HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 032752C - Notice Of Intent, Etc. - Oil_Gas Lease - Part Of Sec 41, Block A - 03_27_1952 71 T -- — - — RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOC TEXAS, GIVING NOTICE OF ITS INTENTION TO LEASE FOR OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT THAT PART OF SECTION 41, IN BLOCK A, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS, BELONGING TO IT AND CONTAINING 513. 77 ACRES, MORE OR LESS; SETTING DATE TO RECEIVE AND CONSIDER BIDS, AND DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Lubbock has duly consid- ered the advisability of making an oil and gas inineral lease of certain lands belonging to the City of Lubbock, including lands hereinafter described, and deems it expedient to publish notice of its intention to so lease said lands, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: (1) That it is hereby determined to be advisable to make an oil and gas lease of and covering all of the City of Lubbock's undivided one-half (1/2) interest in such minerals within and underlying the following described lands owned by the said City of Lubbock and which are located in Lubbock County, Texas, to-wit: All that part of Survey.Forty-One (41) in Block A, located and surveyed by virtue of Certificate No. 401, issued to H. E. & W. T. Ry. Co., patented to Thomas Jefferson George, Assignee, on December 23, 1678, by Patent No. 28, Volume 47, known a.s Abstract No. 59, containing 513.77 acres, more or less, which was conveyed to the City of Lubbock by 'deed dated. June 19, 1947, which appears of record in Volume 353, page 249, of the Deed' Records of said Lubbock County, Texas, to which reference is hereby made for a better description of said land.. a (2) The said Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids for such lease; however, should any bid be accepted, the lease shall be execu- ted upon such form as shall be acceptable to the Commission and the lessee therein, and in any event the lease shall retain one-eighth (1/8) of all oil and gas minerals which may be produced from the undivided one-half (1/2) interest which the City of Lubbock owns in the said minerals within and,underlying said lands, provided that for the purpose of said lease, water shall never be con- strued to be a mineral, and provided further that the primary term of said lease shall be for no more than a period of ten (10) years from date of execu- tion and approval thereof. (3) The City Secretary is instructed to give notice of the Commission's intention to lease said lands by publishing this Resolution in its entirety in the Lubbock Morning Avalanche, a newspaper published in Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, having a general circulation therein, said notice to be published once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks prior to the public hearing to be held in the City Commission's regular meeting place .: n the City Hall at Lubbock Texas, at 2 p on the day of ApA1 1952,. at which 6 Z r- time the Commission will receive and consider bids for such oil and gas lease. It is the intention of the Commission to award and sell the, lease to the highest and best bidder submitting a bid therefor at such public hearing and auction, provided that if, in the judgment of said Commission, the bids, submitted do not represent the fair value of such lease, the Commission will reject such bids. No bids will be considered unless submitted at said hearing. (4) No award or sale will be made unless the successful bidder shall pay the City of Lubbock in cash for the lease within the time prescribed and required by the City Commission at the public hearing herein provided for. On motion of Commissioner Hufstedler , seconded by Commis- sioner Morris the foregoing Resolution was on this 27th day of March , 1952, duly passed by the City Commission by the following vote: Commissioners voting "YEA": Morris , Hufstedler, Davis and Thom s and Mayor Whiteside Commissioners voting ' NAY": None lvia ors ------ -- ATTEST: y City Secr tart' VEW:sv PURCHASE REQUISITION 0042, W.�$Y CITY OF LUE3BO ��DATE �'. rO PURCHASING DEPT.- Purchase the Following Goods to be Delivered.. (Data 1 (P]ate] From: _. Chg. Acc+. No, N QUANTITY Jiojkd SCRIPT DE E (Brand,Cat. No.., Size.,Wt„ etc.) Unit Cast Tot.Cost I'm4 Son pa- st of Afta at par 54064 O —'cibli.sh A ri1 131 1952 11-32 j FOR PURCHASING DEPT. Sngg7a4ed Vendors TOTA(` ..-- Signefd Pink Sheet Sent u Terms_ F. 0. B.__._ --- Delivety 3 - - P. O. NO. BID NO. O K BUDGET 4 _ Date March 24, 1952 TO: brit. Matthews, .Mr. Oldham and Mrs. Lowe FROM: VE.W, Legal .Department sUBJECF: AGE N :'I3 A ITEM Attached. is Resolution to be passed by the City Commissiozi authorizing City Secretary to publish the CoIi.s,s:ion'.s b3tention to lease for oil,and gas development that part of Section 41 ixi Block:A (Texas band and Mortgage Ca m- pany land), 51:36 77 acmes, This should be passed: this coming 'Thursday, the first publication promptly made, and the .date of regular meeting April 24 inserted,as the date bids will be received. When the publication has been completed, please require the publisher to append the customary publisher Isaffida-rit showing the dates of publication and„attaching copies of the resolution as published. VAUG: ILSON tcarney VET':sv (Original and. copies of Resolution attached to original of this memo)