leaving the I other as indicating his vote on the proposition; or, in the alternative, each voter may vote on the proposition by placing i an "%" in the square appearing on the ballot beside the ex- pression of his choice. SECTION 5: In the event the results of said election are favorable to the proposition for the water contract, the City Commission shall pass an ordinance prescribing the form and substance of the contract and directing its execution. A i form of said proposed contract is on file in the office of the City Secretary and is there available for public inspection. The contract thus to be authorized will be substantially in such form. SECTION 6: A substantial copy of this resolution and order signed by the Mayor and attested by the City secretary shall serve as proper notice of said election. Notice of said election shall be given by posting and publication of a copy J of this resolution and order, at the top of which shall appear the words, "NOTICE OF WATER CONTRACT ELECTION". Said notice ^ shall be posted at the City Hall and at each of the polling places in said City, not less than fourteen (14) full days prior to the date on which said election is to be held, and be pub- lished on the same day in each of two successive weeks in the LUBBOCK AVALANCHE-JOURNAL, which is a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Lubbock, Texas, the first '•� of said publications to be made not less than fourteen (14) i full days prior to the date set for said election. The City I i i Secretary shall cause said notice to be prepared, posted and published as aforesaid, and make due returns thereof to the City Commission. SECTION 7: Immediately after said election, the officers shall make due returns of the results thereof to the City Secretary for canvassing by the City Commission. SECTION 8: The public importance of this measure and the fact that it is to the best interest of the City of Lubbock to contract for a water supply as indicated by the proposition hereinabove set out, at the earliest possible date, constitute and create an emergency and an urgent public necessity for the i immediate preservation of the public peace, property, health and safety of the citizens of said City, requiring that this resolution and order be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, to be in fill force and effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is so resolved and ordered. PASSED AND APPROVED, this the 9th day of February, 1956. ayor, o , eras. E ATTEST: City' Secretary4 Citylof Lubbock, Texas. (City Seal) f t