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Resolution - 4992 - Contract - Goodwill Industries - Custodial Services - 10_12_1995
Resolution No. 4992 October 12, 1995 Item #31 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor, of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock a Contract and all related documents by and between the City of Lubbock and Goodwill Industries of Lubbock, Inc. of Lubbock, Texas, pursuant to the authority granted in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 122, Human Resources Code, and certified by Texas Industries for the Blind and Handicapped (TIBH), as a contract in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 122, Human Resources Code, to furnish custodial services and materials, which contract is attached hereto, which shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon the minutes of this Council shall constitute and be a part of this Resolution as if fully copied herein in detail. Passed by the City Council this ATTEST: &ot'-A- C�' stlr� Betty bd Johnson, ity Secretary APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Victor Kilman, Purchasing Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ddi d G. Vandiver, First Assistant City Attorney DGV: da/ccdocs/goodwil I.res October 3, 1995 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK Resolution No. 4992 October 12, 1995 Item #31 CONT ACT Nb1 ttR CONTRACT FOR CUSTODIAL SERVICES CITY OF LUBBOCK LUBBOCK, TEXAS This contract and agreement is entered into by and between the City of Lubbock (Owner) and the Performing Party (Assigned Workcenter), Goodwill Industries of Lubbock, pursuant to the authority granted in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 122, Human Resources Code, and certified by Texas Industries for the Blind and Handicapped (TIBH), as a contract in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 122, Human Resources Code. EFFECTIVE DATE: November 1, 1995 Contract Expiration Date: October 31, 1996; with two one year options ITEMS COVERED BY CONTRACT: Goodwill Industries of Lubbock, herein referred to as the performing agency/assigned workcenter shall perform custodial services for the City of Lubbock at the following locations: 1. Solid Waste (Landfill) 2. Water Treatment Plant 3. Water Reclamation Plant The listed services shall be performed at the following rates: Monthly Annually 1. Solid Waste (Landfill) $ 220.73 $ 2,648.76 2. Water Treatment Plant 1,693.47 20,321.64 3. Water Reclamation Plant 1,693.60 20,323.20 $ 3,607.80 $ 43,293.60 Spebifications for this contract are contained in pages 8 through 36 of the attached City of Lubbock Specifications. Custodial Services Checklist and Special Department Requirements are contained on the attached pages specific to each building. PRICING: Pricing includes all costs for labor, materials, and supervision and overhead. INSURANCE: Goodwill Industries of Lubbock will provide a copy of the proof of insurance with limits of coverage. The performing agency/assigned workcentershall observe and comply with all Federal, State and Local Laws, safety and health regulations, ordinances, and all other ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect the conduct of the work. This contract may be canceled without penalty by either party by providing thirty (30) day written notice to the other party. This contract is issued under Chapter 122 of the Human Resources Code as part of the State of Texas, State Use Program. Attorney General Opinion JM-444, dated February 21, 1986, permits the purchase of products and services from non-profit workcenters without engaging in competitive bidding as long as the requirements of the statute are met. Date: 10/12/95 ATTEST: &'t, '(_ bettl 9. Jo son City Secretary Date: 10/12/95 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: VA K a_,A�� Mark Hindman Director of Support Services Date: 10-5-q5 APPROVED AS TO FO M: D ald G. Van aver First Assistant, City Attorney Date : Goodwill Industries of Lubbock PERFORMING AGENCY/ASSIGNED WORKCENTER Authorized Signature Date: CERTIFYING PARTY Texas Industries for the Blind and Handicapped (TIBH) Authorized Signature Date: Al -&"- 9� Custodial Sen•Iccs Checklist Solid Waste (Landfill) 6500 N. Mcnue P 1I'GM U� AN•I•ITY Elevator, Escalator 0 Phones S Offices 3 Work Stations 1 Computers 4 Rcstrooms 1 Windows (Include Those on Doors) T H2O Fountains 0 Conference Rooms 0 Carpet Sglfarc Feet 0 Ilard Floor Sgnarc Feet 946 Janitor Closets I Stairwells 0 Entrances 2 Sidewalk, Patio, Covered Spaces Sq. Ft 0 Recycle Bins t Sq. Ft Undeveloped Area 0 Frequency of Cleaning Monday - Friday I lours Cleaned Bcthwccn 4:00 p.m. & 5:00 p.m. Custodial Senices Checklist Water_ Treatment 6001 N. Guava ITEM QUANTITY Elevator, Escalator - - 2 Phones 27 Offices 20 Work Stations 32 Computers 14 Restrooms 6 Windows (Include Those on Doors) 100 1120 Fountains 4 Conference Rooms, Training Rooms, Lunchrooms 3 Carpet Square Feet 2,000 I lard Floor Square Feet 25,000 janitor Closets 4 Stairwells 5 Entrances 3 Sidewalk, Patio, Covered Spaces Sq. Fl 1,0tx) Recycle Bins 3 Sq. Ft Undeveloped Area 0 Frequency of Cleaning Monday - Friday I lours Cleaned Between 8:00 a.m. do 11:00 p.m. Custodial Scn•iecs Checklist Water Reclamation E. 37th & Guava ITEM _ U(1 A[ffr1'Y Elevator, Escalator 1 1'liones 25 Offices G Work Stations 9 Computers 23 Restrooms 3 Windows (Include Those on Doors) 216 1120 Fountains 3 Conference Rooms (Meeting Rooms) 2 Carpet Square Peet 2,569 I ard Floor square Feet 7,431 Janitor Closets 2 Stairwells 1 Entrances 5 Sidc%%-llk, Patio, Covcrcd Spaces Sq. Ft 3,5m) Recycle Bins 0 Sq. Pt Undcvclopcd Area 0 Frequency of Cleaning Daily f lours Cleaned Bchsccn 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 pan. NOTE 1: Week Days have Custodian (here G hours per clay. NOTE 2: Weekends have Custodian there 4 hours per day. CITY OF LUBBOCK CUSTODIAL SERVICES 11. SPECIFICATiONS 1.0 SCOPE To furnish aistodial services at various City facilities as outlined in the attached contract documents, specifications, and bid sheets. 2.0 QUALIFICATIONS 2.1 All bidders must be primarily engaged in providing the service as outlined in these specifications and must have been actively engaged in this field for a period of no less than 2 years. 2.2 All bidders shall have a proven record orhaving provided this service requirement. 2.3 All bidders shall have adequate equipment, personnel, and financial ability to insure that the work will be performed with high standards at all times. 2.4 The City reserves the right to perform such imrstigations as may be deemed necessary to insure that competent personnel and management will be utilized in the performance of the contract. 2.5 The City of Lubbock reserves the right to check all references rurnisbcd and consider the response received In determining the award orthis Bid. 3.0 CONTRACT TERM The tern of this agreement shall be for one year front the date of execution of this agreement, subject to being extended for up to two (2) additional one yc:,r periods at the sole option of the Owner. The Owner may exercise its option by written notice delivered to Contractor at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration of the original or subsequent term. 4.0 PRICING All pricing shall include all costs for labor, materials, supervision and ovenccid. 5.0 . WORK SCiiEDULE The bidders) shall stnte as part of their bid;a daily work schedule for each building bid- Failure (ode so nmy-be cause for -rejection of -bid. Within thirty 3�ays oraward of contract, the Contractor shall provide a daily work schedule ror each racility. 6.0 EXCEPTiONS The bidder shall furnish a statement on company letterhead giving a complete description of all exceptions to the terms, conditions, and specifications. Failure to furnish the statement mill mean that the bidder agrees to meet all requirements of the terms, conditions, and specifications. 7.0 TERMINATION 7.1 Termination for Convenience: The City of Lubbock may terminate a contract, in whole or in part, whenever the City determines that such termination is in the best interest of the City, without showing cause, upon giving written notice to the contractor. The City of Lubbock shall pay all reasonable costs incurred by the contractor up to the date of termination. However, in no event shall the contractor be paid an amount which exceeds the price bid for the work performed. The contractor shall not be reimbursed for any profits which may have been anticipated but which have not been earned up to the date of termination. 7.2 Termination for Default: When the contractor has not performed or has unsatisfactorily performed the contract, the City may terminate the contract for default. Upon termination for default, payment may be withheld at the discretion of the City. Failure on the part ors contractor to fulfill the contractual obligations shall be considered just cause for termination of the contract. The contractor will be paid for work satisfactorily performed prior to termination less any excess costs incurred by the City in r reprocuring and completing the work 9.0 EMPLOYEE IDENTIFICATION All employees of the contractor shall wear name patch and uniforms as a means of identification during the time the employees arc in the buildings. 9.0 LOST AND FOUND ARTICLES The contractor shall be responsible for insuring that articles found by its employees are turned in to the Owner's Representative's Office. 10.0 UTILITIES AND SUPPLIES FURNISHED BY THE CITY 10.1 The City shall furnish electric light and power at facilities to be serviced to provide power for cleaning equipment to be used in the performance of this contract. 10.2 Employees of the contractor shall conserve electric energy at all times. For example, in a multi -story oflice building, the contractor shall illuminate only those «tings, suites, or floors actually occupied by personnel engaged in custodial service activity. First level supervisors shall be required to become familiar with energy saving light switches that the City may have installed. As custodial workers complete their work in a suite of offices, they shall turn the lights off before leaving. 10.3 The City shall provide the contractor «ith water supply. The contractor shall adhere to accepted sanitary practices governing the disposal of wastewater of every kind. While the contractor shall notify the City of Lubbock of the locations of defective lamps, they are not required to replace incandescent lamps, tubular fluorescent lamps, or lamp ballasts. 10.4 The City will not furnish liquid soap, pacer products, trash or sanitary napkin receptacle liners, or women's sanitary products for installation in restroom dispensers. The contractor shall be responsible for collection of their money from sanitary dispensers. The contractor is also responsible for maintenance of these dispensers. 11.0 BUILDING SECURITY 11.1 Keys will be furnished to the successful contractor for some buildings for access at time of assignment. The contractor shall be responsible for safe keeping of all keys in their custody. 11.2 Any lost keys shall be reported immediately to the Owner's Representative. The contractor «i11 be charged for the replacement or any lost key. if the security of an area where a key is lost necessitates 9 replacement of lock cylinders, locks or any other hardware, the contractor shall pay the cost of such replacement and rekeying. 11.3 If any keys issued to the contractor during the term of the contract are not returned at the expiration date of the contract, replacement keys or hardware replacement as described in Paragraph 11.2 above shall be deducted from the final payment to the contractor. 11.4 Where a facility to be serviced is equipped with an intrusion alarm, the contractor shall be responsible for disarming the alarm when their people enter the building, and for arming the alarm when they leave. The Owner's Representative shall be responsible for furnishing instructions to the contractor supervisory personnel in the correct procedure for each operation. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to instruct any temporary or replacement employees in the complete operation of arming and disarming alarm systems. J L5 Contractor shall be responsible for adherence to building security after final completion of work and/or when the cleaning staff j-temporarily leaves the building to empty trash. Additionally, they shall be responsible for same while they are the sole occupant of the building. 12.0 PERSONNEL 12.1 A fully qualified force shall be maintained throughout the period of this contract with a sufficient number of workers to perform all required services within the hours indicated by the schedule. These workers shall be thoroughly instructed by their supervisors as to required duties and methods of performance. All personnel will receive close and continuing first line supervision. Additionally, all personnel shall maintain a courteous and respectful attitude toward the public at all times. At no time shall there by any soliciting or requesting of gratuities of any type. 12.2 The contractor shall assume full responsibility for any and all damages or claim for damage, for injury to persons, property and equipment which might result from any services performed under this contract. I2.3 Each bidder shall furnish a staffing chart for each building with the bid. Failure to do so may be cause for rejection of the bid. 12.4 The contractor's supervisors shall be thoroughly familiar with all phases of contract work and shall possess at least 2 years of supervisory experience supervising janitorial crc«,s and the cleaning of buildings. The City shall review each supervisor's qualifications. Should a supervisor lack the necessary qualifications, the contractor shall replace such supervisor with a qualified supervisor. 12.5 Supervisors shall be well qualified to operate all equipment under their charge and to train personnel in its operation. 12.6 The contractor or his on -site representative shall be available at all times when the contract work is in progress to receive notices, complaints, reports, or requests from the City's Representative. In the absence of the on -site supervisor, the on -site representative shall have the authority to accept and sign for notices of deduction and inspection reports. It is the policy of the City of Lubbock that City employees' direction and supervision of contractor's employees, directly or indirectly, shall not be exercised. 12.7 The contractor shall provide, in writing to the Building Services Manager at least five working days prior to the contract start date, the names, addresses, and telephone and/or pager numbers of all on -site supervisors. The term "on -site supervisor" means a person designated in writing by the contractor, who has the authority to act for the contractor on a day-to-day basis at each worksite and to accept and sign notices of deductions, inspection reports, and all other correspondence on behalf of the contractor. The contractor shall designate someone to act in the absence of the on -site supervisor. This alternate %~till have the same responsibilities and authorities. 10 13.0 C19EMICAL DATA 13.1 All materials to be used which are to be as stated in the material list or Owner's Representative approved equal shall be submitted to Owner's Representative seven (7) days prior, to bid closing. Owner's Representative will give written notice to Contractor of approval or denial within forty-eight (48) hours for material submitted. Approved list of materials are as follows: 1. Hard surfaced floor cleaning, stripping, rewaxing a. Rinse Free Stripper Floor Liquidator (Spartan Chemical Company) b. HDQ Neutral One Step Germicidal Detergent and Deodorant (Spartan Chemical Company) C. " ONBASE Floor Sealer and Conditioner (Spartan Chemical Company) d. Shecn-17 Durable Acrylic Metal Interlock Floor Finish (Spartan Chemical Company) 2. Carpeted Surfaces a. Triple S Carpet Maintenance (Triple S Manufacturing) b. Gum Remover (Hill Manufacturing Company) c. Spotrate Spot Remover (Certified Labs) 3. Restroom Cleaning a. HDQ Neutral One Step Germicidal Detergent and Deodorant (Spartan Chemical Company) b. Sparcling Restroom Disinreclant (Spartan Chemical Company) C. SSS Cleanser Powder (Triple S Manufacturing) 4. Hard Inanimate Surfaces a. Citro Shield Furniture Polish (Spartan Chemical Company) b. 'SSC-14 Aerosol Metal Polish (Certified Labs) C. SNB-130 Super Strength Non -Butyl Degreaser (Spartan Chemical Company) 13.2 The lists shall include: 13.2.1 Manufacturer, 13.2.2 Technical Data; 13.2.3 Brand Name; 13.2.4 Intended Use; and 13.2.5 . Other Pertinent Data for Product Evaluation 13.3 The City of Lubbock may conduct or have tests conducted in the performance of this contract to insure that products specified by the contractor are of acceptable quality. 13.4 Material Safety Data Sheets shall be furnished in-depliente by the Contractor to the Building Services Manager and to each Building Safety Officer for each of the products listed in Paragraph 13.1 above. 13.5 If the contractor changes or substitutes chemicals during the performance of this contract, the Building Services Manager shall be furnished with 2 copies of the list of the chemicals replacing the original chemicals. 13.6 Any chemicals not approved by the City for use in its buildings shall be removed within 3 working days after notification by the City to the contractor to do so. 14.0 CHANGES IN THE SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT The City may. by written order, make changes in the general scope of the contract and in the specifications. The contractor will be given as much advance notice as is practicable when. for example, an entire facility. or floor of an oorce building, is to be added or deleted from the contract. If the changes so ordered cause an increase or decrease in the price of the contract, an equitable adjustment mill be made and the contract will be modified accordingly. 15.0 CITY OF LUBBOCK OBSERVED HOLIDAYS 15.1 The City of Lubbock observes the following holidays: New Year's Day - January 1st Martin Luther King Day - 3rd Monday in January Good Friday - Friday before Easter Memorial Day - Last Monday in May Independence Day - July 4th Labor bay - First Monday in September Thanksgiving Day - 4lh Thursday in November Christmas Day - December 25th Note: When designated holiday falls on Sunday, Monday is observed. When designated holiday falls on Saturday, Friday is observed. 15.2 T4,,ese-C4ty-ef4Aibboc-"tiildin"re-net-aiaMlly-qvnon-the above4w]idaysand-coveraWerviistodint servie�s�xiay4tot bey-fequired-ef-the eentraetor-. City of Lubbock buildings are typically closed on the above holidays and coverage for custodial services may not be rcauired. llowever. Party Houses are rented 365 days per yetir and may require custodial services on holidays. 15.2.1 'fhc Communication Center and P.D. Desk Sergeant area remain open 24 hours every day. 16.0 BUILDING CLEANING CONTRACT DEDUCTIONS 16.1 General 16.1.1 A clean and well maintained building is the City's goal and while deduction provision for work omitted or improperly performed is designed to protect the City's interest, it is not ordinarily a desirable substitute for getting the job accomplished through the normal processes. 16.1.2 Schedule for Deductions for Omitted or Unsatisfactory Work will be used by the City In determining the deductions for non-performance of work under this contract or for deficiencies in the work performed. . 16.1.3 It is the objective of the City to obtain full cleaning performance in accordance with the terms of the specifications and quality work requirements of this contract. To this end, the City is contracting for the complete performance of each cleaning job as identified in the specifications, and deductions will, therefore, be made as stipulated. If this provision of the contract must be invoked frequently, it will be indicative of overall non- performance, and grounds for cancellation of the contract. 12 16.1.4 Under the Superintendence and Inspection clause of this contract, payment may be adjusted if any services do not conform with contract requirements. The Building Services Manager will inform the contractor, in writing, of the type and dollar amount of proposed deductions by the tenth workday of the month following the performance period for which the deductions are to be made. The contractor may. within ten working days of receipt of the notification of the proposed deductions, present to the Building Services Manager specific reasons why any or all of the proposed deductions are not justified. Reasons must be solidly based and must provide specific facts to justify reconsideration and/or adjustment of the amount to be deducted. Failure to respond within the ten day period will be interpreted to mean that the contractor accepts the deductions proposed. 16.1.6 Payment (except for the final one) will not be delayed or withheld until disputes over proposed deductions are settled. If the Building Services Manager determines that any or all of the deductions are warranted, the Building Services Manager shall notify the contractor and adjust subsequent payments under the contract accordingly. 16.2 Criteria for Cleaning Deductions 16.2.1 Toilet Cleaning - In instances where restrooms are not satisfactorily cleaned or policed and serviced as determined by the City's designated representative, deductions will be made fer4he-entire-r©orn at the rate indicated in the Schedule of Deductions multiplied by the number of fixtures in the restroom (fixtures are water closets, urinals, and washbasins). 16.2.2 Room Cleaning - In instances where room cleaning has not been satisfactorily performed, or any portion or portions of work omitted or improperly performed, a deduction for -the entire-reorn-area will be made at the rate indicated in the Schedule of Deductions. 16.2.3 Work Required Daily or Scheduled for Performance Weekly - If any work required for performance daily or scheduled for performance wecklyIs omitted or unsatisfactorily performed, the attention of the contractor or designated representative will be called to this failure or omission and a deduction will be made from any moneys due or to become due to the contractor. Costs to be deducted under this paragraph will be determined by using item unit costs shown in the Schedule of Deductions. 16.2.4 Work Scheduled for Monthly or Less Frequent Accomplishment - In the case of failure by the contractor to comply with the frequency for those items scheduled for performance monthly or less frequently, the attention of the contractor will be called to this failure or omission and they will be requested in writing by the contract coordinator then to perform the omitted operation. If the contractor does not comply with the request within such time as the contract coordinator deems to be reasonable, the work will be performed by other means, and the cost thereof will be deducted from any money due or to become due the contractor. If this omitted or unsatisfactory work cannot be accomplished by other means, and cannot be rescheduled, a deduction covering the cost of service omitted or not satisfactorily performed will be made from any moneys due or to become due the contractor. Costs to be deducted under this paragraph will be determined by using the unit costs shown in the Schedule of Deductions. 16.2.5 All Other Work (Miscellaneous) • Any other omitted or unsatisfactory work not specifically listed above or which does not clearly fall into one of the above categories, will be deducted at the hourly rate indicated on the deduction table multiplied by the hours required to perform the omitted or unsatisfactory work. 13 16.3 Deductions for Failure to Furnish Minimum Man Hours 16.3.1 In the event the contractor, for any reason whatsoever, fails to provide the minimum man- hours stipulated, the City reserves the right to either: Engage additional custodial personnel under a separate contract, in sufficient numbers to make up the difference between the minimum number of productive man-hours stipulated as required to perform the work, and the number actually furnished by the contractor. The cost of this separate contractual service, as well as any related costs incurred by the City shall be charged to the contractor and deducted from moneys due them; or Make deductions for the number of productive or supervisory man-hours not furnished. A deduction shall be computed by dividing the minimum hours required into the daily rate, times the number of hours not provided. 16.3.2 Deductions for failure to furnish minimum man-hours for up to 3 times will not be deducted at the same time cleaning deductions are made for an area, however, the contractor shall be required to provide to the City the man-hours not furnished in accordance with the contract to correct the deficiencies within 30 calendar days from date of notification from the City. 16.3.3 The City will notify the contractor in writing that there shall be no other shortage of minimum contract man-hours during the contract period. After this notification, failure by the contractor to furnish the minimum man-hours shalt result in deductions being made for failure to furnish the minimum man-hours in accordance with Paragraph 16.3. 16.3.4 Schedule of Deductions Room Cleaning Daily $.20 Per 100 Sq. Ft. Restrooms Daily S5.00 Per Room Restroom Fixtures Daily $1.00 Per Fixture Entrances, Lobbies Corridors, Stairways Daily S.20 Per 100 Sq. Ft Janitorial Closets Daily S 1.00 Per Room Un-emptied Wastebaskets Daily $.10 Each Carpet Not Vacuumed Daily $.10 Per 100 Sq. Ft. Elevator Daily $3.00 Each Patios and Entrances Daily $5.00 Each Blinds Quarterly $1.00 Per Blind Per Day Window Sills Daily S.05 Each Furniture Not Moved For Vacuuming Daily $.10 Each Floor Mopping Daily S.20 Per 100 Sq. Ft. Water Fountain Daily $.20 Each Lobby - Glass Daily S.02 Per Sq. Ft. 14 I Baseboards Weekly $.02 Foot . Unacceptable Wax $10.00 Per Day Until Application or Quarterly Corrected Waxing Not Done Exterior Windows Annually $6.00 Per Window Per Day Deductions will be based on the schedule provided by the contractor. The deductions will begin after the date provided on the schedule. For example, if the exterior windows are to be done annually In April, the deductions will begin aflerApril. 17.0 SERVICE FREQUENCY Noted throughout document dependent on facility, area in facility, and type of service performed. Evenings means after business hours. 18.0 CLEANING SPECIFICATIONS The following services will be performed on a regular basis in all City buildings included in the bid specifications. A -regular -basis rnear3s daily sew 18.1 Restroom 18.1.1 Floors - The entire restroom floor area will be swept and thoroughly mopped or scrubbed with a neutral soap/ disinfectant - detergent and hot water solution, rinsed, and dried. Special attention vvill be given to maintaining the appearance of the floors around toilet fixtures and urinals. Hard -to -reach areas and corners shall be given special attention by hand -washing. 18.1.2 Toilet Bowls and Urinals - Water closets, seats and urinals shall be washed inside and outside with a neutral soap solution. A toilet brush in good condition shall be used to -brush into the trap of the bowl and to wash under the rounded inside rim. All rust, encrustation, water rings or other stains will be removed, The outside of the bowls and the seats, tank and cover will be wiped dry with a clean Cloth, and the seats will be left in a raised position. Urinal strainers will be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign matter, and all traps will be maintained free from odors at all times. 18.1.3 Clean all fixtures, including metal and chrome, flush handles, piping, water closets, commodes, urinals, wash basins, mirrors, waste receptacles, dispensers and surrounding wall surfaces, using a quat-type germicidal detergent. Raise commode seats. 18.1.4 Prior to building occupants' official starting time, empty and/or service and clean waste receptacles, paper towel, toilet tissue, soap and seat cover dispensers. Empty, clean and disinfect all sanitary napkin receptacles; replace non -permeable bag with a new one. Collect soiled bags in a separate container for disposal (Blood Borne Pathogens Precaution). 18.2 Room Cleaning: All office areas, file rooms, libraries, conference rooms and corridor space'adjacent to these areas will receive the following daily cleaning: 18.2.1 Ash trays, butt cans, or other receptacles located outside buildings will be emptied daily into fireproof metal containers for disposal as trash and wiped clean with a damp cloth. 15 18.2.2 Waste baskets will be emptied and all wastepaper and trash removed to main disposal areas. Covers will bereplaced on outside receptacles after emptying. Wipe exterior of waste basket clean. For severely soiled baskets, clean with detergent solution. Where waste baskets have plastic liners, the liners will be replaced only when necessary. If a liner is not contaminated with food or other vermin breeding substances, the liner will remain in use. The City will monitor this to insure compliance. 18.2.5 Floors will be swept clean and dust mopped so that no dust streaks are left and no dust remains where dirt is picked up with dustpan. No dirt or dust shall be left in corners, behind radiators or heaters, under furniture or behind doors. All furniture or other equipment moved during sweeping will be replaced. Baseboards, doors, furniture and equipment will not be disfigured by brushes or otherwise damaged in moving. Any spot cleaning will be performed which is necessary to remove coffee or soft drink stains, chewing gum, tar, etc. from floors or carpets. 18.2.4 All horizontal exposed surfaces (desks, file and table tops, chair seats, wearing apparel racks, window sills, handrails, radiator tops, desk lamps, letter trays, etc.) within approximately 70 inches of the floor will be dusted. with -a treated -lest cloth. Glass desk lops will be cleaned.%ithan ntrreate"eth:-areas around air- , eta e# ' n-$1 caned: 18.2.5 All rugs and walk -off mats sill be vacuum -cleaned daily. 18.2.6 All wall surfaces. partitions, doors, window frames and sills will be spot cleaned. 18.2.7 All bright metal work (door knobs, hardware, switch plates, etc.) will be maintained in a polished condition. I8.2.8 All glazing of doors, partitions, mirrors, pictures, book cases, shall be cleaned with spray glass cleaner, wiped dry and polished. 18.3 Entrances, Lobbies and Corridors - Floors will be swept in all corridors and lobby areas, hard floors will be wet mopped or scrubbed daily; and resilient and wood floors damp mopped. All surfaces will be dusted, metal and wood panel surfaces, spotted walls and interior glass and drinking fountains cleaned. 18.4 Stairways - Stair landings and steps will be swept or vacuumed. Hand railings, ledges, grilles, fire apparatus, doors and radiators will be dusted and cleaned. 18.5 Outside Entrances 18.5.1 Landings, steps and sidewalks will be swept. 18.5.2 Both sides of entrance glass will be cleaned. 18.5.3 Kick plates, push plates and push bars will be cleaned and polished. 18.6 Vending Machine Areas - Contractor will clean floor and wall areas around vending machines, collect and dispose of all trash. No cleaning of vending machines will be required. 18.7 Drinking Fountains - Drinking fountains and water coolers will be cleaned by washing the bowl with a neutral soap solution. The remainder of the fountain or cabinet will be wiped with a clean cloth. No metal polish is to be used on fittings. Drinking fountains will be kept free of trash, ink, cof ce grounds, etc. and nozzles free of cncrustation. Walls and floors adjacent to fixtures will be kept free of spots, drippings, and watermarks. 16 18.9 Registers, Diffusers and Louvers - Weekly clean dust the opening of all air registers, diffusers and louvers to remove accumulated dust, lint, etc.Remove build-up of dust from walls'and ceiling surfaces immediately surrounding these openings, There is . height restFictien for this ta within reach using an 8' ladder and an extended duster. 18.9 Passenger Elevators - All surfaces in the interior of the car will be cleaned including hoistway doors and crevices on the corridor side of the elevator, and all bright metal surfaces polished. Vacuum clean all rugs. Resilient floors will be cleaned, waxed and polished. Rubber floor mats will be removed, washed, dried and replaced. 18.10 Blinds - All venetian, mini, vertical, etc. blinds will be cleaned dusted on a quarterly basis. Tws mill remove dust diFt a other residue. These may occasionally require spot cleaning. 18.11 Rugs and Carpets - All rugs and carpets located in offices, conference rooms and wherever else found in the buildings included in this specification shall be vacuum cleaned daily (high traffic areas daily, the rest spot vacuumed as needed, and entire area weekly) and area rugs shall be removed periodically or as scheduled to permit proper cleaning of the area covered by the rug. Under side of rugs shall be vacuumed prior to replacement. Move chairs, chair pads on floor, trash cans, small pieces of furniture and free standing ash receptacles, etc. out of the way to prepare area for vacuum cleaning as required. Small pieces of furniture means all furniture excluding files cabinets, storage cabinets, bookcases, desks, computer furniture with computer equipment and any piece of furniture attached to a building. Replace all items moved after vacuuming. Spot clean all new stains found on carpet. -with spot rem solution- 18.12 Concrete Floors 18.12.1 Sweeping - Interior floors, including stairways, shall be swept each scheduled work day. Vacuum cleaning may be substituted, if desired. 18.12.2 Mopping - Floors shall be damp mopped as sclicduled. A non -injurious soap will be used to remove dirt, traffic marks and stains. C4enn-water-will bused-asp-final4inse-wash. During inclement weather, more frequent mopping will be required as necessary to meet cleanliness standards in entrances and corridors. 1813~ Floor Maintenance 19.13.1 Resilient flooring in all office space, file rooms, libraries, conference rooms and normal traffic areas in public spacewill be thoroughly scrubbed or stripped to remove all dead Nvax, soil and gum. An approved type-wa.ular flooring will be applied floor bufi'ed4o-a-saFisfactory-1:nis . , 18.13.2 Mopping - Floors shall be damp mopped as scheduled using a neutral soap solution which does not remove the wax or injure the floor. Floors shall be mopped to remove dirt, traffic marks and stains that cannot be removed by sweeping. Scrubbing with neutral soap solution, rather than damp or wet mopping, shall be resorted to only when floor cannot be cleaned by mopping. Wash-and-rinseall be changed ftequently leor-s shall be dried fter-rneppistg�ea trial ceverfng. Hard to reach places shall be mopped by hand. Mop water splashed on baseboards, doors, furniture and equipment shall be removed immediately. 18.13.3 Cleaning and polishing shall be performed as scheduled with a material consisting of a polyctliyicne get combined with synthetic detergents. Material shall be slip resistant, non- flammable and not a solvent or water emulsion paste wax. In rooms provided with rugs, material shall be applied to exposed surfaces of the floor on all sides of the rug and under 17 I8.13.4 the edges of the rug for a distance of I foot. After buffing, floor surfaces shall be dry mopped to remove all loose dirt, shreds of steel wool, etc. Finishing and Buffing - Proper preparation of a floor, prior to refinishing, is considered the most important procedure in floor maintenance, therefore, special attention will be given to the following requirements: Apply proper %vax removers, stripping agents or synthetic detergents to the floor. Scrub with a floor scrubbing machine or agitate %ith a mop to remove all dead wax, soap film, dirt, and stains. Pick up dirty solution with mop, squeegee or wet -vacuum, and thoroughly rinse with clean water and dry. Wax will be applied in thin, even coats. end m alter drying. The number of coats applied will depend on the type and condition of the floor. Spray buffing shall be done weekly as scheduled. Sweep floor, damp mopes sprayy-dilated-flaer nish, busby-nuu#�ine4oTolish Refinishing of resilient floor and wood floors shall be done quw4erly 0 cheduled. hietify G"er'sRepresentative e€r*ish tg—h4ove furniture; -sweeper vaeuu. floor-,apply`stripli ace- Loosen-eld-fftish-with-feeomended deer eleAn' epplientions of stripping liention ofdetergent, may be-requir-ed4n--ome-nms-4o-prepare #r- for -sea! it►g--ftn"nishingr-Atlow stripped-floome-dry. Apply -floor -sealer. -Allow-to-dry:-Apply-finith-fl lin"ree-applk--ater--llew4}nish4 dry-end-birtrden-4ben-buff4"achine4o remove-unevenness—Darnp4nop4ightly-with44old-waler4o-remove-all matter4eosenedby--bitMnMid�,-ellew4o4q.- Apply seeende9atof C nish4ebeavily-traveled-areas. Apply finishes to stair%%ays. 18.14 Ash Receptacles 19.14.1 19.14.2 18.14.3 Dry Type The container and bucket will be emptied and cleaned; the trash removed. Sand Type - The trash removed from the sand and the exterior and opening Kill be cleaned. Liquid Type - Container Kill be emptied, washed, and refilled; the exterior and the funnel cleaned. 18 18.15 All cleaning shall include items previously stated and the follouing: _ 18.15.1 Daily • Empty Trash :.; Clean Ash Trays Wipe and Dry Metal Surfaces * Clean Door Kick Plates * Spot Clean Doors and Walls a N!G • Fill Paper Towel, Toilet Tissue, Soap • Empty Sanitary Napkin Receptacles &. reline 18.I5.2 Weekly a 1!1eatllRegis tersusers; beuvers • Light Fixtures, Ledges • Door Jambs, Window Sills _a • Floor Polishing and Buffing • Baseboard Cove Base • Dust Wall Moldings, Electric Outlets a Dusting-Vdaw-Blinds 18.I5.3 Monthly • Machine Scrub Restroom Floors with Disinfectant Detergent Solution 1815.4 Quarterly 1..815.5 Di -Annually 19.0 RECYCLING PROGRAM I9.I Definitions - Recyclable Mixed Office Paper: The goal of the program is to collect recyclable mixed papers only. The contractor is responsible only for keeping non -paper items out of the recycling dumpster. This program is mandatory and shall be performed by the successful contractor. 19.2 Recycling Tasks by Contractor 19.2.1 Designated deskside recyclable paper bins, located adjacent to each desk, shall be emptied daily, or as required, and all recyclable paper materials shall be placed loose into the designated recycling dumpster. The City shall monitor this to insure compliance. 19.2.2 If the deskside recyclable bin contains any visible non -paper items, the contractor shall empty the contents of the recyclable paper bin into the trash container. 19.3 Criteria for Deductions - Recycling Program - Contaminated Recyclable Materials: If the contractor of their staff' loads the recycling dumpster with non -paper or contaminated paper items in excess of 20%, the contractor shall pay to the City the deduction as described in Paragraph 19.4. 19.4 Amount of Deduction - Recyclables Contamination: Each collection service - $25.00 each. • 1Nash the outside ojexterior windows at the Garden & Arts " 11ash the outside ojexterior windows at the Party Houses and Item 17. 19 20.0 OCCUPANT COMPLAINT PROGRAM 20.1 The City will institute a customer complaint program as a means of assisting in documenting certain kinds of service problems. This occupant complaint program will be considered in evaluating the contractor's performance and in taking deductions. 21.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM 21.1 The contractor shall provide and maintain a Quality Assurance Program that is acceptable to the City covering the services under this contract. Complete records of all inspection work performed by the contractor shall be maintained and made available to the Building Services Manager during the contract performance and for as long afterwards as the contract requires. A Quality Assurance Program should cover all the services stated in the Cleaning Requirements section of this contract. A checklist can be used in inspecting for contract performance with the name of the inspector and the performer. The inspector should not be the person performing the work. The checklist should include every area of the operation serviced by the contractor as well as every task required to be performed. The program should have a system for identifying and correcting deficiencies in the quality of service before the level of performance becomes unacceptable and/or the City inspectors point out the deficiencies. All inspections conducted by the contractor and the corrective action taken should be maintained on rile. This documentation shall be made available to the Building Services Manager during the term of the contract. NOTE: The Quality Assurance Program is an essential part of this contract and will be actively enforced by the Building Services Manager. Failure to submit an approved plan and abide by this requirement «rill result in withholding of all moneys due the contractor. The following is established as the minimum inspection frequencies acceptable for the buildings covered. by this contract (buildings are listed as Item #'s): ITEM 1, 21 3, 4 17-6 a. A portion of the building to be inspected daily. b. A complete building inspection to be conducted monthly. ITEM 7 9-_9 12, 15, 16 17 , 17'1 1'7 4 17 A 17 G 17 717 Q 1'1 , A 9 10 11-1 11-2 15 1617-1 17-2 17-3 17-4. 17-5. 17-7. 17-8„ 17-9, 17-10, 20 a. A portion of the building to be inspected weekly. b. A complete building inspection to be conducted monthly. ITEM 4, 1011 1! 17- 1n 1'7 1f 17 12 1"7 1Q 17 151-7 1C , , S 6 7 8 12 13 14 21-1 21-2 21-3 21-4 21-5 21-6 a. A portion of the building to be inspected every two weeks. b. A complete building inspection to be conducted monthly. NOTE: When inspecting a "portion" of the building, the inspection should include at the minimum: one room of each type such as restroom, office, corridor, lobby, el.c. 20 22.0 CITY'S QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM 22.I The City's Quality Assurance Program will mirror the contractor's in many respects and the objectives are the same; a clean and well maintained building(s). It is also to assure that there is no deviation from the contract's terms, conditions, requirements, specifications, details and schedules. Quality Assurance Inspector(s) islare subordinate(s) of the Building Services Manager and are responsible for the day -today inspecting and monitoring of the contractor's work. The responsibilities of the Quality Assurance Inspector include, but are not Iimited to, inspecting the work to ensure compliance with the contract requirements, documenting through written reports the results of all inspections conducted, following through to ensure that all defects and omissions are corrected, conferring with representatives of the contractor regarding any problems encountered in the performance of the work and generally assisting the City's Building Services Manager in the administration of the contract. The City has the right to inspect and test all services called for by the contract, to the extent practical, at all times and places during the term of the contract. The City will perform inspections and tests in a manner that will not unduly delay the work. If any of the services do not conform with contract requirements, the City may require the contractor to perform the services again in conformity with contract requirements, at no increase in contract amount. When the defects cannot be corrected by rc-performance, the City may: 1. Require the contractor to take necessary action to ensure that future performance conforms to contract requirements, and 2. Reduce the contract price to reflect the reduced value of the services performed. If the contractor fails to promptly perform the services again or to take necessary action to assure future performance in conformity with contract requirements, the City may: 1. By contract or otherwise, perform or have performed the services and charge to the contractor any cost incurred by the City, or 2. Terminate the contract for default. 21 DEFICIENCY CORRECTION REPORT The following thorough cleaning/correction has been made in the following areas in accordance with Section II, 21.2 - City's Quality Assurance Program Building/Area/Room 0 1. Sweep Floor 2. Wet Mop Floor 3. Machine/Hand Scrub 4. Trash Removal S. Clean Mirrors 6. Clean Partition Wails 7. Clean Walls 8. Clean Receptacles 9. Restocking: a. Toilet Tissue b. Paper Towels c. Soap Dispcnscrs d. Sanitary Napkin Bag e. Seat Covers f. Other REMARKS: WORK COMPLETED BY: RE -INSPECTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: 1. Clean Commode 2. Clean Commode 3. Clean Commode 4. Clean Urinal S. Clean Urinal 6. Clean Urinal 7. 8. 9. Room/Lobby/Entrance/Corridor Cleaning a. Vacuum/S%veep Floor b. Spot Clean/Spot Mop Floor c. Trash Removal d. Empty/Clean Ashtrays e. Si%,cep/Wet Mop/Scrub Floor f. Bonnet/Shampoo Carpet g. Extract Carpet h. Clean & Recoat Floor I. Strip & Refinish Floor j. Spray Buffing k. Clean Walls up to 70" 1. Other 22 DATE: DATE: DATE: CUSTODIAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST Building/Area/Room # Date Employee No./Name Work Performed Adequately In Accordance With Schedule of Cleaning Requirements: TOILET CLEANING I F ROOM CLEANING Item Yes l-o Sweep Floors ❑ ❑ Wet Mop/Scrub Floors ❑ ❑ Trash Removal - ❑ ❑ Clean Mirrors ❑ ❑ Clean Partition Walls ❑ ❑ Spot Clean Walls ❑ ❑ Clean Receptacles ❑ ❑ Servicing: Toilet Tissue ❑ ❑ Paper Towels ❑ ❑ Soap Dispensers ❑ ❑ Sanitary Napkin Bags ❑ ❑ Seat Covers ❑ ❑ Other ❑ _-❑ Clean Commodes ❑ ❑ Clean Urinals ❑ ❑ Clean Washbasins ❑ ❑ Wash Walls ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ item Ycs No Vacuum/Sweep Floors ❑ ❑ Spot Clean/Spot Mop floors ❑ ID Trash Removal ❑ . -::-❑ Empty/Clean Ashtrays ❑ ' ❑ Dust Desks, File Cabinets, Etc. ❑ -°❑ Under Dusting ❑- j] Low Dusting up to 70" - Walls ❑ ❑ Spot Clean Walls up to 70" ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑, ❑ ❑ Other Bonnet/Shampoo Carpet ❑ ❑ S%seep/Wet Mop/Scrub ❑ ❑ Spray Buff ❑ ❑ Clean & Recoat ❑ ❑ Strip & Refinish ❑ ❑ ENTRANCE/LOBBY/CORRIDOR PERIODICS Vacuum/Sweep/Dust Mop Floor ❑ ❑ 1. ❑ ❑ Trash Removal ❑ ❑ 2. ❑ ❑ Entrance Glass - Clean ❑ ❑ 3. ❑ ❑ Other'Glass - Clean ❑ ` ❑ 4. ❑ ❑ Empty/Clean Ashtrays/Stands ❑ ❑ 5. ❑ ❑ Spot Clean Carpet ❑ ❑ 6. ❑ ❑ Bonnet Clean Carpet ❑ ❑ 7. ❑ ❑ Shampoo Carpet _ ❑ ❑ 8. ❑ ❑ Extract Carpet ❑ ❑ 9. ❑ ❑ Spray Buff Floors ❑ ❑ 10. ❑ ❑ Clean & Recoat Floors ❑ ❑ 11. ❑ ❑ Strip & Refinish Floors ❑ ❑ 12. ❑ ❑ Clean Walls up to 70" ❑ ❑ 13. ❑ ❑ REMARKS: INSPECTED BY: DATE: CORRECTIONS MADE BY: - - DATE: 23 k CLEANING WORK AND QUALITY REQUIREMENTS RESTROOMS CLEANING REQUIREMENTS QUALITY REQUIREMENTS A ails Unless otherwise indicated, building with more than one cleaning shift will be cleaned at the beginning of each shift. (Includes employee private restrooms). 1. Prior to building occupant's official starting time, empty, supply, service and clean, using a quat-type germicidal detergent, paper towel, toilet tissue, soap, seat cover and sanitary napkin dispensers, and waste receptacles. Replace used non -permeable bag from sanitary napkin disposal with a new. one. Put in separate container for discarding (Blood Borne Pathogen Precaution). 2. Clean all fixtures, including metal and chrome, flush handles, piping, water closets, commodes, urinals, washbasins and mirrors, clean walls surrounding receptacles, dispensers and fixtures, using a quat-type germicidal detergent. (An acid and/or non- acid bowl cleaner maybe used in commodes and urinals). Rinse and raise commode seats. 3. Spot clean other surfaces. Thoroughly dust horizontal surfaces. After SERVICING, all supplies shall be provided and dispensers filled. Waste receptacles shall be emptied and disinfected and new bag inserted. Outside of receptacles, dispensers shall be clean and bright with no water spots, streaks, lint or dust. If stainless, shall have no oil residue. After FIXTURE CLEANING porcelain fixtures and metal surfaces (washbasins, urinals, commodes, water pipes, stalls, etc.) shall be clean and bright. There shall be no dust, spots, stains, rust, green mold, encrustation, excess moisture or cleaner/polish stains and smears. Alter SPOT CLEANING, smudges, marks or spots shall have becn removed without causing unsightly discoloration. After THOROUGHLY DUSTING, there shall be no dust streaks. Corners, crevices, moldings and ledges shall be free of all dust. There shall be no oils, spots or smudges on dusted surfaces caused by cleaning tools. Swecp and wet mop floors using a quat-type Auer SWEEPING, WET MOPPING OR SCRUBBING, germicidal detergent. the floors shall be clean and free of dirt, water streaks, mop strings, gum, grease, tar, etc., and present an overall appearance of cleanliness. All surfaces shall be dry and corners clean. NOTE: Floor and lower wall around urinal in restroom across from Room 103 in the Municipal Building will be cleaned and mopped every hour on the hour, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., using a quat-type germicidal detergent. S. Frequently during the day, check restrooms and empty full waste receptacles, service dispensers, clean fixtures and police as traffic demands. After SERVICING - see Quality Requirement outlined in Paragraph 1 above. After POLICING, restrooms shall be free of all paper, trash, empty bottles and other discarded material. 24 6. Service and maintain all City furnished After SERVICING MACHINES monthly, they will be machines. The contractor will furnish all frill. In case of malfunction of the machines, the sanitary supplies and will refill monthly. All contractor will be responsible for reimbursement of revenue from the machines shall belong to coins lost in the machines. The City Ktill repair and/or the contractor. replace machines that are beyond economical repair. B. Weekly: Damp mop and spray buff all resilient Afler DAMP MOPPING AND SPRAY BUFFING, the floors. floors shall be free of streaks, mop marks, strings, marks and skipped areas. Walls, baseboards, stall bases and other surfaces shall be free of splashings and markings from the equipment. The finished area will have a uniform luster. C. ' Monthly: Damp wipe and/or sponge mop walls, After DAMP WIPING, all dirt, dust, water stains, spots, stall partitions, doors, window frames, sills and streaks, and smudges shall be removed from the waste receptacles using a quat-type germicidal surfaces. detergent. Scrub ceramic tile floors with an abrasive bristle brush on a floor machine. ARer SCRUBBING - See Quality Requirement outlined in number 4. NOTE: Contractor shall supply paper products of equal quality to that. currently being used by the City. 25 CLEANING WORK AND QUALITY REQUIREMENTS BOOMS: (includes all offices, office areas, class rooms, meeting rooms, conference rooms, file rooms, data processing areas, office %;iiting areas, libraries, and the corridor space adjacent to these areas). CLEANING REQUIREMENTS A. Daily; (Unless otherwise indicated) 1. Empty wastebaskets and remove trash !� designated area. a. All containers utilized for storage of waste material at collection points must be fireproof. Other containers for room - to -room collecting shall be of a flame retardant, non-combustible material to be approved by the Building Services Manager. b. Contract employees shall not smoke while collecting trash. 2. Empty and clean ashtrays. into a separate metal-containerivith-lid-an"arnl-%iPL,,: TWs-centainer4ste QUALITY REQUIREMENTS After SOLID WASTE COLLECTION, all waste generated in the building shall be collected and removed to storage areas designated for trash by the Building Services Manager. Wastebaskets shall be free of dust, ashes, paper, pencil shavings, etc., and relined ,%%ith a non -permeable bag. After CLEANING, ashtrays shall be free of ashes, dust, streaks and spots, and replaced in original position. 3. As directed by the Building Services After EMPTYING, see Quality Requirement A.1 above. Manager, all containers with recycled items (paper, aluminum, etc.) will be emptied and contents removed to a designated area. 4. Clean both sides of plate glass entrance doors After INTERIOR GLASS CLEANING, the glass shall to offices within the building prior to be clean and free of dirt, dust, %vater marks, streaks, occupants' arrival. spots, grime, hand prints, and shall not be cloudy. S. Sweep and/or vacuum traffic patterned areas and extend the sweep or vacuum radius to remove obvious debris from around and under furniture. After SWEEPING, the Door surfaces shall be free of obvious dirt, debris or spillage. After VACUUMING, carpet surfaces shall be free of obvious dirt, dust and other debris. NOTE: For the purpose of this contract, whenever the term carpet or carpeting is used, it is intended to include wall-to-a211 carpeting as well as room size rugs and area rugs. NOTE: After traffic patterns have been established by the contractor and agreed to by the Building Services Manager or their representative, the following Cleaning Schedule can be used. 26 RECOMMENDED SCHEDULE FOR CARPET CARE Procedure Low Trallic Medium Traffic Heavy Traffic Vacuuming Daily Dail mimes Dail -SE2t & Stain Removal Dai!y Dail Dail Bonnet Cleaning Every 6 Months Quarterly Monthly Shampooing Annually Every 6 Months Quarterly Extracting Annually Annually Every 6 Months 6. Dust wi*r&4 eete"ust cleth those Auer DUSTING, available horizontal surfaces shall be horizontal surfaces that are readily available free of obvious dust. and visibly require dusting. After THOROUGHLY DUSTING, there shall be no NOTE: When dusting horizontal and vertical dust streaks. Corners, crevices, moldings and ledges surfaces of elect ronie eguipment shall be free of all dust. There shall be no oils, spots, or (eemputers,-printer. , *' file machines, smudges on dusted surfaces caused by equipment. etc:} do not dust any controls or computer screens, etc. Also, do not turn OFF any of this equipment that is on. Do not plug in vacuum cleaners into the same plugs as electronic equipment. In dusting horizontal spaces, working papers and desk type items shall not be disturbed. However;�iesk-,desk-shnll be-tifted m"ust-remeved4am surreunding-ereas. If the desktop needs to be cleaned, the person who uses the desk is responsible for removing all items and replacing them aner the cleaning. 7. Spot carpet to remove all spots and stains. B. Weektr Unless otherwise indicated After CARPET SPOTTING, excessive build-up, spillage, or crusted material shall have been removed along with spots, smears, spills and stains. There shall be no evidence of fuzzing caused by excessive rubbing or brushing. Cleaned areas shall blend with adjacent areas of carpeting. 1. Thoroughly sweep and/or vacuum with a After THOROUGHLY SWEEPING, the floor shall be vacuum cleaner equipped with brushes , - clean and free of spills, stains and foreign matter. No and/or beater bars. dirt or debris shall be left in corners, behind'equipment, appliances, or doors. After THOROUGHLY. VACUUMING, carpets shall be clean and free of dirt, dust balls, and other debris. Nap on carpets shall lie in one direction after vacuuming. 27 2. Damp mop and spray buff all hard and After DAMP MOPPING AND SPRAY BUFFING, the resilient floors. floors shall be free of streaks, mop strand marks or strings, and skipped areas. Walls, baseboards and other surfaces shall be free of splashings and marks from the equipment. The finished area should have a uniform luster. C. Monthly: Unless otherwise indicated 1. Thoroughly dust horizontal surfaces of furniture and all wall surfaces up to 70" from the floor, also vertical surfaces and under surfaces (knee wells, chair rungs, table legs, etc.). 2. Spot clean wall surfaces up to 70" from the floor. D. Semi -Annual: Unless otherwise indicated 1. Strip and refinish with four coats - all medical labs, medical examination rooms, print shops, photography darkrooms, etc. E. Annually: Unless otherwise indicated After THOROUGHLY DUSTING, there shall be no dust streaks, oil, spots, or smudges on dusted surfaces caused by equipment. Corners, crevices, moldings and ledges shall be free of dust, dirt and cobwebs. After SPOT CLEANING, the walls shall be without smudges, marks, spots, or unsightly discoloration caused by removal. After STRIPPING, all old finish and/or wax shall be removed. There shall be no evidence of gum, rust, burns, scuff marks, and old finish or stripper. After FINISHING, walls and other surfaces shall be free of finish residue and marks from equipment. Floors and baseboards will be free of streaks, mop strand marks or strings, and skipped areas. The finished area shall have a uniform luster. 1. Strip and apply four coats of floor finish to After STRIPPING AND REFINISHING, See Quality all hard and resilient floors. This must be Requirements in D.1 above. performed during the first three months of the contract's initial period and each stipulated frequency thereafter. 2. , 117pe down and treat surfaces of wood paneling using a product containing carnauba wax. F. Services to be Performed as Required to Maintain Quality Standards: 1. Wash or damp wipe the inside and outside of wastebaskets semi-annually but more frequently if necessary to keep them in acceptable condition. if liners are used, they are to be replaced at least weekly, but more frequently if necessary to maintain a clean appearance. After IVIPING DOIPN & TREATING WOOD PANELING, paneling shall be free of dirt, dust, spots or an oily appearance. The wax must be rubbed Into the paneling. Auer CLEANING WASTEBASKETS, they shall be free of dust, ashes, paper, pencil shavings, coffee or food stains, toner, other debris and relined with a non - permeable bag. 28 After pnneling4tsing redo �ntt�i:ting 1 ANE4 iN ;paneling-,hell-hetree-of-dirt;-dast.--spots-W earnnuha wax err -oily -appears ce. The %vax must be rubbed inte the paneli-rt .. .32. Clean slate and/or dry -erase boards as After CLEANING, the boards shall be completely clear requested using manufacturer's and have no "ghost" letters. There shall be no dust in recommended products. trays. Note: Use RECOMMENDED SCHEDULE FOR CARPET CARE, Low or Medium Traffic, where their recommendation is listed in the frequency. 29 CLEANING WORK AND QUALITY REQUIREMENTS MAIN ENTRANCES MAIN LOBBIES AND MAIN CORRIDORS CLEANING REQUIREMENTS A. Daily: Unless otherwise indicated. ED 1. Thoroughly sweep andlor vacuum full floor area. Clean and polish all interior and exterior metal doorknobs, push bars, kickplates, railings, and other metal surfaces. Clean end-pe4ishiveod-handrails, deers and Clean handrails. Clean spots and marks off walls and doors, dust all surfaces up to 70" from the floor. Damp mop all hard and resilient floors. QUALITY REQUIREMENTS After THOROUGHLY SWEEPING, the floors shall be clean and free of trash and foreign matter. No dirt or debris shall be left behind equipment or machine, under furniture or behind doors. After THOROUGHLY VACUUMING, the carpet shall be clean and free of dirt, dust balls and other debris. Nap on carpets shall lie in one direction after vacuuming. Aftcr METAL POLISHING, metal surfaces shall be free of smears, stains, and finger marks. They shall be clean and bright and polished to a uniform luster. Mer-WAB�A�;-s , —surfaces-shall be 4ean-aW-free-4-smudges-and--res4due: Aftcr DUSTING, there shall be no dust streaks. Corners, crevices, moldings, and ledges shall be free of all dust. There shall be no oils, spots, or smudges on dusted surfaces caused by equipment. After DAMP MOPPING, the floors shall be free of streaks, mop strand marks and skipped areas. Walls, baseboards, and other surfaces shall be free of splashings and markings from the equipment. The finished area should have a uniform luster. Clean both sides of entrance glass and glass After GLASS CLEANING, all glass shall be clean and surrounding doors «ythin reach. free of dirt, grime, dust, streaks, watermarks, and spots and shalt not be cloudy. Wcekly: 1. Spot clean carpet to remove all spots and Aftcr CARPET SPOTTING, excessive build-up, stains. spillage, or crusted material shall have been removed along %vith spots, smears and stains. There shall be no evidence of fuming caused by excessive rubbing or brushing. Cleaned areas shall blend «1th adjacent areas of carpeting. 2. Polish kickplates, pushplates and bars on After POLISHING, metal surfaces shall have a polished doors, handrails; door knobs and other metal and lustrous appearance. There shall be no smears, surfaces, stains, or finger marks. 30 C. Quarterly: Clean and polish metal door After CLEANING THRESHOLDS, they shall be clean thresholds. and free of oil, grease, gum, dirt, and grime. D. Annually: Strip and apply four coats of floor After STRIPPING, all old finish shall be removed. finish to all hard and resilient floors. There shall be no evidence of rust, bums, or scuff marks. There shall be no build-up of old finish. After FINISHING, walls and other surfaces shall be free of finish residue and marks from equipment. Floors and baseboards Will be free of streaks, mop strand marks and skipped areas. The finished area shall have a uniform luster. NOTE: Use RECOMMENDED SCHEDULE FOR CARPET CARE, Medium or Heavy TrafTic where there is no recommendation listed in the frequency. 31 CLEANING WORK AND QUALITY REQUIREMENTS SECONDARY ENTRANCES. SECONDARY LOBBIES AND SECONDARY CORRIDORS CLEANING REQUIREMENTS QUALITY REQUIREMENTS A. Daily: Thoroughly sweep and/or vacuum the full floor area. B. Weekly 1. Damp mop and spray buff all hard and resilient floors. 2. Spot clean carpet to remove all spots and stains. 3. Clean spots and marks off %%211s, dust all surfaces within 70" from floor. After THOROUGHLY SWEEPING, floors shall be clean and free of trash and foreign matter. No dirt shall be left in corners, behind equipment or doors. After THOROUGHLY VACUUMING, floors shall be free of dirt, dust balls and other debris. After DAMP MOPPING AND SPRAY BUFFING, the floors shall be free of streaks, mop strand marks and skipped areas. Walls, baseboards and other surfaces shall be free of splashing and marks from the equipment. The finished area shall have a uniform luster. Mier CARPET SPOTTING, excessive build-up, spillage, or crusted material shall have been removed along with spots, smears and stains. There shall be no evidence of fuzzing caused by excessive rubbing or brushing. Cleaned areas shall blend with adjacent areas of carpeting. After SPOT CLEANING, smudges, marks or spots shall have been removed without causing unsightly discoloration. After DUSTING, there shall be no dust streaks. Corners, crevices, moldings, and ledges shall be free of dust, dirt, and cobimbs. There shall be no marks caused by cleaning tools. 4.. Polish kickplates, pushplates and bars on After POLISHING, metal surfaces shall have a polished doors, handrails; door knobs and other metal and lustrous appearance. There shall be no smears, surfaces. stains, or finger marks. C. Quarterly: Clean and polish metal door thresholds. D. Annually: Strip and apply four coats of floor finish to hard and resilient floors. Carpeting should be shampooed and extracted. After CLEANING THRESHOLDS, they shall be clean and free of oil, grease, dirt, and grime. After STRIPPING, the floors mill have all old finish removed. There shall be no evidence of rust, burns, scuff marks, or old finish or stripper. After FINISHING, the «ails, baseboards, and other surfaces shall be free of finish residue and marks from equipment. Floors shall have a uniform luster. 32 After SHAMPOOING AND EXTRACTING, carpeting will be clean and free of dirt, dust, spots, and stains. There shall be no evidence of fuzzing or matting and colors shall be clear and even. NOTE: Use RECOMMENDED SCHEDULE FOR CARPET CARE, Low or Medium Traffic where there is no recommendation listed in frequency. STAIRWAYS A. Daily: Sweep and/or vacuum steps and landings. After SWEEPING OR VACUUMING, the steps and Dust railings, ledges, grilles, fire apparatus, doors landings shall be free of loose dirt, dust, streaks, gum, and beating/cooling equipment. tar and other foreign substances. B. Weekly: Wet mop steps, risers and landings. Spot clean walls to a height of 70" above the floor. After DUSTING, railings, ledges, grilles, fire apparatus, doors and heating/cooling equipment shall be dust free in corners and crevices. There shall be no oil, spots or smudges on dusted surfaces. After WET MOPPING, steps, risers and landings shall be free of dirt, water streaks, strings, gum, tar, grease, etc., and present an overall appearance of cleanliness. All surfaces shall be dry and the corners clean. After SPOT CLEANING, smudges, marks, or spots shall have been removed without causing unsightly discoloration. C. Monthly: Annually: Scrub steps,.risers and Aflcr SCRUBBING, steps, risers, and landings shall be landings. Pot ish--meta"nd-woodwork- free of dirt, water streaks, strings, gum, tar, grease, etc., and present an overall appearance of cleanliness. All surfaces shall be dry and the corners clean. NOTE: Use RECOMMENDED SCHEDULE FOR CARPET CARE, Low or Medium Traffic,'where there is no recommendation listed in the frequency. ELEVATORS' A. Daily: Sweep and wet mop floors, polish interi(kr Aftcr SWEEPING AND WET MOPPING, the floor of cab if stainless or wood (clean otherwise), clean shall be free of dirt, water streaks, strings, gum, tar, handrails. Clean/polish interior.and exterior doors grease, etc., and present an overall appearance of and door frames at each landing., cleanliness. All surfaces shall be dry and the comers clean. B. Weekly: Clean and polish door tracks. After WOOD/STAINLESS POLISHING, surfaces should be free of dirt, dust, streaks and spots. Surfaces should have a polished and lustrous appearance. There shall be no visible polish or cleaner residue. After CLEANING AND POLISHING door tracks, they shall be free of oil, grease, gum, tar, and dirt. 33 C. Monthly: Strip and refinish hard and resilient After STRIPPING AND REFINISHING, the floor shall floors. be free of rust, burns, or scuff marks. Walls and other surfaces shall be free of streaks or marks. Finished areas will have no skipped areas and have a uniform luster. NOTE: Use RECOMMENDED SCHEDULE FOR CARPET CARE, Low or Medium Traffic, where there is no recommendation listed in the frequency. EMPLOYEE REST AREA CLEANING A. Daily; 1. Sweep, damp mop and buff rest area floors. After SWEEPING, MOPPING AND BUFFING, the floors shall be clean and free of dirt, water streaks, mop strings, gum, grease, tar, etc., and present an overall appearance of cleanliness. All surfaces shall be dry and corners clean. The floor shall have no skipped areas and have a uniform luster. 2. Clean washbasins, fixtures and drinking After CLEANING, «2shbasins, fixtures and drinking fountains. fountains will be clean and bright. There shall be no dust, spots, stains, rust, green mold, encrustation or excess moisture. 3. Empty trash receptacles, service dispensers After EMPTYING trash receptacles, waste generated and clean ashtrays. shall be collected and removed to designated storage area. 4. Dust horizontal surfaces within 70" of the floor. B. Weekly: Clean waste receptacles, using a quat- type germicidal detergent. Aber SERVICING, dispensers shall be full and outsides shall be clan and bright. After CLEANING, ashtrays shall be free of ashes, dust, stains and spots. After DUSTING, there shall be no dust streaks. Corners, crevices moldings and ]edges shall be free of all dust and cobwebs. After CLEANING waste receptacles, outsides and insides shall be dry before relining with a non- permeable bag. NOTE: Use RECOMMENDED SCHEDULE FOR CARPET CARE, Low or Medium Traffic,where there is no recommendation listed in the frequency. EMPLOYEE REST AREA POLICING A. Frequently: During the workday: 1. Clean lops of tables and damp wipe using a At1cr CLEANING, tables shall be clean with no trash or quat-type germicidal detergent. food stuff on tops. Tables will be dry alter damp wiping. 34 2. Police floor and damp mop to remove spills. After POLICING, the floors shall be clear of trash and debris. After DAMP MOPPING, the floors shall be free of stains from spills. TRASH AND ASTI RECEPTACLES A. Daily: Empty trash and ash receptacles at all After EMPTYING, trash receptacles shall be clean and entrances and in all corridors. dry and relined with a new non -permeable bag. Cigarette butts, matches, and other discarded smoking material shall be placed in a metal container with a lid, the receptacle wiped so that it is free of ashes dust DRINKING FOUNTAINS A. Daily: Clean drinking fountains and replenish paper cups where dispensers are provided.' ENTRANCE MATS A. Every Two Months: Clean by shampooing or steam cleaning as required to maintain quality standard, but not less than six times a year. VENETIAN OR MINI BLINDS A. Annual nsh Quarterly: Dust all blinds in the building. Qea"-ords-and4apes- Defective cords and tapes should be reported to the Building Services Manager. Dust-er-vacuum-alMinds at -Ax-montltinterval from -washing. TELEPHONE AREAS (PUBLIC) A. Daily: Clean all vertical and horizontal surfaces and telephones using a quat-type cleaner. odors, tar and streaks. After CLEANING drinking fountains, porcelain or stainless steel surfaces shall be clean and bright. They shall be free of dust, spots, stains, and streaks. Drinking fountains shall be kept free of trash, ink, cofrcc grounds, etc., and nozzles free of encrustation, green mold or mildew. Alter POLISHING, bright metal surfaces shall have a shiny and lustrous appearance. 4, After CLEANING, mats shall be clean and free of dirt, grime, stains, and excessive build-up and encrusted material. Anei-WASHING, ING,, bo, ides ef-the-blindAats-shall-be clean-and-free-ar-dust-a FA-wateFspets—Cyr,dS-nnd4apes shall be clean: After DUSTING, both sides of blind slats shall be free of dust. After CLEANING, all vertical and horizontal surfaces, including both sides of glass, and the telephone shall be clean and free of dirt, dust, streaks, and spots. 35 WINDOWS AND GLASS A. Semi -Annually: Wash both sides of exterior glass, glass over and in exterior and vestibule doors, and all plate glass around entrances, lobbies and vestibules. Outside of windows must be washed from outside; windows «ill not be pivoted. Both sides of all windows will be washed during the same inspection period. Schedule will be approved by the Building Services Manager. EXTERIOR CLEANING A. Daily After WASHING, glass shall be clean and free of dirt, grime, streaks and excessive moisture and shall not be cloudy. Window sashes, sills, and other surroundings of interior glass shall be wiped free of drippings and other watermarks. . Sweep entrances, landings, steps and After SWEEPING, areas shall be free of all trash. No sidewalks adjacent to entrances in the dirt shall be left where sweepings were picked up. morning before the occupants official starting time. 2. Policing all sidewalks, parking areas. After POLICING, areas shall be free of all paper, trash, driveways, lawns, etc. empty bottles and other discarded material. 3. Damp -wipe or -polish all hand rails. Mer-POUSIIING;�netal OF WO -hand-rails-shalt-be glean-tnd-free-e� , ins, endanger -marks: B. Weckly: Sweep sidewalks, parking areas and After SWEEPING, areas shall be free of dirt and trash. driveways, including moats, arcades, courts, No dirt shall be left where sweepings were picked up. atriums, weather permitting. A machine sweeper may be used %,hen the area is 10,000 square feet or more. STORAGE SPACE A. Monthly: Sweep the full floor area. After SWEEPING, floors shall be clean and free of dirt, trash and other foreign matter. No dirt shall be left in corners, behind equipment, under furniture and shelves or behind doors.