HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution - 2022-R0351 - Payment in Lieu of Taxes FY 2021 - Lubbock Housing AuthorityResolution No. 2022-RO351 Item No. 6.11 August 23, 2022 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK: THAT the City Council of the City of Lubbock hereby adopts the recommendation of they Lubbock Housing Authority (LHA) of the City of Lubbock to grant waiver of the Payment in; Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) for FY 2021. Said LHA PILOT Waiver Recommendation is attached hereto and incorporated into this resolution as if fully set forth herein and shall be included in the; minutes of the City Council. I Passed by the City Council on August 23, 2022 TRA A , AYOR ATTEST: pk&, Reb ca Garza, City Sec APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Ku��f&AkQ-Q- Karen Murfee, Director of Commum Development APPROVED AS TO FORM: 41 Kielli Leisure, Assistant City Attorney ccdocs/RES. Adoption —LHA PILOT Waiver FY 2021 08.03.21 Resolution No. 2022-RO351 AW -W4ft. C/JB B 0 C/r 1� \� 0 Q �lA ,.�/ V� HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF LUBBOCK 1708 Crickets Ave Lubbock, Texas 79401 Main Office 806.762.1191 July 28, 2022 Karen Murfee Community Development Director City of Lubbock PO Box 2000 Lubbock, TX 79457 Re: PILOT Karen, Historically, the Lubbock Housing Authority has requested that the City of Lubbock waive the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) calculated based on our rental income. Some years ago, the City Council requested documentation of the Housing Authority's capital improvement expenditures to show that the Lubbock Housing Authority was actively maintaining Lubbock's Public Housing units. Our PILOT documentation, form HUD-52267 is attached and the numbers are from our FY 2021 audit for the year ending on September 30, 2021. The Lubbock Housing Authority (LHA) receives a formula grant on an annual basis for capital improvements. This grant is referred to as the Capital Fund Program or CFP. This grant amount varies from year to year depending on HUD's budget. Total Capital Improvement Grant spending for LHA's Public Housing in the past year has been $603,685 for 2021. Once again, the Housing Authority of the City of Lubbock would request that the City Council waive our payment of the PILOT for FY 2021. Sincerely, Mike Chapman Executive Director Computation of Payments in Lieu of Taxes U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing For Fiscal Year Ended 2021 OMB Approval No. 2577-0026 (Exp. 30/31/2009) Public reporting burden for the collection of Information is estimated to average .4 hours. This includes the time for collecting, reviewing, and reporting the data. The Information will be used for HUD to ascertain compliance with requirements of Section 6(D) of the U.S. Housing Act, which provides for PHA exemptions from real and personal property taxes, and Inclusion in the formula data used to determine public housing operating subsidies. Response to this request for information Is required in order to receive the benefits to be derived. This agency may not collect this Information, and you are not required to complete this form unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Name of Local Agency:Location: Contract Number: Project Number. Lubbock Housing Authority Lubbock, TX I N/A All Part I - Computation of shelter Rent Charged. 1. Tenant Rental Revenue (FDS Line 703) S 648,527.00 2. Tenant Revenue Other (FDS Line 704) 17,466.00 3. Total Rental Charged (Lines 1 & 2) ; 665,993.00 4. Utilities Expense (FDS Line 931 - 939) -212,051.00 S. Shelter Rent Charged (Line 3 minus Line 4) 453,942.On Part II - Computation of Shelter Rent Collected. To be completed only If Cooperation Agreement provides for payment of PILOT on basis of Shelter Rent Collected.) 1. Shelter Rent Charged (Line 5 of Part I, above) s 453,942.00 2. Add: Accounts Receivable - Tenants (FDS Lines 126, 126.1, & 126.2) at beginning of fiscal year 13,152.00 3. Less: Tenant Bad Debt Expense (FDS Line 964) -21,130.00 4. Less: Accounts Receivable - Tenants (FDS Lines 126, 126.1, & 126.2) at end of fiscal year -15,539.00 5. Shelter Rent Collected (Line 1 plus Line 2 minus Lines 3 & 4) 430,425.00 Part III - Computation of Approximate Full Real Property Taxes. (1) Taxing Districts (2) Assessable Value (3) Tax Rate (4) Approximate Full Rea' Property Taxes Total 0•00 Part IV - Limitatlon Based on Annual Contribution. (To be completed If Cooperation Agreement limits PILOT to an amount by which real property taxes exceed 20% of annual contribution.) 1. Approximate full real property taxes f 2. Accruing annual contribution for all projects under the contract f 3. Prorata share of accruing annual contribution* _ 4. 20% of accruing annual contribution (20% of Line 3) _ S. Approximate full real property taxes less 20% of accruing annual contribution (Line 1 minus Line 4, if Line 4 exceeds Line 1, enter zero) $ Part V - Payments In Lieu of Taxes. 1. 10% of shelter rent (10% of Line 6 of Part I or 10% of Line 5 of Part II, whichever Is applicable)—S 43,043.00 2. Payments in Lieu of Taxes (If Part IV is not applicable, enter the amount $ shown on Line 1, above, or the total in Part III, whichever Is the lower. If Part IV Is applicable, enter the amount shown on Line 1, above, or the amount shown on Line 5 of Part IV, whichever is lower.) • Same as Line 2 if the statement includes all projects under the Annual Contributions Contract. If this statement does not include all projects under the Annual Contributions Contract, enter prorata share based upon the development cost of each project, •• If the percentage specified in the Cooperation Agreement or the Annual Contributions Contract with HUD Is lower, such lower percentage shall be used. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result In criminal and/or civil penalties (18 U.S.5. 1001, 1010, 1012: 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802). Prepared By: Approved By. Nemec Kris Schroeder Name: Mike Chapman Title: Finance Director Date: Title: Executive Director Date: 07/21/2022 Previous Editions are Obsolete Page 1 of 1 roan nuD-5ZZ67 (tl/ZUUb) Print Reset l