HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 052853G - Right Of Way Easement - Section 5 Block D-6 - Reese Air Force Base - 05/23/1953 RESOLUTIOZq
WHERM, the City of Lub>>ockI Texas, pursuant to resolution duly
passed on the 5th day of July, 1949, conveyed to the United States of America
the several tracts of land leased ty the United States of Amei-ica from the
City of Lubbock and constituting the Reese Air Force Base, City.of Lubbock,
County Of Lubbock, State of Texas; and
WHEREAS, the instrument of conveyance contained the prevision,
"That in the, event the United States of American ceases to wee said lands for
the purpose of a military airfield or other military purposes, then and in t}a t
event, the land shall immediately revert to the City of Lubbock, Texas;" and
WHERT'AS, an application bes been made tV the State of Texas for
I&" easement for a right-of-Way fifteen (159) feet in width along and adjacent
tie a portion_ of State Aitrhvay 170. 290, as described on the attached description
sheet, for the purpose of widening said State Hirhway No. 290, and the United
States of lmerict is villinn to grant said easement; but because of the re-
venter clause in the Instrument of conveyance above mentioned, it is deemed
advisable that the City of Lubbock, Texas, erocute a consent to the granting
of such easement.
NOW TJ1xT S0PX, BE IT P,ESOLYED by the City Casaissicn. of the
ity of Lubbock, Ter"' that -F§= Horde j PtO t0M Mayor, of the City of Jobs-pck,
eras, be and,be is hereby authorised and directed to execute a consent on be-
lf of the City of Lubbock, Texas, to the granting of a right-of-way easement
y the United States of America to the State of Texas, for the sevvaml fifteen
15') feet strips, as described on they attached description sheet.
On action of Cemieaioner Carpenter. seconded by Commissioner
hcmnse the foregoing resolution was unanimously passed by the City Commission
f the City of Lubbock, Texas, on this 2Pth day of Hay, 1953.
venia Lowe (SEAL*) Harry Morris
ity Secretary Pro-tem Mayor
I, Lavenia Lure, City Secretory Treamirer, City of Lubbock, Texas,
hereby certify that the move and ferercirr is a true and correct copy of
resolution passed by t.be City Ctrmianien on the 28th day of Hay, 19539 and
of record in Minute Book 11, page of the records of the City Ccmiseic+n
of the City of Lubbock, Texas
riTFM this 28th day of May, 1953.
(SFAL) Laveain Larne (SFAL)
City Secretary-Treasurer
Being a Feitt of a 3.57 acre tract out of the Kortheast Quarter of
Section 5, Block D-6, In Lubbock County, Texas, conveyed by the City of
Lubbock to the United States Goverment by deed dated the 5th day of July
1949, and recorded in Vole 417, Page 423, of Deed Records of Lubbc& County,
and described as follows
A strip of land 15 feet in vidth 1piag adjacent to the South right-of-way
line of State Eirhway 290, formerly designated as State Highway 24, and ex-
.tenf4ine from the Phat boundary line of the said 3.57 acre tract to the West
boundary line of the said 3.57 acre tract, said South right-of-way line of said
Aigk�vay being described in condemnation proceedings dated February 26, 1934,
conveying from G. Y. Herten atd Claude Plrribut to the State of Texas, recorded
-in Volume 6, Page 235, of the Commissiottre Court Minutes of Lubbock County;
Containing 0.034 acre of land more or less.
Parcel No. 2
Being a part of Section 4, Block D:.6, less part South of Railroad, in
Lubbock County, Texts, conveyed by the City of Lubbock to the United States
Government by deed dated the 5th day of July, 1949, and recorded in Volme
407, Page 343, of the Deed Records of Lu°aboek County, and described as follows
A strip of land 15 feet in vidth lying adjacent to the North right-of-way
line of State Highway 290, formerly deeigmted as State Bi.r3>vay 24, and extend-
inp from the Fast boundary line
of the said section to a point 1000+feet Hest of the East
boundary of said section, said North rip!it-of way line of said hiftway being
described is deer! dated October 6, 1932, Conveying from the Lindsey Estate to
the State of Texas, recorded in Volume 185, Page 481, of the Deed Records of
Lubbock County;
Containing 0.34 acre of land more or less.
Parcel l�o. �
A tract of land in the south part of Section 4, Block D.6, HE & HT Survey
In Lubbock County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follow®:
Besirming at the point of intersection of the present north right-cf-way
line of State''iii�rhrrey 200 with the vest boundary of Section 4, Block D-6, from
hich point the southwest corner of,Section 4 bears South 300.9 feet;
Thence South 72OC6' East along said rirht-cf-way line's. distance of 372.8
eat to the beginning of a curve to the left of radius 2814.9 feet;
Thence around said curve to the left and along said right-of-way line a
;stance of 07906 feet to the end of eurval
Thence East along said rigbt-of"Way line a distance of 3081.3 feet to a
oint in the said present north right-of-trap line of Highway 290, aei8 point
,,so being 50 feet Worth of the centerlines of said Highway at its Station 508
Thence North 15 Peet;
r-� Thence West along aline 65 feet forth of and parallel to the centerline
of said highway a diitance of 1133.0 foot!
Thence North 091 hest a distance of 2[r8O.3 feet to the beginning of a
curve to the right of radius 2799.9 foet, from which point the center of said
curve bears North 0049' Eastj
Thence around said curve to the right a distance of 834.6 feet to the end
of curvet
Thence North 72006' hest along a line 65 feet from and parallel to the
centerline of said U&vay a distance of 282.2 feet to the West boundary of said
Section 41
Thence South along said vest boundary a distance of 15.8 feet to the place
of be inning.
E9taining 2.409 acres of land more or less.
hroel No.-4
A tract of land in Section 26, Block D-6, H. E. & W. T., Lubbock County,
Tezas, being more particularly described as followse
Beginning at the point of intersection of the present north right-cf-way
line the State Highway 290, with the east line of Section 26, Block D-6, from
which point the Southeast corner of Section 26 bears South 300.8 feet!
Thence North 720061 Went along said right-cf-way line 2,783 feet to the
half section line and the vest line of this property;
Thence North along said vest line 15.8 feetl
Thence South 72106' Met along a line 65 feet from and parallel with the
centerline of said bighuay* 2,783 foot to the East line of Section 261
Thence South along said E"t line 15.8 feet to the point of beginning.
Containing 0.958 acres of land more or loss.
Pursuant to the authority and direction of the City Ccaanissien of the
City of Lubbock, TeyAs, consent is hereby given to the United States of
America to grant an easement for right-cf-vay to the State of Texas for the
following described fifteen (151) foot strips of land lying along and adjacent
to State Highway No. 290 for the purpose of widening said State Hirhwayt
Parcel No. l
Being a part of a 3.57 acre tract qut of Oe Northeast Quarter of Section
5, Block D-6, in Lubbock County, Texas, conveyed by the City of Lubbock to the
United States Covern ent by dead dated the 5th day of July 1949, and recorded
In Volume 4170 PaRe 423, of Deed Records of Lubbock County, and described as
fol lowa s
A strip of land 15 feet in width lying adj,ieent to the South right-efvay
line of State Highway 290, formerly designated as State Highway 24, and extend-
ing from the Fast boimiary line of the said 3.57 acre tract to the ;lest boundary
line of said 3.57 acre tract, said South right-of dray line of said highway
being described in condemnation proceedings dated February 26� 1934� conveying
from G. K. Morten and Claude Hurlbut to the State of Texas, corded in Voltmie
6, Page 235, of the Comriinsioners Court Virmtes of Lubbock County;
Centaini" 0.034 acre of land snore or less.
E reel No. 2
Being a part of Section 4, Block D-6, lose part South of Railroad, fn
Lubbock County, Tema, conveyed by the, City of Lubbock to the United States
Goverrrent by deed dated the 5th day of July, 19490 and recorded in Volume 407,
Page 343, of the Deed Records of Lubbock County, and described as followsr
A strip of land 15 feet in width lying adjacent to the Borth right-of-way
line of State Highway 290, formerly designated as State Highway 24, and extend-
ing fray the East boundary line of the said section to a point 1000 feet Test
of the East boundary of said section, said Forth right-cf-way line of said high-
way being described in deed dated Octcber.6, 1932, conveying from the Lindsey
Estate to the State,of Texas, recorded in Volume 105, Page 481, of the Deed Rec-
ords of Lubbock County;
-- Containing 0.34 acre of land more or lees.
Nreal re. 3
A tract of land in .the south part of Section 4, Block D-6, HE & WT
Survey in Lubbock County, Texas, and being more particularly described as
follows a
Beginning at the point of intersection of the present north right-of-way
line of State Highway 200 with the vest boundary of Section 4, Block D-6, from
which point the southwest corner of Section 4 bears South 300.8 feet;
Thence South 72006' East along said right-of-way line a distance of 372.8
feet to the beginning of a curve to the left of radius 2814.9 feet;
Thence around said curve to the left: and along said right-of-way line a
distance of 879.6 feet to the end of curve;
Thence East along said right-of-wry line a distance of 3081.3 feet to a
point in the said present north right-of vay line of Highway 290, laid point
also being 50 feet North of the centerline of said Highway at its Station
5N/ 69-;
Thence Worth 15 feet;
Thence West along a line 65 feet North of and parallel to the centerline
of said Highway a di tanoe of 1133.0 feet;
Thence Worth Pill West,a distance of 2080.3 feet to the beginning of a
curve to the right of radius 2799.9 feet, from which point the center of said
curve bears North Oo491 Rash
Thence around said curve to the right a distance of 834.8 feet to the end
of curve;
Thence North 72006' West along a Line 65 feet from and parallel to the cen-
terline of said HiErhimy a distance of 292.2 feet to the West boundary of said
section 41
Thence South along said west bo;mdary a distance of 15.9 feet to the place
of beginning.
Containing 2.4r,9 acres of land more or lees.
Parcel No. 4
A tract of lard in Section 26, Block D-6, E. E. A W. T., Lubbock Countyg
Texas, being mere particularly described as follow i
Berinnin;r, at the point of intersection of the present north right-of-ray
line in the State Highway 290, with the east line of Section 26, Block D.6, from
which point the Southeast corner of Section 26 bears South 300.8 feet;
Thence forth 720061 Vest along said right-of-gray line 2,783 feet to the
half Section line and the west line of this property;
Thence North alggnF said west line 15.8 feet;
Theme South 72"06' Fist along a line 65 feet from and parallel with the
centerline of said highway 2,783 feet to the Fast line of Section 26;
Thence South along said Fast Sine 15.8 feast to the point of beginning,
Containing 0.958 acres of']and more or Mesa.
DATED this 28th day of May, 1953.
Fkaw Morris
Mayes 'Pro-tem
Lavenia Lowe
City Secretary