HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 1084 - Agreement - City Of Petersburg - Euthanization Of Impounded Animals - 04_22_1982RESOLUTION 1084 - 4/22/82 SMH:mck RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Lubbock is desirous of assisting the City of Peters- burg, Texas, in the humane elimination of that City's unclaimed impounded animals; and the City Council of the City of Lubbock finds the sum of $.75 per disposed animal to be a reasonable fee in view'of the costs of performing such services; and this agreement being permissible under the Interlocal Cooperation Act, NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the Mayor of the City of Lubbock BE and is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock an Agreement between the City of Lubbock and the City of Petersburg for the disposal of the unclaimed impounded animals of the City of Petersburg, attached herewith which shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council and as spread upon the minutes of this Council shall constitute and be a part of this Resolution as if fully copied herein in detail. Passed by City Council this 22nd day of 1982. BItL Mc ISTER, MAYOR ATTEST: elyn Ga ga, City S ary-Treasurer APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: /fin Denzel Per full, Dir for of Public Services APPROVED �jAy�S� TO FORM: � rM, �4,j Susan M. Horton, Assistant City Attorney AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF LUBBOCK RESOLUTION 1084 - 4/22/82 CITY SECRFTn.RY.TRFn,SuPPR Agreement made this J" th day of �� l r , 1982, by and between the City of Lubbock and the City of Petersburg. In consideration of the covenants hereinafter set forth, the City of Lubbock agrees to receive and destroy all animals delivered for disposal to the premises hereinafter set forth, by any duly authorized officer or employee of the City of Petersburg, if said.animals are accompanied by an affidavit of ownership signed by the Mayor of the City of Petersburg. The City of Petersburg agrees to deliver the animals with an affidavit of ownership signed by the Mayor of the City of Petersburg to the Lubbock Animal Shelter at 401 North Ash, Lubbock, Texas, or other location as may be specified by the City of Lubbock, on any weekday morning prior to the City of Lubbock Animal Shelter's scheduled elimination of animals. In consideration of the above mentioned covenants of the City of Lubbock, the City of Petersburg agrees to pay to the City of Lubbock the sum of seventy five ($.75) cents per disposed animal. From current revenues available to it, the City of Petersburg shall make said payments at the time of delivery to the City of Lubbock. The City of Petersburg agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Lubbock from and against all claims, suits, damages, costs, losses and expenses in any manner resulting from, arising out of, or connected with performance of this agreement. All claims and complaints shall be directed to the City of Petersburg and the City of Lubbock shall be in no manner liable for performance in connection with this agreement. This agreement may be renewed on a yearly basis as of the date first above written, in conformance with the terms and conditions to be agreed upon by the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Lubbock and the City of Petersburg have executed this agreement as of the date first above written. 22nd A/April, 1982 Executed this S C� day of f 01-1 1982. CITY OF� PETERSBURG�J�,,� CITY OFIAHnCK SSE JAML9S NAVE LL cALISTER, MAYOR ATTEST: Zit#y Secret y AT EST: Evelyn Gaffga, Cit e tary-Treasurer APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: e -1 e 01 /000 enzel rcifull Directo of Public Services APP �V�E�D� AS TO FO : Susan M. Horton Assistant City Attorney CITY OF PETERSBURG P. O. Box 326 PHONE 806 / 667-3461 PETERSBURG. TEXAS 79250 ApluU 8, 1982 Ani.matc!Cdnttot 065t ce City ob Lubbock P. 0. Box 2000 Lubbock, TX 79457 The City os PeteA6buAg would appteci.ate the use o$ youA Sactities to humanety datAoy oun stAay dogs. OuA undeA6tandi,ng ob the policy o6 putting 6t)uW dogs to steep is that the City o6 Lubbock witt not be Ae6pson6.ibte boA .the dogs we bti,ng .in and each .time we bAi,ng a toad of animaes to the An.imat ShetteA, we bAing a check. �oA 7V pe c an.i.mat made payabte to the City os Lubbock An%mat Conthot V.iv.ia.io n. We would t ke to thank the City o6 Lubbock and MA. Ted Bavwn boA agreeing to peAboAm this seAv.iee. Rea pect4utty, 9,,oeg�ot Jesse J. Nave City ManageA JJN:th